Trivia Questions

Harry Potter Trivia Questions & Answers Trivia Question: What is the golden snitch? Answer: It is the third and smallest ball used in .

Trivia Question: What is the yule ball? Answer: It is a formal dance held on the evening of Yule.

Trivia Question: What are the death eaters? Answer: A terrorist group of wizards and witches.

Trivia Question: How many times did Snape protect Harry? Answer: 14 times.

Trivia Question: How many students are accepted each year? Answer: 1,000 students. Or 250 in each house.

Trivia Question: Who is Tom Riddle? Answer: A young .

Trivia Question: What position does Harry play on his Quidditch Team? Answer: Seeker

Trivia Question: What is the name of the room Harry uses to teach Dumbledore’s Army? Answer: The Room of Requirement

Trivia Question: Who is the Hufflepuff house ghost? Answer: The Fat Friar

Trivia Question: What does the Sorcerer’s Stone (Philosopher’s Stone) do? Answer: Transforms any metal to gold and produces the elixer of life trivia questions Trivia Question: Who is Fluffy? Answer: Hagrid’s three-headed dog

Trivia Question: What Horcrux is a small golden cup with two finely-wrought handles with a badger engraved on the side and a few jewels. Answer: Hufflepuff’s Cup

Trivia Question: Who was the headmaster of Hogwarts when the Chamber of Secrets was opened for the first time? Answer: Armando Dippet

Trivia Question: Slughorn teaches his students that Amortentia smells different to each person. What food does Harry smell? Answer: Treacle Tart Trivia Question: How many staircases does Hogwarts have? Answer: 142

Trivia Question: The visitor’s entrance to the is an abandoned red telephone booth in London. What is the five-digit code you must dial to get in? Answer: 6-2-4-4-2 (the numbers spell M-A-G-I-C)

Trivia Question: What power do the dementors have over people? Answer: Power to drain peace, hope and happiness

Trivia Question: These ingredients: lacewing flies, leeches, powdered Bicorn horn, knotgrass, fluxweed, shredded Boomslang skin, and a bit of the person you want to turn into make what? Answer: Polyjuice Potion

Trivia Question: What does the Imperius Curse do? Answer: Controls the action of another

Trivia Question: What are the three unforgivable curses? Answer: Killing Curse, Cruciatus Curse, and Imperius Curse

Trivia Question: Dumbledore has a scar above his left knee that is a perfect map of what? Answer: The London Underground harry potter trivia questions Trivia Question: What does the Mirror of Erised do? Answer: Show’s your heart desire

Trivia Question: Gryffindor’s ghost is Nearly Headless Nick. But what is his full name? Answer: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington

Trivia Question: Before his second year at Hogwarts, how do the Weasley’s save Harry from the Dursley’s house? Answer: A flying car

Trivia Question: According to the Sorting Hat what qualities does Ravenclaw possess? Answer: Wit and learning

Trivia Question: What school did Viktor Krum go to? Answer: Durmstrang Institute

Trivia Question: What is the name of the book Hermione supposed Voldemort used to learn about Horcruxes? Answer: Secrets of the Darkest Art Trivia Question: What is ’s patronus? Answer: Jack Russell Terrier

Trivia Question: What was the name of the brothers who created the Deathly Hallows? Answer: Peverell brothers

Trivia Question: Where is the Slytherin common room located? Answer: The dungeons

Trivia Question: What is the name of Argus Filch’s pet cat? Answer: Mrs. Norris

Trivia Question: Which creatures pull the carriages that take students from the Hogwarts Ex- press to the Castle? Answer: Thestrals

Trivia Question: Where is Azkaban fortress located? Answer: The North Sea

Trivia Question: What is the named of ’s brother? Answer: Aberforth

Trivia Question: Why was the Whomping Willow planted? Answer: To protect Lupin (when he would turn into a werewolf)

Trivia Question: What type of dragon did Harry face in his first Tri-Wizard Tournament task? Answer: A Hungarian Horntail

Trivia Question: What type of Animagus is Rita Skeeter? Answer: A beetle

Trivia Question: What is a bezoar? Answer: An antidote to poison

Trivia Question: What caused Dumbledore’s hand to be blackened and shriveled? Answer: Marvolo Gaunt’s ring (A horcrux)

Trivia Question: What are the first names of Voldemort’s parents? Answer: Tom and Merope harry potter trivia questions Trivia Question: Who is the half-blood prince? Answer: Trivia Question: Which character became a professional Quidditch player? Answer:

Trivia Question: According to the prophecy, who was the other person besides Harry Potter who could possibly vanquish Lord Voldemort? Answer:

Trivia Question: What is the name of the train station that services Hogwarts School? Answer: Hogsmeade Station

Trivia Question: What is it customary for wizard-kind to do before dueling? Answer: Bow

Trivia Question: What was the name of ’s pet cat? Answer: Crookshanks

Trivia Question: Who revealed to Lily Potter that she was a witch? Answer: Severus Snape

Trivia Question: What are all of the names of the Weasley children? Answer: Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Bill Weasley, Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley, Charlie Weas- ley, George Weasley

Trivia Question: Who is the founder of the Slug Club? Answer: Horace Slughorn

Trivia Question: What color are Dobby’s eyes? Answer: Green

Trivia Question: What are the four houses that Hogwart’s Students are sorted into? Answer: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw

Trivia Question: What are the first names of the Hogwart’s founders? Answer: Godric (Gryffindor), Salazar (Slytherin), Helga (Hufflepuff) and Rowena (Ravenclaw)

Trivia Question: When Harry finds a message within a counterfeit horcrux of Salazar Slyther- in’s locket, which initials are signed on the note? Answer: R.A.B harry potter trivia questions Trivia Question: What does Vernon Dursley’s company sell? Answer: Drills Trivia Question: According to Fred and George Weasley, how many passages are there from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade? Answer: 7

Trivia Question: Who gave Harry Potter his invisibility cloak? Answer: Albus Dumbledore

Trivia Question: Which department does Arthur Weasley work for at the Ministry of Magic? Answer: Misuse of Artifacts Office

Trivia Question: What is ’s middle name? Answer: Jane

Trivia Question: What is Harry’s wand’s core? Answer: Phoenix feather

Trivia Question: Which chess piece does ’s house resemble? Answer: A rook

Trivia Question: What does the acronym S.P.E.W. stand for? Answer: Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare

Trivia Question: What do Hermione’s muggle parents do for a living? Answer: Dentists

Trivia Question: Who did learn Occlumency from? Answer:

Trivia Question: Why was Fenrir Greyback not allowed to become an official ? Answer: Because he is a werewolf

Trivia Question: What are the three types of wizard coins in order of value? Answer: Knut, Sickle, Galleon

Trivia Question: Which Hogwarts teaching position is cursed? Answer: Defense Against the Dark Arts

Trivia Question: What is the spell to disarm an opponent? Answer: Expelliarmus

Trivia Question: What is Neville’s toad’s name? Answer: Trevor

Trivia Question: What color light comes from the killing curse (Avada Kedavra curse)? Answer: Green Trivia Question: What does Dumbledore tell Harry he sees in the Mirror of Erised? Answer: Thick wollen socks

Trivia Question: Who gave Harry his Firebolt broomstick? Answer:

Trivia Question: What do Lupin and Tonks name their son? Answer: Edward

Trivia Question: What plant traps Harry, Ron, and Hermione on their way to get the Philoso- pher’s Stone? Answer: Devil’s Snare

Trivia Question: What Hogwarts house did Moaning Myrtle belong to? Answer: Ravenclaw

Trivia Question: What animal does James Potter transfigure into? Answer: Stag

Trivia Question: What are the last three words in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? Answer: “All was well.”

Trivia Question: Mistletoe is often infested with what magical creature? Answer: Nargles

Trivia Question: What condition gives Tonks the ability to transform her features? Answer: Metamorphmagus

Trivia Question: What does Dumbledore leave Ron in his will? Answer: Deluminator

Trivia Question: What is the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl? Answer: Hedwig

Trivia Question: Who were the four competitors in Goblet of Fire’s Triwizard Tournament? Answer: Fleur Delacour, Viktor Krum, , and Harry Potter

Trivia Question: When is Harry Potter’s birthday? Answer: July 31

Trivia Question: Harry wins a vial of what potion from Professor Slughorn? Answer: Felix Felicis

Trivia Question: What is the Hogwarts school motto in english? Answer: Never tickle a sleeping dragon Trivia Question: Where did Severus Snape grow up? Answer: Spinner’s End

Trivia Question: What did Ginny name the Pygmy Puff that she bought from Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes? Answer: Arnold

Trivia Question: Which of Hogwarts professors teaches Transfiguration? Answer: Professor McGonagall

Trivia Question: What’s the name of the fairy-tale book that Dumbledore gives to Hermione in “The Deathly Hallows?” Answer: The Tales of Beedle the Bard

Trivia Question: The Potion Puzzle from the Philosopher’s Stone is a riddle. You can read the riddle here. Of the seven potions, which one will help you move forward? Answer: The third one

Trivia Question: Fred and George Weasley were born on what day? Answer: April 1st

Trivia Question: How does Harry manage to breathe underwater during the second task of the Triwizard Tournament? Answer: He eats gillyweed

Trivia Question: Who guards the entrance to the Gryffindor common room? Answer: The Fat Lady

Trivia Question: A wizard who cannot do magic is known as what? Answer: A Squib

Trivia Question: Where does Hermione brew her first batch of Polyjuice Potion? Answer: Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom

Trivia Question: What are the names of Draco Malfoy’s two close friends? Answer: Crabbe and Goyle

Trivia Question: Who is the Headmistress of Beauxbatons? Answer: Madame Maxime

Trivia Question: Which Hogwarts founder did the Sorting Hat originally belong to? Answer: Godric Gryffindor

Trivia Question: What is the name of the dodgy area near Diagon Alley? Answer: Knockturn Alley Trivia Question: What does the spell Wingardium Leviosa do? Answer: Levitates an object

Trivia Question: What is the magical creature that can transform itself into a person’s worst fear? Answer: A boggart

Trivia Question: Who runs Gringott’s wizarding bank? Answer: Goblins

Trivia Question: What mode of transport does Hagrid use to take Harry to his aunt and uncle’s house when he’s a baby? Answer: Flying motorcycle

Trivia Question: What is the name of the giant spider who used to be Hagrid’s pet? Answer: Aragog

Trivia Question: What is the name of the magical potion that makes people tell the truth? Answer: Veritaserum

Trivia Question: Who is the first one to be petrified in ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Se- crets’? Answer: Mrs. Norris

Trivia Question: The Dark Mark depicts what two things? Answer: A skull and a snake

Trivia Question: What magical device is used to store and review memories? Answer: Pensieve

Trivia Question: Who originally created the Sorcerer’s Stone? Answer: Nicholas Flamel

Trivia Question: What is the name of Voldemort’s snake? Answer: Nagini

Trivia Question: What color is unicorn blood? Answer: Silver

Trivia Question: Which character has a grandmother who is a Veela (a race of semi-human, semi-magical hominids reminiscent of the Sirens of Greek mythology)? Answer: Fleur Delacour

Trivia Question: What is renowned wandmaker Ollivander’s first name? Answer: Garrick Trivia Question: What is the name for an ordinary object that’s been enchanted to teleport people? Answer: Portkey

Trivia Question: Where does Hagrid hide his wand? Answer: His umbrella