

Geography : Historical

Stogiannos, Alexandros The Genesis of and Friedrich Ratzel Dismissing the Myth of the Ratzelian Geodeterminism

Includes an extended presentation of some Ratzel's lesser known essays, which are very important to understand his major books Contains 29 maps of Friedrich Ratzel collected from several books Introduces a new viewpoint in evaluating Ratzel's concept of and consequently his contribution to leading geopolitical concepts This book discusses the influence of Friedrich Ratzel's ideas in more contemporary geopolitical analytical systems and the geodeterminism commonly attributed to him. The author thoroughly Springer analyzes the structural components of Ratzel's thought. The research is inspired by the 1st ed. 2019, XVI, 252 p. 53 numerous contradictory approaches in the secondary literature, presenting Ratzel as both 1st illus., 49 illus. in color. humanist and racist, geo-determinist and multidimensional analyst, organicist and social edition scientist, precursor of Geopolitics and opponent to the same idea. In this work,more particular issues are approached: the establishment of a scientific Political Geography; the methodological approach of his multidisciplinary work; the redefinition of his geopolitical Printed book period; his notion of state and the evaluation of sociological and cultural parameters as factors Hardcover of state power; the biogeographical content of the notion of ; his attitude towards the racist theories as well as towards the Darwinian theories; his overall worldview and the Printed book confrontation with cosmopolitism; his contribution to an interdisciplinary, positivist and scientific Hardcover approach in analyzing social and international affairs; his thoughts on the architecture of ISBN 978-3-319-98034-8 Europe. The book will be useful for researchers and students in many scientific fields, such as $ 199,99 International Relations, Geopolitics, Geography and History of Geography. Available Discount group Order online at springer.com/booksellers Professional Books (2) Springer Nature Customer Service Center LLC Product category 233 Spring Street Monograph New York, NY 10013 USA Series T: +1-800-SPRINGER NATURE Historical Geography and Geosciences (777-4643) or 212-460-1500 Other renditions [email protected] Softcover ISBN 978-3-319-98036-2

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ISBN 978-3-319-98034-8 / BIC: HBTP / SPRINGER NATURE: SCJ22010 Part of