Receive and File Board Minutes – July 26, 2016

1) Community Advisory Panel May 12, 2016

2) Community Appearance Board May 17, 2016 May 24, 2016 May 31, 2016 June 7, 2016 June 14, 2016

3) Environmental Advisory Board October 15, 2015

4) Executive Employees Retirement Plan May 17, 2016

5) Historic Preservation Board May 17, 2016

6) Marine Advisory Board April 6, 2016

7) Parks and Recreation Board May 3, 2016 June 7, 2016

8) Planning and Zoning Board April 21, 2016

9) Police and Firefighters Retirement System May 26, 2016

10) Special Magistrate April 13, 2016

11) Zoning Board of Adjustment November 12, 2015


The meeting was called to order by Chair Terry Randolph at 6:02 PM.

1. Roll Call:

Terry Randolph, Chairman Deborah Carman, Vice-Chairman (arrived 6:12 PM) Jon Carter Eric Gooden Lawrence Katz (arrived 6:06 PM) Barbara Mc Manus Evelyn Panagakos Lamia Ashton Parfitt Linda Weiss Rose Jay Van Vechten

Member Absent: Charles Farthing

Staff: Chrissy Gibson, Communications and Marketing Manager Kathi Honor, Secretary

Prior to approving the minutes, Mr. Randolph introduced member Evelyn Panagakos Lamia who gave a brief background of her experience.


The minutes of the April 14, 2016 meeting were approved by mutual consent.


There was no old business.


A. Condensed CAP mission statement so citizens know what to expect from panel: Chairman Randolph provided a mission statement to the Panel for review. Discussion ensued on how to best present the Panel to the community and then to City Council. Ms. Carman arrived at 6:12 PM. Ms. McManus suggested adding that the Panel is actively seeking out the input of the community. Mr. Van Vechten said they need to be proactive but set protocols. Ms. Weiss Rose suggested the input of Homeowners Associations. Chairman Randolph read the statement aloud for the Panel. Ms. Gibson said she liked the word “initiative” as it shows solutions to problems. Ms. McManus thought the words “sounding board” should be added and Mr. Randolph thought that was implied. Upon further discussion, Chairman Randolph suggested, “expanded opportunities on an informal basis.” The mission statement was amended as follows:

The mission of the Boca Raton Community Advisory Panel (CAP) is to provide expanded opportunities on an informal basis for city residents to state their views, voice their concerns, and express their needs regarding quality of life issues affecting our community, including initiatives that citizens would like to see pursued by city government. The Panel will collectively organize the input received from the community at scheduled meetings and Town Hall forums and report the results on a periodic basis to the Boca Raton City Council for their consideration.

MOTION was made by Chairman Randolph, seconded by Mr. Carter to approve the summary mission statement as amended. MOTION CARRIED 9-1, Ms. McManus opposed.

B. Discuss Procedures For Public To Address The Panel: Chairman Randolph reviewed the rules of procedures that were sent to all members. Ms. Parfitt inquired why the public commentary time was reduced to 3 minutes when City Council has 5 minutes. Chairman Randolph responded that the Chair could extend the time if needed. Panel discussion continued. Discussion then ensued regarding how to provide proper information to the public at the meetings and how to move forward with issues. Ms. Gibson said Staff can assist with smaller issues and the Panel should address the larger issues.

MOTION was made by Mr. Van Vechten to approve the Rules of Procedures with the amendment of 5 minutes for initial commentary. MOTION CARRIED 10-0.

Ms. Gibson noted that if a lot of people show for a town hall meeting they can fill out a comment card or perhaps they can pre-register to speak. Ms. Weiss Rose said that not every issue would be brought before City Council and Ms. Gibson said that Panel could list all issues and then highlight ones that need to be addressed. Discussion ensued regarding whether business corporations would be able to address the Panel. It was agreed that if it affects City residents, they would be allowed. Ms. Carman suggested posting the Rules of Procedures on the City website along with the date of the meeting.

C. Dates And Logistics Of First Town Hall Meeting: Ms. Carman suggested they have the first Town Hall Meeting in September or October, 2016. Chairman Randolph then suggested the next Panel meeting should be in June, skip July and then a meeting in August, 2016. Ms. Weiss- Rose noted the Jewish Holidays are in October and the Town Hall Meeting should be scheduled after that but before the General Election. Chairman Randolph suggested a tentative date of October 20, 2016 but they would vote on that at the next meeting. Mr. Katz asked if they could have a sub-committee for the Town Hall Meeting. Mr. Randolph suggested adding that to the agenda for the next meeting and also suggested that the meeting shouldn’t be topic oriented but more open. Ms. Gibson suggested the Panel search the Internet for Best Practices for Town Hall Meetings and added she will obtain the protocol for sub-committees.

D. Effective Community Engagement To Determine Important Quality Of Life Issues: Chairman Randolph said they have to come up with effective ways to get people to attend the Town Hall Meetings. Ms. Weiss Rose suggested Homeowner Associations as a great outlet. Ms. Parfitt and Mr. Van Vechten suggested a communication sub-committee. Ms. McManus left the meeting at 7:00 PM.

MOTION was made by Mr. Katz, seconded by Mr. Gooden to approve a Communications Sub-Committee with Ms. Parfitt and Mr. Van Vechten for strategy. MOTION CARRIED 9-0.

Mr. Van Vechten said social media would be very important in getting the word out. Ms. Gibson said they could create a forum on the City website on the home page. Suggested the new Sub-Committee review the City website and come up with suggestions. Ms. Panagakos Lamia noted a citizen brought an issue to her attention regarding speeding in the Hidden Valley community. Ms. Gibson said that the Panel members could advise that the issues would be brought to City Council but also will provide contact information for the complaint. Discussion ensued on the best way for citizens to provide issues to the Panel especially if they can’t attend a meeting. Ms. Gibson noted that Panel members could attend City Council or Council Workshop meetings to promote the Panel meetings. The Panel agreed by mutual consent to schedule the next meeting on Thursday, June 16, 2016.

5. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no public comments.


A. Report of Strategic Planning 2016-2017

Ms. Gibson shared the report with the Panel noting what City Council’s priorities and focus are for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.

7. CHAIR/BOARD MEMBER REPORT: There were no reports.


The meeting was adjourned by mutual consent at approximately 7:18 PM.

CAP Minutes 5.12.16 Page 2


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Caycedo at 7:05 p.m. Roll was called.

PRESENT: Juan Caycedo, Chairman Joe Peterson Jess Sowards Alan West

ABSENT: Mark Jacobsen, Vice Chairman Jessica Dornblaser William Lamson Krsto Stamatovski

STAFF: John Harbilas, Zoning Officer

The Board Secretary administered the oath to all persons who intended to testify at this public hearing. The Chairman advised the public of their ability to participate in the meeting.

APPROVALS 1. Minutes MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Peterson to approve the minutes of the April 26, 2016 meeting. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

2. Recommendation(s) Mr. Harbilas advised that Items 6 and 11 were postponed by applicant.

3. Correspondence None

4. Outstanding Item(s) Mr. Harbilas noted he had Code of Ethics forms for several of the members to complete for the City Clerk.

5. Other Business None

CRA: Item 1 Window Sign-Beauty Smart 16-2357 94 S Federal Hwy

Mike Bellfeulle and Deana Clark presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Peterson said the letters should be 6 inches in height maximum in a line. The applicant said that other businesses nearby had the same graphics and Mr. Peterson noted that were installed without a permit. • Mr. Peterson said he could support the red line and the graphics above it. • Mr. West suggested removing the vinyl menu items from the 3 north panels below the red stripe. He said the door could have the dates and times of operation. • The applicant noted that the Boca Burger Palace next door has stools, a red rug, banners and flags outside and Mr. Caycedo said there is an open code violation enforcement issue on the Burger Palace. He did note that tables and chairs encourage pedestrian traffic. MOTION was made by Mr. West, seconded by Mr. Peterson to approve with the vinyl menu items removed from the 3 north panels below the red stripe and the red banner line can remain. MOTION CARRIED 3-1, Mr. Caycedo opposed.

Item 2 Window Sign-NY Grilled Cheese 16-2519 493 N Federal Hwy

Leor Barak and Benny Barak presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant noted the window graphics were already installed and there was a code issue. • Mr. Caycedo said he was ok with the black band but not the window graphics. • Mr. Sowards said he was ok with the black band and the letters but the graphics looked bigger than 6 inches. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards with the conditions that the picture graphics are removed; black vinyl and letters “Melt Sides & More” are no more than 6 inches. • The applicant said that the removal is cost prohibitive. • Mr. Sowards said he would amend his motion to postpone so the Board can take a look at it. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Peterson to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

Item 3 Building Signs-The Mark 16-2095 9 Plaza Real S 107

Mr. Caycedo advised he needed to step down from this item and due to no quorum it would have to be postponed. MOTION was made by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Sowards to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 3-0. Mr. Caycedo then advised he could hear the item and not comment and vote against it as the applicant came from Atlanta. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Peterson to reopen Item 3. MOTION CARRIED 3-1, Mr. Caycedo opposed. Corey Anderson presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Peterson said the blade sign lettering was a little awkward but he was ok with it. • Mr. Harbilas said that per the Downtown rules they couldn’t put any restrictions on the garage signs. • Mr. West said he would like to see the letters in reverse or vertical/stacked. • Mr. Sowards took a straw vote to approve with the font vertically and only one could approve. MOTION was made by Mr. West, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve with the conditions that the “M” is on the bottom and the word goes from bottom to top and “@ Cityscape” adjacent to the building, and there are no restrictions allowed on the garage signs. MOTION CARRIED 3-1, Mr. Caycedo opposed.

The Board agreed to hear Items 4 and 5 together. Item 4 Wall Sign-Core Evolution 16-2389 11 Plaza Real South 125

Item 5 Blade Sign-Core Evolution 16-2482 194 SE 1 Ave

Don Bennett presented. The Board reviewed the plans. No adverse comments were noted. MOTION was made by Mr. Caycedo, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve as long as the signs meet the criteria. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

Item 6 Tree Removal-Royal Palm Place 05-8562 194 SE 1 Ave

Postponed by applicant.

Item 7 Wall Signs-Metro PCS 16-2744 471 N Federal Hwy

Cesar Sanchez presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant said that this was for 3 signs on the east, west and north and that 2 of them were raceways. • Mr. Caycedo said the building has criteria for red signs and that only 2 are allowed and the north sign would have to be removed. He added that the raceway would have to be painted to match the wall. C.A.B. 5/17/16 2 of 5 • Mr. Peterson said the PCS letters couldn’t exceed the size of the other letters in the shopping center. • Mr. West asked if the words “authorized dealer” were necessary and the applicant said some stores are not authorized. MOTION was made by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve with the conditions that the sign facing north (on the south side of the building) is removed, the letters are to be installed in red and not exceed the adjacent letters in height, the words “authorized dealer” are removed and the raceway painted to match the building. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

Item 8 Via Mizner-Landscaping Prelim 998 S Federal Hwy

No representation MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. West to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

NEW ITEM(S): Item 9 Wall Sign-Boca Medical Supply 16-2204 1307 W Palmetto Park Rd

Jack Glover presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant said that Staff thought there might be an issue with the sign criteria but Mr. Caycedo says it seems to meet the criteria. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Caycedo to approve with the condition that the sign meets the center’s criteria. MOTION CARRIED 3-1, Mr. Peterson opposed.

Item 10 Monument Sign-Bell Boca Town Center 16-2393 2528 NW 2 Ave

Jack Glover presented. The Board reviewed the plans. No adverse comments were noted. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. West to approve with the conditions that the “TM” and the gatehouse logo are removed. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

Item 11 Gloria Drummond Screen Wall 15-4559 650 Glades Rd Postponed by applicant.

Item 12 Exterior Alteration-Comm Bldg 16-2494 1590 NW 10 Ave CA No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Caycedo, seconded by Mr. Sowards to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

Item 13 Cosmetic Solutions Expansion 16-954 6101 Park of Commerce Blvd

Edwards Torres, Malcolm Butters and Grant Thornbrough presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant advised they were expanding the building with a 2 stories on the north, extending the warehouse on the west and adding parking. The façade would replicate throughout. • Mr. Caycedo said the mechanical equipment must be fully screened dead level. • The applicant noted the site was heavily wooded and they would be mitigation for 16 trees on a 1 to 1 basis (8 oaks and 8 pines) and 10 trees on caliper for 110 inches (25 oaks and 16 pines) and they would be relocating the Sabal palms. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. West to approve with the conditions that all mechanical equipment be screened dead level and the color, glass and details match the existing. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

Item 14 Wall Sign-Compounding Docs 16-2327 1000 Clint Moore Rd 201

Stephanie Schwab presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. C.A.B. 5/17/16 3 of 5 • Mr. West liked the sign but thought they could only have 2 lines of copy. • Mr. Caycedo said he prefers Compounding Docs in 1 line and Pharmacy in the second line. MOTION was made by Mr. Caycedo, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve with the conditions that Compounding Docs are on one line and Pharmacy on the second line 2 inches away from the fist line and the logo is not to exceed the height of the 2 lines together approximately 18 inches and to center the sign over the door. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

REQ. FOR CHANGE: Item 15 St John Paul Monument Sign 15-4509 4001 N Military Trl No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Caycedo to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

POSTPONED ITEM(S): Item 16 New Driveway and Parking-Fountain Square 16-2046 2600 N Military Trl No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. West to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

Item 17 Parking Garage Expansion-Boca Colonade 16-1869 777 Yamato Rd No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. West to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

Item 18 Landscaping 16-2718 2600 NW 2 Ave No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Peterson to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

Item 19 Newth Gardens-Ext Alterations 16-999 1040 Banyan Rd CA No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Peterson to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. It should be noted that 2 owners were present but the applicant was not and Mr. Caycedo advised they could not speak if the applicant was not here.

Item 20 Building Sign-Poolside 16-1951 2528 NW 2 Ave

Karie Andrade presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Harbilas said that Staff was concerned about the amount of lines. • Mr. Caycedo agreed and said that the sign then becomes a menu. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. West to approve with the conditions that the sign is only 2 lines, keep Chemicals, Supplies and Repairs on the second line and remove monthly service. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

Item 21 Ground Sign Letters-La Perla Del Oceano 16-1810 1000 E Camino Real

Randy Bogen presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant said this would be 1 sign on Camino and 2 signs on Banyan. • Mr. Caycedo said they are only allowed 2 signs. • The applicant said they got the ok from Zoning that 3 signs were allowed and Mr. Harbilas said as long as they are 250 feet apart. • The applicant noted they were applying lettering to an already existing cement structure. • Mr. Peterson said he sees no reason for the 3 signs especially the one behind the tree. • Mr. Caycedo suggested removing Sign B behind the tree and then keep one on Camino and Sign A. C.A.B. 5/17/16 4 of 5 • Mr. West and Mr. Sowards were ok with it as long as it meets code. MOTION was made by Mr. Caycedo, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve with the conditions that the signs meet code and there is approval by Zoning. MOTION CARRIED 3-1, Mr. Peterson opposed.

Item 22 Re-paint EIFS Boca Corporate Center 16-2172 2101 NW Corporate Blvd

Peter Croft presented. The Board reviewed the plans. No adverse comments were noted. MOTION was made by Mr. Caycedo, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve with the conditions that the molliants are painted bronze to match the existing. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

PRELIMINARY ITEM(S): Item 23 Mc Donalds-New Comm Bldg Prelim 2140 N Federal Hwy

Craig Mc Donald, Scott Purdy, Rosangela De Mello and Scott Mc Clure presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant noted they moved the dumpster behind the building and relocated an Oak tree on an island in that area. There is a pedestrian connection on the east side and they are removing 2 trees to install that and will pay into the tree fund. They added landscaping in the front and on the side and a buffer. They matched the colors to the shopping center and added stone. • Mr. Caycedo said he was concerned that it was all one plane and no relief on the building. The applicant advised they added stone and a canopy and it comes out about 1 foot 4 inches. Mr. Caycedo said he didn’t see it in the plans and to be sure it’s there when they come for final approval. • Mr. Sowards said he would be looking for paint color changes with the reveal and the material changes with the depth. • Mr. Caycedo said the flat awnings become part of the signage of the building. He suggested they look at the Mc Donalds in Delray with the trellis in aluminum. • Mr. Sowards said the yellow band above the windows should be toned down. • Mr. Peterson said he was concerned with the menu board and asked them to be sure it’s screened with landscaping. He didn’t think the 12-foot Holly will be enough and the palms behind were too small. • Mr. Caycedo said he didn’t think the precast pineapple medallions went very well with the building. • Mr. Peterson said that E. Palataka Hollies would be ok by the drive thru if another one is added. He noted the control joints should be reglets and the west side should have some reveal. • Mr. West said he would like to see Royal Palms in the front on Federal Highway. • Mr. Sowards would like the light poles to match the rest in the shopping center.

BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Mr. Caycedo reminded the Board members that need to review the Ethics Video to do so and sign the form. There will be a workshop with the City regarding the sign ordinances at some point in the future.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by mutual consent at 9:10 PM. Kathi Honor, Recorder


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Caycedo at 7:00 p.m. Roll was called.

PRESENT: Juan Caycedo, Chairman Mark Jacobsen, Vice Chairman Joe Peterson Jess Sowards Krsto Stamatovski Alan West (arrived 7:05 PM)

ABSENT: Jessica Dornblaser William Lamson

STAFF: John Harbilas, Zoning Officer

The Board Secretary administered the oath to all persons who intended to testify at this public hearing. The Chairman advised the public of their ability to participate in the meeting.

APPROVALS 1. Minutes MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Peterson to approve the minutes of the May 3, 2016 and May 10, 2016 meetings. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

2. Recommendation(s) Mr. Harbilas advised that Item 10 was postponed by applicant.

3. Correspondence None

4. Outstanding Item(s)

5. Other Business None

Mr. West arrived at 7:05 PM CRA: Item 1 Window Sign-NY Grilled Cheese 16-2519 493 N Federal Hwy

Leor Barak and Benny Barak presented. The Board reviewed the plans. No adverse comments were noted. MOTION was made by Mr. Caycedo, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 2 New Residential Bldg. 15-7183 327 E Royal Palm Rd

Derek Vander Ploeg, Grant Thornbrough and Jack Schmitt presented. The Board reviewed the plans. No adverse comments were noted. MOTION was made by Mr. West, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 3 Via Mizner-Landscaping Prelim 998 S Federal Hwy

Grant Thornbrough and Gerald Poy presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant advised they were starting the planting on the resort side with staggered Royal Palms and other trees. • Mr. Caycedo said they are at risk if they plant before the permit is issued. • Mr. Jacobsen asked if there was any opportunity to get the Oaks near the building closer to the parking and the street and the applicant said it couldn’t be done. • Mr. Jacobsen suggested adding more canopy trees on the east side of the property on the west side of the east road. He was ok with the Royals on the resort side as long as the City is ok with it. • Mr. Sowards said he was ok with the height and the staggering as long as they were coordinating with the Resort. • Mr. Caycedo asked what was changing on the east/west access road and the applicant said the Mandarin changed the lay out of the street, which changed the rhythm of the islands and the parking spots. It also changed the temporary pocket park on the IDA approval to the north. • Mr. Caycedo said he was concerned with the façade under construction as it seems too bare, too flat and straight up and now they are reducing the landscape on that side. He noted it should be more of an urban street. • The applicant said they would look into it for permit. • Mr. Caycedo also said he had an issue with reducing the landscaping that was screening the garage from view. • Mr. Jacobsen said smaller ornamental trees would be good.

NEW ITEM(S): Item 4 Exterior Painting 16-3161 1499 W Palmetto Park Rd

Paul Fenimore and Mark Corlew presented. The Board reviewed the plans. No adverse comments were noted. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Jacobsen to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 5 Monument Sign Lettering-Boca Palms 16-3111 44 SE 14th St

Jay Goulet presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Caycedo said the full address doesn’t need to be on the sign and that 44 alone is ok. • Mr. Caycedo said the blue lines should go all around and the rest of the Board agreed. MOTION was made by Mr. Caycedo, seconded by Mr. Stamatovski to approve with the conditions that the blue lines are wrapped all around, the dark tan is all around and the address reduced to 44 centered on the cream panel. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 6 Monument Sign Lettering(s)-Boca Palms 16-3109 20 SE 14 St

Jay Goulet presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Caycedo said the same conditions should apply to this item as Item 5. MOTION was made by Mr. Caycedo, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve with the conditions that the blue lines are wrapped all around, the dark tan is all around and the address reduced to 44 centered on the cream panel. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. Mr. Jacobsen noted at this time that the Mobil sign on Glades Rd needs to be written up for code violations.

Item 7 Monument Sign Lettering-Boca Helping Hands/Community 16-3108 1 Crawford Blvd

Jay Goulet presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Stamatovski said it looked very crowded as presented. • Mr. Sowards agreed and said it was too many words.

C.A.B. 5/24/16 2 of 4 • The applicant said it was 2 charities and they can’t change the whole monument. • Mr. Sowards said it was the “B’s” that made it look so terrible. • Mr. Stamatovski asked if they could reduce the letters so it didn’t go all the way across. • The applicant said reducing the letters would make it very small. • Mr. Jacobsen said they should remove the overgrown grass and install flowers. • Mr. Sowards suggested making the lettering left justified and stacking the logos. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Jacobsen to approve with the conditions that Genesis Community Health and Boca Helping Hands are left justified, and to stack the logos and to remove the dead plants and replace with flowers. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 8 Wall Sign-801 Plaza Coastal Computers 16-2968 807 N Federal Hwy

Jay Goulet presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. West said he didn’t like Lessons and Repairs and would rather see just the name Coastal Computers and the logo larger. • Mr. Sowards agreed and said the lettering needs to match the blue in Vapor Shark. • Mr. Jacobsen said there was a lot of stuff in that corner and the graphics should be cleaner. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. West to approve with the conditions that the words “Lessons and Repairs” be removed and the Coastal Computers blue match the other blue in the center such as Vapor Shark. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 9 Building Sign-RESMAC 16-2967 5400 NW Broken Sound Blvd

Jay Goulet presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Peterson said the 24-inch lettering was too big. MOTION was made by Mr. Jacobsen, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve with the condition that the lettering is reduced to 20 inches to match National Pain Institute. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 10 Gloria Drummond Screen Wall 15-6586 650 Glades Rd Postponed by applicant.

Item 11 New Lighting Commercial Bldg. 15-4559 650 Glades Rd No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. West, seconded by Mr. Stamatovski to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

The Board agreed to hear Items 12 and 13 together. Item 12 Tierra Del Mar Condo Assn Re-paint 16-2675 950 Ponce De Leon Rd

Item 13 Tierra Del Mar Condo Assn Re-Paint 16-2674 1111 S Ocean Blvd

Hal Eisenstein presented. The Board reviewed the plans. No adverse comments were noted. MOTION was made by Mr. Jacobsen, seconded by Mr. Peterson to approve with the conditions that the applicant submit a letter to Staff with approval by the Association and the paint is to match the existing colors. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.


Item 14 Façade Renovations 15-6808 3200 N Federal Hwy No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. West, seconded by Mr. Sowards to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

C.A.B. 5/24/16 3 of 4


Item 15 Parking Garage Expansion-Boca Colonade 16-1869 777 Yamato Rd

Mr. Caycedo stepped down and did not participate in the discussion. Bruce Retzsch, Ben Branch and Mark Brodnick presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant noted that the new light poles on the top floor were 9 feet tall on 3 feet pedestals and that the sconces on the perimeter were the same style as the existing. • Mr. Peterson said he would like the poles reduced in height or removed or he couldn’t support the item. • Mr. Sowards said the challenge would be to shield the light. • Mr. Jacobsen said it was set back and not in a residential area with 50 foot trees and he was ok with it. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. West to approve with the conditions that the light levels not exceed the minimum required for foot-candles in the parking lot. MOTION CARRIED 4-1, Mr. Peterson opposed.

Item 16 New Driveway and Parking-Fountain Square 16-2046 2600 N Military Trl

Al Capellini and Joseph Monahan presented. The Board reviewed the plans. No adverse comments were noted. MOTION was made by Mr. Stamatovski, seconded by Mr. Jacobsen to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

PRELIMINARY ITEM(S): Item 17 Building Signage-Hyatt Prelim 120 E Palmetto Park Rd

Jose Hernandez presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant said there would be 4 signs total. There would be 2 signs each on the marquis entrance and 2 building signs on the west and south elevations. • Mr. Jacobsen noted they had 2 signs on the same elevation and Mr. Harbilas said they were entitled to a multi-story sign and a tenant sign. • Mr. Sowards noted it was the only building in the downtown area with signage this high up on the façade and Mr. Caycedo noted there was another building that had it. • Mr. Sowards said he was concerned with setting a precedent with residents looking at the sign. • Mr. Caycedo said it was important to have recognition from a distance and on the pedestrian scale. • Mr. Jacobsen thought the signs were tastefully done.

BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Mr. Caycedo said he contacted George Brown to meet and discuss the sign ordinances. Mr. Caycedo said there would be an architectural workshop regarding the downtown area on June 8, 2016 at 6:30 PM in Council Chambers. He anticipates a public showing. There would be discussion on the open space code.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by mutual consent at 8:25 PM.

Kathi Honor, Recorder


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Caycedo at 7:02 p.m. Roll was called.

PRESENT: Juan Caycedo, Chairman Mark Jacobsen, Vice Chairman (arrived 7:32 PM) Jessica Dornblaser William Lamson Joe Peterson Jess Sowards Krsto Stamatovski

STAFF: John Harbilas, Zoning Officer

The Board Secretary administered the oath to all persons who intended to testify at this public hearing. The Chairman advised the public of their ability to participate in the meeting.

APPROVALS 1. Minutes None

2. Recommendation(s) None

3. Correspondence None

4. Outstanding Item(s) None

5. Other Business None

CRA: Item 1 Awning Extensions-Biergarten 16-2979 309 Via De Palmas Marcelo Raffinergo presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant said they were adding an 11-foot extension to the existing canopy. • Mr. Peterson said they need 4 inch round columns and didn’t think the 3-inch round ones were permitted. • Mr. Sowards was ok with the black but preferred to see a cloth like material instead of the vinyl. He also said they need to match the existing columns and paint them black. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Stamatovski to approve with the condition that the awning material is black fabric and the steel columns match the existing in diameter. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 2 Site Alterations & Landscaping Rev. 5 15-6200 445 S Federal Hwy Doug Mummaw and Simeon Kirolov presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant said they were removing a little landscaping in the middle and making a promenade. They added palms on the side and would paint the concrete brown to match the pavers. • Mr. Stamatovski said he would rather see 1 large tree than small ones. • Mr. Peterson said this was minimally landscaped as they were taking out 2 Royal Palms and putting in small ones. He suggested they leave the Royal Palms on the north and south. • The applicant said the Royals are already gone. • Mr. Peterson said the planters were too small. He added that 1 small Bietchia palm is not good and suggested doubles in the corners. • Mr. Sowards said that even with Mr. Peterson’s suggestions the landscaping was still minimal. He said they could still add low area plantings in the middle. • Mr. Caycedo suggested an increase in planters on either side of the bay. MOTION was made by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Stamatovski to approve with the conditions that the planters are 50 % larger than shown in the plans and the single Bietchia are made doubles with 10 feet of gray wood. MOTION CARRIED 5-1, Mr. Sowards opposed.

Item 3 RFC: Wall Sign-Blowzone 16-1755 435 S Federal Hwy Donnie Bennett and Doug Mummaw presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Stamatovski said he could support page 5 or 6 of the examples but nothing bigger and Mr. Sowards agreed. • Ms. Dornblaser said page 5 was the most balanced and Mr. Lamson thought page 4 looked best. • Mr. Caycedo took a straw vote and most thought that page 5 looked best. Mr. Jacobsen arrived. • Another straw vote was taken for option 3 and none could support. MOTION was made by Mr. Caycedo, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve option 4 on page 5. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.

Item 4 BB&T ATM & Signage 16-2925 701 N Federal Hwy Chris Johnson presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Caycedo said the ATM is good for safety reasons but the sign on it was pretty big and should be reduced. • Mr. Jacobsen said it looked like the sign was a box stuck there and smaller is better. • Mr. Lamson thought it looked like advertising and it’s not needed. • Ms. Dornblaser said the lane BB&T sign next to the open lane seems too much. • Mr. Lamson agreed that “open” was ok but the ATM sign should be much smaller. • Mr. Peterson said there shouldn’t be any signage at all on the ATM. MOTION was made by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Stamatovski to approve with the conditions that they omit the sign from atop the ATM machine. MOTION CARRIED 6-1, Ms. Dornblaser opposed.

Item 5 Mizner Park Parking Information Signs Prelim 44 SE 14th St Andrew Mc Kinney presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Sowards said the location of signs for garage A and B were too far towards the and would like to see them closer to the garage. • Mr. Jacobsen said they should be in the landscape islands and added that so many other signs need to be cleaned up. • Mr. Stamatovski thought that coming from Federal Highway could be an issue. • Mr. Peterson said he couldn’t support A & B unless it’s right up next to the garage like C & D. • Mr. Jacobsen thought it was a good idea but the plans need to be finessed. He asked the applicant if they could be installed on the buildings and the applicant said they couldn’t stack it that way. • Ms. Dornblaser said FAU has just the number of spaces available overall, not by level. • Mr. Lamson agreed with Mr. Peterson on A & B and added the signs look like a vending machine and suggested adding brickwork. • Mr. Caycedo said the plans show flat not 3D so it was hard to comment. He agreed with Ms. Dornblaser on having just the number of spaces available but that they don’t need a list for each level. He added that 6 rows of LED lighting were not compatible with signage in the park and Mr. Jacobsen agreed.

Item 6 Hyatt-Faux Metalwork & Screening Prelim 120 E Palmetto Park Rd Jose Fernandez presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant advised that they had issues with the 5 large screens not in front of the opening and a handful of smaller ones and wants to remove them. • Mr. Stamatovski said he was concerned with the proposed change as it’s on the corner.

C.A.B. 5/31/16 2 of 5 • Mr. Caycedo said he wasn’t in favor of a fake grill but the revised elevation is missing something. He added they should have the grills there per the original design otherwise it will be too tall and flat. He said it might be ok to remove the ones in the courtyard. • Mr. Sowards agreed but added he would be disappointed even removing the ones on the interior. • Mr. Jacobsen said there is a lack of landscaping in the courtyard and if they remove the metal work it really loses the articulation. • Mr. Peterson was not in favor of removing them. • Ms. Dornblaser suggested changing the scoring a bit.

NEW ITEM(S): Item 7 New Fence-Woodlet Condominium 16-2667 1400 NW 9 Ave Tony Cutler and Brian Ferrera presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant wants to install a new fence 2 feet closer to the property line. • Mr. Jacobsen said they would need to install a 4-foot hedge. Mr. Harbilas clarified that the hedge would have to be on the outside of the fence and then the fence needs to be recessed in order to do that. • Mr. Sowards said that they need better communication with the neighboring association. • Mr. Jacobsen said the hedge wouldn’t be an issue if they installed an aluminum fence instead of chain link. • Mr. Caycedo suggested speaking with Mr. Smith in regards to the code and whether a chain link fence with vine would suffice. MOTION was made by Mr. Stamatovski, seconded by Mr. Peterson to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.

Item 8 Single Family Residence Front Porch 16-2887 1235 NE 5 Ave Brian Kuncman presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Sowards said they must see the floor plans in order to review. MOTION was made by Mr. Caycedo, seconded by Mr. Stamatovski to postpone. • The applicant advised that he had the floor plans and Mr. Caycedo withdrew his motion. MOTION was made by Mr. Stamatovski, seconded by Mr. Peterson to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.

Item 9 Wall Sign-School of Rock 16-2407 141 NW 20 St F Mateos Ojlafiul presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Peterson thought it was too big and Mr. Stamatovski added that the graphics were hard to read. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Peterson to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.

Item 10 Exterior Alteration-Yacht & Racquet Club of Boca Raton 16-2662 2711 N Ocean Blvd Keith Chambers and Buddy Hulbert presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant advised they didn’t have the plans and Mr. Caycedo said they need them for review. MOTION was made by Mr. Stamatovski, seconded by Mr. Sowards to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. The applicant requested to be heard again. MOTION was made by Mr. Jacobsen, seconded by Mr. Peterson to reopen Item 10. MOTION CARRIED 7-0. • The applicant noted this was an open area and they added glass block and an enclosure. • Mr. Lamson asked about ventilation and the applicant said it is vented. • The applicant said it was office space and now will be an art class space and is not visible by the public. He added it was approved by the Homeowner’s Association. • Mr. Peterson said the Board requires site plans with elevations. • Mr. Sowards said he would like to see a split system for the air conditioning. • The applicant said they would like shaker units to circulate the area and there would be a fence with mesh to screen them. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Jacobsen to approve with the condition that the mechanical ventilation system be a split unit not a wall unit. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.

C.A.B. 5/31/16 3 of 5

Item 11 Window Signs-Hearing Today 16-2921 1001 SW 2 Ave Bob Friedman presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Stamatovski thought it was too much copy. • Mr. Caycedo suggested moving the vinyl to the vertical center of the windowpane and said the door signs were ok. • Mr. Stamatovski said they don’t need Hearing Today on the window if it’s over the door and Mr. Lamson agreed. • Mr. Caycedo said the wall signs are not that visible once in the parking lot. MOTION was made by Mr. Jacobsen, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve with the condition that the Hearing Today sign be centered to the vertical center on the window. MOTION CARRIED 6-1, Mr. Stamatovski opposed.

Item 12 New Commercial Building-Robb & Stuckey 16-2348 1353 N Federal Hwy Bob Freeman, Andrew Rath and John Ferrera presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant said there were no changes in the building since the preliminary but changes in the landscaping. They said they created more greenspace, screened the dumpster and enclosure along with the truck bay. They upsized the trees and screened the FPL transformer as well as eliminated the interconnection to the north and added a continuous hedge. • Mr. Jacobsen said he would like to see canopy trees along Federal Highway. • Mr. Peterson said they must see the lighting cut sheets and Mr. Jacobsen said they also must see the landscape plans. • Ms. Dornblaser and Mr. Lamson both said they must see the paint schedule on the plans. • Mr. Stamatovski added they need to see a firm decision of the color schemes, swatches etc. • Mr. Sowards said they couldn’t have color changing lighting. • Ms. Dornblaser said the plans have some conflicting information regarding the dumpster enclosure and that needs to be confirmed. She added that the umbrella canvass awning should be fire resistant. She also said the plans for the screening wall on the southeast corner needs details. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Peterson to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.

REQ. FOR CHANGE: Item 13 Wall Sign-Subway 16-1379 401 NE Spanish River Blvd John Rogers presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant provided a letter from the landlord in favor of the change. He noted that the lease expires in October and they are considering not renewing if they can’t change the sign to the nationally recognized logo. • Mr. Jacobsen asked if Sherwin Williams had a permit for their sign and Mr. Peterson said it could have been there prior to the update. • Mr. Jacobsen said the sign criteria are for green and they can’t change it for just one tenant. • Mr. Sowards said if they change it for one then it’s a free for all and he couldn’t support it. Mr. Lamson and Ms. Dornblaser agreed. • Mr. Caycedo said they could appeal the decision to City Council. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Jacobsen to approve as submitted. MOTION DENIED 0-7, all opposed.

Item 14 Façade Renovations 15-6808 3200 N Federal Hwy Doug Mummaw and Simeon Kirolov presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Stamatovski said the tower looks like a wall and the applicant said it’s a threshold. • Mr. Stamatovski felt it needs more of a connection with the walkway. • Mr. Caycedo noted that the awning took away the courtyard space and he was opposed to it, but the tower should help clean that up. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Ms. Dornblaser to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.

C.A.B. 5/31/16 4 of 5

Item 15 Bldg Sign-Mattress Firm (NW Elevation) 16-747 3300 Airport Rd Doug Mummaw and Jason Ware presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant said they would like the 34 inches originally presented based on the surrounding conditions. • Mr. Jacobsen said he was ok with 34 inches given where it is. • Mr. Peterson said it was too big and the space is smaller than City Furniture. • Mr. Stamatovski is ok with what was already approved and said not every store that faces I95 should be seen from I95. • Ms. Dornblaser and Mr. Lamson were ok with the 34 inches. • Mr. Caycedo took a straw vote and 4 could support the change. MOTION was made by Ms. Dornblaser, seconded by Mr. Lamson to approve as originally submitted with 34 inches maximum height in letters for the F & M. MOTION CARRIED 4-3, Mr. Stamatovski, Mr. Caycedo and Mr. Sowards opposed.

POSTPONED ITEM(S): Item 16 New Lighting Commercial Bldg 15-6586 220 NE 11 St No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Jacobsen, seconded by Mr. Sowards to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.

Item 17 Exterior Restoration-Newth Gardens 16-999 1040 Banyan Rd CA Barbara Girand and Renato Silva presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant said the railings and Chattahoochee would remain the same in the original style. They are changing the paint colors to Bella Pink and Pure White and would repair/redo any columns if needed. • A resident spoke against the plans noting the election results were false. • Mr. Caycedo said that legal issues were not part of the Board’s review but asked what the issues were. • The resident noted the ballot said similar not identical and they didn’t have the 75% needed. • An Association Board member said that railings would be identical to meet code and the Chattahoochee identical to the existing. • Mr. Caycedo closed the public comment and noted that they are an aesthetics board only and the letter provided indicates approval. He added that any opposition would have to be done through the court system. • Mr. Peterson noted that since they are painting they should put the fake windows back. • Mr. Caycedo said if any of the columns are removed they should be replaced with identical ones. MOTION was made by Mr. Jacobsen, seconded by Mr. Peterson to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.

BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Mr. Caycedo advised there would be a public architectural roundtable on June 8, 2016 in City Council Chambers at 6:30 PM. Mr. Caycedo advised the Board that Mr. Alan West had resigned his position.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by mutual consent at 10:13 PM. Kathi Honor, Recorder


The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Jacobsen at 7:10 p.m. Roll was called.

PRESENT: Mark Jacobsen, Vice Chairman Jessica Dornblaser William Lamson Joe Peterson Jess Sowards (arrived 7:55 PM) Krsto Stamatovski

ABSENT: Juan Caycedo, Chairman

STAFF: John Harbilas, Zoning Officer

The Board Secretary administered the oath to all persons who intended to testify at this public hearing. The Chairman advised the public of their ability to participate in the meeting.

APPROVALS 1. Minutes MOTION was made by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Stamatovski to approve the minutes of the May 17, 2016 and May 24, 2016 meetings. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

2. Recommendation(s) Mr. Harbilas advised that Item 14 was postponed by applicant.

3. Correspondence None

4. Outstanding Item(s) None

5. Other Business None

CRA: Item 1 Window Sign-Raw Juce 16-2515 197 S Federal Hwy No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Stamatovski, seconded by Mr. Peterson to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

Item 2 Exterior Alterations-Bamboo Sushi Bar 16-1895 346 Plaza Real

Jorge Gonzalez presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Stamatovski was concerned with the elevated side with the wooden deck and wanted to see more on how it would look. He added he didn’t want to build platforms in Mizner Park. • Mr. Jacobsen was concerned with the half railings/half planters and thought it wouldn’t look right. • Mr. Stamatovski said that outdoor seating should be more open. • Ms. Dornblaser said they would need a ramp to the platform outside, not just inside. She was also concerned about relying on people to water the planters and not installed irrigation. • Mr. Jacobsen suggested planters instead of the screen. • Mr. Stamatovski said he couldn’t support the plans as presented and suggested postponing to review better photos and plans. • Mr. Jacobsen said they should check on the ramp in the front and Mr. Peterson said they must show a site plan. MOTION was made by Mr. Lamson, seconded by Mr. Stamatovski to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

Item 3 New Comm. Bldg.-Mizner 200 Prelim 200 SE Mizner Blvd.

Jorge Garcia, Grant Thornbrough and Peter Stromberg presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant advised this was a preliminary for the Mizner 200, which will consist of 384 units on site as a 9-story structure. There would be interconnectivity of green space, a landscaped area in the front and a visual effect. There would not be any retail. • Mr. Lamson asked where the service entrance was and the applicant advised on the north and south but on the inside. • Mr. Stamatovski said he loves the east side on the golf course but was concerned about the west side and noted it was not the real feel of downtown architecture. The elevations on the west were straight and flat. • Mr. Peterson said he was concerned with the west side elevations as well and said he would like to leave the Royal Palms and Date Palms and that the shrubs and ground cover need to be larger as well as adding medium sized trees. He added the building was nicely done but was concerned about the landscaping on the golf course and south side and said it needed to be more as it deserves better than a 30 inch poto carpus shrub. Mr. Sowards arrived at 7:55 PM. • Mr. Jacobsen thought they did a great job with the pedestrian access and agreed with Mr. Stamatovski about more stepping back in the front. Mr. Jacobsen opened the item for public comment. • George O’ Rourke noted they were putting trees in the middle of the sidewalk which would provide limited walkability on Mizner Blvd. He said it would be beneficial if the trees could be relocated. • Marsha Sherago commented this project doesn’t belong on Mizner Blvd as 9 stories is too close to Townsend Place. She suggested making separate buildings and not something so massive. • Eileen Gottsegen commented they are blocking the side view near Townsend and that the residents at Townsend paid to have a view of the golf course. She said they should make the north side lower as it seems like they are looking into someone’s window. • Skeets Friedkin said he was not in favor of this plan. He noted it’s a cozy community and doesn’t represent the feel of Boca Raton. He wanted to know if there needed to be a fence for the golf course as the prior club had it and he wondered how it would look. He added that breezes and flow of air will change and traffic will be an issue. • Ann Witte noted she was concerned about the economic viability of the project. She said it’s a mammoth building, the biggest in downtown and there should be multiple buildings to be consistent. • Doug Mummaw said he encouraged the Board to review the 4035 guidelines in regards to urban context and relationship scale. He said it’s a huge project for Mizner Blvd. Mr. Jacobsen closed the public comment portion of the Item. • Mr. Sowards added he liked the landscape free form but had a concern about the architectural style in the downtown. He said it’s more modern than what is usually in the downtown and needs more articulation. He added it’s a little flat and needs variation in the skyline.


Item 4 Monument Signs-331-351 Plaza 16-2481 351 Yamato Blvd

Barry Pokrifesck presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Jacobsen said the monument sign had too much going on with the lettering. They need to use similar colors. He added if they are moving the Sound Advice sign it should be similar to the new sign and Ms. Dornblaser agreed. • Mr. Lamson said there was no continuity with the lettering and it shouldn’t be an advertisement. It should be designed for direction. • Mr. Jacobsen said he didn’t recall the words “we give” on the old Sound Advice sign. • Mr. Sowards agreed that the letters should be the same color and style. • Mr. Stamatovski agreed with Mr. Sowards and added that they allow the logos but not all the colors for the lettering. He added that the Five Guys lettering was too big. • Mr. Peterson said he could accept the Sound Advice sign on the eastern corner but wouldn’t accept the multi-colored lettering on the new sign. He said it was an attractive monument but the white panels can’t be illuminated.

C.A.B. 6/07/16 2 of 5 MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Lamson to postpone. The applicant asked for a motion as presented. Mr. Sowards withdrew his motion MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Peterson to approve as submitted. MOTION DENIED 0-6, all opposed.

Item 5 Wall Sign-Privaira 16-2939 3690 Airport Rd 9

Lorraine Mac Laren presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Ms. Dornblaser said the signed seemed large and Mr. Lamson agreed. • Mr. Jacobsen said the logo should be the same size as the letter P. • Mr. Sowards said they need to know the height of the letter and Mr. Jacobsen said they need the dimensions. • Mr. Stamatovski was unsure if the same size can fit on both elevations and Mr. Peterson added they don’t allow raceways. MOTION was made by Mr. Stamatovski, seconded by Mr. Peterson to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 6 Site Lighting-Bank of America 16-2512 1000 N Federal Hwy No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Sowards to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 7 Wall Sign-Belzers Hardware 16-3007 3198 N Federal Hwy

Jack Glover presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant said the business wants to add the word Hardware. • Mr. Lamson said it seemed too big and was ok if it were the same size as the existing. • Mr. Sowards agreed and said it would be ok if reduced to 8 inches. • Mr. Stamatovski said to keep Belzer’s as is and reduce Hardware to 8 inches. MOTION was made by Mr. Stamatovski, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve with the conditions that Belzer's remain as is, Hardware reduced to 8 inches and to remove the signs on each side of the entry. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

The Board agreed to hear Items 8 and 9 together. Item 8 Wall Sign West-Mazel Auto Repair 16-2582 802 N Dixie Hwy

Item 9 Wall Sign South-Mazel Auto Repair 16-2584 802 N Dixie Hwy

Jack Glover presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Stamatovski said the Board must see the whole building. MOTION was made by Mr. Stamatovski, seconded by Mr. Peterson to postpone Items 8 & 9. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 10 Wall Sign-Repaint-Marathon 16-3065 5440 Glades Rd No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Peterson to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 11 Canopy Signs-Marathon 16-3070 5440 Glades Rd No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Peterson to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

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Item 12 Lobby Improvements-Sabal Point 16-2080 700 S Ocean Blvd

Cliff Roberson presented. The Board reviewed the plans. No adverse comments were noted. MOTION was made by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Stamatovski to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 13 New Freestanding Sign-Everglades University 16-2298 5000 T-Rex Ave

Tom Biaso presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Jacobsen asked if the applicant had a site plan and also asked if there was a sign criterion. • The applicant said he had an approval from the landlord and they were rebranding the campus. • Mr. Jacobsen said he liked the sign package as is and didn’t like the sign presented and Mr. Stamatovski agreed. • Mr. Stamatovski said if there was a package to replace all the signs that would be different. • Mr. Lamson said he didn’t want to change the look. • Mr. Sowards said the site is tough for way finding and the light blue is hard to read but what’s presented doesn’t improve the situation. He agreed that the signs should be presented as a package and the dark forest green color will get lost. He added that there needs to be a master sign program. MOTION was made by Mr. Stamatovski, seconded by Mr. Peterson to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 14 Monument Sign-Kensington 16-2809 4201 Clint Moore Rd CA Postponed by applicant.

Item 15 Mizner Court Stucco and Re-paint 16-3259 100 SE 5 Ave

Willy Cook presented. The Board reviewed the plans. No adverse comments were noted. MOTION was made by Mr. Stamatovski, seconded by Mr. Lamson to approve as submitted noting a copy of the Association approval letter must be provided to Staff. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 16 Building Sign-Vanguard Funding 16-2572 1 S Ocean Blvd

Mark Gregory presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Peterson said the logo is too big. • Ms. Dornblaser was concerned about the color of the sign matching and Mr. Lamson said it should be bronze in color as the others are. • Mr. Jacobsen said the logo could be in color. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Ms. Dornblaser to approve with the conditions that the letters be the bronze color to match the other signs and the logo no larger than the tallest letter and can be in blue and white. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 17 SFR Front Porch 16-2672 728 Camino Lakes Cir

Robert Crawford presented. The Board reviewed the plans. No adverse comments were noted. MOTION was made by Mr. Stamatovski, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 18 Re-Face Freestanding Sign-One Lab Holdings 16-2930 4805 NW 2 Ave

Michelle Lashowski presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted.

C.A.B. 6/07/16 4 of 5 • Mr. Sowards was unsure about “walk in lab testing” and the applicant said the people need to know what they do. • Mr. Stamatovski asked if there were any photos of the building and any other signs on the buildings and the applicant said there were no other signs. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Lamson to approve with the conditions that the view panel color match one of the main building colors on the existing building. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 19 Wall Sign-SGI 16-2984 990 S Rogers Cir 3

Matheus presented. The Board reviewed the plans. No adverse comments were noted. MOTION was made by Mr. Lamson, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.


Item 20 Wall Sign-School of Rock 16-2407 141 NW 20 St F

Doug Mummaw and Matheus presented. The Board reviewed the plans. No adverse comments were noted. MOTION was made by Mr. Lamson, seconded by Ms. Dornblaser to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Item 21 New Commercial Building-Robb & Stucky 16-2348 1353 N Federal Hwy

Matthew Kragh, John Ferrera, Andrew Rath, Matthew Allen and Lynn Bender presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant said the package now included the lighting cut sheets, the colors, the materials and finish schedule, the landscape plans, the dumpster enclosure, the awnings and the screening wall for the transformer. • Ms. Dornblaser thought it looked great and Mr. Lamson liked the colors of the pavers. • Mr. Sowards noted they would need to return for signage. MOTION was made by Mr. Stamatovski, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.


Item 22 New Building-Burtons Grill Prelim 5580 N Military Trl

Mr. Jacobsen stepped down and did not participate in the discussion. John Harrop, David Chriss and Paula Winker presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • Mr. Stamatovski said the north elevation shows a window but it’s not on the floor plan. The applicant said it’s a faux window. • Mr. Stamatovski said the back elevation is kind of a boxy blank wall and needs something. He said they shouldn’t create a building to hide with trees. He was ok with the colors and materials but was concerned with the mitering porcelain tile. • Mr. Peterson said the hedge around the service area should be a minimum of 6 feet. He said they should use reglets and not score joints and need more. He added they need more plantings. • Mr. Sowards said he was concerned with the “B” floating and they need to address signage. The applicant said they would come in separately for the signs. • Mr. Peterson said to bring all lighting cut sheets for permit and Mr. Sowards added no color lights, white lights only.


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by mutual consent at 9:52 PM. Kathi Honor, Recorder


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Juan Caycedo at 7:03 p.m. Roll was called.

PRESENT: Juan Caycedo, Chairman Mark Jacobsen, Vice Chairman Jessica Dornblaser (arrived 7:14pm) William Lamson Jess Sowards

ABSENT: Krsto Stamatovski Joe Peterson

STAFF: John Harbilas, Zoning Officer

The Board Secretary administered the oath to all persons who intended to testify at this public hearing. The Chairman advised the public of their ability to participate in the meeting.

APPROVALS 1. Minutes None

2. Recommendation(s) Mr. Harbilas advised that Item 5 was postponed by applicant.

3. Correspondence Final Inspection: Kanpai 16-365 Final photographs were distributed by Kim Larson showing the restoration to the arches. Chairman Caycedo agreed that everything the CAB asked for was completed. There were no adverse comments. MOTION was made by Mr. Jacobsen, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 4-0.

4. Outstanding Item(s) None

5. Other Business None

CRA: Item 1 RFC: AWNING EXTENSION-BIERGARTEN 16-2979 309 Via De Palmas

Juan Caycedo disclosed his ex parte conversation. Marcelo Raffinengo presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant noted that the awning material was changed from vinyl to fabric to comply with the board’s condition from a previous meeting. The material shown was Serge Ferrar 502 in Black. • The board had no adverse comments MOTION was made by Mr. Jacobsen, seconded by Mr. Lamson to approve with the condition that no signage would be added to the awning band without an application and Serge Ferrar 502 Black was the material used. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

Item 2 Via Mizner – Landscaping Rev 20 14-3408 998 S Federal Hwy

Carol Perez and G.K. Poyt presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant advised that the south and west side were staying the same. Changes were being made to the landscape buffer on the east side with some minor changes on the north street side. • Any signage would be a separate application • The board requested a letter from the Boca Raton Hotel & Club that they were in agreement with the changes. • The applicant was told they needed to speak with Nora Fosman regarding mitigation • Mr. Sowards was concerned that the landscape was lessening • Discussion ensued on irrigation. The applicant responded that the Hotel and Penn would each be responsible for irrigation on their respective sides. MOTION was made by Mr. Jacobsen, seconded by Mr. Sowards to approve with the conditions that applicant meets with Nora Fosman for tree removal and mitigation along east property line; 5 additional native canopy trees be added within the 10’ easement with hotel and a letter is received from the Boca Raton Hotel & Club approving the landscape maintenance and installation agreement between the two properties. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

Item 3 Window Signs – Raw Juice 16-2515 197 S Federal Hwy

Lauren Lue presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant advised this was a ground floor space. • The board had no adverse comments. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Lamson to approve as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.


Item 4 Patio Awning – Sunlight Detox 16-3011 900 Glades Rd

Don Day presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant stated that this was a second floor space on the north side of the building to be used as a smoking area. • The awning would be the same color as the building in order to blend. • Mr. Lamson inquired about the size of the posts. The applicant responded that they were 4” square posts. • The applicant further advised that the canopy was freestanding and not attached to the building. • Ms. Dornblaser suggested round posts in lieu of square. • Mr. Caycedo suggested the structure be moved to the end further south. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Lamson to approve with the condition that the awning structure be moved south so that the north edge of the awning aligned with the north edge of the exit door. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

Item 5 Equipment Room Screening – Altis at Fairway Commons 15-3833 5500 N Military Trl Postponed by applicant.

Item 6 New Drive Up ATM and Lighting 16-3522 6100 Glades Rd

Chris Johnson presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The application is to replace the existing drive up ATM with an upgraded unit within the same basic footprint. • Traffic and security bollards would be added as well as lighting. • Mr. Sowards advised that wall packs were not allowed. • The applicant stated he did not know how else to get lights out there without compromising the photo metrics. • Mr. Sowards suggested light bollards on the other side or lights to attach underneath the canopy. MOTION was made by Mr. Caycedo, seconded by Mr. Lamson to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

Item 7 Tree Removal and Relocation 16-3300 1801 S Federal Hwy No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Jacobsen, seconded by Mr. Lamson to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

Item 8 Torah Academy - Playground 16-3170 447 NW Spanish River Rd No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Jacobsen, seconded by Mr. Sowards to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

C.A.B. 6/14/16 2 of 4


Item 9 Monument Sign - Kensington 16-2809 4201 Clint Moore Rd CA No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Jacobsen to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

The Board agreed to hear items 10 & 11 together with a separate vote on each Item 10 Wall Sign West – Mazel Auto Repair 16-2582 802 N Dixie Hwy

Item 11 Wall Sign South – Mazel Auto Repair 16-2584 802 N Dixie Hwy

Jack Glover presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant advised the signs are both non-illuminated with 12” letters in blue on the west and south elevations of the building. • Ms. Dornblaser suggested they be moved to the middle of the 2 lines on the building. For the west elevation, MOTION was made by Mr. Caycedo, seconded by Mr. Lamson to approve with the condition that the sign size is reduced to 10” and fit within the two blue lines on top of the building. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

For the south elevation, MOTION was made by Mr. Caycedo, seconded by Mr. Lamson to approve with the condition that the sign size is reduced to 10” , fit within the two blue lines on top of the building and centered on the elevation above the center window. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

Item 12 Wall Sign - Privaira 16-2931 3690 Airport Rd 9 No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Jacobsen to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.

Item 13 Site Lighting – Bank of America 16-2512 1000 N Federal Hwy No representation. MOTION was made by Mr. Sowards, seconded by Mr. Jacobsen to postpone. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.


Item 14 Landscaping – Regency Court Prelim 3003 Yamato Rd

Mr. Jacobsen stepped down and did not participate in the discussion. Brian Vaas presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The applicant stated he was the manager of the property and showed photos of the property. • The applicant proposes removal of an existing Gumbo Limbo and Mahogany tree and replace with Live Oaks, cleaning up the islands, repairing the curbing, removing perimeter Ficus and replacing with a native hedge. • Mr. Caycedo expressed concern that the root system would eventually break the curbing again and asked if they considered using extruded curbs. Mr. Sowards agreed. • The applicant was advised to bring the soil down to grade so that the trees are not planted at the height of the curbs and to install ‘D’ curbs

Item 15 New Comm. Bldg – Yamato Villas Prelim NW 4th Ave & Yamato Rd

Mr. Caycedo stepped down and did not participate in the discussion. Carol Perez, Federico de la Cruz and Heather Allen presented. The Board reviewed the plans. The following comments were noted. • The property is currently zoned single family with a request to the city to be rezoned. C.A.B. 6/14/16 3 of 4 • The application is for (4) 2- and 3-story villas and 3 lots for single family homes. The applicant reviewed the site plan with fencing along Yamato Road with hedges. Small trees would be used to create a buffer on the south and west side of the property due to overhead power lines. • Mr. Jacobsen suggested the landscape be as dense as can be along Yamato Road to buffer traffic noise. • Elevations were shown and discussed including proposed colors. • The applicant said they were investigating a roof terrace on the 2-story units. • Mr. Jacobsen felt it was a very attractive building and suggested they accent and frame the architecture as much as possible along Yamato Road. • Mr. Sowards also liked the buildings and suggested variations in the colors between buildings for more separation and the towers to have a more pronounced shed roof • Mr. Lamson commented that it was more modern and would like to see a more traditional design, currently looks like college dorms and possibly change the roof lines to be a little softer. • Ms Dornblaser agreed with all previous comments but wondered if the plan was not appropriate for the area. • The applicant stated that the single family lots would have homes of the purchaser’s own design

BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Mr. Sowards noted that Advent Lutheran has huge wall pack lights. Mr. Jacobsen said they approved a fence but did not recall approving lights. Staff will check it out.

Mr. Jacobsen commented that the old Rinker site was looking worse and something needs to be done to the perimeter of the property. Mr. Harbilas responded that there was a code case pending.

Chairman Caycedo updated the board on a recent CRA meeting where the manager of Mizner Park gave a presentation for parking system signage on the garages. Discussion ensued.

Chairman Caycedo reported that Alan West, who recently resigned from the board, contacted him to request the board consider writing a letter to City Council on his behalf supporting his re-appointment to the CAB as a non-resident. Discussion ensued on whether non-residents could serve and recruitment of new members. It was the consensus of the board to wait to see if a city resident applied for the opening.

Chairman Caycedo reported that the Alamo Rental Car on Yamato and Dixie had light fixtures shining on the street and LED projectors on the façade. Staff will check it out.

Ms. Dornblaser noted that the paint colors on the Boca Lofts buildings did not return to the sides. Mr. Harbilas felt the colors might not be as approved and will look to see if they still have the 3D renderings. He will also check on the roof parapet crown. Ms. Dornblaser then reported that since their last meeting when 200 Mizner was presented and then the Architectural Roundtable meeting, she has been receiving phone calls and emails from the public. Other board members said they have also been receiving calls and emails. Member discussion included architectural style and scale, 4035 principles and the IDG. It was agreed that more harmonious structures were needed.


The meeting was adjourned by mutual consent at approximately 9:45 PM.

Kathleen Maxwell, Recorder


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stephen Alley at 7: 00 p. m. Roll was called.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Stephen Alley, Chairman Lyn A. Forster Ben Kolstad Gary Nash


STAFF PRESENT: Nora Fosman, Senior Environmental Officer

OTHERS: Dr. Kirt Rusenko, Marine Conservationist Steve Mauro, General Manager Sea Ranch Club Residents: Sara Rush, Jack Fox, Matthew Rice, Penny Westbury, Gary Gabso, Sunny Lehman, Linda Campbell and Marsha Rubin


MOTION was made by Lyn Forster, seconded by Ben Kolstad to accept the minutes of the June 18, 2015 meeting. MOTION CARRIED (4-0).

CORRESPONDENCE: Ms. Fosman provided correspondence from the President of the Beach and Condo Association in support of SC -15- 05.


The Board Secretary administered the oath to all persons who intended to testify at this public hearing.

Ms. Foster stepped down and did not participate in the discussion.


Petition of Dr. Donald R. Richardson, Ph. D., of Ecological Consultants, Inc. for a dune management plan approval for vegetation removal, pruning, and re -vegetation of the beach dune for the Sea Ranch Club of Boca 1 located at 4301 North Ocean Boulevard.

Nora Fosman, Senior Environmental Officer, provided a PowerPoint presentation explaining the petition. She stated that staff recommended approval of the petition.

Dr. Kirt Rusenko, Marine Conservationist, explained the corridors already completed and the effects on the turtles. Chairman Alley asked Dr. Rusenko about the ambient lighting and Dr. Rusenko that it was getting worse. He reviewed the conditions being requested regarding lighting changes and the concern about headlights out of the driveway. He noted that there was a 25 -foot addition to the north side cut near the drive to block the driveway lighting. The conditions have been met by the Petitioner.

Chairman Alley opened the Public Hearing.

EAB 1 October 15, 2015 Steve Mauro, General Manager for the Sea Ranch Club spoke on behalf of the Petitioner. He noted that this request would take care of the invasive plants and put in the right plants to allow beach enhancement. It would also help property values. Discussion ensued by the Board. Mr. Mauro noted that they had met all the conditions requested by Staff and noted the sign lights would be installed after turtle season.

Sara Rush spoke against the request stating she felt this was all just for a view of the ocean and is a burden financially.

Jack Fox, President of the Beach and Condo Association, spoke in favor of the project. He noted that the beachfront had been unmanaged and sea grapes don' t protect property from storms.

Matthew Rice and Gary Gabso spoke in favor of the project.

Mendel Westberry spoke against the request citing concerns about the project.

Penny Westbury spoke against the project and agreed with all the previous concerns mentioned. She was concerned that they were basing this project on prior ones that were recently approved and the data is too new. She also noted the new lighting at the Condo is poor and risky for the residents.

Sunny Lehman also spoke against the project noting the lighting was hazardous for humans.

Jack Fox spoke again to clarify that the Condo Association was paying for this and there was no City money being used.

Linda Campbell spoke in favor of the project.

Marsha Rubin spoke against the project noting that the residents should get to vote on this. Mr. Alley noted that that is not the Board' s issue as this is evaluated on environmental concerns only.

Seeing no one else come forward, Chairman Alley closed the Public Hearing.

Discussion ensued by the Board. Chairman Alley noted that this is the last step for approval. The dunes have not been kept in their natural state, which requires burning, and that environmentally cleaning up the exotics is doing a better job for the environment. Mr. Kolstad suggested they continue to work on the lighting issue so that the residents feel safe while still being responsible to the turtles. Mr. Nash stated that maintaining the sea grapes is an ongoing problem and these programs have helped a lot.

MOTION was made by Ben Kolstad, seconded by Gary Nash to recommend approval of the project as presented. MOTION CARRIED ( 3- 0)






ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by mutual consent at 8: 37 PM

Kathi Honor, Recorder

EAB 2 October 15, 2015

MINUTES City of Boca Raton Executive Employees’ Retirement Plan Board of Trustees Tuesday, May 17, 2016 - 11:00 a.m. Room 335, City Hall, Boca Raton, FL ______

1. Call To Order:

Chairman George Brown called the meeting to order at 11:03 a.m.

2. Roll Call:

Board Members Present: George Brown, Chairman Robert DiChristopher, Vice Chairman James Burke, Board Member Stephen Timberlake, Board Member Leif Ahnell, City Manager

Staff Present: Linda Davidson, Treasurer Jeff Blomeley, Investment & Retirement Services Manager, FMPTF, FLC (phone) Mike Tierney, Actuary (phone)

3. Approval Of Minutes: Minutes of April 27, 2016 meeting.

MOTION to approve the April 27, 2016 meeting minutes was made by Board Member Timberlake and seconded by Vice Chairman DiChristopher. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

4. Warrant 2016-04: Actuarial Concepts $4,820.

Treasurer Davidson provided additional information on the benefit calculation for Neil Evangelista.

MOTION to approve Warrant 2016-04 in the amount of $4,820.00 was made by Vice Chairman DiChristopher and seconded by Board Member Burke. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

5. Public Comments:

There were no public comments.

6. Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Davidson reported that a purchase of service was received from one member and requests for service purchase were received by the two newest members of the Plan.

7. Other Business:

(1) Attorney’s Report:

The Board Attorney was not requested to attend and, therefore, had no report.

(2) Actuary’s Report

a. Discussion and approval of the 2015 actuarial valuation.

Mr. Tierney joined the meeting via telephone.

Mike Tierney gave a summary of the actuarial valuation. Key elements of the report were reviewed including City contributions, actuarial gains and the Plan being 81% funded on the state measurement basis and 75% funded on a projected liability measurement basis. The RP-2000 mortality table was used for this valuation; however Mr. Tierney explained that could change if the FRS adopts the RP-2014 mortality table this summer. Discussion

ensued on the possible impact on the contributions should this change occur. Discussion continued on the Sensitivity Study, actual and assumed salary increases, and the UAAL amortization and repayment schedules. There being no further questions, Treasurer Davidson stated that the next step after board approval of the report would be for the performance monitor to confirm a good rate of return under the Statutes. Mr. Blomeley will have Jason Poulos review and approve the language in Appendix B-4: Long-Term Expected Rate of Return.

MOTION to approve the 2015 actuarial valuation as prepared was made by Board Member Timberlake and seconded by Vice Chairman DiChristopher. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

At this point Mr. Tierney left the meeting.

(3) Administrators’ Report:

a. Quarterly Investment Report for March 31, 2016

Mr. Blomeley reported an increase of just under $200,000 in the net effect of the balance. Performance against the benchmarks were reviewed noting an underperformance of .77 versus the 1.40 target index. The international portfolio underperformed -2.86 to the benchmark of -0.26. In a meeting with the international manager, the underperformance was due to stock selection which has since been sold. The SMID Cap portfolio has done well at 3.65 versus a benchmark of 0.39 but all other portfolios underperformed for the quarter. Discussion ensued with board members stating their dissatisfaction with the performance of the managers.

b. Service Purchase: Joshua Koehler

Treasurer Davidson noted that the service purchase was received in three payments. She has also received two service purchase requests from members in Municipal Services.

(4) Trustees’ Reports

City Manager Ahnell stated that, based on previous discussions, the board needed to look at different options for investment management. Vice Chairman DiChristopher agreed. Treasurer Davidson will make this a future agenda topic. After further discussion, Mr. Blomeley will advise the consultant of the board members’ concerns.

8. Adjournment:

The meeting was adjourned without objection at approximately 11:53 p.m.

Kathleen Maxwell Recorder

EERP Minutes 5.17.16 Page 2


The meeting was called to order by Chair Nichols at 5:05 PM. Roll was called.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Rex Nichols, Chair Arlene Owens, Vice Chair Evan Bennett Suanne Beverly Yvette Drucker Emily Gentile Joe McManus

CITY STAFF: Ingrid Allen, Senior Planner

OTHERS PRESENT: Bernice Chavez, Rex Nichols Architect

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION was made by Ms. Owens and seconded by Mr. McManus to approve the minutes of April 19, 2016 as written. MOTION CARRIED 7-0.

The Recorder administered the oath to Ms. Chavez who intended to testify at this public hearing.

NEW BUSINESS: Morgado Residence 855 Oleander Street

Request to amend building plans to include addition and 2nd floor balcony (COA-16-05/16-120000006) Representative: Jeremy Morgado

Chair Nichols recused himself while Ms. Chavez discussed revised building plans.

MOTION was made by Ms. Beverly and seconded by Ms. Gentile to approve amended building plans (COA- 16-05/16-120000006). MOTION CARRIED 6 to 0.

OLD BUSINESS: Ms. Allen provided updates regarding the Strategic Planning Session in which the Historic Preservation Board’s proposed Ordinance did not make the goal setting list. Available grants were discussed as well as a reminder to complete the Ethics Training form. Ms. Allen informed the Board that Ms. Cunniff from the Cloisters Beach Tower was interested in obtaining a historic designation for the site. Ms. Allen suggested to Ms. Cunniff that she attend a Board meeting and present a preliminary proposal to the Board under public comment. Ms. Allen said she would keep the Board Members apprised of the City’s hiring of a GIS Planner.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned without objection at approximately 6:20 PM.


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Gene Folden. Roll was called.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Gene Folden, Chairman Garry O’Donnell, Vice Chairman Randy Bring, Treasurer John Chluski William Murphy Robert Wilson

STAFF PRESENT: Jennifer Bistyga, Coastal Program Manager


OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Thayer Randy Kassal


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION made to approve as amended the March 2, 2016 minutes by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Murphy. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.



TREASURER REPORT: Mr. Bring reported that the MAB currently has $1,856.72 in the account.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Folden provided an update that the proposed legislative bill prohibiting overnight anchoring passed for the /Ft. Lauderdale area. Additionally House Bill 703 passed, which revises what constitutes careless operation of a vessel to only apply if a person is operating a vessel in an unreasonable or imprudent manner that endangers the life, limb, or property of another person outside of the vessel or endangers the life, limb, or property of another person due to vessel overloading or excessive speed. House Bill 427 passed as well, which provides reduced recreational vessel registration fee schedule for vessels registered during specified period which are equipped with emergency position indicating radio beacon or for which owner of vessel owns personal locator beacon.

OLD BUSINESS: Progress on Ord. 4571 – No Update

Lake Wyman Restoration Project – No Update

Reef Mooring Buoys – No Update.

Dredge Report – Ms. Bistyga provided the dredge records for the month of March. Additionally, Ms. Bistyga gave the MAB a brief PowerPoint presentation regarding the current status of the construction of the Central Boca Raton Beach Renourishment Project.

Inlet Status – No Update.

Lagoon Keepers – Mr. Folden indicated that the Lagoon Keeper boat was utilized during the Boca Boating and Beach Bash for people with Disabilities that took place on March 12, 2016. It was estimated that over 5,000 people attended the event.

Wild Flower Property – Mr. Folden indicated that the Hillstone Group has continued to express interest in developing a restaurant on the Wild Flower Property but to date, they have not submitted a new proposal.

Hillsboro Canal Dredging Project –Ms. Bistyga indicated that the City is currently working on executing the contract documents with Arbor Tree and Land for the dredging of the Hillsboro Canal. Dredging is anticipated to commence in the early summer 2016.

Silver Palm Boat Ramp – No Update.

USCG Auxiliary – Mr. Murphy provided additional information regarding the Austin Blu Foundation and their mission to help pay for children’s’ boater safety courses. Additionally, Mr. Murphy indicated that the Coast Guard conducted 50 vessel exams last month.

Hillsboro El Rio Park –Ms. Bistyga indicated the City is working on the issuance of an RFP for the design services associated with the development of the Hillsboro El Rio Park.

NEXT AGENDA: Progress on Ord. 4571 and Inclusion of Definitions in Marine Structures Ord. – Gene Folden Lake Wyman Restoration Project– Randy Bring Reef Mooring Buoys – Don Stone Dredge Report – Jennifer Bistyga Inlet Status– Garry O’Donnell Lagoon Keepers Update – Gene Folden Wild Flower Property - Gene Folden Hillsboro Canal Dredging Project – Robert Wilson USCG Auxiliary – William Murphy Silver Palm Park Boat Ramp – John Chluski Hillsboro El Rio Park Project – Don Stone

ADJOURNMENT: MOTION was made by Mr. Bring and seconded by Mr. Murphy to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

Jennifer Bistyga, Recorder


Members Present: Gordon Gilbert, Chair Joseph Good, Vice Chair Ronald L. Betters Hank Kreh Dr. Trudi N. Stevens

Members Absent: Peter Boylan Dr. Dennis R. Frisch

Staff Present: Mickey A. Gomez Recreation Services Director Buddy Parks Deputy Recreation Services Director J.D. Varney Recreation Services Superintendent Greg Stevens Recreation Services Superintendent Joe Cogley Cemetery/Mausoleum Specialist Ed Libengood Cemetery/Mausoleum Manager

Chairman Gordon Gilbert called the meeting to order at 5:30PM. Roll was called.


MOTION was made by Mr. Betters, seconded by Mr. Kreh, to accept the minutes of April 5, 2016 as written. MOTION PASSED 5-0.

Mention was given to the other related board minutes in the packet.

PURPOSE: Regular monthly meeting.

PUBLIC REQUESTS: There were no members of the public present.


1. Department Project Updates – B. Parks

Mr. Parks said that a notice to proceed was issued on April 13th for the Patch Reef Park Tennis Center’s resurfacing project. For the Meadows Park Pool’s – Deck Lighting project, the notice to proceed on design was issued April 15th. Mr. Parks explained that on April 24th, work stopped on Central Beach Renourishment project. He said the stoppage was due to bad weather, some broken equipment, and turtle nesting season. The contractor plans to come back after turtle season to finish the job. This will not affect cost.

2. Parks & Recreation Monthly Reports – J. Varney

Mr. Varney elaborated on the year-to-date participation numbers pertaining to October – March, especially in regard to the temporary closing of Sugar Sand Park’s Science Playground. Responding to a question regarding Athletic Program revenue, Mr. Varney advised the Board that he would respond at the April meeting. Mr. Gomez noted the increase in revenue generated by the Dog Beach reflects its popularity.


1. Mausoleum Buildings & Gardens Tour – Joe Cogley

Mr. Cogley handed out a document entitled, “Interesting Things to know about the Boca Raton Cemetery and Mausoleum Complex”. Mr. Cogley and Mr. Libengood conducted a tour of the mausoleum buildings and gardens. All Board questions were answered.

Chair Gordon Gilbert reconvened the meeting at 6:00PM. Everyone who was present at the beginning of the meeting and went on the tour, was still in attendance.


1. Responses to Previous Meeting’s Information Requests

Mr. Parks responded to the question raised at the previous meeting regarding an incident at the downtown library.


1. Employees of the Quarter – First Quarter 2016

Mr. Varney said that John Strippoli, Municipal Golf Course Pro Shop Attendant, won for “Commitment”. Mr. Stevens said that James Gannon, Park Maintenance Supervisor III, won for “Motivation/Positive Attitude”. Mr. Parks said that Katherine Green, Library Assistant II, won for “Innovation”.

2. Director’s Report

3. Various Letters of Commendation Self-explanatory.


Dr. Stevens wanted to know the definition of passive park. Mr. Gomez said he would check the list in the Recreator to ensure that the facilities listed were designated correctly as passive parks.

ACTIVITIES: City Council Goal Setting – May 4, 5 & 6, 2016 – Municipal Services

Mr. Gomez spoke regarding City Council’s annual Goal Setting meetings. He inquired about possible Parks and Recreation Board meeting date changes due to upcoming holidays. It was decided that Mr. Gomez would send out an e-mail asking all Board Members to check their calendars to see if the July 5th meeting could be switched to July 6th and the September 6th meeting could be switched to September 7th. The dates would be confirmed at the June meeting.

Parks and Recreation Board Re-appointments (Peter, Gordon, Joe & Trudi).

MOTION was made by Mr. Kreh, seconded by Mr. Betters, to send a letter to the City Council under Mr. Kreh’s signature recommending the re-appointments to the Parks and Recreation Board of Peter Boylan, Gordon Gilbert, Joseph Good, and Trudi Stevens. MOTION PASSED 5-0.

NEXT MEETINGS: June 7, 2016 – Boca Raton Municipal Golf Course July 5, 2016 – Patch Reef Park/James A. Rutherford Community Center


As there was no further business to discuss and without objection, the meeting was adjourned at 6:29PM.

Arlene Moskowitz, Recorder

P & R Meeting 05-03-16 Page 2 of 2


Members Present: Gordon Gilbert, Chair Joseph Good, Vice Chair Ronald L. Betters Peter Boylan Hank Kreh Dr. Trudi N. Stevens

Members Absent: Dr. Dennis R. Frisch

Staff Present: Mickey A. Gomez Recreation Services Director Buddy Parks Deputy Recreation Services Director J.D. Varney Recreation Services Superintendent Greg Stevens Recreation Services Superintendent Greg Jerolaman Golf Course Manager Ann Nappa Manager of Library Services

Others Present: Jim Miller Boca Raton Resident

Chairman Gordon Gilbert called the meeting to order at 5:24PM. Roll was called.


MOTION was made by Mr. Betters, seconded by Mr. Good, to accept the minutes of May 3, 2016 as written. MOTION PASSED 6-0.

PURPOSE: Regular monthly meeting.


PUBLIC REQUESTS: Jim Miller said he heard the Mayor speak regarding the State of the City at the Federation of Homeowners’ Association. He also reported that the Friends of Gumbo Limbo are willing to help with any plans for Red Reef Park and Gumbo Limbo.


From: Hank Kreh To: Mayor and City Council Re: P&R Board Re-Appointment


1. Staff Updates – Golf Course – Greg Jerolaman

Mr. Jerolaman spoke about the golf course’s competition. He explained how over the years he has been aggressive in finding ways to cut costs. An example was buying good, used equipment and irrigation parts which work well.

2. Department Project Updates – B. Parks

Mr. Parks said that for Hillsboro/El Rio Master Plan, the two firms who put in a bid were interviewed. Staff made a recommendation to City Council. For Spanish River Park Tunnel Repair, all work is complete on the center tunnel which is open to the public. Work is in progress for the south tunnel. Mr. Parks explained that court resurfacing work began in mid-May at the Patch Reef Park Tennis Center. He said that permits were issued for Gumbo Limbo Boardwalks and there will be a pre-construction meeting tomorrow. For Sugar Sand Park Science Playground, phase I construction is proceeding. Steps are being taking so phase II will begin shortly after the completion of phase I.

3. Parks & Recreation Monthly Reports – J. Varney

Mr. Varney provided a response to a question posed at the May meeting. He explained a recent increase in revenue for Oct/Dec Athletic Programs FY 2015/16. He said that $55,000 was booked in December from non- resident youth sports participation which spiked that revenue. He reported that participation numbers for Gumbo Limbo Environmental Complex steadily increased October-April for the last four fiscal years (80,620 to 127,373).

4. Dog Beach Report – M. Gomez

Mr. Gomez reported 1,339 resident permits and 14 non-resident permits were sold for FY 2015/16. 133 weekend permits were sold at the Spanish River Park Gatehouse.


1. Initiative Summer Reading 2016 – A Nappa

Ms. Nappa spoke about the Summer Reading Kickoff Party on Saturday, June 11, 2016. The party will have a sports theme.


1. Revised Meeting Schedule for the remainder of 2016

The new schedule was in the board packet.

2 Responses to Previous Meeting’s Information Requests


1. Director’s Report

2. Various Letters of Commendation Self-explanatory.


Mr. Kreh spoke about the “Turf Field Cancer Risk Environmental Review” article in the National Recreation and Park Association’s magazine, Parks & Recreation. He said that he felt the article was fair and balanced. Mr. Boylan spoke about beach re-nourishment to which Mr. Parks responded that the contrator is coming back in late November or early next year.

ACTIVITIES: Parks and Recreation Board Re-appointments (Peter, Gordon, Joe & Trudi). City Council Workshop on Monday, July 25th (Workshop is after CRA Meeting which starts @ 1:30) or City Council Meeting Tuesday, July 26th at 6pm

Mr. Gomez reminded the members about upcoming re-appointments.

NEXT MEETINGS: July 6, 2016 – Patch Reef Park/James A. Rutherford Community Center August 2, 2016 – Park Ranger/Ocean Rescue Headquarters


MOTION was made by Mr. Kreh, seconded by Mr. Boylan, to adjourn the meeting at 6:05PM. MOTION PASSED 6-0.

Arlene Moskowitz, Recorder

P & R Meeting 06-07-16 Page 2 of 2


The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM by Chair Spencer Siegel. Roll was called.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Spencer Siegel, Chairman Alfred Gladstone, Vice Chairman Hendrik DeMello Thomas Donaudy John Purland Jonathan Whitney

MEMBERS ABSENT: John Cappeller, Jr.

STAFF PRESENT: George S. Brown, Deputy City Manager Diana Grub Frieser, City Attorney Ty Harris, Director, Development Services John Harbilas, Zoning Officer Cormac Conahan, Board Attorney

OTHERS: Michael Marshall, Esq. Derek Vander Ploeg Public: Tucker Gibbs, Mark Alvarez, Peter Smith, Grant Kelly, Kevin Meaney, Pan Yatrakis, Mark Mannix, Ryan Dick, Richard Mann, James Henry and Nancy Henry

MINUTES: MOTION was made by Vice Chairman Gladstone, seconded by Mr. Whitney to approve the minutes of the August 13, 2015 meeting. MOTION CARRIED 6-0.

QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARINGS: Chairman Spencer Siegel outlined the procedure to be followed for these hearings. The oath was administered to all persons who intended to speak.

BA-15-03 Mizner Del Mar East 15-87500003 2500 North Ocean Boulevard

A Resolution of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of Boca Raton reconsidering a variance from Sections 28-583(1) and 28-586(1)(A) of the City’s Code of Ordinances to allow a single-family dwelling on a 88.5 foot wide lot in lieu of the minimum lot width of a 100 feet, and allow a front yard setback of 14.7 feet in lieu of the minimum requirement of 25 feet for a residentially zoned property located at 2500 N Ocean Boulevard; providing for severability; providing for repealer; providing an effective date (BA-15-03/15-87500003).

Ms. Grub Frieser stated that she would be the attorney for the proceedings and clarified procedure. Mr. Harbilas gave a PowerPoint presentation and stated that staff supports both variances. Mr. Marshall spoke to the history of the petition and answered Board questions regarding the Petition’s justification for variances. Chairman Siegel opened the public hearing. Attorney Gibbs, representing the Ocean Club, spoke regarding replatting alternatives and asked the Board to deny the petition. Ms. Grub Frieser answered questions about re-platting. Mr. Alvarez distributed his analysis and report and answered questions regarding reasonable uses for the Property. The following voiced opposition: Mr. Smith, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Meaney, Mr. Yatrakis, Mr. Mannix, Mr. Dick, Mr. Mann, Mr. and Ms. Henry. Issues discussed in opposition of the petition were: the project’s impact on sea turtles and the environment, the Property being a non-conforming lot, beachfront preservation and rising tides. Seeing no other member of the public wishing to speak, the Chair invited the petitioner to the podium. Mr. Marshall spoke in rebuttal noting that the public speakers gave non-factual arguments and unsubstantiated evidence. He clarified issues discussed and identified the Property’s development rights. Mr. Marshall answered questions of the Board regarding feasibility of building a smaller structure. Mr. Vander Ploeg spoke about the practicality of use requested for this property. Seeing no one else come forward, Chairman Siegel closed the public hearing. Deputy City Manager Brown corrected Mr. Gibbs’ discussion about exceptions to land development regulations.

MOTION was made by Vice Chair Gladstone, seconded by Mr. Whitney to approve BA-15-03.

Discussion ensued by the Board regarding the front yard encroachment and the Board’s decision not being held by precedence. Mr. Harbilas answered questions of the Board regarding staff justification for supporting the variances. Board Members discussed making another motion. Ms. Grub Frieser explained that there is presently a motion on the floor that was seconded. Mr. Whitney withdrew his second to the motion.

MOTION FAILED for lack of second.

MOTION was made by Mr. DeMello, seconded by Mr. Whitney to approve the variance for the lot width. MOTION FAILED 3-3, Siegel, Whitney and DeMello voted yes; Gladstone, Donaudy and. Purland voted no.

MOTION was made by Mr. Donaudy, seconded by Mr. DeMello not to approve the variance for the front yard setback. MOTION PASSED 5-1, Siegel, Whitney, DeMello, Donaudy and Purland voted yes; Gladstone voted no.

DIRECTOR’S REPORT: 2016 Schedule of Meetings was not discussed.

ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned by mutual consent at 8:55 PM.

Arlene Moskowitz, Recorder

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