ISSN 1898-8830 Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Annals of Warsaw Annals of Warsaw University of Life Animal Science No 56 (2) 2017 Sciences – SGGW Animal Science No 56 (2) ISSN 1898-8830 1898 8830 2017 Agriculture (Agricultural and Forest Engineering) Animal Science Forestry and Wood Technology Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Land Reclamation Editorial Board Marian Binek Katarzyna Bogacka Bogdan Brzeziecki Bogdan Klepacki Włodzimierz Kluciński Anna Kołłajtis-Dołowy Andrzej Lenart Małgorzata Łobocka Józef Mosiej Arkadiusz Orłowski Małgorzata J. Riedel Marek S. Szyndel Jacek Wilkowski Janusz Wojdalski Michał Zasada WARSAW UNIVERSITY Distribution OF LIFE SCIENCES PRESS Annals are distributed by the Bookshop 166 Nowoursynowska St., 02-787 Warsaw of Warsaw University of Life Sciences Poland, tel. (48 22) 593 55 20 Press, 166 Nowoursynowska St., Warsaw, e-mail:
[email protected] Poland. Agriculture (Agricultural and Forest Engineering) Animal Science Forestry and Wood Technology Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Land Reclamation Annals of Warsaw University of Life University of Life Sciences Press in two Sciences were originally published in 1957 copies. Papers submitted for consideration as Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW (Scienti- by the Editorial board should not exceed 0.5 fic Fascicles of SGGW). In 1980 the na- of a printed sheet (about 11 pages includ- me was changed to Annals of Warsaw ing illustrations, and should consist of the University of Life Sciences. following elements: 1) name and surname The Annals (5 subject series) are publi- of the author, 2) title of the paper, 3) abstract shed once or twice a year and will carry pre- (about 20 lines), 4) text of the paper, 5) date viously unpublished papers that are mainly in English, but also in French, German or when the paper was sent to the Warsaw Uni- Russian, followed by a short summary in versity of Life Sciences Press and mailing Polish.