© 2020

12-Part Yo g a G u i d e ! Beginner-Friendly & Accessible Options!

12 Stand-Alone Guides: Use Anytime, Anywhere!

✓Reduce back pain ✓Boost flexibility ✓Gain strength ✓Reduce stress ✓Improve balance Your Way! - Antonia

© 2020 12-Part Yoga Guide!

Contents: Hips Energy Levels: 1. Easy Hip Flexibility: TV-Friendly Chill 2. Easy Hip Flexibility: Chill Energize 3. Hip Flexibility: Energize

Goals: Back & Core Flexibility 4. Healthy Back & Core: Chill Strength 5. Healthy Back & Core: Energize Mobility Balance Shoulders & Upper Body Stress Relief 6. Shoulder Strength & Mobility: Chill 7. Shoulder Strength & Mobility: Energize 8. Upper Body Strength: Energize

Legs 9. Leg Stretch: Chill 10. Leg Strength: Energize

Balance 11. Balance Booster: Energize

Restorative 12. Restorative Stress Relief: Chill Enjoy! - Antonia Easy Hip Flexibility: TV-Friendly Yoga! © 2020

These poses are perfect for people who: What to do: ✓ Have tight hips from sitting (e.g., desk work, travel). ✓ Check out the warm up and counter poses ideas. ✓ Want improved flexibility for sports ✓ Only do what feels comfortable! (e.g., rock climbing, running). ✓ Optional props: block(or books); blanket; bolster (or Key (challenge level): cushions); strap (or belt, rope). ✓ Work with your breath: release deeper on exhales. • neutral - less + more ✓ Stay in each pose as long as you want to/feels good.

Warm Up Ideas Low () Sun Salutations (breath): Mountain Tips: Step back from forward fold. pose, (in) reach up, (out) forward fold, Align front knee with ankle. (in) half-way lift, (out) plank (in), (out) Benefits: Stretches quads, hamstrings, lower, (in) cobra or up dog, (out) groin, and hips. Strengthens lower body. down dog (in), (out) forward fold, (in) Variations: halfway lift, (out) fold, (in) reach high, • Hands to blocks (high, medium, low) (out) mountain. - Shorter stance Wider stance Side lunges (repeat side to side) - - Rear heel to wall (for support) Squats (or other all-body moves) +Add open-arm upper body twists

Garland () Lizard (Utthan Pristhasana) Tips: Start standing, with toes angled Tips: Step one foot forward from down slightly out. Bend knees to lower. dog, and lower rear knee to the mat. Benefits: Stretch inner thighs and hips. Benefits: Stretches and strengthens Strengthens legs and lower back. hips and inner-hamstrings. Caution: Knees when lowering Variations: Variations: • Hands/forearms to blocks/floor Blanket under heels +Tuck back toes and lift rear knee - Sit on block +Bend rear knee, lifting foot. Add a - Back against wall twist by reaching for the foot with - Lie on floor with feet on wall opposite hand. - +Balance on balls of feet (Baddha (Agnistambhasana) Bound Angle Konasana) Fire Log Tips: Start seated with feet together Tips: From a crossed-leg seat, bring and knees high. Release knees one heel on top of the other thigh. outwards. Sit straight. Benefits: Stretches hips, thighs, and Benefits: Eases lower back pain, glutes. Strengthens back. stretches hips and groin muscles. Caution: Twisting knees. Variations: Variations: - Blocks supporting knees - Block supporting lifted foot - Sit on a chair with feet on a block - Block supporting lifted thigh - Lie on floor with feet on wall - Sit on chair +Fold forward with/without blocks - Blanket under hips +Blocks (or weight) on top of thighs +Add twists

Pigeon () Counter Poses Tips: From table-top or down dog, • Twists to reset between poses sweep one knee through. • Legs together after hip openers Benefits: Releases tension in hips and • Symmetrical poses after one-sided lower back. Relaxation. Hero: Sit on heels or between them, Caution: If too intense, lie on back. block/blanket = optional. Variations: Staff: L-shape sit with legs extended. - Blanket or block under lifted hip Sage Twist: From staff, right foot on - Front foot closer to hips outside of left leg, right knee stays high, - Stay upright with hands grounded twist to right. - Place bolster under pelvis Eagle: Wrap left leg over right leg, and +Release down to blocks/bolster/floor left arm under right arm. Easy Hip Flexibility: Yoga Chill! © 2020

These poses are perfect for people who: What to do: ✓ Have tight hips or lower back pain. ✓ Check out the warm up and counter poses ideas. ✓ Want improved flexibility for sports ✓ Only do what feels comfortable! (e.g., rock climbing, running). ✓ Optional props: block(or books); blanket; bolster (or Key (challenge level): cushions); strap (or belt, rope). ✓ Work with your breath: release deeper on exhales. • neutral - less + more ✓ Stay in each pose as long as you want to/feels good.

(Ananda ) (Supta Kakasana) Warm Up - Happy Baby Reclined Crow Tips: Lie on your back, knees bent Tips: Legs lifted, feet together, knees towards shoulders. Hold feet. wide. Raise hands ups as if pushing Benefits: Improves mobility and the sky away from you. reduces back/leg tightness. Benefits: Hip opener. Strengthening. Variations: Variations: - Hold back of thighs - Feet on wall for support - Wrap strap around feet +Add strength! Generate resistance • Use this as a warm up by moving: by pushing knees and elbows • Rock side to side against each other. • Extend one leg at a time (Pawanmuktasana) (Supta Balasana) Wind-Relieving Pose Child’s Pose Tips: Pull both knees in. Hold the Tips: From all-fours, knees wide, big shins. And yes, it really is called that! toes together, hips back. Benefits: You can guess! Also Benefits: Stretches spine, shoulders, relieves lower back tension. hips and thighs. Relaxing. Variations: Variations: • Add foot circles for ankle mobility • Thread-the-needle variation - thread • Pull one knee in at a time one arm under the chest to the +No hands - actively keep the leg other side (palm up) lifted • Add a side stretch - walk fingers +Cycle through pulling in alternative over to one side. knees for core work

(Supta Eka Pada () Figure 4 Rajakapotasana) Tips: This pose is also called pigeon on Reclined Hand to Big Toe its back. Place ankle on opposite thigh. Tips: If your legs are longer than your Benefits: Releases tension in hips and arms, you may need variations! ;-) lower back. Benefits: Stretches hamstrings and Variations: lower back. Hip opener. - Keep supporting leg grounded Variations: +Interlace fingers behind thigh of - Interlace fingers behind thigh supporting leg - Loop a strap around sole of foot +Use elbow to push active leg - Support leg with block/bolster +Extend support leg for a stretch - foot +Extend leg straight up with foot circles for ankle mobility towards the face, or to the side.

(Supta Baddhakonasana) Counter Poses Reclined Bound Angle • Twists to reset between poses Tips: Start with feet together and • Legs together after hip openers knees high. Release knees outwards. • Symmetrical poses after one-sided Benefits: Releases tension in hips and lower back. Settles the spine. Twist: From wind relieving, take knees Counter: Bring the knees high/ towards floor on one side. together, and step the feet out a little. Reclined Eagle: Wrap left leg over right Variations: leg, and left arm under right arm). - Blocks supporting knees Eagle Legs Twist: Combine above - Choose appropriate block height poses - arms can extend to sides. +Blanket or gentle weight on legs Childs Pose Variation: knees together. Hip Flexibility: Energize! © 2020

These poses are perfect for people who: What to do: ✓ Have tight hips from sitting (e.g., desk work, travel). ✓ Check out the warm up and counter poses ideas. ✓ Want improved flexibility for sports ✓ Only do what feels comfortable! (e.g., rock climbing, running). ✓ Optional props: block(or books); blanket; bolster (or Key (challenge level): cushions); strap (or belt, rope). ✓ Many strength poses are suitable for tracking reps or • neutral - less + more time (if you want to).

Warm Up Ideas (Ashta Chandrasana) High Lunge (Crescent Moon) Boat tucks: From boat pose, tuck knees in and out (together or Tips: Step one foot back, stay on ball alternate). of foot. Reach hands high. Benefits: Hip opener. Leg Side lunges (repeat side to side) strengthening. Variations: Chair lifts: chair pose with feet hip - Wider stance for stability distance apart and knees bent. Lift +Add a gentle back bend alternate legs. +Twist and open arms to the side (try both sides)

() (Padangusthasana) Half Moon Hand to Big Toe Tips: From warrior 2, hinge forward as Tips: Lift knee, extend leg out to side, rear leg lifts. Reach for block or floor. hand holds foot or big toe. Benefits: Leg strength, glutes, balance. Benefits: Stretches hamstrings and Variations: lower back. Hip opener. Balance. Use wall behind you for support. - Variations: Use wall to support rear foot. - Loop a strap around sole of foot From all fours (supporting hand and - - Keep knee bent shin on mat) - Rest lifted leg on a chair or wall +Revolved = opposite hand down - +Reach other hand up high

(Akarna ) (Vrksasana) Shooting Bow Pose Tree Tips: Ground feet squarely. Lift or Tips: From seated with legs extended in place foot at desired height (not on front, lift one knee up and back, foot by knee). ear. Fingers hold big toes. Benefits: Balance, stability, focus. Benefits: Leg stretch, hip opener. Variations: Variations: - Ground ball of foot on floor or block - Use a strap around foot of extended - Palms together or one palm on wall leg. +Reach hands high - Just pull the knee in and don’t worry +Crossing lifted foot over standing about getting your foot near your ear! thigh can allow you to add a one leg squat or forward fold

Gate () Counter Poses • Twists to reset between poses Tips: From kneeling extend one leg • Legs together after hip openers out to the side. Take a side stretch • Symmetrical poses after one-sided over the extended leg. Gaze towards lifted hand if it’s comfortable for your Twist: Lying down with knees tucked in, neck. take knees towards floor on one side. Benefits: Hip opener. Side stretch. Arms extended to the sides. Variations: Eagle: wrap left leg over right leg, and • Blanket under the knees left arm under right arm. - Wall or block support Forward fold: legs together, seated or +Keep both arms extended for core standing. work Healthy Back and Core: Yoga Chill! © 2020

These poses are perfect for people who: What to do: ✓ Have been sitting a lot. ✓ Check out the warm up and counter poses ideas. ✓ Want to reduce back pain, improve mobility, focus on ✓ Only do what feels comfortable! injury prevention, or improve posture. ✓ Optional props: block(or books); blanket; bolster (or Key (challenge level): cushions); strap (or belt, rope). ✓ Work with your breath: release deeper on exhales. • neutral - less + more ✓ Stay in each pose as long as you want to/feels good.

Warm Up Ideas () Seated Half Sun Salutations Mountain (breath): Seated, (in) reach up, (out) Tips: Ground the feet parallel, with forward fold, (in) half-way lift (out) weight distributed equally. Stand tall fold, (in) reach high, (out) mountain. and relaxed. Pull shoulders back. Benefits: Posture. Back strength. Lying knee tucks: From lying on Variations: back, slowly tuck both knees in - Stand against a wall towards chest (or alternate each leg) - Sit upright in a chair - you may feel this in the core and +Stand on balls of feet to add a lower back. Hold the pose for a few balance challenge. seconds if you like.

() (Marjariasana / Cat/Cow Forward Fold Bitilasana) Tips: From mountain, fold forward. Tips: From all fours/table top, cow = Slight bend in knees. lift tailbone, drop belly, and look up Benefits: Stretches lower back, (breathing in), cat = arch the back, hamstrings, and calves. pushing the mat away from you Variations: (breath out). • Add a sway or other movement Benefits: Spine flexibility. • Hold opposite elbows Variations: • Try holding toes or standing on palms • From seated (round shoulders then - Reach palms forward to a wall pulling them back) - Reach palms down to blocks • From standing, lean forward, rest hands above knees

Bow (Dhanurasana) Easy Pose () Tips: Lie on belly. Engage back and core. Reach hands back to feet. Tips: Sit with legs extended in front, or Benefits: Strengths back, stretches crossed. Tall and relaxed. Shoulders front of body. back. Level gaze. Variations: Benefits: Back strength. Posture. - Fine if hands don’t hold feet Variations: - Hold a strap wrapped around feet - Sit with back straight against a wall - Lie on side, take one side at a time - Raise hips by sitting on blanket or +Push hands into feet (or strap) to get bolster more lift. + Half lotus = bringing one foot to on top of opposite thigh.

(Supta Balasana) Child’s Pose Counter Poses Tips: From all-fours, knees wide, big Gate: From kneeling, extend one leg out toes together, hips back. to the side. Take a side stretch reaching Benefits: Stretches spine, shoulders, the closet hand down the leg, and the hips and thighs. Relaxing. other hand overhead. Variations: • Hands reaching forwards or back Supported Fish: Lie back over blocks, • Thread-the-needle variation - hands one in mid to upper back (shoulder reaching forward, thread one arm blades release around it), one under under and across (palm up) head. (Adjust the block position and • Add a side stretch - walk fingers height until this feels great). over to one side Healthy Back & Core: Energize! © 2020

These poses are perfect for people who: What to do: ✓ Want the far reaching benefits of a strong back and ✓ Check out the warm up and counter poses ideas. core, whether for general health, sports, or posture. ✓ Only do what feels comfortable! ✓ Optional props: block(or books); blanket; bolster (or Key (challenge level): cushions); strap (or belt, rope). ✓ Many strength poses are suitable for tracking reps or • neutral - less + more time (if you want to).

() () Warm Up Ideas - Boat Triangle/Revolved Tips: From seated, lift legs in front. Tips: Step one foot back, turning side Extend legs or keep knees bent. Hands on. Distribute weight evenly. Align can either ground into the floor, hold knees and toes. Straight legs. behind the thighs, or extend forward. Benefits: Strong legs and core. Benefits: Core strength. Variations: Variations: • Front hand to block, floor, or chair, • Turn this pose into a great warm up by rear hand towards sky. tucking in and out (rowing your boat). - Wider stance for easier balance - For support, place a strap around feet, +Revolved = twist, and reach other or place feet against a wall. hand down.

(Parsvakonasana) Side Angle Locust () Tips: From warrior 2, bend at the waist Tips: Lying on belly, engage back and bringing the front elbow to rest just core. Reach hands back, lift chest, lift above the front knee. legs. Gentle gaze in front. Benefits: Lower body/core strength. Benefits: Stretches and strengthens Variations: back and core. • Extend top arms or both (core work) Variations: • Lower front hand to block or floor Work upper and lower body Lower rear knee to the floor - - separately +Add a bind (rear hand reaches Lift opposite arm and leg behind the back, front hand reaches - +Squeeze a block between thighs under/up to meet) +Reach arms forwards

Cobra () Camel () Tips: Lying on belly, push hands into Tips: From kneeling, hands on lower mat under shoulders. Lift chest. Keep back for support (when coming in and elbows in. Press feet down. out of pose), lean back. Benefits: Back strength, chest stretch. Benefits: Back mobility. Stretches Variations: chest, shoulders, abs, and front of legs. • For Sphinx pose rest forearms on mat. Variations: From standing or sitting, push away - Blanket under knees or feet from a wall - Reach hands back to blocks or heels Place a bolster or rolled blanket under - - (with toes tucked) hips +Hands to heels with untucked toes

(Setu Bandha ) Counter Poses Bridge •Gentle stretches for the front of the Tips: From lying down with feet hip body (e.g., chest, abs). distance apart, and knees high. •Forward folds after back bends Reach hands towards heels. Engage Upward facing dog: Lying on front, glutes. Push hips up. push hands into mat under shoulders, lift Benefits: Stretches front of body. torso (knees too in full pose) - gentle Strengthens glutes and hamstrings. stretch for back and front. Variations: Forward fold: seated or standing. Keep Blocks support under hips - the back straight to focus more on lower +Roll shoulder under, interlace back than hamstrings, or round the back fingers. Push hands down for more leg stretch. +Squeeze block between thighs Shoulder Strength & Mobility: Yoga Chill! © 2020

These poses are perfect for people who: What to do: ✓ Want to focus on strength or injury prevention for ✓ Check out the warm up and counter poses ideas. shoulder intensive sports (e.g., rock climbing, rowing, ✓ Only do what feels comfortable! swimming). ✓ Optional props: block(or books); blanket; bolster (or Key (challenge level): cushions); strap (or belt, rope). ✓ Work with your breath: release deeper on exhales. • neutral - less + more ✓ Stay in each pose as long as you want to/feels good.

Warm Up Ideas (Parsva Balasana) Thread the Needle Arm circles: Circle one arm forwards and the other arm back (tip = hands Tips: From all fours, thread one arm will pass at the top and bottom, not at under towards the opposite side. the front or back). Palm up. Shoulder on mat. Strap circles: From seated (or Benefits: Stretch shoulders and upper standing for more room), take a wide back. grip on a strap and move in various Variations: directions (side to side, circles, - Support belly and hips with bolster. rowing, spirals…). - Support head with block or blanket. Table top lifts: From all fours, +Reach other hand behind back for a alternate lifting opposite arm and leg. bind.

( 2) Forward Folds with Warrior 2 Arm Variations Tips: Step one foot back extending your rear leg. Front knee bent. Angle Add arm variations to forward Tips: rear toes in so that knees and toes are folds. Bring palms together behind aligned. Raise arms to shoulder back, hold elbows, or interlace fingers height. Relax the shoulders. and extend arms. Benefits: Leg and shoulder strength. Stretches hamstrings, Benefits: Flexible shoulders, hips, and arms. calves, lower back. Shoulder mobility. Variations:

Variations: - Take this pose down on the mat • Try seated, standing, wide leg, legs with the rear shin grounded. together. - Use a wall or chair for support () Cow Face Binds Tips: From seated, bend knees Tips: You can add binds to many poses. crossing one leg over the other, If you can’t reach hand to hand (often angles towards glutes. Reach hand behind the back, or a leg), or hand to down the back, and the other up to foot, you can add a strap. meet it. (Same leg and arm are high). Benefits: Stretches shoulders, reduces Benefits: Stretches shoulder, glutes, tightness from strength training. and triceps. Shoulder mobility. Some Poses for Adding Binds: Variations: • Side angle - Use a strap if hands don’t reach • Pyramid each other. • Forward folds

Counter Poses More Binds Child’s pose: Stretch arms out in front. • Garland pose (squat) Walk finger tips over to each side. • Triangle Bow: lying on belly, bend knees, lift • Seated twists (legs crossed or feet towards buttocks, reach hands to extended). feet. • Seated forward fold with one leg Stag: Seated with bent knees fallen to extended, and the other foot one side, and feet to the other. Legs grounded with knee high. One arm are on the mat. Take a twist to each around the back, other arm wraps side. Push hand against leg for deeper around outside of bent leg. twist. Look over your shoulder. Shoulder Strength & Mobility: Energize! © 2020

These poses are perfect for people who: What to do: ✓ Want improved shoulder strength and mobility for ✓ Check out the warm up and counter poses ideas. sports (e.g., rock climbing, swimming). ✓ Only do what feels comfortable! ✓ Want nice looking shoulders (you’ll definitely notice)! ✓ Optional props: block(or books); blanket; bolster (or Key (challenge level): cushions); strap (or belt, rope). ✓ Many strength poses are suitable for tracking reps or • neutral - less + more time (if you want to).

Warm Up Ideas (Adho Mukha Svanasana) Planks: Regular, on knees, side Down Dog plank, forearm plank, side plank. Tips: From all fours, with feet hip distance, push hips up and back. Arm Circles: Circle one arm Bent knees are ok. Push into mat. forwards and the other arm back (tip Benefits: Upper and lower body = hands will pass at the top and strength. bottom, not at the front or back). Variations: - Stay on knees with hips lifted Pushups: Choose from on knees or - Standing variation - pushing away legs extended. Hands wide, narrow, from a wall or fingers and thumbs making a +Add strength by lifting one leg diamond shape under the chest. () (Camatkarasana) Dancer Flip Dog Tips: Start with feet together, kick one foot up behind, to hand (same side). Tips: From down dog, flip (e.g., look Benefits: Stretch hips, shoulders, and to sky, ground one hand beneath chest. Strengthens thighs. shoulder, extend opposite leg). Variations: Benefits: Strengthens upper body - Stay upright or lean forward. Reach Alternative pose: Reverse table top other hand out high or in front (flip from all-fours to face the ceiling, - Try this lying down or with wall has the same benefits but even support weight distribution with shoulders +Wrap a strap around the foot, and over hands, and knees over ankles). reach hands back with elbows high (Salamba Sirsasana) (Pincha ) Supported Headstand Forearm Stand Tips: Start with knees, elbows, and forearms on the mat, with fingers Tips: From kneeling, forearms to floor, interlaced. Crown of head to mat, back lift hips, lift one leg, and then the other. of head to hands. Lift knees. Walk the Benefits: Strengths arms, shoulders, feet in. Lift and tuck knees in, before core, upper back. extending legs. Keep neck straight. Variations: Benefits: Shoulder health. Core. - Kick up to a wall Variations: - From down dog, bring forearms to - Use a wall to support hips/legs (not mat, holding a block, lift one leg back - if your back is against the wall - Form a 90 degree angle with your feet you have bent your neck). flat on a wall (Adho Mukha Counter Poses Vrksasana) Spread leg forward fold: step or jump Tips: With hands under shoulders, the feet wide, interlace fingers behind walk feet in, commit to kicking the you. As you fold forward extend arms. heels up to a wall. Push into the mat, Thread the needle: From all fours and pull shoulder blades together. threading one arm under the body, lower Benefits: Strengthens upper body, that shoulder to the floor. back, and core. Front lying twist: lying on front extend Variations: one arm to the side. Use the other hand - Facing away from a wall and walk to push the floor as you roll back towards your feet up behind you the extended arm. Step the top foot back - As above, but stop when you feet for a deeper twist. are level with your hips Upper Body Strength: Energize! © 2020

These poses are perfect for people who: What to do: ✓ Want improved upper body strength for sports (e.g., ✓ Check out the warm up and counter poses ideas. rock climbing, swimming). ✓ Only do what feels comfortable! ✓ Easier variations of advanced poses ✓ Optional props: block(or books); blanket; bolster (or Key (challenge level): cushions); strap (or belt, rope). ✓ Many strength poses are suitable for tracking reps or • neutral - less + more time (if you want to).

Warm Up Ideas (Bharmanasana) Arm circles: Circle one arm forwards Table Top/Reverse and the other arm back (tip = hands Tips: Align knees with feet and will pass at the top and bottom, not shoulder over hands. at the front or back). Benefits: Strengthening. Variations: Pushups: Play with: varying width of - Feet on wall for support hands, elbows tucked in, index +Flip dog - revere table top with fingers and thumbs making a opposite arm and leg extended. diamond shape under the chest, on +Extend one arm or leg at a time. knees, or with hips high, finger pushups, feet wide or raised. (Lolasana) Plank (Phalakasana) Tips: From all-fours, step feet back. L Sit/Dangling Earring Benefits: Core and upper body Tips: With legs extended in front, push strength. hands into blocks by your sides and lift. Variations: Benefits: Core and upper strength. - Keep your knees on the mat Variations: - Place your heels against a wall + Sweep legs forwards and back again - Standing pushing a wall (from staff to hero) +Side plank (bring lower knee to mat, - As above, but take one leg through at or step top foot out in front for a time. stability) • Dangling earring pose = hold the lift, +Side plank with top hand to top foot. with legs crossed underneath you.

(Adho Mukha Wheel (Urdhva Dhanurasana) Handstand Vrksasana) Tips: Lying down, feet hip distance, Tips: With hands under shoulders, hands under shoulders (fingers towards walk feet in, commit to kicking the feet). Push into hands, push hips up. heels up to a wall. Push into the Benefits: Back flexibility, strengthens mat, and pull shoulder blades legs and upper body. together. Variations: Benefits: Strengthens upper body, - Lift partially keeping some weight on back, and core. head Variations: - Stand facing away from a wall. Walk - Facing away from a wall and walk palms down wall, and feet away. your feet up behind you - Blocks or blanket against wall and - As above, but stop when you feet under hands. Crow (Kakasana) Counter Poses

Tips: From a squat, palms to mat • Follow strength work with gentle under shoulders, squeeze knees into stretching and rest outer arms. Tip weight forward. Bring • Symmetrical poses after one-sided feet together. Gaze gently forward. Benefits: Upper body strength. Hand to big toe: Either standing or lying Variations: down. Arm and leg stretch. Strap around - Lie on back, same position. Push foot = optional. elbows and inner knees against Child’s pose: Stretch arms out in front. each other to create resistance. Walk finger tips over to each side. - Feet on block, or against a wall. Bow: lying on belly, bend knees, lift feet - Sit on edge of chair or blocks. towards buttocks, reach hands to feet. Leg Stretch: Yoga Chill! © 2020

These poses are perfect for people who: What to do: ✓ Enjoy relaxing seated stretches. ✓ Check out the warm up and counter poses ideas. ✓ Want improved flexibility for health or sports ✓ Only do what feels comfortable! (e.g., rock climbing, running). ✓ Optional props: block(or books); blanket; bolster (or Key (challenge level): cushions); strap (or belt, rope). ✓ Work with your breath: release deeper on exhales. • neutral - less + more ✓ Stay in each pose as long as you want to/feels good.

Warm Up Ideas (Upavistha Konasana) Take a standing warm up before Wide Seated Forward Fold settling into these poses down on Tips: Sit with legs extended wide. Fold the mat. at the waist, walk hands forwards. Benefits: Stretches hamstrings, inner Calf raises: raising up onto the balls thighs, glutes, calves, and lower back. of the feet. Variations: Chair lifts: Feet hip distance, bend - Rest head on blocks, or torso on a at knees sending hips back. Align bolster (adjust height as needed) knees with toes. Reach hands high, - Raise hips by sitting on a blanket. or palms together. Lift one foot at a • Bend one knee and side bend time. towards the extended leg

(Janu Sirsasana) Head to Knee Fold Splits () Tips: From sitting with legs extended in front, bring one knee in, ground the Tips: From a low lunge with rear knee foot, then let the knee fall out to the grounded, straighten your front leg side. Walk hands forward. (half ). Inch your rear foot further Benefits: Stretches legs and lower back too (full split) back. An accessible forward fold. Benefits: Great leg stretch. Variations: Variations: • Back straight or rounded - Bolster, or blanket under hips - Raise hips by sitting on a blanket - Blocks under hands or thigh - Hold a strap wrapped around feet - Blocks under hands so you can lift +Ankle of bent leg on top of thigh some of your weight () () Hero Seated Forward Fold Tips: From kneeling, sit down onto or Tips: From sitting with legs extended in between your feet. Ground hands front, fold and reach forward. behind you as you lean back. Be mindful Benefits: Stretches lower back, glutes, of your knees. and hamstrings. Benefits: Quad/front of body stretch. Variations: Variations: - Blanket under hips or knees - Sit on block or blanket - Loop a strap around soles of feet - Blanket under feet +Hold feet or a block other side of feet +Lean further back, or even release all +Bend one knee (shin on mat, ankle by the way down your side).

(Parivrtta ) Counter Poses Sage Twist Tips: Legs extended in front, pull one • Symmetrical poses after one-sided knee in, placing the foot on the outside of the other thigh. Twist Stag: Seated with bent knees fallen to towards the bend leg. one side, and feet to the other. Legs are Benefits: Back mobility. Glutes on the mat. Take a twist to each side. stretch. Child’s pose: Stretch arms out in front. Variations: Walk finger tips over to each side. - Opposite hand holds bent knee Reclined Eagle: Wrap left leg over right + Opposite elbow pushes into outside leg, and left arm under right arm). of bent knee for a deeper twist Leg Strength: Energize! © 2020

These poses are perfect for people who: What to do: ✓ Want improved strength for sports ✓ Check out the warm up and counter poses ideas. (e.g., rock climbing, running), or better balance. ✓ Only do what feels comfortable! ✓ Want to boost energy with some powerful poses. ✓ Optional props: block(or books); blanket; bolster (or Key (challenge level): cushions); strap (or belt, rope). ✓ Many strength poses are suitable for tracking reps or • neutral - less + more time (if you want to).

Warm Up Ideas Chair () Side lunges (repeat side to side) Tips: Feet hip distance, bend at knees sending hips back. Align knees Squats (or other all-body moves) with toes. Reach hands high. Benefits: Leg strength. High lunge: stay in high lunge with Variations: hands reaching high, add some - Palms together at the chest twists, or take some reps between - Back against a wall high and low lunge. - Sit on the edge of a chair +Lift one foot at a time to work on Calf raises: raising up onto the balls balance of the feet.

(Parsvakonasana) (Anjaneyasana) Side Angle Low Lunge Tips: From warrior 2, bend at the waist bringing the front elbow to rest just Tips: Step back from forward fold. above the front knee. Align front knee with ankle. Benefits: Lower body/core strength. Benefits: Stretches quads, hamstrings, Variations: groin, and hips. Strengthens lower body. • Extend top arms or both (core work) Variations: • Bring front hand down to block/foor • Hands to blocks (high, medium, low) - Lower rear knee to the floor - Shorter stance +Add a bind (rear hand reaches behind - Wider stance the back, front hand reaches under/up - Rear heel to wall (for support) to meet) +Add open-arm upper body twists

(Virabhadrasana 3) (Virabhadrasana 1) Warrior 3 Warrior 1 Tips: From standing hinge forward at the Tips: Extend one leg straight behind hips. Rear leg lifts and extends straight you, front knee is bent, align toes with back. Reach hands forward. Toes point knees (both legs). Reach hands high. towards floor. Leg strength. Balance. Benefits: Leg strength. Benefits:

Variations: Variations: - Take a wider stance for balance - Take airplane arms or hands find block - Use a chair for under arms/lifted leg - Bring rear knee to mat + - Bring palms to a wall in front Hinge forward reaching hands to the +Add a gentle back bend floor, as the rear leg lifts further, to turn this into standing split

(Utkata Konasana) Counter Poses • Follow strength poses with rest and Goddess Squat gentle stretching. Tips: Walk or jump the feet out wide. • Symmetrical poses after one-sided Bend at the knees, aligning toes and Spread leg forward fold: with legs wide knees. fold forward. Bring hands to mat, toes, or Benefits: Leg strength. ankles. Or reach behind you. Variations: Stag: Seated with bent knees fallen to • Add your choice of arm position one side, and feet to the other. Legs are +Squat low on the mat. Take a twist to each side. +Balance on balls one foot, or both feet at a time Balance Booster: Energize! © 2020

These poses are perfect for people who: What to do: ✓ Want improved balance for general health sports ✓ Check out the warm up and counter poses ideas. (e.g., rock climbing, skiing). ✓ Only do what feels comfortable! ✓ Is ok with falling out of poses and having fun. ✓ Optional props: block(or books); blanket; bolster (or Key (challenge level): cushions); strap (or belt, rope). ✓ Many strength poses are suitable for tracking reps or • neutral - less + more time (if you want to).

Warm Up Ideas (Utkatasana) Sun Salutations (breath): Mountain Chair (Lifts) pose, (in) reach up, (out) forward fold, Tips: Feet hip distance, bend at (in) half-way lift, (out) plank (in), (out) knees sending hips back. Align knees lower, (in) cobra or up dog, (out) with toes. Reach hands high. down dog (in), (out) forward fold, (in) Benefits: Leg strength. halfway lift, (out) fold, (in) reach high, Variations: (out) mountain. - Palms together at the chest - Back against a wall Calf raises: lifting up onto balls of - Sit on the edge of a chair the feet. +Lift one foot at a time to work on balance

(Parivrtta Anjaneyasana) Revolved Lunge Tree (Vrksasana) Tips: Step one foot back extending rear Tips: Ground feet squarely. Lift or place leg. Stay on ball of rear foot. Front knee foot at desired height (not on knee). is bent (knee over ankle).Twist - try both Benefits: Balance, stability, focus. sides. Variations: Benefits: Core, back, and leg strength. - Ground ball of foot on floor or block Balance. - Palms together or one palm on wall Variations: - Support leg with block/bolster - Bring rear knee to mat +Reach hands high - Release hand to block or flow +Crossing lifted foot over standing thigh +Bring opposite elbow to front knee can allow you to add a one leg squat and push palm together

Dancer (Natarajasana) (Padangusthasana) Tips: Start with feet together, kick one Hand to Big Toe foot up behind, to hand (same side). Tips: Lift knee, extend leg out to side, Benefits: Stretch hips, shoulders, and hand holds foot or big toe. chest. Strengthens thighs. Benefits: Stretches hamstrings and Variations: lower back. Hip opener. Balance. - Stay upright or lean forward. Reach Variations: other hand out high or in front. - Loop a strap around sole of foot - Try this lying down or with wall - Keep knee bent support - Rest lifted leg on a chair +Wrap a strap around the foot, and +Reach other hand up high, high gaze reach hands back with elbows high

(Ardha Chandrasana) Counter Poses Half Moon • Symmetrical poses after one-sided Tips: From warrior 2, hinge forward as • Smaller/grounding poses after rear leg lifts. Reach for block or floor. expansive poses Benefits: Leg strength, glutes, balance. Forward fold: legs together, seated or Variations: standing. Try different hand positions. Use wall behind you for support - Seated twists: with one or both legs Use wall to support rear foot - extended, crossed, or knees bent. From all fours (supporting hand and - Child’s pose: Stretch arms out in front. shin on mat) Walk finger tips over to each side. +Revolved = opposite hand down Restorative Stress Relief: Yoga Chill! © 2020

These poses are perfect for people who: What to do: ✓ Want still poses in which to focus on breath work, ✓ Only do what feels comfortable! mindfulness, or meditation. ✓ Use props: block(or books); blanket; bolster (or ✓ Want to relax and relieve tension in the body. cushions); strap (or belt, rope). Key (challenge level): ✓ Work with your breath: release deeper on exhales. ✓ Stay in each pose as long as you want to/feels good. • neutral - less + more

Warm Up Ideas (Salamba Salamba ) Seated Half Sun Salutations Mountain Brook (breath): Seated, (in) reach up, (out) forward fold, (in) half-way lift (out) Tips: Roll or fold a blanket for under fold, (in) reach high, (out) mountain. the mid-to-upper back to gently raise the chest. Fold a blanket for under the Tips: Make sure you have everything head. you need to be comfortable. Allow Benefits: Gentle chest opener to some time for the mind and body to counter hunched posture. settle. These poses are about Variations: relaxing and releasing tension. • Optional support for under the knees.

(Savasana) Stone Henge Side Lying Rest Tips: Create a prop tower at the Tips: Lying on your side, on base of your mat by placing a bolster something soft, use bolsters and over two blocks. Lie down with your blankets as needed to find total legs resting on the bolster. comfort (e.g., under the head, Benefits: Lower back release. between the legs, in front, behind). Variations: Benefits: relaxation. Side stretch. • Add the upper back roll as in Variations: mountain brook. • Extend the top arm overhead onto • Add extra blocks to support the block support, for a gentle side and heels. shoulder stretch. • Blanket under head. (Balasana) Supported Child’s Pose (Salamba ) Tips: Allow the upper body to rest on Front Twist bolsters/blocks. Tips: Sit close to a bolster, with knees Benefits: Releases tension in hips and to one side, release forward. lower back. Relaxing. Benefits: Mobility. Variations: Variations: • A blanket under the legs for extra • Use extra blankets to support the cushioning. chest or stomach as needed. • Use two blocks to create an L-shape. • Use two blocks to create an L- Lay a bolster over them. You can shape. Lay a bolster over them. You adjust the height as needed. can adjust the height of the blocks.

() (Savasana) Legs Up The Wall Lying Rest Tips: Sit side on, close to a wall. Swing Tips: Lying down on your back, with round to lie down. Walk legs up wall. arms and legs resting wherever they Benefits: Relaxation. Breath work. are comfortable. Caution: Don’t stay if you get pins and Benefits: Release tension. needles. Variations: Variations: • Add blankets under the head, knees, • Add blankets under head, or to raise covering the body, or folded for hips. some gentle weight over the torso. • Strap legs together for support. • Rest calves on the seat of a chair. Thank you! - Antonia