About Desserts
COCKTAIL FASHION PAVLOVA BUTTER BAKING 2014/04 Dippy About Desserts CHECKOF OUT WINNERSYEAR’S THERESTAURANT FULLREADERAWARDS AT THIS LIST DINING 爱见达编著 云南出版集团公司 云南科技出版社 昆明 1 APRIL 2014 图书在版编目(CIP)数据 美食 = Dining : 英文 / 爱见达编著. -- 昆明 : 云南科技出版社, 2014.3 ISBN 978-7-5416-8005-2 Ⅰ. ①美… Ⅱ. ①爱… Ⅲ. ①饮食-文化-北京市- 英文 Ⅳ. ①TS971 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2014)第047446号 Managing Editor Paul Ryding Editors Cat Nelson, Jessica Rapp, Kipp Whittaker Production Manager Joey Guo Art Director Susu Luo Contributors Shannon Aitken, Jim Boyce, George Ding, Kyle Mullin, EP, Reed Russell, Steven Schwankert, Iain Shaw, Erin Strong, Nancy Tong, Jonathan White Complimentary copy, not for sale. 部分非卖品,仅限赠阅 责任编辑:刘康 胡凤丽 罗璇 责任校对:叶水金 责任印制:翟苑 云南出版集团公司 云南科技出版社出版发行 昆明市环城西路609号云南新闻出版大楼 邮政编码:650034 北京华联印刷有限公司印刷 开本:787mm X 1092mm 1/16 印张:5 字数:30千字 2014年3月第一版 2014年3月第一次印刷 定价:RMB15.00 2 APRIL 2014 06 What’s Happening: The most important dates this month CITY SCENE Stat: The biggest winners at this year’s the Beijinger Reader Restaurant Awards and how they compare to last year Going Underground: Dawayao, Line 14 Scene & Heard: Go on, take a look at yourselves, you beautiful people 12 This month we went delirious over a selection of the city’s most COVER FEATURE delectable desserts. 22 What’s New: Le Grenadier, Guanpin, Glen Kitchen, Pantry’s Best, FOOD & DrinK Palms LA Kitchen and Bar, Moti Mahal, View 3912, Ming Bar, Bubble Bar Alleyway Gourmet: Baochao Noodle House Just Desserts: M’s Truly Grand Dessert Platter, Capital M Iron Bartender: Three city bartenders are challenged to create something
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