REVIEW of EVENTS with the OCCUPATION of the Low Countries

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REVIEW of EVENTS with the OCCUPATION of the Low Countries REVIEW OF EVENTS WITH THE OCCUPATION of the Low Countries and the collapse of France, continental Europe can now be called a veritable trap for the Jews. To the number of Jews already under the Nazi domination, there were added about 84,000 residents of Belgium, about 200,000 of Holland, and nearly 450,000 residents of France. The relatively scarce information from the Lowlands tells of the arrests and return to Germany of refugees and of increasing mistreatment and economic elimination of native Jews. There is a justifiable fear that the Nazi demands on France may include the intro- duction of some form of racial policy, modified to a certain extent because of the strength of the traditions of democracy and equality in the first European country to emancipate the Jews. Today, Western and Central Europe, with some exceptions, are dominated by the forces of racialism and anti-Semitism, and coordinated by Nazi policy. The panicky switching of alliances is extending this controlled area, as in the case of Rumania, which is today a completely racist state, and through the growing influence of pro- Nazi elements in such countries as Hungary, where anti-Jewish policies are becoming more and more vicious. Furthermore, Nazi fifth column propa- ganda outside of Europe is continuing to exploit anti-Semitism in its efforts at further domination. Its poisonous influences have become in- creasingly felt in the New World, as evidenced by recent happenings in sev- eral Latin American countries. The combat against them, therefore, be- comes a life or death struggle by the democracies. THE FATE of specifically Jewish refugees has become an issue of relatively lesser importance in the eyes of the world because of the presence of mil- lions of others in a similar position in the Nazi dominated territories. Most tragic is the lot of the thousands of German emigres—particularly those who actively fought nazism and thus became the special objects of Nazi revenge—who sought shelter in Holland, Belgium and France only to be handed over to the Nazis as part of the dictated armistice terms. Relatively few have managed to escape into England and Portugal. THE ENTRY of Italy into the war has placed the Jewish communities in the Mediterranean in the direct line of danger. Those in Tangier as well as 408 REVIEW OF EVENTS 409 in the French possessions in North Africa are now exposed to the hazards of Spanish fascism and the changes in the government policy of France. Palestine faces direct Italian attacks. The sympathy of the Arab, and par- ticularly the Jewish, communities with the war aims of the Allies continues to be expressed in a number of practical ways, such as voluntary military service, defense loans and economic coordination. Arab and Jewish collabo- ration in the economic and cultural field is slowly erasing the efforts of four years of terroristic propaganda and acts. The uncertain status of Syria, however, has brought to the fore new proposals for an Arab Fed- eration of States, which may profoundly alter the position of the Jewish National Home. WITH THE INCORPORATION of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina as well as the virtual extension of Soviet rule over the Baltic republics, the Soviet Union now includes in its population more than half of Europe's Jews. While looking forward, as in the case of Bessarabia, to liberation from racist policies, the Jews of these countries are exposed to the existing conflict between Soviet ideology and the religious and cultural patterns of Judaism. THE ATTENTION of Jews in the United States was directed mainly toward the problem of relieving war victims, while preparations were made for the reception of refugee children from England. Much attention was focused on the convention of the Zionist Organization of America, which resulted in a complete change of administration. The verdict reached in the Chris- tian Front trial in Brooklyn, N. Y., and the increasing venom of Father Coughlin's propaganda were more than offset by concrete evidences of the spirit of national unity in the face of events abroad. These were expressed in the general temper of the public, the weakening of anti-Jewish and Nazi propaganda, and the increased demand by the public for vigorous action against fifth column activities. 410 CHRONICLES RECORD OF EVENTS: MAY-JUNE UNITED STATES gram, promotion of religious and demo- cratic ideals, serious consideration of Shock and horror were felt through- the duties of the Jewish community in out the nation following France's col- the present emergency, and the develop- lapse and capitulation to the Nazi con- ment of Palestine were themes stressed queror. Plans to bring evacuated French at national conventions of many Ameri- and British children of all faiths to this can Jewish organizations held during country under the quota were being this period. A national committee for rushed by American officials, it was the defense of democracy and a national learned on June 24. Canada's offer to receive British child refugees obtained program to promote Jewish religious support from the United States Com- education were formed by the conven- mittee for the Care of European Chil- tion of the United Synagogue in Atlantic dren, organized June 20 at a meeting of City, N. J., on May 12-13. Meeting in relief and charitable agencies, including Atlantic City at the same time, the Jewish welfare organizations. Previ- National Federation of Men's Clubs ously, the Federation of Polish Jews, at and the Women's Division of the United a conference held on May 28, appealed Synagogue stressed similar goals. The to the President to facilitate entry of annual meeting of the Central Con- child refugees. The Morning Journal ference of American Rabbis at Char- (N. Y.) also revealed on June 27 that levoix, Mich., June 18-23, recorded its it was organizing a movement in co- support of government measures to aid operation with the Union of Orthodox the Allies, condemned anti-alien legisla- Rabbis to rescue children from war tion, called for liberal social legislation areas. and proposed a unified Jewish organiza- tion to deal with post-war problems. Refugee Aid Similar views were expressed at the annual meeting of the Rabbinical As- The National Refugee Service re- sembly of America in Detroit, June ported on May 3 that 1,522 refugees 25-28. were resettled during the first three Baccalaureate exercises at the U. S. months of 1940. Two new services were Military Academy, West Point, in- also established: an Advisory Commit- cluded a Jewish service, the first given, tee on Housing, which assisted in hous- for 11 Jewish Chapel Squad members ing 1,315 families, and an Agriculture of the class graduated on June 9. For- Agency, cooperating with the Jewish mation of a committee of rabbis and Agricultural Society in farm resettle- teachers to plan a program of pupil ment. Progress in other refugee settle- activities in religious schools was an- ment plans was also reported. The nounced by the Jewish Education Com- Alaska colonization scheme, urged again mittee, May 19. Commencement exer- by Secretary of the Interior Ickes be- cises were held at the Hebrew Union fore a Senate sub-committee on May College, which ordained 13 rabbis on 13, was endorsed by many national May 25; the Jewish Institute of Re- leaders as a defense measure. It was ligion, graduating 8 on June 2; the also learned on May 23 that President Jewish Theological Seminary, where 24 Quezon of the Philippine Islands had students received degrees on June 9; endorsed the Mindanao project, previ- and the Yeshiva College, graduating 37 ously reported dropped, when he dedi- on June 20. cated Mariquina Hall for Jewish refugees in Quezon City on April 24. An appeal to the British Government for revision of its Palestine policy, was Jewish Communal Life made by the Mizrachi convention in Baltimore, Md., May 20-21. The Jew- Approval of the national defense pro- ish National Workers Alliance, meeting UNITED STATES 411 United States—Continued vention in New York, May 20-22, heard in Detroit May 30-June 3, decided to Governor Lehman and other speakers raise $100,000 for the purchase of Pales- urge America to erect "inner defenses." tine land. Funds for the Red Mögen On June 16, this organization an- David (equivalent of the Red Cross) nounced plans to purchase an ambulance in Palestine were voted by the Order for Allied use. The same day, the Amer- Sons of Zion at its Atlantic City con- ican Jewish Congress announced that it vention, June 16-17. President Roose- would support the Committee to De- velt's national defense program was en- fend America by Aiding the Allies. The dorsed. The National Council of Zion- convention at Asbury Park, N. J., June ist Youth Organizations also adopted a 8-10, of the Federation of Polish Jews resolution advocating American aid to also adopted resolutions in support of the Allies short of war, it was learned the national defense program. June 26. Formation of a Jewish youth organi- Prediction of the formation of a "co- zation to cooperate with Protestant and belligerent" Jewish army fighting as an Catholic groups in fighting communism ally of Britain was made by Vladimir and nazism was announced on May 13 Jabotinsky at a New York meeting on by Oscar Kanny, president of the or- June 19 sponsored by the Revisionist ganization, who resigned from the Zionists. Leaders of the Zionist Or- American Youth Congress for its fail- ganization, conferring with British Am- ure to condemn the Soviet invasion of bassador Lord Lothian in Washington Finland. Withdrawal from the Youth on June 17, however, dissociated them- Congress of the Junior Hadassah on selves from the Jabotinsky plan, point- May 14 and of the National Young ing out that Palestine Jews were already Judea the next day for similar reasons registered for defense of the homeland.
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