13. Title: Site Location Plan Reference: 3844-14 Site: Place Farm, Stuston MID SUFFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL ~ SCALE 1:1250 131, High Street, Needham Market, IP6 8DL Reproduced by permission of Telephone: 01449 724500 Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. email:
[email protected] ©Crown copyright and database right 2015 www.midsuffolk.gov.uk Ordnance Survey Licence number 100017810 Date Printed: 03/02/2015 Biodiversity ~ction Plan ·(BAP) Biodiversity Plan (BAP) a A~tion \ \ Listed Buildings Protected Sp~cies • Grade I \ ~ Ill] Grade II . 0 Protected Speciks \ Ill Grade II* \ \ ontaminated land - LDF Classifaction po~ential1-\ inated land - potential \ ;.., Countryside Village . \ 0· Committee Constraints Map 3844/14 Place Farm, Stuston ~ ---- MID SUFFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL SCALE 1 :2000 131, High Street, Needham Market. IP6 8DL Reproduced ·by permission of Telephone: 01449 724500 Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. email:
[email protected] ©Crown copyright and database right 2015 www.midsuffolk.gov.uk Ordnance Survev Licence number 100017810 Ian Pick Associates Ltd PROPOSED ROUTING PLAN Llewellyn House Applicant: DR & T J Laurie Middle Street Kilham Free Range Egg Laying Unit East Yorrkshire Reference: 3844/14 Y025 4RL .Ul lb ' JOB TITLE SCALE Rev CLIENT Livestock Building D R & T J Laurie 1=2500 Stuston Place Fann Stuston DWG.TITLE DWG.NUM DATE Diss IP21 4AD Location Plan REVB IP/DU01B JAN 15 ·-·------------- This drawing is to be read in conjunction with the schedule of works ~ ' ', %:> . ,. '-....:)'~~ ""'!~If.~ Bms ,(,~ '~~ RANGING AREA '- O,i-. ~~~ ~3f~~ ian P1ck A550Ciate5 Ltd 5peCI;;Jh5t A.Jncultur;;~l f. R.ur;;~l f'l;;~nn1ng Con5ult;mt5 Ueweltyn House t,jiddle Street Kilham Driffield East Yorkshire Y025 4RL Tel/fax (01262) 421807 Mobile 07702814950 '',,,',,,',,, CLIENT D Laurie & Sons Ltd Stuston Place Fann Stuston ', Oiss IP214AD ----~---:_~~-- JOB TITLE \ Proposed Free Range Egg Unit \--- ---_/ ) DWG.