
Quantum Dots: Theory, Application, Synthesis

Pranjal Vachaspati∗ Massachusetts Institute of (Dated: May 7, 2013) crystals smaller than about 10 nm, known as quantum dots, have properties that differ from large samples, including a bandgap that becomes larger for smaller particles. These properties create several applications for quantum dots, including efficient solar cells and for . Various synthesis procedures have been proposed and implemented, including and lithographic synthesis similar to that used in the semiconductor industry.

I. INTRODUCTION Electronic structure of insulators, conductors, and Quantum dots were first characterized in 1983 by No electric field Electric field Brus[1] as small semiconductor spheres in a colloidal sus- pension. When the radius of a semiconductor sphere be- comes small, on the order of a few nanometers, the Bohr radii of the charge carriers become larger than the sphere, and their confinement to the sphere causes their energy to increase. This effect can be modeled in a number of ways. A straightforward method which we present here treats the E as a finite spherical and incor- porates both confinement effects and Coulomb attraction Conductor between charge carriers. The easily tunable bandgap of quantum dots makes them especially suited for optical applications, including LEDs and photovoltaic cells. Additionally, their easily described behavior makes them useful as qubits, since Semiconductor k excited spins in individual quantum dots can be FIG. 1. When a solid is placed in an electric field, states precisely controlled electronically. with momentum in the direction of the field become more favorable. In an insulator, the valence band is totally filled, so the average momentum does not change. In a conductor, the II. THEORY valence band is only partially filled, so can occupy more energetically favorable states with a net momentum. In A. Bulk Semiconductor Mechanics a semiconductor, the valence band is full, but a band with only a slight energy gap is accessible, so particles can jump into this band and conduct. The energy structure for a solid can be derived from a periodic-potential model. As seen in Figure1, an insula- tor has a that is totally filled, so applying Calculating the precise conduction band shape of a an electric field does not cause a momentum change. In semiconductor is difficult, and using it can be unwieldy. contrast, a conductor has a partially filled ground state, However, for small momenta, the conduction band can so adding an external electric field causes the electrons be approximated by a parabola. This produces the “ef- to shift into states with an overall non-zero momentum. fective mass approximation” : A semiconductor has a ground state (called the va- ¯h2k2 lence band) like that of an insulator, but the first excited E = (1) state is very close to the ground state. Small excitations 2m∗ can lift electrons into the first , known as where m∗ is called the effective mass of the carrier and the conduction band. This allows the excited electrons depends on the curvature of the band. The effective mass to move in the mostly empty conduction band, and the of an electron is typically between 0.1me and me. unexcited electrons to move in the now slightly empty At some finite temperature T , the carrier wave vectors, valence band. The motion of the unexcited electrons can k, are on average described by also be treated as the movement of a positively charged 2 2 hole, which significantly simplifies calculations. 3kBT ¯h k = (2) 2 2m∗ ∗ For a semiconductor with m = me, the characteristic ∗ [email protected] length scale is 1/k, and is on the order of 10 nm. We Quantum Dots: Theory, Application, Synthesis 2 therefore investigate the behavior of semiconductor crys- tals below this size. Allowed values of kin In general, the Hamiltonian of an electron-hole pair in a large semiconductor is given as

2 2 2 ¯h 2 ¯h 2 e H = − ∇h − ∇e − (3) 2mh 2me |re − rh| where  is the dielectric constant. The first two terms represent the kinetic energies of the hole and the electron respectively, and the third term represents the Coulomb attraction between them.

B. Small Semiconductor Crystals

We next consider a small spherical semiconductor crys- kin tal with radius R. In a large semiconductor, the may be treated as free-particles and the boundary condi- FIG. 2. Equation 14 is solved graphically to find valid electron tions may be ignored, but for sufficiently small crystals, momenta in the finite spherical well potential. the Hamiltonian in Eq.3 must be modified to take into account the fact that the semiconductor acts as a poten- tial well. The modified Hamiltonian is which simplifies to

¯h2 ¯h2 e2 2 ∂ψ ∂2ψ 2m(E − V (r)) H = − ∇2 − ∇2 − + V + V (4) h e e h + = − 2 ψ(r) (7) 2mh 2me 4π|~re − ~rh| r ∂r ∂r2 ¯h

where Ve and Vh are zero inside the sphere and some For clarity, we write positive constant V , that depends on the medium the 0 s r ∗ crystal is in, outside the sphere. The dielectric constant 2m0(E − V0) 2m E for the crystal is given by . For an infinite well, the con- kout = ; kin = (8) ¯h2 ¯h2 finement energy disregarding the Coulomb term is given h¯2π2n2 by 2mR2 as in a square well, and the electrostatic en- The solutions to Equation7 are Bessel functions. Inside e2 the sphere, the wavefunction must be finite at the origin ergy disregarding the confinement term is of order R . As will be shown, the infinite square well approximation and therefore has the form significantly overestimates the for small quan- sin k r tum dots, so we must consider a finite spherical square ψ(r) = A in , r < R (9) well instead. kinr The inverse quadratic dependence on R in the confine- Outside, the wavefunction must converge to zero at large ment energy compared to the inverse linear dependence r, so the state has the form in the electrostatic energy means that in the small R limit, the confinement term dominates. Therefore, we e−koutr first calculate the confinement energies and wavefunc- ψ(r) = −B , r > R (10) k r tions for a finite well, and treat the Coulomb energy as out a perturbation on top of that. The probability current is preserved by [2]: We are calculating the properties of the first excited state, which is spherically symmetric and has no angular 1 dψ (R) 1 dψ (R) in = out (11) momentum. Thus, the wavefunction has no dependence ∗ m ψin(R) dr m0ψout(R) dr on the spherical angles. The unperturbed confinement Hamiltonian for an electron or hole is given by Substituting Equations9 and 10 for ψin and ψout gives

2   ¯h 2 1 1 1 1 + koutR H = − ∇ + V (r) (5) ∗ − + kin cot(kinR) = − (12) 2m m R m0 R

Schr¨odinger’sequation gives Following Equation8, kout is written in terms of kin:

¯h2 1 ∂  ∂ψ(r) r 2 m0 2 V0 − r + V (r)ψ(r) = Eψ(r) (6) kout = k − (13) 2m r2 ∂r ∂r m∗ in ¯h2m∗ Quantum Dots: Theory, Application, Synthesis 3

Equation 13 is then substituted into Equation 12: Successive approximations to quantum dot bandgap s ∗ ∗  2 ∗  12 m m 2 2 V0R m kinR cot(kinR) = 1 − − R kin + 2 Infinite well m0 m0 ¯h 10 Finite well (14) Experimental Equation 14 can be solved numerically (Figure2) to find 8 valid values of kin and therefore the wavefunctions and energy of the confined electron and hole. (eV) 6 We can account for the effect of electron-hole interac- E tions by applying perturbation theory. The perturbation ∆ 4 to the Hamiltonian is given by 2 e2 δH = (15) 4π|re − rh| 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 so the first-order perturbation to the energy is given by Radius (nm) e2 δE = hψe0, ψe1| |ψe0, ψe1i (16) 4π|~re − ~rh| FIG. 3. The infinite square well approximation diverges sig- nificantly from the finite square well approximation and ex- perimentally observed energies for small quantum dots. Ex- 2 Z 2 2 perimental data from [3]. e ψh(~rh) ψe(~re) 2 2 δE = sin θh sin θer r drdθdφ 4π p 2 2 h e re + rh − 2~re · ~rh (17) This integral does not have a simple analytic solution, and must be evaluated numerically. In the large V limit, 0 Effect of Coulomb perturbation 1.8e2 2.5 δE ≈ . (18) 4πR Finite well Finite well w/Coulomb This perturbation becomes less significant as the dots 2 Experimental become larger and the confinement potential V0 becomes weaker. 1.5 (eV)

E 1 C. Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical ∆ Results 0.5 To validate this theory, we compare successive levels of approximation to experimental results. For sul- 0 fide dots in an oleic acid solution, the confinement poten- 0 1 2 3 4 5 tial V0 is 5 eV, the effective electron mass is 0.18me, and Radius (nm) the effective hole mass is 0.54me. The infinite square well approximation (Figure3) closely follows the finite square FIG. 4. The Coulomb perturbation is small for CdS, since well approximation and experimental results for dots the confinement potential (V0 = 1.25eV) is relatively small. larger than about 2 nm, but diverges sharply for larger It is roughly ten percent the size of the confinement energy. dots, overestimating the bandgap change for 0.5 nm dots Experimental data from [3]. by a factor of five. The unperturbed finite well approximation (Figure4) works well for all CdS dot sizes for which experimen- tal data was available. The electron-hole interaction term improves the result slightly for small dots, and con- which has a bandgap of 0.354 eV. In such semiconduc- tributes around ten percent to the total energy. For more tors, the conduction band is highly non-parabolic, so the strongly confined dots, like , which has effective mass approximation breaks down. These semi- V0 = 1.83eV, the Coulomb interaction can contribute as conductors also have very large Bohr radii, so the con- much as thirty percent. finement effect is very strong, and the large momentum Finally, this model is found to break down for narrow- pushes the excitons away from the parabolic edges of the bandgap semiconductors, including , bands [3]. Quantum Dots: Theory, Application, Synthesis 4


A. Solar Cells

A traditional consists of a large p-n junction. When a with energy greater than the bandgap of silicon hits the solar cell, it excites a single electron with energy exactly equal to the silicon bandgap. with energy less than the bandgap are transmit- ted by the silicon and do not contribute to the power out- put. This results in a bandgap-dependent voltage-current FIG. 5. Quantum dot qubits[7]: (A) shows the two adjacent tradeoff. If the bandgap is lower, more incoming pho- quantum dots. Terminals L and R control the number of tons can excite electrons (higher current), but the elec- electrons in each of the dots. Terminal T controls the coupling trons have lower energy (lower voltage). If the bandgap between the electrons in the two dots. (B) shows the number is higher, fewer incoming photons can excite electrons, of electrons in each dot as a function of the L and R terminal but the electrons have higher energy. voltages. The sun can be modeled as a black body with a tem- perature of 6000 K. The peak solar cell efficiency is a function of bandgap, and has a theoretical maximum of 33.7% [4]. In practice, silicon solar cells have reached this efficiency in research settings. However, this limit applies only to single-junction, single-bandgap solar cells. To get around this, quan- tum dots of varying size can form layers on top of each other[5], with the largest bandgaps on top. Incoming photons will be transmitted by quantum dots with too- large bandgaps until they reach a layer with a bandgap FIG. 6. Colloidal synthesis of CdSe[9]: A cadmium compound smaller than their energy. Given enough layers, each pho- is heated to 320◦ C and dissolves in an organic solvent. A ton will excite an electron with an energy very close to room temperature selenium compound dissolved in a differ- its own energy, and very little energy is wasted. In fact, ent organic solvent is injected into the reaction vessel, causing in the infinite-layer limit, the efficiency approaches the supersaturation of the resultant CdSe solution. As the tem- thermodynamic limit of 86% [6]. perature drops to around 290◦ C, nucleation of new crystals stops and existing crystals grow. After a period of growth, the length of which determines the size of the quantum dots, the solution is cooled to 220◦ C, stopping growth. A small B. Quantum Computing amount of zinc sulfide is injected into the reaction vessel to coat the quantum dots and prevent them from reacting with Two nearby quantum dots, each with a single excited the environment. electron, have been used as a two- system for quan- tum computation [7]. The system is placed in a uniform magnetic field, creating a splitting between the | ↓i and posed and implemented. These vary greatly in terms of | ↑i electron states. The system can be initialized in scalability, quality, and ease. the | ↑↓i state by putting both electrons in a single well, which has a singlet state as the ground state. As the potential of the second well is lowered adiabatically, one A. Chemical Assembly of the electrons will move into that well, depending on the polarity of the magnetic field. Allowing√ a coupling 1. Colloidal Synthesis between the two electrons then allows a SW AP gate to be applied, which exchanges the | ↑↓i and | ↓↑i states The most accessible technique for creating quantum when applied twice. This gate, when paired with single dots is colloidal synthesis - that is, chemically producing qubit operations, is known to be universal [8] – that is, quantum dots suspended in solution. One method for it can be used to create any . producing CdSe is shown in Figure6, but a variety of chemical synthesis routes are possible for each semicon- ductor material. In general, a saturated solution of the IV. SYNTHESIS semiconductor is produced in an organic solvent. Then the temperature or pH is changed to produce a supersatu- Because of the great utility of quantum dots as de- rated solution, which nucleates to produce small crystals. scribed inIII, many methods of synthesis have been pro- The size of the resulting quantum dots can typically Quantum Dots: Theory, Application, Synthesis 5

which is then covered with a stencil and exposed to ul- traviolet , which causes the parts exposed to light to harden. A development chemical, similar to those used for , then washes away the part of the re- sist that was not exposed to light. The is then etched with a chemical such as hydrofluoric acid that at- tacks the semiconductor where it is not covered by resist. Photolithographic techniques are sometimes used for pro- ducing quantum dots [12], but the small size (∼ 10 nm) desired in quantum dots can be hard to achieve with even high-frequency light. Instead, a non-conventional form of called imprint lithography is best suited for producing quan- FIG. 7. [13]: A nanoscale mold is tum dots [13]. Instead of etching a semiconductor wafer pressed into a semiconductor to create very small features. with light, a negative image is formed on a hard SiO2 wafer using electron-beam lithography, a process similar to . This mold is used as a stamp and is be tuned by changing the temperature, pH, or length of physically pressed onto a silicon layer to form the quan- the reactions. Most of these processes can be carried out tum dots. This technique allows for precise positioning in small quantities in the lab without requiring exotic and size control of the quantum dots, and is being in- reagents or equipment, although larger quantities can be vestigated for use in classical and quantum computing difficult to produce as precise temperature control is re- applications. quired. Furthermore, the easiest semiconductors to make with this process (e.g. CdS, CdSe, CdTe) use cadmium, which is a heavy metal that is harmful to the environment V. CONCLUSION and legally restricted in the European Union. Colloidal synthesis also has a number of technical dis- advantages. First of all, a separate reaction must be de- A simple finite well model has been shown to describe veloped for each semiconductor material. Many of these the size-dependent bandgap of quantum dots well for reactions [10] require high temperatures or other incon- many materials. This model predicts a bandgap that venient operations. The response of the particle size to increases significantly as dot size decreases. Applications reaction parameters like temperature and pH must be of this effect to photovoltaic cells are very promising in characterized. Colloidal synthesis also tends to produce increasing efficiency, provided that scalable manufactur- a relatively wide size distribution of dots. The reactions ing techniques can be developed. Finally, the utility of typically produce size distributions of 10-15% of the de- quantum dots as qubits in quantum computing has been sired size, but filtration and selection techniques can re- investigated. The precise electronic control afforded over duce that to 5% [11]. Colloidal synthesis is ill-suited for electron spins is promising for developing scalable quan- applications that require careful placement or manipu- tum computing. lation of quantum dots, like quantum computing, but well-suited for applications that require large quantities of quantum dots, like solar cells. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS & NOTES

The author is grateful to Sabrina Pasterski and Daniel B. Lithographic Assembly Kolodrubetz for comments in the course of writing this paper. Semiconductor lithography is typically used for the Mathematica code for approximating the bandgap of construction of integrated circuits. A semiconductor quantum dots will be made available at the author’s web- wafer is coated with a photosensitive “resist” material, site (http://pranj.al/quantumdots).

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