SPECIAL NOTICES. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, YESTERDAY’S ELECTIONS. information bnt for the express purpose of HEBREW AND CATHOLIC. CITY GOVERNMENT. Harbor —Edward A. Chase. GEORGE HENRI PREBLE. an City Assessor for Three Years—William O. Fox. Published every day (Sundays the making attack in a cowardly way, of skulk- excepted) by Assistant Assessors—Ward Osman C. PORTLAND ing behind charges. When sncli resolutions They May Be Called iu Accortl- 1, Monroe; Hii Ancestry anil Sane Fact* Relating in PUBLISHING COMPANY, Marriage Ward 2, Thomas Pennell; Ward 3. W. C. Q. Car- were introduced they were seized upon by the io Hie Lile in Portland. At 97 Exchange Street, Portland, Mb. Augusta aud Bangor Elect Re- iug the Pope'* Decisiou. Organization of the City Counoil ney; Ward 4, Charies C. Dongbus; Ward 6, Orlan- Early enemies of the administration, and the news- do W. Ward Charles H. Address all communications to Vienna, March 9.—An interesting decision Etdiidge; 6, Ross; Ward 7, papers were in the habit of making a great of William H. Plummer. Admiral publican Mayors. has just been made by tbe Pope, which will 1885-1886. In all the newspaper notices of PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. deal of them. City Weighers and Gaugers—Cyrus K. Ladd, cause a sensation in the Preble wbioh I have the writers com- Mr. Teller described instances in which a undoubtedly great George McAllister. seen, Catholic world. Baron Sanbor Popper of S. Pennell. Uemocratn Almost Entirely Left in the vast amount of labor had been put upon the Ciiy Weigher Hay—Levi mence with his services in the navy, without MAINxfl. Prodraghy, a prominent lumber merchant, a The Election of Subordinate Municipal Weigheis of Hard Coal and Plaster—Cyrus K. Former Fails to departments by resolutions when information any allusion to bis or to his life City—Biddcford Befcat Hungarian, who was made a baron four years Ladd, ceorge McAllister. ancestry, sarly could all have been bad in an hour had the Inaugurating Rockland's New Gor- tbe ia Officers. 8e*iei of and Measures—William R. P. In his native town of Portland. I commence City “Bing.1' in- ago. betrothed to Countess Blanche Oas- Weights J seeker called personally or sent a letter of Cross. cratuent. trone, daughter of a former singer who be- this article to that Augusta, Mar. 9.—In the mnnicipal elec1 ion of Clocks—Robert B. Swift. supply deficiency, haying quiry. longed to the old re- Superintendent Rockland, Mar. S.~Mayor-alect John S. Van nobility. The baron is a the the elected Geo. E. Weeks Mr. Wyck replied briefly disclaiming The new of Truant officer-Chas. A. Beals. necessary personal knowledge ot hla early today Republicans ligions Hebrew and the lady a pious Catholic. City Council 1883- 6 met iu their Case and members of the new city any intention of being personally discourteous Chief Engineer of the Fire Department—Gran- and the half of that of his honor- government mayor, over Seth C. Citizens Both prayed for a dispensation from tbe cnria. rooms in life, closing took the Wbitehonse, to the late administration. respective City building yesterday ville H. Cloves. oath of office this forenoou. W. O. For more tbau 200 such a of the Fire ed father. and Democratic candidate by a majority ot At 2 30 the Senate adjourned until to-mor- yeara dispensation morning for the pnrpose of organization. Assistant Engineers Department—1st Faller, was reelected Jesse A. has not been given, therefore the great sensa- asst., Albert S. 2d asst., Chas W. Cu«b- Jr., City Clerk; 147. Last row. Iii Board of aad Aldermen. Mitchell; George Henry Preble’s grandfather waa the year Whitehouse’s majority was tion. Mayor i'ig; 3d asst., Robert W. Jackson; 4th asst., Thomas ^_I Tolman, president of the common conucil; noted , Jedde- 52 over Phiibrook, Rep. The Republicans The curia decided to allow the marriage of Tbe board of aldermen elect was oalled to Payne. military "Brigadier’’ Enoch clerk TO of the Steam Fire The 5 cent of New Eng- Davis, also control of the elect- BLOWN ATOMS. Count Podraghy and the Conntess of Castrone order Clerk and Alderman Engineers Engines—Machi- diah Preble, who waa born in York in 1707,and leading Cigar gain city government, by City Burgess, gonne No. I, Edward W Porter; Portland No. 2, land. Ask dealer for this brand. Ait Raetporl Man l ost. if solemized in a Catholic church by a Catholic about 1748. In your ing aldermen and conncilmon in wards 1, 2, 4, Gallagher of Ward 2 was chosen tamporary John Cousin*; Cumberland No. 3, Alfred Wiggiu; came to Falmouth Neck in M. A. .1 EWELL & Successors to Gloucester, Mass., Mar. 9.—The clergyman. Falmouth No Thos. H. Casco No. C0-, fishing 5 and 6. The win in the chairman. 4, Williams; 6, 1754 he was married here to his second wife, Democrats other two Four Powder Mills with 7500 Baron Podraghy signed a declaration Charles P. French. 6. W. SIMONTON & CO., Agents, 444 to schooner J. A. Garfield of this with a (which port 3 and 7. was with the cardinal at Messrs. Prince of 3 and of 7 were City D. Smith. who was Mehitable, daughter of Oapt. Joshua 448 Fore St. crew wards, deposited Prague) Noyes ap- Physician—Charles of 14, has been given np for lost. John Pounds of Powder the N. may!3 entf Mar. 9.—The election here Destroyed. binding himself to educate children of acommittee on credentials. re- Consulting Physician*—Horatio Small,Stephen Bangs, who lived in a house which stood on a P. Bangor, today pointed They H. James A. Murphy of Eastport, Me,, was one of the this marriage in the Catholic faith. Week", Spalding. resulted as follows: ported the aldermen elect: Overseers of the Poor and Workhouse for Three kuoll on what is now Commercial street, and a crew. The ia a remarkable founded on following Pope, brief, Year*—Edward P. N. Sew- Rep 1807. tbe canon Ward 1—Dautd Birnie. Chase, Lyman Kimball, few rods west of India street, and haying a Nealley, Two Men Killed and Another Badly law, stated that marriages between all James ■White, L)tm. 1678. Ward 2—John A. Lang, Cunningham. FOSTER’S AUBURN. Catholics, heathen or Hebrews were permissi- Gallagher. of Giaii;—Millard F. Hicks. wharf and warehouse immediately in (tout. Scattering 3. Hart. Ward Weigher The ble, for the reason that there was the 3—Augustas H. Priuce. of Public School took its late Mary M. Fletcher, a wealthy and thereby Superintendent BulldlDge— He also owned Bangs’ Island, which is 128. The of a soul conversion to the Ward 4—John S. Bussell. Francis E. benevoleut woman deceased in Ntalley’s majority Republicans possibility saving by Pray. and just Barling- Ward 5—Whitman and H. name trom him. He was a skip mutter ton, her will left carry four of the seven wards, them Catholic faith.” Sawyer. Weigher Mcaauror of Leather—William Vt.,by her valuable residence giving Robeits. Jr Newburgh, N. March 9.—Four build- The will soon take in Vien- Ward 6—Elias B. Deoison. merchant, and represented the to rn in the FOhEST city bye and its contents to Dr. of Auborn— control of the tho same as last Y., marriage place Peaslee, city government Ci Electrician-Levi L house, ings of the Haflin & Band works, four na, in 8t. e’s Cbnrob. The cnrial de- Ward 7—Edward A. Noyes. y Cummings. her ancle. Miss Fletcher founded a Stale hos- powder Angsti: Pound Levi 3. Pen- General Court in 1741. He died in 1712, aged 13 PREBLE STREET. year. miles west of this were this cision has a Keepers—William Hayes, pital and it a city, destroyed also political significance. Twice A message wa3 sent to the lower board noti- Samuel Cobb. dec9 gave 5200,000 fund. Dr. PeaE- Biddcford. nell, 7(1. At tue sale of his estate, hts ion in-law, sneodtf lee has been morning by an explosion, the shock of which has the Hungarian Oberhans Prime Field Drivers Miss Fietoiier’a adviser. rejected fying it of the organization of the and Fence Viewers—Samuel Cobb, d the isl- Biddrford, Mar. 9.—At the municipal elec- was felt for a distance of twenty miles. Two Minister Tisza’s mixed bill. Tbe rldermen, LewisL. Thurston. Preble, purchased the homestead ai George Witham, the young man, who dnr- marriage DR. E. B« RLED. men were killed and one and a countess lives and proposing a joint convention for the pur- Constab'e—James K Meaher. John L. ing the session of the Grand at the last tion in this city today, Hon. E. W. Staples fatally injured, in Paris. Her nncle is Cardinal City and. and Botanic TVIrdi- Jury number of windows in iu this of Shaw James S. Gould, j* D. Hall, Jam^s W Black, Clairvoyant Physician, term of court lrom the at boildings city Pauefianco. pose administering the oaths of office to the idler Preble had eome ommaud in Cftl Koonu 59i i?Ic. escaped prison yard war reelected mayor by the Democrats for the Thomas M. B Her- Brig Cvugren8 Ml., Portland, Auburn were broken. The first explosion occurred in Olendennlug, Philip Hughes, jail by Bcaling tho fence and fled for members elect of the city ceuncii. bert R. Ihomas F. An- in moat of the Dr. Reed treats all chronic diseases that flesh is third time by a majority of 613. The Demo- the corning mill, which contained 3000 pounds Sargent, Pennell, Benjamin some capacity expeditions parts no known was found by sheriff Smith at drews, William H. Piumra r. Charles B. Moseley, heir all e> ses that are siren up as incurable of mau in the THE After the joint convention Mayor French In Nova Bre- to; by two o’clock iu the crats carry every ward in tho city. The elec- powder. The only employed OLD WORLD. King Charies A. Frank.in N. Han- against the Scotia, Cape tbe allopathic and homeopathic physicians. 1 will morniug, Saturday beneath Beal*, Perry Lyman a barn building at the time was Eugene Coleman, called the board of aldermen to order. Burnham, William W. his time. He also take their case to treat and cure them. I tiud about iu Durham, after a hunt iu the dark- tion was the most peaceable and orderly held son, Beijunin Graves, ton, and Canada, during who was iueiactly killed. Hearing the J;s-e H. HowarrrF. John B. Smith, four fifths of the cases given up to die can be cured. ness of two hours. for explo- Alderman Noyes was elected gas agent by Crowell, Hall, his town in the General Oonrt.snd many years. Six detectives from Boston sion iu the mill Charles Brown and Levi S. L >reuzo T. Chase, Edwiu A. represented Examination at a distance by letter, with their corning Arrival in Korti of the Bear Guard of Punnell, AUGUSTA. a unanimous vote. John Andiew.Jr., Geo. was lor uudar Governor Powoal. At full name and place of residence and one 2 cent led by detective J. R. Wood were in the em- James Coulter, who were at work in the press Leigh on, Joseph D.Decelie, councl W. Witham, Arthur M. •tamp and $2.00, Examination second and Ex-Governor Selden Connor has accepted of mill, 100 feet distant, startod to run from the Gen. Buller’s ORDEaS PASSED. Sawyer. the commencement of the revolutionary trou- sight ploy the Republicans to prevent any attempt Army. Measureis of Wood ami Bark, broueht by carts consultation free. the iuvitation of Post 106. South China, Maine mill, but before they had got fifty feet away to at or intimidation at the and Referring unfinished business committees and sieds, railroad and water conveyance—Charles he was a member ot the committee ot Office howiw 9n. m.»o9p m. mar3sntf to deliver the memorial address bribery polls, that 3000 of bles, May 30ih. mill, containing pounds powder, wnen appointed; on printing the Mnuiclpal H. Pike, Jerome Ruraery, Jason T. Fickett, Argyle The 200 offioers were sworn in for was the committee of safety, and negotiated with governor and council will meet on the nearly police blown up. Brown had reached the brow Terrible Bufferings Endured by the Register and Rules and Orders, and Messrs. D. Morse, Nathaniel Walker, David Dow, Elias 17th iust. and on the 18;h visit the of a hill and was almost ont of when would not con- J. D. CHENEY” State prison special duty this morning and every depnty danger Russell and Noyes appointed a committee on Chase, William R. Bohannon, J. LaRccbslle, Jr., Mowatt to spare the town, bat WITH on a trip of inspection. the explosion aud he fell dead. No Men Amid the Desert J. James O. McLean, Walter Tolman, sheriff in York on One ar- occurred, Sands. the of this 500 LaRocbelle, sent to the arms. A connty was dnty. part board; ordering copies Paul Lewis L. H. give up mammoth cow is on exhibition at the wound was found on him, and his death was Civil Prince, Thurston, Augustus rest was printed Engineer's report; returniog ih H. Purinton. a of the Provincial Congress 1ST. E- ORGAN CO. Farmer's hotel stables and ha9 been astonish- made early in tho day for bribery— probably caused by the concussion. Coulter Priuce, Abij While member thanks to Bishop Neely. Survey-rs of Plastei ing—Richard K. Gatley, ing those interested in heavy for sever- Elias Clark an assessor, who was arrested by was blown into a pond, breaking through the Korti, March 9.—The rear of General Sir I in 1774, General Preble was elected command- stock, guard to 7.30 Thomas J. Piano Forte and Toner and Re- al She ice and severe from which Red vers Butler’s reached here and Adjourned p. m. Feeney. Organ days past. is said to weigh 2240 Sheriff Stevens on a of sustaining injuries, army tc-day pre- j of Granite E. Hawkes. er-in-chief of the Provincial forces, but de- Deputy charge bribery. senteil a The men were In Joint Convention. Surveyor George pairer, pounds. however be may recover. No others were in- sorry sight. completely Cullers #f aud He not and was released uuder out and looked much from Hoops Staves—Loring Lombard, the trust on account of hla age. He plead guilty The other were fagged distressed tbe clined BETHEL. jured. buildings destroyed the 1 Tbe two boards, having assembled in Levi J. Jones. Nn. 'Rlr.ntr. sufferings they bad endured on their retreat from joint His monumental Mrs. Col. C. S. $500 bonds. The Democrats are having a glazing mill and wheel house, containing 2000 Weighers of Fertilizers—L. L. Knight, F. D. Ellis. died in 1784, aged 77 years. feb!4 Edwards died of pnonmonia Gakdul. They, like the detachments that preceded convention, were called to order by City Clerk TELEPHOWB 744. sn4w of which wero blown at 1 Weighers of Lumber—Edward Duddy, Martin his ser- very suddenly, Friday, in Bethel. She leaves grand jnbilee tonight, firing cannon, bonfires pounds powder, up them, report that the march was most toilsome and epitaph closes by summing up pnblic 1 Burgess and Alderman was elected one daughter the same time. perilous, harassed the Gallagher Kavanagb. North Yarmouth. and five sons, one of whom, Mr. and fireworks. they being constantly by Weigher of Plaster—John M. Stevens. vices in these word: “He acted on all the A. M. Mahdi’s mau. Many of them were picked off or chairman, pro tem. of the town of North Yarmouth Edwaids, is principal of the Lewiston Belfast. Weighers of Coal for Gas Company—Daniel J. at an Republicans wounded by the enemy’s sharpshooters, while the i stages of life as a trusty commander tea, are to meet at their Town House, Grammar School, and a husband to mourn her ALABAMA CLAIMS. The city clerk then read the result of the Feeney, Thomas Burns. THE requested Belfast, Mar. 9.—There wero no political terrible heat prostrated scores and made life almost i a wise March at 3 the loss. a of C<»al and Iron—Frank H. a general, Saturday, 2), o’clock p. m.f for pur- She was devoted wife and mother, a unbearable. mayor vote which it that there Weighers Cole, intrepid soldier, prudent of candidates for Officers issues involved in the municipal election here Kendered by the Cisnrt of by appeared Orlando W. John S. Conley, James H. pose selecting Municipal kind and obliging neighbor. Her younger sis- Judgments iu Ireland. Eldridge, and an upright judge.’’ and choice of town committee. Outrage* was no choice. Baker. A. 1. Randad.Tbos Midett.ruigar Swett. legislator, ter. Mrs. Seth Walker, is very sick with the today. Col. Wm. H. Fogler was chosen mayor Commissioners. Jr., Per order Town Committee. Dublin, March 9.- During last night a gang of J. F. Ranuall, Geo. H. Rounds,Paul Prince, Edward Brigadier Preble’s third eon was Edward, Bame disease. a Messrs. Noyes, Shaw and McMahon were by small vote without opposition. Washington, March 9.—In the Court of marauders at Newry, Ireland, visited the. house of j H. Sargent, Arthur B. Josephs. Daniel S. Warren, of whose well The ccrn famine in Bethel iat at an the renowned commodore, end. Camden. Commissioners of Alabama Claims, today, the John Turley, near Camlough, and gave him a ter- appointed a committee to wait on Mayor King Daniel J. Feeuev, Edward Dijddy, Martin ! to Messrs. Woodbury and received two rible beating. His wife interfered to save her hus- James H. F. W. A. C. knowo and brilliant career it if unnecessary Puriogton Mar. following judgments were announced with and his Kavauagh, Baker, Kn’ght, car loads Camden, 9.—At the town election here band and was killed. is in a critical coudi- request presence. B. C. Curtis. Thursday. interest at 4 per cent from dates named: Turley Paine, Joseph Plummer, Oakley Bpeak. the Democrats elected all the town offi- tlon to-day. Agrarian troubles are as the ! Mayor appeared and offered a few Aukusius H. Prince. Abijah H. Purinton, Geo. J. today No. Francis Blake and James firm alleged King in he 857, Maflit, cause of the outrage. Gerrish, Cyrus K. Ladd, Geo. W. Phayer. Daniel At the death of the commodore 1807, cers except clerk, school committee and col- of Blake & Maflit, #1566. Nov. 11. ] 864. words of congratulation to the members of the REMOVAL. Thia forenoon the January term of the Su- The Iioudou W. Rnzzeil, C. F. Rounds, Levi M. Prince, Wm. J. the 12 F. David S. Explosions. left only one living brother,—Enoch, Judicial Court convenes nt lector. The vote of first L. A. L5, George Hemis, $183; Sutton, board, after which the oath of office was ad- McCann. preme Bangor. selectman, Jan. 1863. March J. of New He was the father of Memorial $183, 30, London, 9.-—Stephen Meany j Surveyors of Lumber—Howard Winslow, Edward youngest, born in 1763. services in honer of the late Abra- Hamit, Hem. was O. B C. York in the Bow street Police ! ministered by the city clerk to the aldermen 279; Wooster, Rap. 1728, Henry Hyde, assignee, $42,216, April appeared to-day L. Clark, Chas. h. Deering.C. L. Thompson, Jerome Eooch Prable made his first ham Sanborn will be held by the Penobscot 14. 1864. Court at the resumed of the case Cun- 1 the Admiral. removed my stock of 121; J. P. WellmaD, Greenback, 101. The hearing of and councilman elect. Rumery, Nathan Dyer, Albert S. Legrow, Oriu R. Having bar. Hon. Hannibal N. Francis and James and a* assistant to A. tn the midst of the war Hamlin, Wilson, 2223, .Blake Mamt, #3603, ningham Burton, counsel S. I Legrow, Palmer Dudley, Moses O’Briun, Wiuihrop voyage tb sea in 1779, and Rubbers and others Greenbackers called no cancas but held Nov. 1863. Williams for the deience. Several witnesses Prayer was offered by Rt. Rev. Bishop Boots, Shoes to store Esq., will speak. Services will also they 18, put j W. Le-vis L. Thurston, E. A. was sixteen forward the Crown Rigge. George Hall, of the revolution, when he years be held and remarks will be made on the life one this Oother officers elected were 2984, Mariin H. Ryder, admr., $1150, Jan. 19, by to identify either of the j Neely. Wm. P. Black, Edwiu P. Cummings, John No. 209 Yora St., I shall continue morning. 1862. Doten, in the of the late John Benson of Newport, and the then dissolved. A. Stevens, Samuel M. Sin »rt, Cassius D. Richard- old. His second trip was privateer ship moderator, P. J. Oarleton; clerk, C. B. John T. and Francis H. at and a box at rail- The convention to some death of the late Hon. Veasie; 3117, Morge, Jr., Apple- Ludgate deposited Paddington son, James O. Ge;rge .J. Gerrisb, Pliuy his father part give Alpheus Lyon will be failed to Board of Council. McLean, Fox of fourteen guns, being selectmen, J. W. Thorndike, J. P. Simonton; ton, executors, $2040, July 2, 1863.* way station, make tbe identification. Iu Common Allen, James Carle, David Dow, Wm. O. Miller, noticed. 4553, Freeman and Bela II. one This cruise was Benjamin Warner, The British l*arliamcur. Tho board of Common Conncil was called to Frank W. Clement, Wm. E. Willard, 'lhumas owner. She took prize. BRHJGTON. school committee, H, D. treasurer, Feb. BIG BARGAIN®. Robinson; surviving partners. $96, 1,1865. Deerine. Wm. Westwood, W. W. Ripley, M. S. In 1787 Mr. Preble waa mads 4572. David Whicon, In the House of Commons to-day Marquis Hart- order at 10 o'clock bv the clerk of the last made In 1780. Some time ago the pews in the North Bridg- W. H. Pascal; auditor, E. Prank Knowlton; surviving partner, $120. of State Heseltiue, Win. H. Walker, wm. westDy, Bums John H. a. and Francis late firm ington, Secretary for War, said there was i schooner Pallas. He was then ton Church were to Tappan Sprague, Mr. L. Clifford Wade. Mr. A. Jas. Me Isaiah Daniels, E. L. master of the Congregational taxed pay collector, Elliot Orbeton. of & reason to believe that the cost of the Nile expedi- council, Abssnt, LeGrow, Jrink, Among them are 40 pairs Ladies’ Sprague Tappan, $224, Aug. 23, 1862. Jordan. at the age of twenty-four. In all, aptain for repairs on the charch, says the News. Eliza tion would be covered by tbe sums oi money already of Ward 3. Mr. Y. C. Wilson of 5442, McDonald, adinx. 9526, Oct. 26, HigginB of Lumber and Timber- Cyrus K. made voyages, ln nine- Kid and Oil Goat Button Boot, Some of the pews were held by Mr. George S. 186a. voted, namely, £1,000,000 and £300.ti00. ihe in- Surveyors Ship Pteble twenty-seven Ward 2, was elected pro tempo re, Laud, Nathaniel Walker, J. Willis Taylor. Albert which Ha tsua ma.nf.ar. and tha mCMt of who *o crease in the army, he said, would be president at sold Farnsworth, rofused pay the tax, and 5531, Charles M. Jackson and Grenville Loud, probably H. William H. Charles L. Jnmbo, $1.60, everywhere XLIXth Session. firm 15,000 men. and Messrs. of and Small of ap- Simouton, Simonton, them were either to Eurone or the coast of they were sold and deeded to other other par- Congress-ist C. M. Jacksou & Do. Carney 2, 6, Thompson. at One small lot Oil Goat Oct. Lord Edmund Fitzmaurice, Under Foreign Secre- Africa. His last voyage was to Africa in the $2.00. ties. One of the purchasers on his 940, 18, 1863. a committee to examine tlie certifi- of Leather—Gustavus B. Broad. occupying tary, stated that the government does not pointed Weigher belonging to John Oox seat was a SENATE. 5612, Susan H. Smith, executrix, for regard Dried l'refetheu. schooner Reporter, at regular $2.50. served with trespass writ on com- judgment North Borneo as under British Culler oi Fish—George $1.90, price the United States. sovereignty. cates of election of the members elect. They and in 1824. The following extract plaint of Mr. Farnsworth, and the case is like- Mar. 9. Weigher of Coal, Iron, Lumber and Blaster— others, One lot Misses’ Oil Goat at Washington, 1305, Joshua L. admr., A Bread Biot in Cracow. in their seats which he received from $1.25, to to trial. The will the After of Jordan, $67, May 20, declared the gentlemen dnly Edward H. C. Thompson. from the instructions ly go society protect the reading the journal, the Presi- 1863. Law- In Kimball’s nsnal Warsaw, March 9.—A bread riot was sup- The is the new Weigher of Coal aud Hay—Franklin M. the owners gives an idea of the manner price $1.75. rights of the purchaser and has engaged coun- dent of tbe Senate laid before that a 1936, John Trecarbin, certificated. following board: body $244, Jan. 8.1865. pressed by the police at Cracow to day. A great rence. which the trade was from Portland sel. communication from the of JameB G. Deforest and Robert W. firm Ward W. Rob- pnrsned Hen’s Heavy Grain Rais, Lace, at Secretary State, Rodman, number of poor and unemployed workingmen 1—Alpheus Griffin, George Beals, of W. Deforest & and F. The Democrats liad a ticket in nomi- for several years. FRYEBURG. it being a notice that he (Mr. Bayard) had tor- Wm, Co., $226; Wm. Stokes gathered in front of a rich maii’a caetle ert Somers. placed less than cost. Wm C >nn, executors. Feb. 18, 1865. Ward 2 — C. JKilson, Michael E. it. On ‘‘Yen will proceed with all possible despatoh Mrs. an insane left the town warded to tbe legislature of Delaware his $1495, in a suburb of Cracow and made a great Virgil Carney, nation and pretty generally supported Lovis, woman, Wm. H. Michael C. McCann. to the coast of Afrioa, and there at one or more Don’t fail to call at a as Senator. 4689, Rollins, administrator, $1437, disturbance, demanding work or bread. Tbe police 209, only farm on Tuesday and Bpent the night in the resignation March 1864. Waru 3—Franklin H. motions by Democratic members the election 1, were sent ior and came in numbers sufficient to Simonds, George Buxton, ports, dispose of yonr cargo to the best ad- few doors below old stand. woods. When fonnd she was but alive Communications from tbe Secretary of tbe Alfred A. my just 4591, Ginn, $67, John Walter, survi- surround the assemblage of workingmen. The lat- Milton Higgins. of City Clerk George C. Burgess, City Messen- vantage, and receive tberelor in return specie, and died soon after. Interior and tbe Attorney General, partner, March 6 Ward 4— A'nomas McMahon. notifying ving $177, 1865. ter submitted without resistance to but Patrick O’E’eil, in or if it is to be as nsnal. the Senate ot their of The dispersal, John L. Shaw, City Solicitor Joseph W. gold bars, dost, ivory, (large Repairing acceptance Cabinet po- 4693, Dowell Manufacturing Company $982, lOu of the more Jerome Rumery. ger GARDINER. conspicuous among them were ar- had,) Iry hidos and anv other articles whloh sition!:, and requesting the President of the June 30, 1864. rested and in Word 5 -ivuel T. McLellan, John Williamson, and City Engineer W. A. Goodwin Thomas lodged jail. Symouds, think will pay the best home, The dwelling house of Elbridge Thomas was Senate to so notify the of their re- 4663, A. Newhall, Gilbert H. Newhall Caleb N. Laug. yoo may freight legislatures and Fred’k C. Cable Notes. was made unanimous. Levi L. Cummings, and return to Portland.” "The of the found to be on fire about 2 o’clock Saturday spective States, were also laid before the Sen- Newhall late firm of T. A. Newhall Ward 6—Theodore C. Woodbury, Henry C. Small, object & .sons, Dec. 1862. President Barrios of Guatemala has issued a de- Thomas Shaw. City Electrician and George McAllister,weigh- owners is to instruc- morning. The upper part was badly burned. ate. $=>420, 15, P, merely give yon general 1,038 about 4687, Kiltridge and Eimund W. Kittridge, firm cree proclaiming the Union of Central America as Ward 7—Herbert G. Briggs, John P. Hobbs, er, received unanimous votes. tioDS, confiding to yonr superior judgment to $500. Uninsured. The credentials of Mr. Blair, as Senator, to of & Kittrloge Bro., $763, Feb. 28, 1863. one republic, and has assumed supreme military John O. Roberts. After the salaried officers had been elected the concerns of the voyage in snob a GEO. fill the wa3 laid before the manege dTpERRY. HANCOCK. temporary vacancy, 468S, Benj. Krittndge, $126, Dec. 3, 1862. command. Democrats in italics. Bussell cast the vote of the conven- Alderman manner as will best promote their general in* mar2 dtf Senate and read. 6413, Eieazer Boynton and A. F. Hervey, survi- The troubles at Aspinwall and Saviniila seem to Ada Wentworth, a yonog girl employed at A message was sent to the upper board an- tion, on motion of Alderman Prince, for the terest.” Senator Vest moved that they be referred to ving partner, $356; MaryJ. Boyntcu, $27; John be nearly over. the house of Elder Batchelder, having been remaining officers. 1800 Enoch Preble was married to the committee on and elections J. txiies, $1 LO; A. F. liervey. administrator. $36, Advices from the West Coast of Africa are to the nouncing the organization of this in Capt. sent to an privileges temporary upper room in search of an article Dec. 2, 1862. effect that the Germans h ive hauled down tbe There being no further business the conven- Miss Cross of Gorham. These were tha Mr. Edmunds as also did Mr. Hoar. and a returned the Sally Wanted. of clothing, accidentally discharged a gun objected, W. Alfred W. British flag and hoisted the German at Victoria. body, message announcing tion dissolved. of Preble. The old Money Mr. Hoar called attention to the fact that 1646, George Haven, $120: Haven, flag parents George Henry that was left loaded against the wall, the con- §120; May 13, 1863. The English consul has protested. of that board by the election of la Board of and Aldermeu homestead was within masket shot of 'I he marked down prices for cash at both my shoe the same condition ot organization mayor Baogs tents her it in terrible precisely things pre- 1647, George W. Haven, Nov. end stores will be contiuued until April 1st. Many entering hand, mangling $304; 7,1863. Alderman J. A. temporary chair- The came to order and -the Mowait’s flag Bhip, at the bombardment, vailed in the case of Senator Beil of New 1768, Mary A. extr.. Nov. Gallagher Board approved of these goods are marked at less than half the shape, necessitating amputation above the Savory, $3876; 10, of coarse it was burnt. Two after the when the Senate atter 1863. man. bonds as constables of D. Hal!, How- years former price and must be closed out before wrist. Hampshire, decided, GENERAL. NEWS. StepheD rebuilt tbe Spring Robert A. Fuller and ard F. Thos. M. Edwin death of tha Brigadier, Mrs. Preble come n. fall discussion, in favor of seating that sena- 4649, Charles S. Dana, late After the dissolving of the Hall, Glendeuning, goods HOULTON. firm °f Fuller & joint convention, house and lived there nntil her death in 1805. tor. Dana* Aug. 19, In lications for a good spring trade among iron A. L-ighion and John B. Smith. The notorious Cochrans and Hamilton 18(*3^c the board to ballot for permanent At the Bale of the homestead, her sod, Capt. M. a. PALMER. are Mr Edmunds said that the Beil case was ex- firms in Pittsburg are favorable. A number of mills proceeded The beard then adjourned. feb24 on trial at Honltou, defended L. C. 48u3, Henrietta L. Butterfield, executrix, $897; resumed j esterday. with the Messrs. Enoch, ourchased it and lived there until dtaprl by Powers, actly similar to the present one, and that it June 1863. president following result, In Board of Common Council. B. Roberts and After the State had 2b, A coal uiiuer*’ strike was inaugurated about 1830. when he sold It to Lemuel Dyer, King. had been settled fairly and fully without party 1071. Samuel yesterday Griffin of and of Watts, administrator, $600; April in the Pittsburg district. It to be a 1, JRumery 4, being appoint- Met pursuant to adjournment. who made such extensive put in its evidence the prisoners pleaded division. 28, 1864. promises largo t'e shipwright, one. ed to count the votes: Absent, Messrs. YViigou and Higgins. and additions that no one would gailtv. Young Keating, indicted for firing said that he was aware Manuel Jan. 1862. alterations Mr. Sanlsbnry that 1226, Rubira, $152; 9, ti. A Connell, of the firm of Connell Bros..wa9 The of the Solicitor was read Marshall’s was tried aud 2625 Wm. Whole number of ballots.17 report City now reoogn’zs the two story wooden S.&F.HAT. barn, acquitted. the same arose upon a similar case H. Hnckett, admr., $1190; William elected of N. with- plain question Mayor Woodstock, B., yesteiday for a choice. 9 aDd ordered in concurrence, aud the There but the Simes and Joseph E. Simes, executors $793; H. C. out TSecessary printed house of 1786, with a low hipped roof. KENNEBUNK. from New Hampshire, Senators who opposition. Wool was Baruabeo trustee Juue 1864. Theodore O. bury h*d....10 ordinance relating to health read twice was a at the south comer of were then would remember that the $396; 24, At the weekly conference of the Methodist minis- gardeuer’s lodge a man 87 of present Andrew P. C. Wihouhad. 4 and ordered in concurrence. Benjamin Furbush, years age, 2625, Pre&tou and Wm. H. Preston, ters in a was Virgil printed the lot. which was nearly smothered la right of Mr. Bell was very strongly Chicago yesterday, resolution passed to Thomas P. Shaw bad. 2 gravel living at Ketinebunk, is y sick with contested, executors, $198; John Neal, $992; Thos. C. Call, the effect ili*t tne A message was received and accepted from has ROBERT F. SOMERS & CO. dangerous! I city churches make uext Sunday 1 at the filling up of Commercial street—it and on that occasion, for the first time he b, IX Oliver Hex boi G. Briggs had. pneumonia. His wife who is also advanced in administrator,$79^; Wm. Fernald. $396. a special day of prayer for the spiritual and physi- the upper board to hold a joint convention for within two or three lieved in the of tlio it was de- disappeared years. Capt. was stricken with one last history Senate, Wiison, .$386; John b. Matthews, $396, Jan. 9, cal welfare of General Grant. And Mr. Woodbury was elected. the election of subordinate officers. years paralysis day 1864. municipal Enoch Preble was aueDtbuaiastio horticulturist twiddle St. cided that th« governor of a State ap- The town of now has three feet 232 week, and falling upon a sieve, was fearfully might Alexandria, Iowa, Messrs Briggs and Carney were elected a After the convention dissolved the board ad- best la town. There a senator under such s. Judgment entered in this case on March 2, of and had the kept garden burned so that her is considered point circumstauoi 26_18 water evenly distributed all over it, and the recovery 1885, is heiebv affirmed nunc tunc as to to couut votes for journed. was a slope from tbe house and garden Mr. Hoar moved that Mr. Blair be sworn in. pro except people have taken to the upper stories of tbeir committee permanent clerk, green doubtful. Moses A. Salford, of tbe breast with WEATHEB INDICATIONS. Mr. Vebt anmiuistrator, against whom houses. the result: Tlte Bumford Falla and BnckUeld Bail- fence to the capsill work, HEBRON. objected. is now fur with following judgment rendered the United States. Gen. B. McClellan has an invita- an unobstructed view of tbe uear anoh rage. Mr. Wheeler, in the chair, ruled that the George accepted Whole number of ballots.17 road. Washinqton, March 10. Two young ladies of East Hebron tion to deliver the oraiioa on I)ecoratiou day at Here and of these honored parents, G -orge lately was one of the and lor a choice. 9 question highest privilege, where he comm-inded the Union forces MecoHetary The iate ex Gov-Washburn owned a con- The indications for New are went into their father’s woods and chopp&d Aniietam, Wade bad...14 Henry Preble was born February 25, 1816, England that the objection would not carry it over. on the of the memorable L. Clifford one half cord of WASHINGTON. day battle. & without a wood, according to the Adver- E. S. had...... 2 interest in the Rnmford Palls Buck- (‘the year summer”). fair, warmer weather, preceded by light local Mr. Hoar offered a formal resolution that USfcOod trolling tiser. V. C. W 11*011 had..... 1 Is it any wonder that he inherited the oath be administered to tbe senator from Head* of liepartmenB. field Railroad when be died. His estate has snows, westerly winds, rising barometer. OXFORD. a taste for tbe sea, with each New Hampshire. SUBUBBAN NEWS. Aud Mr. Wade was elected. beau settled exoept disposing of this stock. Washington March 9.—Oae of the first of- a few rads of Cautionary signals from Cape Henry to The Maine Central both ancestors, and only greensward wife of Rev. C. S. Cummings of Oxford Mr. Harris asked nnanimons consent that it ficial acta of President on the chair was The Grand Trunk aud Secretary Maiming was to author- Woodbury taking oetweeu hie home and tbe dock, whose vessel* died Sunday afternoon about i o’clock. His lay over nutil tomorrow. It was Gorham. want it. The Grand Trunk people would like Eastport. granted. ize Assistant Secretary to sign, instead of and as follows, his remarks the of circle of friends will to Mr. Van denounced the of applauded spoke to the extension to Auburn or were unloading products foreign lauds, large be much grieved Wyck issue pat- the all warrants for the of By invitation of Gorham P. of the stop proposed MRTEOROLOfllOAI. REPORT. secretary, payment Grange, H., received with much enthusiasm. and whose jibbooms reached half-way across hear of his bereavement. ents to the Backbone graut in the for being Gray, aBd the Maine Central is pulling the clcsir.g money into and the disbursement of money grange from Windham visited the Gorham the lawn. There were some ontward P. M.] hoars of the last and assailed Grange Gentlemen the Common Council:—We stand other of course. The is that always [11.27 administration, from the Public treasury. If. is nnderstnnd of way, probability 1, ... .1 aa.fr ■> ifh Rue rt ins u Infl naltino n rt Vl UP PARIS. uu oavur iay oybuu uusu »ouia visitors UwUt'U crttU v* vu uec muu, up hoi this a/ltimi. severely reflecting' neon the last g tuiny-nve upon the threshold of another municipal year. You Falls will Dot be the terminus of this kouiuk that this is a Mechanic A is in circulation temporary expedient, end that trom Windham were present. After a poem of suitable to choose me as with the of "Yeo » ® Republican petition sign- have thought your presid- iLilusutial anchor, coy-bewitching cry 2 S' ai ministration. Ha concluded, ‘1Was it dan- Mr. Coon’s welcome Mite Alden of line many years longer. Several 3 3 ed by Republicans only, for tbe Postmaster successor will be nominated in a by Mary Gorham speeches ing officer. 1 thank you heartily for this honor aud heave o" from the sailors. 0 c St 5 •Sv gerous to trust a new administration to do His Honor Gov. Master owners ard iu favor of making a connection General to the jus- few days. by Rouie, of the state desire will be 10 administer this office attended the RChool#* S I bC W|J reappoint pre-ent Republican tics to settlers,? Was there and my gteat the Maine Central at Auburn. If the Young Preble public „g §8 gs danger that the The President has sent to the Senate the Grange, by Brothers Hall and Rollins of Wind- with aud iuipartiaiity. 1 hit errors will be with incumbent, F. A, as postmaster of and justice His last instructors were Deacou Joseph Libby °s & Young, of settlers would be and the ham, Bribers Freeman, Deeriug, Ale 1 doubt not. but will be of the head aud road to it will pass through Poland 1 k :j *1 West Paris. rights recognized, name of John C. Black of Illinois for Commis- Laugh made, they goes Giay He left et the liu and Ooriheil of Gorham, a recitation from do to aud James Brooks. school age public domaiu protected by the incoming ad- sioner of Pensions. not ot the heart, in order that 1 may credit Springs. IS la Mr. Henry Washburn, manufactnrer of “Alaobeih” Brother McLauahiiu and a that me of and in 1829 be was employed as Is- n h J- ministration? If 6o, tlie new administration by wite, you as weit as myself, 1 ask you will give fourteen, shaker chairs at North has made an en- The Secretary of the Troasnrv has appointed comic song Brother Weeks of and a re- aud KUPOKIS. Samnel Colrnau and bis successors, s ns Paris, in noae too soon. Mr. by Gorham, your most cordiat support bearty cooperation CITI cl' rk by I” r came Vau Wyck gave Valentine P. cita.ion Sister I* tire in his chair will Snyden of New York to succeed by Gilpatrick of the com- i cannot to succeed. Gentlemen aad iu their book- change patterns, which notice that the would Windham; Without this hope Colman, Holden Compauy, patents be contested. sat down to the of au make many desirable in that, private secretary Frank Sperry. pany enjoyment excellent we have been selected by our cousiiuteuts to ad- SOLICITOR. two doors below tha improvements Air. Teller with a CITY smre, Exchange street, replied legal aud histori- oyster supper tendered by Gorham to its branch of our for me Block 29.74 35 xlG SW class of clia'rs. He will manufacture The supreme court met today at noon with a Grange minister this city government Bank of Cumberland. Tbe writer then, Island,. Tbrtu’g 3,COO cal statement of the case. He declared Mr. brethren. It was under the City Solictor Looney reports ihafc at tbo date of present 26 xlo SW large crowd in attendance tc witnegs the visiting prepared direc- ensuing year, it isairust mat has been reposed Boston, Mass.29.88 LtSnow chairs, will use boot. 50 cords of beech and pre- tion ot Brother of the last annual report,—February 29, 1884,—there the store next the bank, where ha 15 Van Wyck was a professional anti-monopolist, Henry Johnson Gorham, aud eaou one ot us as individuals, aud we are only occupied Me. 29.75 —3 Clm Cloudy lumber and will six men. sentation to the court of the new upon were cases lh *e of Bri< with Preble. Eastport, maple employ This Attorney that to those who have of his is we It as such. We eight pending: get Welch, first became acquainted George Mt. 29*44 1 x!8 SW aud a champion of tbe people; that his pur- partaken catering worihy ot it iu so far as rev.ize Washington.. Fuggy chair business is a to of the General by the retiring head of the of its 8. R. Hanes. O. S. Waite, City of Bath, W. H was more extensive tbau great help many was to department ample guarantee superior excellence. Alter have not been elected because we desired it or for This bookstore soy Portland, Me.29.G4 28 xlO S LtSnow pose pose before the public aud to gain of N C E J. aud Catherine as it furnishes a amount of work jus,ice. a 111 ‘81 enjoyable the oompauv to but to watch over with Alien, Davis, Woodman, other tu the town. The firm were tbe N. Y. 29.61 24 —13 S people large and not aid to do or redress evening separated our own amusement vigi repub- Albany, Cloudy notoriety, justice Jndge Assistant of await the Conlev, against the oity, aud proc* e lings begun by N. Y.. 29.78 33 xlo W outside of tbe factory in seating and pnttingcin Frenoh, Secretary the witnpleasant anticipation next event of l.tuco the interests of this, our city. Iu the couise Habers of severs! English > rviews and publish- Nevr York, lhrtn’g wronga.^Mr. Teller reviewed iu detail the ac- the kind. ihe city vs. Uuion Mutual Li e Iu*urauco C >nipany. 84 the basket backs. Treasury, has tendered his to take of this rnauy important questions will come two of I'teir owd. wera Pbiladolpbla.29 83 xi5 S Cloudy tion of the House and Senate on the resignation, year B F. Andrews vs. F. et ais., aud ers of megsiines They qm-siiou Resolutions to the memory of Mr. till of Gor- us I trust and believe will ail re- Marquis King D.C. 29.89 37 xil S Clear ISLE. effect upou the appointment and Gup beiore and they of > "Is ia their llue direct front Washington, PRESQUE to show that as qualification ham nave been Mercantile Trust Company vs. City of Portland et importers g 44 involved, iu such action had successor. Grunge passed. ceive our most careful cousideratiou. It 1 have Charleston. ,c ...30.32 xl SW Clear of his The nomination of ex-At- oft Last week Rev. G. M. Park traveled 150 taken tbe als. Europe, which an seemed farther than It Fla. 30.40 47 —3 E Clear been by Congress right of assign- General Cape Elizabeth. any criticisms to offer upon the woikiugs of this Jacksonville, torney Fairchild ol New York, to suc- in the care of Bridget Welsh, a suit for $10,000 now does. Phintas Barnes wss then e clerk in 46 miles, seven sermons, ment had been maintained. That the as 1 have watched it the year that is Ga®.... 30.41 x2 SW clear preached including is, right ceed was sent The have been installed body, during for the case is before the Savannah, Judge French, to the Senate following persons officers do not scrutinize suffi- damages injuries, pending Ibis store. Ohio.. 30.07 42 xl2 SW C ear three attended one one of to the conditions of the past, it wou.d ue h.i we Cincinnati. funerals, wedding, assignment subject this afternoon. of Resolute I. O. G. Law Court on exceptions filed by plaintiff, ihe 29.78 24 xl4 NW Fair Lodge, T., by S. L. Carleton, tne business that comes from the upper Young Preble had a natural taste for books, Buffalo, N. Y.... pariah meeting, one prayer meeting and spoke grant. The Interior Department, he said, had ciently case ifS.lt. asuit lor $6 00 for First Assistant Postmaster General Crosby State Deputy G. W. O.T.: We have a us a branch of inis Hawes, damages all the current Mich.29.87 17 xl4 NW Clear at one board. funciiou, at which led him to collect litera- Alpena, grange meeting, says tbe Herald. waited patiently for action by Congress, and was aud it injuri. 8, will probably be entered neither par.y Ills. 30.12 39 x9 W Clear the first bureau officer to tender his W. C. T.-Mr. C. A. Pullen. city government to perform, behooves each as and tbe of tba Chicago, it was seou that none was to be resig- the term of the Su s before ihe Law all the of the of having meetings on Tuesdays W. O.G.—Mr. Foster. his sou from tbe book store to assist him, but Nearly ice companies have finished rights legislative branch the govern- Woodbury Messrs. and Wilson Court ou important taw questions ami is being L.ATEST MARINE NEWS. and Fridays of each week, and the first meet- W. X. G.—Miss Eleanor rence, Beals, Briggs the basiness proving unprofitable it was aban- harvesting. Private ice bosses are now being ment as any Senator. The head ol a depart- Coolbrotb. argued in writing. The suit of the City of Portlaud mant liari n IDO rrn nn float llnnn tiara PI t> n rwl ing of the ney/ cabinet to in 1831. Mr. Colrnau sold oat no will be held tomorrow. on the pare of the board vs. Mutual to recrver the tax assessed doned having The Hcfanonrr H. 1. Towniend Libelled. tilled. meut had, however, seat upon the flour and Deeriug. being appointed the LTnion by it_• 1 n__J D«l«n ■ his book store to bis nartners. removed to Bos- Mr. Charles Potter of Providence, R. I., is to was compelled to Babmit to whatever m.ght be At me annual meeting ot me town or sriiii mo municipal Register auu ruico **uu til's VMIJ UU luo Will po UJ a 1/viwum VJ Vineyard March Deering has to tbe Law too a similar store in con- Haven, M»68., 9.—Deputy a trunk laid without 1882 and 1883 been submitted and opened Cornbill, open manufactory ia the village for any opportunity to ropiy. When AFTER THE SPOILS. Andrew J. Chase was elected yesterday, moderator. Orders. Court on an agreed statemebt ot facts. In the case to his reviews and United States Marshal Gallupe arrived Satur- the manufacture aud repair of drummers’ falsehoods were nltered in this body or any / tinuing pabliHh magazines. The of the selectmen for the of of F. Andrews vs. F. King et als.— as to his The report past year was On motion of Mr. Wilson, Mr. Shaw 6, Benj. Marquis Knowing tbe value o( his former clerk an and libelled the schooner H. T. sample trunks. other, with reference course, it was un Postmaster General’* Office Besieged taken and Marshal case—a decision has day, Townsend up laid on the tabie. The is a the well kuowu CUv ( a to of a following council assistant, he Sated him liberal salary go SANFORD. dignified for the head department to by Hungry Democrats—Au list ot officers voted for with the number of nr as appointed to ciBt the vote of the not been received Irom the Law Court. of Pembioke, Me., and her cargo of mahogany. Unexampled votes to B istou, which he acoepted. question them. If he should go into received each: Iu the case of the Mercantile Trust Company vs. Everett Lunay, eleven years of age, who has public Crowd of Office Seelters. by [or gas agent. the recommendation of John The libel is at the instance of Isaac H. and the that were the Portland and Railroad it By Anderson, Folger, been the terror of the neighborhood in which print deny charges made, it Selectmen—Lemuel W. Alfred Ogdensburg Company would be said he Washington, March 9.—The offices of the Dyer, Dem., 400; Adjourned to 7.30 p. m. Is known that since 1880 there has been a suit Mr. Preble received an appointment at mid- commissioner of wrecks at Nantucket. Folger he is according to the Biddeford forgot his relations to the Brewster, Dem., 347. No choice lor third select- located, Times, of various Cabinet officials were besieged all day EVENING SESSION. pei ding in the Circuit C^urt, f >r the District of shipman. Hn appointment was dated October, to legislative branch the government, and he man. claims to have had legal possosston of the has been committed the State Reform with crowds of who called xsew the the rail- career has been written mast submit in silence to the most atrocious people either to Town Clerk—Thomas J. C. W. In Board of major and Aldermen. Hampshire, by plaintiffs against 1835. His subsequent School to remain daring his minority. Fis Riggs, Dem., 341; road and trustees of the second mort- schooner at the time the contractors went to slanders uttered in the of congratulate the incumbents on their accession Foster, Rep., 284. company by several abler peos than mine. He has, was in in Bhape resolutions, or A full board was with bonds. The Trust holds latest exploit housebreaking Sanford, to office or to farther the of office Treasurer—E. M. Jacob?. H. G. present Mayor Kipg gage Company $8u,000 since bis life in a book store, been a constant work and that she was re- uttered senators or members, without aspirations Rep., 315; bonus and a fore- upon her, forcibly which he stole a revolver and watch from the by reply. seekers. 313. worth cf second mortgage sought I have Generals Sheridan and Hancock and Webb, Dem., in the chair. ot the road iu correspondent of mine, from which The was Common decency required that. The execu- closure of the mortgage on tbe part moved therefrom. schooner towed to dwelling house of Geo. Brawn. Chairmau Barnaul of the Democratic National Supervisor—E. S. Ridlon, Dem., 311; Cyrus G. derived much benefit. His death was an un- tive department had changed, and he could 307. Howard A. Fogg was appointed special po- New Hampshire and its sale. The sale would be 6o New Bedford Committee wore among the callers. num Varney, Rep.. to-day. WALDOBORO. now of it The disastrous to the city’s interests tbe city petitiomd ex oected shock. speak properly as it was now in the Auditor—John C. Kidder, Dem. No opposition. liceman without pay. Probable L«u of a Mallory Lias gleaner her of applications for postmastershipa received to iutervene and became a party to the suit. The I mast say a word more of Capt. Enoch Salomon Sidlinger and family at. blank’s bands of his opponents. Common decency re- Collector—Granville M. Stevens elected over Al- at the Post-office has never The of City Solicitor W. H. Looney court the petitioa a« d the counsel for Preble. In 1812-13 he with six others reore- Key Mar. 9.—Steamer Corner have been sick for a number of weeks that every resolution that touch- to-day Department mon Leach. report granted West, Fla., Alamo, quired passed the »hen before that the ■ is caused been equaled in any previous day, and the read and ordered on file. city argued, Judge Gray, seuted the town in the Massachusetts Legi .i,'. Capt. Bolger, from Galveston for New York, The physicians claim the sickness by ing noon the interests or acts of the oxecutive The meeting was harmonious. The Democrats was foreclosure should be o( tbe whole and First Assistant railroad, he was was used to a Postmaster General found it ture. In 1825 appointed inspector lr. via Key W6st, with cotton and hides, struck eating potatoes on which Paris green Bhould go oomwittee, He did not hslieve had out their full party strength. An ordinance establishing a board of health should not be by prejudicial sale but by vesting the necessary to detail a special force of employes of the Portland Custom House, where he served on the Southwest Beef, at Fortugae, Friday. the past summer. the Senate was aware of the insults that had It was tiile to the railroad in the trustees without right to file Where the was introduced by Alderman Denison. In 1833 he was chosen Mar- accepted assistance from wreckers IN GENERAL. heen offered from time to time to the applications. aspirants pre- Juige Gray reserved his decision but (our years. City The execu- Obituaries. redemption. sented their claims in person, they were in- passed to its second reading and ordered print- counsel are confident the decree will be iu favor of shal and held the office, by reflection, five and several wrecking vessels have arrived to- In 614 car loads of slate were tive branch by way of resolutions. It had be- 1884, shipped formed that must file Mrs. Annis widow of the late tbe claims of tbe as were was o( the Ma- and the service is still come a custom to allow they their applications Pierce, Captain is an abstract of the ordin- city, supported they by years. He President Portland day with cotton, salvage from Monson Junction over the & Pis- resolutions of inquiry ed. The following tbe event Bangor and await consideration in order. The Reuben died in couusel for trustees. It was found that iu rine a re- on. the Alamo is not to pass without examination. He regular Brown, Baldwin, January 15, aged Society forty-five years, declining going If floated soon cataquis railroad, and 193 car loads from Milo -mala call ance: of such a decree it would be impossible to organize commissions of G8 presidential postmasters ex- 81 8 months 26 in election In 1818. Captain Preble uied in 1812, she will go to pieces. Her passengers came Junction and the & Katabdin Iron attention to things that were done in 1882: An years days, having been born AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A BOARD OF a as tne State law is limi ed to rail- Bangor pire during the present and over 250 corporation 79. W. G. here on the wreckers’ vessels. The Alamo is The old man, who had Berved bis iu two month, Standish, April She was the of roads in the btate, and while the City Council aged Works railwav in the same period. ship- country such commissions will 19,1803. daughter HEALTH. lying to the line. who was covered all over expire before the begin- Richard Pierce of and her mother was could tell its interest in the road it could not cou- the latest addition Mallory She ments of 1885 will exceed this wars, with wounds Standish, for the probably ning of the next session of Sarah Sect. 1 establishes a Board of Health of the road. The result was the Colby University. and cost Her and with had received from a Congress. She was the survivor of her sent to a lease pas- was built last year $150,000. amount. glory, Congress ^Dow. only of Portland. The board is to consist of the father’s family. She manied Reuben Brown Janu- city sage of the late bill before the Legislature. It is The term tomorrow. A num- cargo is valued at $250,000. Both are fully in- pension of $72 a month; the general law decid- of the Common spriDg opens ary 1825. and in 1875 celebrated their Mayor, President Council, City Phy- no w necessary to take the proper steps to secure the ed that a man with like infirmities 25, they two elected arrived in sured. snould re- IN THE LIONS’ DEN. at sician and four other members, being to the bill iu the New ber of the stndents have already __ U. S. SENATORSHIPS. golden wedding Baldwin. Her husband died the concurrent action Hampshire ceive $50 more. One hundred and from the board of Aldermen and two from the twenry.tyj0 following autumn, November 25. She was one of Legislature. Reference is also made to tbe suit to Waterville and all will be present at the open- dollars fur a man who bad Common Council. They are to be so elected that GEN. GRANT, The Contest in Illinois. served in Mexico Terrible Experience of a Lion Tamer— the good women that bless the world, leaving a appoint and permit a receiver to issue $20u,000 after the first one member shall be elected an- of the with the exception of a very with gallantry and covered himself with large circle of friends to mourn her departure. year wortn of certificates for repairs and necessary ex- ing term, March 9.—In the con- glory. Attacked iu n Cage. from each board to serve two year*. A mem- l.ateat Keporfn Concerning Ilia Condition Springfield, joint A man who had never M. P. nually penses on the road, and to sell {50,000 of cer- few whose winter sohools have not yet dosed. dressed or undressed not vacate his office ceas- —A vention today 15 senators and 58 representa- New York, March 9.—A cabled to ber of the board does by tificates to overdue claims, Singular Coincidence. without an attendant! $122 a month was special Mr. Charles au old resident of Charles- pay coupons, preferred into immediate being the Mitchell, to be an alderman or councilman Vacancies a The base ball nine will go tives answered to the roll call. Mr. Streeter to Evening Telegram from Paris says: Last ing etc., to which the city is party, the hearing will New York, Mar. 9—The Evening Telegram paid him! The question arose, was he enti- town, died He was in are to be filled in the manner in which the member voted for John C. Black and Mr. for night at the as the Thursday evening. born occur the first Tuesday io April. Tne court docket in the and will make tha to Sharp tled to it? It cirque d’Hivor, Williams, training gymnasium, saye: Gen. Grant was reported be "com- would not have arisen hid he was chosen. cleared of cases. Mr. Morrison. celebrated lion was Aberdeen, Scotland, and learned the business of is practically city con- a tamer, putting eight lions the duties of the Board the same best for tbe coming fortable this morning. He bad slept sleep of (tho epeaktr) been Secretary of tbo Interior! iu his native to Sect. 2 makes possible preparation the first of the session end- various tricks in their one of canning country. Iu 1841 he came will be selected a an Daring sixty days It would not through cage, as to the health committees and select- tests of the summer. The nine exhaustion, after sinking spell of boar’s have been questioned had he had Nova Scotia to follow his business, and the next prescribed ON T11K UOLLGttS. ing Saturday last the expenses of the Illinois them, a large male, bounded ou Williams from men of towns iu this State, su> ject to the orders of the men: Boyd. Putnam, duration, which began shortly after midnight. an opportunity to say then what he nor, iiad year removed toEaatport, Me., where he tormed a from following foot to the behind and seized him the A the Council. They may elect a secretary, pre- Larrabeeaud Good- too general assembly up, according pay an to by thighs. terri- business connection with Messrs. Treat & City Small and Webber, of ’86; He awoke free from pale, hut weak to opportunity say. the At- Noble, fix BIJOUS VS. GRANITE CITYS TO-NIGHT. to $104,000. There is to show for this Subsequently, ble struggle followed between man and beast. under firm of scribe his duty and liis salary. leave his bed. These sinking are rolls, General’s was the Treat, Noble & Co and later, on win, of ’87; Pnlsifer, Goodwin, Drnmmond spells very torney opinion invoked, uud he The Sect. 3. arc authorized and empowered to tbe meet the Granite in & expense the passage of a biil appropriating spectators, shrieking with alarm, broke the retirement of Mr. U. S. Treat, as Noble & They To-night Bijous Gitys of '88. alarming to tho family of the distinguished pa- said this old man was entitled to $122 a mouth. make such rules aud regulations as they shall deem and Gibbs, $5000 for contingent expenses of tee session, into the ring. Women and children faiuted Mitchell, carrying on the business as canuets and league game at the Bij >u. The Bijous will make au Oracle, the oollege annual tient, although they are not regarded with that time ibere had been a ch in the to and control the construction The Oolbv pub- aud for of the Illinois dis- By urge from fright. the lion his preservers. In 1844 William Underwood & Co. necessary regulate will be issued bis medical $5300 improvement and it Suddenly relaxed of all vaults, water closets, drains, etc., and effort to change their position in the league list for lished by tbe students, the first much apprehension by attendants, department., was his (Teller’s) duty to hold of bought out the business of Noble & Mitchell, and privy play at N«w Orleans, with the incidental di- Williams, and cronched to make a for the removal of ail such deemed a higher one. If they don’t succeed iu doing it. of somewhat earlier than has been thn who are said to regard them as of merely a enforce the opinion of the Attorney Goijura!. Mr. Mitchell then connected himself with that firm provide prejudi May, version afforded by the to elect a suc- fiual spring at his victim’s throat. cial to the health; they shall control or pro- I there is one consolation-they can’t get mucu lower. in The editors have been nervous character. The most serious aspect of attempt He it as the law of the Williams, being associated with them until 1881. when heart public custom fears past. acoepted caso, aud he with the oi the locatiou of cessor to Senator Logan. extraordinary dexterity, managed to disease him to active business. hibit keeping swine, provide NOTES. in Waterville for the last week hard at the sinking spells is their interference! with the accepted it with alacrity. Ho said S122 a obliged give up work, elude the attack of the infuriated beast and When all stableB au regulate the removal of any offensive will the whioh are intended to mouth was a mere Underwood & Co. purchased the establish- Ladies* night at Portland rink to-night. and if possible publish Oraole on thn remedies reinvigerate bagatelle; it was a clisgcuae from matter whatever. NEW YORK. escaped the cage. He fell unconscious, ment at Kastport they removed the business to Bos- Tbe Falmouth rink was opened to ihe public last date his system so that it may longer resist the in- to the nation that it was not wore, aud lie or- Sect. 4 provides for quarantine regulations of promised. covered with blood, in the arms of the excited ton, and Mr. Mitchell then went to Charlestown, night. It will now be opeu every afiei ncou and roads of hie throat affection. It weakens his dered it It was Bui. in the moau- vessels arriving in this port. The Boird may also paid. paid! His where ho has sinoe resided. Mr. Mitchell was one eveniog. The iu t > admission, Rev, Burebard spectators. wounds are very severe. ihe removal of vessel or hulk when the particulars regard Dartmouth Co stomach, aud renders it more liable to rej-ct Retired. tirne tire distinguished senator (Mr. Van of tbe olde.-t members of Solomon’s require any will be found in the advertisement iu tbe lege. ck) King Lodtie, it. etc., of which he is New March 9.—The on had introduced a resolution F. A. a life member of public safety requires The Dartmouth Lecture Association Is furn- the concentrated food, already York, committee requiring M., the Scots’ Charitable ordi- amusement column. Tke Western B&uilroad Strikes. a Sect. 6 repeals al‘ ordinances or parts of unable to assimilate enough to keep up his ! the Murray Hill church reported to the New that the Secretary of the Interior Society, member of the British Charitable Society The famous Alaoiedfts, the would be champion some and and nances inconsistent with the above. ishiog good Instructive entertain- Btrengtb 68 his physiciges wouid like. The York Presbytery today that they bad proposed Bhould pay but one of these pensions, Kansas City, Mo., March 9.—The Missouri one of the charter members of the Caledonian polo team of the State, have cried ‘•baby’* and Club. He leaves three eons and a In Joint Convention* at the Granite ments this winter. Last Friday Julian Haw- family have become so apprehensive that Mrs. to retire Rev. Dr. Burohard as pastor emeritus and that resolution had gone to the co nmitlee Pacific and Wabash mechanical employes at daughter. s.umped through last, Citys being John T. Cleaves too much for them. Last Tuesday, when the two Sartoris ha* been summoned from England. on a salory of $500 a year to make room for a on pensions. Bat there was an West Kansas City went out at 11 to-day. They died at his residence (the Cleaves Both boards mot in joint convention, Mayor thorne gave a lecture on Eogltsh and Ameri- opportunity teams came together at Hath, the Alameda* started Beal and Bev. Dr. Newman also have younger and more and that now for to as the have taken no active measure but the House) at Old Orchard yesterday after a Gen. energetic pastor, somebody pose watchdog of yet, afternoon, King in the chair. their old trick, a slugging came. The can Novelists. Engagements are to be mado to come ou at their earliest both Mr had however, been requested Burohard and his congregation the Treasury. Here was money being paid freight business is already delayed for lack of lone and painful illness, Doth an enlargement of Mc- Granite took the biut and turned the tables ou the Alderman Sawyer and Councilman Citys with ex-Ssnator Patterson of New Hampshire, convenience. Dr. Douglass said this morning accepted the proposition. out beyond the law. The resolution forbade helpers. No pasatsugers arrived on the Mis- liver which for many years caused him to their o poueuts, beating them three str i*ht goats. suffer w ith and Coun- the medals aud Hon. Joshua that he saw no reason to apprehend an earlier the payment of double pensions, hut ha (the souri Pacific from the north to-day. Cars are dyspepsia. Mr. Cleaves for many years Mahon, and Alderman Gallagher Last Saturday eveuiug, tiudiug th*t L. Chamberlain of Maine. Talc has bseu \r ll known as a landlord aud were tbe Bath team refused to termination of the General's illness than here- Theological School. speaker) did not withhold the pensions. With being detached at Atchison from passeuger popular cilman Lang wero appointed the two commit- slipping trom them, Mr. Fordice P. Cleaves of ’87, from Kenue- hotel manager. His first house was the Mar the at tne as advertised, aud New his and with tor tire trains and mail c:irs are public play Citys Alameda, tofore. ... Haven, Ct., March 9.—The corpora- eyes open proper respect only permitted khall and count the bal- House at Ferry Beach, Saco, on leaving which tees, te alternately receive tbe latter club was treated in tbe n-o*t uugeuerous bunk, Me., has just relumed to Dartmouth It i-a rather singular coincidence that Col. tion of Yaie elected Key. Senate, he denied the ri1 fit of a Senator to in- through. in the were College, today, tail of 1858 he took the American House, officers. The manner. Ilia went to Bath and pre- from iu where he ban who served on lots foi subordinate municipal Citys teaching Massachuseits, W. B. of Galena, III., Lewis O. D. at Burlington, struct him. He denied the tigbc of a Senator then located on were even refused admission Eowley Brastow, D., lately Pepperell Square, Saco, which be pared to play, but they had very good success. Mr. Cleaves is a fine staff the war, as of to do and ii the Senate had said its vote Enrihqnalu' tfkock in conducted till 18* when he moved into the election of officers was then pro- admit auce fees. 'Ihe Gen. Grant's personal duriug Vt., professor homiletics and pastoral so; by I'eunaylranin. *7, Saco municipal to the rink, unle-s paying fine fitted himself for this pro- from a a the u chip f"r the Ala- teacher, having had removed his lip uaucer, theology in the School, and Rev. that he should not pay the money fio was free March 9.—-A rumb- House, house that ho made a very popular hotel the ticket being only course now open uuder basjast Theological Lancaster, Pa., heavy for several ceeded with, Republican Journal. fession at Gorham Normal (School. He Is now claim was caused by ex- John E. M. as of biblical to here that be should have years. After leaving the Saco House he nn das to leave the league.—Kennebec Whioh his physicians Russell, A., professor say disregarded ling, supposed £to have been au earthquake moved are the officers elected: the a Cobb course. is said to to Old Orchard, whero in company with the elected. The following Tne front iow« iu tbe galleries at tijou will pursuing cessive smoking. Col. Bowley theology. Dr. Brastow, who will be the new that. Upon tfie subsequent day the Senate shock, was felt iu this and coun- W8 a distinctly city Thomas K. Lane he had laud interests iu C. be at 1he ou-branite Ciry content to- Mr. Sayford, the Evangelist, is holding of Gen. Grant's condition ol a large Burgess. reserved Bij watch the bulletins professor homiletics, was graduated from passed resolution calling upon the Secretary ty last aft&r 8 o’clock. Build- •Ihe City-Clerk—George at the riuU os evening, shortly Grove.” He then built the Cleaves House, City Treasurer aud Collector—Henry w. Hergey. night. Seats tuny be obtained usual series of meetings at the college, where bn With interest, and is very much depress- Bowdoin College in 1857 and has lately re- of the Interior to why he had seen fio were shakeu aud in some instances which he great report ings plates continued till the time of his deal). lie City Auditor—Cyru«i Nowell. any time nfi.tr 10 a. in. promises to have good success. Already thn over the unfavorable reports. He signed the pastorate ol the First to pay the pension when there Was a bill were shaken in- ■; was about G4 of to Mass next Mon- ed in spirits Congrega- from shelves. In several years age aud leaves a wife and City Messenger—John L. Shaw. The Bijous will go Haverhill, place ol meetiug has been changed from thw relations with Church in he him not seven children to mourn W. tbe Globes at -their benefit. The Was on peculiarly ‘confidential tional Brlington, Yt., which had pending requiring to pay. stances services which were going on in various their Iosb. His burial will City Solicitor—Joseph Symonds. day night to play to the Cobb on acoouut of thw take from his late A. smartest teams in tbe Massachu- vestry church held for eleven Suoh resolutions were not introdnejd even for churches were until the sensation place residence at Old Orchard Cr y Civil «u Goodwin. latter is one of the the great soldier. years, suspended on Engineer—Willi attendance. subsided. Wednesday afternoon. Commissioner of Streets—George 3. Staples. setts league. largo )t was other than of the most THE PRESS, prohibition IHnCBLLANBODI. _MISCELLANEOUS. FINANCIAL* ENTERTAINMEN TO. laognld description. But today, If his "boomers” reflect his TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 10. correctly sentiments, FALMOUTH SK ATING PARLOR there is no one principle quite so near and 6~PER CENT BONDS Corner Dauferlh and May Streets. lear to him as the of — OF THE — ©PEN AFTERNOON AND EVENINO. ELECTION MONDAY, MARCH 10 principle prohibition, BLACK SATIN RHAPAMES. it be that may his conversion dates from IOWA LOAN AND TRUST CO., ®adTSs cSSJS; FOR his interview with Dr. Basbford and that OF DE8 MOINES, IOWA. I ADMISSION {12 MAYOR, AdmiNsion Afternoon 10c; Skate Check 10c good seed then sown in his heart has sprung MILLETT & LITTLE In denominations of $1000, $500, $300 and $200. The management reserves the right to refuse ad- JOHN H. FOGG. up and begun to bear fruit. It may be that his Principal and interest payable at the CHEMICAL mission to all objectionable parties. NATIONAL BANK of NEW YORK C»TY. marlOtltf Wflf. recent to Offer MONDAY MORNING the Best iu Black Satin Ilka- PfWOl.FE, Manager. trip Washington with his Demo- Bargain These bonds are direct obligations of the Compa- One year ot Democratic reform has dames that has been shown this season: which is the financial institution of the proved sratic brethren opened his eyes to the dan- ny, leading State of Iowa; secured by its paid cash of fur Augusta. 5 pieces extfa quality at ..... $1.00 up capital STOURBRIDGE quite enough gers of the rum the man- “ “ HALF A MILLION and also REAL COURSE. power. However, 5 “ DOLLARS, by “.1.13 1.2 ESTATE based on worth more ner of his conversion is not so “ “ “ “ morigages, property Since the inauguration President Cleve- important 5 1.25 than TWO AND A HALF TIMES the amount of 9th Entertainment, at City Hail, Wed- “ “ “ land has his mind abont offensive long as the fact is established. But his 5 “.I.S7 1-2 the mortgages. nesday Evening, March 11, changed “ *• “ “ are held in • They large amounts by SAVINGS conversion is so that it 5 1.50 He has found that his own extraordinary, will “ BANKS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, and INDI- partisans. party Satin Duchess ..... BY THE BOSTON 5 1.62 VIDUAL INVESTORS NEW ENG- contains the most of them. be well for the Prohibitionists to take some « throughout 5 extra quality at. 1.75 LAND and the MIDDLE STATES. “ precautions to test its gennineness before 5 “ 1.S9 Any furthur paniculate desired, given on appli* did “ oation. Bangor nobly yesterday electing the it as a fact. The word of his 5 Satin Duchess at ..... accepting 2.00 For sale at PAR and accrued interest candidate for by Republican mayor, Mr. E. B. “boomers” should not be relied upon im- WE ALSO OF PE It IN THIS SALE Neal SYMPHONY ley, by 128 majority. The Commercial plicitly, but he himself should be requested 1 lot of Black Radzimer at $1.25 per yard that has never been sold H. M. PATSON & CO. made a very wild estimate of its candidate’s to relate be if A POSITIVE cure for every form of Skin and Blood Disease, from Orchestra, 60 Performers, his “experience.” It may less than $2.00 per yard. popularity. into the to Scrofula. Humors, inch ..... 32 the Prohibitionists haul him X\ Pimples Disfiguring Humiliating Erup- 1 lot 24 Black Surah at 1.00 Exchange St., Eniina II. “ “ assisted by Mi.* Eamea, Soprano; and “ ME. office will find that have tions, and Skin Tortures, Loathsome Sores, every 1 24 1.25 PORTLAND, dir. Frederick CSie.e, Violoncello; Herr Wil- The Hon. Nathan mayor’s they they Itching Burning mar6 Cleaves still lingers in d2w htlin Oericke, Conductor. committed the same kind of a blunder that speoies of Itching, Scaly, Pimply, Inherited, Scrofulous and Contagious Washington, notwithstanding the inaugural with Loss of from to Evening tickets $1.00; now on sale at Stock the did when hauled within Diseases of the Blood, Skin and Scalp, Hair, infancy BoNDB Music Store. ceremonies were over some Rumor Trojans they bridge’s days ago. new their walls the Grecian horse. Before he old age, are cured by CUTICURA RESOLVENT, the Rockland.6s A 4s. Bath.6a A 4a Half fare on M. O.. and P. & O. R. R. Half fare •ays that he is to convince Cleveland positively trying and Millett & No. Pacific Qold.Ga Maine Central. and late train on Q. T. R. and the Skin Little. 7a & 6a is accepted as the Prohibition Hoses he Blood Purifier, internally, CUTICURA, great Cure, that he would fit into ihe Portland collector- course tickets exchanged for an when all mar7 Anaon. 4a P. SO.R.R.6a NOTE—Symphony ought to be thoroughly catechised a CUTICURA SOAP, exquisite Skin Beautifier, externally, d3t either of the Stoddard extras if desired. rnarodl w ship very nicely. by council of experts. other remedies absolutely fail to cure, or even relieve. ARETA8 The old fireside how to] put If Mr. is the human CUTICURA REMEDIES are sold Price, CUTICURA, 8HURTLEFF, PORTLAND THEATRE7 conundrum, Deering only being everywhere. NO. 104 MIDDLE STREET, Portland. twelve meu into eleven rooms giving each a on earth that can keep the Asiatic plague small, 50o.; large, $1.00. Resolvent, $1.00 ; Soap, 25c. BOSTON & PORTLAND CLOTHING CG January 1.1884. janldtf contain- separate room, must now take a back seat. from our doors, as his “boomers” EiF’Send for “Howto Cure Skin Diseases,” a 64-page work, ONE NIGHT, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th. Skin and EDUCATIONAL. How to put 25,000 Democrats into 2,323 post intimate, It he is the only man capable ing an accurate description of over 300 affections of the Blood, RETURN OF colored from life. offices, giving each a separate post offices, is of conducting the affairs of the city on with Treatment, and 37 superb illustrations, drawn and Westbrook now the popular puzzle. business principles, and the only man who -a Seminary Now is the Time to Cure Skin Diseases, —AND— can vanquish the rum power, we must take HI HENRY’S There are many rumors of a pacific set- -a Female Colloge, him, relactant though he may be, and make w And Cleanse the Blood, tlement of the Anglo-Russlan difficulty, but Dcerlng, Me. him our We’ve to have him or mayor. got • The Spring Term will begin Mon* the fact that a metalic cartridge company of POTTER DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. BOSTON, MISS. perish miserably. But let us be sure that day, March S3. Bridgeport, Coud., has just received orders MINSTRELS. he is not a medicine. And let us be For olroulara, address from the quack English and Russian governments teb23diwlm J. P. President. POPULAR PRICES. sure also that when the critical moment in WESTON, for 160,000,000 cartridges is somewhat sig- the struggle with the pestilence of the Seats 2oc, 3dc, and 50 cents. Sale of seats com- nificant. THE ROYAL AN mences Tuesday, March 10th. margdSt Ganges and the rum power arrives he will “Vldi,” the Augusta correspondent of the not quietly slip into the post office and leave Argus acquits that Journal of aDy complicity us in the larch. in the series of puffs of Senators and Repre- Stoddard Lectures! Among the first to call upon President Course Tickets to the 3 Extra are now on sentatives which has recently appeared In Lectures Cleveland and to assure him of their approv- sale at Stockbridgo’s. maroillw Its columns. Evidently our esteemed con- al of his inaugural and their desire to sup- temporary is not to be allowed to share in Y. mTc. A. port him in the policy outlined therein, were HALL, tVi A nrnfita rtf tho mool/s lnntnrn oVmnr nA*t SPRING STYLES the leaders of the in Thursday Evening, march 12tli, summer. Kepubiican minority the House of Representatives. If the lead- VIEWS OF THE STATE CHEMIST OF MAINE. Ex-President Arthur’s prompt service in ers of the Democratic majority have called Grand Antipariau Supper the of uim tut luu oauic lug taut ua: defending rights Catholic Americans upuu jiui New Goods. In the property of the American college at been sedulously concealed from the public. and Entertainment, I have procured in our market and analyzed samples of under the auspices of the Woman’s Auxiliary, Rome, has not been forgotten. On his re- The fact is his policy as outlined in his In- open LADIES' tirement the Catholic Review him a a much number of —FOR THE BEKHFIT OF TOE— paid augural displeases larger CLEVELAND’S SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER, and the Flue N. Y. Boots a specialty. fitting tribute, say'mg among other things, Democrats than of Republican!. On the ROYAL BAKING POWDER. YOUNG MEN’S ASSOCIATION. that Catholic Americans would long remem- finances, for instance, his declarations are LADIES’ CHRISTIAN ber bis prompt action and always have for hostile to the views of a majority of the CLEVELAND’S POWDER I find to be composed of good, pure, jySupper will be served from 6.30 to 7.30. En- Common Sena. Boots with low wldo Hoels. tertainment, of Vocal and Instrumental most consisting him a frieDdly feeling. Democratic members of the last House, ana ■Music and at 8 o’clock. wholesome materials properly combined for producing the maxi- Headings, on civil service reform his declarations are EtT“Admission to Supper and Entertainment 26 The Bostou Globe, New York World and WANTED cents. mar7d6t unacceptable to probably nine-tenths of his mum of gas, AND IT IS IN EVERY RESPECT A HEALTHFUL hosts of other enterprising newspapers, in Everybody to know that we keep Woodmansee and party. Garside’s flee N. Y. Boots In all the styles. attempting to advance picturesque journal- ______AND DESIRABLE ARTICLE. leading ism have added a new terror to which 8RAIHALL NO. death, Current Comment. The ROYAL BAKING POWDER I find to be more complicated LODGE, 3, a pious Ne * York man has not been slow to BOYD'S K. of P. BUT IT’S SOLID WITH THE PEOPLE. is made from Fine N. T. Boots in all the at 431 discover. EG said that he bad lived a life of in composition, and while the material it is fairly styles Congress Pittsburg Times. Street. Boyd's goods sold only at Sign ot Gold Grand Musical and Elocutionary Enter- good deeds but he feared to die because the not enter Boot. Mr. Cleveland’s silver to good, it contains one ingredient that should into the tainment at Castle Hal), would policy appears morning papers publish wood-cut por be only plated. Leastwise it isn’t solid Future P^eselnt pas-r very composition of any namely: CARBONATE OF traits of him. with bis party. baking powder, (COPYRIGHT I8S3.) GENTLEMEN’S Thursday Evening, march 12ih, \ irirnYr a .iv.it rvvi'r par hi m a v Fine Boots for ABHTOCBATIG, MUGWUMP BOS- Special values in SUITS, OVERCOATS and PANT A LOON s tor all ages. Jersey Congress very light weight, -BY TUB CELEBRATED- The President has CULTURED, dress wear, all width* from the narrowest to the ordered that all appli- our We call the attention of many patrons and the public to the fact widest. Gents* cations for office be TON. Jersey Cloth Top Button and Con- turned over t-o the heads CONSUMPTION, and I am surprised that this chemical should that we are closing out lots of Bargains in Winter Goods; also in me- gress, all widths, sizes and half sizes. Gents’ cloth HAIKKS FAmil.V, assisted by MISS BEB- Savannah News. HE of without his dium suitable for at greatly reduced prices. Partic- Top Button and Congress in a 1 the leading styles. WEBB The lnimilable U.VIU deparlmeuts examination. Weight-, Spring, mOUJLTON will also be ou with In cultured Boston are found the condi- be used when it is so well known to be INJURIOUS TO HEALTH Gents* Calf Congress and Balmorals In mauy styles. hand Pleasing ular notice is called to our special values in PANTS for men and Bots. and The plan will undoubtedly relieve Cleveland tions it for the Gents’light weight Zephyr Rubbers. Gents light Readings Funny Recitations. Exercises to com- necessary, seems, encourage- stock of BOVS’ KNEE PANTS at mence at 8 Large 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $150, weight Z *phyr Overshoes. Gents’ Congress Boots o’clock. Adlmiunion ‘J.i cent*. Tick- aeood desl, but it will be wise for him to ment of men of Sullivan’s kind. IN ANYTHING USED FOR FOOD. In comparison there should ets can be bad of and $2.00. Bargains in BOVS’ SHIRT WAISTS at 25 cents each. only $2.00. Gents’ Balmorals only §2.00. Gents’ <1. Burleigh, 184 Middle St., K B. keep pretty aharp watch else his civil service HE IS NOT SO UNGRATEFUL. Congress Boots $2.00, 2.60, 3.00 and 3.60. Svrift, 613 Congress St., and at the door. zu*rlOd8t be no hesitation in choosing Cleveland’s Baking Powder for reform views will be Macon ignored. Neither Mr. Telegraph. MAY Manning nor Mr. Whitney’s attachment to Tbe attempt to saddle the responsibility purity and wholesomeness. PEOPLE CHAPMAN, fur Mr. Schurz’s Southern tour of “Rock Bound Park,” Peak’s Island, will continue Civil service reform la so that it lecturing up- Living out of the are invited to their Boots strong on Powder off its and while BOSTON&PORTLANB city buy the Course of Lectures iu Mechanic's Hall, next Mr. Cleveland is untimely and unfair. Cleveland’s gives gas slowly evenly, and Shoes at of Gold rent and canuot give way under temptation. Sign Boot, expenses Thursday Evening, at 8 o’clock. Mr. Cleveland would hardly make such a re- two-tbirds less than my competitors. This fact SUBJECT:-* Iso the off much It is needless to poison allowed to ride free. Put turn for the 153 electoral votes. Royal passes quicker. perhaps say CLOTHING CO -, alone should prompt you to o&u at Sign of Gold your fare in the box.” The Sondan campaign so far as fighting Boot for your Boots and Shoes. Admission Free and Collection. STATESMANLIKE FORETHOUGHT. Powder has the Arabs is concerned is over for the that In this respect the Cleveland advantage. Mrs. Chapman is at the Preble Hocse. preseat. N. Y. Herald. For a number of months to come the Eng- The of the which I have 1*b31_eodtf “I’ve got 28 gold watches in my keeping,” samples Royal Powder, carefully 255 Middle Me. lish will do their Portland, PORTLAND SKATING with torrid St., only battling said oue of the harbor masters to a Herald RINK, are almost short from 1-8 to 1-2 oz., beat and pestilential winds. In the fall reporter. They belong to municipal office- weighed, invariably weight, surer Bro*.’ Block, middle St. another holding pilgrims to It showed W. C. 7 MANAGER. attempt will be made to “smash the Washington. while the Cleveland Powder holds full mar4 WARE, dtf OPEN EVERY forethought, didn’t it?”’ weight. EVENING. Mahdl,” unless the English people recover A CONUNDRUM FOB VIDL Portland, Me., Aug. 11, 1884. CENTS, iniMQCinM 15 CENTS. from their ana come to the sensible miAvanm, [IIU HIIUUIU11 IV I UiilBi frenzy Boston Record. conclusion that the isn’t worth SKATE fHECKM, lO CENTS. game the An of the Port- Angusta correspondent FRANK L. BARTLETT, P. 8. The management reserve the right to re- powder, and that the best way to of land oITr fuse all dispose Argus says the Democratic members of TELEPHONE COS$. objectionable parties. tbs Soudan is to out of it. the legislature have warred against Maine State Assayer. dec31dtf C. H. KNOWLTON, Manager. get “Every ini nnimnrnn nr nnnri um «-r form of theft and jobbery, plunder, robbery, *ui oununtoo ot. mr, President Ceveland is much extortion.” But have done this runiiftiiu, CITY reported very they freely, mar7 eo4tf March 19th. of their own embarrassed by the pressure brought to bear voluntarily, accord, acting by HALL^- choice, and not bv force? on him to appoint Phil Thompson of Ken- WHY WAS MCCLELLAN LEFT OCT? REV. JOSEPH COOK tnckv commissioner of internal revenue. A Soldier. GREAT Has been invited to deliver his famous Thompson is the lavorite of the Lecture on whisky ring, “Jam a Democrat, straight out, and I and also has the of Senator backing Beck, went through the war. I was a Democrat “The Chinese and the Mormon Question” Speaker Carlisle and Joe Blackburn. then, and by Christopher Columbus, I did when there a If Cleveland yields he will undoubtedly be expect was Democratic Ad- COLORED SATINS. ministration that George B. McClellan CITY embairassed very in the HALL, frequently future, would be Secretary of War. And now who and forced to make appointments as unfit as have Guess he is a SPECIAL you got,? good fellow, Thompson’s would bb. but wby little Mac Is left out in the cold is We shall Thursday Evening, March 19th. what I want to know.” open to-day Fifty Doors open at 7, Lecture to commence at 8. The British government appears to have TICKETS, including Reserved Seats 60c. For FINE COLORED SAT- sale at acted with great in to the Personal and Peculiar. pieces Stockbridge’s, commencing Thursday morn- promptness regard jpg, March 12._mare<12w encroachment of the Russians on the Indian in a of At a recent bird exhibition In London one INS, great variety BIJOU SKATING frontier, in marked contrast with its vacilla- PARLOR, canary was valued at $5000. Federal Street, epp. the Park. ting policy with reference to Egypt. There at the low of “Two-eyed | steak” is low English for shades, very price Open every Afternoon and Evening. IUn»ie Ev- is very little likelihood of the Russians mak- ’ ery Evening, Wednesday and Saturday Af- herring. ternoons. any further advance towards Herat at pres- Green peas are selling for one dollar a peck ent. They will not, however, abandon the at Jacksonville, Fla. 31 CENTS PER YARD. A,'™.n* ADMISSION The management reserve the to ref use Idea, but will simply wait for a more con- The manufacture of orange wine has been right admU- sion or skates to objectionable parties. venient season when England’s hands are begun at Sadford, Fla. marlUdtf BERT C. WHITTIER. Manager. more securely tied than at present. “One one and zwei is country, flag lager” See Window PORTLA NOTH E ATRE a new version of a patriotic proverb, proba- Display. The Illinois senatorial struggle makes no bly given by a German-American citizen. Ono progress whatever. So far as can be seen Wools., An Illinois doctor thinks he has found a commencing March 16, Matinees Wed- the end is as far as it was when the away snre cure for rhenmatism in geranium nesday and Saturday, at 2.3(1. contest began. Beyond demonstrating that leaves. EASTMAN BROS. & BANCROFT Morrison cannot go to the Senate even if the A statue of Mr. Gladstone is to be placed mar7 dtt Democrats should get control of the joint in one of the public squares in Athens, FIRST GLASSTOMIC 6PEHA convention nothing has been accomplished Greece. at (he People’s Prices. AGC0UN1 Admission 10 and at the daily sessions. Meanwhile legislation Last year twenty-three cigarette factories THE 20 cents; Reserved Seats 10 cents extra. For sale Thursday, March 12, at Box Office. is at a and the of turned out standstill, people are paying a Germany 187,000,000 cigar- WINDSOR._BARREMORE. 1U,000 people attend our performances every week. Our Latest issued takes the lead. round sum to keep the farce a going. The ettes, aDd the output of the French cigar- Special, to-day, It Is a line Wine Stiff, and we are the only Hatters in the State that them. SIXTH ANNUM, TOUR outcome of the contest will be ette factories was 600,000,000. keep BOOKS. probably that Our Latest Color is At the last White House accord- Spring Burgundy the nobby thiBg. It leads them all. Drop the Governor will have to appoint a Senator reception, in and see them. BENNETT & MOULTON’S ad interim. ing to a Washington observer, George Ban- Comic Co. croft darted about with bis usual vivacity, PRESERVES AND JELLIES! KNOX, DUNLAP AND YOUMAN’S STYLES. Opera The citizen s movement in A in stock or Blddeford remarking with a chuckle that “Old Mr. great variety 25 artists 25 IN 5 POUSD BUCKETS. will turned out very much as we suspected it Jorcoran took cold at the dedication cere- WE MANUFACTURE UUR SILK HATS! manufactured to order. present the following repertoire: would, only more so. The Democrats with monies, but I experienced no ill effects.” 5fon’ay.The Mascot The the rounds of the Citron Cnrrant All Silk Hats of us Ironed Free of To-day..Olivette few exceptions voted for the reaular Demo- paragraph going Preserves, Jelly, bought Charge. Wednesday. Billee Taylor Thursday.Chimes of cratic candidate, Mr. Staples, while a large press that Hon. Hannibal Hamlin is 79 years Preserves, Apple Jelly, Normandy Quince Fine Stiff and Soft Hats, any style or color, made to order without extra charge. Bindingof magazines Jrld»y.Patienei number of Republicans apparently did not of age is incorrect. Mr. Hamlin was born Peach Preserves, Peach Saturday. ..H. M. s. Pinatore Jelly, Wednesday Matinee.II. M. S. Pinafore vote at al'. While a Mr. S. in Paris, Me,, August 27, 1809, aod conse- year ago Warren, Pine a Saturday Matinee.Billee Taylor is about four years younger tbaD re- Apple Preserves, Qninee Jelly. Specialty. 1 he Operas with a the Republican candidate, received 1,003 quently presented selected cast full ported. The ex-Yice President is again be- Chorus and Orchestra. iuar0d2w Dr. F. G. the Damson Preserves. votes, Warren, citizens candi- ing urged to write a book of reminiscences date this year, received but 759, a loss of of bis Congressional life. BARNABEE’S SONGS: 60 Cents Per Bucket. — — 344, while Mr. Staples’s vote only fell 89 be- SHORT k OB low bis vote of last year. Democrats this JELLY 50 LOBIHfi, HARMON, AN EVENING WITH BARNABEE. SWEET'CIDER CENTS. 474 The ysar are evidently voting straight, and their SOMERS, Congress Street. many thousands of delighted bearers who *»b7___eod2m have spout Evening* with Unronbre" will oolnions of the fitness ot their candidate has be mote than pleased to see his famous Songs gath- Pradical ered in this book, which is Oi>e of th-* best and Retail comic no appreciable effect on their votes. Happiness collections MaoufactnriDg Hatter, extant. 2 L Songs; 160 pages, sheet mu- results from that true contentment which W. h. Wilson ;,. ulous humors. After two bottles of I he law business of ibe city has come to be using frice 75 cts. I The new and the Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, P’ppsVl FlAWAPfi brilliant exceedingly complicated, demanding I'lllHCrS, Sunday School Song The Hatters! hookoA. for the services of a of Younger Scholars, by Emma Pitt, lawyer large acquirements Yerv Only Sweet hymns and tunes not dies. babyish, but and fulfils of long expetience. Judge Symonds Found Plenty pictures. 25 cts., $2 40 per doz. the requirements in both these respects, and relief. It has restored me to Gems for Little It is a of fortune to the great entirely LARGEST STORE, FHESTSTOCOTOSHOWIIIA PORTLAND Singers. piece great good city Schools and the Kindergarten. By health.” James French, Atchison, Kans., E. u. Emerson & G. that be was to We can Swaine. A great success. Pull willing accept. rest “ or sweet writes: To all persons suffering from article in our store is New and of the songs with picture illustrations. 30 cts.. assured that the interests of the city will Every Entirely TO $3.00 per doz. «>'VI tvvvw DAY vuuipuiui) j. nuuiu owuuji; Latest not suffer by reason of any or Style. inefficiency mend Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. I was afflicted ftOOD CANTATAS* for Choral Societies, on COE THE HATTER 3 are: Herbert and (75 lack of experience the part of its law of- a KUa, cts.) by Eugene with disease of the liver for nearly two a HNT OTICE 2 l'nayer, thrilling story of Highland life; Chrie- ficer. when a friend advised me to take will be ready to show several new and desir- lotuniM, ($*•) Grand Sacred _ years, Cantata, by Rheinber- we are the Give order* a* we are and •« We wish It fully understood that ONLY AGENTS for able J0S1 early, alway* engage ger, lie roe of »7«. <$l.) Scenes from the this medicine. It gave prompt relief, and Styles of Spring and Summer Hats. lome time ahead. In a New Role. Kerolution, by Trowbridge and Cobb. has cured me.” Mrs. H. M. 41 The Hat with the brim rolled on the under Kidder, Mailed for the retail price. Various rumors are afloat which indicate Instead of on a Dwight st., Boston, Mass., writes: For KNOX SILK AND STIFF HATS. side, top is novelty, being a OUTER DITS0N & that the Hon. John W. “boomers” several and €0., Boston. Deering’s years I have used Ayer’s Sarsa- Semi-Stiff, very dressy. CHARLES CUlTIS & mar3__8TT&w2w are seeking to introduce him to the public parilla in my family. I never feel safe, CO, We also have all the of other Leading manufacturers. We es- SILK HATS. obatefijl.—COMFORTING. bis as a even styles in a new role. All. possibilities commend to the attention of the 493 Congress St pecially public | combines PAPERS. properly the credit of making it belongs has only to a pillow. It was suggested by one of the goods at a moment’s notice. ^hed Irame. Civil Utrvioe Oaxtle." the Latest Spring |y. g" _ lightness of weight with give his attention lor a few days to the prob- doctors that Scrofula might be the cause Style^%_ • andean only be found durability. Be sure to are «y..s« sa lem of perpetual motion to make another of the trouble. We procured a bottle of We daily receiving sSr.-'S at our store. call and examine before JAWS EPPS it almost as THE new of Wall Pa- mar7 CO, “TKBJf.'SSKiv. discovery startling. purchasing. COE, HATTER, patterns ’_STuAwly When the Hon. John W. Deering was AVER’S NO. 107 MIDDLE STREET. per in all grades. Those converted to the cause of “»r7 eodtf prohibition, and HEMEMBeTtHeYeW STORE. aiontemplating the use of 8 5 8 •] the manner of bis conversion, whether it will do well to select was gradual or the scales fell from his eyes them, all at once, It is not vouchsafed to the’public Sarsaparilla early, before the rush and and commenced it to him. It surely to know. Two years ago when he issued giving of worked wonders, for, in a short time, he ROBERT FTsOMERS & hurry Spring Trade, his famous 10 o’clock order forbidding rum- CO., was cured.” when our riELD£n,0m SSEDSl that completely paper hangers VIEETABIE, shops to keep open after hour, the light At Wholesale and Retail. D Sold all Druggists. PRACTICAL HATTERS, be that now illuminates his soul had not by will overworked. Catalogues mailed free to any address. 8 dawned. Indeed throughout his admin- Price $1; Six bottles, $6. 232 MIDDLE ST. KENDALL & WHITNEY,! there were no that would lead Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, PC3TLASP. istration signs Robert F. Somers. Wm. A. MR_I one to suspect that his interest in the cause Mass., U. S. A. Frothingham. LORING, SHORT & HARMON. mch7 aodtf feblS dim feW9 d2wAw2m ■Mfodol 26@1 30; choice improved yellow-eyes a t PROVIDENCE—Sid 7th, soh Irene E Meservey, BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTS. STEAMER*. RAILROADS. 2 00 a/2 06; old-fashioned yeiiow-eyea 1 95®2 00 ; Meservey, New York. THE TRESS. red kidneys 2 16. SOMERSET—Ar gch J B Holden, Scott, advertinemeuta are 10@2 6th, SALE Oneof thebeetle# rftjingbusiness Brief inserted under Apples—We quote good Greenings at 2 00® 2 26 ; Pensacola. REDUCED OCEAN TICKETS. FORin run by owner 8 years; trad< this bead one week for 95 ccnii, paid in MARCH 10. Sweet Apples at 2 26: common do at SI 26 ; NEWPORT—Ar Gth. Bch Paragon, Shute, from Massachusetts; the fastest and TUESDAY MORNIXG, 00@2 0*etail) $6,000 yearly; live city, 26.000; First clasi largest, and best passenger Portland Baldwin* 2 60®2 76 bbl. ^Evaporated Apples a t New York. advance. mall steamers betwoen America and &OgdensbnrgR.R. business in every respect; two large Ice Housei BY Europe. O.d/cc ^ lb. Sid 8th, schs Lucy Wentworth, Hannah, from Kates: First cabin $«0 to second cabin $40 160x80, full of ice, 40u0 tons; good wagons, Har $100; WINTER ARRANGEMENT. and Wisdom. flay—Choice prime bay quoted 18@$18 60^ ton Fall River for New York; Chaa E Moony, Hodgkins TITANTED-A position as bookkeeper by one to $00; Intermediate $35 to 40: steerage, outward Wit nesses, engine, elevator; everything needed foi •v fair to good $L6®$17 00; choice Eastern tine 16 Oi ) Clai k’a Island for do. who ha? bad experience in that and otter and to and from British round Buccess. JOHN SMITH. Jit. & CO., 247 prepaid, ports, $15, ®S17 00; poor do at as to NEW BEDFORD— Ar 6th, ich Gen Adelbert Washing writing; can furnish best of references. Address G. outward and Commencing Oct. 1884. oirda I back from |13®$16; damaged qua! ton St., Maa3. 10-1 trip $30; steerage, prepaid, to and Monday, 18, “These picture brought ity; Eastern swale 10® $11. Kve straw, choice, a ; Ames, Jameson, Providence, to load guano for Sa- Boston, Press 9-4 from Continental to Scandinavian Mrs. Office._ ports. $17 $26. Boston,” remarked Partington, in a pbu- $18 00; oat straw ton. vannah. and checks at a. 00®SI9 $9@$il SALE—Dry and Faucy Goods store anc Sterling sight lowest rates. Apply to Leaves Portland N.J3 as., for Ml stations oa sive “they are momentums of the Art isucter—We quote Northern at ; VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 6th, sch Horace O If—A capable girl|to do general house- J. L. FARMER. 22 line as far as mood, creamery 26®28c FORbusiness; run by preseut owner 18 years will Exchange street. Jelifdtf through Burlington and gwauton, New York and Vermont fall at Bright, Stevenson. Hoboken for Boston, WANTEwork in a small at 65 HAMPSHI HE Hoad lor Loan Imposition.” dairy 23®25c ; good success; trade $40,t00 yearly at 33Vs pei family connecting at Wing Littleton,Wslls Hir- fair to good 21 new at extr; sch Chaa E Moody. STREET. 9-1 @23c; dairy 26® 28c; Sid, cent, profits sure; clean stock about $8000; sell al er, Plymouth, Montpelier, and at St. Johns bury salve cures salt Western fresh-made creamery at choic > In port, schs Horace O Bright, II T Townsend. on K. R. Mias Sawyer’s erysipelas, 32®33c; actual value; no bonus; low rent; flue town; 41 DOMINION for all points Passumpsic common June creameries at 2< > BOSTON—Cld 7th, schs Geo S Tar Knowles, Swede or Nova Scotia girl to do LINE, old 28®30c; 26@28c; bell, miles out: no better opening in Mass.; sold for nc Leave? Portland li.OO p. as., for all station* M rheum, blotches, pimples, scrofulous sores, Western fresh at ladl > News; Jane L Hoboken. WANTED—Ahousework. L. C. YOUNG, Woodfjrd’s, Me. @26c; dairy, made, 2(J®26c; Newport NewtoD, Stover, fault. JOHN JR. & 242 1884. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. 1886. far as Bartlett. all packed at do fair to imlta echs Fred W Smith. Hoboken; SMITH, CO., Washington 1 sores, and diseases of the skin. Be9t fami- 18@20c; good 12® 16c; Ar8th, Chase, St., Boston, Mass. 9-1 __9 tion creamery, at 20®22c. 5 John S Case, Falkinghain; Jane, Robinson, and ARRIVALS IN PORTLAND. salve In the world. Sold choice, Jobbing price to with chil- and Portland. ly by all druggists, range higher than these quotations. Nautilug, Telman. Rockland; Ruth S Hodgdon, help Liverpool SALE—One-half interest, $325. Skating dren and 97 State St. 7-1 DIRECT 10.60 a. m. bom Bartlett and Intermediate rta- and sent by mail for 25 cents. Cheese—Choice Northern at lowe Cofliu, do; Edw L Wairen, Colson. Winterport. WANTED—Chambermaidplain sewing. SERVICE. 12®12:V^c, FORRink, live manufacturing town with a sulen- ons. grades according to quality; West ll®ll%c. Cld 9th, schs Cumberland Webber, for Portland; did DATE OF MAKLINU business through the whole year. Good fixtures Custom Coat Makers. 6.60 m. and and Eggs—All strictly fresh stock at 25@26c; lieh I Jane L Newton, Stover, Hoboken. p. from Burlington Swuatoa, including good polo outfit, always well patronized; WANTED—First-classApply to H. C. LEIGHTON, 231 Federal From Portlaud: all stations on line. "Wall, naow, did you ever?” exclaimed stock 10® 16c; limed 16®16o; fancy 17@18c. SALEM-Ar 8th, ache Charlie Hanley, Stearns, surface through 106x45, gallery seats 500; expenses very Street. 7-1 TORONTO.26th Feb. J. CHAS. H. G. T. A. Farmer as Potatoes—Northern Rose at Eastern d< * Rockland for New York; Addie Weasels, Gross, HAMILTON, Supt. VOTE, Furrow, he saw the Edison electric 68@60c; light; flae band 16 pieces, cost onlv $5 a one Oct. ool3tf 58®60c; Houlton at bush at the roads do for do. night; DOMINION.6th Mar. 11, 1884. light for the first time. ”1 didn’t know that 60@63c ; best ebance8 in New JOHN situation to work on a Proliflcs PORTSMOUTH-Sid 7tb, ecba Vulcan, Norris, 2* Jh® England. gentle- MONTREAL.12th Mar. 60@63c. SMITH, A 243 man’s place to take care of horses or work they could burn kerosene oil upside down.” and Alice Kent, Hoboken for Rockland; JR., CO.f Washington St., Boston, WANTED—A Oakes, Mai s. 7-1 in a at in or out the CABIN—$60.00. $60 00. LireHiock market. Thurston. Boston for garden; handy both; of city. Chicago Lucy Baker, do.l Address Press Office.4 1 IN RETURN—$90.00, $110.00. BOOTH BAY—Ar 7th, achs from Rock- SITUATION, The absolute of the Yeast (By Telegraph.) Atalanta, SALE.—Furnishing goods store and bus- Prepaid Steerage Ticket# issued for $15.00. BOSTON purity Congress land for B. B. Boston; Herald, do for do; Georgie L Dick- FORiness also Custom For or to DAVID TOR- Chicago. Mch. 3600 heat Shirt Manufacture g busi- y.'ung man from 10 to 18 to passage freight apply Powder can has stood the 9.—Cattle-Receipts son. for Willie tuess < &JMNE be relied upon. It Kockport Norfolk; Smith, Durg&n, ouuected aud learn the none General Grand Trunk R. R. •hipments 1200 head: firmer; steers at 4 26@6 00 Tailoring business combined, WANTED—Atrade; others need apply. D. RANCE, Agent#, PASSENGER Portland; Gen Hall, Rock port for Now York, (baa fine business location RAY 621 Foot ol India St. SERVICE test of nearly two score years, and never has cows and mixed oommon at 2 6 >®3 medium t< paying $4000 yearly profits, FKOHOCK, Congress St.4-1 Freight Offices, 00; been frozen in at Bremen since Jan 8tb); Alfred clean stock, fixtures, first-class dec 9 good 3 25®4 26: Stockers 3 00; feeders 4 21 good surrouudiugs, _dtf been fonnd wanting. 60@4 Chase, Rockport for Boston; Berthat J Fellows, do can pay for it in 6 months out of or three furnished or In Effect December 1884. ®4 60; Texans at 4 00@4 7g. the business. rooms, Monday, 18, for New York. JOHN SMITH, JR. & 242 WANTED—Twounfurnished, without board, in a private fam- Receipts 8,000 nead; 4000|head CO., Washington St., shipments Boston, Mass. 7_1 ily. Address M. C., Press Office. 4-1 10c higher; rough packing 4 40®4 7«>; packing anc F0BEIGNl*0«'r8 at 4 80 al Western Division. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL shipping ®5 00;light at 4 30@4 86; skips SALE—At or men in or 3 26. At Auckland, NZ, Jan 30, barque Beatrice Have- appraisal; no bonus asked; young city PORTLAND 60®4 Tin-ware and we work at TRAIN* LEAVE unc. FORStove, Jobbing business, run WANTED—Ladiescountry; furnish, light, simple Market. Sheep—receipts 900 shipments 400 bead ner, Mahoney, 30 Portland Pally Wholesale head; AtTaltal Jan John years with best of success; live city of your own homes; you can make $2 to $5 a day; no AT 0.13 A. HI.— Way Trains for Old Orch- 10® 16c higher; inferior at 2 40®3 00; medium t< 31, ship W Marr, Cotton, for 10,000 PORTLAND Mcli. 9 torn or little ways sold for no no we have a ard, Mnco, Hrnorbuoli, good at 3 choice 4 60. United King Continent. inhabitants; out; fault; canvassing, misrepresentation; good Biddeford, 00@4 26; 00@4 owner changes bis business; fine demand for our work, and furnish steady employ- ■4*u ue bunk port, <*renl Fulls, Dovor, The only change we have to note to day is in car Sid fm Pisagua Jan 28, barquo Martha P Tucker, jobbing trade; Smith, New York. splendid set customers; low rent, line store and ment. Address, with Btamp, J. FOWLER & CO., Steamers. Eider, Vlancheiter and Concoid, (via lower at lots of High Mixed Corn, which are a trifle Domestic markets. Ar at Pure. work rooms; from 4 to 6 men round. Boston, Mass., Box 5117. 8-6 a Newmarket Lnirmce, Cowell Trapani prev to Mch 5, sch John K Souther, Absolutely employs year Junction,) Other Bcs ness in all JOHN 242 nod at Boaton 10.43 a* 6O@01c quotations steady. OBy Telegraph.) Balano, Tarragono. Tits Powder nevor varies. A SMITH, JR.,& CO., Washington street, Bouton, arriving marvel of purity Mass. 4-1 WANTED-By a capable stock in New Nww Yobk. March » —Flour Ar at Havre Mch 4, thip Soltaire, Otis, San Fran- and Boston, departments quiet. Sugar—refiners’ market—receipt! stength wholesomeness. More economical than American woman, to do housework. FARE $1.00 AT A. Trains forOld 3186 still in cisco via Queenstown. SITUATION general 8.45 IM.-Way Orchard, York is 7462 tons last 38,293 bbls; exports bbls; buyers’ f* the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in at No. 19 Merrill St. 7-1 tons, against 20,411 year, vor Sid fm Mch II competi- SALE—$3500 stock and fixtures Apply Mnco. Biddeford. Kennebnnk, Kenae* with more doing, in good psrt for export; salei Liverpool '4th', ship Annie Smith, tion with the multitude of low test, short al- buys The Favorite and refiners’ stock in Boston is 8085 tons Brown, Cardiff. weigh FORand team of lst-class business, estab- Steamer Elegant New Steamer buukport, Dover, Grant Falla. Roch- against 16.100 bbls. um or phosphate powders. Bold only in cam. grocery Sid fm Cardiff Mch Belle of lished 30 run owner 9 Wanted. ester, 4lion Hay, Exeter, Lavrrcnco. 7628 tons last year; total stock in four ports in all Flour, No 2 at 2 25®2 80; Sup.Western and State 2, barque Oregon, Royal Bakiko Powdek 00.. 106 Wall St., N. Y. years, by preseut years; good JOHN BROOKS and TREMONT 2 2 2 Matthews, lease, low business S400 to per GOOD industrious man to our business as IYlunche*ter and Concord, (via. Lawrence,) hands is at. 5® 90; oommon to good extra Western and Hong Hong. Inar7 rent; $500 year; place will leave FRANKLIN WHaRF 92,248 tons against 82,816 tons last week Sid fm well class of with« in alternately Lowell and at Ho* ton, State 2 96®3 40; good to choice do at 3 60; Queenstown 6tb, ship Kennebec, Ford, __dlyr fitted, splendid patrouage.located A agent Portland; the man we select is sure to at Bodou, arriving 10®6 in 5 Portland, 7 o’clock p. m.. and INDIA WHARF 1.14 us. and 78,340 tons last year importers’ stocks are oommon to choice White extra at (from Liverpool) for Wilmington. Cal. miles of Boston; store always made money; an p. 16,- Wheat Western Boston, at 6 o’clock p. m. 4 Ar at Rosario Moh Cbeetina excellent ill health cause of W. F. PEARL (Sunday# excepted.) AT 1.00 P. .ft. Express Train for Mnco, Bid- 898 tons over last year and have increased 2838 75 ct 6 25; fancy do 6 50; common to 6, baique Redman, chance; selling. RUG MAKER, 171 Tremont street, Bos- this 30®b good Boston. Passengers by liue are reminded that they extra Ohio at 3 immo to choice extra Dixon, CARRUTHKRS, 24 Tremont Row, Boston. 9-1 ton, Mass. mari)d3t deford, Kennebunk, Keunrbunkporl, tons since March and refiners’ stocks (>0@5 30; secure a comfortable night’s rest and avoid the ex- t.rvui Alloa 1; importers’ St. Louis at 3 00 a Ar at Barbadoes Feb 27, barque Golden ■•over, Falla, Kocbe-ier, 5 30; Paten Minnesota extra Sheaf, COLLARS’ pense and inconvenleuce of arriving In Boston late are 13,908 tons over last year, or say 18 to 4 extra Lunt, from Buenos Emits, from S ALE-At a sold on Canvasser Wanted. Bay, Exeter, Lvwrence Cowell and together good prime 76@6 50: choice to double Ayers; Crowley, b!g bargain, solely at night. Through Tickets to New York, 7ia the do at 6 from do. FORaccount of sickness of the one of the Boston, arriving at Boston 5.00 p. as. per cent increase against 10 percent, last week; 60.®6 65. including 5100 bbls City Mill owner; Solicit for a and various Rail and Sound Lines for sale. Ar at St Thomas Feb sch ealoous in a subscriptions daily weekly Freight AT 3.30 P. M.-Wav 1'rain for Maco, Bld- extra at 4 55®4 60; 700 fine-2 76; 500 bbls 20, Nellie Shaw, Ding- duiing this city; always done taken a# the stock in all hands 1 was tons. 20@2 CUFFS besi TO newspaper. Address with references, usual. J. H. tOYLK. Jr., February 91,405 Superfine at 2 65 a.2 90; 6400 bbls extra No 2 at more. Antigua, (and sailed 21st for Ponce); 21st, good business; locattd on a line of depots; enj a detord, Kenuebunk, Kennebuukport, oct24dtf A. B. Box 1657 Portland. Me. sepSdtf iVInnagur. Dover, limit Fails, Rot Alton The receipts in February were 73,412 tons, the 2 96®3 35; 3209'bbls Winter Wheat, extra 3 00® brig Sarah & Emma, Drinkwater, Trintda 1, (and first-class patronage, seats 60; a place that will stand hosier, sailed the most iTltincheRier and New 6 50; 3700 bbls Minnesota extra at 2 66. 28th for Cuba; 28th, Kaluna, Coffiu, New bearing this mark thorough investigation; low rent; safe, sure Bay, Concord, (via. stock io all hands March 1 was 88,820 tons.makiDg 90®5 Market Southern flour quiet. Rye flour is firm. Wheal— York. and reliable; must be sold at once. W. F. CAR- jsib*ink»» oakds. Juuction) Exeter, Laorticb, the actual net meiting of raw sugar for February in Sid Feb sch T ARE THE 24 Cowell and Boston, at Boaton, receipts 56,30'J bush; exports 110,108 bush; 20, B Witherspoon, Sheppard, for RUTHERS, Tremont Row, Boston. 9-1 Boston arriving — JlUTD — M l». oi. four ports 77,993 tens against 73,744 tons last % c easy export demand spec- Fajardo; 25th, brig Arcot, Cates, Cardenas; 27th, higher, closing light; FINE8T QOOD8 AT 3.30 P. Train for ulate rather t*me;sales 180,000 bush Oo the spot; baique Cory phene. Gian, New Vork; brig Clara SALE.—At HI—Way Keaaehaik, year. Jenkins. apprsisal, the stock aud fix* Herbert O. K« uncbuukport, and all intermediate no- No 2 Spring at 89c; No 3 Red at 86%c; No 2 at Hooper, Philadelphia. EVER MADE, Ij^ORturns of 1st fa.miltr orv mn Briggs, PHILADELPHIA The following are to-day’s closing quotations of At Ponce Feb tions. 9Cc in elev; No 1 Red State 97c; No 1 White 89c. 12. brig Mary Bartlett. Thompson, present owner 12 well LAW AND from New echs years, stocked, good teams, ATTORNEY AT SOLICITOR Direct Line. Flour, Grain, Provisions, &c.: is firm. Barley quiet. 4'ern York; Stephen Bennett, Douglass, being All both • a business of Steamship TRA1NM LEAVE BOATON FOR PORT Rye better; Linen, doing $1200 per week, Uw — — j from ar O M from gojd lease, OF frieur. Ernsts speculation moderate; demand lijjht; receipts 233,- Humacoa, 3d; Marrett, Wyiie, one of the finest stores in this I* AND New York arbth. Linings and Exteriors. rent, state, located and Mxd 044 bush: exports 90,866 bush; sales 180,‘>00 bush within three miles ot the State 6c From BOSTON Superfine High Corn 80@61 House, stock clean, iuaerican Foreign Patents, 9.00 a. ns.. I'4.30 and 3.30 p. oa. on No 3 at No 2 at elev. At Sagua Feb 26, barque Stephen G Hart. Pier- Morolnf low grades. .3 00&3 26! spot; 60%®61c; 613A@6e Ask for them. best of reasons for selling, a money making busi- and trains leave ftteanebunk for Portland Oat* with moderate son, uisg; Dngs Flora tio^aaie, uavjg, do; Etta tbe best Erary Wednesday Saturday S. Soring and 'No2 do, car lots. 59£60 higher trade, closing ness, opening on my books. W. F. Ca.lt- No, 93 Exchange St, Portland, Me. 7.45 a. til. and Dover for Portland S.OO weaken bu W bittern ore, for North of Hatteras. ---J-i Soring .4 75a5 bag C3.a64 receipt* 162,960 bush; exports 30,112 Wright, ldgj RUTHERS, 24 Tremont Row, Boston. 4-1 and From PHILADELPHIA OOjOorn, lots, sales eclis Louisa Bltss, do M A Id* BT“A11 business relating to Patents promptly Patent 'Oats, car lots. 41542 120,000 bush on spot;No Sat 37Mjc; White do Strong, fordo; Achorn, atmar,18 rm Spring Emma J and faithfully executed. ’nlZdtf aim SUNDAY TRAILS 37%©; No 2 at 38y4c elev; No 2 White at Achorn; Wat s, Watts, Ariadne, Col- t 8 jutriy iiicsuay rnuay* Wheats.6 76£0 25;Oats, bag lota.... 42@48 38y4@ A I.E, $750.—Lodging bouse, very cen- Win- IMeal 38% c elev; Mixed Western 38@39c; White do 39 by, disg. tral From 3 Leave Portland for Boaton and War Sta- Michigan .66(£61 At THE FO« location near Essex St., 16 rooms, all let Long Wharf, Boston, vvuite auu,e c5»a4ic. uonee nominal. »u- Matanxag Feb 27. barque Sami E Spring, Rosa tion* at I ns. Boaton for ter straights4 fcOal 76 GottonSeed,c&r lots 28 00 at good prices, in $122 a month, rent $55 DR. GEO. W. CHASE, p. m. Prom Pine Street Wharf .Oop. Ceave refined C Ex C disg; brig Josefa, Goodwin, do: scbs C H bringing Do roller.... 6 00g6 26»Cottonseed,bag !ots30 00 *s»r nminal; steady; 4%; 6ti$6%o; Foster, a if for a house call on Philadelphia, at 10 a. m. Portland mi 0.00 p. n*. Crave Portland ana Emerson for North month, part cash, looking 8t. Loots Win- ! SaokedBrac oar lot. White do 5y4@6%c. Yellow 4^@4%; off A 6 7- Coomb9, Kokes, Marston, & insurance one-half the rate of for OsvrrHUd Wuf Mtationa 1.00 and of Hatteras. HiLL CO., 178 Washington St., Boston, Mass. ter straight. 5 oo® & 25 18 5U31 y 50 16c; Mould A at 6%c; standard A at 6%ic: Confec- 7-1 sailing vessel. 3.00 p. ns. Do roller. ..6 do 00@20 00 tioners A at 5%@5 16-16c; powdered 6 3-16;fl£6%; Freight for tb« West by the Penn. R. R., and 2di&5 60| baglotsiy METAPHYSIGIAN OoEaVM Winter Wheat ! lots. 00 granulated bVsc; Cubes 6%c; cut loaf and crushed MPOKEN. R 8AE E.—At a South forwarded free of com- C n il/ini/VM Mids,oar 820(423 great sacrifice, Confection- by connecting linos, ■■ v w % v ■ ■ ■ ■ v «vi wiia t*eiroleua»—united c 'l aI low II do lots 00 6y2'a>6%c. 77% Fob lat 6 Ion TUI mission. Atontc.5 7546 25 bag 21@$24 4, S; 33 W, ship Normandy, Tnkey, IjlO ery Store, all tools for ins nufacturing. splen- ME. weak at i*orh mess at PORTLAND, LEAVE Produce. | ProriotouK. 6%@6 3-t6c. steady; spot from Sau Francisco for Dublin. did Ice Cream Parlors, also sells fruit, cigars &c Trn D«llar8. Round TRAINS PORTLAND 13 60. Beef is I^nr«l 4a6 Pamage Trip $18* Cranberries— I Pork- quiet. opened points Dec 21, lat 27 S. Ion 29 W, ebip Tam 2 show windows on Main St., established 10 O’Shanter, large NO. 63 BROWN ST. Meals and Room Included. AT 9*00 A !?l.s Daily, (Night Pnllman) for Cape Cod16 00® J7 001 Backs. .16 60.417 00 higher, closing weak with advance aboutTlost and Prescott, from Now York for years, death cause of sale. HILL & 178 Bombay. CO., E^-offioe 10 to 12 A.M. 2 to 4 P. M For or to *aco. Bi 'drfortl, Kiltrry HorUmowih, Maine.. 12 00313 Clear....15 00 more doing Western steam spot at 7 27%@7 32 V«; Feb 4, lat 29 N, Ion 35 W, st Mass. 7-1 Hoars; freight passage apply 00j 60^16 ship Nicholas, Joy, Washington St., Boston, 7 to 8 P. M. fobl4eodlm* NvHburypon. Nnlrui Lyau and Bos- Pea Beau*... 1764186* Mess.13 50®14 00 refined at 7 65 for continent; S. A. at 7 80. Butter from New York for Hong Kong. E. B. nAMPBON, Agent, Western State IIFE ton arrivii g at 6 30 A. m. 1 6531 76 Mess Beef.. 11 10va34c; 16@28c. Cheese March lat 38 Ion IROUIKf Moaiums.■.. 00 declining; 4, 24, 74 Joe MM. 60@11 20, barque Reed, 8AEE.-—Hotel 30 miles from Boston, 5 Sldtf 7-r Long Whnrf, Box ton AT 8.13 A. 11.: For Mcar- German medl 4031 60 Es Mesa..11 12 00 easy; Eastern 9@12%c W«*t©rn fiat at 8@11%. Edwards, from for New York. SPOLIATION CL Capo Elisabeth, 60® Baranquilla trains a day, 10.000 population, makes 35 AIMS] bor». 8hc», tti id* Yellow 2 2 16 13 00 freights to laverpooi dull; WUea* <$> steam 2%d. FOR font, Hmnebunk, Eye* 00® Plato.12 60® OF beds, big transient trad*, best oar trade in town, W Not lb anti Woaih Coa- Onions Fbbl. 4 00! Ex Plato.14 00*14 60 Mch. 9 —The market for if lour is MAINE, bill to refer the claims for French Spolia- ell*, Berwick, 60*5 Chicago, dull; 4u boarders, house in best of repair, nicely fur- tvay Junciiou. for all elation* CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. to of (conn**ciing Irish Potatpes 60a80c Hams. choice to fancy Wmte Wrntei Wheat at 4 25(o4 nished this will a THEtions, the court claims for adjustment, luVigilc 7o; carpets mostly new, be sold at on C >nway Difielou), Hitter*, P.»rt»n>outh, Eggs Fdos.... 18n23o Hame.oorerefi 13 @14c Winter Wheat at 3 60o,4 25; low Organized in ISIS. having become a law, 1 am now prepared to pr<-se ALLAN_LINE. Michigan grades great bargain. HILL & CO., 178 Washington St., New bur port, "Milem, t-loucraier, Rock- Turkey. 10*20 (Lard- Winter at 2 00; Western extra Mass. cute tbe same. I have full lists of all claims which 1884. Winter 1885. 26t&3 fancy Spring STATE OF MAINE. Boston, 7-1 Arrangements. L*on, < helsru and Boston, arriv- Geese, 16*171 Tub, F lb 7Vs@ 8 at 3 25a3 76; good to choice extras at 3 On have been Hied for loss of vessels, cargoe-*, &c. Fees port, Spring Has had thirty-five years’ experience. ing at 1.15 p. m. Ghiokens, 18*201 Tierces.. 7%1 8 ic$3 Minn, bakers 3 26 a 3 76; tommon ro to be contingent. Z. K. HARMON, Liverpool and Portland Service. 60; good ►ALE—Nice liquor saloon near the Old AT l.tiO P. ill : For Waco, Blddeford. Heo- Pail Minn. 3 40: low to choice TO THE Centennial Block. Fowl.14®16o 8Vb®9 00(&3 Spring Superfine at ELECTORS OF THE RECORD IS South House, most central Jnoction, Ratter. keeps. 2 to Minn, 4 FOR Meeting Boston, Portland. 16th. From Liverpooll From Portland nrbuuk, Conway Kiltrry, | 00,0(2 75; good fancy patent at 60va JTS location iu tbe city, fixtures all nice and in ttret- Me., Jan’y janl7dtf «.TPnriroblEAMK.t. I Net* Ore&mery.28*30'Bed Top.2 10*2 25 6 25. flour 3 00 3 26. Wbevt March CITE OF PORTLAND. via. Halifax, i [ ^ oruiuoulh, Ourypor*, Malen, Rye higher; class order, good trade now and continual auii h at o.< 0 m. Gilt Ho I 75 always, Halifa^ Lyun Ko»i«n, living p. Edge Vor.... 26®'i Timothy.1 06*1 at76{&76%c No 2 Spring No 3 at stream of 76%@76%c; Death • people passing all the time. G. L. POND D. THUR8DAY, THURSDAY, A4 O.i O P. *1 : (hxprea for Bo-loo and Choioe.20@22c Olover. OglOVs 67c; No 2 R;d at No 3 at 7 c. Corn is to warrants issued the and losses paid, $7,892,511 71 S. 77%@78c, by Mayor & CO., 178 Washington St., Boston, Mass. 7-1 KMIGilfT Feb. 19 Peruvian, March 12 principal Way Stations, In Boston at Good.15®16ol Raisins. at Oats are tirmat 274fc(£-30. Aldermen of the of Portland, I arriving higher 38%(®40%c. PURSUANT City hereby 26 Sarmati n 19 y 3ii p. m. Muscatel.2 75 3 25 is firm, No 2 at and warn the voters of said Eudowments • Store.10@12o Rye «3c. Barley nominal; No~2 at notify duly qualified paid, 3,140,251 9G 8 A EE—A March 12 2 D % Y.i AT 3.00 P. N1 for Bos- ! to first-class meat and provision Parisian, April SUN Express Cheese. London Lay’r.2 75* 15 63o. Pork stronger at 12 60@ 12 86. Lard firmer city meet at their respective Ward Rooms on the PAPER RULER. 26 •* FORmarket in Boston, on tare to two de- Sardinian 16 ton and pH* cipal v-uy Stations, arriving la Vermont ....10V4®14 (Ondura. 10*18 at 6 92%. Boxed Meats iu Third Monday of March, A. BP. lOt&J. being Surrendered ■ thorough good demand;should**< policies, 5,592,112 84 pots; two nice large ice chests; ottice and Account Books Ruled to Apr. 9 Circassian. 3d Boston at 6.3o p. m. N VFaet’y..lOVi@14 !Valenola.6V4@10Vfc at 4 90@6 short rib at b 30; short clear at 6 75 the sixteenth day of said month, at 10 o’clock in the private Order. For 00; everything complete lor business; the location is passage apply to LbVE & ALDEN, General busst. Granite.. 80. forenoon, to give in their votes lor Mayor of tne city. TRAINS LEAVE @6 Dividends, 74 excellent, tbe busiue°8 and 45 EXCHANHE ST, PORTLAND, ME. Passenger Agents, 15 State St., Boston, and C. P. BOSTON FOR PORT* Granuiatod F it — dVz Valonoia 5 00*5 50 i The polls on such day of election to remain open 4,208,602 large proti able; owing Receipts—Flour 11,000 bis(wheat 101,000 bush, to sickness and death it- must be sold at worth WALDRON. 40 Exchange St.; T. P. McGOWAN LAND Extra 0. .6 “Ex cse 00 oata 101 until four o'clock in the when once; Boom 0.1 3d FLOOR. large 00*7 coru 162,000 bush, 000 buan, rye 7,000 afternoon, they shall 422 Congress St., or for or to H. & Visit. be $2 <*>»>; will sell for $100l*; unusual bargaiu. G. L. mar2 d3m passage freight AT 7.3®,9 OO a. «n., l‘J.3® and 7.0® p. as., Florida,.3 60®4 00 bu, barley 83,000 bush. Closed. No. 1 India Portland. a total POND & CO., 178 Washington St., Boston. 6-1 ALLaN, Agents, St., week days, and 7.00 p. a*. Sundays. Oed. perqti., (Messina.2 50*3 00 Shipments— Flour 17.000 bbis, wheat 12 000 on, I also give notice to said inhabitants, that the Al paijiest to nov20 dt L’ge Shore.. .3 25*3 50!Palermo.2 60*3 00 coru 104,000 bush, oata 179,000 bush,rye 4,000 Oil, dermen of said city will be in open session at the ShowingPolicyholders of nearly PARLOR AND PUI LtlAN SLEEPING* 00 8AEE-Oneof the best WINTER RESORTS. CAR SERVICE ISgeBankncw2 50*3 ( Lcutous. barley 26,000 bush. Aldermen’s Room, in City Building, from 9 to 12 paying grocery, IXTERJiATIOXAJ. STEAMSHIP aiutut..2 20*2 75 1 na.3 50*4 00 o’clock in the and from 2 to 6 in FORprovision and fish stores in Boston, doing a HO. 8t. Louis, Mch. 9.—Flour Wheat, is forenoon, o’clock bullions of dol- WESTERN DlV.: Parlor car on 1.00 p. a. 4 60*6 Palermo.3 50 unchanged. the al ter on cash busiuess; stock Hue fixtures; owner English Cod, OOi 00*3 No 2 Coru is noon, each of the four secular days Twenty-onelars, to good good train Portland to Boston; 0.00 a. m., Boston to 75*8 001 higher; Red 81%@81%c. higher at equal has moved his out of the and wants to Me. Poflock.1 Apples next preceding such day of election, for the purpo.-e family city, PALMETTO Eastport. Calais, Me., St. John, Ji. Portland. 3ays@38y4C. Oats tinner at 30%(e&S0yac. Lara sell to them a rare chance. HOTEL, Haddock.. 1 761522 6 |Green, F bbl 2 26*2 60 of evidence of the of voters join by April 1st; C. E. X. 8. Ac. EAsTe RN Dl Portland to Pnllman at b o6@tt 90. receiving qualification HUNDRED THOUSAND DOf H., Halifax, V.; Boston. e ... 1 No. 3 Tremont Room Boston. TAMPA, FLORIDA, Hs 76*2 25]Eyaporatod F ib 8*11 whose names have not been entered on the lists of COOPER, Row, 16, sleeping car, (through car from the East,) 2.00 a. Detroit Mch. 9. Wheat No 1 c SIX LAuS, paid policyholders for each year of 6-1 Herring, I Dried Apples.... 4 *5 dull; White 87% qualified voters in and for the several and Entirely new. Handsomely fitted IALL m. Parlor cars on 8.45 a. 6.00 2 wards, the existence. ASD WIXTER ABRAA’GEMEXT daily. m., l.Ou, p. Beal Sliced ... 4 asked; No Red at 87c. for company’s the Fbox 14*18 Vi *6 correcting said lists. up. Overlooking great Tampa m ; Hop ton to Portland, parlor cars on 9.00 a. m., No. 1. Oil. Wheat—Keeeipu 0000 lu. 8 I EE—Half interest in a fine paying Accommodations for Commencing. Nor. 3, ISS4. 12*16 71,000 bu; shipments GEO. C BURGESS, City Clerk. Bay. two and 12.30 p. m. week days, 7.00 p. m. dally. PRESENT ASSETS FORoffice business; increase in business makes me hundred. Mackerel, Fbbi. Kerosene. * Nkw Orleans, Mch. 9.—Cotton March 6th, 1885. marTdtd ARE $6,322,- Passengers by notifying I ullman car 7.00 p. m. quiet; Middling to take a partner; short hours and sleeping daily. Bay No. 1.18 00@20 00 Port. Kef.P’tr ®«Vi 10 %©, ITS OOl 67, while Its liabilities are only $5,- obliged large pro- the conductor will be landed at the tickets to all South and at Uplands a mau with and a TRIPS PER Through West, O. 2.10 60 Water White 9 50. fits; $500 iu cash, good references door of tue nouse. G. T. WEEK. points Bay 00*11 Mch. 922,576 Bacon, Casbiei. Portland depot ticket offices, and at Union Tick- C 1.18 OOi Mobile, 9.—Cotton—nothing doing; Mid- wanted; experience in The businees not necessary. dec23d3m hore DcToeBrill’t. *12 Vi II. E. scramou, Pr* p*r. et 40 Exchange Portland. uplands 10 7-16o. 0. E. No. 3 Room 16 .. STEAHERN OP THIN Office, St., 2 .... 10 dling COOPER, Tremont Row, No. Pratt’Astral, *11 ya HAS* THEREFORE A SURPLUS of ^ JAS. T. (Jen’l 8 Mch. 9.—Cotton Middling Boston. 6:1 FUKBEK, Manager. Largo 8.... Ligonia. 9 Vi Savannah, nominal; up 00 to the WIU leave deol9 dtf lands c. IT $400,000 according Massachu- Medium ... 3 Silver White Oil 8% 10% setts and of H. B. PLANT standard, $725,200 OO by the New H 8A E E—If you w ant to come to Boston to HOTEL, £as»iws RAILROAD Small 2 60*3 50 Con tenia 1. 9 Vi Mch. is WHARP, Charleston, 9.—Cotton steady;Middling York standard. keep a or House, FLORIDA. foot of State Street, and lburs 11c. FO Boarding Lodging Store, TAMPA, every Monday uplands Hotel or write day at 6 p. m.. for and St. with Railroad Bakery, Dicing Saloon, any business, Just completed. First-class in Eastport John, Receipts. Memphis. Mch. 9.—Cotton is UNION to as we have such on baud for connections for Calais, St. maim; ( Kmual railroad quiet; Middling up- MUTUAL recognizing its mu- us, always places every appointment. Baggage and Robbinston, Andrews, POBTLAHD, Mch. 9 land- 10 7-16c. 11HEtuality, is the most liberal in its sale, on easy terms. JOHN W. S. RAYMOND & Pembroke, Houlton, Woodstock, Grand Menan, __ company carriage free. Location unequal- Keeelved by Maine Central Railroad, for Portland with its 277 Mass. 9-4 Campobello, Digby, Annapolis, Yarmouth, Wind- and Connecting Steamboat Lines. dealings policyholders. CO., Washington St., Boston, ed. Bates $4.00 per 33 cars miscellaneous merchandise: for connecting fiaropean Markets. day. sor, Halifax, Moncton. Newcastle. Amherst. Pictou, roads, 138 oars miscellaneous merchandise. Shediac. Bathurst. Dalbousie, Fort On and niter MONDAY, Oct. 30, (By Telegraph.) POLITY CONTRACT is and do- dec23d3m J. T. AN DE St SO N, Prop’r. Charlottetown, plain E08T AND FOUND. Fairfield, Grand Falls and other stations on the Lon Mch. finite in all its and no 1884, I'assenaer Trains leave don, 9.—Consols 97 11-16. ITS terms, chance for mis- New Brunswick and Wind- Hide* and Tallow. concention. Canada, Inter-colonial, Portland as follows: London, Mch. 9.—U. S. 4s, 125; 4%s, 114%. Brief advertisement* are inserted under sor and Annapolis, Western Counties, Rail Roads, The following are Portland quotations on Hides UNITED states and Stage Routes. For FI la Bar and Tallow: Liverpool, Mch. 9—12.30PM.—Cotton market this head one week far 25 cents, paid in hotel! Bangor. worth, Harbor, is’dull; uplands at 6 l-16d;Urleans 6%d;sales 7000 POLICIES ABE Through Tickets issued and Baggage cheeked to Vaaccboro, St. John, Halifax, and tho Ox and Steer Hides 90 ibs and oyer advance. weight 6VioFlb baits, speculation and'export 1000 bales. ITS INCONTESTABLE destination. Province**, Wt Andrews, St. Stephen, Ox and Steer Hides under 90 lbs.8 ft After three for cF years any cause except fraud. KF“Freight received up to 4 p. m. and any in- A room look County, 1.25 p. m., via Lew* Cow al) 8 ft Liverpool,! Mch. 9—Winter wheat at 6s 8d^7s; OLEN—Black formation Hides, weights oF Horse and phaeton top buggy; regarding the same may be had at the i*iotj, and 1.30 and £11.15 p. m., via Aagn*la; and all 4 spring wheat 6s bd@6s lOd; California average 6s horse office Bull Stag Hides, weights. cF ft PATS DEATH SI has three white feet, weighs about 850 of the Freight Agent, Railroad Wharf. for Huugor Ac K K., £11.15 p. GdgGs lOd; club Gs ll@7s 3d; Corn 4s 4d; peas at CLAIMS, WITHOUT Piscataquis Oalf Skins. 10 cF ft lbs., and is 7 years old; buggy made by A. Scott, For Circulars, with Excursion Routes, Tickets. m for Relfasi and 6s ild. Provisions, etc.,—Pork bacon 33s for ITDISCOUNT, immediately the proofs are com- Skowhegan, Doxter, Sheep Skins... each 63s; and Boston; piece broken out of rim on hub left front State Rooms and further information at l. 7.00 76o® short clear and 31s Pd for lone clear; lard, prime plete satisfactory, and without waiting 60, 90, apply 25, 1.30, £11.Id p. m.; Waierville, a. Lamb Skins. 60c each or number of wheel, top made with three bows, front bow recent- Company’s Office, First National Bank m. for western cheese at tallow 33*. any days. Building, 1.25,1.30, 5.16, £11.16 p. m.; Aagaaia, and Deacon Skins... 25 to 36c each 3bs; o7s; on corner Middle Light ly repaired, repair covered with patent leather and Exchange Sts. nniioncii. u«r«iorr uno n'uu>niut, Rendered Tallow...."”. ft left side of had on B OoF buggy; Couoord buggy harness, J. COkLE, JR., Gen. Manager. 7.00 a. ZD., 1.30, 6.15, *11.16 p. m.; Bath, 7.0O ISSUES POLICIES on nil approved black taken from front flASLi^G D/&K& OF STEAIH9mP»c open bridie, mounted; Sim- am a. m., 1.30, 5.15 p. m., and on Saturdays only at ITplans, and its mons March Hlsck market. Building, Boston, 2. The return or 11.15 p. m.; Boeklaud, and Knox Sc liu- FROM FOB This medicine, combining Iron with pure any information to recovery of above The of stocks aro received leading proD- c< In R. K., 7.00 a. in., 130 p. m.; Auburn following quotations St Domingo.New York.. St Domingo .Mch 10 vegetable tonics, quickly and completely premium will be GEOltGE PACIFIC MAIL S. S. I 'lll'lla nvtnon.in f •wtinnaHnn plan and erty suitably rewarded, MILES, Cu and l.ewiston at 8.16 a. m.t 6.06, p. m.: daily bv Nevada.New .Mcli 10 A 1.25, telegraph: York..Liverpool... AdjustedNON-FORFEITURE INVESTMENT PLAN street, South Boston. mai9d3t I.cwimou via 7.00 a. Merrimack.New York..Brazil.Mch 11 Impure Bloody Malaria,Cliillu and Feversj Brunswick, mM *11.16 BOSTCK STOCKS. are special features of this company and issued TO CALIFORNIA, ...New York. li and Neuralgia. by p. m.; Farmington, Phillips, Hanmautb, Scythia. .Liverpool....Mch none other. Congress between Lincoln Park Oakland and North Santiago.New York..Oienfuegos..Mch 12 It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the St., Wiuibrop, An»oa, aud and the Preble House, a pair of German Eye JAPAN, CHINA, 1.25 m.: via Boston A Maine.172 Peruvian .Portland... Liver pool.... Mch 12 Kidneys Fiver. LOST.—On p. Farmington Brunswick, It is invaluable ADVANTAGES of are Glasses with black horn case. The finder will be 7.00 a. m. Flint A Pare Marquette-preferred. 80 Montreal.Portland- ..Liverpool. .Mch 12 for Diseases peculiar to ihia Company all rewarded the same at the Press Office. *Tbe 11.16 m. train is the with do common 15% Celtic.New 12 Women, and who lead sedentary lives. THEAGE, EXPERIENCE, STRONG FINANCIAL by leaving Sandwich Island*, New Zealand and p. night express fork..Liverpool....Mch It not 6-1 slat car attached and runs Son* L. B. A Ft Smith.. 30 Donau.New York..Bremen.Mch 14 does injure the teeth, cause headache ,or CONDITION, LARGE SURPLUS, EQUITABLE Australia, ping every night Now York A New produce constipation—other Iron medicines do. and ATTRACTIVE and conservative days included but not throagh to Skowbegan on Eng.. 15% Oregon.New York..Liverpool;.. .Mch 18 PLANS, Steamers sail from New York for on Mexican Central 42 It enriches and the blood, stimulates management. Aspinwall Monday mornings or to Belfast and Dexter or 7s... Fulda.....»..New fork. .Bremen.Mch 18 purifies FOR ($AL£. the 1st, and 20th of each the aids the assimilation of re- Cali or send to Office for a circular 10th, month, carrying beyond Bangor, on Sunday XtftW YORK STOCKS. Labrador.New York..Havre.Mch 18 appetite, food, any Agency and for all the Mornings. lieves Heartburn and aud of Its passengers freight above named Trains are due in Portland as follows: The Servia.New .. Mch 18 Belching, strength- plans. morning Pef. .. York..Liverpool. ports. Missouri 90% ens the muscles and nerves. Brief advertisements are inserted under trains from Augusta and Bath 8.35 a. m.; Lew- Wieland.New York..Hamburg .. .Meh 19 Steamer of 10th does not for N orthern Pactic prefei t ert.. 43% For Intermittent Fevers, Lack of connect San Fran- iston, 8.4u a. m ; the day trains from and Oregon.Portland.. .Liverpool....Mch 19 Lassitude, this head one week for 25 cents, in cisco. Bangor, Omahajgpreferred...... 85% Energy, &c., it has no equal. paid all intermediate stations and connecting roads at Sarmatian.Portland... Liverpool.. ..Mch 19 JAMES Steamers sail from San Francisco oi Omaha common... 2o The genuine has above trade mark and SSNKINSON, advance. regularly 12.40 and 12.45 p. m.; the afternoon trains from A Cepbalonia.Boston.Liverpool...Mch 21 Japan, and Sandwich New Zealand Mo. K. Texas.. 18% crossed red lines on China, Islands, Waterville, Augusta, Bath, Kockland and Lewis- Wisconsin.New York. .Liverpool... .Mch 24 wrapper. Take no other. for and Australia. Texas Pacific. 12% Manager Maine Agencies, 8AJLE—Houses with land at ton at 5.40 p. m.; the PuLman Gallia.New York. .Liverpool... .Mch 25 Afsd© ©uly by BKOWN CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE, UD, prices rang- For night Express FORing from thirteen hundred to forty thousand Freight, Passage, sailing lists and further train at 1.50 a. m. Polynesian.Portland.. .Liverpool....Mch 28 aug2 eod&wlynm ME. information, apply to or address the General Kasb New ITorb Stock and money Market. .Mch 26 PORTLAND, dollars; also vacant lots on State, Park, High, Mel- DR.W.WILSON'S Brooklyn.Portland... .Liverpool.. era len, Portland, Agents. Portland, Bangor, Mt. Desert and Xa- (By Telegraph.) ■nar-l__eodtf Cumberland, Sherman, Grant, E. A. ADAMS & Spring, Gray and Dauforth streets, Man joy Hill CO., New York. Mch. on call was at success in the cure of chias Steamboat 9.—Money easy aifNIl »JRF ALMANAC.MARCH 10. and other localities at fair prices and easy terms. Unparalleled upwards of Six 115 State Street, Cor. Broad St.. Bo»ton> Company. cent: at Ex- SCOTCH LINIMENT Thousand of the most difficult 1%@1 per prime paper 4@5. Foreign ON THE ENGINE. Desirable places at Woodfords. Telephone No. 220. complicated cases feb8 dtf NTBAMEK CITY OF RICHMOND quiet at 4 83% and 4 86. Governments San rises .6.02 I l.. 6.18 AM within the last four is the best evidence change H1Sh walef Ruunios a Focontolive While Readily THE GREAT REMEDY Apply to BENJAMIN SHAW, 48Va Exchange years leases Portland every THURSDAY at 11.00 p. m. State bonds were quiet and generally strong. Bern set*.6.41 | l 6.63 I'M FOR quiet. stick—Some hint; the Passengers Rid Not 0-1 after arrival of train from Bostou, for Railroad bonds more active. The stock market was Length of days.. .11,39 t ... 8ft Sin Street._ night High! Know—A Physician Saves nu Engineer. Of his Skill that needs a Trial. MAINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY t Beer Moon 2.10 tide, ... 7fr 3 j„ only Rockland, nstiue, l*»le, Sedgwick* dull throughout the afternoon and prices generally ri8e*..... | [ 8 “Granite State Mass. ALE.-Plymouth Rocks, Mouth West Hnrbor, Bar Harbor and Ml. steady, until about 2, but during last hour of the Taunton, from first-class Dr. David N. Y. and Sore Throat FORStrain,” Eggs strictly stock, His Ladies* Periodical Regulating Magnet is For New York. Be*ert and leaves Mt. Desert board a fraction and closed on Kennedy, Rondout, Diphtheria Ferry, berry every prices yielded steady with clear yellow legs and beaks, low combs, Wonders Dear Sir: I am an on the Old evenly Working Without Medicine. SATURDAY at 10.00 a. m., after arrival of trains slight rally. engineer Colony BEAD THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIAL. marked and fine also extra fine MARINE iNTEWS. Railroad, and run the Fall River boat train between plumage symmetry, Steamers leave Franklin Whart. on Wedneedav* leaving Portland Fridays at 11.15 p. m., for mill- The transactions at the Stock Exchange aggregat- layers. $2 00 of 13. 3 Fall River aDd in Taunton. For Portland, Jan. 6,1886. per sitting sittings $5.00. Ladies’ suffer no call and in- and Saturdays at 6 p. m.. Returning leave Pier 38 bridge, Jonespoit, Macbiasport and Kail- ed 209 948 shares. Lowell, residing M. C. HALL, Me. 7-1 longer, ten I suffered but death from Me. BATCHELDEB-Doar Sir: I have uBed your Topsham, East River, New York, on and Satar port, or parties for these points desiring to do to £u* loiiowing are to-day’s closing quotations cf years everything dys- vestigate, no asked but yonr Wednesdays PORT OF PORTLAND. Often I had such blinding sick headaches Scotch Liniment lor ten years, and for sore throat questions days at 4p,m J. B. COYLE, JR., Gen’l can take the steamer at Portland. Government Securities: pepsia. SALE OR RENT.-My furnished cot- ache or is Ag’t. that I could see. I think this was due iis equal cannot be found, and I firmly believe it every ailment, pain faithfully sep21 dtl RE I URN IN Ox Leaves Eastport every Mon- United States bonds, 3a. 101% scarcely part- FORtage at Old Orchard on Osean Avenue near Mareh 9. to habits of and to the ir has kept Diphtheria out of my family, and will oure described. day Morning for Mt. Desert Ferry, and leaves the do do do 4%s, reg...... 111% MONDAY, ly irregular eating, partly j the Methodist Church, seven rooms, good well, of tbe Sometimes head would like the worst cases if taken In season. Ferry iuesday Morning for Portland via all do do do 4%s,ooup.111% Arrived* engine. my snap large garden, strawbery and flower beds; 8 minutes every neuralgia, and again the pain would settle in my Mbs. John Soule, 71 Wilmot St. landings. do do do 4s, reg ...... 121% Steamship New York—mdse from depot; finest sea view at Old Orchard. Franconia, Bennett, eyes, which would feel as bigas a man’s lists. My Consultation and Examination Eiimiied first and secend class, far do do do 4s, coup .121% to J B Coyle, Jr. S. F. WETHEKBEE, Kennebunkport. 4-1 Tickets, breath was very ofiensive, and my fool soured as Every family should secure a bottle at once. all in on at Pacific 6s. *95. 125 Steamer Boston for and Free from 9 a. m. to 8 m. poioiM the. Provinces sale Lewiston, Colby, Eastport soon a9 it entered stomach. In fact stomach p. my my R 8 A JLE— Printing press, 8 x 12, Self-ink- dtf LA reduced rates. are the Stocks: St NB. febll VINE The .John, following closing quotations felt as though it was a raw aud sore Also GOLDEN Columbian in Pa x D H York for great surface, SALYE for PILES. 1^0 ing, good order; price $40, or sON TUCKER, Gen’l Manager, A Alton ....132 Sch Ingraham, Mullen, New Rook- and what it can Ohoago land. agony gave, perhaps you imagine. will exchange for any good article. A, SPE1RS, Exoels Everything For ff. E. BOOTHBY, Gen 1. Pass. A Tieket Aft. A Alton pref...150 In the summer and fall of 1876 when we had the No. Me. Portland Got. 16. 1884. Chicago E A M. W. Windham, 4-1 jan21dtf Burr A Quinoy...... 121% Sch Eaton, Eaton, Georges Bank,with 40,600 centennial travel, the constant jar on BATCHELDER, Chicago. lbs fish. heavy brought Erie... .. 13% acute attacks nearly every week and I thought I 46 8 A EE Grocery business in this city; a Sch Mystic Tie, Peabody, Jonesport. Turner 8t., Portland. Proprietor and Manufact’r WASHING, Brie,pref...... 27 should have to leave tha road. But I kept at work rare opportunity is offered to any one with a Sch Sarah, Harbor. For Sale in Portland FOR Illinois Central ...125 Rice, Prospect until tbe next spring, when I grew so much worse by of about excellent reasons for Portland Line. Sch a K from for capital $2,000; given Lake Shore. 64 Bentley, Bootbbay Petersburg. that I cou-d virtually eat nothing, and concluded selling. Address GROCER, Press Office. 41 andJVorcester Steam from Saco, with Joe T. J. Cor. North and SCRUBBING, Michigan Central....,. .. 59 tug Plymouth, tug th*t my labor, and my life too, were about over. STEVENS, Congress Sts. Baker in for PORTLAND & New JerseyiCentral.... 41% tow, repasrs. Remember that I had tried every medicine I beard H. H. HAY, Junction Free and Middle Sts. 8 ALE-One mile from the city, two story ROCHESTER R. R. Northwestern. 94% Cleared. of, and had been treated by some of the btat physi- anl d3m FORhouse, 11 rooms, barn and other out-buildings HOUSE CLEANING. with one to 10 acres of land. Address Box Northwestern pref .. ..128 Sch C C Lane, Marahugh, Damariscotta river, to cians in Taunton and Lowell. At this critical time 143, KNOW THYSELF Arrangement of Trains. York Central...... DAVID KENNEDY’S FAVORITE REMEDY Woodfords. 3-2 New ;88% load for Richmond, Va—J Nickerson & Son. DR. Larine n;alte* ea»y work. Rock IslaDd.. ..114 wag recommended to me. It was new to me, and ______On and after Monday, Bee. hlh Sch A L Mulford, Surran, Barter’s island, to load SALE—A brick block two A Great He Wo kfn St.Paiu...... 73% for & Hatkall. with my experience of mediciues, you can easily for- containing icat flcnlro Larine make* the hardest water 1 Passenger Trains will leave Philadelphia—Hall MOTHERS! houses. No. 48 and 50 St. were d, Moft.; .... D-sering They St. Paul pref. ..i(>6 Sch Fred to load for give me for sayiug that I had not a particle of faith LOOK INTO THU MERITS OF THE FOR Exhausted Nervous and Physical n~■*Portlwud at ».:*« a. ua.. and Gray, Littlejohn, Rockland, built the past season in the most manner Vitality, Debili- Union Pacific Stock. 47% New fork—Hall & Haskell. in it. thorough ty, Premature Decline in Mau, Errors of Youth, Larine doew not injure the finest clothes. 14.35 p. tn., arriving at Worcester with all the modern improvements. of A. m. Western Union Tel. .. ..59% 1 hat taken it but a few days when I began to ge Enquire and the untold miseries resulting from indiscretion at 2.15 p. and 7.30 p. m. Returning leave SAILED-Barque Dida E Clark: sch 8 D. SMITH, 16 Colton or 32 St. 25-2 Adams l£x. Co.132% Daylight, belter. Tbe raw and sore feedng left my stomach, St., Excbauge or excesses. A book for middle- Larine does not burn or the hand* Union Depot, Worcester, at 7.45 a. m. and 11.16 a. Ellen, Fred Gray, D H Eliza every man, y mug. chap American Ex. Co. 91% Maggie Ingraham, aud ’he snapping pains left my head, and soon I was and old. It contains 125 for all m., arriving at Portland at 1.16 p. m. and 6.40 p, Ann, A L Mulford. HALE One of Soule’s and Caswell’s im- aged prescriptions Alton A Terre Haute. all and have been ever since. It is the only acute one in- m. 22% light, four wheeled Send and chronic diseases, each of which is do 80 that ever did me tbe least and it drove FORproved dumping wagons. USE Ayer preferred. thinn good, and valuable. So found by the Author, wbo*e experi- LA VINE ForC'lintoa, Junction, Fitchbnrg, Air 81 FROM MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE. out of TIP for price circulars to H. W. CASWELL, Yar- and discomfort SOLAR and Boston Line... every ache, pain completely ence for 23 years is such as probably uever before Nushan, l.owell, Windham, fip« Sid fm Mch John mouthville, Maine. 2-4 at Bnr. A Cedar Rapids. 60 ‘.Cardiff 8, ship R Kelley, Gib- my body. Now I keep KENNEDY’S FAVORITE fell to the lot of any physic an. 300 pages, bound For Washing Clothes, ping 7.IIO a. m. and 14.55 p. m. Uanaaa Southern..- 81 % bons, San Francisco. RE vi EDY with me on and it where- in Dishes, Paint, For tlauchesier, Eoncord and North, a my engine, goes SALE.-Two story house and stable at- beautiful French muslin, embossed covers, full points .... Ar at Barbadoe8 Feb SHOES! Centra) Pacific. 34% 21, barque Emita, ever I a sense— &e. and Save Labor. 14.33. Crowley, go. tj^ORtached, corner of Pearl and Deering St., gilt, guaranteed to be finer work iu every Floors, Del.A Hudson Canal Co..79% Buenos Ayres. Wliy, I believe FAVORITE REMEDY will cure tnd than For Rochester, Spring vale, Alfred, Wufd Woodfords, lot coniuins nearly one acre of land, mechanical, literary professional any Grocers Sell Larine Del. A Lackawanna.. .. Passed St Helena —, brig Mary E Oue a while John an In erboro and Sue® 7 JO a. ....1(8% Leigh ton,Leigh- anything. night, ago, Layton, lllONEY, and your boys wUl be sold at a it for soon. En- other work sold in this Country for $2.50, or the River, ua., from Table for New York. runs main from will be bargain applied 14.55 tn. m. Denver & R.O. .... 8 ton, Bay engineer who the line boat train pleased. None /remind money will be refunded in every instance. Price p. and (mixed) at fi..*IO p. Ro- ** quire on the premises or 643 Congress St.. Port MANirFACTUKEO BT E. Tenn., Vir. A Ga. 4% Boston, came on my engine sif.k as deith. Ho was without trade-mark and John illustrative turuiug leave Rochester at ^mixed) 6.46 a. Mundell & Co.” on land. N. B. D AL ION. 14-4 ouly $1.00 by mail, nost-paid. sample m.f A iTIEinOKANDA worn out with had a and was so each pair. 1 1.10 a. in. and 5.36 v. at E. Tenn., Va., Ga. pref. 7% work, high fever, of G cents. Send now. Gold medal awarded the au- m.; arriving Portland almost broke Beware imitations with vi,40 Kansas A Texas. 17% Levi C Wade, before reported lost, sailed nervous he down crying. “Nonsense. names sounding similar to thor by the National Medical Association, to the Hartford Chemical (mixed) a. m., 1.15 p. m. and 5.40 p. m. Ship Company, f Houston A Texas. 16 with a of John,” 1 said, “cheer up, I’ve got. something on my Stock of Groceries and President of the Hon. A. and as- For Lorbnui s-iccaiH»pa, uuiherland from Manila July 3, 1884, cargo sugar * Family which, P. Bi-sell, Uannihal Xr. At Av. 'AH that will set in a tiffv- I took out We'-.brook <«iid Woodford’s at bound tb Sau Francisco. It is supposed that the engine you up Provisions for Sale. sociate officers ot the Board, the reader is respect- HARTFORD, CONN. Mills, bottle of FAVORITE lifted his THliSE NHUK«,lor tney are as good of we 7..*iO a. m I t> and ao preferred. 88ya foundered soon after as on the follow- my REMEDY, fully referred. 4,35, 4u (mixed) *0.30 leaving port, represent them, and your dealer will Buy so too. Hartford A Erie 7b. llVa head and gave him a go. »«i dose. He went to bed. l he Science of Life he p. u«- ing day a terrific gale sprung up, lasting several select stock on prominent thoroughfare, should read by the young YOUR OROCEIl KEEPS IT. Lake Erie A West. Two after l saw him as a and -. The 14.53 p. us, from Portland connects at I6V4 days. Capt bagiey’s wife was with lum, and Capt days looking healthy rent a Call on for instruction, by the afflicted for relief. It butcher. he said, “whet was the stuff you SMALL low, superior opening. A. II. SAWYER, Manufacturer’* Juuct. With 11 »®sac Tuaael Bonte for Louis A Nash 31% Dickey of ship Florida was a passenger. “Dan,” will benefit all.—London Tsicet, Agent Ayer wo me tbe other ‘It was DR. DaVID WOODBURY & v the and at lu.on Worcester for Missouri Pacific... 14 Sch Sarah Crowley, from Trinidad for give night?” CARD. LATHAM, 01 here is no member ot eoc:**t to whom The Sci 202% Commercial Street, Portland, Maine. West, Depot, Eaton, N. New York via Norwich l.iae and all via Morns A Essex.121 iato West fath inst with main- KENNEDY’S Favorite REMEDY. Rondout, No. 213 Commercial St., Portland, Me. ence of Life wi 1 not be useful, whether par- marlO d&wlv rail, Philadelphia,put Key youth, also with N. Mobile A Ohio. 8 Ysaid I.” Well, 1 don’t care whose Remedy it mart; dlw* ent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.—Argonaut. Springfield, Y. Ac N, E. R. R-, for Metropolitan Elevated.102 in of Br Kenilworth, from Buenos is, it’s the thing for a man on the railroad.” So say Address the Peabody Medical institute, or Dr. W. In (“Steamer Maryland Route”) Philadelphia. number) barque Insolvency. Bnl and the Mouth Man tiattan Elevated. 77% for which f jundered Mch 2d. we all. Yours, etc., DANIEL FITTS. H. No. 4 Bulhnch Street, Mass., ituore, Washington, and Ay re* Apalachicola, TO Parker, Boston, Court of for the of Boston A New York Elevated.12<> of This preparation goes to the root of disease by LET. who be consulted on all diseases skill Insolvency County Cumberland, with Albany R. R. for the West. A telegram from Gapt Anderson, ship Astoria, DR. may requiring State of Maiuo. A. D. Pacific common.*. the blood and organ into GAUBERT, March 2d, 1885. Close connections made at Westbrook June' Northern 18% at Port angelos. denies the report that bis VfcBsel purifying rousing every aud experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases 66 action. It is useful at in Incase of CLARENCFL. tion with train of Maine Central R. and Oregon Nav. was ashore on the coast of V ancouver. The ship healthy home, shops, Hrlrf advertisements are inserted under that have baffled the skill of all IT El a ¥ other MARFAN, individually through R., office and as a member of at Grand Trunk Portland, with Pittsburg & Ft^Wayne.126 anchored on a lee shore and had to take the assist- everywhere. physicians a specialty. Such treaAl Al ted the firm of J. & C. L. Marean, Transfer, through Dr. David and and Electric this head one week for 25 cents, paid in Insolvent Debto*. trains of rand Trunk R. R. Pittsburg.138 ance of a tug. Kennedy, Physician Surgeon, Magnetic successfully without any in-WVl Vk 1? 1 I? N. Y. advance. A 11 I nXi Ail: Through Tickets to all West and South Pacific Mail. 61% Sch Hume, Post, from Rockland for Salem, with Rondout, stance of failure. Mention this is to notice, tb kt on Lbe second of points Car. give day be had of S. H. Ticket Port- Pullman ..112% lime, put mto Boothbay 6th with cargo on fire. PHYSICIAN! paper. jan31eod&wly March, A. 1>. 1885, a warrent in may Hellen, Agent, THIS Insolvency land & Rochester at foot of Preble and of Richmond & Danville. 62% The tire was under control and the vessel and the LET,—A tenement of six rooms, sunny, was issued by C. Peabody, of ibe Court Depot St., who Henry Judge Rollins A No. 22 Reading 17% of the will be saved. has been in constant practice in this city the TO convenient and in at 79 FRA M EL- of Insolvency for said of Adams, Exchange St. greater part cargo MALARIA. good repair, County Cumberland, •Does not at Woodford’s. St Paul A Omaha. 26 Sch Clias K from Clark’s Island for New past twelve years has had remarkable success in r., opposite the Park. 7-1 the estate of said stop Moody, As on anti-malarial medicine all LINAS against PETERS. do 86% in sea treating Nervous Diseases, Nervous preferred. York, going to from Newport 7th, grounded Exhaustion, L. a ‘iTgtttf_W, mn nirm irwvrnvtC Nervous CLARBNCK MAREAN, individually and as Union Pacific 6s. .112% off came ott next Insanity, Neu- LET.—A convenient and down Mrs. A. B. the south eud of Goat Island. She Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, pleasant POOLE, member of the firm of & J. C. L. of do L. G. 7s.108% tide and 8th. ralgia, Paralysis and loss of use of Limbs. TOstairs tenement of seven rooms in re- Marean, Grand Trunk high proceeded good af runmivvD mr Standish, Railway of Canada. do sink fond 8s.117% New York, Si arch 8-Sch Jennie M Carter has re- pair, gas and sebago, 73 St. Lawrence St. For par- FAVORITE REMEDY to be an Insolvent on covered her anchors and sailed for Mt Desert. OFFICE 203 MIDDLE ST., ticulars call at 201 Cumberland St, right hand adjudged Debtor, petitioi*of CHANGHE OF TIME, has No traveler should con- J. F. MERRILL. 4-1 said Debtor, which petition wag tiled on the second New York Stocks. won golden opinions. bell, Mining; of March, A. D. 1885, to which date iuterest DOMUBHTlt; PORCH. sider his outfit complete unless it includes a bottle of janl3 PORTLAND, MK. d&wtf day On and after MONDAY, Sept. Nth, 1884, New York, Mch. 9.—The following are the clos- uu caluus ib iu utj cuuipuieu. O—Passed out this medicine. If you are exposed to frequent JLET.—2 houses on Lowell St., 6 rooms Train* will ran as follows : ASTORIA, 28th, ship Cheesebro, That the of debts to or said ing quotations for mining stocks to-day: Favorite TO each, Sebago, rent $0 each, 1 house 6 rooms, paynmut any by Erickson, for Plymouth. changes of climate, food and water, Remedy Metaphysician, an the transfer and of DEPAKTIJBESi hard and soft rent month on Debtor, delivery any Colorado Coal —.12.26 ANGELOS—Ar Ander- water, $6.60 per Has taken rooms PORT 28th, ship Antoria, should always be within your reach. It expels ma- at property by him are forbidden by law. Homestake.10.« 0 San for of chills Douglass St. Inquire of G. W. BURNHAM, 1091 For Auburn and Lewiston, 7.16 a* m.t LIB son, Francisco Nanaimo. larial poisons, and is the best preventative That a meeting of the creditors of said to Onta io the sch David W Hunt and malarial fever in the world. It is of- Sfin Congress St. 3-2 Debtor, and 6.20 p. m. .17.C0 KEY WEST-Off BONfifL part 6tb, especially prove tbeir debts and choose one or more fered as a trustworthy specific for the cure of Kidn ey assignees For (aorhnni, 7.35 a. m. and 4.00 p. m. mixed. Quicksilver... 3.0U Hill, from Harmon's Harbor for Morgan City. NO. 58 BROWN STREET, of his will be held at a Court ot and Liver and all disorders and LET-In a a estate, Insolvency For and i'hi- do pret .. ..28.00 Sarah Eaton Trinidad for complaints. Constipation \ pleasant part of the city, Oorb:im, Montreal, Quebec Ar8tb,sch Crowley, women TL to be holden at Probate Court Room iu said Port- arising from an impure state of the blood. To 7% tenemen 1.30 m. Standard.. .. 1 12 TORE of seven rooms with bath room and enco, p. Philadelphia, (see Mem.) who suffer from of the ills to their sex on the sixteenth of A. D. any peculiar all modern heated steam. PORTLAND, land, day March, 1886, ARBITA I/M t Horn .Silver. 2.86 BRUNSWICK—Ar 6th, sch J H Cross, Rawley, Favorite Remedy is constantly proving itself an un- conveniences; by Apply at ten o’clock in the forenoon. Enreka 3.00 Savannah. friend—a to E. P. CHASE, 86 or 61 nnd Auburn, 8.36 a. failing real blessing. Address the proprie- iecdritiesimortgageIJ Exchange St., Dealing Where she will see patients evory other week, Given under my hand the date first above written. From Lewiston m., Alice. 1.W5 SAVANNAH—Sid schs Annie and 6 for St. 26-2 ra. 7th, Bliss, NEGOTIATED BY TUB H. R. SARGENT. 3.16 and 6.60 p. Bcdle. 2.35 for M L for Charles- $5 hyall*druggisty*Bondout’N*bottle, From 9.46 a. m. and 8.30 p.m. mixed. Messeuger, Baltimore; Wood, FIRST NATIONAL Iowa October 13th. Deputy Sheriff, as Messenger of the Court of In- Oorham, ton. BANK,Corning, LET.-On Fore at the foot of Plum. No. Commencing From Montreal aad Plymouth.15.76 (Suooessor to Geo. W. Frank 4 DarrowT) St., solvency for said County of Cumberland. Chicago, Quebec, Sid 8th, sch Julia S Bailey, Godfrey, for Turks febl2 TS&Tlmnrm Choice First the best Farming TO422, a three story brick store suitable for a OFFICE HOCKS from 9 to 12 M., 2 to 12.36 p. m. California •Stocks, iMqjrtgagegin mar3&10 on Mining Island. Districts in Iowa, Missouri. Kansas and Nebraska. wholesale business, the cellar on a level with the 5 anti 7 to 9 P. Tl. Consultation FKEE. __ Pullman Palace Sleeping Cart night trrin anr Interest at own street train between (By Telegraph.) CHARLESTON- Cld 7th, sch J P Wyman, Tor- paid your home in N. Y. Exchange. in the rear. Apply at No. 181 MIDDLE ST. oo 11 eodtf e is hereby given, that the Parlor (Jars on day Portland and Mon* NO. 16-4 9.-The are rey. Wilmington, Noticsubscribers have been duly at,pointed Execu- treal. San Francisco, Mch. following the IVfWELVE YEARS* EXPERIENCE TICKET I Sid 8ib, sch Horace R Sturgis, for Baltimore. in loaning for Private Investors and Trust Funds. IMPORTED tors of the Will ot OFFICES closing oflioial quotations of mining stocks to-day: WILMINGTON, NC—Ar 7th schs Sarah Potter, HEALTH! ‘‘NOT HOW BUT HOW WELL,” MUCH, AMASA WINSLOW, late of Chollar. 2 Sumner, Boston; Thos W Holder, McMillan, from is our Motto In Loaning. Send for circular TO LET. Westbrook, 74 Exchange Street, and Depot Hale A Norcrosa. 5y8 New York. giving full particulars as tojoans, references, etc. WINES & in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and have in taken of Navajo.... 1 BALTIMORE—Cld 7th, sch S G Haskell, Eaton, the Thompson block, Nos. 117. 119 LIQUORS upon themselves that trust as the law Foot India Street. 121 and 123 Middle few directs. All Savage. Savannah. □ Swift’s Specific cured me of rheumatism three STORES street, a dc ors below .i all kiwi., in the persons having demands upon the 1% Ohab.C.Norton,Oa«h*r. Lew E.Dabbow.Preach the estate of said PHILADELPHIA—Ar 7th, steamer months after my had exhausted 8ow & N. Y. post office; fitted suitable for wholesale or retail deceased, are to exhibit the SOLD AT Eureka. 2 Harrisburg, ago, physicians j&ererKAft.DtnlG,l"iN' to Co., Bankers, City, required TICKETS REDUCED RATES Bodie. 2y* Portland; sch Carrie A Buckman, Gray, Pensacola. their remedies without givinn relief. j haonui, Bark, Chicago, iilinnie business, with light, finished, airy basements. ReDt OfttOINAL same; and all persons indebted to said estate are roasonable. of H. K. 164 PACKAGES, called to —TO— Cld 7th, schs Elva E Petteugill, Dodge, Sa^ua; C. P. Goodyear, Att’y at Law, Brunswiok, Ga. hotII TTSly Inquire THOMPSON, No. upon make payment to Boston Market* Mary B Norwood, St Brackett street Portland, Me. 1anl4dtf -IOS BAL3 BT Judge, Jago. GEORGE H. WINSLOW, > Canada. Detroit, Milwauke Ar 8th, barque T L I have been afflicted with rheumatism nearly forty FTPcntor8hxecut018- Chicago, BOSTON, Mch. 9.—The following were to-day’s Sweat, Knight, Liverpool. SARAH J. WINSLOW-. ) Cincinnati, Hi. Maal- Ar 9th, brig Raven, Steele, Matanzas. and a few bottles of Swift’s Specific cured I,.uU, Omaha, Cheese, Ao: years, $1000 REWARD. To L.ets R. STANLEY Westbrook, Feb. 17,1886. feb24dlawTu3w* nuw, St. Nall l.alir quotations Butter, Eggs, Ar at Delaware Breakwater sch Jennie F me. It is a to the &SON, Importers Paul, City, 8th, God-send suffering. Man Pork—Long cuts, 14 76@15 60; short cute 16 25 Willey. Chadwick, Fernandina. J. B. Thomson, Ga. No, 126 Free St., formerly occupied by NO. 410 FORE NfREET, Denver, Francisco Waller, The P. J. Tobacco HOUSEDr. Weeks. F. N. DOW, i* hereby given, that the 00: backs $16 76'&16 60; light backs 16 26@ Sid 8th, barque oose R Lopez, Mouutfort, for Sorg Plug Company Me, and all @16 novddtf No. 12 Market Portland, Noticesubscriber has beeu duly appointed and taken polnta in the 116 lean ends 14 75@$16 60 prime mess 14 26 New York. I have been relieved of Bevere rheuma- advertise to present the consumer who Square. 00; entirely Also, General Managers for New England, upon herself the trust of Executrix of the estate of ®*16 60;extra prime 11 75@12 60; mess, 13 26@ NEW YORK— Ar 7th, schs Nettle B Dobbin, tism in my right arm by the use of Swift's Specific, sends iu the greatest amount of Spear Northwest, West nnd southwest tongues 00&16 60. Seta- last winter without a FOR THE CELEBRATED ISAACS. DUNN, late of North Yarmouth 14 60; pork $16 Kumery, Calais; Margie, Gulliver, Portland; and passed through relapse. Headlin in one Room* TO LET. lb for for Ga Tags lot by July 1» In the of Cumberland, deceased, aud given Lard at 7%'&8c V tierces; 8%?£8y*e gawa. Rogers, Rockland; Lizzie H Kells, Greenlaw, Sidney Herbert, Ed. So. Cultivator, Atlanta, County JOSEPH General Manager for 6-tb Rockland: F C 1885, one thousand dollars every Summit Mineral bonds as the law directs. All de- HICKSON, 10-lb 83/8@8%c pails; %8(gi«c Pendleton.FJetcher, Newport; Alice cash, Spring Waier, persons having TM Q. P. A. pail*: Hrief advertisement* are inserted under mands are re- EDGAR, for 3-Ifc pails. Oakes, Pillsbu.-y. Warren; Speedwell, Rockland. TWENTY YEARS.—I had been a safferer from tag to have the firm name on, FROM II * Kltl«« V, MAUDE upon the estate of said deceased, J. indebted »opS S’lltPHKKSCN. Srjertntendeot, Fre.li Beef—Fair steers at 8®syae t> fb; lizht Ar 8th, sch Mott-Haven, Coliius, Calais; Georgia rheumatism twenty years; was reduced to a skele- feb24 d2m this head one week for 25 cents, paid in quired to oxhibit the same; ami all persons 8%'®9e;choice binds Ginn, Alice Tobin. War- even on crutches. to said estate are called upon to make payment to steers at 7y.(®8c;oboioe heavy Berry, Rockland; Oakes, ton; could hardly get about, advance Rumford at do at lOViSHVio; light at »Va ren; Mattie J Alles, Croekttt, Bristol; Lizzie Lee, Swift’s has cured me sound and well. MARIA L. DUNN, Administratrix. Falls and Buckfleld Railroa 12®l2’AoVgo°d Specific DIRIGO MINERAL WATER. * heavy (ore. C>4@dVic;.econd quality Boston. Mrs. Ezka Mekshon, Macon, Ga. North Yarmouth, Feb. 17,1886., mr3dlaw3 T* ®10Vic;good Iced TO LET.-A few choice rooms at No. at ribs rumps Cld 7th, barque John J Whittier, Carde- water ruins digestion; Dirigo Water improve* Hummer Arrangement in Effect 8epf.9th, 6V4(®6o- rattles 4Va@5Vt