2014 年 12 月 5 日 星期五 S1 Sing Fai Sports Club & Asian Community Games Vision for 2015 星輝體育會 及 亞裔運動會 2015 展望 Diversity in Action – A Spirit of Unity 促進多元發展 凝聚團結精神 Welcome All Canadian Communities 歡迎所有加拿大社區参加 Our Challenges for the Coming 2015 第 10 屆亞裔運動會精彩摘錄 The Asian Community Games (ACG) will be launching a pioneer project on sport programs 首先,我們要感謝一直支持並參與活動的 ACG 運動員及工作人員。如果沒有 for the international students in Ontario. The purpose of this project is to provide oversea 你們的支持,ACG 並不會有今天的成果。 students a support network, recreational fitness program with their peer group, and to help them adapt to a new environment while studying oversea. The idea is to establish a platform 今年是 ACG 創辦十週年,這意味著我們已經達到了另一個新的里程碑。我們 for international students to exercise and help them to improve on skills with the help of our 由一開始只有田徑項目和數百名學員,到現在發展到多出十倍以上的學員和增加十 support teams. In the initial stage, we will focus on international students from Asian countries like China, Korea, Japan, India, Pakistan, etc. and intend to launch the project in Markham 多項的體育賽事。這一年,有近二十多個社區和二千多名運動員參加了我們的活動。 and Richmond Hill area. 其中,超過四百名運動員參加了我們的游泳比賽,以及近二百名球員參加了羽毛 We are planning to set up training in all sports that are within our annual Asian Community 球的賽事,更新增了十二支排球隊。藉此祝賀韓國紅魔隊在今年的足球賽事中奪得 Games programs. Professional coaches will be provided for each program and students will be arranged to the appropriate training sessions according to their technical and physical 冠軍! ability. Weekly training sessions and seasonal tournaments will also be launched and focused 本機構會繼續積極擴充我們的體育比賽和邀請更多的專業機構加入,為明年的 on their interested sports programs. We will then arrange those qualified players/teams to 運動會作好準備。請加入我們,和我們一起為社區創造更好的未來。 compete in the International Students Division at our Asian Community Games. Although this project is still under processing, we will update on our website regularly. In addition, an exhibition program for Bowling will be added under ACG’s program list. 10th Asian Community Games Highlights 2014 First of all, thanks to all the athletes who have supported and participated in ACG. Without their support, we would not be able to make a name for ACG today. 亞裔運動會新的展望 2015 This year, ACG have reached a new milestone of 10 year anniversary. In the 留學生來到加國,如果想得到學業和身心的健全發展,不妨多與參社區舉辦的青少年體育 beginning, we only had Track and Field, but now we offer more than 10 sports with 計劃:訓練體能之餘,又可擴闊社交圈子。通過訓練,學生會漸漸發掘到自身的潛能,靈敏度 增加,思考更敏捷等。父母應鼓勵子女多做運動,多參加社區運動比賽,藉此增強信心和競 almost 10 times more participants. This year, we have more than 2,000 athletes 爭力。 from 20 communities. Over 400 athletes competing on our Swimming tournament, 「亞裔運動會」將會在未來一年,策劃一項名為「國際留學生運動會」的計劃。目的是為 close to 200 players competing on Badminton, and 12 teams competing on 加國留學生提供一個運動競賽平台:定期舉行練習比賽,歡迎學生隨時參與。除此之外,還會 有專業教練為學生提供運動訓練指導等。 Volleyball. Congratulation to Korean Red Devils United for claiming the number 星輝體育會希望藉此發掘更多有潛質的運動員,為亞裔運動會 (ACG) 注入新血。 ONE soccer team this year. Thanks again to all participants for making this event so successful. Moreover, Scouts Canada has approved 1st Scouts Day for all Scouts Groups in 2014. 留學生讀書壓力沉重,怎樣舒 ACG continues to look for ways to upgrade our sports programs and more 壓? professional organization for next year’s Asian Community Games to meet 根據 2013 年加拿大簽證及移民 international standards. 部的統計顯示,有超過十萬名國際留 學生赴加國留學,而且每年數量持續 增加。 學生多數來自於中國、印度、 11th Asian Community Games 2015 韓國等亞洲國家,以及歐洲和中東國 will be Available for Sign-Up Soon!!! 家。近半數留學生赴加升讀大學,其 次便是入讀高中。 An annual Canadian Multicultural community sports event, ACG focuses on promoting healthy living, good citizenship, friendship, sportsmanship and respect 留學生如何適應新環境? for all cultures. It offers a sports challenge to people at all ages. 學生離開家庭到一個陌生的地方生活,難免會感到寂寞除了應付每天的課堂功課、測驗考 試,還有學習如何獨立生活,為自己打點一切。另一邊廂,父母也希望子女學業有成,身心健康。 Explore our new Asian Community Games program. 但是,我們應該怎麼幫助學生保持身心健康呢? Find out why ACG is good for you! 專心讀書,不要玩樂? Apply Now! You're making an excellent decision. Choose ACG and have fun. 答案是兩邊同樣重要!學生的職責當然是讀書。如果學生不懂分配時間,學習與玩樂之間失 Become a Volunteer: The future depends on what we do in the present. 去平衡,將會嚴重影響求學生活。 如過份娛樂,自然導致荒廢學業,影響成績,浪費父母心血。 Volunteers are not paid – not because they are worthless, 相反,若只著重學習而沒有適當娛樂,隨著功課量增加,會導致人精神緊張,專注力下降, but because they are priceless. 繼而影響身心理健康。 行街購物?打機?睡覺?運動益處多! Organized by: 以上三樣都不能有效減壓。體能運動,才能有效地減壓!有多份醫學研究顯示,做運動能增 加大腦的血流量,使腦神經活化;刺激安多酚的分泌,可以降低負面情緒,讓心情變好。 Contact Us: Subscribe & Register @ www.acgames.ca 而且,做運動更可以提升人的專注力!若花過長時間讀書,不僅傷害眼睛,注意力亦難以集 中。相反,如果能在適當時間離開書本,做一下帶氧運動,效果其實比困在書桌更好。所以, Follow Us @ Facebook: Asian Community Games 運動是對學習有絕對益處。 Sponsored by: 資料來源:加拿大簽證及移民部、《聰明學習靠運動 -約翰.瑞提醫師》(Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain - John J. Ratey, MD) Please contact us for registration to ACG2015. Email: [email protected] Tel: (905)803-0803 2014 年 12 月 5 日 星期五 S2 Statement from President of Sing Fai Sports Club & Committee of Asian Community Games – Clement Cheng 星輝體育會創立於大多倫多市已有二十七年,一直至力於提倡體育活動及推廣健康 生活信息。在過往十年 , 敝會行政人員重点於籌辦亞裔運動會,至力於推動多元族裔和 主流參與運動 , 以速進友誼及增廣健康生活知識為首任。 亞裔運動會由首界的两項比賽項目增至現今十一項比賽項目的運動會 , 聲譽和參賽 人數續年遞增 , 是對敝會行政人員一大鼓舞。突顯這十年運動會的籌組策劃成果 , 是項 運動會獲得大多市 , 密西沙加市 , 旺市 , 萬錦市和列治文山市的市政府和各族裔社群的 頂力支持 , 得以優先選擇合適場地和推廣相關信息於各族裔社群 , 提升比賽質量和參與 人數。在籌劃運動會之餘 , 敝會仍繼續參與社區活動 , 贊助四旅童軍於各市府 , 鼓勵青 少年參與童軍活動 , 增廣書本以外知識。在康體活動方面 , 因場地短缺 , 敝會仍繼續組 織羽毛球閒暇運動於萬錦市。關於其他有潛力的體育活動 , 敝會目前也正在增列於明年 計劃議程。 作為本會會長,本人藉此機會感謝各同事為本會發展及成功所作之努力及貢獻,本 人亦感激董事局董事的持續支持。 會長 鄭耀光 Sing Fai Sports Club – Executive Committee Members Honourable Sponsors Mr. Andrew Go – 名譽贊助人 Ms. Louisa Wong – 名譽贊助人 Honourable Advisors Dr. Joseph Wong – 名譽顧問 Ms. Patricia Wong – 名譽顧問 Mr. John Lau – 名譽顧問 Mr. Sid Ikeda – 名譽顧問 Mr. Roman Olsweski – 名譽顧問 Mr. Anthony Biggar – 名譽顧問 Board of Directors Mr. Joseph Fong – 董事 Mr. Peter Li – 董事 Dr. Jason Kwok – 董事 Ms. Polly Li – 董事 Ms. Ginny Tam – 董事兼財政 Executive Committee Members Mr. Clement Cheng – President – 會長 Mr. Frankie Ip – Vice President – 副會長 Ms. Doris Eng – Vice President – 副會長 Mr. Rodney Lai – Accountant – 會計師 Mr. Ben Do – Committee – 理事 Mr. Y.K. Lai – Committee – 理事 Mr. Jacky Shen – Administrator - 行政主任 Asian Community Games – Executive Committee Members Mr. Joseph Fong – Chair Mr. Sid Ikeda – Co-Chair Mr. Roman Olszewski – Co-Chair Mr. Joseph Chen – Consultant – 名譽顧問 Mr. Clement Cheng – Advisor – 名譽顧問 Mr. James Lee – Advisor Ms. Helen Ng – Advisor Mr. Alfonso Tsang – Advisor ACG Tournament Management Team Basketball: Mr. Renato Valdez Badminton: Ms. Linda Lee and Mr. David Caroll Cricket: Mr. Melvin John, Mr. Haroon Minhas Fencing: Mr. Bogdan Damjanovic, Mr. Samuel G. Pelletier, Ms. June McGuire Golf: Mr. Alfonso Tsang, Mr. John Lau, Mr. Benson Sy Soccer: Mr. Edmond Leung Swimming: Ms. Yuk Ying Wong Table Tennis: Mr. Sam Cai TaeKwonDo: Grandmaster Jung Ko Track & Field: Mr. Anthony Biggar, Mr. Roman Olsweski Volleyball: Ms. Doris Eng 2014 年 12 月 5 日 星期五 S3 2014 年 12 月 5 日 星期五 S4 星輝體育會簡介 星輝體育會成立於 1987 年,一直不斷推動體育活動及培養不同社區的 青少年。他首先舉辦了 Hyundai 杯國際女排邀請賽,參加的隊伍有來自中 國、美國、加拿大、日本、韓國和古巴的國家隊代表。 得到 LuCliff 公司和星島日報對星輝體育會在財政上的支持,使我們能夠 在多倫多、密西沙加、烈治文山和愛靜閣等社區提供多項適合任何年齡人仕 Introduction of Sing Fai Sports Club 的體育及文化活動,如排球、羽毛球、龍舟、太極、籃球、兒童合唱團和童 Founder and Organizer of Asian Community Games 軍等。我們也曾組團帶領會員前往中國、韓國、香港及大西洋城奧運會親身 體驗,並參與中國保護大熊貓研究中心的義工服務。 Sing Fai Sports Club was established in 1987, since then it actively and continuously promoting sport activities and training youths among different communities. The first event hosted was the Hyundai Cup International Women's Volleyball Tournament with national 為了進一步推廣 ACG 的宗旨到其他社區,以及促進多元文化的加拿大 teams from China, USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea and Cuba. 社會,星輝體育會於 2005 年在安大略省成立了第一個 ACG 的體育比賽; With the generous financial support from LuCliff Company and Sing Tao Daily, Sing Fai Sports Club is able to provide sports and cultural activities to all ages, like volleyball, 其使命是通過比賽和義工活動來宣揚積極健康的生活方式及恆持的競爭力。 badminton, dragon boat, tai chi, basketball, children's choir and scout groups (Toronto, 此外,通過這些體育賽事,參與人仕不但能夠改善他們的運動技術水平,同 Mississauga, Richmond Hill and Agincourt). We also had arranged tours for scouts and club members to the Olympics in Atlanta City, trips to Korea, Hong Kong and China, volunteering 時也能增進彼此間的友誼,促進社區間的體育交流和合作。 at the Chinese Panda Research Centre. To further reach out to other communities and to promote Canadian multicultural ACG 已成為一年一度的體育盛事,舉辦不同運動競賽給各加拿大社區 society, Sing Fai Sports Club established the first ACG in Ontario in 2005. Its mission is to promote active and healthy life styles; to organize competitive, yet friendly sport events for 參與,促進多元文化發展,凝聚團結精神。 ACG 不僅只接受亞洲人參加比 people of all ages, athletic skill levels and communities; to foster cooperation, friendship and 賽,他同時歡迎所有社區和不同年齡人仕參與。亞裔運動會的使命是聯合所 understanding among communities through sports and volunteer activities; to inspire sports 有社區一同參加比賽,藉此促進彼此互動了解和文化交流。此外,亞裔運動 exchanges with international games. Since then it has become an important annual event which provide an opportunity to unite the athletes of all communities in Canada together 會提倡積極和健康的生活方式,為所有人建立健康的生活習慣,特別是為了 for a fun-filled and friendly competition event. ACG is not only for Asians, it welcomes all 年輕的新一代。本委員會正在盡全力透過體育和義工活動,希望促進社區間 communities to participate. ACG’s mission is to unite ALL communities for several days of friendly athletic 互相合作和了解。雖然 ACG 暫時只接受安大略省的運動員參加,但我們希 competition and to facilitate a better understanding through interaction with each other. 望能夠把這個活動擴展到更國際化。 Asian Community Games wants to promote active and healthy life styles for people of all ages, especially the younger generation. The committee is trying our best to organize competitive, yet friendly sport events for people of all ages, athletic skill levels
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