Examininq UF0s: THE E\/IDENCE The Proceedings of the 8th BUFORA International UFO Gongress Sponsored by Columbia/Sony Music and &*x*roao The Brilish UFO Research Associalion was , lounded in 1962 and curenty has 1000 , membeG in lhe IJK and aboed. The , Lr:!rrr invesligalion team conflises ofover-120 i rtfl ttl field invesligalors. The ains ot lhe l a President lllajor Si. Patrick Wall [4C VRD RIV (rtd) Vice Pr€ldent Lionel E. Beer Founder President G-F.N. Knewstub CEng FBIS Chainnan John Spencer Hon Secretary Simon Rose Membership lo the Associalion is open lo all wio suppod ihe above aims. lvlanfred Cassirer Robert Digby Contacts Gloria Dixon BIJFORA CentBl Oftice Paul Doran 1 Woodhall orive, Balley, West Yorkshke, Steve Gamble WF17 7SW tel: 01924{4(Xg Philip Mantle lnvesligatlon3 Sue Mantle Philip Manlle (address/lel no as above) Phillip Walton Research MEmbership Secretary Jim Danby Sl€vs Gamble (address/tel no as above) Email:
[email protected] Public.tions Mike Woollen (address as above) tel01352732473 Email: mike.{
[email protected],uk lnter€roup Liaison Phillip Walton 22 West Slreel, Brcmley, lcnl, BR1 1RF Mobei 0,956 569101 ilewsclipping Archive Michael Hudson 71 Knight Avenue, Cenlerbury, Kenl, CT2 8PY ln the datk about tlre latest ht Ufofogrlz? Don't lJ FrG(r/Al_l_ 86 C.U, c..l 3tp nt nlnut ch..F t.L .nd 1to D.t fi,lnut .l .I olh.t ,r'.., Gontents rUF0s:ffimrncr 'Ih, bi09er1 and losl Ulo conhrcnc! 01 '95' Scottish Ufology: "What's Going On?" oouble Moons - and other Recent Phenomena over Denmalk Ufology an th€ lnfomation lechnology ot the 13 '90s: The ltalian Case Examining the Evidenco of the uFo/lFo Dr SerW Chemouss 23 "P€lrozavodsk Phenomenon" and Similar Events in Northern Russia bythe Network ofOpticalAll SkyCamelas UFOs: Examiningthe Evidence and Evalualing the Dr Leo Spdnkle Ph.D.