Armsssrws Has Sent out an Appeal to Persons Who J-Auferbaeh .Stopped in Washington
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PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. food paintings, but moat of his time was DIED. Club devoted to etching- He wad one of the Englishman Weds R. Walton Goelet CARUSO NOW WELL ENOUGH TO Marquette original members of the Hoyal Society VEH YORK. LiROjKK.. At Plaiulleid, * .' on Monday. of 1'ainter-Etch-r*. displaying his work April II IKI, Jo. vi>l. Harpe. Bros* In Mrs. Wtiber A. Bloodgoou uvt « Presents Its Own at the first exhibition of the society in 1 !s HMU year Funeral a.-rvic*a at M» of His Bride SELECT HIS NEXT YEAR'S SONGS ¦> U> Stepdaughter Brings the 1H1, and v. us ele. ted un associate fn- «*idrr..-*, 11 South »v . Plainfleld, iuncneon yMl*rdty at R.t*-Carlton. «n Thursday .-veiling, April 14. at gravcr of the Roy*! Ai ademy when thai l<x lnt«in>eut Woodlawn Cemetery. Mayor Van Wyck Here From France Airs. D« Forest Grant has leturned Musical Fantasy distinction wu« revived in 1S06 N Y-. Frlda>. 15 iO P M from San'« Barbara, Cai. CARM1N ..Suddenly. «;i April 13. 1M1. .» HK-N'HV UfXIl HAItT. l"* residence, 91 Fort WaaMngton ar rtin.on, beloved b«li)Md of WU» Mi. and M:.«. Robert C. Pruyn of Al¬ Tliouftand .Members and tiuesis Bills descendsr.l of .tonn and devoted lather of Sylvia «.nd Mad*J*'1* Miss Kathryn Lydia Van Wyck are Henry Ha;:, bany at the rft. Ke*-.« Hart, one of the signers of the Declara¬ llr.e Oarmlii. Funeral piivatt. Bride of «»f the Attend tion of died UOI.h-MZO 13 B.|*» Coieoao. Peter Colquhoun, 36 Organization Independent-*, widtfeVy yes¬ nlrylivn Merrltfe ' #lb *v-> ne*r Mr. and Mia. Waiter T. floaen of terday of heart disease in the home of chapel. fr\j£m vVeat Fifty-fourth street will sail for I hi1 Performance. list at., Saturday, 12 M. Snrrev Merchant, Eurcpe by the Apri: ». hlg sister, Mrs L». Cuimlr de Coppet, in iPijst-KY.Waitar. Tb# Kurwal Chuicn Olynrpic Shrewsbury. X. J. He was born in iFranl; B. Campbell). Broadway. 6«th ei tajspices Actor*1 hSjnfl, rhurauay, 10 " Mr. and Mrs George J. ftouid «ave a Philadelphia seventy-one yearn ago and A. M Before an audience of more man l.ouO never was roar: ed Prior to hi* ietii»- Mia* Kathryn Lydia ^'ai1 Wyck, step¬ for thir.y la" n gbr at Sfif Firth CURTI3..At South N. <* ment several is lie wag in lhe Orange, J, of the late t \ enue. meiuuarft and iuesU the Marquette Club yea ago wtdMa&jr. Apnl 13. 1K1. «uy «. daughter Mayor Robert A. :vii©i-eaa> coal h-usine** this «*«1 " *?: presented !n the l>allrooin of the Piaza In c!t\ fie !o husband of tiara J5. Van of New "a* » .. tu will be Iveid Ht hu late batnv, 4M Wyck. York, married Mrs. Hem.> M. TilfO'-.l and bat daugh¬ leave." Another sister. Aiin- Helen Hurt, last Mr. Hotel lest night a luaaita!, fantasy cu'.led of 102 East street. Hillside place, Oran*®. cn 8««urday evening to Petar Colquhoun of ter, ilia.* Annfci.e Tfiford. :etom Seventy-ninth »» -tl Iti. a.- 3:3ti««;thP M. rtelat.ves * ' wHj ihe Richmond, Surrey, a member of a very to-morrow from Halm Beach. Topay book of which wa« 'i-s.u. ar« Isivited to attvrJ. i Etergraaa CumWT> Ellabalt- old English family of Scottish descent. written by Mr. Haul Stewart and the n 11.1 K.ll H. CHOSBV. Mr. and Mil. T. Suf'eru Taller wilt L'KWENDMft.- Suddenly. on Tuaaday. April The wm mujiic compoteil by Mr. Ronald Olypliant. Walter H. Crosby. ;¦!. an actor, it <*<i 12. 11)21. William H. Dcwender. Services ceremony performed by the ?o <o Baltimore M to be the Ap;il jueats The performance, which was in I^nux tiflet al tita late i*old«nta. 173 Amity at., Brooh- Ijtev. Nathan A. Beagle, long a friend of of Mr. and Mr*. Alexander Brown. t&atefullyj .vcalertlay Hjll Hoepitai r. at B <> on of mouths was Thursday evening. April 14. the Van mounted and costumod, wa? riwn under' Illness several He 0 lock, to which frlenda and member* or Wyck family, at St. Stephen's born in Buffalo in Mv. and Mra. Herman 3. Murray, aon- the direction of Mr. Alfred B. Cornell, and appeared stock Manual Lodge No CM. I". «-nd A M Protestant Episcopal Church, West Six¬ companies for thirty yoars. The funera. Triune Chapter No. 241. Royal Atcli .n-law and o? Mr. and Wr». Ma-o- " ty-ninth etreot. daughter They, as well as member* of the large will be held this morning: at The Fu¬ New- York: Columbian t'omman Chai-les Elliot Warren. aie a; Cedar- dery No. 1. Knight s Templar. New Judge Augustus Van Wyck. brother coat, are members of tho club and are neral Church by the Actors' Fund of fork; of the and hurst. L. f. Tempi#, A. A. <1 N. M. F or Mayor executor o< his will, , amateurs. The production, which had America and the body taken to Buffalo Brooklyn lira Invitwi to a'lend. gave the bride in marriuge, and his eon. Mm. kjdwa: d J. Barwind will give a previously been given lor «harlt> on for burial.'H..LoQte. baioved liufcbanfl of *rni», William Van Wyck, was one of the Siaten Isltuid and at the <.^rr</ll Club ii. «. tits :«ldance, 2«2 t'reaoent at., Broo'- wltR-^ses. dinner io-morrow nlglit and lake, her on Tuesday. April 12. Funeral >»¦"- Others present were ihe Madison avenue, will be to- mother X'lCflR tO 1 ht! o repeated RKRVAHI) S( HOKMtHI X. ,'U-u« Thi raduy waning, at 8 o'clock. In¬ and sister of Ihe brida and Mrs. night. tel mont private. James W. Osborne, of Bernard wholesale cloth¬ daughter Judge Mr. and Mr a. Theodore A. who Leading paru< in tiie muaic&l play Schoenbrun, HADDOCK.-On April 13. at New York. Van Wyck. Following the ceremony sjchulze. ier. who wae stricken with paralyel* B. Hadd<v son ) a \ e bueft passing a fortnight at the were taken by Mi>>*e« Katlileen Slevlu, Stanley k, of Amelia >v. there was a wedding dinner. Teresa Fan-ell. Monday, died y esterday in his home, 500 Haddock and Uic late Stanley B. Haudock. \u,me of their son-in-'.f v.' and (laughter. Eciith Coyle, Margaret Str.iiva at < Mr. and Mrs. Colqulioun are going to have August, May Belle Catherine West 17Gth street. He was a native of the residence of Arthur . Peru on Mv. and Mm. Jeremiah Milbatifc. McManus, and Plana, 2037 Locust at.. Philadelphia their wedding trip. as he Is to their home in Si. Paul. Minn. Loughlin. Ellen Burke, May Burke, Hungary came to this country- as a called there on business. bi tone man. He was in his 61 HAJNES..Cliarlo# Candler Haines, M D., The ide- Valeda l'yke and Catherine Powerrs and young st year. He beloved husband of Ann K. Halnaa. sud- groom served as a major in the British Mr. A. C. has been Metmrti. John J. Sweeney, Kenneth B leaves a wife, two sons and three daugh¬ denly. or. Tuesday. April II. Funeral at Henry Taylor ters. was h!f Army during the war. He is a son of from 1*1* aevero Kox, Conroy, William He a member of the Knights iatt refill ..rice, 1180 Jackaou a v.. The William and Mathlson gradually convalescing Aubrey Conway, of and the Uron*. N. v., Thursday evening. April 14. Agues Colqulioun. illnes3 of last month. While he baa not Charles Petigny, Richard R. Clifford and Pythias Hungarian Society. at The first news of the 8 o'clock Interment private at l-ay- approaching vet been able to leave h'a ho'.ise at .> H. Roberts Hansen. vitle, £>. I. came when the wedding couple appeared East street. h!a The chorus Included the Misiie.s Ada FCNKR\I. OF D. A. UOI.DKN'. on at the Seventy-first Improve¬ HAMILTON.Mary, Friday. April 8. at Municipal Building yesterday and ment lias been so satisfactory that be Slevin, Clare Conway, Marjory Donnelly, 1!' ChrUtonbar St. I.ouls and » obtained a marriage license. She is Aiulree Funeral services will be held to-mar- liawken papera please and Mrs. Taylor have arranged to *o Andrews, Margaret August, row morning fo. Daniel A. Gold'-n of copy. 28, he 44 years old, and a merchant. to their In Annan- Agnes Blake, Catherine Blake, CecelU HART..ilrnrv Ellis llait. fcon o! Theophllua Newport residence. 72J Avenue P. Fiatburh. and Jaie Kllla ie Miss Van Wyck had "been living at 49o dale June 1. Carey. Loretta Conaty, Anne Callanati. president of liait. In t T2d of West End avenue. Neither of them had road, the American l.i:> Society, who d'.rd his age. of heart failure. Funeral private Clare Cailanan. Courtney DavWige, Anno last »t the r«aldeiM3» of lila Mr«. been married before. Dobbin, Mdt.a Fariell, Catalina Qlbbs, Monday after a month's Illness Ct^iintr do J Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Murray Butler Atr. v as Coppet. Shrewebury, The bride of yesterday was one or Loretta, Marie Frances Golden 42 years old. Hi r- HART..Slater St. Mrs. Robert Walton Goelet. will give a dinner to-tii8*tt at Morn- Hogan, Jenkins, irani^ed the insurance Mary Candida. Mount three children by the first marriage of Mr. Rene \ i\ ianl, t:ie ICennelly, A. Lederle, Veronica Maxwell, corpora ion of Vincent, on Tuesday.