3rd March 2017 STANDING OUT


Cover: WOW Learning - Maths

26th January 2018 PRINCIPALS REPORT

It’s all about you...

We were delighted to welcome colleagues from Queen Elizabeth’s School in Devon today who were here to look at our teaching and learning approaches and student support systems. They were extremely complimentary about the Academy and especially our staff and students saying:

To: All the students and staff at ; You are an inspiration! It was fantastic to see you all working together and enjoying your teaching and learning. Thank you. Paula Smith, Deputy Headteacher, Queen Elizabeth's School, Crediton, Devon.

Team Mounts Bay! A very uplifting and interesting day in your fantastic school. Thank you. Rupert Poole, Headteacher, Queen Elizabeth's School, Crediton, Devon.

The final performance tables for Secondary Schools were published yesterday and they need to be read with some caution as the whole system for reporting results has changed by the Government this year.

The GCSEs were completely rewritten for 2017 so that the content is harder and the grades include not just a grade A (now renamed as a 7) but also a grade A* (now a grade 8) and a new grade A** (now a grade 9). So higher attaining students need to learn content that used to be taught at the AS level to get the very highest grades. Only a handful of students nationally will get a grade 9.

At MBA in 2017 we had 9 Grade 9s in total. A huge congratulations to all those students.

This year the only subjects that have moved to this new grading system are English Language, English Literature and Mathematics so it is a hybrid year that mixes letters, A,B, C etc and numbers, grade 1 to 9. Most subjects in 2018 will be graded using the numbers not the letters.

At MBA we made the decision to help the students in this unusual year to get the best grades possible to get onto their college courses and so we gave students the opportunity to take the A*-G English and Maths GCSEs at the end of Year 10 and the 1 to 9 GCSEs at the end of Year 11. This allowed students to have two chances of success. It did mean that only the 1 to 9 grades would be reported in the league tables but for this year we felt we wanted to put the students’ chances of success before the published league tables. The result is our Maths and English GCSE percentage score for 2017 looks lower than normal but in fact if we add in the Year 10 result then the percentage grades go up 10% for Maths and English to 43.8. See the table on the next page. The other important change is that the grades are now worth different amounts compared to last year with the top grades being worth more than the lower grades. Last year the grades were worth a point for each grade. So a grade G was worth one point and an F was worth two and an E was worth three etc. Now the lower grades are only worth 0.5 whilst the top grades are worth 1.5.

This means it is incorrect to compare last year’s results with this years results because we are not comparing like with like.

The Progress 8 figure is designed to help parents understand how much progress has occurred since the Key Stage 2 tests were taken by the students in this Year group. The score ranges from 1 to -1 with a 0 representing no progress. Half the schools in the country will get a minus score and the other half will get a positive because the Government puts all schools in to a rank order.

This year MBA gained a positive score of 0.09 which is pleasing in a year when there have been so many changes. They are officially “good” in Ofsted terms. We know that our score next year will be much higher because the mock exams already put the students in the “outstanding” category for Progress 8 and Attainment 8.

The tables below shows our actual results for this year compared to the county and national averages.

Good Pass in E/M EBACC AT GRADE Standard Pass in E/ ENTERED FOR ATTAINMENT 8 PROGRESS 8 5 A*-C 3 A*/A CAPPED 8 APS 9-5 (A*-C) 5/C OR ABOVE M 9-4 (A*-C) EBACC

MBA 43.8 24.2 48 +0.17 60.1 72.5 28.1 340.73 74.2 552.18

County 37.7 15.7 45.4 -0.03 60 N/A 20 N/A 30.6 N/A

National 39.1 19.5 44.2 -0.03 63.3 65 24 308.6 34.9 366.6 (2015) (2016) (2015) (2015)

Above National Average Above County Average Good Pass in E/M EBACC AT GRADE Standard Pass in E/ Good Pass in E/M EBACC AT GRADE ENTERED FOR Standard Pass in E/ ENTERED FOR ATTAINMENT 8 PROGRESS 8 5 A*-C 3 A*/A ATTAINMENTCAPPED 8 8 PROGRESS 8 APS 5 A*-C 3 A*/A CAPPED 8 APS 9-5 (A*-C) 5/C OR ABOVE M 9-4 (A*-C) 9-5 (A*-C) 5/C OR ABOVE EBACC M 9-4 (A*-C) EBACC

Good Pass in E/M EBACC AT GRADE Standard Pass in E/ ENTERED FOR ATTAINMENT 8 PROGRESS 8 5 A*-C 3 A*/A CAPPED 8 APS MBA 9-5 (A*-C) 43.85/C OR ABOVE 24.2 48 M 9-4 (A*-C)+0.17 MBA60.1 72.543.8 EBACC24.228.1 340.7348 +0.1774.2 552.1860.1 72.5 28.1 340.73 74.2 552.18 @ MOUNTSBAY MBA 43.8 24.2 48 +0.17 60.1 72.5 28.1 340.73 74.2 552.18 County 37.7 15.7 45.4 -0.03 County60 N/A37.7 15.720 N/A45.4 -0.0330.6 N/A60 N/A 20 N/A 30.6 N/A

SUCCESS Good Pass in E/M EBACC AT GRADE Standard Pass in E/ ENTERED FOR ATTAINMENT 8 PROGRESS 8 5 A*-C 3 A*/A CAPPED 8 APS County 37.7 15.7 45.4 -0.03 60 N/A 20 9-5 (A*-C) N/A5/C OR ABOVE 30.6 N/AM 9-4 (A*-C) EBACC

MBA 43.8 24.2 48 +0.17 60.1 72.5 28.1 340.73 74.2 552.18 National 39.1 19.5 44.2 -0.03 National63.3 39.165 19.524 308.644.2 -0.0334.9 366.663.3 65 24 308.6 34.9 366.6 National 39.1 19.5 44.2 -0.03 63.3 65 24 308.6 34.9 366.6 County 37.7 (2015)15.7 45.4(2016)-0.03 60(2015)N/A 20 N/A 30.6(2015) N/A (2015) (2016) (2015) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2015) (2015)

National 39.1 19.5 44.2 -0.03 63.3 65 24 308.6 34.9 366.6 Above National AverageAbove NationalAbove County Average Average (2015)Above (2016) County(2015) Average(2015) Above National Average Above County Average


SUCCESS LEARNING Adventurously - LEARNING Ambitiously - LEARNING Passionately - LEARNING Boldly - LEARNING Inquisitively - LEARNING Ethically National County SUCCESS MBA @ MOUNTSBAY SUCCESS SUCCESS LEARNING Adventurously Above County Average Above National Average Good Pass in E/M 9-5 (A*-C) 43.8 37.7 39.1 EBACC AT GRADE 5/C OR ABOVE 24.2 19.5 15.7 - LEARNING Ambitiously - LEARNING Passionately ATTAINMENT 8 45.4 44.2 48 PROGRESS 8 -0.03 -0.03 +0.17 Standard Pass in E/ M 9-4 (A*-C) 63.3 60.1 60 - LEARNING Boldly - LEARNING Inquisitively (2015) 72.5 N/A 5 A*-C GCSE RESULTS 2017 65 NATIONAL AND COUNTY COMPARISON

(2016) 28.1 3 A*/A 20 24

340.73 308.6 CAPPED 8 (2015) N/A

ENTERED FOR - LEARNING Ethically 30.6 34.9 74.2 EBACC 552.18 366.6 (2015) N/A APS


Time-lapse News Report

Josie was awarded a Da Vinci for a piece of homework (her homework menu specified a news report, the deadline for which has not even been reached yet!) that far exceeded all expectations for the task that was set. Specifically, Josie produced a wonderful time- lapse video report that was altogether different from anything that has been submitted for this task previously. In doing so, Josie not only demonstrated supreme commitment to the task and the imagination to develop her ideas in an entirely different medium, but has also provided her peers with a wonderful source of inspiration. In producing a piece of work of this standard, Josie has revealed a passion for English and a level of self-motivation that warrants recognition. To produce a time-lapse video of this standard clearly required considerable planning and effort, as well as a high degree of accuracy and a determination to produce something quite special.

Report by: Mr Helliwell


WOW Wednesday

It was 'Wow Wednesday' here at MBA this week, and student learning was enhanced with memorable encounters and experiences!

In Science on one side of the corridor Mr Troup was demonstrating the mechanics of a dynamo with his bike, in full cycle gear, and Mr Hoyle dressed all in black to represent being a carbon atom on the other side of the corridor. Mr Rodgers was using icing sugar to raise the lid on a container to demonstrate the process of respiration. Well done to Science.

In the Humanities faculty, the History department went wow today by taking a leaf out of the Horrible Histories books and invited Sid Rainbow to volunteer as a WW1 soldier needing an amputation. Armed with a saw and bandages, Mr Blackabey went into grisley details on infections and primitive surgery. Very memorable. Mr Floyd brought in a bank note from the days of hyper inflation in Weimar Germany.

Geography wheeled in a soggy Mrs Davey with a soaking wet/flood damaged Nigerian costume to talk about the current case study and RE/Citizenship teachers brought in props, ranging from an array of hats (thanks Miss Dowrick) to a Record of Achievement folder from Miss Westren. BE INSPIRED

In the English department a cerebral wow from Mr Yeates (what do you expect!) included getting students to use highly specialist language to get grade 9 answers in their exams. Maths was wow today with Mrs Frayne getting students really excited about drawing perfect circles, in teams. Laughter filled the room and the engagement was beyond wow. Mr Williams wowed students by singing songs about circles. Mr Kent looked at the link between maths and navigation. He asked students, “What would happen if you woke up on the side of a mountain in your tent and you needed to find your way to safety - what maths could we use?” In Mr Montgomery’s lesson, students investigated the legend about the origin of chess. The Inventor was asked what his reward should be and replied "Oh emperor, my wishes are simple. I only wish for this. Give me one grain of rice for the first square of the chessboard, two grains for the next square, four for the next, eight for the next and so on for all 64 squares, with each square having double the number of grains as the square before." How much rice did he get on that final square?

In the CARTS faculty Miss Madge said she wowed her students with a wok to introduce multi-cultural recipes and Miss Green dressed as Dali for the day - top marks for a full outfit. BE INSPIRED

In REAL Project, Miss Osborne livened up the exploration of adventurers by dressing as Sacagawea. Sacagawea was a Lemhi Shoshone woman who was known for her help to the Lewis and Clark Expedition in achieving their chartered mission objectives by exploring the Louisiana Territory.

In ELEMENT, students spent some time looking at and evaluating 3D printed objects from previous projects in preparation for their upcoming printing of sustainable concept designs in their own projects. Students really enjoyed the hands-on element of the lesson and actually seeing how a design like their own can become a 'real' object once it is printed using the 3D printer.

7 Blue were working to improve their REAL Project adventurer films. Once they had done this Miss Walters had 'movie morning'. Students watched their films and gave feedback on what they could improve as well as complimenting each other on what they liked. To ensure it was a real movie experience they, of course, had popcorn! BE INSPIRED

Plastic Free MBA

Our use of plastics is big news at the minute. You may have seen that the Blue Planet series won an award at the National Television Awards on Monday because of the impact it had on raising the awareness of deadly plastic pollution in our oceans. Much closer to home, on Wednesday evening it was brilliant to see Penzance featuring in The One Show. They did a report about the Surfers Against Sewage scheme called Plastic Free Penzance. It featured some local businesses in Penzance who have signed up to a scheme to reduce their use of single-use plastics in their shops and cafés. So concerned are people about the vast amount of plastic in our environment that the problem is even being discussed in government and at the United Nations.

It’s because of this increasing damage that we are doing to the environment that the school has also signed up to this project. We have formed a group called Plastic Free Schools and our aim is to increase awareness of our use of plastics within school and to come up with as many ways as we can of reducing this usage. Surveys and evidence that we’ve already collected show that Mounts Bay Academy is already pretty good in terms of how much unnecessary plastic we use but there are still many ways in which we could improve, especially when it comes to how we bring food and drink into school from home and what we buy in the canteen.

We had our first meeting on Tuesday and it was great to see so many students keen to become involved. Every year group was represented, though not everyone was able to stay at the end of the meeting for the photo! Over the next few months we will be running a number of initiatives around the school in order to try to encourage us all to be more responsible in our use of single-use plastics. Please do whatever you can to support us. Thank you. Report by: Max and Harry Shail (9 Orange) BE ADVENTUROUS

India Expedition

On Thursday evening the India expedition met at full strength for the first time. This expedition will see 17 students heading off to the Northern Indian region of Uttarakhand in July of 2019.

We have teamed up with World Challenge to offer the expedition building on the successes of the Nepal expedition and its participants last year. Thursday saw Tori Taylor come in and lead the session to give them a greater insight into what they really want to achieve as a part of the team.

It was a brilliant meeting where all participants worked really hard to build their planning, organisational, team-work and communication skills as well as planning how and what they hope to achieve on their expedition as a group and individually. The team also discussed their fundraising objectives and how they could collaborate even further on some of the fund-raising events they have planned for the near future. SO WATCH THIS SPACE FOR MANY OF THE EXCITING FUNDRAISING EVENTS THEY WILL BE ADVERTISING OVER THE NEXT 18 MONTHS! Report by: Mr Hopper

The team for our next expedition:

Year 10 - Jake, Ben Year 9 - Molly, Sam, Lilly, Dolcie, Katie, Elsey, Year 8 - Aiden, Peter, Josie Year 7 - Caja, Marley, Rosa, Alex, Bonnie, Lilly BE CURIOUS


WHAT HAPPENED? The Year 10 Franklin Scholars received 2.5 hours of specialised training, the Year 7 students were introduced to the programme - and then the two groups met for the first time at our speed-matching afternoons. JAKE - Y10 "I thought Franklin Scholars would be a good learning opportunity. It's been more than I was expecting. I didn't think it would be this detailed. It's been really good getting to know the Y7s. I think I've been learning how to talk to some of the more reserved ones. I'm really looking forward to learning more about them, helping them out, and making sure they have a good time at Mounts Bay Academy."

MOLLY - Y7 "I have really enjoyed my afternoon meeting new people because I don't meet a lot of new people in school. I don't know what to expect, but I'm hoping to learn more and be more confident." BE CURIOUS


This week in Finance the Years 9 and 10 students have been investigating the Foreign Exchange Market and its importance in the world of economics, business and finance. They have explored the impact of strong and weak currencies evaluating the best place to go on holiday and where to shop! To round off the topic they took part in a slightly competitive game of mathsopoly: Monopoly with a currency conversion twist. All students showed their true colours and luckily all the boards and friendships are still intact! Students are now confident with the buying and selling equation and have a keen interest in foreign currencies. Report by: Miss Walters

Students in Court

On Friday 19th January Year 10 students visited Truro Crown Court, a pre-amble to their study of the British Criminal Justice System, a theme of the Global Citizenship qualification. Operations Support Officer, Colin Lawry, was very accommodating, giving us an informative tour of the building including the cells, jury deliberation rooms and the Courts. This was followed by a very special question and answer session with Judge Simon Carr before we viewed several court cases from the public gallery. Our students were exemplary; displaying reverence for the proceedings and asking interesting questions. Our sincere thanks to Colin and Judge Carr. Report by: Mr Bromfield BE CURIOUS

Adventure Assembly

Mr Raggett introduced the assembly dressed as a mountaineer and reviewed many of the adventurous opportunities that are presented to the students at Mounts Bay Academy. Adventures do not just happen in the outdoors and, as an Adventure Learning Academy, we ensure that adventures take place in our learning in the classroom. All the students were asked to share their adventure ambitions and we have had 500 responses from Years 7-10.

Thanks to Liviana and Harry, from 7 Yellow, who have assisted me in collating all these responses. Please see the adventure pages of the website for the aspirations of so many of our students. Report by: Mr Raggett Important Information

The procedure for administering medicines in school are as follows:

• If your child needs to take medicine while in school we must have written consent.

• All medicines are locked away in the First Aid Room and should have the Child’s name, Tutor group and be in the original packaging.

• Students are not permitted to ‘carry’ medication on them personally or hand it over to other students.

• All medication will be administered by the duty first aider and recorded.

• If medication for long term use is kept at school a letter with details of the medication MUST be signed and a copy will be given to the parent/carer to remind them of the expiry dates etc.

If you require any more information please email [email protected] or [email protected] BE CREATIVEBE CREATIVE

Qube Records Update Last Saturday was a packed day for Qube Records. We had a full day in the studio with two of last year’s performing artists, Amber and Senara, who both recorded brand new songs ready for release in the summer.

In the evening, ‘2 Seconds to Penzance’, also known as Rhys Tilley and Ellyn Calvely, made their live radio debut, appearing on the Coast FM show Saturday Night Noxious Society with radio legend Rob Noxious! The band played three tunes live including the debut of their new song ‘Heart On A Noose’. Huge thanks to Rob for having the guys on and we’ll be doing lots more radio stuff in the coming weeks. You can listen to the show again here: https://www.mixcloud.com/rob-spooner/saturday-night-noxious- society-200118-introducing-two-seconds-to-penzance/ Report by Darren Roberts


We are pleased to announce that a former student, Rowan Coultas, has just been announced as a member of the Great Britain team who will be competing at the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang next month. He is the youngest member of the male snowboarding team and will be competing in the Slopestyle competition and the amazing Big Air, in which riders perform spectacular gymnastic “tricks” after launching off a massive ramp.

Rowan was one of the first students to take part in our High Performance Programmes which allows students to follow their sporting dreams with the support of the Academy to keep up their academic studies.

As there is no snow in , Rowan and his family had to move to Austria so that he could take his sporting talents to a level that would allow him to compete on the world stage. That meant that he needed a school in England to be able to help him with his education. The Academy’s solution was for Rowan to have a personalised distance learning programme created that allowed him to live and train in Austria during the winter months and return to Cornwall to live with his grandparents in the summer to complete all of his controlled assessments and GCSE examinations. As a result of this Rowan was able to succeed both academically and in his chosen career with this latest announcement leading on from a very impressive season competing all over the world.

His Grandfather let us know yesterday saying “We will always be grateful to Mrs Davey and all the teachers who did so much to help Rowan achieve his dreams. It is hard enough to support a young lad from Cornwall to be able compete as a world class athlete, with all the difficulties that entails without having to worry about his education. Mounts Bay never pressured us to make him work harder than he was able to and were always there when we needed them.”

Mrs Davey, responded “Rowan has always been an excellent ambassador for the school and was a pleasure to have on campus when he was in Cornwall. It is so difficult for young athletes to train, compete and find the money to travel the world in search of their dreams. We are proud to have been a small part in his success and we hope he enjoys the amazing experience the Olympics will offer”

Follow Rowan’s Progress Online https://www.facebook.com/rowan.coultas https://www.instagram.com/rowancoultas https://twitter.com/rowancoultas https://www.facebook.com/GBParkandPipe BE COMPETITIVE

International Victory

Only a few months after leaving MBA for Penwith College Grace Brock, having had some great results in the early part of this cross country season, got a call from the England team manager asking her to race on the Under 20 women’s team in Seville, Spain in the IAAF race on 21st January. She knew that the England junior teams always do well in this Cross Internacional De Italica race (they take senior teams too) and the team of four junior females had three other very strong athletes on it who had competed for England previously. Grace ran the 3925m course in 13.07 and crossed the line in first place. Sebastian Coe was also running (in the Masters senior mens race) and he congratulated Grace on her win. BE COMPETITIVE

Tough Conditions, Top Results!

The usual Cornish conditions set up a tough morning at the annual Cross County Championships at the weekend. On Saturday 20th January, through gale force winds, rain and in very muddy conditions the MBA team competed for qualifying spots for the Cornwall English Schools Team.

Mari Ward won the Year 7 minor girls and Abigail Jose won the Year 8/9 junior titles, both having exceptional races leading from the start to finish with clear daylight between them and the second place athletes. Jude Hardy narrowly missed out on the Year 7 title by 5m, working hard throughout while chasing first place. These three students have qualified for the Cornwall team, along with fifth place India Angove and a potential roll-down slot for Katie Trahair- Davies, who finished just outside the automatic top 10 slots in 13th positions. Also competing, and doing extremely well were Tara Pace, Olivia Cockle, Savannah Gibbs, Daisy O’Shea and Honey Thorn.

Second place in the senior girls, competing for Penwith College, was last year’s leaver, Imogen Wood, superb.

Well done to all competitors. I know just how tough the conditions were as I cycled back into the wind from Newquay, brutal.

Report by: Mr N Eddy BE COMPETITIVE

Netball Trip

On Monday 22nd January Mounts Bay Academy netball players set off on the schools first netball trip. After a delayed start we finally made it to London in time for the International Quad Series Netball at the Copperbox Arena in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, to watch England Vs. Australia.

Ahead of the game the girls knew they were about to see a fantastic game as England took on current world champions Australia. On the previous Saturday England had managed to beat New Zealand in a nail biting game seeing them win by one goal during extra time.

England put out a fantastic performance, and the girls were right behind them cheering them on with the rest of the Copperbox. The third quarter saw some fantastic play with England bringing it back to a three goal difference, with some fantastic interceptions and shooting accuracy. The speed of the game was extraordinary, and the distance, speed and accuracy of the passing was exceptional. Unfortunately England didn't manage to bring it back and the game finished 46-50. It was a fantastic opportunity for the girls to see high quality international netball. BE COMPETITIVE

After a well-needed sleep and a full English breakfast the group headed to the Olympic park for a full guided tour. The tour included visiting the aquatics centre, the olympic stadium, the athletes village, the olympic rings and the velodrome. The tour guide was able to talk us through how the park has been transformed to ensure the Olympic legacy after the games, and gave us some fantastic facts along the way. For example, the aquatics centre had adapted seating for the Olympics to allow for 17,000 spectators compared to now after the legacy transformation holding 2500 spectators. Also there is a monument for the Paralympic British gold medalists which has a tree planted from the town of each of these athletes. In addition the Olympic village flats were built without kitchens and a central dining room was created for the athletes which was open 24/7 and could seat up to 5000 people to ensure all the athletes had meals prepared for them, and not to mention a dining room with a fantastic atmosphere full of the world’s top sporting stars!

Despite the events of the trip the girls were fantastic throughout and were a credit to Mounts Bay Academy.

Who knows, this could be the start of the netball trips at MBA, with the Netball World Cup coming to the UK in 2019. Watch this space!

Report by: Miss Veall BE COMPETITIVE

Year 7 Football

We all went to Hayle with high spirits, even though this is the first time we have all played together. We did our best and worked as a team to achieve our win. Our attackers did extremely well as we had Issac scoring two goals as well as Charlie and William, Mari and Theo scoring 1. Our defenders also did well, keeping the opposition from entering our box and we have two brilliant goalkeepers. We're looking forward to playing more games in the future. The result was Hayle 0:8 MBA. Report by: Thomas Corti Hockey Practice

Mounts Bay Years 7 and 8 hockey players enjoyed a bit of County tournament practice against , Cape Cornwall, and Humphry Davy. It was a typically cold two hour session, but the players got some valuable time as a team for up coming Cornwall tournaments. The teams had a chance to work on their positions and tactics on the Penzance Astro. Report by: Mr N Eddy BE COMPETITIVE


Mollie Maycock Asha Sykes Beau Cowan-Dickie (1) Chantelle Haggis (2) Isabelle Graham (2) Kelci Prowse Lia Byrne Libby Terry Tommi Leigh Lobb (3) Lucy Thomas Rebecca Storey Holly McEwen

On the 25th January Mounts Bay under 14s played . We had a good warm up and started the game with a flying start. Our first goal was a good one and then another goal. St Ives then got the ball down in our half but we got it back and scored. In the end the score was 8-0 to Mounts Bay. It was a cracking game and we all played so well as a team. WELL DONE MOUNTS BAY! Report by: Mollie Maycock

U13 Football Win

Well done to the u13 boys football team who played Hayle on Wednesday evening. An excellent team performance made it a tough night for the home team with MBA winning 7-0. Report by: Mr Veal BE COMPETITIVE

U13 Indoor Cricket


Sofia Hosking (C) Isla Harvey Freya Prodger Edie Watson Sienna Mallett Lily Gear Tegen Veal Rebecca Storey Ellie Boase Faith Medley

On Wednesday 17th January the U13 cricket team took part in the Penwith Schools School Games qualifier. The team gave an outstanding performance which has seen them qualify for the County finals in March.

The first game saw a victory against Humphry Davy winning 68 (1) - 57 (3) there was a great batting combination between Isla and Freya.

Going into the second game against Hayle the girls had a great win of 85 (0) to 48 (3) with several of the girls having to retire due to the amount of runs they made.

The third round saw them face St Ives with the team securing their third win 69 (0) to 25 (1) with some fantastic bowling from Freya and Faith keeping the runs to a minimum. The batting pair of Ellie and Lily produced a great score.

Going into the final the team were to face Hayle again this time only allowing them to make 38 (1) and the team finished on 40 (0) with three overs remaining.

The team played exceptionally well throughout the whole tournament and things are looking promising going into the County Finals! Report by: Miss Veall BE COMPETITIVE

Football Win at Hayle

On Wednesday 24th January the U13 football team travelled to Hayle School for a friendly fixture. The squad team gave an excellent performance showing great teamwork skills, and versatility of numerous players as they took on different SQUAD: positions. Throughout the game the team used wing players to their advantage and made some excellent passages of Rebecca Storey attacking play. The defence held strong throughout the game Sienna Mallett seeing them with a 9-0 victory. Skye Parsons Laura Balding Isla Harvey Goal Scorers: Tegen Veal Rose Hammond Skye Parsons scored a hat-trick, Sienna Mallett and Katlin Katlin Murray- Lambrou Murray-Lambrou scored two goals each and both Holly Holly McEwen McEwen and Tegen Veal scored a goal each. Daisy Lyall

Report by: Miss Veall British Rowing will be running a Talent ID session on Thursday 1st March 2018 at , please see Mr Veal for more details. Moe Sbihi MBE - World Class Start graduate and Olympic champion

DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO BECOME AN OLYMPIC ROWER? START YOUR JOURNEY NOW! British Rowing’s World Class Start recruits young people who show exceptional natural potential who, with the right training, could become an international rower. If you think you have what it takes and meet the minimum criteria, then we want to hear from you.

MINIMUM CRITERIA For further information contact:

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britishrowing.org britishrowing @britishrowing @britishrowing britishrowing BE A WINNER

Maths Quiz House Competition This Week’s Puzzle: Blue: 342 Points Green: 168 Points Yellow: 148 Points Purple: 136 Points Red: 111 Points Orange: 86 Points

Click here to submit your answer

Win an Amazon voucher

Closing date for Entries: Thursday 12:00 Being a puzzle champ is not all about how many answers you know... it’s how you behave when you don’t Last week’s solution: know. We believe in recognising pure grit, determination and effort. To be C crowned the puzzle champ, all you have to do is enter every competition for the whole semester- all the entries will be entered into a Could you write next week’s puzzle? prize draw to win a £30 Amazon If you would like to set the numeracy puzzle for a Voucher. future week click here. You will win House points.

This Week’s House Totals BE A WINNER

This week’s word is: Restorative

Definition: Having the ability to restore health, strength or well being.

Etymology: late Middle English from an Old French variant of restauratif.


Congratulations to Poppy Geyman who wins 10 VIVO points.

To enter, simply write an original sentence correctly using the word restorative. Send in your sentence using the link below.

Click here to enter the competition Charity Dress Auction and Wedding Fair

Mounts Bay Academy, Penzance Auction and Sale Saturday 17th February: noon-5pm Preview and Dress Fitting 16th February: noon-3pm

Over 150 wedding dresses, evening dresses and prom gowns for sale. All profits from the auction will go to Cancer Research UK email [email protected] for the catalogue or if your business would like a stall in the wedding fair. NEXT WEEK Meet at MBAnolater than11:45am Snowsports Trip to Italy SATURDAY 3RDFEBRUARY FRIDAY 2NDFEBRUARY MBA 13:00-16:00 Under 12IndoorCricket Pz Astro Park 15:15-16:30 Year 7and8Mixed Hockey THURSDAY 1ST FEBRUARY Plymouth University Maths Masterclass WEDNESDAY 31ST JANUARY Truro School U13 girlsCounty Hockey Tournament TUESDAY 30THJANUARY Cape Cornwall School Under 12and14girlsboys Football MONDAY 29THJANUARY @ MOUNTS BAY MOUNTS WE ARE BAY SEMESTER WINTER