CNMI's Sumption of the Covenant Sec Ing Seriously Considered by the Immigration and Wage Policies, Tion 902 Talks
UNlVi;RSITY._Of_!:iAWAII Llt,RAR'( arianas %riety;:~~s Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ • " . Vol. 25· No.',1°0o· .· \ ·.. · ; .·· ' . T. h. · d. ·A· · · I : · ... · Saipari', MP.969.50 ·. .:·,-\,::ilw.,,-,i~~ .·. ©1997 ·Marianas Variety . ·: . · .. · . .. ~rs ay • UgUS 7 , ·199 . 7 Serving CN.MI for 25 Y.ears· · ·ii. :{:;;l I 1• s' • • • '• ' ' •"' ............. ,/ AGANA, Guam (AP)-A Ko just before the crash," said Rudy smell of burned fuel and flesh was rean Air jet carrying 254 people Delos-Santos, reporter at radio unbearable, he said. The survi crashed and burned in a rain station KOKU who lives near the vors came from the front of the storm early Wednesday, and crash· site on Nimitz Hill, three plane, which was largely intact. rescuers who trudged through miles (five kilometers) from the The back was in ruins. the jungle with flashlights found airport on this U.S. island posses A White House official, speak at least 35 survivors. U.S. Navy sion. "The plane plowed through ing on condition of anonymity, crews were trying to crack open the jungle for a minute or so be · said authorities have concluded the fuselage to see if anyone fore it came to a rest." there was no fire and no distress (!]se could be saved. He said he ran to the area call from the pilot prior to the Flight 801, aBoeing747from through the darkness and got crash, as was previously believed. Seoul, South Korea, was carry within about 80 or90 yards (73 to The official said earlier accounts ing mostly Korean tourists, in 82 meters) before law enforce contained information that proved cluding several couples on their ment officials stopped him.
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