Examininq UF0s: THE E\/IDENCE The Proceedings of the 8th BUFORA International UFO Gongress

Sponsored by Columbia/Sony Music and

&*x*roao The Brilish UFO Research Associalion was , lounded in 1962 and curenty has 1000 , membeG in lhe IJK and aboed. The , Lr:!rrr invesligalion team conflises ofover-120 i rtfl ttl field invesligalors. The ains ot lhe l a

President lllajor Si. Patrick Wall [4C VRD RIV (rtd) Vice Pr€ldent Lionel E. Beer Founder President G-F.N. Knewstub CEng FBIS

Chainnan John Spencer Hon Secretary Simon Rose Membership lo the Associalion is open lo all wio suppod ihe above aims. lvlanfred Cassirer Robert Digby Contacts Gloria Dixon BIJFORA CentBl Oftice Paul Doran 1 Woodhall orive, Balley, West Yorkshke, Steve Gamble WF17 7SW tel: 01924{4(Xg Philip Mantle lnvesligatlon3 Sue Mantle Philip Manlle (address/lel no as above) Phillip Walton

Research MEmbership Secretary Jim Danby Sl€vs Gamble (address/tel no as above) Email: [email protected]

Public.tions Mike Woollen (address as above) tel01352732473 Email: mike.{[email protected],uk lnter€roup Liaison Phillip Walton 22 West Slreel, Brcmley, lcnl, BR1 1RF Mobei 0,956 569101 ilewsclipping Archive Michael Hudson 71 Knight Avenue, Cenlerbury, Kenl, CT2 8PY

ln the datk about tlre latest ht Ufofogrlz? Don't lJ FrG(r/Al_l_ 86 C.U, c..l 3tp nt nlnut ch..F t.L .nd 1to D.t fi,lnut .l .I olh.t ,r'.., Gontents rUF0s:ffimrncr 'Ih, bi09er1 and losl Ulo conhrcnc! 01 '95'

Scottish : "What's Going On?"

oouble Moons - and other Recent Phenomena over Denmalk

Ufology an th€ lnfomation lechnology ot the 13 '90s: The ltalian Case

Examining the Evidenco of the uFo/lFo Dr SerW Chemouss 23 "P€lrozavodsk Phenomenon" and Similar Events in Northern Russia bythe Network ofOpticalAll SkyCamelas

UFOs: Examiningthe Evidence and Evalualing the Dr Leo Spdnkle Ph.D. Expedence

An lntoNiew wilh Ray Santilli 31

Recent UFo Sightings in Africa Cynthia Hind 35

Atmospheric Evolution on Mars andthe tu Helmut Lammet Ph.D. 39 Consequences for the Cyodonian Hypothesis

War of the Worlds Jeff Wayne 43

The Bentwate13.Woodbrjdge lncidents: An 45 Amedcan Percpective

The R€sults of Research of the PhysicalNature of Dr Yulii Platov Ph.D. Anomalous Phenomena Received bythe Academy of Sciences in Russia

Declassification of the UFO Archives of the Vic e nte -J au n Be II e ste t 51 Spanish Ak Force

Editor Mike Wooften Assistant Editors Ken Phillips Marion Sunderland Artist Simon Wallet Production Mike Wootten

O Copyriqht EUFORA Ld, 199s Profile

Waltor H. Andrus, ir.

As ofeoilhe lounding nrernbers of MUFON in 1969, Waller N Andrus, Jr., has been lhe tntemationat Dircctor of lhe Mutual UFo Ne$vork, lnc., since 1970, succeeding Dr. A len R. lJtke He has sefied on the stafl of S/q/ook and lhe MUFOI,J UFo Joumal slanifg in 1968. Watt is presenlly the Associate Editor. He has beef the Editor or Coedilor oi lhe annual MUFO r lnlenationat UFO Synposiun Proceedings since 1972.

Bom if Des l\,loines,lowa (1920) Mr. Andrus is a graduate of Roosevell High Schoot(1938)and gradlaled iom lhe Cenlral T€ch nical nslitute n KansasCty, Mssouri(1940). Heis a qraduate of the U.S. Na!.y Eleclonics Technician ProgEm during World War I and laughl n bolh of lhe above schools. Wall was forfieiy employed by Mid Conlineni Ai ines as a slalion manager in ouincy, ll inois Flom 1949lo 1975 Mr. Andruswas emp oyed by Motorola,Inc. in successive capaciiles as Assistanl Plant Manager Manager of oualily Control, and Operalions Manager n their ouinq,ll. facilily. ln 1975, he lransfeffed lo lhe Segu n, Texas planl as Produclion Manager. Afler a lenure of 34 years with Molorota, Waltelired al lhe end oi 1982 to devole fulllinre lo lhe managemenl of the Mutual UFo Nelwork. Even though b€inq elired, he cont nues lo provide ESD consllling seryices lo lhe Molorota Segutn Ptant.

The MUFON admln slralive ollices were mov€d lrom 0u nq,lll.lo Seguin, Tex. in 1975 where MUFON became a Texas Nonprolil Corpo€lion and an LR.S. Tax Exempl Organisalion. Wa t and hiswfe Jeanne ae lhe poud grandparents of lwo love y granddaughlers, Ch€hea and Natalie, both residing in Ch cago, ll., and agrealgrandson, De€kNickolas culen Chelsea s a posl docto€le candidale in Psycho ogy al Loyola Univers ly and Nala ie s employed as an analysl wth the mutualiunds pubtshing

frm of Momingstar Walt and Jeanne's son, Donald and daughterin, aw Mary Lynn nowntie in San

Mr.Andrus has beef interesled in the U FO phenorn enon siice August 15,1948,when he, hh wile, and sonhadadaylghlslghtingoliourlJFOsflylnginfomalionoverdownlownPhoefix,Ariz.Anamateur rad o opeElor since 1939, Wall s present cal leilers are WSVRN. He oblained a pivate piiot s llcense in 1947 ln addilion lo presenling s id+illrsllaled lectuEs n lhe U.S.A. Be gium, 862 l, Canada, Engtand llaly, and lvexico he has appeared on nalionallelevision nLrnercus limes, however more recenUywith OplahWinfrey, Larry King, and "Encounlers.'

Wal is Vice Cha mran of the lnlernalional Commillee for IJFO Research ( C!R)w th headquarerc in London, England, a member of lhe Board of Direclors of lhe Jo nl USA-C S Aer a Anomaly Foundat or and a board nrember of the CUFOS-FUFOR-MUFON coaliton of the Eigalow Foundalion. lntroduction

John Spencer Chairman, BUFORA

Welcome to the '1995 lnternational IJFO Congrcss

BUFORA has a long lradition of.taglng 3ucce3!fu|, wide.nnging and thought-provoHng congrelse3. The 1995 event i3 certain to be the besl oflhe besl.

Delegates are iLying in from alaround lhe world;Air ca,lhe tonner Soviel Union, America, Euope and lhe Ljnited Stales. They brng wilh lhem lhef perspe.tvewhlch wl show, as il alwayb does, thal UFO

rcsearch s a lru y g lobal u n derlak ng lhough one lh at has fascinating €gion al chaEcterislics as well. ln some aspects,llFO esearch has come a long way since Arnold's l94T sighling lhal'defned uFOs as'lhings n lhe skies. we fow exarn ne a widelang ng sel of experiences; objecls and ight, abducllons, cullbe ief, rnemorydefinition, lrauma, and so on. Thee are those who beLievelhatlhe boundares of UFo research have n facl widened loo far bulthalislhe€aliiyoflhesublectas t standstoday,

We aho study a wde range oflheories, serious UFO €sealche$ having made a sland againsl lhe ETH bejng of necesslly the only explanalion for a/levents. Neverlheless the ETH is the subjecl's - and the medias lirm lavour te as has beer shown by ihe intense sp€cu alions thal have arisen irom the Roswe laulopsy lim lhatwe prcposelo show al the Congress.ll is controversia bulsoisthe subject. BUFOM s proud to be pLrltng thh h ghly emolivelilm beioe the UFo specialists and lhe genera public.

We stress, of coLrrse, as v€ have always slressed, lhat BUFoM holds no corporale view on lhe flm or any olher aspecl of LJ FO research. We bel eve we must be a broad church that allows €searchers frcm al viewpoints lo wo* w th us. We are prcud of having widely dilferenl views wilh n lhe membership and Councllol BUFOM.

And like all menberchipiriven associalions we need a conslant inflow ol new rnembels and new ideas to keep Ihe work driv ng forwards lf you woLrld likelojoin BUFOM p ease compleie an applicaliof iorm lhatcan be obtained al lhe Congless, orspeak to any of the Congress adminislration during lhe evenl.

I hope you enjoy the Congress and lnd il slimulatng. And I hope yourtudher associalion wilh BUFOMwill be equally so. i ilalcolm Robinson Scottish Ufology and New Horizons ': 8om in May 1957 Malolm RobiNon fGt became 'acliv€ly involved wilh UFO and paEnomal eearcn in I979, joining lie now s nce d sbanded Malcolm Robinson Scoihh UFO Nehryo* (sUFoN). He a so join€d BUFOM Strange Phenomena lnvestigations and in hle 1979.ltrned his n research gEUp, Stanqe Phenom€na lnvesl Oations (sPr).

He is curendy lhe S@ttsh Epesenialjve ot lhe . MutualUFO Nelwo* (MUFON) and rheChiefUFO lnvenigator in soland lor BUFOM. Ne a so ediis llle Smush UFO and paGnoma joumal, It was 7.20 pm on the evening of road. As he ground io a halt, he EN GI,AS, wnd' has subscibe's in lhe UK, October 27th 1992 as the noiaced another car up front - which , NoMay, Gemany, USA, FEnce Auslralia, Forsyth family car was had been further up the road du ng journey his approach to this object - almosl lravelling on a short lo Adicls wdtlen by Robinson have appeared in lre crash into the side of the road as it Stirllng from Denny. Patrick Psycnic Nff, The M sing Link (USA) UFo loo wenl through this 'inslant fog Forsyth had made this journey Bigantia and vadousofierUFo and paranomar bank.' publidlons. many times before, and his two he has also assisled tle P€ople N€mpaper, The Sonish Daily R€mrd, The young sons, Barry (ll) and Thankfully, Patrick and his lwo sons Scofiish Sunday Mail, The S@tish Sunday Posl, David (6) sit quietly in the back were sate. He quickly looked up into The N€ws ol he Wodd, The Scolsman and vadow discussing the school activities the dark night sky and observed that . otrer najor and lMl nerepap€'s n rcgads lo siDrles/adicles on UFOS and he Dacnomal of a few houF earlier. lt's dark, this shange wingless objecl was gone. Barry, he and the road is fairly quiet. His son, said that Travelling enemivet lhroughout lhe UK on Suddenly, a vision unfolds to looked out of the rear window and rcs€arch project, he has leclured io vadous saw the object shooting across organisaUons lhoughoul Smlland. He has also Patrick as he notices that up the sky al an ancredible rale in the assisled, and hken pad in, BBC Radio S@uand ahead a aeJial strange device is dkection of Grangemoulh, a town a BBC Rad o l4oray Fiff and Cental F.M. Radio hovering motionless above the few miles to the west. burface of the road. Hls le evision wo* has includ€d appearances on This was but one in an incredible Scothh TVs Sdtish Women, BBC Repod n9 "This is strange," he thinks to himself, se es of UFO sightings in and around Smuand Neus, S.T.V.'S Smlhnd Today Ne[s "what on Earth is going on here?" Not the lown of Bonnybridge in Amerl6n TVs Sighijngs progEmme, a Japanese wanling to alarm his two young sons, Stirlingshire, Central Scotland, ihat UFO documenhry. He was inle i*ed live at0re he says nolhing at this point, hoping SPI (Strange Phenomena GMTV sludlos in Loidon by bolh Loraine Kelly andEamnonUolmes nregadsl0aghostcase that whalever il is. it will have went Investigalions) invesligated, and lhal SPI had been worklng on. away by the time he reaches il in his which began du ng the monlh of However, his fear remains, for car. as November 1992 and lasted until Mr Robinson s daily woddno iob s for United Glass he drives ever closer to this object, he September 1993 {lndeed, lhe in Alloa, where I am a pmducl checl€r. observes thal, whatever ii is, it's sightings arc still ongoing, albeit 1o a ceftainly not going to move. He also smaller degrce). Ever since the His goal in litu is ro conlinue rcsearching cases observes lhat this object does nol famous Livingston lncident of p€d? njng lo lie sllange wodd of UFOS and lhe paEnotral and to hopetully pov de some so( ot conform to any aircraft or helicopler November gth 1979, has , Scotland ,. ansrer io accounl for, what al presenl, eludes N he has ever seen before, seen a steady increase in UFO sightings. Prior lo the Livingston Stange Phenomena lNsligal ons @n be Seconds later. and Patrick fnds lncidenl, which l'll relate shortly, I himself only a few yards from the investigated a huge wave of UFO object. He calls oul to his sons in the sightings in and around the town of " 41 rhe Bmes, Tulliibody back - now accepting lhat whatever [4offat in lhe region of Dumfries and lhe obiect is, it isn'l goinq to go away - Galloway back in 1980-81- "Boys, can you see this?" "Yes," lhey replied in unison, "Vvhai is it?" Before l.lany slEnge aerial devices we.e Palick could give an answer, lhis reported in this region by many black, 2-tiered object with small green different people. A multiple witness lights movinq around its undelside, case with pholographs emerged was obscured by a sudden and which, to this day, has never been instant 'fog bank', or what at least satisfaclorily explained; although a 'appeared'to be a'fog bank', which colleague of mine, a I\,4.. Sleuart slretched from one side ofihe road io Campbell, seems io think that the ihe other. object caughl by the camera (a grcy coloured obiect movinq slowly in the Patrick quickly applied the brakes and sky), was in facl a mirage of a disianl slew the car through this rectangular mountain iop; a view I certainly don'l 'fog bank', which was not puffy or misly like fog, bLrl mlher as if one had placed a large sheel of white cardboard across the surface ol lhe A repeaterwitness (one who claims lo see IJFOS rcgulady), a Mrs Joyce UFO 'Attack' At Livingston Byres, discussed with me ofher many night time observations of smallsilveF 0f cours€, the biggest event ovar have occur€d in in ball-shaped objects seen in lhe sky to ufological tom$ Scolland was, what has boon tormed, making incredible manoeuvres as the'Llvingston lncident,' ot whlch so much has been writtsn about and, giveth6 lhey swooped down from the sky as such, lwillonly brlofost of d€taits here.. lowards the ground. 0n lhe rnorning of November gti igTgil6iestry wori(er, Robtrl Taytor, entered Dechmonl Woods nefi Livingston, Some of Joyce's more alarming UFO Cenlral Scoi aod, accompanied by his trish Ritdsener dog. Roben wo*ed tor sightings were of one padiculer objecl lhe Uvingston Forcslry Dep,aimenl and was checking thal no she€p or catie had strayed lnto lhe woods. lt was whilsll$ing lhis, thal he which she fondly called "Big Bedha". encounlered what he describ€d as a 'siceship' reslinq jusl above re As he slood A large oval-shaped object which Esis. ransfred al r.is amazing sdrne. 2 sTalt. and whal tealured a slructured appendage res€Tbled Second World War sea mines. 'Jshed oul lrom oelow lhs tager obecl and raced lo*ads him On€ of these small attached lo ils rearwhich, when seen, spheres exlendeo ils 'oot;ke e{ension onto his I'ousers, oulng him lorcibly in tle d'€clion o! his arge, ooj€ct flange going made a noise similar in sound to a ou^d wilh a aoJnd ic

passed Some nights, she sal lor hours th for Roben, anij he bul, bul belo6 hr did so, he told he €member€ij watching frcm her bedroom window , a 'swishing solrnd' likd ilone thrusl,a c€ne 5 a letibld;aid srnell which likened lo as this strange ae al show unfolded he blrning c€fbrake and observedlhal the.l4!e object and before her eyes, Joyce wasn't alone in the lnp.€sliqars.io 0ie.g.es!. Ho her L,FO observalions, as many olher ' lhbji:found thal he had a people atlested to her sighlings. !jl.!!!l-oi&dt stagddr home and told his Edq$$lpar-r.i{hile'nanag4lo latat, BUFoRA, alons wilh Allhough, as is usual, some UFO SPt, became invo ved, and lhe sighlings turned out to have natural explanations, this padicular region, We al SPI sri l have in our posr""i liit" *iiii rd;eii rf'a Roberl wore on lhat evenfirt day Dumfries and Galloway, did at that (whjch were on display al a UFo Museum in London in July 1993). SPlfeltlhailhis major case, poini in time, see quite a lot of UFO lhe biggest in lhe annals of Scofljsh Ufology, deserved to be pubtklj recognised, and to lhis end, aclivitywhich, forlhe moment al leasl, we conmeroraled lhe case ln Va, 1992, w,tr lhe assistance o;re Livirgston Developmenr has appeared to have died down. Corporar o' by erecling at lhe sle oJ tnis iTporlant event a caim wih a worded ptaque, A conremorar on ofa UFo sighling has neve'been done anlvhere etse in l1e wortd, ano Splis ln 1982, I was again on lhe trait of lhe l,tst esearch goup lo mmmenirde suc_ an evenl. lJFOs, this time in another. what we ufologists call l/vindow Areas,' thal is, We decided lo commemolate il purely ioidraw altention to hoi seiols the UFO enigma is an area which receives high a (wherever lhe lrue conclusior lie6l), and h doing so, we hope we have drawn allention lo the concenlralion rcpods. This of uFo coriplex subjed ol UFo sighlings and their eilects on lhe walching witness. time, the locality was Central Scotlandt Denny lo be precise. Litlle yearc did I know it lhen, but 10 later, I slrange crall in the skies; they rangd back 10 years later €searching the woulC be back in this region fiom dome shape lo cigar shape. same area all over again, this time conducting similar research. I spoke They have varied in size, and some wilh differenl witnesses. to anolher repeat$ witness, a [/lrs, have colo0red lights on them. They Elsie Beveridge, who claimed have lo can move very fast, or else jusl hover Since 1979, I have researched a been observing UFOS on and off for complelely slalaonary as if they were number of UFO reports within roughly 18 months. Mrs. Beverjdge, a walching or listening?" Scotland; too many lo go inlo this pleasant, woman in her chaming lale shorl arlicle, Some cases that stick in fofties, was prone, believed, nol I lo l/Vhy do some people see L,FOS more my mind are the tollowing: We making up stories. Rather, lall she lhan other people? This has been a hypnolically regressed a Glasgow rclaled in her own way her sightings major talking point in UFO circles for a man. due to his conslant fears of ol unusual shapes seen in the aky; number of years now and many 'alien intrusion' inlo his life. He lost his shapes thal have also been seen by theo es have been put forward. One wife and job lhrough lhe pressure of her husband and daughter- such theory, and perhaps one in his experiences ot UFOS and aliens. which I myselfwould tend lo favour, is Under regression, he recounled being I learned thal the irst time Elsie had that certain UFO wilnesses are, after on board a UFO in which he found obserued anything unusual in sky the researching their claims and himself rigidly ,ixed to a raised bed- was back in 1971 in Gasgow. I\,lrs. discussing iheir experiences, are like table in a circular room devoid of Beve dge and her daughter obserued generally found to be psychic, and il is any furnishings/equipment of any a silver domed-shaped objecl, which suggested that they may, lhercfore, kind. ln front of him was a huge TV- had been stalionary for a mailer of a see images lhat are losi to our own like screen which was showing rninutes, into few shoot suddenly up viewing spectrum. They may, in pictures of Planet Earlh from space, the sky at an alaming rate. lt wasnl ceftain condilions, gel a glimpse into and huge mushroom-type explosions good unlil Elsie moved lo Denny, a a different reality lo view objecls rising up from its surface. He then while afrer stayinq in Glasgow, that operating on a diffeent wavelength. recollecls being teniJi€d of hoge, more she began lo see UFOS Speculaiion, sure: but something we slanted, sta ng, 'yellow eyes.' He reguiafly. regula y she So in fact should at leasl consider. The Denny remembers very litlle else aboul this kept diary 10 documenl a them all. UFO Window Area was inleresling episode, and in our lasl nreeting, siill Elsie iold me, "l've seen dozens of and little did I know il then, I would be iold of being lroubled by ihese recolleclions, Moffat, had seen some 10 years reach. This UFO subjecl as as elusive previouslyl). The wilness described as il's ever bben, and ahhough il Another area which seems lo atlract lhe object as having the sound similar appears thal lhere are different strange lights in the sky is near the to lhat of a washing machine on ils components which could make up lhe village of Muchalls, which lies in linal spin (a fast humming sound). full UFO piclure, these components between the towns of Stonehaven The object departed seconds later are themselves not providing us with and Aberdeen on the North-Easteiy and was soon lost to view. Anolher any clear"cul clues, The E.T. side of Scolland. Tom Allen, lhe witness has a larue unidenlilied obiect Hypothesis may be favoured in the pdncipal witness regarding these pass above his car near Bonnybridge, US, bui across the 'Pond' in the U.K.. sightings, lells of viewing strange and which fuatured a 'crucmx patlem we see it differently. lighls in the sky stretching back to of lights' on its underside. The when he was a boy growjng up in the slghtings continued, and one tumily Why have we not any cases of small, area. Nowthis area does see a fah bit was lerrodsed on a lonely country grey 'beings' being reported here? A of air traffc, particularly helicopters road by a bright object which few few, yes, but nothing like the wealth of excursions over the North Sea to ferry above their heads, then landed in a sightings reported from the US. persons to and f.om the oil rigs. 8ut nearby field. lhe UFOS lhat Tom has wilnessed (he This UFO business js complex and is assures us) are not helicopterc or The family, a molher, daughter and fraught with absurdities, and we aircrafr. Tom has actually flmed on son, took to their heels, and upon researcheA are forever being kept on video these strange lights, some of doing so, turned round lo notice that our loes as lo what might happen which, it must be said, are similar lo the large ball of ljght, which had nexl. Scolland, like anywhere else, those lights,/UFos seen in the video, landed in a nearby field, had now has its LJFO problem; we are no 'Messengerc of Destiny,' which details moved and positioned ilself in the nearer a solution now than we were UFO sightings over Mexico City. SPI centre of lhe road, Further along the 40-odd years ago. are still currenily working on the rcad, the family claim to have been Muchalls UFO sightings, and we hope 'blinded' by a bursl of brillianl lighl The UFO phenomenon won't go to continue lilming these obiects which shone forth from a group of away, neither will its investigators, which will, hopefully. p.ovide an trees. This particular sighting has and until such times as we listen to answer, or, at leasl, go lowards gained lhe mosl publicity when the one another and share in one providing some form of conclusion as media descended on Bonnybrjdge. anothe/s views. ideas and to what exaclly these balls of light are. speculations, then perhaps we mighl Paul Devereux's 'Eanh Lighls' The sightings continued and were begin to see some light at the end of maybe? Something akin lo those brought to the altention of one, the tunnel. Bul as it is righl now, I myste ous lights seen in Hessdalen Junichi Yaoi. a IJFO researcher from personally believe that whatever the in Norway, who knows? Japan who prcduces UFO UFO phenomenon is, it's certainly not d6cumenlaries. Junichi and his film prepared to give up its secrets yet. This bings me to the wave of LIFO crew visited Bonnybridge in May 1993 The coniinuation of abduction r€ports, sightings around the town of on a whislle-slop tour of lhe world's catlle mutilations, etc., seems Bonnybridge, near Falkirk, Central uFo 'holspols'. He lold sPl, '1 have pointless and begs the answer, Scotland., which more or less started heard so much aboul these $fty?" \,ihy continue: ain't you got in November 1992 when many locals Bonnybridge UFOS from English enough genelic information? obseNed strange balls of light and researcher, Torry Dodd, lhat we just 'structured objects' in the sky above had to come over and see for l've been rcsearching this subject for their lown. A local councillor, Billy ourselves," Sadly, they never saw only a short while now (around 15 Euchanan, collected these ea y anything themselv€s, but what they years), and in thal time, the subject repods, whereby soon afrer I became did do was to interview several has become deeper and more involved. Both Billy and I soon wilnesses to lhe UFO phenomena complex. The ufological 'zoo' of realised thal, here in Bonnybridge, arcund Bonnybidge. Junichi and his differenl opinionaled people, which something truly unusual was going assistant, Mitchi Nakamura, were has at times dragged us through the cleaily salisfed lhat 'something' very quagmie, lhe Ufology is peculiarwas going on above the iown becoming more and more like a Afrer being featured in the local press, ofgonnybddge. rcligion lo some who see it as a I was swamped by people telephoning hollow to be lilled in in their lives. The me to relale lheir own personal UFO Not since the Livingston lncident of UFOS are oui saviours, the 'New expedence. Beginning our @search, 1979 has Scotland expeden@d such Gods' if you like (as a Glasgow rock we soon lncover€d the fact that a public awareness of UFO sightings. group sing about). All this has been 'some' of these UFO sighlings had The Scoltish Media was alive with said before, but I hope lhat when natural, down-lo-earlh explanalions, UFO reports. Patrick Forsyth, r/hose silenc€ fnally wakes up to the UFO i.e., aircrafl elc., bul this slillleff a high accounl opened this a.ticle, will problem, then, and only lhen, will we residue of unexplainable €ports cedainly nevet forget whal he saw; begin to see new horizons which may which demanded an answsri lhere the vision is still imprinted imly upon effeclively lead us into a new deady was a 'case to be answered.' his mind. underslanding, of nol only ourselves, but lhe univerce around us - here's Clo6e proximity UFO sighlings vre.e The UFO challenge is still with us. lts hoping anyway. made, One wilness claims lo have like the prcvelbial carrol dangling in aeen e strange clafr hovering above a front of the donkey; u/e see iomething feld (similar, it must b€ said, lo a LIFO . tangible, but are still trying to grasp @ Copyighl SPl, 1995. lhat r€peater wilness, Joyce Byres of what appea6 to be lorever out of Per Alldrllon Double Moons - And Other Recent P€r Andes€n h.s a Mastsl dsgrce in Computer Phenomena over Denmark Sdence iDm $e UnlveBity ol A.dus (tg83). E06pean R€sead Dir€clor lor lnlemaliMal Dab CorpolEton (lDC) whicn ca'ri€6 oul lT madet Per Anderson

Chairman, Scandinavian IJFO lnformation H€ has b€€n inrclved wih UFO ros,arch in Denma* sincs 1976 tl/he€ he joined Scandin.vian UFo lnlo'nalim (SUFOI). Since tsn h€ has taken various po€ilions lvihin $e o'lanisatjon, indudlnq Re$€rch DilEclorand Vice dlaiman 19791966and 19911993, asmrl as Double Moons 'fake" moon overlapped the real moon Chaiflnan fom 1993. a little and this was a little more grcy During the months of October in light. The witness spoke wilh two As a rcsead' dilEdor, P€r has been €sponsible lor a $ido iange ol researlh polris in o€nmai( and November 1993 several olher people who also had seen the witnesses called SUFOI unusual double moon, Distance belween moons: 85 (Scandinavian UFO lntormation) % of the moon ' PmjeclDoubleM@nbinvestigalesighlingsola diameter. secondary moon inEge dudng tuber of 1993. concerning some very unusual ' PDjs.l UFODATA Oat iniliabd registnton and sightings ot the moon and a Oclober 27, 1993, 01.00-01.30: A @mputor analysls ol Danhh UFo/|FO sighlings. moon image close to the true person in obserued a double moon, ' Dev€lopmenlolandReponFomsu[€tobe moon. ln total 5 sightings have where the fake moon \,!as a litlle oval, us€d in field investgatons. t been investigated by SIJFOI: but clearly defined. ln this case the shlislical pmjecb lo analyze UFO and IFO fake moon was apparently to the right '1, r Around Seplember 1993: Walking , Polect Pomelhgus, a suryey lo analyze lio from the train station, the female .i l)pical p'dile ol a ulokqbr witness observed a moon and an ' ' Poj€d scienist a suNey b measuB and image ol the moon. Bolh were Lack of slmilarsightings snalyze he atitud€s oloanish sdenlisb to te identical an color, but the image was more blurred and the light dimmer. It is noteworthy, thal no know Per Andecen was he osnish EpesenlaNe in The moon was full and the distance literaturc seems to have described . ..|CURand heis on tu boad othe Danish Fund between the moon and lhe image was similar sightings. Whib nlumerous jusl75 % of the moon diameter- double images ofsuns and moons are docurfienled, none have been He has published vanous anicEs n UFONy', October'19, 1993, 17.15-18.00: Four described that are as close as one SIJ FO I NessleHer, UFO Folsknirq, and SleDlica. witnesses looked at lhe setting moon moon diameler apad. The closest is ; Sooks and teporbl in open air when they saw a second an observalion of "exlra edges" on the '. Dobbeltmaner (1995) moon close to and right for lhe real moon. Again a phenomenorl DanskljFo-lllleiatu19s01990 (1991) somewhat different f.om what is Blbllogaf over Dansk UFo-liteiatur 0986) Plt)joklUFODATA Kodewjledning (1984) Oclober 22, 1993, 21.00i An observer Cheop6. Pi 09 Talmanipulauoner (1982) from Fredensboe saw a double moon Standard texl books in this field Handbos lor Rappodophq€p (1981) lhrough the window. She lhought published by Minnaed Nature of Pojekl UFODA TA (1979) at Cthe ridsloven(1978) glass Light & Color in first itwas a refleclion in lhe and lhe Open Air), Corliss LU78 (978) went out on the terrace, but lhe (various books) and lllenzel (books double moon was still there. Al this giving meteorological explanations on time the moon was only aboul a half- UFO sightings) does nol have any moon. To the right of the real moon similar sightings. lVeteorologists, that there was an idenlical picture of the SUFOI has conlacted. do not know of moon, only the fake moon was nol so lhis phenomenon eilher. clear, weaker in light and more cloudy than the real moon. The distance The sighlings occurred in a period between lhe two moons was 75 % of wilh high air prcssure. From the middle of October, the pressure increased and this resulted in lower October 27, 1993, 00.00-01.00r A 67 temperalures and dry weather. From year old housewife looked out the October 12th, the average window where she saw a full moon in temperalure dropped from a level westem direclion. The unusual thind above 1Oo C to a levelaround 5o C. ln lhough was that a litlle io the left of general, the wind had low speeds ai the moon was something like a the limes ofthe sightings. rhadow of lhe moon. At lirsl the vitness thought it could be a reflection Theories n the window and she therefore wenl oulside lo have a closer look But it SIJFOI has invesligated, how these was not a reflection in the window, as observations of double moons can fit the double moon was still there. The inlo the lheories of reflecllon/ reiiaction of lighl in ice crystals and/or fully investigated and documented. light be obserued. On the Gormfell layers of invercion in the almosphere - (which is aboul 18 km. soulh of Tyra the latler being a transition of air from East) lwo crane drivers also see a cold air and warmer aar above this. Sightings from the North Sea similar phenomenon near the zenilh. Both types of phenomena is known to But contrary lo the wealher obseruer result in slrange aedal phenomena, in The above sightings of "double on Tyra East, lhey nol only see one, particular reflectiontrefraction of light moons" actually surfaced following bul lwo phenomena close to each from lhe Sun orthe Moon. medja exposure of some quile different sighlings from the North Sea: While these lheodes do not malch th€ Finally the phenomenon is also seen sightings 100 %, the most probably It is wednesday October 20th 1993 from two ships, which lie close to Tyra explanalion is the refleclion/refraclion and lhe time is 4.50 a.m. Danish East. On board one ofthe ships try to of light in ice cryslals in lhe Mean Time. The weather observer on photograph lhe phenomenon, but almosphere. This is suppoded by the the produclion platfom Tyra East is unfortunately there as loo much fact, lhat the limes of the sighlings outside to study lhe cloud cover. A movement of the ship, so one cannot coffelates lo the times during the procedure which is repealed eved phologGph it. onlh of Oclober, whe€ conditions quader of an hour. Just over the resulting in ice crystals were tound. platform the wealher observer sees a Severallimes a cloud slides in front of rcund and orange-lumious the phenomenon, which then The fact, thal the image seemed to be phenomenon, which is only a few disappeaF. ln the beginning of the an exacl copy ofthe Moon indicales a degrees wesl of the zenith. The sightings the sky is clouded by 2/8 to reflection of light rather than a phenomenon seems to have diffuse 3/8 clouds. But g€dually the cloud refraclion, edges and lhe size is about "half' a covef concentrates and fnally lhe full moon, (But il can not have b€en orange lighl disappeaF completely However, the issue lhat is most the moon as il had nol sen at lhis behind the clouds. At lhis time the difficult to explain by the theory of time). hour is 6.10 a.m., and all together lhe reflec'lion is the very small angle phenomeoon could be observed at b€tween the lvoon and lhe image of As the wealher obseNer cannot give least for 60 minutes. the lvoon (less than 1 degree). This an immediate natural explanation for can then actually be explained by lhe this. he conlacts DenmarKs lnvestigation theory of rcfraction of the light, if one Meleorological Office (DMl), which assumes thal lhe lighl passed ice asks him to conlacl lhe Naval It was firsl thought, that th€ needles wilh an horizontal o entation Operative Command (SOK), who then phenomenon could have been a in the atmosphere. No speclral light, ask ham to contacl SUFOI'S Alam chemical cloud lil by the sun - emitted though, was observed, which is Centre. in conneclion with a space normal in lhe case of refraclion. experimenl, To receive confrmalion At 5.30 a.m. the weather observer or invalidalion of this theory, lhe ln any case are these sightings of phones SUFOI Alarm Cenlre and European Space Organisation ESOC "double moons" another example of gaves a short descrjption of the was contacted. There they stated, thal the fuct, that nature by itself creates a phenomenon, which can stillbe seen, lo their knowledge no chemical wide varisty of spectacular experiment had been caffied oul in phenomena - of which many is still not Not only on Tyra East can the orange the sky above lhe North Sea at lhe lime oflhe observation mentioned.

SUFOI also contacled lhe NASA, and here received the same negative

lf one compares this information wilh the fact thal chemical clouds notmally can be seen for maximally 20-30 minutes, il seems certain ihat it cannot have been chemicalclouds.

lf the phenomenon was not a chemical cloud, whal was il? The most standard explanalions (like strong lights from starc, Planets elc.) could be excluded. There remained only few possibilities, for example luminous night clouds. Luminous night clouds are to be seen, when clouds ofpadicles high up in the atmosphere are lil by the sun's rays and therewilh can be seen ai nlght.

However. in conneclion with further research ii was proved lhat luminous

10 nighl clouds could be excluded. Ravnstrup and Sparker \Men we repeated part oflhe story, and SUFOI Several facts speak agajnst lhis had passed through the bridge, we look a few photos of the area. We lheory: They are seen in the summer can see four sharp lights over an area noliced that Kwas not quite al ease at lime, they are always seen relatively which is at a distance of aboul 15 being al lhat area again. We asked low on lhe horizon in th€ direclion of metres fiom the road, Vvhen we her how she was. As an answer she lhe sun, and they cany oui a distinct rcached the spot, a swampy area, the asked me to touch her sweaty hands, molion in the course of only 5-10 c€r simply stops and the light of the and she also said she had minules. "goose-pimples' over her whole body.

Several possibilities for a natural Ofcourcewe try to slarl lhe car egain. There were four houses 10 be seen explanation were examined, but We are not happy about the situation. from the road, and even if it was only without luck. At the end. it looked like This is nol something we have seen a slim chance, SUFOI wanled to we were faced wjth a phenomenon, before. ln the car are my pen-fiiend examine wheiher there was someone which we could explain. from South Africa and my former of those people living lhere, who husband, and I am sitting on that side could tell anything intereslang about The phenomenon is se€n again where the lighls are, the side face the lhe case. However, none of the moor. We sat and talked aboul what residents could add anything lo the On Thursday morning November 25th to do. None of us is eager to get out 19S3 the phenomenon was obserued of the car, therefore we slayed in the again from Tyra Eastl Bolh with car. But I rolled down lhe window to As the case is 18 yea6 old, it is in conneclion to form. colour and listen whether there would be any realily impossible to examine in detail. posilion on the sky the new sound, but there is none, none ln SUFOI we can register the repod obseruation was idenlacal with the first whatsoever. There are only the four wilh as many details as possible - and obseruation. The only difference was, lights, and they are sharper than any of course have il conlimed by K's that this lame not one light could be searchlight. former husband (we have done that) seen but several close to each olher. and also the penJriend from South The laghts shine down in the moor. All All seems to poinl to lhe assumplion four lighls are directed directly down. that it was lhe same phenomenon We are sitling, as mentioned, lalking Apart from lhat, we can evaluale lhe which was seen on October 20lh and aboul what it could be, and we are nol witness and her ability to desc be and again November 251h (only a little happy about the situalion, I have to remember the details of lhe over a month afler the fiat admit. I believe we were sitling there experience. lt is our clear impression, aboul a quader ofan hour. that whal K is telling, is truly somelhing she has expe enced. Of Therefore, we began lo invesligaie Above the lights are nolhing. And course one can have forgotten some lhe theory, lhat the phenomenon there are no small lighls. We can not imporlant details after 18 years, could be a form of almospheic see a black objecl or anylhing else. however, we have lhe impression that reflection of light from the well known We are lalking of it possibly being a the experience is ctear in K's memory. flares on oil platform. This was helicopter or something like that, but conlimed by the witnesses and is in that case there would be sounds. As lhe observation is described, e.g. now regarded as ihe linal conclusion An how far lhese lighls are up, I can the .lighls seen down below the of lhe sightings. nol say, and I can't rcmember either. horizon, thal there was no sound, the Bul afrer this quarler of an hour, all witness' credibility and also that there these four lighls arc drawn upwards in were four witnesses in all - we cannot Car Stop NearViborg something, they are not simply come up with any natutal explanalion switched off - lhey are being drawn up for the phenomenon seen. The matter This episode look place in October inlo something, and then there was no 1976 but has lirsl eached SUFOI in more. Then the light on our car wenl the beginning of 1994. A man in on, nolhing else happens, so we can Sloholm had received a UFO'Nyi start our car and drive away. Boome.ang UFO Photographed subscription as a Chrislmas p€sent over Central and wrote to slJFol about an unusual \ hen we got home I phoned lhe meteorological observalion, which he police in Viborg to enquhe whal we A female studenl explains, that she should do. They phone had himself. Apart from thai he wrote advised me to Saiurday, I\,lay 25, 1994 around 11 (llleteorologjcal thal a good colleague of him recenlly Karup Slalion). So I am looked through the window in the phoned told him aboul an old, exciling case, them. lasked welher lhere bathroom of her flal in central and thal SUFOI could conlact the had been planes or helicopters or Copenhagen. She then witnessed a person in question. Therefore SUFOI anything else in the area but lhere slrange phenomenon that looked like vislted lhe witness (K) one sunny day had been none of these things. And a black "boomerang". lt moved in February, a 47-year old woman, then they said they would examine il, lowards Wesl in ihe direction like an who wishes lo remain anonymous. but I never heard from them again."

K. recounts: '"Ihe time is approx. lnvestigation She ran to her boyfriend, and they 8.p.m and we are on our way to have bolh saw the object continue its evening coffee with some of our When SUFOI and K visited the movement to ihe West in a straighl relaiives. ll is da* and slighlly rainy sighting area, K pointed out lhe plaee line. The boyfriend took his camera weather and we are driving under lhe where lhe car had stopped and look two photos of the strange Nybro which is situated belween involunlarily, without any doubt. She object. After 4-5 minutes the object

l1 Unfo(unately a few days passed before a veterinary examined the cow, not particularly co-operaiive or ready to speak about il.

The p-m. repori was very shorl. lt stated: - Cow, red flecked, 3% years old - Repo(ed by lelephone - cow lay in the lield. dead. - P.[L findings: A weak head was

- Left horn was broken off. A urine test showed lack of magnesium.

Death reasonr lack of magnesium

According lo the veterinary's examinations the cow lhen died oi lack of magnesium - a nalural reason of dealh for cows at thai iime of year, disappeared in the ho zon. No sound place where I had seen the slrange lhanks to dampness and cold. lighl. The famer iniomed us thal his cows SUFOI is currcntly examining lhe During lhe day I lhoughl about this have received magneslum for the lasl pholos. They appear to be genuine, and had lhe dead cow taken away. five years and thal the parlicular cow and unlil now no explanation has They felched it herc this moming. But had nothing wrong with her. The cow been found to the sighting. il was then that I started thinking was then burned right afterthe p.m. aboul UFOS and that I once had heard about SUFoI (Scandinavian SUFOI then talked to Lars Thomas, Myslery ol a dead cow - was a UFO lnformation). Well, I know ihis who is known from TV and arlicles in UFO involved? sounds a litile stranqe, but that is UFO'nyl. He infomed us lhat cows what I thought. ls this of interesl for can get digestion problems, if the On wednesday morning, novembea suFot?' ground or grass is too sour. This can 4th,1992, at 1.30 p.m. there came a develop inlo hidden sickness, which call on lhe phone: This was an interesting report and can result in that lhe cow cannot take several queslions arose, but mainly, in the necessary vilamins and other "l have seen a strange lighl, probably whal about lhe cow? Could it be still things (e.9. magnesium). ln this case a UFO. ll was yeslerday, november possible to have a p.m. done on it? it only helps to move the animals if 3rd, 1932, at 4.30 a.m. I live on a farm This was the only immediate trail to serious consequences are to be near Rude Slrand. I was asleep, but follow. The observer (S) who wished was awakened by a strange sound. to remain anonymous thought that it cannot tell you whal it sounded like, was probably too lale since it had There are several other unanswe€d but it sounded alarming. Shortly been fetched and broughl to an questions which we will never get an afteMards I could hear one of my instilution for deslruction. But our answer to, but we can state lhat the calves roar down in the field. conversation had made an imprcssion farmer has reported a strange light on the observer, who was also phenomenon, which SlJFol so far has I got up and looked lhrough lhe inlerested in getting an explanation, not been able to explain. reason for window which faces norlh. Thete I bolh on the lighl and the could see over my slables a very SUFOI has spoken to several strong white concentrated lighl. neighbours, but no-one has seen or Alnost like a sheet of lighl, which Post Mortem heard anything thal night at about covered about an area of 100 - 200 4 30 a m We have no other square metres. The bujlding, as well Half an hour passed after the firsl observations from olhe$ for the se!09 as somelrees were lit. lwalched it for telephone conversation. when S lime. Bul we do have from the days about half a minute, but when nothing phoned again. "Now I have found oul around november 3rd, live olhers fudher happened and as I was very where the cow isl" he told me proudly. observalions an the area. Some of phoned lired. lwent to bed again. He went on: "l the firm and them have not been exptained. fpund out which lorry had fetched lhe gol ielephone not think there any The nexl moming at aboul 8.30 a.m. I cow and lheir car SUFOI does is went down to the feld and saw thal number. I rang that number and lold basis/proof for a connection belween light. one ofmy cows lying dead in the field. the d ver about the matter. He was the cows death and the strange It had been bleeding from mouth and willing to identit the cow and tied a But we have not been able to give an go nose and had scralched the ground. notice on the cow that it should 10 explanation for the light, the farmer p.m. id€ntified the cow l\,'ly first reaction was anger al lhe loss a He easily ption. of a cow, but suddenly I realized lhat from my desc lt had broken a the cow was lying precisely in lhat hom. So now it willbe senl fot a p.m."

12 Maurizio Verga Ufology and the lnformation Technology Maudro Vo'ga was bom in I963. He is cunenlly a of the '90s @mputs eisuilEnl ln lhe lie d of bnib CompulEr Aided Design, hav ng spe.ial lmo$ledges in The ltalian Case mmpuier grdphics.rt aied lopics.

(including a short overview aboutlhe photographic evidence) His acliv ry in utolosy shned around 1976, soon pEduciig an oubland n9 quanlity of studi*, papec and adlcles, several ol lhem published :, praclrcally on mosl inlemalional aad llalian UFO Maurizio Verga a naqazines ln 1985 he mJounded vilh ofler 'l lead ns llalian utolosbr rie cenlro llaliano Sludi Uiokgld (CISU), llaly s laryest UFO asrocjaliod The early American UFO buffs of A commonplace example: let's think Besid* lectu'ing, he is 6lso often equesl€d for the late '40s thought to have to an American researcher having a inte iews on newspape$ and TV channo s. collected an outstanding amount catalogue of cases Nalionaland ntemaljonal aclrvit jo m invo vmeni of documentalion when having a and willing lo supply it to an European wlh invesligalion ol local UFO c€ses, includ ng bunch of newsclippings in their colleague under the form of a some CE 3 hands. They could have hardly collection of text documents and own H€ is lhe aulhor of some huge calalogues ol ilalian imagined the huge quantity of images. Firsl of all, a lol of time and cases: TACAT (close encounlerc), TRACAT (nace material about their beloved topic money are necessary 10 copy all that c€ses) and PHOTOCAT (photo caset. Ihe riEt available from all over the world stuff in a nol too good quality, then lwo have been publhhed by Cenlro llaliano Sludi after nearly fifq years. more lime and money is requested lo Ulo ogici. Since 1985 he has b€en very much prepare a parcel and mail il. The inlercsled in computer app calions to UFO research, runn n9 in 1986 tE ve.y frsl Eurcpean "Available" is nol a corect word, as mate al will arive at destinalion afrer UFO Bu elin Eoard Syslem. Ed lor of"The present some time, yet when it will be in the . no single researcher or '. Computer UFO N€tr,sle(e,', he is rcnly oneof privale associalion has enough hands of the researcher there are . Ihe wodd eadinq exp€tu ln lhe @mputs money and facilities lo get and sto€ a olher problems- The way to manage prccess ng of UFO inlblrnalion. Ne has co €c1od a complele or really compehensive all lhat amounl of information will be hug€ amount ol liles aboul lhe malter and wdten selection of international books, quil€ limited and always very lime- orig nal soliwae or adapled exisling one just lo magazines, newsclippings, reporls consuming: actually, all operaiions manase it. a CD-ROM includ ng a remadcble quanlly ol images lexls and olher UFOre aled and whatever else published about aimed at exltacting only some stufi is ex pecl€d io be rcleded in ate 1995/s dy the UFO argumenl. Even worse, the infomation on the ground of search 1996. documentalion managed by each requesls or allernative use of lhe Ve[ga has b€en a conldbul ng aulhor to lhe single buff is so bulky that it is really available documents will be limited by diflicult and costly to arrange an lhe paper nalure of infomalion. Such exchange of material with somebody a situation is one ol the causes of the UFO 1947-1987 (€dil€d by H.EvaN &J.SpeneD Phenomenon (€dited by J.Spened else. lnformation ttansfet by using low number of real well-documented OVNI: veE une an$mpolQie d'un prinied works carried out within the traditional media such as research contempomin (ad led by T.Pinvidic).'ni,tp paper has become a prcblem since a lot of time: the situation will become Mau.izio V€qa may be ontacled al: mo.e and more difUcult in lhe near lnformationas Evidence via Mafl€oti85 22072 C€menate (co), IIALY fulure, prcducinq a huge botlleneck in Maudzio Veqa@msn.@m the development of new well Just as in all the other knowledge documenled research works. lields, informalion is the basic element. Six years ago, speaking at the 198S BUFORA Congress, I discussed the problem of intomation quality taking the llalian IJFO sightings (and especially the close encounters) as a landmark. The conclusion stated that the available sources aboui most sightings had (and €gretlly still have) a very low qualiiy: forlunately, the sjtuation is gettjng better, even though quiie slowly. Thas is one of the main reasons making diflicult a scientific- style approach 10 lhe UFO question and keeping professional scientists away from dealing with the subject.

Despite the low quality, we have lo take the quanlitative aspecl of the UFO phenomenon inlo consideralion as well. ll definilely has a remarkable impodance for hislorical, cultu€1, social and, lasl but not leasl, bibliographic reasons. lt is enough to lhink lo studies like lhose devoled to the main questions of UFO research several mislakes and requesling a lol lhe press coverage about the UFO and unfodunately it seems still quile of lime that could be used in other subject or to lhe evolution of imagery far from being found. more profilable ways. [,4ore, a papec of "flying saucers" and related based archive features a danger noi "occupants" to realize immediately The histo cal presence of UFOS in to be undercstimated: it.is vulnerable how important the availabilily and our society is immedialely evident to the aging and olher factors and the quick management of the informalion through the information being risk to have it lost is higher than one are, ofany nature il could be. collected from lhe most differenl usually think. The newsclipping sources: pressi literature, movies, example is meaningfuli the tens of As a remark of great imporlance one television, art, the same UFO buffs. lhousands of newsclippings collecled may stale that available information Ollen il is an indarect information (for by each nalional organisation as a aboutthe UFO subjecl can be actually exampler lhat coming from science basic stading point for a counlry- considered a real evidenc€ of ihe ficlion movies or comics), yet il had a based analysis of the UFO phenomenon, likely the only one lhat grcat role in the deep diftusion of lhe phenomenon are currently tiled in cannot be questioned. "lnformalion" UFO concept among people. traditional folders and cabinets, yet means everylhing Produced about they have no ptactical possibility lo be sightings and, as a consequence, Beyond any discussjon and run. Think just to the lime needed to their study, including lhe huge artistic conlrcvercy about the true value to extracl all lhe 1950 cases involving and news production from the mass- give to special evidences like aileged daylight discs where the word 'flying media. lf a histo cal presence, jusl pholographs and ground traces, the saucel' is repo(ed. On lhe conhary, having size and time constancy like real proof in lhe hands of UFO compuler technology could allow us to lhat one the UFOS had throughout the rcsearchers is made just by the scan nesclippings wilh an excellenl last fifly yearc, do exist, it is by ilsell infomation presenl in our society and, qualily and associaie to each of them the undeniable proof of the presence especially, in the information collected a given quanlity of reference dala: of a big phenomenon, at leasl at by the same researchers. Aparl from then, nearly in real lime, it would be social level. ln such a way, nobody its own quality, it is the real basic possible to find all the newsclippings may deny lhe existence of a "UFO .starting point for any analysis of the relaled to cases matchinq our question", anyway appeadng much searching crite a. more compleI than a phenomenon produced by purely cultural or One ofthe major tasks of UFO groups The presenl situalion may be psychologic causes. Something we and researchers is the collection and illustrated as follows: we have a still are not able lo deline has preseNation of such huge quantity of remarkable quantity of infomation aroused, directly or indkeclly, a huge material, which has €ached a critical which cannot be exploiied at their quanlity of worlwide sighljngs of mass so lhat its management and use best and made available to research unusual aerial phenomena and, as a have become very difficult since a lot as a meaningful evidence. The main consequence, fudher news and of time. Tens if not hundreds of kilos problem is not the prcsence of cultural influence. We face a situation of paper are buried and forgotten in documentation, yel its management where curent information give bidh 10 any archive of groups or single and common availabalily. As a resull, new informalion, following a sort ofan researcherc everywhere in the world: r.rfologists have become mainly autofeeding process. Somebody only in a few rare cases such archives collectors of news relaled lo an odd could wonder information (here meant have been melhodically classified by phenomenon. Being a collector is an as cultural background) were dkectly hand in order to allow an easier extremely inleresting hobby, yet I responsible for new sightings or only search. Yet even in such a case lhe suppose real L,FO researchers would lhe end product of an indipendenl possibilities lo manage lhe collecled like to do something differenl from phenomenon: the answers is one of mate alare quite limited, subjecled to

14 heaping up case reporis, ariicles, of iniormation evidence is not times. ln such a way a very irst basic books, magazines, etc..... negligible. resull would be achieved: lhe systematic collection and prompl It is clear to everybody it is no longer Unlorlunately well planned and availabilily of lhe iniormalion possibe lo work propeay and organized projects for archiving and efllcenlly in lhe collection, storing of generic or special IJFO classitcalion and delivery of LJFO iniomation are still very few. The I\,lore advanced applications are nformaiion. We face lhe same reasons of such a siluation may be nowadays lechnically possible, bul siiualion when dealing wilh malerial mainly found in bolh a limiled beyond current resources of rnosl laken trom lhe scientific iteEture and ava labiity of suilable UFO groups and buffs. An example is possibly jnieresling for our research: hardware/software tools and a lack of the use of 3D animaiion in order to also in such a case, lhe quantity of ideas about what one could actually sirnulate lhe dynamic of a sighting lnformation s so huge that advanced do. [,4ore, because of the amateurish and carry oul a series oi conlrols on browsing and search tools are really feature of the UFO movemenl, all lhe the witness lale or lhe transformation projects are spontaneous, as well as of alleged UFO piclures into 3D hardly coordinated and coordinable. models. Even though I and few oiher Starting around the mid '80s lhe Once again lhe limii of having easily Italian researchers have been personal computer has become more and quickly available jnformalion is experimenting something in such and more popular in ihe consum,ar anolher negalive factor decreasing fields, we must be palienl: the future markel Jusi thai irne lhere have the valle of such works: non€ ofthem wlll offer us several surpises. been ihe eary ufologists attempls to actually offer a complele revlew and use slch a new device to carry oul an ana ysis of the related tJFO sighlings A personal computer with suilable ln-house managemeni of available and repods really known. For components and a wel organized lntormaton. Previous works aimed al example, you have a research study work plan is lhe perfect lool to siore ihe eslablishment o{ internationaL about E[,4 effecls associated to UFO infomaiion in standard format. The UFO sighting databases phenomena and you realize at once concepl of 'slandard' is exlremely ma nframe computers (available pad- the cases laken inlo consideration are imporiant: it may made available whal time only) faiLed soon: one of the od, poor referenced or even rnostly has been produced by a single reasons of lhat had been the intrinsic comlng trom a single country. researcher io the whole UFO difllculiles associated with ihe community, efficiently solving lhe circu ation of iniormation inside the Computer and IJFO Research communicaton problem. So it is UFO movemeni The situalion has necessary to follow a few simple ru es now changed so much ihat one rnay Possible applicalions of cornpller when producing a te)(l or catalogue or est mate over one quaner of lechnologies to ufology are sev€ral, electronically archiving a given researchers hav ng a perconal yet those we may actuaLly consider quanlity of information. The priority computer and likey being able to realisic for the present siluaton of goal is lhe easy availability of slch conlrlbule io the electronic archving UFO movemeni are malnly related to computer'based documents now and and management of uFo re aled djgilal informaton produclion and in ihe fuiure, as presenl slandards will rnanagement of exist ng pr nled be such throughout ihe nexl years as documents. Fulllllment of such a goal well. Such rules are really generic, Some groups and inviduals promoted could soon de iver the availabiliiy of a because lhey want lo be only a interesting projects aboul cala ogues huge amount of informalion belng of cornmon minimum reference level to of nauonal or lnternalional sighlngs greal use for anybody qoinq to carry everybody interested in usng the (for " example: SWECAT which oU research works lnclldlng computer for UFO relaled works. Lasi inc udes about 12,000 Scandinavian sophislicated stai stical surveys thal but not leasi, using these slandards cases collecled by the Swedish group could be deveoped in very short allows researchers to get id easily of AFU. ]\,4EXCAT and FOTOCAT fronr the group ediiing the mex can magazne'Perspectvas Ufologcas", the nice nlernalional database of over 10000 UFO sightngs developed by Larry Hatch Sollware n Ar.erlca, elc ) or devoted to special cases (such as the mporlani 'Projecl Becasslne' iLrn by the French researcher Denys Breysse. who has patenlly co ecied thoLrsands of close encounlers of the third kind evenis all around the wodd) Even being qule rare such projects are clear examples oi how I s lossible lo manage reierence data of UFO s ghiings afd quicky prrl lhern al d sposa of other researchers. Desplte lhe iact ihese are compuler based catalogues ieaturng a qLrite imled amouft ol dala iher coflrbulion io the managemenl and quick reteving lhe UFO movemenl in a not too distant future.

Also commercial on-line services like Compuserue and America On-Line have special forums open to all subscribers where they can discuss about topics related lo UFOS and UFO research. Text files and images are often available by downloading: among them you can llnd the electronic vercion of UFO newsleilers like "The Swamp Gas Journal" and 'The Desed Rat". The moderatorc of such forums are UFO buffs or researchers, who musl manage a high lraffic of queslions and answers, as lrequent or occasional visitors of these forums may be counted in terms of thousands. A new even bigger on- line seNice is just slarting: it is called proDtems concerning lhe data transfer lhrough the normalphone caoles. the "The l\,4icrosofr Network" and it is belween two different computers (PC system is really fasl and cheap, so expecled to have hundreds of lhousands if and Mac, for example). lhal an Australian ufologisl may let his not millions of users in a quite British colleagues known about short time. There is akeady an a local "Alien These formals refer to standards in sighting the very same day by a Encounlers Forum" where. data storage ralher than in data simple local phone call, even sending besides a mailing list, it is possible to receive presentations slructurc. Their use will defnitely a complete report of the sighting ilself. nice mulljmedia plus delivergreat benefits to UFO rcsearch The service is generally free and il of special IJFO lopics, text and image in the near future. Anyway, lhere are akeady allows you 10 be update fles. some other problems related to the nea y in real time about the is clear and dala typology 10 be discussed and internalionql scene, thanks to a It that communication infomalion distdbution will which suggeslions of solution should fletwork of ufologists based in come more be spread among ufologists. An differcnl countries. and more from huge on-line services example: unforlunalely, there is no sel accessible by computer to millions of people of internationally The very lirsl BBSS completely all over the world. They can be an "recommindations" for lhe deinition devoted to ufology werc born around outslandang tool of divulgalion for subjects oI a minimum set of data to be used lhe mid '80s in the United Slates, yel like ufology. Besides offering for the eleclronic filing of sighling in 1986 an experimental BBS was serious documents able to educate people cases. A possible suggestion could be started in llaly by mysell These to the real aspects of the UFO question, that one rcported in lhe next slide. simple online seNice have limited lhey can be rcally helpful in Making it known to people involved in resources, bul they contributed lo collecting lilsl-hand reporc or information of new sighlings. UFO research il could be possible to make available lo everybody a large slarl a common discussion and quantity of UFO informationl achieve a sel of '?ecommendations" unfonunately, the quality of such An)vray, lhe real communicalion phenomenon to be used as quidelines for all people information has never been really syslem is the even too using lhe compuler lor their works- good because ofthe quite low number much emphasized INTERNET, a huge planelary The most direcl result would be an of serious researchers owning a network of computer imporlant correspondence among the computerwith a BBS connection. nelworks able to offer an incredible quanlity data included in the sighling ln 1995 lhe largesl UFO BBS are t ,o of infomalion covering pralically catalogues (today they are often and both based in the unil€d Slates: any kind of human activiiy. completely incompaiible) and lhe IIIUFONET and PARANET. They are By a conpuler, a modem and a possibility to eslablish quickly huge based on a real network of lens of subscription lo a service provider one inlemaiional catalogues on which to systems located in differenl can connecl immediately such an oustanding resource carry out firsl level slalislic€l slates of the USA and in other of knowledge, countries, including several in Europe. accessing mailing lists and forums of discussions Bolh offer a huge quantity of among users located in Ufology goes Online information aboul various lopics, such difrerenl conlinents or dalabases including as recenl sighlangs, adiclds, news of data, text documents and images possible UFO Among lhe most inte€sting tools topicalily, discussions, UFO of use for devoted lo the spreading of publications, etc ...... , all of them research. I\,40st of lhe information are now available in very and informalion among ufologisls and accessible by lree (but lhe phone bill a simple inluitive way, lhrough UFO buffs there are the EBSS and l). They may be considered a real the so caHed Wotld (WWW INTERNET. A Bulletin Board System mine of documents of any kind and a Wde Web siles: it is enough a usually is an amaleu sh system greal communication tool, still used to know how io use allowing lhe exchange of electronic only in parl: anylvay, it is likely il will compuler mouse and follow the direclions you your mail messages and downloading or become more and mo.e importanl lor see on monitor, you'll uploading of lext files or software then be able lo look up or 16 disciplines such as meleorology and psychology, where you may find as well as from th€ newsgroups devoted to subjects having some sort oi possible connection with ufology (for example, fodean subjects and urban legends).

Quite similar to the newsgroups, the mailing lists are public exchanges of e-maii messages managed by a computer named "server" and fillered by a moderator. Even here, among a lot of messages and documents of poor qualiiy, ihere is sometimes some interesting stuff. For example, during the lasl monlhs lhere have been several messages devoled lo the foolage of the so'called Roswell aulopsy and it has been really very funny to know the many rumours circulating about the matter. This may be well considered one of the download on your own compuler lhe through a huge quantity of information negative aspects of the ease of infomaiion you belter like. in a logic and well-organized way, circulation of uncontrolled infomation exploiling a tree-struciure thal you supplied by INTERNET. LJFO buffs are always very active and can follow sequenlially or by jumps. Finally, the FTP siles are computers have soon joined the huge Access to these \ryV\ryV sites is anybody can connect through the possibilities oftered by INTERNET, generally free and visitors may network where there are lile6. of now eslimated having about 35 download lext nles (documents, differenl kinds (documents, programs, millions of connected users. Some adicles, laslings, elc...) or images images, elc....) that can be freely services oflering UFo-reltated (designs, photos, etc...), storing them downloaded. As regads lJFOs, as. far informalion are currcntly available and on their computerc: afler ending the as we know ihere aren't lafge among them: conneclion, they are able to read archives of really inleresting material lhem wilh enough calm, without any yel, but lhe siluation will definilely problem with the phone bill. Several change in the fulure, Collaboralion *qf# lhe Newsgroups I/WWV sites conceming UFOS are among UFO groups and researchers ### the FTP sites for lile downloading already availabb on several servers, is slill necessary in order to amass *l## E-l\,lail and ldailing Lists but usually lhe quality of information lheir available malerial (previously you can lind over there is nol very stored in digital fom) in sites like The .\4ryVW sites (also known as good. Anyway, the siluation is FTPS where it can be freely retrieved World Wde Web) are seruices run on changing lhanks to the mole and comp0ters always connected to lhe more frequent involvement of serious nelwork offering graphic pages researchers now appfoaching including informalion under lhe fotm INTERNET. New groups and The ltalian Example ot text and images or even music and associalions have born just around videoclips. They are graphically the network, among people having lhe Unfodunalely, UFo research and designed through a visual interface same interest for UFOS and sludy aclivity carried out in llaly is usually very attractive. Such pages computers: an example is lhe very badly known abroad, mainly due are hypedexl documents, because INTERNET UFO GROUP (IUFOG), A to the language baffier preventing a seleclanq words or images ma*ed in small Ame can group managing a quick diffusion ol lhe documents. The a special way one can jump to olher same problem produced a very pages presenling informaljon related imprecise knowledge of the national to those mark-ups. The newsgroups are special areas sightings, where intemational enlirely devoled to the exchange of researchers could actually lind a lot of For example, if in the \ ryVW pages messages related to a given subject. very inleresting cases. The very few podEied in lhe slide you click on Since some time, INTERNET offers "classic" events ofren published in "CISU Publications", a new page will sone of them completely devoted lo books and magazines are usually full appear on the computer nonitor: it ofology, UFO sightings, abductions of mistakes if not completely wrong. offers a descriplion of the magazanes and other fringe lopicsr you may even This is another typical problem of the and books published by the ltalian find a newsgroup for CSICOP-like transmission of information, a problem Center for UFO Sludies, in€luding the skeptics I Despite being quite geneic very common in the past aclivity of covers of some of them- Other in their approach, such discussions ufologists which now can be solved hypedext links allows to leave this often offer some interesting material for its inost pad, thanks to new page and jump to others and so on. and, anyway, are an excellent way to computer-based lechnologies, The concepl of "hype(en" is very spread news and information, A simple but very powerful il delivers special interest comes from It is likely a sumfise for many UFO the possibility lo navigate quickly newsgroups devoted to scientific researchers to gei acquainted with lhe

17 quanlity and quality oflinished and in- movemenl was quite cool, likely irst 260-page version of lhe progress ltalian poects. lt is even a beacuse ahead ofthe times, commented catalogue in '1989 and a bigger surprise to know most projecls new revised illuslral€d vercion is are cunently carried out by computers The use of computers is now normal scheduled for late 1995. and ltalian ufologisl6 have been in the activity of most ltalian pioneers, together with their American ufologists, so much that three This huge work offers a collection of colleagues, in the massive use of lhe quarters of the mate al currently neady 600 close encounters taken Pelsonal computer to run their produced by the llalian Center for place in ltaly between 1912 and1995. activities. UFO Studies is available as files for Each case is slored in a database MS'DOS personal computers or program with its basic data, p[ls up to Between 1984 and 1985 the very firsl Macs. A large percenlage of nine amages relaled to newsclippings, dalabase programs have been €xchanges of malerial (articles, skecthes, photographs, etc ....., as developed on the small Commodore pepe6, images, letters, etc ....) takes well as the full abstracl of ihe event. 64 home computer lo store and place by foppy disks, saving money, The researcher having access lo the manage generic ltalian sightings and time and adding a higher fexibility in dalabase may display all of these special colleclions of cases. Thanks the managemenl of such information, documenls together, besides being to the popularity of such a machioe, able to pedorm any kind of query on several uFo buffs contributed locally Among the works and rcsearch the available data. For example, to to the collection of all known llalian projects based on computer facilities, lind all cases happened during the UFO sighlings, soon making available some of them are worth to be 1978 wave, in December, in Sicily and a sample in excess of 9,000 events inlroduced as meaningful examples of involving "occupants" is only a matier ranging between 1900 and 1990. Slill Italian ufologists aclivities. I\Iost of ofone or lwo seconds. around the mid '80s the€ have been these projecls have been carried out the early experiments wilh sofrware on behalfofthe ltalian Centerfor UFO TRACAT is the ltalian Catalogue of devoted lo the automatic presentation Studies, the leader organazation as ground trace cases: staded in 1982, at ot texi and graphics aboul UFOS, regards quanljty and qualily of has been published in sevetal ufology, classic sightings and resulls prcduced information and services, different editions, lhe last one by the of UFO research, successlully Besides prcmoting lhe scientifc study Italian Center for UFO Studies, p€sented in conjunclion with several of the IJFO phenomenon, CISU aims including picturcs of traces and conferences and shows. ln 1986 lhe al the spreadinq of informalion and detailed comments for each event. very tirsl European BBS completely developmen support of research The catalogue has now more than devoted to UFOS was established and activilies, fields wherc computer 240 enl es and it is fully managed on run by myself for more than two years facilities may deliver an oustanding a compuler daiabase like lhe ITACAT and lhen disbanded due to personal help. one, with photos and sketches when issues. A new BBS, named "U-Link", available. was eslablished in 1989 in Rome and ITACAT and TRACAT it is still active. Belween 1988 and Basic data coming from both ITACAT 1992 aboul eight issues of a bullelin A proiect for the collection of llalian and TRACAT have been used lo complelely devoted lo lhe computer close encounter cases was staded in process and plot some preliminary applicalions to UFO research, "The 1977, in oder to have a statistical graphs. More extensive Computer UFO Newslette/', have well-organized statistics on a selected range of solid been published as an early calalogue of all the events of such a cases will be c€rried out in lhe fulure experimenl to spread and promole the kind. ln 1985 the projecl went on lhrough sophisticated computer subject, completely unknown to most computers and since then it has been programs. UFO buffs. Circulation was quite managed on a dalabase. The ltalian lihil.rl ,n.l the rea.Ji.n lr.m thc tlFO Center for UFO Studies publish€d a PHOTOCAT and the Ouestion of Photographic Evidence

PHOTOCAT is the ltalian Catalogue ofcases wilh photo or video evidence. Before describing the work behind ffiffi such a catalogue, it is more convenient lo introduce shorily the tus$l question of phoio evidence. Thousands of pictures of alleged UFO phenomena have been offered to lhe general public and UFO buffs as a proof of the physical reality of whal has been called "iying saucel' ior a long lime. Pholographs emerged in the eany days of lhe UFO era, in the Uniled Slates of July 1947, producing a lot of debate at once. Faking a picture, especially in a siluation where more bluffed d€lails in lhe image oddly mean morc mystery, has been a quite simple art. ll was a good way to foul f ends or joumalists, as well as produced yet with the honorable molif patterns, compuler image an interesling business for lhose exceplion of a l\,4exican project analyses, comparison between faked "skilled" guys who have been selling headed by the slaff of lhe magazine piclures and "genuine" ones, reasons hoaxed UFO pictures lo newspaperc "Perspectivas Ufologicas'. lt is highly of forging, etc ....). To carry out or magazines orgul'ible guys eagerto recommended 10 national UFO project's lirst goal the use of computer see a "realspaceship". associations or aclive rcsearchers lo technology has been taken inlo slarl a well-organized project aimed at consideration in order to reduce times l\,4ost UFO researchers consider the comprehensive collection of the and allow a more flexible access and photographic evidence nothing but a valuable video-photographic evidence dislribution of available dala. very suspicious aspect of UFO related of their own counlry, possibly making sto es, something like a side-effeci of use of computer lechnology. At time oflhis wriling about 600 cases lhe deeply rooted m,.th associated to lnternational calalogues' or books' " have been filed in lhe database and lhem, Piclures are loo easy to be devoted to alleged UFO pictures, more or less lhe same number of faked lo be considered a valuable including "Los OVNIS y la evidencia images has been acquired by "proof'. All of us have experienced fotografca' published in 1978 by two scanner, moslly in grey levels, About lerible siluations, where pictures Argentinian researchers aboul a sludy 70% of the cases has one image at have been declared "genuine" and on UFO piclures and some South and leasl, even lhough somelimes coming 'teally porlraing a puzzling unknown North American cases, have been frcm low-quality sources like object" and later found more or less produced in the past yet these works magazines or newspapers. lt is complex hoaxes. Some IJFO buffs may be considered far from being expected lo increase such a figurc to lfied to defend clearly faked pictures complele and, anyway, never 75-80% at most when lhe collection just in order to have something updated- Several thousands of project will be really over: it is concrele in their hands able lo pictures should be available all practically impossible to have access demonstrate the physical reality of around the woid. Archiving of such to some original sources, while olherc "flying saucerc", so to show thal they evidence would be very interesting for don't carry the €laled pictures at all. werc not nuts. This attitude has been iwo reasons at leasl: The accumulaled photogEphic common throughoul lhe whole hjslory evidence from ltaly now counls in oflhe UFO movement (suffice to think . a visual collection of directly excess of 80 l\,,legabytes of TIFF to the highly controversial Gulf Beeze UFO-related imagery images, also available in a highly saga), involving also other individuals. . an in-depth analisys of lhe compressed JPEG fomal. The farnous ltalian case ot l\,llr, fealu€s of such documents. lhe Giampiero Monguzzi (a man willing to moljfs presenl in them and lhe Besides collecting pictures of alleged become a journalist who presented a reciprocal influence with the UFO UFO sightings, PHOTOCAT features se es of astonishing photos portraing mylh. a sub-catalogue where fakes, a classic domed saucer landed on a conventional phenomena and mountain landscape, wiih a strange ln 1991 I started a new project within strangelooking photographic effects astronaut-like ligure next to il) is a the ltalian Center for UFO Studies, prcduced by camera (ie.: lens flares) ctear example: lhe pholographer fully devoled to lhe colle€tion of all or development defecls have been confessed the hoax to a maqazine, Italian photo and video documenls stored as well. This is an interesting also showing lhe original models, yet poftaing alleged unusual ae al collection of items lo be used as a somebody argued he had been forced phenomena. All availabb matefial reference sample against the 'teal" to deny the reality of his encounter was randomly dislributed among PHOTOCAT catalogue, in order to with an "alien spacecraff". private archives, magazines, loose compare the lwo sets in search of newsclippings and oflen still in the possible different pattems. At first Ivany contaclees, since the pioneer hands ol the witnesses themselves glance, alleged photos and G.Adamski, showed several pholos Besides collecling such a material, recognized takes don't show any as "proof' of their wonderful the problem about how lo manage evident difference, yel such a matler experience with oiler space beings: such a mass of documents emerqed. will be carefully approached by a visual evidence has always been one lvlain goal of lhe projecl was and still future advanced esearch aclivity. of the mosl convincing easy{o-be- is the establishment of a made tools lo make people believed comprchensive catalogue of photos PHOTOCAT may well be considered aboul the realily of their conlacts. and videos including lheir reference the stading point of furlher more Unforlunalely, nea y all of lhe data: lhis is a very tirst step of a more interesling research projects, picturcs supplied by these folkloristic ambitious work ab.ul an in-deplh including pholo analyses. Of course people have turned anlo hoaxes or suruey of collected evidence Under such a lask requires lirsl generation look highly suspicious. Olher people difterent viewpoints (image pallerns, pictures at least and excellent and journalists have been responsible scanners leaturing high or very high for photographic lricks produced in 1 oplical resolulions: lhis means that Delairl.a., E order to get publicity, s€l! lhe photos Cox &TwineR. pictures originally stored into the (19?5-19?8) A!ovisionalcalalogueofUFO or gel a "scoop" useful lo incaease dalabase have lo be scanned again. photographs" UFO REGISTER Vol 6. .' 2 + newspapers or magazines circulaiion. Professional colour scanneB and As far as I know no project devoted lb 2 image processiirg are srevens w. & Roberrs A (1985-86) soltware a comprehensive collection of requircd, as well as a quite powerful "UFO Pholographs donndtheworld vol. I phoiographic evidence cases has hardware confguration: what is even & Vol 2, UFOPhoro Archiles never been accomplished, even on r more importani is a good knowledge FusoS. & De Turis s. (1975) national scale. Someihing seems lo of photographic paramelers/rules and sugli UFO - Fotostoli. dei dhchi have changed du ng lhe very last two "Obbiettieo volanti", Edizioni Mediteranee, Ilaly optics. Wthout experience in such yearc, but no real work has been felds, evaluation and inlerpreiation of

19 results from a computer-based image analysis would be really limiled if nol meaningless. lt is not enough to carry oul seemingly attraclive image enhancements or lilte ng, supplying a ditferenl, much more "technological", view of the original piclure able lo wonder enlhusiast people. Computer aided image processing must be coupled with rigorous inlerpretation of the results, oiherwise the whole work could be pEclically valueless. I have personally expe enced thal computer technology nay fail in linding the clues of a taked pictores, such as a thread sustaining a UFO model, even when the thrcad was aclually there I Several factors must be considered when examing a photo evidence and evaluation ol results must be cauliousr lhe absence of a thread, I repeat, doesn'l mean necessarily thal guys, the picture is not faked. A lhorough have been recenlly examined INTPHOTO is a worlwide database of and one found lo be faked: a cool alleged UFO piclur€s now counting investigation about a single jusl photographic case lakes a lol of time thread was on top of lhe domed about 700 images available as and money, also due to lhe many standard digital files. As of lhe quality always different information to be collected originals, their is not good and evalualed. Anyway, ltalian pholo My personal recommendation lo and most of them are clearly internalional rcsearchers is the start evidence is available to anybody faked, but thek value as visual up of a comprehensive collection of documenls, UFO mylh rather interested in developing a cross- of the phenomenon, analysis aboul the besl piclures' thear country's alleged UFO than lhe UFO is photographs and videos- That's a exceptional. This kind of evidence I have already carried out a quite valuable sample of UFO hystory may be studied not only through processing extensive survey about a lwb-photo which features a lot of now neglecled image software looking for set taken at Batlipaglia (Salemo, informalion, as well as an oulslanding possible clues offaking, but mainly as wonders. Southem ltaly) on Apdl 9, 19925, also gallery of visual a suNey about the evolution of podraied producing a 20 colour slide colleclion P€servalion ol such an evidence, shapes and UFO features possible value you showing .different steps of ihe beyond ils real as throughoul lim€s, the motifs may physical pholos, analysis, toqether with related "proof' of an original find an lhe tricking techniques phenomenon, is real must for any reasons huge piclures and detailed comments. a and lhe of a so group researcher", Resulls pointed out several doubts sludy or single availability of documenls from all over about the reliability of the sighting's the world. INTPHOTO doens'l want lo tale and the real fealures of lhe Other Computer-Based Projects be a comprehensive international IJFO piclures, at portraied object final conclusions, catalogue of alleged supported by indipendent ll\/AGE BANK is a visual database of least for the time being: the evidence also you analysis caded out by Americen UFo-related artworks coming from may tind in alloverlhe world is so rcsearcher Jeff Sainio, refer to lhe differenl sources, something like huge thal a single researcher cannot Merging of possibility of a model shol next to the BUFORA Picture Library. lmages afford such a task. projects a camera. This may be well detined lhe have been scenned and slored in different could be very frct in-depth analysis of an slandard graphic format in oder to be rcasonable solulion. alleged UFO picture carried oul in easily available for any kind ol use. A Italy by local researcheB. Two other shorl descriplion for each of them Project "lTALlA 3" has been stad€d in the early '80s by the CISL, member colour picturcs, reponedly taken in allows quick searches. One of the Paolo Fiorino to collect all the ltalian Sicily in January 1995 by two differenl main goals of such a collection is the fulure possibilily to carry out a cases of close encounters of the third I research work directed to lhe study of kind, including frinqe evenls such as Int€mati.nrl groups or Esedcher lhe evolution of the popular cases, bedroom visitors, int rested in kno*ing s:ore about PHOTOCAT perceplion of UFOS through artworks psychic contaciism and slrange &d cxch@ging phoiographs or vidcos nay and other arlistic production. Several creatures not directly associaled 1o ftite 10 this aulhor: Maurizio Verg4 via hundreds of colorful images are now UFO phenomena. The collection is 85,22072 C.m.nate (Co), ITALY. Matbotli available, offering an impressive now in etcess of600 entries including Pl.6e srate, ifav.ilaue, a fd number. 5 illustraled history of lJFo imagery. the basic data and the original ,{ mer6l-nad€ looki.s obiecl w6 sources stored in a standard to fly sloqly ov4 some buldinssjusr in sed database format. ftont ofde wit es' hous€ ((he mother of him stat d 10 hav. scn the objecl beforc the son). The young md loot two piclures, €ighl AIRCAT is a catalogue of the ltalian sonds onc Aom $€ olh.r, by u old Russid sightings havang civil or military pilots c@er6 h€ had on a tablc, Tnen $c objecl took idieEsted in such aprcject fo' mnsuldn; or as witnesses. Managed by CISU of v.rtically tt high speed. del iveri.s of suit.bl. in fomation/m ator ial . 20 members lllarco Orlandi and Renzo \ryhen looking up the electronic common discussion and presentation Cabassi, it now includes more lhan archive, the researcher will be able to of the latest news and sightings. The 120 c€ses currently slored into a have access to all the record network is called "UFONET' and slandad database soffware for infomation, as wellas to the readable counts more lhan a dozen of different personal computer. Each enlry offeb image of the newsclipping itsell The sites all over ltaly. The discussion several data, ancluding a short same philosophy has been applied to forums have been visited by hundreds desc ption ofthe sighting. another running Project called of people each month: one of the "Origins'. lt deals with an analisys of most direcl benefts for CISIJ is ihe Another inleresting pOecl where the the press coverage during the early even more complete coverage of computer plays a basic role iq called very interesting years of the 'fying many a€as of the country, so being '1 978". lt refers to the collection of the saucel' debate in ltaly, namely able to get news about alleged complete documentalion related to between 1947 and 1952. Preliminary sightings in a very short time. These UFO cases taken place in ltaly and slatistical resulls from the project are and other kind of informalion (also reporled by lhe press during 1978, the expected in the frct quarter of 1996, coming from all over the wodd) arc year of the big wave- lt is possible to together with the availability of the weekly offered to all UFO buffs and eslimate in 2,000 the number of whole computer-based calalogue. whoever inlerested in lhe subjed sightings during that inctedible year. through a phone service named The prcject also involves lhe Scanning newsclippings, especially 'UFOTEr. Just paying for your phone collection of all the generic UFO- those directly related to IJFO call. you may listen to a three-minule related newsclippings published by sightings, is becoming a regular report updating you about the latest lhe ltalian newspaperc and activity in many CISU projects, news from the UFO scene. A similar magazines in 1978, iust lo be able io including the mainlance of local service is also available through carry oul an exlensive analysjs of the sighting databases run by the 'Videotel", an online service run by press coverage of that time and its representatives of the Center. The Telecom llaly (similar lo the well bias on the development of the wave refeaence of the scanned known French l\,4initel) you can itself. A dalabase program is used to newsclipping image is linked to each connect through a special terminal store all the information about the case, so that it could be displayed supplied by lhe same company. CISL) collected newsclippings, including when accessing the case itself. This js has also ihree 24-hour automalic litles (a siudy aboul how joumals a first step towards lhe availability of answering machines in Northern, presenled lhe subiect lhrough titles real multimedia UFO catalogues, Cenltal and Southern ltaly lo allow has been planned and funny where rcsearchers can find differenl witnesses to report theh own interesling resulls are expected) and kjnds of documents jusl at their sightings, plus others locally. a short sighting summary. Among the {ingertips. dala included in each record there are Multimedia Catalogues some "keywords" taken from the lext Even though nol very well known of the p€ss articles, in order to carry abroad, ltaly offers a lol of examples Another greal application of current out a preliminary expe ment to ind of advanced use of new computer technology to lhe possible language patlerns in the communication tucilities applied to management of UFO information journalists' treatment of the UFO IJFO rcsearch. As the American evidence comes from the subjecl and compare them with tales colleagues, ltalian ufologists have development of easy{o-be-distribuled comlng from UFO witnesses. ln order esiablished a UFO WI/VW site on' multimedia calalogues. to make the information evidence of INTERNET in ltalian and English the 1978 UFO wave even more language, and a nelwork of BBSS Special catalogues of UFO events, complete, orjginal newsclippings are (Bulletin Board Systems) offering a such as ITACAT, TRACAT and being lo be scanned and linked lo large selection of L,Fo-relaled text PHOTOCAT, lake a lot of physic€l each dalabase record as image liles. files and images, as well as areas for space under the fom of paper documents and rclated imagery. Of course, handling and distribution of such a huge mass ofinformation is far from being easy and efficient. More, data exchange among researchers is always difiicult, time-consuming and coslly. Compuler technologies, again, may offer inleresting solutions through an affordable inveslment. Mosl database programs may now handle different kind of infomation: data, text, images, graphics and even sound and video. That is jusl the same kind of stuff researchers have to manage in lheir nuls and bolts

The idea is to make all of this documentation directly available on a computer screen, where the user may decide whai lo see. lmagine lo have a card (called "rccord" in computer

21 jargon) on the monitor for each mullimedia lecture with a few tens of reported sighting: all main dala about colourtul slides, a complele Stairway to Heaven lhe cese are displayed, including bibliography of llalian UFO books original sources. Mor€, you have (including description and cover BBS references about different documents image of them), a complete linked to that same case: presentation of the ltalian Center for 0't81-76S 1740/8046 newsclippings, wjtness' skelches of publications UFO Studies and a sel of 24 Hours the reported phenomenon, an statistical graphs plotted on the Modem speeds to V.34 (28.8k) abstract of lhe rcport, photographs of ground of the data available thrcugh the sighting environmenl or possible the included UFO sighting catalogue. ground traces, etc... Displaying these Among the more than 350 Mbytes of Home of infomation on the screen is very mate al making the multimedia simple: it is enough 1o pojnl lhe poect, you may count nearly 2,000 mouse cursor on a suilable conlrol images. Even though mostly related button and click. You may imagine lhe to the ltalian scene. lhis work delivers noteworthy advantages coming fiom a lol of male al from everywhere in such a computer applicationt to have lhe wodd. lts new way to present and an on-line comprehensive manage available information, makes documentation of each slorcd case on il somelhing quite differenl from the 13 UFO related a cheap support, able lo great deliver other two UFO CD-ROtl now conferences including a flexibility in data management- (others Other availade on lhe market have BUFORA Conference side benefts are preseNation and been announced and will be available lnfo/News Releases easy duplication of lhe collected soon), namely Wendelle Stevens documenlalion, which djgital nature "UFO - This Planel's most complete UK .. LJSA Gateway may fnd further use for other proiecls. guide to close encounters" (published 100+ nodes in the UK in 1994) and lhe interesting Stanton 5 in Europe An extension of the concepl of a Friedman's 'UFOS - The Real Slory" 2 in the USA generic database soflware able to (995). manage ditferent kinds of documents And access to the following is lhe development of a special UFO, A Conclusion,... oriented progtam. brand new A MUFON (Mutual UFO multimedia product will be soon ... may refers lo lhe awareness of Network) released by myself as a tirst example having an incredible evidence in our ParNet lnformation of a new way lo offer UFO infomaiion hands, the UFO information, which is to all researchers and buffs. Available so huge we cannol manage it Network on ioppy dask (limited edition) or CD- eflicienlly. This means thal is not fully alt.alien.visitors ROI\,4, it delivers a prcfessiooally accessible to ihe scientillc alt.ufo.reports developed sofrware runnang under establishment and UFO researchers alt.alien.research Microsofr Wndows on personal as well, reducing its outstanding alt.conspiracy.area5l computers, fealuring a very attractive value. Such an infomation is the real and efficient user inlerface especialiy unquestionable evidence of the PLUS designed for such a task. presence of somelhing reported by millions of people around the world. 4000+ UFO text and image Three main catalogues of ltalian UFO We must not miss it. files sightings are available lhrough the lnterNet Email access producl ITACAT (close encounlers), Computer lechnologies may help us 100+ Usenet TRACAT (landing trace cases) and dramalically in making infomation & PHOTOCAT (photo cases). Each of easily and quickly available lo Newsgroups them comes with an extensive sel of everybody seriously interested in 1 00000+ shareware/public highly defined pictures and skelches, coping with lhe UFO question. domain files besides all lhe main data and full Switchinq from a paper-based archive' abstracls wilh commenls for most io an electronic one is nol easy and lJFONet has been running since evenls. l!lo.e, a general catalogue of lasl for people like ufologists sha ng February 1994 and has become Italian sishtinss (about 10,000) is limiled resources, Anyway, lhe work one of the main UK based included together with suilable has been already started and the inlormation networks for UFO softwarc for brcwsing and qlefiesi future will show us the results of such material. ll continues to .grow this allow the researcher to carry oul a revolulion. lvlaybe a dusty ile is with access points easily any kind of search on the much more fascinaling than a cold appearing every week. dalabase. Among lhe other stuff piece of hardware Jllled in with chips included in such a huge work, the.e is and wires: probably lhats true, bul The aim of the system operator IIiAGEBANK (an intemational progress goes on quickly and all of us is to create an environment that colleclion of UFo-related adworks need new more eflicient tools to deal can be used for serious research and illustrations able to offer a irst with |JFO information and related and discussion for ufologists in apprecialion of artists' coverage about research. Ten yearc ago, most of the the IJK and around lhe globe lhe lheme of "flying saucers" things reporled in this paper looked ihroughout lhe years), INTPHOTO (a slill somewhere in a distanl future. You can Email calalogue with hundreds of alleged now lhey aren't. Jn ten yearc expect [email protected] UFO photos from allover lhe wo d), a for more information

22 , D Sergey Chernouss Ph.D.

Examining of Evidences of The UFO/IFO Bom 26 January, 1944, l',lurnansk Russia. - R€€€ived MS degree lmm Leningrad Stale " Phenomenon" and Similar . Un veuily in 1966 in Ph)si6 ol lie Al,rosphee Events in Northern Russia by the Network of . Ph.D. ircm lnstitule of Phi,sics ol Eanh n Optical All-Sky Gameras

Engineer, Heiss ls and Obseryatory, FunEJosel Dr S.Chernouss Ph.D. Land1967-1969 Polar Geophysical Insiitule ofihe Kola Science Centre oflhe Russian Academy R*earch Scienlisl, Polar Geophysidl lnstilute (PGD1969 1976 SeniorResaarch Scianlisl, PGl1976 - 1986 I ead ol La boratory of O plical Methods PGI I 98€ Abstract and discussed. A proposal is -1991 discussed to use archives of lhe Senior Research Scienlisl, PGI 1991 lo dale The report describes the activity instrumental measuremenls obtained of the author as of an expert of with all-sky camera for UFO i) Main feld Oplcs, Auro€ Physics and the Commission on Paranormal examinalion. Atmospheric Phenomena of lhe ii)Olher felds UF0 Strdies, Atnospher c Pol ution lntroduction Academy ot Sciences of lhe ' I ) Cunenl rcsearch inle€sL Opl cal l@ lighl TV USSR in the field of optical report appeared Seplember and specftl neasurcmenls otatnospheic A on phenomena, vadalions studies at the Russian North. govemment Aurclal and UFO sludies, 23,1977 in lhe Soviei Oplical melhods in Eo o!y. newspaper "lzveslia" which said, "The The investigations started in 1977, residenls of Peirozavodsk have HonouB, AMds, F€lloBshiP3, Mombsrship when a loi of eyewitnesses observed witnessed an extraodinary natural of kotessional Soci€lies fi,lember ot a so-called Petrozavodsk ' RQdestvenslry Oplica Sociev, American phenomenon - the most spectacular Geophys cal Union, Expen of he Russlan Acsdemy ol SLjene Commission on UFO UFO event in lhe Northwest Russia. On 20 at in Seplember aboul4 o'clock (Pa€nonna AhosphericPhenomena)strdies. Expe mental data from the network of lhe mofiing, a huge bright "sia/' the auroral automatic all-sky cameaa suddenly appeared on lhe slill dark have been used for the examination sky, emitling bright bursts of light. The Number oi pspeE in refereed iouma s 36, of the phenomenon as an lFO, "sla/' was slowly approaching Number oi commun €lions lo scienl ic meelings connected with the launch of a rocket. Pelrczavodsk and then sprawled over 56 Books:3 Other UFO/IFO events regisiered by lhe city, like a'lell)4ish' pou ng upon the all-sky camera are also presented lhe city a maze of tine beams of light,


tl' tl rl $f,lIri!r Figure I The Petro:avodsk Phenomenon - sketechftotl Aviation and Cosmonautics and UFO Aktuellt

23 which looked lik6 pou ng rain- Afler some time the rays disappeared,

The 'lelly-lish" assumed the shepe of a bright semichcle and slarted moving in the direclion of Lake Omega. According to eye wilnesses the phenomenon continued for 10-12 minutes," All sorls of explanations were suggesled following lhis sighting, from a UFO to chemoluminiscence genemled by "an escape ol stratospheric ozone into lhe upper troposphere" and "a gas discharqe of a peculiar shape". lt was also rumorcd lhat not one, but a cluster of more than 30 objects were sighted(the number probably accorded with the number of €ceived reports), which amounted to a sinisler UFO invasion.

The suggested hypolheses we€ larcely based on the parameters of the phenomenon as repoded by the eyewitnesses, while totally igno ng the probabilaty of individual eror. For example, A,l\,4ezentsev, Pelrozavodsk State University came to the following conclusion: lhe phenomenon unrolled at a relatively short distance from the Figure 2 Example of all sky cameB picture of Aurora in Apitit, Hurmansk obseNers wilh the estimaiion of low region, Russia limit of allitude 6.5km. The complele lack The data has been collected in lhe taken in the area of Arkhangelsk and measurements push us to analyse the World Data Cenlerc in USA, USSR I\,lutmansk (Loparskaya observalory). flms of the all-sky camera network in and Japan, parlially in lhe WDC in lhe lhe surrounding region. Polar Geophysical lnstitule (Apatity, The space piclure oblained by I\,lurmansk region, Russia). The main instrumental all-sky observations is so Method and instrumentation inslrumenl used for such observalions far from lhe picture created on lhe is a mirror photocamera C-180 with a basie of the eyewilness information. The all-sky camera network has been tield of view of 180 degrees. lt is used The successive phologGphs indicate established since the lnternational for automatic photographing of the lhat UFo started with a luminous Geophysical Year in 1957 for studies sky in keeping with lhe preset prc 'dof'. of Aurora both in Northern and gram. Consequence of lilm piclures Southem hemisphere. lnstrumental permil us to trace the dynamic At 04.04 hours of lroscow lime ii was observalions were car ed out development of optical phenomena registered only by the all-sky camera continuously at nighi time in from diffe€nl points of observation near Archangelsk. At 04,05 oclock accordance with lhe coordinaled ald lo measure theit position in lhe cone shaped' objecl was international progmmme during more space. Limited number of dala from registeGd also by the Loparckaya then 20 years. Thousands of the Loparckaya observatory (atitude - camera which had been registering kilomeres of Ulms have been 68,3 N, longitude - 33,1 E) and t)-e nolhing but aurora before. At 04.06 obtained in geophysical obseruatories Arkchangelsk obserualory (lalitude - o'clock lhe object g€w sharply and in differenl count es. 64,6 N, longitude 40,5 E) have been assumed a "jelly-nsh" shape. The analysed to search for UFOs in all'sky dynamic development and iilrns. ln addition, the patrol morphological features of lhe object spectrograph C 180-5 data from the was quite similar io the description same siations were taken inlo done by the wltnesses from accounl for precise idenliJication oi Pelrozavodsk region and the Kola UFO events by their spectral featlres Peninsula and that was a reason to make a conclusion that the all-sky camera registered lhe same evenl

On lhe other side, space scales and Firsl of all the Pettozavodsk position of the phenomenon are quile phenomenon as a bright UFO event difierenl but we believe thal was under consideralion. A1 the lime inslrumenlai obseNations aTe more Figure 3 The Petrozavodsk of the Pelrozavodsk phenomenon corect. lndeed, human sighl can be Phenomenon - eyewitness sketch occurrence, panoramic piclures were relied on only al relatively short

24 phenomenon was linked wiih lhe N launching of the Cosmos 955 satellite.

But what aclually took place and how did things develop that nighl?

The Cosmos 955 was launched lrom ,t the Pleselsk launch sile on September 20, 1977 at 04.01 o'clock D Ivloscow Time in lhe near lo northern direcljon (orbil inclination - 81.2 deqrees). Al 4 a.m. on September 20 the allitude of the eadh shadow at the launch site was about 200km, and 400krn at Petrozavodsk, ln olher words, the rocket did not pass through lhe areas illuminaied by sunlight right E aver lhe launch. 8ut fudher along the flight trajectory the situation continued 10 change,

Ai approximately 04-05 hours the p rockel powered by its second stage engine emerged from lhe Earth shadow and its gas-and-dust trail was illuminaled by the sunlighl and it was the reason why the phenomenon was observed in a wide region where dark night was yet on the ground. ll saems to be an unusual coincidence of descdbed condilions, which rcsulted in lhis famous Russian UFO saghtjng. s Wilh more than len similar evenls at dawn and dusk were observed during lhe period under consideraiion.

0iscussion and Conclusion I N.. Plenty ol letters, messages and s documents with the description of the I UFO in the Russian North received by I the author and most of them have l been carefully examined by using of all available ground based oplical measurements. unfortunately, it was impossible to contirm experimenlally Figure 4 The primary allsky pictur* ofthe Petrozavodsk phenomenon the existence of extraterrest al trom three observatories inlelligence connected wath the uFO. distances and one can judge the size gave a wrong esljmation of the scales Mosl of cases have been explained of obseNed objects only by and position of the object. The ligure by manmade lechnical activity, presents poection of Petrczavodsk connected launches and maneuvers phenomenon onto the grcund, of space techniques or space debris. In this padcular case it was calculated by lhe real measurements A loi of correspondence was in close praclically impossible to draw of Russian cameras and allsky conneclion with adilicial plasma comparison of this kind because it camera from Sodankyla, Finland clouds expedments or balloon was dark. All we can be sure of is lhe (atilude " 67,4 N, longitude - 26,7 E) researches, Rare and unusual forms direction of lhe object and ils angular of Aurora were also interpreted as a dimensions. According to the all-sky ll is obvious that the main axis of the UFO by inexpe enced observeF and camera dala lhe Petrozavodsk prcjection points out the way to a eyewilnesses. Several events were phenomenon was siluated at the great Soviet rocket range near not checked because of the absence height above 200 km and had the Plesetsk, the Archangelsk region. of lhe experimental dala and linear dimension more than 150 km Thus, il was supposed lhat a launch informalion. Some oplical features of th the ground projection posilion of a rocket to be responsible foa the technical experiments taken into onto the Archangelsk region- Pelrozavodsk L,FO phenomenon. The account as ihe IJFO by the occasional TheGfore itwas possible to obseNe it conclusion was supported later by observers are presenled in the Gport. from loog distances (for example from NASA (J.Oberg) and Soviet officials Pelrozavodsk) but vissal observers suggested that the Petrozavodsk The case discussed above demonstrates the complacation of lhe data verifcation wathout any special experimental equipment. lt is very slrange thal the available . all-sky camera dala archives were noi used before by a ufologist to examine the nature of the L,FO.

As il was said by the head of lhe Russian Ac?demy of Sciences Paranormal Atmospheric Phenomena Commission academician Vladimir lligulin "The main nearest future - GihBs estinEriori task is in serious and careful studies of the naturc ol processes responsible for the UFO, rejecting everylhing what leads us to paranorfial sensalions. Slatistical, theoretical and expeimenlal studies wiih invitation of wide profile specialisls will help us to solve the problem".

Acknowlsdgm6nts. The author thanks academician Vladimn Migulin and Dr Yuli Platov for lheir pemaneni atlention lo this wdft He thenks WDC B-2 ol Polar Geophysicai lnstilute, Apatity, Russia and Finnish ireleorclogicil lnstitute, , Finland for assignment olthe all'sky films The Author also wish lo thank those who made the participalion in lhe Conleren@ Oftlchl addt€ss$, tar and tolepho,te no: possible. The presenralion or ihe Epoft Po a r Geophys cal.lnstitul€, Kola Science C enler ol Russlan Academy ol Sc ences Fer! man str. I 4 was supponed by Philip Mantle and "sony Apatry 184200 Russia Telephone 7 (81555)37135,lrome7 (E1555)40975 E mail [email protected]



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26 Dr Leo Spdnkle, Ph.D. UFOs: Examining The Evidence And Evaluating Bom 31srAususr 1e30, srudied psychorosy, The Experience ' Edu€lion, Sociology and H slory at lhe Unive$iiy of Colo6do. Aliained his Ph.D. in 1961,majodng n Counse ing Psychololy al he University oi Dr Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Counselling Psychologist Dr Sprinkle s prcfess ofal career has concentraled upon Councelling Psycnobgy wlh sercal major posilions at the Univecity of Wyominq. He @renfy owns and runs his own prlvate praclce as we as holding lhe pos lion of Prcfessor EmedlG, Counelling Sedies at lhe Unive6iv ol Vvyom ng. lntroduction UFO encounter and seeks informaiion u Spdnkle is also a life member ot lie Arnedmn aboul some ways to deal with any . Assoc alion lor the Advanc€menl ot Science anxiety about the UFOE, ihen he/she At the '1979 UFO Congress in His lGt pubrished wo* relal ng ro lle uFo is refened to the 1991 book by Alice Brazil, J. Allen-Hynek, Ph.D., phenomenon appeaEd in The Fyn9 Saucer Bryant and Linda Seebach, Healing noted that physicists are O€upanls(LoEnzen, C., & Loenan, J.) contronled with a paradox Shattered Reality, and the 1992 book pubLishedbySignet in196T.Sncelnenhehas by lda lvl. Kannenberg, UFOS and the publish€d no €sshan40 major atucles and physics: pape about quantum Psychic Faclor, Wld Flower Press, scienl ic rs 6vei n9 lo pl6 sud as UFOS, subatomic activity is both PO Box 230893, Tigard, OR 97224.) ESP, hypnosis, reinmnalon and counelllnq particle and wave. Further, he to noted that UFO reseaache,s are Sometimes, UFOErc attempt Aswe as prcsenl ng s gnjfcanl €search confronted with a paradox confirm or validale their UFOES by conlibulions, Leo Sp'inkle also runs a UFO about UFO activity: UFOS are comparing their repods with other wihesssuppodgrcup and is cwen[y an ed loial both physical and psychical. UFO repods. For example, IJFO boad mom ber lor lhe U FO P [enomeno Invesligators ofren are asked lniemaliona Annual Rev €w aalong w lh being a ylng questions that are similar lo lhe c nsultanl ior lhe magazine F Saucer Raview Physical analysis of a UFO following: "Has anyone rcpoded a UFO thal is shaped like a expe ence {UFOE) can be conducled you by attending to any physical and boomerang?" "Have heard of biological evidence, e.9., and UFO abductees who have scoop photographic recods of UFO aclivityi marks on lhe inside of then knees?" soil samples of UFO landing tracesl "Have you talked wilh a conlactee medical examinalions of body marks who channels information from Ashiar and other physiological conditions of Command?" Eicetera, Combining physic€l psychical UFO abducleesi elc. The evidence is bolh analysis and perceived to be 'extemal' to lhe UFO analysis may not be accepted by mosl Expe encer. UFO Researchers as an approach for explaining UFO aclivity; however, lhe psychical Psychical analysis of a UFOE can be approach can be helpful in conducted by atlending io any exploring the subjeclive or personal psychological and parapsychological aspecls of UFOES. e.9., personality for characle stics ofihe UFOET perconal Of course, the major difficully psychical interprclaiions of the significance of employing analysis is the (emotional psychological UFOESi mental communicalions 'morality' or and/or channelled infomaiion from resistance) of convenlional scientists, ETs (Exlralenestrial Entilies, e.9., who fear that being 'subjective' is (lf UFOLKS, Spjrivspace Beings, Tjme tanlamounl to being'unscientifiC. Visitors, the reader/lislener is not iamiliar with lnlerdimenslonal Enlities, Star the experience cenlred model of Persons, ei al.). The evidence is science, then he/she may wish lo perceived to be 'iniemai' lo the review ihe work of Hufford, 1975, and White. 1991. lf the reader wishes 10 explore intellectual and emotional psychic phenomena, Problem resislance to lhen he/she is referred to Eisenbud, 1967, and Harman, 1988.). I\,lost UFOETS are puzzled, and some are traumatised, by lheir UFOES. (Lf However, if a UFO lnvesligator is lhe reader/listener has experienced a willing lo confront lhese inner doubts and anxieties abLJt losing'objeclivity', ' Th s paper is adapl€d frcm a pape. presenled al then more information can be th€ nlernalional Symp.sium on uFo Research obtained about the possibl€ perconal pp lvlay22.25,1992 Denver, CO Prcceed ngs, signilicance , lo lhe UFOEr - of any 203-232 Sponsorcd by lhe lilehalonaLAssociaton ofNewScienc€ 1304S Co €qeAve FonColins, c0 80524. (3031482/3/31). Methoda vocalional activities. (Occupational: A. Using lhe visual field as an intenal position or job; vocational: the'calling' 'map', note the directions, There are several melhods of or 'true work' 1o which the UFOEI is movemenls, speeds, disappearances, psychical analysis of UFOES, attracted.) For example, if the UFOEI reappealances and olher aclivities of including:- is engaged in her/his ?egular duties'. the objecl(s). then the UFOE mighl represenl the A. lndividual hypnosis sessions wilh a task of integraling lhe significance of B. Note lhe stated (a'rd infeffed?) prcfessional hypno-therapist. the UFOE into 'everyday' philosophy feelings and emolions of the UFOEI B. Groups suppod and discussion. or lifestyle. about the initial appearance, actions, C. Pendulum technique for explo ng RUIIIINATIONS. Consider the changes, shapes and eventual subconscious memories of 'hidden' possible significance of the mood of disappearance of the object(s). lf the UFO encounters (e.9,, Fiore, 1989; the IJFOEI: emolional and spiritual UFO is reported as a 'light', lhen Sprinkle,'1976/1 978/1 S79). mood, including feelings, thoughts considerthe brighlness oflhe UFO as D. Self hypnosis or dream analysis and attitudes about Self and Olherc; a possible indicataon of lhe brilliance techniques for recalling and analysing optimism and/or pessimism about or the enlightenment of the Soul or memories of one's own UFOES (e.9., Self, Others, Humankind, Planet, the Higher Self. Adler, 1958i Hall, 1966). Univercet and any allruism or desire E. Channelling infomation from ETs to assist and heal Humankind and lhe C. Conlemplate lhe L,FOE, and any (e.9., Kannenberg, 1992t Klimo, Planet. Forexample, ifthe UFOEr has pre and posl events, as a guide to the 1987). (consciously or subconsciously) been pasl, present and future development, F. lntuitive or psychical methods of wishang to be of seNice to God or as well as an indicalion of the scrying or assessing lhe significance Society, then he/she may be 'direclion' in which the life of the ofUFOES (e.9., Sprinkle, 1985). 'voluntee ng' (?!) for an encounter; for UFOE| is moving. (See figure 1, a mission to assist in the merger of PACTS ltlodel). Ancienl Chinese Factors 'science' and 'spirituality', or for proverbi lf we do nol chanqe our contacls between Humankind and direction, then we may end up in the There are many factors involved in ETs very place thal we are headed! the psychical analysis of UFOES, perhaps as many as there are Analysis D. View the L,FOE as an educ€lional lJFOErs, However. basic factors can guade, not only for selfdiscovery, bul be grouped under the acronym: Wiih lhe various faclors of STARS as also as a communication with the STARS (Space, Time, Activity and 'backstaqe, or background, now Higher Selfand/or Spn Guides. lflhe Ruminations). consider the.'fronlslage', UFOE includes ETs or UFO Entities, forcground,.of the UFOE. then view lhe Eniities as playeG or SPACE. Consider the possible actors for the various scenarios, signific€nce of the location of and Assume lhat the unusual 'light' or possible symbolism of the building or 'object'is representative ofthe soul or E. Compare the UFOE with the model facilityi if it occurs outdoors, lhen lnner Self of the UFOET. lf lhere are of the UFO abductions by Eullard consider lhe terrain, climale, weather several lights or objects, then (1S87): Capture; Examinalion; conditions, etc. For example, if the consjder the lights or objects as Conference; Tour; Joumey; IJFOE occurc inside a car. or a small reprcsenlalive of signilicant olherc. Theophany (manitestalion of a deaty)l room, then the location might Retum; and Afremalh of the represent an'egg' or'foetus" ready for Assume (or pretend) that the UFOE is abduction experience. 'birth'. both teal' and 'true'. ln other words, F, Consider the relevance of possible consider lhe possibility lhat the pasl life memories and possible fulure Tll\,4E- Consider lhe possible UFO(S) is a physically solid object, signiicance of the timing of the which is showing lhe UFOEI an encounter; contenplate the year, imporlant aspecl of the lnner Sell an G. lf the reader is confused by these month, week, day, hour, mjnute of lhe encounter with one's own Soul, a various guidelines, then consider this encountefl consider the seasonal dramatic display that porlnys the possibilily: lmagine thal the UFOEr is signilicance (ho'iday or special evenl) UFOE/S innerwo d. localed in a huge experimental of the encounlei rctlect on lhe life laboratory for the exploration of ESP development (physical, biological, lJsing the techniques of psychological or psychic phenomena. lmagine thal psycho-social and spiritual growth) of analysis of Earliesl Recolleclion the Expefimenter is some Wizard of the UFOET. For ex€mple, if the UFOE (Adler, 1958) and the lechniques of Odds; imagine that the UFOEr is lhe occurs al night, then the lJFoEr may dream repod analysis (e.9., Hall, parlicipant or co-researcher in the be 'in the dark' not yet conscious of 1966), continue to explore lhe experiment. Then, imagine that the lhe possible sagniicance of the possible connections and mental goal of the experimenl is to siimulale scenario, until he/she'sees the light'- associalions of Self and Others wilhin the UFOEr to retlect on her/his ACTIVITY. Consider the possible the scenario(s) of lhe UFO physical, bioloqical, psycho-social and significance of the IJFOE/S life slyle encounte(s). Consider thd possibility spiritual levels of development. After and concureni activilyi reflecl on that the UFOE is an extemalised lhe initial shock of'seeing' one's level whether the UFOEI is alone or wilh veGion of inlemal palterns ofthe Sell of soul development (Yikesl), the others; note the aclivities as UFOEr - eventually - can be educated occupalional or recrealionali consider Analysis can be continued along for futurc Space/Time travel and ior the prevailing condilions ofthe L,FOET communicalion with other intelligenl in educalional, marilal, philosophical, beings throughoul the Galaxy. (Shall religious, sexual, social and we assume lhat the programme is

28 ?ose quickly.' Now they have rclocated in Wyoming, where they feel good about theirfamily situationi also, Preparation they were pleased about their courage in reporting their IJFO Family and/or ltub tadilion oi ESP and/or spirilual conlact Family & cultural sighting. Childhood visiialion by Spiitual Bengs (SBs) Lucid drcams ;; pFognrve drcams or possible Psyclic expe'ences (e9.. B. Mother and Children. A business Abduction woman, with univercity training iil biological sciences, desc bed her lnducted or initiated. UFO sghlings and/or UFO abduction expedenc€s. Loss ol time nighHime UFO observation: She was expenenes or padial Takon voluntarily, by SBs. amnesic evenls. aboard soaceo-afl riding in a c r, which was driven by by SBs or UFO enlilies. Unexplajned body natu, sdts, emolional her husband who is professional rcaclions {why me?). Feelino ot b€inq drafled' tor some a person wilh training as an attorney. Contact She tried to direct his attention to some bright lighls lhat seemed to be lnducted or initialed Adu[ vis]lalioN (by SBs or spidtual guides). Psycnic expedences pacing their car, as they travelled (telepaihy, clairvoyanc€, PK, healing, elc.) LlLid dreams volunta ly, by SBs- and/or South from \ ryoming to Colorado. prccognilive possibe dr€anis ol fulu€. Emolioira Eaclons However, her husband was unable to ( ry me? Pupos oivislalioN?). Feelings or\olunleedng'fora see the lights before the ljghts Training disappeared from her view. She stated thal she had seen a large (r€ading, lnstruclion for a missaon Obse$veiompulsive behavioum n-avelilng, visiom reddish lighl, followed by 3 small ones eL.) Reading;adousmaledals inctu;ing u;interestingimate'iab: (Figure 2). Change in p€conali* leling ol being monilorcdi 'implanled' pasl knowledqe Revi€'w of Oossib € lives, As we conferred, we moved from a sensory description of the sigbting to Channe ing veta and/orw'iuen inionnalion lmm SBs SeMngas perceplual a me$erge/ by mnduding researcl b iing lo ohels, elc a analysis of the possible Pmviding inshrcton, healing, and/or sssistane lo ohels. Wo'ting significance of the experience. lo m:nihis€ P anetary dificJltes; Oivirq assislanc€ lo Hrnrnino. However, she was unable lo arrive at Fee nO lhat one knors his/her lask or any satisfactory interprelation of the personal meaning of lhat evenl, Then, Fignrc 1 'sprinkle, R. L. (1 988). Psychotherapeutic servic6 for pelsons who claim UFO experiences. Psychotherapy in Privaie Practics,6, (3), l5t-157. P. 155. several years later, lhe woman telephoned and declared, an a rather similar to a Ddve/s Education Course manner and mood of lhe padicipant. flat and resigned tone ofvoicd: "Leo, I for Cosmic Cilizens?) Second, we discussed the apparent now know lhe meaning of that UFO physical (or teal) aspects of the sighting. I have divorced my husband, H, Rememberlhe ancienl aphorism: lf UFOE, including lhe doubts and and l'm moving to Colorado wilh my you seek enlighlenmenl, lhen lighten anxjeties about the reality of the thrce children." She interpreted the sighting as a precognilive display of up! UFOE. Third, lhe participanl and I explored the apparent psychical (or future events: the divorce. and her relocation Some Examples 'true') aspects of the UFOE. Finally, of Self and Significant we menlally 'merged', orwe combined olherc. reader has accepted (or our mental activiljes in discussing and lf the C. College Student ln a small group lolerated) lhese assumplions and proposing some possible discussion, a young woman guidelines. then he/she can explore interpretations of the personal volunleered informalion about her lhe uae these guidelines by meaning - lo the uFoEr - of the of own UFO experience, and then she applying them to 'simple' UFOES. agreed 10 play ihe 'game' of analysing These guidelines should not be used lhe possible signiflcance ofthe UFOE. to evaluale the possible sagnifcance A. Father and Son. A man and his I prctended to be tlre college sludent; of a UFOE - except by the UFOET. middle school son repoded the family experience, some yearc earlier, of lhen, I retold her story, somewhat as follows: I am a 7th grade pupil, riding ,4ost experts of dream repo( analysis thek sighting of several nocturnal in a car that is being driven by my 7lh agree lhat the besl interprcter of. a lights thal appeared over a \ ryoming -Ihe g€de music teacher. teache/s dream is the dreamer. Likewise. ihe mountain, near lheir home lown. Afrer infant son and her dog are in the back besl intepreler of a UFOE is the several 'up and down' movements, the seat oflhe car, As we drive North and UFOET. Howeveri a IJFO lnvesligator lights rose.quickly and sped away in a East, over lhe Prairie, toward the can be of signilicance lo a UFOEr in South Easl dircction. Then. as we Wyoming/South Dakota border, we possible discussed the possible personal exploring the significance ol notice significance of the observalions, both a bright light in lhe night sky. the UFO reporl. gels Father and Son recognised lhe As lhe car closer to the light, we notice that lhe light seems to become Here are seveEl examples lhat briefly possibility lhat lhe 4 (or 5?) lights bigger and more intense. Finally, the desc be the personal evaluations of could repEsent lhe financial 'ups and car is undernealh lhe light, the UFOErs. ln each case, lfollowed downs'ofthe family, which led to their leacher stops the car; we get ouit we similar melhods. First, lislened decision 1o move the 4 tamiv I look up at the huge brilliant light;there carcfully to the UFOEi nol only to lhe members (later, 5, with the addition ol is no sound; l'm excited and scaredi conteni of the repoft bui also lo lhe anolher child) to South East USA where lheir siluation, economically, lhe baby is cryingt lhe dog is ba.kingi 29 her menlal associations with the 20712r Fond lor UFO Research name 'Hol Springs:' healing? Esenbud J.(1967)ThewoddofTedSerios New Ame can lndians? Suddenly, a Fiorc, (1989). psycholosli puzzled look appeared on her tace, E. EncounleE: A eveals case sludies ol abductions by ErlElercst a s New and she gasped: "Oh! Do you know

that I've been lhinking recently? I've fall, C.S. (1966). Themaaning ot drcams. Ne been thinking thal I should change my major (field of study) to music theEpy Naman, \ r. (1988). Global m nd chanse. so that I can go oul and help lnd anapo s, lN: Knowedoe Sysiems. Americ€n lndian kids!" She Hufford, D J. (1982). The tenor Ulal comes in lhe nighl An exper€ncecenlrcdsrudyof supemarufa interpreled the IJFOE as a signilicant lradilions Philad€phia, PA Univ.ofPenn Pes professional plans Figu162 scenario for her as Kannenbeq,l.M (1992) UFOS snd lhe psychlc well as her currenl academic faclor. P0 Box 230893, Tigard, OR 97224rWild activilies. we are aftaid; we get back inlo lhe K mo,J (198/) Channelling: nvesligalonson car; she speeds away; bul the light Conclusions rceiving niormal o n ircri para nomal sou rces, Los pursues usl Al lasl, lhe light goes away as we drive inlo the city of Hol Spdnke R.L. (1976). Nypnoticand psychic A UFO experiencer, with or wilhoul imp calions ii the investigar on oI UFO rcpods. ln Springs (SD). the assislance of otherc, can conduct C E Lo€n4n & J. Lorcnzen. Encounie6 wfi UFO psychical analysis lo determine if a Occupanls. New York Be*ley. pp 256129 I then inlerpreted lentatively - lhe UFOE has personal meaning or Sp.inke R.L.(1978/1979) Using rependulun UFOEr as a'map'ofthe fulure; I then significance. techniquelnlhe inv*tgalon ofUFO exper ences. suggested lhat, someday, 'l' (as lhe UPIAR. (E0 TECS), Vo. l No.3 206-208. 7th grade pupil) would golo a place of Sprinke R.L. (Nov 1985). Psycholog cal rcsonance: A hologr,aph c model ol @unselliru. J Counsellin0 'greal light or great knowledge, like Reference6 Wyominql (She and oevelop menl, 64, No. 3, 206-208, the Univercity of Sprinke R.L. (1988) Psycholherapeuucseruices for AdEr A (1958) Whal ille sholld mean b you. N€w smiled, as if to indulge my bit of Pe6ons whoca m uFo expe snces. hu4lour.) Then, I conlinued, nol only Psychothe6py n Pdvale Pracljce,6 (3),151-157 would this light or knowledge be Bryanl, A., & Seebach, L. (1991). Healing shat€rcd White, R.A. (June 1991). F€minist Scenc€, exciling and scary, but also lhis Eality: Undedanding @nlaclee lEuma. PO Box poslnodem views, and ex€ptiona human 230893, Tiqad, OR 97224r Wd Flower Press knowledge would purcue mel Finally, expeience. Excepronal Human Expe'ierrce Bullad,T.E (June1gEi) On slo en limer A Studes ol lhe Psychic Sponlaneous lnlang ble I in ending the interprelive comments, I summaryofa @mpaElve sludy of lhe UFO No.1..211 asked he. lo help me by discussing abduclion mysl€ry. PO Box 2n, l4ount Ran]er, MD

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30 we were looking for some early An lnterview With Ray Santilli footage of people like Bill Haley, Pat Boone and Elvis Presley. We came who in 1950's Philip Mantle was a frcelance. He was working for Director of lnvestigations for the British UFO Research Association various difiereni people as and when he was employed, and at one time du ng lhe early parl of 1955 he was employed by Universal News to film whai the l\,4erlin Group does, and how lntroduction over a padicular weekend what was a you came across the so-called variety of rock concerts and so fofth at Roswell film foolage please? Ray Santilli is the man who different High Schools across claims to have purchased actual RS: OK, l've been involved in the a relired US lilm footage from media for the last twenty years, from cameraman ot the UFO crash at ihe lime I lefl school I was iirsl The reason he was employed by Roswell in 1947. Much has involved in promotjon and marketing, Universal News was that lhere was a already been wdtten about Mr. managing recoding arlisls and that union strike on and Univercal News Santilli, the film footage and the lasted for quite some time until could not use there usual news alleged cameraman. Most of eventually I fomed was my llrst cameramen. so he was used and he lilmed some footage which we yhat has been is based rccord company really, afld at lhat witten acquired for one of our ea ier or opinions rather than fact, time we were handling Walt Disney jusl products. we handled Disney audio, programmes, and we bought rumouas rather than jusl gave anrl we had the exclusive ghts here in some lootage from him, him res |arch. the IJK for Disney soundtracks and cash and we built up a reasonably that lasted for a good few years, and good relationship with him because ln t're inlerview that follows I have then I got involved in copyright lhe nature of the deal was that we gave "ltdmpled to obiain a few details fiom brckerage and masler recordings, him cash and he gave us IVr. Santilli on how he obtained the publishinq, book publishing and so footage and there was no paperwork. film, and what he inlends lo do with it forth. So if anyone asks what we do in the future. The following is not here now we are involved in the He came back lo us and said look meant to be an in-depth interview in marketing, distribution and sale of before you go back, would you be any way and it was rccorded ai 1"]lr. audio producl, video product and interested in something else. He said Santilli's office in London on Tuesday to us that he had some foolage of 27th June, 1995. The interviewer is what was an autopsy of an alien PhiLip Mantle (Pl!l) and the PM: So how did you come across the crcature. We knew nothing about interviewee is Ray Sanlilli (RS). so-called Roswell footage? Roswell or the Roswell event at that iime, but we lhoughl well it's an PM: All I want you to do Ray is to iell RS: About two and a half years ago interesting situation, you know, an us in your own words, a little bit about we werc in the States researching , you dont get that yourself, your company, and exactly what was a music documentary and offered everyday. So we look an inlernal flight to his house which was some distance away from where we met him, and he showed us on film everylhing thal you have now seen and lhat everyone has become

During lhat very first meeting with him, ihe ilrst lhing lhat we did, and that was on day one, the very iirst lhing we'did was lo call Kodak, actually from his house at that time, and say how do we know lhat lhis film is genuine, and they asked us to look at the codes and lhe markings. And actually during thal time we relayed to them whal the ma*ings were on lhe film, and ai that time they said to us that it was probably 1927, '1947 ot 1967. that was almosl two and a half

We then look a frame, well I mean the leader iape and one frame from the nlm and broughl il back to the UK this before autopsy begins. Figure 'l Depicts alleged alien in the autopsy room was iwo yearc ago. We circulated it also clearly Damage to leg can be seen and female sexual organs are amongst as many people as possible digits on hand i€ also clearly seen visible. Six lo say what year is this film and

31 we had lhe entirely of lhe lilm in our

PM: As lor aulhenlicaiion, aparl from lhe fact lhat you mentioned Kodak, what convinces you that this film is lhe genuine article?

RS: Because I have ihe advanlage of dealing with lhe cameraman irsl hand. I'm nol dealing with second hand informaUon, it's a person l've known on and off ior two years l've had various meeUnqs with him, we've managed to go lhrough his diaries, h s records, his pholo album. Weve seen his house, his famiy, we've seen hls colection of old cameras, and you know we've heard all the stories The guy is genuine, I know he's genuine, I believe thal the foolage is genuine, but in time only people thal can do more research will be able to judge it

Figure 2 Sjde view ofalleged alien priorto autopsy being undertaken PM: What's going to happen nexl wjlh eventually we satisJied ourselves that through because lve didn't have the the lilm, with the fooiage ilself? the film was genuine. I then money, so il was one of these presenled to lhe company I promising thal had a situations lhat we were lo RS: The €w footage, uncut and pay very close rclalionship wilh, him but we didn't have the money untreated will be sold through mail Polyglam, I presenled th€m with the and he had losl faith in us. lt took a order video, then ihe broadcasters possibility of buying what was then long time, it took a good eighteen will in the various territo es will do the Roswell footage. So Polygram months rcally for us lo tum thal whalever they wanl with the foolage. were very interested and lhey sent out situation around in order to rebuiJd his Some are colourislng il, some are one oflheir senior direclors. in facl h6 confidence in us and we linally gol lhe enhancing it, they wili basically have a was lhe managing director ofWorking slage at the end part of lbst year and field day. They have been given carie- people Tille, the thal have now made the beginning of this year that we blanche, it's their properly once lhey lhe lilm Four Weddings and a could hand him money and take the have aqreed to lake itfor broadcast. Funeral'. fhei person was Gary film but il was a very long prccedure. Shoefi€ld, and Gary was senl by And so we eveniually did that and PM:And whal about lhe fulure? Polygram to meel up wilh the from the beginning of this vear {i995) cameraman in order to secure lhe dealfor the footage.

Anyway, due to va ous problems, and lhe problenN were that lhe taken very ill at the lime, he went to hospital. Gary ended up sitling in his holel waiting for the cameraman to show he didnt show, Gary then called lhe cameraman's wife lo iind out what had happened, and she explained everyihing to him and Gary then called lhe hospilal to check on his condition. To cut a long story shorl the meeling didn't happen and Polygram salislled lhemselves at ihal time lhat the carneraman drd exist. However, Poiygram didn't want to continue the negotialion purely because the nalure of the legalilies involved in buying foolage ihat someone doesn't own, because it was owned by the lJ.s. military.

So eventually the cameEman came out of hospital. He came out io Figure 3 Close up side vjew ofalleged alien. ln the background the discover lhat lhe deal was noi going telephone can be seen on the wall plus various intruments and receptacles

32 RSi ldon't know really, it depends what comes up. lt depends whether the footage can maintain its ground as being crcdible or whelher il can't. lf it can ihen you know it will become like the shroud of Tu n, if it can'l it will fall inlo calegory ofone of those hoaxes. I really don't know. As lar as lhe footage is concened lreally don't know, ii changes daily.

PM: And what do you think lhe possibilities are with regards to the cameraman going on the record in lhe

RS: Nexl 10 zero, but I donl know, il changes, but I wouldn't have thought that he would agree to meet or speak to anyone other than myself on the subject but lhat's changed recently so, ljust don't know, ii really depends. The original agreement that we had wilh him was that we would rcspect his confdenlialily and thai was a Figure 4 Close up of damaged leg. Leg is being held by one ofthose fundamental part of ihe deal, and we taking part in the autopsy would not have got the film without lhat agreement in place. lf we had film (a documentary on Roswell Contact with Jack Barnet? suggesled anylhing else then we currently in produclion by a UK TV wouldnl have lhe lilm today. So company). But once Kodak are in For quite a number of weeks whatever we get lrom here on we place, and once lhe cameraman has now Ray Santilli has been trying done whalever he is going lo I do, m to persuade the cameraman iri not sure what else can be done But question PllI: Just one last queslion. Are you yes, we'll cooperate with whoever, bul to contact .me by open to offers of assislance to help if il's a question of can we take ten phone from the USA. On ve ry lhis nlm one way orlhe other? feet or a hundred feet of the raw ThuJsday 22nd Juno Mr. Santilli telephoned me at approximately 7.30 pm (British summer time) and informed me thal he had iust spoken on the phone to the cameraman and lhat he had assured him that he would phone me later that day.

At approximately 8.50 pm (BST) on the same evening (J!ne 22nd) I did receive a call frcm a man naned claiming to be Jack Barnelt who is allegedly lhe original cameraman. Al no time duing our conversation did I altempt to 'intenogale' him. lnslead I took the opporlunity lo atlempl to sew lhe seeds of friendship in lhe hope lhat I might eventually be able lo meel him face{o-face and encourage him io work with us. However he did confirm lhat his commanding officer was a General lt4cMullan imy spelling) and ihat he was flown from Washington lo film the events in queston. He decllned politely my offer Figure 5 Close up of alleged alien's foot. Six digits are visible of golng on the record now but did not rule oul meeting with me I RS Yes, well, there is only so rnuch foolaqe away, then I'm not sure if a should visil lhe USA. He infomed me you can do as there are only so many thal s viable or possible Thal's that due to his age and continued ill heallh hours in a day , but once Kodak are in anolher discussion. But it depends on his lraveling days were place, which they are now, even whal offerc of assistance we receive. over and that lhouqh il's going to be recreated for he did not expect lo live to see many more olympic games.

33 He continually coughed during our fifreen minute convercation and invited me to ask him speciiic queslions il I wanted lo. I informed him that l.had at least a thousand questions for him that I would ralher put lo him in person than on the telephone. He appreciated lhe siluation I was in, thanked me for my vaious offers of assislance, and stated thal it I wanted 10 pul specific questions to him in the iuture this could be done via Ray Sanlilli. He did say lhat he was still somewhal unsuie of his legal po$tion as he had sold flm thal did not belong to him. The enlire convercalion although briet was coudeous and JB did not rule out the possibility of a similar conversalion in the fulure. Figure 6 Replica ofthe 'l Beam' wreckage, duplicated with the hetp or I cannot of course offer any prooflhat MajorJesse Marcel's son, DrJesse MaacelJr. who saw the wreckage the man on the phone on June 22nd when he was ll years old. (Photo courtesy or MUFON) was indeed JB, the original camemman, but if the.e is the remolest ahance that it was, there was no way ihat I was going to be B"w aggressive towards him. Instead I believe I took the right cou6e of 1.":- aciion in atlempling lo gain his trusl v/$d I 'e"0'r v bul only time will tell i, I succeed or

I have also checked with Gary Shoeiield who was, according to Ray Sanlilli, sent by Polygram to meel wilh A\r.O'.e'E PI /A JB as outlined above. lspoke wiih Gary Shoelield on lhe same day as the interview with Ray Santilli in London, and he conJirmed that lhe statements conce.ning him as outlined above by Ray Sanlilli are o}-14!r-q indeed accurate. Unforlunately was {'fu I unable to record lhis conversation Figure 7 Drawing of'l Beam' material taken form the alleged crash site Gary Shoeneld but hope wilh I lo do footage. Congress, the Association is not regarding the circumstances For those who are unaware of exaclly endo6'ng the validity of ihe lim. but surounding lhe footage. what ilm foolage I have personally simply presenting it forexaminalion. seen I wolld like io siate here thal I The BUFORA Council appreciaie ihal have seen iour differenl 'segments' of From the momenl we had conllmed involvement wilh ihe film is heavily Jilm. This includes ihe so-called 'lent the existance of the foolage, all lhe laden with risk. However, who said scene' where it is alleged thal one ol key Roswell researchers were nolilled ufology was easy or wilhout the aliens js being examined (nol an before ihe press had picked up lhe conirovefsy. One cannot ignore auiopsy) in a ient out in the deserl by story. lndeed, sevetal prorninanl possible evidence because lt seems two men inrwhite coats. I have also researchers were informed of ihe seen lwo compietely differenl aulopsy possible exislance of lhe lilm a8 iilms and jusi r€cently flm of the monlhs ago. alleged debris depicting'l-beams and BLJFORA will strenuously endevour lo altain independant verification of the age, processing technique and Editorial Note coniinuily of lhe lilm. Bul this can only be done wilh lhe co-operaiion of Ray At ihis stage, BUFORA cannol Santilli. conllrm whelher the film footage aquied by Ray Santilli is genuine or We are also willing to work with all not. By showing the film al ihis interested parlies to gel to the irulh

34 Cynlhia Hind Recent UFO Sightings in Africa - The Cultural . Bom in a €mole pan or NW Cape Prcvince of lmplications soulh Aiica. Edu€ted ai Good Nope Seminary, Cape Town to Senior [,!ati ation. Regisl€rcd al Cape lown Univelsityior a BA degce nEnglish Cynthia Hind and Psychology but l€ft belbre @mpleljon lo toin lie Soulh Airican Air Force. Manied Noman Nind There is never really a totally dinger, as we did in Southem Africa and sefrled in lhe UK. Two child€n. Michael and Lindsay Lted in SourDo( Me$eyside In he ste quiet pedod UFO quile recenlly in 1994. wilh fflies, lhe family rctumed to Aiica and setled in sightings: what happens is that Ha€rc, Zimbabye, whee be6me a Dnedor ol On lhe 141h September of lasl year, al on average I have 6-8 reports Gnlbyo a h'n y company manuhcludng iumiturp, 2'1.04, I was sitling in my study in per month in Zimbabwe, and and lom l9i9 to 1994 a ol€clor of Edisan Harare, when I heard a loud Prcducis. 1978 rcs gned y peftaps even less in Soulh h I fom the hm explosion. Ivly first lhought was thal busine$ and became fult nvok€d in lcelane AIrica. Despite lhe discrepancy someone had thrown a bomb into lvril ng and paiiculady in invesligating and in population figures: 22 million either lhe President s .house, or lhey rcporlns on lie UFO phenomenon in Alri€ in South Africa and'll million in had lried to assassinale l\/engistu, Zimbabwe, I feel there is a good who has asylL,n in Zimbabwe and Since lien I have allendod nt€malional reason for this. lives a few hundred melres faom my Conleenes and prcs€nted pape's on trat aspect fiont door, I ran outside, but all was ol ufology in Aust?lia, Bdh n lhe USA, Eurcpe, Branl and AEenl na as {'ell m in Soulh Afi6 and Awarenessl People quiet, and within a few minutes, I had Or lhe lack of il. locally. C@rdinalor lor [4UFON on lhe Afi6n piled into my car with some friends lo have to be aware whal the term UFO Conlinenl. Conldbulor n Soulhenr Afica lo scout the neighbourhood. implies, although perhaps lhe letterc FbAFTALE (lorkrodst pubricat on) and FORTEAN are used too freely to indicale visitors T [lES from olher planels, dimensions or Nolhing was happening, but when I time. returned home, the phone had I ioined Soropr mist lnbmar onal in 1975 and was akeady staded to ring and never prer dent oi Soopiimist lnlemation a of Z mba bwe Here in Zimbabwe, I am lucky to have slopped until well afrer midnight. I t om 1984-86. Iogelhs with D Po{'ell, I founded a very good triend on tadio and she later found lhat the explosion was a he Ha6rc Wdlers Club. I have been on mdiopnd inviles me regularly lo tell the people sonic boom. So you see, people were televis on in a number of countdes and @ntinue lo wdte on a w de vadely or subjecb about whal's going on in the Space aware lhat I would be interesled and were busy repoding lo me, whereas World. I write for magazines and, Publish€d WoA in lJfolooy: papers (who only a few years before, where would ralher rarely, for lhe local UFOS-AFRICAN ENCoUNTERS (Gemini, 1982) they have gone? are not supportive of UFOS): I also UFOS OVERAFRICA{Dmvisional tile, in give public and private lalks, not only in Hatare, but in S. Africa and all over The most fantastic pyrotechnic display UFo AFR NEWS, a magazine li'st published in just place (Gemin Zimbabwe. At one time. I did this had taken and was 1988 ) and biannualteversince. Chapte6 on n Atric€ entir€ly al my own expense, but now I witnessed in S. Africa, in Botswana. UFOS conhbuled lo tind people are charqing for the talks lhe southern po on ofzambia, nea y PHENoMENoN and UFOS 1947-87lediled by J.Spen€rand H Evam)and and make quile a bil ofmoney, so I do all over Zimbabwe and finished off in toTNE UFO STORY 1990, byT. G@d d welld a chapler on ask for my petroland accomrnodation. I\,lozambique. I'Iosl of lhe repods had AFRICAN UFOS in mllaboEl on wilh J Spencer, in I have since lhen been tlown lo Lake come fiom Lake Ka ba, where there UFOS-TNE DEF NlIrvE CASEBOOK. Ka ba where I spoke in the local are dozens of boats on the lake, Spods Club to 90 people out of a total anchored al nighl, with a clear view of populalion of 300i I've been to the night sky. ll is a large lake, lhe Chinyohi for a dinner talk, where all biggest in the world until a few yearc lhe waiters were dressed jn green and ago, and slrelches for 290 kilometres had head-bands on wilh two bits of and is 30 hlometres wide al its widest wire suppoding huge eyeballs. The poanl. The reporls I received were menu was a spaceman's gastronomic fiom extremely reliable wilnesses; the deligl :l When I asked lhe waiiers if MD of one of the larcest mining ihey knew who they were supposed to companies in Zimbabwe, two pilots, be, they shook their heads and the lhe man in charge of all radio eyeballs tattled and rolled. But they all communicaiions on the lake, the listened 1o my talk and two came up owner of a wellknown safari camp afteMards lo tell me of their magic and a personal frjend of mine who, with her husband, owns a large boal on the Lake. they all said, in varying [,4osi of lhe reports I .eceive are of degrces, thal whalever it was, il flew unidenliiied lights in the sky and l'm in level llight and, at limes, fairly sure il we UFO invesligators were sowly. It rose over the hills which familiar with all the satellites edge the Lake in several places and launched, of lhe trails of lhe new, changed cource from Norlh to South, secrel aircraft, we would easily be lo Easl to SW able lo pinpoini their identilies. But occasionally we gei a real hum, I phoned the Nighi Ediior of THE HERALD in Harare and he said immediately that the lights had been first, I lhoughl it was a small plane So I want to say thas is harmless identitied by a local astronomer as coming towards ne, I was on the rubble lhat came from lhe collision being a "spectacular meteor showei." shore and decided to go back to the thal occuffed in August and lhese This was verified by Ewan Nesbilt, a boal. The family were on shore having (stones) did not fall on our planet geologisl on leave in Zimbabwe. I a barbecue. I had a very powerful Earlh. lthink they fellin the sea so we accepted what I was told as I loo had torch which belonged 1o my husband could not discover them. suspected lhat thas is whal it might and was quile complic"ted and not have been; but this was before the very easy lo switch off. The lolch was There is no doubt, however, that the reporls slarted coming in. From all alighl at this slage. I thought I could maiority of the 100 plus rcports I lhat I was told, I could no longer see a huge plane on tire and that il personally received were descfiptive accept thal lhis was a meteor shower, was going to crash. There was no of the ejecled nose-cone. Many but of cource. I did not have lhe sound, and our guide said it was a dozens of drawings were done and expedise thal the other had, so I meteorite. As it came closer, I became most of these were typical of the rcally didn't gainsay what I was told.. afraid as I felt the lorch was attracling crashing nose-cone. whalever it was. I could not switch it A week laler, Prol Ewan Nesbitt had off in my neNousness, so I hid it Bul what of the other reports? llown to London and conferred wilh behind my back, and then the light I\,4isidentifcation, poor observaiion, the Royal Observatory at Greenwich veered off and went in another highly imaginalive people? ln some and had been infomed lhal a Russian direction. ltwas llying low over Ka ba cases, yes, but not in all. so was satellite, launched on 26th August at tree-top level, bul it lifr€d over lhe lhere 'someone else' watching 1934, had ejected ils nose-cone on hills and then changed direction." together wilh us Earlhlings? 14lh September and this is what had been seen over Southetn Africa. Cecil Alexander, of Hatfeld, Harare, It is my theory that UFOS and their Apparenlly, lhey had known of thjs who has worked in Civil Aviation for occupants, whoever and whatever coming occurence and expected it. the pasl fve years, said he saw the they are, are extremely curious. Vvhen What I cannot understand is why they ligu at approximately 20.45. He somelhing occurs whjch calches their did nol nolify the governments of the vjewed what he thought was a 'crafl' attenlion and il is not a natural counlries invoived, as the falling of sods for about 5 minutes. Al lirst. phenomenon, they wanl 10 see or debris could quite easily have slruck he thought it was a Jumbo 747. lt know what is going on; viz, their some of our remoter villages. I heard appeared to have two engines on the monitoring of new scienliiic laler lhal pieces of the nose-cone had wings; the lefl engine emitling a development, lhe lesting of new fallen in Karoi, NW of Harare, and in conlinuous flame. while on the other weapons and hovering over highly the Chokwe River in l\,4ozambique. side, wing sparks we€ spitting out. secretive mililary bases. One of the He lhought there was an exhaust pipe most significant of all cases of their BIJT, meteorite or nose-cone, there at the back oflhe object, also emitting curiosity appeared in the l,luFON were slill many conflicling reporls, sparks. He felt the object was in some JOURNAL of January 1989 (No. 249). sort of trouble and was de-c€nting fuel I am not going inlo delail here, but I How can a nose-cone, obviously before landing, although there was no have copies of lhe original report and unmanned, rise over the hills and then aircraft sound. He walched it moving will hand them lo those who are change direction? lowards Harare Airporl at an allitude paftcula y inlercsted. slightly above tree-top level. And what aboul the following epods? The final analysis of the happenings Granl Nel, of Bulawayo, thought itwas on Wednesday, 14th September 1994 The sky was conpletely lit wilh whal a plane in trouble. There was no still remain slighlly shrouded in appeared to be a long sausage-shape sound and il was flying very slowly mystery, bul the final report has not of brilliant light with numercus llashing (two peopte reported lhey were able yel been completed, and perhaps it lights arcund il and was moving to walk along underneath and will presenl a totally differenl picturc acrcss the sky from lefr lo right (in a obserue). ll seemed to be on fire. when it is. soulherly direclion), very slowly. lt seemed to be metely skimming the I\,4ukurawo Jonasi had an interesting As a follow-up to lhis exciting event, roofs of the houses in the distance. theory. He had read aboul the on Friday, 16lh September, an even collisions on Jupiter someiime before more momentous uFo evenl Jo Hensman of harare said, "l saw the and suggesled that ihese lights was occurred in Zimbabwel I had a phone lighls ai 20.50 hours right over rubble scatlered from this collisionl call fiom Tim Leach, who is BBC Ruzilukulu Bay on Lake Kariba. At scientist must bearthis in mind. correspondenl lor this porlion of Africa. lt was just after 14.00 on lhal day and he asked me if I knew that an hf Id nlrdlq lF.b objecl had landed at 10.15 lhal morning al Ariel Primary School in Ruwa, aboul 20 km frcm the capital liarare? I did not know about ihis but he asked me if I would like to go along wiih him after lhe weekend to lilm lhe incidenl and lalk to the children, 62 of whom had witnessed the eveni: I rcadily agreed. ln the meantime, I grn Fopr of 01rllllir .d ?rilt' conlacted a veterina an f end of mine who lives in close proximity to

36 lhe schooland she gave me lhe name end of the playground, lhen I saw the palches ofg€ss as being in the midst of the parents involved, plus their object mysell lt had flashing lights of a drought; the lawns cannot be around lhe rim. lhen a b ghl light mainiained. The adjacenl bush is flashed and the objecls disappeared lhick and oveqrcwn and torbidden to One of the names was that of Alyson and re-appeared almost immediately, lhe young children (aged 5-12 years) Ki*man, a physiotherapist, who has a somewhere else. This happened because of snakes, spiderc and small daughter at A el school, and who was thrce times, Then. whal looked like a animals. Also, the fact that once into on voluntary Tuck-shop duty on 16th liltle black ball came down and landed this srea, one is soon lostto sight. September. She confirmed that near two gum trees. This was about something had landed on thal day but the size of my lhumb-nail held at Tim Leach, Colin l\Iackie (Headmaster said she had seen nothing. She said arm's length. Some of the children of the School\ Gunter Hofer (a young "Luke Nel, one of the older boys saw a liltle man appear on top of the technician who helps me wilh (aqed 12) rushed into the Tuck'shop obiect, dressed in black, with a long, investigalions), my son Michael and l, lo tell me that he had seen a small skinny, scrawny neck anq eyes like trailed inlo the bush. This was fahly man in a silver suil, wilh a band tugby balls'. sparse at firsl, but lhen lhe bush grew around his head, running arcund the thicker and the School and the playground." Alyson was very Then lhe little man disappeared and children were losl to our sight within a sceptical of his repod, but she could re-appeared again. When all lhis was malter of moments. We were see the children were very excited. happening, a very shong wind came accompanied by Guy Gibbons and Some reported seeing a 'whilish' past us," Fungai Mavengere, two of lhe more objeci about 100 melres frcm where artculate children. They poinled out they werc, which had landed in the Fungai Mavengarc lold me that he that the objects had come into land - 3 grcunds near the school. They said saw two little men who climbed down or 4 of them - along the electricily the object was "glowing". Alyson fell from the 'crafr' and tan arcund lhe pylons which led lo the school and she was not prepared to leave the grounds in frcni ol lhe children, as had landed between the 3rd and 4lh Tuck-shop with all the loose money pylon. Gunter Hoter tried ihe.Geiger and sweets and cakes. etc. with all o oo Counler and metal detector in that lhe children around. Besides, why oo area, bul nothing of paftcular interest should she go and look for something o showed up. There were some short, which she felt did nol exist? She uI oo shalp slalks embedded in lhe ground, added thal the children had told her oO left over frcm a recenl cutting of the they could hear a 'whin-whir/ sound o reeds in thal area, bul I could llnd as the craft landed, Then at rose and nothing flattened or disturbed. came closer (2 landings?)- Some of lhe children were hyste cal with f ght, Guy Gibbons told us that he had gone one little gi . When it came with lhe Headmaster, Colin ldackie, especially though'confused.' One of the litlle down again, il appeared to change lo shodly after lhe evenl, and lhere had gi s said lhat she thought lhe lattle a golden colour. Some said the ob,ect been lhree dislinct burn marks on lhe men moved 'in slow motion.' Vvhen ! looked like a bowl. ground. Put despite our searching spoke to colin l\Iackie on lhe Friday, I carefully whole area. the bum suggested we have the children go that \Nhen I spoke to Fiti Kkkman (aged marks seemed to have disappeared, back in the classrooms and dtaw whal '10). me Fungai iold me that he thought the Alyson's daughter, she told they had seen. The pictures, which this 'sifuery-white' light objects had not actually rested on lhe that she saw are very similar, seem to concentrate down behind the trees. After a ground, but had hovered. I also think coming more on lhe eyesi huge, black and while, there was a noise and that there was some difflculty in pin' 'whirring' slanling upwads. lt is interesling to the obiect landed on lhe grcund. Fin pointing the spol (which they should note that lhe children could see lhe some of children have marked Friday), but also said lhat lhe features so clearly. Gunter estimaled on the saw little suits, Gunter did take soil samples ftom si,id they that it was at least 200 nelrcs away with greenish colour skin (l did not where they felt the craft had landed, from lhem, or perhaps even a liitle hear lhis from anyone elsel) and bag, and dome control samples, and I have morc. But John Spencer told me on funny eyes. She did not see lhe liltle details of the analysis of these, with the phone that he had a rccenl case men, bul some of herfriends did. some inexplicable resulls. Both in the uK whee delails were Fungai Guy poinled lhe obseNed frcrn more than %km away. and out Tertia Nel (aged 10) saw more than numerous ant-holes in the alleged one object, golden in colour, wilh little landing area, none of which appeared There were many reports from the lights switching From to have any ants around. on and off. children, varying in detail as to what where she was standing, it was about they had seen, but with a similar lhe size of her little finger, perhaps a Guy told me that they had found a lot overall impression, However, this is little bigger. lt looked like a pencil in of dead ants in lhe area (l never shown on lhe video tape which I am light actually saw any), but there did not lhe sky with a shiny at the back, going to show presenlly and would and lhen suddenly, it just vanished. seem to be any insects in lhat part of mercly be repetilive if I gave you all \ruhen she saw it, il was quite high the bush, which to say the least, is lhe information here. most strange- Colin l\,4ackie thought they weren'l coming out oflhe grcund A el School, although not isolated, is Barry Downing (aged 11) said he saw due to the lack of water and the on a large slrelch of ground, three silvery objects with flashing red excessive heat (il was about 38'C bordering on smalLscale fams and lighls iying over the school. He told day), being an with big areas of bush. The thal but not 'Firsl I saw a crowd at the bottom me, playgrcund has been cleared wiih 37 entomologist, I have no idea of the he had a liny slil of a mouth and that disciplinarian and the children handle significance ifthis should be so. he could see nostrils. As he was him with deference and respect, Watching what was going on, two of The two boys, and subsequently the smaller children (&7 years old) I plan lo see more of the children on some ofthe other children, mentioned came past him, crying, so he wenl to their own when I return to Zimbabwe a very bright, shining lighl which lhem and asked them why they were and obtain a more comprehensive ernanated fiom the top ot the se in crying. They said, "Wete afraid as the thal parlacolar bush area. ll was little man willcome and eat usl" almosl like the sun reflecling off glass. Zara Vernon, one of the leacheB at Fungai said al first he thought it was Ariel School is a private school and Ariel School, reported lhat one of her the sun shining onto the windows of a that means it is expensive, bui the colleagues, a black teacher, had a house. bul then he realised there school is made up of black, coloured, nephew who was driving home on were no houses up on the rise; nor Asian and while children. There are Satuiday 17th Sept. lt was about about250 children at the schooland it 20.00 hourc and he lefl the school in appears well maintaaned and lhe. the school-truck and drove along one When Tim Leach evenlually sent the children are ofa high lQ level. of the back roads. All of a sudden, he video tape lo lhe BBC for thek news could see people coming lowards him service, there were one or lwo When Guy menlioned about "beinq on the road. He said lhey looked like prcblems. One of lhese was that eaten," I knew immediately that the 'dead'people. He couldn't explain who when lhe BBC received the film, they childrcn he refered to must be black or what they were, but h€ l ed to wanted 10 know what the b ghl lighl children, as in African hadilion. avoid them and swerved sharply lo coming from the rise could be? They molhers often warn naughty or crying the leii. Bui lhere were more of the asked Tim 1o re-film that porlion, children, "Be good, or else lhe 'dead' people lhere, so he swerved taking the video al lhe same time of Tokolosh will come and eat you,'' further and hil something. His head day, to see if lhe lighl would re- something which has long since jerked forward and he was struck on appear. Tim wenl out and re-lilmed exiled fiom Western Society. I can the forehead. He does not know how lhat portion of the video and there just imagine the look of hofior on a long he was unconscious, but when was no lightl psychologist's face if people in B lain he came to. he diiched the ltuck and threalened their childrcn in a similar ran hur edly back to the school. He Aftei the visilalion to the bush, we had quite a large cut on his head. wenl back to the staffrcom to lilm the children, and Tim asked me to ask the Guy said to me, "Listening to them, I On lhe Friday moming, before the necessary queslions. we had a cross- also became afraadl" children saw anything, Mrs. Aitsa section ofthe chlldren lherc, and each Stevens, who lives not far from the one lold their sloryi some ofwhich will Some oflhe Standard Four's (1o-year school- in facl, ove ooking it - got up be on ihe video I am going to show. olds) had a discussion: eadier lhat early to go lo lhe bathroom. She said, Not all had seen lhe litile men, and week in one of lheir general "Vvhen lwake, loflen stand for a some were more arliculate than discussion classes about tlFos This while and look oulside; perhaps at the olhers, worried me as I felt they mighl have dawn or nighl sky. On this occasion, I been influenced by this (and some saw this glow over the chicken-run. At Guy Gibbons told perhaps us lhat when he lircl werel), bul the little ones and iirst, ldidn't have my glasses, so I heard ihe children shouting, he wenl the older children had not been went to tetch them. The glow had a 10 see what was happening. He saw involved, and, in fact, they were the very definite shape to il a very big, this round object on lhe ground wilh really arliculate ones and the best orange 'thing' jusl above the chicken- several smaller nearby (none of the observers. \ruhal also surp sed me run. I went to call my husband to children were absolutely sure how was the analytical manner in which come and see, but by th€ lime we got many there were; some said 3, some the children reported lheir sightings. back to the window il had gone. said 4). None were gushy: they were all thoughlful and deliberated as to what Dr. John lvlack- who llew in fiom Some of the children had seen legs lhey had actually seen. America lo see and talk 1o lhe on ihe ground, whereas olherc did children. interviewed them for 2 or 3 not, but as lhe playground is uneven Lly impression is that the children, days, and came up with some in many paris, it is quile logical that and I spoke lo many of the 62 stadling evidence which he himsetl some of the children had a greater witnesses, were tel'ing the t.ulh, will soon reveal. My interviews wer€ depth view oflhe objectlhan others. although there might have been some cerlainly not done at his highty embroidery from the more imaginative professional level (he is a child Guy Gibbons said that as he watched ones; bul on lhe whole, their evidence psychial st), but I am nol an lhe object, he saw a litlle man get out was straighlforward and convincing. inexperienced inleruiewer and of the craft and some running across certainly did ihe best I could, with, of the terrain. The man was aboul the I also gained ihe impression thal a lol course, the assislance ofmy team. size ofa Standard Six child (approx. '1 more could or wouid have been said metre). He had long, straight, black but for lhe presence of the leachers T6 my mind, lhis is one of the wo d's hair and a lighlfitling black suil. Laler, and lhe Headmaster al all times. best UFO cases for 1994. one of the little gi s said lhat the suil I\,4ackie himself told me, "l don'l really was shiny, like a wet-sriit. believe in lJFOs, but the children are Cynlhia Hind, not lying. They would nol lie to me." Guy demonstrated how large and lvlackie. I believe. is a strict slanting the eyes were- He also said

38 Dr. Helmut Lammer, Atmospheric Mass Loss on Mars and the Bom 1 965, stud i€d Astmnomie Mere! rology and Consequences for the Cydonian Hypothesis Geophysi6 at lhe Univeuily of G6z, Austda and Early Martian-Life-Forms DL Lammer re@ ved 1987 hls ii6ld ploma in Asto0omie and 1992 his Ph.D. n Geophysi6. He published severa scientilic pape$ in noted ntema- Helmut Lammer Ph.D. iionalscienlicjoumals in lhe lied ofpanelary science and wolk curently m a space scienl st

He is involved as a esearch scienlist on the lodhcom ng l,lars.Globa -Sutoeyor miss on ln July 1976 NASA'S Viking lvcDaniel a member of the lechnical (NASA),lhe R6sian MARS-g4 mission and lhe staff of AT&T Bell Laborato es Cassini/Hysens nrission (NASA/ESA) to Salum spacecraft acquired a strange and ils laBe sale le Tilan. Dr Lammer sa applied Fractal Analysis on these image in the cydonia region in member ol lhe European Geophysl6l Sociely features. resr:llts this the northern hemisphere of The of (EGS)and lhe scienlfc UrO research oeansa examination supporl the hypothesis (Mutual N€tuorkCenlml Mars, which appea.ed to be a lon \,IUFON-CES UFO thal the face in Cydonia is adificial Eurcpean s€ction) and coNultanl at ouesl human face staring straight up (McDaniel, 1993). ln '1989 John E. lnlemaliona s UFO NI,{GAZINE into space from the Ma ian Brandenburg, Vincent DiPietro and D Lam mer published his li6t book in I (in surface. Gregory lt4olenaar presented at the 995 G ema n lang uaq e) aboui lhe UFGph enomeno n. Las Vegas, MUFON Symposium in f. Lammer/0. Sidla: UFO-SECRECY - The DiPietro and l\,lolenaar, two engineerc Nevada a paper called the Cydonian backgrcund iorlhewoddwidecover-upi rccov€rcd at the Goddard Space Flighi Cenler hypothesis (Brandenburg el. al, sau@F, animal mulilalions, abduclons and ss€l rediscovered lhe imaqe several years 19-9). They suggesied that planet documentsj Forcwod:oipl Phi,s I obcnd v. later. They found a second image of Nlars was once the home of an Ludw ger (chier oi MUFON.cES), Helb 9,' this fealure thal had been acquired in "iodigenous" race of inlelligent Munchen,1995 slighily differcnt lighting conditions. humanoid beings which constructed a Digital image enhancements of this humanoid face (or faces) in the second image revealed Cydonia reqion, pyEmids and olher bisymmel cal obiect having features strange Madian surface fealures. suggestive of eyes, a nose and a They suggested lhat the motivalion mouth (Carlotio, 1988). ln a for the construction of larqe faces and subsequent investigation, other pyramids wa6 similar to lhe God King nearby objecls which seemed to be worship of ancient Egypt, since the related with the face were found. objects look similar in appeamnce These ieatures are polyhedral objects and psychology to ourcelves, 'The in lhe southwesl of the face (Figure Cydonian Hypolhesis works with the 1). p nciple of mediocrity and requires a longlived earth like biosphere (at Due the conlroversial nalure of the leasl 34 billion yearc) on Mals, lo subject, ihese resulis were published allow lhe fomation and evolulion of independenUy of the planetary such a culture. The Cydonian scientinc communily Recentiy, Hypothesis requires also lhe dealh of

Figure l View if the 'Face" from the "City" (Dr Mark J. Carlotto, The A nalytic Sciences Corporation.

39 the planetary atmosphere, since l\,lars is prcsently hostile to Earth life. For the evolulion of lifeJorms sinilar to that found on Eadh we need to iind the evidence of liquid water. With the exception of Eadh, liquid water appears tobe uncommon on the inner planels, only lrars shows evidence of possible ancienl water flows. The evolution of the now thin almosphere of aboul 6 mbar is thought 10 have proceeded by some combination of "escape to space" and "surface absorption." This work, iherefore, has lhe aim to investigate with our present knowledge of almospheric escape, climatological and geological studies, if lvlarc had once a longliv;d eadh like biospherc.

The atmosphere of [.{ars is very thin {the aveEge sudace pressure is about 6 mbar) and essentially composed of carbon-dioxide CO, (95%), nilrcgen N (2.5%) and argon Ar (2%). Oxygen O and water Hro vapour are nol very abundant. The abundance of argon and the isolopic Figuro 2 Denddtic channels round ln the ancienrterrain are most probabty romed ratros (D/H, '4Nl5N) show that ihe by surrace runofffollowing pr€cipitation. The crate. overtying the channets planel's gas losses during its hislory indicate that these leatur€s formed.bout 3.&dOe years ago.ihis evidenceforthe were much higher lhan the mass of stabllity ofliquidwateron the Martian surtace is the prlmary rnotivationfor the currenl atmosphere. The considerinsthe possibl€ orioin oflifoon MaF. slralifications observed arcund lhe poiar caps demonstrate the existence 1987). These nelworks are commonly atmospheric loss processes backward of medium lerm climalic variations. lt found in the ancienl cratered terrain in in lime. Almospheric escape occurs, is impodanl to establish whelher, at lhe soulhem hemisphere, the oldest when atoms or aons move upward with some point jn history, lllars could l\,,larlian tenains and are rarely found velocilies greater than the escape have had cooditions that would favour on lhe younger northern plains velocily lo an almospheric level, the appearance of life, such as (Figure 2). This suggesls that the where the collision probability substantial quantities of water in liquid netyvorks are old, and they are belween lhe atmospheric constiluenls form on lhe surface and a thick believed lo have fomed about 3.5-3.8 is low (i.e. the critical level or atmosphere that would protect the billion years ago (Caff, 1986). exobase). Eecause of the weak planet from ionizing radialion. gravitational acceleration, a possible The current atmosphere is very dry negligible small intrinsic magnetic field The geomorphology on Mars shows and lhe reservoir made up by the and the small size of the planet, all lhe prcbable existence, at least in the polar caps would only supply aboul atmospheric loss mechanisms work past, of impodant quantilies of water ten melers of water on lhe average on l\/ars (e-9. Lammer and Bauer, on lhe surface or in lhe superflcial I\/artian surface. Hcrwever. 200 meters 1991, '1992; Luhman et al., 19S2). layers of [/lars. There are outllow would be required to explain the Several impodanl consljtuents, channels which large-scale lluvial obserued shapes- Theretore, a part of namely H, H2, N, O, C, CO, O, and features appear 10 have been caused the water was lost to space and the CO, are known lo undergo themal by cataslrophic flooding events (e.9. other parl must b€ stocked in a and non thermal escape mechanisms. Baker, 1982), associaled wilh the reseruoir thal could be permafrosl lf we calculale the atmospheric loss rapid drainage of ice underground (permanently fiozen soil composed of rales back in time we get a much reservoirs (Car, 1979). The channel a mixlure of ice and rock) several kilo denser atmosphere in the past (et networks observed in the ancient meterc thick in lhe sub polar regions. least 0.14 bao. This calculated formations in the southem Curreni suface lemperatures are lo oxygen loss js equivalent lo a hemisphercrhave simila lies with flu low for allowing such flows. Theretore, planel-wjde 50 meler depth ocean of vial syslems on Earth and lead one to an increase in the main atmospheric liquid water (global sudace deplh) think that flowing water (or mud) were conslituent CO2 is necessary, giveo (Luhman el al., 1992). However, these responsible. ln contrasl to the oulflow lhe exlent o, a greenhouse effect thal loss rates of volatiles due to channels, the channel networks could would be needed 10 exceed 0 'C and atfiospheric escape are insufficient to nol form undei current almospheric at least an atmospheric prcssure of deplete the inilial endowmenl of water pressure condilions. Some ol the aboul 1 bar. and other volatiles. Therefore. most of channels have complex dendritic lhe volaliles may slill be on lhe planet networks leading into the main The amount of water and cabonale in surface reservoirs. channel and are suggestive of thal has escaped to space in lhe past formation by rainfall (Nlasursky et al., must be determined by modelling the

40 The currenl knowledge about the Subsequent planelary evolution ted to have existed for hundreds of mittion amounl of CO, lhat was availabl€ for very different histories for the two Years up to one billion years. The forming and maintaining a dense CO2 planels. Current undersianding of period of most interest is between 4.5 atmosphere and for sustaining a wet planetary evolution would suggest and 3.5 billion years ago. During this warm climale in the early history of lhat the nain cause of the time, life arose on Ea(h and rcached I\,4ars is not well constrained. The (]nfavorable conditions for higher a degree of biological sophislicatjon. estimations gassed of out CO, lor developed lllarlian lifeJoms was the Since l\,lars is nol covered with an l'rarc are in the range from 1-10 bars incoporation of CO, into carbonate aclive biota today, it seems probabte (Pollack et al., 1987). CO, partial sediments. The accumulation ol that jf there was life during an ea ier pressures of 0.75 to 5 bars arc carbonates was a direct and period it is n^w exlincl. needed in the ea y l\,larlian inevilable result oi lrarc' smatt size almosphere to raise the sudace and hence its inability lo suppo( and Murray et al. i1973) discovered that temperature to the melting point of relain sufticient heat flow to powet lhe eccent cily of the l\,4artian orbil waler ice. The critical unknown in lhe plate lectonic activity and thereby varied with lwo supe mposed periods possibility oi the origin of life on lvlarc of about 95,000 and 2 million years. is, how long clement conditions The resulting periodic insulation prevailed afler the flrst occurrence of variations on Mars could be perhaps a liquid waler on the Martian surface. t gger of calastrophic lloods (Baker Mals would have lost its dense CO, and [,,lillon, 1974) and meteorologicat atmosphere as it was lransfoimed into variations, bul no source for lhe carbonale rocks (e 9., Pollack, 1987), formation of a lvladian biosphere. The increasingly absorbed by regolith as time-scales for these varialions are the lemperatures became cooler (e.g,, also to short for the evolution of Zent ei al., 1987), or reacted with higher developed life-forms. tf surface malerials (Huguenin, 1976). Figure 3 Sketch ol hot+pot votcanoes, somehow life has survived to present formation The of carbon at rocks like the Hawallislands on Earth which times, then il has not fully adapted to proceeded would have on Mars as a.e the rasult of crustal dynamics. curent conditions on l\/lars and exisls long as liquid water occur Ed and only in resl cted habitats. However, ceased once lhe pressure dropped so these results have ,.bad low lhat liquid wate/ could not hold on consequences" for lhe cydohian any longer (Kahn, 1s85). Hypothesis.

The time scale for decreasing The Cydonian Hypolhesis requires a atmospherjc CO, from 1 bar lo it's longlived earlh like biosphere of present value by carbonate formation about 3-4 billion years, to allow the years, is estimated to be 107-1oe formation and evolution of an ancient including voicanism (e.9. Flgurc 4 Sk€tch ofa rarge shietd Pollack et Egypl like cullure (Brandenburg et. at, 1987). volcano llke Mons olympB. Ths al., ln the absence of evidence ofshield 1989). The tjme-range for an earth '?ecycling", volcanoes is the lifetime of such an consistentwith a one.ptate ptanet. like biosphere on l\,4ars was to shorl eady dense almosphere would have Marc do* not have suflict€ni heat flow for the evoluiion of intettagent been very shod. On planet an "active" at pesent to cause the globalscate humanoid life forms. The like Earlh, subduction of ocean rccycljng of volatiles lnco.po€t€d into accumulalion of CO2 in sudace crustalrocks, nor ls therc sediments al plate boundaries any stgn that rnate al and the very strong Mars has, or over had, crustat followed by decomposilion of almospheric escape are dkect and dynamics akln to plale t€ctonics. carbonales in the mantle is the anevitable results of Mars' small size prirnai mechanism for compleling the and hence ils inability to support and recycle the almospheric constiluenls long{erm geochemical CO, cycte. retain sufficient heal tlow to power Mars in a long-lerm geochemic€l cycte. The does not have sufticienl heat plale teclonic aclivity and thereby present theory foa the oigin of life Oit ea y flow at to cause the gtobal recyCle lhe atmospheric constituents l\rarc is based on the evidence thal scale lecycling of votatites in a long{em geochemical cycte. incorpotated crust lhe conditions on early Earth and into Al rocks, nor is Therefore, future Mars missions will early [,,lats were similar. Life appears there any sign lhat Marc has, or ever probably lind archeobacteriotogicat had, crusl dynamics plaie to have been widespread on Eadh Al akin to fossils, but no skelelon of a lvlartian lectonics. Space,missions and existed in ecological communities found no born being, The results and hol spoi volcanoes. by 3.5 billion yearc ago (Schopf and like the Hawaii conclusions above eliminate clear the islands Packer, 1987). Thus the lime interval on Eadh $/hich are the resul evolution of higher developed tltartian for the origin of life on Earth is of crust Al dynamics (Figure 3). tt4arc' life foms and the Cydonia Hypothesis large shield volcanoes (Figure between 4 and 3.5 billaon yea6 ago 4) tike of Brandenburg el at. 0989). lvons Olympus (Schopf, 1983). Liquid water was on are consistent wilh a Therefore, sto.ies of people tike Ed planet the sudace of l\,4ars at the termination one-pate (Solomon, 1S78). Dames (ex. inlelligence and the The geological ofthe late accrclition phase, some 3.8 evidence for stabte Dieclor of PSI TECH) tike: billion years ago, and lherefore there liquid water and the atmospheric 'ApparenUy sone 150 million years must have been a warm atmosphere models developed to explain this ago the Manians were living of approximately 1 bar COr. Du ng stability, suggesl lhat the conditions comfoftably on Mars." (Stark, 1993) and after lhis time, there was on Ea(h and l\,4arc may have been arc scientific nonsense exlensive crust Al and volcanic similar du ng the first hundred million disinformationl Since Marc was i50 years perhaps aclivity. However, habitats suitabte for and for as long as 1Os million yearc ago the same death red years the oigin and survival of life may ([IcKay el al. 1989). planel like today.

41 inlerctellarnnlerdimensional travel and lhe colonization of other planets. An ea.thly hypothesis is the Previoos Technical Civilizalion Hypothesis which sLrggests that in the prehistory of our race, a previous iechnical civilization had developed, gone to Mars and lefl lhe surface fealures as a message to the fulure (Hoagland, 1992). However, il is lhe autho/s belief lhat the Viklng dala are not of sufficienl resoluiion io permii ihe idenlilication of possible mechanisms of ihe origin for these objects, allhough some results lo daie suggesi lhat they may not be nalural. I lhink that these mysterious objects deserue furlher scruliny by lhe forlhcoming Mars missions, lfone ofthese mission finds lhat the face on lvars, ihe pymmids and the other strange structures are indeed arlilicial, than the "unlikely" Pior Colonisalion or Previous Technical Civilisation hypotheses would give an answer. Figurc 5 No uFo.shadoml Visible (top) and infiar€d (bottom) data trom thefilst of the March 26 panokmas taken by Phobos 2. North is towa.ds the top. The shadow of the ltitartian moon Phobos can be seen within the boxed poriion of the visible data (Muftay et al., l99l). References

Therefore, we have lo consider other Avanesov, 8., et a . (1991) Res ls o|IV imagin9 oi Claims of writer Zecharia Sitchin that hypoiheses for the origin of these Phobos (Expeimenl VSKFrcsal), Panet. Spae the Phobos 2 spacecrafl lllmed a surlace feaiures Sq,39 281t95 Baker V R., and D. J. Milton Ercsion by shadow on the lvladian surface of a Brandenburq el al., (1989) proposed {1974). cahslrcphic noods on l'raE and Eadh carus, 23 cylindrical UFO is also nonsense (Sit two other altemalives for their origin. 2741. chin, 1991). The long-elongated UFO One such altemalive is the Null Eaker V. R. (1982) Tbe channes ol Ma6 was nothing more than a shadow casi Hypothesis, which rcpresents the UniveEity of Tems Pres Austin. by the Madian moon Phobos itself m€aning ol the scienliiic community. lf Bids all, G. W. (1993) l{ore mysleries frcm Mals (Figure 5), in unusual circumstances this hypothesis is lrue, than ihe UFo MAGAZINE, 12, Quesl nlemational, Leeds (l!1uray et al., 1991i Airdsall, 1993). objecls discussed are the result of Eogland Btandenbuq, J.E, V.D Pielrc and G l,loena random geological erosional Ho zontal while lines on some and (1989) The Cydonian Nypolhesis, in MUFON pictures before or near lhe moon Symposium Prceedngs: lhe UFO Cover up A Phobos are also no UFolighltracks Govemmenl Consp6q, Las Vegas Nevada, (Figure 6). They rcpresent locaiions of However, three dimensional analysis 42-68. the KRFIV ground lracks from lhe of the Face rev€aled that the facial cadono, M. J. (1988). Dgllal lmagery anaysis oi TVjmaging experimenl VSK-Fregat feaiures are also present when the unusua Martian suda@ leatures, App ed Opli6 27.1926-1933 Phobos 2 spacecraft objeci is viewed from radically on the cdr, M. l] (1979) Fomalon or Madan llood (Avanesov piclure perspectives (Ca et el., 1991) or differeni otlo, l€aiurcs by rc ease oi waler iom conlned aqu ie6, 1S88). Such is not lhe case for J Geophys Res,84 2995 3007. iamiliar ierrestrial analogs. McDaniel Car,l\4. H.(1986) [,1a6]A wat€rrich p anel,l€tus, (1S93) used Fraclal Analysis lo 68 187 216 supportlhe hypolhesis thai the iace in foaqland. R C (r992) Th€ rvlonlmenls oi Ma6. a cry oi he oi lorever, Non[ Alanlc Eooks. the Cydonia region is arliJlcial. Fracial edge Analysis is based of ihe nnding that Huguenin, R L.11976).lva6: Chemica weathernq natutalierain iends to follow the rules A a mass ve voat e sink lcarus 28.203 212 of fraclal mathemalcs. whle the Kahn R (1985) Ihe evolulor or CO? on Mars I\,,lart an surface lealures do not follow l@rus 62 175190 ihese rules. These facls and lhe close Lammer. N and SJ Bauer (1991) Non therma proximity of other unusual objecls atmospherc es€pe ircm Ma6 add Tlai J Geophys Res. 96 18191825 give smal ljkelihoods for a second Lamme., H. and S.J Baue. (1992) A Ma6 and a lhlrd allernative hypothesis. The magnelid lied: Conslrainb irom Molecuar on so called Prior Colonisalion €scape J Geophys Res,97 E12,20,925.20928 Figur€ 6 The horizontal white lines Hypothesis suggests thal these before the Martian moon Phobos are Luhmam JG., R.E. Johnson LHG Zhaiq Objects owe lheir appearance io a (1992J. no lJFOlight-lracks- They represent Ercuuonary mpact ol Spunerns 01 lhe nol indgenous lo Madai atmosphere by Pck up lons Geophys locations ol KRFiI ground-tracks from cullure ihat was 0. Res L€n Vo 19,p 2151-2154 the wjmaging experiment Vs K-Fregat I\,4ars. This hypolhesis requires no , on the Phobos 2 spacefiaft (Avanesov long-llved earlh I ke biosphere nor ils Continued on page 47 etal.,1991), subsequent dealh. Such a civilization wo'rld posses capabililies for

42 lhe video game charls selling over 40,000 units.

ln 1987 for BBC Radio One, ihe Gallup Suruey of "The Besl Selling 100 Albums" of lhe pasi 25 years @rS placed "The Wa. Of The Wodds" at Number30 and the Number "orig inal ' double album.

ln 1989 CBS rlolland relaunched the double album and single and boih A Prof ile of Jeff Wayne ln 1992 Sony Australia relaunched the and double album which peaked at *t2. his Music ln August 1995 Sony UK will be re-markeling the original recoding, releasing new club mixes and a new single. Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of Four singles taken from lhe complete "The War Of The Worlds" was work reached lhe IJK l\,,lusic Week released June 9,1978 with a chads. Two of these, "Forever JeffWayne spectacular m!lti-media launch Autumn" and "The Eve Of The Wa/' have enjoyed international success ai the London Planetarium. The - Jeff Wayne was born and .ailed in the lalter again topping the L,K pop, New York lhen moved to London following week it entered the dance and 12" charls lhe end of 1989. official l.rK Music Week Album when his father, singer/actor Jerry Wayne, crealed lhe palt of -Sky Charts, and stayed there foJ ln 1979 the doLrble album won lhe I\,4asterson in the musical "Guys and over 6 years achieving "Besl Recording ln Science Fiction, Dolls" at the London Coliseum. Four multi-platinum status with Horror and Fantasy" in the United years laterlhe Wayne Family relurned worldwide sales now over 5 States, (the iudging panel included to New York, Jeff attending Forest million double albums. Stephen Spielberg, Alfred Hitchcock Hills High and studying classical piano and other lilm luminafies). and then jazz with John Mehegan (of lnternationally, the double album has lhe Julliard Schoolof l\,4usic). been equally successful in many ln 1980 Jeff Wayne and Jeff Wayne ter lo es including: Spain, Holland, Music Publishing Lld. won two lvor Nloving on to Califomia, Jeff New Zealand, Canada, West Novello Awards tor the "8est gradualed fiom Grant High lhen L.A. lnslru Germany, Austria, llaly, Portugal, mental and/or Popular Work". Valley College, with an A.A. degree in lsrael and the Scandinavian countries. journalism but lhen switched lo music ln Austmlia, "The War ofThe Wodds" "The War OfThe Worlds" has become upon ente ng Califomia State. Du ng has passed '12 times platinum stalus an extremely popular piece to those years Jeff suppoded himself pedorm. present and rciained the Number l Album Regular requesls to playing keyboards in loc:l bands and position for 7 consecutive weeks. ln the work are received frcm: schools, teaching lennis, a sport thal saw him professional the USA the double album slayed in and amateur lheatre Captain and play Number One in High groups, planetariums, the Billboard charts for 7 nonlhs with orchestras, School and College, and ioday still sales exceeding 475,000 albums laser+firework companies, compeles actively. (although incorectly listed as a movie sound+light companies elc. soundtaack for most of its slay in the l\,,lusic being the slightly greater L,SA album chadsl) Since 1978 "The Eve Of The Wa/' passion swayed Jeff to pursue the has been recorded by many artistes music field tull time. ln 1969 he joined Foreign language versions of the and used as the main theme to many his father back in London lo compose television and radio compleie work have also been shows throughout ths score for the West End released, including one for Latin the wodd. lt has also been perfomed Musical'Two Cilies" with Edwad gymnasts, jugglerc, Ame ca wilh Anlhony Quinn taking to by dancers, Woodward, at the Palace Thealre. the Richard Burlon part. ln Spain two ice-skaters, magicians, fire-eaters and versions of the double album were animalsl Between 1970 and 1977 Jeff released: at ils peak lhe Spanish composed, aranqed and produced vercion rcached Number 1, the The Compacl Disc of lhe double for commercials, radio themes, flms English version reached Number 7 album was released in lhe L,K ln and records including the David and in the singles chads "The Eve Of December 1985 and lopped the CD Essex albums containing many hit The Wa/ reached Nunber 1- all in charis in its iirstweek of release. singles, amongst them the USA No.l the same weekl A German version, "Rock On" (Grammy nominaled and featu ng Curt Jurgens, was also Also in 1985 Jeff Wayne's Video winning Jeff the IJK NME "Best successfully released lhree years Game version was released in the Produced S;ngle" Award) and the Top aflerthe original English recoding- UK. Available only for the then 10 UK hit 'Star dust". the tille track popular Sinclair Speclrum il topped from lhe David Pulnam film.

43 ln 1978 Jeffs musical version of "The "Good l\Ioming Bdtain"; BBC'S "Sixty Calherine Zeta Jones debut solo War Of The Worlds" was released. lllinutes"i lTVs "The Wo d of Sport" album for Jeffs new label WOWI The recoding became an and ITV'5 "Sports Logo"- Records lo be released in 1995- intemational hit with sales lo dale of over 5 million double ln addition lo film and television albums, and hit assignments, Jeffs composilions singles including have been recorded by adisles "The Eve Of the ranging from the London Symphony War" and "Forever Orcheslra to The Human League. Autumn", The recording stayed in Jeff has also appeared as Guest the UK album chads Conductor with the London Symphony alone for over 6 Orcheslta and Choir in Golhenburg, years culminating in Sweden and the Royal Albed Hall 2 lvor Novello conducting music from "The War Of Awards for Jeff and his publishing Jeff is Chairman of the JWIV Group, now in its 27lh year, offefing a Since "The War Of complele composition, production, The Worlds" Jeffs supervision and copyright infomation work includes: a solo seNice to the film, television, .lbum with Justin advertising and mulli-media Hayward "Night indust es. The G.oup offerc its fight"; the score and services through its 3 divisions and 16 soundtrack album of full-time staff and Directors. The \ryho's IJK Number 1 lilm "Mcvicai't an album September 1992 saw the release on Jeff and Geraldine Wayne live in "lllusions" by multi-woodwind columbia Records of Jeffs 2 hour Hertfordshire, England wilh their four ensemble Winds Of Change; the litle work 'Sparlacus' featu .lg Anlhony children Anna-Ma e, Jernma, song for the television movie "The Hopkins, Catherin€ zeta Jones, Zebidiah and Joab. Knowledge"i "Jubilation" the theme for Ladysmith Black Mambazo and olher lTVs The Big l\,4atch; "Matado/' lhe guesl artistes. January 1995 theme for lTVs world Cup; litle music for BBC'S "Showcase"i Tv-am's Jeff has recently completed producing

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M PelerRobbins Researching the Bentwaters/Woodbridge Edu€led ar Iho Unlve$lly of Eddgepo( lncidents: . Con neclidt 1965-67 and f'e ScnooL of Visual . Arls N ow York ClV, 1967,1 970; Cedifcate ol F ne Some Notes on Left At East Gate Ads, 19701 Bach€ or ot Fine Ads, 1980. CompleEd Posl-g raduale psychology cours€s, Depatunent of Conlinuing Edu€ton, New Yo* UniveELly, Now Petet Robbins

A(€ined leaching positions at he Painlng facully, The Sch@l of VisualAds, NYC,1973-1988, Fine Conceming govemnent, it is...in bolh these rcspects in which ihings are .. :l Ais lacury, $ Ann's Sch@l (lor slltEd childlen), deemecl secret; for some things are secret because lhey arc hatd to : knov Brcoklyn Heghls, NY, 1 97G1 981 and Ais and sone because they are not lit to uftet. EncounteF (Oklahoma Ads Co0ncil summ€r inlenste project for childen), lne ads and dbma ladlty,198191

. His UFO career has nclud€d: lntroduction surender their weapons, and an patrols. assigned four-man The 1978 - Research Assistanl lo Maj (r€t) Colman On moonless night late patrols were odered deeper inlo the VonKevicalV on 'Uniled Nations S€crclary a in . December, 1980, a nineteen foresl to "anvestagate a disluftance." G€neia 5 lrequesledl Reporl The "disturbance" sat in farme/s (A/33/2€8/0c1.6,1978), tor L,re esrablishnent ol a year-old Air Force Security a iield just beyond the woods, and il UN,UFO depanmenl.' Dir€c1ed b lie Special Policeman, armed M-16 Poli0ca Comninee, Thidy{eond Sesslon ofhs with an turned out lo be a machine of G€nem Assembt oi lhe United Nalions. rifle, stood guard at a remote undelermined origin or manufacture. . perimeter of RAF Bentwaters, So began Airman Fitst Class 1979-80 - Edilodal Assislanl to Maj vonKeviczsky an Amedcan airbase in Suftolk, Lawrence Waffen's involvement in on 'Blue Memorandum 'tor House oI Lords. . East Anglia. what is now commonly regarded as B tain's most significant military-UFo 198015 Art Director and investigalor lor The Scienl ic Bore:Lr oI lnv€sligalion (SBl), New Yoi( There he monilored an unusual series a Cily-bas€d civil- iadpolice UFO €search and _ of radio lEnsmissions. They ' invesligal ve oEanizaljon. described unidentified lights above Bu ed in security from the start, the lhe forest several miles to the true nalure of the episode was Asislant lo Budd Nopkins: lr€gularly sin@ 1983, southeast. The guard was soon suppressed and confounded under rcgula'ly sine 1992. ordered to close down his post and the Ame can Nalional Secur'E Act of await pick-upt a truck arived for hin 1947, and Her L4ajesty's Of,icial Peler has prcsent€d many pape€ a6oss lhe Uniled Sl6les in rclation tDlh€ shortly afler lt stopped brieily at Secrels Act, ll was soon relegaied to I that. BenlwsleEMoodbidge ese and has colorful realm mad€ lhe molorpool to allach a portable the of Easl Anglian sevelal md o and lelevE on app€aBnes. He was high-intensily light, lhen joined the folklorc, and for all but a few stoic , a so a coilibuting rcraarcnff Iff lhe Netsofi F lsl vehicles and personnel already invesligaiorc, €mained so. Then, on Rendlesham FoEsl do menlary prcduc€d by assembling at Benlwaters' l\,4ain Gate. 2 Oclober 1983, the story lilerally When all were accounted for, lhe exploded in the English pressi convoy moved out inlo the darkness. va ations of Larry Warren's account (under a pseudonym) werc central 1o No one on the guard's truck knew the coverage, By monih's end, whatwas going on. Some sort of War Pa iment had witnessed highly vocal game? Not likely. The facl lhat each debate on the subjecl, and behind was carrying a loaded weapon and closed doors, a potentiel diplomatic live ammunilion otr base had already crisis had been set in molion. pul them in direct violation of Ameica's l€aty with Great Britain. Officially, the matter has never been No, thiswas not an "excercise-" deemed worthy of investigation by any branch or oftice of the Ministry of The convoy ttavelled due soulh for Defense or lhe Depadment of aboul five miles. As it approached Defense. Bolh aknowledge it lhe western perimeler of Bentwate6' happened, bul mainlain that whatever sister base, RAF Woodbridge, an it was, was not a threal to the security Ame can military roadblock came into of Grcat Britain or the mililary bases view. They were held b efly, then which dot it. signaled on by a Security cop. An oder was given to turn lefl onto a The intention of this brief paper is rutted logging road just beyond the foudold: base's Easl Gate, and one by one, the vehicles proceeded into lhe woods. to introduce some of the indings of a rccently concluded investigation, to Several hundred yards along, lhe ciie my involvement in at, to road widened to a rough circle; drivers aknowledge lhe witn€ss who sparked pulled in and cul their engines. The the investigation, and lo discuss men were told to disembark, something of the book which resulted frcm our collabo€tion, Letl At East of being an inlelligence agenl, a examples of whal we will cover, and Gale: A First-Hand Accounl of lhe counter-inlelligence agent, a drug what we have uncovered: Bentwaterc/ addict, a liar, an idiol. brainwashed. or Woodbridge UFO lncident. lts CoveF a Bentwaterc wannabe. He was even \ryhal makes a whistleblower? \ hal uo and lnvestigalion, was co-writlen accused ofnever having served in the made one of Warren? Upbringing, by Larry Warren, lhe first and loudesl Air Force to beqin with, As far as I characler, and tenacity - lhe of the Bentwaterc whistleblowers. was concerned, if only one of these willingness to stand up, and remain The head of lhis book is his story, in rumorc Prcved true - or a single line standing for what you believe in, no his own words. lt marks the first time of his involved personal account did malter what. ln this case, a long a bonalide military wilness has come not check oul, I would come down on history of L,Fo-relaled experiences foMard to give us such a fully detailed him in p nt like ten tons of bricks. [,4y (and may I add, well-writlen) accounl repulaljon was not going to be ofa service-related UFO incident, and dragged down with his; it was all I Why werc Larry, and some of ihe ils devistating aftermath. Aulhenlic had- Still, he cerlainly seemed lo other men he went through basic mililary wilnesses are uncommon al have been through something training wilh in Texas, put through an besl. Yedal authentic military lraumaric in the Air Force, and still additional baltery of psychological witnesses, whose stores ca, be seemed to be at its effecl. teslsi ones which inquired inlo the verted are a posilive rarity. l\,4y co- subject's para normal and UFO- author is one ofthem, and the body of Armchair research came firsl - related interesi and experience? Was our book documents il. months of il. Larry had copies of it just coincidence lhat several of almost everything then published on these individuals ended up together in Meeting Larry Warren Bentwaters and I read it all. This was the Rendlesham Foresl? supplimented by the New York Public I first met Larry Warren ln 1984, less Libtary's collection of newspaperc on Russian Connection? than a year after he had come fotward microfilm, books and articles on post- under his own name. The war hislory, the American presence in During lhe irst night's evenls, "controversial witness" my colleaques England, and the two country's Bentwaterc Deputy Base Commander and I knew as "Art Wallace." inielligence agencies. I made coniact Charles L Halt's team found and appeared normal enough, and wilh sev€ral oflhe researchers whose measured a series of impressions in seemed to be doing his best lo investigalons pre-dated ours, securcd the foresl lloor. They also checked answer our questions, bul if even a unpublished inlerviews wilh olher of the sile for radiation. After reading quarler of lhose answers were lhe witnesses, began to mail out Col. Halt's 1981 memorandum, a honest, the man was as wreckless as inquirys, and made plans for a visil to prolessor of engineeing in Voronezh, he was courageous. lf he was only Suffolk. Thatwas five visits ago. USSR (and one of the central elating a dillusion, or just plain lying, invesligatorc of lhat city's 1989 UFO he was certainly good at it. Larry's perconal and Air Force-era landing site), infomed us "that the papers were another source of raw initial shape and dimension of IUSSR] Vvhen we mel again four yearc later, information, he had kept quile a few. depressions were perfectly identical lo lhe Bentwaters/ Woodbridge incident He also kept the lellers his mother England ones." He also noted, "The was America's besl-known English had sent him, and she of cource had visible form and dimension of close encounter. This, despite the held on to his. Not only had he Voronezh and BentwateE vehicles fact that relatively little had appearcd writlen her about lhe incidenl (in were also alike. So, maybe these on il in lhe States. Soon afteMards, under a week), he had telephoned her UFOS were of the same type?" The Larry asked me to consider w ling a about it a day afler the facl - and Russian one also left rudiation tlaces. book with him. His offer was been cut off in the process. Both straightfoovard enough, As long as refercd to it in their l€tlers, and each Contrary to popular misconception, he gol to tell his side of the story, I had a witness to the b ef Larry Warren was not the only wilness was free to percue and publish lo the second night's evenls who is on whatever findings I could substantiate record as having seen non human - no matter how they might reflect on Although his service record had been inielligences by lhe side oflhe craft. him. Neither of us would have the classified since 1981, what Larry had riqht to censor the other, and anything retained of it conlirmed crucial dates The soil at lhe precise spol where the we made would be splil equally. Not and details of his training, posling, craft sat has been dramalicly altered. the kind of olfer you expect from duty assignmenls, and more. This The results of ihe soil analysis, as someone wilh someone to hide._ As it was gratifying, but such revelaiions wellas how the authenticily ofthe site lurned out, lhere were lhings he was were soon in the shadow of others. was detemined, are fully covered. keeping from me, and with good These began during our iirsl visit to Photographs laken as late as T990 reason. They all came oul in time Suffolk, and continue as lwrite. clearly show ihe resulls of ihe thoughi Left Al Easl Gate took eight With Left At East Gale, Larry Warren has quite literally chosen lo pul The debrieing: a full account of what To "{ireproofl someone is Air Force himself, and lhe incidenls in queslion, tEnspired, who conducted it, and slang for ruining lheir credability. on tial. He has a case, but lwouldnl what happened afretwards. Larry Wanen was a controversial ask you to iake my word for it. witness, and I considered his proposal Friendly and hostile witnesses have Larry developed eye probems carefully beforc deciding. By 1987, been questioned, depositions taken, immediately after lhe event. The my co-author had already weathered siies re visited, and exhibils placed earliest medical appointment he could accusations (though never to his lace) inlo evidence. These arc some securc was on 2 February 1981. His

46 o ginal Air Force Appointment Form aulhor there as well, L,nfodunately, NASA T€ch- Memo. TM{9810,54t547. noles lhe relinas of hjs eyes have his passport has been retained by the McDani€|, S.V (1993). The McDaniel Relod, Nolh suffered "burn exposure.r' This had State Departmenl since last Atanlic E@ks, Be'teley, Califomia. McKay, P., and C. R. Sbker (1989). been independently confifined- September; something about The eady enviEnment and ib evoludon on Malsr lmplicalions speaking out defense on sensitive for lile, Rev. Geophys., 27, 189-214. Discharge issues in a public forum, on foreign [4umy, 8., W R. ward, and S. C. Yelng (1973). soil. English soil to b€ specific. We Periodic insuhton vari.Uons on Mals, Sci€nce, 180, Though honotably discharged in lray are optimistic that his travel privlidges 638. of 1981, a bleak economy found Larry will be resto.ed by then, but if they Muray,.B., M. K. Naaeva, A. S. Sellvanov, B. H.. back at his Ah Force recruite/s that have not been, I will give whatever Beeb. T. SvilEk, V. 0. Khaiamov, A. V. Romanov, M L. SanlBo, Y. [,1. Gektn,0 A. Fomin, D. A. aulumn. But re-entry was bared and update I can. Pa(te, A. S. Panfrlov, 0. C'isp, J. W Head, S. L. lhe recruiter could not determine why; Murcnie, and T. -. Madn {1991). Prellminery all records perlaining to Wafien, It is lhe nature of governments lo assessmenl oI temos.an ob*Nalions or lva$, Lawrence, had been classmed. keep certain things from thek people - Planel Space Sd., 39, 237-265. Larry's congressman enquircd on his - icr the public "good" or to mainlain Schopr, J. W (1983). Eadh's eadiesl b'ocphorer ls behalf, and was informed "that l\Ir. official control- Bul the process odgln 6nd evoluton, Pdnceton UniveEitt, Prcss, Waren was permanently disqualified resulls in the gradual erosion of Schopl J. W, and L M. Pacle (19E7). Eady by the USAF Air Training Command democratic inslitutions in the name of Archean (3.3-billion lo 3.5-billion-yearcrd) micro Surgeon on September 17, 1981, "national secudty." ln lhe Benlwaterc lossils lmm Wanaw@na GEup, Austalia, Sclene, ffour months after his dischargel by case. truth and reason have been the 231.70-73. reason-..lhel cannot fully extend his casualties for the citizens ot Great Sibhln, Z. (1991). Am Anlano war der Foftfiitt {in right arm," He can. Britain and the United States. EnglbhrGenesis Revisiled), Knaur, Munch en. Solomon, S. C. (1978J. On vol€nism and $emral lectonic. on oneplal€ planeb, GeophF. Res. Lelt, frcm Secrets, Sisseta Bok, Pantheon Col Halts 13 January 1981 ' s,161-4At. Books, NY, 1982, p.172 memolandum still stands as the only Slafi, D. (19!3). Talking ID Ed Danes, N4 Mexico official written confimation of the I,IUFON Ness, Nr. 6 and 7, Albuqueque, Ne5/ event's realily.

An action initiated by Larry War.en in Helmut Lammer 1982 directly contribuled to the Conlinued frcm page 42 pape/s release in 198p. ltasoclq, H., M. G. Chapman, P. A. Davis, A. L. ln 1984, Larry suddenly began Dial, J.., and M. E. Sl,lbel(1987). Madian lemlns, bleeding through his skin for no apparent reason, No cut, scrape, or lesion could account for the blood. and his wife, a medical professional, insisted they drive lo the em€eency SPACETINK rcom oflhe hospilalshe was afliliated BOOKS wi1h. Here he was examined and questioned by a smalllealn of doclors (Tradint since'1967 - 28 years) who then ran a series of tests. The paperwo* presented efects their beliefthal the fomer aiman had been The largest selection in Britain of exposed 10 a nuclear source, mosl new hardback and paperback books likely in 1980. on unexplained phenomena. Also The most exlensive series of magazines and videotapes. interuiews with Eentwalers witnesses to appear in p nt. Free lists cover: UFOs, Crop Circlesf . A review of the o ginal press Earth Mysteries, Monsters/ Para- coverage .. in all of ils permutations. normal and Second.hand titles. Lots of Bargain Booksl . A fair look at other investigatorc' theo es and findings. Prompt despatch of orders. . Speciics of the 1956 Benlwaters^Voodbridge UFO Beer (SPACELIN K BOOKS) incident. Lionel 1'15 Hollybush lane . A series of elemenls I havn't Hampton, M idd lesex begun lo touch on here. TWl 2 2QY lwelcome the opportunity to make our Tel: 01 B1 -979 3r 4B presentation al this conference, and hope to be able to introduce my co-

47 L vu. v ptaov The Results of Research of the Physical Bom 19h September 1943 in he Kiov r€gion, Nature of Anomalous Phenomena Russia, Yu ii Plabv studled in lhe Depaiment ol Chemical Physics at te Physical, received by The Academy Technical lns{lub rmn 1960 to 1966. He conlnued his pos$Gduale lraining at lhe same Sciences in Russia. insttule, strdylng Plasma Physics unl 1968. He Ias a candldate (docioErE) ol Physicat MahenaiiGl Scien6s in 1972 Yu.V.Patov Plator sladed as a Jon ior Research Sdenlht in 1968, lo his peenl p$i|on Leadinq €search'ising Scionlist ar rhe lnst'tule ofTenestiar lvlagnelsn, lon6phele and lntroduction case histodes noted up lo thal time. The Hisiory ofth€ Dovelopment of UFO For example, the secretary of the lnvestigation(Paranomal Phenonenr) Department of General Physics & H is scionlifc expeiene inclu d€s Ihe dyn a mics of plasma in mag n otc lields, studying th e Astronomy, Dr. V. Leshkovtsev, had mechanisms of solar promin€nces and lhe collected and analysed large the tile plannino of obseNalonsolsoar€c oses, aurc€ Even a supeficlal acquaintance 'of L,FO case hislories, and although with the history aiE ow and aclive expeiments n lh€ at'nosph€€. ot UFO r€earch in he was nol enhptured wilh the extra- the former USSR shows a limited tenestrial origin hypothesis, rather the U/iflr ll s experienc€, Yul i Plarov as ulilised his development in this field, to certain pala ph€ conlrary, at least he empathised with exp€dise in lhe sludy oi nomal non e na degrees. includinq IJFOs and holds the enthusiasm of UFO researchers curen[y lhe Dos]tion oi Vice Chalman orheexpangmup oflhe RNs an At the beginning of th6 50's, if this Acad€ my ot Science wh ich inv€slig at€s press, 'problem' was mentioned in lhe Atlhis time around the country, there il was only as a subjecl of perplexily were very many of lhe "samizdat He has publish€d mo€ han 60 papeE w $ 20 or as a jokel However, at lhe end of lectures" by authors of varying coneming he physics of paianomal pheiomena, the 50's various amateur IJFO groups wilh one monogEph abilities and atlitudes, €nging from entiIlod, 'The UFO and began jnformation conl€mponry Sclene.' to assemble made the fanatical to the slapdashl This accessible to them from foreign "literature" has gained popularily due publications, and morc signifcantly Yulll is nanied wilh one son. to the lack of real informaiion and rarely, domestic anfoftnation availabb, resulting in the spreading of sightings slrange aboul of sensationalisi rumours. and huge phenomena, Dudng this y period ea agitaiion around any unusual cases, "soviet ufology" was obviously Therc is an absence of skilled changeable in character many wilh estimation of real evenls coupled wath aspects lo it. conslant crilicism by "official science' who adopi a completely negative 1967, one of ln the UFO amaleurc, allitude and disinterest "the published a in Ph. Zigel, had in some problem of the century". All these popular magazines of a sedes circumstances served lo creale inlriguing articles about UFO sightings favourable openings for lhe formation and he made an atlempl organise to a of an organisalion for research into public committee on the UFO paranormal phenomena in official problem. Such a commillee was bodies. created, however ils existence was'ot duration. monlh, short Afler e the The event which really occasioned the commitlee was Moreover, in closed. beginning of such work, was called. the Academy of Sciences (AS) of the "The Petrozavodsk Phenomenon"- IJSSR, a decree was accepted lhat This surprising optical phenomenon were to blame for inlerest "agitalors" was observed early in lhe moming on problem. in the UFO Although lhe 20th September, i977 in a large arca committee had been officially of territory in the Norlh Western part dismissed, not mean it did lhat the oflhe USSR, as well as in Finland. lt groups amateur UtO sludy thal had was later idenlitied with the launch of period fomed during this lhe satellile Kosmos-gss from the disinlegraled. lndeed, their aclivities cosmodrome near Plesetsk, continued in a sorl of half-ofricial, half- lntelplelations of lhe phenomena legal nature; on hand the the one (bolide, aurora, destruction of the support groups, on stale did nol the ozone layer) were naive enough, but other prohibited the lhey were not also gave lhe chance lo some UFO ,rom indulging a "harmless hobby". amaleurs lo mock "science", This was also their basis for an explicit It is imporiant to note for the sake of statement thal this phenomenon could professional validity, lhat researchels, be nolhing other than a genuine UFO, including scientists from lhe AS, were i.e. it could only be an alien people among the interesled in UFO spaceship.

48 The main result of this story was lhe scatlering of sunlight on rocket cases assembled in "private" decision lo organise rcsearch into the exhausts in twilight conditions, when collections, there are big doubts in physical nalure of paaanormal lhe observer is in lhe Bhadow of the their reliabilaty. phenomena in the AS. Earth, and a rocket is in a position to be lil by the sun. The lirsi percon to The performing of this work has The Statement of Researches into descdbe this effect, in prini, was D. allowedrthe creation of a bank of data Palanormal Phenomena by the A.S. Oberg of the USA of authenlic observation of various of the USSR palanormal phenomenai lo construct Conditions of ighting of the rockets physical models of development of At lhis iime, in comparison with a vary considerably with the seasons, the most typical phenomena thus more or less stable oullook towards time of day, locations ofthe observerc enabling identification of more than lhe UFO problem by Weslem as well as the rocket ilself. The 95% of s rch phenomena in count es, the situation in the former accuracy of observations (and accordance with their descriptions; to USSR was very contradiclory and consequently the frequency of conduct research to separate the confused. The overall aspect here reporting sightings) 9f such most intercsling events; to pick up on however, was approximately the phenomena is a complex function ol some authentic cases which do nol same. UFO research being basically these parameters, The paranormal have a clear enough interpretation at cafiied out by amateurs, more rarely aspecl of such phenoFena amplifies presenl. by professional rcsearchers. with lhe possibility of proximity to the Amateurc usually standing oul for the location of the cosmodrome, (about The Structure of a "Utological" extra-terest al hypothesis, whilst the 1000 km fiom the rockets position) Community in Russia. professionals prefer to search for and in distanl rcgions where the concrele explanalions using the nost rocket and satellite engine switching There are only a few professional inleresling, authentic and informalive on and off can be seen, organisations in our country carrying cases of recordings of paranormal out research into paranormal phenomena. Second in signifcance e€ the phenomena. They are the expert sightings of high'altitude balloons. group on such phenomena, in the The AS organised a data collection The huge sizes of modern balloons area allached to the Department of from a wide source, gathering enough (up to 100 metres and more), the General Physacs and Astronomy of total, objeclive researches from different shapes ranging from a the Academy of Sciences of Russia, ofticial channels as well as from simple sphere to some of pyramidal lhe Siberian centre of study of casual, amaleur obs!ruerc. On the contours, lhe height of llights (up to paranormal phenomena attached to basis of cases received, lhe bank of 40 km), a long ljfetime and a complex lhe Polytechnic lnstitute Clomsk), the data to lhe mid 80's numbered about irajectory of drifr, as well as colour section of paranormal phenomena of 3000liles. etlects ftom the scattering and lhe meteodte and space dusl retlection ot lighl on the balloon commission (Novosibirsk), lhe section For analysis of material assembled, surface help to determine th6 level of of the study of palanormal researchers from various scienlitic their paranormal" aspect, phenomena attached to the fie'ds were brought in. There are commissions of applied physics ofthe atmospheric physicisls, optics, The obseNation of aslronomical Dalnevoslok Scientilic Centre geophysicists, geochemistry and objects in unusual atmospheric (Vladivostok), ihe Research lnstitule others. condilions are also the reason for of a sludy of paranormal phenomena frequent UFO repods. The planets atlached to lhe aerospace company From lame lo lime we have conducled and Jupiter and atso the l\roon lhe "Verticel" (Kha*ov, Ukraine). laboratory analysis on samples and Sun, when near to the horizon purported to be rclated lo inte.esting and in unusual conditions of The analysis of cases of paranormal rcfraction, generale reports, phenomena, lheir identiication and classilication, an estim;tion of their lnierpretation of dala includes the The reasons previously lisled cerlainly possible scientific importance, analysis of conditions of lighting do nol show all possible explanations interaclion with other oruanisalions du ng events, geophysical conditions, for pa€normal phenomena bul are conduiling research into the Eubject coffelation with processes of a the main ones- are relaled duties of this exped group- technical activity, in particular wilh launches of rockets, iights of high- We have also conducled a series of The Siberian @ntre executes allitude balloons and the execution of researches into so-callod "UFO researches connected with ecological arlilicial experiments in the upper landing sites". ln some cases lhere problems, and with the question ofthe layers of lhe atmosphere, were ma*ed physical deviations frcm monitoring of paranormal phenomena. the surounding area- However, the ln particular, there are investigatjons fhe Resulb of Researches conneclion of these places to a "UFO inlo anomaly llucluations of natural landing" i5 a problem question, From physical fields and technical sysGms. The phenomena most ftequenlly results, we can only say lhat there arc eslimated by eyewilnesses as on Earth a signmcant quantity af The collection and €nalysis of cases paranormal are usually oplical eftecls. locelised spots with some physical of observalions of UFO'S in lhe and accompanying rocket launches- deviations from the backgrcund area, Eastem region of Russia is canied out Concrete physical development of During 15 years collation of irl Novosabirsk and Vladivostok. lhese phenomena is determined by informalion at lh6 AS, cases of'UFO conditions of visibilily i.e. the rockel landings" and contaclees did not The main dhection ot research in the plumes, and more importanlly lhe appear. As to descriplions of such lnstitute of Kharkov consist of the

49 development of methods of active in this calegory, or should we say that research by a search for conlirmation detection of paranolmal almosphe c we are dealing with, in this case, of any hypothesis no matler how phenomena, and the study of any some enlirely different new processes attractive it might appear. The latler inleraclion of paranormal phenomena or even sofiething connected wilh c€se is a veiled refusal to do serious on the environment, extraterreslrial civilisations? To our minds it is a safe bet that lhis There quantily groups is a of amateur probabilily is . infnitesimal. We know Acknowledgements, in various cilies lhroughout the lhat many exlremely rare phenomena country. The quality of lheh work is have been explained in sufficienl I would like to express sincere thanks very efiatic. As a rule the activity of detail, or at least described in to all my colleagues in Russia as well such groups is reduced to acquisilion suffcient deiail. as .in other countdes for joint of data of UFO observations and researches into paranormal much diverse discussion "of wo*ing The investigations conducled by phenomena and the discussions of hypolheses on UFO'S", However, differcnt oruanisations have identified the results. serious groups are also represented, several lypes of the more wjdespread For example,. there are sofie in St. ef{ects of natural and anlropogenic Firstly, I relate lhem to V. Rublsov, S. PeteBburg, Moscow and Uljanovsk. o gins perceived as something Chemouss and D. Oberg (USA). I Co-ordination of lhese amaleur anomalous, The unidentmed event also express special gralitude to groups could not be called successful does noi lil into any specific class, academician V. I\,4igulin who has lead because of lhe discord and I\,4ost likely, this is evidence that this field of research in Russia since confronlalions between them. The absolotely random reports get into this 1977. number ofjournals produced by these group, IJFO associations is quite high. (l am also very gmteful to Sony However, the scientific and I would like to slrcss lhat assumptions lllusicJcolumbia and the organiserc of professional approach of these about a "confrontation" between the congress, who have allowed me joumals is genera'ly very low, "official science' and amaleur to participate jn the work of lhe 81h Ufologists are hardly admissible. lf BUFORA internalional UFO The Estimation ot Attitudes to the lhere are slrange sighiings and they Congress. ln padicular Philip [4antle, Problem and the Outlook have a place, they could be analysed who has offered his suppod and and who specitically should do this is hospilality.) The existence of unexplained of secondary importance, though anomalies in differenl lields of certainly the level of professional researches is fai y common and lraining of researchers should n.tural, somelhing that slimulates conespond to lhe level olquestioning. research. But most such "anomalies" But I think there is a basic difference fail lo calch the eyes of the public. between the two types of approach to For example, there are such the whole problem. lt is inadmissible anomalies as lhe isotopic composilion to rcplace really comprehensive of lunar malerial or the difference belween lhe theoretical and lhe aclually measured solar neulrino flux, ll seems to be more importani for UFO Newsfile science lo undersland them lhan a flight of "a bfight luminous body" observed in many regions of the Edited by Michael Hudson and published by BUFORA, Eurcpean pad ofRussia. UFO Newsfile presents the lastest and very best newsclippings form the Sensationalism is always lhe result of the UK and beyond. a "nonl vial" analysis of odd UFO Newsfile is published bi-monthly with all back issues available. A valuable source The natural sciences have reached a of UFO research material. slage of developmenl when further prog€ss requires highly specialised Subscriptions expe ments with highly sensitive equipmenl and a precise analysis of e7.00 BUFORA members the results achieved. ll becomes f8.00 Non members increasingly difticult to discover new and hitherto unknown phenomena. This does not mean, of course, ihal Make your cheque, postal ordgr or internatlonal money our studies ofihe subjecl arc dtawing order payable to BUFORA Ltd and send it to: io a close. This simply means lhal we have approached proc€sses, ubjects and phenomena \,tthich until quite BUFORA Newsfile, recenlly could not be studied by any I Woodhall Drive, Batley, available m€rhods. This being so, West Yorkshire, WF17 7SW should we assume ihal what we call paranomal phenomena also belonss

50 Vicente.Jaun Ballester Olno6 UFO Declassification in Spain . Bom n Valencia, S pain, 27lh Decemler 1 948. Military UFO Files Available to the Public: A Balance Acquircd a Compuler prcgEnming degrce along . wih a backoound in Physics and lndusl,ial Engineedng. He hd also studi€d linance rclaled V ice nte-J u a n B alle ster Ol m os topics includins isk insuBrce.

' S n@ 1976 hehas been employed by$e Fod More than three years have elapsed To this end. I addressed lhe Air Force . l,lolorCo. PGsenlt he holds lhe pos ton ol since the Air Force made the authorities with argumenls and : Manag er, lnsurance and Benerrb (Finance). historical decision of removing the reasoning I thought suitable in ordea secrecy on UFO intormation. to achieva this hopeful change. I Hardly with the lJnited States as the starled to mail letiers and memoranda precedent, has 'sensitise' Air lvr. Balled€r Olmos has b€en aclively and only major Spain trying lo the Force Staft. uninledptedyengaged nliestudyoilheUFO reached an enviable (and in fact, Then I found the oppodunity to phenomenon since 1966. he has specialised in lhe envied) position among the rest of present my proposals personally to al6as ol dala collecl on, feld invesligal on, the countries, in respect of making some officers of sevetal deparlmenls, . evalualion aong with calaloguing andslatistcal these files available to those who in the course of many non-offcial analysis ol dose en@unier @s in Spain and want to know The present paper meelings which took place du ng will review the contents of lhe 1SS0 and 19S1 at the Ak Force . ln rccenl yeaG he has to sed on mililary dpecb material released until now. Headquaders in Mad d. As reference oi rhe uFo poblem and was instlmenlal in he material, research papers, IJFO report Spanish Air Forc€ Jo ni Chiels of Slatr d€cision lo The date of April, 14, 1992 meant a questionnaires used and case wihdEw lhe seo€l classili€lon ol UFO rppons in turning point in the history of our analyses pedormed by ourselves 1992. national ufology. On that day, the were handled as well. ln the past, lhe Joini Chiefs of the Slaffs (JUJEltl) of Air Force had an ugly expe ence wjth A compiler of bibliogEphis of sdentfa and pap€B journalist prcve rechnical ro rhe sludy of UFo , he B also Army, Navy and Air Force held one of a and I had to that papeE periodical $e auhor of over300 anicbs and its meetings. On that ours was a scientilic-odented and published aound lhe sodd. Ballesler O mos has occasion, one of the subjecls on their serious drive, opposite to a publicity conlibuted lo a number ol UFO books includ ngr agenda went beyond topical military seeking motivation. . UFOS in T\No Wo'lds, edited by Chsdes Bowen for issuesi they were dbaling with UFos. . FSR(1971), UFOS19471987,ediledbyH ary ln fact, Air Force chief of the Staff Ll. All these steps yield€d a profit and in Evens and John Spencer (BUFORA 1987) and tre . Spe.tum of UFO R*6rch ediled by Mimi Hynek, General Ram6n Fern6ndez Sequeiros l\Iay 1991 the Colonel in charge ofthe . (cuFos 1988). drew his distinguished, uni{ormed UFO archives saw it suitable to write colleagues attbnlion to the most an intemal memo recommending lhat extensive and accurate report ever UFO files be declassified. ll lnitiated a been prepared by lhe military on the chain rcaction within the Air Force. , I Vic€nle is manied willl $€e children, is En avid UFO business. The purpose ofalllhis :: rcader and conEspondeni and has an unh dden : was to propose the declassilicalion of One of lhe highlighls in lhis i pa$ion lor 6unl,'y & wslEm mNlc the Aar Force UFO liles. chrcnology (especially exciling for me who laved il so closely) .was the Background History transference ofthe actual L,FO fles to the Air Opemtive Command (MOA), ln order lo decipher some oflhe keys located at Torrej6n AFB. lt was in which caused this to occur, including January 1992. The chief of the Air lhe role I piayed myself cin lhis Force Staff (JE[4A) commissioned Lt. developmenl, il is worth going back to General Alf€do Chamoro Chapinal, aome months before. ln 1990. I IvlOA. commander in chief, lhe decided to bring up around the Air management of all informalion relaled Force Staff lhe fleed to raise the to the UFO subject. burdensome secret ot ils UFO documentation, placed al level of ln particular, General Chamofio was contidential since 1968 and instructed that available documents coasidered as a classifiecl mattet were analysed and professional since 1979. procedures to manage the infomation were prepared for JElvlA's approval There *as a reason for my concern. including {he setllng of a cleaFcut Since 198 lwas researching, in methodology for the declassification collaboration wilh my colleague Joan of cuffenl and fulure UFO nles. Plana. every aspecl related to IJFO lmmedialely, MOA lntelligence sighiings involving military men. I tried omcers gol on wilh the task. Two to eslablish the specifc treatment months later, a repod desc bing the aclually given and lhe procedures history ofthe Air Force involvemenl in applied to UFO intormalion by each the UFO affair. lhe contenls ot the branch of the amed forces in my liles and the global evalualion of the country. lwas quite delermined lo see infomation had been linished. ll the secrel barrier broken once and for concluded ihat the spreading of all infomation would not endanger 70 Declassified Cases 1S93, a myriad of lighls we.e seen moving al a very high allitude over the 1562 - 1979 Northeasl of Spain. They came by in a Northwest-Southeasl direction, and the luminous cafiousel had crossed the skies of England ard France previously, along the same llight path. Sightings were associated lo the re-entry ofthe Cyclone rocket booster of Russian spy satellite Cosmos 2238. SEPRA, lhe French aulhorily on spacecrafl dec€y (pad of the Nalional Centre of Space Studies), announced the proper identiication. I provided this to the Air Force for knowledge. Then. IVIOA resolved to facililate lhis infomalion through a.new file as a public service.

ln the cases registered, there are 16 instances where iying objects or Figure 1 echoes were lEcked by a rcdar facility. It resulled 14 National Defence. The report decades: free access lo secret UFO in scrambles or suggested that the material should be attempls of interceplion by military declassired after each individual case aircraft. Moreover, 22 aercplane crews commercial On September 25, 1992, lhe first UFO of ai ines sighted shangelooking phenomena lile was declassilied. lt consisted of as weJl. -both Ea y in Apdl 1992, I\,4OA established lhree sightings reported by the same Photographs by mililary and civil personnel- were taken duing 10 of a document - "Norms to follow afrer Person in the sunoundings of San the reported (nve reporting of sightings involving Javjer AFB (l\,4urcia), in August 1962. events of them by individual). Nine slrange phenomena in lhe nationalair Copies offiles are kepl in the Ah force one cases reflect a close phenomenonlo-ground space". This General lnstruction, Headquaders library, where these can vicinity as issued as lG-40-5, €presents lhe be rcad and photocopied by those lo be classed under Hynek's close encounter (Jive presentday official rules regarding inlerested. Fales do contain all the djvision of lhese es include UFOS used by the Spanish Ah force. information gathered by lhe Air Force sto humanoids descending Staff over the yeats. Only one from a landed crafl -all reporled by the person). restiction, the names of wilnesses same over the Air Force involvement, institutions and officers involved, which are other oficial have parlicipated deleted. Some of the reports, in the unrolling of lFOs UFOs unforlunately, are poor qualily copies. the expe ences: three times the Civil Radar 12 4 Guard tural police), lhe Navy four Scramble t1 Files typically start wilh a case limes, the Army lhree times and two CE 7 2 fiom lhe police colps- summary and an index to all Photos 10 0 documents therein contained, which CivilPilotg 20 66 liles were include intemal official submitled to IVOA from Force Headqua(erc. this Other Official Bodies lnvolved correspondence, memoranda and Air ln three-year period, perconatty repods by military judges appointed to I have Civil Guard 3 0 conduct in-the-field, investigation, found that inielligence oflicers stived Police 2 0 to lind rcports lost mititary questionnakes Jilled by by the 4 0 eye-wilnesses, drawings, ,adat bureaucracy (those which never found 2 'l lheir way highest ove ays, pilot and ak contrcller to the Air Force ranks). Addiljonally, Force reporls, maps, meteor, flighl and olher Air astronomical dala. facsimiles of sources senl lo l\,4O4 newlyjound old Equipped wath such advisory reports, photographs, etc. ln brief, a mine of records, and some modern cases have lhe chief of lhe Air Force Slaff information to analyse. added too. As a rcsult, over 30 attended the aforemenlioned JUJEM cases have been lraced. These will meeting on April 14, 1992. Afrer his Main Case Features see the lighl at a later dale. I expecl exposition and some deliberations, over 120 sighting repons lo be oficially known the Joinl Chiefs oflhe Staff decided to At the lame of writing (May 1995), 49 by the Spanish Air force in the lasl30 years. downgrade lhe reserve level, iles have been declassiied. delegating the authorily to declassit consisting of 71 dislinct sightings UFO informalion lo lhe Air Force (lhere are fles wilh more than one then, MOA lntelligence boss. Since saghting) and summing up 1,108 we review the military began to siudy one by one the pages, 70 cases covei lhe lime span lf census we know exisling 66 UFO files, in order to 1962 to 1979. no\,l/, we obserue thal repods provide to ufologists and general are not dislribuled homogeneously public what we had rcquested for along this peiod. As we can see in A very recenl case has also been year released. At early hours of March 31, figure 1, 1968 shows an most of his time, Rocamora has Number of IJFO Reporb Received by Air Authority applied himself with all his might to During 1968 - 1969 the labour enlrusled by his commandeFin-chiei

IUOA'S frst chief, ceneral Chamoro relired in 1994, and he was replaced by Lt. Genetal Jos6 Luis Tojeiro, who has continued the steady flow of liles. In the meaniime, JEMA General Fernendez Sequeios also reached retiremeni age and Ll. General lgnacio Quintana Ar6valo was appointed by the Minister of Defence as new chief of the Air Force Staff.

Arc There Genuine UFOS in the Military Files?

lndeed, this is the 1s€s | million-dollaFquestion and the raison Figure 2 d 'Ctre oI UFO research, our aim important lncrease in the number of significant, turnhrg it up every evening consisting in deining whether or not cases reported to the Air Force. But ljke a very b lliant source of light on UFO reports can be explained was this something spontaneous? ln lhe Soulh-westem conventiooally. To that end, available genetal, 1968 (and half of 1969 as Conjunction of both events managed analytical tools and mullidisciplinary well) re€orded a considerable to produce an expected siluation, expefiase is used. lf a UFO evenl increase of press news relaled to becomes a real anomaly, by depicting LJFO sightings in Spain. fo. example, Figure 2 plots the monlhly distribution exolic properties, lhen hypolheses are our liles of CE I ioldest UFO of cases occuned in 1968 and 1963, to be tested in order to evaluate its organisation in Spain) have collecled with indication of publication dates of lrue natu€. several hundreds of rcports only in press notes distributed by the Ministry 1968. of lhe Air. Specially in the December Our purpose is to study every case in month peak, a perfect cbrrelalion full detail. Assisted by professional Accoding to the cases exclusively between cause and effect is noiiced: help of consultanls in areas like reported to the Ah Force aulhorilies, six out of nine cases reported that Aslronomy, Telecommunications, there were some spectacular -bul not month were confusions with planet Physics, Civil Avialion, Meteorology necessarily unexplained- cases in and olher disciplines pedinenl in UFO March, lvlay and September 1968, research, we believe lo have found a whicih gave rise 10 the publication of Characte16 rcasonably convincing explanation for the firct ofticial press releases on 64 out of the 71 sightings. Seven UFOb from the Ministry ofAir. Finally, Two lntelligence oflicers have been cases (barely 10% of tolal) defy an bedause of the stir crealed about the responsible for lhe declassification explanalion or are slill under matter, the l\,4inislry of Aar's Press during this period. The firsl one was investigation, therefore these are Office delivered a major communiqu6 Lt. Colonel Angel Bastida, who polential uFOs. Following labte tists lo Spanish mass media on December initiated lhe work, developed a spanish Air Force cases per category 5, 1968. ll fomally asked witnesses to computerised data base and began after screening, reporl UFO sightings lo the air the declassificalion process. Bastida aulhorily. superuised 22 out of the 49 released files and he was the author ofthe best 25 officaal monograph on 'UFO'S and lhe Air Force", published 15 an article in Star/Planet Revista de Aeronautica y 5 lFOs IJFOs 4 Astron'utica, August 1992, the 't2 -18hr 8 1 I\,4oon setling 1 Spanish Air Force journal. 18-24 hr 39 2 Hoax t6 00-12 hr '11 2 Lt. Col. Baslida left IIIOA lnlelligence Meteorological Balloons 11 06-12 hr 7 2 section in July 1993, in order to be in '| 0 command of anolher unit (an 12 essenlial rcquirement lo promotion). RockeUl\,lissile This opened Pandora's Box: some He was subsliiuted by Lt. Colonel, 3 ciiizens who saw lights in the sky Enrique Rocamora. Alihough he was Refleclion 3 lhouqhl il was their duly to reporl then lransfered lo Operalions, his 1 lhem to lhe Air force On lop of that, new duties were additionalto his UFO 1 belween November 1968 and February 1969 the rela|ve The hoax calegory may seem aslronomical proximily of p anel Allhough programming and €va uation shocking, when speaking of Venus with respecl lo the Earlh was of air exercises and travelling take military-sourced cases. Yet in atl

53 something like 'luminous spurts" that 33 Months of Declassification were aimed at the ground. Suddenly Pages Released the phenomenon wenl out and almosl immedialely four olher bodies in a row lil up successively. They were exactly the same, wilh hardly any space in

After about lwo minutes, the witnesses, somewhat nervous, decided to continue their trip, though about 50 melers ahead they stopped again, seeing thal another car had slopped about 800m behind them and a third was on a nearby highway. Resuming their trip again, they conlinued while looking out the windows at the four lights. When lhe reached the town of Quintanaortuho, less than one kilometre away, they slopped again, now seeing only lwo lights. Rather exciled and fearful, they Figlre 3 resumed their lrip lo Burgos for somewhat more lhan lhree ninules inslances lhere were civilian Chrislmas leave, when at 14 km from later. No sound was ever heard. The witnesses (suspicious stories, faked Burgos, the driver stopped lhe car area was over-flown by plane but no pholographs, low credibility subject(s), afrer seeing the high-speed patabolic trace was visible, Days later, some and three people contributed'14 out of descenl of a strange.light. At thal bumt spols were found lhe 16 cases, e.g. "repealers", as we use moment lhey all saw on their left a in suffoundings but seem unrelaled to to c€llthem. very inlense lighl, comparable lo thal phenomenon reported lhe produced by "a light tower on a soccer the by sold'ers. summary includes Sample of ljnerylained Cases - tields'. lnlrigued, they gol or.rt of the Clhis supplementary information the car, crossed the highway and saw to military liles) 400m away a luminous body "with the lst January, 1975 (06:25), shape of a truncaled cone' that 2nd January, 1975 (22155), Q! jntanaoft uno (Burgos). seemed to be hovering about two Berdenas Reales Range metres offlhe grcund. Firing (Navarra). At lhe time of lheir sighting, four soldiers were fulfilling their military It was about two metres in height and A soldier on duly near the main tower service in the Army Engineers three meters across the . base, it of the Air Force firing lange'saw a Academy at Burgos, They were emitled a yellowish lighl lhat was molionless, bright red light on grcund retuming from Santander after whiter on top, and on the boitom were level. Thinking it was a non-aulho sed vehicle, he called the corporal guard, who went outside in the company of lhree soldiers. The light was belween two and five kilomehes away frcm them- After fve to ten minutes, it rose up to 25 or 50 metres from lhe ground, flying slowly in the direction of an auxiliary lower. When the light reached the tower, il changed course and increased speed and heaght, moving lowards the main tower. Very rapidly, it disappeared in

Al 23:10 lhe cotporal repofted ihe sighting by lelephone lo the sergeani on duly, he who went up io a mound and through binoculars he saw an o,bject shaped like an inverted cup, wilh while lighls on lop and boltom, plus puised amber and white lighis on every side. lts posilion was lhat of the initial sighling. Size was assimilated lo a long truck. Objecl lighted the environment over 100m in radius. Air Force 'lstJanuary 1975 Author's rcconstruction Figure4 File Similarly, the light rose up and flew

54 [ti,. :

\.'' i \. t.


, I I oru ,ftrl , orr,l / au *&jir. .sl

Figure 5 Air Force Fil€ 2nd January 1975 Military map of UFO ttighta over the firing range towards the auxiliary tower, witnesses descdbed il as from the radar scr€en. lt had trayelled disappearing this time to the north, lozenge-shaped, while the other two 115km. Four minutes laier lhe echo said it had the shape of a triangle. All reappeared in another posilion, yet This was also seen by th6 fve agreed that lhere was an inlens€ static, therefore il was now thought to soldieF standing by the main tower white light flashing at one second be a ship's reiection. ln spite of this, guard post, although they could not inlelvals in the very centre of lhe the military. aircrafr was vectored figure out any shape. No ground slructure, while they differ in the towa.d that poinl. traces were found, No unknown radar number of additional white lights track was detected by the Defence which were placed on every apex of When lhe interceptor wa6 at lskm system. On the following moming, the the object's body, i.e- three in the distance, the radar echo started to local Civil Guard called lo the military lriangle.and four in the rhombus- The move in a Northwesl direclion again. facility inquiring whether any aircraff object conlinued to lly steadily unlil it It . acceleraled . to 730 knols had crashed lhe prior nighl. Sjghtings disappeared from sighl. (1,352kph), climbing to a heighl in of lights over lhe fidng €nge had excess of 24,000m, Six minutes later, been reported to the Police colps of March 13, 1979 (10:59), the track changed route to noih-east nearby town ofTudela. Mediterranean Sea. and in lwo minutes it was losl. There was no visualcontact bythe l\,lirage lll 20th July, 1978 (01:20), Agoncillo The surveillance seclion of lhe pilot. airdrome (Losrono). Operalions Centre of the main radar site al Tonej6n AFB ([,4ad d) detected 17th November, 1979 (l7t2'), A soldierwas on duty in lhe main gate an uncorrelated echo located north of Mediterranean Sea. of the military airdrome when he Algeria, over the l\,4editerianean sea. observed a strange object in the air. It was displacing at 840 knots (1,556 Pegaso's qpe€tions Cenlre He gave nolice of il to the guard post. kph) in a nodh-west course. lrack (maintrame radar of lhe Defence A second lieulenant and a corporal was named KL-553 and classilied as system) in Tonej6n AFB detected an wenl to lhe site in time lo see du ng unknown. Three minutes laler, a unknown track some 40km south of five more minutes how a flying object scramble was ordered and a l\,lirage Morril (Granada), where a radar was moving from eastlo west at some lll akcraff look off from Manises AFB facility operates. Dudng 15 minules it 1,000m off lhe ground. Flight was (Valencia) to identify lhe trace. Before was outside Spanish sea limils, but slow and noiseless. Two of the il could inlercept it, the trace vanished then it headed towards the Spanish coast. At 17:45 a Milage Fl took off A Queslion of Reliability archives in military units far away from from Los Llanos AFB (Albacete) for Madrid. inlerception putposes. \ryhile the I have kept this process under aircrafr was approaching. the echo conlinuing surveillance frcm the This is a fact. was fading intermittently; at 18:07 lhe beginning and as close as possible. jet plane anived in lhe area, and at The knowledge I have acquied As lhe months go by the entire 18:12 Pegaso reported having lost the Through many sincere and straight declassilication process will have trace- Position of track was over the foMard discussions with the officers linished. Only th€n we will be able lo radar site when it vanished. Al 18:16 in charge, allows me lo guarantoe lhe assess how much our air authority lhe ltlirage pilot gave up and came objectivity and crystal-clear allitude of knew aboul the UFo phenomenon, back to his base. the Spanish Air Force in the official and whal evenls really dery declassifcation of UFO tepods. Minules laler, the pilot saw lhree lighls in the shape ofa triangle; these I have got the conviction thal no we€ apparently 19km away and on information is concealed and lhat the BIBLIOGRAPHY 9,100 meters level. These werc reports surfaced have nol been slrong liqhts, red-yellow in colour. The manipulated al all as some B.stida, A., "Los OVNIS y el Ejercito del Aire, Revisla de Aeronau ca y e€E8S! Asbn'uttca 605 August-September 1992, 655-659. (P ncesa, 88, 28008 Madrid.)

Ballester Olmos, V.J., Spanish air For6e UFO Fil*: The Secrcts End', in walter andrus, Jr. and lrena Scot (editore, MUFoN 1993 lnternational UFo Symposium Prcceedings. l,lUFON. lnc, (Seguin, Texas ), July 1993, 127-168.

!og rLA{Os Al9 Aallester Olmos, v.J. and J. Plana, t\x 'Pilotos y lenOmenos aeoespaciales an6malos", Mach.82, December 1994, 22- 30. (Geneal OIaz Porlier, 49, 4", 28001

Ballester Olmos, v.J., 'La falacia de la .r"o]{ manipulaci6n", Cuade.nos de Ufologia. 18, €tt€ 1995, 59.63. (Rualasal, 22, 39001

I Ballestsr Olmos, V.J., Expedienles tns6litos (Elfenomsno OVNIy los archivos de Defensa), Ediciones Temas de Hoy, I rt f l------r---'- S.A. (Mad d), 1995. (Autosraphed copies can be obtained by remilling US Figure 6 Air Force file lTth November 1979 credit: J ,Plana or book $ 35.00 to Aparlado 12140, 46080 Valencia.) pilot vectored his akcrafr towards that sensation-seekerc pretend lo invoke. point and focused his 70-km range What becomes obvious is thal in the on-board radar to the sel of lights. last decades, lJFos have been a There was no deteclion at all, marginal subject within the Ah force, Moreover in spite of a cruising spead that no centre was ever of 0.95 l\,4ach (1,160kph), the [4irage commissioned lo co-ordinate efforts could not reduce separation dislance on IJFOS and thal an unknown f, to the lights, which were seen in the number of files was missing (because t, I .-, dircction of Alge a. papers never escalaled to the Air ii Force's top quarters). After '10 minutes of fruilless pursuit, fte military pilot decided to quit and My invesligation has found no trace of started lo retum. During hisslope way smoke-screens or any deliberate back, sompthiflg curious happened. deceplions of the sort "society is not Some childish voices were heard prepared to accept the great truth through UHF-11 channel which linked about L,FOS'. All this is pad of the pilol and Op€rations Cenlre: ln sto es fabricaied by lhose who lovb Spanish, these laughed and said, paranoid lheses and who are misery 'Hello, how are you?, hello, hello . The sellers- interference lasted for 30 seconds and ii occurred over a maritime area, On the conttary, I have verified that It was not heard by Pegaso's ground oficers responsible for L,FOS apply to the finding of cases buried in old record books or kept in forgotten

56 Printed by lnformation Management, 47d Roland eardens, L0ndon, SVW 3PG