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Open Research Online Oro.Open.Ac.Uk Open Research Online The Open University’s repository of research publications and other research outputs The trumpet in Scotland from 1488 to 1800 Thesis How to cite: McGrattan, Alexander (1999). The trumpet in Scotland from 1488 to 1800. PhD thesis The Open University. For guidance on citations see FAQs. c 1999 The Author Version: [not recorded] Link(s) to article on publisher’s website: Copyright and Moral Rights for the articles on this site are retained by the individual authors and/or other copyright owners. For more information on Open Research Online’s data policy on reuse of materials please consult the policies page. Open Research Online The Open University’s repository of research publications and other research outputs The trumpet in Scotland from 1488 to 1800 Thesis How to cite: McGrattan, Alexander (1999). The trumpet in Scotland from 1488 to 1800. PhD thesis The Open University. For guidance on citations see FAQs. c 1999 The Author Version: Version of Record Link(s) to article on publisher’s website: Copyright and Moral Rights for the articles on this site are retained by the individual authors and/or other copyright owners. For more information on Open Research Online’s data policy on reuse of materials please consult the policies page. THE TRUMPET IN SCOTLAND FROM 1488 TO 1800 BY ALEXANDER McGRATTAN B. Mus. (Hons.), ARCM VOLUME 2 SUBMITTED TO THE OPEN UNIVERSITY IN CANDIDATURE FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY JANUARY, 1999 CIO7 hOV-IZ) NO', rYV700iSýý) CQTZ 0ý Ckjf--M\zS)cW. laq wmt-i lq(:ýoý MTF OP <Wcqe-fj 20 wq, tcvlcý I . -4 ST COPY AVAILA L Variable print quality TEXT BOUND INTO THE SPINE ii CONTENTS OF VOLUME 2 Page 2. INSTRUMENTS 248 Nomenclature 248 Trumpet 248 Clarion 249 Tubicine 256 'Draucht' trumpet and 'tube ductilis' 258 Trumpet making 263 3. TRUNTETERS IN ROYAL SERVICE UP TO 1603 269 Trumpeters at the Scottish court before the reign of JamesIV 269 The 'Scottish' trumpeters: 1488-c.1522 269 Italian minstrels and Italian trumpeters at the court of JamesIV 272 The Italian 'tubicinis': 1513-1560 277 French trumpeters and the trumpeters 'of weyre' 285 From wind band to trumpet ensemble:The re-emergenceof a royal trumpet corps 287 Scandinaviantrumpeters in royal service 291 The Drummond family 292 Duties and repertoire 295 4. TRUMPETERS IN ROYAL SERVICE: 1603-1800 302 The office of Royal Trumpeter 302 Duties 307 Personnel 313 5. TIFIETRUMPET OUTWITH ROYAL SERVICE: CEREMONIAL AND MILITARY 330 Trumpeters in municipal service 330 Trumpeters in aristocratic and military service 338 Military and municipal wind bands 342 6. CONCERTSAND TIHEATREc. 1690-1800 348 The earliestconcerts: c. 1695-1728 348 Concerts:1728-1800 351 Theatres 369 Players 376 7. THE FIRST AND LAST BLAST OF THE TRLJMPET: SYMBOLISM AND CEREMONIAL PRACTICE 380 iii Glossary 393 Illustrations I Trumpetersin an early seventeenth-centuryScottish aristocratic funeralprocession. 394 2 Trumpetersin the processionat the funeralof John,Duke of Rothes, 1681, from an illustrationby RoderickChalmers, heraldpainter to JamesVII and 11.395 Appendices I Extract from the Royal Treasurer'saccounts for 6 August 1506- 6 September 1507.396 2 Entry in the Register of the Privy Seal, recording the appointment of JosephReinagle, the younger, to the office of H. M. trumpeter in ordinary. 397 3 Programme of the St. Cecilia!s Day concert presentedin Edinburgh on 22 November 1695.398 4 Facsimile of the first page of 'The Volunteers Fly to Arms' (Edinburgh, c, 1795). 400 BIBLIOGRAPHY Published Sources 401 Manuscript Sources 432 248 Chapter2 INSTRUMENTS Nomenclature Trumpet Variousterms deriving from the words 'trompe'or 'trump'were usedduring the Middle Agesto denotemetal lip-vibrated instruments. The Englishword 'trumpet'derives from the French'trompette', the diminutiveof 'trompe'.Literary andarchival sources from the Middle Ages often distinguishbetween 'trompes' and 'trompettes'. Iconographicalevidence suggests that, prior to the late fourteenthcentury, straight trumpetsof two distinctlengths were commonlyused. Etymologically, it would appear that when 'trompes'and 'trompettes' were pairedtogether, the latter denotedthe shorterinstruments. As Bainesnotes, however, these terms gradually became analogous,and the shorterinstrument was more often referredto as a'clariorf (see below).I Tarr statesthat in Englandand France the word 'trompe'often referredto a hunting hoM.21n his Scotstranslation of Virgil's Aeneid (c. 1513),Gavin Douglas refers to a variety of brassinstruments. Although the translationfrom the Latin is relativelyfree, words suchas 'tuba'and 'tubarud normallyappear as 'trumpet'or'trumpettiSI, 3 whereas those deriving from 'concha' and 'cornua! are translated as'trump'or ItrUMpiS'.4 In his Dictionarie of 1611 Cotgrave defines 'Trompe' as 'A Trump or Trumpet; also, a writhen, and brazen Hunter's horW.5 The words 'trumme' and 'trumbis' appear in entries 113aincs,1993, p. 87. 2TArr,1988, p, 42. 3Douglas,1874, ii, p. 230,232;iii, pp.126,247; Virgil, 1930,pp. 172,173,286,360. 4Douglas,1874, iii, pp.20,117,125,149; Virgil, 1930,pp. 218,280,285,299. 5DaM1968, p. 74. 249 in the Treasurer'saccounts of the Scottishroyal court for February1548/9.6 The entriesare cited in 7he OxfordEnglish Dictionary asvariants of 'trump. The glossary to the publishedvolume of Treasurer'saccounts defines the termsas 'drum'and 'drums' respectively.7 From the sixteenthcentury onwards the word'trump'in Scotsoften referredto the Jews'harp. By the reign of JamesIV the word 'trumpat'was normallyused in the court records both to denotea trumpeterand the instrument,which by the late fifteenthcentury had assumedits twice-foldedformat that was to remainstandard throughout the period by covered this study.The customaryScots plural ending-is gavethe word 'trumpatis'. From the 1530sonwards the term'trumpetoue(plural, 'trumpetouris')was often used to denotea trumpeter.By the last quarterof the sixteenthcentury the Englishword 'trumpet'appears more often, but the earlierterminology is still encounteredin seventeenth-centurysources. After the removalof the royal court to London, English beganto replaceScots in official documents.The Scotsterminology survived in less formal writing, however,as seenin the diary of the Edinburghlawyer John Nicoll. 8 During the eighteenthcentury, English replaced Scots as the principalwritten language in Scotland. Clariott 'Clarion!is one of severalwords derivingfrom the Latin'clarus9which was usedfrom the twelfth centuryonwards to designatea trumpetor a trumpetcall. The term 'clarion',or one of its variants,sometimes appear as a substitutefor 'trumpet'.10 More commonly,'clarions' were mentionedalongside 'trumpets' (or 'trumps'),suggesting that distinct instrumentswere beingreferred to. A balladtelling of the defeatof the Scotsat 6TA,ix, pp. 281,283. 7jamiesongives for the word Trum: 'Apparently,drum. ' (Jamieson,1879-82, s. v. Trum. ). Nicoll, 1836;see the numerousentries in the calendarbetween 1650 and 1664. 9Definitionsfor 'clarus-a-unfin OLD include 'loud!, 'sonorous',bright' and'clear'. 1OForexample, see I August 1503. 250 the battle of HalidonIEll by the Englishforces of EdwardIII in 1333includes the passage: This was donewith merriesowne With pipis, trompesand tabers thereto And loude clarionisthei blew also." Illustrationsof trumpetensembles from the first half of the fifteenthcentury depict straighttrumpets alongside either s-shaped or twice folded trumpets.In most casesthe folded trumpetsappear to be the instrumentsof greaterlength. A fifteenth-century Frenchillustration of a royal processiondepicts four trumpeters,two performingon s- shapedtrumpets and two on straighttrumpets. 12 The straighttrumpets are approximatelyhalf the lengthof s-shapedinstruments. Baines assigns the terms 'clarion'and'trumpet'to the straightand folded trumpetsrespectively. 13 Downey suggeststhat in German-speakingparts of Europeduring the fifteenthcentury, 'clareten',which performedin the high register,were the s-shapedor twice-folded instruments,and 'trumpten', which playedthe low partsin ensemblemusic, were straighttrumpets. 14 Although this would haveincreased the melodicpotential of the upperpart, thereis no evidencethat the upper parts of fifteenth-centurytrumpet ensemblemusic were playedon instrumentsof greaterlength than those sounding the lower parts. I lReese,1940, p. 409. Reesedefines 'clarion! as'a shorterform of the buisineýThe term 'buisine', deriving from the Latin buccina!,was a standardterm for a long straight trumpetthroughout much of Europeduring the Nfiddle Ages. 12Reproduced in Bowles, 1983, pl. 3 1. If trumpets of different lengths were incorporated into a single ensemble, it seems Uely that they would have been pitched either a fifth, or an octave apart. In most illustrations that depict both straight and folded trumpets the former are of short length, but an accurate ratio between the two is often difficult to ascertain. 1313aines, 1993, p. 90. Tarr and Dahlqvist also surmise that the shorter trumpets were referred to as clarions during the fifteenth century, on account of their shrill sound (Grove Musical Instruments, sx. 'Clarino. '). 14Downey, 1993, P. 313. 251 Among the instrumentsillustrated by SebastianVirdung in hisMusica Getutschtof 1511are the 'Clareta!and the 'Felttrumet.15 Both instrumentsare trumpets in the twice-foldedformat.
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