'\ '\ Mecl RAI LTEL A 111i111 Ref: RailTel/Sectt/21/SE/S-16 Date: July 20, 2021 ratnd c>nterprisc QfR.,rctHPr q;'flf'ftc m-fcmm, ~ •.,~ R1ifi Qcfft,fat lifq; ~ fiilPl~s ift il'fflT ~ - 400051 Corporate Relationship Department, Listing Department, BSE Limited, Rotunda Building, National Stock Exchange of India Limited P J Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, 'Exchange Plaza', C-1, Block G, Mumbai - 400 001 Bandra - Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400051 Serio Svmbol- RAILTEL ScrioCode-543265

Sub: Disclosure of Related Party Transactions pursuant to Regulation 23(9) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Pursuant to Regulation 23(9) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed herewith disclosure of Related Party Transactions on a consolidated basis for the half year ended on 31/03/2021.

2. Please take note of above document on record.

~ , rahl ctitlf'ftt,-r )ffq;~fiilPl~s cfi'~ A~~ /?¥1' L /- 2-Ql1o1l~

~~ AF(ql$ ~ ~ JtR .:ti -jqfol-t llfilctiitl ;a4-F<1ct1 ~ - '(!"qi"~~ 8075

Encl.: As Above

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Related Party Disclosure on Consolidated basis for the period 0l-Oct-20 to 31-Mar-21.

Names ofrelated parties and their relationship:

(i) Enterprises under common control: Enterprises under common control are as follows: -

s. Enterprise No.

I Centre For Railway Information Systems

2 Container Corporation of India Ltd

3 Dedicated freight corridor Corporation oflndia Limited

4 Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited

5 Limited

6 Corporation oflndia Limited

7 Rail Land Development Authority

8 Limited

9 RITES Limited

JO India Railways

11 National High Speed Rail Corporation

12 Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation

13 Maharashtra Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd

14 Indian Railway Finance Corporation

15 Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Ltd

16 Research Design and Standards Organization

(ii) Subsidiaries: RailTel Enterprises Limited

(iii) Key Management Personnel:

S. Name Designation Date of Date of Cessation (If any) No. a ointment Sh. Puneet Chawla CMD 14/ 12/2018 Appointed as CMD w.e.f. 10/05/2019 (earlier holding additional charge from ~--...:,,._. 0 I 8 to 09/05/20 I 9 2 Sh. Ashutosh Vasant Director s been divested of the /dufes of the post of 1 o· OM w.e.f. I 24/09/2020 as per MoR ; Letter. ·'' Sh. Sanjai Kumar DirectorIN PM 23/05/2018 He has been entmsted w ith additional charge of the post of Director/POM w.e.f. 28/09/2020 as per MOR Letter. -I Sh. Anand Kumar Director/Finance D/F - 04/09/2019 NA Singh and CFO CFO - 26/09/2019 5 Sh. J S Marwah Company 05/02/201 S NA Secretary 6 Sh. Harish C handra Director 19.05.2018 Batra Di rector & CFO 26.06.2018 7 Sh. A.K. Sablania Director 25.06.2018 Ceased to be Director & Director & CEO 26.06.2018 CEO w.e.f. 3 1/03/2021 8 Smt. Nikita Shanna Company 23.12.2019 Secretary

(iv) Disclosures of transactions of the Group with Key Management Personnel: (Rs. In Lakhs)

Sh. Sh. Sh. Smt. Sh. Anand Sh. J S Naml' Puneet Ashutosh Sanjai Nikita Kumar Singh Marwah Particulars Chawla Vasant Kumar Sharma Director Director Director/Finance Company Company Designation C'MD /POM /NPM and CFO Secretary Secretary

I S:'llari.:-~ and Oc1"20- j f\ i!\l\\ UIICCS Mar·2 1 16 25 29 18 12 6 l I l'r0, id~111 (kl"2tl- Fund '\far"2 1 I Co111rih1n i<•n 0 I 2 I I I l Pcn~ion Oc1·20. Contribul ilm :\lar"2 1 I 2 I 2 0 0

\ 'alu~ !'f Oct"'.20- Pcrqui, itcs M:1r·21 ; I 5.5 5 0.5 0

Lea,,· Oct"20- En.n; l11n<'nt Mar·21 (Part nf FSC) 1.5 0 0 0 0 0

(v) The actuarial liabil ity for the key managerial personnel is as follows: (Rs. Jn Lakhs)

Gratuity Leave Encashmeut Employl'e Namr Designation As at 31" March 2021 As at 31'1 March 2021

Sh. San_jai Kumar Din:ctw/NPM 13 24

Sh . .I S ~h1rnah Company Secretary 4 9

Dirt:.·tor/POM 13 18

Sh. ,\11:1nd Kumar Sing.Ii Dir~ctor/Finance 15 - Transadiuns ,, it h subsidia1y ~ l ·1t, IE (Rs. In Lakhs)

~ Nature of Transactions Amount

O n account of operating Rs. 662 Lakhs Income

On account of Non-Operating Rs. 3 1 Lakhs Income

Receivables as at 3 1.03.202 1 Rs. 13 13 Lakhs

Other Current Assets (Unbilled Rs. IO I Lakhs Receivables) as at 31.03.202 1

Other Current Account Nil Transactions

On account of operating Nil Expense

Other Payable as al 3 1.03.202 1 Nil

(vii) Transactions with Railway PSUs& Railway Units

Transactions with Railway PSUs and Railway Units are in relation to Telecommunication Services & Other Projects.

(Rs. in Lakhs)

Payable Advance Receivable as at Received Particulars Period Revenue Expense as at 31 - 31- as at 31- Mar-21 Mar-21 Mar-21

Centre For Railway Infom1ation Systems Oct'20-Mnr'21 226 0 332 0 98

Container Corporation of India Ltd Ocr20-Mar'21 94 0 14 1 0 0

Dedicated freight corridor Corporation of Ocr 20-Mar'2 I 41 0 I 624 0 577 India Limited

Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Oct'20-Mar'21 -676 5 308 2 2 Corporation Limited

IRCON International Limited Oct '20-Mar'21 125 I 63 0 0

Konkan Railway Corporation oflndia Oct '20-Mnr'21 45 145 4 1 37 I Limited

Rail Land Development Authority Ocr'20-Mnr'21 14 0 18 0 0

Rail Vikas Nigam Limited Oef20-Mar'21 305 0 353 0 655

RlTES Limited Oct'20-Mar'2I 51 0 137 0 7

India Railways Ocf 20-Mar'2 l 2 1273 5637 24045 5938 2 1548

National High-Speed Rail Corporation Oct'20-Mar'2 l 151 0 25 0 459

Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Oct ·20-Mar"21 14 0 5 Ln_ 5 ~. res!)~ Maharashtra Rail lnfrastrnciure Ocr20-Mar';: .,~ 5 ;;ct;· i. C: - ~ Development Corporation Ltd t-1•'.7 •f;f h ~ ., ' ,1 .:,- ,, (o ~(i fl-- ,;. ~ii',.. , " ') :.. , w I~ ~r~ \'{'.~:--'.'.::;'~/ < ~• · ~ s~le1:>');;... v ~•...I ~w Delhi ::,} V ....'::::-.:.,-;;:;.:..,:;., ~~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~~°' ~-"' 011 ;,~ 0dloUo6•~ Or.oo,a--lio1' o\\<' ! Indian Ra il";•~ rinan(<' (\,rrorntion I Oct"20-tvlar·21 416 0 491 0 0 I In, li:tn Rai 1'1 a~ ~1:11 i,,n D,1<'l11pnw111 Oct'20-Mar'21 2 0 I 0 0 <:urpor.111011 I id

CAO Rail \\ h.:d l'l:1111 Bda I Oct'20-Mar"2l 0 0 0 0 0 Rc:sc:nrch D,·$ig11 and ~1;rnd:1rds Urg.a11i1atio11 l Oct'20-Mar'2 I 0 22 32 0 0 ...... Oct'20- Total 22454 58ll Mar'21 26621 5977 23376 Details of Key Managerial Personnel (KMPs) and Other Directors:-

• Functional Directors:- a) Shri Puneet Chawla, Chairman and Managing Director b) Shri Ashutosh Vasant, Director (He has been divested of the charge/duties of the post of Director/POM w.e.f 24/09/2020 as per MoR Letter) c) Shri Sanjai Kumar, Director/NPM (He has been entrusted with Additional Charge of the post of Director/POM w.e.f 28/09/2020 as per MOR Letter) d) Shri Anand Kumar Singh, Director/Finance

• Independent Directors:- a) Smt. Rashmi Jain b) Shri Chinnasamy Ganesan

• Government Nominee Directors:- a) Shri Umesh Balonda b) Shri Vinay Srivastava

• Chief Financial Officer (CFO}:­ Shri Anand Kumar Singh

• Company Secretary & Compliance Officer:­ Shri J S Marwah
