Monodominant Forests of Aucoumea Klaineana and Terminalia Superba in the Chaillu Forest (Sw Congo, Africa)
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Polish Botanical Journal 48(2): 145–162, 2003 MONODOMINANT FORESTS OF AUCOUMEA KLAINEANA AND TERMINALIA SUPERBA IN THE CHAILLU FOREST (SW CONGO, AFRICA) SERGE V. PANGOU, GEMA MAURY-LECHON & ANTOINE MOUTANDA Abstract: The paper describes the vegetation types observed in the Ngoua 2 Forest. Analysis of floristic composition led to ident- ification of four vegetation types there: monodominant forest of Terminalia superba and of Aucoumea klaineana, mixed forest and swamp forest. Two other vegetation types, secondary forest and riverine forest, exist in the outer fringes of the study site. The collected plants represent 451 species (296 genera, 91 families), of which 436 were identified completely. Nine plant species were added to the flora of the Chaillu Forest. A checklist of the vascular plants collected and identified in the Ngoua 2 Forest is provided. Key words: Flora, vegetation, Terminalia superba, Aucoumea klaineana, Chaillu Forest, Africa Serge V. Pangou, Laboratoire de Botanique, Centre d’Etudes sur les Ressouces Végétales, BP 876 Brazzaville, Congo; e-mail: [email protected] Gema Maury-Lechon, URA 243 CNRS Lyon 1, Université Claude Bernard, 69622 Villeurbanne, France Antoine Moutanda, Service Nationale du Reboisement, BP 839, Pointe-Noire, Congo INTRODUCTION The Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) is located in 1960; Bouquet 1967, 1977; Cusset 1989) except the central part of the African continent. It covers in the areas bordering Cabinda (Mayombe Forest) an area of about 342,000 km2, straddling the equ- and Gabon (Chaillu Forest). The surveys have re- ator between 3°34′ N – 5°00′ S latitude and 11°11′ E corded about 4500 plant species (Sita & Mout- – 18°35′ E longitude. The density of the human samboté 1988). On the other hand, areas of the population in the southwestern forested area is northern Congo such as Cuvette, Sangha and Li- very low, and most of the area remains undis- kouala districts are least surveyed, except for the turbed. The climate is equatorial, though varying southernmost area of Sangha (Moutsamboté according to the altitude. Rainfall in the central 1991a, b). This incomplete knowledge of Con- and southern regions has bimodal peaks in No- golese flora hinders assessment of its degree of vember and May. In the northern regions the latter diversity and endemism. peak appears in September through October (Ven- The Ngoua 2 Forest is a region of transition be- netier 1977). Annual rainfall ranges from 1200 tween the Aucoumea klaineana and Terminalia mm at Plaine du Niari in the south to 2000 mm superba distribution areas (Leroy-Deval 1977; around Plateau Koukouya in the central area near Croisé & Fabri 1991). The separation of the two Gabon. Mean annual temperature is between 23°C species is not abrupt but gradual from west (Ter- and 27°C (Vennetier 1977). There are two major minalia superba) to east (Aucoumea klaineana) vegetation types: tropical rainforest and savannah. (Aubreville 1948; Bouquet 1967; Teillier 1994). Tropical forest covers 60% of the total area: Botanical surveying in the southern Congo, Mayombe Forest (3%), Chaillu Forest (11%), the mainly in the Ngoua 2 Forest (Chaillu Forest) northern forests (31%) and other forests (15%). started in 1994. This effort confirmed that the Savannah, grasslands and swamps cover about southern regions, in particular the Ngoua 2 Forest, 35% of the remainder (Vennetier 1977). have much potential for plant taxonomy (Aubré- Botanical surveys in Mayombe Forest and the ville 1938; Adjanahoun et al. 1998) and other bo- central region have been carried out (Descoings tanical fields. 146 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 48(2). 2003. STUDY SITE (C.E.R.V.E.) in Brazzaville and at the Faculté des Scien- ces (Botanical Department) in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo), respectively. Voucher specimens The Ngoua 2 Forest is located in southern Congo are deposited in the Herbarium of C.E.R.V.E. and the in the Chaillu Forest (Fig. 1). It covers about Herbarium of la Faculté des Sciences (Kinshasa). For 260,000 ha (Groulez 1982), is located at description of the dominant tree species, trees 30 cm 02°56′39″ S latitude and 12°20′20″ E longitude, DBH (diameter breadth higher) or more were selected. and has an altitude range of 250–300 m. Elevation The list of plants (see APPENDIX) shows scientific and decreases In the southwest of the area. The climate vernacular names (Punu). Nomenclature follows the in- is humid, and annual rainfall ranges from 1600 to tegrated system of classification of flowering plants by 1800 mm. Mean annual temperatures are between Cronquist (1981). 23°C and 25°C (Aubréville 1948; Vennetier 1977). The rivers have wide flood plains domi- nated by swamp forest along them. The soils on RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the plateaus are primarily ferric oxisols, and the VEGETATION TYPES valleys mostly hydromorphic ferric oxisols (Babet 1929, 1932; Devigne 1959). The following four vegetation types are distin- guished by species composition at the study site (for the distribution of vegetation types, see Grou- lez 1982): MATERIALS AND METHODS 1. Monodominant forest of Terminalia super- ba. This type, dominated by Terminalia superba, All botanical samples were collected in the southwest- can be classified into two subtypes: riverine Ter- ern part of the forest, from both the right and left banks minalia superba forest (called mulimba in the of the upper Loufoula River. Sampling was done both systematically (along transects) and opportunistically. Punu language; it generally has black heartwood) The data from transects are now under study. B. Fayette and inland Terminalia superba forest, which has Mikano and N. G. Massanga identified the specimens at the best wood (Teillier 1994; Vigneron 1984). In the Centre d’Etudes sur les Ressources Végétales the riverine subtype, more than 80% of the trees Fig. 1. Situation of the Ngoua 2 Forest, SW Congo, Africa (black rectangle). S. V. PANGOU ET AL.: CHAILLU FOREST (SW CONGO, AFRICA) 147 and 92% of the basal area of DBH (should be ex- species in this type of forest belong the Agavaceae plained what is DBH) and 92% of DBH consist of (Dracaena humilis), Araceae (Anubias hastifolia, a single species, Terminalia superba. In one 2 ha Culcasia scandens), Commelinaceae (Palisota area, Pangou-Tchiami and Sengolt (1988) re- ambigua, P. hirsute, P. thollonii, Pollia conden- corded 127 tree species with DBH greater than 10 sata), Costaceae (Costus afer, C. lucanusianus), cm; trees with DBH greater than 60 cm were Zingiberaceae (Aframomum citratum, A. gigan- found only in mature forests. In the inland sub- teum, A. letestuanum and Renealmia polypus). It type, more than 75% of the trees and 85% of the usually lies next to dominant forest of the inland basal area of DBH and 85% of DBH consist of a Terminalia superba subtype. single species, Terminalia superba (Pangou et al. 3. Swamp forest is developed along streams. 1988; Mellinger 1993; Loumeto 1997). The ca- The forest floor is almost inundated. The canopy nopy of the two subtypes is not always continu- is open for the most part. The dominant species are ous, and gaps are common in the inland subtype. Mitragyna ciliata, M. stipulosa, Nauclea pobegui- The dominant terrestrial vegetation consists of nii, Stipularia africana (Rubiaceae), Uapaca heu- species of the Commelinaceae (Aneilema beni- delotii, U. guineensis, U. palustre (Euphorbia- niensis, Commelina diffusa, Palisota sp.), Maran- ceae), Symphonia globulifera (Clusiaceae), taceae (Ataenidia conferta, Marantochloa sp., Alstonia boonei (Apocynaceae) and Xylopia rube- Megaphrynium macrostachyum) and Zingibe- scens (Annonaceae). The inundated forest floor is raceae (Aframomum sp., Costus afer) in both sub- often covered with species of the Cyperaceae and types. Their densities are markedly higher in the Poaceae. In this study, vegetation near dry land inland than in the riverine subtype. The com- but inundated permanently was simply classified munity of Terminalia superba forms part of the as swamp. However, such vegetation is complex Musango-Terminalietea association (Lebrun & and may be subdivided further. One subtype of Gilbert 1954), which is fully integrated in the swamp forest is large clearings, called marshy moist semi-deciduous forest. Terminalia superba grass in Mitani et al. (1993). It usually lies next to also forms a compact riverside community along the riverine subtype of monodominant forest of minor watercourses of the whole Loufoula River, Terminalia superba. The clearing is usually sometimes accompanied by formations of other covered by herb species: Anubias hastifolia species such as Pterocarpus soyauxii, Swartzia fis- (Araceae), Commelina diffusa (Commelinaceae), tuloides, Gambeya sp., Letestua durissima and Kyllinga pungens, Pycreus subtrigonus, Rhyn- Symphonia globulifera. chospora corymbosa, R. rugosa, Cyperus sp. 2. Monodominant forest of Aucoumea klainea- (Cyperaceae), Dinophora spennoroides, Heterotis na. This type, dominated by A. klaineana, is called rotundifolia (Melastomataceae), Acroceras am- mukume or okoumé in the Punu language. The in- plectens (Poaceae) and Xyris sp. (Xyridaceae). land subtype is the important one at the site. Au- 4. Mixed forest occupies large areas of the coumea klaineana is rare along streams (Groulez study site. This type is more diverse in plant com- 1963). Teillier (1994) regarded the community of position than the other types. The canopy is not A. klaineana as the final stage of a progressive always continuous and large forest gaps are abun- series, that is, the climax of the Ngoua 2 region, dant. It is a transition area of the two species. They with the involvement, to different extents, of other are mixed and rarely represented alone. The area Burseraceae such as Dacryodes bütteneri, D. he- includes primary, secondary and logged-over terotricha D. letestui and D. klaineana. More than forests. Both dominant tree species are distinctly the 86% of the trees and 95% of the basal area of megathermic species of considerable height (35– DBH and 95% of DBH consist of a single species 40 m) with a leafy crown throughout, often gre- of A.