购物站(3 站):茶叶、丝绸、宝树堂或同级 团号: CBTS Updated on 22JAN18 *因购物站津贴,请配合每个购物站需待一小时以上.* *无自费项目* 风味餐:全聚德烤鸭(分店),99 顶毡房蒙古包,花家怡园,蜀国演义菜+变脸,天津狗不理包子,东来顺涮羊肉,饺子宴 杭州菜吊烧鸡,老北京风味。 天 景点 行程 酒店 数 1 吉隆坡- 吉隆坡出发,提前 2 小时集合于吉隆坡国际机场, 乘国际航班飞往北京. 龙鼎华顶云酒店或同级 北京 *国泰港龙含晚餐 MH360 1800-0020,D7 316 1900-0105 当地四星级(精品式) 2 北京 游览:天安门广场,故宫(珍宝馆+钟表馆〃含门票),景山公园,杂技表演。国航 CA872 2340 0555 龙鼎华顶云酒店或同级 中国故宫原名是紫禁城,占地 72 万多平方米,有楼 8000 余间,建筑面积约 15 万平方米。 当地四星级(精品式) 故宫【珍宝馆】收藏的清代宫廷珍宝大部分是出自紫禁城内掌管营造的机构—造办处奉旨制作的,还有一些 (早/午/晚) 则是逢年节庆典时地方官吏的朝贡品。这些珍宝大都选用金,银,玉,翠,珍珠及各种宝石等名贵材质,并征调各 地著名匠师设计制造。这些作品竭尽巧思,不惜工本,一器之成往往经年累月,其工艺代表了当时的最高水平。 故宫【钟表馆】这里展出的钟表除我国自行制造的之外,以英国产品居多,亦有法国,瑞士等其它西方国家的 钟表。清宫内设置的做 .故宫收藏的法国钟表属于晚期作品。 3 北京/长城/ 游览:八达岭长城(含往返缆车),卢沟桥,宛平城,王府井大街,驱车返回北京。 龙鼎华顶云酒店或同级 北京 最著名的【八达岭长城】它是中国开放最早的一段长城,也是至今为止保护最好,最著名的一段明代长城。其 当地四星级(精品式) 可行部分全长 3741 米。 (早/午/晚) 七七事变,又称【卢沟桥】事变,是发生于 1937 年 7 月 7 日,为中国抗日战争全面爆发的起点,也标志第二次 世界大战东方战场战事的起始。横跨永定河上,完工于 1190 年,长 200 馀米,宽 8 米,高 10 馀米,两旁栏柱有 485 个石狮子,精工雕琢,形态各异,经马可孛罗推崇,西方人称为马可孛罗桥。 【宛平城】南城墙外侧。城墙上的弹坑旁边挂有说明牌,牌上方标题为‚‘七七事变’弹坑遗址‛。日军发动 卢沟桥事变。从此,中国人民打响了抗日战争第一枪。这是‘七七事变’日军攻打宛平城时留下的弹坑。 4 北京 游览:雍和宫,天坛,外观正阳门箭楼,前门铛铛车,夜游长安街。 龙鼎华顶云酒店或同级 【雍和宫】位于北京市区东北角,清康熙三十三年(1694 年)康熙帝在此建造府邸,赐予四子雍亲王,称雍亲王 当地四星级(精品式) 府 (早/午/晚) 北京【天坛】位于北京市东城区,是明清两朝帝王祭天,祈谷和祈雨的场所。是现存中国古代规模最大,伦理 等级最高的祭祀建筑群, 被列为世界文化遗产。 5 北京/天津/ 游览:乘坐单程京津列车,食品街,文化街,意大利风情街,驱车返回北京。 龙鼎华顶云酒店或同级 北京 天津市,简称津,别称沽。是中华人民共和国的直辖市、国家中心城市和中国北方最大沿海开放城市。天津食 当地四星级(精品式) 品街古文化街,天津市南开区的一条由仿中国清代民间小式店铺组成的商业步行街。 (早/午/晚) 6 北京 游览:颐和园(不含游船), 熊猫馆,首都博物馆,体验单程地铁,外观鸟巢及外观水立方,秀水街。 MGM 东方美高美酒店 【颐和园】是中国现存规模最大,保存最完整的皇家园林,中国四大名园。(另三座为承德避暑山庄,苏州拙政 或同级国际五星级 园,苏州留园)之一。 (早/午/晚) 新馆的展览陈列以【首都博物】馆历年收藏和北京地区的出土文物为基本素材,吸收北京历史,文物,考古及相 关学科的最新研究成果,借鉴国内外博物馆的成功经验,形成独具北京特色的现代化展陈。 【奥运支线地铁】全长 4.5 公里,其各具特色的站台风格成为这条地铁最大的亮点之一,受到乘客的喜爱。 7 北京- 游览:三轮车胡同游(含小费)+ 学传统剪纸,烟袋斜街,外观 CCTV 大楼,798 艺术区,送机。 MGM 东方美高美酒店 吉隆坡 【乘人力三轮车游】览古老的街巷胡同,体味老北京的市井文化和风土人情品茶体验具有千年历史的茶文化。 或同级国际五星级 【烟袋斜街】是一条具有传统文化特色的商业步行街。它东起地安门外大街,为东北西南走向,出西南口拐弯 (早/午/晚) 就可看到著名燕京八小景之一的‚银锭观山‛,全长 232 米 【798 艺术区】是一个世界闻名的,时尚而且具有生命力的文化创意产业集聚区。艺术区经常举办重要的国际 艺术展览、艺术活动和时尚活动,吸引了众多世界政界要人,影视明星,社会名流到 798 参观。 8 北京- 北京-吉隆坡 MH361 0130-0740, D7317 0215-0840 吉隆坡 *国航午餐后送往机场。CA871 1640-2300 特别注明: 若中英文行程版本出现不符合之处,将以中文版本为依据. Shopping Shop(3): Tea, Silk, Baosutang or similar. *Due to partial package cost subsidy by authorized shopping outlets, each TC: CBTS Updated on 22JAN18 shopping stop required minimum 1 hour above.* *No Optional Tour* Special Meal: Quanjude Roast Duck (branch), 99 Yurt, Hua’s Restaurant, Sichuan Cuisine +Opera Show, Tianjin Goubuli buns, Donglaishun Lamb Steamboat, Chicken flavor, Dumpling Flavor, The old Beijing flavor Day Itinerary Sightseeing Hotel 1 KL- Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International airport two hours in advance, by international flights to Beijing. Longdinghua Dingyun BEIJING *Cathay Dragon with dinner. Kuala Lumpur -Beijing MH360 1800-0020, D7 316 1900-0105 Hotel or similar local 4* (Boutique style) 2 BEIJING Tour: Tiananmen Square, The Forbidden City (Treasure Gallery + Clock Exhibition Hall), Jingshan Park, Acrobatic Longdinghua Dingyun performances. Hotel or similar local 4* 【Beijing Forbidden City】 formerly known as the Forbidden City, located in Beijing axis center is Ming Qing dynasties 24 emperors of the (Boutique style) imperial palace, covering 720,000 square meters, construction area of about 150,000 square meters, the largest existing palace-type buildings . (B/L/D) 【Treasure Gallery】 is a series of exhibition spaces in the northeast part of the Forbidden City in an area of the Museum known as the Palace of Tranquil Longevity Sector (Ningshou gong qu). It consists of six gallery rooms displaying pieces from the imperial collection and extant accoutrements for palace life. All of these exquisite items are made of precious materials, such as jade, jadeite, gold, silver, pearls, and other precious and semi-precious stones. The superb craftsmanship and inestimable value of each piece is aptly summarized in the title of the gallery. 【Clock Exhibition Hall 】displays about 200 clocks and watches from the imperial collection. These clocks and watches were mostly made in Switzerland, England, France, and Japan, with some Chinese made timepieces on display as well. 3 BEIJING/ Tour: Badaling Great Wall (including cable car), Marco Polo Bridge, Wanping City, Wangfujing Street, return back to Beijing. Longdinghua Dingyun GREAT 【Badaling Great Wall】 is the most famous of its Great Wall . It is China's first piece of the Great Wall, is by far the best protection, the Hotel or similar local 4* WALL/ most famous section of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty. Its feasible part of the total length of 3741 meters. (Boutique style) BEIJING 【The Marco Polo Bridge】 Incident, also known by several other names, was a battle between the Republic of China's National (B/L/D) Revolutionary Army and the Imperial Japanese Army. It is often used as the marker for the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War. 【 Wanping Fortress】 also known as Wanping Castle, is a Ming Dynasty fortress or "walled city" in Beijing. It was erected in 1638– 1640, with the purpose of defending Beijing against Li Zicheng and the peasant uprising. 4 BEIJING Tour : Yonghe Temple, Temple of Heaven, The appearance Zhengyanglou, Qianmen Street, night view Chang‘an Street. Longdinghua Dingyun 【Yonghe Temple】 (The Lama Temple) is located in the northeastern corner of Beijing, Qing Emperor Kangxi thirty-three years (1694), Hotel or similar local 4* Emperor Kangxi in the construction of the site, given four sub-Yong Prince. (Boutique style) 【The Temple of Heaven】 is located at the southern end of Beijing. It is the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties (B/L/D) worshiped the gods of heaven and earth and prayed for a good grain harvest. 5 BEIJING/ Tour: Take the Beijing-Tianjin train to Tianjin, Food Street, Culture Street, Coach back to Beijing. Longdinghua Dingyun TIANJIN/ Tianjin is a major port city in northeastern China. Following the 1858 Treaties of Tianjin, several Western nations established concessions Hotel or similar local 4* BEIJING in Tianjin. Tianjin Food Street, Ancient Culture Street, a small imitation by the Chinese Qing Dynasty folk shop consisting of small (Boutique style) commercial pedestrian street. (B/L/D) 6 BEIJING Tour : Summer Palace(No Cruise Tour), Panda Zoo, Beijing Capital Museum, Experience the Olympic subway, The appearance Orient MGM International of the 2008 Olympic Bird's Nest & Water Cube, Xiushui Street Market. Hotel or similar 5* 【The Summer Palace】 is one of the largest and best-preserved imperial gardens in China, and one of the four famous gardens in (B/L/D) China (the other three are Chengde Summer Resort, Suzhou Humble Administrator's Garden and Suzhou Lingering Garden). 【Capital Museum 】 is a relatively new and important museum in Beijing’s central administrative and cultural district. While touring Beijing attractions, consider stopping in at Capital Museum to learn more about Beijing and its history as an imperial capital for hundreds of years. 【Olympic subway 】With a length of 4.5 kilometers, the subway Olympic Line ,Its distinctive platform style has become one of the biggest highlights of this subway, which is loved by passengers. 7 BEIJING- Tour : Hutong Trishaw Ride (include tipping)+ Chinese Paper cutting, Yandaixiejie, The appearance CCTV building , Orient MGM International KL 798 Art Zone, transfer to airport. Hotel or similar 5* 【Hutong Trishaw Ride】 for a view of old Beijing building, experiencing Beijing town life. (B/L/D) 【Yandaixiejie】 length of 200 meters, is a traditional cultural characteristics of the commercial pedestrian street. 【Beijing 798 Art Zone】 is famous for its unique art exhibitions, special creation workshops, functioning a new landmarks of Beijing Urban Culture. 8 BEIJING- Beijing-Kuala Lumpur MH361 0130-0740,D7317 0215-0840 KL *Air China after lunch transfer to airport .CA871 1640-2300 Special Note: Tour is conducted in mandarin unless otherwise specified. .
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