VARIOUSVARIOUS Part 1a October 2013 For next or previous screen: use the mouse wheel, or Pg Up and Pg Dn or ↑ and ↓ on your keyboard. A word from the editor……. Dear reader, A nice and thick autumn issue is ready for you to read. You see, we do not cut corners on the pages! Yet it is every time a considerable challenge to get it all online for you. And also in two languages! The name of the author and the photographer is always stated in an article, but there are also a number of 'silent workers' who help translate, and so-called 'native speakers' who then apply the finishing touch. Each in his profession, so the pigeons, poultry and waterfowl articles go to an expert in that field. We like to put these people in the spotlight by naming them here: In the Netherlands: Luuk Hans, Henk Meijers and Willem van Ballekom. In Germany: Mick Bassett, Thomas Hellmann and Arjan Warnshuis. In England: Denise Moss, Rinke Berkenbosch, Jim Mullan, Michael Hart and Frank Bridgland. In Australia: Greg Davies and Erik Berrevoets. In Romania: Bobo Athes and in de USA: Bill Burnside. Without their help Aviculture Europe could not exist! Moreover, there are always people welcome who occasionally want to help translate Dutch into English or vice versa, many hands make light work! Please contact the chief editor at
[email protected] if you want to join the team. We wish you pleasant reading and for those who have not done it already: please subscribe to our newsletter by sending us your e-mail address, so that you will be automatically informed about the publishing of each new issue.