#T-101 STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA LAW REVISION COMMISSION TENTATIVE RECOMMENDATION Technical and Minor Substantive Statutory Corrections: References to Recording Technology April 2007 The purpose of this tentative recommendation is to solicit public comment on the Commission’s tentative conclusions. A comment submitted to the Commission will be part of the public record. The Commission will consider the comment at a public meeting when the Commission determines what, if any, recommendation it will make to the Legislature. It is just as important to advise the Commission that you approve the tentative recommendation as it is to advise the Commission that you believe revisions should be made to it. COMMENTS ON THIS TENTATIVE RECOMMENDATION SHOULD BE RECEIVED BY THE COMMISSION NOT LATER THAN June 30, 2007. The Commission will often substantially revise a proposal in response to comment it receives. Thus, this tentative recommendation is not necessarily the recommendation the Commission will submit to the Legislature. California Law Revision Commission 4000 Middlefield Road, Room D-1 Palo Alto, CA 94303-4739 650-494-1335 <
[email protected]> S U M M A R Y O F T E N T A T I V E R E C O M M E N D A T I O N The Commission proposes technical and minor substantive revisions to generalize and modernize existing statutory references to audio or video recording. Specifically, references to the use of a “tape,” “cassette,” “audiotape,” or “videotape” would be revised to instead refer in a generic manner to any recording technology. The revisions would thereby allow for use of existing digital recording technology that does not make use of a tape, as well as other recording technologies that may be developed in the future.