

COMMITTEE : East Area Board

DATE : Wednesday, 24 June 2015

TIME : 19:30

PLACE : Wenlock Junior School Beaconsfield, Luton, LU2 0RW


CO-OPTED MEMBERS: Representative of Bedfordshire Police Inspector JOHN MURPHY Representative of Health Authority (tbc) Ward Forum Representative (tbc)


Contact Officer: [Angela Fraser] (01582 546070)


From 6.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Ward Forums will take place. The Forums will enable issues that are specifically relevant to each Ward to be discussed.

The Area Board will commence at 7.30 p.m.

PURPOSE: To enable the Council to effect locally based communication, consultation and decision-making.

This meeting is open to the public and you are welcome to attend.

For further information, or to see the papers, please contact us at the Town Hall:

IN PERSON, 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, or  CALL the Contact Officer (shown above).

ACCESS the Council’s Committee Management Information System (CMIS) at

Arrangements can be made for access to meetings for disabled people.

Page 1 of 21 If you would like us to arrange this for you, please call the Contact Officer (shown above).

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Agenda Subject Page Item No.


2 MINUTES 2.1 2nd November 2014 2.2 19th May 2015

6th November 2014 4 - 12

19th May 2015 13 - 13

3 Chair's Announcements

4 Feedback from Ward Forums

5 Public Question Time

6 Petitions

7 Neighbourhood Governance - 'You said we did' 14 - 21 (Report of the Area Board Support Officer)

8 Progress Report on the refurbishment of the underpass in Wigmore Lane (ORAL UPDATE) (Oral report by Mark Barnett, Trainee Technician)

9 Luton Clinical Commissioning Group (LCCG) (Oral update by Emma Dwyer, LCCG)

10 Items for Next Board Meeting

11 Date of Next Meeting: 2nd November 2015

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Present: Councillor Skepelhorn (Chair); Councillors Chapman, J. Davies, Dolling, Franks, Hanif, Moles and Rivers


Apologies for absence from the meeting was received on behalf of Councillors Cato and Zia.

26. MINUTES (REF: 2.1)

Resolved: That the minutes of the meetings held on 3rd July 2014 be taken as read, agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

27. FEEDBACK FROM WARD FORUMS (REF 4) The following key issues were raised: CRAWLEY – COUNCILLOR FRANKS  Parking – Buchannan Drive  On going security issues – Naval Club – COUNCILLOR RIVERS  Tree trimming  Grass & verge cutting on estates  Dog fouling  Grass cutting – COUNCILLOR J. DAVIES  Travellers – on-going problems  Parking – Primary School  Luton Regional Sports Centre WIGMORE – COUNCILLOR MOLES  Speeding traffic in Wigmore Lane and Heavy Goods Vehicles

Resolved: That feedback on the issues raised above be noted and passed to the relevant Council Departments to follow up.


Why do we not see Police Officers policing in George Street. There is a man with three large dogs begging and harassing people?

The Police advised that due to a restructure Police Officer were withdrawn from the town centre and PCSOs were deployed who had limited powers. Recent proposals put forward would see the return of Police Officers to the town centre from 1st December 2014.

Has the issue raised at the last Area Board meeting regarding usage of the interchange by Hackney Carriage and Private Hire vehicles been addressed?

Councillor Franks replied that the Engineers were asked to compensate people living in the East of Luton the extra £2 cost charged by taxi companies, which was declined by the Engineers and therefore remain accessible to authorised vehicles only.

If bollards were to be installed in Station Road how would private coach companies gain access to that area?

Councillor Franks replied that in the absence of a highways representative the question was unable to receive a response.

Who would be the contact for reporting of fumes from noxious bonfires and noisy neighbours?

Councillor Skepelhorn replied that the Environmental Protection Team should be the first point of contact during office hours and were unavailable outside office hours. If the noise became a persistent nuisance the Police should be called by dialling 101.

Resolved: (i) That the issues raised above be noted.


The Area Board Support Officer highlighted the following projects:

 Community Festival – Raynham Way Community Centre joined forces with Ramridge Primary School to deliver the East Luton Community Festival. A collective partnership working was made between staff from the centre and colleagues from the neighbourhood governance team who worked closely with staff and parents from the school to plan the event which took place in June.

 ‘Mind body and Soil’ at Colwell Rise – The Groundwork Trust received funding through the participatory budget to run a project aimed at older people from Colwell Court Sheltered Housing Scheme and day centre. The project aim was to train, encourage and support older people to grow their own vegetables and soft fruit. Residents noticed physical and mental health benefits from being involved.

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 Loneliness and Social Isolation Project – The project is sponsored for one year by to reduce loneliness and help residents feel included in their communities, and aims to encourage them to find innovative ways of integrating lonely people into community life.

 Memorial to James Dyer F.S.A. MA – A commemorative stone was unveiled in October at the Inspire Spots Village to celebrate the life of James Dyer and to mark the extensive research into the Stopsley National School which once stood on the site.

Resolved: That thanks to the Area Support Officer be recorded and the report (Ref 7) be noted.


The Area Support Officer presented the report (Ref 8) and advised the issue raised at the last meeting with regards to Church Street was included in the report. Unfortunately, the absence of a Highways representative meant questions which may arise were unable to receive a response.

The following Area projects were approved by the Area Board:

Project Number Project Cost of Project Amount Requested RG 546 Somerset Avenue, £2,800 £1,400 Stanford Road and (Approved) Turners Road South - To install Gating schemes in the above roads CR 547 Wenlock C of E £2,037 £2,000 Junior School (Approved) The project is part of a wider plan to redevelop part of the school grounds for community use to improve an under used area to be accessed by the pupils and their families. It is intended to create a wellbeing garden which will involve completely refurbishing a neglected pond area and include the development of

Page 6 of 21 a trim trail from which fitness sessions can be offered to parents and other members of the community. WI 548 Raynham Way £788.00 £788.00 Users Association (Approved) - Indoor Bowls Mat To supply three mats in different colours for the bowling green.

The Area Support Officer further advised that the new homes for Luton funds totalling £152,000 had been received. The Executive agreed 50% be retained in the East area (£76,000) and the other 50% be spread among the four ward areas in the town (Central, North, South and West - £19,000 each). The projects approved by Members are attached as an Appendix to the minutes.

A member of the Public enquired whether the East of Luton would also benefit from money from the flat conversions in the town centre.

Councillor Franks replied ward areas would only receive money for new homes built on land owned by the Council and where there is an agreement between the Council and developers to pay £1000 per house which is built.

Resolved: (i) That the report (Ref 8) be noted.


Joan Bailey, Safer Luton Partnership presented the report (Ref 9) on detached youth work carried out in the East Luton area by the Safer Luton Partnership.

She advised detached youth workers were deployed to work in the East area 2/3 nights a week following a meeting held with the local councillor representative who identified areas of concern where groups of young people hung out but not always caused problems. Areas identified and covered were:  Stopsley  Hart Hill Adventure Playground  Round Green  Wigmore (shop area)

Roads targeted were:  Thurston Green  Abbotswood Road  Hart Lane  Ashcroft Road

Page 7 of 21  Turners Road

Links by detached workers with young people were made to build relationships and to discuss issues and concerns. Following that a piece of work with a group of young people on drinking and health information, and on smoking related issues was held.

A meeting was held with the Business Development Coordinator at Hart Hill Adventure Playground where major concerns were raised regarding levels of antisocial behaviour that took place in the playground and in the neighbourhood. This lead to extending the hours of the detached team to start their evenings at the playground on Thursdays and Fridays which would involve:  Working with young people who were excluded but were acting out challenging behaviour  Focusing on 10-12 year olds that need more than play work and in danger of following in the footsteps of older sibling and other local young people demonstrating antisocial behaviour  Carrying out detached work in the local area and engaging those who had been excluded from the playground until issues with playground staff were resolved.

A youth club is due to start in the New Year in the area which would be aimed at this particular age group and support was agreed to remain until March 2015. Six mentors were recruited and being trained to support individuals which are brought to their attention.

Aldwyck Housing is seeking to do some work in the Stopsley area and an initial meeting took place to look at joint working to ensure the sharing of resources and to eliminate duplication of work and youth focus work is being looked at to build on work already started.

On-going detached work would continue in targeted areas; and include: working with local police officers, ASB officers; running workshops to address identified issues, mentoring identified individuals and assisting the Hart Hill Adventure Playground youth club.

The following questions/comments were made:

Councillor Franks commented on dispersal orders and the understanding that resources would be put in to address the problems in that area. He further commented on his appreciation of the work already carried out in the area by the detached youth workers and enquired whether this was in addition to the work already in place.

Joan Bailey replied that the detached youth workers were sent to the area to work with young people on the peripheral of causing concern. The SLP were happy to take on any other work which was needed and in the process of collecting data to show how many young people they were working with.

Page 8 of 21 Councillor Moles commented on issues raised by constituents regarding the granting of an extended licence Morrison’s in the Wigmore area by the Licensing Committee even though objections were made that it could lead to ASB by youths in that area; and enquired whether the Licensing Committee were made aware of concerns regarding ASB in areas before decisions were made.

Joan Bailey replied that the areas identified was a key area for detached workers to target and had no input to licensing decisions. The detached workers in that area did not work set hours and would go anywhere within the East area where problems arose and take on board the point made by Councillor Moles.

Resolved: (i) That thanks to Joan Bailey, Safer Luton Partnership be recorded and the report (Ref 9) be noted.

(ii) That the Board agrees for youth work resources to continue around the vicinity of the Hart Hill Adventure Playground to support the work of the playground.


Sarah Markham, Area Housing Manager presented the report (Ref 10) which sought approval to proceed with proposals for projects within the East area. She advised that £40,000 was set aside from the HRA budget for housing environmental projects throughout Luton. The allocations available were for small improvements on housing land for the benefit of council tenants in the area. The following distributions were available in the wards below:

Ward Amount Crawley £1,35015 Round Green £2,294.76 Stopsley £959.45 Wigmore £1,829.87

She further advised Generic Housing Officers would coordinate requests for projects from local ward Councillors, local tenants and tenant representatives. The projects would then be collated by the housing team who would arrange for costs to be obtained and be presented to the Area Board for approval. BTS were appointed the approved contractors to carry out the work.

So far no proposed projects were received for the East area. But two issues in the area were mentioned which could be looked at and relate to installing of barriers in Hart Hill Walk to discourage illegal encampment and in Wigmore Lane to resolve parking issues in the Close next to Someries Junior School.

The following comments/questions were made:

Councillor Chapman commented on the installation of barriers and requested Officers also look at more extra parking for residents.

Page 9 of 21 The Officer replied that due to the limit funds available that would need to be a future project.

A member of the public enquired whether BTS were value for money.

The Officer replied that that was the way it works and the prices quoted to carry out the work was reasonable and they did a good job.

Resolved: That thanks to the officer be recorded.


Barry Timms, presented the report (Ref: 11) which sought approval for heavy pruning/removal of shrubbery in Timworth Close to permit more surveillance to reduce antisocial behaviour by youths.

He advised the open space had been inspected which found the area overgrown with shrubs up to 2 metres in height and as a result:

a) The number of frequency visits to shrubs beds had reduced to once during the winter due to budget reductions to the Parks Division and; b) The current practice involves a winter visit when the shrubs would be reduced by 50%, and an application of residual weed killer. Prunings would be shredded on site and returned to the bed in the form of mulch.

The following question/comments were made:

The Chair commented on similar shrub issues mentioned in the Wigmore Ward forum meeting where residents expressed concerning shrubs in Buckingham Drive.

The Officer replied that the programme of work taking up one visit per month was being looked at and more visits would depend upon the availability of resources.

Resolved: That the Board agreed for Officers to: a) Carry out work on extra heavy routine prune as set out in paragraph 10 of the report (Ref 11) as soon as possible b) Report back to the Board if problems in this area continue.


Emma Dwyer, Luton Clincial Commissioning Group (LCCG) gave the following updates:

 There would be a new provider for adult and children’s community health services (Hertfordshire Partnership University Foundation Trust) in Luton which will bring a more integrated care to services such as: district nursing, community nursing and children's community nursing including health visitors and school nursing.

Page 10 of 21  The Trust will provide knowledge and expertise in the design, delivery and management of effective community physical health services. The CCG will be working with local stakeholders and providers to deliver, develop, manage and integrate services across the borough. The contract is for five years and expected to begin from 1 April 2015.

 LCCG awarded two contracts for local mental health care to a new provider, the East London Foundation Trust, and a contract for intermediate care services to Virgin Care.

 L CCG is supporting the new NHS national public awareness campaign to persuade people to seek advice early from their local pharmacist if they are ‘Feeling under the weather’.  The first AGM was held in September where it was reported health checks in Luton were among the best in the country and Public Health Luton were coordinating the process of encouraging people aged 40 and 74 years old to visit their GPs for free health checks following findings of rising levels of high blood pressure and diabetes in the community.  The ‘Better Together’ programme has started jointly working the Council and CCG to improve outcomes in the community to prevent developing diseases such as obesity which is high in Luton and a lot of work had been carried out to reduce obesity levels in children.  A new service called ‘My Care Coordinator’ which is aimed at end of life care. Carers looking after a terminally ill person at home can contact this service who will organise the end of life needs and mean a much more supportive service being delivered through Keech Hospice.  GP access points were continuing to be improved in Luton and it is recognised more work is needed.  A new partnership between the council and LCCG was made for services such as complaints handling and communications to be provided by the Council.  The CCG is currently experiencing a financial overspend and having to find savings which means extra scrutiny from NHS England.  The CCG is looking at contracts with providers to ensure greater transparency

The following questions/comments were made: Question Answer Why do referrals for minor surgery at Minor surgery decisions are the the surgery take so responsibility of the Sundon Park long? practice.

I recently had an aortic embolism Work is currently being co- screening and believe there is a low commissioning into this but not sure turn-out for these. Can there be more of the progress so far. I will take your publicity made available in surgeries question back to the Primary Care regarding this screening to raise Trust to ensure this type of screening more awareness in public places? is widely publicised in public places.

My daughter currently receives The current staff are valued and treatment from the mental health needed and would be encouraged to

Page 11 of 21 services. Would that level of support stay. The likelihood is those staff change once the new provider is in would be TUPE over to the new place? provider and the only change would be managerial. Does the LCCG ensure all All NHS staff receives the living wage, contractors pay their staff the living which is built into their contracts. But wage? would need to seek clarification from our HR section for a more definitive answer on contractors. Luton has a very poor housing stock. There is an association with poverty Do you foresee a rise in TB? and TB. New born babies in Luton are given the BCG injection at birth to reduce the spread of TB. Further information regarding Tuberculosis can be found on Public Health website. However, it should be noted Luton has not had an outbreak of TB for years which is due to the ‘Better together’ programme and LCCG working together.

Resolved: That the oral update be noted.


Resolved: The Area Support Officer advised that would be no area projects for consideration which would Participatory Budgeting meeting instead.


 Tuesday 17th March 2015 – Participatory Budget meeting.

(Meeting ended at 9.05 p.m.)

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19th May 2015 at 6.28 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillors Baker, Chapman, Chowdhury, M. Dolling, M.J. Dolling, Keens, Moles, Rivers, Skepelhorn and J. Taylor.


Resolved: That Councillor Skepelhorn be elected Chair of the East Luton Area Board for the ensuing Municipal Year.

(Note: The meeting ended at 6.29 p.m.)


Page 13 of 21 Agenda item: 7

East Area Board Neighbourhood Governance Progress Report: March 2015 – May 2015

Date: Wednesday 24th June 2015 Name of Chair: Councillor Alan Skepelhorn Reporting Officer: Gary J. Roberts (On behalf of the East Luton Partnership Group)

This report gives an overview of the progress on addressing community priorities in East Luton, which were agreed with local people, councillors, and council partners as part of the ‘Your Say, Your Way’ programme.

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Luton Clinical Commissioning Group East Luton update

Residents decided how money was spent to improve their local areas. The East Luton ‘Decision Day’ took place on 17 March at Ramridge Primary School. The council organised the event as part of the ‘Your Say, Your Way’ funding programme and over 120 people attended to listen to the project presentations. Attendees were asked to vote for the projects they felt would most benefit their local community and because of the amount of funding available, all 17 projects were successful on the night. We look forward to working with them all over the coming months and we’re excited to see the community benefit in East Luton. The community decision days give local people an opportunity to decide how public money is spent to improve their neighbourhoods. The projects awarded funding all aim to make a real difference to local communities and there will be another chance for groups to apply next year.

Amount Organisation/ group Project idea applied for 23rd Luton Boys Brigade £1,263 23rd Luton Boys Brigade Active Luton £1,500 Friday night football and basketball project Friends of Putteridge Primary School £1,469 Community Festival GreenHouse Mentoring £1,320 Training of volunteers Groundwork Luton & Bedfordshire £1,500 Growing project working in local schools to address childhood obesity Hart Hill Adventure Playgrounds £1,480 Football Tournament ‘Ryan’s Cup’ Hart Lane Education Centre £1,500 Series of themed festival events Level Trust £1,500 Shoes for schools. Targeting the most deprived schools in the area One Nation ERSO £1,500 Walking football project. Targeting some of the hard to reach groups in the east Luton area The Pragati Women’s Organisation £1,500 Awareness of harmful chemicals in daily life Raynham Way Pre-School £1,500 Purchase and installation of sensory equipment at the pre-school St. Anne’s Church £1,500 ‘Pop in club’. Purchase of new equipment for the parent and toddler club Stopsley Village Pre-school £1,499.94 Development of the outdoor play space Friends and Parents of Tina's School of Dance £900 Summer School for the benefit of children in the East Luton area Luton Carnival Arts £1,500 Carnival Arts project working with specific schools in the East Luton area Children’s Links £1,500 Steel storage container for new youth provision Friends of East Luton £1,500 Volunteering in the community and promotion of activities particularly for older people. Focus on addressing isolation and loneliness

Targeted Youth Service A partnership approach to anti social update. behaviour. The Targeted Youth Development Team is A new youth club was introduced at Hart Hill Adventure Playground in pleased to report that the good work at the February 2015. The new group was introduced after the local community Ashcroft Youth Zone continues. The team are raised concerns about anti social behaviour taking place at the playground. busy engaging with a number of families, Bedfordshire Police, Youth Offending Service, Housing, Community Safety, children and young people from the East Luton the Youth Service, Safer Luton Partnership, Area Boards, Neighbourhood area. Governance, ward councillors and representatives from Children’s Links all The Targeted Youth Work Team is also working came together to launch the club, which has been a resounding success so intensively with 16 young people and their far. families, who are some of the most vulnerable For more information please call Tom or Sharon at the playground local residents. on 01582 431311. For information about youth services in If you experience anti social behaviour you should contact the Local your area contact Abdul Halim, Youth Neighbourhood Policing Team on 101 but in cases of an emergency always Development Worker, on 01582 607688. dial 999.

Page 15 of 21 2 Stronger and safer communities

Luton in Harmony Campaign The Luton in Harmony campaign is a community movement that seeks to promote diversity and cohesion in Luton. Now in its fifth year, the campaign group is working hard to build a positive reputation for the town. Luton in Harmony is looking to raise awareness of the campaign and already has a presence in local schools, colleges, the university and in other local organisations and businesses. The campaign is already well known at local festivals and community events. The Luton in Harmony team would like to encourage you to find out more information about what they do and how you could help by visiting their website. Local people and organisations can show their support in many ways including wearing the Luton in Harmony badge, displaying information and banners or getting involved in local events. If you would like further information about the campaign, or would like to become part of Luton in Harmony please contact Maureen Drummond, Project Manager Luton in Harmony, on 01582 547 228 or by The Big Iftaar email on [email protected] Following the success of the first event last year, Luton will host a second annual Big Iftaar on 10 July 2015 at St. Georges Square. This year the event will focus on two themes; ‘No-one will go hungry in Luton during Ramadhan’ and ‘The Srebrenica Massacre; a commemoration’ and will involve local partners Luton Borough Council, the Police, InspireFM, the local ‘Remembering Srebrenica’ and members of the local communities. The Luton Big Iftaar event will begin at 7pm. Breaking fast will begin at approximately 9.15pm and all those in attendance will be invited to join the community feast. InspireFM will lead a food drive in the week leading up to the event and will be collecting donations at the Community Centre. The collection will then be packed up and distributed on the day of the Big Iftaar. On the day volunteers will be needed to collect and distribute the food donations. If you’d like to volunteer, donate or be involved in the event please contact the following; Volunteering for event [email protected]

Donating Food for Food bank Mohammed Tariq [email protected]

Donating Food for Luton Big Iftaar Rehana Faisal [email protected]

Challney Community Festival Shohir Uddin [email protected]

Page 16 of 21 3 Stronger and safer communities

Creative People & Places 2014- Karen Perkins Director of Arts & Museums at Luton culture Consortium Lead for the CPP Project Karen. 2017 [email protected] 01582546726. In 2014 a group of Luton Arts organisations secured £686,000 of investment for art projects in Luton. The programme, called Luton Creates, aims to increase the number of local Luton people who engage and participate in high quality arts. It also aims to inspire local people to become more involved with the arts by building stronger relationships with communities. Luton Creates wants to take audiences on a journey and is looking to interest people who are new to the arts and challenge those who already engage with art to try different experiences. Community engagement is a key part of Luton Creates so local Creative Community Forums have been set up at Chaul End, Futures and Community Centres. Future projects and programmes by Luton Creates will be based on four main areas; Bringing artists from outside Luton to inspire local artists and communities to develop their own ideas; Communities working with artists in Luton to create projects to bid for Your Way Your Say funding; Creating residencies for artists from Luton and elsewhere to work within a community and; Developing creative connections between artists and communities to encourage discussion and debate about the arts. Luton celebrates VE Day The Town Hall and the War Memorial were also illuminated with red and blue lights to reflect the buildings which were lit Lutonians came out to join in the celebrations of the 70th up on VE Day in 1945. anniversary of VE Day marking the end of the Second World War in Europe. Trevor Holden, Chief Executive, Luton Borough Council, said: “The rain could not dampen the spirits of the performers and The celebratory event, which took place on Friday 8 May spectators as Luton celebrated the 70th anniversary of Victory outside the Town Hall featured songs and dance styles in Europe. This special day gave us the opportunity to reflect reminiscent of the 1940s. Luton in Harmony’s project manager, on the roles played by the many local men and woman in the Maureen Drummond was the MC for the event which included armed forces, as well as civilians, and to pay tribute to those performances by Sacred Heart Primary School Choir who sang who bravely risked their lives to help defend this country to a number of old-time favourites including ‘We’ll meet again’ give us the freedom we all enjoy today.” and ‘Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye’. Jazz singer Konni Deppe, accompanied by guitarist Nils Solberg, and Ukulele band Ukie Toones got people swaying and tapping their toes with their performances. And children and young people from Tina’s School of Dance and based Street Dance Productions showcased their amazing dance talents. Luton also participated in a beacon lighting ceremony supported by 678 (The Rifles) Squadron Army Air Corps and Bedfordshire Police cadets. The formal part of the proceedings included the Council’s Chief Executive Trevor Holden reading a tribute to remember those who sacrificed their lives at home and abroad. A bugler player then marked the beginning and end of a two-minute silence. The High Sheriff of Bedfordshire, the Countess of Erroll and Mayor of Luton Cllr Mohammed Farooq lit the commemorative beacon together as others were lit in towns and cities across the country.

Page 17 of 21 4 Health and wellbeing

Luton CCG Updates: Under the weather? Why not visit the Pharmacist? You can pick up a paper version of the survey at Did you know that your community pharmacist is qualified the service (the return postage is free) or complete to give you advice on a wide range of health issues and it online at The treatments? deadline is 5pm on Friday 12 June 2015. Next time you wake up with a sore throat, hayfever or you’re Get health tips from our Twitter feed just a little unwell, think about visiting your local pharmacist If you’re looking for health tips, reliable health advice or want first. You don’t usually have to make an appointment and to know more about our work, follow us on Twitter! many treatments cost less than the price of a prescription, so You can find us at or search the visit could also save you money! for @nhs_LCCG if you already have a Twitter account. Remember - if you are worried about your health or have an ongoing health concern, you should still seek advice from your local GP. New patient survey on Community Musculoskeletal (CMSK) services – have your say We’re always keen to discover what you think about our services. So, if you are receiving or have received treatment from our CMSK service for conditions such as a bad back or sore shoulder, please tell us about your experience and let us know how we can improve things. Your views matter and they will help us to decide how we design this service in the future.

Luton Drugs and Alcohol Partnership: A new drug and alcohol treatment pathway has been agreed by the council and its partners and will now begin to be implemented. The pathway will focus on recovery outcomes and will be based around a new ‘Recovery hub’. The hub will be a community space offering a wide range of support to those looking to recover from drug and alcohol misuse and was made possible by £500,000 in funding. Fight Klub comes to Luton Teams and services that provide recovery Active Luton launched the popular ‘Fight Klub’ class at a special event at Lea services are redesigning the current Manor Recreation Centre in March 2015. service, including how it is delivered. The workout is a combination of boxing, kick-boxing and dance, and involves Their aim is to create a service that punching and kicking a free-standing punch bag to motivational, high tempo offers people who are affected by music. addiction the best chance of recovery and an opportunity to achieve their own Helen Barnett, Chief Executive of Active Luton, said: “Fight Klub workouts are fun, personal goals. Having a more visible effective, easy to follow and suitable for all levels of fitness. We had a huge turnout local recovery community will also act for our launch event and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. as an inspiration to others in Luton who “If you’re looking for something fresh, new and fun which has huge benefits to continue to struggle with addiction. your health and fitness, we think this could be the answer!” The new pathway and redesigned service Regular Fight Klub sessions are held at Lea Manor Recreation Centre on the will increase the number of positive following days: outcomes and recoveries, offer better value for money and most importantly  Thursdays: 8.05–9.05pm  Mondays: 7.30–8.30pm tackle the harm that drug and alcohol  Wednesdays: 8-9pm  Saturdays: 10.30–11.30am causes to local people and communities. For more information visit and

Page 18 of 21 5 Environment and economy

Getting out of the house into a career As part of Volunteering Week 2015 (from 1-7 June), Luton Borough Council is promoting the many benefits of volunteering. They recently spoke to Viji Desikan who is one of many success stories from the Council’s own volunteering programme. Spending days at home cooking and doing the housework was proving to be dull and uninspiring for 31 year-old Viji Desikan when she arrived in the UK from India. Outdoor gyms open in “I was working in India as a technical editor but had to give that up when I came here. I found being at home all day really frustrating as I felt that I Luton parks needed to share my experience and skills with others as well as wanting to get Luton Borough Council has opened outdoor out and about and meet new friends.” gyms in two of its award winning parks and Viji decided to get out of the house and join Luton Borough Council’s in a local open space to give local residents volunteer scheme. The authority has been running the programme since an opportunity to get fit and healthy. 2011 to give residents an opportunity to gain valuable experience while giving The pilot project installed outdoor gyms something back to the community. in People’s Park, Brantwood Park and in “I began to become involved in various roles”, said Viji. “These included Cohens Yard open space, the equipment is working as a community centre assistant, supporting cultural events and as a available to use free of charge, 365 days a health champion for the Diabetes UK Luton roadshow. year. “I also took an adult learning training course. I enjoyed every minute of The specially designed outdoor gym volunteering as it gave me new experiences in a range of areas, boosted my equipment is similar to conventional indoor confidence and gave me the opportunity to move into a full-time job.” gym equipment and includes hand bikes, exercise bikes, chest press and a cross trainer. Volunteering also gave Viji the chance to meet lots of new people. “They really appreciated my work and many became mentors who guided me and helped The gyms are a joint initiative between the me to learn and grow. They congratulated me when I did well and corrected Council’s Parks Service and Public Health me if I did something wrong. It was a fantastic learning experience.” teams and aim to provide opportunities for those with poor health and low incomes to Viji is proud that she now has a permanent job as a community centre take part in physical activity. assistant for Luton culture and fully credits volunteering for her success. “It is the perfect way to learn new skills and obtain practical experience that gives The locations were identified as areas you something to offer prospective employers”, she added. of Luton which have significant health difficulties and it is hoped the gyms will Cllr Jacqui Burnett, Portfolio Holder for community development said: “We are help improve the health of local residents by proud of our volunteering scheme and Viji is just one example of the growing reducing risk factors such as obesity. number of people who are finding it valuable and a real stepping stone to career opportunities. The outdoor gyms give local residents the choice and opportunity to improve their “It is open to everyone and I would encourage anyone who is thinking about fitness whilst encouraging social interaction. volunteering to get in touch and find out about the range of opportunities It is also hoped that this will help increase that are available.” peoples confidence so they are able to join For further details on Luton Borough Council’s volunteer scheme call other local health clubs and classes, like 01582 548772 or email [email protected] those run by Active Luton.

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St. Anne’s Parish Church Parents & Toddlers Club benefit from ‘Your Say, Your Way’ funding. The Parents & Toddlers group held an open day on 2 June. It was well attended by parents and children who enjoyed the new children’s kitchen and climbing frame which were purchased with ‘Your Say, Your Way’ funding. Carol Mitchell, the group’s leader, said; “Although we do have a good number attending each week we can still accommodate a few more. If anyone fancies coming along on a Tuesday from 1.30pm to 3pm, they would be very welcome. The church is on the corner of Road and Hart Lane.” For more details contact Carol Mitchell on 07795 324046. Off road motorcycles – “You told the Police. They are doing” Mini motos, mopeds, quad bikes, trial and any other mechanically propelled vehicles that are driven off road can cause a nuisance and should not be used on public roads, pavements or spaces. Road-registered motorcycles being inappropriately driven can also cause nuisance. These bikes can be very loud and can destroy local parks and open spaces. Stopsley Village Pre-School make great PS 5547 Melissa Cunningham confirmed that use of ‘Your Say, Your Way’ funding. there are plans to run several policing operations in East Luton using off road police motorbikes The Pre-School, which has moved into new premises at Stopsley Community and police officers to tackle the emerging issue. Primary School, has already made excellent use of their ‘Your Say, Your Way’ This is likely to take place over the spring and into funding. The parents and staff have completely refurbished the play area, the summer so updates on the progress of this which is used exclusively by the Pre-School. operation will be provided in future area reports. The staff recognise that it is important the children are able to enjoy physical As much detail as possible is needed about what activity from a young age. They hope this enjoyment will lead to a greater the riders and bikes look like. Information on understanding of the benefits of exercise and healthy living as the children where the bikes are coming from, who owns grow up. the bike and where they live is also required. If The before and after pictures highlight the impressive changes – Well done you have information about illegal off road to all involved! bikers please report this to the Police by dialling 101.

The Village Beacon (Stopsley Baptist Church) A group from The Village Beacon (which is part of Stopsley Baptist Church) has been out litter picking. In April the group took to the streets to give the area a good clean up, an activity which they undertake at various times throughout the year. Not only does the community and local environment enjoy the benefits of the clean up, the volunteers also have a lot of fun! If you’re interested in meeting like minded local people and would like to participate in the next clean up day, please contact the GreenHouse Project on 01582 528213 or email [email protected].

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Your Local Councillors

Crawley Ward Councillor 44 Havelock Road, 07809 10 03 85 Terry Keens Luton, LU2 7PR [email protected] Councillor 69 Bracklesham Gardens, 07809 10 03 92 James Taylor Luton, LU2 8QT [email protected]

Round Green Ward Councillor 10 Holford Way, 07809 10 03 79 Upcoming community John Baker Luton, LU3 4EB [email protected] events in East Luton Councillor 49 Overstone Road, 07809 10 03 80 Irak Chowdhury Luton, LU4 8QY [email protected] Ramridge Primary School & East Luton Community Festival Councillor 30 Kingston Road, 07714 13 97 13 Mark Rivers Luton, LU2 7SA [email protected] Saturday 27 June 2015 At Ramridge Primary School, Turners Road North, Luton, LU2 9AH Stopsley Ward s Bouncy Castles s Face Painting s Councillor 125 Old Bedford Road 01582 42 96 46 Asian Foods s Licensed Bar s Bric-a- Michael Dolling Luton LU3 1LF [email protected] brac, Plus lots lots more – For further information contact the school on Councillor 125 New Bedford Road, 07809 10 03 82 01582 72 99 70. Meryl Dolling Luton, LU3 1LF [email protected] Stopsley Baptist Church Wigmore Ward Wild West Academy Councillor 268 Old Bedford Road, 01582 72 32 93 Monday 27 to Thursday 30 July 2015 Peter Chapman Luton, LU2 7EQ [email protected] Holiday club for primary school age Councillor 12 Nightingale Close, 01582 72 32 93 children (Reception - Year 6). Diane Moles Luton, LU2 8EZ [email protected] Councillor 15 Lennox Green, 01582 27 18 51 Alan Skepelhorn Luton, LU2 8UT [email protected]

Looking for more information? East Luton Local Policing Team For further information on this report or the “Your Say, Your Way” programme please call us on 01582 55 87 81 or 01582 54 69 85 General Contact Telephone: 101 or email: Emergencies Telephone: 999 Gary J. Roberts [email protected] Email: [email protected] Emma Colclough [email protected] Web: Web:

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Luton Clinical Commissioning Group