Zoeckier, Otto, 1833-1906. Cross of Christ : Studies in the History of Rt
Zoeckier, Otto, 1833-1906. Cross of Christ : studies in the history of rt and Ihe inner life of Ihe church. THE CROSS OF CHRIST. THE CROSS OF CHRIST STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF RELIGION AND THE INNER LIFE OF THE CHURCH. / ' BY THE REV. V OTTO ZOECKLER, D.D., PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY IN GREIFSWALD. TRANSLATED, IVJTH THE CO-OPERATION OF THE AUTHOR, BY THE REV. MAURICE J. EVANS, B.A. "Crux Christ! unica est eruditio verborum Dei, theologia sincerissima." Luther, on Psalm vi. ii. HODDER AND STOUGHTON, 27, PATERNOSTER ROW, MDCCCLXXVII. \_All Kights Reserz'ed.^ Printed by Hazell, Watson, and Viney, London and Aylesbury. ii A AUTHOR'S PREFACE. A MONOGRAPH of the Cross in the form of an octavo volume of almost five hundred pages will appear to some a hazardous undertaking ; to others, it may be, a mon- strosity. He who has seen the three bulky quarto volumes of Gretser's gigantic work will perhaps doubt the possibility of adding anything thereto of a nature to complement or correct that which has been said by him. On the other hand, he who is unacquainted with the abundance of problems con- nected with the history of worship and of art, and even of civihsation and morals, presenting themselves in this domain, will regard it as hardly comprehensible that a volume, even of the size of the present one, should be composed upon this subject, without its contents being afflicted with the bane of tedious dryness, or with the pedantry of an ingeniously trifling miniature painting. We hope, from the nature and contents of our work, to be sufficiently justified against objections on either side.
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