Society Receives $5000 Bequest Inslde
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Look Co tlre Fock EQotrr . rhich Uo'J uteae her,,rt 1lJ-9t. tv.l'it 'Jfi)rtt FORMERLY SOCIETY NEWS cl')rcoco(il1$co Je(,orsh Lrrstoptcol socrc)tJ VoluneXVI, no. 1 Fall, 1992 "A Flagis Born" PageantSought to SocietyReceives EstablishJewish State in Palestine $5000Bequest BenHecht Pageant Designed to RaiseFundsfor Long-TimeMember Irgun, Struggle against British Jurisdiction LeavesGrant to Society By Walter Roth Sylvia Brenner, a long-time Beginning December 26, 1946, The American League for a Free member of the Society, has left a Palestinepresented Ben Hecht's A Flag is Born at the Studebaker $5000 bequestto help the Soci*y Theaterat 418 SouthMichigan Avenue to a sold out audience.The continueits presentwork and plan for theater presentationwas another (and the last in Chicago) of Hecht's newundertakings. pageantsdealing with the plight of World Jewry. TheLeague had been Active in various Jewish causes formedin Americaafter the endof World War II underthe leadershipof eveninto her 90s, Ms. Brermertaught Peter Bergson,the sameperson who had organizedthe Irgun Zvai Sunday School at the North Shore Leuni organizationsin the United Statesduring World War II. Under Congregation and attended adult the auspicesof the earlier organizations,Hecht had written the educationclasses at Temple Shalom. Holocaustpageant lle Shall Never Die producedat ChicagoStadium in Accordingto former SocietyPresident Norman Schwartz, she 1943. Now, over three years later, six million Jews had been synpathetic to the exterminatedand the focus was on the remnantsof EuropeanJewry and antinued on page 2 the strugglefor statehoodfor the Jewsof Palestine. Adding to that turmoil in 1946,Hecht and his followers were at odds with mainstream Jewishorganizations Inslde: The ThreeRs rOral Historyexcerpt with As its Chicagopamphlets enunciated, the Leagueemphasized "The Jackand DollieGalter half ThreeR's": the Repatriationof a million and a Jewsto Palestine rLong rangeplanning with or withoutBritish consent; Recognition of the HebrewNation; and Resistancein Palestinewhich mustbe supported.The Leagueaccused committeedelivers report the mainstreamZionist and AmericanJewish organizations of dragging rSocietyannounces video their feet and of doing little effectivework to furtherthe threeR's. In historyproject contihued on page 4 SocietyWelcomes New Membersfrom Last in Chicago. This, of murse, is in You will note that our current addition to our oral history and Quarter newsletter has a new format, the sunmer tour proigran|s. product of our new composition Let me also mention that a dear The Society would like to methodswhich give editor Joe Kraus friend of our Society, Bemard Wax, announc€the new memberswho have more flexibility with layouts and cut recently retired as Director of the joined in the last quarter. We down on the time it takes to put the AmericanJewish Historical Societyin welcome them and urge them to newslettertogether. We congratulate Waltharn- Massachussetts. Bemie participate in our ongoing efforts to him on gett[rg out this issue of the served in that capacity for over 26 preserveand record Chicago'sJewish newsletlerand on the year's worth of years. Many ofus got to know him historv. issueshe's already completed for us. during his studiesat the Univenity of We havemany new projectsfor the Chicago,from which he receivedboth Mr. & Mrc. James Mr. & Mn. Edwad ChaE Neisser newyear. We are embarkingon a new a B.A. and an M.A. From there,he venture:the productionof a videotape Michael Ebner Cantor Elwin wsnt on to the Illinois StateHistorical Foye Gaick Redfem basedon the hisory of the Jews of Library wherehe becamean experton Mildred Mallin Richard Sobel Chicago. It is an ambitious material dealing with the Civil War Lois Mandel Enily Sololf undertakingwhich will requiretime by and Abraham Lincoln in lllinois. Moi Mickelson SandrqStone our membersand the raising of funds Bernie is now Director Emeritus of Jack Trost for the hiring of professionalhelp. In the American Jewish Historical addition, we are working on a new Society and we wish him well in all We would like to invite all of our publication of the Minsky Fund and his future endeavorsand thankhim for members-- new and old - not simply completing a project collecting the all he'sdone over tle years. O to participate in existing Society best photographsdepicting Jewish life progr.uns but to suggest and undertake new ones as well. In addition to our quarterly open Continuedfron page I throughthe efforts of our volunte€rs. meetings, we have several existing Brenner If we can establishan endowment,it committeesfor suchdisparate projects Society'spurposes and lookedforward will makethose efforts all the more as producing a video history of to the Society's growing even more effective." O successfulin its goal of preserving Chicago's lews, staging a Chicago'sJewish history. - photographycompetition, pursuing an Brenner'sbequest will go toward ConsiderMinsky oral history project, and seeking to the Society's general operating fund increaseSociety membership. where, accordingto Schwartz,it will PublicationasGift Becoming involved in Society help establishthe sort of endowment Those of you looking to glve a activities is a good way to insurethat the Societyneeds before it can begin small gift to someoneas a thank you your particular interests and to consider such long-rangeprojects for hospitality over the holidaysor as experiencesare preserved. For more as the hiring of an executiv€secratary. part of a belatedgift exchangeshould information on specific committee (312) The Societyinvites other members consider purchasing copies of the projects, call the office al 663- to considermaking donationsand to Minsky Memorial Fund's publication, 5634. giving consider including the Society as a Chicago Jewish Street Peddlers atrrd You might consideras well gift beneficiaryin your will. We ask you Memoriesof lawndale. a Societymembership as a either as well to considerus as a repository At only $5, the book is an to someonestill a part of the city or to for the artifacts you considerrelevant affordable way to sharethe Society's someonewho has moved away fiom getting to our mission. work with friends or relatives rn Chicago without it out of his (or "The benefitof Ms. Brenner's Chicago or away from it. While her) heart. A schedule of printed donationgoes beyond its dollar suppliesstill remain,tle pressrun of membershipdues is on the value," SocietyPresident Walter Roth 2000is beginningto run low. back coverof this newsletter. as well makrnga said. "We are an organizationthat The book is available at Jewish Please,consider accomplishesa great deal strictly and history bookstorestkoughout the financial donation to the Society to Chicagoarea. o helo us continueour work. tr 2 CreatingChicago's JewishNorth Shore The Society's fall program featuredProfessor Michael Ebner of Lake Forest College speaking at Emanuel Congregation on October25. His talk on the creation of Chicago's Jewish North Shorefilled the auditorium and became the subjectof a recentarticle in the JUF News. Jews first migratedto Highland Park on LheNorth Shorebecause it was an inclusive rather than an exclusivesuburb. Chicago's Ge rman Jewishelite began to relocatethere in l90l when four families built a (leftl summerresidential compound called MichaelEbner talkswith SocietvVice-President Burt Robin Wildwood. Theybuilt this compound partly because they were excluded was a public declaration that Jews Shore includes eight communities from gentile country clubs. Seven were a s€parate segrnent of the stretching from Evanston to Lake yearslater a Jewishcountry club, the community. Bluff. These suburbsexisted rn a Lake Shore Country Club, was ProfessorEbner also spokeabout self-consciousnetwork with shared foundedin Glencoe. It grew rapidly two communitiesthat did not attract a historicalexperiences. The clustering andhad about 200 membersby 1912. large number of Jewish residents:of Jews in Highland Park and That same year, 1912, Julius Kenilworth and Glencoe. Kenilworth Winnetka, and eventuallyin Glencoe, Rosenwald,the wealthy presidentof saw itself as an exclusiveratler than set these communities apart but Sears & Roebuck, purchased a inclusive suburb. Kenilworth establishedthem as a distinctJewish summerhome in Highlard Park. He residents werg concemed with a built an entire compoundfor his appearance and social character. -Mark Mandle growing family in Highland Park in Modieand Lena Spiegel ofthe famous the 1920s. A new pattembegan to cataloguecompany family moved to emergeof Jeu's living in Highland Kenilwortharound 1910. When they ManleyHigh to Hold Parkall yearround. both became ardent Christian The first slnagogue,North Shore Scientists,Jewish identity was 50th ReUniOn CongregationIsrael, was built in diminishedthere. Glencoe,like HighlandPark, was Glencoe midway between Highland The ManleyHigh SchoolClass of incorporatedover a century Park and Winnetka. Winnetka had a ago and January, 1943 will hold its 50th wasan inclusivesuburb. It hadmany much smaller Jellish enclave than anniversaryreunion on Saturday,May non-wealthyresidents and evenhad an Highland Park. Ebner feels 22, 1993at the EmbassySuites Hotel African-American community at its construction of the sy.nagoguewas in Deerfield.Organizers have planned founding.Despite the presenceof the delayed for fifteen years after the a weekendfull of activities and they however, were countryclub because of strongtension country club, Jews inviteall alumnito attend. For more betwen Jewish leaders about their