Temple Calendar

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Temple Calendar Year : SHAARVARI MARGASIRA - PUSHYA Ayana: UTTARA MARGAZHI - THAI Rtu: HEMANTHA JANUARY DHANU - MAKARAM SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Tritiya 8.54 D Recurring Events Special Events Tritiya 9.40 N Chaturthi 8.52 N Temple Hours Chaturthi 6.55 ND Daily: Ganesha Homam 01 NEW YEAR DAY Pushya 8.45 D Aslesha 8.47 D 31 12 HANUMAN JAYANTHI 1 2 P Phalguni 1.48 D Daily: Ganesha Abhishekam Mon - Fri 13 BHOGI Daily: Shiva Abhishekam 14 MAKARA SANKRANTHI/PONGAL 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Tuesday: Hanuman Chalisa 14 MAKARA JYOTHI AYYAPPAN 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm PUJA Thursday : Vishnu Sahasranama 28 THAI POOSAM VENKATESWARA PUJA Friday: Lalitha Sahasranama Moon Rise 9.14 pm Sat, Sun & Holidays Moon Rise 9.13 pm Saturday: Venkateswara Suprabhatam SANKATAHARA CHATURTHI 8:30 am to 8:30 pm NEW YEAR DAY SANKATAHARA CHATURTHI Panchami 7.44 N Shashti 6.17 N Saptami 4.34 D Ashtami 2.36 D Navami 12.28 D Dasami 10.10 D Ekadasi 7.47 D Magha 8.26 D P Phalguni 7.47 D Hasta 5.39 N Chitra 4.16 N Swati 2.42 N Vishaka 1.02 N Dwadasi 5.23 N 3 4 U Phalguni 6.50 ND 5 6 7 8 9 Anuradha 11.19 N EKADASI PUJA AYYAPPAN PUJA Trayodasi 3.02 N Chaturdasi 12.52 N Amavasya 11.00 N Prathama 9.31 N Dwitiya 8.35 N Tritiya 8.15 N Chaturthi 8.38 N 10 Jyeshta 9.39 N 11 Mula 8.07 N 12 P Ashada 6.51 N 13 U Ashada 5.58 D 14 Shravana 5.34 D 15 Dhanishta 5.47 D 16 Satabhisha 6.39 N MAKARA SANKRANTHI PONGAL BHOGI MAKARA JYOTHI AYYAPPAN SRINIVASA KALYANAM PRADOSHA PUJA HANUMAN JAYANTHI PUSHYA / MAKARAM PUJA SHUKLA CHATURTHI PUJA THAI Panchami 9.44 N Shashti 11.29 N Saptami 1.45 N Ashtami 4.20 N Navami 6.59 ND Dasami FN Dasami 9.26 D 17 P Bhadrapada 8.13 N 18U Bhadrapada 10.24 N 19 Revati 1.06 N 20 Aswini 4.06 N 21 Bharani 7.10 ND 22 Krithika FN 23 Krithika 10.02 D KRITHIKA PUJA SHUKLA SHASHTI PUJA HANUMAN PUJA DURGA PUJA EKADASI PUJA Ekadasi 11.28 D Dwadasi 12.54 D Trayodasi 1.41 D Chaturdasi 1.47 D Purnima 1.16 D Prathama 12.12 D Dwitiya 10.42 D 24 Rohini 12.31 D 25 Mrigashirsha 2.25 D 26 Ardra 3.42 D 27 Punarvasu 4.19 D 28 Pushya 4.20 D 29 Aslesha 3.51 D 30 Magha 2.58 D PURNIMA DURGA PUJA PRADOSHA PUJA SATYANARAYANA PUJA THAI POOSAM 6508 K-Avenue, Plano, TX 75074 HINDU TEMPLE OF NORTH TEXAS Thithi and Nakshatra end times Specified (972) 943-9543 D:6 am-6 pm; N:6 pm-6 am;ND-Next Day;FN-Full Night www.htnt.org SRI GANESHA TEMPLE Calendar is based on Plano time Year:SHAARVARI PUSHYA - MAAGHA Ayana: UTTARA THAI - MAASI Rtu: HEMANTHA - SHISHIRA FEBRUARY MAKARAM - KUMBHAM SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Special Events Panchami 4.49 N Shashti 2.42 N Saptami 12.37 N Ashtami 10.37 N Navami 8.43 N Dasami 6.56 N 16 VASANTHA PANCHAMI U Phalguni 12.27 D Hasta 11.02 D Chitra 9.37 D Swati 8.15 D Anuradha 5.47 N Jyeshta 4.44 N 18 RATHA SAPTAMI 1 2 3 4 Vishaka 6.58 ND 5 6 26 ATTUKAL PONKALA 26 MAASI MAGHAM 26 HOLI VENKATESWARA PUJA Ekadasi 5.17 D Dwadasi 3.49 D Trayodasi 2.35 D Chaturdasi 1.39 D Amavasya 1.05 D Prathama 12.59 D Dwitiya 1.26 D 7 Mula 3.51 N 8 P Ashada 3.08 N 9 U Ashada 2.42 N 10 Shravana 2.35 N 11 Dhanishta 2.53 N 12 Satabhisha 3.41 N 13 P Bhadrapada 5.03 N MAAGHA EKADASI PUJA PRADOSHA PUJA MAASI / KUMBHAM AYYAPPAN PUJA Tritiya 2.29 D Chaturthi 4.07 D Panchami 6.16 N Shashti 8.48 N Saptami 11.28 N Ashtami 2.02 N Navami 4.12 N 14 U Bhadrapada 6.59 ND 15 Revati FN 16 Revati 9.26 D 17 Aswini 12.19 D 18 Bharani 3.24 D 19 Krithika 6.27 N 20 Rohini 9.13 N VASANTHA PANCHAMI RATHA SAPTAMI SHUKLA CHATURTHI PUJA HANUMAN PUJA SHUKLA SHASHTI PUJA KRITHIKA PUJA SRINIVASA KALYANAM Dasami 5.46 N Ekadasi 6.35 ND Dwadasi 6.35 ND Trayodasi 5.49 N Chaturdasi 4.20 N Purnima 2.17 N Prathama 11.49 N 21 Mrigashirsha 11.28 N 22 Ardra 1.01 N 23 Punarvasu 1.47 N 24 Pushya 1.47 N 25 Aslesha 1.05 N 26 Magha 11.48 N 27 P Phalguni 10.05 N PURNIMA DURGA PUJA ATTUKAL PONKALA SATYANARAYANA PUJA MAASI MAGHAM EKADASI PUJA PRADOSHA PUJA HOLI Dwitiya 9.05 N Recurring Events Temple Hours 28 U Phalguni 8.07 N Daily: Ganesha Homam Daily: Ganesha Abhishekam Mon - Fri Daily: Shiva Abhishekam 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Tuesday: Hanuman Chalisa 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm Thursday : Vishnu Sahasranama Friday: Lalitha Sahasranama Sat, Sun & Holidays Saturday: Venkateswara Suprabhatam 8:30 am to 8:30 pm 6508 K-Avenue, Plano, TX 75074 HINDU TEMPLE OF NORTH TEXAS Thithi and Nakshatra end times Specified (972) 943-9543 D:6 am-6 pm; N:6 pm-6 am;ND-Next Day;FN-Full Night www.htnt.org SRI GANESHA TEMPLE Calendar is based on Plano time Year: SHAARVARI MAAGHA - PHALGUNA Ayana: UTTARA MAASI - PANGUNI Rtu: SHISHIRA MARCH KUMBHAM - MEENAM SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Temple Hours Tritiya 6.16 N Chaturthi 3.29 D Panchami 12.51 D Shashti 10.29 D Saptami 8.24 D Navami 5.17 N Hasta 6.02 N Chitra 3.59 D Swati 2.05 D Vishaka 12.27 D Ashtami 6.40 ND Jyeshta 10.08 D Mon - Fri 1 2 3 4 5 Anuradha 11.07 D 6 9:30 am to 12:30 pm 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm Sat, Sun & Holidays Moon Rise 9.14 pm 8:30 am to 8:30 pm SANKATAHARA CHATURTHI VENKATESWARA PUJA Dasami 4.14 N Ekadasi 3.32 N Dwadasi 3.10 N Trayodasi 3.10 N Chaturdasi 3.32 N Amavasya 4.21 N Prathama 6.36 ND 7 Mula 9.29 D 8 P Ashada 9.10 D 9 U Ashada 9.11 D 10 Shravana 9.33 D 11 Dhanishta 10.15 D 12 Satabhisha 11.21 D 13 P Bhadrapada 12.52 D AYYAPPAN PUJA EKADASI PUJA MAHA PRADOSHA PUJA MAHA SHIVARATRI PHALGUNA Dwitiya FN Dwitiya 8.19 D Tritiya 10.29 D Chaturthi 12.58 D Panchami 3.39 D Shashti 6.18 N Saptami 8.40 N 14 U Bhadrapada 3.49 D 15 Revati 6.13 N 16 Aswini 9.01 N 17 Bharani 12.04 N 18 Krithika 3.14 N 19 Rohini 6.15 ND 20 Mrigashirisha FN KARADAIYAN NOMBU Vratham starts at 7.38 am ends at 7.48 am PANGUNI / MEENAM HANUMAN PUJA SHUKLA SHASHTI PUJA Daylight savings time starts SHUKLA CHATURTHI PUJA KRITHIKA PUJA SRINIVASA KALYANAM Ashtami 10.30 N Navami 11.37 N Dasami 11.53 N Ekadasi 11.17 N Dwadasi 9.51 N Trayodasi 7.41 N Chaturdasi 4.57 D Mrigashirisha 8.54 D Ardra 10.58 D Punarvasu 12.15 D Pushya 12.42 D Aslesha 12.19 D Magha 11.09 D P Phalguni 9.21 D 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 U Phalguni 7.05 ND PANGUNI UTHIRAM DURGA PUJA AYYAPPAN JAYANTH EKADASI PUJA PRADOSHA PUJA SATYANARAYANA PUJA Purnima 1.48 D Prathama 10.24 D Tritiya 3.36 N Chaturthi 12.30 N Recurring Events Special Events Hasta 4.32 N Dwitiya 6.57 ND Swati 11.15 N Vishaka 8.52 N Daily: Ganesha Homam 10 MAHA PRADOSHAM 30 11 MAHA SHIVARATRI 28 29 Chitra 1.51 N 31 Daily: Ganesha Abhishekam 14 KARADAIYAN NOMBU Daily: Shiva Abhishekam 27 PANGUNI UTHIRAM Tuesday: Hanuman Chalisa 27 AYYAPPAN JAYANTHI Thursday: Vishnu Sahasranama Moon Rise 11.28 pm Friday: Lalitha Sahasranama PURNIMA DURGA PUJA SANKATAHARA CHATURTHI Saturday: Venkateswara Suprabhatam 6508 K-Avenue, Plano, TX 75074 HINDU TEMPLE OF NORTH TEXAS Thithi and Nakshatra end times Specified (972) 943-9543 D:6 am-6 pm; N:6 pm-6 am;ND-Next Day;FN-Full Night www.htnt.org SRI GANESHA TEMPLE Calendar is based on Plano time Year: SHAARVARI - PLAVA PHALGUNA - CHAITRA Ayana : UTTARA PANGUNI-CHITHIRAI Rtu: SHISHIRA - VASANTHA APRIL MEENAM-MEDAM SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Special Events Recurring Events Panchami 9.45 N Shashti 7.28 N Saptami 5.43 D 12 UGADI / GUDI PADWA Daily: Ganesha Homam Anuradha 6.49 N Jyeshta 5.13 D Mula 4.08 D 12 VASANTHA NAVARATHRI 3 Daily: Ganesha Abhishekam 1 2 STARTS 13 PUTHANDU Daily: Shiva Abhishekam 14 VISHU Tuesday: Hanuman Chalisa 21 SRI RAMA NAVAMI Thursday: Vishnu Sahasranama 21 VASANTHA NAVARATHRI ENDS 26 CHITRA POURNAMI / Friday: Lalitha Sahasranama HANUMATH JAYANTHI Saturday: Venkateswara Suprabhatam VENKATESWARA PUJA Ashtami 4.29 D Navami 3.49 D Dasami 3.39 D Ekadasi 3.59 D Dwadasi 4.46 D Trayodasi 5.58 D Chaturdasi 7.33 N 4 P Ashada 3.35 D 5 U Ashada 3.35 D 6 Shravana 4.04 D 7 Dhanishta 5.03 D 8 Satabhisha 6.27 N 9 P Bhadrapada 8.16 N 10 U Bhadrapada 10.27 N EKADASI PUJA PRADOSHA PUJA AYYAPPAN PUJA Amavasya 9.30 N Prathama 11.46 N Dwitiya 2.17 N Tritiya 4.57 N Chaturthi FN Chaturthi 7.36 D Panchami 10.02 D Revati 12.59 N 12 Aswini 3.49 N 13 Bharani 6.52 ND Krithika FN 15 Krithika 10.02 D 16 Rohini 1.10 D Mrigashirisha 4.03 D 11 UGADI / GUDI PADWA 14 17 TELUGU /KANNADA / MARATHI NEW YEAR CHAITRA PLAVA SAMVASTRA PLAVA PUTHANDU VISHU SRINIVASA KALYANAM VASANTHA NAVARATHRI CHITHIRAI / MEDAM KRITHIKA PUJA SHUKLA CHATURTHI PUJA SHUKLA SHASTI PUJA STARTS Shashti 12.05 D Saptami 1.31 D Ashtami 2.13 D Navami 2.05 D Dasami 1.05 D Ekadasi 11.17 D Dwadasi 8.47 D Ardra 6.31 N Punarvasu 8.23 N 20 Pushya 9.29 N 21 Aslesha 9.45 N Magha 9.11 N 23 P Phalguni 7.52 N Trayodasi 5.43 N 18 19 22 24 U Phalguni 5.53 D SRI RAMA NAVAMI HANUMAN PUJA VASANTHA NAVARATHRI ENDS EKADASI PUJA DURGA PUJA PRADOSHA PUJA Chaturdasi 2.14 N Purnima 10.36 N Prathama 6.44 N Dwitiya 3.04 D Tritiya 11.39 D Chaturthi 8.39 D Temple Hours 25 Hasta 3.24 D 26 Chitra 12.36 D 27 Swati 9.38 D Anuradha 3.59 N Jyeshta 1.37 N Panchami 6.11 ND Vishaka 6.42 ND 28 29 30 Mula 11.45 N Mon - Fri PURNIMA DURGA PUJA 9:30 am to 12:30 pm CHAITRA PURNIMA / 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm CHITRA POURNAMI HANUMATH JAYANTHI Moon Rise 11.31 pm Sat, Sun & Holidays SATYANARAYANA PUJA SANKATAHARA CHATURTHI 8:30 am to 8:30 pm 6508 K-Avenue, Plano, TX 75074 HINDU TEMPLE OF NORTH TEXAS Thithi and Nakshatra end times Specified (972) 943-9543 D:6 am-6 pm; N:6 pm-6 am;ND-Next Day;FN-Full Night www.htnt.org SRI GANESHA TEMPLE Calendar is based on Plano time Year: PLAVA CHAITRA - VAISAKHA Ayana : UTTARA CHITHIRAI-VAIKASI Rtu: VASANTHA MAY MEDAM-EDAVAM SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Panchami 3.42 D Shashti 2.36 D Recurring Events Temple Hours Special Events Shashti 4.20 N Shravana 5.31 N Dhanishta 5.37 N Daily: Ganesha Homam 09 MOTHERS DAY P Ashada 10.29 N 30 14 AKSHAYA THRITHIYA 31 Daily: Ganesha Abhishekam Mon - Fri 1 25 VAIKASI VISHAKAM Daily: Shiva Abhishekam 9:30 am to 12:30 pm 26 TOTAL
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