PParisharish aandnd TTownown CCouncilouncil CCharterharter fforor WWyreyre OOctoberctober 22008008 1 2 SIGNATURES Councillor Russell Forsyth Jim Corry Leader Chief Executive Wyre Borough Council Wyre Borough Council Councillor David Sharples Richard Fowler Secretary Chair Lancashire Association of Lancashire Association of Local Councils – Wyre Area Local Councils – Wyre Area Committee Committee 3 CONTENTS Page Introduction 6 A Mutual acknowledgement 8 B General communication and liaison 9 C General support and training 11 D Closer joint governance 12 E Participation and consultation 13 F Town and country planning 15 G Community planning 17 H Financial arrangements 18 I Developing the partnership 19 J Monitoring and review 23 K Complaints 23 L Conclusion 24 M Local council contact 25 Annex 1: Protocol for written consultations 26 Annex 2: Concurrent functions and fi nancial arrangements 28 4 This Parish and Town Council Charter for Wyre had been agreed between Wyre Borough Council and the local parish and town councils in Wyre. For more information about this Charter, please contact: Wyre Borough Council – Joanne Porter, Parish Liaison Offi cer on 01253 887503 or
[email protected] Lancashire Association of Local Councils – Wyre Area Committee – Secretary, Councillor David Sharples on (01995) 601701 5 INTRODUCTION Defi nitions: ‘Principal authority’ is Wyre Borough Council. ‘Local councils’ are town and parish councils and parish meetings. 1. The Government is pursuing a number of policies and initiatives that aim to empower local communities and give citizens the opportunity to help shape decisions about the way public services are designed and delivered to them. As part of this agenda the Government recognises that democratically elected town and parish councils - the most local tier of local government - can play a key role in meeting this aim.