SENIORS CELEBRATE and Depression in the Spotlight

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SENIORS CELEBRATE and Depression in the Spotlight NorThth Haven High School Studenet Newspaper PhoeniDexcember 17, 2014 Incredible friend and remarkable caregiver Remembering North Haven High School Nurse Joanne Benevento She earned the trust and ad- cherished her husband, Professional colleagues anything she was going By Kiley DeGrand miration of anyone who met three children, beloved Patricia Bingham and through in her personal her because of her kindness, grandchildren and many Marylee DiGennaro remem- life….as a strong, compas- The North Haven High brilliant handling of any friends all of whom adored ber their dear friend as “gra- sionate woman, she never School community lost a medical issue and her com- her. She touched the hearts cious in every way…truly complained.” DiGennaro much beloved long-time plete dedication to the chil- of many and will be remem- grateful and with an incred- describes Benevento as staff member with the pass- dren and adults for whom bered for her selfless and ible capacity for love”. an extremely intelligent ing of school nurse, Joanne she cared. unwavering commitment DiGennaro reflects back woman who reached out Benevento, on Sept. 28. Benevento was an incred- to the children, faculty and on a true professional to anyone who stepped into Benevento cared for the stu- ible woman and extraordi- staff of the North Haven who “consistently put oth- her office for help or advice. dents and staff for 27 years. nary wife and mother, who community. ers before herself, despite BENEVENTO >> PAGE ## Robin Williams’ death puts drugs SENIORS CELEBRATE and depression in the spotlight a psychological disorder By Mehak Sharma that almost everyone ex- periences at some level. It America and the world manifests as on-going sad- at large were left in deep ness and loss of interest in mourning when word almost everything and im- spread on Aug. 11 that be- pacts eating and sleeping loved comedian, Robin patterns, actions, and over- Williams, had taken his all mood. It can affect any- own life. Friends and ce- one despite how loved, fa- lebrities recalled an ex- mous, wealthy, or popular traordinary humanitar- a person may be. ian, comic icon and thes- Depression can be over- pian genius as images from whelming to control even his lengthy career flooded with professional psychiat- the media. ric support. Williams bat- A brilliantly irreplace- tled the illness and was able mastermind who looking for a rehabilita- worked so diligently to tion center at the time of bring joy to all of us had his death. He also strug- lost one final battle at the gled with drug addiction hands of the demons that which aggravates men- tortured him through tal illness and can trans- much of his adult life. port victims to danger- Williams touched many ously dark places. He spoke hearts with his unforget- candidly about his demons table comedy and diversi- and managed them for fied talents which earned years before recently suf- him the love of people in fering a relapse. and out of Hollywood. Despite these obstacles, Many recall his quote Williams achieved enor- that inspires others to be mous success and won imaginative and have a numerous awards includ- sense of fun, ‘You’re only ing an Oscar for his role given a little spark of mad- as a therapist in the 1997 ness. You mustn’t lose it’. drama Good Will Hunting. It is painfully ironic that People who suffer from this instinctively hilarious the varying types of de- PHOTOS BY DAVID CIFARELLI/COLLAGE BY FRANCES NEMETH man who promoted such pression often perceive The senior to senior breakfast started off the year of senior events with an entertaining celebration that connected the good will would struggle themselves as useless or class of 2015 with North Haven senior citizens. The breakfast featured the talents of the brass quintet playing along through life and die by his hide their illness because with the band director Mr. Tedeschi and the choir led by Ms. Hahn. The choir was joined by the young children of the own hand. However, when their self-esteem is im- school’s daycare to sing holidy carols. The breakfast was planned by the class of 2015’s officers, Ian O’Connor, Graham it was revealed that he suf- pacted by all those who Munson, Madison Burke, and Thomas Mitchell, along with event advisors Ray Degnan and Kristen Degnan. Pictured fered from years of drug pass judgment. This some- above, left to right, are: Jackie DeGregorio and Pauline McInnis, a group of students and grandparents, event advisors addiction and depression, times drives people to a Ray and Kristen Degnan with their children, and the choir performing with the daycare children. pieces of the puzzle fell point of desperation. Treat- into place. ment takes time, medica- It is suspected that Wil- tion, and therapy and re- liams was plagued depres- lapses can be frequent. Af- sion and bipolar disorder, ter many failed attempts, Wildlife drops 50 percent in 40 years a mental illness involving depression can spark sui- drastic mood changes from cide if victims feel there is top bully species which is lations. In addition, freshwater By David Cifarelli manic, highly focused epi- no escape. taking its toll on co-inhab- The newest and most specie populations declined sodes to depressed melan- As America recovers itants of planet earth. alarming discovery is that by 76% and oceanic popu- choly states. Depression is WILLIAMS >> PAGE B3 Wildlife creatures have The annual publication, vertebrate species have lations by 40%. These re- been battered and put in Living Planet Report, rep- dropped by more than half sults are shocking and raise jeopardy by human contact resents the World Wild- in the past forty years. A grave concerns regarding for centuries. While prim- life Fund and the Zoologi- 52% decline in wildlife pop- the state of our planet’s en- itive man may have strug- cal Society of London and ulations found in 10,000 dif- vironment. Director of the Do schools need gled to defend himself, re- investigates man’s impact ferent species was said to WWF International, Marco cent studies indicate that on the success/decline of have taken place between Lambertini, laments that gun-toting teachers? mankind is now the world’s the world’s wildlife popu- 1970 and 2010. WILDLIFE >> PAGE B3 gun license, pass a psy- By Susannah Frank chological evaluation, and undergo firearms Wounded Warrior event supports veterans Since 2010, more than and emergency response 100 shootings have oc- training,” according to money for the Wounded By Evelyn Michael and curred in U.S. schools. They claim Warriors Concert hosted by Maia Annunziato Some of the most tragic that continuous training the NHHS Music Depart- were the Sandy Hook Ele- will be in place, and that ment on November 17th in mentary School shooting the main goal of the act At 7 a.m. on the first the Partricia Brozek audito- in Newtown, resulting in is to protect students if school day of each month, rium. Award-winning music the loss of 27 lives 2012, they are threatened. one may notice a small groups such as, Jazz Band, the Columbine massacre Those who defend this group gathered at the flag Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, in Colorado in 1999, and program believe in the pole in front of NHHS. The and the One Voice choir pre- the Virginia Tech shoot- saying that “The only students and teachers in formed in honor of war vet- ing in 2007. In the last thing that stops a bad a circle with their heads erans that have served our decade, school shootings guy with a gun is a good bowed are participating in country. have become more and guy with a gun” (The a brief moment of silence The program featured pa- more common in the U.S. National Rifle Associa- and personal prayer. They triotic songs and included As a result, some tion). Critics argue that are members of a group speakers in between per- schools in Texas and “Most people would not known as First Priority, PHOTO BY DAVID JACOB formances. Instrumen- Florida have attempted have the nerve, rational which is a faith-based club The Wounded Warrior concert was sponsored by First tal groups were conducted to pass controversial thought, or skill to do it that is dedicated to spread- Priority, a bible group at the school. by Kenneth Tedeschi, and safety bills allowing [shoot] on the spot…You ing sentiments of kindness singers were directed by teachers to take guns would be taking people to others.. Connecticut. It has serviced dents gather every week to Ashleigh Hahn. It was a suc- with them to school. who were trained to ed- First Priority of Amer- communities since 1985. discuss Scripture, encour- cessful, well-attended and The Argyle Independent ucate and transforming ica is a larger organization The club has three age and support one an- memorable event that will School District in Texas them into the appointed within the country with teacher advisors: Reading other, and plan community assist veterans with physi- has already enacted this defenders of schools” chapters in other states, specialist Maria Rivera, outreach projects. cal, emotional, and financial rule. (Russ Moore, edweek. but as of last year, NHHS is Special education teacher For example, the Hearts needs as they return home. Educators were re- com). the first school to host an FP Michael Proto, and Science for Heroes Benefit Concert Student Wind Ensemble quired to have a “hand- TEACHERS >> PAGE B3 chapter within the State of teacher David Jacob. Stu- was held last May to raise WARRIORS >> PAGE B3 2 | B THEPHOENIX | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2014 Famous artist reconnects with North Haven sculpture and his art typi- the artist was excited about By Alex Nemeth cally involved simple use of the amazing coincidence.
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