2014 年 12 月 5 日 星期五 S1

Sing Fai Sports Club & Asian Community Games Vision for 2015 星輝體育會 及 亞裔運動會 2015 展望

Diversity in Action – A Spirit of Unity 促進多元發展 凝聚團結精神

Welcome All Canadian Communities 歡迎所有加拿大社區参加

Our Challenges for the Coming 2015 第 10 屆亞裔運動會精彩摘錄 The Asian Community Games (ACG) will be launching a pioneer project on sport programs 首先,我們要感謝一直支持並參與活動的 ACG 運動員及工作人員。如果沒有 for the international students in Ontario. The purpose of this project is to provide oversea 你們的支持,ACG 並不會有今天的成果。 students a support network, recreational fitness program with their peer group, and to help them adapt to a new environment while studying oversea. The idea is to establish a platform 今年是 ACG 創辦十週年,這意味著我們已經達到了另一個新的里程碑。我們 for international students to exercise and help them to improve on skills with the help of our 由一開始只有田徑項目和數百名學員,到現在發展到多出十倍以上的學員和增加十 support teams. In the initial stage, we will focus on international students from Asian countries like China, Korea, Japan, India, Pakistan, etc. and intend to launch the project in Markham 多項的體育賽事。這一年,有近二十多個社區和二千多名運動員參加了我們的活動。 and Richmond Hill area. 其中,超過四百名運動員參加了我們的游泳比賽,以及近二百名球員參加了羽毛 We are planning to set up training in all sports that are within our annual Asian Community 球的賽事,更新增了十二支排球隊。藉此祝賀韓國紅魔隊在今年的足球賽事中奪得 Games programs. Professional coaches will be provided for each program and students will be arranged to the appropriate training sessions according to their technical and physical 冠軍! ability. Weekly training sessions and seasonal tournaments will also be launched and focused 本機構會繼續積極擴充我們的體育比賽和邀請更多的專業機構加入,為明年的 on their interested sports programs. We will then arrange those qualified players/teams to 運動會作好準備。請加入我們,和我們一起為社區創造更好的未來。 compete in the International Students Division at our Asian Community Games. Although this project is still under processing, we will update on our website regularly. In addition, an exhibition program for Bowling will be added under ACG’s program list. 10th Asian Community Games Highlights 2014 First of all, thanks to all the athletes who have supported and participated in ACG. Without their support, we would not be able to make a name for ACG today. 亞裔運動會新的展望 2015 This year, ACG have reached a new milestone of 10 year anniversary. In the 留學生來到加國,如果想得到學業和身心的健全發展,不妨多與參社區舉辦的青少年體育 beginning, we only had Track and Field, but now we offer more than 10 sports with 計劃:訓練體能之餘,又可擴闊社交圈子。通過訓練,學生會漸漸發掘到自身的潛能,靈敏度 增加,思考更敏捷等。父母應鼓勵子女多做運動,多參加社區運動比賽,藉此增強信心和競 almost 10 times more participants. This year, we have more than 2,000 athletes 爭力。 from 20 communities. Over 400 athletes competing on our tournament, 「亞裔運動會」將會在未來一年,策劃一項名為「國際留學生運動會」的計劃。目的是為 close to 200 players competing on , and 12 teams competing on 加國留學生提供一個運動競賽平台:定期舉行練習比賽,歡迎學生隨時參與。除此之外,還會 有專業教練為學生提供運動訓練指導等。 . Congratulation to Korean Red Devils United for claiming the number 星輝體育會希望藉此發掘更多有潛質的運動員,為亞裔運動會 (ACG) 注入新血。 ONE soccer team this year. Thanks again to all participants for making this event so successful. Moreover, Scouts Canada has approved 1st Scouts Day for all Scouts Groups in 2014. 留學生讀書壓力沉重,怎樣舒 ACG continues to look for ways to upgrade our sports programs and more 壓? professional organization for next year’s Asian Community Games to meet 根據 2013 年加拿大簽證及移民 international standards. 部的統計顯示,有超過十萬名國際留 學生赴加國留學,而且每年數量持續 增加。 學生多數來自於中國、印度、 11th Asian Community Games 2015 韓國等亞洲國家,以及歐洲和中東國 will be Available for Sign-Up Soon!!! 家。近半數留學生赴加升讀大學,其 次便是入讀高中。 An annual Canadian Multicultural community sports event, ACG focuses on promoting healthy living, good citizenship, friendship, sportsmanship and respect 留學生如何適應新環境? for all cultures. It offers a sports challenge to people at all ages. 學生離開家庭到一個陌生的地方生活,難免會感到寂寞除了應付每天的課堂功課、測驗考 試,還有學習如何獨立生活,為自己打點一切。另一邊廂,父母也希望子女學業有成,身心健康。 Explore our new Asian Community Games program. 但是,我們應該怎麼幫助學生保持身心健康呢? Find out why ACG is good for you! 專心讀書,不要玩樂? Apply Now! You're making an excellent decision. Choose ACG and have fun. 答案是兩邊同樣重要!學生的職責當然是讀書。如果學生不懂分配時間,學習與玩樂之間失 Become a Volunteer: The future depends on what we do in the present. 去平衡,將會嚴重影響求學生活。 如過份娛樂,自然導致荒廢學業,影響成績,浪費父母心血。 Volunteers are not paid – not because they are worthless, 相反,若只著重學習而沒有適當娛樂,隨著功課量增加,會導致人精神緊張,專注力下降, but because they are priceless. 繼而影響身心理健康。

行街購物?打機?睡覺?運動益處多! Organized by: 以上三樣都不能有效減壓。體能運動,才能有效地減壓!有多份醫學研究顯示,做運動能增 加大腦的血流量,使腦神經活化;刺激安多酚的分泌,可以降低負面情緒,讓心情變好。 Contact Us: Subscribe & Register @ www.acgames.ca 而且,做運動更可以提升人的專注力!若花過長時間讀書,不僅傷害眼睛,注意力亦難以集 中。相反,如果能在適當時間離開書本,做一下帶氧運動,效果其實比困在書桌更好。所以, Follow Us @ Facebook: Asian Community Games 運動是對學習有絕對益處。 Sponsored by: 資料來源:加拿大簽證及移民部、《聰明學習靠運動 -約翰.瑞提醫師》(Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain - John J. Ratey, MD) Please contact us for registration to ACG2015. Email: [email protected] Tel: (905)803-0803 2014 年 12 月 5 日 星期五 S2

Statement from President of Sing Fai Sports Club & Committee of Asian Community Games – Clement Cheng

星輝體育會創立於大多倫多市已有二十七年,一直至力於提倡體育活動及推廣健康 生活信息。在過往十年 , 敝會行政人員重点於籌辦亞裔運動會,至力於推動多元族裔和 主流參與運動 , 以速進友誼及增廣健康生活知識為首任。

亞裔運動會由首界的两項比賽項目增至現今十一項比賽項目的運動會 , 聲譽和參賽 人數續年遞增 , 是對敝會行政人員一大鼓舞。突顯這十年運動會的籌組策劃成果 , 是項 運動會獲得大多市 , 密西沙加市 , 旺市 , 萬錦市和列治文山市的市政府和各族裔社群的 頂力支持 , 得以優先選擇合適場地和推廣相關信息於各族裔社群 , 提升比賽質量和參與 人數。在籌劃運動會之餘 , 敝會仍繼續參與社區活動 , 贊助四旅童軍於各市府 , 鼓勵青 少年參與童軍活動 , 增廣書本以外知識。在康體活動方面 , 因場地短缺 , 敝會仍繼續組 織羽毛球閒暇運動於萬錦市。關於其他有潛力的體育活動 , 敝會目前也正在增列於明年 計劃議程。

作為本會會長,本人藉此機會感謝各同事為本會發展及成功所作之努力及貢獻,本 人亦感激董事局董事的持續支持。

會長 鄭耀光

Sing Fai Sports Club – Executive Committee Members Honourable Sponsors Mr. Andrew Go – 名譽贊助人 Ms. Louisa Wong – 名譽贊助人

Honourable Advisors Dr. Joseph Wong – 名譽顧問 Ms. Patricia Wong – 名譽顧問 Mr. John Lau – 名譽顧問 Mr. Sid Ikeda – 名譽顧問 Mr. Roman Olsweski – 名譽顧問 Mr. Anthony Biggar – 名譽顧問

Board of Directors Mr. Joseph Fong – 董事 Mr. Peter Li – 董事 Dr. Jason Kwok – 董事 Ms. Polly Li – 董事 Ms. Ginny Tam – 董事兼財政

Executive Committee Members Mr. Clement Cheng – President – 會長 Mr. Frankie Ip – Vice President – 副會長 Ms. Doris Eng – Vice President – 副會長 Mr. Rodney Lai – Accountant – 會計師 Mr. Ben Do – Committee – 理事 Mr. Y.K. Lai – Committee – 理事 Mr. Jacky Shen – Administrator - 行政主任

Asian Community Games – Executive Committee Members

Mr. Joseph Fong – Chair Mr. Sid Ikeda – Co-Chair Mr. Roman Olszewski – Co-Chair Mr. Joseph Chen – Consultant – 名譽顧問 Mr. Clement Cheng – Advisor – 名譽顧問 Mr. James Lee – Advisor Ms. Helen Ng – Advisor Mr. Alfonso Tsang – Advisor

ACG Tournament Management Team : Mr. Renato Valdez Badminton: Ms. Linda Lee and Mr. David Caroll Cricket: Mr. Melvin John, Mr. Haroon Minhas Fencing: Mr. Bogdan Damjanovic, Mr. Samuel G. Pelletier, Ms. June McGuire Golf: Mr. Alfonso Tsang, Mr. John Lau, Mr. Benson Sy Soccer: Mr. Edmond Leung Swimming: Ms. Yuk Ying Wong Table : Mr. Sam Cai TaeKwonDo: Grandmaster Jung Ko Track & Field: Mr. Anthony Biggar, Mr. Roman Olsweski Volleyball: Ms. Doris Eng 2014 年 12 月 5 日 星期五 S3 2014 年 12 月 5 日 星期五 S4


星輝體育會成立於 1987 年,一直不斷推動體育活動及培養不同社區的 青少年。他首先舉辦了 Hyundai 杯國際女排邀請賽,參加的隊伍有來自中 國、美國、加拿大、日本、韓國和古巴的國家隊代表。

得到 LuCliff 公司和星島日報對星輝體育會在財政上的支持,使我們能夠 在多倫多、密西沙加、烈治文山和愛靜閣等社區提供多項適合任何年齡人仕 Introduction of Sing Fai Sports Club 的體育及文化活動,如排球、羽毛球、龍舟、太極、籃球、兒童合唱團和童 Founder and Organizer of Asian Community Games 軍等。我們也曾組團帶領會員前往中國、韓國、香港及大西洋城奧運會親身 體驗,並參與中國保護大熊貓研究中心的義工服務。 Sing Fai Sports Club was established in 1987, since then it actively and continuously promoting sport activities and training youths among different communities. The first event hosted was the Hyundai Cup International Women's Volleyball Tournament with national 為了進一步推廣 ACG 的宗旨到其他社區,以及促進多元文化的加拿大 teams from China, USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea and Cuba. 社會,星輝體育會於 2005 年在安大略省成立了第一個 ACG 的體育比賽; With the generous financial support from LuCliff Company and Sing Tao Daily, Sing Fai Sports Club is able to provide sports and cultural activities to all ages, like volleyball, 其使命是通過比賽和義工活動來宣揚積極健康的生活方式及恆持的競爭力。 badminton, dragon boat, tai chi, basketball, children's choir and scout groups (Toronto, 此外,通過這些體育賽事,參與人仕不但能夠改善他們的運動技術水平,同 Mississauga, Richmond Hill and Agincourt). We also had arranged tours for scouts and club members to the Olympics in Atlanta City, trips to Korea, Hong Kong and China, volunteering 時也能增進彼此間的友誼,促進社區間的體育交流和合作。 at the Chinese Panda Research Centre. To further reach out to other communities and to promote Canadian multicultural ACG 已成為一年一度的體育盛事,舉辦不同運動競賽給各加拿大社區 society, Sing Fai Sports Club established the first ACG in Ontario in 2005. Its mission is to promote active and healthy life styles; to organize competitive, yet friendly sport events for 參與,促進多元文化發展,凝聚團結精神。 ACG 不僅只接受亞洲人參加比 people of all ages, athletic skill levels and communities; to foster cooperation, friendship and 賽,他同時歡迎所有社區和不同年齡人仕參與。亞裔運動會的使命是聯合所 understanding among communities through sports and volunteer activities; to inspire sports 有社區一同參加比賽,藉此促進彼此互動了解和文化交流。此外,亞裔運動 exchanges with international games. Since then it has become an important annual event which provide an opportunity to unite the athletes of all communities in Canada together 會提倡積極和健康的生活方式,為所有人建立健康的生活習慣,特別是為了 for a fun-filled and friendly competition event. ACG is not only for Asians, it welcomes all 年輕的新一代。本委員會正在盡全力透過體育和義工活動,希望促進社區間 communities to participate. ACG’s mission is to unite ALL communities for several days of friendly athletic 互相合作和了解。雖然 ACG 暫時只接受安大略省的運動員參加,但我們希 competition and to facilitate a better understanding through interaction with each other. 望能夠把這個活動擴展到更國際化。 Asian Community Games wants to promote active and healthy life styles for people of all ages, especially the younger generation. The committee is trying our best to organize competitive, yet friendly sport events for people of all ages, athletic skill levels and communities all inclusively. Through foster cooperation, ACG2015 – New Partners Joining Fencing Program friendship and understanding The Vango Toronto Fencing Center is proud to be partnering with the Asian among communities through Community Games and the Ontario Fencing Association to support and host the sports and volunteer activities. 2015 fencing event. Although ACG is only for athletes in Ontario at this moment, ACG "The Ontario Fencing Association (OFA) is a proud supporter of the Asian wants to inspire sports exchange to Community Games. This is the third year we have been involved with the international level. association. We have enjoyed the camaraderie with the organizers of the other participating sports programmes. We are looking forward to an excellent athlete turnout in 2015 from our diverse Canadian population." says OFA board member Bogdan Damjanovic. The Asian Community Games represent inclusion and unity across all cultures and communities across Canada. Fencing, with its generous showing of members Asian Community Games 2015 from all backgrounds across its national teams, is an ideal ambassador of these values. New Bowling Program Partnership Fencing has a long and storied history as a sport. From its beginning as training in the arts of war, fencing evolved to become the pastime of gentlemen and musketeers, spawning the romantic image of the swashbuckler seen in Zorro, the 保齡球運動 及 保齡球國際比賽 Three Musketeers, and the Pirates of the Caribbean. Today, fencing has become a fast-paced and exciting Olympic sport, showcasing some of the world’s 在社區中,保齡球一般被视為是小童及年青人 greatest athleticism, passion, and sportsmanship. Fencers today embody the best 的派對遊戲,而事實上,保齡球己經發展成為國際 qualities of their romantic past and their athletic present; they are modern heroes. 上一項重要的運動項目。世界保齡球總會及主要國 家的保齡球總會已發展了一套完善的比賽規則,在 In all three of its disciplines – foil, epee, and sabre – those who practice 1988 年南韓夏季奧運會,保齡球成為一個表演項 fencing develop athletic qualities crucial to physical literacy and general health: 目,至今,保齡球在亞洲運動會、泛美運動會、及 coordination, agility, speed, strength, flexibility, dexterity and posture. Fencing 英聯邦運動會已成為常規項目。世界保齡球總會每 also develops and sharpens a whole host of mental skills due to its very nature; 年主辦世界保齡球錦標賽及巡回賽,而個別國家的 among others, adaptability, problem-solving, decision-making, dealing with 保齡球總會(例如加拿大及美國)每年亦有主辦當 pressure, error recognition, and long and short-term planning. It certainly merits 地的全國及區域比賽,比賽分別有少年組、成年組、 its nickname as physical chess! But beyond all this, fencing creates confident, 及資深組,國家隊的代表球員亦在每年的全國錦標 focussed and disciplined individuals who know how to achieve goals in all walks 賽選出。 of life. Fencing could not be more in line with the Asian Community Games goal 對學生及年青人而言,保齡球是一項有益身心的活動。保齡球講究身體平衡及借力,需要高度注意力、準 to “encourage and facilitate the development of good character, leadership, citizenship and sportsmanship”. 確度、及連續穩定性,通過鍊習及参與比賽,年青人能夠鍛鍊體魄、情緒及心靈、與及適應在競爭環境下學習。 再者,加拿大保齡球總會及一些在美國的大學都設有獎學金發給成績及有潛力的年青球手。 The Vango Toronto Fencing Center is the first Canadian club for the Vango brand. 職業保齡球賽在近年也在全世界積極發展,在美國及歐洲的保齡球職業聯盟推動下,每年亦主辦定時的職 Already an international name with 6 clubs outside of North America, Vango has 業巡回賽,錦標賽,及表演賽,建立了一個平檯給業餘球手進升為職業球員,也給年青人多一個事業的選擇。 experience hosting large events. What’s more, its values and mission converge 為了推動保齡球運動,陳衛倫師父 , 梁李寬慈女士及一群熱心保齡球運動的資深保齡球手 , 在 2011 年成立 wonderfully with those of the Asian Community Games; the very name Vango 了 Zone Bowling Club,它是一個非牟利的保齡球學會,目標是在大多倫多社區推動保齡球運動,陳衛倫師父是 (Mandarin: “Wan Guo”) means all nations, and its goal is to bring fencing to all 前中國國家保齡球隊教練(1998 – 2001 )、馬來西亞及南韓的國家青年隊教練,而陳衛倫師父, 梁李寬慈女士 communities, foster friendship and understanding across cultures and to create a 及數位會事是持有美國保齡球總會發出的保齡球教練証書,他們亦是前加拿大國家資深組的隊員。在此,Zone sense of unity through sport. Bowling Club 很高興能與亞裔運動會合作,在 2015 年亞裔運動會試辦保齡球比賽,希望能在社區推廣保齡球 This year, the Vango Toronto team will be adding categories to its fencing event, 之餘,亦能夠豐富亞裔運動會的運動項目。 to bring it a stronger sense of professionalism and to offer fencing to the general 由 Zone Bowling Club 撰寫 community by way of demonstrations and trials for those with the desire to 創立人 : 陳衛倫師父 , 梁李寬慈女士 cross blades. Our venue, located in the heart of Markham, is furnished with 12 會事 : 劉志豪 regulation fencing strips and one raised podium strip, to allow for a fantastic gala final. The public will also have the chance to mingle with Olympians and Team SPORT BOWLING & INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENTS Canada members among our staff. The community may have an impression that bowling is just a game for fun among kids and teenagers. With the Fencing is an exciting sport which is represented in both the Olympics and in next development of the comprehensive rules and regulations, ten-pin bowling is emerging as a major sport event around summer’s Pan Am Games in Toronto, and the Vango Toronto Fencing Center the world. Ten-pin Bowling was one of the exhibition games enlisted in the “Summer Olympics 1988” in South Korea. Nowadays, it is the official event in the ASIAN GAMES, PAN-AM GAMES and BRITISH COMMONWEALTH GAMES. cannot wait to share its passion for the sport with all of you. World Tenpin Bowling Championship Tournament and many international tournaments are held annually in different countries by the World Tenpin Bowling Association (WTBA) and the association in individual country such as Canada See you in June! and United States. The tournaments are designed for various age groups, such as for youth, adult, senior and super senior. For student and youth, ten-pin bowling is a valuable sport to train their mental and emotion. Ten-pin bowling demands high precision, focus and consistency in order to achieve good scores. By participating in bowling leagues and tournaments, they can further practising the skills and learning how to win in tough situation. Besides, the Canadian Tenpin Bowling Federation and some universities in United States do offer scholarships to youth bowlers with distinguish achievements. Professional Tenpin Bowling is also advocated by the Professional Bowling Association ( PBA ) in United States and other professional associations in Europe. Professional tour of bowling tournaments are being held annually which created a platform for amateur bowlers to take the sport as a career. Zone Bowling Club is a non-profit bowling club established in Toronto in 2011 by Master Mr. Alan Chan, Mary Leung and others experienced bowlers in the Chinese community. They are USBC (United States Bowling Congress) certified coaches. The objective of the club is promoting the sport of bowling to the community, especially to young and potential bowlers. Mr. Chan has profound coaching experience before his retirement in 2012. He was the technical coach of China National Bowling Team from 1998 to 2001. Mr. Chan also coaches the National Youth team in Malaysia and Korea. Both Mr. Chan and Mrs Leung are previous member of Senior Team Canada. We do looking forward to work with the committee of the Asian Community Games to organising an exhibition tournament for Asian Community Game 2015. Prepared By Zone Bowling Club Founder : Alan Chan, Mary Leung Committee : Peter Lau 2014 年 12 月 5 日 星期五 S5

10th Asian Community Games Golf Tournament 2014

On Sunday, June 22, 2014, we had our 4th Golf Tournament for the Asian Community Games. It was being held at the beautiful Mandarin Golf & Country Club at Markham. We were blessed with perfect weather and I believed we all had a wonderful time. As manager of 2014 ACG Golf Tournament the second time, I would like to say thank you to those 60 plus golfers who had made this event a tremendous success. Our main objective of ACG Golf Tournament is to promote and share this most enjoyable sport among the Asian Communities. With the help of all the ACG Committee members, I think we have achieved th a great deal this year with participants came from various communities. We had golfers 10 Asian Community Games Swimming Tournament 2014 originally from Canada, China, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand and others… 10th Asian Community Games 2014 was the success one with close to 300 swimmers I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Benson Sy of Greenfield Golf who had participating. This was the highest number provided his golf expertise and networking in the golf industries. Due to Mr. Sy’s effort, we the swimming tournament ever had. were able to increase the competitiveness of the tournament by changing the formats and Since 2010 till now, Asian Community connecting to a lot of passionate players to join our tournament. Games- Swimming has the full support from the officials of Markham Aquatic clubs Our Congratulations to all the 2014 Winners: plus the others. Men's Gross: Men's Net: Starting from 37 swimmers at 2010 to 157 1st Luke Kremmer (77), Canadian 1st Calvin Sy (72), Canadian born Chinese swimmers at 2013 and 289 swimmers at 2nd Terry Kong (85), Hong Kong 2nd Calvin Choy (73), Canadian born Chinese 2014 the 10th Asian Community Games 3rd Sert Chan (87), Thailand 3rd Ko Ke Lu (73), China in Swimming Competition, the participants Ladies Gross: Ladies Net: are progressively increased every year. 1st Kathy King (81), Hong Kong 1st Chrystal Bian (75), China The swimming competition provides a platform to all level of swimmers starting from lesson 2nd Cynthia Mak (83), Hong Kong 2nd Marilyn Hail (76), Hong Kong learning to competitive swimmers. 3rd Yang-Hai Wang (97), China 3rd Susie Fong (76), Korea Closest to the Hole: There is no age limitation from 10 & under up to the adult swimmers. The swimming Longest Drive : Hole #3, Men, Michael Chiu Ladies, Kathy King competition has accommodated all swimmers from swimming schools and a few from Hole #10, Men, Ron Choo Hole #8, Men, Kil Soo Jung Ladies, Shirley Speck competitive teams to attend. Hole #4 Ladies, Crystal Bian Hole #14, Men, Andy Weh Ladies, Yang-Hai Wang Asian Community Games in Swimming is the only opportunity for the swimming schools swimmers (non-Competitive swimmers) participating at the competition environment. The The Chinese banquet style dinner was excellent. I would like to thank the Head Pro. Mr. Jeff meet management has received a lot of compliment from the attending coaches. All the Long and his team to provide their very best services. I would like to thank Mr. Joseph Fong participating swimmers, coaches and parents enjoy the swim meet and are looking forward to and Sing Fai Sports Club to provide all the beautiful trophies and administrative help. Also come again next year. thanks to Mr. John Lau for his many years of supports and gift contributions. In order to accommodate the increasing number of participants at the Asian Community Last but not least, we would like to thank our sponsors Cranberry Golf Resort in Collingwood Games- swimming, 2015 June 20, the 11th Asian Community Games in swimming will be and Mandarin Golf and Country Club for their generosity for supporting the meaningful event. held at Markham Cornell Pool with 8 lanes and Electronic Timing system. On behalf of the Asian Community Games – swimming meet management, we would like to Thank you again to all the participated golfers, your support of the Asian Community Game is take this opportunity to convey our sincere appreciation to all swim officials and volunteers greatly appreciated and I do hope to see you all again next year. Wishing you all continue to for their valuable contribution to swimming in Asian Community Games and ask for their make progress and enjoy your golf game. continued support. Thanks for all their dedication and volunteerism. Alfonso Tsang Manager Asian Community Game Golf Tournament

轉眼 Asian Community Game 已舉辦了十年 , 而高爾夫球項目今年也進入了第四屆。所謂 十年人事幾番新 , 每年在賽事之後大會都有固定的會議討論每項主辦的賽事 , 務求不斷的改進 , 精益求精 .

高爾夫球對於華人來說 , 雖然已不是一個完全陌生的運動 , 但實制上把高球 這運動相比於 羽毛球 , 乒乓球 , 足球在華人圈子的普及化仍有一段的距離。因為高爾夫球在東南亞是一個比較 昂貴的活動 , 眞正接觸的機會不高。 Asian Community Game 舉辦高爾夫球賽這個活動的原因是 : YY Wong (Level 5 Official) Markham Aquatic Club Officials Chair 第一讓華人有更多機會參加一些正規的比賽 , 第二是推廣高球這運動給華人圈了 , 第三是也藉 Central Region Officials Committee member 著這機會令參賽者可以球會友 . 今年的賽例及項目均有些更數 , 例如 : Ontario Swimming Officials Association – Central Region Evaluator ‧ 把組別分男女組 , 也把它再分為總桿組 (Gross Score)- 和淨桿組 (Net Score) ‧ 盡量多找些不同地域的華人參與 , 好讓這個球賽多加色彩 ‧ 在頒獎時亦宣佈得獎者的出生地

今年賽事 , 天公造美 , 陽光普照 , 參加人 數有六十多人 , 今年其中最有特色之是參加者 有來自本地土生土長的華人及加拿大人 , 亦有 在加是居很久 的華裔移民。他們有來自香港 , 台灣 , 中國人陸 , 泰國 , 牙買家 (Jaimaca) 等 什麼時候做運動最好呢﹖ 等賽事完畢所有參賽者都留在 Mandarin Golf 大家都知道經常做運動有益健康,但什麼時候做運動是最好 and Country 共聚頒獎晚宴 , 也有抽獎節目。 相信所有人對今年的比賽 , 都留下一個良好 的呢 ? 這是一個經常有人提問的問 題,每個時段都各有好處和困 的印象。對於來年 , 所有的籌委一定會盡最 難之處﹕ 大的努力 , 把這個比賽做得盡善盡美 , 讓更 (一) 清晨做運動︰清晨做運動的好處是不受日常生活和工作 多華裔知道及参與這項有意義的活動。 所限制和騷擾、空氣較清涼和較少受污染、精神較敏 銳、注意力 Benson Sy 較集中、令新陳代謝加強的時間最長、運動時身體分泌能令人感覺 得舒服的腦內啡 (endorphins 又稱安多芬、內啡肽等 ),使人在一 天的開始時處於自然的興奮狀態等,研究顯示晨運客是最能堅持定 th 10 Asian Community Games Badminton Tournament 2014 時做運動的一群﹔清晨做運動的困難是要提早起床,尤其對一些慣 郭詠觀醫生 於晏起床的人是很困難的,和若熱身做得不足時會較容易受傷,所 Dr. Jason Kwok Presented by Toronto & District Badminton Association And Asian Community Games 以,清晨做運動要謹記先要做充足的熱身。 The Toronto & District Badminton Association (TDBA) is proud to be in partnership with the (二) 下午和放工後做運動︰ 下午做運動的好處是,有研究顯示,下午時身體的耐力、 Asian Community Games for the second year in a row to give members of the community an 勁力和整體表現都較好,令鍛練較輕鬆容易,令人有運動時並不是那麼辛苦的感覺,放 opportunity to get together for friendly competition. 工後運動可將一天的壓力紓緩,由於經過一天的活動而令身體有充足的熱身,所以可減 There were six divisions this year: Junior 14 and under, Junior 19 and under, Open (for all 低受傷的機會;下午做運動的困難是容易受工作和社交所擾亂,有時在放工時會覺得太 ages), Master 40+, Master 50+ and Master 60+. It was a 2 day event running from June 14 to 15 at Bill Crothers S.S. located in the City of Markham. 疲倦而不去做運動,大多數健身房最繁忙的時段是放工後,增加等候和限制使用器具的 時間。 The Toronto & District Badminton Association would like to thank all of the businesses and partners involved in this endeavour. Special thanks to our badminton sponsor, Black Knight (三) 晚上做運動︰晚上做運動的好處是可以紓緩整天辛勞的壓力,當其他人休息時 for providing us with shuttles and prizes. 做運動可以不受騷擾、健身房沒有這麼擠逼而不需久候等﹔困難是若時間太晚健身房已 Thank you to all the players for a successful Tournament! Here are a few snapshots: 關門、晚上做戶外運動可能不太安全、太疲倦而不想運動、不能從運動中達到增加新陳 代謝的全部效果,因為在運動後不久就睡覺,新陳代謝會自然減低。 運動有助睡眠,在 2010 年發表的一份報告,研究員檢討發表過的研究報告,得出的 結論是運動普遍都能改善睡眠,令人睡得更深、較少在睡夢中醒過來、在晨早醒來時感 覺得精神爽快,所以有助睡眠失調、例如失眠等,任何時間做運動都會對睡眠有好處, 晨早做運動的效果最好,而睡覺前做運動、尤其是劇烈的運動反而會影響睡眠的質和量, Jr. Girls' Singles Jr. Boys' Singles Open Women's Doubles 因為人體需按照生理時鐘 (biological clock) 為入睡作好準備,心跳、血壓和體溫會降低 至休息狀態,準備入睡,但運動和進食都會提高心跳、血壓和體溫,所以,很晚才做運 動和進食是會擾亂身體睡眠的意欲,上床前的二至三小時不宜運動。 此外,也不要在進食後立刻運動,有人擔心這樣做會導致盲腸炎 (appendicitis 又稱 闌尾炎 ),其實不是,而是進食後立刻運動,既要增加輸送血液到肌肉、又要增加輸送血 液到腸胃,影響運動的表現、又影響食物的消化和吸收,所以,不要在飽餐後的九十分 鐘內做劇烈運動。 Open Mixed Doubles Master's Men's Doubles Master's Women's Doubles 所有專家都同意,運動最好的時間因人而異,需按個人的生活習慣、喜好、目標等而 定出個人的運動時間表,雖然有些人喜歡新鮮感,他們會經常轉換運動的性質和時間, 他們因享受新鮮感而會繼續運動,但對絕大多數的人來說,最好是能經常、定時和可信 賴地與日常生活配合,最好是每一天差不多時間做,養成習慣,成為生活的一部份,剛 開始做運動及不定時運動的人最容易放棄,晨早做運動的人最能堅持。

Linda Lee, David Carroll & Nelson Chan Toronto & District Badminton Association 2014 年 12 月 5 日 星期五 S6

38th Scouts Groups Toronto, Agincourt, Mississauga, and Richmond Hill Sponsored by Sing Fai Sports Club

th 10 Asian Community Games 童軍父母心聲 1st Annual Scouts Sports Day 女兒參加童軍,轉眼已经五年。原意只是給她多一点娛樂及認識朋 The Sing Fai Sports Club, sponsor of the 38th Scout Groups and the Asian Community Games (ACG) announced 友,想不到收獲出乎意外之多。由小時候的嬌嬌女,連小昆蟲也怕得要命, a special event at the 2014 ACG's Track and Field 至今雀躍地參与每一項行山及露營等活动。今天更已是一位小隊長。十分 Tournament; The Scouts Sports Day. This event was held on Saturday, June 21, 2014 感謝! at York University during the 10th Asian Community Games. The Scouts Sports Day event was sanctioned by Athletics Ontario and approved by Scouts Canada after a 38th 每一位童軍領袖,不但充滿愛心, 而且有百般才藝。像今次 long process. Key figures in the approval process are: Mr. Joseph Fong, Mr. Clement Cheng (President of Sing Fai Spots Club), and Mr. Anthony Biggar (Track and Field 在約克大学舉行的 Asian Community Game, Toronto Track and Field, Manager). 事前領袖導師特意抽出宝貴時間教導技巧及訓練,讓女兒及其他組員有足 The goal of this event is to allow scouts to build on existing friendships, sportsmanship, 夠準備競賽。 and teamwork. In addition to this, scouts are able to earn the physical fitness badge. 當日不但是田徑比賽,開幕礼更是節目豐富,場面盛大。不同族裔 The event is open to both males and females and there is a $20 fee for both individual participants and relay teams, and there is an engraved shield prize for the best 一起參与,就好像一場小奧運会。 performing scout group. 女兒在女子幼童 80 米短跑得了銀牌,這作為她第一次公開比賽來 The Scouts Sports Day event list is shown below: 說,意義重大。 ‧Cubs and Scouts Triathlon: ‧80m Sprint 充心多謝加拿大童軍總会及 38th 隊的教導及栽培, 作為加拿大童 ‧Long Jump ‧3kg Shot Put 軍一份子也感到自豪。 ‧Venturers and Rovers Triathlon: ‧100m Sprint Doris Eng – 38th Beaver Leader ‧Long Jump Christabel To, Cub, Second ‧4kg Shot Put. ‧Youth 4 x 100m Relay (Ages 26 or Below). Asian Community Game-Toronto Track and Field at York University ‧Scouter 4 x 100m Relay (Ages 26+) Loretta Lee

參觀 HMCS York 加拿大後備海軍基地 1st Scouts Sports Day - Asian Community Games Sports is an important learning environment for children, as physical activities could 在一個陰霾密佈 , 時而多雨 , 時而強風的星期六下午 , 我們一行四十 stimulate growth and leads to improve physical and emotional health. 多人 , 在團長葉志雄先生帶領下 , 浩浩蕩蕩的去參觀 HMCS York 後備海 As a Scout leader and a parent, I would like to take time to find out the sports that are 軍基地。 right for my son Terence at his age. So I had encouraged Terence to participate in the 80m run at the 1st Scouts Sports Day hosted by Sing Fai Sports Club on June 21, 這個座落於多倫多市中心西隅的基地 , 面積不算很大。那裏沒有都市 2014. 的喧鬧聲 , 換來的是在頭上呼呼而過的疾風聲及此起彼落的浪聲。 By participating at this event, Terence had learned about sportsmanship that Victory is in the quality of competition and not the final score. He also learned about teamwork 接待我們的是海軍少校 Scott Harrald 及中尉 Thomas Pohl 。一到埗, which requires co-operative effort on the part of a group of people acting together as a team to work towards a common goal. 他們熱情地帶領我們去燈光柔和的 Gallery Room 坐下 , 靜聽他們講解後 During the event, Terence was being introduced to all different kinds of sports in the 備海軍的工作和架構。 據中尉說 , 後備海軍在全國有二十四個分部 , 每個 field such as long jump, high jump, shot put and many many more which I am positive 分部大約有一百五十至二百名成員。大部份成員都是來自社會各階層的人 that he would like to participate when he reaches at a certain age. 士 , 在公餘時間參與後備海軍的工作及訓練。他們一般的工作都是執行海 I hope to see more Scouts members to come and join the 2nd Scouts Sports Day in 上巡邏 , 緊急救援及社區活動等等。然而 , 他們的薪津不算很高 , 長官級 2015, as the experience Terence had this year was enjoyable and valuable. 別的日薪是九十九元起 ; 而員佐級的是九十元起 , 但他們都以成為加拿大 By: Veronica Wong 軍隊的一份子 , 而感到自豪。 38th Agincourt Scouts Groups

其後 , 長官帶我們去戶外參觀他們的設施和訓練。正藉當日是他們一 月一次的週末訓練。我們有幸看見各式各樣的訓練 , 計有一些隊員駕駛橡 皮小艇出湖訓練 , 他們無懼凜烈強風及處處捲起 , 約有三呎高的白頭浪 , 大有 < 誓要去 , 入刀山 > 的氣慨 , 雄赳赳的朝湖中心進發。另一邊廂 , 則 有一些隊員進行潛水訓練 , 看見他們背負着百磅以上的氣樽 , 再加上鉛帶 , 求生小刀等。真是小些力氣也不行 , 從他們的面容 , 看見他們那份決心與 自信 , 這正是我們每一個青少年都要學習的榜樣呢 !

在戶外停留了大約四十五分鐘 , 正當大家開始感覺寒風刺骨的時候 , 長官們帶領我們參觀戶內設施 , 計有室內操場 , 控制室 , 繪圖室 , 樂隊室 等。每處地方都有隊員為我們講解其運作及解答我們的問題。

最後 , 我們回到 Gallery Room, 聽他們闡述加拿大軍隊參戰的史實及 國殤日活動。

綜觀這次參觀活動 , 童軍們獲益良多。尤其在國殤紀念日期間進行 , 意義更為重要。正好使我們新的一代對我國軍人 , 多一分認識 , 多一分尊 重。 38th Toronto Scouts Groups 李志勤 第三十八密西沙加旅團 童軍領袖 二零一四年十一月八日

38th Mississauga Scouts Groups 38th Richmond Hill Scouts Groups 2014 年 12 月 5 日 星期五 S7


1. MAJOR SPONSORS – LUCLIFF COMPANY LIMITED AND SING TAO FOUNDATION & SING TAO DAILY 2. ACG CHAIR – Mr. Joseph Fong, Co-Chair – Mr. Sid Ikeda, Co-Chair – Mr. Roman Olszewski 3. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES FOR THE SING FAI SPORTS CLUB 4. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES FOR THE 10TH ASIAN COMMUNITY GAMES 2014 5. ASIAN COMMUNITY GAMES MANAGEMENT TEAM BADMINTON: Ms. Linda Lee/ Mr. David Carroll/ Mr. Antonio Wong BASKETBALL: Mr. Renato Valdez CRICKET: Mr. Haroon Minhas/ Mr. Melvin John FENCING: Ms. June McGuire/ Mr. Bogdan Damjanovic/ Mr. Samuel G. Pelletier 恭賀星輝體育會 27 週年紀念 GOLF: Mr. Alfonso Tsang/ Mr. John Lau/ Mr. Benson Sy SOCCER: Mr. Edmond Leung SWIMMING: Ms. YY Wong 千禧雅樂坊簡介 - 周年晚宴音樂表演 : Mr. Sam Cai TAEKWONDO: Grandmaster Jung Ko TRACK & FIELD: Mr. Anthony Biggar/ Mr. Roman Olszewski 千禧雅樂坊由一群愛好中國音樂的長者於 2008 年組成,旨 VOLLEYBALL: Ms. Doris Eng 在推廣中樂,為社區注入中國文化藝術的氣息。樂坊的音樂 VOLUNTEER: Mr. James Lee/ Ms. Helen Ng/ 38th Scouts Groups 導師為高繼標先生。 6. MASTERS OF CEREMONY Ms. Vivien Ip & Mr. Edmond Chan 7. EVENT CO-ORDINATORS: 由於樂坊成員多為年長人士,偏好傳統雅樂,而成員的總 Ms. Angela Yeung Mr. Alfred Wong Auxiliary Police Service 年齡超過一千之數,故以「千禧雅樂坊」命名。 Ms. Dianna Chu Mr. Ben Do Inspector Tony Kwok Ms. Ginny Tam Mr. Chai Yau Yip 38th Scouts Groups Ms. Helen Ng Mr. C.K. Li Best Deal Graphic & Printing 現時樂坊成員約有三十人,樂器的類別也越趨多樣化,由 Ms. Janny Cheng Mr. Clement Cheng The Chinese Canadian Photographic Ms. Loretta Lee Mr. Dereck Yip Society of Toronto 中國樂器為主發展成中、西樂器混合的樂隊。演奏樂器包括: Ms. Michelle Tang Mr. Frankie Ip 笛子、揚琴、中阮、高胡、二胡、琵琶、鋼片琴、電子琴、 Ms. Virginia Dong Mr. James Lee Ms. Winnie Lee Mr. Yat Kwong Lai 牧童笛、薩克管和多種的敲擊樂器。 8. Performers at the Anniversary Banquet Grandmaster Jung Ko 為了恭賀星輝體育會 27 周年紀念,樂坊會在週年晚宴當晚 Mrs. Carol Leung & Friends Mr. Paul Leng & Mrs. Rebecca Leng 提供音樂演奏。 Ms. Janny Yau, Ms. Helen Ng & Ms. Mabel Chow Millennium Chinese Music Workshop – Mr. Calvin Chan - Conductor LatYip Dragon Lion Team YAKUDO Traditional Japanese Drummers, Akiko Date, Creative Director 9. Special Donation from Sing Fai Director – Dr. Jason Kwok

致星輝體育會仝人 : 慶賀廿七週年陶暢 恭賀星輝體育會廿七週年慶典

星輝熠熠廿七載 星輝體育會為青少年俱備多項運動 體育會友老中青 及設施,並獲各級政府官員、議員 文武精英齊滙聚 及社會賢達重視及讚揚 ! 十載亞裔區運動 成績顯耀多倫多 預祝星輝體育會繼續 百尺竿頭 - 更進一步 茁壯成長 – 廣深貢獻 吳周淑嫻義工敬賀 李耀康義工敬賀 2014 年 12 月 5 日 星期五 S8

第 27 屆星輝體育會及第 10 屆亞裔運動會周年晚宴 隆重宣佈,第 27 屆星輝體育會及第 10 屆亞裔運動會周年晚宴將於 2014 年 12 月 6 日(星期六)晚上六時半在皇家御宴舉行。 今年,我們很榮幸得到多倫多輔警為我們舉行升國旗儀式。隨後,由第 38 童軍旅團為星輝體育會及亞裔運動會升上會旗。同 時,我們很高興能夠邀請到多倫多教育局總監 Ms. Donna Quan – Director of Education – Toronto District School Board 及多倫 多警察學院院長 Superintendent Peter Lennox 和他的太太成為我們尊貴客人之一,他們將會在我們的晚宴上致辭。另外,除了特 別嘉賓精闢的演講,宴會也將包括來自各社區的精彩演出。此外,本會想藉此晚宴恭賀 Grandmaster Jung Ko 晉升跆拳道黑帶第 8 段,也慶幸能夠欣賞到大師級的即場演出。在宴會結束前,本會也預備了遊戲,及幸運兒可以得到豐富抽獎的禮物。 Sing Fai Sports Club Activities 2014-2015 Activities Place Time Aldergrove Public School Every Tuesday Badminton 150 Aldergrove Drive, Markham 8:15PM-10:15PM (Steels East/ Old Kennedy Road) 38th Scout Groups

Doncrest Public School Every Monday Richmond Hill 124 Blackmore Avenue, R/H 7:30PM-9:30PM

Highland Heights Jr Public School Every Tuesday Agincourt 35 Glendower Circuit, Scarborough 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Clifton Primary School Every Wednesday Mississauga 2389 Cliff Road, Mississauga 7:00PM-9:15PM

Queen Alexandra Public School Every Friday Downtown Toronto 181 Broadview Avenue, Toronto 7:00-10:00PM

For more information please contact us at (905) 803-0803 or visit our websites: www.singfaisports.ca & www.acgames.ca 11th Asian Community Games 2015 Program Schedule Programs Dates of Tournament Location Bill Crothers Secondary School Badminton June 13 & 14 44 Main Street, Unionville, ON L3R 2E4 Bill Crothers Secondary School Basketball June 6 & 7 44 Main Street, Unionville, ON L3R 2E4 Woodbridge Bowl Bowling June 6 191 Marycroft Ave. Woodbridge, ON L4L 5Y3 Eglinton Flats Cricket TBA 3601 Eglinton Ave. W, Toronto, ON L5M 7C4 Vango Toronto Fencing Fencing June 13 & 14 980 Denison Street, Markham, ON L3R 3K5 Angus Glen Golf Club Golf TBA 10080 Kennedy Rd, Markham, ON L6C 1N9 Eglinton Flats Soccer June 6 & 7 3601 Eglinton Ave. W, Toronto, ON L5M 7C4 Cornell Community Centre Swimming June 20 3201 Bur Oak Ave. Markham, ON L6B 0T2 Langstaff Community Centre Table Tennis June 6 155 Red Maple Road Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4P9 Bill Crothers Secondary School TaeKwonDo June 6 & 7 44 Main Street, Unionville, ON L3R 2E4 Bill Crothers Secondary School Track & Field June 6 & 7 44 Main Street, Unionville, ON L3R 2E4 Bill Crothers Secondary School Volleyball June 6 & 7 44 Main Street, Unionville, ON L3R 2E4

If interested, please forward your information to us by E-mail at [email protected]. Dates are subject to final confirmation.

Advance REGISTRATION FORM for ACG2015 Team or individual INFORMATIO Birth date (yy/mm/dd): Sex: Last name: First Middle / / / M F

Street address: City:

Email address: Province: Postal Code:

Business no.: Cellular phone no.: Interested Tournament:

Division (Adult/Youth): Name of the Team: Date Submitted: