Digital Archive International History Declassified

September 23, 1980 Bulgarian Relations with the of South Africa and the African National Congress, (extract)


“Bulgarian Relations with the Communist Party of South Africa and the African National Congress, Sofia (extract),” September 23, 1980, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Central State Archives, Sofia, Fond 1-B, Foreign Policy & International Relations Department (FPRID) Records, 1967-1989. Translated by Vanya Petkova, Edited by Dr. Jordan Baev. Obtained by the Bulgarian Cold War Research Group.


A list of positive interactions between the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) and the African National Congress (ANC). Including visits by ANC representatives to and economic assistance provided by the BCP.


This document was made possible with support from the Leon Levy Foundation.

Original Language:



English Translation CC BCP FPIRD Information re: BCP relations with the Communist Party of South Africa and the African National Congress, Sofia, 23 September 1980


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Bulgarian Communist Party /BCP/ keeps good relations with the African National Congress /ANC/. It renders moral and material support.

- In November 1972 a 3-member delegation from the African National Congress of South Africa led by its Secretary-General Alfred Nzo officially visited our country.

- In 1976 ANC high rank[ing] leaders spent their vacation here: Alfred Nzo - ANC Secretary-General and Redge [Reginald] September ANC representative for Europe.

- In 1977 comrade Stanko Todorov met and talked in Lusaka with ANC Secretary-General, Alfred Nzo.

- ANC representatives were at BCP Tenth Congress, at the Conference on the occasion of George Dimitrov's 90-years birth anniversary and the BCP Eleventh Congress, too.

- In 1979 at the invitation of CC BCP, [an] ANC official delegation led by its Chairman O. Tambo visited our state. Comrade A. Lilov was leader of CC BCP delegation. Comrade T. Zhivkov welcomed and held talks with O. Tambo.

- ANC has obtained the following material assistance from CC BCP: foodstuffs for 140 000 levs, weapons and ammunition for 370 000 levs. Scholarships for universities, technical schools and the Academy for Social and Economic Studies Management are granted annually. At present 45 South African young people are educated.

23 September 1980


Foreign Policy and International Relations Department, CC BCP