Study on Collection and Transportation of Waste In
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UvIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS Judul: STUDY ON COLLECTION AND TRANSPORTATION OF WASTE IN KOTA SAMARAHAN SESI PENGAJIAN : 2005/2006 Saya, KHAIRUL KHUZAIMAH BINTI ABDUL RAHIM (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis * ini disimpan di Pusat Khidmat Maklumat Akademik, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. 2. Pusat Khidmat Maklumat Akademik, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. 3. Membuat pendigitan untuk membanguankan Pangkalan Data Kandungan Tempatan. 4. Pusat Khidmat Maklumat Akademik, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. 5. ** Sila tandakan (ý) di kotak yang berkenaan. SULIT (Mengandungi maklumat yand berdarjah keselamatanatau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972). TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan). Demo (Visit TIDAK TERHAD 11ahkan oleh , /fl ýý 0 (TAND'ATANGAN PENULIS) (TANDAT en GAN PENYELIA) Alamat No. 109 Jalan Astana tetap_ , Lrg 4 Petra Jaya 93050 Kuching, Sarawak. En. Jethro Henry Adam Nama Penyelia Tarikh: I -? "5 oG Tarikh: 06 CATATAN * Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi ljazah Doktor Falsafah, Sarjana dan Sarjana Muda ** Jika tesis ini SULIT dan TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaandengan menyatakan sekali sebabdan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT dan TERHAD. The following Final Year Project Report: Title : Study on Collection and Transportation of Waste in Kota Samarahan Name : Khairul Khuzaimah Binti Abdul Rahim Matric No. : 8419 Has been read and approved by: rar/ oc EN. JETHRO HENRY ADAM Date Supervisor Demo (Visit STUDY ON COLLECTION AND TRANSPORTATION OF WASTE IN KOTA SAMARAHAN KHAIRUL KHUZAIMAH BINTI ABDUL RAHIM Demo (Visit This project is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (Civil Engineering) Faculty of Engineering UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK 2006 "Dedicated to my beloved family... " Demo (Visit i AKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah the Gracious and Merciful. First of all, the author would like to express deepest gratitude to her supervisor, Mr. Jethro Henry Adam, for his guidance, advice and encouragement thus completing this report. The author would also like to give special thanks to Mr. Stephen Chong Chung Kin and Mr. Nawi Bin Haji Som from MDS along with Mr. Mason Barau and Ms Janet J. Balong from Trinekens (Sarawak) Sdn. Bhd. for their cooperation in providing some important data and information necessary for this report. Without their cooperation the author wouldn't be able to complete her report. Not forgetting lots of gratitude and thanks to her parents and brothers for their endless supports and encouragement. Last but not Demo (Visit least, special acknowledgement to the author's friends who has shared concern, point of views while completing this report. Thank you all. 11 ABSTRACT Activities associated with waste management system displays an array of problems, including low collection coverage on average due to the inaccessibility by vehicles of some areas, irregular collection services, inadequate equipment used for waste collection, crude open dumping and burning without air and water pollution control, inadequate legal provisions and resources constraints. This report presents the study of the current method of collection and transportation of domestic waste in Kota Samarahan and recommendations to improve the current system. As a comparison to the former matter, the current method of collection and transportation of domestic waste in Kuching is also collected and analyzed. Before interviews are conducted at MDS and Trienekens, Demoquestionnaires (Visit (Appendix 1) are given to the person responsible at both organizations to give them a brief idea of this study. However, survey was done by distributing questionnaires (Appendix 2) to residents of Kpg. Tanjung Bundong and Kpg. Muara Tuang. The current method of collection and transportation of domestic waste in Kota Samarahan is using the curbside system. The residents have to provide there own waste containers and the waste collected is hauled directly to the disposal site at Kpg. Plaie using compactor trucks. Kota Samarahan does not have any transfer stations for waste materials. Thus, the data obtained from this study are analyzed and recommendations are given to improve the current method of collection and transportation of waste in Kota Samarahan. iii ABSTRAK Pelbagai masalah timbul semasa menjalankan aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan pengurusan bahan sisa pepejal. Antaranya ialah servis kutipan bahan sisa pepejal yang kurang kerap. Laporan ini membentangkan tentang kaedah terkini yang digunakan untuk proses pengutipan dan pengangkutan bahan sisa pepejal domestik di Kota Samarahan serta cadangan bagi memperbaiki kaedah terbabit. Sebagai perbandingan, kaedah proses pengutipan dan pengangkutan bahan sisa pepejal domestic di Kuching juga turut dikutip dan dianalisis. Bagi menerangkan serba sedikit latar belakang kajian ini, borang soal selidik (Lampiran 1) telah diserahkan kepada pegawai yang bertanggungjawab di MDS dan Trienekens sebelum wawancara Demo (Visit terhadap mereka dijalankan. Survei pula dijalankan di Kpg. Tanjung Bundong dan Kpg. Muara Tuang dengan mengedarkan borang soal selidik (Lampiran 2) kepada penduduk setempat. Kaedah pengutipan dan pengangkutan sisa pepejal domestik di Kota Samarahan ialah dengan menggunakan sistem dari rumah ke rumah disamping perlu menyediakan tong sampah mereka sendiri. Bahan sisa pepejal yang telah dikutip akan diangkut terus ke tapak pembuangan sampah yang terletak di Kpg. Plaie menggunakan lori. Kota samarahan tidak mempunyai sebarang stesen persinggahan untuk bahan sisa pepejal. Oleh itu, data yang diperolehi akan dianalisis dan beberapa cadangan bagi memperbaiki kaedah terkini pengutipan dan pengangkutan bahan sisa pepejal di Kota Samarahan turut disertakan. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENT PAGE APPROVAL LETTER APPROVAL SHEET TITLE PAGE DEDICATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 11 ABSTRACT iii ABSTRAK iv TABLE OF CONTENT V Demo (Visit LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF ABREVIATIONS xii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General I 1.2 Collection and Transportation of Waste 5 1.3 Objective 8 V CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE RIVIEW 2.1 General 9 2.2 Functional Elements of a Solid Waste Management System 10 2.2.1 Solid Waste Generation 11 2.2.2 Waste Handling, Separation and Storage at Site 14 Waste Handling and Separation at Site 14 Storage at Site 17 2.2.3 Collection 19 2.2.4 Processing of Solid Waste 20 2.2.5 Transfer and Transport 21 2.2.6 Disposal 22 2.3 Municipal Solid Waste Collection 23 Demo (Visit 2.3.1 Methods of Collection 25 2.3.2 Collection Vehicle Routing 29 2.3.3 Types of Containers 30 2.4 Municipal Solid Waste Transportation 31 2.4.1 Transfer Stations and Transportations 31 2.4.2 Types of Truck 36 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 General 38 V1 3.2 Data Collection 40 3.3 Importance of Data Collection 41 3.4 Method of Data Collection 41 CHAPTER 4 DATA, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 General 43 4.2 Case Study 43 4.3 Majlis Daerah Samarahan (MDS) - Samarahan District Council 44 4.3.1 MDS Service Areas 46 4.3.2 Waste Handling, Separation and Storage at Site 47 4.3.3 MDS Method of Collection 50 4.3.4 Transfer and Transport 53 Demo (Visit 4.4 Trienekens Sarawak Sdn. Bhd 55 4.4.1 Trienekens Sarawak Sdn. Bhd Service Areas 56 4.4.2 Waste Handling, Separation and Storage At Site 57 4.4.3 Trienekens Sarawak Sdn. Bhd Method of Collection 60 4.4.4 Transfer and Transport 62 4.5 The Association between MDS & Trienekens Sarawak Sdn. Bhd 64 4.6 Factors Affecting Costs of Waste Collection and Transportation 69 System vii CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusion 71 5.1.1 The Current Method of Collection and Transportation Of 71 Waste in Kota Samarahan 5.1.2 Method Of Improving The Current Method Of 73 Collection and Transportation Of Waste In Kota Samarahan 5.2 Recommendations 74 REFERENCES 76 APPENDIXES Demo (Visit Appendix 1 Questionnaire given to MDS and Trienekens Appendix 2 Questionnaire distributed to the residents at Kpg. Tanjung Bundong and Kpg. Muara Tuang viii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1.1 Functional Elements of a Solid Waste Management 3 System 1.2 Five Phasesof Municipal Solid Waste Collection 7 2.1 Materials Flow and The Generation of Solid Waste in 13 a Technological Society 2.2 Five phases of municipal solid waste collection 23 2.3 One-person Crew 26 2.4 Two-person Crew 27 Demo (Visit 2.5 Three-person Crew 28 2.6 Simplified Solid Waste Collection Route 30 2.7 Several Typical Transfer Stations 33 2.8 Complex facilities 34 2.9 Typical Semitrailer Used to Transport Waste 35 2.10 Automated 37 2.11 Semi-automated 37 2.12 Rear Loading (traditional) 37 2.13 Rear Loading (retrofitted) 37 ix 4.1 Majlis Daerah Samarahan 44 4.2 MDS Public Health Department Organisation Chart 45 4.3 Plastic waste containers 48 4.4 Waste handling at site by the residents