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Cook-Patton SC, Maynard L, Lemoine NP, Shue J, Parker JD. 2014. Cascading effects of a highly specialized - interaction on forest regeneration. PeerJ 2:e442 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.442 1 Cascading effects of a highly specialized beech-aphid-fungus interaction on forest

2 regeneration


4 OR: Boogie-woogie shake up tree seedlings


6 Susan C. Cook-Patton: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; [email protected]

7 Lauren Maynard: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; [email protected]

8 Nathan Lemoine: Florida International University; [email protected]

9 Jessica Shue: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; [email protected]

10 John D. Parker: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; [email protected] PrePrints 11

12 1Corresponding author: [email protected]


14 Keywords: , imbricator, spongiosa, seedling

15 survival, forest regeneration



1 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 17 Abstract


19 Specialist herbivores are often thought to benefit the larger plant community, because

20 they prevent their host species from becoming competitively dominant. In contrast, specialist

21 enemies are not generally expected to have negative impacts on non-hosts. However, we

22 describe a cascade of indirect interactions whereby a specialist sooty mold ()

23 colonizes the honeydew from a specialist beech aphid (Grylloprociphilus imbricator), ultimately

24 decreasing the survival of seedlings beneath American beech trees (Fagus grandifolia). A

25 common garden experiment indicated that this mortality resulted from moldy honeydew

26 impairing leaf function rather than from chemical or microbial changes to the soil. In addition, PrePrints 27 aphids consistently colonized the same beech trees regardless of host density, suggesting that

28 seedling-depauperate islands may form beneath these trees. Thus this highly specialized three-

29 way beech-aphid-fungus interaction has the potential to impact local forest regeneration via a

30 cascade of indirect effects.




2 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 33 Introduction

34 Natural enemies play important roles in structuring plant communities (Janzen 1970;

35 Webb and Peart 1999; Carson and Root 2000; Petermann et al. 2008). While specialist enemies

36 (i.e., those that feed on one or a few closely related species) can in some cases remove entire

37 species from the plant community (e.g., Herms and McCullough 2014), they are generally

38 thought to be beneficial overall because they prevent any one species from becoming

39 competitively dominant (Janzen 1970; Connell 1971; Terborgh 2012). Moreover, the loss of

40 specialist enemies can allow plant species to spread aggressively and disrupt natural ecosystems

41 (Keane and Crawley 2002). In contrast, it is not expected that specialist enemies will negatively

42 impact the growth and survival of non-host plant species. However, ecological systems are PrePrints 43 usually made up of complex interaction webs, and species may impact ecologically distant

44 species indirectly, due to changes in either the densities or in the traits of intermediary species

45 (Abrams 1995).

46 Here, we document the negative effects of a highly specialized three-way plant-

47 herbivore-fungal interaction on non-host plant species. Specifically, we examined beech blight

48 aphids (Grylloprociphilus imbricator; Fig. 1a,b), which are common consumers of American

49 beech trees (Fagus grandifolia) in eastern North American forests (Hottes and Frison 1931;

50 Smith 1974; Blackman and Eastop 1994; Aoki et al. 2001). We observed a paucity of seedlings

51 beneath infested beech trees, and we combined observational and experimental data to decipher

52 the underlying mechanisms. With two years of field observations in a mapped 16-ha forest and a

53 common garden experiment, we explored the factors determining aphid distributions across the

54 forest landscape at multiple spatial scales, as well as the consequences of aphids for the forest

55 seedling community. We tested two principal hypotheses: first, the beech-aphid-sooty mold

3 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 56 interaction will have negative effects on seedling communities and second, that this negative

57 effect will results from changes in soil quality.


59 Methods

60 Study organisms: Beech blight aphids (Grylloprociphilus imbricator (Fitch); Fig. 1a) are

61 common sights in eastern North American forests. Known colloquially as “boogie-woogie aphids”

62 for their tendency to shake their abdomen when disturbed, these aphids are frequently discussed

63 in environmental blogs and state extension publications (e.g., Childs 2011; Virginia Department

64 of Forestry 2013). Their basic natural history is somewhat described, but their ecology and

65 impacts on co-occurring species is almost entirely uncharacterized. The aphids colonize the PrePrints 66 branches of American beech tree (Fagus grandifolia (Ehrh.)) in autumn. Their fuzzy white

67 bodies form highly conspicuous colonies (Fig. 1b; Hottes and Frison 1931; Smith 1974;

68 Blackman and Eastop 1994; Aoki et al. 2001), which can be up to 1.5 meters in length (Smith

69 1974) and contain thousands of individuals (Aoki et al. 2001). Aphid colonies are made more

70 obvious by the fungal masses that form below them. This fungus (Scorias spongiosa (Schwein.)

71 Fr.) specializes on the aphid’s sugar-rich excrement or “honeydew” (Hughes 1976). S. spongiosa

72 is found primarily in association with Fagus species (Reynolds 1978), but also on Alnus species

73 (Chomnunti et al. 2011). Initially the fungus forms a brown, spongy mass (Fig. 1c) that

74 eventually turns black, hardens, and persists through much of the winter. The fungus also coats

75 the leaves of seedlings directly beneath the aphid colonies (Fig. 1d). We never observed aphid

76 colonies without S. spongiosa suggesting that the aphids either carry the fungus with them, or

77 that the fungus is ubiquitous (but dormant) in the environment.

4 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 78 Experimental site: All field surveys and soil collections occurred in the Smithsonian

79 Environmental Research Center (SERC) Forest Dynamics Plot (38° 53’ 11.4822”, - 76° 33’

80 31.2464”). In this 16-ha plot, the diameter and spatial location of all woody species > 1.0 cm dbh

81 are known. Each hectare of the SERC Forest Dynamics Plot is divided into 100 10m x 10m

82 subplots. We selected 12 to 13 evenly spaced subplots in each hectare (Fig. 2A; N = 204) and we

83 censused every adult beech tree (N = 659) within these subplots. For a random subset of the

84 subplots (N = 258, N = 129 per year), we also had light availability and soil moisture data. We

85 collected light availability data in August 2011 using an AccuPAR LP-80 ceptometer to record

86 photosynthetically available light in the center of each plot, taking all measurements between

87 11am and 4pm on a mostly cloudless day. We then collected ambient light measurements from a PrePrints 88 nearby, unshaded area and calculated ‘light transmittance’ as the fraction of light in each forested

89 location relative to ambient light. We collected soil moisture data in June 2011 using a

90 Fieldscout TDR 300, with two soil moisture measurements taken from the southwest corner of

91 each 10m x 10m subplot.

92 Field survey: We first explored the spatial and temporal dynamics of the beech-aphid-

93 fungus interaction within the forest, and asked whether this specialized three-way interaction had

94 negative effects on the seedling community. During the last week of September 2012 and the

95 third week of October 2013, we recorded aphid infestation on the focal beech trees. Aphids

96 usually only colonized a single branch or a cluster of connected branches, and were packed

97 densely along that branch. We therefore scored the intensity of damage on each tree using an

98 ordinal scale: 0 = no aphids, 1 = presence of aphids, 2 = greater than 30 cm of branch covered by

99 aphid colony, and 3 = greater than 100 cm of branch covered with aphids. In the second week of

100 October 2012, we also selected 19 focal beech trees that occurred within the northwest hectare of

5 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 101 the SERC Forest Dynamics Plot. We chose trees that were 10-20 cm dbh, because the trees in

102 this size class were sufficiently large (only 7% of trees were bigger), common, and varied in

103 aphid infestation status. Six of the focal beech trees had no aphids, seven had an aphid score of

104 two, and six had an aphid score of three. We individually tagged and identified every woody

105 seedling within 1-m of the focal tree (N = 575 total; 30 per adult on average, ranging from 7 to

106 58), measured its initial height, and noted whether its leaves were directly coated in sooty mold.

107 In mid-June 2013, we returned to these seedlings to reassess height and survival.

108 Common Garden Experiment: We also asked whether the impacts of the beech-aphid-

109 fungal interaction were soil related. To do so, we collected the top ~20 cm of soil in mid-May

110 2013 from randomly selected adult beech trees that occurred in the northwest corner of the PrePrints 111 SERC Forest Dynamics Plot (N = 15 adults with aphids in 2012, 15 adults without aphids in

112 2012). For trees with aphids, we gathered soil from directly beneath the previous year’s

113 infestation (within 0.5 m of the tree trunk). These areas were obvious because they often had

114 fewer seedlings, blackened leaf litter, and black-encrusted branches directly above. For trees

115 without aphids, we also gathered soil from within 0.5 m of the tree trunk. We divided the soil

116 from each adult tree into six, sterilized tree tubes (Deepots, Recycled D40 cells; sterilized with

117 10% bleach, 10 minutes). We also sterilized all tools between soil samples. Into each tube we

118 planted a single, one-year old seedling that naturally germinated in an adjacent, aphid-free forest

119 patch. We employed six different species (Acer rubrum, Carya alba, Fagus grandifolia,

120 Liriodendron tulipifera, Platanus occidentalis, and Quercus alba) in a fully crossed 2 x 6

121 factorial experiment such that all species occurred once in each soil sample. We spaced and

122 suspended the seedlings in elevated trays (Deepot N25T) and kept them outside beneath two

123 layers of shade cloth. We watered the seedlings between May and August 2013, but afterwards

6 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 124 allowed seedlings to grow undisturbed. We measured initial seedling height in May 2013, and in

125 the third week of October 2013, we assessed survival.


127 Statistical Analyses

128 Spatial Distribution. All analyses were conducted in R (v 3.0.2). To determine the local

129 factors that influenced aphid infestation, we examined how the probability of aphid infestation

130 depended on tree size (dbh), year (2012 vs. 2013), the number of beech trees within a subplot,

131 light availability, and soil water content. For all analyses we used binomial logistic regression

132 (glm in R package stats, R Core Team). The first model included probability of infestation as a

133 function of tree dbh and year, plus their interaction. The second model regressed probability of PrePrints 134 infestation against the number of beech trees in each subplot. In addition, we examined whether

135 the severity of infestation in 2012 (aphid score of 0, 1, 2, or 3) determined the probability of

136 infestation in 2013. The third model included probability of infestation as a function of percent

137 light transmittance and soil water content for subplots where environmental data were collected.

138 To examine the spatial scale at which aphid outbreaks occurred in both 2012 and 2013,

139 we calculated Moran’s I for different distance classes. We first determined the proportion of

140 infested trees in each subplot, and then utilized Euclidean distances between subplot centroids

141 (Fortin and Dale 2005) to place subplots into 15 unique classes, ranging from 0 to 500 meters.

142 For example, the first distance class consisted of all grids between 0 and 36 meters apart and the

143 second distance class consisted of all grids between 37 and 71 meters apart. We then calculated

144 Moran’s I for each distance class, using 999 random permutations of the data to determine the

145 significance of the observed test statistic (Fortin and Dale 2005), and considered statistics falling

146 outside of the 95% confidence interval as significant.

7 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 147 Forest seedling performance. We used generalized linear mixed effects models (glmer in

148 R package lme4; Bates, Maechler, and Bolker 2011) to determine whether seedling growth and

149 survival varied as a function of tree infestation status (aphid vs. no-aphid), treating survival as a

150 binary response variable with a binomial distribution and growth as a continuous response

151 variable with a normal distribution. We constructed a second model to determine how survival

152 and growth varied as a function of honeydew coverage, where honeydew coverage was a three-

153 factor predictor (seedlings beneath uninfested trees, seedlings beneath infested trees but not

154 directly covered in sooty mold, and seedlings directly covered in sooty mold). For both models,

155 we treated adult tree as a random factor with seedling nested within adult.

156 Common Garden Experiment. Because the seedlings species could be grouped into early PrePrints 157 successional species (Acer rubrum, Liriodendron tulipifera, and Platanus occidentalis) and late

158 successional species (Carya alba, Fagus grandifolia, and Quercus alba), we planned a priori

159 contrasts to determine whether the effects of soil treatment (aphid vs. no-aphids) differed

160 depending on successional status. We also used planned a priori contrasts to assess whether the

161 growth of beech seedlings differed from other species. We again analyzed seedling survival and

162 growth in the common garden experiment using generalized linear models, with soil treatment,

163 species successional category, and conspecific status (beech vs. not beech) as the predictors.


165 Results

166 Even though the aphid infestations were significantly lower in 2013 than in 2012 (n =

167 1288, z = 8.26, p < 0.001), patterns of colonization were consistent between years. Aphids were

168 more likely to infest trees that had hosted aphids in the previous year (n = 644, z = 8.26, p <

169 0.001). Trees that had few to no aphids in 2012 had a very low probability of hosting aphids in

8 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 170 2013. In contrast, trees with moderately-sized aphid densities in 2012 (aphid score = 2) had a

171 significantly higher probability of being infested in 2013 (0.301 ± 0.050, z = 7.51, p < 0.001),

172 and trees with severe infestations in 2012 had a very high probability of being recolonized in

173 2013 (0.889 ± 0.074, z = 7.07, p < 0.001).

174 Aphids were also more common on larger beech trees, with the probability of infestation

175 increasing with dbh (n = 1288, p < 0.0001). However, they did not appear to recruit to denser

176 patches of beech trees, as the proportion of beech trees infected in each subplot did not depend

177 on the number of beech trees in that subplot (n = 262, t = 7.20, p = 0.223). Infestation did

178 depend on the number of infested neighbors, however, as can be seen by significantly clustered

179 Moran’s I values at small spatial scales (Fig. 2b). PrePrints 180 Aphid infestation was unrelated to either light (n = 258, p = 0.678) or soil moisture

181 content (n = 258, p = 0.890). Aphids may be responding to other environmental variables,

182 however, because aphid infestations were spatially clumped at small distances (0 – 36 m; Fig.

183 2b). This clustering disappeared at larger spatial scales, however, with the distribution of

184 infestation becoming random after our first distance class (Fig. 2b).

185 Aphid colonization had negative consequences for the seedling community. In the

186 absence of aphids, seedling survival was very high: 90% ± 2.7% of the tagged seedlings survived

187 between 2012 and 2013. In contrast, seedlings directly covered in honeydew/sooty mold had

188 significantly lower survival (80 ± 4.2%, n = 575, X2 = 7.40, p = 0.030; Fig. 3). This effect

189 appears to be fairly localized, as seedlings that occurred under infested trees but outside of the

190 honeydrew drip zone did not show diminished survival (89 ± 2.4%; z = 0.51, p = 0.611). Thus,

191 seedling survival did not depend on whether aphids occurred on the nearest adult tree, but instead

192 on whether they were covered with honeydew/sooty mold (z = 2.18, p = 0.030; Fig. 3). Growth

9 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 193 of the surviving seedlings showed the same patterns of survival, but did not significantly differ

194 among aphid (n = 470, F = 0.48, p = 0.493) or honeydew conditions (n = 470, F = 0.57, p =

195 0.571). Beech seedlings also did not have different growth or survival than other seedling species

196 (p > 0.1 for all tests), suggesting that they experienced little to no negative feedback from adult

197 beech trees.

198 Garden Experiment. The effect of aphids on seedling survival and growth does not

199 appear to be mediated through changing soil conditions, because seedling survival was the same

200 in soil from beneath infested and uninfested beech trees (n = 178, survival: z = 0.22, p = 0.603;

201 growth: t = -0.38, p = 0.665). Otherwise, patterns of growth were consistent with other

202 ecological predictions that early successional species would have higher growth rates than late PrePrints 203 successional species (t = -5.99, p = 0.001), and that conspecific beech seedlings would have

204 reduced growth compared to other species (with significantly lower growth than Acer rubrum (t

205 = 6.73, p < 0.001) and P. occidentalis (t = 4.37, p < 0.001)).


207 Discussion

208 While specialist herbivores are generally thought to benefit the greater plant community

209 (Janzen 1970; Connell 1971; Terborgh 2012), the potential for specialists to also negatively

210 impact non-host species is possible via cascading, indirect interactions (Abrams 1995). We

211 observed that a highly specialized interaction between beech trees, aphids, and a sooty mold

212 negatively and indiscriminately affected the survival of seedlings beneath infested beech trees

213 regardless of seedling species. Mortality likely resulted from the specialized sooty mold fungus

214 colonizing aphid honeydew and impairing leaf function in honeydew-covered seedlings.

10 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 215 The beech-aphid-fungal interaction could impact seedling mortality via two avenues:

216 changes in soil quality and/or impairment of leaf function. For example, aphid honeydew is

217 carbon rich, and carbon inputs into soil are known to diminish fertility (Stadler et al. 1998;

218 Blumenthal 2006). However, our common garden experiment showed no evidence that aphids

219 altered soil qualities enough to impact seedling growth and survival. In addition, we only

220 observed reduced seedling survival in the field when the seedlings were directly covered in sooty

221 mold, and not in adjacent seedlings outside of the honeydew drip line (Fig. 3). This localized

222 effect further implicates the honeydew and fungus as agents of mortality. Because the fungus is

223 not known to infect leaf tissue (Hughes 1976), this suggests that mortality resulted from

224 diminished photosynthesis or impaired gas exchange rather than direct fungal infection. PrePrints 225 We also observed that the aphids were distributed widely (Fig. 2a), but randomly

226 throughout a 16-ha forest plot (Fig. 2b). The only factors that predicted aphid colonization were

227 tree size, infestation status from in the prior year, and the close proximity of other infested beech

228 trees. This suggests that the negative beech-aphid-fungal effect on seedling communities will be

229 concentrated to localized islands across the forests, centered around large beech trees that are

230 repeatedly colonized by the aphid.

231 This paper provides an intriguing example of how a common, but poorly characterized

232 suite of specialists can have strong negative effects on non-host plant species via a cascade of

233 indirect effects. Because the negative effects of the fungus were indiscriminate with regards to

234 species and had an overall dampening effect on seedling diversity, this example runs counter to

235 the general ecological principal that specialist herbivores benefit the broader plant community by

236 preferentially suppressing their host species (Connell 1971; Webb and Peart 1999; Keane and

237 Crawley 2002; Terborgh 2012)

11 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 238

239 Acknowledgements: We thank S McMahon, M LaForgia, K Edson and J Miguel for assistance

240 in the field, G Parker for insightful critique, and G Parker for giving us permission to use spatial

241 and dbh data from the SERC Forest Dynamics Plot. A grant from the Washington Biologists

242 Field Club to SCC and JDP, and an NSF-REU grant to JDP (DBI 156799) supported this

243 research.


245 PrePrints

12 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 245 References


247 Abrams, P. A. 1995. Implications of dynamically variable traits for identifying, classifying, and

248 measuring direct and indirect effects in ecological communities. The American Naturalist

249 146:112–134.

250 Aoki, S., U. Kurosu, and C. D. von Dohlen. 2001. Colony defense by wingpadded nymphs in

251 Grylloprociphilus imbricator (: ). The Florida Entomologist 84:431–434.

252 Blackman, R. L., and V. F. Eastop. 1994. Aphids on the World's Trees: An Identification and

253 Information Guide. CAB International, Wallingford.

254 Blumenthal, D. M. 2006. Interactions between resource availability and enemy release in plant PrePrints 255 invasion. Ecology Letters 9:887–895.

256 Carson, W. P., and R. B. Root. 2000. Herbivory and plant species coexistence: community

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264 of Populations (pp. 298–312). Center for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation,

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13 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 268 Fortin, M.-J., and M. Dale. 2005. Spatial Analysis: A Guide for Ecologists. Cambridge

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284 Smith, C. F. 1974. Keys to and descriptions of the genera of Pemphigini in North America

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14 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 291 Webb, C., and D. R. Peart. 1999. Seedling density dependence promotes coexistence of Bornean

292 rain forest trees. Ecology 80:2006–2017.


294 PrePrints

15 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 294 Figures


296 Fig. 1 [a] Beech blight aphids, [b] colony covering a beech branch, [c] Scoria spongiosa before it

297 turns black, and [d] blackened S. spongiosa on the leaves of a seedling beneath an infested beech

298 tree.


300 Fig. 2 Distribution of beech trees across the landscape. [a] Plot map with the number of beech

301 trees in each subplot indicated by circle size and the number of aphid-infested trees indicated by

302 color. Blank areas within the regular grid represent plots without beech trees, including the

303 curved area from top right to bottom left where a stream occurs. [b] Spatial clustering at different PrePrints 304 spatial scales. The x-axis represents the mean distance within a distance class.


306 Fig. 3 Probability of seedling survival depending on whether it occurred beneath an uninfested

307 tree, beneath an aphid-infested tree but not in the honeydew drip zone, or directly beneath a

308 honeydew drip zone.



311 312

16 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 312 Figure 1 313 a b c d

314 315 PrePrints

17 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 315 Figure 2 316

Northwest Northeast 2012 400 a ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Number of ! Beech Trees 300 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10 ! ! ! ! ! ! 15 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 200 ! Number ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Infested ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 0.0 Position (m) Position ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2.5 ! ! ! ! ! ! 5.0 100 ! ! ! ! ! ! 7.5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PrePrints ! ! 10.0

! ! !

! ! ! ! ! 0 ! ! ! ! ! ! 0 100 200 300 400 Southwest Position (m) Southeast

2012 1.0 b

0.5 I

0.0 Moran's Moran's


−1.0 100 200 300 400 500 Distance (meters, mean of class) 317 318

18 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014 318 Figure 3 319


0.85 PrePrints Probability of Survival 0.80

0.75 Uninfested Infested−No Honeydew Infested−Honeydew


19 PeerJ PrePrints | http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.340v1 | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | received: 31 Mar 2014, published: 31 Mar 2014