Department of the Environment State of Jersey Report 2005-2010 Executive Summary Further Information To receive a hard copy of the full report or to request any other information on any aspect of the report, please contact: States of Jersey Department of the Environment Howard Davis Farm La Route de la Trinite Trinity JE3 5JP Jersey C.I. Tel: (01534) 441600 Email
[email protected] Or visit Publication date: December 2011 2 Executive Summary Foreword from the Minister The Chief Minister, in his recent policy statement, asserted that: “The Environment Department must become the environmental conscience of our government and our community”. As Minister responsible for the Department of the Environment, I am very willing to take up this role and am pleased to publish this comprehensive report on the progress made across a wide range of environmental areas over the last six years. Since 2005, major strategies have been debated and agreed in respect of waste management, water resources legislation, transport, the rural economy and a new Island Plan and the Eco-Active campaign and brand is now well recognised. Whilst good progress has been made, there is still much to do, and each section of this report includes details of policies that need to be developed and extended over the next five year period. Environmental policies centre on the wise use of resources. Jersey has made an international commitment to the Kyoto protocol in respect of reducing “greenhouse gas” emissions. Achieving the target set by Kyoto will require substantial changes to the way that we use energy into the future and the policies developed within the forthcoming Energy Strategy must address this fundamental issue.