International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Kumar G et al. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Jul;6(7):1331-1335 pISSN 2454-5929 | eISSN 2454-5937

DOI: Original Research Article Various spectrum of lesion in palatine underwent for in tertiary care center: a two years retrospective study

Gaurav Kumar1*, Ritu Sharma2, Desh Pal1, Geeta1

1Department of ENT, 2Department of Pathology, T.S. Misra Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

Received: 16 April 2020 Revised: 17 May 2020 Accepted: 18 May 2020

*Correspondence: Dr. Gaurav Kumar, E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Palatine are paired masses of lymphoid tissue which act as immunologic barrier against the entry of pathogenic organism into the respiratory and digestive tracts. Despite their protective function, tonsils are prone to infection. Chronic is a disease with repeated attacks of acute tonsillitis or a sub-clinic form of a resistant or poorly treated infection. Objective of the study was to know the various clinico-pathological finding in palatine tonsil underwent for tonsillectomy. Methods: This was a retrospective study where 105 cases (unilateral-15, bilateral-86 and tonsillar biopsy in 04) of histopathologically identified tonsillectomy specimens were included. The available data for all the patients as regards to age, sex and clinical symptoms was collected. Representative bits were taken from formalin fixed tonsillectomy specimens in which hematoxylin and eosin (H and E) staining was done. Results: Amongst the cases, 79 cases showed chronic tonsillitis. Other lesions were chronic tonsillitis with actinomycosis in 11 cases, acute on chronic tonsillitis in 07 cases, granulomatous tonsillitis in 03 cases, Acute ulcerative tonsillitis with micro abscesses in 01 case and Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia in 02 case. Two malignancies were observed - one case of poorly differentiated carcinoma and another case of lymphoma. Conclusions: This study showed that chronic tonsillitis is a common problem facing in all age groups and histopathology play a key role in diagnosing both benign and malignant lesion of tonsil therefore deciding the proper


Keywords: Palatine tonsil, Tonsillectomy, Tonsillitis, Histopathology

INTRODUCTION Tonsillitis is one of the commonest infectious diseases seen commonly in the young age group. Tonsillar and diseases are the most common health-related issues in ear, nose and (ENT) Various organisms including viruses like Reo virus, diseases in children and adults.1 The palatine tonsils are Adenovirus, Influenza virus and Echo virus, and bacteria paired nodular masses of lymphoid tissue situated on like beta-hemolytic Streptococcus are implicated in either side of the oropharynx having an extremely causation of tonsillitis. Rarely, it can be caused by fungi remarkable role in the antimicrobial defense of the body.2 or parasites.4 Chronic tonsillitis is still the commonest They are covered by non-keratinized stratified squamous indication for tonsillectomy.5 One of the definite along with deep crypts that invaginate into the indications is asymmetric tonsil for histopathological parenchyma, in which B- are found.3 evaluation to rule out malignancy.6,7

International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery | July 2020 | Vol 6 | Issue 7 Page 1331 Kumar G et al. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Jul;6(7):1331-1335

Tonsillectomy is generally indicated when there are Most common clinical presentation was recurrent frequent attacks of acute tonsillitis. Other indications of intermittent episodes of throat pain & odynophagia tonsillectomy include obstructive , quinsy, comprising of 55.2% followed by recurrent throat tonsillitis, tonsillar cysts and suspicion of malignancy infection 14.3% (Table 2). adeno-tonsillectomy is performed in children with .8 We report 105 cases of enlarged Table 1: Distribution of cases in different age groups. tonsil, out of which 101 cases were undergone for tonsillectomy and 04 cases for tonsillar biopsy. Age group in years N Percentage 1-10 09 8.6 This study was conducted for studying the clinico- 11-20 19 18.1 pathological findings of various lesions of palatine tonsils 21-30 37 35.2 underwent for tonsillectomy in various age groups. 31-40 29 27.6 41-50 06 5.7 METHODS 51-60 03 2.8 61-70 02 1.9 This was a retrospective study conducted in Department of ENT in T.S. Misra Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow (U.P.) during the period of January 2018 to Table 2: Most common clinical presentation. 2020. The cases included were from different age groups from children to elderly having repeated attacks of Acute S. no. Symptoms Percentage Tonsillitis. The cases having history of allergy and any 1. Throat pain 38.1 other chronic illness (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, TB 2. Odynophagia 17.1 and asthma) were excluded. 3. Recurrent throat infection 14.3 or voice quality 4. 12.4 All the cases were admitted for surgery in ENT changes department and cases were done in general anesthesia 5. History of and cough 8.6 (GA) with nasal intubation and tissue was sent for 6. Snoring 5.7 histopathology in pathology department. Necessary 7. Apneic spells 3.8 approvals were taken from ethical committee of the institution. The available data for all the patients as Most common clinical signs were congestion of tonsils, regards age, sex, clinical symptoms was collected from anterior pillars and peritonsillar region seen in 47.6% the medical records section and hospital information cases. Jugulodigastric lymph nodes were palpable in system (HIS). cases of chronic tonsillitis. Two malignant cases were reported had unilateral enlargement of tonsil along with Histopathological reports of the patients who undergone ulcero-proliferative growth seen in 1.9% (Table 3). tonsillectomy were also retrieved. Pre-operative clinical histories which included clinical presentation, clinical Table 3: Most common clinical sign. course and complete medical history were gleaned from the record and clarified with the operating notes. Total S. no. Common signs Percentage 105 cases were operated out of which tonsillectomy was Congestion of tonsils, done in 101 cases unilateral-15, bilateral-86 and tonsillar 1. anterior pillars and 47.6 biopsy was done in 04 cases. Tonsillar tissues sent for peritonsillar region Histopathological examination in pathology department 2. Enlarged tonsil 24.7 where the specimens were fixed in 10% formalin. 3. Halitosis 20.0 Representative bits were taken from formalin fixed Cheesy material in crypts of tonsillectomy specimens whereas biopsies were 4. 1.9 submitted entirely to make paraffin blocks. The sections tonsil were cut at 3-4 microns thickness and were stained with 5. Fibrosis 3.81 hematoxylin and eosin (H and E). Microscopic 6. Growth and ulceration 1.9 examination was done. Out of 105 cases, 101 cases were tonsillectomy and 04 RESULTS cases were tonsillar biopsy out of which 46 cases were males and 59 cases were females, ranging in age from 1- In all cases of chronic tonsillitis, the most common age 70 years. Female mean age was of 30 years and a male group affected is 21-30 years comprising of 35.2% mean age of 34 years. A slight predominance of females followed by age group of 31-40 years comprising of 56.2% was noted (Figure 1). Amongst 105 cases, 27.6%. In elderly age group of age more than 50 years histopathological examination showed 78 cases showed comprising of 4.7% present as odynophagia (Table 1). chronic tonsillitis only (Table 4). In our study, 11 cases of chronic tonsillitis showed actinomycotic colonies, however there was no tissue reaction (Figure 2A).

International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery | July 2020 | Vol 6 | Issue 7 Page 1332 Kumar G et al. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Jul;6(7):1331-1335

Table 4: Distribution of cases on the basis of 07 cases of were acute on chronic tonsillitis, acute histopathological findings. ulcerative tonsillitis with micro abscesses in one case and reactive lymphoid hyperplasia in two case were seen. Granulomatous tonsillitis was seen in three cases. S. no. Diagnosis N Percentage Malignancy in tonsil was observed in 3 cases, out of 1. Chronic tonsillitis 78 74.2 which two cases reported squamous cell carcinoma Chronic tonsillitis (Figure 2B) and one as undifferentiated 2. 11 10.5 with actinomycosis carcinoma/lymphoma (Figure 2C). Acute on chronic 3. 07 6.7 tonsillitis DISCUSSION Granulomatous 4. 03 2.8 tonsillitis There has been a debate on the necessity of Reactive lymphoid histopathological examination of routine tonsillectomy or 5. 02 1.9 hyperplasia adeno-tonsillectomy specimens since decades. Tonsils are Acute ulcerative important components of the and their infections are very frequent. Tonsils are immunologically 6. tonsillitis with 01 0.95 9 micro abscesses more active in the first years of life. The pathogenesis of infectious/inflammatory disease in the tonsils most likely Squamous cell 7. 02 1.9 has its basis in their anatomic location and their inherent carcinoma function as organ of immunity, processing infectious Undifferentiated material and other and then becoming, 8. carcinoma/lympho 01 0.95 paradoxically, a focus of infection/ .9 ma During aging, whereas lymphoid tissue regresses, sub Total 105 100 epithelial tissue changes into fibrotic tissue and crypts alter into cavities filled with keratin. In case of infection, bacteria that inhabit the crypts spread into the tonsil and leave their toxins and other products in it, eventually leading to polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration, swelling, necrosis and surface ulceration in tonsils.10 FEMALE MALE Chronic tonsillitis most often affects children, but can be 43.8% seen in adults, probably due to a local dysfunction of the epithelium. The recurrent nature of acute tonsillitis is 56.2% attributed to the bacteria surviving intracellularly, thus avoiding antibiotic killing and causing re-infection. Repeated attacks of tonsillitis can lead to tonsillar hypertrophy causing airway obstruction, thus leading to excision.11

In our study patients’ age group ranged from 1-70 years, majority of the patients 58.3% were belong in age group Figure 1: Percentage of distribution of cases in male of 0-20 years not concide with study done by Manzoor et and female. al.12 However two patients with tonsillar malignancy were of higher age group. Ugras et al investigated eight histopathological criteria in all palatine tonsils: presence of slight-moderate infiltration in the surface epithelium, presence of abscess leading to the defect in the surface epithelium (Ugras’s abscess), presence of diffuse lymphocyte infiltration leading to the defect in the surface epithelium, presence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the surface epithelium and in the sub epithelial area, presence of lymphoid hyperplasia, increase in the plasma cells number in the sub epithelial area and in the interfollicular area, presence of fibrosis and presence of atrophy.13 Seven out of eight criteria they studied were more closely associated with chronic Figure 2: Histopathology picture of tonsil (A) tonsillitis, only one criteria (the presence of lymphoid actinomycetes colonies, (B) squamous cell carcinoma hyperplasia) was higher in chronic tonsillar hypertrophy and (C) undifferentiated carcinoma/lymphoma. compared chronic tonsillitis. In our study the presence of slight-moderate lymphocyte infiltration in the surface

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