
Variation and Notes

Charles Variations Natural Selection

How Does All of This Fit Together? Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Charles Darwin Scientist during the 1800’s that traveled around the world making observations of . Darwin discovered from his travels that have structural characteristics that enable them to live in their environment – Adaptations!

Background Information Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Darwin’s As Darwin was observing birds on the Galapagos , he discovered that there were many variations of one kind of bird – the . Variations are differences in form of an within the same or group.

Background Information Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Darwin’s Finches (Continued) These birds that would later become nicknamed as “Darwin’s Finches” proved that organisms adapt to live in their environment. Each of Darwin’s Finches have a beak that is specifically designed to eat the type of that is available in its environment.

Background Information Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Darwin’s Finches (Continued) Each one of these Finches was found on a different Galapagos . This illustration shows how various Finches adapted to eat the type of food available to them.

Background Information Variation and Natural Selection Notes

How Do Adaptations Come About?

How Do Come About? Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Mutations A is where there is a random change in genetic information in an organism. Mutations can be good and they can be bad. If a mutation is good, it will help and organism to live. If a mutation is bad, it will often cause the organisms to die.

How Do Adaptations Come About? Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Mutations Good or Beneficial Mutations Below is a picture of a Black (Left). This color mutation is good because it helps the Jaguar to hunt at night, blending into the night time landscape.

How Do Adaptations Come About? Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Mutations Bad or Harmful Mutations Below is a picture of a two headed calf . This type of mutation is bad because the is not able to survive.

How Do Adaptations Come About? Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Variations Good mutations lead to variations. When mutations are good, the organism survives to pass the mutation on to it’s offspring. As more and good mutations are passed on, more variations of a species become present as in these parakeets below.

How Do Adaptations Come About? Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Natural Selection Mutations which lead to variations also lead to natural selection. Natural selection occurs when good mutations are passed on to offspring. Natural selection is often referred to as “”. Organisms that have “stronger” mutations or characteristics survive and the organisms that have “weaker” characteristics die. The organisms with the stronger characteristic are able to pass their stronger characteristics on to their offspring. The organisms with the weaker characteristics die and are unable to pass their weaker characteristics on.

How Do Adaptations Come About? Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Natural Selection Example

How Do Adaptations Come About? Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Natural Selection Example (Cont.)

How Do Adaptations Come About? Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Natural Selection Example (Cont.)

How Do Adaptations Come About? Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Adaptations Over very long periods of time, the good mutations that get pass on and on over several generations become known as adaptations. Adaptations take hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years to come about. If an organism is not able to adapt, it will die. If an entire species is unable to adapt, the whole species will die and become extinct.

How Do Adaptations Come About? Variation and Natural Selection Notes

Selective Breeding Selective breeding is when are bred on purpose to bring about desired traits. Below is a picture of a (left) and donkey (middle) and a mule (right). When a horse is bred with a donkey a mule is produced. A mule has the strength of a horse and the sure footedness of a donkey.

How Do Adaptations Come About? Selective Breeding Selective breeding is when animals are bred on purpose to bring about desired traits. Below is a picture of a horse (left) and donkey (middle) and a mule (right). When a horse is bred with a donkey a mule is produced. A mule has the strength of a horse and the sure footedness of a donkey.

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