3 THE LONG FIGHT FOR JUSTICE A true story of one man’s fight to prove his innocence of a crime which has all but destroyed his life for the past 49 years

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Copyright owned by Alan William Norton 2014




















How long had they been knocking – I don’t know, but eventually getting out of bed pulling the curtains and opening the window `I realized it was the Police. “Alan can you come down to the station and answer a few questions”. “Ok” getting dressed by this time the wife had woken up, it’s only the Police love” giving her a kiss – “I won’t be long”. Little did I know it would be June 2013 before I stood back outside the house again! 48 years later!!!!

We were a big family, 7 brothers and sisters all told, plus unfortunately 2 little siblings who didn’t make it, my mother a Jersey born girl, born in 1914 met and married my father a Londoner who was working in Jersey at the time in December 1935. Mum was twenty one when she got married, within two months of marriage they had a son Williams Charles who my mum loved dearly, unfortunately the poor boy died within ten months of birth, a terrible and painful death which needed never to have happened, he suffered from quiet a common problem amongst babies of that age when the intestine become pushed or trapped into another area and obstructed the bowel, causing severe pain, vomiting and bleeding, if treated within five days by surgery he would have lived but no he was left to suffer a painful death, his poor mother suffered, her husband was unmoved, a cruel and callous man he would not get medical aid, he ruled his wife and family with an iron fist.

In 1940 with the Island being unprotected it was easy for the Germans to occupy the Island, my mother and father with their young son Robert, who was born within twelve months of the death of her first child, who mother now poured all her love and feelings into protecting her son, as by now her husband was showing his cruel side of his nature. They like many other families moved to the north of England, Bolton, within a year of

7 arriving at Bolton, a daughter Marion was born and on the 3rd March 1943 I was born, Janet was born 2 years later. Around late 1945 the family returned back to Jersey to live, strange as it may seem back to the same house they had left a few years ago, life for the ever increasing family was tough as it was for many families at that time. I can’t remember very much of my childhood, there was no love shown, mum was far too busy looking after the house, struggling to find enough food to feed the ever increasing family, whilst her husband continued his cruel ways.

The amount of tears I’ve shed since learning so much about my poor mum’s awful life ad her horrible death at the hands of her cruel husband, an evil man who had his way whether she wanted to or not, struggling to keep the house going, remember there were no washing machines or dryers in those days, as I got older it was my job to fill the copper and baths, so mum could get up early and do the washing, it took fourteen journeys with a heavy bucket in each hand to fill up the copper and baths, from the pump at the well, carry them down a long path to the shed where the washing was done. Next to the shed was the toilet a long walk in cold damp nights! The bucket to be emptied when it was full! The house had no central heating, just a coal fire oven, winter nights the cracks and crevices around the windows and doors were stuffed with paper or old cloths to keep the draughts out! I very well remember as a young boy climbing into a freezing cold bed, curling up like a snail under the bed sheets and eventually falling asleep once the body temperature warmed up! If you were lucky enough you could grab the only hot water bottle available – but that wasn’t very often! It wasn’t until the late 50’s, early 60’s that we got running water in the kitchen and an inside loo – Bliss!!

As a youngster I played on the farm, our house was on the edge of the farmland, hours of scrumping and pulling carrots out of the ground, cleaning them, eating them that with sprouts and tomatoes that kept us going through the day, it

8 seemed the sun always shone, no global warming in those days, we were out all day on the farm or down the beach climbing all over the rocks and forever swimming, life for a youngster was a lot safer in those days. It seemed our family never stopped growing two more sisters and a brother arrived making a total of seven brothers and sisters all living in half a house/kitchen, small front room, two bedrooms on the first floor plus the attic where Bob and I slept.

Christmas there was very little money, presents consisted mainly of a stocking with little treats, an orange, nuts and a few little trinkets the highlight was the roast dinner! Chicken or pork plus the pudding for after’s – Great!

As I got older in order to get myself a bicycle I went up to the dump and found a frame, some old wheels, searched around and managed to find two old tyre’s and inner-tubes and built my pride and joy- my own bike. It had no brakes, it was what was called a “fixed wheel” bike in order to stop you had to stand on the pedals which stopped the bike! – Great Fun!! I remember going for a long ride one day eventually getting to the top of the hill, I decided to see how fast I could come down the hill – too fast apparently, I lost control. I was going so fast I couldn’t put my feet on the pedals to stop the bike – I hit a lamppost – broken arm and a split head was the result!! I finished up in hospital after having my arm put in plaster and my head stitched up I was met by my mother- who wasn’t too pleased. Going back home I was sick all over the floor of the bus, quickly grabbing me by the arm mum rushed me off the bus before the conductor found out – I received a good telling off for making a mess!!

On doctor’s advice mum was told not to have any more babies now in her early forties her body had carried eight babies and that was too much for her. It could be fatal if she got pregnant again. Unfortunately the doctor’s advice was ignored and anyway her cruel husband and ruler of the house was not going to be told by the doctor what to do. He carried on his cruel

9 ways using her whenever he wanted too. The consequences were fatal!!

I clearly remembering the day I had returned home and finding mum wasn’t around went to her bedroom and knocked on the door, on opening the door I asked if she was alright? Did she need anything? She replied no. I quietly closed the door. I was fourteen at that time. A couple of hours later my father arrived home, he went to the bedroom, panic ensured an ambulance was called and mum was taken to hospital, we were in the kitchen at the time he said “mum is dead”, with that life was to go on, we were not allowed to grieve, we were not allowed to go the funeral, all what happened was we were all made aware of our tasks to keep the home running.

The death of our mother hit all of us hard, none more so than Bob, being born after mum had lost her first child had made her very protected of Bob, and understandable so, especially as her marriage was becoming a nightmare, she was slowly being destroyed by her cruel husband. Years later I learnt about my mother’s cruel death, my mother’s death certificate reads “Irreversible shock due to hemorrhage abortion”, What it doesn’t say is my father decided that the baby had to go, so before he set off to work that morning he attempted an abortion – using a straightened out coat hanger! – The result proved fatal! – Poor mum bled to death. When mum married she was bright vibrant woman, when she died mum was a broken and destroyed woman, destroyed by her cruel husband, knocking her about and all the verbal abuse she had to take. To this day I feel so numb with pain realizing what a horrible life or should I say existence my poor dear mum suffered. How I pray that she is now resting in peace. I know mum has watched over me and will know that by my writing this book – The Truth will be exposed. One day Joy, mum and myself will all be together in peace.

Bob turned out to be very intelligent but very shy and withdrawn, as the eldest child one can only imagine how he felt

10 seeing his mother slowly being destroyed, Bob was a loner from an early age probably because as more and more babies were being born, mother couldn’t continue giving Bob her undivided attention as she had done in the early years of his life.

Bob was very clever at school, unlike me I didn’t enjoy school at all! Made even more unbearable especially as like all children at our age were given a bottle of milk everyday as part of our ration. I can only think that the teacher meant well by putting the bottles of milk in front of the fire to warm up? Part warm milk with the cream at the top of the bottle became thick globules of half curdled cream!! I used to slip out to the toilet and pour it down the loo, even today 60 years on I hate milk – so much so I even made my breakfast bowl of porridge with all water!

Bob at the time of his mother death become more and more withdrawn being weak natured he was an easy target for his cruel father. Bob left school and went and worked for Redifusion T.V. but unfortunately his mental state deteriorated to such an extent that he was prescribed and given electric shock treatment, a treatment later banned because it did more damage than good.

By now Bob was living in a world of his own trapped and unable to concentrate for very long, his tortured brain played havoc with him, he could be seen striding along laughing and joking to himself, sometimes living out imaginary fights he would suddenly throw out a right hook and laugh out loud to himself, even when he went to the pub he sat along talking and laughing to himself – so sad.

I remember one night we were all at home nobody speaking to each other – we were a very dysfunctional family, Bob sat in the armchair, he was crying undoubtedly missing his mother as we all were, when his dad said “Stop Crying”! Be a man! –

11 start smoking! – What a cruel and callous man! From that day on Bob started smoking!

I left school at fifteen and went to work at a local garage as a trainee mechanic, my first weeks’ wages being £2 7s 6d £2.35p. I worked at the garage until I was about eighteen before moving onto to a succession of driving jobs.

Jersey is the sixty’s was catching up with the English music scene, “Rock & Roll” had arrived – we were staring to shed the old Victorian style of life and embracing the swinging Sixty’s! I remember being huddled over our little radio desperately moving it around to get the best reception from Radio Luxemburg to hear the latest hits, many a weekend I would go into town to purchase the latest No 1 hit single, for a large sum of 1s 6d – 7 ½ p by this time we had a gramophone, that single would be played over and over again until it was nearly worn out.

Jersey in the sixty’s was known as the Honeymoon Island and throughout the summer season a great tourist attraction, cheap cigarettes, cheap booze, plenty of sunshine, a young man’s paradise – plenty of young female holiday makers looking for a good time, and we made sure they did have a good time. Pubs and bars especially the ones out of town used to have live music and what was called “Crazy Nites” singing and dancing and drinking until closing time. I’d lost count of the amount of times I left the hotels the worst for wear for drink, a young lady on my arm to drive away to finish the night off!

In the early 60’s I went through a bad patch I drank too much, which eventually led me to taking cars without the owner’s consent and joyriding around the island, it finally came to a head when one night whilst joyriding I dropped my cigarette whilst driving, I went to pick it up – unfortunately I forgot to let go of the steering wheel resulting in turning the car onto its roof – caught I was remanded in custody, later I got Bail – I

12 eventually finished up appearing at the Royal Court where I was bound over for 2 years and order to pay for the damage to the car. Which I did so much so that I overpaid £20.00! – a lot of money in those days, I was eventually reimbursed – more crazy nights out!!

Around that time I started courting Sonia who was later to become my wife and we had a son Gary. I will be the first to admit I was a terrible husband and a lousy father, I married Sonia because I had made her pregnant – at the time it seemed the right thing to do, but to be honest I wasn’t ready to settle down. I still wanted my freedom and enjoying my nights to carry on like I did before. It was obvious my marriage would never last, all completely my fault, I tried a couple of times to make it work but no success.

With the failure of my marriage I went back to live at Le Bordage, Bel Royal, living at home at that time was my father, Bob my eldest brother, Joy and Mark, I was working in the local butcher’s shop as a van driver/shop assistant, it was a busy shop. Normally shop’s had a half day on Thursday, because of the visitor’s season we normally worked Thursday afternoons until about 4 o’clock.

My boss announced his daughter was getting married on Thursday 9th September I was invited, but declined because my father had been admitted to hospital, his heavy drinking had caught up with him! And with two young children in the house, (I believed I had been invited to the evening function) I didn’t want to leave them alone, there needed to be a mature person in the house at night time. My Aunty had been over from England visiting her brother in hospital and she was leaving on the Thursday morning to fly back to England. The night before she left we had a party both Sonia and June my sister were there and various other people.

During the evening an “incident” took place, apparently my brother-in-law brushed up against my little sister Joy, Joy went

13 hysterical! Crying loudly she went upstairs closely followed by June her sister and then Sonia, I went up to see what was going on. All the girls were crying their eyes out?! At that particular time I put it down to the emotions of young girls who had got themselves all wound up! Knowing what I know now I find it very hard to describe how I feel! But on that night other people apart from young Joy who was a victim were to learn some really terrible things, which they are still party of today, had the other girls exposed the truth life would have taken a complete different course. But they instilled into poor Joy that nobody would believe what she was saying! She would be called a liar!! They eventually all came down stairs, the party carried on, I went to bed at about 3.00am the worse for drinking too much, arriving at work over an hour late!

14 Chapter 2

The first reported attack took place on Wednesday 6th November 1957 followed by one Tuesday 12th, Saturday 30th November. Three women separately reported to the Police that while on a night out they had been attacked by a man.

The first victim – struck repeatedly, struck about the head. The second victim – seized by a man with a knife. The third victim – jumped from behind, dragged into a field and sexually assaulted, during the struggle she received stab wounds.

Four months after this incident on Saturday 1st April 1958 – a mile or two from the spot and in the same region a young woman was attacked from behind, a rope was put around her neck she was dragged into a field and raped.

All these offences remain unsolved.

Responsible for investigating these attacks were C.I.D Chief Inspector Dick Ashcroft and a young Dorset man George Shutler recently appointed DIC .

Three and half months later a further assault was reported in the same year, a man broke into a cottage during the evening, blind folded its only occupant, a young woman, took her into a field, pushed into a haystack and raped her. A further incident was reported in the same year, a young girl stated that she had been indecently assaulted in a residential area of St Helier.

After this the attacks ceased.

The police who had searched fields for footprints and tyre marks called on dozens of houses, taken dozens of statements, heaved a sigh of relief even though the case remained in their

15 files “Unsolved” for in the last two cases, as in the earlier cases, no perpetrator was ever caught.

Sunday morning 2nd January 1960, police found a car in a field the owner was traced both he and the police thought it was prank, the owner took the car back home. His young daughter aged 10 ½ stepped into her elder brothers bedroom with a few moments one of the boys called the father to come up when the girl told her story “Daddy I had a visitor last night he threatened that if I called out he would shoot you and mummy, he had sexually assaulted her in her bedroom and left.

They discovered that the attacker had entered by a downstairs window. A brown scarf was found.

Was the car finger printed? Footprints checked for? Probably not! Perhaps at this stage it would help the readers to know of the system which operated in Jersey. The 12 Parish were made up by an elected Constable, known as the Father of the Parish, also elected were Centeniers and Vinteniers they were to assist the Constable who had Power Over the Paid Police, a Paid Policeman could hold a suspect he then had to inform the , the Constable, or the Centeniers who would come out and decide whether the person should be arrested or not! Once a crime had been reported it was the Honorary Police who examined the scene? They were usually called before the Paid Police were informed? On one occasion a Centinier persuaded a child victim to reconstruct the events of the attack, leading her across fields and placing his own feet precisely in the footprints – left by the attacker!!

The system led to not only damaging precious evidence but in some cases destroying it completely!!! Bedclothes and cloths belonging to the victims was allowed to be laundered before it was formally examined!!!

This system is still in operation today!! Although brought up to the 21st Century, the Honorary Police still have the Power over

16 the Paid Police in arresting suspects! It was no surprise to know that such was the poor standard of detection that it was to take a motoring offence to finally capture The Beast of Jersey in 1971!!!

Saturday February 14th 1960. A 12 year boy was taken out of his bedroom led into a field and sexually assaulted, then led back to his bedroom, attacker fled the scene. No arrest made.

Second case early 1960. Air hostess waiting for a bus, a car pulled up the driver stated that he was a doctor, would she like a lift, she accepted. Late on the driver stopped the car, put a rope around her neck, causing her to lose consciousness, her hands were tied behind her back, carried to a field and raped then put back in the car and driven off, she managed to escape when the car slowed down, as she opened the car door the interior light came on and she had a good look at her attacker. 11 years later she pointed him out in court.

The Beast of Jersey was charged with this attack, but at the attorney General’s request the charge was not proceeded with!?

April 29th April 1960. A cottage was broken into, electric cable and telephone cables were cut. Partially covered face a man stood in the doorway and demanded money, pushed the woman in a chair and said “I’ve killed before and I’ll kill again” tied her to the chair. The 14 year old daughter on hearing a noise came down to see what was happening a rope was put around her neck, pulled tightly she lost consciousness, dragged outside to a field and raped. Footprints found at the scene, he had also eating fruit in the house. Described as being 30/40 years old wearing a duffle coat?

In 1960 the police first received one of many anonymous notes sent to them over a period of 6 years, this note simply said “I see you’re offering a reward for me, the man in the duffle coat”

17 Saturday 30th July 1960. 12 year old boy taken from his home he was alone at that time, assaulted, and returned back to his house. Incident still unsolved.

Saturday 22nd October, Irish girl accepted a lift, man attempted assault, and she managed to escape. The man was never found.

Saturday 18th February 1961. A house was entered, a young boy had a rope put around his neck, taken out of the house. No assault took place.

Saturday 4th March 1961. 11 year old boy’s bedroom entered, a school belt was put around his neck and pulled tight, the boy fell out of his bed, the noise woke his father up, attacker jumped out of the window and escaped.

Both these cases still unsolved.

April 23rd 1962. 11 year old girl woke to find a man holding a small torch by her bedside, the girl was ordered out of bed, a white cover placed around her shoulder, carried through a window into a field blind folded her, sexually assaulted her before returning her back to her bedroom. Nobody was every charged with this assault.

1963. 9 year old boy taken from his bedroom, carried into a field, assaulted then taken back to his bedroom. Police found a piece of cotton wool, and a series of footprints made by a size 9 shoe.

3rd November 1963. Boy alleged he was taken from his room and assaulted. Incident remained unsolved. Blood Group from the attacker was an O group secretor.

Another incident - Saturday 18th July 1964. 10 year old girl whose home was no more than a mile away from the last two incidents.


August 3rd 1964. 16 year old boy came face to face with a masked man in his home, a cord was put around his neck and he was dragged from his home. 2 gingerish coloured hairs had been found on the white cover the girl had been wrapped in (April 23rd 1962) the other was discovered at the home of the attack on the 16 year old boy (August 3rd 1964). The police had also found 2 prints left at the scene of incidents.

All male between 19-60 year old age were to be finger printed. Finger printing was not compulsory, 10-12 thousand prints were taken, 13 men refused to give their fingerprints, one of those was Edward Paisnel – later to be convicted of sexual assaults on women and children, he was known as “The Beast of Jersey.”

In 1963 the Jersey authorities enlisted the assistance of a Scotland Yard Detective, Superintendent Jim Axon, a sturdy scot who had a long and varied career in the metropolitan Police, much of his service had been in the East End of London. Amongst his cases was the shooting of George Cornell in the Blind Beggars Public House, the Kray Twins were later charged with the murder. He also investigated the profumo scandal, arresting Mandy Rice Davies, Christine Keeler and Paula Hamilton on conspiracy charges, he served in the Fraud Squad and had been leading enquires into a child murder.

Axon later became Chief of Jersey Police and was later going to be responsible with Detective Shutler and Detective Inspector Cockerham of Blatant and willful destruction of evidence in a still unsolved murder in Jersey. They wrongly jumped to the conclusion that the victim 20 year old Tuula Hoeoek a finish au pair had been the victim of a hit and run incident and ordered the area to be washed down before it had been properly searched for evidence?!

19 A potential clue at the scene “Footprint” was walked over the Honorary Police and lost forever!

They certainly excelled themselves the Honorary Police, bungle after bungle!!! Made worst by the fact that a top policeman from Scotland Yard, Detective Superintendent Jim Axon was now in charge?!

Worst was to come in the Tuula Hoeoek case?!


Arriving at Police Headquarters, I was escorted into the building and taken to an interview room, in the room where Dec Superintendent O’Connell, Dec Chief Inspector Cockerham and Dec Sargent Hurley.

Det Superintendent O’Connell said that extensive police enquiries had been made and that he had reason to believe that I had told the police lies.

I maintained that I had told the truth, I was asked to read the 3 previous statements I had made – I maintained they were all true. The Superintendent then dropped a bombshell – he claimed that allegations had been made by two of my sisters of inappropriate behavior against them!

Those allegations had come during the police enquires into the murder of my 11 year old sister.

On Thursday the 9th September I had arrived home from work about 1.15pm lunchtime, I sat in the armchair I was still feeling a bit dodgy from the nights previous drinking. I felt it was a bit uncanny at the time but it seemed that my little sister Joy was hanging around me closely and it looked as though she wanted to say something? She had previously asked how to spell self-raising flour, as her elder sister June on occasions on Thursday afternoons had baked cakes with her. I hadn’t replied so she put S/R on the list knowing she would understand what it meant when she went to the shop.

Joy left home to go shopping at around 1.30pm, I sat around for a little while before driving to the betting shop about 1 mile away from home. I placed bets on the 2.00pm and 2.30pm races after listening to the 2pm race I wondered across the road to the pub to watch the 2.30pm race on T.V., unfortunately it wasn’t televised, so I went back into the

21 betting shop and listened to the race. After hearing the result I left the betting shop and drove to the town where I placed a bet on the 3pm race, I spent the rest of the afternoon in the betting shop and arriving back home around 5pm. There was no sign of my little sister, so I drove to the shop and purchased fish fingers and bread, I knew Joy was shopping and I knew that whatever she brought it would be used next day.

My poor sister never returned home, her little body was found in a field about 3 miles from her home, she had been strangled and stabbed 37 times.

Forensic evidence later determined that my sister had been sexually assaulted “Brutally” for a period of about 12 months before her death.

This devastating news virtually destroyed the Norton family already a very dysfunctional family, each went about everything in their own way, there was no mourning or crying together everybody seemed to be in a trance – just doing their own thing.

Faced with the allegations against me, I was completely devastated, in shock and in turmoil, I made a further statement with the police, I then waited to be taken back home.

At about 3am Centenier Emmanuel arrived at the interview room and introduced himself, he was the Centenier of the Parish of St Lawrence, he told me he was going to take me to the Parish of St Lawrence where he was going to charge me with the murder of Joy Norton, my younger sister!! Centenier Emmanuel went onto say “The accused was sitting in a chair near the table, he put his head in his hands and shuddered and after a while looked up at me and said “I didn’t do it Mr. Emmanuel, I didn’t do it”. Then he was driven down to Bel Royal car park in St Lawrence where I arrested the accused. Again I cautioned him and I arrested him, and after a while he

22 shuddered and after a full minute said “I didn’t do it, you have my alibi, I was at the betting shop – I wouldn’t hurt Joy” From then he was taken to the police station and Norton made no further comment.

Also present in the police car was Detective Superintendent O’Connell I was put in a holding cell, a small cell with little ventilation and a concrete bed, concrete pillow and a concrete stool to sit on.

Later that morning I was put before the magistrates and charged with murder, I was then remanded to Newgate Prison to await committed proceedings.

For one man my arrest was what he had been waiting for. That man Detective Inspector George Shutler who had been involved in the investigations into the unsolved sex attacks which had taken place over the years.

Shutler was convinced that he’d finally got his man!!! So desperate was he to bring to an end the Beast of Jersey reign that despite all the victims describing their attacker as aged between 30-40 he pursued vigorously even going as far as to say that the victims – young children, and the attacks taking place at night were not only confused but their description of their attackers age was wrong!! Because they were extremely shocked so their description which didn’t fit my description was to be overlooked!! The first reported attack took place in November 1957 I was 14 at that time!!

But Shutler was not going to be denied his moment of Glory! He decided to get the cases from 1960 and make the evidence fit around me!? I was 17 by then.

So vigorously did he pursue his quest that on 18th March 1966 halfway through my trial, the Chief Officer who was appointed less than 2 years earlier and two other offices resigned!! They didn’t want to be a part of Detective Inspector Shutler’s “Witch

23 Hunt” and other matters concerning the honorary system. They made their choice.

This caused considerable concern to Senator Ralph Vibert and his defense committee. They accepted the resignations with regret.

It would have been very interesting to see what the written reason given by the Chief Officer and two of his officers was? – But reliable sources have made it known to me that these documents and evidence from my case and Tuula Hoeoek unsolved murder case have long ago been destroyed?

Detective Superintendent Axon who had previously worked on the sex attacks which had taken place in Jersey was sworn in as the Chief of Jersey Police, he and two other detectives were responsible for Tuula Hoeoek murder remaining unsolved.


Ten days after my arrest my little sister was buried, many year’s later I got a copy of the Funeral Director inventory it said “Coffin For Joy Elizabeth Norton found dead at St Lawrence, September 13th 1965 (murdered by brother) of Le Bordage. Bel Royal St Lawrence.

I hadn’t even been up for any transcripts to be heard at the lower court yet!! But it had clearly been decided that I am Guilty!, 10 days after my arrest?!! I am reliably informed that the Funeral Director was told to put that statement in by the authorities who were charging me with murder?!

Late October 1965 I started appearing at the lower court for witness’s to be sworn and give their evidence. A total of 98 witnesses were called.

In January 1966 I appeared in court to enter my plea, I pleaded not guilty and was remanded for Trial at the March Assizes, in the Royal Court, Jersey. Advocate Valpy in conjunction with Advocate Fiott, who had represented me at the lower Court decided to go to the March Assize, rather than wait until May because the Moors Murder Trial was due to take place in May and my advocate felt it would prejudice my case if I appeared in court at the same time. I must add I saw advocate Valpy who was leading my defense – once before, we met again at the Assize Court! Both my counsels had decided on all male Jury? Why??!

On the 7th March 1965 I appeared at the Assize Court for the start of my trial, the jury were to be sworn in, unfortunately it was unable to pick 24 men so the case was remanded until Thursday 10th when all the jury were sworn in.

The Prosecutor was the Attorney General Frank Ereaut assisted by Advocate T.C. Sowden. My defense team was Advocate

25 Valpy assisted by Advocate Fiott who from day one didn’t want the case! And they certainly showed it throughout the Trial!! Also in the Court to assist the Judge who was Mr. R.H. Le Mausurier, Bailiff of Jersey, was the Crown Solicitor and Eight their job to assist the trial Judge.

Five witnesses were to be heard before the attorney – General made his opening speech.

Witnesses included, weather expert, Police Constable who took photos of the field where the body was found, he also took photos at the mortuary and at the butchers shop where I worked including the fridge, my sisters clothing and photos of the house where I lived, another Police photographed and two further witnesses both architect were called.

In Jersey in all criminal trials the prosecution open the case by addressing the jury on the evidence they intend to call, the defense do not do so until all the prosecution evidence is heard, it was 13 days. After the opening prosecution address before Advocate Valpy was able to address the jury.

In his opening speech the Attorney General said to the Jury “Before I outline the evidence to you I think there is one matter I should say – it is a note of caution in this case. You may have read something about this case or have heard something about it, I know you will put out of your mind anything which may be in your mind up to this moment. Your verdict will be given entirely and solely on the basis of the evidence which you will hear in this Court as from this morning”.

Jersey is a small island some seven by twelve miles its population at the time was seventy one thousand hardly that of an average English town at that time.

There wasn’t a soul in Jersey who over the past six months since the awful event took place hadn’t discussed the case with

26 their pals over a pint of beer or at home with families. All were experts on the case. They all had their own stories, their own versions of what took place. At one time before my arrest I was delivering meat to a customer when she mentioned the murder and said “It’s the brother you know – he did it!? When I mentioned that I was the brother she quickly collected her order and shot off!! They had all long ago made up their minds – he had to be guilty because he’d been charged!!

There was no way they were impartial!! The stories flying around the island at that time confirmed this!

To ensure that Justice was not only done – but seen to be done! Why didn’t my lawyer try to get this case moved or bring in 24 juries from the other island or mainland?, because neither Advocate Valpy or Advocate Fiott wanted too, they didn’t want the case in the first place? And they had already made their minds up I was guilty anyway!!

The prosecution based their case on circumstantial evidence and most damaging were the statements made by the people of Sandybrook “The Witches of Sandybrook”.

It was the prosecutions claim that there was 18 minutes of my afternoon I couldn’t account for? also sawdust found on my sisters clothing was similar to what was being used in the butchers shop where I worked, and a day after my sister went missing I spoke to one of my friends and told him “The police will be coming to see you regarding my movements on Thursday afternoon, you let them know I was with you, which he did confirm. The prosecution claimed I was trying to establish an alibi and the gossip from the Witches of Sandybrook helped the prosecution build its case.

No murder weapon was found, or place where the murder took place. During the trial the prosecution displayed five knives, two of which were from the butchers shop, no knife was

27 identified as the murder weapon, but were similar to what could have been used?

A white shirt of mine had a small blood stain on the collar and on one of the cuffs. My eldest sister found it amongst all the dirty shirts waiting to be washing she put it to one side, was called away, another sister of mine saw the shirt on top of the washing machine and put it to wash with all the others. Small stains could still be seen on the collar and cuff, the shirt was handed to the police for forensic examination, after many tests it could not be determined whether it was animal or human blood. It was used in evidence in court. I never denied that the shirt was mine or there were blood stains on the collar and cuff, I mentioned that the shirt got contaminated when I went to the slaughter house to collect hind-quarter of beef etc, carrying the hind quarters on my shoulder the collar and cuff had come into contact with the meat.

The prosecution claim was that during the eighteen minutes unaccounted for I am supposed to have picked my sister up and taken her to the butchers shop and committed murder, stabbing her 37 times!! And strangled her. Despite extensive forensic testing no trace was found to back up their claim! They tried to say that once this terrible murder had taken place – her body was put in the fridge, sawdust found on the clothing was supposed to prove this. (More about the sawdust later) having supposedly committed this heinous crime I have driven off to the town to continue my betting!!All those people who saw me in the betting shop and knew me had not noticed any difference in my demeanor? Or had they noticed any blood on my clothes? All my clothes taken by the Police for forensic testing all came back clear!

The prosecution played heavily on the fact that the time my sister went missing until about a week later – I slept downstairs and not in my bed. My response was that I was extremely worried and felt staying downstairs would make me available if the police needed me – Just how are you supposed

28 to react to such a horrible situation? Had I gone to bed as normal, just think what the prosecution would have made of that? They would have called me a “Heartless Bastard”.

The prosecution also stated that I had mentioned things to people which meant I had previous knowledge of my little sister’s sexual condition.

The more I studied my trial and I am in possession of the whole of the transcripts from the lower court and including the Royal Court, the more glaring “Fit up” stands out.

Evidence was given in court that on the Sunday morning 12th September I was at the police station waiting to see whether I could go out with the police to help search from my sister. I was called out of the canteen where I was waiting and told by a police officer that my sister’s body had been found.

My response was to say “I will kill the bastard” – a natural reaction by anybody who for the past three days had read the headlines from the local paper. “Fears felt for missing girls Safety” underneath it said mystery of anonymous phone call and it went on to say the police are particularly anxious to interview a person who made an anonymous telephone call to police headquarters at noon today – before publicity had been given to the fact that an intense search was in progress. The police are also anxious to trace the owner of a small dark blue van that was seen in the vicinity of the murder field at about 7am on the Friday morning. They also stated that plaster casts of a footprint found at the scene was taken.

At the scene of earlier assaults footprints were found at the scene, cast were taken. Were they ever compared to the footprint found at the scene or the murder field??

The next nights headlines “Police call for more searches, hopes for Safety dwindle”.

29 With headlines like that what was my reaction supposed to be?? It was also stated by the prosecution that I had told a customer that my sister had been stabbed in the neck, they claimed only her killer knew this. I did tell a customer that I told her that on going to the mortuary to identify my sisters body the sheet covering the body had been pulled down to far below the chin and from where I stood I saw the neck wound.

In giving his evidence Mr Benjamin Stephens, Mortuary Attendant was asked:-

Q Who pulled back the sheet? A Well, there was no need to pull back the sheet, I had pulled it back already. Further questioning continued. Q You agree that the wounds which are shown on the poor face are very high up in the neck, aren’t they? A They are yes. Q It would be difficult wouldn’t it to keep the sheet up there without showing something of the wounds. A Well it could have been because the sheeting was a kind of slipper weave. Q And so you consider that these wounds could have been unfortunately visible to Mrs. Le Louarn and the prisoner. A I should say mostly this side, not on the left side.

The prosecution outlining their case went on to say that the afternoon of the 9th September at about 2.30 Mrs. Daisy Wingrave and her daughter-in-law were sitting outside her café, which is some 30 yards away from the butchers shop where I worked, saw the van

Which I normally drove outside the butchers shop. The Wingraves and Mrs. Williams regularly got together to discussed what each other knew – “The Sandybroook Witches” were in their element!


The Thursday afternoon in question I left home at about 1.40pm to go to the betting shop about one mile away. I placed a bet on the 2pm and the 2.30pm race, the manager saw me in the shop between quarter and twenty past two, asked if I had seen me leave he said yes, I had mentioned to him that the 2.30pm race was on T.V. I was going across the road to the pub to watch it, he saw me go to front door of the pub then got distracted he had work to do. I said in my statement I went into the pub to watch the race but the T.V. was not on, so I went back into the betting shop to listen to the 2.30pm race, my horse came second, my stake 1shilling, each way meant that I had 2 shillings and nine pence to come back, I didn’t pick up my winnings as I knew I would be around the next day or so, the prosecution claims I left my winnings there to form an alibi! As on previous occasions I had waited around till the weigh in to collect as little as 1s 6d. It was also said by the barmaid of the pub who worked part-time and had seen me in the pub in the evenings, claiming that she worked on the day in question from 1pm-5pm and that the T.V. was on and claimed that there were about 6 people in the bar at that time, and some were locals, but she didn’t see me?! I said she was mistaken, if there were these people in the bar like she claims why weren’t they called as prosecution witnesses?

I left the betting shop after the weigh-in walked to my van and drove into town to my next betting shop, went into the shop studied form and placed a bet at 2.53pm which was automatically timed, the clerk who took the bet said he had seen me in the shop 3-4 minutes before I placed my bet. He claimed that I was wearing a white smock! On my afternoon off!!

The prosecution had claimed that on the afternoon in question I was seen at the butchers shop at about 2.30pm by Mrs. Daisy Wingrave who lived at Sandybrook Café which is opposite the

31 butchers shop. She claims she saw me between 2.30pm and 3.00pm on the Thursday afternoon? Because it stuck in her mind that I hadn’t gone to the wedding.

Questioned by the prosecutor

Q What wedding was that? A Mr Le Chanu daughter got married and I said to my daughter-in-law when she came out, I said “Oh Olga look Alan hasn’t gone to the wedding” that is why it was in my mind so much. Various questions were asked. Q Now did you, I am not sure whether you said this, but I will ask you again, did you see Alan Norton get out of his van? A Yes Q What did he then do? A He went into the shop. Q Do you know whether the door was left open after he had gone inside or whether it was closed? A I did not take any particular notice, I was so used to seeing the van there. I did not take particular notice. Q Did you see him again? A No, No I did not. Q Until what time did you remain outside, sitting outside? A Oh, it might have been three or quarter past, might have been half past. Q Did you then going inside? A Yes Q Do you know whether the van was still outside Mr Le Chanu shop at the time you left to go inside the Sanctuary? A Oh yes it was. Q You think it was? A Yes Q Did you see what sort of clothing Alan Norton was wearing at that time? A Something dark, but that is all I could say. Further questions.

32 Q And so I think it follows, from what you said, that you did not see him leave? A No I did not. Q Can you remember Mrs Wingrave and I know it’s sometime ago, can you remember whether you actually saw him get out of the door of the van? Do you have a memory of him getting out of the van? A No “I said to my daughter-in-law, he hasn’t gone to the wedding” and of course the door was open and he went in, and that is all I know. Q When you say “of course” the door was open and he went in, which door are you referring to? A The door of the van, you have to get out of the van, haven’t you? Q Did you see him get out of the van? A Yes, I saw him get out of the van, and he went into the shop. Q I wonder what door it was, I thought it was important to establish it. A Then I could not tell you whether it was the back of the van or the motor part of the van. Q Yes, I see, and you have mentioned your daughter-in-law at the time you made this remark you have mentioned? A Yes, she had just come out with her knitting to sit outside with me. Q Now you have a son – Mr. Ronald Thomas Fredrick Wingrave? A Yes Q Do you know where he was at this time? A He was – at the moment when I came out he went into the lounge and of course the window was opened, it is right past the chair when I sit. Q At the time you made the remark he was there? A In the café I came to sit outside and then he went into the lounge for his bit of a rest, and of course, the window was open just where my chair is.

Cross-examined by Advocate Valpy


Q Mrs. Wingrave you say it was about half past two when you came to sit outside the café? A Quite Further questions. Q Would it have been before half past two – do you think? A No it would be from half past two to three o’clock. Q More likely to have been after half past two than before? A It would not be before, no. Q How long do you think you had been sitting there when, as you say, you saw the blue van arrive? A A matter of minutes, I should think so. Q Well you tell the Jury in your recollection, what it was. A I should think, to myself five to seven minutes. Q Five to seven minutes, so if you came out of the café and sat down not before half past two, you say the van would have arrived, well at about twenty five to three? A Something like that, yes. Q Could it have been twenty to three? A No it was not so late as that, I do not think. Q No could it have ten to three? A No it was anytime from half past two. Q Anytime from half past two? A Half past two to three o’clock. Further questions. Q And you saw when he got out of the van? Did you keep your eye on him? A No, for why? Q I am just asking, you saw him get out of the van? A I saw him get out and I said to my daughter-in-law “Look Olga, Alan hasn’t gone to the wedding” and that is as far as I know. Further questions. Q You did not see him actually go into the shop? A He went into the shop. Q You did not see him go into the shop? A I think I did, he had got a dark suit on, dark cloths, so I must have done.

34 Q Whatever clothing he had on could not answer the question whether he had gone into the shop. A I know it was him. Q I put it clearly to you, you saw him get out of the van, and then you said you had taken your eyes away from him. A Well, naturally. Q I put it to you, you do not actually see him – and this is terribly important – you did not see him go into the shop? A Well I did see ……. I knew it was Alan and he went into the shop and he had got dark clothes on. That is all I know, as regards that I have finished. Q If I understand you, you say you saw him get of the van? A Yes Q And then you took your eyes from him? A That is right Q You inferred he had gone into the shop? A Quite Q You did not see him? A He did go into the shop because we saw the door of it open. I know he went into the shop. Q You saw the door open? A Of the shop Q When A When he got out. Q When he got out of the van the door of the shop was shut? A Well, I did not take particular notice of that, it must have been because he did not come back until about half past two turned and the shop was shut then. Q The shop was shut? A Because of the wedding.

Q Let us try and get this clear. I have got you so far quite clear. You saw the van come, you saw him get out of the van, but what I have not got from you? You are telling the Jury you saw him go into the shop yourself with your own eyes? A I did not see him go into the shop and that is when I said to my daughter “Look there’s Alan.” Q The shop was shut when he arrived?

35 A Yes, it had been shut ever since about one o’clock. Q Did you see him standing at the door of the shop? A No. I saw him get out of the van, the shop door was open and he went in. He got out of the van and the shop door opened. Q Yes not of itself, surely? A He must have had the keys to open the shop. Q You have not said you saw him stand at the door and unlock the door. A I saw him go into the shop. Q You saw him unlock the door and go in? A He must have been unlocking the door. Q Did you see him? A I saw him there and saw him go in. Further questions. Q You remember giving evidence at the Police Court? A Yes Q And signing your deposition? A Yes Q You were asked questions similar to the questions I have asked you, you see as to how long the van had been there on that afternoon. Do you remember? You were asked was it ten minutes, half an hour, an hour or more, and your answer was “Oh longer that I should think it would be nearly towards an hour”. A Yes, I think it would be. Q Is that still your answer. A I should think it would be. Q Now, Mrs. Wingrave, you have said seeing the van there was a daily occurrence, it might have happened dozens of times a day. A Quite Q Was the shop usually open on a Thursday afternoon? A No. In the season they might be working a bit, you know, that extra hour or so, but not as a regular thing it always closes on a Thursday. (Mr Le Chanu) owner of the Butcher’s shop was asked when giving evidence.

36 Q So may I put it this way, did you and Alan normally work on a Thursday afternoon or normally not work on a Thursday? A We used to work until about four o’clock). Continuation of Mrs. Wingraves cross examination…. Q When were you first asked – how did you come to give this information? When were you first asked whether you had seen the prisoner on that afternoon? A Well it was one of the detective’s that come to see me. Q Do you remember when? This was Thursday 9th, how long after that? A I could not tell you. Q Can you remember at all? Could it have been a week? A It may have been. Q Or ten days? A It may have been, I really could not say. Q Or a fortnight? A I could not tell you! Q No, did whoever it was … was it one policeman who came to see you or two? A Two Q Did they remind you this Thursday might help you remember? This Thursday was the Thursday Mr. Le Chanu daughter was getting married? A Quite Q They reminded you of that? A I told them that was what made it so vivid with Alan being in my mind, naturally we thought he would have gone to the wedding, especially being Thursday half day. Q You do not think, do you there is any possibility this might have been another Thursday or another day altogether? A Oh, no definitely not. Q You said you saw him so often, you were used to seeing him? A Quite. Get in and out of the van many times and you can take a lot of notice, but I told you on that particular Thursday we were sitting outside and I was so surprised to see Alan come back to the shop because we naturally thought the half day he would have gone to the wedding, and that is all I know.

37 Q That is all you know, and I do not want to go into this again, but you are quite clear in your mind it could not have been before half past two? A No. It could not have been by my business, it could not have been.

No Further Questions

Why didn’t my defense tear her evidence to pieces? All the witnesses giving their evidence, plus the timed betting slips that I was at the betting shop that afternoon?

The answer lies in a submission made by the prosecution before these witnesses were called – more will be revealed later!

Evidence given by Mrs. Dorothy Olga Wingrave

Q You say Mrs. Wingrave your mother-in-law was sitting outside. A Yes sir Q And where were you at that time? A Sat outside with my mother-in-law. Q You were A Yes Q Now did you – what happened when you were sitting outside? A I had been out there a few moments when my mother-in- law turned to me and said “Oh, Olga, Alan hasn’t gone to the wedding he’s there.” Further questioning. Q Very well, now you have said that you saw the head and shoulders of Alan Norton going into the shop? A Yes, Sir. Q Could you explain a bit more? A He looked as if he was coming from the launderette, sort of walking by the launderette, going into the shop, I saw his head and shoulders above the van.

38 Another series of questions. Q You said just now that it looked as if he had come from the launderette? A Yes Sir. Q Can you say why you say that? A Well, he was sort of, as if he had come from there, walking there to turn into the shop. More questions. Q Now can you say at what time this was, Mrs. Wingrave that you saw this? A Between half-past two and quarter-past three? (Conflicting story to her mother-in-laws?)

Mr. Ronald Thomas Fredrick Wingrave Q Do you remember Thursday September 9th? A Yes, Sir Q Do you remember anything happening that day? A Only the remark my mother and wife were sitting outside the café and I was in the lounge, under the window I heard mother say “Alan’s back at the shop, it’s funny he hasn’t gone to the wedding.” After further questions. Q You have said, I think, that you saw the van, when did you see the van? A Oh when …… usually I go and have a rest from about half past two to quarter to three, so it would have been around three o’clock. (I was 3 miles away in a betting shop, my timed betting slip was 2.53pm and I had been seen in the shop some 3 to 4 minutes earlier!) Further into the questioning. Q When you heard the remark referred to was it your mother’s voice speaking. A Correct Sir Q She was addressing that remark to whom? A To my wife. Q And then did you see your wife go out to join your mother- in-law?

39 A Certainly, course I did. Q How long after you had seen your wife and go out and sit with your mother outside, do you follow me? How long after that did you hear your mother address the remark to your wife? A About fifteen minutes. Q It was not immediately? A No Sir.

Mrs. Doris Winifred Pryor, nee Wingrave Q And you live with Mr. Pryor at D5 Le Court, St Peter A This is correct. Q You are the daughter of Mrs. Daisy Wingrave, the first witness this morning. A Yes Sir. Q Do you sometimes go to see your mother at the Sanctuary Café? A Everyday. Q Now on Thursday the 9th September, do you remember that day? A Yes Sir Q Do you remember any visits you made in the morning of that day? A Yes, one o’clock at lunch-time …. At the café, you mean? Q It is not what I mean. A I went to the Butchers Shop Q And was that to buy some meat? A Yes Sir Q Did you see the accused, Alan Norton, at that time? A Yes Sir, I did. Q Did you have any conversation with him at that time? A Yes I asked him if he was going to Mr Le Chaun daughter’s wedding, and he said “No” Q Now that afternoon where did you go, Mrs. Pryor? A Well, I went down to my mother’s about half past two or quarter to three. Q And how long did you stay? When did you leave?

40 A At about half past four. Q About half past four, and did you sit outside with your mother? A Just for a little while. Q Did you at any time whilst you were there at the café see a van parked outside the butchers shop? A No, I did not. Q And did you at any time, did you notice whether during those times you have mentioned, the shop was open or closed? A It was closed. A About half past three to quarter to four? Q But the latter when you left was? A Half past four

Mr. Edward Clarence Leggette Owner of the launderette next to Chanu Butcher’s shop. In a statement to the police Mr. Leggette claimed that he escorted one of his customers to the Butchers shop on the afternoon of Thursday 9th September, so she could buy some meat. He claims he asked where Mr. Le Chaun was? Everybody around that shopping area knew it was Mr. Le Chaun daughter’s wedding and the shop was closed! He claims I was unable to serve his customer with meat, but I could supply some sausages. The customer who he was positive about – denied going into the butcher’s shop. Questioned asked by Advocate Valpy Q How do you know that she denied knowing anything about it? A The police told me. Further questions. Q And do you remember when you came to give this information I think you must have done to the police? When were you approached by the police? A A month afterwards Q A month after? A Yes

41 Q Was it one police officer or two police officers? A Two or three Q And they came to the shop? A Yes they did. Q Up to the time of these visits had you, attached any importance, had you thought again of these particular Thursday afternoon, and having seen the prisoner in the shop on that afternoon. A When they first came to me I could not remember anything about it, but it gradually came back because of Mr. Le Chanu daughter’s wedding, I would not have remembered it otherwise. Q So you have told the Jury the police approached you a month afterwards and by this time you had lost all independent recollection? A Quite True Q It was when they came and reminded you, as I suggest they did, that it was the day of Mr. Le Chaun daughter’s wedding, that you remembered it! A Yes Q If they had not mentioned that do you think you would have remembered it? A No, possibly not Going through all the transcripts from the Lower Court and my trial hearing, there is not one police report of any interviews with any of the witnesses! Mr. Leggette stated that it was a month later when he was interviewed?, one must assume that all those around Sandybrook Café were interviewed at the same time? The month lapse between the 9th September until they were interviewed allowed them the great opportunity of what they thought happened and what really happened to ferment in their brains! Indeed Mrs Williams who worked in the butchers shop said in her evidence in court that people were ringing up saying “Who could it be isn’t it dreadful!” “How are you feeling?” They used to say “Well you don’t know me, but – and they then used to start. All this was shared with the Wingraves who went into

42 the shop on a daily basis gleaming every scrap of gossip they could get their hands on!! And discussing amongst themselves what happened!! It didn’t matter to them that all their careless talk and theories was slowly closing a noose around an innocent man’s neck!! “The Witches of Sandybrook were in their prime” Mrs. Morehen who worked at Fenns convenient store on the same block as Le Chaun Shop claims I drove up to the shop (Fenns) at between 3.30pm and 4pm on that Thursday afternoon?! Just how many places am I supposed to be in on that Thursday afternoon at that time!!? She claims she remembered because in her words “he got out of the van with a flourish and bowed!!” She claims I brought some cigarettes. My betting slip shows I was over 3 miles away at that time! A Mrs. Stebbing who also worked at Fenns claims she saw me at 4.30pm and a little later. I actually admitted to using Fenns shop at between 5 and 10 past 5 where I purchased bread and fish fingers. Neither woman could recall me buying my fish fingers and bread! These women were also part of the Sandybrook crowd, all sharing and swapping stories – unfortunately their stories didn’t add up! The witches of Sandybrook had got their lines crossed!!! Still it made good gossip – didn’t it!! Such was the desperation of the police to try and get a conviction that they were even going to call my young brother who was 9 at the time! He was actually sitting in Court waiting to be called as a prosecution witness!! Can you imagine what the poor boy had been put through, he must have been terrified!! What a relief it must have been to him when he was told he wasn’t going to be called. Remember in those days there were no video link, he would have had to stand in the box to be questioned. Poor lad!! Given that we have evidence that “considerable pressure” was applied to my two sisters to eventually make a complaint against me. What kind of pressure did my poor little brother go through!? Not only from the police but from his father who desperately wanted me to go down for a crime I hadn’t committed – so that it would take

43 him out of the picture!!! My poor brother must have gone through hell!!! Now we come to the star of the case?

Detective Inspector George Shutler, a man who for the past 5/6 years was running around like a headless chicken trying to catch a perpetrator of a series of serious sexual assaults, who was eventually caught because he drove through a red light right in front of a police car and after a chase was apprehended. A brilliant piece of detective work!!

When the call came through on the Sunday morning that a body had been found in a field at St Lawrence, Detective Inspector Shutler went to the scene, identified the body and waited for the arrival of the doctor, who examined the body.

Now in such a serious case as this one must ask oneself why wasn’t a tent put over the body to await the arrival of Professor Camps. Professor Camps Qualifications were Doctor of Medicine, Member of The Royal College of Physicians, Fellow of the College of Pathology; also held the Diploma in Medical Juris Prudence Of the Apothecays Society of London and the Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene of the University of London Hospital Medical College, and Honorary Consultant to the Army and Ministry of Defense in Forensic Medicine, who was later to arrive in the Island.

One must assume Detective Inspector Shutler a highly qualified policeman who at one stage had taken a First Aid Course decided to put into practice his undoubted skills as a first aider and become a Doctor/Pathologists?! He examined and touched the body? Questioned by the Attorney General Q Can you say in Layman’s language what appeared to you to be the state of the body – in Layman’s language? A Very stiff sir, in other words full vigor? Further questions were asked regarding the hands of the victim.

44 Q And subsequently was the body placed on a polythene sheet? A Yes but not in my presence sir. At this stage of the inquiries we have conflicting stories as to who placed the body on a polythene sheet. Mr. Leslie Ewart Johnson, Chief Officer of the Questioned by Advocate Valpy Q Finally a small point, but did you actually assist to lift the body from the position it was in on to the polythene sheeting? A Yes sir Q Well, who else was assisting? Dr. Cragg? A Yes, I think Dr. Cragg assisted. Q Mr. Davis A And Mr. Casteledine? A Yes, he could well have helped, it was very much a case of lifting the body out with as many hands as might have been there, whether Casteledine Did it I do not know. Q D.C. Roberts did he? A He was not there. Q I am just asking you this, there seems to be some discrepancy between your recollection of who lifted the body and that of Detective Inspector Shutler , who says the body was lifted by Dr. Cragg, Mr. Davies, Mr. Castledine, D.C.Roberts and himself, he does not refer to you. A Well probably not. Q It is just a matter of whether you assisted to lift the body or not? Q I so well recall holding one of the limbs. Q You did assist? A I did indeed, but when it came to turning the body over probably I did not. Detective Constable Robert Questioned by Advocate Valpy Q Now you have said you assisted in the removal of the body from the field? A Yes sir

45 Nobody seems to know what was going on or who was doing what! Even the Chief of Police and Detective Inspector were clueless of what went on? Talk about contamination of evidence!!

Now back to Detective Inspector Shutler A lot of emphasis was placed on vegetation between the fingers of the deceased to which Detective Inspector Shutler gave his “expert opinion” Detective Inspector Shutler at the scene of the crime instructed the dog handler P.C. Stokes who led Detective Inspector Shutler to where he describes “Entrance No 3” where he found lying in the grass, a white purse and a white plastic string bag. Questioned by Attorney General Q Now, did you subsequently see the purse and bag again? A Yes sir Q When was that? A That same evening, Sunday evening, when we were labeling all the exhibits. Q Who handed it to you? A D.C. Roberts Sir Q Did you open the purse? A I did Sir, the zipped pocket I opened the zipped pocket. Further questions Q And who was present when you did that? A D.C. Roberts, W.P.C. de Carteret Sir Q And what did you find inside it? A Keys and a pound note Attorney – General Q Did you see anything else in the purse? A No, I didn’t open the back compartment at all Sir, I just opened the zip pocket. Q What happened to the purse that evening? A It was packed and labeled Sir, and locked in the office for the night. Q Did you subsequently look at the purse again? A No Sir Q Not that day or any other day?

46 A Oh later, Sir, yes, sometime later, Sir, the purse was opened in my presence. Q When was that? A About a week later, Sir, I should say about a week later. Q Where was it opened in your presence? A At Police Headquarters, Sir Q And what did you then see when it was opened? A Blood spots, Sir, on the inner pocket. Further Questions Q Would you please again look at the purse? Yes, it is red on the inside ad white on the out? A Yes Sir Q In that did you find anything else? A I did not Sir, a shopping list was found in the purse, but I didn’t find it? Q At that stage had the purse been to the official analyst? A At that stage No, Sir, it had been retained for finger prints. McLinton treated it for finger prints Sir. Q So far as you are aware, was the purse kept at the Police Headquarters during the week? A Yes Sir Move further on to Detective Constable Roberts, being questioned by the Attorney – General. Q Thank you, now you say that you picked up the purse an bag? A Yes Sir Q And what did you do with it? A I retained them in my possession and later that same day they were taken to Police Headquarters. Q And at Police Headquarters was it retained there? A Yes it was Sir Q Did you look at it or inside it on that day Sunday, September 9th? A No Sir, the purse was not opened that day it was partially examined. Q When did you next see it? A The following morning when it was taken to the analysts Q That being Monday September 13th?

47 A Yes Sir Q Did you personally take it to the analysts? A Yes Q Did you look inside it before you took it? A I did see the contents. Q What was the contents? A There was a pound note, a shopping list and a key ring with keys. This is totally different to what Detective Inspector Shutler has said!! Again nobody knows what’s going on!!! Detective Constable P.C. McLinton was not asked by prosecution or Defense if he had tested the purse for finger prints. It took Detective Inspector Shutler over 2 weeks to inspect all the compartments of the purse?? More brilliant detective work!!! Later that afternoon Detective Inspector Shutler removed the clothes from my sister’s body. Some of her cloths were inside out. All the clothes were put in separate bags Attorney General questioning Detective Inspector Shutler Q And were the bags with the separate garments in their labeled? A They were Sir that evening. Q You have mentioned that you took some vegetation from the left hand. Would you please look at Exhibit 14? A Yes Sir Q Does that appear to the similar? A It appears to be like what I took out of the hand, but then it was quite fresh. This is very dry. What I took from the hand was clover and grass. Q What happened to the bags in which you placed these garments and the vegetation? A The following morning, Sir, the Monday I took them to the States Analysts, and I was accompanied by Detective Constable Roberts. They were handed into the custody of the States Analysts. What really happened to the bags of clothing taken from my sister’s body on that awful Sunday afternoon?

48 We know that they were taken to the States Analysts on the Monday morning, Detective Inspector Shutler put the bags into his car and took then home with him that Sunday night?!! How do I know this? – From a member of the police team involved in assisting Detective Inspector Shulter investigating my sister’s death, he informed me that all my sisters clothing was laid on Detective Inspector Shutler’s kitchen table!!!! He was showing other members of his team the state the clothing was in from the attack!! Can it get any worse!!!! This evidence from the time it arrived at the mortuary was contaminated time and time again! Exactly like the Honorary Police did in investigating the scene of the sex attacks! More brilliant police work!!! On being inspected by the States Analysts it was found that every article of my sisters clothing was contaminated with sawdust? Below is a list of sawdust found on the clothing. Headband – unidentifiable sawdust Sock L/R – Ponderosa or Radiata Pine, unidentifiable sawdust Knickers – Unidentifiable sawdust Jeans – Spruce, Scots pine, ponderosa Or Radiata pine Outer Jumper – Spruce and Scots Pine Under Jumper – Scots Pine, unidentifiable sawdust Sawdust used in Mortuary, Scots Pine, Prana pine and Utile and unidentifiable sawdust. Sawdust from Butchers shop floor, Scots Pine. Refrigerator Butchers Shop: Scots Pine, Prana Pine, red Cedar, Utile are chestnut. All articles of my sisters clothing had some type of sawdust found in the mortuary. 3 articles of my sisters clothing had sawdust similar to what was being used in the Butchers shop and the refrigerator. It was claimed by the Prosecution that my sister was murdered in the Butchers shop, and it was muted that after being murdered her body was put in the fridge.

49 In actual fact a question asked by the Trial Judge to Professor Camps about being heavy contamination of blood from the deceased clothes getting on to the killers clothing asked: Bailiff: Is a refrigerated body likely to drip blood?

So where did the sawdust come from? From Detective Inspector Shutler’s House? Or from the real scene where my sisters body was kept!!! Even to this day nearly 50 years on that scene remains as it was on that fateful day!


Alan and Mother


Joy Elizabeth Norton 1954-1965

Tuula Hoeoek murdered December 1966 in Jersey


Me leaving Prison

My First Home


Have trike will travel

Forgotten not anymore


The house 48 years later

Outside the back of the House


What I miss most, the beach where I grew up

Job well done?!


Commended Cell


Living Quarters



Now we come to the anonymous phone calls, two in question. The police received two anonymous phone calls, the first one on the Friday morning before the police had announced that a major search was going to take place, they appealed for the caller to come forward. This call was traced to a phone box by the Broad Street Post Office the post office from where I sent a telegram to my eldest sister in England. This call was not recorded but the police gave evidence in court that it took place at about the time I was in the vicinity, I have always admitted to being at the post office at midday the time the police claim the call was made. Let us go back to the lower court for evidence to be heard. 23rd November 1965. Police Sergeant Sydney James Pipon. Judy Newell: Yes Sergeant Sir, on Friday the 10th September at 11.35am, I was alone on duty in the Information Room at Police Headquarters. At that time I was making a trunk call to the Guernsey Police when the 999 phone rang. I picked it up with my right hand and a male voice said very quickly “The body of the girl Norton is at St Martin” Q Was the call traced to a telephone kiosk in Broad Street? A The call was traced to a telephone kiosk in Broad Street, but our men were unsuccessful in finding who made the call. Now move forward to my trial in March 1966. Police Sergeant Sydney James Pipon Examined by Attorney General Q You are Police Sergeant James Pipon? A Yes Q Were you on duty at Police Headquarters on September 10th 1965. A I was, yes, Sir Q And did you receive during that period a 999 call? A I received a 999 call at 11.55am Q Will you please look at Documentary Exhibit No 20

59 A This is the record I made of the call Q Would you just read it? A From anonymous caller, made 999 call, 11.55am on the 10th of the 9th 1965 received by myself, “The body of the girl Norton is at St Martins” Sergeant Pipon has changed his original time of receiving the all from 11.35am to 11.55am? Miss Patricia Wallser employed on duty Friday 10th September. Q Do you remember on that morning a particular call being made to you? A I received a 999 call Q You received a 999 call is that right? A Yes Sir Q And the buzzer sounded? A Yes Sir Q And I understand you did not at that time look at the clock? A No Q Did you listen to the call? A I monitored the call, yes Q What do you remember that you heard? A A male voice said “Go to the Fontaine, you’ll find the girl’s body there” The number given by the caller was traced to a call box in Broad Street. Q Can you say anything else about the voice at all? A It was a young male person between the ages of, I would have said, between twenty and thirty. Mrs Patricia Mary Oliver Supervisor at The Telephone Exchange, Minden Place Questioned by the Attorney General Q And on Friday 10th September, were you on duty in the Central exchange during the morning? A I was, yes Q When the call came through did you yourself plug in to listen to it? A Yes I did, I heard part of it, at the beginning of the call I wasn’t there straight away. Q Did Mrs. Wallser take the call?

60 A She actually took the call, yes Q What did you hear when you plugged in? A It was either, “Where you’ll find a girl’s body, or you’ll find girls body there, I am sorry I can’t remember which one it was. Questioned further by the Attorney General Q What was the date and time on that? A The 10th of the 9th, 1965, 11-54. It was made from the box 20285, and I wrote down what Miss Wallser said she heard because I didn’t hear all of what the person had said and I wrote, sort of asking her “Go to La Fontaine Hotel where you’ll find a girl’s body there.” Three people – three totally different versions of the phone call they had received!! Now back to the lower court Detective Constable Vincent Sylvanus Giannoi, the finish of his deposition. Questioned by the Magistrate. Q Anything else you can add? A That is all my evidence, Sir, Sir I can add that I was the first officer at the telephone box on the Friday, arriving there about 2 minutes past 12. There was another person in the telephone box who has been eliminated from the inquiry, Sir. Detective Constable Giannoi was not called to give evidence at my trial. Now let’s go back to Jersey’s top cop Detective Inspector George Shutler – giving evidence during my trial, called back to answer further questions regarding the anonymous phone call on Friday September 10th of which Detective Inspector Shutler had not mentioned during the lower court hearing in November 1965. Examined by the Attorney General Q Inspector Shutler were you on duty at police headquarters on the morning of Friday September 10th? A Yes, Sir Q As a result of a 999 call which was received at police headquarters on that morning, did you go to the Broad Street telephone box? A Yes, Sir Q At what time was that?

61 A I arrived at Broad Street shortly before 12 o’clock, sir, at about a minute before 12. Questioned by Advocate Valpy Q You were there within what, four minutes of the call being received. A Yes Q Were you the first officer to arrive at the box? A Yes, Sir Q Was there anybody in the box when you arrived? A Yes there was somebody just coming out of the box, a male. Q A male A Yes and he was cleared, Sir Q What did you do? Was the instrument removed for finger printing? A It was Q And the coin box? A Not the coin box Q Was the door examined for finger prints? A No Q Just the receiver itself? A The receiver itself and the ledge on top of the coin box, Sir Q Thank you Two different versions of who arrived first at the phone box!! Obviously Jersey’s top cop Detective Inspector George Shutler can’t be lying? Can he??? Why did Sergeant Pipon change his time about receiving the phone call! Were all the time’s collated together because at that time in question I was in the vicinity? Had the original time stated by Sergeant Pipon at the lower court been kept – I was nowhere near the vicinity!

The second anonymous phone was made on the Friday 10th at 7.25pm this call came for a ceased line, it was taped. A tape recording was produced in court, the amazing thing is this call was made on Friday 10th September 1965 taped and not given to my Defense team until Friday 18th March 1966. Four days before it was used in court as evidence!! Because it had been

62 kept away from my defense team there was no time for Advocate Valpy to have recorded the same message and have both tapes examined by experts. What did Advocate Valpy Say about this! Advocate Valpy – Sir, there is no criticism intended here, it was only at the close of proceeding on Friday that I knew in fact that the voice had been recorded and it was played back to me, but I agree certainly that is should be played back to the Jury!! The policeman who took the call wrote at the time _ “This call was made in a foreign voice, possibly disguised – The caller had said “In fields Les Fontaine St Martin girls body.” Both women who were on duty at the telephone exchange that night stated that the voice was disguised – one said it sounded “muffled” but one judged it to be a male voice of between the age of twenty and thirty, the other one who said it was “muffled and disguised” said it sounded like a young voice! Had I been a fifty year old man charged with murder, I wonder what age they would have said the caller was? Played in court it was not my voice More about the tape recording later.


The evidence presented to the Court in Jersey would never have been sanctioned by the Crown Prosecution Service in England, but this wasn’t England – this was Jersey!! – In an absolute turmoil unable to catch the Beast of Jersey they distorted the evidence, the Prosecution and the Defense worked hand in hand to secure a conviction! It didn’t matter that it was an innocent man they were prepared to hang – somebody had to do down!! A complete Travesty of Justice, a unanimous decision by the 24 men of the Jury! - Guilty – Hang Him!!! Once he’s dead he won’t be able to fight his case! How they wished they’d have carried out their original sentence and boy did they try!!!

I believe to this day the Judge failed in his duty to ensure I received a fair trial he colluded with the Prosecution Frank Eraut and Advocate Sowden also included was my defense lawyers, Advocate Valpy and Advocate Fiott – the gang of 5!!

I base my conclusion on the fact of what took place in the Royal court on Tuesday 15th March 1966, which was a submission put before the Judge by the Prosecution to allow certain evidence to be put before the Jury. This evidence claimed the Prosecution was the reason why my sister was murdered. The evidence in question was given by Dr Scott Warren, and two pathologists Dr Camps and Dr. Cragg they will go to say that after examining the body at the mortuary Dr Scott-Warren will say in his evidence he saw the anus of the child had been grossly dilated and he will say that that, in his opinion, the dilation was caused by a male penis or by some article, and there were signs of a scar tissue around the anus which was not recent, that is to say not within the past few months and that in his opinion interference of the anus by penetration could have occurred repeatedly after the initial penetration had taken place, and he will say, that what he saw was not a natural malformation.

64 Both Dr Camps and Dr Gregg were of the same opinion.

The submission took a long time to hear, arguments from both sides. The Prosecution claiming that this evidence should be heard because that was the reason why my sister was murdered! (cast your mind back to the night of the party, when Joy ran upstairs hysterical and was followed by her sister and my wife) What awful secrets were shared that night??!!

The defense argued that those offence took place when the accused man was not living in the house, he was married and living with his wife and son, either at his mother-in-laws house or the little cottage he rented, and to include this evidence would be grossly prejudicial to the accused. The Judge retired for the day saying he would give his judgment in the morning.


Bailiff – It is the unanimous opinion of the Court that the evidence which is sought by the Prosecution to address is relevant and is therefore prima facia admissible. In my opinion the evidence is not unfair to the accused and therefore should be admitted.

With those words the trial Judge signed my Death Warrant!!! The Prosecution had pulled off a master stroke and Valpy had allowed them.

Advocate Valpy and Advocate Fiott were already in possession of a statement made by my eldest sister against her father and the other sister involved Robert her eldest brother – they received these on the 4th March 1966 – six days before my trial started. One can ask why didn’t my Defense Counsels counter act the abuse against my little sister by producing these statements in court at that time. – They didn’t want to!! Remember that Advocate Valpy didn’t want the case in the first place and I am

65 convinced that both Valpy and Fiott colluded with the Attorney General Frank Eraut and Advocate Sowden his assistant to get a conviction at any cost! The Prosecution wanted to bring in the statements made by two of my sisters alleging inappropriate behavior took place against them by me. But Advocate Valpy successfully argued against it! Why?

Remember the statements from my sisters made to the police? – was as Advocate Valpy put it – Considerable pressure had been put on the two sisters by the police to obtain these statements – this is what Valpy said “I think I must call it “Pressure” because they went back they had these long statements in Praseology which from my knowledge they are quiet incapable off.”

Remember from an earlier Chapter regarding my eldest sister complaint against her father? This is what Valpy had to say “Now is it right that all this will have to come before the Jury? How is it going to help them consider the evidence which the Crown has sought to forge – as linking the prisoner to the death of his sister!

These allegations should have been heard at the same time as the evidence of Sodomy against my little sister was heard – not at a later date! To allow the evidence of Sodomy against my little sister to be heard without the Jury knowing about the allegation against the Father and eldest Brother was criminal! Indeed Valpy went on to say “Now when the photographs showing the condition of the anus were put into the Jury, I watched the Jury, and almost to a man they directed their horrified gaze removed from the pictures straight to the prisoner – well, it was obvious just what they were thinking, “He had done that!”, he is responsible! And if he had done that he has committed murder. But the dreadful thing is that there is no evidence that he had done.

The Judge is not allowing the evidence of my eldest sister against her father and the complaints by my sisters against

66 their elder brother was a dreadful Travesty of Justice! As a qualified lawyer the trial Judge would have known that had both these submissions been made together the case against me would have collapsed! And they didn’t want that!! So that is why he didn’t allow the second submissions by the Prosecution to be put to the Jury, because he couldn’t face the possibility of a Not Guilty Verdict!! He should have called a mistrial

It is no surprise to me that many years later whilst over in Jersey on accumulated visits, I had written to my trial Judge and he came to visit me. His hands shook, he was fidgety and nervous – not surprising is it!!! He was facing an innocent man – who he had sentenced to Death!! – The past had come back to haunt him! Now we go to evidence given by Detective Constable K.A Le Gros In his statement Detective Constable Le Gros explained that he went to the house on 10th September (Friday) arriving at approximately 1.30 he took a statement from me regarding Joy’s movements on the previous day.

Earlier submissions had been made by the Prosecution and the Defense and certain parts of the statement were not to be included in Dec Con Le Gros evidence. At the end of Dec Con Le Gros giving his evidence Advocate Valpy said “I have no further questions.” Bailiff Mr. Foreman, I take it this note comes from a member of your Jury? Foreman: Yes Sir Bailiff: I don’t understand its importance Foreman “Well the two statements are not the same? Bailiff: Well now, to which two are you making reference? Foreman: On page 3 of the statement I was given, you will see a blank space at the top, and on page 3 of the other statement there is not a blank space. Bailiff: They are two different statements. Foreman: I beg your pardon, Sir, I hadn’t seen that statement of my copy, and could I once again look at them?

67 Bailiff: The statements are numbered, are they not, in the top right hand corner? Foreman: Perhaps I am confusing you, Sir, the page of that particular statement, Page 3 of each of those statements. Bailiff: Tell me which numbered statement you’re referring to and look at the top right hand corner of the page and see a number on it, the front page? Foreman: Number 4 as far as I can see. Bailiff: Yes, well, I have a number 4 Foreman: The third page of that statement? Bailiff: Yes Foreman: In my copy there’s a section at the top which is blank, and the statement starts “I am surprises” Bailiff: These are the continuation of 1 and 2 Foreman: Surely in the other statement that I offered you, Sir, there is some writing where the blank space is on my copy? Bailiff: Now would you give a copy to the Attorney General, Its perfectly in order. Foreman: There are two copies that I handed over to you and both of them are turned over at the top right hand corner. Bailiff: Well, I have both those in my hand. Foreman: Are they identical? Bailiff: Yes, Mr. Attorney, there’s been an error in compiling the statements, you will see if I pass it to both of you that the Foreman is quiet right, there is a page, an additional page in that copy.

Further discussion took place. Attorney General: I must apologies, Sir, for the error. Bailiff: Yes, I’m sorry, do you wish to re-exam, Mr. Attorney? Attorney General: No, Sir. What a complete and utter farce! The Juries have had copies which they shouldn’t of had! The Foreman had the right copy! How do they fix this?? – Give the Foreman the same copy the Jury had and all is well?!! During the examination of the evidence of Det Con Le Gros by the Attorney General. Regarding my sister’s bedroom. Q What was the condition of the room?

68 A The room was a complete shambles, Sir Q What do you mean by complete shambles? A In my opinion it looked as if it had been completely ransacked, chest of drawers against one wall, one drawer had been completely pulled out and placed on the bed, all the other drawers had been pulled out, not right out of the chest of drawers, but opened and everything in the drawers scattered, the bed, a bed was unmade, also one of the wardrobes was open there was a heap of clothes on the bottom, on the floor, and one or two things hanging up! And the room was in a general disorder! Now move on to the Advocate Valpy re-examining Dec Con Le Gros. Q Children books and letters, so that it comes to this, that you described this room as a shambles because one drawer of the chest of drawers had been removed and was on the bed, is that so? A No Sir, it isn’t, I don’t think you could appreciate the room, Sir, unless you actually saw it. Q Now just a moment, it’s not a question of what I would appreciate, I’m putting some questions which I thought were fairly simple to you so you can give certain answers to the Jury. I asked you to describe how the room was furnished. A Yes, Sir What was Valpy playing at? Trying his utmost to make Det Con Le Gros look like he was exaggerating his evidence? Was this where my sister was murdered? All 3 beds were neatly made when she left with her Aunty to go to the airport? Her bed was a mess when Det Con Le Gros examined the room? What was the killer looking for? – Her diary? It has never been found. Did the police thoroughly examine the bedroom? No!! They had very early in the case made their minds up as to what happened – instead of looking at the broader picture.

They would have realised that something terrible had happened to my sister in her bedroom and her body had been moved somewhere else?!! The similarities between my sisters murder and the unsolved sex crimes which had taken place over the

69 past 6 years or so terrified the Police so much so that they completely ignored the state of my sisters bedroom and instead vigorously pursued a different course – a wrong one!!! My sister was murdered in her bedroom and her body moved to a place which still exists today!!

Evidence was given by Professor Camps as to what type of knife was used in the murder of my sister. Professor Camps had carried out tests on various knives and concluded that the murder weapon could have been a butcher’s knife, tests had shown that this type of knife had left similar cuts as to what was found on my sister’s body. All the knives were taken from the butchers shop where I worked none were identified as the murder weapon. There was a W mark on two my sisters fingers – tests were concluded and they were able to reproduce this mark with the edge of a saw blade – what Professor Camps called a hacksaw, but in fact it isn’t a hack saw because it got coarser teeth? He said you could find this type of blade in a butchers shop. All the saws were taken away for testing and none could be identified as the weapon which caused the marks. Now let’s get back to Jersey’s No 1 Cop Detective Inspector Shutler. During the cross examination. Q Did you subsequently go to Mr. Le Chanu shop? A Yes, Sir Q Did you take anything from there? A I took possession of two meat saws, Sir Q Was the blade complete with the handle or one or the other? A On two occasions I went to Le Chanu Shop, Sir, first when a single saw blade was take possession of, which was termed “A spare saw blade” Q Did you take possession of that saw blade yourself? A No, Sir, D. C. Roberts, and then later on the 15th October I went back to the shop and I took possession of two saws in their frames, and then I obtained two new saw blades they were replaced in the frames and returned to Le Chanu Shop.

70 Q Where were the two blades in the shop when you took them?

A They were being used when I took them, they were in use. (This took place 36 days after my sister had gone missing!!) He also took 7 samples from the back of the butchers van. Q You took? A 7 samples? Q What were the samples, please? A Stains, Sir, which turned out to be animal Q Apart from that, did you take anything else? A On another occasion Sir, I examined the van and I took possession of 2 pairs of shoes. Questioned by Advocate Valpy Q When did you first examine the van, Le Chanu Van? A On the 17th September He also made a second examination of the van on the 26th September. All items taken from the van had no human blood on them it was all animal blood found. Further Questioning Q Now, on Wednesday 9th of February of this year, did you go to the forensic laboratory, Liverpool Street, London? A Yes, Sir Q And were you carrying with you Exhibit 15, a white shirt? A Yes, Sir Q Well, these exhibits were taken for further blood tests? A Yes Q And the results were negative, is that correct? A Yes Q And you have so recorded? A Yes Q Did you take with you the outer garment of the deceased? A Yes Q Can that be produced? That is the yellow jumper? A That is the outer garment Q Would you explain to the Jury why you took it for what purpose it was taken to the Forensic Laboratory? A On the front of the garment here, in this region there –

71 Q Just above the left breast was it? A That’s right Sir, What one would look at was what appeared to be a stamp, and I went to try and clear that matter up. Q Marking were observed there which you and other police officers thought they could interpret as being possibly a stamp of some kind? A Yes Sir Q For instance, a meat stamp? A Yes Q It was also thought possible wasn’t it that the body had been in contact with a carcass of meat and the stamp on the meat had come off on the garment? A It was a stamp of some kind Q And is it fact that this garment and the mark have been closely examined at the Forensic Laboratory on at least two occasions? A Yes Q The result now, is it correct that it is thought that those marks were simply marks that were stamped on the outer garment when the body was lying in the brambles? A That is the belief of some persons Q There is no evidence whatsoever, as a result of these tests, to support those marks as having come from a stamp or dye on a meat carcass? A No, Sir

Here we have Detective Inspector Shutler, a self-qualified pathologist! And now a Forensic Scientist! Actually disagreeing with Scotland Yard Forensic Laboratory!!! What a talented man!!! Actually Detective Inspector Shutler from the time of my arrest was working flat out to try and pin the unsolved sexual attacks on me! He was determined to clear the books at any costs!!!! Even if it made him the most detested policeman amongst his colleagues! – He didn’t give a damn!!!!!


A Mr. Brindle gave evidence that he was doing some carpentry work and tiling the floor of the butchers shop. He had cleared the floor at the back of the shop ready for tiling on Sunday morning. When he arrived next morning he noticed sawdust on the cleaned floor outside the fridge door.

I admitted to having gone back to the butchers shop on the Saturday evening. I had already called into Mr. Brindle’s house to collect the keys of the shop, which were loaned out to him so he could get into the shop on the Sunday morning. On using the keys I would leave them in the glove compartment of his car in his garage.

Driving down to the shop on the Saturday night as I got to the top of the small hill leading to the shop, I coasted down the hill lights and engine off. A car which had been travelling behind me, the drive later gave evidence in Court and it was made out that I was up to something sinister! Actually it was quite a usual practice for my boss and myself arriving to work early mornings to coast down the hill lights off, engine off so our vehicles would not wake up the people who lived in the café next to the Butchers shop. I collected my books to get the orders ready for Monday. Early Sunday morning I went back to the shop to get some stewing beef from my father who had discharged himself from hospital he wanted beef stew for lunch. I openly admitted that I had been in the fridge and hence the sawdust on the floor. The Prosecution had insinuated that my sister’s body had been in the fridge. My boss and the other assistant had been in and out of the fridge all the time, and saw nothing suspicious? The Prosecution insinuated that the reason why I went to the butchers shop on Saturday night – was to remove my sister’s body!!

73 The Prosecution were unable to say how long my sister’s body had been in the field before it was found on the Sunday morning? Did they really think I had gone to get a body out of the fridge! The gossip mongers thought so!!!! The Jury well they had already made their minds up? I was guilty! The pathologist evidence had convinced them!! At the Lower Court during the hearing W.P.C De Cartret she was asked Q On the 12th of September, a Sunday, did you go to Le Bordage? A Yes, I did Sir Q Is that the home of the prisoner? A That’s right, Sir Q Who was there when you arrived? A In the afternoon, Sir, there was Mr. Alan Norton, Mrs Sonia Norton. Q By Mr. Alan Norton do you mean the prisoner? A Yes, Sir, Mrs. June Sorda and Mark Norton Q When you first went there did you tell them that Joy Norton’s body had been found? A Yes, Sir, I di Q Was the prisoner there at the time? A Yes, he was, Sir Q What did he say about that? A He didn’t reply, Sir his father, Mr. William Norton, made a remark Q What was that? A He asked me whereabouts the body had been found and the cause of death. Q Now, going back to Le Bordage at 11.45 in the morning, did you have any other conversation with the prisoner? A What day was that Sir? Q The 12th of September. Was there any conversation about where the body had been found? Q I told Mr William Norton, his father, that the body had been found in the vicinity of St Lawrence Church, but that I did not know the cause of death. Further questions

74 Q On the Monday, the 13th of September A I don’t recall, Sir Q To ask about a blue van? A I went to the family to establish whether they knew of anybody with a blue van? Q When was that? A That was in the afternoon, Sir Further questions Q Refresh your memory A Yes, Sir, at 2.10pm on Monday the 13th Q What happened then? A I went to the Le Bordage to ascertain if the family knew of anyone with a blue van or with a Scotch accent. The police were very anxious to trace the owner of a small dark blue van that was seen in the vicinity of the murder field at about 7 o’clock on Friday morning. Ted Paisnel The Beast of Jersey – had a blue van- more about this later. “What a very old thing to ask” My father when told his daughter’s body had been found asked “Whereabouts the body had been found and the cause of death” In view of the allegations made against him by his eldest daughter? Which were never pursued – What was he trying to find out? Did he know more than what he let on???

When it came for me to give evidence I readily agreed during the Prosecution questions to me he made a great play on the evidence given by The Witches of Sandybrook their evidence was contrary to what mine was – it didn’t matter that betting slips put me 3 miles away at the time The Witches of Sandybrook said they saw me – they couldn’t agree amongst themselves!!! Yet they were believed and I was classed as a ‘liar” All the Attorney General kept saying was “So Norton all these people are mistaken – are they? My reply – yes Sir.

I was asked if I had made the anonymous phone calls to the police – I replied no I hadn’t. I was also questioned as to why I had told a pal of mine on the Friday morning whilst helping him push his broken down truck,

75 that the police would be coming to see him and ask if we were together on the previous afternoon? Which we were, we were in the betting shop together – the Prosecution claim that I was trying to build an alibi!!! It didn’t matter to the Jury the pathologist’s evidence had sealed my fate! Which the Prosecution questioned me about, I had denied any wrong doing against my little sister, but nobody listened! After I had finished giving my evidence and the last of the defense witnesses were called, the Court adjourned. The Bailiff opened up his summing up speech on the 25th March at 10.00am his speech lasted just over two hours finishing at 12.15pm

On the Judge’s decision he said to the Jury “Mr. Foreman I think it is likely that you might like to go back to your hotel for lunch?! It didn’t matter that a man’s life was at stake!! It must be made sure that the Jury are all properly fed!! Was the Bailiff aware that had he sent the Jury out then to discuss their verdict – it would have been all over in 51 minutes?!! It certainly wouldn’t look good would it?

It has since been pointed out to me that every night after the trial had finished, the Jury would return back to their hotel for an evening meal accompanied by a police officer and over a large brandy they would discuss the days hearing, Police Officer and all!!! Justice Jersey Style!! After having a good lunch, going to their rooms, collecting their belongings – they had no intention of having a long discussion – or returning for the night – after all they wanted to go home!! They arrived back at the Court for 2 o’clock to begin their deliberation at precisely 2.51 they filed back into the Court. A trial with over 100 witnesses had taken them 51 minutes to decide my fate!!


After deliberating long and hard for 51 minutes the Jury had reach their verdict! They all filed into Court led by the Foreman of the Jury. Bailiff: Mr. Foreman are you agreed upon your verdict? Foreman of the Jury: Guilty Sir (It was an unanimous decision!) Attorney General: Sir, the law of this Island is that the offence of murder is punishable by one penalty only and that is the Sentence of Death. I therefore move, Sir, accordingly. Bailiff: The prisoner will stand. Alan William Norton, the Sentence of the Court upon you is that you will be taken to Her Majesty’s Prison and thence to a place of execution and there suffer death according to law. May the Lord be with you? Remove the prisoner “Jersey at that time had still retained the Death Penalty” The Nightmare Had Begun!!!

My brain was in a turmoil, I remember being taken out of court, and tears started flooding out of me by now! I was handcuffed to two policeman, coat thrown over my head, and I was rushed to a waiting car which had been parked at the back of the Court. Whilst a decoy van had been parked at the front of the Court – where all the crowd was waiting - baying for blood!!! The car sped off taking me to prison, on the way to the prison the coat moved and I was able through tear filled eyes to glimpse one of the streets of St Helier bathed in beautiful sunshine (It would be 48 years later when I was able to stand on that street again!!) The police car arrived at the prison named Newgate Street Prison. I was bundled into the prison reception area, still sobbing!!! To be handed over to the prison staff – I would like to say that from the moment of my arrest 6 months earlier right up to my final day in Jersey Prison I was treated with the utmost respect and humanity by all the staff, they were a credit to their profession, this treatment was continued throughout a my sentence when I kept going back to

77 Jersey for accumulated visits. I am very proud to say that returning back to Jersey last year I had a couple of good outings with a retired Prison Officer who has remained friends with me since we first met many years ago.

Taken from reception I was taken to an old house in the grounds of the prison, conveniently situated next to C Wing where the Death Cell was! – On the ground floor – above my head was the trap door! Where the body would fall through! The death cell on the first floor was unlike the other cell! Which were rough walls – this was plastered smooth to make sure the condemned man didn’t try to hurt himself!!

I was a wreck!!! My brain was hurting, I was in such a state!! I never stopped crying for well over 48 hours!!! Throughout my 50 days under the sentence of Death I had 2 Prison Officers with me 24 hours a day!! Never out of their sight! Even going to the toilet or having a bath someone stood over me!! Watching me!!

With no sleep – hadn’t eaten anything – completely distraught – I somehow got through to the Sunday morning when my Solicitors Advocate Valpy and Advocate Fiott came and saw me. Advocate Fiott who I have been in contact with in the past 12 months claims he can’t remember visiting me?! Whilst I was in the death cell, he claims it was over 47 years ago and he couldn’t remember?!!! Very convenient when you realize the evil stroke they pulled on me!!! On that Sunday morning.

As soon as I saw Advocate Valpy I said that I was innocent and wanted to appeal – Valpy response? You’re Guilty!!! You’re the bugger that done it!! He said he wanted to be finished with the case – He wouldn’t have handled the appeal – that would have been done by outside Barristers – I kept saying I wanted to appeal – but they wanted none of it! Advocate Valpy said sign this letter to say that you have finished with his services and he could go! – I signed! The Chief Prison Officer told that once my sentence had been commuted to life imprisonment I would

78 be transferred to a mainland prison where I would be have all the facilities made available to me to appeal – I was later to find out once I had petitioned the Home Offices to be granted leave to appeal out of time that the letter I had signed whilst under the Sentence of Death – not only said I wanted to be finished with Advocate Valpy services – but this is the evil part – and it is no wonder Advocate Fiott claims he can’t remember seeing me in the death cell, but the bottom line of the letter went on to say – “I do not wish to appeal!!!!!” and I had signed it!!! Jersey wanted me dead!! I have since found out that although the Death Sentence was not carried out in England at that time – It was still in Jersey.

The Jersey Authorities pleaded with the Home Secretary to allow them to hang me!! Their pleas were forcibly rejected by the Home Secretary – much to Jersey’s disgust!! They were answerable to the Queen so they had to do what they were told. Did it not cause concern with anybody that from day’s I had protested my innocence? Yet within two days of being sentenced to death – I sign that kind of letter!?? Obviously NOT!

The next 48 days under the Sentence of Death were horrible!! Oh sure I was allowed a pint of beer a day and whatever I wanted to eat- food from the breakfast porridge to the evening meal – tasted awful!! I guess eating cardboard would have tasted more appetizing!!! Whilst still under the Sentence of Death I was visited by 3 doctors, they weighed me – checked my mental state – and generally checked to make sure you are fit to hang! They all agreed that I was fit to hang! They tried to offer me a way out? If I was to tell them that I had a blackout and couldn’t remember what I had done, they would recommend to the Home Secretary that I should be reprieved – I refused! - I knew I hadn’t done the crime – there was no way I was going to lie – to save my neck! – They pressurized me but I refused to budge. So they left me with the words ringing in my ears “Right we’ll tell the Home Secretary that you are fit to hang!”

79 Just what would have happened if I had taken up the doctor’s offer? I’d still be in Broadmoor today!! A complete cabbage! Brain destroyed by all the drugs they would have shoved down my throat?! – trying to induce me to have a blackout!

Prison in the 60’s wasn’t like it is today – it’s not punishment anymore it’s just containment!

When my sentence was committed to life, I was told by a Prison Officer that life was really 21 years, the average time served was 7 years – he reckoned I’d do about 14 years.

Coming from the death cell to the normal prison routine was an eye opener – you have no association, 1 hr exercise day – weather permit, 6 library books a week, a bible, no radio, no tv – hot water in the morning was nil! – So I used my cup of tea to shave with. I didn’t like milk anyway – you had to shave every day, fold your blanket up – army style! no kipping on your bed during the day!! – Work 2 hours in the morning – 2 hours in the afternoon then bang up till next morning! At 6 o’clock at night an officer would come around and give you 3 civy fags and 1 fag paper plus 3 red matches – at 7 o’clock he would come around to collect 1 dog end – made from the 3 cig butts and 3 used matches. Red matches used to light by striking them on the wall or floor, if you were crafty enough – you would split a match, keep a bit of baccy and I shouldn’t say this – but the Bible came in handy! – The paper it was printed on made good roll ups!!!!

About July 1966 I was transferred to Winchester Prison after going through reception I was taken to a cell in B Wing, the officer opened the cell door said “Get in there! And spend the rest of you F…… life in there!!! – Then he slammed the door on me!! Welcome to the British Prison System! It can only get worse – and believe me it did!! I had been offered Rule 43 which was segregation from the main prison – but I refused! I would take my chance!! Mixing with the rest of the prisoners.

80 There was a saying in the 60’s “Do a bad crime – have a bad time!” and child killers were singled out for a bad time!! My first night in Winchester Prison on being unlocked at 7.30 that night – for slop out. Buckets or pots were in use those days, earlier I had been to the prison canteen, brought baccy papers and matches when I slopped out on returning to my cell – my baccy paper and matches were gone. The door was slammed shut – it was pointless telling the screws that I’d been robbed – they’d have just laughed – there was a horrible smell in my cell – somebody had emptied their slops in my bed!! – They weren’t wasting anytime in having a go at me!! From then on I had to have eyes in the back of my head! I struggled through the next few months, just about keeping my head above water, in December of that year I was transferred to Wormwood Scrubs Prison, London. I had only been in C wing a matter of hours before I was targeted!! News travels from one prison to another in record time. After spending one week in C Wing, I was transferred to D wing, the long term wing of the prison, what a scary time that was! Man’s inhumanity to man knows no bounds. My life became hell!!

I had been in D wing about a month when I read about the au pair murder in Jersey, like my case there had been an anonymous phone to the police, this caller had told the police as to “what type of bloke to look for” the police claimed it was made by a drunk – yet no man was ever charged with making that call? Was it taped? I wrote to the police and asked if it had been taped? And if so could it be played with the one from my case to see it was made by the same voice? The answer I got back from the police was it was not practical? Why? – were they scared that both anonymous phone calls were the work of the same person!!

Earlier on in the book I had mentioned that Jersey had appointed a new Chief of Police in 1966. The man a former Scotland Yard

81 Detective Superintendent Jim Axon, who earlier had helped the Jersey police in their hunt for the sex attacker who had terrorized the Island for many years! Called out to investigate the au pair murder scene along with Detective George Shutler they quickly realized the seriousness of the situation? They knew there was a link between the murder and my sisters murder, so what did Superintendent Axon do? – You won’t believe this, he must have taken a leaf out of the Honorary Police manual! He ordered the Fire Brigade to wash down the scene!! Later claiming that he thought it was a hit and run accident!!

Washing down the scene then destroyed a footprint which had been left at the scene! (When my sisters body was found a plaster cast of a foot print left at the scene was taken/) no wonder why they washed the murder scene down! – They didn’t want them to match!! Footprints and anonymous phone calls like in my case!!

What I didn’t know at the time and I only found out in 1972, after the Beast of Jersey (Edward Paisnel) had been caught and sentenced to 30 years imprisonment and his wife wrote a book, was that in September 1966 – 6 months after my conviction the police received an anonymous letter, they had received numerous anonymous letters over the period of the sex attacks, they had kept all these letters!, the letter received in 1966 was as follows:

Dear Sir, I think that it is just the time to tell you that you are just wasting your time, you will never be able to catch me, as every time I have done wat I always intended to do and remember it will not stop at this, but I will be fair to you and give a chance. I have never had much out of this life but I intend to get everything I can now. *You have already a man in prison for life but do not know what for* I have always wanted to do the perfect crime. I have done this, but this time let the moon shine very brite in September

82 because this time it must be perfect, not one but two. I am not a maniac by a long shot but I like to play with you people. You will hear from me before September and I will give you all the clues. Just to see if you can catch me. Yours very sincerely Wait and See *This was me!!*

The anonymous letters received over the years by the police were checked against the letter received in 1966 – there was a match? With the one received in 1960.”I see your offering a reward for me, the main in the duffle coat”.

The Prosecutor wouldn’t prosecute Paisnel for the attack in which the woman described her attacker as wearing a “duffle coat” even though the woman identified Paisnel in Court as the attacker!!

At the time of the murder of the au pair girl the police were apparently desperately desired to trace a blue car or van in which the unfortunate girl was assaulted and battered to death before her body was left in the field. Every owner of a blue car or van on the Island was interviewed and every blue van carefully checked. Every blue vehicle except one that is Ted (Pasinel). It was Ted Paisnel habit to purchase his vans second hand from the Jersey Milk Marketing Board and his van was listed in the records as brown. Paisnel however painted it so that it matched everything else he owned – Blue!!!!

Following his arrest the police tried to find the van but unfortunately it had been cut up for scrap! He had in fact left the van lying in a field after he had stopped using it?!

It is well known that the police including Jersey’s Super Cop Detective Inspector George Shutler was 99% certain Paisnel was responsible for the murder of the au pair girl, which still remains unsolved today!

83 If they were that sure, why didn’t they check his farm? They already had him in their sights. Surely they knew he owned a blue van?! More brilliant police work!!! Later in the book I will let you know about Paisnel and my sister! My time in D wing Wormwood Scrubs Prison over the next few years was subjected to what one would call “Prison Justice” because of my case I was classed as the “lowest of the low!!” and a fair game for doses of Prison Justice!

It all caught up with me to such an extent I decided that was it! – I couldn’t take any more!! That night I would end it all- once and for all. I decided to take my own life – death surely had to be better than what I was going through?! Unfortunately or fortunately whichever way you looked at it – “I didn’t have the bottle” to end it all. I had to sort this out one way or another! As soon as we were unlocked at 7am I made my way to a lower landing and barged into a cell of one of the two instigators of the treatment I was getting! To say he was surprised to see me was an understatement! I put my cards firmly on the table!!! – The next time I am subject to any form of Prison Justice – I would come down to his cell – and take him out!! I left him with a clear picture of what I meant! I then went to his right arm man and told him the same!! From then on I was left alone!! The Prison system in those days you had to earn your association time – by time served – you did the first 18 months behind the door then had 2 nights a week association – after you served 7 years you had association 7 days a week! You had to have served 3 years before you were allowed a radio and without a radio license – No Radio!!! Today you walk through reception with your radio under your arm – punishment in my day’s was loss of radio for a week or longer and your baccy!!


On Saturday 10th July 1971 two police officers patrolling around town were going through a set of lights when a Morris 1100 shot across their path and nearly collided with then, they set off in pursuit – blue lights flashing on the car roof still not stopping the police activated the Klaxon and continued the car chase, the Morris eventually crashed and the driver fled on foot across some fields only to be brought crashing down by a rugby tackle, and that is how Edward Paisnel – later to be known as The Beast of Jersey was caught! Nothing to do with Detective Inspector Shutler, brilliant police work!!

A few months later Paisnel was convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison. His wife Joan Paisnel wrote a book about The Beast of Jersey and in her book was a copy of the original anonymous letter received by the police in September 1966. Identifying it in court as her husband’s writing I petitioned the Home Office as I had done many times over the years, asking for an inquiry into my case and Pasisnel’s case, nothing never happened!! I believe all my petitions were being sent to Jersey and were being dealt with by the Attorney General – the main Prosecutor in my case! Frank Eraut who in 1975 became Bailiff of Jersey, later to be knighted?!! – He held that position for 10 years? So whenever my case was coming up for consideration for parole all the parole documents went before Sir Frank?!! Is it any wonder I never got out!!

In 1972 I was shipped out of Wormwood Scrubs Prison and went to Kingston Prison in Portsmouth, a prison solely for lifers. I was the 26th prisoner to go there, they were building a big work shop and as I had taken a plumber’s course these skills were needed there. The real reason why I was shipped out of Wormwood Scrubs was that Edward Paisnel was being shipped into the Scrubs – he would spend all his time as he did throughout all his sentence o Rule 43 – On Protection from all the Prisoners! No Prison Justice for him!!


By the time I had got to Kingston Prison I had served 6 years for the next 24 years I was moved around British prison units finally arriving at Leyhill Open Prison. During my “tour” of British Prison’s I spent some time in Dartmoor Prison where I took and passed a City & Guilds Catering Course, which proved very benefit to me. I was heavily into Power Lifting for a long time and working in prison kitchens help me maintain a good balance diet! Well you can’t lift heavy weights on an empty stomach! After my weight lifting days, I got involved in running, when I was transferred to Kingston Prison for a second time – I was to stay there for 7 years this time – I would run every day at the weekend Saturday and Sunday afternoons. I would do a 10 mile run around the football pitch!, 30 laps going one way – 30 laps turned around and run the opposite way in boots!! It’s no wonder why my knees are shot away now! They also had a drama group and we regularly put on different plays – the cons took the male parts, female parts were played by ladies from outside – I enjoyed myself – I didn’t set the world alight? Although someone who shall remain nameless got the “hump” with the drama group and burnt the stage down! – That was the end of my acting career! I had a very good job at Kingston Prison I was the Governors orderly. My job was I worked in the main admin block looking after the Governor, staff and visitors – mind you when I was at Maidstone Prison I worked in the Prison canteen shop – where all the baccy, sweets and toiletries were sold to the inmates, I was known as a “blue band” – each morning I would collect a blue bland from the Security Office – it had to be worn on the arm, and I was able to go to any workshop and collect 10 inmates and take them to the canteen to spend their wages, how many times I used to call into the shop’s collect certain people for canteen – only to take them to the swimming pool to enjoy the next hour out of the shop! Hats off to Pete Timms, Governor of Maidstone Prison – he knew how to run a prison!! The first Govenor I worked for at Kingston Prison was Miss Muriel Allen, Miss Allen was brilliant! She looked upon everyone who was in her prison as her boys.

86 I really enjoyed working for Miss Allen she was very passionate about her job. When Miss Allen left her position was taken by Roy Merricks a gruff speaking man with a beard, who tried to put on a hard face but in fact was as soft as soap!! Sorry about that Mr. Merricks but this book is all about The Truth!!!

During my period at Kingston Prison one of the wings was being emptied for refurbishment – a Home Officer Official, Mr. John Duval – who was later to become Governor of Kingston Prison after I had left, Mr. Duval Came to interview those prisoners who were going to be moved, I put down to see him purely to put my case to him, on knocking and entering his office he looked up at me and said “before we start Mr. Norton let me tell you this – if anything comes on my desk at the Home Office concerning you – I shove it to one side! – your a hot potato!!! Enough said!! From my time at Maidstone I had a firm of Solicitors trying to help me get my release date, the solicitors Birmberg & Co were brilliant, at first I had a lovely lady, Kate Akester who fought so hard for me, then later on my case was taken over by Helen Jones who is absolutely brilliant – I still on occasion’s contact Helen, our friendship is still strong today. Thanks to all Helen’s hard work the Home Secretary had agreed that I was to be interviewed by a top doctor with experience in this field. This came about after I had received another 5 year parole knock back! The doctor in question was Dr Cooper who was in charge of the hospital wing, Psychiatric Section, at Parkhurst Prison. Through the prison grapevine news came to me that a few months earlier Dr Cooper had gone missing for over 24 hours, he was later found naked running around the woods by the prison staff? – A couple of shots of valium and he was back on duty again!! I passed the news on to Helen Jones who challenged the Home Office who quickly removed Dr Cooper from my case and appointed another doctor in his place.

The doctors whose name I can’t remember at his moment worked at Knowle Hospital, Wickham dealing with all types of

87 patients. He came to interview me – every question he asked me he wrote down and my answer – he was extremely thorough, it was a very tough interview. Some three weeks later he returned and asked me the same questions again! My answers were the same as I had previously told him. He couldn’t believe it! I hadn’t lied so I had no problems answering the questions. His report was instrumental in me being transferred to an open prison. Whilst at Kingston Prison and before seeing the doctor the prison were doing a program with other lifers given them a truth Drug Test. I quickly volunteered and after a few weeks I went and saw the doctor who was running the program and asked him if I was on his list – he informed me I was – I asked him when will it be? – He wasn’t sure but he asked me why I wanted to know? I told him that I had discussed this test with a member of the Probation Services at the Prison and asked if she would like to sit in on the test, she was only too pleased to do so. I thought it would be a good idea to have an independent person sit in on the test, who could tell me afterwards what was said. I was called up a few days later and told that I wouldn’t be having the test! The reason? – I had been in prison to long!! In other words with an independent person present – they would not be able to fit me up!!! The interview with the doctor from Knowle Hospital resulted in me being given a 12 month period in open prison when my case would go up before the Parole Board again.

During my time at Kingston I had got pally with a fellow lifer who like me maintained his innocence and like me would be prepared to spend the rest of his life inside rather than admit to something he hadn’t done! On getting my latest Parole refused another 5 year knock-back, I showed it to my pal and we both cursed the Home Office for the injustice of it all.

After lunch I went to work and unbeknown to me at that time my “Pal” Colin, during his lunch break – had a flash back!! And he now remembered committing his crime!! I was angry when

88 I heard this? Angry at Colin for tormenting the poor victim’s family for the distress he had put his family through!! He’d seen my latest parole knock – back and decided to stop lying!! To me deserved to be put back into maximum security prison – and start his life sentence again – forget the time he’d done! It didn’t count!! I believe he had a 15 year Tariff – he’d done about 12 years. That is why every time I protested my innocence – I was not believed? If you listened to all the cons in prison 80% of them were fitted up or were innocent!! Especially those charged with sexual crimes. My arrival at Leyhill Open Prison was an eye opener, for the past 28 years I had been locked up behind the wall and now I had open Prison freedom. A couple of roll checks a day then get on with life.

After 6 weeks at Leyhill I started working out at weekends, I worked in a garden centre just outside Bristol. I really enjoyed working with everyone the owner, his wife’s family, and the manageress all made me feel welcome. They were a great help to me, within 3 months I was working out sometimes as many as 7 days a week. I started getting home leave, some very good friends of mine who I had met whilst at Kingston Prison invited me to stay at their place for the leave period. This was great because I had planned to come to Portsmouth to settle once I had been released. It was whilst on one of my home leave, my case had gone back up to the Parole Board, I phoned Helen Jones my solicitor, asking if she had any news on the my parole? Helen told me that when I got back to Leyhill on the Friday – the following Monday the “Phycho” at Leyhill was going to tell me that I had to go on the Sex Offenders Programme which he was running at the Prison – if I didn’t agree then I would be put back behind the wall – back into the maximum security!! I was devastated!! My whole life was in a turmoil!

I had tasted Freedom there was no way I was going back to maximum Security! On the Friday instead of getting off the train at Bristol Temple Meade and meeting my friend going out

89 to lunch, and having a tour of the countryside, I stayed on the train and went on to Cardiff, then further on and over to Ireland! My friend waiting for me outside the station thought I’d missed my normal train and would be arriving an hour late! Returning an hour later and seeing no sign of me – she realized something was wrong and went home and waited to hear from me! That Friday evening I went over to Ireland and stayed in a boarding house for a week. During that week I contacted a friend of mine who lived in the North of England and plans were made for me to come back to England where I would meet up with my pal and I’d go over to France to start a new life!! I sat for hours wrestling with the problem and I knew – throughout all my time inside I’d never run – I wasn’t going to start now!!! Making my way back to Bristol Temple Meade, I phoned Leyhill up they sent a van to pick me up and took me to Horfield Prison, Bristol – back behind the wall!! Helen Jones came and visited me in Horfield, she felt really bad about telling me what Leyhill had planned for me. I’m glad Helen told me, actually I would have been very upset if she hadn’t told me. By doing what I did was my protest to the Home Office that I was being treated unfairly again!! I was also visited by my Probation Officer from Portsmouth. Eileen who unfortunately was being moved on and she would be leaving me, I was very sad to see Eileen go she had treated me with such respect, she like my new Probation Officer were a credit to their Profession. My new Probation Officer Richard Marshall was brilliant he was with me for 10 years, once I was eventually released. We kept good friends even after my Probation period finished and I was deeply saddened when Richard suddenly passed away, I’d lost a good friend. Both Richard and Eileen both had qualities sadly lacking to-day – common sense!!

I was to remain in Horfield for 6 months before the Home Secretary made a decision, and on the recommendation of the Parole Board the Home Secretary granted me my release date!

I went back to Leyhill Open Prison for my final 6 weeks.


I left Leyhill Prison for Wormwood Scrubs hostel, a house outside the Prison where I was to spend the next 6 months working out in London doing whatever came my way.

Signing on for an agency reporting at 6 every morning we would all stay around and wait to see what work became available, whatever job was shouted out first – I volunteered. No matter what it was! I need the money – from dustman to forklift driving, porter anything coming along – I would do it! Some weekends I would go with another lad from the hostel, his friend owned a car business, and for £2.50 per hour we would wash cars. I did a lot of work for a catering firm, who organized functions all over London, many nights not finishing till 2.00am we would be given a taxi to take us home, if I shared a taxi I would get the driver to drop me off at the flats in White City, walk towards the flats as soon as the taxi disappeared I would come back out of the flats and walk to the hostel! Other times when I was alone when asked by the taxi driver “Where to mate” I’d reply Wormwood Scrubs Prison pal – they would look at me as if I was daft! We’d eventually get to the prison its well after 2.00am the driver would watch in amazement as I strode up to the gates, rattle the chain, and the night watchman would unlock the gate and let me in!! I’d lost count of how many times I finished up at the wrong end of London! After 32 years inside – I had a lot of learning to do!! It was scary but great fun! My period in the hostel was a great learning curve for me. Learning about finances, banking and how to talk to people without mentioning prison or prisoners and trying to get to grips with the London Underground.

I left the hostel on December 19th 1996, and spent my first Christmas out with my very good friends – the first Christmas as a free man in 32 years. You know what – Father Christmas does exist!!


At the start of the New Year Jan 1997 I made my way to Portsmouth where I rented a bed sit, cold and dirty, worse than the prison cells I’d been in!! The first thing I did on arriving in my digs was to go out and buy a hot water bottle!!! Even sleeping with a tracksuit on – it was freezing!! I was scratching around for work half a day here and there, when I met a Prison Officer who I had known from my time at Kingston Prison, he told me that the Hilton Hotel at Farlington were looking for a Night Porter. After eventually finding the Hotel I applied and got the job, on being interviewed for the job I told them all the details of my past and how long I’d served, my Probation Officer also wrote to them about me – I got the job!! I was in full-time employment for the first time in 30 odd years. It was abit awkward when fellow workers started asking me questions about where I’d worked before? Was I married? Any Family? I told them I’d been working in Bristol for a few years, well I didn’t lie, I just didn’t tell them where I was living (Leyhill Prison!) I also mentioned that I’d worked in London for the past 6 months but didn’t like it. That is why I had come down to Portsmouth! After being in Portsmouth for about 3 months Richard my Probation Officer told me he had got me a place in a hostel – would I be interested, I agreed to go an look at the place, on meeting the manageresses, Charlene and Jackie who are still very best of friends with me, we still occasionally lunch together, I agreed to move in. I spent the next 12 months living in the Hostel – one of the few in there who worked permanently! I worked at the Hilton for 6 years, I enjoyed my time these and made many good friends. After my period living in the Hostel, I was allocated a Council flat, a single bedroom council flat, I stayed in that flat for 9 years before doing a mutual swap with my elderly neighbor who lived upstairs, he had recently lost his wife and was struggling to climb the stairs! I know how he felt!! My knees keep asking me if I did the right thing!

92 Because of the length of time I served my relationship with my son was very patchy, I saw him very early on in my sentence before being divorced, we met again when I was over in Jersey for accumulated visits, and managed to keep in touch by phone and letters. Whilst at the Hostel my Probation Officer had made arrangements with the Social Services of the area where my son lived with his wife and children for me to go and visit them at their home. I was over the moon – the only restriction there was going to be was that the Social Worker was going to be present with us – I had absolutely no problems with the arrangement. A couple of weeks before the date to visit my son and his family the Social who was handling the case was moved on. A new Social Worker was appointed and in her wisdom decided that before I could visit my son, daughter-in- law and grandchildren I would have to undergo a course on the Sex Offenders Program!! Something I had refused to do throughout my prison sentence! I had been released by the Home Secretary from Prison without the need to go on these programs – and I certainly wasn’t going to bow down to a “jumped up” Social Worker!! The visits never materialized up to today I have never seen my grandchildren or great grandchildren! A lot of that is my fault, since being released from Prison I constantly worked long hours, earning money to build myself a home! Even when my case went public (result of a Polygraph test) we have not met!

Whilst working at the Hilton, I became friendly with the breakfast waitress, who in the evenings worked at the Naval Base as a part-time evening waitress, during one of our conversations she mentioned to me she had put my name forward for the vacant hall porter job.

I was invited to go for an interview which went well, the Manager at that time Mr Morris, a real gentleman, who offered me the job, I had told him about my past. I filled in all the Security Forms and sent details with a cover note from my Probation Officer and waited for the Security clearance. About 6 weeks later my security clearance came through, I resigned

93 my night porters job immediately! My new position was 4 days on, 4 days off, 4 nights on, 4 off – 12 hour shifts. I was on opposite shifts to an “old sea dog” Old Peter, we became really firm friends he was like a dad to me! Poor old Pete suffered from very sever deafness that was till you whispered quietly “Would you like a rum Pete?” he could hear those magic words through closed doors! We had a brilliant work arrangement – whenever I was on nights I would be in at 3 o’clock in the afternoon instead of 8 at night, Pete would shoot off up the town for a couple of pints, come back to the Naval Base for his dinner, then go down the bar till 10 at night! When Pete was on nights, my phone would ring at 2.30pm in the afternoon – loud voice would boom out – “Put the kettle on I’m just getting the bus!” These arrangements worked brilliant until a new system was put in place, we had to check in and out using our fingerprints! We kept these arrangements going for a long time, I would come in at 3, Pete would do his usual thing – go down the town, come back and have his evening meal and then go to the bar til 10 at night, the times I had to go down the bar to get Pete to come and clock out! The Company weren’t too happy about paying you to stand at the bar and drink!!

Poor old Pete who lived on his own, had a fall and broke his arm, he was so well liked at the Naval Base, they made him stay “On Board” meaning they gave him a “Cabin” Room and he lived on the base. It was noticed one night Pete wasn’t first in the queue for the bar, going to his cabin, Pete had unfortunately suffered a heart attack and had passed away.

The day of his funeral which was held at the Naval Base Chapel, when the hearse drove through the base all the civies and Naval Base Personnel stood to attention in respect to an old comrade. Today a few of us still meet at Peter’s grave to pay our respects, the sight of old men standing alongside Pete’s grave with tears in their eyes. Not may I add for sorrow!! Raise a glass and down a tot of rum all saying Peter!! How could you drink this stuff – all coughing and spluttering!!

94 Then off to the base to carry on paying our respect. Pete had a large collection of fancy waistcoats – 35 in all I believe, they were auctioned off raising a thousand pounds for the local children charity.

On leaving the Hilton and working at the Naval Base I found I had time on my hands, so I applied to do voluntary work, I went and worked at the local hospital for the League of Friends who run a coffee shop, I had eight good years there and I really enjoyed my time making a lot of new friends on the way, even though I no longer for the League of Friends at least a couple of times a week I pop in for a coffee and chat with my friends who still work there and three lovely ladies who have become a great support and great friends of mine.

I had never given up hope of trying to get Justice for my little sister and the poor au pair girl both brutally murdered, but with working all hours trying to build a life for myself I never got the time to do much.

In early 2009 Helen Jones my Solicitor sent my case papers to a colleague of hers who worked up in Wales, her colleague Mr. Glyn Maddock, had recently successfully traced evidence which after undergoing D.N.A Testing cleared a man who had served 25 years of a life sentence. She asked Glyn to look into my case, contact with Glyn was made and I travelled up to Wales to meet him and discuss my case, plans were drawn up to approach Jersey requesting information as to what exhibits were available from my case to enable us to proceed with D.N.A Testing.

Contact between Mr. Maddock and Detective Inspector Alison Fossey was made she went on to say “I can confirm that the force is currently undergoing a scoping exercise and if you would like to contact myself towards the end of September I should be in a better position to update you.

95 Further emails, phone calls and letters from Mr. Maddock resulted in us being told….. Following a full enquire by the police, a report was submitted to the Law Office Department in late 2010.

A further contact from Mr. William Little on 24th November 2010, went on to say…. I hope to conclude by review bay 17th December 2010.

A letter from a Mr. William Little civilian Investigator a Former Police Detective from Strathclyde I have forwarded a detailed report to Mr. John Edmonds, Director of Criminal Division Law Office Department, States of Jersey, St Helier. Mr. Edmonds will now be responsible for the release of any information in relation to this case.

Further letters from Mr. Maddock on the 4th February 2011 and 21st November 2011 was sent to the appropriate departments. It was 6th December 2011 before they replied saying… The position, in Brief is that few of the exhibits still exist. None of the agencies to which samples were sent for forensic analysis still retain any of the samples, we still have the Prosecution file and some, if not all, of the statement all on that file including some of the forensic reports.

Who made this decision to destroy all the evidence?!! Especially as I had always maintained my innocence of the crime? Where is the paperwork to authorize the destruction?!

The Metropolitan Police archives are currently held at Empress Building, Lillie Road, London. David Campus, Records Manager had been contacted and confirmed that a file was held there into the Death of Joy Norton. This file has been examined and whilst it appears to hold copies of documents currently retained by State of Jersey Police. There is a document dated 29th July 1996 and signed by D.C.I. Hunt, Metropolitan Police, which confirms that all forensic samples examined by the laboratory had been destroyed!!!


Isn’t it an amazing coincident that one month after being released from Prison to go on a hostel scheme June 1996, a month later July 1996 all forensic samples had been destroyed!!

Who gave D.C.I. Hunt written authority to destroy all the forensic samples?!! Where is the paperwork ordering this to take place?? The Jersey Authorities knew even when I was released, that I would have more facilities at my disposal to fight to clear my name!! Was it the Bailiff at the time? Sir Phillip Bailhache? Who ordered their destruction??!! Or the Attorney General Michael Birt?


After Glyn had informed me that because of the missing evidence there wasn’t a lot we could do without D.N.A. we were stuck? I pondered my next move, then an article caught my eye, a man serving a life sentence for the murder of his wife continually denied committing the crime, he was persuaded by his girlfriend that the best way to prove his innocence was to go and take a polygraph test – known as a lie detector test, he agreed and failed the test, he subsequently admitted the crime, and when the body could be found, his web site closed down and he is now serving out his life sentence.

I made inquiries and eventually found out the name of the company who organized the test. It was called Nadac group. I phoned them up and explained my situation. I paid the fee and booked an appointment to have the test in London on Wednesday 25th July 2012. I felt good on the journey going up to London, it was a beautiful hot summers day, finally I knew I was going to be given a chance to tell the truth and I would be listened to! I had absolutely no idea how the Polygraph Test worked, I’d seen it on American films. Reams of paper spewing out of a big machine, with zig-zag scrawled all over the paper!! Arriving at my destination going to the reception I was pointed in the direction of where to go, on making my way to the room a voice behind me said “Are you going for a Polygraph tests,” I turned to see a smartly dressed man pulling his case on wheels behind him, “Yes” I replied, “Your lucky” he said, “I wish I could wear my shorts instead of this suit on a day like this!”

On entering the room the man introduced himself he was Mr Don Cargil NADAC’s Managing Director, he was also a member of the British and European Polygraph Association (BEPA) and the World Association of Professional Investigators (W.A.P.I)

98 Don Cargill is also British and European Polygraph Association current Chairman. Whilst setting the equipment up – which didn’t need a big machine or reams of paper, NADAC used the very latest computerized system and the most up to date software Polygraph scoring system. The equipment used was the Lafayette Lx4000 which is the preferred choice of most professional Polygraph examiners in the World.

The American Polygraph Association has conducted more than 250 studies into the accuracy levels of a Polygraph Test. Their research concludes that the accuracy of computerized Polygraph is in the range of 95-98%

I felt at ease, I knew from day one I had always been telling the truth. I consented to the Polygraph examination and its questions and I signed a consent form, and provided proof of my identity. Given numerous rehearsals, I clearly understood every question asked to me before the actual test itself.

Relevant Questions

The subject was administered two (2) Polygraph examinations consisting of a series of Polygraph charts in which relevant, comparison and control questions were used.

The questions asked on the two test were:

Question 1: Were you the one that killed your sister Joy Norton .....No

Question 2: Were you involved in anyway whatsoever in killing your sister Joy Norton? …..No

99 Question 3: Are you withholding any information back about the murder of your sister Joy Norton that would prevent the murderer being discovered? …..No

Question 4: Did you ever sexually abuse your sister Joy Norton? …..No

The Polygraph charts were scored using the very latest computerized software, as well as being manually checked by the examiner.

Opinion and Conclusions

Based on the test and during the examination and interview, it is this examiners opinion that ALAN NORTON should be classified as showing:

NO DECEPTION INDICATED in relation to the questions numbered 1,2,3,4 listed above.

Respectfully submitted Don Cargill APA BPA NAOAC Senior Examiner Chairman of the British and European Polygraph Association. Member of the American Polygraph Association

Don Cargill on giving me the results of the examination held his hand out and said “Let me shake the hand of an innocent man!!” What a great feeling that was! For the first time in over 46 years somebody had listened, modern technology had proved me right!

One sad note was that Richard Marshall who had been my Probation Officer for the first 10 years of my freedom, and had always supported me in my right to clear my name, was no

100 longer with us, he had suddenly passed away a year previously, Richard would have been overjoyed with the result.

Don Cargill phoned his friend, Tom Hendry, who quickly got to work trying to get my story in the papers. Each time it was due to appear something would come up and my story was put to one side. My story eventually got the publicity I’d been after, I did radio and T.V. The biggest impact was in Jersey!! When the story broke in Jersey, the Jersey K.G.B. went into action! The Attorney-General said there could be no D.N.A testing as there was no Forensic evidence left? That had been destroyed one month after being released from prison to go to the Hostel in London!, and they had no plans to open my case, but lo and behold what did the Jersey K.G.B do! The very next night they announced on the local paper that they were to “Reopen the unsolved murder case of the 20 year old au pair Tuula Hoeoek

This move was designed to take people’s mind off my case!! I would like to know how they intended to investigate this unsolved murder – when like my case the D.N.A. and over 800 statements from the Tuula Hoeoek case had been destroyed! How do I know this? I have supporters in high places who keep me informed! This cynical move by the K.G.B. in Jersey has only caused Tuula’s family more anguish and heartache – especially as it is widely believed by the Authorities in Jersey that Edward Paisnel (The killer of my sister is also responsible for Tuula’s murder!!)

Last year I spent nearly 4 months in Jersey researching and interviewing people, Joy’s school friend; and her best friend, I’ve obviously upset a lot of people because after asking certain questions; to certain people – which made them very uncomfortable – they had ceased to communicate with me! Silent! Why? The truth hurts, doesn’t it? That is what this book is about – THE TRUTH!!

101 It is obvious that the Authorities in Power at this present time are terrified and are hiding some terrible secrets of former Politicians and powerful people in Jersey in the involvement in the ongoing inquiry into the abuse of children at Haute De La Garenne children’s Home, my little sister Joy being one of the victims? She would be picked up by a man with a white collar (Priest?) supposedly taken for treats but was in fact sexually abused! A few years ago a top Politician in Jersey, known as the “Father of Jersey” name was mentioned only for it to be very quickly removed from the scene! Why? If he had done nothing wrong why not stand up and prove it!?

Paisnel was known at the Norton house, he and my father used to work together. Paisnel did the renovations, my father did the decorating, and they had knew each other since early 1960!?

Whilst over Jersey last year I visited my sister June, during a conversation at her house and on learning that a book was going to be written about Joy’s murder, she suddenly said “You won’t make Dad look bad will you?” What a strange thing to say? Although looking back at it now I see why June said that, - go back to the night of the party at Le Bordage, when little Joy suddenly went hysterical and ran upstairs, June quickly went up followed by my ex-wife Sonia,

I found them all crying. Why? Joy had told them that her father was responsible for her sexual condition! And that he had been abusing her regularly!! She was told not to say anything, because nobody would believe her!? She would be called a liar!? I can now understand why Joy hung around me on that Thursday lunch time – she couldn’t quite pluck up the courage to tell me what was going on!? Poor Kid!! Before my visit to Jersey on one of our many conversations June and I had on the phone and I had mentioned that Paisnel had killed Joy.

102 June said “There were several times when she and Joy used to play in the park on the swings, she openly told me that Paisnel used to stand in the bushes watching them play! And when they left to go home he would follow slowly behind in his van!! In June’s words she thougt “Paisnel was weird!!” Did June ever tell the police about Paisnel’s behaviour? I doubt it? That’s why he carried on for a further 6 years!! June has ceased phoning, writing or sending birthday/Christmas cards to me. She is not the only one with secrets to hide??? As stated in a previous chapter, my eldest sister Marianne had made complaints to the police about her father – instead of going back the following day to sign her statement, Marianne left the island!! – leaving a little 10 year old girl in the clutches of her evil father!! Marianne is very conspicuous with her silence! If June, Marianne, Sonia and Tina want to go to their grave carrying their secret then that is their choice! There is a full blown inquiry going on at the moment looking into the abuse of children, clear your conscience now!!! Give your evidence to the Committee, failing to do so will mean that you have all let Joy down!! Again!! You will have to face your secrets in Death, only by facing your Guilty Secrets will ensure that your soul will rest in peace!!

I do not believe that Ted Paisnel’s wife Joan had no idea what was going on? I also believe that not only Joan Paisnel but the neighbors around his home knew what was going on and they all turned a blind eye!!

Whilst over in Jersey last year word came back to me that I would be left alone by the Authorities, I applied and got my Housing Qualification’s during my period in Jersey, I was able to find and visit my little sister’s grave, it had been completely neglected, we transformed it to let it be known she was not forgotten, we also found and visited the field where her body was found, I felt a great comfort after visiting both these places. I also stood outside the house (48 years later) where my sister was murdered, and where I had grown up. A very strange feeling!!


Back in England in September I was invited to do an interview with the B.B.C. in Jersey. I travelled over on the day boat Thursday 26th, stayed overnight with a friend, had the interview on the Friday morning, left Jersey that night arriving back in the U.K. on the Saturday morning.

I knew things had changed as soon as I started to leave the boat, waiting for me at the Customs were two policemen, never before had I been stopped. Was it because the B.B.C. were doing a program on my case? The Jersey Authorities had been warned that the B.B.C. were going to do an interview. Both policemen came over as “cocky little shits!!” I think they’d been watching too much of the Sweeney! If they thought they were intimidating they couldn’t have been more wrong! After trying to find out what I was doing in the Island – I told them it was to see my lawyer and further questions and searching I was told to go! I did the TV program on the Friday morning. On the following Monday I tried to find out from the B.B.C. when the program was to be aired. Eventually I received word from a supporter of mine that the program was not going to be shown?!! The Jersey K.G.B. had stepped in and banned it from being shown!! This smacks of Russia in the 60’s” So much for Jersey’s Freedom of Speech or Human Rights!! At this stage I would like to thank my supporter a States Member, whose help has been invaluable to my cause. When the truth eventually comes out I will personally shake him by the hand and express my gratitude to him. I was also informed to keep out of Jersey as I was now a marked man!!

What I don’t understand is why those people in Jersey who are holding “Top Jobs” are hell bent in stopping the truth from coming out!? Who are they protecting? Why? Most of these power crazy people were only youngsters when all this took place! Even my lawyers appointed by legal aid are struggling to get the answer to the questions they ask. Why?

104 The Island of Jersey has a lot of questions to answer. The people in Power today are destroying a lovely Island. Greed and Power is behind it all!! I don’t suppose many people in Jersey are aware that there are nearly 30 police officers suspended from duty pending further inquiries? Some had been suspended for nearly 5 years on full pay!! Tax payer’s money well spent!!

Also that the Authorities in Jersey are paying as much as £60,000 to victims of alleged sexual abuse – for them to keep quiet!! Who are they protecting??

If the readers find this book hard hitting then that is what I set out to achieve. After 48 years the authorities are denying the right to a fair and proper hearing, people who should know better have become corrupted through Power and Greed! They have made themselves untouchable or they would like to think so!

My heart goes out to Tuula Hoeoek’s family – they’ve never had closure, each time the evil Powers in Jersey keep opening up the case it must feel like another dagger to the heart!! Once they have read this book it will make them realize just how much they have been lied to!

My crusade is to bring Justice to both Joy and Tuula, let them both rest in peace by letting the truth be known.

The Polygraph test only reinforced what I already knew – and that is I am innocent. I only wished that this Polygraph Test was available earlier in my sentence. The Home Secretary had a golden opportunity of bringing the British Justice system up to the 21st Century, D.N.A. has improved detection, the Polygraph test should be law, and anyone on suspicion of committing a serious crime should by law be made to undergo a Polygraph Test. It should be used on any serving prisoner who protest his or her innocence and throughout their sentence is costing the legal aid a fortune.

105 It is currently being used in prison to assess sex offenders for their suitability for release. Widen its use completely give the police all the tools they need to fight crime. It will be cheaper and fairer in the end.

I am fully aware that the contents of this book will make a lot of people in Jersey “Hate Me” Tough!! If the truth hurts, that’s Jersey’s fault!! The younger generation who read this book with probably react with horror? You are the future of Jersey don’t lose this chance to get Jersey a good name again. Make it a place where you can be proud to bring up your children, a place where truth reigns.


Since the completion of my book in August 2014, which has been put on my web site, copies were sent to the Home Secretary and the Finnish Consul, who over 2 months later have not had the decency to acknowledge receiving them, neither the Authorities in Jersey questioned any part of my book whatsoever?

The first copies put out on my web site were purposely littered with spelling mistakes? Many people who have read the book pointed out these mistakes to me, my response “yes I know it at lease proves you have read my book!”

Part of my book referred to a man known as the “Father of Jersey” whose name came up regarding the Sex abuse of Children in Jersey in the 60s, his name was quickly withdrawn? The has since printed his name and photo with allegations against him of Sexual crimes against a young boy, the man Senator Krechefski was well known for cruising around the island in his big car looking for “young prey”

As my book started out it is all about the Truth! No howls of protest from the Establishment? What other secrets are they hiding? Are they hoping that this book will eventually go away?

Not one person in Jersey has challenged any part of my book? Strange – how truth eventually surfaces? The £60,000 paid to victims to keep quiet? The suspension of over 30 Police Officers on full pay some as long as 5 years, is it a wonder why Jersey has one of the most expensive Police forces in ??

Not one of the Politicians named in my book have defended themselves against my claims? Why Not? What are they frightened off?


If they are innocent like I am, then surely they will protest and fight to clear their names? As vigorously as I am doing?

The only action the Jersey Authorities have taken since the release of my book is to close the account in the Jersey Evening Post on November 16th 2014, my account was successfully blocked and closed by the Authorities in order to stop any further comment being published and allowing me to answer these comments? Why are they running scared? The Evening Post also refused to print any letters in the paper they received on the subject?

The Island of Jersey has become a close brother to the same ideology as North Korea! Hide the Truth! Treat their people like mushrooms…… keep them in the dark – and feed them shit!

The people in power today were only young children when these terrible events took place – yet they do nothing? They have sold their “integrity” for Power and Greed!

But as we are all well aware of – what goes around – comes around? Their days are fast approaching when their time on this earth is up. “They will have to face their actions” They will have to look their families, children, and grandchildren in the eyes and try to justify their actions? My poor little 11 year old sister and Poor Tuula only 20 years old, the world at their feet cruelly destroyed by the evil actions of a “beast” supposedly a man! An evil Monster!!! Yet they have for years colluded together to suppress the Truth?!

When they eventually leave this earth, their tortured souls will be in good company? Paisnell, Norton Senior, Valpy, Ereaut, Le Mausurier and many more – all crying out for mercy!

There will be no R.I.P. for them! Justice will have finally caught up with them.


Rest in peace Joy and Tuula – I will get Justice for you both. Alan

Thank you for taking the time to read my book, I understand it is very controversial – but the Truth has to be known.

Should you wish to make any comment’s regarding what you’ve read, you can do so by going on line at [email protected] or text on 07788841720.


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to each and everyone of you, who from day one have supported me, trusted me, and shown me love and respect. Without you all by my side I would never have survived this long ordeal, and to all those people who over the years have shown me kindness, respect and friendship. Thank you – each and everyone of you. I have refrained from naming you all, but I promise at the end of this all, and that is not far away, I will take great pleasure in thanking you all personally and expressing my gratitude to each and everyone of you.

Thank you Alan W Norton