HaRakevet ISSN 0964-8763 Series 26 No.1 Issue No. 96 March 2012 ,cfrv A Quarterly Journal on the Railways of the Middle East Edited and Published by Rabbi Dr. Walter Rothschild PhD Passauer Strasse 4, D-10789 Berlin, Germany e.mail:
[email protected] :96:01 Abir Sultan; (source: Elgrabli Communication) 96:01a Moshe Dyan Station - photo Sybil Ehrlich 96:02. Minister Katz said, that as part of his new job, Mr. Shamir will be the head of the management promoting the EDITORIAL. construction of the planned fast rail link to Eilat (on the Red Sea), to be used for A lot has happened in the three-to-four months since the last issue. The Middle carrying both passengers and freight East remains filled with conflict and potential conflict. One can safely say that the interest between the Red & the Mediterranean in tourism to Syria has plummeted to a new low, with the city of Homs besieged and sections almost destroyed, thousands of civilians and opponents of the Government seas. killed and more thousands injured.... Somehow in such circumstances no-one wants The decision for the appointment to check out the latest events on the Hedjaz system there. Unrest continues in Egypt, is Mr. Shamir‘s rich experience in managing in Libya a faction wishes to split off and effectively re-form the former Cyrenaica in the large projects and initiatives, which will no eastern part of the country; There has been more talk of sanctions and even attacks on doubt help him in leading the transportation Iran (though I presume German locos are still being merrily delivered there....) In Israel the internal tumult (as opposed to foreign policy threat) has been less, revolution promoted by the ministry from although as this issue goes to press the rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip have reached Eilat in the south to Kiryat-Shmona in the a new intensity.