Agenda Meeting Location: Council Chambers Land Use and Livability Subcommittee 200 W. Jefferson St. Phoenix, AZ 85003 *Special Meeting*

Wednesday, September 30, 2020 10:00 AM


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City of Phoenix Printed on 9/23/2020 Page 1 of 218 Land Use and Livability Agenda September 30, 2020 Subcommittee




1 City of Phoenix Outreach Plan Update Page 4

This report provides the Land Use and Livability Subcommittee with an update on the City of Phoenix Strategies to Address Homelessness Plan outreach efforts.

THIS ITEM IS FOR INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION. Responsible Department This item is submitted by Deputy City Manager Inger Erickson and the Human Services Department.




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City of Phoenix Printed on 9/23/2020 Page 2 of 218 Land Use and Livability Agenda September 30, 2020 Subcommittee

Members: Councilwoman Debra Stark, Chair Councilmember Carlos Garcia Vice Mayor Betty Guardado Councilwoman Thelda Williams

City of Phoenix Printed on 9/23/2020 Page 3 of 218 Land Use and Livability Subcommittee


Agenda Date: 9/30/2020, Item No. 1

City of Phoenix Homelessness Outreach Plan Update

This report provides the Land Use and Livability Subcommittee with an update on the City of Phoenix Strategies to Address Homelessness Plan outreach efforts.


Background The City of Phoenix spends almost $20 million annually for services related to homeless solutions across several city departments including Housing, Human Services, Neighborhood Services, Police, Public Works and Street Transportation. Phoenix also annually dedicates over $4 million of that $20 million for services such as homeless outreach/engagement, veteran navigation, emergency shelter, rent/utility deposit assistance, wrap-around support and permanent supportive housing for those experiencing homelessness through community-based providers.

On April 21, 2020, the City Council approved using COVID Emergency Solutions CARES Act funds to mitigate the impact of individuals experiencing homelessness in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over $9 million was dedicated to the following services for seniors/medically vulnerable individuals, single men/women, families and youth: emergency shelter, rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, case management.

Additionally, on June 24, 2020, the City Council approved $750,000 for heat relief efforts for the Day Respite Center located at the Phoenix Convention Center and shade structures for St. Vincent de Paul and Justa Center.

Summary On June 23, 2020, staff presented to City Council the Strategies to Address Homelessness plan. At this meeting, Council approved the plan and further directed staff to engage the community to hear feedback and get input as to the plan and additional areas that might need to be incorporated.

Staff developed three types of opportunities to provide feedback to overcome the limitations COVID-19 has imposed: Virtual meetings, online and paper surveys for the

Page 4 of 218 Agenda Date: 9/30/2020, Item No. 1 community and those experiencing homelessness, and an informational website. Additionally, many individuals sent emails, and spoke directly to staff, outlining their perspective and strategies for addressing homelessness in Phoenix.

Virtual meetings were held between July 23 and September 4. Marketing efforts for the public meetings were accomplished through Council newsletters, various City listserv email lists, social media, as well as publicizing meetings on the City's public meeting notification system. Through the 22 meetings conducted by staff, over 700 people attended and more than 2,200 comments were received. Also during the outreach process, 3,700 comments from the 2,570 surveys were received, as well as 52 emails. At each public meeting, Spanish interpretation was available. Meetings were also held with organizations that provide services to the homeless population, neighborhood associations, and at the Phoenix Heat Respite Center where 100 individuals experiencing homelessness were able to provide feedback on the plan (Attachment A and B).

Key themes noted, and areas that needed enhancement in the current plan include: · Affordable housing options, including tiny homes. · Mental health and substance abuse services. · Regional and non-profit partnerships. · Considerations for specific populations of individuals experiencing homelessness (Youth, Seniors etc.) · How will the plan recommendations be funded. · How success will be measured. · Consideration of other community models for engaging with individuals experiencing homelessness. · Do not criminalize or stigmatize those experiencing homelessness. · Clarification and emphasis on the Neighborhoods Section strategies to address safety and blight concerns. · Consider additional court diversion models to provide more opportunities for people experiencing homelessness to access services and avoid barriers to recovery.

Responsible Department This item is submitted by Deputy City Manager Inger Erickson and the Human Services Department.

Page 5 of 218 Attachment A Survey Results for the Homelessness Strategies Plan from July 20 - Sept. 11, 2020

Top 3 zip codes with Total number of most responses: responses: 85020 2,570 85021 85007 Top 3 respondents: Page Phoenix residents 72.3% 6 of Property owner 13.39% 218 Other 5.56%

Do you think the following strategies should be included in the plan?

OUTREACH & NAVIGATION HOUSING WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT YES - 87.65% YES - 81.15% YES - 87.57% NO - 3.43% NO - 8.29% NO - 4.22% MAYBE - 8.92% MAYBE - 10.55% MAYBE - 8.21% Do you think the following strategies should be included in the plan?

MENTAL HEALTH NEIGHBORHOODS CLEANUPS YES - 90.79% YES - 77.55% YES - 76.32% NO - 3.34% NO - 9.79% NO - 9.34% MAYBE - 5.87% MAYBE - 12.66% MAYBE - 14.34%

POLICY SOLUTIONS COMMUNICATIONS DATA YES - 67.16% YES - 85.76% YES - 75.09% NO - 11.05% NO - 5.13% NO - 8.89% Page MAYBE - 21.79% MAYBE - 9.20% MAYBE - 16.02% 7 of 218 How important are the following strategies? Attachment B Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 1 0.1.4 Increase job opportunities and training available, including some at the 1.4 housing site. 2 1.1 should specify the shelter include pets with the homeless. They are in many 1.1 instances partners. 3 Action column in which you tell residents what has been accomplished 4 Add in mental health. Homeless people become homeless for many reasons and you need to help them in all situations 5 Add measures of success and 5-year-plan with goals 6 Add Outreach contracts to be awarded to MAT providers who regularly outreach and treat this population 7 Add rent control so landlords cannot keep increasing our rents far above any possible wage increases. 8 Add that the proposed additional housing options not encroach upon or damage the quality of living in established residential neighborhoods 9 Add what measures will be used to determine success, failure and finally sunset date that plan was met as well as % budget of each subsection from overall budget with overall budget known to public 10 ADD: 1. Survey unsheltered people to see what their priorities are for assistance. 2. Identify criminals who are part of unsheltered population and arrest them. 3. Identify approaches to successfully addressing unsheltered people used in other cities, states, countries, and create pilot programs to see if they would work here 11 Add: increase availability of drug addiction services. 12 Added: In the homeless community, as you know, people with sex offenses on their record are probably the most marginalized within the homeless community itself, and these folks struggle the most to get work and housing. Targeted outreach efforts, shelter beds, and housing strategies are needed particularly for this group. 13 Added: increased services for those transitioning from jail or prison into the real world 14 Adding a section addressing substance use disorder resources to help the homeless population that struggles with addiction 15 One thing only: After conducting a life skill set of the 7,000+ homeless population camping in the city of Phoenix, organize them into brigades with the understanding that they are in charge of their future. Assign ground-level, supervisor, and captain roles for those overseeing groups of 10, 100, and 1,000. Give these leaders the ability to get matched with low-cost housing initiatives, with onsite one-year residential contracts renewable every January, and zero tolerance for drug use and promotion. If you put the skilled homeless in charge of other homeless, give them something to prove and something to lose if they don’t do a good job, it is more likely that they will fight to keep what they have than to keep on offering more services they already refuse. If the city keeps offering no- strings benefits packages for the homeless, the numbers will grow, and we will be the next Portland or Seattle. 16 Much seems like an outline than an actual plan. Missing the actual plan that would make it successful. Also needs to include the areas being focused on as in businesses and neighborhood leaders. They should've been included from the beginning. 17 oversight of expected results and outcomes. Alternative housing options like structured campsites and mobile home parks. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Page 8 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 18 Children aging out of the foster care system should be included in this list. Many become homeless for lack of resources. 19 Mental health and drug services are EXTREMELY important for the homeless population. Teen Challenge should be a major partner in connecting and providing services for the homeless. The City of Phoenix should not be involved in providing major services, they should contract it out to experienced providers with proven track records. Phoenix C.A.R.E.S. is very impractical from the standpoint of sending out contact teams, but never giving notice at homeless camps that they have been there if contact is not made. It is a wasteful of time and money. Unreal! The City should not be exploring additional homeless housing, that should be up to non-profits. Again, Contract with reliable mental & 20 clarifyd thati tthis is a regional i ti situation with housing needs through out the state requiring the state and county participate in formulating solutions and ensuring that communities have a voice in the solutions. A funding plan must developed for this strategy. Nothing can be accomplished during the heat and pandemic. 21 Meet people where they are. Consider stable pop up/mobile outreach opportunities in areas where individuals experiencing homelessness exist, e.g. every MWF having a mobile unit on site in X,Y, Z locations 22 Create a for homeless who do not want permanent housing 23 create a way for the homeless to earn money so they do not have to beg on every corner in the exsteme heat for money ... 24 Develop a more streamlined system to ensure clients are getting their needs met most appropriately, Veteran housing exists and they are not always connected as quickly as we would like to see. Additionally, reduce the emphasis on substance- use free mandates, harm reduction is the most equitable and successful approach. initiatives show great impacts around the country! 25 Develop partnerships to create temporary housing for families/individuals that may not be able to live in small communities.

Develop multi-faceted teams to address the various needs of homeless individuals to foster successful assimilation. 26 Another long-term strategy is to develop planning and zoning strategies to incentivize affordable housing production 27 Diverse job and training opportunities need to be part of the plan to offer people the opportunity to seek better employment opportunities and improve their economic situation. Funding for shelter stays need to allow for flexibility in the length of stay if a person or family is complying with program outcomes of seeking job training and or employment. 28 Employment isn't addressed at all. I think a Pick up PHX program that would pay people to pick up trash would benefit business owners, the public, the environment. 29 Employment skills/help. Life skills counselling/help. Undocumented residents needing legal advice. 30 Enact rent caps in all residential areas, requiring landlords to house homeless for free in empty units, requiring a percentage of ALL rental housing be low income, even in new development. Explore programs to allow homeless to skip credit checks and rental deposits and fees to help the working poor get into housing they can afford. 31 Explore harm reduction strategies for those struggling with drug addiction, medical treatment for those unable to get insurance Outreach and Navigation Chapter Page 9 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 32 Explore permanent community housing with shared space, such as kitchens, showers, recreation. 33 Exploring various housing should actually be increasing/adding affordable housing options and shelter space. Increasing the availability of mental health services should be more specific- many mental health services are in short supply or out of reach for folks. Please be more specific about what data is being collected and what it will be used for. 34 Have a Mobile Community Resource Center available for individuals to support their needs. 35 I like the Finnish approach to this: just give the homeless a small apartment. Doesn't have to be fancy, just a studio where they can sleep and shower and charge their phone, and where social workers and parole officers and their families know where to find them. 36 Housing Options - This was explored in Kansas City (I think) but I don't know if it has been implemented or not is the following: Identify an area that could be used for a small housing complex and initially create small housing for homeless veterans. Veterans would be used for the labor needed to build their own small homes. Materials, Instruction, and Support would be provided by willing partners. The initial focus on Veterans should help mitigate the 'Not in my Backyard' issue on locating the village. Having the Vets build their own small homes, of which they would be the owners, would be a way to teach new skills, instill pride and dignity that would flow from seeing the results of their efforts, and would be a strong incentive to maintain and keep the community clean and a good place to live. I think that with the abundance of plans for wonderful, yet very small, homes, the many possibilities for partners to donate materials, and for partners willing to provide instruction and training in the building process this could be a wonderful option, initially for Vets, but potentially able to address homelessness in general. I would liked to see language in this section addressing this as a possibility. 37 Identify what costs could be shifted to state or federal instead of the city taxpayers being responsible. For instance, additional benefits for veterans should be paid for by federal dollars. If it's mental health issues, then there's state or federal help available. City can't even take care of tax paying residents so it's not reasonable to assume responsibility for costs that could be shilfted to other state or federal agencies/services. 38 Include outreach to organizations that can help with addiction problems. 39 Include strategies to insure physical health assessments and treatments. Include strategies to encourage and reward working, even if in community service placements. 40 Remove everything except 0.1.3 Increase the availability of mental health 1.3 41 Increasingi funding and affordable housing units needs to be added. Maybe that's in another category. How about interviewing 100 persons experiencing homelessness so that the CURRENT pulse and needs of the individuals can be concretely obtained? 42 Increasing the availability of Mental Health Services and improving the conditions for our Veterans is a must, but I think something should be added to address the drug and alcohol problems that so many of our homeless are facing. I haven't seen anyone offering rehabilitation services to homeless drug addicts. More people need to be trained on how to work with these individuals. There are just not enough services available.

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 43 I'm from a very small town. We have homeless but its rare to see. Since moving here and seeing how it is its had me shocked. I spent 2 years on the streets and I feel the pain they go through everytime we drive past them. I've notice theres alot of abandoned buildings and houses here in pheonix. I think the state should buy them and have then flipped over so they can turn them into funded houses and shelters for the homeless and they can even be program housing for addiction and trauma treatment. 44 All the points are valid. The trouble is that doing all dilutes the effectiveness of doing any one point. A certain percent of our population wants to live a homeless life. Let’s help them to stay safe, but concentrate most effort to eliminate the life events that lead to homelessness. Let’s work to promote a living wage. In Phoenix let’s limit corporate home ownership because its inflationary effect on housing (pricing low and middle class folks out of the market) which puts too much housing cost burden on these classes. making it too easy to lose their homes. 45 Library should reverse all late fees for homeless and let them check out books again, . . . without fees. Kansas City did this successfully! Free Bus for all homeless. Kansas City did this successfully! I believe they made it free bus for everyone, which makes sense because only the poor ride it. 46 more affordable housing around the valley, no more shelter beds in downtown 47 More battered women's shelter housing 48 Need easier methods for homeless to reach out for help, maybe libraries, stores etc could be places for homeless to reach for support. Info boards be at places where they can be seen to give phone number or address for help. 49 O.1.3 A better definition of what is "mental health" deficiency, of Chronically 1.2, 1.3 Mentally Ill, or Seriously Mentally Ill, is an absolute. O.1.2 Those in O.1.2 who do not fit in O.1.3 need a SINCERE evaluation of DESERVED helping hand, with an END to the NUMBER of 'helping hands' and LEVEL of help offered. IOW, HELP cannot be over and over and more and more. 50 on 0.1.3 add : programs to improve mental health services, detailed step by step 1.3 mental health rehab programs 51 I think that one of the Long-Term Strategy Objectives should be to increase the availability of job preparation programs. Programs can include resume/interview workshops, "libraries" or discount closets of interview attire, and access to computers to search for employment. I would also recommend apprenticeship programs specifically for formerly homeless people (e.g., apprenticeships for building maintenance, business, landscaping, food service, etc.). All of these programs would work toward the objective of improving employment outcomes for the homeless and people transitioning out of homelessness. 52 Outreach to other cities with successful programs/history in reducing homelessness. 53 Outreach/Navigation should include tracing the contributing sources of homelessness in the area and liaising with agencies which address issues which lead to homelessness. For instance, if we're seeing that teen homelessness is rising faster than other categories, then let's do more with DCS/DES to meet those needs before they result in homelessness. Outreach/Navigation should also include more public education and awareness as well as volunteer coordination. If I'm a concerned citizen who wants to help the homeless, it should be easy to put my hands to work. Let's lower the barriers to community engagement! Outreach and Navigation Chapter Page 11 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 54 Possible relocation to safe housing and New Laws to prohibit Panhandling 55 the answer to homelessness is to provide housing for homeless folks at little cost to them. It will cost municipalities. Yet,what is spent now with no solution at all. 56 Research and development of a team to focus on children in homeless families. If we are going to specifically look at pets and veterans (both of which are excellent points to concentrate on), kids seem like a group that should also have its own focal point. 57 Resource centers and mentors to help those in need. We can include medical, behavior, and other services in the centers and place them through out the valley for homeless people and others to access easily. 58 Service for helping homeless sign up for disabled and government assistance programs. Shelters generally have high crime and incificent funding for healthy environment, that's why most homeless stay on the street. Setup a camp similar to US humanitarian aide does for immigrants, nice tents, food, water. New homeless ground is immerging w pandemic, they will stay in tent rather than chance a shelter poorly ran. 59 Short term gap loans to help people avoid homelessness or the trap of payday loans. Sometime two weeks of hotel bills keeps someone off the streets. 60 should include employment of people who have largely recovered from homelessness and/or mental illness as peer workers in outreach and navigation. Difficult to evaluate long-term strategies when funding is not assured. 61 Small shelters,with populations under 100 , targeted for special needs, spread throughout Phoenix and surrounding municipalitys. Not one gigantic shelter in central Phoenix but specialized shelters for the mentally ill, the drug addicted and the aged conically homeless. 62 Specifically add additional Case managers/Services to identify all Homeless SMI ...Seriously Mentally I’ll and assist them to obtaining the services that they already qualify for but are unable to obtain on their own. These mentally ill people are left to care for themselves instead of being cared for. They already have mental health insurance Which provides them a Case manager but without an advocate they cannot make the proper contact with their case managers to even get the help they need. There should be a On Site Group of Case managers assigned on Site at the Homeless Encampment on Jefferson where all their other services are provided. Instead of requiring the Mentally I’ll to find their way to the case managers at another location. Casemanagers then should have a system of checks and balance in accountability to include time frames that the mentally is processed and provided all the services they need. 63 spend more money on mental health services including 24/7 outreach sites for ongoing health services to drug and alcohol persons who cannot or will not stay ay shelters 64 Suggestion: Remove anti-homeless additions to free public amenities (i.e. park benches) 65 The City of Phoenix has A Lot of Empty Buildings? Such as The Saint Lukes . You Could change it into Apartments for The Homeless? And Have Classes, Health Care and Social Services for it's Residents? 66 The communication of these services to the people they serve seems like it should be a key objective. 67 The creation of a network to allow service providers across the county to more easily share information and locate the appropriate services for individuals.

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 68 The old "Tent City" that used to house prisoners should be turned into a safe place for homeless people to live until they are back on there feet. All of the homeless resources should be available at the site with the opportunity to work at the site such as preparing meals, maintaining the grounds, etc. 69 There needs to be more SECURE housing for the SMI population who make up a significant portion of the homeless population. They are a danger to themselves and possible others because they are persistently and acutely disabled. They cannot manipulate the system on their own and often don't even know they need help. 70 There should be specialized navigation and outreached services for historically under-served groups: Youth involved in Juvenile justice and child welfare, people who have been trafficked, LGBTQ, non-gender conforming, HIV/AIDS, pregnant or parenting youth, MH and racial and ethnic minorities. Also in general, there is an opportunity to address homelessness in the City from a Race Equity framework.

It would be great to see in the plan some protocols around the collaboration between the PD and outreach teams, since the passing of the policy that enables the PD access to a shelter availability portal - we don't want to see the criminalization of homelessness

Data is key - there is reason to believe that there are unsheltered folk who are not being inputted into HMIS (E.g refusal to engage in services). This is tricky as HMIS requires consent, however thought needs to be put into this to ensure we are counting every homeless individual 71 Housing should always be first, also we have ton of programs that cater to mental illness, addiction and parents with kids. There a is a lack of programs for physical , and people over the age of 24 but under the age of 55 with out kids. In addition to that tje programs at best house some on for a year but on average only 4 months. To be truly successful, you need a housing programs for 2-5 years in length or until there is funding to provide that individual with a permanent residence ( I'm talking about giving a person a literal house so they will have a place to live outside of a shelter of temp housing for the rest of their lives) of their own.

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 72 What Fort Worth Texas found, by giving the homeless a job to go around and pick trash up in the city, they got a resume built up. Lot of times they were really good workers its just private businesses were extremely nit picky they never got a chance. Truth is some of these homeless in Phoenix are great workers, contrary to the typical belief that hard work gets ahead in the US. Some of them may have gotten screwed over by a trashy employer. Or they had onset of like bipolar manic episode and had no coping skills at the time. Years later when they understand the better they could like work really well. They just may need a few days off here and there.. and occasionally a week off to get meds adjusted. Its not that they couldn't be great workers, its that the US is so egotistical that it doesn't adapt to help with certain disabilities. Harsh thing to say, but its true. I've known a few bipolar people who were great workers for a company, but the company was flexible with them to give them a chance. A lot of employers don't bend, which comes from the belief they are educated when their just good at repeating. It doesn't help with social security rules, where they get punished to try. Now on paper it sounds nice, but in terms of human psychology, for example someone with bipolar could fill they could work for awhile but then will have a bad episode where they need time off. So there for example only 10% of Americans ever leave disability. Fort Worth Texas found giving homeless jobs and building up their resume, they were not so lazy, not so mentally ill, not so much a drugie, but were good workers that the system destroyed. Not going to be all homeless, but some, it would be great and they would love a guaranteed job opportunity, even if its just going around the city and picking up trash. 73 work with temporary work agencies to get homeless willing to work a job!! 74 young adults should be added to include recreation 75 0.2.1 and 0.2.2 does specify these “specialized teams” very vague. 2.1, 2.2 76 I question the need for the Veterans component. Should be handled by VA. 77 Not sue the Veterans section needs to be included. Unless it is there to ensure the steps taken by the city work in conjunction with (and do not conflict with) services and resources provided by the VA. Also, I think there needs to be NATIONAL leadership in planning and policy development. It seems that current policies are very NIMBY driven and designed to just move the homeless around to other cities without addressing the sources of the problem. 78 I do not agree with the 100 person minimum. I believe there should be a specialist team for each group of applicants, but everyone should and must go through the educational side of the system to help better themselves in a self 79 Is wish staining we could life rank importance of each subsection listed above. For instance I think determining the resources for serving the Veteran homeless population ranks higher than pursuing creation of shelter opportunities for pets. 80 Financial Assistance programs. Caseworkers for a group of homeless persons. Outreach to family members/friends of the homeless. 81 funding for social workers or counselors that specialize in understanding the issues surrounding homelessness and have the skill set to help the homeless people 82 Details, description or examples of "additional housing options for the various needs" Define what would constitute a "specialized team" (i.e. drug counselors, women outreach, mental health outreach)?

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 83 Add (or describe in more detail if it is already part of the plan) training for case workers to know all resources available. Also, train these case workers to engage with each person who is homeless to identify what their specific needs are so they can best match up the person who is homeless with what they need to not remain homeless in the long term....identify and solve the root cause, case by case. The way the plan reads, it is like a 'factory line'...processing people who are homeless through a factory line of resources that may address external needs but not necessarily help them heal from the inside out. All case workers should be trained to take a holistic and humane approach with each individual person who is homeless. 84 Outreach for individuals who choose to remain unsheltered 85 I'm not sure what the specialized teams refer to. 86 "Single women" should be included as an addition to the youth, singles and families already included. And not just single women who are victims of domestic violence. 87 Perhaps a definition or example of a specialized team...(i.e. police?) 88 Community engagement teams to distribute information about homeless resources in the community. 89 All these services are great and necessary, but a challenge for anyone to navigate. Could the City sponsor a few homeless outreach events where representatives from all agencies are available under one roof? Perhaps include Social Security, driver’s license services as well. 90 Should add a section for solutions for homeless individuals refusing city services. 91 More explicit action to proactively house the homeless. 92 Housing is a very important piece, in helping someone who is homeless. As a person who has been homeless and was in my addiction have home was a major part of my recovery. I also think holding people accountable once in housing is another piece that should be looked at. House and IOP services are much needed here in the Phoenix area. Mental health , health screening and access to apply for AHCCCS is another piece. A centralized place where one can go to get access to all their needs is important

93 Long term housing options 94 More housing 95 What other housing options are you exploring? 96 Specifically (where more women can seek shelter in a place that is safe of rape, abuse (verbal and physical). 97 A housing-first policy to reduce homelessness. It's the cheapest and most effective way to do so 98 More affordable housing and apartment's for people. 99 Build shelter now. Do it in all 8 Districts. 100 Expand housing opportunities for homeless families with children 101 I'd like them to build a housing unit for homeless families, elderly, Veterans, and Mentally ill. 102 community housing with tasks assigned to those who use it 103 Create more permanent supportive housing, section 8, income based, housing options. Create realistic income/ education assistance.

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 104 There needs to be a focus on housing the unhoused. Continuing to allow developers to come in and make high rise apartments that are thousands of dollars a month in rent, is ridiculous. As a homeowner, I am paying less now than I ever did in rent when it came down to it. It is ridiculous and not sustainable. 105 Too vague! Set a realistic easily identifiable goal. Not just talking points. What I want to see is blueprints for shelters and housing that have room to breath in. We have a giant city in a giant state. We have land so just build it ! 106 Shelters for families. 107 Separate living space for families, women, children, and Veterans. 108 Increase the availability of shelter for homeless PEOPLE....We do not have adequate shelter for them in the valley, let alone Phoenix. Even if they had a couple sides and a roof is better than nothing. We need them away from the sidewalks and in front of the stores. 109 shelters that allow pets to stay with their owner 110 “Explore additional housing options” must not be meant as “toss some porta- potties into a fenced asphalt parking lot in the middle of summer and leave people there to die.” 111 Remove the affordable housing options as this usually makes the situation worse, and also decreases property value 112 Needs to be specific as to where additional housing will be. We already have more than enough homeless/transients at the Victory Inn & Motel 6 in our area and that congregate at the Walmart at 19th Ave. and Bell Rd. Too many "incidents" in the area and we are tired of it. Nothing else above sounds detailed enough and here we go again with teams and teams of people, money spent and wasted and this problem will go on. I remember growing up near Detroit, MI and all the housing built and within a year or two all trashed and that was years ago. It goes on and on. Ensuring that people have jobs, even cleaning the streets and parks, woring on national park projects, anything then obtain the "free" items. Try to have people be more responsible. Like kids having chores to obtain what they need not what they want. 113 Added to: Explore additional housing options for the various needs 114 High emphasis on additional housing options for various needs and outreach contracts with specialized teams. 115 Commitment to housing all homeless people within a set period 116 long-term permanent housing 117 Exploration of blended housing and scattered site housing projects 118 Low Barrier Shelter needs to be prioritized 119 A section relating to eviction prevention and how to stop homelessness before it begins. 120 Shelter services for those with criminal backgrounds that make people ineligible for services elsewhere (SO) 121 Affordable housing options are MOST important. If he have to prioritize, we should prioritize housing. 122 It should include doubling the number of available shelter beds in this area and on the Human Services Campus to shelter all unsheltered people in the area. 123 Increase affordable housing- right now, even clients with vouchers are having trouble finding a place

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 124 There HAS to be an emphasis on finding appropriate housing options, especially those connected with healthcare services! The biggest problem right now is that housing insecure individuals tend to gather in small areas, which increases the spread of COVID, then there's nowhere for them to get appropriate medical attention, let alone isolate from other people. 125 Special attention to adding more shelter beds in the Phoenix community. 126 Under additional housing opportunities, we should be planning long-term how to dismantle inhumane, "anti-homeless" architecture and create more safe (unpoliced) spaces for unhoused populations to seek shelter. I think one thing that will be be important moving forward with long-term projects is fostering a culture of care where housed populations are better informed about homelessness and how they can aid unhoused populations. Anti-homeless, victim-blaming rhetoric is unfortunately prolific in the metro (see Scottsdale's "Hand up, not a handout" signs designed to push unhoused populations out of wealthier areas). Abandoning this rhetoric at the local government level is a start; the next step is being transparent and compassionate when informing the community about issues affecting the community. 127 Subsection 0.1.3 should be removed, Mental health services should not be 1.3 expanded with City of Phoenix funds. Housing and economic assistance programs more directly target the issues that cause homelessness. Healthcare spending has a very low social ROI compared to other possible areas of investment. Currently mental health providers do not even offer clinical guidelines on how to end chemical dependency on benzodiapienes, neuroleptics, etc. nor are they trained on recognizing adverse side effects such as akathisia or tardive dyskinesia.

128 Increase Mental Health Services O.1.3 1.2, 1.3, 3.1 Increase Veterans Affairs for Homeless O.3.1 Increase in exploration of housing options O.1.2 129 Assist these individuals who have drug problems 130 The mental health component and substance abuse component are the two primary issues regarding homelessness. Yes, there are other issues, but these two likely comprise the extreme majority of homelessness. Substance abuse/help needs to be added to this program. You will find, as I'm sure most of your experts have seen, that people will refuse assistance. As a retired police officer (no not with Phoenix PD) I can tell you the reason is because most people do not want the restrictions placed on them with regards to not being able to use drug/alcohol of choice. Mental illness and addition go hand in hand- for the most part. Both issues need to be addressed.

131 Drug and alcohol addiction services. Major focus on mental health and include the previously incarcerated, with a focus on social emotional supports. Also, oversight so the housing opportunities are appreciated and not abused. 132 They should separate the mentally ill from the currently experiencing homelessness. Two totally different problems. 133 Does mental health also include drug assessment/ rehabilitation?

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 134 Inreased mental health availability should be removed..its not the healthy that need help....also a requirement for people who receive ssi and ssdi should be added to say that they should immediately find places to live...there is no real reason for them to be out in the streets or in shelters taking resources that are meant for people who have nothing 135 The main focus of any homeless initiative should be mental health. 136 Increasing availability of mental health services should say use involuntary treatment if a homeless person is deemed to be SMI and refuses help due to lack of insight. 137 City should work with nonprofits and those impacted to push for change in law so that people who are clearly in distress and mentally ill are not left on streets. This is moral and inhumane and the city should take a lead role in promoting a change in law so families and friends can make sure people get the help they need. 138 There is no mention of drug and alcohol rehabilitation services. If the root of the issues is not treated, then they will remain homeless Drug treatment programs are very expensive and none of these people could afford it. Furthermore, stop letting in undocumented individuals, our homelessness problem is growing as are the number of illegals. Tell the Mayor to stop fighting ICE on this issue! 139 We should have a mental institution , like the one we had at 24th and Van Buren, before. 140 Mental health services should be front and center in this planning document. Untreated mental health issues is a chief cause of homelessness and the criminalization of the homeless. 141 Add addiction to substances 142 It is very broad and will be hard to measure as-is. There is nothing here specific to addiction, which is a component to the mental health as many homeless self- medicate. 143 Drug abuse centers and clean use sites 144 Outreach directed at addressing opioid and othe substance related disorders 145 Giving more emphasis to providing mental and medical assistance to the transient population. Lastly, special considerations should be made for LGBTQIA+ transient folks, particularly trans women of color, who are most at risk. 146 Mental Health services need to be increased for ALL residents of Maricopa County. These are services that grossly ignored yet are absolutely necessary for many residents who are living and working every day and are living on the edge mentally. Hence, increased domestic violence, increased suicide, increased child abuse. 147 addiction rehab/recovery and support 148 Add - Increase services for drug and alcohol addiction. 149 Veterans should be added to. The availability of mental health resources should be added to. Both of these are high priorities, especially in the covid era. 150 Remove the people who stole the 14.7 billion annually for mental health ..because there are A LOT of disabled out on the streets even now. THERE ARE MANY JOBS OPPERUNTIES IN MENTAL HEALTH.. I see people in wheelchair on the streets daily.. where are their case managers? Please get people who take out lives seriously like I take my own.

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 151 I’m not going to be specific. However there needs to be some type of a “another committee” That is not known to the homeless to find out just exactly how many of the homeless really want help and would change their lives and which ones are just absolutely 100% happy where they are excepting all the free help that they can get panhandling on the streets. I am a former AR Dept of Human Services worker that did food stamps & for 15 years. I also worked for a mental health institution doing the food stamps and Medicaid for their members who many of them out of 13 different counties learned how to care for themselves. Take their medications properly, became employed and actually got their own apartments re-incorporating into society. However the stipulation was they had to return for reassessment every three months. If they were ever arrested or thrown out of an apartment they went back into the institution and went through the process again. They were treated more fairly than even the elderly are in this day and age. If you have any other questions or want more information give me a call 602-486-6450 & my name is Georgia

152 Substance abuse should be added as it's a major factor in individuals being able to hold and keep a job and housing. Substance abuse services and shelter is extremely important and lacking in this survey. 153 More resources for mental health, and for the homeless vets! 154 The focus should be on mental health. This is the MAIN reason so many people are homeless. I worked as a cop for 25 years and many of the homeless *wanted* to be homeless because they didn't have the mental state of mind to envision anything different. So, instead they were a nuisance to society. They need help. Deinstitutionalization killed us decades ago when we, as a country, decided that the mentally ill no longer need to be hospitalized. AND we gave the mentally ill the right to refuse treatment even though that wasn't in their best interest because they don't realize they need help.

Mental Health has to be the #1 focus here. Nothing else will work.

155 I am not sure what is meant by "specialized teams" but I don't think teams of people aimed at helping with pets is necessary. I am also not sure what the strategy is for increasing the availability of mental health services. We have a fairly robust mental health system and I am not sure how the city could make it 156 Mental healthil bl is key 157 Emphasis on mental health services, including insuring that people experiencing homelessness can obtain medications and receive support to continue taking them. 158 What is being done to battle addiction? This should be addressed as well. 159 Something specifically related to substance abuse outreach 160 Should also include drug treatment programs alongside mental health services. 161 I believe though getting mental health support also includes assessing whether an individual is competent to make own decisions. If not placement is required. I doubt if any homeless individual will allow their pets out if their sight. 162 More focus on Mental Health 163 we need mentally hospital care or detox care 164 Employment coaching & drug addiction programs. 165 Healthcare services/mental health therapies 166 Mental health/addiction services as people with mental health issues often have addiction problems also (I speak from experience with my son) Outreach and Navigation Chapter Page 19 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 167 I don't see specific strategies for addressing addiction related homelessness 168 Mental Health care should be a short term solution, as well as long term. People experiencing mental health issues should be removed from the street immediately and placed in a mental health facility or rehab. You need to get to the root cause of the problem. Putting people with issues into housing only moves the problem. We need to bring back mental health institutions. 169 Only the increase in mental health in-patient services/hospitalization is important 170 Screen homeless for SMI benefits and SSI to enable income for low housing 171 Partner with local and state law enforcement to enable better understandings and practices of handling homeless individuals w/&w/out mental health issues.

172 Live up to the plan, especially in the area of mental health services 173 DRAMATICALLY increase the availability of Mental health services. It's hard enough to get assistance when you're not not homeless and have good insurance. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for someone who is homeless and has no support system. 174 Housing and mental health service are critical from what I have seen in my neighborhood 175 Substance use, remove the one selling and trading drugs. 176 Mental health services need to be emphasized and made more readily available without stigma. 177 Emphasis on mental health resources! 178 Set up jobs so these individuals can feel some self-worth. Maybe start a shelter for stray pets that could provide housing and food for the "homeless" that work the shelter and care for the pets. 179 Job training and opportunities for the homeless 180 Job training and help finding employment 181 Job Training 182 very little assitance should be provided unless someone very sick. folks need jobs like cleaning streets, whatever they are qualified for. 183 Creating more wellness programs and have healthier food choices available for people experiencing homelessness. Pay people who work within these social service programs better so that people that need healing care such as veterans and homelessness will be treated better. Treating employees with respect enriches programs to be more valuable resources for our entire community. 184 I may have missed the broader context here but I did find it odd that outreach 1.1 does not include asking those most affected to find out what their needs are. Don't we need to better understand each individual's needs? For instance, the emotional connection to one's pets and having to give them up may not be optimal for every individual or family (or maybe I misunderstood the intent of 0.1.1 as currently written), especially during a time when they might be losing everything else. 185 Actual updates, notes, phone numbers and locations for these Services. 186 There needs to be an accountability for these groups to work together. They all seem so mission based and don’t look at totality of the picture 187 How many shelters do we need to address homelessness? How many large buisiness are willing to donate yearly to substain a ? How can we get a proposed tax on the ballot for All cities in Maricopa?One penny tax to increase in Maricopa County for homeless shelters. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Page 20 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 188 analyzing the data seems superfluous since the community partners can probably tell you right off what specialized teams are need. data analysis always takes took long to just confirm what was already known 189 Identifying and quantifying those that choose to be homeless 190 Given the extent of the data presented, 7k+ homeless and %51 unsheltered, it is impossible to know what a good strategy looks like. We should do the work to understand the population further. What percent needs mental health services? What percentage are on the street due to recent eviction? What percent are using hard drugs? What percent would take a bed if one was available? 191 add a section where ALL factors are captured as of the reason why they are homeless to help determine if other services might be needed to be implemented 192 Emphasis on data to determine special needs area, not just mental health. Seniors, youth and victims of violence 193 O.1.1 good to include pets 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.9, O.1.2 This is really vague 1.11, 3.2 O.1.3 The entire mental health system needs to be overhauled. It is so ineffective. O.1.9 What shelter is this objective referring to? O.1.11 These opportunities need to be senior-friendly, such as no/limited stairs, grab bars installed, food accomodations, medication storage Outreach is much more effective when there is immediate response with tangible resources. A Phx CARES outreach team making contact with someone 2-3 days later to tell someone shelter is full is pointless. People are declining to speak to outreach teams because they are not able to offer solutions. O 3.2 What is the purpose for the gender specification? What if someone is non- binary? 194 Keep all but 0.1.1. and 0.3.1. 1.1, 3.1 195 Nothing at I can see.. 196 Resident input once needs are better defined 197 more details about concrete actions to be taken. How will additional housing options be secured? How will mental health services be made more available? Who are specialized teams? Where is additional funding coming from?

Input from people experiencing homelessness should be pursued more aggressively. Their lived experience can provide insight into what needs are and are not being met. 198 How to. What difference can one person make. 199 The time for stratagizing should be in the past, the time for action needs more attention. so which ever points flow simply on strategy should be removed. 200 More information needed. 201 nothing I don't think 202 Dont know that the gathering data for specialized teams needs to be added -- That's a given 203 Availability to educational resources. 204 Que serían equipos especializados? Áreas por necesidad ? 205 The points of contact for outreach 206 ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! 207 nothing 208 Remove all 209 Instead of adding to the objective refine and redistribute 210 I think all of it needs to be included in our approach to help these people in need. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Page 21 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 211 nothing I can think of. 212 Actually do something vs just talk 213 Please see notes at question 23. 214 Using existing buildings 215 Nothing yet 216 Not sure 217 Nothing should be removed 218 Not sure at this time 219 Nothing 220 Nothing 221 Health concerns/ availability/ resources 222 Aumentar la disponibilidad de programas para abuso de sustancias y empleo. 223 I am excited to see these issues included - it is very much needed. 224 no changes 225 The Funding for outreach...where is that money coming from and how much? 226 Use data from the Continuum of Care to inform the Long Term Strategies. And set clear goals. Are pets really a barrier, or is that a perception? Work on cross- sectional teams across geographic boundaries. No one living in the Valley only spends time or accesses services in one city; why is Phoenix writing this plan alone? Outreach alone does not end homelessness. Simply telling Veterans about services will not ensure they receive housing. It's nice for the City to say that the VA needs more staff, however what can the City actually do about it? Has the VA provided input to this "plan"? 227 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE


228 Too vague, more details needed and transparency is expected. Prioritization of homeless pets over homeless humans receiving housing is appalling. What kinds of mental health support are going to be made more available? Who will the "specialized teams" be made up of? 229 These objectives are incredibly vague and there is a lack of description of how and what you plan to implement in order to appropriately address homelessness in Phoenix. There needs to be more information provided and we demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they’re accessible to people experiencing homelessness. 230 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS. 231 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they're accessible to people experiencing homelessness.

232 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEYRE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS" 233 What are the metrics to measure success for this plan? This survey is sadly a bad design, seeking confirmation instead of genuine public input. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Page 22 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 234 Please redesign the survey to discuss each policy item. This is designed to limit the transparency of the public and to provide generic feedback. It is very hard to navigate back and forth between the 30 page documents. The research does not address costs in any way. It also should be written to allow for those with basic reading ability to understand the principles. 235 Many will not seek services or will not be familiar with the services available. Can the City of Phoenix cause the VA to add head count? 236 Looks good 237 Nothing. All of these are vital to addressing the needs of unsheltered people. 238 just as is 239 2.1 Be careful to NOT create/fund a group without absolute goals and 3.1 measurements: time limit, no bureaucrats. 3.1 is not voiced as an exploration 240 Investing in addressing factors pressing to homelessness. Advocating for compassion rather than force. Encouraging community investment 241 A component to measure effectiveness and innovate from feedback 242 The Government icon - funding for social services can come through grants. 243 Number of homeless elderly is growing. It should be addressed. 244 Officers to patrol the neighborhoods, keeping people out of bushes/yards. 245 I’m not familiar with everything about the plan but I’d say shelter and mental health/therapy most important. My brother was homeless and is doing great now b/c he got housing and counseling that allowed him to stabilize and find work. 246 Housing options, mental health care, and a focus on Veterans are the most important aspects of this section. Critical to lessening this issue. 247 the results of these actions should be shared. I've seen similar programs but the homeless people in the areas of town that I live, work and play do not change. (Central Phoenix, South Phoenix & West Phoenix) 248 There needs to be services to help the homeless become productive citizens. 249 This fails to recognize that some people are homeless by choice. If someone doesn't want to work, they should receive nothing. If they are mentally incapacitated, we should commit them to an institution and give them treatment. If they want to work, we should help them with temporary housing and work opportunities. Also, this is not a good strategy for a city level project. What is to stop homeless people from other cities coming here? Nothing.

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 250 I think homelessness starts at home well before people find themselves on the streets. There needs to be change that allows people to raise their families the way they believe. Example if I had a daughter who became pregnant and the father or my daughter couldn’t afford or want the child they should have the right no hassle to have an abortion.

Video games should be band in homes with children that have extreme violence.

Change welfare rules reducing benefits. Too many people have figured out increasing the number of kids in the household with parents separated they get more money and food stamps.

Mental health is on the rise. Keep these people in institutions so they get daily treatment instead of releasing these people out on the streets. Wake up people!

251 We should be focused on lessening police interactions and increasing mental health/crisis team interaction with people living on the streets. Affordable, safe housing is the answer. 252 Find root cause of why they are homeless, and design program to address it !!! 253 There needs to be more connection and involvement by engaging the faith community in helping with this effort. Homelessness is a spiritual matter and needs solutions from that perspective, such as does programs like Phoenix Rescue Mission. There needs to be a healing then return to contributing to society not a continued dependence on society to meet their needs. 254 We have enough shelters. The complaints of guests is safety, noise and smell. 255 Reaching out to local professionals for support services, for example Architects and Landscape Designers. 256 It's an overview to provide some structure for what is to be done or being done to identify the homeless population, their needs, and specific services to help them. 257 How to address homeless who refuse help/services but continue to be a burden to society. 258 Contracting out services can mean they are the first to go. I prefer that true commitments are made. Also pets, no kill shelters, right? 259 Plan to address crimes of sleeping rough and loitering 260 Anything that adds compassion, takes into account those that aren't ready for help, those with pets and families. 261 More support for people suffering homelessness and less criminalization for homelessness 262 Free access to shelter for all those experiencing homelessness. 263 concerns for individuals out of correction facilities to re enter society, as you know housing and jobs are hard for this type of person so they end up living on the street and back in the penal system. 264 Research/study historical data to determine root cause to be more proactive to prevent homelessness 265 Cycle of poverty 266 More information and scientific resources

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 267 resource offices , Clean living facilities for those who qualify with getting a job , staying sober 268 Some of this is Very important: Mental health options, and additional support for Veterans. 269 Add to data collection: Looking at/Visiting successful programs in cities throughout the country, such as Chicago, San Francisco. Especially look at religious nonprofits, such as Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, and others that receive minimal government funds. 270 Places to get food/eat. 271 The focus is comprehensive, yet does not address the individual needs and remedies for the people who are homeless. 272 Assistance to families experiencing homelessness due to sudden economic changes & assistance for the children for schooling during a time of homelessness. 273 Under veterans affairs I think it should state that we should pressure the federal government to do its responsibility of caring for veterans. If that turns are on the Street homeless there must be a deficiency in our military system. just like prisons who release prisoners with no resources. Is the military releasing people with no resources? 274 Plans to determine affordable housing. Plans to increase base income pay. 275 Without know much about programs to aide homelessness, adding safe spaces in the summer and winter would be an interest to me 276 More support for veterans, animals, and those who are care about and are trying to find meaningful work. This is pointless for those who only want to live off others and have no sense of self-respect and don't care if they live on the street or in some vacant hotel. 277 Depending on the part of the city different areas may have different needs. Also the impact of programs on other cities might need to be addressed. 278 General health care and follow up for chronic and acute medical conditions. Programs for children and maintain their education and social needs 279 None or only housing for the pets. By providing free aid for homelessness will end in an increase which is why California has over 50% of the United States homeless population. Free services force tax increases and doesn't encourage those utilizing the services to better themselves and work towards becoming independent. 280 Drug addiction help for veterans, and require it to receive services 281 holistic, alternative, complementary medicine for both people AND pets 282 Removing homeless from neighborhood. 283 Financial management/literacy programs 284 drug testing needs to be a part of the process otherwise you're basically enabling the behaviors 285 Providing safe, sanitary locations for homeless population, including facility showers, food and medical assistance. 286 Identify ways or programs to help people get out of homelessness. Not just a temporary shelter or food. Set them up for a future off the streets. 287 Social services agencies for persons "just above the line" of homelessness 288 To help Vets 289 identify ways individual citizens can contribute time or resources to help solve this problem 290 Explore specialized/best practice housing options for young people (18-26). Work towards a goal of NO homeless families. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Page 25 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 291 Before new services are made and paid for in Phx, all available resources and non-profits should be cataloged and used. I know this is a hard task and "all" is not possible, but most agencies should be able to be on this clearinghouse type list. Then, we can see what is truly needed in Phx. The goal should be no gaps or overlaps in providers. 292 Contacting the schools of families experiencing homelessness to get them in touch with their McKinney Vento coordinator.

293 remove 0.1.1 1.1 294 O.1.1-homeless people often have pets for comfort, they love and support their 1.1 pets and I’m sure would find a way for their pets to be cared for if needed. Taking pets away for rehoming does not support socio-emotional well being 295 Not sure shelters for pets should get part of the limited funds available. I would 1.1 classify 0.1.1 as 'not so important', while realizing that some homeless do attach to pets while on the street and lack of a place for the pet may keep the person on the street. 296 remove O.1.1 pets should be put up for adoption if you're homeless. If you can't 1.1 afford to support yourself, you certainly can't afford a pet and that will hold you down when it comes to getting back on your feet. 297 Should O.1.1 of the plan be to separate homeless persons from their pets? While 1.1 pets should be addressed as part of the question, I'm not sure task one is to place the pets of the homeless into shelters or rehome them. It seems like it would undermine the outreach by engendering distrust amongst the homeless community. 298 Not a fan of how this survey groups wildly different items under one question. 1.3 How can you tell anything from the survey results based on the information you are gathering?

Mental health O.1.3 is extremely important. The others less so. 299 Remove all but 0.3.1 3.1 300 O.3.1 is not written in an objective format, I suggest adding the word "identify" 3.1 before "Additional" to read as, "Identify additional...." 301 Point 0.1.1 - Pets are important to the homeless. Often, they are support animals. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, Don’t find ways to take them away from them. 2.2, 3.1 Point 0.1.3 -Very important Point 0.1.2 Yes... 0.2.1 Vague. Only if those teams are janitorial, cleaning teams. Point 0.2.1. Vague 0.2.2 Vague 0.3.1 Veterans are budgetted by veteran’s affairs

302 The formatting is off between 0.1.2 and 0.1.3. The order of importance seems off 1.2, 1.3 putting pet fostering before people and Vets. It doesnt look like a plan just talking points. 303 It appears some of the terms/phrases used in the detailed plan are still 1.2, 1.3 ambiguous. What are "the various needs" that have been identified for exploring additional housing options (O.1.2)? What mental health services are currently available and need to be made more available (O.1.3)? Additionally, will Phase 2 of this plan identify how these strategies and objectives will be accomplished, and included an implementation timeframe and the expected results? Outreach and Navigation Chapter Page 26 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 304 Emphasis on 1.2,1.3,3.1 1.2, 1.3, 3.1 305 remove city from all but O.1.3 and O.2.1 1.3, 2.1 306 The pets part is not the top priority of this section and could be removed. The mental health aspect needs to put up higher as is the Veteran's part...though both go hand in hand. 307 Some clarification on the first bullet point would be helpful. Members of the community greatly value the bonds they form with their pets, and caring for those animals is important. However, to have the creation of opportunities for the care of pets as the first point seems to indicate it is the most important factor. Perhaps this is true, in which case some clarification on the necessity of this change (aside from the general desire to assist animals) may be helpful. 308 I am hesitant on the pet shelters. I understand pets are therapeutic, but this is an expense that would be taking away from humans. 309 Pets need to be cared for as well. 310 i am not that concerned for the pets, but if someone is suddenly homeless, it would be beneficial to have the pet who is comfort for them 311 This is so general OF COURSE, COP should be doing this. OF COURSE, COP should do more. WE HAVE A CRISIS FOLKS! These are key areas of need. 312 It is dehumanizing to list animal welfare above the welfare of humans experiencing homelessness. Regardless of whether the order of items listed indicates priority of the item, the implicit message being communicated in the above list is that pets are of greater importance than people. 313 People before pets. Looking at all the report photographs only one person out of dozens wore a mask. Having a mask and using it should take precedent over animal shelter. 314 Taking in pets should be by volunteers only. 315 Pets should be removed. 316 Other jurisdictions must be required to share cost and responsibility. Other problem is survey has included too much in this section to fairly comment and judge. 317 We need to stop analyzing, exploring, and studying. We need action 318 This is a terrible survey so far. You mixed "care for pets" with "help veterans"?Portions of this section are very relevant, others, not so much. I wonder if this was intentional. 319 I feel that people are more important than pets 320 These items are not actionable objectives for a plan. Wording such as "Pursue creation of..., Explore additional housing options..., Analyze available data..., Identify available funding...) are the pre-planning efforts needed to formulate this plan. Two items, pets and Veteran Affairs, are better served as separate complex issues. and this plan should remain focused on general homeless issues. There already is a separate plan to eliminate homelessness amongst the veteran population (unless the funding has dried up for it). The problem of abandoned pets is not only coming from the homeless population, and whatever limited funding available in this plan needs to be limited to the human population. 321 Addressing the pets is great. I know many homeless people have a pet and they cannot go into a shelter because it doesn't take their pet. 322 It seems like most of these need to be a short term goal. What is preventing these objectives from being short-term goals? Also I don't see heat deaths being addressed. The numbers are astronomical and will only get worse. The lack of mention on this survey is frankly disturbing. 323 Humans are more important than pets Outreach and Navigation Chapter Page 27 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 324 The option for pets should be of minimal importance within the context of the additional needs. 325 People should not be asked to separate from a pet that has been their only companion and protection. Many will refuse a shelter bed rather than give up a pet. Homeless strategies need to allow for keeping pets with persons. 326 It needs to be written and simplified to be clearer. 327 Homeless folks should not have their pets taken away. They already lost their homes, and you want to take away their pets? Rather than foster care for pets, perhaps have pet friendly places the homeless can stay. 328 Remove Pets... 329 Veteran Affairs has plenty of resources available for homeless veterans. I believe that more resources should be allocated for the general population instead. I agree that increased mental health services and pet resources would be extremely helpful. Also, there is a lack of services for homeless needing a higher level of care, which do not qualify for ALTCS. 330 Creation of facilities that allow participants to keep their pets, perhaps using the welfare of the pets to keep persons engaged in services-offer veterinary care and pet food. Consider green space/small gardens as necessary parts of shelter/housing. 331 Instead of creating shelters for or fostering pets, find ways for those experiencing homelessness to keep their pets with them. Pets are an irreplaceable source of comfort. In addition, provide services for those pets: veterinarians, groomers, sitters. 332 Vets are reasonably well sought and assisted. there is probably a dozen groups / organizations that do that dedicated to vets. a state of the state address 15+ years ago promised we would get vets off the street.. its still a problem but not for lack of trying. NEXT concentrate on seniors or women.. 333 Instead of trying to take pets away from homeless people, create more opportunities for them to be able to adequately care for their companions. Taking away that emotional connection is cruel. 334 pets are unimportant and in reality a small portion of whatever barriers are believed to exist at shelter 335 Community input and impact. There is no language about including the community in solutions, impact on neighborhoods 336 Allow shelters to have some availability for individuals with pets and for the pets to stay with the individual. 337 provisions for homeless families should be addresssed here 338 Not sure about addressing housing for the pets. Would like to focus on people mostly. 339 Needs more detail on cost and intended outcome in order for me to answer this correctly 340 work with homeless person to determine if "pet" is an assistance animal. Develop plan to connect homeless person with medical personnel to address legally requiring assistance animal. (Assistance animals play a very large part of a person's mental health. To separate them can be detrimental to any plan to get the person off the street, get clean and enter into supportive housing.) 341 I don’t agree with removing people’s pets from them. Why not provide shelter for people instead of a asking away their pets and giving the pets shelter? 342 Option should be included for people to be house with their pets, not separate from them.

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 343 I am not sure why those with pets are listed as the first priority. 344 Leave out the pets 345 this Is a lot to read and comprehend for a short survey 346 Pet shelters 347 I believe we also need temporary shelters that allow pets. Some individuals view their pets as their children and could never imagine being separated from them. I know someone who chose to live on the street instead of going to a shelter because he couldn’t imagine leaving his dog with someone else. Imagine asking a mother to give up her baby. 348 Shelter where pets can stay with their family. 349 Help for pets and mental health services should both be increased. 350 WHY IS THE FIRST THING ADDRESSING THE NEEDS OF P E T S??? Veterans, mental health and data analysis appear to be the most pressing needs. 351 Consideration of transportation available to homeless and their pets - consider options for bus pass 352 Pets shouldn’t be prioritized over people 353 Democrat policies continue to fail 354 It sounds like you are going to give hard earned tax payer money to private businesses and organizations to build these "teams" that will end up being unaccountable and waste millions of dollars. 355 Pets should not be home separately from their owners if at all possible. 356 sometimes homeless people need their pets it is the only thing helping them stay mentally healthy. Many times people will stay on the street if it means they don't have to give up their pet 357 We need action not just government meetings and talk 358 Shelter options for pets of people experiencing homelessness is not a priority. 359 I don't think pets should be a priority. 360 I do not think we should include pet care for homelessness. 361 Always place human life above animals. I wonder if non-profits can assist with animal needs. Let's get resources to humans 362 I used to live and work downtown (now work only) as well as serve the homeless, i was amazed at the amount of dogs they have. They were willing to put someone before them which showed a caring nature. There's definitely a mixed bag in the homeless community (mental health, drugs etc) This seems to address many of them. 363 remove section on pets 364 Pets should be kept with the owners as often as possible. The pets are often the owner's highest priority and can serve as service animals. To try to take the pets away as a first option is cruel. 365 All seem very important. Thank you for including pet placement. 366 pets are a priority-but a lower one because you have animal selters but not enough for humans 367 It all seems ambiguous and open ended 368 Remove the pet section. 369 I believe most of the long term strategy objectives should become short-term strategy objectives. 370 Remove the pets. 371 remove the pets. if they can't take care of themselves they shouldn't have pets!!!!!!!!! no housing if they have pets. no money waswted on pets instead of people

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 372 Opening the restrooms at all city parks. It is shocking that Phoenix has no public restrooms available other than at trailheads. 373 programs should focus on people keeping their pets instead of fostering them to new people 374 What is missing in the strategies is interviewing HOMELESS people. This is necessary to properly identify how the city can help. Also, it appears many areas of this report could be reduced in scope and save money if the initial homeless intake process was better executed. Why are the areas around the shelter so filled with homeless people? 375 Send them to California where they came from 376 Remove pets, unless they are approved and documented service animals. Current VA needs more support and training, there does not need to be an additional resource. Analyze the data before you implement these changes.

377 All of the points need to be removed. The ONLY section that matters is the veterans outreach and taking care of the men and women who served our country and need the help. Pets are a luxury and Arizonan resident tax payer money should NOT be going to feed or house a homeless persons pet. 378 pets need to be removed. 379 Explore ways to keep pets with their owner is shelter 380 Pet care should be changed or removed since the focus of the strategic plan is human-centric. 381 I'm sorry but I just don't think pets are that important. House the people first, then worry about their pets. 382 No Pets in shelters!!!!! Phoenix Cares must be defunded as they just drain resources 383 Pets should not have line item prioritization over Vets 384 looks like a lot of override of areas - who is going to take in the animals - at what cost to other animals that are not identified with homeless - how long is their care 385 Remove Pets and vets 0.1.1 and 0.3.1 386 Why should we pay for homeless people's pets??? Vets before pets. 387 More shelter beds should be more of a priority than shelter options for pets 388 Add resource for pet food. Specialized teams - not sure what it is. It seems to focus on individual, when resources may be better spent on masses. 389 All of these objectives already exist as community resources and services 390 My initial response is with a problem so big we cannot worry about an issue like pets right now... that’s easy to say. However, I’ve seen a pet time and time again positively effect the mental health of a resident. The goal is long-term stabilization, self-sufficiency, so if a pet helps provide a better mindset to gain that, then we need to include pets in the plan. 391 While important for getting people into housing, housing for pets shouldn't be the first thing listed here. 392 It is odd that the first item is about pets. Also, not sure that the goal of removing pets from homeless owners to a foster situation is always the best plan. Pets may provide emotional support. 393 "explore additional housing needs" should be its own objective. 394 Veterans and pets section should be removed. 395 Pets Outreach and Navigation Chapter Page 30 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 396 Pets are a big issue. For many of our homeless they are a primary source of comfort and physical touch! As much as possible people and pets need to remain together. Pets often support recovery by providing an external focus.

Define specialty teams. To do what and for whom.

Housing should not be contingent on acceptance of MH services. Housing first. 397 I might be off-base, but I'd like a plan to totally solve the homeless problem. One of our mayors who went on the US House of Reps had a goal to solve the problem. What happened to that? I want housing, work, medical and mental health for all who need it. It appears to me that this plan provides the strategies to do a little better in each area. That's better than no improvement. But this is the time for bold moves.

I helped with the annual homeless count. My sense is that we are doing better with homeless vets than with the general population of homeless. If this is true, can't we apply the vets solutions and strategies to everyone else.

It would be nice if we could take the funds dedicated to cleaning up after the homeless, evicting them and sending the police after trespassers, and taking those funds and dedicating them to eliminating the homeless problem. 398 Fostering of pets is not a good idea. Homeless people are very attached and provides a source of security. Pet-friendly housing is a better alternative. 399 Remove pets. Pet needs are a pretty low priority, you have it first on the list. I barely can afford my pet care. Veteran Administration already spends heavy amounts on homeless vets. Is it realistic to expect more Vet dollars? In these difficult government funding times, is it rtealistic to come up with more funding for this nice to do thing? 400 I would change "availability" to "accessibility" of mental health AND substance use services. 401 It seems that each of these items is part of a strategy in another section. The Pet strategy is really part of finding the right housing for someone with pets, Strategy 5. Mental Health has its own Strategy. 402 I wouldn't lead with pets; that is a lower priority. Reference or attention should be paid to subpopulations in addition to vets such as those that experience homelessness at higher rates (Black, Native) and families and youth. There also needs to be a way to incorporate the efforts of the many outreach efforts being done by volunteer organizations. 403 Make sure Phoenix Police are not involved with the care of homeless people 404 Don't respond to Mutual Aid groups with police violence. This makes people experiencing homelessness distrust assistance for the sake of their safety, which makes it even harder to help. 405 Education for police officers on homelessness including the barriers it puts into a persons life like the amount of things it because even harder to obtain because you don’t have an address. It also should just be additional access to mental health care, more funding is needed. Social workers are needed. Training officers in mental health routinely is needed. Trained crisis response teams are needed, increase the funding for the Phoenix fire crisis response team to be able to help and support the homeless community 406 Make it clear that it may be a city responsibility but not police responsibility.

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 407 There should be expansions to current homeless shelters that allow for pets to 1.2, 1.3 stay with their owners.

Also, O.1.2 and O.1.3 should be massively funded to ensure that every homeless person has access to mental health services, if needed, and access to housing. 408 Need to know how this is all funded. If it is funded through Sales Taxes OK.... If it is funded by property taxes not ok. Property Taxes are hurting all of us. As a person close to retirement my property taxes have almost doubled in 4 years. You are going to make me and my wife Homeless if you take from us to give to the Homeless. 409 Specific dedicated funding sources need to identified or else this is just another plan that will be ineffective. 410 I believe the city/government should diversify funding and not put all funding into the same top 6 non-profits. There are any non-profits in the community that do just as much work and do not get the funding or recoginition 411 as long as all the money is not spent on studying this and studying that. Too much time studying the issues and not enough time doing something about it 412 Need private organizations, 503cs to assist and not burden of taxpayers as slot of these people are addicts and need to be responsible for actions. No supplying of needles etc 413 Add all other Phoenix Metropolitan Cities as Partners. This is a Metro Phoenix problem, not a Phoenix problem. They bring their prison releases and dump them at the CASS campus. They need to be forced to be part of the solution and stop being part of the problem. 414 0.1 0.1 415 0.1.1 is not important 1.1 416 2.1 may be somewhat necessary, however I feel that a lot of attention to this 2.1 component has already been reviewed and achieved at this stage of the process. 417 I recommend keeping 3.1 and removing the others. 3.1 418 Prioritize 0.3.1 3.1 419 Pets of homeless individuals should not be “sheltered/fostered” elsewhere (i.e. 14 taken away from them). 420 I cannot personally speak to the effectiveness of a strategy to create shelters for 14 animals of those experiencing homelessness, but I wonder if this would be accepted by those experiencing homelessness. I am curious about the level of interest and support the City received on this strategy from the homeless population given the companionship and protection that can be provided to those experiencing homelessness from their pets. 421 0.1.2 & 0.1.3 are the critical parts of this section. They aren't equal to the others, 1.2, 1.3 they are higher priorities. 422 I agree with 0.1.2-0.1.3 and 0.3.1 1.2, 1.3, 3.1 423 This section needs to be more concrete and less vague in its wording. Having an action plan isn't just guessing what to do, it's having a solid plan of what to do. This seems like a rushed and poorly thought through section. For example, "Increase the availability of mental health services" - how? What services and how will you ensure those resources are not only available but actively being pushed to help our homeless community members? This feels weak and also dangerous with wording like "specialized teams" because the City of Phoenix has no problem deploying police to incite violence on homeless community members.

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Strategy Nr. Outreach and Navigation Chapter Comments Objective 424 Its incredibly vague and talking about huge line items that need to be given more detail. 425 Add current state, next steps. 426 substance abuse treatment, post incarceration assistance. 427 Strengthn the Veternas Portion. 428 Programs for folks with criminal records-added Programs for seniors-added More veterans programs-taken away 429 No pets 430 especially mental health care. 431 involve the nonprofits who actually are on the streets working with these individuals not just CASS and CBI etc. These organizations really are out of touch with what goes on in the outlying communities. 432 Hello- My name is Vivienne Gellert and I am the Executive Director of a SDOH navigtaion and trasnportation company, Elaine, based out of the Human Services Campus. I think I may be helpful in discussion around navigation, if needed. Please feel free to email me: [email protected] 433 I did not see verbiage in the plan regarding response times for neighborhood calls to PhxCARES or the police for reports regarding illegal homeless encampments. This is a common problem in our neighborhood, how does the plan improve response times for reports of homelessness? 434 Does the plan increase response times for PhxCARES? 435 It would be productive to report to Phoenix Cares if it was funded appropriately. Based on the homeless needs which is hugely funded , you have not committed or designated any additionaly funds to help the neighborhoods therefore. Why call.? We need a proactive response to help the neighborhood impact which is just as huge! 436 How is information regarding Phoenix CARES disseminated to neighborhoods? How are people discouraged from calling the police and instead encouraged to seek supportive help for homeless individuals? 437 Does the plan bolster the CARES program? I have contacted them more than once only to be told they were so overwhelmed with calls and had so few staff members that they didn't know when they could check on the person I called about. 438 Strategy 4 Addresses Feeding in City Right of Way and on City Property. The ability to prohibit serving food to those experiencing homelessness within City Right of Way or on other City property is framed as a “Gap.” Is there a willingness to discuss this as an opportunity as opposed to an enforcement gap? 439 From the plan there is a discussion to have one central number to call for housing availability. Instead of people having to call several places.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 1 I don't see where it's a priority to create free or low cost long-term housing solutions as a first step. In other words, when people don't have to worry about their housing and safety, all outcomes are improved (health, ability to focus on other things like improving skills to land that next job, getting clean, etc). I may have missed it but I hope there is a recognition of the built and natural environment and its affects on health outcomes. In other words, having open green spaces is really important to building resilient communities where these long-term housing solutions are provided. Given the current food supply chain and crisis we have witnessed during this pandemic, having space for gardens would help support food security and provide access to healthy foods in what can often be food deserts where lower income housing exists. 2 Do not believe additional laws for tenant protection needed. We are landlords (three modest properties) and fortunately have not had any problems collecting rent. However, the length of time it can take to evict a nonpaying tenant can be too long. Would prefer to see marginal income/no income folks helped by govt programs such as this. Freeloaders/people who take advantage of the law should not have loopholes to prolong the process.

3 Get rid of the whole thing. Let us heed Benjamin Franklin's quote "I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it." 4 While offering assistance to slow down evictions, also include some protections for landlords rights. Offer them assistance to be able to work with tenants having difficulty paying rent. 5 BUILD MORE AFFORDABLE APARTMENTS FOR PEOPLE WHO WORK BUT ONLY GET MINUMUM WAGE!!!! 6 After reading various articles, vouchers seem to work the best, not Low Income Housing Credits-removal of this might help. Reducing regulatory burdens on re- developing abandoned motels/hotels and apartments might be more effective. Use existing laws already in place for tenant rights and evictions. Avoid new legislation if possible. Find out what the constraints and incentives would be of help to non-profits. 7 Remove all the measures for additional tenants’ rights - these are already well established. Put the veterans in charge of developing partnerships and expanding the voucher program with vacant property owners, fast-track their clearance levels as process servers, and have them inform the owners of vacant properties that they have a two-year statute of limitations on empty or unused hotels/motels. If they do not rehab it or propose a plan for renewal by September 2022, the city will pay them $1 per square foot and establish ownership via Quit Claim Deed, or it will be declared a health hazard, scraped, and rebuilt by the formerly homeless who have graduated from an internship program in coordination with the many construction and staffing companies eager to gain visibility by doing good in the community. 8 see above. 9 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE


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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 10 H.3.2 should be removed or changed. Funds for this program should not take H.3.2 away from AHCCCS/HC community housing funds. 11 Much too vague to even comment on. More details are needed especially on transitioning community members to "less supportive housing" 12 concrete deadlines/goals for meeting proposed long term objectives.

Input from people experiencing homelessness should be pursued more aggressively. Their lived experience can provide insight into what needs are and are not being met. 13 Library should reverse all late fees for homeless and let them check out books again, . . . without fees. Kansas City did this successfully! Free Bus for all homeless. Kansas City did this successfully! I believe they made it free bus for everyone, which makes sense because only the poor ride it. 14 City of Phoenix should follow Housing First models and best practices with partnerships with external organizations. We need more details on each of these items. 15 AHCCCS funding for housing should not be tied to abstaining from substance H.3.1 use, it is important to recognize success in reduction of use. H.3.1is very important to me, I would like to see an exploratory study completed on Metro Center (or similar property) becoming a shelter. 16 Need affordable housing options near public transportation 17 These objectives are incredibly vague and there is a lack of description of how and what you plan to implement in order to appropriately address homelessness in Phoenix. There needs to be more information provided and we demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they’re accessible to people experiencing homelessness. 18 Place beds and privacy walls in large industrial buildings. Get support from businesses 19 when older, low cost housing is replaced by higher values, tax revenue producing housing it will be very hard to replace when said housing is needed. legislating around this is not entirely a panacea. 20 Like the part about the hotels, etc. 21 Consider zoning laws that would allow for increased housing density along public transit lines. 22 remove H.1.1 (not fair to mom and pop landlords); remove H.3.1(causes blight in H.1.1 low income neighborhoods); remove H.4.4 and H.4.5 (causes blight and crime in H.3.1 low income neighborhoods and reduces the chances of low income H.4.4 neighborhoods to be revived. I will not support this campaign if these are not H.4.5 removed. 23 There must be legislation capping the amount of rent that can be charged by landlords, while also ensuring that landlords are providing adequate services on home maintenance. How about taking currently unused or foreclosed homes and renovating to support homeless families, rather than allowing them to remain vacant in neighborhoods. Restrict Section 8 vouchers to neighborhoods that fit the income level, rather than placing in expensive neighborhoods like Litchfield Park, Scottsdale, etc. Build in structure and accountability to the program, because currently people are taking advantage and not making attempts to become self sustainable. Programs that address homelessness must have expirations and considered a stepping stone to improving lives, not a forever fit. This is not sustainable, and it continues the cycle instead of repairing over time. Housing Chapter Comments Page 35 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 24 H1.1 and H1.2 need to be removed. People sign contracts saying they need to H1.1 and H1.2 pay rent in order to live in a apartment/house, etc. People know they can not live somewhere for free. They know they need to pay their rent. If then don't pay why should the person or company renting to them be penalized. Now you are taking money out of their pockets. You don't know the landlord's situation. Maybe that money is keeping them in their home. People need to be accountable for their actions. Continued handouts and "letting it slide" is not the answer 25 Important because we're talking about people, but when it's just talk, as I'm sure you'd heat if a homeless person was asked, he or she would say "talk is cheap, an it doesn't feed the baby". 26 H1.1 - Remove. concerned of impact to landlords and eventual reduced housing H1.1 options, utlize H1.2 instead. H4.1 H4.1 - very important! 27 H1.1 Not all landlords are preying on tenants. H1.1 H3.1 & H4.5 we need an exit strategy here. What will these structures be when H3.1 & H4.5 the crisis is resolved. 28 Identify "specifically" what the impact to the taxpayer would be. Do the above strategies impose new TAXES on State/County/Municipal" services directly to taxpayers? 29 All are designed to unfairly impact rental property owners 30 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS. 31 I feel that eviction laws that allow landlords to throw a former tenant's possessions out on the street, where they can be destroyed or stolen, needs to be addressed. This draconian law means that someone who may be just "hitting a bad patch" - because of a medical crises or loss of a job - will much more likely become permanently homeless. Landlords should be required to provide low-cost moving and storage to the tenants they evict. 32 Simple concept: Universities costs for housing skyrocket. Homeless need attentive care and students need practice in their fields. Apply for free housing from colleges to live and help homelessness causes. Students live for free through college, homelessness get combated by the up and coming healthcare generations which would be used towards post-grad schools. Like I said simple solution that could knock two birds with one stone. 33 H1.1 After having been a landlord, I do not support adding more tenant rights H1.1 because I feel these are abused already--along with squatter's rights. H1.3 H1.3 I am unsure about this because I do not know the resources available if the H3.2 threshold is changed, and if that is in line with other cities and human services H4.6 programs. It seems like if you increase one thing, it will impact another program and more increases to thresholds of other programs. H3.2 Again, I question this just like the above statement for H1.3. It depends on what the experts say. H4.6 "" needs defining. Landlords need to be able to secure tenants who are working and able to pay the rent.

34 Recommend removing entirely.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 35 Again, you're making this extremely hard to support without full transparency and loose wording. These little snippets sure do seem nice but I want more concrete information, a real plan. Words like "explore," "expand," and "utilize" truly mean nothing if you can't tell us how. I'm struggling to understand how you will do this because measures like more legislation for tenant rights is important, especially during times of crisis - whether national or personal. 36 Penalizing landlords will result in stronger laws to protect landlords and eventually penalize renters with large deposits. 37 I'm concerned if the plan puts to much pressure on landlords the unintended consequences will be not not allow persons of suspect income level to rent from them. 38 I love the idea of helping people. We have all been in a position of needing help in one way or another. And it’s a beautiful thing to give back. However, there is a fine line between helping and enabling. By providing extensive resources and assistance, I truly believe there needs to be strict drug testing enforced. 39 What is needed is the ability to get to the root of the problem? Homelessness is not one bucket in which everyone fits. If someone is a convicted felon and running from the law and living as a homeless person, that is very different from a family who is down on their luck. One size doesn't fit all. How will this be 40 The Mayor needs to immediately come up with a viable plan to OPEN BUSINESSES, so people are not vulnerable to evictions. Get the economy going. Do NOT create even more reliance on government! 41 Emphasis on getting more partners in the mix of providers do not rely on the few 42 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they're accessible to people experiencing homelessness.

43 Holding banks and owners accountable. Forcing employers to pay a wage relative to cost of living if they intend to do business in Arizona 44 more affordable housing around the valley, no more shelter beds in downtown 45 Refurbishing a hotel into housing for homelessness seems like a great idea! 46 More information needed. 47 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEYRE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS" 48 This is a waste of questions. Who put these out here? Typical survey monkey. Everyone's time is worth more than this. Your too City of Phoenix enployees 49 i dont know how long the eviction notice is but i have heard of people staying in homes for a long time not paying and that seem not right for the holder of the lien- not sure of a good alternative 50 This section is very important but you can't get to the point of offering housing until the mental illness issues have been thoroughly addressed. 51 Owner - needs to be able to address needs of tenant - Tenant who cannot pay rent should EITHER be able to get assistance or 90 days to move. Phoenix has so much VACANT land - that the cost of various size tents, water, food, toilets - portable - would not exceed City of Phoenix Monies and would work - except summers?? 52 More permanent supportive options added for people with SMI and other chronic disabilities.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 53 I don't agree with all of the sections. I think landlords, especially elderly and individual with small properties need to be protected from unethical renters who may be trying to work the system. My mother is retired and has one rental property which gives her income in her old age, if the renter doesn't pay and she cant evict them, she cant pay for her medicine or bills. 54 Transition tools to help address the challenges of transitioning from the streets to a home. It is learning a new way of life. 55 Changes to Fair Housing protections should be evaluated post COVID-19 and subsequent unemployment rate increases. 56 What are the metrics to measure success for this plan? This survey is sadly a bad design, seeking confirmation bias instead of genuine public input. 57 The eviction portions are a concern for those that have rental income as their own income. It is a domino effect. I do believe some of the other options in this section are more viable. 58 eviction process due to pandemic may be of special interest. there may need to be a stop gap for a period of time on evictions. 59 This section looks like a list of what COP can do to defer its responsibility to H.3.1 others. YES OTHERS NEED TO STEP UP: County other cities, State. Yes it is important. We have a crisis situation. If you can do more of it DO IT. We need to do all this and more. H.3.1 seems like an area where COP has had success recently. Good Job COP getting our homeless off the street. 60 Owners of rental properties have rights and bills as well. The eviction process has its purpose and there is no need to slow it down. The entire country has been in crisis for 6 months. Eviction should be no surprise if the tenant is not paying rent. Again, there is no reason to slow down the eviction process. Landlords have bills too and there are renters available who will pay the rent. 61 Utilize vacant buildings/warehouses and partner with non profits to supply services. 62 Landlords should not become the victims due to any policy or program to assist the homeless. The focus should be on helping people PAY their rent versus slowing down the eviction process. 63 Shelters should be opened. Absolutely NO tax money should be paid for anyone to shoot up drugs or continue a habbit. Classes to get people working again are needed. 64 Given what will happen in the coming months, I would suggest building on city land some sort of semi-permanent tent encampments with port o potties on excess city land near the river to allow for those who need a place to stay but aren't going to abide my rules/dictates of converted motel housing. If you plan to kick people off the canals, I don't think this addresses where will these people end up. I'd rather have them live in the canals/washes rather than paying for them in prison. This doesn't seem to address actual funding for mental health/homeless patrol. Given the track record of the police and their lack of training in social services, I am hesitant to call for more clearing of homeless encampments. Increase funding for housing vouchers. If you are pursuing criminalization, please create a diversion program for those arrested or cited in encampments. Please redesign the survey to discuss each policy item. This is designed to limit the transparency of the public and to provide generic feedback. It is very hard to navigate back and forth between the 30 page documents. The research does not address costs in any way. It also should be written to allow for those with basic reading ability to understand the principles. 65 anything that limits an owners rights to evict is bad Housing Chapter Comments Page 38 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 66 Landlords have rights and an eviction process should be efficient. Do not create legislation that allows for lengthy eviction processes when tenants are damaging or delinquent. 67 Poor question. 68 Landlord rights and issues must be acknowledged as well as housing for homeless 69 Add rent control policies to keep rent prices from rising so much each year. Also, the city has far too many luxury apartments which are driving up rates. 70 Small group or one-on-one with people previously homeless who are now successfully not homeless. Also, ID those that simply want the "freedom" to not pay for housing. We call these people homeless, but that is their preferance. 71 The main focus of this plan should be to create low barrier, supported, long term housing solutions with available financial assistance. Get people experiencing homelessness into housing first. Finland has had wild success with this program and I think we could too! :)

Learn more: 72 This is the most important section yet you neglect to say how you will increase the supply of affordable housing. The city must commit to finding and creating funds to create more affordable housing. Use the Phoenix IDA for low interest bond funding. Consider a future housing bond. Use every financial incentive tool to encourage developers to build affordable housing. Most importantly focus on housing for those at 30% AMI or below where our greatest gap is. 73 Tenant rights often means restriction on property ownership. No landlord should be forced to keep tenants who act in ways that historically have been considered evict-able. Immediate effort should be targeted to those who are homeless because of the covid-19 outbreak. 74 Ensure good landlords don't pay for problem tenants. 75 We strongly agree with utilizing vacant hotels for housing homeless. Also referrals from health care, veterans agencies, and other community agencies should definitely be utilized to identify need. We don’t not support making eviction proceedings more difficult for landlords. We need a plentiful market of rental housing and complicating the process of removing a delinquent tenant will discourage those who want to have rental property. 76 what does paragraph H1.3 mean? H1.3 77 Do not include H1.1 - there is already a lengthy process for eviction. Landlords H1.1 are not the enemy- they would have to pay out of their own pockets longer. No to H1.2 H1.2. Using vacant hotels, the move-on program, help for chronically homeless are all great ideas. 78 The ENTIRE premise of the section is WRONG. The focus needs to be programming that reduces homelessness, not encourage homelessness. Must address the root CAUSE. 79 Reduce H1.1, H1.2, H1.1, H1.2, H4.1 Increase H4.1

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 80 Raising awareness so the community knows what services the government provides when these situations arise. Either through landlords or mortgage companies. 81 Again, too much is included to fairly judge or comment. 82 Eliminate H1.1 Landlords weather single family or multi family have to maintain H1.1 their properties. If this is implemented, blight will get worse in many areas. 83 YES! to "keeping people housed is a key strategy in preventing homelessness" H1.2 In the gap it states current programs are assisting too few households. Is that H2.4 what H.1.2 is addressing? Not super clear. H2.6 Idea: Require landlord to provide assistance info when the 5-day Notice of Non- H3.2 payment is issued. 4 gap H.2.4 If the mental health system operates this, I am doubtful it will be successful. H4.1 H5.5 H.2.6 A vacant lot is NOT shelter. H5.9 H 3.2 Tap those funds for operating costs AND services Strategy 4 gap: clients are staying in PSH because it's unaffordable to move anywhere else, low income makes it difficult to save money for moving expenses, they have established their support network around their home. It is PERMANENT housing afterall. H.4.1 There is already a Move-on strategy implemented within the CoC. Phoenix, Mesa, Glendale, and HAMC all dedicated vouchers for this strategy. I don't think most front line workers are aware of this and Mercy Care and ABC Housing were not receptive to pushing out the information. H.5.5 Eliminate the red tape that innovators have to spend their time and energy navigating. H.5.9 Education campaign about what? What is the purpose and desired outcome? Mayor Gallego please implement rent limits! 84 Remove strengthening tenant rights 85 Review the section 8 plan currently in place make changes on length of time residents receive services. Work with families to help them identify their needs and goals. Help them find ways to volunteer and take care their home/community. Include section 8 recipients to participate in changes. 86 Long term rental vouchers based on income for all Phoenix residents. This should be an entitlement in order to guarantee stability for residents. 87 H.4.6 What kind of legislation? Landlords would want to know if a potential H4.6 renter has the income to pay monthly rent. 88 All new multifamily housing should include affordable housing units! 89 Everything in this section is relevant, but you got it wrong. The eviction process already favors the tenant. I smell an agenda... 90 The Landlord Tenant Act in Arizona needs to be revised and updated. Currently it favors the landlord. I live in an apartment where the landlord is renovating while tenants are living in the apartments. The renovations will benefit the new tenants that can afford $1500 a month for a one bedroom. Meanwhile, we live in apartments with holes in the walls and ceilings because of the renovation, no water and electricity, and our apartments are left open during the day for workmen to have access. The landlord is violating the lease, but an attorney said the tenant's only option is to move out and then end up with a judgment on your credit report.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 91 Landlords should be able to discriminate (choose) to rent to a tenant they know will be paying the rent and avoid having to deal with evection. 92 Once again incredibly vague. Using buzz words without going into strategy. Try laying out all of these plans in detail in an easily accessible format for the public. 93 H.4.6 should be removed. H4.6 94 H2.1 I see the need to increase these beds but the number in each community H2.1 needs to be limited so one neighborhood doesn't get 50 and another neighborhood gets 1!! Even distribution needs to be considered. 95 I'm actually pretty infuriated at the suggestions above. You can't force landlords to rent space to homeless people, that's unconstitutional. The suggestions are outrageous and overly focused on 'helping' them by giving them things for free, rather than helping them find work. 96 The city of Phoenix should be an involved partner within this section. 97 I read there's a Costco closing in Phoenix. Could the city buy it and utilize it for homeless?

Are there any plans to provide training to the mentally stable homeless to update their skills so they can obtain employment? 98 Esta completa ..seria bueno que se les diera viviendas pequeñas para personas solas considerando que muchos de ellos no pueden trabajar por lo que traen consigo(Mental. adiciones ect) 99 Keep H.4.1. Eliminate the rest from the plan. If you tip the scales between H4.1 Landlord rights and Tenant rights in favor of problem tenants you will make it harder for low-income people to find landlords who are willing to provide affordable housing. 100 Only if it applies to families that have ounce themselves in this situation due to the COVID-19 crisis and children are affected by it and either at risk of becoming homeless or taken away from their parents. 101 If people are having trouble making it on their own perhaps they should consider moving back home with other family members like we did during the depression. 102 FAST TRACK this - if you don't, because of COVID, homelessness in this city is going to explode. 103 Making it more difficult for landlords to evict will mean that landlords will be pickier about who they rent to. This will just make affordable housing more difficult to get. 104 incent landlords but dont hinder their rights of selecting the most qualified prospects. dont slow eviction process. landlords must have the ability to keep their investments afloat. if not, investment in housing slows which is a major lifeblood of AZ. 105 People should receive enough money from whatever form of aid they are on to be able to pay the median rent in their area. Mental health services should provide the appropriate health care for those that are SMI and our laws should reflect that. People who are unable to live alone should have the availability of some kind of supervised living. Forcing these costs onto landlords by making them not evict people misses the mark completely. 106 Inculcate into the heads of the homeless person that they have to take action to address why they are homeless ( down deep they do know) and do something about it! As a taxpayer I'm getting very tired of helping support those individuals who don't want to help themselves.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 107 I think there might be a written mistake in the section H41. Where it states, H4.1 “transition stable residents to less supportive housing” I think it was suppose to be the other way around. 108 Big concern about city focused so heavily on 19th ave light rail extension. This is unfair and really bad practice. We know that stacking lower income people in high rise projects in big cities was a disaster so what makes you think putting them all along the tracks will be different? It's not like there are lots of job opportunities nearby. Housing is needed CITYWIDE. Stop dumping all lower income units and projects around 19th ave 109 Long term housing projects for stablization 110 Make sure Phoenix Police are not involved with the care of homeless people. Do not provide any additional money to Phoenix Police, Deflect any increases to resources in our city. Provide better resources that prevent this kind of tragedy from happening again by not spending so much on Policing and more on schools, before and after school programs, health and healthcare disparities. 111 ABSOLUTELY NOTHING 112 The question for me is what is doable in the quickest way for those with moderate needs. The others have dire needs which takes in housing, medical treatment including psychiatric, some aspect of job training. I believe that there is an intermediate level of need that needs to be defined. 113 Describe the possible Section 8 housing incentives. 114 This seems to just shift the problem and prevents landlords from evicting non- paying tenants. They will then lose the property to the bank. It is very difficult to evict a non-paying tenant as it is, the idea isn't to squat in apartments owned by others and financially ruin the landlord, this is ridiculous and not a solution. Terrible leadership!!!! 115 If person/s are offered housing through this program, they are required to accept help/support with employment training or job assistance program 116 H1.1 is something which I am very much against. Tenant rights stop when they H1.1 cease to pay their rent and/or fail to maintain the property. 117 only use vacant hotels. too many hotel owners are losing their hotels to the homelessness issue 118 None of what you have on this section 119 I think the eviction process is too long as it stands right now. If you make the process longer, it might deter landlords to no longer offer rentals or an incentive to take care of the property creating bad neighborhood conditions. If the tenant can no longer pay, the landlord can no longer pay the mortgage either. 120 You forget that some Landlords that own a home or two that rent it out do so to earn a living in retirement. When you slow the eviction process down or cancel rent... the Landlord has no income has to maintain the home, pay taxes, maint etc. Basically taking from one family and giving to another.... it's dead wrong.... Not all rentals are owned by big companies and if they are the investors are Mom and Pop shareholders. You don't get this????? 121 We don't fix homelessness unless we create affordable housing. PERIOD. PHX rents have skyrocketed. There is NO rent control, which I find to be obscene. 122 It should also consider the landlords not just tenants In H1.1 & H4.6- it’s a H1.1 business for landlords H4.6 123 I think the city already has strong tenant rights in place. I don’t think we can expect private businesses to shoulder the burden of having tenants in their property not paying their rent.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 124 H1.1. should include information about the tenant eviction process and housing H1.1 alternatives. 125 Remove all. 126 I love the ideas to use vacant properties for housing. We need to use more than a few % of the federal Covid assistance funding. Slowing down the eviction process can be beneficial but is akin to putting a bandaid on an open wound if eviction is technically legally necessary. There needs to be more effort to instead prevetn the eviction. 127 See previous answer 128 There are some good points to this section, but as a whole still fosters the sick remaining dependent! Those in need must display a desire to participate in their return to society. If not, we have forever dependent people who have no incentive to participate in their deliverance. This is of no help in delivering these folks! 129 The section is the problem. Each individual proposal should be look at on it's own. Landlords should not be victims. Veterans should not be assumed to be victims. How about we get everyone who needs assistance a clean place with some food to stay off the streets. Get them some counseling and job training.

130 Remove H1.1 Property owners have mortgages also. They can't be expected to H1.1 float those that don't pay for extended periods of times. 131 Add any violation to the rules/agreements by such tenants is cause for immediate termination of lease/rental agreement 132 H.4.6 H4.6 133 1) We need to work with other municipalities and throughout the city to develop shelter (and housing) more regionally. 2) Need more support for folks once they're IN housing - not only for PSH but for almost everyone exiting homelessness. 3) Perhaps call this section "shelter and housing" or have a separate "shelter" section. 134 Landlord has all rights; this needs to be reviewed and scaled. Rental increases are significant (20%) and come with short-notice. ZONING, DEVELOPER- regulations, and other steps by City & County 135 It is important to also protect the landlord. Policies should also consider the hardships, financial and others, they face when the tenant can't meet their obligation to the lnadlord. 136 Consideration of past criminal history for minor offenses and impact on housing.

137 We need more vouchers for the homeless to have access to. We also need more affordable housing. We see all the high rises going up and many luxury apartments being built, but let’s be honest how can anyone afford them especially during these difficult times. Housing is extremely important when someone is trying to better there life. We need clean and SAFE spaces for those seeking help and who are really trying to better their lives. 138 Reaching out to local professionals, for example Architects. 139 Group home and or shared housing options would be helpful. VASH will be overspent on vouchers with the new project sites opening this year, so I don't think that more referrals for VASH is a barrier. 140 I believe that ahcccs funding should remain committed to healthcare. I think that things like legislation preventing income discrimination and slowing the process of eviction could be most effective without using funding initially intended for a different purpose.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 141 Consider county-wide requirements for developers to create a certain proportion of smaller and affordable housing-not just for apartment buildings. Building new housing on the desert fringe isn’t the only solution, why not include infill of unsightly vacant lots, or derelict buildings, empty storefronts? Add rooftop greenspace to reduce the heat island effect. Add public art to buildings, walls, etc. Art-filled areas are desirable to spend time, draw tourists, walk-around, etc. 142 Apartment should be available to those who pay rent. Once a tenant refuses to pay or leave an apartment there right should end. I believe that property owners have a right to who they want to live in there rentals. 143 The whole Section 8 process is a JOKE. Wait lists of a year or more, lack of units to rent, etc. 144 Looking at ways to rehab empty commercial buildings to house people 145 The emphasis on housing should be directly placed on vouchers that can be used to support at least median rental prices in Phoenix. A sole focus on low income housing support has a tendency to perpetuate cycles of chronic homelessness and poverty. 146 “Slow down the eviction process” — how will landlords be involved in this? 147 Protect landlord rights. 148 It provides an overview of tentative goals or plans for people who have been involved with housing and specific programs to utilize. 149 Rather than slowing down the eviction process to allow for representation, establish/support programs of representation that can be quickly and even preemptively implemented (i.e., programs that can allow tenants to get assistance in negotiating with the landlord before the eviction process begins). Efforts should not be overly punitive to landlords because smaller scale would-be landlords who may be more willing to work with tenants will be discouraged from renting their properties. If the eviction process is prolonged, protective measures must be available to the landlord in the event there is probable cause to believe the tenant will damage the property. "Income discrimination" should not mean that landlords cannot take into account the tenant's income relative to the rent charged. Would this mean that a landlord cannot consider that the rent would constitute 60% or more of the tenant's income? It would be foolish not to take this into account, as such a tenant is likely to have significant difficulty paying the rent. This sets everyone up for failure. Would this mean that landlords would rely solely on FICO scores in evaluating tenants' ability to pay rent? This would be another mechanism that would small scale landlords, since they would need to subscribe to a credit checking agency to assess potential tenants. The Section 8 incentive provision should take into account the problem of large- scale investor landlords who buy large numbers of properties in communities, rent them to Section 8 voucher holders, and then fail to ensure that their tenants maintain any community standards (e.g., engaging in criminal conduct in the area and violating HOA regulations). If these incentives are to be provided and potentially encourage this conduct, community members should have a mechanism whereby they can complain and challenge the incentive eligibility. The other provisions of this section should be kept and are important. 150 N/A 151 The Justice Court system favors landlords and is brutal to renters. This must be corrected by oversight and regulation. Consider tiny house villages as an important and vital form of housing. 152 Support for landlords impacted by limitations on evictions and late payments.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 153 wrap around services for SMI 154 we will no be able to voucher or subsidize our way out of homelessness. We have to waive development fees.. allow one-day permitting for projects that meet standards, change zoning to minimize NIMBY and develop other incentives that make it economically more feasible for developers to develop affordable housing 155 The Phoenix metro desperately needs to confront (1) luxury housing property development and (2) short-term leasing companies like AirBnB and Wanderjaunt. The number of luxury housing projects (often unoccupied and left to "sit" until investors see profit) continues to grow while the pool of affordable housing shrinks. Moreover, landlords have seen considerable incentive to convert housing units to short-term rental spaces, as these can potentially be much more profitable than long-term rentals. Tenants need much more protection than they currently have; protection against short-term rental unit conversions is one protection missing from most discussions. 156 Create more inclusive affordable housing options. Eviction and record friendly. 157 remove H1.1 And H1.46 H1.1 H1.4.6 158 Provisions to incentivize and protect landlords who participate in providing affordable housing to address costs associated with housing tenents who may not have adequate living skills to properly maintain housing. 159 There should be language about accountability and providing information to the taxpayer about the costs and outcomes of the services proposed. Language about effectiveness, long term reporting regarding effectiveness. Language about community input about results 160 Need to allow rights of both tenants and landlords to be balanced. H4.6 Remove objective H.4.6 income discrimination by landlords. Landlords should have the right not to accept a tenant if the tenant does not have the ability to pay. 161 I think objective H.3.1 is very important. I think the objectives that focus on H3.1 changing landlord behaviors are also very important, because right now it's an incredibly unbalanced power dynamic. The housing market in Phoenix is out of control, and landlords get too much power to choose money over community. 162 Further actions should be taken to protect tenants from exploitation by landlords, including considering rent control measures, and encouraging organizations such as tenant unions. 163 protection for landlords as well 164 Rent control 165 Protection for landlords is important, too. However, the lack of affordable rented spaces in Phoenix is a real concern. 166 promoting education and prevention for tenants. Its not enough just to find homes but they need life skills to keep the homes. Also include job training and former foster youth and youth adults. 167 Section needs to reference specific dedicated funding sources to achieve these objectives. 168 Add the possibility of job opportunities with sustainable efforts such as, recycling programs, food delivery for families in need from non profits. 169 Remove H1.1. The current eviction process keeps tenants' rights fully intact and H1.1 is onerous enough for owners. 170 How we actually intend to remove the homeless from down town. Not vague talk and unactionable talk

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 171 Increased housing options are extremely important, but the means to allow people to choose housing (once available) is also paramount. Restrictions that traditionally keep unsheltered folks from choosing to shelter (i.e. can I bring my pet with me, can I bring my belongings with me, am I allowed to use alcohol/substances, etc.) need to be addressed. Ultimately, unsheltered folks need to feel like they have agency in their lives in order to choose to improve their situations, then be able to choose to get help for things like mental illness and substance abuse if they need it. Let's be honest -- the unsheltered population that is causing "problems" in the community is much more likely to suffer from these kind of issues and as a result, less likely to choose shelter if offered. 172 Representation must be available for persons with disabilities. Persons with respiratory impairments caused and exacerbated by exposure to tobacco smoke and e-cigarette vapor can not share the same facilities with smokers because exposure to Third-Hand Smoke (THS) residual smoke causes asthma attacks and activation of chronic bronchitis.

173 Decreasing the Section 8 waitlist by filtering people through more efficiently or some form of objective to address the long Section 8 waitlist should be added if not already addressed in the City's Affordable Housing Strategy. Perhaps also consider the addition of an objective that would implement rent control at the City or State level. 174 Expand the program to individuals who are homeless such as elderly, empty nesters, young adults. Many programs only cater to families with young children.

Adding incentives for apartment complexes and landlords who provide a number of units for low income professionals based on income sliding scale (background check approved) to limit gentrification, promote and allow those in transition to live near areas that have a high concentration of solid well-paying jobs/long-term career opportunities. 175 Utilizing vacant motels/tapping ACCCHS for funding and supporting income discrimination by landlords should be removed. 176 If someone is honestly trying to make ends meet and not "working the system" they deserve a change and possibly an occasional hand up. 177 3.2 & 4.5 removed H3.2 H4.5 178 Keep in mind that "slowing down the eviction process" will only serve to alienate landlords. For every month you allow non payment of rent, the landlord goes without income. Not all landlords are large apartment complexes. A tenant gets a 30 day notice, and many notices of late rent. A bad decision to start talking about the problem on the court date, is not the way to work out the problem. *** Educate tenants NOT TO IGNORE THE COMMUNICATION. bad decisions just make it worse. Tenant education is of utmost importance in keeping the relationship professional and productive. Landlords provide a needed commodity, but it has to be profitable for them. Renters can cause very costly damages, that the landlord must pay for. At the end of the day, it is all about income. If a renter is not paying rent, the landlord needs to evict and get a paying tenant in the unit. 179 Differentiation between larger ownership and property management groups vs smaller landlords.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 180 Controls should be in place to ensure these resources are not abused or taken advantage of...ensure that root causes of the the person's homelessness status are being addressed to help them get back on their feet rather than consuming these resources indefinitely. 181 Halt evictions. 182 Make it illegal to “evict” a homeless person. Finding a place to sleep wether it be in a shelter or on the street should not be illegal, it’s a basic human need 183 More affordable housing and apartment's for people. 184 Designate specific neighborhoods within downtown/central Phoenix that will benefit from such legislation, and ensure that suburban neighborhoods (such as Ahwatukee) within Phoenix will NOT be impacted by such legislation. 185 some type of expectation from individuals to work toward the goal of self preservation 186 H1.1 could hurt landlords. Many landlords are regular working-class people. I/we H1.1 should not have to have increased stress because someone cannot pay their H4.6 rent. I am fortunate- I do not have mental illness and I am not addicted to substances. I have sacrificed for decades building my financial stability. I have volunteered years of service to the homeless and those with disabilities. I should not have to pay their rent by allowing them to stay for free in my apartment. H.4.6: descrimination - if a person does not have enough income to pay monthly rent- I would be setting them up for failure and putting myself in danger. 187 alot of confusion needs plain language JUST VOUCHERS FOR RENTAL ASSISTANCE 188 I like the hotels idea. More beds now. 189 Rent control legislation. There shouldn’t be any reason why landlords should raise the rent year after year with long term tenancy. Wage increases do not cover inflation. Pet rent needs to be eliminated. If a tenant is required to make a $200 to $500 deposit upon signing a rental agreement, there shouldn’t be an added cost of the pet living under that roof. This causes extra strain on already under paid worker to afford housing. 190 leave as is

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 191 Section 8 is like throwing money at the slum lords that create all the problems to begin with. And a lot of homeless in Arizona seem to come from California. California will buy them bus tickets to export their homeless to Phoenix. I believe that a lot of black people would be awesome home owners. For example the federal goverment gave the so called 'elites' 0% loans to stuff people into appartments.. but a lot of these awesome creative talented black men and women if they got 0% loan to be a home owner, instead of loan discrimination, they would make awesome creative houses. They wouldn't be like these new yorkers like Trump, who is a typical wealthy new yorker, who are taking 0% loans to stuff people in appartments and not build one solar power roof. Black men and women give that oppertunity and the US government investing in them as real people, it would be extremely rewarding for the community. Possible 10 fold return on the money spent. And they would be creating more sales for solar power and etc..etc.. they wouldn't be so lazy. So the Paradigm of stuffing homeless into appartments is in my opinion a lot of reasons the whole problems exist in the first place. Its basic math, if person X owns their home and person Y rents.. Person Y is increadible inflation prone, their rental prices always increase, where person X is inflation resistant. Inflation is harming those prone towards homelessness, and the bad guys know that. But the more home owners in an area, that is more income they have to buy goods around town, which provides a lot more jobs the homeless could be filling that is much more flexible. That is also a lot more sales tax revenue to the city to fund mental health resources and education. 192 Keep Vet's in. Not sure about the other esp H4.4. H4.1 Delete h1.1 H1.1 193 I do not think utilizing vacant apartments/hotels is a good idea especially if they surround other businesses. I think more thought needs to be put into where these areas are located. With downtown phoenix already struggling due to covid errors in these locations can harm businesses that are already struggling to stay open. For example, the heat relief shelter that was placed on Madison and central right next to the Marriott. It is not helping to bring back any business or travelers to phoenix when they do not feel safe in the area. 194 Housing ideas presented in this section fall short. 195 I think H4.5 should be a priority. H4.5 196 Lobby for a portion of property tax to fund these programs 197 Most of it. Homelessness is not a housing issue. It's a mental health issue, and a drug/alcohol dependency issue. There are already enough freebies out there for low income people - food stamps, Section 8 housing, free cell phones, on and on.

198 The more government layers, the more abuse, delay, and lack of direct benefits. Find the needs, fill them, and deal with the legalities later. Humans need help. Let’s do that. Instead of the courts, can’t we have an ombudsman system to bring people to a table to discuss compromises. Seems a more human way to deal with housing issues. 199 Remove all suggestions negatively impacting landlords. Especially remove language about income discrimination! How are landlords supposed to rent to those who can afford it? That would be like not requiring proof of income when taking out a loan!

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 200 all these these things address one of the the most important human needs, shelter. 201 Prevention strategies are critical to reduce number of families falling into homelessness. More detail needed on what it means to tap AHCCCS funding - this funding serves a population with specific unique needs. Would need to understand more about intent before supporting. Better coordination is always good. 202 There is no housing available for people with a criminal record. There are no jobs available for people with a criminal record. 203 Remove H1.1, H3.1, H4.6 H1.1 H3.1 H4.6 204 Remove H1.1 and 4.6. Landlords have rights to receive income from the H1.1 properties they rent. H4.6 205 Seems a bit vague 206 Funding should go to housing and economic assistance, not failed or corrupt health care systems. Zoning laws should also be examined to prevent discrimination against low income housing. Enforce and expand the existing laws on against Section 8, educate and fine landlords who post new listings publicly saying no Section 8.

207 Remove slowing down the eviction process and focusing on tenant’s right. The process already takes too long, is too costly, and places tenant’s rights above property owners. 208 A better control over how quickly rents rise, and what maximum rents can be need to be included! Right now common rents are 60% to 80% of ones income, especially if one is on minimum wage. Please, control the rents, at least a little! 209 Chances are I’ve missed something. (comprehensive reading) Is living in an automobile, rather operative or not, considered homelessness. Also the issues associated with motor vehicle. 210 Not sure that it is fair to landlords to slow evictions; they need the income on their properties to meet their own needs. We must balance the needs of all... not just the homeless. 211 It looks good. 212 this is a ridiculous survey 213 4.1 4.1 214 In protecting tenant rights, it is important that property owners are also protected. Critical to make sure that accurate information is available and representation is also available. 215 don't know enough to venture an opinion 216 Why should landlords be punished? Who is going to pay their mortgage payments and expenses? 217 Landlords should be able to remove tenants that don’t pay after several months. 218 Provide Free Mandatory Drug Screening test for homeless. If positive for Elicit drugs automatically disqualify for help but offer rehabilitation for 3 months, then repeat process on drug screening for Housing/Shelter help. Housing Chapter Comments Page 49 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 219 Beware of making housing and other benefits too attractive. Incorporate incentives so that homeless persons in transition (not chronically homeless), will seek ways to become more self-reliant. 220 differentiate what level of government the action is directed towards. Federal, State, County, municipality 221 I think the plan has to address out-of-state property owners who are increasing rates without considering the consequences for our city. There should be immediate legislation that protects tenants from having their rents increased unreasonably beyond inflation. I am greatly concerned by the lack of affordable housing.

It can also be difficult to travel to support services (wellness, mental health, employment, etc). As was mentioned in Strategy 4 of the report, these services need to be in the same building (low income or temporary housing). I would recommend expanding this. 222 I am concerned about slowing down the eviction process, because I know landlords need to pay bills also. I think it should depend on how long the tenant was there. 223 *Section 8 needs funding! It has been unavailable for far too long. *Vacant Malls can be utilized as assistance centers. 224 The chronically homeless are that way more than likely because that’s the way they wanna be. The only ones I would worry about would be the elderly, veterans, and those with children. Why are these people not being checked for drug habits, or what I would call welfare bunnies been on food stamps and Medicaid since birth and so are their parents and their grandparents which culminates and so are their children. Stop helping those who really don’t want help & are only using the system. 225 Remove Section H1-1. I do not own rental property but if I did I think that this H1.1 proposal is a danger to a community with apartment or rental units. 226 What type of protection and enforcement will be present to the homeless in these converted buildings? If there is no enforcement in these buildings, drugs and violence can become a problem which could either deter others from wanting to go to a shelter also resulting in citizens not wanting these shelters in their neighborhoods. 227 Slippery slope on this one. Anyway you slice it, people are going to need shelter and food. Let's cut the red tape and provide it. 228 Same comment as the preceding. It is another "government solution" that will cost much, but will benefit those implementing it financially, but not the "victims". 229 Hotel vouchers only for those willing to seek substance abuse services. 230 it seems complete to me. 231 Just do it. Less talk 232 Enact rent caps in all residential areas, requiring landlords to house homeless for free in empty units, requiring a percentage of ALL rental housing be low income, even in new development. Explore programs to allow homeless to skip credit checks and rental deposits and fees to help the working poor get into housing they can afford. 233 multi-story apartments as temporary shelters, Give homeless jobs 234 Why is HOTEL property the only type that his specifically addressed? Should/could this we broadened?

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 235 expand programming for survivors of domestic/sexual violence

236 Explain why you think tis section will make thing better 237 Due to certain physiological, mental, and emotional conditions, a distinction should be made between temporary and permanent housing. Some housing situations might include case management on site for those who are still getting healthy while others who are more independent and healed could live in a more independent environment. 238 I do not appreciate and do not believe that providing assistance without requiring participation and contribution from those benefiting from the services/money/favorable treatment or laws should be allowed. This section seems to indicate that benefits should be given to those with low/no income by requiring others to providing assistance (landlords, courts, private businesses) without ANY requirement for those receiving those benefits to contribute back to the community. This only encourages taking of responsible taxpayer monies without requiring those who are benefiting to be engaged in contributing to their own welfare and their wellbeing. It is very much like giving them fish and not teaching how to fish for these people who are homeless. I don't see how the homeless are being encouraged/required to make better choices and decisions that would benefit them far more substantially than just simply giving them benefits. 239 Please see notes at question 23. 240 Remove Section 8 housing - H.4.4 H4.4 241 H1.1 and H1.2 should be removed H1.1 H1.2 242 remove all giveaways. sickening 243 Our homeless aren't getting evicted out of apartments. Our homeless are drug users and the mentally ill. period. 244 I can't think of anything. 245 Immediate pro bono legal representation for tenant to assist with eviction issue. 246 Too much involvement in government and private housing is doomed to failure. There are too many variables and too many pitfalls. Unscrupulous landlords will always take advantage of susceptible tenants. Housing should be regulated either by the government itself or by nonprofits with deep pockets and proven track record. Accountability is crucial. 247 Without this section, the cycle of homelessness continues. 248 Look into increasing other affordable housing. Add ways to increase base salary pay. 249 The first item on tenant rights should be focused solely on the tenant's financial hardship issues. Landlords still need the ability to remove tenant's for a host of other reasons. 250 I think there is evidence that permanent housing is THE most important predictor that a homeless person will avail themselves of services: food,medical,etc. 251 It seems like everything may be covered. 252 A program like New Journey works, for the homeless. 253 Nothing yet 254 Not sure 255 Failed policies 256 Nothing. Keep as is

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 257 H1.1 - slowing the eviction process will put a financial hardship on Landlords. H1.1 They still have to pay their bills weather or not the Tenant pays the rent. There H4.6 needs to be a different solution.

H4.6 - Landlords need to be able to rent to people who have the financial ability to pay the rent. Owning a property costs money. They depend on the rent to sustain the property. If they can't rely on the rent, then People will stop renting out properties and that will create a housing shortage. 258 Landlords charge whatever they want and do whatever they want, so we need Tenants Rights. Using vacant hotels motels and other not used areas is a GREAT IDEA 259 remove all but H.1.1 and H.4.1 remove government from all sections H1.1 H4.1 260 Please keep to existing structures like vacant malls, office buildings, etc 261 Landlords have bills as well too pay and when they aren’t paid they can’t pay there bills. We should not enable anyone as they will never change their ways. 262 You are addressing the increased costs to us taxpayers of persons who will only require more and more money to help keep themselves and their environment sanitary, safe, and livable. Many will likely will not treat any subsidized place with respect any more than they would living on the street. Then we have to go in and clean up after them. Maybe do this for those actively seeking employment - not those who have given up. Putting a mentally ill person in a hotel with others is inviting trouble for all involved. 263 Out of 7419 people who are homeless with only 20 million that is equal to $2700/person! Wouldn’t it be better to prevent them from becoming homeless in the first place by covering them for a month or two of expenses than letting them go homeless in the first place? Also got those who are homeless rather than those who are never seeing any of this money why not remove all the programs and give this money to pay for first and last months rent on an apartment and get electricity and water set up for a few months? Those with serious mental illness need the IMD exclusion removed which would allow for permanent housing to be paid for. 264 Tenant rights are extremely important when we look at how predatory landlords can be. Some will not even give you notice without kicking you out. Not all are this way, but many are. Given the current pandemic, we can expect to see a rise in homelessness strictly due to the LOW and quite frankly disturbing amount of unemployment pay in this state. 265 Any partnership with the veteran affairs will fail. It is an anti people bottomless pit. Have the churches and temples work with you! Tax the rich. Appeal the the vanity of the rich. Name the buildings after them if they will invest. 266 While providing housing can help to a degree, it’s more important to focus on mental health services and rehabilitation and reintegration 267 I don't necessarily support the section about evictions being too fast and tenants needing time to find representation. Changing the rules will disincentivize landlords from being willing to take vouchers and Section 8. Eviction extensions and moratoriums add risk to the riskiest tenants (from their perspective). 268 H.3.2 Funding should be tapped into elsewhere H3.2 269 i'm wary of using AHCCCS for operating costs. this seems like a way to hurt one underfunded program to support another underfunded program

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 270 Focus on creating semi permanent dormitory style housing for people and families experiencing homelessness. Redefine what housing looks like. Consider modeling corridor dorm housing. Small square footage private sleeping areas, shared bathroom, kitchen, social, and laundry spaces. 271 Prioritizing tenant rights, especially non-paying tenants is not good. You would be penalizing landlords to support bad behavior and decisions by tenants. 272 Prioritize families with school-age children when assigning housing. 273 Date of votes, what Services,and who voTed to approve And who voted No. Date services are effective and where, who,how to contacT for services. 274 there should be a legal cap on how much money a landlord should charge for rent... rents are so high that one person that only earns mininum wage with a full time job can not afford to live in a decent low crime area without having to share a place with someone... 275 on site police presence to help keep area safe. Should also have social workers or mental health people with them and should be non confrontational as possible 276 Depending on the families income there should be some type of rent control, so families will not become homeless 277 For same reasons as above—we are limited to working within a fixed budget. All of these are nice to haves but most of the core effort needs to engage businesses and business owners to pay a fair wage so their employees don’t risk a catastrophic expense effectively losing their housing. 278 You all put a lot of wording to be much effort is applied once you get in approved. Sure seems like a lot of BLAH> BLAH BLAH... Hire more people to implement your desires 279 Prioritize the need for housing of women and children. 280 remove H.3.1. H3.1 281 I applied for rental assistance in March and April and received no response or confirmation. No one answered calls, responded to emails, or sent confirmation to indicate the application had been received. Repeatedly the online application/uploading process failed to complete. Obviously I did not receive assistance and had to move out of my apartment and in with family. I was forced to pay three months' rent for breaking the lease, or face collection. There was no protection for lease breaking. Legal Aid advised against fighting. 282 I'm hesitant about extending tenant rights re: eviction, but I know we will soon be in unprecedented times 283 Not sure I agree with slowing down eviction process, however, I like the moving- on component to thise piece. They should have a set time in a place but also know they need to carry their weight. The homeless need to be held accountable for their actions unless mental illness plays a role 284 Some consideration needs to be made for landlords, who are in business to make a living, not to provide free housing for people who can't or won't pay the rent. If the eviction process is to be slowed down, then agencies need to be funded to provide reimbursement to landlords for lost income, for repairs and cleanup for damaged property, and for legal costs involved in eventually removing non-paying customers.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 285 landlords have private property rights as protected by our constitution. They should not be expected to bear the burden of fixing the homelessness problem by limiting their ability to evict non-paying tenants or by being required to rent to persons without sufficient income to pay the stated rent. If the city wants to help the homeless, and its citizens support the cause, then the burden must be shared by all, not the hapless property owner. Fiat measures like this will ruin the low- income rental market by limiting availabiltiy. 286 Don’t use hotels for homeless. 287 Add work requirements for all able people. 288 For H1.1 - tenant and landlords should both be engaged in this process for H1.1 fairness. 289 leave as is-housing solves half of the problems people have 290 giving tenants more rights than t he landlord produce slums. Landlords and property owners have the right to remove anyone not following laws and guidelines living in THEIR property needs to have the saw. 291 these sections should be un-bundled so you can provide feedback on each objective. 292 short-term and mid-term strategies needed. Like idea of rehabbing abandoned, bankrupt or low use hotels, motels and apartments with government providing the capital and NGO's providing operating services, including supportive services. Need to be more clear about how much capital is available or needed and how NGO's will pay for operating costs. 293 animal and pet rights 294 This isn't really the problem 295 Again too broad in its descriptions seems vulnerable to abuse. 296 By providing tenants more rights given current socioeconomic conditions; we can potentially cut back on those families and individuals that would be entering into homelessness 297 All the Above? 298 Long term objectives should become short term objectives 299 City should not be taking money from landlords through slowing eviction processes. 300 Put a cap on rental costs. It has become very expensive to rent anywhere in this city. Low income, section 8, and other rentals adhering to low income policies should cap rent costs. The application for landowners or landlords should be simplified regarding qualifications to be able to offer low income rents. 301 they need basic shelter in a shelter. not a motel room, nothing I couldn't afford and I live on air,. veterans should b e priority. mental ill who accept meds,. all others, too bad 302 Open the restrooms at all city parks. 303 Exploring the use of vacant housing should be a priority. Studies show time and time again that housing the homeless is cheaper for taxpayers than leaving them on the streets. 304 Create incentives to produce more affordable housing options in Phoenix. Create rent control policies. 305 Please add, create new laws to prevent old evictions from preventing applicants to qualify for safe housing. Some landlords go back forever. You can't live there if you have EVER got evicted. This should be illegal or at least limited to 3 years ago.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 306 I think the city puts undue burdens on landlords when individuals cannot pay rent. The landlord is still required to pay up keep and sometimes utilities without having income coming in from the tenants. If the city slows down the eviction process, they should pay for income lost to landlords to maintain the property. 307 Focus on providing Apartment Leasing centers with information to help identify early on individuals/families with potential homelessness concerns. The apartment leasing offices are the one's who can identify if rent is not being paid, etc. This allows for early intervention. 308 remove H1.1 and H4.6, eviction is already a lengthy procedure if done legally, H1.1 enforcing current laws and monitoring large corporate landlords is more H4.6 necessary. 309 Obtain more referrals for VASH from the VA. The VA conducts extensive assessments and collaborates with SSVF providers to progressively engage Veterans into permanent housing. Currently the VA has the necessary staffing, vouchers and SSVF funds to address the Veterans on the By Name List. For effort needs to focus on the hard to reach Veterans with severe mental illness legal issues and severe behavioral issue requiring a higher level of care. 310 We need more free and low income housing. This is the most important factor in transitioning people out of homelessness. 311 Increase availability of low cost housing.

312 After all the above has been done and if there is still a need, how about Tiny Homes? Can they be air conditioned? It would be better than a sea of tents along the side of the streets. We need to do more than slow down evictions. Fewer need to be filed. More landlord education. Work with legislators to penalize landlords who repeatedly file baseless or legally deficient evictions. 313 Ensure money for AFDC is not used for homeless individuals 314 Remove ALL except 4.4. These measures will NOT solve the problem and 4.4 instead incentivize people to be homeless. Do you want us to turn into california???? These are the same measures they put in place!!!! 315 What do some of those Acronyms mean? 316 Many again are too wide open for abuse and waste. Our area does NOT want more misusage of hotels at I-17 and Bell Rd. NO more prostitutes at Victory Inn and Motel 6. NO more drug usage and deaths. Our AHCCCS system is already abused. The gal down the street from me does tatoos at her house. Only takes cash - at least $50.00 a hour and always busy. Two kids, unwed. She only has to pay rent to her parents who own the house. Does not pay taxes, who knows what else she is "entitled" to and is on AHCCCS while we pay oave $500.00 for insurance. She does drugs at time, her boyfriend comes and goes and makes good money while most of us pay taxes, etc etc. AND, this is not the only person taking advantage of the system.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 317 Families with children need to have stability and security. These services will not be advantageous unless there is safe housing and rigorous effort to address the reasons for homelessness. Some who are experiencing homelessness will require, and appreciate long terms solutions to their plight. Habitat for Humanity has the right idea. People need to be invested in their homes through "sweat equity" so they will take pride in their home. Then they need to be invested in their community and by assisting with the construction of neighborhood homes they develop a sense of community in which they can take pride, Others, who choose to be on the street, have serious issues with addiction and mental health. Homes for them will, most likely, be more temporary. Their needs seem to be more for shelter type residences that are temporary. These should also have safety and security as priorities. I'd like to see clear delineation of the two: long term, or permanent housing and short term, temporary housing.

318 Send them back to California 319 Housing is not always the answer for people with drug addiction or mental health issues. They need long term help. Moving them into apartments or housing will only endanger neighbors unless they get the help they need in an institutional setting. 320 H3.1 H3.1 H4.3 H4.3 H4.3 H4.3 H4.4 H4.4 H4.5 H4.5 These are programs worth investing in, but they must be implemented in a way in which the individual or family finds value in the program and respects the property. It's important to find a safe home and eventually transition the responsibility back to that person. They should not continue to live on the program forever.

321 People need to pay their bills just like everyone else. I don’t want my taxes going up to pay the housing someone who doesn’t work as hard As me. 322 Homeless tenants may have voucher but another of times the homeless or former homeless tenants cause a lot of problems with safety to themselves and other tenants. Evictions are already very slow and difficult for problem tenants. More and more landlords are not willing to work with vouchers due to lack of communication and support. 323 The vast majority of those wh avoid shelters and help are mentally ill and or drug addicted. They need to be funneled into permanent hospitalization or mandatory drug treatment as applicable 324 There isn't enough affordable housing. Prior to COVID I was earning the median salary for the city and 50% of that went to rent. Many of the homeless I've met have not been successful in school and do not have the skills to obtain a job that pays a living wage. They need housing support. Developers should be required to allocate 25% of their inventory to low income persons. Further, inventory and services need to be better distributed throughout the city. 325 Regulations to protect property owners from damages done by tenants. Many residences are destroyed by tenants

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 326 All of them should be removed, mostly operation overhead with no substantial contribution in to the solution. 327 Add use of abandoned 328 Remove slowing down evictions, as this would negatively impact landlords financially. Develop a housing option for registered sex offenders who are homeless. They don't have many options. 329 Given the extent of the data presented, 7k+ homeless and %51 unsheltered, it is impossible to know what a good strategy looks like. We should do the work to understand the population further. What percent needs mental health services? What percentage are on the street due to recent eviction? What percent are using hard drugs? What percent would take a bed if one was available? 330 This allows for Federal incursion in our state!!! 331 Consider spelling out landlord rights to gain support of the plan. Work with community organizations to support those close to losing a home so they don’t become homeless. 332 Build tiny houses for homeless or invest in CASS and add additional space with job assistance department and social workers 333 Is it possible to include potential costs of each line item? 334 H.3.1 and H.4.5 seems extremely important, but the other items less so. H3.1 H4.5 335 ADD ways to increase supply and variety of shelters and affordable housing stock and ways to pay for them. Add more public restrooms and shower facilities and budget for regular maintenance. 336 what about the landlord's who still have mortgages to pay? what about the damage to the vacant hotels? who manages them? who manages the destruction and also violence? 337 I am not sure about H.4.6. Shouldn't landlords be protected to some extent? H4.6 338 We need to also think about the landlords and be careful not to give lazy people opportunities they do not deserve 339 High emphasis on nonprofit partnership, long term funding, expanded service delivery. Service delivery for specialized populations also essential for asylum seekers, refugees, recently arrived immigrants, etc. due to specialized language and cultural components. 340 looks like fluff. a lot of administrative exploration but little intervention. large amount of the homeless population don't pursue or are unaware of these interventions. Maybe split the topics homeless prevention and homeless mitigation. 341 We should not slow down evictions. That just hurts property owners 342 None of those seem to focus on a "step up" system, seems more of a "handout" which deters an investment and creates a dependency. 343 Not having read the full plan I would hope action steps are outlined. 344 During pandemics, no evictions. If they cannot work because the employment is closed by state/federal law, they cannot pay their rent. 345 Housing for this segment of the population is extremely important. However, in our area, we have seen evidence of ongoing Section 8 violations that -appear- to correlate with increased crime and blatant drug activity. Landlords are either hesitant to evict for various reasons, or the process to evict is onerous due to the burden of proof. Are there protections or programs/incentives for landlords who want to ensure they are positively contributing to communities/neighborhoods by opening up their properties to Section 8 applicants? Housing Chapter Comments Page 57 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 346 4.1- I do not agree with the Move-on strategy especially for people with mental H4.1 illness who will move into Section 8 and if they decomp they could lose their housing. Section 8 does not give second and 3rd chances like Permanent Supportive Housing 347 H1.1 & H1.2: What is the financial constraints for the landlord/home owner? H1.1 H3.1: would residents occupying these dwellings would be required to follow H1.2 strict guidelines? I.e. no illegal drugs, no fire arms, no prostitution, etc. H3.1 H4.1: I love it!!!! I would want to help with this part of the program. H4.1 348 Remove vets H.4.2 H4.2 349 Re: Section 8 landlords. They need to be better held accountable for vetting prospective tenants and for mitigating the criminal activity occurring on their rental properties. This is a major issue, especially when the landlord is out of state. We have had lots of Section 8 homes here in Laveen where criminal activity was occurring and negatively impacting the neighborhood, and it took forever for the property owners to deal with it. 350 Remove Sec.8 351 I really like the idea of utilizing vacant hotel, motel and rental properties to support the housing insecure. A web based app would be terrific to identify availability. 352 Section 8 Housing should not be life long housing UNLESS there are situations of disability or Senior needs. Families/Individuals in Section 8 or other subsidized housing need to be encouraged to pursue better employment options through training and given an opportunity for employment through the City , County or State. There should be a pipeline for people to seek those opportunities through specialized outreach programs, 353 I am opposed to supporting junkies with any tax dollars. I am fine with supporting Vets--we owe them. What happened to people getting a job, even a job beneath them or that pays less, to support themselves and their families if they are physically able? This needs to be monitored. Definitely no tax money to support illegals or people who come here just for financial support. We are being taxed to death and it needs to stop. Some of these services can be provided by charities that are funded by wealthier people who have money to spend after their taxes. Government should not be responsible to fund everything for everyone. 354 Commitment to eliminate homelessness 355 It would be great to see the city of Phoenix partnering/mirroring programs like Housing Works. ( 356 What majority of homeless want a home and willing to maintain it? Some homeless autonomy & no authority. 357 Affordable low-income housing needs to be part of the solution. 358 Housing options and tenant rights already exist under AZ statutes 359 This is about homelessness. We need to address the people that ARE currently homeless and have no where to go. They are camping on public right of ways and that is concerning the for disabled population. They are also making it uncomfortable for people to pass by the area. Trash is also collecting in these "camp" areas. 360 the first section is more important. Mental health needs to take priority 361 item 1 - all residents of housing should be treated the same and fairly; many housing clients have been afforded more ways to obtain any "emergency funds" vs anyone in conventional housing already

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 362 There are important components to the section, but creating legislation forcing landlords is not the answer! We have seen it fell in other states California is just one easy example. I believe in affordable housing, managed responsibly it’s very lucrative and you can give back to your community. It’s all about better education, being able to speak from both sides of the fence - conventional and affordable. I understand the ideas behind some of these thoughts, but I work with owners and developers more than I see my family; people of this caliber in the private sector do not appreciate legislation. You will kill deals for AZ that can make sense for everyone involved. 363 Remove slowing of eviction section H1.1 and H4.6. eviction prcesses are already H1.1 sufficiently slow and lengthening that process would only cause the landlord to H4.6 suffer further financial losses. As a landlord who owns multiple houses, I refuse to do section 8 because of the damage done to the property. For H4.4 to stay The plan should add: The city shall insure section 8 voucher holders in the event they damage the property and the city will pay for the damage and lost income to the landlord.

by taking over abandoned properties and hotels, and turning them into housing you will just be creating a centralized area of high crime and drug use. 364 Property owners rights 365 Section 8 housing is a disaster. That should be gradually eliminated and replaced by purchase and rehab of properties - maybe something akin to Habitat. 366 Exploring target population partnerships for housing example housing partnerships with Transitional Youth Services Providers 367 Prevention is key here. There is opportunity to address the issue to accessing justice in the eviction courts. Rental assistance is great, but tenants also need more education and support in court. There is opportunity to fund mediation, tenant representation and to provide educational outreach to tenants, case managers and other support staff - the eviction process in AZ is little understood and tenants ultimately fail.

Diversion is key also - the community does not have enough resources or capacity to fund diversion. However, when adequately supported, Diversion programs can be incredibly successful in helping people to quickly resolve a homeless crisis, as opposed to losing a home and entering the homeless system. The City may consider partnerships to obtain flexible funding, diversion training and funding to coordinated entry sites for diversion specialists.

We need more low-barrier shelter beds. How may the City support the HSC request for rezoning to allow the additional capacity. Can the City create partnerships with other cities to increase bed spaces region wide and reduce the density in the DTPHX area

RRH is a proven and inexpensive strategy - how can the city partner to expand this offering? Is there opportunity with philanthropic organizations?

Has there been a cost analysis on the public cost of homelessness at the City level (E.g PD interactions) that could be addressed with more funds into housing? Could there be opportunity to redirect funds into housing and other essential services?

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 368 H41mis the most important solution and should be the main focus H4.1 369 There should be a plan to help transition homeless individuals from government provided housing or housing assistance to independent living with little of no assistance. In other words, a hand up. 370 More psychological counseling rather than hand outs. Teach the people how to be successful on there own without expectations. Provide a life coach. 371 How much of this is already included in legislation? 372 Programs are provided by the state. The city should not be involved in any of this 373 you tend to forget landlords also have rights. If people aren't paying their rent, or H1 are causing problems for others that live nearby , it shouldn't take so long to evict H2 them. eliminate h.1 and h.2, h.4 and h.6 H4 H6 374 Drug testing should be required 375 Be careful with extending evictions. This can put the owner of the property in financial peril and that is not fair to the owner. If more and more housing is provided, more and more homeless will come to Phx. Look at case studies in other cities. 376 This section is too broad. What about the owners of property who haven't been paid rent. Are you going to just ignore them with your proposed legislation? If that's the case, property owners will just increase the requirements for anyone renting and will only make it more difficult for people with questionable credit to find a rental. More Section 8 housing? Where???? In the same depressed areas that already have Section 8 so that home values in that area decrease even more? You are willing to help the homeless but your proposals go against hard working individuals and homeowners. If you convert hotels, who is going to take care of the maintenance and support for the long term? These are already in my area and attract homeless but who is going to maintain in the future? 377 N/A 378 Support zoning efforts for organizations that want to provide tiny homes in the Phoenix Area 379 Needs more. There have to be areas to provide housing that aren't on this list. 380 People facing eviction need assistance with getting to court and mediation appointments AND they need support and advocacy at those meetings. The last time I checked the ADOH eviction program did not provide this and seemed woefully understaffed. 381 We need more housing. The report said we were short 177,000 units. We need bold plans to provide the housing needed. Otherwise, we have a band aid approach.

It seems like the voucher system could be improved. The idea that some landlords don't want vouchers because they lag the regular payment schedule. It takes a month for the landlord to be paid because the vouchers don't provide a timely payment. That sounds like unnecessary bu•reau•cra•cy. 382 Increase supportive services funding to address behavioral issues that prevent many from maintaining stable housing. For instance, the military has discharged its members with less than honorable conditions to people that exhibited bad behavior and this prevents them from accessing any type of veteran support.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 383 H1.2, H4.6 If you are going to block or delay evictions, why do you want to H1.2 prevent landlords from doing research to make sure tenants can afford a unit? H4.6 The biggest eviction issue is lack of payment of rent. Is it good to to H3.1 encourage people to rent units they can't afford and then let them live a long time in the unit without paying? H 3.1 Do not further concentrate more low income housing in areas which already have the crime and lack of employment of existing low income areas. You make life worse for the low income [people already living there and for the new low income residents. 384 Why not increase funding for actual housing costs such as rent/fees, rather than "support" or "identify." These objectives dance around the issue of lack of affordable housing kicking people into homelessness. There's hardly any action identified. 385 We need to create a curriculum for homeless individuals who are using substances or have used substances to attend classes for a certain number of weeks that educate them on substance abuse and how to keep housing. I believe this would help the ones that want housing earn it. Otherwise as any provider can tell you housing is like a revolving door and no matter how hard we work to help someone, it never works. 386 With the proliferation of high rental properties, there should be a provision that in order to secure approval by each city, there should be a requirement that a small percentage of living areas must be included in each project. 387 Look into what can be done to eliminate discrimination for background issues (felonies, etc,) for those seeking housing 388 Definitely support tenant rights and stop income discrimination. Mixed income housing and making sure that new projects do not further segregate the city are super important. 389 no changes 390 Build three story or higher buildings on the East, South, West and North side of the County to assist those in need and have a resource center inside with medical and behavioral assistance to help those in need to get on their feet.

Also, have Community meetings (survey, on computer, and in person) to collect data to assist those in need. Each side of town (East, South, North and West) should have these meetings and it should be advertised well in advance on T.V news so all can be alert. 391 Need to address the shortage of true workforce and mixed income housing. Older units are just slapping a coat of paint on an apartment and charging the price of luxury new builds and it's pricing the average person out of affordable living options. This 392 The lack of affordable housing needs to be addressed further. 393 This is also extremely important as long as it is done while simultaneously increasing shelter beds. It is unacceptable to say the plan is housing, but to leave people unsheltered while we are all "working on" improving affordable housing conditions as this section of the plan suggests. If these affordable housing initiatives are done without increasing shelter beds in the HSC area and also regionally, then they won't accomplish much and they will deny the fact that we allow our unsheyfriensa to live in sub human conditions every day. Continuing to allow people to stay unsheltered when the HSC has capacity to take them all in is immoral and unacceptable. Phoenix is and should be better than this. 394 Doesn’t even big to scratch the surface. This feels like a bandaid Housing Chapter Comments Page 61 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 395 In addition to slowing down the eviction process, we need to address the discrimination faced by renters who have an eviction on their record. Once they have an eviction they face a challenge trying to rent in the future. 396 Rent should be protected. My rent has increased $600 in 2 years without any changes made to the property. Our city needs rent protection to lessen the homeless population. Empty hotels, apartments, business buildings should be occupied to provide housing for those in need. Rent vouches should also be made available to protect our community. These are small inexpensive changes that can be made that will in the long run improve our city by having less people in the street, hospitals, shelters, ect. 397 Rent breaks for those who have been affected by COVID are a MUST. There's no reason someone should be punished for following the recommendations of our public health officials and taking steps to keep themselves and the people around them safe. This is an unprecedented time; we have to treat it as such. 398 I think this should be addressed to more homeless people since this is about them and their lives, not mine. 399 More intervention on behalf of section 8 to aid homeless peers. 400 Longterm solutions to homelessness, like creating more shelters and facilities. 401 Do the homework on AHCCCS funding; it's not available to do what this plan says without other levers being moved. How do any of these long-term strategies tie to the newly approved City of Phoenix Housing Plan? What are the goals for these objectives? How will progress be measured. There is a lot missing from this section. It all sounds nice and has no teeth. 402 get the federal govt out of it. Keep it with the local govt. Governors office and mayors offices. 403 Perhaps providing clarity on what the city means when "support legislation" - does this mean the city will actively advocate at the state/federal level including providing testimony or showing up at hearings? 404 While short-term options are needed, I hope the wealth we have in this community can be directed towards more long term solutions. I walk around downtown and see the extreme wealth gap and have not seen positive results from trying to incentivize builders to provide "affordable housing." I believe government should be taking a more active role to invest in longer-term solutions such as free or low cost housing rather than short-term. 405 How do we go about it? Increase funding. 406 This is a very strong component. 407 Get rid of everything except H.2.4. Let's help the mentally ill. As for the rest of it, H2.4 let's take seriously Benjamin Franklin's quote "I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it." 408 Seriously mentally ill persons need to be placed in more restricted environments, not just being housed in the community. Mentally ill persons are not always capable of making informed, responsible decisions due to their mental illness. Even if they refuse treatment at some point the larger community must be considered. 409 Due to costs and the increasing demand on government resources, I think it is extremely important that both the city and the county develop private-public partnerships to help tackle this problem in a more equitable manner.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 410 Section H5.2 and H5.7 sound interesting. More needs to be known on how these H5.2 would be achieved. H2.4 sounds like it may be actually getting at one of the root H5.7 causes of homelessness. This seems to be a good place to concentrate effort. H2.4 Government should find out what incentives will work best for non-profits and developers and then facilitate this but not get into the business of building and maintaining "affordable housing." 411 Do not allow companies to buy affordable houses and transform them into unaffordable houses in marginal communities. 412 Delete everything but H.2.2. All of the other proposals are more of what we H2.2 already have. 413 see above 414 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE


415 H.2.3 should be removed or changed. Funds for this program should not take H2.3 away from AHCCCS/HC community housing funds. 416 More details necessary. The prioritization of "mixed income" housing is confusing. 417 More transparency and details regarding H.5.1 H.5.3. H.5.4. H.5.5. H.5.9. H.5.1 H.5.3. H.5.4. H.5.5. Input from people experiencing homelessness should be pursued more H.5.9. aggressively. Their lived experience can provide insight into what needs are and are not being met. 418 Library should reverse all late fees for homeless and let them check out books again, . . . without fees. Kansas City did this successfully! Free Bus for all homeless. Kansas City did this successfully! I believe they made it free bus for everyone, which makes sense because only the poor ride it. 419 Development of new housing on City of Phoenix property by external partners need to get community input, which has not been done in the past (ie approval of CPLC mixed use development that will displace low-income folks and they did not actually meet with the mandated community organization to address concerns). Mixed income housing is best practice but it also displaces so many residents, leaving them no other affordable housing options in their neighborhoods or surrounding areas. Gentrification has serious repercussions for our folks. Lack of shelter space has been a huge issue already (even prior to 2015 when the overflow shelter closed). City of Phoenix has refused to address this lack of space since the closure, so make sure increasing shelter space is an actionable item and follows appropriate pandemic guidelines when open. 420 H.5.2 is the most important and leads to what we see in the tent areas north of H5.2 the Human Services Campus. 421 Removed 5.2 and 5.3 H5.2 H5.3 422 REMOVE Amend zoning ordinances 423 These people need to help themselves...plopping them in communities where they are the problem and neighbors are terrorized by them being there isn't good for a community.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 424 These objectives are incredibly vague and there is a lack of description of how and what you plan to implement in order to appropriately address homelessness in Phoenix. There needs to be more information provided and we demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they’re accessible to people experiencing homelessness. 425 Eliminate the Education Campaign. 426 Consider "housing first" programs that have shown success elsewhere. Change zoning laws to allow for "tiny homes" and/or accessory dwelling units (i.e. backyard tiny homes). 427 Move H.5.3 to the top. Remove H.2.2 and H.2.3 (These devastate low income H.5.3, H.2.2, neighborhoods). Remove H.5.2 H.2.3, H.5.2 428 I'd simply say we need to go for it, many of these points are ACTION points and so they will help on the front line of homelessness. 429 Again.... What impact does this have on the taxpayer? Using vacant hotels/motels, etc., has proven to be dangerous in other States. Who's going to "police/regulate/inspect" to ensure that those facilities don't become ISSUES that affect property values negatively. 430 I keep thinking tiny houses can be part of the solution for either temporary or permanent housing. 431 Housing shortage is a huge contributor for homelessness. We need an incredible focus on affordable housing. Maybe specifically reference in this section the nine strategies in the city's affordable housing plan in this section. 432 They are all evenly punitive to areas of the city 433 Amend the zoning restrictions to allow for accessory dwelling development on single family residential parcels to address affordable housing shortages. 434 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS. 435 Fund long term housing for SMI homeless in conjunction with ongoing treatment by licensed mental health professionals. 436 H2.3 Again, not sure what impact this has on AHCESS and/or other human H2.3 services. H5.8 H5.8 I'm frequently wary of legislation due to the process of passing something and how it gets warped, changed, ignored, or fought over. 437 Once again, a lack of transparency and attention to detail. For example, H.2.1 - is 2.1 this just another flat plot of hot asphalt with no shade and some portable toilets? 5.3 Because apparently, the City of Phoenix defines that as shelter, which is totally inhumane. The homeless community members of Phoenix need actual shelter, they need a safe space and they need to not be harassed by Phoenix PD. It's also important to not gentrify existing community with things like H.5.3. All of this is so loaded and vague that this could easily turn into a danger for our homeless community members. 438 I'm very strongly opposed to modifying zoning laws to support different types of housing in areas that are not currently zoned for it. People have purchased property in reliance on current zoning. 439 H.5.2 Need to be careful as to not force homeless facilities in area where they are 5.2 not welcome and/or meet with protest. Can't forget those doing well.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 440 Once again, we can give give give. However there needs to be limitations. Opening vacant hotels is a wonderful idea. But, there needs to be restrictions. The hotel is not a free place to shoot heroin. And I say that from a place of honesty. I truly want to find a way to help people, but they can not be using if we are spending money on them. 441 Again, providing affordable housing to someone who has serious mental issues and "chooses" to be chronically homeless should be treated differently than someone who doesn't have mental issues, but has financial challenges. Changing zoning laws doesn't seem to make sense to me as the City should have a plan for affordable housing already. 442 H2.4 is the ONLY part of this section that makes sense. Partnering with the state 2.4 to provide transitional shelter to seriously mentally ill. Otherwise, the City has not business in the rest of this. 443 Must obtain more partners must look at regional options 444 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they're accessible to people experiencing homelessness.

445 Be honest with ourselves and others - the majority of this could've been avoided - but we chose convenience and profit over . 446 Cost saving shouldn’t be a priority when we’re talking about lives here 447 The agencies need to follow up with the citizens using the programs to make sure they are complying. If this is not done, then they fall to the waste side and create a nuisance (drug/criminal activity) for the neighborhood they are in leaving the residents trying to figure out how to fix the problem. 448 We need to acknowledge that some people will never transition to independent housing. A facility for mentally ill homeless people is a GREAT idea. 449 Ensure schools can support additional influx of people 450 More information needed. 451 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEYRE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS" 452 ughhb 453 i work in healthcare and delays in getting patients out because they cannot get patients placed who are homeless. 454 H.2.4 should lead directly to H.2.2 , use the vacant buildings to offer rehab 2.4 centers to help with mental illness issues. 455 Remove H.5.4 - public/private partnerships create too much opportunity for 5.4 conflict of interest and . 456 Remove education strategy, replace with readiness assessment 457 Phoenix has a long-standing issue with unavailable beds in shelters. Did we just open up the Civic Center? 458 What are the metrics to measure success for this plan? This survey is sadly a bad design, seeking confirmation bias instead of genuine public input. 459 Utilize vacant motels and hotels! This is naturally occurring affordable housing and you don't have to build it from scratch. 460 emergency access for domestic violence victims

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 461 I think all the items in this section are good, but I would suggest a special emphasis on affordable housing developments. These developments should be near public transit access where possible, and should have on-site offices for support staff (e.g., job training programs, physical and mental health services, etc.). 462 Sections 2.1 to 2.4 is good focus. We need to regionalize homeless shelter 2.1 support. The State and County need to step up and provide rural or safe 2.4 locations for mentally ill and low barrier housing support. We need more help (shelter and professionals) for mentally ill. 463 Metro Center has recently been closed. That facility could quickly and easily be converted to housing and provided services. Support services on the first floor. Housing on the second. Education in the theatre. Don’t waste that space 464 If there's mixed income housing, there should be behavioral expectations. No one in a good neighborhood wants their area turned into a ghetto or dangerous/unsafe, noisy area. HOA's have expectations, there should be rules like no blasting car stereos with bass that can be heard for blocks, no 8-10 cars per residence, kids/residents will not be permitted to trash or steal from neighbors' homes. Graffiti and tagging will not be tolerated. No drug dealing. No prostitution. Extra assistance should be revoked from anyone doing these things. Good neighborhoods don't need to turn into horrible, scary places. This isn't Portland, Seattle, or Minneapolis. 465 Add a section to use funding intended for police spending to instead be used for homeless support (social workers, job programs, drug rehabilitation, etc.) 466 Affordable housing will be critical. 467 what type of legislation for fair housing? I don't think relying on legislative action as a solution. I think building low-income housing especially for those with residence. My aunt lived in a housing project in Oak Park Chicago for long-term residents of an area is very important. If you are going to give away tax breaks to every building south of McDowell, we should require each of those "new buildings" to house a certain percentage of disabled/elderly residents. I would also encourage looking into ways to stop destroying old buildings and to partner to convert them into public spaces for those of limited means instead of using the public library as ground zero. Please redesign the survey to discuss each policy item. This is designed to limit the transparency of the public and to provide generic feedback. It is very hard to navigate back and forth between the 30 page documents. The research does not address costs in any way. It also should be written to allow for those with basic reading ability to understand the principles. 468 H.2.2 Has proven to be a bad idea in test locations like Los Angeles and San 2.2 Francisco 469 This needs to have a temporary support structure. One in which people are supported for a limited amount of time not indefinitely. 470 I have reservations on including these subsections listed above because I 2.4 wonder what the impact would be to existing communities: H.2.4 (seriously 5.2 mentally ill transitional shelters) and H.5.2 (changing zoning ordinances). 471 Less emphasis on the macro (that everyone wants to work and get housing) to the micro - who are the ones that have mental, drug, alcohol issues? this latter group needs to be looked at differently than someone who has had bad circumstances dropped on them. 472 Yeat again you are forgetting those who are physically disabled or living with chronic conditions. People also between the ages 24 to 55.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 473 Create low barrier, supported, long term housing solutions with available financial assistance. Get people experiencing homelessness into housing first. 474 The long term plan should be to add more permanent, supportive affordable housing for 30% AMI or below, not create more shelters and transitional housing. It is only thru permanent housing that we can end homelessness. Also, do not focus on “mixed-income” housing. Data shows that our greatest need is housing for 30% AMI so our resources and energy should be spent with this group. 475 There's a lot in this section. It's impossible to comment on them as a group. 476 Ensure solutions are directed toward affordable housing, not just more housing. 477 Choices regarding zoning and hotel occupancy must be done with regard to safety of other residents and surrounding community. A hotel used for this purpose should be entirely for this purpose. A duty of care is owed to low income travelers and tourists. 478 what does H.5.2 & H.5.7 mean 5.2 5.7 479 H2.4 - helping the mentally ill is EXTREMELY important. 2.4 480 The ENTIRE premise of the section is WRONG. The focus needs to be programming that reduces homelessness, not encourage homelessness. Must address the root CAUSE. 481 Sounds expensive and government mismanaged waste 482 Just a general thought: The most efficient way to utilize workforce housing is to keep it in proximity to where the jobs are. Second most efficient would be placing it along public transportation. I would really like to see the city to encourage development of affordable and workforce housing in a distributed manner, rather than clustering it in one or two areas of the city and then rely on everyone to drive to jobs on roads that are already overloaded. 483 I additionally think to all sections making sure in the language that these resources are offered to all AZ residents no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, religion 484 Again to much to fairly judge or comment on in one section and what does conduct an education campaign mean? 485 Affordable housing should not be placed in affluent areas. 486 We need immediate housing options to get homeless of the streets more quickly. 487 Seems good 488 Put responsibility on individuals and families. Why should government provide so much when many do nothing to help themselves/family members? We need to quit giving handouts!!!!!!!!!! 489 Phoenix should eliminate Single Family Zoning in order to encourage lower cost forms of housing like duplexes and triplexes. This would also make it easier for non-profits to actually build housing for everyone. 490 h.5.2 should only be zoned for more affordable housing for low income or no 5.2 income residents, not more overpriced housing in general. 491 I am not in favor of rezoning ordinance amendments. That's jumping way too far ahead in the process. There's far too much emphasis on long-term housing. Homelessness should be a short experience for the able-bodied. Those who suffer from drug dependency or mental issues need special treatment, not just warehousing. 492 H.5.6. It's very important to work with Developers for affordable housing. 5.6 493 Provide new housing in Phoenix in areas easily accessible to the Lightrail. 494 5.2 is objectionable. The last thing established neighborhoods need is a 5.2 homeless shelter, halfway house, whatever, popping up. Housing Chapter Comments Page 67 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 495 Affordable housing is definitely needed in Phoenix. 496 Once again incredibly vague. Using buzz words without going into strategy. Try laying out all of these plans in detail in an easily accessible format for the public. 497 Private public partnerships sometimes waste stats money by giving it to corporations. Concentrate on housing people. It saves money from police and jail budgets in the long run. 498 See previous H2.1 comment. Additional - not sure what H5.2 means - does this 2.1 mean an office building can be come a housing unit or what? H.5.3 Yes to this any City owned land should be used for what is necessary for housing. H5.9 is REALLY IMPORTANT for those needing housing and for the neighborhood changes that may happen. H2.2 and H3.1 is a great idea - especially partnering with non-profits to run and operate. 499 No, if you build more housing, you will just attract more homeless people from other cities. What is to stop homeless people from Peoria or Gilbert from coming to Phoenix? You'll be back asking for more money and more housing the next year. Only the mentally ill should be treated as if they don't need to work. They need to be committed to an institution via a guardianship proceeding. I would support funding a mental institution to house only these kinds of people. 500 Add a section of public school education course about homelessness in their own community, how to prevent it and how to find resources when it does happen. Educate children so that it can make an impact in future generations. 501 Security at homeless shelters. When I worked in vocational rehab at the VA, many veterans would not go to shelters because there's a big security risk from other homeless people to harm them or steal what little they had from them. Also, they did not want their kids subjected to sexual assault or harm from the shelter inhabitants. They felt safer sleeping under bridges with their kids in tow. There needs to be separate quarters for homeless with children. 502 Remove sections H.2.2, H.5.2. H.5.3, H.5.8, and H.5.9. I don't know what is 2.2 meant by H.5.7, "preserve existing housing stock", but if it means the status quo 5.2 conditions of blight and substandard housing then remove this section too. 5.3 5.8 5.9 503 Create institutions that we support where people in need having mental issues or drug issues so they are separated from legitimate cases where people may have lost everything because of the pandemic or bad luck. These initiatives need to be divided into categories so that the right organization is handling what we see exploding in our community with homelessness. 504 These services should be performed by the non-profit sector, not the city. 505 Will changing zoning effect businesses? I'm not in favor of mixed income housing. It de-values property. 506 There should be no "transitional" housing. The person should be well enough to live in permanent housing. It is discriminatory to believe otherwise. I am a homeowner. If I get sick and/or get hospitalized, nobody puts me in "transitional" housing. I come home. That's how it should be for everyone. "Transitional" housing passes the buck and it's not fair. 507 More options for SROs and granny flats in single family districts. 508 Teaching budgeting in the community, schools, senior centers, hospitals. 509 Handouts seldom work. The receivers seldom get stronger but rather get more dependent. The right kind of education can help as long as it doesn't promise a reward for being lazy, or non-committal. "The Lord helps those who help themselves." Housing Chapter Comments Page 68 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 510 “Redevelop city owned land with mixed income housing” should be changed to “low income housing“ Let’s start there. I think mixed income housing can be misleading. Developers say mixed income housing but too often that turns out to be a young professional who makes money well above the poverty line to an upper middle class individual.That’s not the priority in providing affordable housing. Let’s just focus on low income housing right now.

Secondly, I am unsure what “prioritize new housing in areas of opportunity means.” It feels like code for gentrifying struggling neighborhoods. 511 Big concern about city focused so heavily on 19th ave light rail extension. This is unfair and really bad practice. We know that stacking lower income people in high rise projects in big cities was a disaster so what makes you think putting them all along the tracks will be different? It's not like there are lots of job opportunities nearby. Housing is needed citywide. You are hurting established and middle income households and driving them away which will ultimately lead to NO MIXED HOUSING and in 10-20 years you'll all be wondering what went wrong. Please think citywide and long term and ask this question: How could this hurt the area and/or current residents and new residents? Stop only thinking 'We must add more". Be smart and strategic and compassionate. Thank you. 512 A way for the homeless to afford these options and to get the homeless to participate. 513 ABSOLUTELY NOTHING 514 It's important enough to be put into the plan, however, it may take much longer to implement. Considering the limited financial resources of city, state and federal, it may be easier and faster to help those with fewer needs and then concentrate on those with greater needs. 515 The idea isn't to turn Phoenix in to a slum! The solution is not to build projects all over Arizona but to stop the influx of illegals as they are the majority of our homeless and help our residents and citizens to get back on their feet. I will fight this tooth and nail if Phoenix City Council thinks they can just turn our city in to slum city. I can't wait until the election and the Mayor goes, these so-called solutions illustrate her determination to ruin Phoenix! 516 I think the housing options that are available now need to be reevaluated as far as what they provide. Are they at full capacity? Are they helping rehabilitate to get homeless back on their feet? Adding more shelters may not be where the money should be spent but giving homeless or on the verge of being homeless better and more opportunities to be a productive member of society. 517 Remove partner with Non-Profits only, as there are many low profit organizations who are AHCCCS funded that do amazing work, not led by profitability but by doing what is right for the consumers. Change to partner with established organizations who work with this population to operate/provide services. By excluding low profit organizations you exclude companies that do amazing work for these folks 518 I am very much opposed to H.5.2. The recent plan for zoning changes seemed to 5.2 address only the availability of single family housing without regard to multi-story apartment buildings. Moreover, there is nothing that says that Phoenix has to accommodate more people. This is a big Country, and our State has areas with less density and lower housing prices that can absorb those who cannot afford to live here. 519 Remove all of it

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 520 do not involve hotels/motels for housing. As seen in other parts of the US, this has only created another problem--drugs being delivered to homeless etc. 521 Phoenix should consider banning or reducing the trend for corporations and investors to buy up all the available single family homes. This nasty trend nationwide had already greatly diminished the availability of affordable housing. Target corporate landlords and investors buying up available single family homes. 522 The Homeless I have personally spoke too do not want shelter. The Shelters in place require them to get up early do chores and look for work. They DON'T WANT TO WORK!! 523 Addressing homelessness caused by mental health issues is essential. Low barrier shelters are essential. 524 I don’t think we should start utilizing vacant apartments or hotels. This is a short term solution. I think the damage that would arise would bring new problems. 525 H.2.2 Rather than limiting housing to vacant hotels, etc, we should consider using 2.2 larger spaces, e.g. malls, warehouses, etc. to transitional housing. 526 Remove all 527 Supporting affordable housing legislation will require confronting SB 1487 and SB 1524. Don't just partner with developers, even those claiming to support affordable housing, as they tend to inadequately serve the community. Public private partnerships can minimize risk for the public, but these developers aren't publicly accountable and by definition exist to generate profit. If their work is inadequate or unaffordable in practice, like with CPLC's proposed plan for the Henson Apartments, then you aren't doing anything except facilitating gentrification while the people that have lacked resources like those in South Phoenix get shafted. I have a couple of degrees in mechanical engineering and research energy efficient housing design so I appreciate the nod towards innovation, but also fear that it's used as a buzzword while costs are cut with shoddy craftsmanship. We also can't rely on technology, as this can only be adequately addressed with political solutions. 528 Simplify 529 NO, and NO!!!! Where people live is a product of their choice. If they want something different they should be required to make choices that give them different options verses simply giving them something for which they were completely uninvolved in achieving for themselves. I am completely against "hand outs" verses "hand ups". For instance what happened in this pandemic with the large unemployment benefit. I heard more than once, "I make more on unemployment than I do when I worked". These people did not want to go to work. And these were people who had homes. What do you think happens when homeless are incentivised to stay living off the system with no participation required from them in order to change their situation!!!! 530 H.5.3 - no need to redevelop land, just improve on what's already there. Why not 5.3 preserve older structures and provide for the homeless in one swoop? 531 Remove H.5.2 While zoning should be reviewed, wholesale changes should not 5.2 be made without community involvement and neighborhood consent. 532 Add housing and/or other facilities will not be located within a 5 mile radius of any schools and/or residential neighborhoods 533 Vetting shelters by surveying the homeless individuals that use them. There are a handful of PHX shelters that have reports of abuse against their stakeholders 534 Expand on H.5.3 and H.5.7 5.3 5.7 Housing Chapter Comments Page 70 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 535 Shelters designed for age and need - elderly, with pets, working, etc. 536 Affordable housing options are needed. Care and maintenance of these housing options must be enforced to protect the neighborhood from the "blight" associated with Community, Chapter 8, etc. types of housing options. Include the residence in caring for there homes. 537 There is much inaccuracy about who exactly are PEOPLE who are homeless...being portrayed as the sex offender/addict//lazy..... We often don't seem that these are people, with families, hopes, dreams, problems just like us. We tend to forget the person/the individual/knowing their name ..we tend to dehumanize this group of individuals...making them a "problem" to be fixed rather than as a resource to be developed.... 538 Provide safe spaces for people to shower. 539 More housing stock and SMI housing is very important. 540 Sections h.2.1, h.2.2, h.2.4, h.5.2, h.5.4, h.5.5, h.5.6, h.5.7 should be kept and h.2.1, h.2.2, h.2.4, the others disregarded h.5.2, h.5.4, h.5.5, h.5.6, h.5.7 541 H.5.5 sounds like empty words-‘increase efficiencies and innovation’, so 5.5 nonspecific. The mentally ill folks who are seen on the same street/spot, day after day, doing repetitive movements—emergency services/housing is needed. One man swings at an imaginary baseball all day, another stands- 2 feet from shade- in the sun all day. These folks are not hard to find, many are seen wearing partial hospital scrubs/gowns, and obviously need somewhere to go. Perhaps a focus on hospital discharge directly into shelter would be useful. 542 Phoenix needs AFFORDABLE rental properties that are in good physical condition with livable square footage. In addition, these units need to be away from areas where high poverty and high crime invite people recovering from homelessness to participate in illicit activities. I've seen this first hand way too much. 543 Protect the integrity and stability of existing neighborhoods. 544 I would need to know more about the proposed "affordable housing legislation" and how "affordable developer representation" would be increased. Otherwise, I support these sections, and they are important. 545 I'm skeptical of further public private partnerships. We don't need more money sucked out of the system for profit margins 546 Amend current zoning is vague and should be in more detail. Placing shelters in neighborhoods without neighborhood input can create another dangerous situation. 547 N/A 548 Housing First! Lack of housing is a symptom. More affordable, income-based housing for workers. Moratorium on over-priced housing. Convert unused existing housing stock in to homes for low income persons and families. Create land trusts that prohibit exorbitant prices for housing. 549 wrap around services for smi 550 Add current state, next steps 551 Has anyone thought of turning Metro Center into a massive homeless outreach center? It could provide housing, education, mental health/substance abuse assistance, community outreach, job training, and food all under one roof. And since it wouldn't need that giant parking lot, you could grind it up and turn it into a community garden. 552 Build Tiny home communities.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 553 We do not need more beds downtown and could not be effective in one giant facility 554 Who are you educating? If homeless good if public we already know this is a prob! 555 Again addictiin related services as well as mental health service availability to those in subsidized housing. 556 Again - no community input or evaluation language 557 I'm from a very small town. We have homeless but its rare to see. Since moving here and seeing how it is its had me shocked. I spent 2 years on the streets and I feel the pain they go through everytime we drive past them. I've notice theres alot of abandoned buildings and houses here in pheonix. I think the state should buy them and have then flipped over so they can turn them into funded houses and shelters for the homeless and they can even be program housing for addiction and trauma treatment. 558 Expand funding for mental health (shifting from policing, as prisons house an oversize number of mentally ill individuals that would be better served by mental health providers) 559 H.5.2 and H.5.3 need to get homeowners' and business owners approval before 5.2 re-zoning for an area. 5.3 560 DO NOT INCREASE THE BED COUNT AT CASS. THE CURRENT BED COUNT IS STILL TOO HIGH AND IS DESTROYING THE INTIMIDATE NEIGHBORHOOD WITH CRIME, TRASH AND HUMAN WASTE 561 H.5.4 through H.5.8 are much too broad to be considered objectives. I know 5.4 these are considered "long-term objectives" in the literature, but these are way 5.5 too huge. 5.3 5.7 5.8 562 The rising rents and destruction of viable housing by developers to create 'luxury' housing has decimated affordable housing with the result of creating homelessness. Rent control is also needed as markets do not in fact police themselves.

563 Having developers who concentrate on affordable housing is a great idea. Using City owned land to do it is also a good idea. 564 Mixed income housing is a horrible idea. Look what it has done to CA. 565 Affordable housing is key. Some kind of rent control could be mandated so the homeless can keep up with inflation and the cost of living. 566 No, if these actions would reduce the value or safety of impacted locations and those living there prior to changes to help the homeless. 567 This section needs to reference the specific dedicated funding sources to achieve these objectives. 568 Abolish single-family zoning, which makes it ILLEGAL to build anything other than a single-family detached house on land that you own. This artificially reduces the housing supply, driving costs up astronomically. 569 Establish tent city outside the core city limits and move transients to an area less conducive to littering and crime 570 Persons who are seriously mentally ill who are a danger to themselves and others must have secure facilities and they must be available in emergency situations and they must be supervised.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 571 Auditing & reporting process to report on cost-effectiveness of individual measures.

572 See response to question 6. 573 Tapping AHCCCS for funds and motels for lodging/housing should be removed. 574 If you are low income and can't afford housing.... or have to choose between food or AC....options need to be out there for those who are really trying to improve their lot. I fear there will be those who take advantage and hope those who really need the assistance can find it. 575 especially h5.3 and h5.7 5.3 help communities re-build instead of gentrification 5.7 576 Too much ambiguity in this section and too many causes for dispute instead of action here... 577 Like the idea of using motels for shelter, especially in hot weather. 578 be cautious with H.5.2., changing the zoning. My neighborhood has Collins 5.2 Court. this is a CASS housing project that started out with good intentions to house a formerly homeless population, made successful with 24/7 onsite staff and programs. CASS pulled the 24/7 onsite staffing and this place has become just another collection point for homeless people. Even the tenants complain about the onsite mess it has become. Phoenix and CASS promised the neighborhood this would be a positive addition to our neighborhood, and then they left us high and dry. CASS needs oversite. 579 Regarding the seriously mentally ill, I understand that the goal is to house people in the least restrictive environment. Do you have psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers available to determine if a seriously mentally ill (SMI) person is able to live alone or in a group setting? What if the person has schizophrenia or multiple disorders which make him/her a threat to others? What happens to those individuals? 580 Emphasize all parts of the plan work together to help the person who is homeless eventually be able to stand on his/her own feet. 581 Concerned about the potential zoning changes 582 Since the city can’t seem to build shelters for these people, stop developing the spaces they have to reside in, all you are doing is making it increasing more difficult to come out of homelessness 583 SMI Homeless should take priority for Services and placement for housing as these people are disabled and cannot Work in most cases nor provide shelter for themselves. The majority of these people are disabled and qualify for Social Security Disability and that is all they will ever have to live on and is not enough to pay for shelter. 584 Remove ; Conduct a educational Campaign! 585 Designate specific neighborhoods within downtown/central Phoenix that will benefit from such legislation, and ensure that suburban neighborhoods (such as Ahwatukee) within Phoenix will NOT be impacted by such legislation. 586 I think places like old St. Luke hospital could be a source for many levels of care including housing, grocery store,pharmacy and provide jobs for many that would be living there 587 Remove H.5.2 & H.5.3 5.2 5.3

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 588 H.5.9.: vague and more than likely a waste of money. Unless you are going to 5.9 educate people in north Scottsdale, and Ahwatukee areas. I know many personally and they do not have a clue and do not care about the situation "downtown" because they can afford to live in gated communities. 589 DO IT! 590 If you require community input and support, this won;t get done. Must consider how to bypass. 591 Remove H.5.2 and H.5.3 5.2 5.3 592 no changes 593 Delete H5.2 and H5.3 5.2 5.3 594 see previous answer. More thinking--public discussions before opening shelters around businesses. 595 Partner with religious organizations to provide shelter and counseling. 596 City owned land is owned by the people, the people pay tax. Therefore it needs to be given to the people that need it most. 597 tax incentives to build and manage housing. Pursuit of federal grants and federal lobbying for regional and city grants 598 Keep H.2.4 (mentally ill). Discard the rest. 2.4 599 Please explain what low barrier housing is. I am not familiar with that term. 600 Mental health help is key 601 You must consider the needs of homeowners who do not want shelters in their neighborhoods. They’ve worked hard to attain this American dream, a home of their own. It’s unamerican to make them suffer because other people have suffered their own misfortunes. What is done in other countries? I think we need to study that and find ways to prevent homelessness in the first place: through funding education at the classroom level, reducing class sizes to manageable sizes, supporting families in distress, teaching parents how to be parents, and seeing the whole picture of needs. 602 Use vaccant school property as wrap around rehabilitation for chronically ill homeless and partner with the church to find missionaries with a heart to dedicate their lives to tending the poor and helpless in our city. In order to be successful rehabilitation should meet humans on their level and integrate them into sustainable independent living. Let these centers also become a training ground modeled after St.Marys Food Bank Community Kitchen. Free labor in exchange for verifiable life and job skills for those seeking re-entry into the work force. Also maybe consider a small farming initiative as a healing module for residents and use the produce for a mobile in the winter months.

603 Only approved if it does not destroy safe communities by forcing low income, high crime multi-family units into the middle of them. 604 it is all important and needs to be addressed in the plan. 605 Lack of specificity makes it difficult to comment but shelter beds are absolutely critical to stabilize the current situation before longer-term strategies have opportunity to work. Current situation of dismissing crisis as other jurisdictions’ responsibility is problematic

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 606 I strongly oppose amending current zoning ordinances to facilitate more housing options. If rezoning is allowed to happen low-income & transitional housing can & will be placed in residential areas where they do not fit in with the neighborhood aesthetics. 607 Should be made more clear what the Education Campaign will address and who it will be targeted to (homeowners, landlords, tax-payers, homeless community, etc.) 608 I hope think the section plans for far less homeless population than will be produced by COVID. Perhaps there’s an opportunity to create surging of housing in inclement months and reducing in good weather. 609 Mental illness should not become a defining characteristic for being able to recieve help. Convert the newly renovated St. Luke's Hospital into said intensive shelter, unless "renovating" it was all a hoax by health care executives to bilk taxpayer money. 610 Addressing Mental health issues is critical. Caution should be taken to evaluate why a person is homeless, prior to looking at ways to distribute these people around the valley. Those with drug, alcohol and mental health issues need to be addressed separately from persons and families that are temporarily without housing. 611 Nothing. It looks good. 612 H.2.4 2.4 H.5.6 5.6 H.5.8 5.8 H.5.9 5.9 All above should be added to 613 5.9 (unsure of the target audience for Education?) 5.9 614 Include exploration of partnership with churches as shelter sites. The IHELP program is having good success in Mesa, Goodyear/Avondale, and now Surprise. That model should be included. It is low-cost and very effective. 615 Reducing construction costs will require to waive the Davis Bacon Act. This is extremely important to push to waive for housing for the extremely low population 616 I think before action is taken,we should find out why so many are homeless. Did hey lose their jobs through no fault of their own, di they choose drugs or alcohol, etc; did they for some reason chose this lifetyle, do they want the help - why,, why not, etc Then one can decide the best way to offer help to those who really want it & are willing to contribute with labor or expertise [if they have] of some sort. If it's a mental health problem, housing alone won't help 617 Really help the mentally ill folks. More need court orders to take meds. The people running this are cold and heartless. Speaking as a family member. Go straight to the top! You are not being told the truth. 618 Have to get homeless off streets. No freebies for drug addicts though. And don’t want raised taxes 619 Provide Free Mandatory Drug Screening test for homeless. If positive for Elicit drugs automatically disqualify for help but offer rehabilitation for 3 months, then repeat process on drug screening for Housing/Shelter help. 620 Beware of making housing and other benefits too attractive. Incorporate incentives so that homeless persons in transition (not chronically homeless), will seek ways to become more self-reliant. 621 Affordable housing is a huge concern, especially in central Phoenix. I would like to hear more about the building innovations Housing Chapter Comments Page 75 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 622 The reason for my answer on this one is the irritation of the fact that you put these housing prices in among family residential areas. Many of these homeless drug addicts or alcoholics. Alcoholics & drug addicts should never be Put in residential areas where there are children nor anywhere near them. Why not use vacant warehouse is in a business district instead. In reality even that’s not a good idea because of robberies. There’s not really a good answer for alcoholics and drug attic’s except support homes where they are watched with people Knowing when they come in and out. But then of course you guys don’t want them in jail so that will never happen 623 I think that the number of shelter locations should be minimized and defined. Isolated encampments should be dismantled and relocated to a defined location. Parks should NOT be allowed to be used as homeless camps. 624 Looks like you've got it covered. What may I do to help? 625 In the words of President Reagan, "Goverment is not the solution to the problem, it is the problem." 626 nothing 627 H52. H53. Remove 5.2 5.3 628 When talking about mixed-income housing and new housing in areas of opportunity, the language and guidelines must be very clear and enforceable, to protect existing neighborhoods' property values and to protect the residents of the new housing from antagonistic neighbors. Especially important to consider with the SMI population. 629 Just do it.Less 630 Enact rent caps in all residential areas, requiring landlords to house homeless for free in empty units, requiring a percentage of ALL rental housing be low income, even in new development. Explore programs to allow homeless to skip credit checks and rental deposits and fees to help the working poor get into housing they can afford. Require ALL utility companies (including phone and internet) to provide significantly reduced rates for low income residents. 631 Not just for homeless but for ALL renters, landlords cannot charge more than $800 for rental house/apartment 632 Consider taking some of the police budget, and dedicate it to mental health needs. Would such a change help avoid homelessness from occurring? 633 add 'expand transitional housing programs for survivors of domestic/sexual violence' 634 More mental health parts. 635 We at Circle the City have found that with good will collaboration we reach the best outcomes for a person's health, options for living in safe places off the street and building/maintaining a sense of community that includes our neighbors on the street. The alliances listed in the strategic plan above are fall in that same spirit. 636 Again, where is the goal for the homeless to improve their own individual situation and make better choices? I agree there should be mental health assistance, but again, why is there NO focus individual responsibilities for those people in this situation? I also don't agree with creating more benefits with no restrictions on those who are accepting the services. There must be some consequence for people who are just trying to make irresponsible life choices -- especially if there are children/pets involved. Don't encourage more homelessness by making it easier for people to be in that situation. 637 Please see notes at question 23. Housing Chapter Comments Page 76 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 638 again, remove all things that are giveaways. make folks work for thier things. thanks 639 More information on amending zoning. 640 I can't think of anything. 641 I am not sure about the education campaign 642 Be careful of too densely populated developments. Large dense poverty pockets can create more problems rather than solving the problem. 643 Not all homeless people want to be inside a hotel 644 Especially important to have services for seriously mentally ill homeless individuals. 645 See my prior comment re: permanent housing. 646 It seems like everything is included. 647 Long term strategies are needed 648 Consider that prevention of homeless is more desirable than trying to get someone off the street. 649 Not just housing for mental health but complex health issues that include physical issues, something dedicated to discharge from medical and behavioral health facilities 650 Not sure 651 All important 652 There is too much redundancy in this section. Some areas are good but it repeats itself. 653 More shelter beds are need. 654 remove all but H.5.3, H.5.4 and H.5.5. Remove government from all H.5.3, H.5.4 and H.5.5. 655 Tiny house community for vets with services to promote healing and support 656 I think people who live in the area should be able to give input before considering changing any existing zones 657 Expand 2.2 H2.2 658 Add vacant malls and offices to be repurposed as well 659 Again, People need to be responsible for themselves. The taxpayers have their own expenses snd should not be burdened taking care of those making poor decisions 660 If this is offered to those who don't care, and you mix it with those trying to truly get ahead in life, you'll get a pot of expensive, never ending subsidies . People HAVE to show they are trying to find meaningful employment,. 661 Yes! We need to be using the MANY vacant lots that the city owns to make affordable and low cost housing. Affordable needs to be outlined because affordable is not the same for everyone. We need numbers. We need to also have affordable housing and shelters in places where there is access to grocery stores, bus stops, lightrail stations, etc so people can meet their needs. 662 I particularly like the mixed-income housing idea. We need to foster a sense of neighbors within communities. For instance, the tiny home villages in other cities have been successful because the surrounding neighbors have been educated and familiarized with the programs, then have incorporated the residents into their neighborhoods. 663 H.2.3 Funds should be allocated elsewhere they are already operating at capacity H2.3 664 should find dedicated funding source other than AHCCCS. don't use the zoning reform to push the homeless to already under-served neighborhoods because you don't want them around your wealthy neighborhoods/shops.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 665 By creating this 'support', it turns into enabling and encouraging (just this week, reports about homeless migrating Seattle were in the news). Housing isn't the primary issue, joblessness, mental health, and addiction issues are some of the main causes and addressing these is a better use of resources. 666 Just a general comment. I wouldn't like to see what happened in SF. Rooms trashed, drugs in abundance. 667 See my previous comments. 668 Remove H.5.2 H5.2 669 I don’t like using vacant apartments, that’s not fair to current home owners. 670 omit, H 2.1--H 5.2 & H 5.3 H 2.1--H 5.2 & H 5.3 671 Each point is valid. It’s just a lot of requirements for a relatively small budget. 672 separate rooms for women and children. 673 FINALLY YOU ARE REQUESTING HOUSING. 674 remove H.2.2. H2.2 675 Remove 2.2 H2.2 676 I believe there is plenty of educational sources now 677 Seriously mentally ill should probably be in State care 678 Not sure about the hotel room use. 679 Again, what is meant by "amend current zoning ordinances"? Some of these are in place to protect the quality of living for existing residents. These protections should not be amended away. 680 What are the suggestions to amend zoning ordinances? In general, zoning is an important tool to protect the character of neighborhoods and the investment made by citizens buying in a neighborhood. The homeless can be helped without degrading neighborhoods and the safety of their inhabitants. If Phoenix adopts the practices of failing cities like Seattle and San Francisco we can expect to suffer not just the same consequences but worse because Phoenix can't boast of the natural beauty of those areas. Similarly, what would affordable housing legislation look like? Chances are that government fiat here, as it does pretty much everywhere, will only make matters worse as it imposes burdens that exceed any possible good to be obtained. 681 All of this will be useless if there is no drug-free requirement 682 Include vacant malls as an option for potential housing 683 H.5.2 - while it is important to include housing in all districts, consideration of H5.2 placement should be considered. I've seen housing "forced" into locations just to meet a "quote" for a zip code/village. This should not be the case; it must make sense. 684 mental health sould be prioritiezed so they dont go to jail for being off meds they cant afford 685 Take out the amending of housing. Increasing affordable housing just sounds like a bad idea, sprawling this in to the suburbs will increase taxes and incentives people who are paying their fair share to leave the city. 686 these sections should be un-bundled so you can provide feedback on each objective.

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 687 short-term and mid-term strategies. need to have some federal funds, and some state funds for supportive housing and public housing--capital and operating by NGO's. Difficult to include supportive housing in mixed use housing that would some subsidized and some market rents. Believe homelessness people primarily interested in transition housing with supportive services, staging up to stability, employment and mixed use housing (subsidized and market rent). All low income people want to live independently and provide for themselves. 688 animal and pet rights, educate on care for pets 689 Many of these items appear to be subject to law suits and wasting time and dollars. What is the current practice? Has anything to date been successful that can be expanded. What hasn’t worked. I see a wish list with nothing to compare it to. 690 Allow open access to open beds no matter what entity/non-profit is seeking shelter for a client; as long as the client meets the qualifications. 691 All The Above? 692 Getting homeless people with mental health issues off the street and away from families is very important 693 have a sliding income scale for affordable housing so that more people have access to help and encourage more builders to build affordable housing not only for very low income but also for those that are low to moderate income and still paying 50 to 70 percent of income to housing 694 add H.4.6 H4.6 695 Ways to better address and treat mental illness should be included. A Transitional shelter does not seem to be addressing any root cause. Real solutions are needed for the mentally ill. 696 The goal of "long term" low income housing should be to rotate the facilities opportunities, not just make families become stagnant for years to come. They need to transition off this program through specified job programs which could incorporate all members of the family. Skills for making a living are essential.

697 remove hotel housing. dorms are ok. if that isn't good enough, too bad 698 Open the restrooms at all city parks. 699 We all know there aren't enough beds. this is a fact. the people the neighborhoods are complaining about are there, not because they don't want shelter, but because there aren't enough beds and there certainly are not enough beds to treat people with severe mental illness and substance abuse issues. This requires a different kind of approach that current shelter systems don't offer that a low barrier shelter would. 700 changes need to be made to income requirements that prevent low income and disabled people from obtaining housing. even when individuals do not have evictions, criminal history, and proof of income they can still be denied housing. 701 I'd like to see a much larger increase in affordable housing. Phoenix has seen a great amount of development with new LUXURY apartments. We don't want luxury, that just means expense and unaffordable. We need safe and AFFORDABLE housing options. 702 Number one, is to increase shelter beds throughout the region, not localized to downtown Phoenix. It puts too heavy a burden on one area of the city. The shelter beds should be increased in ALL metropolitan cites. 703 Vacant motels/hotels need to be fixed up and used as various transition points in the overall plan to living on their own. Also, a separate mental health motel/hotel is needed to separate individuals. Housing Chapter Comments Page 79 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 704 It would be amazing if vacant motels and apartment building could be utilized to house the homeless. I think it would be helpful if the homeless that are able are given the opportunity to help fix up these vacant buildings. When you help to fix up the place where you will be living, you take more pride in your home. 705 Beef up code violation ordinance for slumlords (who provide housing city leaders would not call habitable) to give it some teeth so people just out of homelessness can have decent housing, and add more inspectors. More caseworkers are needed to help persons who are struggling to end their homelessness. And small grants so they can fix their car/pay their past due utility balances, avoid eviction, etc. 706 In each new development of more than 50 units, 1% of the units created should be for low-income housing. 707 Might be "too much in the weeds" and was covered in last senction? 708 As long as we are not violating individual property rights, these are all OK. What we need to do is make homeless unlawful and force homeless to disperse or be put in jail. Its sad, i agree, but it must be done. Thats the only real fix here. And we can give opportunities to them as well. 709 There needs to be shelters in other communities 710 There's a great importance in dealing with the mentally ill. This should be both a govenment and city sponsored project. 711 No, No and no more waste of taxpayers money when the services for TAXPAYERS are going down. We have lived in Phoenix for almost 40 years. The city has been greedy and expanded (grew) too much while all services have gone down. Years ago our Parks and Recreation Community Centers were beautiful, kept up, offered many classes and were always busy. Not so now. The centers are okay, never cleaned properly, never offer not attempt to offer or to even really attempt to reach out to the community as to what little is offered. Maybe that will change with a new Parks and Rec director. The one that just left was not efficient in the resident's books. I know I am getting away from the topic but that is how all is handled in the city now. Love and respect the police but cannot get them to come out timely, some of the community action officers are lazy, trash - regular and bulk - is not the same. Just this week part of our area missed. Some of our area have alleys and there is confusion there when bulk trash as to where to put and how picked up. And, speaking of alleys, as they are no longer NSD's responsibility there is no way of having residents be responsible for upkeep which brings in the the homeless/transients in the area to live and sleep. We would rather have our tax money go to the upkeep of alleys or the enforcing of having residents keep clean. 712 Making use of currently existing buildings is important, but when those places are not safe or fall below maintenance standards for basic needs, they must be reconditioned to accommodate people in acceptable ways. When outside contractors are hired to construct housing or even recondition it, the people who will live there have nothing invested in it. I would love to see programs that include training and apprenticeships for local people who are homeless so that hey can contribute to the solution. Programs including training in plumbing, construction, electrical and HVAC areas. Bring the locals( homeless) into the project. Granted, there are those who say these people don't want to work. Incentives for on the job training and participation may entice them. 713 Again, send to California

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 714 Phoenix housing in unaffordable for the middle class. Until you address that issue, I don't see how this can work. There is a housing inventory shortage in Phoenix and there are too many people coming here. The governor needs to address this instead of promoting Phoenix as business friendly. We are going to run out of water, and the heat island effect from all of the developement is nearly unbearable now. 715 Add H2.1 H2.1 H2.2 H2.2 H2.3 H2.3

716 Housing demand (market demand) creates incentive to develop new housing. Remove barriers to and costs of development. Any price controls stifle development and reduces housing. 717 I think we need to be careful of the fine line between meeting basic needs and encouraging more homeless to come to Phoenix because we take care of everything - we do not want to become the next San Francisco for instance. 718 We need better tenant protections. Too many houses in the valley are furnished seasonal rentals which hurts the overall rental market. 719 Remove H.5.2, H.5.3, and H.5.4 H.5.2, H.5.3, and H.5.4 720 Allow property owners to be able to adequately protect their property to be able to enjoy it without having to worry about people breaking in or stealing from the yards. 721 Interesting how the verbs are different in each category... 722 Adding the ability to add more beds to the Andre House 723 Adding the ability to add more beds to the Andre House as they are petitioning to do would be a good start 724 The charts don't come up and I don't see any separate Phoenix strategies in the full report. Please see comments in #6 above. 725 Given the extent of the data presented, 7k+ homeless and %51 unsheltered, it is impossible to know what a good strategy looks like. We should do the work to understand the population further. What percent needs mental health services? What percentage are on the street due to recent eviction? What percent are using hard drugs? What percent would take a bed if one was available? 726 I don’t want more seriously mentally ill homes, half way homes or elderly care homes in my zip code 85021. We have flippers buying homes to create cash cows. These are inappropriate uses for residential zoning! These are commercial uses not residential. 727 Don't you dare change the zoning to allow more trash people in our city!!!! 728 Add incentives for landlords to provide affordable housing with mixed income housing. 729 Offer Phoenix residents vouchers to run homeless emergency shelters for under 6 residents without permits 730 Add mental health screening and services for all housing. Simply calling for diversifying housing stock in zoning is tricky and you will need to make low income subsidized housing and those living there better neighbors by providing residents with more services and keeping them crime-free. 731 Seriously mentally ill people should be institutionalized. A 'transitional shelter is but a very thin band-aid on the problem. 732 allow HSC campus to increase the CASS beds

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 733 who pays for these developments - what about surrounding neighborhoods - impact on them 734 I'm not sure about H.5.3 H5.3 735 High emphasis on amend zoning ordinances to allow for more housing options. Enhance public private partnerships. Increase number of emergency beds. 736 Boring...same ole same ole 737 We don't need to build more houses, we need to use what's already built 738 Please add new loan programs for people who want to start up a new business to house homeless 739 Net zero or passive solar construction 740 Affordable housing must be mandatory as a piece of any new development. "Affordable" also must be clearly defined 741 Building expenses for Affordable Housing Projects should not add cost to the project -only current and relative requirements should be associated with these builds. Reexamining some of the building requirements to be realistic is necessary-building projects that represent the needs of the community they will serve. Example-requiring a specific number of parking spaces when the clientele is made up of people who will no own a vehicle , making sure there is access to mass transit needs to be a part of the building plans as well. 742 Why should we fund housing for those able to work? People should be responsible for their own well being. The mentally ill population needs help. Help vets. I do not think we need housing for Susie and Johnny to move out of mom's house. Definitely look for partnerships with companies and organizations that want to help. 'building cost savings' should already be in place. 743 Create avenues and education for business owners and entrepreneurs who want to serve the homeless population 744 Keep utilize vacant motels - to provide basic services, ability to receive mail & H.5.1 - H.5.3 phone (disability checks, employment call backs, stimulus refunds), able to keep pets. Not sure existing residents want H.5.1 - H.5.3 in their neighborhoods. 745 Espeially important to amend zoning 746 These programs already exist 747 H.2.1., H.2.2., H.2.3., H.2.4., H.5.4., H.5.8., H.5.9 should be included H.2.1., H.2.2., H.2.3., H.2.4., H.5.2 should NOT BE INCLUDED. H.5.4., H.5.8., H.5.9 should be included

H.5.2 should NOT BE INCLUDED. 748 more housing options, more density, and more beds for homeless in need are needed. 749 More electronic acceptance vs papers being mailed/delivered H.5.4 and H.5.5 H5.4 would be also helpful H5.5 750 I’m very excited to see the education component, who doesn’t want to make money and give back at the same time! I like the reuse of any vacant buildings but only if it makes sense; we need to consider on micro shelters. 751 remove H5.3 H5.3

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 752 H.5.2 down should be removed. Trying to insert low income housing anywhere is H5.2 always a battle. We would be better off building transitional, low-income housing communities with services to help residents become tenant or owners in any community they can afford. 753 Remove H.5.4 through H.5.9. The topic is changed from what is more towards Remove H.5.4 helping homeless to housing. I believe these should be separated as the through H.5.9. transition is done in steps to get a person from homelessness to a home. 754 Like the vacant hotel/apartment with providers 755 H24 should be the main focus H2.4 756 Not a function of the city should be handled by the state and county 757 As long as the housing is spread out into different areas or areas where they will H5.2 not ruin neighborhoods. One neighborhood should NOT get all the affordable H5.3 housing, section 8 etc. Our neighborhood has way more of this than most H5.8 neighborhoods. When i see this at the biltmore or Paradise valley, then i will feel you are being fair. You cannot keep punishing taxpayers who invest in their homes. eliminate 5.2,5.3, and 5.8 758 Housing needs to be near bus lines and job hubs. The light rail is just a to and fro line. 759 The Education Campaign should be further defined. What are the topics and audience for the education outreach? 760 I understand that the City's ability to require affordable/workforce housing is limited by state law. Can that be addressed? 761 Support services for children who are aging out of foster care. 762 Combine with the section for "housing." they fit together too closely to separate. 763 H5.5 is very important because I’m developing a building design for homeless H5.5 applications that operates 100% off the grid 764 SMI population can live in PSH with appropriate support services in place; most SMI adults I interview do not want to be in shelters and transitional situations as they do not find the conducive to recovery with either their MH symptoms or substance use issues (often both). Transitional situations may be most appropriate for individuals discharged from inpatient psychiatric or medical care with the understanding the goal is a return to independent living. 765 When we are 177,000 units of housing short, do all of the above initiatives add up to solving the problem?

The above plan appears to an incremental approach, when we need a bold approach. 766 Increasing the number of housing units and affordability is key to addressing the long term issue of homelessness. It is also important to provide supportive services of all kinds, including legal services. The city should use all of its tools to create long term affordability including deed restrictions. Public resources need to be protected and leveraged. 767 H2.2 Use vacant motels, apartments, buildings only if they are outside existing H2.2 low income areas with few jobs, poor public schools and high crime. This helps H5.2 no one. Bad situations just get worse. H5.2 H5.8 This is fine as long as these H5.8 good developers don't make oodles of profit building instant slums. What does education mean?

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Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 768 H.2.4 Terros Health had a shelter at the Human Services Campus housing H2.4 individuals with an SMI diagnosis, is this plan wanting to bring that back when it was the City and Terros that decided to close it years ago??

Overall, there's hardly any action in this section... "Support affordable housing..." is not the same as, "Create affordable housing solutions." Your phrasing is performative. 769 Expand on what is meant by "cost savings." 770 Vacant hotels is a huge opportunity but to include beds available to those who need non-emergent medical needs. For example, hemodialysis - all the individual needs is a ride to the appointment but dialysis is often the reason the person is denied for shelter placement. 771 Include Community meetings and locations of meetings well in advance before you all come up with these ideas. I don't recall being informed just got this information. Who is writing this all up. I have been requesting the State Government (ADOT and Governor) for years to have a community meeting for ideas and suggestion improvements, but never got a response. We want to be included in all these ideas. 772 In addition to increasing affordable housing developer representation, all developers should include a number of units at workforce prices. Not just "affordable" section 8 housing. The rental options are disappearing for those of us in the middle. 773 But emphasis on ensuring that neighboring cities are also contributing to this particular strategy. 774 Yes, this is excellent PROVIDED region wide does not mean we are going to simply scatter and shoo away the people outside the HSC because there is are far away "regional" shelter beds. That is wrong. If people are here, they should be sheltered. It's a both / and, not an either or. We should double the shelter beds at the HSC AND open more shelters across the valley. If we do that, then working on housing simultaneously makes sense. If we continue to let people suffer and die while we work on the housing plan described above, we are being morally and humanely negligent. 775 If we do increase shelter beds it needs to be in concert with an increase in housing options. Shelter is supposed to be temporary. There is no use bringing more people into shelter if there is nowhere to transition them to. Also, the shelters have to be scattered across the city, not all centered in downtown. 776 Less privatize partnerships 777 Utilizing vacant spaces to house homeless, that will improve their health and safety. Protect renters rights, we need rent control in the City of Phoenix. 778 The description of what constitutes a "shelter" needs to be significantly edited and standardized. If there is going to be an initiative to open more shelters, which there absolutely should be, these shelters must meet a certain standard in order to address the needs of the homeless population and to begin decreasing the number of homeless individuals in Phoenix. Providing beds is a start, but its simply not enough. Data has shown that there is a marginal increase in the number of violent-crime charges among sheltered homeless individuals compared to street homeless individuals, and it has been contributed to insufficient training in de-escalation for staff at these shelters, as well as the overall rise in stress levels when an individual enters a shelter. Anecdotally, many homeless individuals are hesitant to stay in shelters because they perceive it to be less safe than being on the street. Housing Chapter Comments Page 84 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 779 Remove H.5.4 H5.4 780 Look to immediately relocate those who are living in the tents at the temporary “housing” in the downtown area 781 Again, how do these Long-Term Strategies tie to the City Housing Plan? None of these things will lead to success on its own. How will the City ensure there are additional shelter beds in other parts of the Valley? Again, these are nice statements. Hard to believe they will be achieved. 782 Each of these plans should be accompanied by a project timeliness with milestones to track progress!! 783 Get the federal govt. out of it and keep it at the local level. Governors office and mayor, nonprofits only. 784 I'm not seeing community member engagement or feedback loops - this should be done at both the general level and project specific. 785 NO where is shelter mentioned in the 9key areas. We need to examine new models of shelter and not rely on ten year old philosophies 786 In this slide, does "housing" inlude shelter? 787 What about RRH? 788 Specifically, will the City of Phoenix support source of income protections? Meaning, restrictions on landlords' ability to opt out of voucher programs? 789 Thank you. We should also be sure to coordinate landlord recruitment and incentivization efforts between various voucher programs (all the HCV programs, HOM, etc.) 790 the tiny home idea would be great for an investor willing to build as part of section 8 housing 791 Thank you for hosting this forum. How aggressive is the City of Phoenix in leasing or buying properties from commercial real estate firms? Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, there are many vacant facilities that could possibly be converted into livable spaces. Are there an adequate number of firms who are willing to offer their properties to help mitigate homelessness? Is there a plan in place to enter into more leasing or purchasing agreements? 792 how about mobile homes 793 Do you engage with all Phoenix apartment leasing offices? The leasing offices could provide early warning if residents are having difficulty paying their rent to avoid possible homelessness. This would be a good intervention time. 794 Is there long term housing included in this plan, where there is a stablization factor for them? 795 I know that receiving help is voluntary. However, I spend one week in a facility for depression. I refused to take 50 miligrams fo their medicine because 10 miligarms was working for me. I was told that if I ever came back I would be forced to take the medication they recommended. Then why can you not force the homeless to accept housing assistance? 796 I know that receiving help is voluntary. However, I spend one week in a facility for depression. I refused to take 50 miligrams fo their medicine because 10 miligarms was working for me. I was told that if I ever came back I would be forced to take the medication they recommended. Then why can you not force the homeless to accept housing assistance? 797 I know that receiving help is voluntary. However, I spend one week in a facility for depression. I refused to take 50 miligrams fo their medicine because 10 miligarms was working for me. I was told that if I ever came back I would be forced to take the medication they recommended. Then why can you not force the homeless to accept housing assistance? Housing Chapter Comments Page 85 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Housing Chapter Comments Objective 798 What county or city land is available for a short term housing development? If there is land available, what is the process to put together a plan asking for it? 799 If we had a housing first approach... we would have a much higher engagement rate. That is a fact many other municaplities across the planet have proven. So hopefully housing first is the plan. 800 How can we work with the weekly suite extended stays to lower their prices so people arent working these minimal wage jobs just to provide housing? 801 What county or city land is available for a short term housing development? If there is land available, what is the process to put together a plan asking for it? 802 What does "to be housed" mean? Is this temporary housing with a time limit? Am wondering about a more permanent solution and where Phoenix stands on that. 803 In the plan, why is there no mention of shelters and shelter locations? It seems you are dependent on the current concentration of shelter downtown. 804 Rapid rehousing is one aspect of Housing First, I was referring to low barrier/high tolerance permanent supportive housing 805 How many housing first units does Phoenix fund? 806 Can people continue to use drugs in housing first? 807 We need non-section 8 options, please. 808 Here is an example of non section-8 funded housing homes and bloomington-indiana/ 809 Encanti Pointe IS a housing first model! 810 Encanto Pointe - run by Native American Connections. 811 How can we make the funds bigger to help more of the population, and when will people really be housed? 812 how does City coordinate emergency housing opportunities among various nonprofit providers? 813 Hi all- thanks for the update and this great plan. Section. 5.2 is a Summary of 5.2 Long Term Objectives. It would be good to have a summary of the short term objectives 814 Does the plan address day respite strategies during non-shelter hours? 815 Strategy 5 addresses emergency day respite for those experiencing homelessness. Is there a longer term strategy for an approach that might address the need for day respite as a long term strategy, i.e. a Day Resource Center? 816 Affordable definition, would be nice. According to the plan affordable housing means that the individual is only spending 30% or less of their total monthly income. 817 Definition of Affordable Housing - what would be the average cost for say a 2 bedroom apartment/house.

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Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 1 It has been my observation that the number of people 65 and older is increasing and safe affordable housing may be more important than a job at this stage. 2 Provide positions for employment in community service. Provide positions for upkeep of all housing projects so residents may take responsibility and pride in the maintenance and upkeep of where they are living. 3 Support legislation to remove the checkbox asking if people have a convictions or some type of variance that allows for people with criminal records to gain employment without being discriminated against. I understand this is a sensitive issue and I may not be using the right words to address concerns from the employer's perspective. My intent is to identify a path forward for those with criminal records to have a chance too. 4 This is a critical support service. 5 There is no chance the government will fix the homeless situation. The government and the homeless have been around for a long long time and yet they both just keep on growing. 6 I not only think this is an important component of the plan, but also the city needs to work with partners to find the necessary funds to: 1. Ensure each non-high school graduate person earns a GED; and, 2. Empower each participant age 18 or older to complete a maximum of two years of education or job certification training in order to achieve long-term sustainability. I admit I do not know enough about what the WIOA program pays for, but my point is that at a minimum, as a society, we should all want and would benefit from ensuring everyone has at least a high school diploma or equivalent, and some sort of professional certification education program or associate degree program, such as HVAC, automotive technician, or RN . My understanding of of WIOA funding is that it pays a maximum of $4,000 for a professional certificate. While there are some professional certifications that fall into that category, $4,000 will not pay enough for someone to go to Phoenix College to become an RN, nor will it cover the estimated $10,000 for someone to complete an associate degree program in auto mechanics. What has been put forth here is a good start, but it has to serve as the foundation for the type of educational supports and interventions that are necessary to achieve long-term sustainability. 7 Again, are there already workforce development opportunities that exist, such as certification programs, online education, community college, mentorship programs that can be utilized for this? Direct individuals there. Find out from business owners what skills are needed instead of item W1.4. Government should be supportive but not be in the business of providing workforce training. 8 Work with Landlords, suspend taxes on these homes, to allow people who have a job and just waiting to go back to stay there. Encourage banks to suspend interest on loans for these properties. 9 Using W1.1., pick a block watch captain from Maryvale and put him in charge. W1.1 Tell the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce to actually contribute by picking a past W1.4 president and assigning him to the job of W1.4. as his civic duty. 10 just sort out a plan to provide housing. Do a pilot program. It will succeed. People will be off the streets, and that includes addicts, alcoholics and the mentally ill. 11 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE


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Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 12 I would hope the vast majority of the funding would go to services as opposed to a fat paycheck for the liaison. 13 Long term strategies will be necessary elements, however immediate needs to our downtown homeless population is vital now. This section may be more closely reviewed and determined at a later date, in my opinion. 14 details of concrete steps to take towards these goals, and a timeline for goals. 15 Library should reverse all late fees for homeless and let them check out books again, . . . without fees. Kansas City did this successfully! Free Bus for all homeless. Kansas City did this successfully! I believe they made it free bus for everyone, which makes sense because only the poor ride it. 16 More details need to be provided. 17 Develop training opportunities with local community partners, Human Services Campus used to have an informal partnership with Home Depot to teach entry level skills to clients. Create community buy-in by tapping into the resources such as locally owned business but DO NOT allow wage discrimination. Ensure that clients are treated appropriately and paid a fitting wage. Absolve the informal relationships with day-labor entities and discourage such practices as they are predatory. Employ folks through the city to assist with labor and other such tasks and pay them accordingly. Ideally, this would also earn credit for probationers/parolees. 18 Obtaining ID, phone number, email, address and stable housing are critical to solving housing gaps 19 These objectives are incredibly vague and there is a lack of description of how and what you plan to implement in order to appropriately address homelessness in Phoenix. There needs to be more information provided and we demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they’re accessible to people experiencing homelessness. 20 the intentions seem honorable 21 Remove W.1.1 (Do not create any new positions). This service should be handled by current staff. 22 This sounds good in theory, but reality. Again, until a person's mental illness W.1.1 and/or addiction is addressed there is no way these people will even start to look, never mind be responsible enough to hold a job. That is part of the reason why they are homeless. There are plenty of jobs out there available in Phoenix

23 I believe that there could be an opportunity for an incentive to be offered to businesses that hire persons experiencing homelessness. A lowered tax burden, some type of grant, or something along those lines that is granted based on the number of persons employed by the company that experienced homelessness within the past year could be helpful. The grant could start of at a value and decrease over time or be a set value that is granted at one point in time per year. 24 Again ACTION points that take the bull by it's horns and moves forward. 25 W1.1 will be a trap for bureaucratic abuse: no decisions, waste of funds. W1.1 26 Don't impose new taxes on taxpayers to pay for all of this.

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Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 27 This section feels underdeveloped and in places, vague. A more structured pathway from job training through to employment would be more successful in changing the employment dynamic. Would the city of Phoenix commit to considering these individuals if they have completed a specific kind of training? Are apprentice programs being considered? As a suggestion, it would be great if the city could partner with a non profit to create a specific jobs portal that reflect opportunities for employment available with those employers that are interested in hiring folks who have completed training. 28 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS. 29 "Job training" programs need a lot more regulation and oversight. These programs are often little more than taxpayer-funded kickbacks to corporations that can certainly afford to recruit and train the employees they need. These programs also often use taxpayer money to pay these companies to "train" people for unskilled and episodic (day labor) jobs that require little or no actual training. I am especially concerned about "job training" programs that are targeted to addicts and parolees. Many of these programs are nothing more than a scam to force people in these vulnerable people into unpaid labor. 30 Self care/ health/ and routine should first be addressed before a return to work should be confronted. It would be a set-up for failure if we did anything but that. 31 This section sounds very good and doable. 32 These services sure sound nice but there feels like, again, there is a lack of transparency. I'd really like to know what the community input on services like this have been and currently are. You say grant funding will be used but you don't say how much. How will this service be sustained? These seem like some pretty common sense things to include. You gave Phoenix PD a $25M raise and you're using an undisclosed amount of grant money for this program. Come on. You know where to get the money from, just do it. Defund Phoenix PD so you have a solid budget for these projects that will help to actually provide resources to the homeless community instead of continuing to criminalize them, causing them more harm. 33 The city should have positions to be filled by the homeless. 34 Yes, yes, yes! Helping people get back into the work force. This is probably the most helpful part of all. 35 I am hoping someone is determining what resources are needed for different types of homelessness. Where are the checks and balances? How will we know what is effective and what is not? How will these programs be able to adjust and change to be more effective as time goes on? 36 This section makes sense. Give people experiencing homeless the dignity of working their way out with supportive resources. 37 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they're accessible to people experiencing homelessness.

38 Again, let's be real, these problems are consequences of our collective selfishness 39 People need help getting and keeping their IDs and help with using the computer to apply for jobs. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Page 89 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 40 Provide training to employers 41 More information needed. 42 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEYRE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS" 43 Utiilize an agency like St. Joseph the Worker instead to creating another staff position at the City of Phoenix. 44 if the person is not willing to work, i don't feel that they should be given a choice, either work or no assistance. 45 This is paramount-if they can't get and keep a job, the cycle continues on and on and on. 46 add: extensive training on how to deal with the homeless population for organizations who offer services. 47 Very important when handled correctly. Consider becoming very creative with employment. Consider an opportunity to explore jobs on a rotating basis. Starter employment at different employers rotating to learn where a candidate can excel and where they struggle. Also encourage volunteerism. Sometimes giving a few hours a week while you are struggling helps an individual realize they are not alone and builds self worth, confidence, and overcome the feeling of always being in need. 48 An overview of SNAP & ET services 49 What are the metrics to measure success for this plan? This survey is sadly a bad design, seeking confirmation bias instead of genuine public input. 50 potential tax credit for employers who employ those in transition from homelessness to more stable housing 51 These sections again look like COP patting themselves on the back. All of this is necessary and I assume being done. WE HAVE A CRISIS. If you can do more, DO IT. But without metrics or a way to evaluate the efficiency of a system this is all lip service to a crisis situation. WHAT WE NEED IS MORE HOUSING AND MORE HEALTH PROFESSIONALS TO HELP PEOPLE. Stop planning and DO SOMETHING. 52 Check with Jessica Pierce helps with job training. 53 W.W.I. - The construction of the sentence makes what this does unclear. If you W.W.I. are adding staff/divisions, I think you should discuss the cost.

Please redesign the survey to discuss each policy item. This is designed to limit the transparency of the public and to provide generic feedback. It is very hard to navigate back and forth between the 30 page documents. The research does not address costs in any way. It also should be written to allow for those with basic reading ability to understand the principles. 54 No need to create more government bloat with yet another full-time position, utilize existing staff 55 Teach the man to fish do t give him free fish. 56 Create incentives for businesses to employ and support individuals with lived experience of homelessness. 57 Isn't a lot of this already in place? 58 The pride of working and getting "that" cannot be underestimated. Those with an entitlement mentality are unreachable. In other words if government or other do- gooders have coddled them, then we have enabled, likely lifetime dependence. 59 Job path ways need to be accessible, livable wages for work provided and a clear path for upward movement. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Page 90 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 60 Once people have a roof over their head and are stable they are fully capable to access existing workforce programs. Focus on stable housing in this housing plan! 61 This is a difficult time for employment and special effort is required to transition through it. 62 Deal with training and mental issues that may be barriers to employment. Get employer support for training and treatment programs. 63 A special division focused on education and job training for homeless could be valuable. But we have existing programs, both government and nonprofit, dealing with these issues. These should be united and adapted in this effort. 64 W.1.1? W.1.1 65 Extremely important to help people start to get ahead in their lives. When they are at the bottom it is very difficult to even start on their own. 66 This absolutely should be implemented. The implemented system MUST be prepared for VARIED results, INCLUDING those that the designers do not want/expect. There are a LARGE number of homeless who do not want help (mentally ill, addicts). And there MUST be requirements of people to be "helped." 67 Increase all 68 Outreach to businesses to educate and promote employment benefits and opportunities for those experiencing homelessness 69 You need to focus on HOUSING FIRST 70 This is not the COP's responsibility 71 A part of our homeless community are convicted felons. Some lower level felons that make mistakes as we all do should not have it so hard they can not get a job to support themselves or families. 72 Have some housing set aside for people in workforce development programs. 73 Seems good 74 The homelessness plan should address housing first. 75 This should be removed because if we are not giving someone to rest at night, then it will be so much harder for a person to train/get/keep a job. 76 You got this one right. 77 nothing 78 Employment opportunities are key to keeping people from being homeless. 79 Once again incredibly vague. Using buzz words without going into strategy. Try laying out all of these plans in detail in an easily accessible format for the public. 80 Specific language about programs to incentivize the hiring of felons to keep previously incarcerated people off the streets. 81 w1.4 This is what will keep people from returning to homelessness and give them W1.4 value. Get them trained. And then teach them about go money management. 82 It's not perfect, but I like this. To add, the City of Phoenix could fund a work program to pay for food housing for homeless people who will do manual labor such as pick up trash and clean and revitalize the City. This would be the absolute minimum required to receive food and housing from the City. 83 This is crucial for the homeless to qualify for jobs. 84 Homeless people should be kept busy. If they can survive in the streets and be resourceful, it shows that they are smart to work or volunteer. The worst is to not have them do anything because that is an excuse to commit crimes. Internships, volunteer work, apprenticeships, etc will make them fee useful and valuable. 85 Once we’ve identified what category a case falls in the people working to position a client should be fully educated about what state or city service can help.

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Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 86 Don't you think this is addressing symptoms of homelessness rather than the causes of homelessness? I would think it would be more important to address causes of homelessness to get any real lasting change. Causes such as systematic , compassionless capitalism, criminal justice , etc. Ask any social scientist. There are so many more impactful ways to address the issue than job training. In my opinion, its inclusion is short sighted and perhaps even a little tone-deaf, especially considering the large number of people who are homeless AND EMPLOYED. Starvation wages isn't an oxymoron, it's the reality when you have one of the lowest minimum wage rates in the nation. Redirect funds to address these issues and stop this disgraceful exploitation of an increasingly desperate workforce. 87 These services should be provided by non-profits. 88 Please look into the "There's A Better Way" Program that was piloted in Albuquerque, NM and is being implemented in cities across the nation. Link here: 89 This helps to get people out of homelessness, get them back on track to normal lives. 90 Housing first but if you are not willing to participate after 60-90 days, give housing to someone else who really wants to better themselves and if and when that person is really ready, they can come back 91 its ok as is. 92 Aren't there enough groups and nonprofits that do this? I fear the city is repeating and wasting resources. 93 Maybe tie the job training to earning long term housing credits 94 Previously stated 95 One other major barrier to homeless job seeking is that many have felonies for drug charges on their records, and this prevents them from being chosen or allowed rentals. We need to removed such felony charges from housing applications, only leave the ones for violence or child abuse. 96 The only aspect of this plan that is helpful at all is to have individuals to help homeless find jobs, to give them training on how to seek a job. 97 Add provide assistance free of charge to obtain state recognized ID's 98 This section helps people help themselves. 99 A mental institution like we had at 24 Th street and Van Buren 100 do not do things that further make this a lifestyle. 101 They do not want to work.... sad reality... sorry.... 102 No way you get off the streets without a job. 103 Not sure about W1.1 and W1.2 W1.1 and W1.2 104 Helping individuals transition from homelessness to shelter and employment is important. I don't see that as a direct theme in this section but the idea should be a major component of the plan 105 We need to help people help themselves this is very important. 106 Homeless ID issues are huge and should be included. 107 Reduce interactions between people experiencing homelessness and the police. 108 It’s largely unintelligible 109 NO MORE GOVERNMENT!!!!! NO MORE GOVERNMENT!!! Rather work within the faith based community and other non-profits to see if there can be a coming together to help and solve for this situation. 110 W1.1 is government speak. Just say what it really is that this new position will be W.1.1 responsible for. 111 Collaboration with non-profits (eg, St Joseph the Worker) Workforce Development Chapter Comments Page 92 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 112 DES does this well; let's not recreate the wheel. 113 Ensure accountability throughout these programs. Applaud those participants that succeed (individuals & employers). 114 Access to help address prior felonies should be added. We also need to help address a way for prior felons to pay off past fines and debt with community service or some sort of work programs. One of our goals is to help the homeless population, but we need to address all the issues. How can one be self sufficient if they have housing but can not Get a job because of their pay record. Access to paying fines and homeless court needed to be or accessible. We need program to help this community be able to expunge their records so that they have the opportunity to find jobs and be successful. How can we expect this population to thrive and be successful when they have court fines they are unable to pay them. We need more programs That will help address these issues. 115 Detailed education program information. 116 This would be helpful, but a lot of the time homeless are not able to start working until they have housing, transportation, etc. They are not able to address unemployment until stably housed. 117 i would like to see a funding in organizations working directly in the community rather than it becoming part of the government and becoming corrupt 118 Until people are stably housed, mentally stable, etc. how is a job in the private sector even remotely possible? Consider the city/non-profit employing homeless folks to pick up trash/tend a garden/area—everyone wants to feel useful and valued, and it could be a way they help keep the city clean, grow food for themselves or others, and earn money. 119 Most of the homeless are either mentally ill or drug addicted. Those issues should be a priority and addressed before any kind of employment would be appropriate. 120 Two things stand out: when I was in CASS, I should have been able to take any part-time or contract temp work. (I'm an RN who ended up homeless after a years-long bout of multiple medical problems during which I had to use up all my retirement savings. I couldn't work because of the illnesses. I also couldn't qualify for disability coverage.) At one point I was offered a job lasting forty-five 12-hr shifts in a row paying $37/hr. I could have bought my way out of the shelter, but neither CASS nor St. Joseph The Worker would pay for the Express Bus pass that would have picked me up two blocks from the shelter and let me off right in front of the nursing facility offering me the temp job. In addition, even though I had my own laptop, St. Joseph The Worker wanted me to use their questionably secure desktop computer, make cold phone calls, etc. These job search methods are 20 years behind the times. They also wanted me to take any minimum-wage job I could find. I quit working with them because they were absurd. I think their "help" finding jobs for CASS residents should be audited and completely overhauled. Kick them off the campus if they can't get it together for a present- day job search. 121 Removal of boxes on applications asking if applicant has a felony

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Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 122 Identifying people's experiences and skill set and what types of jobs might be suitable is helpful to individuals who are homeless. People coming out of prison, folks without much work experience, etc. need opportunities to learn some of the basic behavior necessary to keeping a job, e.g. punctuality, ability to take directions, willingness to ask for information if they don't understand something, etc. Such things can be taught in a life skills for success class which includes AV materials, role-playing demonstrations, etc. Keeping a job can go a long way to building one's self-esteem and self-image. 123 Jobs are important for self-esteem and to create housing stability 124 What good is employment without housing. This puts the cart before the horse. A person needs an address to apply for a job, and not an address at a shelter. Housing First! 125 The city should contract with Voc Rehab 126 Working will not end someone’s homelessness. They need affordable housing. 127 W.1.1 No more creation of positions. Find or promote from within. W.1.1 W.1.2 - If they haven't figured it out by now, replace them with someone who can W.1.2 get the job done. W.1.3 W.1.3 - Absolutely yes. W.1.4 W.1.4 - Identification is not enough. Seek a coalition of employers and let them figure it out. Trust me, they will do better than any government agency or department. 128 Create tax and other incentives for employers willing to hire homeless individuals. Loosen state regulations to reduce barriers to employmemt for individuals with non-violent felonies, substance use disorders and or other barriers such as transportation and housing. 129 Expanding access to housing and transportation, as access to employment education is useless if you don't have the safety and security of housing in order to make it to workplace regularly 130 W.1.1 & W.1.2 could be removed from this section. 131 Ensuring that positions that aim to employ transient folks pay a liveable wage, provide robust benefits, and offer workplace protections. Positions that are created with the intention of hiring vulnerable workers have a tendency to be exploitative of workers, which must be taken into consideration. 132 I like it 133 There needs to be coordination with MAG across all city boundaries. Maricopa County should lead in this effort to create better cooperation and sharing of resources. 134 Giving homeless people skills and support to gain employment is very important. 135 Partner with job sites to help ppl with job placement. The current nonprofits dont do enough to help those looking for work. They're all just there for show. 136 As previously stated, job opportunities for sustainable efforts, extensive recycling programs, food delivery for families in need from non profits, using unused land to create community food gardens, etc. 137 Plan needs to address how you intend to Progressively run down spending on the homeless. 138 Consider increasing the role of public/private partnerships with non-profits in identifying and utilizing companies/organizations that specifically hire and train folks from the unsheltered population (like those that serve released prisoners). 139 Provide child care so single parents can receive job training. Perhaps they could live in a group home a group home situation with support services.

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Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 140 Address the unique barriers to unemployment that may differ between certain populations of those experiencing homelessness; i.e. differences in challenges between homeless Veterans versus homeless young adults or homeless immigrants. 141 Training, education, attempts to break the cycle....all important. 142 provide opportunities to the public for folks to work and for community to hire day work. they did this in McKinney TX with success 143 This needs more detail so it could be better answered 144 W.1.1 - please re-read before publishing. what does W.1.1 even mean? W.1.2 - do not use undefined acronyms. What is WIOA? 145 Working and earning a living is the only way to become self-sufficient. Liaisons between the employers and potential employees is crucial. 146 Training and providing employment to homeless is so important! 147 Emphasize that the case workers with this Department/Division play the extremely critical role in determining the success of helping people overcome homelessness. My experience is that municipal workers become lax in their roles due to the 'stability' of City employment. 148 Housing and resources should be available to people whether or not they are in the process of looking for employment. 149 There should be a division (not the police) that handles any calls to emergency lines regarding unsheltered people. 150 TRAINING SHOULD BE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NEEDS MORE ATTENTION THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM IN PHOENIX THAT I HEAR FROM SEVERAL PEOPLE, OUR DES IS INTIMIDATING, RUDE, INSENSITIVE TOWARD OUR HOMELESS THEY NEED SENSETIVITY TRAINING 151 Unemployment was at 3%. This is not about jobs. It's about beds and mental health. 152 leave as is 153 I wonder if this is duplicative of other agencies' work. 154 Work with companies, and colleges to obtain skill based classes or programs for folks experiencing homelessness. 155 Apprenticeship programs with local employers 156 Homelessness isn't about jobs. 157 Do you really need to create a new position to act as a liaison with employers? Isn’t it the function of Workforce Development to develop relationships with employers? The Homeless Division should train the Workforce Development staff on the special needs of homeless job seekers. 158 St.Marys Food Bank Community Kitchen is a fantastic example of this highly successful, can't stress how important this is in eliminating relapse into helplessness. 159 Must be coupled with required financial literacy instruction for homeless. 160 I think we need to keep all options open and vigilant to any changes or additions as needed. 161 As someone who works with the homeless weekly, the job force seems to be the least of their worries. First getting detox/rehab. Housing, counseling, case management for day to day support. paying jobs have not been hard to come by. They are fairly easy to find and begin employment. 162 Add: identify and partner with other agencies that focus on successful job placement, e.g. YWCA Works 163 Develop incentives and protections for employers to reduce barriers to hiring the homeless. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Page 95 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 164 Are you really expecting the homeless to be able to get jobs before having stable housing? Who the hell is writing these working for taxpayer money? 165 In my experience, the state-run employment finding services are best described as "sad", and the entire edifice of same needs to be thoroughly overhauled. 166 Not initially. 167 I think this could be very helpful, however I think those entering such a program should be held to strict criteria, again ensuring those with alcohol or drug issues have addressed such issues first. Also, grants need to be utilized wisely, this is our tax money that is being spent.

168 Nothing. looks good. 169 W1.4 is not clear. Client training? W1.4 170 Social service providers should’ve working with police departments in collaboration to address chronic homelessness. Police and jails should not be temporary housing nor the equivalent of services to this population 171 employers need to be able to assess the trustworthiness of someone who applies for a job. While it's possible to change, today's climate of mob rule makes if far more difficult 172 Stop throwing money at a problem. Money is not the answer. Cut off benefits if consumers not following the rules. They need to have some skin in the game. We have a mess here. Try tough love. 173 Provide Free Mandatory Drug Screening test for homeless. If positive for Elicit drugs automatically disqualify for help but offer rehabilitation for 3 months, then repeat process on drug screening for Housing/Shelter help. 174 Provide support to people in applying for and obtaining disability income if appropriate. 175 Frankly, there should be more than one person working as a liasion 176 The problem is they may want to help with the time but what about later. I’ve never forgotten about several years back when a gentleman in New York I believe it was had an outstanding invoice. They got him an apartment hooked him up with someone who could help him with a career in singing. After a few months he walked. It was too much work. It was easier for him to go stand on a street corner and play his guitar and sing for money. Let’s face it folks many of these people are panhandlers and then make 20 to 30,000 a year. Why in the world would they want to take and go to work settle down to an apartment when they can go panhandle on the street and make more. Am I joking no not hardly. If government could find a way to tax them it would help government. I actually while in Little Rock Arkansas watch a man with a sign that had been soliciting panhandling come down off the bridge from the overpass stuff is sign behind the Coke machine that was in the area a couple blocks away, cross the street get into the Cadillac and drive away. He also had a job. How much are these people being checked into? I think government is just wanting a way to waste more money. Worry about the veterans and more importantly the elderly who cannot even find a reasonably priced safe place to live in this day and age. You guys will not change the laws or put a cap on raising rent and peoples Social Security does not go up that fast. We may get a “raise“ every year but that race goes to part B of Social Security and we never see it. However, almost every year our rent goes up. Well I happen to live we still get the antiquated boiler for for running heat through for 40 buildings & a chiller to run the AC through 40 buildings. If you want to spend money help the elderly as this is going on all over the city.

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Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 177 You need input from homeless people, specifically a few that have confidence in agencies that can have a positive effect beyond spending funds without improving the situation. 178 Workforce not so important. You have to get the individuals sober, clean, and mentally fit first before they can get housed and employed. 179 looks good 180 There should be emphasis on seeking training for jobs that provide living wages and allow the (formerly?) homeless persons to rise to their own potential. In other words, better than dead-end, no-skill jobs for persons capable of more. 181 Just do it. Less talk 182 Add more public transportation destinations and fully fund fare-free public transportation. Raise the state minimum wage above the cost of living. Explore legislation requiring employers to reduce barriers to employment, such as encouraging sick workers to stay home on paid leave, providing full health and retirement benefits to part time workers, and increasing remote and part-time work opportunities, especially for workers with families. Explore legislation to increase paid family leave. Explore legislation to require employers to provide consistent schedules so that workers’ child care and medical needs can be met. 183 all homeless must go back to work 184 Item 4 might be implemented faster with tax incentives to employers 185 add fair and predictable scheduling legislation 186 People need something to do. Give the homeless something to do. Everyone needs a purpose. 187 What do these words mean: To lower barriers for those with lived experience of homelessness? What are the barriers that are currently present for employers? If you are speaking of a mailing address, okay, but if you are referring to the barrier that employers want employees to be responsible, on time, friendly, diligent, etc., then -- no, those barriers need to stay in place for the safety of the community and employers. So much of this section is nebulous. 188 Please see notes at question 23. 189 W.1.3 should be removed W.1.3 190 remove all liberal giveaways and put work incentives in. 191 won't matter if we don't address mental health. 192 We should take the example of Germany who does not allow a student to leave high school until they have a secure employment position. Students should be tracked as to their employment success by school. Just as trade schools track their successful graduates from there respective programs and provide their graduates with continued support in job placement. It should be kept in mind that people do leave Arizona often to return tracking should continue. Many schools taught their "lifelong Learners" motto and we should track students way into adulthood. 193 Especially 1.3 and 1.4 194 Should be a secondary support, not part of the main plan 195 Only if the position(s) created are filled by those who are/were homeless. 196 Add ways to provide an address and phone number dedicated to homeless job seekers. Add more than one liaison position 197 The position identified in the first item shouldn't be grant funded unless the grant is long term. 198 How are you going to get employers to participate in this program? Are there any incentives?

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Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 199 This section is a vital component to helping residents transition from homeless to independent living. 200 Include focus on changes in workforce within the Valley and offer training and development that helps in job sectors that need workers. 201 Provide mental health advocates throughout the region and set up camps for the homeless to sleep sorta like how Joe Arpaio's set up his camps to jail people. 202 Nothing. Very important 203 Allow funding for the purpose of research to learn "why" people are homeless. All these programs you want to implement are wonderful. But isn't just putting a band aid on a wound that isn't healing. You need to find out why people are homeless. Then you can go about solving the problem. 204 Remove government from all sections. Delete section W.1.1 W.1.1 205 Provide a homeless mail lock box system so everyone has an address and can register to vote 206 I think there are already programs in place for job training so let's not duplicate 207 A man who does not work should not eat. 208 A lot don’t want to work. There have been Programs for years to assist. 209 I don’t believe adding another division will help the homeless but take more money from helping the homeless. I believe finding employers and job training for those capable is prudent and justified. 210 Yes, and we also need to discuss those barriers to employment. Do you have a plan for childcare? Transportation? Interview clothing? A shower? etc. These are all reasons that unhoused folks may not be successful in this. 211 Reducing barriers to employment is the MOST critical piece of the whole plan. 212 get them safe and housed first. employment follows later. 213 We have so many unskilled labor jobs available in construction. Stop allowing people to collect social benefits when jobs are available. 214 1.3 & 1.4 yes. 1.2 maybe. 1.1, probably not. 215 Identify incentives to encourage employers to hire homeless workers. 216 Most people that are recently homeless because of cv or just happenstance want to work. Retraining, maybe through Asus or the community college or tech schools should be investigated. 217 See my previous comments. 218 Remove W.1.1 and W.1.2. These seem like a waste of money. W.1.1 and W.1.2 219 leave as is as long as participants commit fully to the program 220 Keeping our residents employed in good. stable, well-paying jobs is the best prevention. 221 Those that can provide their own assistance vs those that are unable to assist in lowering the cost of a meal. 222 Opportunities for daily work through the city. The City of Albuquerque has successfully implemented a plan to offer daily work opportunities to homeless residents. Perhaps looking at their model and successes can offer some insight into short term opportunities. 223 Support w1.3/14 224 Mandatory hiring of individuals should not be implemented. They should have to earn a position by being the best to fill the open slot instead of companies forced to hire someone based on legislation regardless of their qualifications. 225 if unemployment levels were higher, yes. But with current, non covvid, numbers I think the main issue is a large percentage of the unemployed is by choice

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Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 226 I saw a story about a mail carrier who was homeless and living in her car. She was never late and was a very valued employee..unfortunately there was no affordable housing in the city she lived in. Phoenix is a big city, why can't we give building incentives to assist in affordable housing? 227 Require negative drug tests 228 Add destigmatizing training for potential employers. Also add ways to help those who don't have proper identification (state ID/birth certificate) to regain these documents so they are eligible for work 229 find a way to protect the workers that come from this program so they arent ostracised at work 230 Most homeless don't want to work. 231 these sections should be un-bundled so you can provide feedback on each objective. 232 No short-term solutions in the report. Need short-term solutions. Long term strategies should be broken down into mid and long term. Should be sure to include CPLC, Urban League and Arizona OIC. Emphasis should be placed on step-up training from wherever the person is. No current funding at any level for upgrading the working poor and poor, leaving them in a vulnerable state for struggling or going homeless. 233 These services exist; why reinvent the wheel? Collaborate with existing organizations and entities and make it happen. 234 Most of the Homeless People are People from the Vietnam War or Solders from past wars? Need counseling and Human Compassion? 235 more supportive systems for homeless seeking jobs such as access to showers and clean clothing to be able to job search 236 Workforce development is a separate issue from homelessness that parts of the state government already address, why not use existing work force development programs? 237 Some job training programs are superficial. All training should have a personal goal for individuals, not a blanket approach. 238 qualify for employment or not. too many people struggling who deserve the jobs on their merit. homeless should NOT GET Priority 239 Open the restrooms at all city parks. 240 Currently, the regime of homeless people working with security guards is not working. It’s frustrating to the homeless that they have to be “monitored” as they are coming and going in their own space. In addition, these security guards are preventing donations as much as they can and are being aggressive with community members about drop offs. 241 Include a felon or criminal record worker plan. Many homeless people have criminal records which prevent them from getting jobs and staying off the street. They stuck in this cycle, go back to jail, homeless again, rinse and repeat. Maybe create incentives for employers to hire these people, maybe if they complete a work program to prove they are ready. 242 If the process is well defined from initial homeless contact, funds could be diverted from this section and used for training. Also, the city should be hiring these retrained workers along with other businesses in the community. 243 attention also needs to be given to preventing homelessness by implementing many of the listed items for those requesting emergency assistance with rent and utility payments 244 The City is contributing funding to this, correct? It should. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Page 99 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 245 These are great ideas!!! 246 If the housing is supplied to able-bodied individuals, then "free" housing should be based on work, when work opportunities are there. 247 NO more new grants where money it spent on studies and more studies. Get more interns/college kids that need the voluteer time to help out but jobs for homeless/transients are important along with the responsibility before more freebies. 248 Exactly!!!! 249 Send them to California 250 Add w1.4 W1.4 There are already several workforce programs available. Coordinate services! 251 These are not the primary long term homeless population. 252 Some simply need a hand up and helping them obtain a decent job can be a life- saver. Others need more supportive services more urgently. I do not feel this is as important as services and housing. 253 Not all of the homeless are willing to work. 254 Add sections that provide opportunities for homeless to also work for the state and/or city 255 Sounds like wasteful spending with no real outcomes 256 Add: cross checking employers with physical locale that is beneficial to potential homeless laborers; no point if the employers are not within vicinity of affordable housing area. 257 Create a centralized directory of homeless-friensly employers and keep up-to- date details on job openings at those businesses. 258 Given the extent of the data presented, 7k+ homeless and %51 unsheltered, it is impossible to know what a good strategy looks like. We should do the work to understand the population further. What percent needs mental health services? What percentage are on the street due to recent eviction? What percent are using hard drugs? What percent would take a bed if one was available? 259 It will inevitably fail since no one can hire opioid addicts 260 Add education to the public on how providing jobs for homeless leads to a change of homeless status. 261 Job fairs onsite CASS Provide clothing for interviews 262 It’s important to get people working again 263 I don't know anything about this. 264 risks to businesses - who addresses those - what if because of drug use or mental illness they cannot get jobs - who is this section target to? - the younger homeless seem to just want to sit on street corners and beg or ride their bikes around. Large population has no desire to work 265 There are City of Phoenix employees that are homeless and they are unaware of these interventions, nor are supervisors/hr are aware. 266 Focus on getting homeless people jobs will be the fastest solution to end homelessness 267 A section to address proper clothing arrangements, interviewing skills, etc. Start to finish through recovery. 268 I would also like to see then box removed for felony convictions that keep many people from getting jobs that pay well. It should not just be a minimum wage job it needs to e a LIVING wage job 269 This is the path out of homelessness. Connecting with employers to support this effort is very important Workforce Development Chapter Comments Page 100 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 270 We need to make the homeless population more away of opportunities available to them. Actually go tent to tent and provide informations to people who do not have access to resources. 271 Wording in first section is awkward, unclear. What does ‘lived experience’ mean? 272 Employment is the best antidote for poverty. Working with employers to facilitate entry or re-entry to work is key. 273 The City of Phoenix needs to make adjustments in their hiring practices to make a way for people working to end their homelessness. The City should be on the forefront of this measure to move people from unemployed to employed with growth opportunities within the City. Entry level positions within the City should partner with Community Agencies to help connect people to these employment opportunities-with the City understanding that they need to make a real way in the door for people. Starting with a model that offers Temp Status during the probationary period so that people can earn an income, grow and learn the job, take ongoing training to advance into a Full time position within the City. There are models of this system and this would also help identify a pool of potential employees for the City. 274 People who want to have a better life and are willing to work for it should be helped and preferably on an individual basis. If they are not able to pursue this they should be redirected to another program and not take up space for years while 'trying'. To me the best programs are the ones that get motivated people and produce results, not those that develop a dependency on handouts. 275 Should focus on moving funding from law enforcement to lawlessness prevention via social care 276 Partnering with or mirroring 277 Suggestion: Talk with therapy organizations (occupational therapy mostly) about creating specific programs for homeless. OT helps patients with money management, socialization, copping strategies and much more, which could be life changing if the population had more access to those services. 278 Need training & services for homeless to find jobs and mailing address & phone service (e.g. utilize vacant motels for no frills.) But assume die hard homeless will have no interest. 279 Education, and trade, opportunities need to be part of the conversation. A minimum wage job is not going to lead to financial security for individuals or families. 280 Employment training asnd subsequent services already exist. Only a minority of homeless individuals engage for extended periods of time to benefit from existing programs 281 I dont have any experience with this realm 282 great program 283 Long term self-sufficiency is the end goal; employment is key - but only after barriers such as mental health & wellness can be properly addressed. 284 remove W1.1. lowering the entry barrier will effect other workers. if the barrier is W1.1 lowered for all then that is a different story. 285 No more liaison positions. More training - more supportive living conditions that support ability to get and keep a job. 286 The clients need help find employers who will hire people experiencing homelessness and locating a job. Not the human service department, they can do in housing training without using funding. That money needs to go to more important needs. 287 Not a function of the city. Should be handled by the state and county Workforce Development Chapter Comments Page 101 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 288 as long as one position doesn't turn into a whole other department 289 Give services to those that are willing to accept them. Focus on mental health issues 290 The person in this position can ensure that before new services are made and paid for in Phx, all available resources and non-profits should be cataloged and used. I know this is a hard task and "all" is not possible, but most agencies should be able to be on this clearinghouse type list. Then, we can see what is truly needed in Phx. The goal should be no gaps and no overlap in services. 291 N/A 292 Enhance and support programs designed for children who are aging out of foster care 293 To minimize the homeless issue, mental health and human services are needed as well as training and job assistance shown here. Potential employers should be offered tax credits for hiring individuals who have successfully participated in training 294 Staff providing employment support really need specific training in providing shoulder to should individual placement and support (IPS) and supported employment. To often "one stops" are poorly staffed with little direct assistance that leads to face-to-face contact with employers that are hiring. Advocates of Human Potential provides excellent training in the principles of IPS and supported employment; staff training and having the right person in the position is key. This is not a job for a wallflower or an introvert (sorry introverts). 295 What percent of the homeless population is placed in employment? If all of the above was implemented as stated, what percent of the homeless population would be placed in employment opportunities? I'm questioning whether the Workforce Development plans would make a significant difference. 296 This section needs to be strengthened. 1. All vendors doing city business should be required to provide entry-level jobs to graduates of Homeless Services. 2. The liaison position should be with the non-profits that already do the case management. The city can provide a funding source. For instance, the US Department of Labor has training and reentry funding programs that can be accessed to support these positions. 297 W.1.1 While it's sounds great to hire this position, why not reallocate these funds to affordable housing or towards funding to help with eviction prevention?? That's a whole position (40K - 50K) that could go directly to the community. What a shame. 298 Funding for transportation and clothing or necessities for the job like work boots and maybe gift cards to McDonalds to help keep them fed until their first pay check 299 Need to find employers who are willing to give a second chance, at a decent income

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Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 300 employment for the homeless population will take more than a liaison between WIOA or other training program participants and employers. In order for the homeless to get and keep employment their basic needs have to be met first. Without safe shelter conducive to good sleeping, fulfillment of daily healthy food requirements, ready access to a shower, clean work clothing every day, and reliable transportation, a liaison between participants and employers is useless. Also, how about facilitating access to jobs that don't require "certifications and credentials". If we're talking about WIOA requirements when referring to "certifications and credentials", my experience has been that some of the requirements make the program unsuitable for a fair number of people and that would be particularly true of the homeless population 301 Identify how those with mental illness would be included in workforce development 302 Again, invite the Community in for ideas and suggestions before writing this all up. 303 This is important but I think that this shoudl really just be a resource that is provided to those who are capable of holding a job. I dont think a position should be created just to be liasion to this immediately. I believe that there is a workforce development within the city already that could probably offer guidance or consult to those individuals who want to find a job. If using that team proves to be successful in placing a few individuals with a permanent position/job, then that merits an acual position. 304 I believe it is more important that those who actually work with people experiencing homelessness inform the city and state rather than the city or state guessing what is most important. Therefore, someone working in a job created by the city may not be the most effective way to use resources. 305 Yes, with the same caveat as before. There cannot be a hook/condition that amonts to "if we offer services in far away places (that will serve far fewer people than demand/need the services), then we have a right to kick you out of the neighborhood around the HSC.". That is underhanded and ethically awful. These employment services noted above are essential alongside shelter and affordable housing. If you say that if it is offered somewhere in the city and that thus more shelter beds are not needed around the HSC, that is grossly wrong and contradictory. Again, this is a BOTH AND service alongside more shelter and affordable housing in the area AND throughout the valley 306 We need to proceed with caution on a training program. While I support training and certification, I want to be sure clients are trained for jobs/careers that pay well enough to lift them out of long-term poverty. 307 Increase staff for W1.1 W1.1 308 It is assumed that the majority of homeless individuals have some sort of mental or substance abuse disorder, however, in recent years there has been a rise in the number of capable adults who are becoming homeless. This is extremely concerning! It points to a lack of appropriate resources even for individuals who are capable of entering the workforce, so these types of programs are important. However, there should be no precedent that an individual has to complete a workforce development or substance abuse programs in order to be given access to shelter. This acts as a natural deterrent and only serves to limit access to necessary resources to the individuals who need them most. 309 Quarterly job fairs 310 On the job training programs/form partnerships with local business

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Strategy Nr. Workforce Development Chapter Comments Objective 311 It should not be based solely on grants. The police budget is insane. Use some of those funds. this will also free up sources and reduce “crime” and unnecessary calls to police for homelessness. 312 Not sure why current City staffing can’t handle this 313 Remove the hiring of one person. Has anyone looked at the State and County workforce development plans? Have organizations providing workforce development services been consulted? And add goals, how will progress be measured, what will success look like? 314 Keep the Federal govt out and where is the mental health institutions at. So many individuals are PTSD and SMI we will be taking care of them for the rest of their lived. 315 Employment may need to be tied to mental health/behavioral health services. Is that mentioned later? The existing programs (like WIOA) are often too paperwork process heavy. I think a user/community member feedback loop is needed to determine if programs really meet the needs of people experiencing homelessness. 316 As part of the Workforce Development Strategies, what job training and certification opportunities will be offered to the participants achieve long-term employment and stability. 317 having a criminal background disqualifies you for a sustaining job and housing. there needs to be a program for the homeless that they can participate in which allows and says to the employeer that they are worthy.. 318 you have job training programs but landing a job woth mcdonalds is not worthy of sustaining a family- having a criminal background KEEPS US HOMELESS 319 having a criminal background disqualifies you for a sustaining job and housing. there needs to be a program for the homeless that they can participate in which allows and says to the employeer that they are worthy.. 320 you have job training programs but landing a job woth mcdonalds is not worthy of sustaining a family- having a criminal background KEEPS US HOMELESS 321 How does the City plan to care for those mentally iull, aged, or handicapped leading to lifelong care off the street? 322 How are people who have files for unemployment get a hold of the unemployment office is there is an issue with their cases? There is no way for people to get through and it just hangs up on the person who calls in. I don’t even know if this could be an question that you guys can answer, but worth a shot to 323 I am willing and am training men with trademens trades. feel free to contact me. 324 I used to work at a Workforce Development Center. Are the workforce development centers staffed enough to help so many people in need? Have they considered using volunteers to help train job skills?

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 1 Add social workers as part of the plan. Add enough social workers to lessen burnout and pay them accordingly. 2 Add: fund alcohol and drug addiction specific outreach teams 3 Advocate for insurance carriers to treat mental health as a disease, with the same coverage as most other illnesses (or even better coverage). 4 As part of the advocacy and support for the various types of problems people who are homeless experience, it would be beneficial to have specific, contact helpers who develop a supportive working relationship and get to know people individually. Homeless people who are recovering addicts, have mental health issues, or criminal behavior in their past often feel separate and as unseen, unwanted outsiders within the larger community. In order for people to change, they need to lose the us vs them mindset which is often reinforced within their relationships with other homeless individuals. Affiliation and inclusion within the larger community is necessary for success of the individual. The larger community speaks in monolithic terms of ''the Homeless" who are nuisances, bums, thieves, etc. The individuality and humanity is missed, but each person has a story which can change perceptions, if people get to know each other. 5 Consider group home situations for recovering addicts, released prisoners. 6 We need to decriminalize the issues that lead to homelessness, including mental health issues and substance abuse. Prison isn't the right place for someone who suffers from these afflictions. Much emphasis needs to be placed on true rehabilitation, counseling and outreach. 7 Do more to reduce the number of people in jail who have never been convicted but couldn’t afford bail and then lose their job and housing. 8 Establish Peer Support programs to train recovering persons and employ them in all levels of treatment facilities, shelters, outreach vans and libraries. Create club houses where people can go during the daytime hours to have coffee, socialize, get meals, play games, watch educational videos. Classes? 9 Expand temporary living placement capacity for homeless discharging from the psych hospitals 10 Delete the entire section and replace with an expansion of the MROPS program with the involvement of churches, nonprofits, and Phoenix Rescue Mission. 11 We should also fund mental health outreach programs for students in high school and higher ed in an attempt to mitigate runaway/homeless young adults who are particularly vulnerable to predation when unhoused. 12 The entire system needs to be over hauled. Clients get lost in the shuffle. There 1.3 is a lack of accountability on clinical teams serving these vulnerable individuals. Would you believe there are housing referrals that go UNANSWERED by clinical teams? M.1.3 Have mental health clinical on HSC with easier access to providers. The qualifications for mental health petitions needs to be re-evaluated as well. When someone is decompensating and cannot make sound decisions for themselves, providers should be able to petition them for their own safety. 13 Include need for addition treatment programs, residential and outpatient. Have you considered pursuing conservatorship for individuals who are chronically homeless and have serious mental heath issues? 14 Include strategy objectives that will be tailored to the unique mental health needs of trans folks experiencing homelessness. Also include special mental health services and protections for individuals who have engaged in sex-work such as prostitution as a result or in conjunction with experiencing homelessness.

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 15 Instead of releasing people from prison and jail with a parole officer and or probation officer. Release them with a home placement counselor/ advisor/ caseworker. 16 Legalize marijuana. Release and expunge the records of all non violent drug offenders. Use legal marijuana sales taxes to compensate marginalized groups who have been harmed by the drug war, and help them start businesses and own homes. 17 Library should reverse all late fees for homeless and let them check out books again, . . . without fees. Kansas City did this successfully! Free Bus for all homeless. Kansas City did this successfully! I believe they made it free bus for everyone, which makes sense because only the poor ride it. 18 Mandate addiction rehab/recovery for homeless that are arrested (MAT program or something similar to what Rhode Island has implemented. See "Seattle is Dying" documentary available on youtube.) 19 Mental and behavioral crisis teams MUST be the first point of contact, rather than the police who are not equipped to handle these crises appropriately. Furthermore, data shows that there are significantly higher rates of non-violent crime in street homeless individuals as compared to sheltered homeless individuals with the same level of cognitive impairment. Housing MUST be considered as a necessary part of mental health. 20 Address mental health issues in a holistic and supportive manner (not through law enforcement). Mental health services should not only be available to individuals already unsheltered but also to residents who are one episode from homelessness (honestly, this is a majority of the population).

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 21 This section is poorly elucidated. OF COURSE, IT IS IMPORTANT. We need METRICS. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4: As it stands, drug addicts, can live on the streets, commit crimes to support their habit, destroy a neighborhood as they have done near HSC, then go to a hospital emergency room to rest and clean up for three days; but because they are not considered "sick" they are allowed to leave the hospital, are dropped off outside of HSC because it is the best place to buy drugs in the city, and start the cycle again. If you need a hospital for self induced drug addiction, you should be required to go to a drug rehab program and participate in community service to give back to the community you have injured. Example: around the HSC Campus. 1.1: A blanket increase on number of beds at a facility is not a good idea. Metrics should be attached to EACH shelter/facility individually. If a shelter can keep surrounding neighborhood metrics below or on average of COP metrics then they should be able to increase their beds. If metrics near a facility are above the COP average, then a facility should be forced to immediately reduce the number of beds allowed by 20% until metrics are stabilized positively. Example: for HSC facility, until violent crime, neighborhood cleanliness, number of sex offenders residing in area are reduced to city average, the HSC should be forced to reduce the number of beds they can provide. 1.1: A blanket limit should be placed on number of beds in a homeless shelter. No more than 300 beds should be allowed. If a facility cannot keep its neighborhood clean, the number of allowed beds should be less. Based on history, no facilities over 300beds have been successful in COP. THE HSC is a COMPLETE failure in supplying safe homeless shelter conditions to the neighborhood and the homeless and need people who visit their facility. The HSC campus SIZE NEEDS TO BE REDUCED NOT ENLARGED. EXAMPLE: UMOM facilities seem to be doing well; they seem to keep their neighborhoods safe and clean. Perhaps they should be applauded and given more funding and support to proliferate their programs if they feel they can do so 22 MHfl is very important - offer more therapy access in schools, military, hospitals, community drop in centers , senior centers . 23 Organize and fund community-based programs with holistic professional support-- taking into account the intersections of mental health and race, gender, sexuality, disability, etc. 24 Please add provisions for children and adolescent mental health. 25 Provide Free Mandatory Drug Screening test for homeless. If positive for Elicit drugs and don't have an Rx for drugs taken this will automatically disqualify assistance help but offer rehabilitation for 3 months, then repeat process on drug screening for Housing/Shelter help once again.

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 26 Provide resources for community/neighborhood members on who to call, when to call, and why to call if experiencing a negative interaction with an unsheltered person. Then ensure that that team (including police if appropriate) is well- funded and well-staffed enough to appropriately respond. A few years ago we had a situation where an unsheltered man with apparent mental illness and substance abuse issues repeatedly attacked our front door, violently kicking it and screaming. The police were called but did not respond in time before he left, about 30 minutes. He came back two more times and the police were called both times -- they made contact with him once when he wasn't acting violently, but just sitting on the front porch. Then a number of days later he broke into a home in a nearby neighborhood and murdered a resident. I can't help but think that there had been multiple opportunities for this person to get some help for his own good, for our's and our neighbors, and for the person he ultimately killed. 27 Mental health support is key. The City should create a new facility to take all the drug addiction, mental health disorders and try to develop solutions that are effective. 28 Often people with metal health concerns have health/legal fees that need to be managed and often circulates them back into the judicial system. There should be an item that addresses the fees involved in living outside of jail. Often the 10$- 20$ per week/month is more than they can afford. 29 Two additional objectives, one addressing specifically mental health services for LGBTQIA+ individuals, as well as for individuals suffering from drug addiction, should be enumerated here. 30 M1.3 and M2.3 We need to provide a process that makes Mental Health 1.3, 2.3 treatment mandatory for those who continually come into the system but get lost - Through the courts after 3 to 5 involvements there needs to be a mandatory step. We are not being kind to those who suffer from extreme mentally ill issues by not MAKING them get treatment. This applies to those who suffer from addition. 31 When inmates are released from a correctional facility, some have no family or friends to pick them up and re-establish them in society. They are given an address for the probation office, but no way to get there unless they have bus money. Since they have served their time, they should have help in getting to the next step in their recovery. 32 Keep only those items that relate to mental health. Delete all others. 33 Mental health issues seems to be one of the main root causes for homelessness. 1.2, 2.2 Focusing on this area seems like it would important. M1.2 and M2.2 seem crucial. 34 housing is the answer. House people and for the most part, homelessness will be controlled. 35 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE


36 The most important. 37 Concrete pathways/ideas about what "Explore additional court diversion opportunities" means 38 2.4 may not be necessary to the plan immediately, as a number of agencies and 2.4 mental health professionals may already be handling this activity.

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 39 details of concrete actions to be taken. Timeline for reaching these goals. Transparency regarding where additional funds are coming from. 40 All these are very important but previous efforts have had limited implementation or small pilot programs that have only been available to a small number of folks. I think we've already identified a lot of the things above, but they need to be funded appropriately. If they haven't been identified yet, that can be part of the plan, but there needs to be an action item once they've been identified. 41 Maladaptive Coping skills are utilized by individuals seeking to make it through perhaps one of the most difficult periods of their life. Harm reduction, if recognized by the City as a more appropriate measure, has the greatest chance to impact our communities. Sonoran Prevention Works and Shot in the Dark provide such resources already and should be tapped as experts in the field. Education on the existing Crisis Response Network capacity, and perhaps expansion of such network, is also needed. 42 We need to address mental health in the community with adequate resources and housing needs 43 Placing methadone clinics where homeless come in and out of at all hours is not a solution 44 These objectives are incredibly vague and there is a lack of description of how and what you plan to implement in order to appropriately address homelessness in Phoenix. There needs to be more information provided and we demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they’re accessible to people experiencing homelessness. 45 action items, which is what all these tidy little boxes are need timelines or they mean little in the long run.... 46 Stop using jails to deal with this. That's a band-aid. Not a cure. 47 Now you're talking. Only issues I see is adding more beds. You know there won't be more employees hired as this would be an addition expense. I worry about the dangers to participants and employees if you add too many people to a facility 48 As we are becoming increasingly aware of the impacts that mental health has on society, I think it may also be helpful to try and get some type of outreach into the communities about mental health, the importance of seeking treatment if necessary, and the destigmatization of this topic. I believe that the community would be more receptive to mental health resources for those experiencing homelessness if we take the time to engage in meaningful and informational discussions about this topic. 49 It can be seen by action that many suffer in many ways, and the mind is very fragile. We're seeing how COVID19 is affecting ALL of us and when you add homelessness on top of that it can be devastating. 50 If you don't remember, yes You, we in AZ had many of these programs, higher limits, institutions until our elected officials abandoned all financing/funding. If I recall correctly, funds were diverted to a flex-fuel program that ended up being a fraud and cost a politician his job (even though he was set up by our elected state representatives). 51 Increase Mental Health Community Advocates- we need a system that is focused on prevention and trauma healing rather than on crisis treatment. Just like there are "downtown phoenix ambassadors" we need community Hope Coaches. (health and Wellness Coaching services).

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 52 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS. 53 Oh my gosh, YES, YES, YES! This is so so so needed. Thank you. 54 "Advocate for changes" - seriously? The amount that the word "advocate" is used in this section is disappointing. You're the City of Phoenix, do something. Don't advocate, do. This is so vague and feels like a wish-list instead of an action plan. What is the solid plan? What are the details? How is this all going to be achieved? This is section is so important yet you're treating it like a "Well, it'd be nice to have" when it's literally people's livelihoods on the line. This is unacceptable. 55 One of the biggest issues. 56 Mental health is the most overlooked issue in the nation. The more help we can get for mental health, the better. But, once again- they need to be clean. I understand that many mental health patients use drugs to cover their unbearable symptoms and then they get addicted. We have to find a way to assist mental health while also extinguishing the drug use. 57 Get rid of M.2.4 Again the City needs to go to the private sector to the experts 2.4 rather than funding their own "mental health outreach" teams. The City / State has more programs than they can effectively handle. Do not create more Support the private sector. 58 Mental health and additions must be addressed with a solution plan 59 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they're accessible to people experiencing homelessness.

60 Stop treating patients like criminals. Stop treating criminals like shit. Stop being selfish and lazy. 61 more affordable housing around the valley, no more shelter beds in downtown 62 There need to be people to follow through with the mentally ill so that they stay with their treatment. 63 More information needed. 64 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEYRE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS" 65 55% or more of the chronic homeless are mentally ill. They represent approximately 40$ of the total homeless population 66 Healthcare is a huge issue. Homeless don't want to be discharged, as they have a bed, meals and shower. 67 Again, if their mental health is unstable how can they contribute to society? 68 change: M.2.4 should be #1 on top of the list, #2 M.2.3 and #3 M.1.3 1.3, 2.3, 2.4 69 Training of mental health resources and crisis services 70 This is extremely important 71 What are the metrics to measure success for this plan? This survey is sadly a bad design, seeking confirmation bias instead of genuine public input. 72 more inpatient services needed for addiction 73 Remove M.2.2 2.2

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 74 This section is the most important. I'd also include help people access drug/alcohol addiction treatment programs. I would liked to see more money spent on this and more money spent on having actual neighborhood police. I don't think that sending people about in militarized equipment is a good long-term strategy. Please redesign the survey to discuss each policy item. This is designed to limit the transparency of the public and to provide generic feedback. It is very hard to navigate back and forth between the 30 page documents. The research does not address costs in any way. It also should be written to allow for those with basic reading ability to understand the principles. 75 Mental health issues are likely the #1 thing to tackle. 76 Assessment of Mental health and contingent actions for health and well being of all members of communities, to include surrounding municipalities. 77 Section M.1.1 seems like it should really be a major focal point. I have heard 1.1 many stories of people needing help, only for there not to be a bed available for them. Addressing this sounds like an important step. 78 These strategies are 2nd and 3rd tier issues and should be taken out. Why would you list correctional facilities under Mental Health? What matters for a homeless plan is TIMELY and ONGOING access to mental health professionals for formerly homeless people placed in housing. Apartment managers do not have the tools nor training to deal with mental health issues. 79 This should be coordinated with mental health in Arizona generally, not a special program. Partners with existing public mental health services in Arizona administered and provided by the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (ACCCS) and Regional Behavioral Health Authorities . 80 This is the underlying issue in much of the homeless population. 81 The mentally ill are a big part of the homeless population and they need a big helping hand and continued help because they can not do it on their own. 82 Concern with advocating for facilities with more than 16. Does this population need smaller facilities to be more effective? 83 Ever since the 1950's & 1960's it has become "fashionable" to have living on the streets individuals who are experiencing a mental health crisis. The population of IMD's is SEVERELY, and unrealistically down. 84 The issue is funding. COP taxpayers should not have this responsibility. 85 No section 12 showed 86 One of the biggest things that lead to homelessness is mental health and drug addiction. 87 I would include support from practitioners of Alternative Health Systems as well- Nutritionists, Acupuncturists, Counseling Services, Behavioral Specialists, Body Workers, Hypnotherapists, Energy Workers- People need to be treated Wholistically 88 Funding should also be added for proper and adequate training of those providing social services to those with mental illness. More training on mental illness and treating those with it humanely is of great importance. 89 That's two you got right....on a roll! 90 Don't fund it with tax dollars 91 Once again incredibly vague. Using buzz words without going into strategy. Try laying out all of these plans in detail in an easily accessible format for the public. 92 It is incredibly important that more services for mental health and addiction are available! 93 Yes. This is good.

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 94 Fund public education to teach about mental health, trauma, addiction, and family systems. Invest in the future generations to prevent a lack of mental health awareness. 95 The worst thing that ever happened to the homeless community was back in the 70s, all the locked permanent mental health facilities closed. Some were because they believed families were unjustly sending their unwanted relatives away to be rid of them. But surely in this day and age there can be safeguards in place to ensure that only the truly demented could be committed to these places that would be manned by doctors and nurses trained in mental health as a sub- specialty. There are truly people out there that should not be in jail, but they should be in a protected environment and given medications for their various diagnoses to manage their care. 96 Búsqueda de profesionales voluntarios para que los fondos permitan proporcionar otras necesidades si se crean empleos sólo que el $$ vaya a servicios y no a la nómina del personal. 97 The more programs are in place to help and empower those in extremely dire situations the better. But keep a balance between support programs and . 98 1. I am concerned by M.2.2 as I do not know if research supports this strategy or 2.2, 2.3 what case studies have found when it has been implemented elsewhere. Does forcing people to seek addiction treatment really help? 2. A greater emphasis on M.2.3 and strategies to meaningfully decriminalize homelessness would be great to see 99 Stop dumping mental disease patients on the streets. Stop dumping criminals who are released early due to lack of space on our streets. If someone lost their job help them find anything that they can do just to keep them working. Alternative housing can be used for these folks in the short term. 100 Offering mental health services is way, way overdue. 101 Include Harm Reduction teams in outreach 102 Again, where is funding coming from? 103 Again, no discussion of involuntary treatment which is absolutely necessary for a good portion of those who are SMI and become homeless. 104 OK as is. 105 This section is VITAL! 106 A survey needs to be done on the homelessness to see root cause, our homeless in Phoenix may have more addiction than other issues so we can put money to better addiction programs. We also need to address SPIRITUAL health, by engaging local churches to do reach out programs this may inspire the homeless to want a change in their life. 107 How will you protect neighborhoods and families and keep us safe when these services are placed in our neighborhood? 108 You need more beds, 16 beds is not enough for mental health. 109 ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! 110 The question here is with limited resources and personnel to help, a modicum of resources may not bring much in results. By putting money where people can get some housing, job training and not have serious medical needs, it will open up the opportunity to spend the time and money to those who are most critically in need. 111 The section on addiction being treated as a mental illness for emergency services is key.

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 112 Mental health is one of the biggest reasons for homelessness. We’ve got to find ways to be preventative and help keep people from becoming homeless. 113 M.1.1. Do not change 1.1, 1.2, 2.2 M.1.2 Allow providers to educate the jails/detention centers on the services they provide and how to access them. M.2.2 instead of advocating for emergency hospitalization make use of the facilities already Identified by AHCCCS as 24 hour walk in on demand treatment facilities for Drug and Alcohol addiction/treatment. Its the cheaper option and they get the specialized services they need. 114 We need to get the mentally unstable off of the streets and help them. 115 also provide rehabilitation centers 116 It all should be removed and fund a Mental institution. 117 We have existing services already. Expanding and creating more only makes this a "homeless lifestyle" 118 Won't change a thing. 119 We don't fix homelessness unless we address mental health 120 Remove all 121 Work with Sonoran Prevention Works to treat addiction humanely. Please understand that emergency hospitalization can be extremely traumatic in itself, so I hope you place more effort pursuing alternatives. 122 Simplify 123 You are always treating the symptom and not the cause. 124 Again, why is every question a section? 125 Add shall be continuously monitored if released from detention center(s) and/or correctional facilities and any violations shall terminate services 126 Mental Health Outreach Teams - so important! Thanks for including this. 127 The sole-provider contract with CBI isn't working. Much broader strategy needed with additional providers. 128 Again, accountability. Funding is needed. But if these programs are neither effective or efficient then the citizens funding these services will become frustrated. 129 Lack of mental health resources in all of AZ is criminal. There most be a less bureaucratic more streamlined, efficacious and humane way of approaching illness. Unfortunately, much of the burden falls on Phoenix Police, which is unfair to them. 130 We need to look at what is currently in place and why it is ineffective. There are teams that go out and look for Terros patients on the street. What can they actually do if they find them and the SMI refuses to get help. NOTHING! Even though it would be in the best interest of the SMI person who is baking on the street and spiraling into a much darker place mentally. I cannot stress the importance of secure treatment/housing for those who cannot understand their own dire situation. Leveled treatment. A tier system.

131 M1.1 and M2.4. Increased bed capacity and increased outreach are needed. 1.1, 2.4 132 Mental illness is rampant in our streets. It is dangerous for our neighborhood and it is dangerous for those so mentally ill that they have no idea who they are even interacting with. In my neighborhood people are getting hurt and swim person has already died. Putting a mentally ill person out on the streets and expecting them to behave in a sane way is not even feasible in this day and age.

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 133 I agree with some of the ideas. However, I've worked psych units as an RN. Sometimes even 16 patients on a unit can be disastrous. In addition, until there are more mental health facilities (and thus, more beds) and staff to work them, this is fantasy thinking. 134 16 is nowhere near enough 135 Effective ways to help those who refuse help. 136 Careful regarding expanding 16 bed facilities...those facilities have to staff accordingly 137 Provide re-entry programs and services for persons who are incarcerated or being held in mental institutions. Releasing people back into society without the means to care for themselves and live dignified lives only worsens the problem. 138 Outreach teams are critical. Help during mental health crisis is important instead of criminalizing it. 139 I believe ongoing counseling for any addict that is released from a rehabilitative program should be mandatory! 140 M.1.1 - Let the feds handle Medicaid. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, M.1.2 - No. If they are spending time in jail, they know what is available in the 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 system. They will seek out programs if they want them. M.1.3 - No there are a lot of facilities in place. We do not need city run hospitals or behavioral care / recovery centers. M.2.1 - No. If you do not already know them by now, you are wasting our tax dollars.Stop trying to build a bigger bureaucracy. M.2.2 - What does this even mean. If they require emergency care, they will get it. Stay out of medicine. M.2.3 - Again, more political mumbo-jumbo. If there are programs, give them to the courts and let the judges decide. Stop trying to put more weeds in the city garden. M.2.4 - We already have these in place. Again - stay out of the medical field. I am okay with adding training for existing teams. If you insist on getting into medicine, fund training so that at least one member of each team as certificate as an EMT- B or EMT-A and one team member schooled in both safety and security. That is an effective team. 141 Mental health services must reorganize to provide holistic wellness approach rather than it's current focus on pharmacological treatmemts, reduce reliance on medications and restructure medically assisted treatment for substamcw abuse to titrate off opiates rather than prolong and increase dependency. 142 This language is very weak: advocate, explore, identify - this is an enormous problem and this not very solutions focused. Sounds very exploratory. 143 Keep M.1.2 objective 1.2 144 The focus on addiction is very important. That's such a big determinant of homelessness 145 The tate has failed in this area and it is bigger than one city. Again, Maricopa County MAG should be leading here and in cooperation with the cities this should be taken up with the state. Gov Ducey destroyed the Division of Behavioral Health and rolled it into AHCCCS. It was a huge error and lost intelligence and leadership has led to tragic outcomes and loss of opportunities. 146 institutions aren't necessary. Those struggling with mental health issues need stability, structure, and compassion. Partner with rehab centers to getblonger lasting assistance but only for those who want help. We can't force ppl to get healthy we can only offer the service.

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 147 Addressing mental health and addiction are key to the success of any real change. Do what is necessary to screen before providing these expensive resources. Those committed to real change should be given priority to such services. The goal is permanent life-time change. 148 Based on the current social climate, adding a position or additional training to the Police Department that focuses on interactions with the mentally ill. 149 Yes. don't toss the mentally ill in jail. Help them. Find ways to aid addicts...if possible. 150 especiallym2.4 151 Mental illness is one of the primary reasons for homelessness. This must be addressed with adequate facilities. 152 Increasing the Amount if halfway houses is dangerous 153 Where is PD inclusion? PD needs to be included in the planning as they are the ones who get to knock on the door of the mentally ill person, or pick them up out of a park. 154 Sending drug addicts to jail without appropriate rehabilitation does not work. Rehabilitation should be the first "sentence." 155 FUND MORE SOCIAL WORKERS 156 add the decriminalization of addiction and mental health 157 ADDICTION IS MENTAL HEALTH...FINALLY PHOENIX FOR ADDRESSING 158 Remove M.1.1 1.1 159 leave as is 160 Getting homeless people with mental health issues is critical, they must be removed from the street and more importantly given proper treatment to help them become functional again. 161 If I have the numbers correct, at least 60% of those who are homeless are experiencing mental illness and/or drug addiction or both so all of this needs to stay a priority. 162 Work with Medicaid to form an easier process to those seeking help.

163 This should be most important 164 It appears that addiction falls into this category. While we do have addiction services available in our city and the state at large, it seems that the quality of these services varies highly. Are there standards that addiction recovery programs must meet? If not, how could this be addressed? 165 Increase staff to handle the implementation of these increased services. For example, increase staff for mental health outreach services or any institutions dealing with the mental health homeless population. 166 Only if mental health facilities are properly located. 167 I think we need to keep all options open and vigilant to any changes or additions as needed 168 This section should be more explicit about partnering with AHCCCS and it’s managed care contractors- Phx should not conduct these activities in a silo but should partner and have a voice in coordinating these activities. 169 The section seems to want to expand site capacities, but I don’t feel confident it prepares for adequate management at a larger scale to protect safety and deliver care. I think either that is outlined for larger sites, or the strategy becomes increasing to many more small locations.

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 170 Increase access to MEDICAL services. Or is the city of Phoenix seeking to pathologize homelessness for the benefit of a single clinical specialty? It seems that way from seeking to reestablish the "insane asylum" system that the 16-bed rule in Medicaid was created to prevent. 171 In my experience, the homeless fall broadly into two camps; those who are "down on their luck" and with some help will rejoin society at large, and those who are in dire need of mental health care and will likely need treatment for their condition for the rest of their lives. The second group often presents a physical danger to themselves and others. 172 Loss of housing can be devastating, for first timers or when suddden. 173 Mental health issues seem to fall through the cracks and we do not seem to have the services available for the average family, not just the homeless.

174 looks okay to me. 175 the most important section. 176 Mental Health in general is very important- this should be a priority in helping to prevent and minimize homelessness 177 M1.1 do not support increasing beds past 16 as a good solution 1.1 178 I am not familiar enough to comment. 179 ;;;needs vary so much & many know how to hide problems that really qualified personnel are needed to make an assessment & follow up is needed to see if the help is working or an adjustment needs to be made to the type of help assigned.

without follow up - there's no point to any of these plans 180 We need to deal with straight on. The situation has only gotten worse over the years. Tough love. 181 Provide transparent education to property owners regarding mental health concerns. Offer consistent support to those landlords if a concern arises. 182 Mingling of the general public with the chronically homeless who have addictions/mental illness should be minimized in commercial areas, public sidewalks, parks and buildings. My daughter who lives in San Francisco must walk the last two blocks to work among people peeing on walls or parked cars, shooting up, using offensive language, and acting out. Even Market Street has blocks littered with homeless doing the same kinds of things. 183 M.1.1. is tricky. you don't want to overpopulate a space and no one gets served 1.1 well 184 Mental house outreach should be available even if people are not "in crisis." 185 These people many are homeless because of their addictions to alcohol and drugs. It is not a disease! Get over it it never was and it never will be. They caused it and they don’t want to stop it and if they do they don’t have the needed help. 186 Slippery slope on this one too. 187 You need to find talented, effective leaders who citizens trust. 188 poor mental health is often the reason that people get into a tough situation and it can be hard to get out of, supporting mental health is a very important to decrease the chance of people finding themselves homeless again. 189 seems good 190 M2.2 remove 2.2 191 Just do it. Less talk 192 Not sure . Good idea , Maybe/Maybe not. Follow up is always good-but this sounds like a lot of paper pushing Mental Health Chapter Comments Page 116 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 193 At Circle the City we provide mental health counseling with our Behavioral Health Consultants. Over the past year or two, this portion of our mission has expanded due to the need. Trauma is a regular experience when surviving on the street. Having our BHCs has deepened the healing we bring to our patients. 194 Mental health assistance is critical for the homeless; however, your section does not give any specific funding amounts, staffing numbers, outcomes for expectations, etc. Again, who knows what you are talking about, what it will cost, who it will impact in the community. I don't support this strategy plan without more details, definitions, and information on the specific neighborhoods and community it will impact. 195 Please see notes at question 23. 196 Change M.1.1 to account for expansion of bed limit to include proper staffing. 1.1 Don't just create a vast place to hold mentally ill; add in accompanying support dependent on size (like childcare certain amount of teacher per # of kids, class- size, etc.) 197 We need so much more compassionate and targeted help for homeless and addicted. It's too overwhelming for an addict to find and pursue the help available currently when they have a moment of clarity. 198 too many freebies. 199 Seriously mentally ill (SMI) individuals who used to be housed in institutions are now on the streets and are now roaming our communities and many end up in jails according to the police and sheriff's department. Serious consideration should be given to developing a new system for housing SMI patients. 200 Some homeless need mental institution care. Our biggest mistake was to close most of them instead of providing proper care 201 Secondary support not part main plan 202 It seems to be covered in previous sections. 203 I don't know how many homeless persons have mental health issues 204 This section starts to address addiction, which is great! I think everything else is covered as well. 205 M2,2 is extremely important, also addressing community stigma around mental 2.2 heal issues including addiction 206 Nothing 207 This needs to be the number 1 priority. Arizona has terrible mental health support. It needs to be free and readily available. 208 Outreach teams keeping up with people in the community. Holding them accountable to get better. 209 delete all sections except M.1.1 1.1 210 Coordinate with hospitals and jails so they don't release people onto the streets 211 Connecting resources to GMHSA clientele (and not just SMI population) 212 Unless the person wants help, forcing them doesn’t work. Been in the business and know

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 213 The IMD exclusion removes the ability for permanent housing for those with SMI and greatly reduces the ability to find housing for those as the wait list is too long.

I believe we could build a community with land and hybrid dorms or tiny houses for those with SMI. I believe it could be an enclosed area that looks like a small town where they have the ability to go to the movies or have art classes go to a library but where they have a clinic available and IPU if necessary for exacerbations. I believe if it is hybrid dorms having house parents with psych training residing there, cooking, cleaning and ensuring medication is taken. If they have the freedom to come and go in an area that looks like a city they are protected and will have less criminal behavior as well as protecting the community and visual of the homeless for the economy. 214 We need to have mental health support. It is very difficult to seek out support when there are barely any providers or it is so expensive. 215 I believe untreated mental health is probably the most important aspect of homelessness 216 these services would be the place to tap AHCCCS funds if needed. the IMDs are woefully understaffed and adding more patients could lead to really bad unintended consequences. 217 omit M 1.2 and there needs to be some type of strike rule people can not keep 1.2 going to these programs time after time, if the first two (2) times didn't work or the participants left early can not continue in the program 218 Many of those who stay homeless have mental health issues. It is unlikely that any expense can cure many and many will fight help, saying they are “just fine”. So mental health help should probably be limited to cases where a person is a danger to himself or other homeless people. 219 WHY INCREASE THE BEDS BEYOND 16..... HARDER TO MANAGE HUMANS 220 Separate those with mental disabilities from those that can 221 Since most people on the street are dealing with mental issues... 222 Funding always ends in increased taxes which are already too high 223 I wonder if we shouldn't house severe mentally ill in State care? I'm not as educated about the situation 224 There's a huge portion of the homeless that have addiction and mental issues. Specialized training would be huge in that field. 225 Don’t treat addiction like other mental illnesses. Require them to get off drugs. 226 leave as is 227 People have to be responsible for themselves and admit to having problems to accept help. 228 these sections should be un-bundled so you can provide feedback on each objective. 229 Should have some short-term solutions. Should stress use of persons who have largely recovered from mental illness as peer workers in a variety of services. like the strategies in this section, but much of the report relies on undefined and poorly defined funding sources. Given the time-consuming processes of government and the current partisanship, funding is not assured. Need to better identify pertinent federal Acts and State programs to reduce homelessness; status of funding, and dates for reauthorization. 230 force employer to address employee treatment and concerns that may seem business as usual practices but are actually hurting mentalhealth 231 Increasing IDMs could have a detrimental effect to the quality of care. I’d be very careful with this. Mental Health Chapter Comments Page 118 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 232 SMI programs are doing this. Again, why reinvent the wheel and generate funding for a new program that is already running? So you can just give the funding to the same 6 orgs? Check with CHEEERS, check with your methadone clinics and your probation/parole offices. Orgs are coming in and doing preventions; fund them. Don't waste time, money and energy re-inventing 233 Remove funding outreach teams. 234 All The Above? 235 along with allowing for more beds in mental health facilities, make sure there is also funding available for more staff to accommodate the higher capacity 236 Addiction services are extremely for those with mental health issues and they are in short supply and often those with addiction issues then lose out on mental health resources 237 Follow up with convicts released should have a personal emphasis. Not just, here ya go. Have at it. PO's are basically worthless as they don't guide, they are impunitive if a person slides back due to lack of guidance. Hands on emphasis is key to all of the above. Blanket approach does not work. NO ONE CARES, REALLY. 238 meds should be forced . period. it is not their right to abuse the system dn good will of others because they want to be crazy 239 1. Standard refrain: you need to provide sanitary facilities by opening the restrooms at city parks. 2. State law allows for a petition to a court to involuntarily commit a person for a short time; this section should fund the police (or some other city employees) to make those requests as needed. 240 Explore ordinances to make it illegal for hospitals and jails to release people experiencing mental health crises to the streets. 241 We need to get rid of possession of drug charges. If someone has an addition, they shouldn't be jailed, and they shouldn't receive a criminal record for it. This just increases the odds of them ending up back on the streets. 242 Mental health services are as important as housing individuals. They need intervention throughout their stay at the shelter and after they have received permanent housing for as long as needed. It is critical to them being successfully rehoused. 243 M2.2 - This is extremely important. I have a son with a mental illness. I have been 2.2 advocating for him for years. While working through the Mental Health System I've seen a lot of hopeless individuals. Patients with drug and alcohol addictions are not getting the services they need. It is known that homeless mentally ill patients self medicate with drugs and alcohol, but somehow that factor is overlooked.. Mentally ill individuals with drug and alcohol problems do not receive the services they need. There behavior is attributed to substance abuse, and they are released without having the underlying condition treated. So many of these individuals end up in jails and prison, where they do not receive the help they need. 244 We need someone other than police to respond to crimes of homelessness and mental health issues so they don’t go to court in the first place. Criminalizing poverty, homelessness and mental health problems only worsens the problem and doesn’t solve anything. 245 Legalize drugs like many other countries have done with good results. 246 We need to be careful with M 1.1. We don't want to be warehousing persons 1.1 with MI and giving them substandard care. 247 Yes!!! Mental Health Chapter Comments Page 119 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 248 All of these cost money that could go to benefit a bigger portion of the community 249 Some things will never change. Having lived here for almost 40 years have seen the same issues over and over. Having moved from the Detroit, MI area - same thing. Yes, help people but problem will never be solved, fixed, cured, whateever you want to call it. HELP the residents and KEEP up the city for taxpayers so more do not leave, enforce blight - not like the joke of house in our neighborhood where there are at least 10 violations in the past 5 years and even the inspector (who is a joke sometimes) has stated he does not want to deal with the people. There are internal city problems that need to be dealt with first. 250 I don't believe additional capacity of IMDs is valuable. People in these situations need care and increasing the number of people in them will reduce the care and help each person will receive. Keeping the environment small and personal is more effective. Otherwise we risk falling into the same traps that gave large mental health institutions bad reputations. Accountability is important. 251 Same as previuos 252 Finding a way to engage individuals who need the services. Many individuals who live outside of the CASS property have mental health challenges. If they were receiving services, their lifestyle could look much different. Engagement in the process is crucial! How are you going to implement that? How will you respond to those who don't participate? 253 Please explain where the funding is coming from. Is it coming from Arizonan residents? 254 Mental health is important, however, I don't believe that there are enough services available currently and increasing capacity could overwhelm current 255 We need a state mental facility capacity to permanently house those who are seriously mentally ill. Those that can live with supervision need to be in group homes where medication can be monitored. 256 Understanding there are some mentally ill homeless who will never be able to care for themselves and should not be subjected to the streets, this needs to be focused on rehabilitating mentally ill homeless to an ability and responsibility to care for themselves, if possible (not just if they want to). 257 This is the #1 reason for chronic homelessness. 258 Mental health admissions have been largely self admits. While I am for having drug addictions hospitalized, my past experience is that they will go right back to drugs after discharge! 259 I think it's very important to address drug addiction as a public health and mental health issue and NOT as a crime issue. Definitely provide more resources for addicts to seek recovery rather than put them in jail for possession of drugs. 260 Add: state oversight on the licensed professionals and fund usage of this portion. 261 Bring back involuntary commitment. 262 Prioritize children living with homelessness and expand parent child relationship therapy opportunities to prevent attachment disorders and create more exposure to specialists in child mental health. 263 Given the extent of the data presented, 7k+ homeless and %51 unsheltered, it is impossible to know what a good strategy looks like. We should do the work to understand the population further. What percent needs mental health services? What percentage are on the street due to recent eviction? What percent are using hard drugs? What percent would take a bed if one was available? 264 People released from Detention centers must be put on County buses and taken to other counties. Providing too many services here draws more in as the snowbird transients from Seattle and Portland prove. Mental Health Chapter Comments Page 120 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 265 Offer group home sort stay for recently discharged inmates and provide job seeking assistance 266 I don't know if I support M.1.1 , but the other items make sense. 1.1 267 ADD: Training for police in dealing with mental health and addiction problems. 268 mental illness is a huge problem as well as addiction 269 "Advocate" to treat addictio like mental illness? Seem like fluff, either you do or you don't. Either way it needs to be addressed. Isnt there social services consult upon release from corrections and institutions. sounds like a follow thru internal control issue. 270 I do not support increasing the 16 bed limit for IMD's. 271 Partner with law enforcement with programs to work with and manage mentally ill calls/complaints, etc. I believe we need a larger area for those that are permanently mental ill. 272 Is there an objective related to those who consistently refuse mental health assistance? 273 Good strategy, but I think halfway house operators need to do a better job of notifying and working with communities to mitigate issues regarding impacts to the community. 274 The entire state struggles with inadequate mental health services for all people, homeless it not. General MH funding to increase overall services for all issues, including addiction issues is desperately needed 275 Addiction, in particular, drives long term homelessness. Treating addiction like a medical emerges appropriate. 276 How many people are we talking about? Pretty soon your list will include anyone who lives in Phoenix and does want to work. This entire project is too broad and as such will fail. 277 16 beds is pathetic 278 An idea for IMDs is a skilled nursing type setting, institutions limit freedom and independence while skilled nursing facilities have more freedom. These facilities can be tailored to the populations needs and wants. More outdoor areas and possibly ability to have pets. 279 This should also extend to non-homeless people and problem people encountered by police - especially repeat offenders in multiple jurisdictions. 280 Good the way it reads 281 Utilize and optimize existing mental health services will him the community and correctional system. Reappropriate funding for correction officer training and restructure correctional system to handle added mental health services 282 More crowding is not the answer. Just like schools, overcrowding has become an issue 283 Addressing the barriers properly, long term, is the bigger challenge. For the long term self-sufficiency to come, first we have to help people cope. 284 the mental heath outreach in this section should not just be limited to the homeless but to everyone.. if mental health was better for the normal population and addressed early on then many people would of avoided becoming homeless. 285 Mental illness is complicated by substance use. You can’t successfully treat someone who is using other substances and drugs. 286 Seems like we already have all,of this, but it just doesn’t work as currently implemented.

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 287 No one should be homeless due to mental illness. Focus needs to be on finding treatments people will stay on and that work. 288 Money provided to providers to be highly monitor. Having worked for over 15 year with three different health authorities I learned ways to keep spending the money and clinics practicing unethical tricks to keep the money rolling. Not a very professional way to describe it but I am certain that directors are fully aware of this practice. 289 Mental health services is the root of many of these issues 290 The municipal court should have a diversion program. The rest should be addressed thur the county 291 m.2.3 Please develop a program similar to the one Mesa has. It has been 2.3 relatively successful. Nowhere, so far do i see you address the criminal aspect on those who choose to stay on the streets and choose to lead a life of crime. 292 Especially important for young adults transitioning out of the child and family services and foster care system; also anyone transitioning out of corrections. Staff will likely benefit from ongoing training and oversight in principles of harm reduction as pertains to working with people with addictions. Employment opportunities (and housing) shouldn't be conditional on abstinence from D&A (at least at no greater extent than the would anyone's whose job does not require periodic drug testing, such as person who drives a school bus). 293 I think housing is more important. Once they are off the street, I think mental health could be addressed more easily. 294 I do not support larger facilities for mental health. I support increasing the number of permanent housing with supportive services. I have seen many people do well with services as many do not need them daily.

295 This is very expensive. Does anyone have this kind of money. 296 The combined salaries of the top 5 nonprofit executives in the valley for behavioral health such as Southwest Behavioral, Terros Health, etc., can fund over half these services. 297 I am not sure that some of these items should fall within the City's plan 298 Think about dramatically increasing accessibility, in addition to availability. Expansion of Mental Health outreach teams is good, particularly if they are in the Assertive Community Treatment model and include mobile outreach psychiatric evaluators and prescribers 299 Build on partnerships with existing mental health hospitals and treatment facilities (within the county) to improve discharge workflow into supportive housing. 300 no changes 301 SMI clinics do not regularly engage with their homeless population. Hospitals call to notify but SMI clinic does not quickly come to the hospital to re-engage the person in services. Patient may come / go from the hospital multiple times before SMI case manager comes to see the person. 302 Again, include the community in the ideas for improvement before writing up. 303 Include strategies to provide low income communities with easily accessible mental health care. Normalize seeking mental health care and teaching healthy coping mechanisms at the school level. The best way to address mental health issues in the homeless population is to work on preventing the crisis that lead to homelessness in the first place.

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 304 I think, before finding a liaison for work development, a liaison for this should be considered first. Many individuals are suffering from mental illness which landed them in their current situation. Let's take care of the person's well-being first before finding them a job. This is better preparation, IMO. 305 Mental health care at its root would help prevent homelessness rather than simply trying to help those who are already homeless because the system failed them. 306 This is very important to address mental health challenges. And once again I will say this is only valuable if it's done in conjunction with increasing shelter beds on the HSC, as shelter is needed before any true mental health progress can be made. 307 How do we have no state funded mental help system. 308 There are promising practices in other cities for transitional services from detention centers so that individuals are not released without support services or self-advocacy skills. 309 All homeless have mental health issues both because of homelessness or cause of homelessness. 310 Increase service providers. There is too long of a wait for those that are ready for help that are vulnerable. There needs to be safer emergency options available that can be utilized during a crisis that does not include the police department. 311 Stress the importance of increasing the number of shelter beds, 312 A section on this topic should be included, however the above strategies are weak. What are the goals? How will progress be measured? Was the State or Regional Behavioral Health Authority included to provide expert input? What difference will these Strategies make? 313 veterans with disability, PTSD, SMI help 314 Integration with law enforcement including much more crisis training and ways to prevent arrest being the solution. 315 Is there a way to look at specific strategies to add to the mental health category? I think that section of the plan could benefit from some additional strategies. For instance, with the shelter bed portal which lists Phoenix PD as primary users and in other instances where police officers are dispatched to engage with people experiencing homelessness. I believe it would be beneficial to officers and to folks experiencing homelessness to look at other models which include specific mental health personnel to respond to calls regarding people experiencing homelessness. 316 criminalizing the mentally ill and vulnerably homeless 317 Is addiction issues being addressed under mental health issues? 318 Why are the people on the lots the last people to know about housing and why do you have to be SMI to receive services. 319 I also find it concerning that "street giving" is always treated as a "wrong response". We work to refer to services and ask how we can direct if needed. Our group has always said, when the homeless stop showing up, so will we. 320 Does the plan address the severely mentally ill? Does it address people who are a danger to others and themselves? There is a man in the area of 19th Ave and Union Hills who refuses help and is aggressive toward others. His clothes are literally rotting off his body.

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Strategy Nr Mental Health Chapter Comments Objective 321 City police and parks personnel have approached service providers in public spaces and required (informally) that providers cease and desist services to those experiencing homelessness. These demands are not founded in written policy, state, county or other laws but the presence of law enforcement is seemingly used to dissuade grass roots services to those in most need. What changes will the City make to address the apparent oppositional approach to service providers?

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 1 Using limited funds to gate allies and not finding safe places for homeless people Housing during the day as well as the night does not fix the problem. There are homeless people living living in the park across the street from our home. 2 If we are going to add more lighting, I would like to see adherence to Dark Skies recommendations (hoods, using lighting colors that do not affect wildlife, etc. This section, in this particular point in time, does lend itself to a thoughtful reflection on the role of policing and how the City should consider shifting funds towards other programs that can address underlying issues without brining in people with firearms. 3 Cameras-NO 4 Additional surveillance and lighting should be removed 5 GET RID OF ALL DRUG TRAFFICKERS ON THE STREET!!! 6 Public restrooms might be a good idea but would have to be monitored 24/7 and highly maintained. Abandoned alleyways could have been developed as paths with added maintained plantings by the neighboring property owners. Getting rid of overgrown vegetation and garbage dumpsters in these areas might help mitigate vagrancy. Gating of these areas might have unintended consequences such as attracting wildlife and increasing neglect. Homeowners should be given incentives to maintain or utilize these areas to create a better environment. Illegal dumping and lighting in certain areas should be addressed. 7 Cross Roads UMC has provided portable toilets for use by homeless people. Encourage other churches to do the same. 8 I am not so sure about N.1.1, do not think neighborhoods would be called to 1.1 action. Also N2.2 I doubt the expense of installation of camera would be cost 2.2 effective 9 Put the Neighborhood Watch groups officially in charge of all of the above points. They are accomplishing every instance of this plan already. Offer them meeting space in some of those vacant real estate plots, with a five year RTO attached (I.e. clear the blight, install and manage cameras with the police and RING, get the building). 10 Housing, and housing and housing. 11 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE


12 I love and welcome the idea of calling neighborhoods to action and taking care of our own communities, but I would like more information on the Gated Alley Pilot Program (i.e. cost vs. visible results). 13 N.2.2 should be removed. Gated alleys are a far superior solution to cameras. 2.2 14 Using public funding to install private alley gates and security cameras is 2.2 ridiculous. If residents have issues with unsheltered people, the city needs to get to the root instead of continuing to apply expensive cosmetic fixes. 15 Preservation of human life and shelter is priority over any neighborhood concern which can't equate to lives at stake. Also the language "Expand use of illegal dumping...congregation, etc." criminalizes homelessness. Homelessness is NOT CRIMINAL. Strategy 1 is OK...fine, communicate better. Strategy 2 just seems like a cheap ploy to line city pockets. The resources are there. It's not the city's fault nor nonprofit/community agencies fault if the neighborhood is willfully ignorant. No one should pay for others ignorance. Neighborhood Chapter Comments Page 125 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 16 2.2 may be an expense that is unnecessary immediately, if the other items of this 2.2 section are designated as a high priority. 17 criminalizing homelessness will not help solve the root of the issue. I'd like to see more details about how public restrooms and trash cans can be made more available everywhere. Transparency is needed regarding how neighborhoods will be educated; what agencies will they be encouraged to call when they have issues? Law enforcement or community outreach? 18 Remove the part about illegal dumping. Don't we want to ENCOURAGE people to throw away trash? Let's find a way to allow all dumping trash, and then push people to throw away all their trash. Any trash can anywhere. 19 All these have implications to further criminalize homelessness 20 This type of language further stigmatizes these individuals needing assistance. Enact the rest of these proposals and this deterrence method will not be needed as greatly. Too quickly can programming language such as this turn into a broken- windows type philosophy and that does not create safe and welcoming communities. 21 Remove 2.2 2.2 22 Not for people especially at night loitering around property.....I understand the homelssness is an issue but giving them a handout and the communities are the ones who suffer crime goes up police funds are cut and what are residents to do? 23 This is basically a call for greater police involvement, no thanks. 24 These objectives are incredibly vague and there is a lack of description of how and what you plan to implement in order to appropriately address homelessness in Phoenix. There needs to be more information provided and we demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they’re accessible to people experiencing homelessness. 25 Partner with churches to help the homeless populations 26 when, when when.... 27 If you do the previous parts, you won't need this one. Not sure what the Gated Alley Program has to do with this. Eliminating alleys and garbage collection is an easy fix and should have been done years ago. 28 Gated alley program funds should not be taken from the already limited block watch funds. 29 Who are you kidding. No City department is going to enforce this. Plus, the clientele you are trying to reach isn't going to look out for this information. You have to go to them

30 These measures seem to work to decrease certain activities of those experiencing homelessness, but reading the proposed goals, this just seems to mean there will be more policing for those citizens. For example, if we put more "illegal dumping cameras" that are designed to "discourage congregation in alleys," won't there be an increase in police visits to these areas of congregation? This may lead to more arrests which does not necessarily seem to address the problem. 31 It's important to keep these thoughts in mind but it seems to me that these are for residents not the homeless. If you try to hard to 'balance' how your attacking this problem by doing a tit for tat you'll lose the very people you're trying to help. Start with them and i believe you'll see the dominoes fall in place as you want them.

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 32 N.1.2 - I like this. 1.2 N.2.1 - live in a neighborhood with gated alley pilot - very helplful in reducing 2.1 traffic in and out of alleys 33 Establish a rating of neighborhoods by homelessness impact Establish community/neighborhood contacts in the communication to and from the city. Possibly tie into existing Precinct Committee members or Neighborhood websites.

As I walk around my neighborhood there are a variety of homeless in our city parks. What are the best ways for neighbors to help? 34 Any program to reduce NIMBY fears would be helpful. 35 1. Especially in areas with high transient activity, property owners are often very challenged with trash, debris, shopping carts, human waste, and drug paraphernalia left behind on their properties by people using the space to live or hang out. These property owners are victims of circumstance, but are often cited many times over for the blight. Like the graffiti busters program, can the city take a similar approach for cleaning these heavily used areas vs. citing the owners?

2. In developing holistic plans for neighborhoods, it could be very difficult to develop and operationalize those within the current job descriptions and day-to- day processes. Staff would need room to take that approach.

3. Expanding the gate alley pilot program process city wide (vs. abandonment as the only other option) would be really helpful for neighborhoods. 36 How can neighborhoods be helpful? How can we reintegrate people into neighborhoods? Provide jobs? (clean up/tree trimming). Development of public showers? 37 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS. 38 Ability to prosecute those seen on camera participating in illegal dumping. 39 These things sound very good but need to be down the list as far as priority. MUST get the mental health and more available housing first! 40 N2.2 is abhorrent. We don't need more criminalization of the homeless 2.2 community, we need more resources and security cameras are not more resources, it's criminalization. This section is just another reason for the police to deploy violence against the homeless community in Phoenix. This is absolutely ridiculous. The resources provided to neighborhoods should look like access to public services and essential services like water, restrooms, shade, places for rest, and shelter. This whole section basically distances neighborhoods from the homeless community, encourages criminalization, and doesn't unite our community. 41 It is important to fund programming that will increase the safety of the city as well as walk-ability and bike-ability to enhance the livability of the city. 42 Include NA on reviewing the impact of these solutions. Possibly quarterly.

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 43 Yes. Public restrooms are one of the highest traffic areas for drug use. It’s really a shame. I love to walk the park with my two young children. Unfortunately, the amount of drug abuse going on is terrifying. The last walk we went on, about 15 people out of their minds at the bathroom. Two people shooting up right in front of us. It’s absolutely horrifying. That’s the last walk we went on in our neighborhood. Which is a shame. I own a home, take care of my property and want a clean neighborhood for my children. We have people digging in our alley trash all the time. Leaving a mess everywhere. We need help from the city departments. It’s not fair on our police force to receive call after call after call every day. They have real crime to handle. I wish there was a specific task force... that was funded well enough to take real action. But once again, the drugs is the base of the problem.

44 The Mayor already has a Neighborhood Committee, yet no one has been consulted on this initiative. 45 The City of Phoenix Website needs to be easier to navigate. The Mayor needs to do a MUCH better job of informing residents of day to day happenings around the city. How about taking a clue from the Mayor of Newport Beach with an informative Daily Update in social media. Would cost 0 dollars 956216744/?type=3&theater 46 Alleys need to be addressed 47 Gated alleys and cameras to discourage congregating should be deleted. Alleys 2.2 are public spaces. Congregating should not be criminalized. 48 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they're accessible to people experiencing homelessness.

49 These, aside from outreach, seen to be reactionary. We need to take action, not wait until it's too late. 50 This basically would allow neighborhoods to have more power in disenfranchising already homeless people. Gating alleyways would provide even less neutral space for them to reside. Garbage cameras are also ridiculous. How often do you think these people are digging through garbage literally to just feed themselves?

51 no more shelter beds in downtown, our neighborhoods are already overwhelmed 52 I think this is very confusing as it is written and I think it needs to be further developed so that it is not adversely impacting homeless populations 53 More information needed. 54 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEYRE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS" 55 A comprehensive booklet with ALL services needs to be made available to communities, schools, churches, block watch groups, etc.-the more we know what's available the better we all are. 56 N.2.3 and N.2.4 are the most important in this section, probably the only two that 2.4 should be in the section 2.3 57 The objective of this section is unclear to me 58 Not sure cameras help 59 Consider motion sensor lights in alleyways to discourage dumping and enhance order maintenance.

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 60 What are the metrics to measure success for this plan? This survey is sadly a bad design, seeking confirmation bias instead of genuine public input. 61 A mitigation plan to address the impact the neighborhoods are facing and there is no mention of shelters and shelter locations. 62 ok 63 This section focuses too much on punishing behaviors by homeless people that they would be far less likely to engage in if they had more resources. We should focus our efforts and money toward giving them safer places to rest and plan, which will in turn reduce congregation in problematic areas. 64 I think this section needs amendments. In the full report, it states that more trash and refuse collects around the Human Services Campus than in other areas of Phoenix, possibly because "personal belongings of persons experiencing homelessness are not permitted to be brought into overnight stays at the Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS)". It appears that one solution you are pursuing is to install Gated Alleys. I propose that, rather than closing off alleys from homeless people to try to prevent them from leaving belongings or trash, you could install public lockers for homeless people to store their belongings. Of course, these lockers would need to be cleaned regularly, and they would need to have locks built into them. Another option is to add more trash and recyling receptacles around the Human Services Campus. I believe these alternatives would be better than closing off certain alleyways. Gated alleyways would leave fewer places for homeless people to leave their belongings, leading to larger, denser trash piles or more debris out on street corners or parks. 65 Remove N.2.1 and N.2.2 2.1 2.2 66 This looks like another opportunity for COP to pat themselves on the back. OF COURSE, you should be doing this and are already. WE HAVE A CRISIS. DO MORE IF YOU CAN. 2.3: we need more public restrooms. SHAME ON COP for shutting down the public restroom at Hance Park. COP SHOULD OPEN BATHROOMS, Showers and drinking water fountains ON THEIR own. The County and State should provide more public bathrooms, showers and drinking water fountains on their own. YES, IT MEANS hiring people to safe guard them and clean them. HIRE SOME PEOPLE to keep our city clean and safe, rather than more police so once an area is trashed, you can arrest someone. It’s a no-brainer. People need jobs. Hire them to clean our city up and make it more livable. 67 City washes should also be included. They make even more comfortable camping than alleys. 68 I like addressing the public restrooms as the one in Washington Park is frequently used for drug use. In addition, I highly support expanding the gating of the alleys. 69 No gated alley!!! No gated alley!! No gated alley!! Stop that!! Cameras, yes, no 2.2 gated alley program. No bulk trash out front! Just say NO!!! 70 Find areas for legal camping for homeless .. 71 Remove gates alleys portion and cameras 72 I think creating resources for neighborhoods is important, as is maintaining safety for all involved. I dont think using cameras to monitor illegal dumping is a good use of tax dollars and is borderline unconstitutional. 73 This is much more reactionary and sounds more like policing or criminalizing homelessness

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 74 Please redesign the survey to discuss each policy item. This is designed to limit the transparency of the public and to provide generic feedback. It is very hard to navigate back and forth between the 30 page documents. The research does not address costs in any way. It also should be written to allow for those with basic reading ability to understand the principles. 75 Development of Neighborhood Committees to address specific needs in of local neighborhoods. 76 The trash and restroom issue is a real problem. 77 Emphasize the integration of community support services for individuals experiencing homelessness and the neighborhood's responsibility to reach out to community services. Discourage neighborhood residents from direct action such as confronting, harassing, or assaulting transient populations. 78 If this must be included in the plan, then remove expanded use of security 2.2 cameras. Remove the expansion of the Gated Alley Program Pilot. Create a 3 digit number for residents to call that connects them with Phoenix CARES for easy support with their concerns. Neighborhood issues will disappear as more housing is built and people experiencing homelessness are given housing first. 79 The long term plan for neighborhoods should be to end homelessness, period. This section is just a red herring. 80 Focus seems to be on problem areas, rather than people and root causes. 81 Neighborhoods will pull together for important issues. Information on how to properly address homeless problems in a neighborhood has been missing and will be very helpful in managing all the related concerns. 82 It is nice to have the govt help with some of this stuff instead of citizens having to confront people themselves, which often times does not end well. The city would not have to spend a lot more money on telling citicens of the information resources, since a lot of it can be included with the water bill, like it already is on the included flyer. 83 N.2.2 should be removed. Unmanned governmental electronic surveillance of the 2.2 citizenry is a breach of our constitutional rights. Increase the swiftness, severity and certainty of punishment for those who are caught engaging in these 84 There are other cities that are getting better results. Mesa is one city that we have been tracking for how they deal with the criminal aspect of the homeless. homelessness/help-for-the-homeless Look particularly at the section titled “How Mesa’s police officers can help”

85 Yes to all of this one, including additional security for alleys, illegal dumping prevention / enforcement, and thing that can be done to improve parks (Solano Park in particular). 86 Eliminate cameras 2.2 87 NSD should develop a plan to coordinate services for neighborhoods. 88 Not only expand the Gated Alley Program but fund all qualifying allies. 89 N.1.2 is there data to show that NSD, along with other dept, attending neighborhood meetings is not effective? Or Phx At Your Service? N.2.1 This "pilot" has been going on for 10 years! That's not a pilot program anymore Need to prioritize public restrooms, more trans cans/bins, and access to drinking water

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 90 These strategies seem to be trying to punish and control people experiencing homelessness, rather than helping them. There should be an increase in public restrooms. 91 I think instead of building gates and fences in these neighborhoods to keep homelessness away or out of view of is not the answer to the growing housing problem. Public restrooms yes, if it's for all to use and not just those with a permanent address. No need for additional lighting as that does not address housing these individuals. 92 N.2.2. Cameras in alleys to discourage congregating? Is congregating a vague term? 93 N.2.2 can be removed. Cameras do not discourage people! Especially those who 2.2 are mentally unwell - they are not able to rationalize that a camera is there to deter them. 94 Citizens want to help, they just don't know where to find it. 95 Once again incredibly vague. Using buzz words without going into strategy. Try laying out all of these plans in detail in an easily accessible format for the public. 96 If you help people with housing this will not be an issue. 97 N2.1 I am fully supportive of Gated Alleys. I am a neighborhood leader and there 2.1 are so many issues with alleys and keeping them clean!! N2.3 - This would be 2.3 great especially with the light rail areas. However, how do you keep them clean and not have another place where homeless come to live. Like the bus stops. 98 I don't know about this one. I don't want any homeless people roaming my neighborhood. Dont dare think about 'redistributing' them 99 There needs to be a focus on community involvement and fellowship so that people support each other. 100 Clearly, the homeless need clean restrooms and a place to bathe to ward off infections and disease. I'm not sure what it means to call neighborhoods to action. Obviously, dark areas need better lighting and to discourage congregating for illicit purposes. 101 The single best thing you can do for the neighborhoods, such as mine, where the 2.2 drug addicts eat, sleep, vomit, shit, and dump huge piles of trash across the alley, is to provide safety lighting that illuminates the entire length of the alleys. This should be a relatively easy and inexpensive project to implement, and should be done as a stand-alone project to implement immediately. The alleys have the power lines and APS has a program where they will install the safety lighting on their power poles free of charge and they just require a contract to add a recurring $10 a month fee for electricity added to a customer's electricity bill. The city should be able to work out a contract with APS to install the security lights for a negotiated fee and the problem is solved. 102 add alley gates. Unfortunately, the homeless do not follow or respect rules and 2.2 physical barriers are needed to protect vulnerable areas such as alleys. 103 N.2.2 - Rather than surveilling and criminalizing homeless people for surviving, 2.2 prioritize finding them housing. People won't litter in alleys when they have an indoor space to live in. Unsheltered homeless people are not animals whose daily living behavior needs to be policed and corrected by authorities and housed neighbors. 104 I’m assuming these points of interest have to do with homelessness downtown. I think the best approach is getting people off the streets. Some people want to live on the streets. Arrest them put them in jail this gets people off the streets. Spend the money on jails institutions etc not bandages.

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 105 All of the initiatives in this section reek of the toxic culture of (to use a term from contemporary vernacular) Karen. Please remove. This is once again clearly addressing symptoms and not causes. The inclusion of this section, even only potentially, now makes me doubt the City's seriousness of addressing the real problem of homelessness. 106 More community based officers to help 107 all great 108 This part takes a swift turn from understanding homelessness as a public health crisis to treating people that are homeless as criminals and their basic behaviors as criminal. Great to have public bathrooms and place for people to rest and be while they wait for housing. But if you're putting up the fences and cameras, without resources in place, you're setting people up to get arrested. Providing information to the public is fantastic and we should have a campaign that helps people understand that arrests/convictions for people who are homeless means barriers to housing and services. Encouraging the public to call 211 and crisis teams and funding those services is key in creating better outcomes for people living on the streets. 109 Additional lighting hasn't been shown to reduce crime. It has shown to have a negative impact on human and wildlife health. 110 Need places for the homeless to be during the day when shelters are closed. 111 We all need to do our part to provide education, assistance in this effort. We all Have a skill to offer . Example give an hour - Is a a program you can call and talk to a volunteer- it may not be therapy but some people just need to be heard . It’s a way to give back. It helps lonely people. It could be something free where you just call a volunteer that day to talk. 112 Two things - cameras for illegal dumping will only criminalize people experiencing homelessness. I believe a gated alley program will only do the same. Why isn’t there a plan in here for training neighborhood coalitions on better ways of responding to individuals experiencing homelessness. Neighborhood Services could include that as a resource for neighbors and associations/coalitions. The City of Phoenix Public Library has a phenomenal training by an individual named Ryan Dowd that I think Neighborhood Services ought to offer to frustrated and concerned neighborhood orgs. 113 Neighborhoods should be just as important as mental health outreach and more housing options. Business owners and homeowners deserve respect. 114 If there are more police survilance in these neighborhoods, that may decrease. What about using survilence drones ? 115 Neighborhoods need a contact person with the City who can help them develop a specific plan for addressing their challenges and needs with homelessness issues. It is not enough just to say, "Each neighborhood needs an individualized plan." What resources are you providing neighborhoods to develop a solid plan? 116 It would be wonderful if restrooms were available for the homeless. Also water and washing stations so Covid 19 will not spread in this community and then in neighborhoods. 117 Make sure Phoenix Police are not involved with the care of homeless people. Do not provide any additional money to Phoenix Police, Deflect any increases to resources in our city. Provide better resources that prevent this kind of tragedy from happening again by not spending so much on Policing and more on schools, before and after school programs, health and healthcare disparities.

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 118 Education - educate the neighborhoods about how wide spread this issue is, also educate on the resources, if they see someone struggling instead of a negative reaction provide solutions, share resources. 119 Find a Mental institution 120 more lighting is all that is needed. The phrasing of list tells me that homeless will invade neighborhoods, then we will have to spend more money to get them out. Not working out well in other US cities 121 How about focusing on ways to get them to move on. Homelessness or squatting and loitering shouldn’t be encouraged or tolerated. It shouldn’t be pander to or any of that other nonsense. 122 Elements of this section reiterate the existing position of using the police and hostile-urbanism as the solution to homelessness. This section contains good ideas (the first 3) but then sneak in adversarial strategies. 123 Enforcement is a necessary complement for those of us who live in heavy traffic areas for homeless they set up camps in spaces like parks and now are not usable by kids and families 124 Delete N.2.2 2.2 125 Don't enable the homeless so that they find an alternative. 126 Alternatives to policing should be advertised everywhere you can. I think lighting would be more effective than illegal dumping cameras, as punitive measures will mainly add more friction and likely hurt people in need. 127 Make this clearer 128 Some of this is okay but not all of it. I understand the suggestions, but they don't work. For instance, providing bathrooms. Those facilities become places for drug deals and sex acts. Saw this happen in our park. Again, the solution is to allow services such as that to those who want to participate in changing their situation not perpetuating their situation! 129 I'm not familiar with some of these issues. Increased surveillance isn't something I am fond of. 130 I read the detailed plan. What is the plan for those that refuse services? Is there another safety net to catch those that don't accept help or fail to compete support programs? Thank you. 131 Add how to address homeless congregation/encampments at bus stops - maybe not this section but it should be addressed somewhere. 132 Love the idea of expanding gated alley program. I would suggest adding strong partnership with other City departments to help with neighborhood revitalization - we need to figure out how to better take care of our neighborhoods with significant homelessness populations. 133 Neighborhoods suffer from NIMBY to the extreme; will this empower them to think they can force an anywhere but here. What about the neighborhoods where alley's are also multi-resident housing parking access? Are gates helping homeowners only? 134 Again, accountability, funding and effectiveness. Neighborhoods want to see improvements in their areas. Enlists those individuals that are benefiting from these programs to assist in cleanup, etc. Incent them for their efforts. Police resources are spread thin, costs continue to rise. 135 Less emphasis on enforcement, more focus on solving the core issue of housing the homeless.

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 136 THE GATED ALLEY PROGRAM HAS BEEN A GOOD THING FOR THE PORTION OF OUR NEIGHBORHOOD THAT HAS IMPLEMENTED IT. IT HAS CONTROLLED THE NON-ESSENTIAL MIGRATION THROUGH THE ALLEYS AND LIMITED THE BACK YARD INTRUSIONS. 137 I do not think there needs to be more cameras. They will not be needed if we do 2.2 the necessary work. Use the funds elsewhere 138 The city needs to support neighborhoods who experience homelessness issues better -- like homeless people who live in the Alley AND Illegal dumping is a big issue that the city really never addresses. 139 Reaching out to local professionals, for example Architects and Campus Planners.

Often the population have some form of a cell phone that is needed to manage healthcare/legal contacts/safety/family - there should be a safe space for low densities of people to charge their cell phone in peace. 140 I feel that the laws we have are sufficient, and that the goal of this program shouldn't be to prosecute offending people but instead to get them back on their feet. 141 There needs to be one easy group/number to contact for all issues. For example- saw a man, twice, pooping in our alley. Whom to call? No idea. Asked neighbors on Nextdoor? They told me to use a pooper scooper and dispose if it. Not sure if that’s what the city wants? I’d love a gated alley. 142 Neighborhoods need to have resources to go to so that they know how to handle the homeless and what their rights are in conjunction with the behavior and the property damage that they do. Seeing a mentally ill person and feeling so helpless and being so afraid can only be rectified by the city giving us more resources 143 People who are homeless still have the same basic needs as other human beings. Public restrooms and places where there might be showers available and donated, clean clothing to take would be humane. Safety is a real issue when living on the street. 144 Hygiene and public safety is still important 145 Gated alleys and more cameras don't fix the source of the homelessness problem, just a side effect of it 146 The items listed in the Neighborhood section are back-handed ways of criminalizing behavior instead of creating ways to eliminate that behavior. In the meantime, YES, provide more public restrooms and more place for people to shelter so they don't have to defacate in an alley or sleep in a park. 147 this sounds like phoenix cares program.. its little more than a complaint line 148 This section is punitive rather than rehabilitative. The resources should go toward providing facilities that are open to all, and the staff needed to keep them clean and safe. 149 neighborhoods are fed up and will turn their back on spending resources on homelessness if we do not show significant progress in their parks, convenience stores etc. 150 Neighborhoods would benefit from localized donation centers (such as donation bins) and the use of community gardens.

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 151 N.1.1 - No. People already have access to media. It's a total waste of time trying 1.1 to add to it. 1.2 N.1.2 - If it wasn't frustrating, it would be laughable. Phone tag between 1.3 departments to answer taxpayer questions is nothing short of abhorrent. Some 2.2 departments don't even know what they are responsible for. If they are not sure 2.3 they just forward you to a different department. Fix what is in place before adding 2.4 to i please. N.1.3 - Oh God, stop the evaluation already! Our alleys for the most part look like parts of third world countries! Gating alleys solves nothing. Here is a novel idea - enforce blight codes for citizens who fail to maintain their half of their alley and pave them! Some are nothing more than wagon tracks between piles of vegetation, junk, and garbage. I will never pay any amount to close an alley that the city or county created. If you seek a real solution, move the utilities to the streets to upgrade and standardize to code(s) and let property owners reclaim their half of the alley by moving the fence line to the center of the alley. The city is out of compliance with county dust ordinances regarding dust control in alleys. N.2.2 - Absolutely yes! Cameras should have the ability to provide detailed vehicle and facial recognition as well as being connected to the police department. Caveat - cameras have to cover the entire alley. I am aware of the current camera program in existence. N.2.3 - You're kidding right? NO! N.2.4 - Why are you even asking. If these areas need added lighting, do your jobs and get it done!! You need a survey for this??

152 N 1.2, 1.3, 2.3, and 2.4 only 153 In addition, where possible, reward or at least tolerate responsible stewardship by homeless individuals who do clean up after themselves. 154 What about supporting the existing laws that protect neighborhood residents, add identify and fund resources to clean up after illegal dumping, put into practice services to clean the garbage and waste that is left throughout the city 155 This seems as a way to criminalize homelessness, rather than aiding the homeless 156 2.2 Remove N.2.2--no more illegal dumping cameras 157 N.2.2 seems antagonistic 2.2 158 If homeless people receive all the other proposed services these issues disappear 159 Objective N.2.2 should be removed. This expands policing over vulnerable 2.2 populations, who are most at risk of abuse or otherwise improper conduct from law-enforcement officers. 160 You need a better system and access to services. This is putting the cart before the horse thinking. 161 have nonprofits work with government entities to better understand everyone's needs. This is not a cookie cutter solution to help the homeless. Understand the challenges law enforcement face and take it from there. 162 N.2.3 is the the only item in this section that should be part of the plan. Sounds 2.3 like everything else is part of the City's normal course of business. 163 Create and provide public restrooms rather than just weasel-wording your way through "explore partnership opportunities." They do this in public squares all over's not that hard.

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 164 N.2.1 should be removed. Gating alleys is not an effective use of time or money. 2.1 The resources that would be used to gate alleys should be used on addressing the mental health and housing factors. 165 Add how you intend to more actively enforce the laws on sleeping rough, loitering and littering (especially deliberate smashing of glass) 166 Discourage vigilante action by neighborhood residents. A lot of people pick up the phone and call the police. People should use other options but need to know what they are. 167 Explain the section about cameras and illegal dumping. 168 Education to neighborhood residents and business owners on the subject of homelessness should be delivered as a service to reduce the stigma surrounding homelessness and encourage empathy of those who have never experienced homelessness. Other opportunities should be created to have the homeless community and neighborhood community come together and interact in a positive and safe way that, again, aims to reduce stigma and encourage empathy. 169 Yes, the neighborhoods need to feel safe, feel heard, feel valued. And getting them involved in any way possible, even in the smallest ways, will allow them to feel a sense of control over their areas and not react with such anger and resentment to the homeless. 170 set up online neighborhood communities and interaction 171 N.2.2 excluded 2.2 172 Too many items for argument here again... 173 None of these hit at the root of the problem and are not sustainable for a meaningful amount of time. 174 Include education of city staff. the message and answers coming out of whoever answers the city phones always needs to be the same. there are times I have called various city departments and frequently they tell me to stop calling and use the website and the app. what does "call the neighborhood to action" truly mean? 175 Cameras should not be implemented to alleys to prevent encampment because 2.2 that would criminalize people. There won't be a need for this if everyone has a house or home. Nor should we encourage our community to call for law enforcement on their fellow community members. 176 Remove N.2.2. As the camera will be useless if your other programs work 2.2 correctly 177 N.2.2- adding cameras is an unnecessary addition, adding lights and community 2.2 resources is a much better use of funds 178 Stop criminalizing homelessness. 179 Additional lighting and cameras are good ideas 180 The addition of further surveillance to criminalize homeless people should not be encouraged. 181 Stop making it more difficult for homeless people to survive 182 remove the gated alleys and dumping cameras; spend the money on affordable housing instead 183 “Discouraging congregation” sounds like a way to further criminalize homelessness. Those who are homeless are still our neighbors, and they should not be chased out from the areas in which they seek shelter, such as alleys and empty lots. 184 No need to waste precious resources on cameras. Providing the appropriate aid would already decrease the congregation of people in alleys.

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 185 Designate specific neighborhoods within downtown/central Phoenix that will benefit from such resources, and ensure that suburban neighborhoods (such as Ahwatukee) within Phoenix will NOT be impacted by such resources. 186 More emphasis on options for neighborhoods to seek help with homeless issues that don’t involve the police or legal punishment/action. Less emphasis on punishing “congregation in alleys” and more community-based intervention from people with mental health and addiction treatment backgrounds and knowledge of available programs and support. Criminalization of any aspects of homelessness (public camping, sleeping, congregation in alleys, etc. will never work and will always punish the most vulnerable. 187 WE (PHOENIX, GLENDALE, MARYVALE) NEED MORE POLICE ON THE STREETS 188 Solve the problem, not the symptom. 189 leave as is 190 Enforce public nuisance laws. 191 More safety targets. 192 There needs to be a mass scale effort to inform citizens of the ways they can help. It should include providing everyone a contact number that they can call themselves, or give to homeless people to call, where the homeless are able to get support and get off the street and are provided resources to get back on their feet. 193 All very important, don't change anything. 194 Include partnership with local businesses to post no trespassing signs and discourage congregating on business properties. Educate businesses on how to eliminate environmental factors that encourage homeless and vagrants on properties. Encourage partnership with Phoenix Police to intervene when drugs and crime are prevalent. Educate and activate Block Watch and Neighborhood Associations on resources and tools to eliminate problem areas. 195 What does “call to action” mean? If we provided better services people wouldn’t need to congregate in ally ways. We cannot continue to make homelessness illegal, people are trying to survive. 196 City services response to calls from neighborhoods needs to increase. Cut red tape for shutting down alleys 197 Ensure communication programs include phone numbers for local policing 198 I really appreciate the goal of public restrooms. 199 This makes people insensitive to our homless neighbors! Their still neighbors! 200 I like the extra lighting clause 201 I think we need to keep all options open and vigilant to any changes or additions as needed 202 Neighborhood outreach is critically important. Again the details here are important. Neighborhoods should have education and resources but ultimately the City needs to be responsive and take responsibility - often calls about unsafe alley situations are dismissed or ignored and it puts neighborhoods in difficult situations when the city pushes responsibility onto them 203 Include closing of residential alleys without the need for majority vote from residents. 204 Pursue anti-panhandling legislation to direct those individuals to services and off the intersections.

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 205 I don't think cameras and gated alleys are the solution. I think expanding options 2.2 for public restrooms and expanding access to shelters is a much better way of addressing this problem. If people have nowhere else to go, they are going to have to go somewhere, and adding more security will only criminalize them more for it, not actually solve the problem. 206 Seems like a waste of city funds. Make the information available on the City/State websites, people will find it when they need it. Please don't bother with cameras except where they are vitally necessary. 207 N.2.2 should only be implemented after the homeless shelter capacity has been significantly increased and the outreach programs are able to get people in them. 208 Dignity. 209 I'd like to see more public bathrooms and services to keep them clean. 210 Luz en las calles residenciales Dara mas seguridad en las casas 211 N1.2 why doesn’t the City organize itself for a one stop shop instead of making a 1.2 resident follow a road map to several different depts? N2.2 Do not support 2.2 additional cameras; dumping is done by contractors! 212 Listen to the neighborhood. They live there. You ask them what they want and you all just do what you want. No respect for personal property. 213 Add incentives on keeping neighborhood clean.Taken turns cleaning streets and neighborhoods clean, in return give homeless vouchers, cash or incentives of some type. 214 Educate the public as well, business owners, homeowners, etc.about providing resources to the homeless individuals about where they can go for help or safety. Lessen the stigma... 215 Lighting actually encourages crime and we already suffer from massive light pollution. The gated alley program is a farce. It won't stop most of the issues and will create more problems. 216 Phoenix residents need a better understanding of the extent of the problem than just what they see in their own neighborhoods. I was blown away when I read this in your report, "There is an overall shortage of 163,067 units of housing in Phoenix due to housing construction not keeping up with rapid population growth. About 200,000 Phoenix households are cost-burdened, meaning they are paying more than 30 percent of their income toward rent. Gap: Phoenix needs 99,581 new affordable housing units and 63,486 new market rate units." We all need to hear this! Maybe a PSA? Empathy and greater understanding can help actualize plans. 217 This is huge. I have been asking for our alley to be gated for years. I live on Alice Ave between 23rd ave and 25th ave and our alley is a MESS. I never go dump my trash alone, I have to wait for my sons or nephews to visit. Luckily they come often. 218 Survalance cameras seem unnecessary. And are very obviously NOT about 2.2 illegal dumping. 219 Would like to see research about whether cameras are effective and don't have 2.2 negative consequences to people's sense of security and autonomy. 220 The gated at alleys are very necessary. I am a believer in that. However the rest of it although it is needed I don’t know how badly. 221 There is no mention of homelessness cleanup and monitoring along the trail systems such as trail 100 222 It's up to up to take action and make the difference. 223 Same comment as the preceding. The "call; educate neighborhoods" is demeaning, implying government knows better than the governed. Neighborhood Chapter Comments Page 138 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 224 Public restrooms should be removed from the plan. Encampments and trash left behind should not be the responsibility of the homeowner or business to clean up. This is a dirty job and we shouldn't be responsible. The city should provide clean up services to residents and businesses who have been affected by homeless activities. 225 I wonder how effective more cameras are if there aren't additional people to 2.2 monitor them and take action when they see something going on? What will the follow-up be? 226 N2.3 remove 2.3 227 Just do something. Less talk 228 Drop N.2.2. city government should not increase surveillance. 2.2 229 This section does not include some of the major concerns of neighborhoods. In addition, it does not outline any required neighborhood impact mitigation for foot traffic to and from services that are required from providers. This is incomplete. 230 Off course-we all need to be on the same page. What is my responsibility? 231 There should be provisions directly related to enforcement of neighborhood safety. Where are the increased officer presence? Where are the provisions regarding court involvement to stop illegal behavior? Yes, these passive media calls to actions, cameras, and lights are positive, but they are far from what I would expect to see from a responsible proactive response to neighborhood crime/destruction from our city leaders. I expect more police and prosecution of those who violate our communities. 232 Please see notes at question 23. 233 I am uneducated in this area. Clearly it is a concern, but my opinion is not well informed. 234 Add hire employees for a faster response time from the Phx CARES program 235 Perhaps if people were allowed to keep their personal items when going into CASS (or at least some of them), there would not be so much debris collection from people trying to store things while at the same time trying to find a safe place to sleep since under the current plan they are mutually exclusive, which is a little insane. If a person is able to find a bed at CASS for a while, but loses all of their possessions (and the staff at CASS are taking or not properly distributing donated resources) then that person if they choose to leave has nothing again. 236 Homeless should have never been able to pop tents in downtown like they did. I worked downtown for years and they hung out at CASS. Now, the entire downtown area smells like urine. I'm empathetic toward the mentally ill but letting them take over downtown was ridiculous. Sorry for venting. 237 This section may just confuse people and it doesn't really address homelessness 238 I understand there's resistance to the use of cameras as we experienced with the speed cameras throughout the valley. I support the use of cameras when it comes to addressing specific problems. 239 Definitely remove N2.2, which just contributes to the criminalization of 1.2 homelessness. Definitely keep N2.3 and N2.4 and N1.2 and N1.3. 1.3 2.2 2.3 2.4 240 This is a community issue. Ideally, highlighting the percentage of homeless individuals that are folks like you and me that just had a bad series of financial hits, need some assistance from the community. As I recall, someone did a great study, actually talking with homeless folks, came up with some information not generally considered. Neighborhood Chapter Comments Page 139 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 241 Not clear what the first two bullet points mean 242 Provide bus ticket to a relatives home in some cases 243 Educating the neighborhoods to the reasons behind homelessness. There are many thoughts and ideas about homelessness; educational materials could help neighborhoods understand the true reason to homelessness. 244 Need a hand up, not a community narking system. 245 People are easily frightened and then angry about the homeless. Providing clear direction instead of "call the police" is a very good idea. 246 Improve access to nutritious meals, clean clothes, and showers. 247 Look at ways to engage people in neighborhoods to problem solve or identify issues. Having a virtual or physical location to have meetings, support advocacy 248 Research models of self-cleaning public toilets (France) and automatic public showers (Japan), locker rooms and laundry facilities that can be used by homeless persons 249 Nothing 250 The public restrooms at parks are so dangerous and not well kept. Public Address is the best 251 Japan has public bath houses. It's something to consider. 252 The language sounds punitive towards people experiencing homelessness & is pandering to residents who want to “get rid” of people from their area. It needs to be more respectful of all involved and honoring human dignity regardless of whether or not they have a residence. 253 Adding more public restrooms around the valley seems like a good idea 254 Keep the well paying residents safe. 255 When you enable they will not change. There needs to be consequence. When you enable you are guilty of assisting their poor decisions 256 Also include availability of outdoor electrical outlets or phone charging docks that homeless can charge phones as I’ve heard they need their phones to be able to make appointments and seek jobs. 257 You should not be asking me to police the unhoused. This is seriously disturbing. In fact, I am willing to help in any way I can. Please do not film people, that is inappropriate. If you want to clean the streets, let's organize a cleaning crew. I am willing to help in my own neighborhood but in now way will I ever be okay with harming or criminalizing the unhoused. Let me know ways to help out and provide support for these folks. 258 N1.3 and N2.3 seem the really important sections. safe/consistent access to 1.3 clean water and restrooms for the homeless is critical ... even after covid... if 2.3 there is ever an "after covid" 259 Need an explanation of "Gated Alley Program". 260 Nor sure additional lighting and alley monitoring is a priority 261 leave as is 262 Solve the cause of the problem, not its effects. 263 This is tough. Involving neighborhoods will probably take place when that neighborhood has a homeless problem. Perhaps the best answer is to provide city-approved land for homeless encampments. This will require some infrastructure costs (eg restroom facilities with fresh water and public cooling centers). It would also require services of maybe a partner food pantry and litter/garbage collection. 264 Increased funding for neighborhood cleanup efforts where problems persist.

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 265 The community needs to be able to stay safe and have ways of protecting themselves and the second amendment should be encouraged instead of relying on city officials 266 We allow this behavior to exist. My council person office view that it is not against the law to be homeless so it is low priority or in most cases non issue for law enforcement. But the cost of dealing with the aftermath says it is. Phoenix citizens have drawn weary from no action by people in government. City Parks , Council and law enforcement. If there is not an physical assault in progress don't waste you time calling Police will not respond. The homeless can be in you yard

267 It saddens me that in one of the richest countries/cities that a basic human right is not offered. We are constantly paying maintenance people to clean up the walls outside our buildings in downtown Phx. There has got to be a place that a person can use a bathroom(s) in private. 268 Please no lights in the alleys! The awful lights the city has installed on our neighborhood streets are unpleasant enough. It's really not right to have more of those things shining into people's bedroom windows. 269 More should be done to outlaw homelessness and eliminate the blight on our city. 270 Empower law enforcement to remove transients to shelters 271 Try to develop public restrooms owned by the city in case the partners can no longer provide restrooms 272 dont use it-sounds more like an idea than a usable plan-more exclusive than inclusive 273 Stop trying to stop symptoms of the problem. If people are congregating in an alley, then we haven't served them. We need to deploy improved/increased services if this behavior is happening. I'm disappointed to see language like this is which does not honor the fact that homeless people would not be engaging in these behaviors if they had better options. 274 Protecting the public that pays taxes should he taken care of first. 275 these sections should be un-bundled so you can provide feedback on each objective. 276 I don’t think additional cameras are needed. We shouldn’t punish people for being homeless-if there are more resources and more outreach, that problem should solve itself. 277 Need to disperse housing and services for the homeless in the City of Phoenix and the region. Concentrated poverty only leads with the social ills that go with poverty--crime, domestic violence, broken families, teen pregnancy, etc. Best to keep at a reasonable size and disperse. Will better fit in with the communities. Thinking of Inner City locations for the region, but dispersed in the Inner City. For Phoenix, this means west, south, east and north Phoenix. 278 Evaluate elimination of alleys altogether in residential areas 279 Remove the whole thing 280 I don't think gated alleys should be promoted. They can be done, but only if a proven danger and issue to the neighborhood. 281 Having community positive involvement is a must. Communities come together to fight the negative; let's come together for some good. 282 All The Above?

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 283 in places with higher population of homeless, build freestanding restrooms or portable restrooms that include showers and lockers 284 The gated alley program should not be implemented until there is a way to provide new shelter for those impacted. Right now, it's cruel to gate off the places they were living - where everyone expected to see homeless people - with nowhere for them to go. Also, cameras will not stop people from congregating. Frequent police patrols will discourage illegal activity. Extra lighting is not going to help. I would expect any communication received to be clear and easy to find if I need it on a website. 285 I am amazed that there are not public restrooms, showers and garbage dumping locations where homelessness exists. We can't hide the problem by not addressing basic needs issues. Downtown is a DUMP. It is embarrassing to the city. We should be ashamed. My tax dollars at work??? I don't think so. 286 1. Finally, something about restrooms. Open the parks. 2. This section is a little dangerous: it’s less about protecting the homeless and more about protecting homeowners from their often-incorrect preconceived notions that many homeless are dangerous. This seems like an unnecessary sop to the neighborhood groups. 287 Do not expand camera usage. That only increases the stigma and punitive opportunities targeting homelessness. Instead, address homeowner concerns with outreach about agencies they can call about alley congregation, so the homeless can get help instead of punishment. 288 Instead of criminalizing poverty and homelessness I would prefer to see the city spending funds to address systemic injustices that result in homelessness. 289 I do not think Alleys should be gated but lighting could be helpful for public safety. 290 I don't think we need cameras. But everything is helpful. 291 It is important to identify the media outlets. Social media is important - name the outlets and teach people. What is missing is working with apartment leasing offices. 292 Not necessary. With proper effective outreach this issue would go away on its own.

293 I would love for our neighborhood to take part in the Gated Alley Pilot Program.

My neighborhood has become more and more dangerous over the past two years. I no longer shop at neighborhood businesses, because I am constantly approached by groups of homeless individuals that appear to be on drugs. I don't feel safe going into these business at night, or alone. I recently had to call the Police because my young teen daughter was chased through the parking lot of the Circle K one block from my home by a mentally disturbed man, while I waited in my car. He blocked my car, and screamed through my windows that he wanted a ride. Then he ran out into the intersection and proceeded to try and stop cars. 294 I think the gated alley program is useless and expanding the use of illegal dumping cameras only serves to further criminalize homelessness, which is the opposite of what is needed! 295 Let's not criminalize homelessness with aggressive utilization of N 2.1 and N 2.2. 2.1 This also encourages NIMBY-ism. Community residents won't be motivated to 2.2 be part of the solution if it's NOT "in their backyard." People don't WANT to live in alleys; by implementing the solutions described up above, this will resolve automatically. 296 Please include city hiking areas like the Salt RIver Preserve. Neighborhood Chapter Comments Page 142 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 297 These ideas are not for the homeless (they need to be somewhere) but rather for residents. It's an end result (i.e. no loitering in alleys) but not a cure. 298 Yes!!!! 299 Cameras and law enforement 300 Most of the above are issues we, as a neighborhod block watch, have been dealing with for years and, again, wasted time and money with meetings with city to obtain these items. INCLUDE MORE SPEED CUSHIONS as we cannot get traffic police out on one of our streets (N. 21st Ave) that runs between W. Bell Rd. and W. Union Hills. Vehicles use as a racetrack and cut through when Bell and Union Hills backed up. We have advised over and over that traffic signs for speeding are out of service and being upgraded. Ha. Have heard that for two years now. YET, we have to do the traffic studies and WE have to pay for a portion of the speed cushions. Again, TAXPAYERS are fed up. 301 None 302 Enforcement and Prosecution for littering and illegal dumping. 303 Add N1.3 N2.2 N2.3 N2.4 304 Remove the public restroom partnership, remove neighborhood education. Communities know the problems they need help fixing it not learning about it. I do agree with expanding cameras for the safety of Arizonan residents. 305 Enforcement doesn’t help. Is homeless “dumping” in alleys really a peoblem?

The solutions would more likely be like a public trash can, not an “enforcement camera”

I think we generally should be avoiding punitive things. If a neighborhood wants to purchase a camera all to them, but it’s a silly use of public funds. 306 Increase policing is the only thing that works. Trespassing, littering and camping must be policed which will drive those in need to the services appropriate to them. The mentally ill can be evaluated and sent for treatment, those drug addicted can be diverted into mandatory inpatient treatment. 307 Everyone needs to work in concert. Much of this should be done in partnership with 211. Public restrooms are a must. 308 Need to make all residential areas safer for those who live and work there. 309 I think there needs to be an increase in funds for the development of affordable housing in general and decrease the amount of gentrification in the city. 310 The upper half is wasteful. The lower half is useful...but doesn’t solve anything. 311 Add: provide better community blight and dump area clean up to prevent Dumping area and Blight to restart. Ie: community patrol and call in for trash haul and blight removal/clean up. 312 Include trained community group to serve as liaison with neighborhoods. 313 Eliminate intersection panhandling, especially at and within a mile of freeways. Public Service campaign to let the public know that giving these people money keeps them addicted and on the streets, don't give them money. Take away liquor licenses from businesses that refuse to take care of homeless issues and crime on their properties (ie. the QuikTrip on 27th Ave. and Northern).

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 314 Given the extent of the data presented, 7k+ homeless and %51 unsheltered, it is impossible to know what a good strategy looks like. We should do the work to understand the population further. What percent needs mental health services? What percentage are on the street due to recent eviction? What percent are using hard drugs? What percent would take a bed if one was available? 315 We need to completely gate all our parks that are having homeless sleeping in them. That way we can enforce the hours of our parks. This especially includes Solano Park and Cortez Park. That way it will be easier to keep our parks clean. 316 The most important of all solutions is to promote the Gentrification that is occurring in Downtown Phoenix this year. Having market forces guide unproductive citizens to neighboring cities is the only reason that New York City did not end up like Detroit. Learn from History!!!! 317 The Gated Alley Program is very important as it protects our neighborhoods. It will prevent illegal dumping & homeless people from sleeping and doing drugs in our alleys. This will then prevent fires. Our alley has had numerous fires this year and is getting dangerous. 15th ave Fillmore 85007. We have lived in the neighborhood for over 40 years and witnessed this issue getting worse and more dangerous 318 No more cameras for “looking for illegal dumping” We don’t need additional 2.2 “eyes” on everyone 319 N.1.2 is extremely important, but the other times are far less important. 1.2 320 ADD: Clarify what neighbors can and should do when there are unsheltered people in their neighborhood causing problems. Perhaps a single phone number to call (not the police) to report unsheltered people in need and another one for unsheltered people engaged in criminal behavior (might be police).

321 provide alternate places of congregation, if discouraging congregating in alleys! 322 also need to address homeless taking up residences in parks or in areas near schools or where children walk to school 323 Would add more info of how to address homeless camps in allys and behind electric transformers (example along 19th ave) In a timely manner 324 I attended the encampment presentation and utilized the information. Unfortunately police and fire had not been informed of the process and a homeless woman was left at a bus stop in 115 degree weather with blood sugar of 510 and a black eye. First responders wouldnt take her to hospital, did not call for resources, I was told to leave the scene, i passed by an hour later and the woman passed out at the bus stop. So I would say communication and social services. what is the public supposed to do when you see something say something and no one does anything. 325 Promoting no dumping is very important and increased lighting 326 Is there an objective related to response time by City departments for chronic homeless-related issues in neighborhoods? 327 As long as it does NOT criminalize the homeless population. it could lead to more arrest which will not allow people to obtain jobs or housing. 328 Remove section N1.3 N2.1 and N2.4 1.3 2.1 Increase parole of parks and alleys but never ask a homeless person to leave 2.4 without providing them resources and transportation to a facility that can house them. 329 The link doesn’t work to look at additional program info. Was curious what the gated alley program pilot is Neighborhood Chapter Comments Page 144 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 330 All this leads to the continued criminalization of homelessness 331 I like the clarity of knowing who to call in a emergency, but otherwise don’t see much value in these measures. 332 There is already an existing Resource Guide for AZ -support should be given to keep it functions 24/7 for the community to access and -it does not to be a printed guide that becomes outdated as soon as it is created-people can access the 211AZ trough their phone, through personal computers through the Library -help that system stay functioning. 333 Looks like a spending plan for things that should already be in place. No public restrooms please. They are meeting places for crimes to occur. Do you think the people needing these services will read directions or should the people providing the services be more familiar with what they can do and not do? 334 There probably a need for free public restrooms, I believe most of us just go to a fast food restaurant and use their facilities. However, businesses likely do not want homeless people using their restrooms - for customer use only. Bit there is a problem ofmaintaining, cleaning, sanitary, security, vandalizism/damages, etc. (See Parks & Rec) 335 Making alley congregation illegal just emphasis a criminal perspective of homelessness. Don't do that. Instead focus on outreach, community/neighborhood solutions, meet people where they are at. 336 Continue to maintain safe communities 337 I do NOT agree the CITY should close all alleys. 338 does not sound effective. Sounds like a waste of resources 339 Sadly, there is an unwarranted stigma to show who receive assistance. It is important to reeducate surrounding owners/communities /businesses these are people who have pride and dignity in their homes as well. 340 If those that lead the initiative have passion, education will solve the problem - a lot of it anyway :) 341 Neighborhood knowledge is key! 342 Give people places to go to first, then increase policing. Of course people hang out in alleys. Where else should they go? 343 Educating the public is incredibly important. Perhaps this could align with the education campaign of the affordable housing initiative - reducing stigma and raising compassion. Any policy that addresses congregation has to be balanced with adequate resources and options for those experiencing homelessness. 344 If you address the causes of homelessness, this becomes low priority. Until then, neighborhoods need resources to keep them clean and safe. 345 There should be a section to monitor city owned parks. We have a number of homeless addicts who camp our near the Dreamy Draw recreation area. They leave behind human waste and garbage in addition to stealing from homes around the neighborhood. We have the right to feel safe in our homes and neighborhoods. 346 N.1.2 should be happening already regardless of this section. 1.2

347 eliminate section 2.3. 2.3 closing off the alleys is Monumentally important as are more lights in the streets and especially in the alley. It does no good to call a neighborhood to action unless people get a response and results faster than a week or two or three, while camps continue to exist causing garbage and severe health issues with the filth and health issues caused by needles, and human elimination.

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 348 Do not provide alley lights. Street lighting yes as long as it doesn’t make it in to a group for homeless to gather 349 Active "Block Watches" are crucial to any crime reduction plan. This might not mean the neighborhoods have "4 meetings a year" but that they are engaged with each other, City agencies/departments, and the police/CAOs. 350 remove adding cameras 2.2 add more public bathrooms 351 These policies are very hostile against the homeless. Create partnership programs between neighborhoods and the homeless, rather than investing in programs that exclude and criminalize the homeless. 352 Neighborhood should focus on NIMBYism and zoning. Alley gates (N.2.1) and 2.1 cameras for alleys (N.2.2.) do not seem very important right now. 2.2

353 Leave section N.2.3 and N.2.4 354 Emphasis on continued community outreach to neighborhoods. 355 N.2.1 Gated Alleys; this is a joke. The initial funds for this pilot program were 2.1 taken from neighborhoods by hijacking the Block Watch Grants funding. The city walked in without a formal proposal and demanded the money. Neighborhoods have to go through a stringent process to apply for, at the most, $10k for an entire year. This was a slap in the face to community leaders. If the city doesn't have the $500,000 to initiate the gate project, how could it possibly implement gated alleys city wide? With a cost of over $5k per gate, there are too many questions of locks, maintenance of gates, and bad guys could still jump the gates or keep the key to the lock when they moved. In our neighborhood, it will pit one neighbor against the other because some want gates and others don't. Our neighborhood has 42 alleys with 2 entries each so a total of 84 alleys to be gated. Our neighborhood needs more police patroling our area and quicker police response. Not spending money for gates that would get broken and need 356 it is important to collaborate with neighborhoods so they know how to address homelessness near their homes, beyond just calling the police. 357 Seems focused on displacement of homeless people

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 358 Many people in my neighborhood in 85006 already know about the CARES program but see no point in calling because there is no available housing and they already know many of the homeless don't want to use CASS for all the obvious reasons. Additionally, there don't trust PD to respond helpfully or to escalate emotional distress. Neighbors could use info on Circle the City for homeless people who appear to be in medical emergency. They could also use info on the Mobile Crisis Unit and/or CBI. Everybody in downtown and Midtown areas should have a magnet with this info for their refrigerators.

I don't see any real benefit to the Gated Alley program. Have an alley and I keep it clean and free of litter and overgrowth so I think this results in less camping. The alleys should be maintained as rear access points to garages and accessory dwelling units (hey, a source of affordable housing??). In other cities they are well maintained and sources of pride. A lot of the problem in Coronado is dumping by residents and contractors. I have personally cleaned many alleys and, yes, it is often disgusting work and requires attention to avoid contamination by biohazards but the real issue is lack of attention by homeowners and residents and lack of enforcement. Enforcement works. Solid waste should be writing tickets. Cameras to catch offenders would be a first step. And we need affordable housing for people who are unhoused. Bottom line. 359 Address the source of the problem and you do not have to deal with the mess resulting from homelessness. 360 Neighborhood concerns need to be addressed and residents need to know whom to contact. Police should not be the first option. Homeless people should be treated with respect and dignity. The alley or park gathering, restroom issues and street sleeping are all the result of no safe place to go. 361 Do you have the money to do this? Increasing demand for services creates anger, mistrust and cynicism if you don't have the budget and staff to deliver them. 362 This section should be more about educating neighborhoods on how to help their homeless residents, not make it even harder for a person experiencing homelessness to find a safe place to lay down at night. 363 Ensure residents do not call the police when they see homeless individuals moving through their precious neighborhoods. Actually, make it a point through your various media platforms that criminalizing homelessness is a call away. 364 Take away the use of "illegal dumping cameras." This criminalizes individuals who are homeless, when the issue at hand is the lack of affordable housing. Stop the Gated Alley Project. 365 process for proactively educating the community-not only making resources available, but finding a way to share key messages with the community 366 Focusing on housing will reduce the importance of this item. 367 N.1.1. - using call to action implies a sort of neighborhoods v.s. homeless people. 1.1 Maybe consider different phrasing. 368 Gated Alleys cut off connectivity. Focus on Alleyway beautification to maintain connectivity and increase property values. Use pedestrian lighting, paving, and planting. the more the alleys are utilized, the less they will be a spot for unwanted congregation. Alleys are a seriously untapped potential in Phoenix. There are other solutions that can work besides gating every single alley in the city. 369 Again, include the community in the ideas for improvement before writing up.

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 370 The gated alley program furthers the 'Us vs Them' mentality and has the potential to decrease the sympathy that those experiencing homelessness deserve. All neighborhood communications should lead with the idea of helping our unsheltered neighbors as opposed to reporting encampments as if someone was calling about bulk trash pickup. It should be stressed that any call for help is a call aiming towards offering access to services to someone instead of just "having them removed." Neighborhood communications need to stress the fact that being unsheltered in not a crime and people need help, not criminalization. There is a massive need for public restrooms. There is a massive need for homeless people to access safe storage space for their belongings 371 That Gated Alley Program could be key to preventing grops from congregating in alleys and making it their real estate. However, funding could be a hurdle. Identifying first a stable funding resource for this program could be key to making ths program work. And of course, developing a sound process to determine which alleys will get their gates first. Because there's going to be a "what about me?" situation here--you gate one alley to prevent them from coming in, groups will just find another alley nearby. 372 Public restrooms are needed. However, what would the "action" that neighborhoods would be "called to through multiple platforms on social media"? This is very vague. This needs to be updated. 373 It is only acceptable to enforce no congregating in alleys or on the streets once there are shelter beds in the HSC neighborhood. This should absolutely NOT be do e until we have sheltered everyone. Then and only then is it morally acceptable to force people with nowhere to go out of an area, which is what has been happy to unsheltered people with nowhere to go for the last 20 years. We never offered the required number of beds to get people off the street because of the ridiculous cap of 425 that was created for political reasons when the HSC was built. If we would have done it right the first time and out 1,200 beds up 17 years ago, we wouldn't be having this problem. 374 Cameras are not going to keep people from being in alleys 2.2 375 This section is important for communities and home/business owners. But we need to remember people live on the streets when there is nowhere else to go. Home and business owners need to be part of the total solution, not just concerned about keeping their alleys clean. 376 Change N.2.2 If they’re in an alley going to the bathroom it is likely that there 2.2 are not enough restrooms. We don’t need more cameras we need many more restrooms! 377 Remove section N2.2. Do not expand surveillance. 2.2 378 Closing off alleys and things like that should not be a priority, the priority is addressing the homelessness and mental health issues. 379 Congregation of people experiencing homelessness isn’t our largest issue - finding them housing is. 380 Take out N.2.2 2.2 381 N 2 1 and N 2 2 should be removed

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Strategy Nr. Neighborhood Chapter Comment Objective 382 Many of the points proposed in this plan reinforce the assumption that all homeless individuals are dangerous. This will actually do much more to restrict access to resources than increase access because when someone perceives danger, their immediate though is policing, rather than resourcing or compassion, through no fault of their own! If a difference is to be made within neighborhoods, it is going to be done through mutual aid. I know in other countries, there are networks of grandmothers/grandfathers who have been taught de-escalation and psychotherapy techniques who are already embedded members of the community and can pass on this information to others. I'm not sure how well this exact method would work in Phoenix, however, it does speak to the effectiveness of community members advocating for one another, rather than hoping for others to advocate on their behalf. 383 Remove N.2.1 N.2.2 2.1 More groups will need to be involved than just the city of Phoenix. 2.2

384 remove N.2.2 2.2 385 Use input from city-wide neighborhoods to create the Strategies for this section. These are random Strategies that again even if they are implemented what will the effect be? What are the goals? And will these things really improve neighborhoods or criminalize homelessness? 386 don't waste money on cameras and alley gates. Build more shelters!! 2.2 387 Adding how to work collaboratively with stakeholders and other organizations to help with neighborhood circumstances 388 People experiencing homelessness are members of these neighborhoods. How are they being engaged? How are their opinions and thoughts being considered? Where's the stakeholder engagement? 389 In the neighborhood section - what strategies are being employed to address homeless individuals who refuse services yet are involved in criminal activity like trespassing on private property. 390 Who can we call if a negative situation arrives with the homeless because calling the police has become too risky these days especially since PHXPD has become ome of the most killer forces in the nation. 391 Who can we call if a negative situation arrives with the homeless because calling the police has become too risky these days especially since PHXPD has become ome of the most killer forces in the nation. 392 I would like to speak regarding Neighborhoods

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Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 1 I work in downtown Phoenix and it is very scary going to working downtown because the transient community has increased and they gather around the Calvin Goode and City Hall buildings 2 Provide alternatives for subjects causing these difficulties. 3 To me, this section comes long after we have addressed the underlying structures and systems that result in our brothers and sisters ending up living on the streets. While important to present our community as clean in order to reinforce behaviors that contribute to people not littering, etc, this to me, is not where we need to focus until there are working solutions for people experiencing homelessness. 4 Do not go after people if they have no where to sleep. 5 The focus should be on cleaning up the HSC. Having spent time there it is clear that the blight contributes to a lack of dignity and a feeling of hopelessness among the homeless. 6 No need for alley closures if housing provided 7 Get rid of the Human Services Campus (HSC). It is a magnet for the homeless from all over the country. Direct the existing police, park rangers and anyone with enforcement authority to remove the homeless, have them move along, preferably to another state. We keep forgetting Benjamin Franklin's quote "I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it." The city is making it easy for the homeless to continue to stay homeless. Free stuff encourages others to also become homeless. 8 let every homeowner well aware of the numbers to call when they see extensive dumping in the alleys or camps setting up 9 If the City of Phoenix is going to allow encampments in certain areas, use existing laws to enforce that those in encampments self clean the area. Landscape alleyways to deter camping and dumping, or close them off until they can be re-developed. Encourage and work with non-profit clean-up crews. Contract with private companies for bio-hazard clean up. Allow law enforcement to enforce no littering laws etc. Remove those that do not comply with park rules 10 On, offer supervisory positions to 5 neighbors to implement 1-2 of these points. After they pass deep-dive background checks and an extensive interview process, pay them $50K per year as independent contractors (no benefits). If they do not implement program requirements (I.e. working with their handpicked team of 10 neighborhood volunteers), they have to pay back the $50K. 11 don't do the thing with the wheel. 12 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE


13 How are "blights" on par with humans lacking basic needs? This entire section prioritizes people whose needs are already being met and proposes cosmetic solutions, which in turn create an even more hostile environment for people who are already struggling. Also, I feel the implementation of the code of conduct will be abused and is unnecessary.

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Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 14 Guess what? If you fix the bed shortage and you offer people more affordable places to live, then this whole section isn't a problem. Solve the problem, not the side-effects. And if you are going to address the side-effects, then do so in a humane way. Don't displace people or find ways to ticket/fine/criminalize a lifestyle that you've forced them into without adequate shelter. 15 The coordination of personnel and regulations in this section should be closely examined for clarity and overlap. A joint effort and commitment by all these stakeholders is imperative. 16 I would like to see clean up crews/initiatives working in conjunction with community support programs and outreach programs for unsheltered populations. Safety and cleanliness of neighborhoods and public property are important, but criminalizing and regulating homelessness will not solve the root issue. It is concerning to me that this section of the plan has the most concrete details regarding implementation, while the areas focusing on outreach and support are vague. 17 Most people view Phoenix CARES as another arm of law enforcement and policing - program should be revamped and not just used as a reporting mechanism for pop up tent city. 18 This section could be implemented after a time period has passed in which the other sections have been functioning and individuals experiencing homelessness have been given the opportunity to engage in services that would benefit them. Push something like this too soon and the backlash would be immense, justifiably. The interactions alluded to here are close to being callous and inconsiderate if the proper resources do not exist for folks to help themselves, or receive the help they need. 19 Don’t take down encampments without providing alternative housing, it is cruel, and further dehumanizes the unhoused. 20 Code of Conduct?! Really?! 21 In general, I’m not in favor of breaking up homeless encampments if the people there don’t pose an immediate physical threat to others. 22 These objectives are incredibly vague and there is a lack of description of how and what you plan to implement in order to appropriately address homelessness in Phoenix. There needs to be more information provided and we demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they’re accessible to people experiencing homelessness. 23 Employ homeless individuals to help clean up. Pay them and provide meals as incentives 24 This is something that should be going on already. If you do some of the first part of what's listed, this part shouldn't be necessary. Use those nonprofits and others to do some of this. It's not just a "City" problem, but a community one. Throwing more money at it is easier that really dealing with it. 25 Yes, you need to make sure City streets are clear of feces and don't smell like a homeless camp. I won't go to an area that is neglected like this to visit stores, restaurants, etc. Posting signs and rules are great, but if they are not enforced there is no point. 26 If this can be accomplished without losing the FOCUS of this PLAN then by all means, but if You lose Focus you will find that ALL the effort put into this will simply be lost.

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Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 27 Supporting effected people should be enough for them to clean things up themselves. If they have pride in their encampments, accepted by society, and supplied with hygiene/safety products we would not be hiring, planning, assessing what to do. Also, why not utilize parks for encampments until this crisis is is over? Why even talk about how to punish these people who did not voluntarily chose this lot in life. 28 Consider a graffiti busters type program for clean up of private properties heavily impacted by homeless activity. 29 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS. 30 It would be great to see the persons experiencing homelessness be a PART of the clean-up team. Or to work in conjunction with the jails/prisons so that city funds and taxpayer money not be tapped so much. 31 There should not be more staff for the Phx CARES program. This program needs to be eliminated or completely re-directed to provide our homeless community members actual shelter instead of a hot plot of land with no shade and enforcement by police officers. You can't treat people like animals and call it "care," it's wrong. The language in this section feel like more criminalization of the homeless community members. We need more transparency and detail, yet again. I also think the city would benefit from listening to programs that are currently providing effective aid to homeless people. Justa Center and Unsheltered Phx are some places to start. 32 Provide designated areas for camping. All non designed areas are trust passing and will be removed and disposed of. 33 Yes, all very great. Our park rangers are absolutely amazing. They are as helpful as they can be with the camping out at the park. They have limitations, and we all understand that. If we could have extra services in place to help, that would be so amazing. 34 Encampments should not be allowed to occur or get started. There are already plenty of rules on the book to prevent those. We don't want to become another San Francisco, LA, Portland or Seattle. 35 Phoenix C.A.R.E.S. is NOT EFFECTIVEif they are still going out a maximum of 3 times and not making contact with encampment inhabitants and still NOT LEAVING A NOTICE that they were there and where encampment inhabitants can get help. I was told they don't leave a notice because they do not want to create 1 piece of litter by leaving a notice. RIDICULOUS and embarrassing that they would even say that is a policy to waste taxpayer money, gas, time, etc to drive to a location only to miss the inhabitants and NEVER leave notice that they were there. It's an insult to everyone.

36 Give people homes so they don't have to congregate in alleys. This is attacking the symptoms, not the causes. 37 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they're accessible to people experiencing homelessness.

38 Sure, use funds previously designated for policing - like predatory patrols and absurd equipment, and also the money lining certain people's pockets - to create funding for dealing with this humanitarian crisis.

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Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 39 Yes, let’s further mandate removal of these people who don’t have anywhere else to go. Also, legal action? It’s basically referred to as trash cleanup above that and then the plan is to pursue legal action of over said unclaimed ‘trash’? This section might be the worst so far. 40 I think this plan is very conflicted. I thought this was about providing support and resources for the homeless. It seems like some neighborhood groups property owner are trying to hijack the and make it more about benefiting their communities instead. 41 Until these people have shelter, cleanup is almost pointless. 42 Needs to be paired with alternative options for displacement 43 More information needed. 44 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEYRE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS" 45 Great!!! 46 It is important that staff working on this should be informed in trauma, addiction, and mental illness response. 47 Expanding shelter services should be a bigger priority than policing people. Also, what about looking into a place for people to store their belongings safely. Many have to cart their items everywhere with them, but face discrimination for having too many bags/items. 48 Consider employing a specialized Ranger staff with specific skills to help address homelessness. The more educated and experienced a segment of your staff is, and the more repeat experience a specialized team would have, would lead to more success than requesting a “generalist” address his specialized and specific situation. 49 With increased foot traffic on all City Parks, adding more Rangers and Maintenance personnel seems vitally important. What other supporting roles, can the Natural Resources Section play - shouldn’t the NRS be responsible for determining the legalities of trash vs. abandoned property? 50 What are the metrics to measure success for this plan? This survey is sadly a bad design, seeking confirmation bias instead of genuine public input. 51 Biohazard cleanup and other safety measures are important, but again, we need to focus on addressing the reasons homeless people are congregating in unsafe conditions. Giving them safer places to be would solve the problem more effectively than punishing people for congregating in alleyways or parks. 52 Again, I propose consideration of alternatives to the closure of alleys and posting rules in parks. If you want homeless people to stop leaving items in alleys and to stop setting up camps in alleys and parks, there need to be resources and/or people to help direct homeless people to shelters, mental health offices, medical centers, etc. Closing alleyways and posting rules that prohit overnight stays in parks will just create more stress on these people, and if they do not know where to go, they are not likely to follow the rules anyway.

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Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 53 This again looks like a COP “to-do” list. OF COURSE, DO IT. This is a general C.2.1 list and you've mixed important and routine items together. Not a fair assessment. Item: C.2.1: the area around HSC is a violation of City and County Health, safety, neighborhood, and nuisance Codes. The City and County need to take responsibility for breaking the law here. CLEAN IT UP NOW. YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK PERMISSION. YOU KNOW THIS IS A VIOLANTION. CLEAN UP THE AREA NOW.

54 Additional staff is definitely needed. For the first time in 25 years the city was asked in May to clean up the wash between Belmont and Hayward from 13th St east 5 houses.. Nothing has yet been done. Gas lines, APS tower are all in danger not to mention homes from brush fire and flood. (Adult Probation had done the job in previous years but changes no longer make that possible.) 55 Clean-up is DEFINITELY needed! 56 No gated alley program!! 57 Seems discriminatory toward homeless people 58 I donth think homelessness should be considered illegal. These action points worry me. Taking th property of people who have nothing already is cruel. If this is AFTER we give them a place to stay, then a team goes in to clean up, then I could be okay with this. But moving them along and taking their things is not how anyone should be treated. 59 Again, this may lead to criminalizing homelessness which is counterproductive and just perpetuates the cycle of homelessness 60 The Code of Conduct is crap. It's simply a way to give police officers to hassle the homeless and chase them off from anywhere they please. Considering the alarming trend among our officers to act violently, this code seems to be a way to spark conflict, not help people in need. 61 This section increases the risk of homeless people being criminalized for trying to find a place to sleep for a night. It will also increase their contact with the police when they should experience more contact with mental health and social workers. This entire section needs to be removed. 62 Remove the closure/gating of alleys 63 C1.2- Please delete. This will just move people towards the capital and state C1.2 and C3.5 buildings. C3.5 - What does this mean? are we arresting people for encampments? I don't see an adequate plan for those that don't want to live in a shelter/rules- based area.

Please redesign the survey to discuss each policy item. This is designed to limit the transparency of the public and to provide generic feedback. It is very hard to navigate back and forth between the 30 page documents. The research does not address costs in any way. It also should be written to allow for those with basic reading ability to understand the principles. 64 support as long as C1.1 and C3.2 don’t creat additional staff C1.1 and C3.2 65 Again trash is a big issue. 66 It is unnecessary to direct focus toward the clearing of encampments, waste, etc. if the city is providing adequate refuge, housing, and resources. Funding should be directed instead toward the expansion of the aforementioned resources to provide alternatives to encampments. 67 Already in place? Clean Up Chapter Comments Page 154 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 68 Open camping in whatever place they want breeds lawlessness. 69 Relocation to safe areas for all citizens so that home owners and tenants of rental properties are free from encroachment and infringement 70 Set up free counseling and needle exchanges and general our reach for anyone in the community. This is one of those...everyone needs help with maintain access to free and suitable medical care. 71 This section will not be necessary as more housing is developed and people experiencing homelessness are given housing first and right away. 72 Again, this section is not part of a long term plan to end homelessness. It’s just about “clean-up” which implies only people who are homeless are dirty and create trash. I find this section completely insulting. 73 This seems to be about the wrong end of the problem. Reduce homelessness, don't just push people out. 74 Consistent rules and adequate numbers of persons hired to enforce rules will be key to any clean up effort. 75 There is a youtube video, but I cant find it or remember the city, but you could hunt around for it - anyway that city decided that they would never allow anyone to be homeless on the streets or wherever, in their city. They do not harass the people, instead they make sure they have enough shelters to help everyone that comes to their city - that what Phx needs. 76 Alley gating agreements between the city and a neighborhood should be highly encouraged. Involve those caught engaging in alley dumping in "chain gang" alley cleanup projects. 77 Category is important, PRD Code of Conduct in an enforceable format is absolutely critical. 78 You need to limit policing the homeless, this includes alley issues. Provide safe, stable housing and these issues will be gone. 79 Yes, yes to the Code of Conduct. A coordinated procedure for cleanups should be developed. 80 Clean up crews that only do city property are useless. They need to be able to go into washes also. Washes that are technically owned by home owners are the problem. And state property in preserve areas. 81 If we get more people off the streets, hopefully this will be less of a need and the monies can be re-allocated to permanent solutions. 82 More park patrols and rangers would be helpful. 83 Don't allow encampments! 84 People experiencing homelessness need help. Allow them to camp in a stable place until they can find real housing. Provide sanitary services so that they can keep their camps clean and sanitary. Public restrooms, showers, and trash service would allow people experiencing homelessness to keep their camps clean. 85 I would remove sections C.3.3, C.3.5 and C.3.6 as it inappropriately and C3.3, C3.5, C3.6 disproportionately affects those without permanent housing and is inhumane. 86 It does no good to spend so much energy focused on cleaning the area of encampments and personal belongings. If the person was in a shelter, then they would not be camping outside and thus creating trash that needs to be cleaned up. 87 If item C.1.2. Is included then allowing additional beds should be approved for the C.1.2. area around the Campus 88 Use this as employment for the homeless and have them clean up the mess

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Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 89 If the alleys are not available (and they should be blocked off), where will the homeless go? The homeless need a place to stay. 90 There is a lot of dangerous initiatives here and I am not surprised that you are trying to sneak this by. 91 Focus should be on alternatives that can take the place of encampments etc. vs just cleaning up. Does c.2.2 still contain verbiage referring to changing bus stops to single seat? It shouldn't 92 Don’t criminalize homelessness. If people have no where to sleep they have to sleep in a park or alley. 93 c.1.1 IF the alleys are closed encampments might not be a problem. But educate people of their rights to report. We need lots more people to help with clean ups and we need consistent policies C3.3 so neighborhoods know who to call and when. Parks need our help 3.4 people who are homeless dont read the rules. 94 The city absolutely should not be the custodian for homeless peoples' belongings. They need to carry it with them, or they lose it. Put working residents first by not wasting tax dollars and keeping the city clean. 95 As long as there is adequate space for the homeless, then they can clean up the alleys. Otherwise, where will they go? 96 Allocating funds/resources to sections C.1.2-C.3.1 might not be necessary if we were to address why these need to be proposed. 97 If adequate, safe housing and restrooms were available, you wouldn't need clean up resources other than a few custodians. 98 this should be covered by another program 99 This is all redundant to existing laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, policy, and procedures. Just enforce the laws you have for public safety, and maintain the public property in accordance with your existing regulations, and get additional funding as needed to clean up the mess you let get so out of hand. 100 Cleaning is extremely important, but should be also addressed from the root. Make it easy for people to clean up after themselves and not litter. Fine those who do. Etc. 101 ask partners to coordinate alley cleanups and seek the help of the homeless clients that use partner resources such as St. Vincent De Paul or Shelters that way the homeless have something to do and not just wonder aimlessly in our streets. 102 How do these strategies improve the quality of life for my unhoused neighbors? Also, I am generally opposed to the closure of alleys in our city where pedestrian infrastructure is already underwhelming. 103 This will help keep our environment and people safe. 104 If you address the problem of homelessness, there will be no need for these services. The fact that this is also a "long term" objective makes me doubt that the City is serious in reducing the MASSIVE numbers of people who are suffering and dying in the heat as I type these words. The lack of compassion is astounding. The inclusion of this passage would signal to me that the City is only interested in appealing to those in the affluent population of this city who have forgotten to care for their fellow human beings.

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Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 105 This is again focusing on criminalizing "poverty behaviors." Poverty is not an individual's problem, it is a symptom of a city that has not provided enough support in housing, education and employment. It's the result of an unregulated housing market and the refusal to recognize housing as a basic human right until a housing bubble happens, a drug epidemic explodes and a deathly pandemic hits. 106 Again, look to the "There's A Better Way" Program to help enable our homeless populations to work. If we can get grant funding for this, we would have a way to pay these individuals on an hourly basis. 107 Need to address individuals living in hedges and heavily landscaped areas outside of downtown. 108 Create jobs for those homeless people impacted that will be using these services proposed in the plan. e.g.: give them jobs to help them get on their feet and at the same time clean up the city as needed. 109 ITs sad to see the mess. Have the homeless work- and clean up areas. A van to take them around and clean up the city- give them pride in cleaning up their city 110 Address prevention more than reaction. 111 This section worries me as it again can create punitive outcomes for individuals who don’t move for clean up, for individuals who leave and come back and find all of their belongings gone, for individuals who need some shade in the park. What will happen if they aren’t able to move their things or clear out in time for a street sweep? What if they have a disability (which many do) that makes it difficult for them to comply with these clean up measures? 112 The city needs to implement and enforce code of conduct in parks, libraries and surrounding light rail areas. It's unfair, wrong and dangerous for people to take over parks where children and families should be able to feel welcome. Solano Park should be a jewel, not a danger zone - it's right next to a library branch and church, for goodness sake! 113 This cleanup crew should be a job opportunity for homeless people to earn credit for food, clothing, future permanent home. If they have addiction issues a "specialized credit card" would be used so that money is not going to drugs. 114 I don't think many community members have a clear understanding of what Phoenix CARES does. If you call them after business hours, as I have, all you get is a voicemail recording. That doesn't help with an immediate concern with a homeless individual at night. There is no follow-up. 115 Make sure Phoenix Police are not involved with the care of homeless people. Do not provide any additional money to Phoenix Police, Deflect any increases to resources in our city. Provide better resources that prevent this kind of tragedy from happening again by not spending so much on Policing and more on schools, before and after school programs, health and healthcare disparities. 116 If prisons can use prisoners to clean up trash on highways, etc. why can't the same be applied to others. It will give the worker a) some money b) a place to spend the night c) meals 117 Impose fines or put up notices to prevent individuals and small groups from turning up and handing out free items, instead promote volunteering and donations to organized groups who can control outreach 118 Fund a Mental institution 119 Throughout your document at least thus far, I havent seen one thing about the homeless responsibilities in this. Why not have them work to clean up the messes they've made in exchange for housing, food, etc. This whole thing sounds like another free lunch and enables homeless to sustain this life Clean Up Chapter Comments Page 157 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 120 How do any of these activities effectively reduce the number of homeless 121 Don't close the alleyways, that is insane for a number of reasons. 122 Seem like good ideas but with the potential to turn adversarial if implemented by the Police Department. 123 Remove all. Don't enable 124 You should have the homeless clean it, based on a work program for them. 125 Place less effort on encampment/property removal. It was disturbing to see Phoenix Police force people to break down their tents instead of helping really anyone. 126 Mostly unintelligible 127 Again, sort of barking up the wrong tree. I understand the point but this will not lead to solutions! 128 There are good things here like biohazard cleanup. I am not sure about the encampment teardown and cleanup. Seems you'd be taking what little they have and trashing it. 129 No wonder you can't get anything done. If the park encampment have no place to go what is the importance of breaking them up? Get them resources and they won't be on tax payers property. 130 Trash and biohazards including syringes and human waste are a big problem especially around public buildings. Much of this debris is left at night under the cover of darkness. Need more options for businesses to maintain cleanliness. Police can't be everywhere all the time. 131 C3.6 C3.6 132 Yes yes yes, all of this! Thank you. 133 Shelters would reduce this considerably. The cost of doing this will continue to grow. 134 Money, money, money. There needs to be a "rate of return" on what the public is funding. If costs continue to rise it will make it harder for those that do have homes to support all these initiatives. Not to mention cost of living, schools, police, city maintenance, etc., etc. 135 Disbursing homeless improvised housing is a human rights violation and should not be sanitized through bureaucratic language. 136 CARES is about policing....already overfunded....and just acts to "kick the can" This is not a solution to the is putting a band aid on a problem 137 The area where the current community congergates currently is unsafe for many of the other homeless who are really trying to seek help. That place is scary and I know this because I’ve been there. We need more oversight of that area for people who are trying to access the resources out there. 138 Sections C.3.3, C.3.4, C.3.5, and C.3.6 should be kept Sections C.3.3, C.3.4, C.3.5, and C.3.6 should be kept 139 To encourage neighborhoods to support shelters/transitional housing, they need extra assistance. Trash must not be allowed to accumulate. 140 Parks should never be a place where the homeless are allowed to drink, drug, deal drugs, sleep, and generally intimidate those who ask them to leave. Parks are paid for by taxpayers and should be used by taxpayers. If that can't happen the parts need to be closed. If the homeless are going to be living in those parks and taking advantage then I don't think anyone should be paying for those Parks nor using those parks. Turning a park into a homeless shelter or a place where these people congregate should be illegal. It is a disgrace Clean Up Chapter Comments Page 158 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 141 If alleys and uninhabited areas are going to be locked off, there needs to be an massive effort to put some kind of accessible hygiene areas. Some of the homeless refuse to go to shelters, and still others have been kicked out. Where do they go to get cleaned up if they're on the street? 142 Neighborhoods are concerned about safety, security, and hygiene. People who walk their dogs are expected to have them on a leash and to pick up and dispose of their waste. Having public bathrooms and biohazard waste management is a good idea. 143 Actual enforcement is key. 144 Get PD out of the equation 145 HSC cleanup is great, but only addresses a side effect of homelessness, not the source 146 These are just more ways to criminalize behavior. 147 no confidence in phoenix cares program.. its wasted time and $ 148 Phoenix CARES as it is now structured is not effective and needs to be broken up into more specialized teams. Neighborhoods feel they have been sold a bill of goods on all the solutions that Phoenix CARES promised 149 We need less more compassionate means of dealing with encampment materials (rather than discarding them). Cops likely should not be the first point of contact for illegal encampment cases. 150 I think prisoners should definitely be given these clean up jobs to aid in enhancement. Also their self esteem! 151 If you not doing this already, the rest will not matter. Again, do your jobs!!! 152 I don’t feel qualified to speak on this area but I care about our homeless and that’s why I’m responding 153 Again treat people as individualsand reward responsible stewardship. 154 Eliminate C.3.6 There is no way to be successful in this effort. Why is it our C.3.6 responsibility to take care of personal items left behind? Let's increase individual responsibility and provide incentives for that. 155 Again, if you see the unhoused as a group of people in need of help and ACTUALLY fund aiding them in finding housing and medical/mental help, you don't need these sorts of measures meant to criminalize homelessness. 156 Keep existing clean up measures 157 THERE IS TOO MUCH HUMAN WASTE ON THE STREETS NEAR CASS (12AVE AND MADISON) AND THE SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOODS 158 I've heard that removing encampments does more harm than good for the community and for people experiencing homelessness. I would hope that the first strategies would be to address the primary causes of homelessness, than to focus on the outcomes and take action against encampments and individuals. 159 If biohazard is a problem use funding to provide public toilets and include hand washing sinks Fund a crew to clean such facilities - maybe recruit homeless 160 If the other sections are working, this section will become less critical 161 Initiatives to remove and forbid encampments risk harming and disrupting the transient population further. While this may create issues for property owners or permanent residents, this does not negate the fact that transient individuals have the right to exist, and should not be prosecuted for not having access to appropriate resources. However, the objectives in this Strategy that seek to increase resources should be kept. 162 This seems like follow up- it is great to plan ahead for biohazard clean-up ( which is gravely important) but maybe it shouldnt be in the initial push to help people and get them out of the heat Clean Up Chapter Comments Page 159 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 163 CARES is a failed attempt at this point. It polices more than it helps. Restructure and create alliances with all cities in Maricopa County to coordinate and aid rather than chase people around. Clean up will be simpler with coordination of resources. 164 hire some of those on the streets to do the clean up. Also uou can get some high- school key clubs to help with clean up. The cost for cleanup shouldn't be high, bio hazards is most concerning. 165 I do not believe homeless encampments should be torn down. I believe they should be able to have a safe place to be until they are ready to take the next step to transitioning. 166 Add - plan for having the homeless who made the mess clean it up. There’s zero responsibility and accountability on the homeless. It’s tiresome cleaning up their mess just to have to do it all again the next day. Guilty of loitering - 7 days Immediate community service on trash detail down town 167 Consider what to do when encampments just reappear afer being "cleaned up." Consider sanctioning a place for unsheltered folks to camp (especially those that are concerned for their own personal safety) that is coordinated and run in some way by officials and adheres to some basic minimum requirements for allowing folks to camp there. 168 The role of Police in clean-ups should be clearly outlined. There should be regulations set in place to limit the participation of police in clean ups, if include them at all. Police should never be used as a violent or intimidating force to take down encampments or interact with the homeless population in general. The rights of those experiencing homelessness should be upheld. 169 Expand the clean up program to other areas in the Phoenix area that are high concerns where homeless and residents may come in contact such as under freeway underpasses, public bus stops, convenient store parking lots etc. 170 We need to keep all those areas clean, setting an example, and not losing the battle with filth. Its bad for everyone if the filth wins. 171 are you utilizing homeless and recently released to work in these programs 172 This section only gives ammunition to those who prefer to pretend homeless don't exist or the "lock 'em all up" way of thinking... 173 This section would become irrelevant if homelessness were eradicated. 174 This provides no means to an end 175 Seek legal direction on trash -vs- abandoned items. How much of a problem is this? It sounds like these people are camping illegally. How much money is spent on this area? I assume that this is on this list for a reason, but I don't really see the benefit of spending a lot of money consulting expensive attorneys for this. 176 This will destroy unhoused people's homes. This does not need to be done. Once people have a safe space to stay permanently this issue will resolve by itself

177 This section looks to criminalize homelessness when in many cases is unavoidable for people. It goes against many human rights acts and is unlawful. 178 There needs to be help already in place for providing housing BEFORE there is forced removal 179 If funding is requested to clean up these areas, measures need to be in place to keep them clean or better yet, keep encampments from returning to a previously cleaned up area. 180 Do not criminalize homelessness. 181 Unlawful seizures of homeless people's property must end. 182 Stop evicting homeless people, it’s inhuman Clean Up Chapter Comments Page 160 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 183 City clean up and public space maintenance is important, but should no include driving out the homeless population from parks and alleyways. If enough resources are made available for shelter and mental health services, encampments should decrease. 184 Why don’t you hire some of these homeless people to do the clean up. Kinda like a chain gang, there’s actually a similar thing in California, they get them IDs, social cards etc and then a van picks them up at a designated spot and taken to an area to clean up and are paid at the end of their shift. 185 try to engage those who live on the streets involved in cleaning up the streets and areas of concern 186 Place Por-A-Potties at high homeless areas 187 Less focus on removal of items and “debris.” Destruction and removal of homeless peoples’ property solves very little other than forcing them to amass the items they need to live all over again. It is not an effective approach. 188 Only you care, NOT the residents 189 The City of Boise decision says you can't clean up the camps without providing the shelters. Provide the shelters and then clean up our City. Give us back our public parks, libraries and mass transit. 190 leave as stated 191 There needs to be more focus on clean up programs especially around the homeless shelters. The trash is everywhere, I watched as they ate and threw all their food into the street (this is daily). 192 Include clean up of encampments on public and private property - empty lots, along freeways, etc. 193 Instead of kicking someone out of their makeshift home, we should be putting more money, time and effort into providing them with affordable housing, job skills classes, and training. 194 I wonder if these goals would be better met if the city reached out to folks currently experiencing homelessness and helped organize people to do education and support around individuals taking responsibility for their own property and trash. 195 Again, use what is already in our means. Find a way to get this part done free. 196 Recruiting additional staff for which ever department should be individuals carefully screened. Individuals who actually be a powerful help resource more than a hindrance. Individuals more concerned at making a difference vs a concerned about their paycheck. 197 Remove language about seeking legal advice regarding lost items vs trash. Abandoned items are hazardous trash and all must be removed as soon as possible. 198 I think we need to keep all options open and vigilant to any changes or additions as needed 199 Utilize volunteer programs for citizens who want to help in the cleanup initiatives. 200 Provide incentives for the homeless to participate in the clean up of their area, maybe linked to the opportunity to camp there or not. Provide trash receptacles.

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Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 201 "Additional storage containers for people experiencing homelessness" should be a short-term AND long-term goal. It shouldn't go away after COVID.

Similarly to above, I don't think posting the rules about parks more clearly, or cracking down harder on encampments will actually help the homeless population or ultimately deter them--it will only criminalize them. We need to put our money and focus toward providing them with alternative housing and free public bathrooms and other essential services so that they have options other than creating encampments. 202 This is an area in which one should ask for public assistance. For example, include in the present app a "report homeless encampment" function, and maybe offer a small stipend for being the first to do so. 203 Filthy is devastating at every level of society. Cleanliness is not just a choice, a condition of healthful living. 204 I think that it is wrong that tax payer money needs to be spent cleaning up after the people in encampments. Can they not be made to work cleaning up their own messes? This just seems wrong that they want free services and they make such a mess. 205 My thoughts exactly. 206 C3.4 and 3.5 appear ineffective and not really a strategy C3.4 and 3.5 207 you need to add not sure to the choices 208 Homeless folks need some responsibility to earn these benefits. 209 Let’s not have Phoenix turn in San Francisco and Los Angeles. I don’t want to see needles in the streets and poop and trash. Don’t let democrats control things. 210 Add incentives on keeping neighborhood clean.Taken turns cleaning streets and neighborhoods clean, in return give homeless vouchers, cash or incentives of some type. 211 Create a city camp ground where homeless individuals can stay, receive the services they need, maintain their dignity, pay space rent or work community service for their space. 212 Taking people's property won't help them get off the street. It is just punishing people for being poor. 213 Provide sanitation stations and porta-potties in high volume homeless areas 214 Also need to consider the costs and sustainability of the proposed actions. 215 "Submit for additional biohazard clean-up funds for transit clean-ups" should be a priority. 216 Just a possibility: do they still use inmates for trash pickup? Or community service hours? 217 The jargon used in these talking points, makes some of this unclear. Howecer, I will sat that helping people find a safe alternative to an encampment is a high priority. However raiding, arresting people, then destroying and disposing of their property sounds like City staff committing robbery assault on an already traumatized group of individuals. THAT, I want to see stop. I would rather see an organization, trained in helping traumatized people, become aware of a group of people in need. Who are then dispached to the group, where they are able to help direct them to the most appropriate location for shelter and assistance. 218 Add garbage containers and collection wherever possible.

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Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 219 All of this is necessary. However rallying the neighborhoods is very unlikely I am almost nonexistent. The area I’m living in now most people don’t care but they definitely don’t want him moving in. We fuss about him hanging out at CVS in the city Senior Center just down the street from CVS. CVS has to clean up on their own and Senior Center just literally call in & Literally wait for the city to send someone out to take care of the situation which may be a week. I have actually observed this happen and it happened to be a dangerous situation that has never been rectified. The city doesn’t care about the seniors or the citizens in my opinion only actions to make themselves supposedly look good. I am irritated by the homeless, drug addicts‘s & alcoholics coming up to me while I am walking into a business, leaving a business and asking for funds. At the present time I have not had that happen because I can’t go nowhere. I’m 75 I’m one of those high risk elderly. The only high risk elderly happen to be in the nursing homes. They actually have no choice in the workers who come and go who won’t wear masks who go out to party evenings and don’t follow the physical distancing standards or the wearing of a mask. Those residents are at the mercy of the workers. The rest of us follow all of that and we have had very little problem yeah we are being punished by telling us we can’t go anywhere or do anything and keep those senior center is closed. Maybe you ought to do that to some of the younger people but the city has suffered the retribution by being taken to court by fitness factories and bars which happened to be younger people. They are the ones that are spreading it and nothings been done. We are too afraid to find them or do anything else as we might offend them. After all there’s that that’s killing us all 220 Here's an idea: Don't leave a mess. Sadly, we're going to need these services. 221 How about involving volunteers, and retirees who are willing and eager to contribute their time? 222 Why is the focus on just around the human services campus? I understand the surrounding area needs help, but neighborhoods outside that area are affected too, which is why I stated above to provide those clean up services city wide. 223 nothing 224 Park and alley camps should not be allowed! 225 You need to provide housing, counseling and housing. The rest is just zip 226 End police raids of encampments and confiscation/destruction of property. Investigate and prosecute police accused of violence. 227 Could those individuals transitioning out of homelessness be employed in the clean up process? this would give them skills, history of employment, evidence of accountability and increase self esteem. 228 This section does not include some of the major concerns of neighborhoods. In addition, it does not outline any required neighborhood impact mitigation for foot traffic to and from services that are required from providers. This is incomplete. In addition, it implies that the only solution is to close our alleys? Implying that you are going to implement codes of conduct or enforce rules that are unenforceable is the same thing that has historically occurred. Not a new or effective strategy.

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Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 229 I think it's crucial that anyone who engages an encampment with the goal of moving them, receives comprehensive training in CPI, Crisis Prevention Intervention. When asking someone to move, it can be a volatile scenario. CPI is training to de-escalate someone in crisis non-violently. The training is based on the values of Care, Welfare, Safety and Security for the person in crisis, the staff member and anyone else in the vicinity. 230 I would like to see more information regarding the cost for these additional plans. I would also like to see a stronger plan of action rather than just to seek more legal direction or additional staff. Again, I am at a loss to see any penalties associated for those who violate our laws and property being held responsible for their actions. It just seems like more government programs without holding violators responsible. 231 Please see notes at question 23. 232 Change C.3.5 to briefly explain what PRD is. 233 unbelievable. too many giveaways 234 This seems to punish people who are experiencing homelessness 235 As a founding member of Mountaineers, a nonprofit group who spent thousands of hours cleaning up trash in the Phoenix Mountain Preserves in the mid-80's, this is an important and critical component. When an area is cleaned up and maintained it usually stays clean. Awards from Keep America Beautiful and one of President George Bush's "Points of Light", I can attest to the community pride that comes from restoring and maintaining the beauty of Phoenix. Whether it be a mountain, park, yard, street or alley. 236 Give people housing,not make their lives more difficult 237 wow, this could end up in a strong "us" vs "them" situation with more employees empowered to get out, interact with homeless folks, not necessarily in a positive way. Better to recruit from ranks of homeless, train to be liaisons, keep lines of communication open. 238 Include volunteer opportunities for clean-up team(s). Provide volunteer training (i.e. hazmat, etc.) if needed. 239 This may be a short term need that will not be needed in the long run if the housing and mental health components are adequately addressed. 240 This may be covered in the topics above, but how to keep areas continuously cleans-maintenance of the areas. 241 Mental health services increased. 242 Alternatives for securing property like community lockers. If you tighten up encampments, what are the alternatives...people will find other places to go? If you are just moving moving them does not address the issue. They will look for other places and create new things Robles. 243 Hire the homeless to remove litter and be on the clean-up crew, as appropriate 244 Not sure 245 Pristine Phoenix Program 246 Delete section C.2.2 C.2.2 247 As long as everyone has an alternative residence, the alleys can be cleaned.. Provide opportunities for the homeless to work in their communities. Turn an old mall into a new community 248 The language used needs to be more focused on how to help keep places clean w/o working to punish people for trying to survive while not having permanent housing. 249 Keeping areas clean is of high importance 250 Bums are filthy, many by choice rather than by circumstance. Clean Up Chapter Comments Page 164 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 251 No enabling 252 People should not be allowed to live in parks. We should not need a BIOHAZARD cleanup in public areas! 253 I believe this is not related to homelessness but more related to building and grounds upkeep and should be in their budget. 254 "Clean-ups" have in recent years been a nice word for the police to come into camps and kick everyone out. The unhoused have very limited belongings that they take with them, and when they are thrown out, they start at square one and have to find necessities. I would like to know around this plan to clean up and what it will entail. Is it going to be hostile? Are the police going to use force? Are they going to listen to these folks to find out what they need? 255 While keeping the streets clean is necessary, I think it's incredibly important that we don't utilize police as the principal agents responsible for homeless outreach given the lack of oversight and the lack of proper training. 256 this section seems hyper-relevant to one part of the city/one group of property owners. i'm sure it needs to be addressed but should it be in a more targeted solution focused on the HCS 257 Many businesses have barred their restrooms from use by the public. Port-a- potties could be placed in well-lit and monitored locations with hand sanitizing stations. 258 Right now there are parks I won't go to because of the homeless problem. Graffiti, trash, signs, protests that turn violent make everyone look bad. 259 Very important, someone was actually living in my backyard when I was in escrow for buying my Current house. 260 What is the biohazard? 261 have a budget plan with that's monitored, anything left over goes to clean up and improve city parks 262 Treat the cause, not the effects. Alleys should NOT be closed. Alleys should be made more welcoming so more residents will USE alleys. More eyes on the street = good thing. 263 Sanitation affects not only the homeless but all of nearby. Encouraging a self- policing approach would be great, but many homeless can not function as a typical homeowner would and need outside help to keep them safe. 264 Enable those that are homeless to assist those that are homeless. 265 I can always tell where Homeless congregate by the piles of trash, even if there is a trash can within a few feet. 266 Hiring more people to add more regulations needs to be removed 267 yes but we always use the excuse of not enough people. I myself offered to work with Park Rangers to remove trash from parks and was refused. We need citizens groups to help. We spent a Million dollars to train park rangers how to communicate deal with and hand out literature to the homeless. Where did that get us. 268 We have a huge problem with camping and using our alleys as toilets. 269 Posting the rules at the park doesn't do a bit of good unless the City takes action to enforce those rules! 270 Remove anti-homeless architecture. No more benches with arm bars 271 leave as is for now-would rather there be more shelter space than an alley-but some are scared to be inside

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Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 272 While we should always have resources for cleanup, believing a sign is going to change behavior is ridiculous and they don't need park rangers interacting, homeless citizens need social workers who are trained to interact in an informed and respectful way. 273 these sections should be un-bundled so you can provide feedback on each objective. 274 I think there should be emphasis on cleaning up around the HSC, however, I don’t think that encampments around that area should be torn down. The fact remains that the HSC is extremely dangerous and many people may not feel safe staying there, but need to use their resources during the day. Tearing down surrounding encampments will push those who need services away. 275 Need to better identify source of funding--City Council, County Board of Supervisors, State Legislature, Congress. Better to divide long term into mid- term and long-term for more reasonable goals. items in strategies seem reasonable. Need to be more clear about what is actually possible and what organizations will lead advocacy for funding, structural changes, policy changes and the like. 276 Safety surrounding the campus is a must; especially for those that did not make it to a bed for the night. 277 All The Above? 278 I think some of the homeless could be hired to clean up the campus area. This could accomplish two goals at once - jobs for those capable and a cleaner environment. 279 Why only around Human Services Campus? Why not everywhere????? I don't even know where the Human Services Campus is or what it is all about. Educate. Alleys? Should be lit and have cameras. How are Phoenix residents supposed to feel safe when Phoenix doesn't act like it really CARES? Basic Human Services is required. 280 Again, open the restrooms at the parks. Also, let’s be honest: the homeless aren’t the only ones littering in the parks. 281 I am concerned that these are punitive rather than proactive or helpful measures. 282 PHX cares needs to be disbanded and evaluated. They are an extension of the police and a useless tool of the city. 283 I’ve seen two clean up events on 11th Ave. both times police officers harassed people experiencing homelessness. City crews treated people experiencing homelessness terribly, without respect or compassion. I was disgusted by what I saw. 284 these policies are use to harass homeless people and take property they would need to survive and does not address the root cause of the problem which is lack of housing. alleys should not be closed and gated but should be utilized by the community. 285 Trash cleanup is probably the most important on this list 286 Make sure when removing encampments they are offered a ride and actual resources. Not just a referral to a shelter that is full. 287 As a resident - why does 'legal direction trash vs. abandoned property' . Will a homeless person sue? Provide new positions for the few times this posses a problem. Clean encampments up by notifying private property owners that this date will begin the cleanup and state how homeless individuals will be cared for. Take action - I highly doubt a private property owner will sue or write in legislation to prevent this if due notice is given.

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Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 288 I think that something should be done to address the problems in areas near methadone clinics. We didn't have issues in my neighborhood until a methadone clinic opened near the I10 Freeway and Northern.

I also think there should be a specially trained team to remove hazardous waste materials left behind by homeless. I don't think Parks Maintenance Workers should have to breakdown left behind homeless encampments. They are there to fix broken equipment, so that our Parks are safe. They are not trained to handle used needles and human waste. I think a specially trained team is needed. 289 This section only serves to further criminalize homelessness, which is the exact opposite of what is needed! 290 With speedy, robust and sincere implementation of the prevention and solution strategies, this will become unnecessary. 291 See last question 292 This is the most important part of the plan by far!!! 293 All of these suggestions cost money. You are taking money from the majority to help a small population 294 This is especially important for those who refuse assistance. 295 INCLUDE SHOPPING CARTS. Get some of the homeless/transients to go around and help city pick up carts. In talking with city about carts and the other service, do not know why there cannot be a regular schedule in some area, such as ours, where carts are picked up on a regular basis. We have Fry's and Walmart carts all over the place. Assign someone to talk to these stores about securing the carts better and retrieving. And, yes, more park rangers to get the transients out the of the parks, especially our park - Telephone Pioneer Park, with a bathroom and walls/buildings that keep overnight sleepers hidden and the police do not want to get out of their vehicles to check unless called. 296 What about outreach programs to encourage the people on the street to clean up after themselves? This is a tough one!

297 The focus should be in Arizona residents safety and cleaning up biohazards should’ve been the job if the state from the beginning 298 Don’t close alleys. Design changes can make them better.

There are reasons people use them.

Consider opening places where people can use illegal drugs safely so they don’t need to do it in private. 299 Easier ways to report camps 300 Do not allow illegal camping and you will not have to deal with the cleanup of such. See enforcement and policing comments. 301 I don’t know much about the Human Services campus needs, but I think it is important to educate residents about the rules and then enforce them consistently. 302 Is there a non profit already doing this work? Talk with "I Love a Clean San Diego". 303 Homeless camps wherever they are become a breeding ground for human waste, garbage and disease 304 Again...a lot of bureaucracy. How about actual action that gets results? Properly posted signs does nothing... 305 Add: fund and task force on removing trash and dump area. Clean Up Chapter Comments Page 167 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 306 this should be focused on getting services to the people around the campus which will lead to the reduction of trash and clean up around the Human Services Campus. 307 Plan to deal with the problems of human waste and defecation as well as abandoned needles. 308 Recruit clean up crews from homeless shelters and offer daily wages. 309 Given the extent of the data presented, 7k+ homeless and %51 unsheltered, it is impossible to know what a good strategy looks like. We should do the work to understand the population further. What percent needs mental health services? What percentage are on the street due to recent eviction? What percent are using hard drugs? What percent would take a bed if one was available? 310 The Human Services Campus MUST be broken up and moved to the far 4 corners of the County. It has no right being in sight of the Capitol building!!! Our County has plenty of land!!!!!!!!!! 311 Bulk trash should be monthly due to illegal dumping in areas of concern 312 In an ideal world, progress would be made towards helping unsheltered people find more stable housing and provide them with toilets and showers and so cleanup would become less necessary over time. 313 Involve the homeless in clean-ups of the sites they occupy 314 there are many other encampments - not as large as the Human Services Campus - but within parks, under bridges along washes and bike paths that have the same biohazard concerns 315 This acceptable as long as there suitable alternatives for the encampments. 316 I'm concerned that the enforcement of this would happen before the help the homeless people need. 317 Very important to clean camps near neighborhoods and retail centers 318 We should not be cleaning up after the homeless. Of they are caught dumping they should go to jail. Spending tax dollars to clean up after them isn’t the answer. 319 What is legal isn't always right/moral so expand discussion on trash versus abandoned property. 320 C. 3.6 C.3.6 321 The Rangers need to be more like resource officers providing information to homeless of where to go for help. 322 Seems to be a way of chasing homeless people away, not really helpful to them. Placating residents... 323 Safe spaces for houseless people to sleep are needed. No one like the way homelessnees looks, but sweeping them from alleys and parks, etc, leaves no place for people to sleep. Phoenix does not have public relations, aside from some in parks that are often locked. People need a place to use the restroom and clean up, get a drink of water 324 In the year of Covid, we’ve learned the importance of public health initiatives. 325 Alleys in other HIGH Crime areas need to be included in the ALLEY CLOSURE plan so the residents are not fully financially responsible fort he closure of the alleys. 326 You can give the jobs to the police people want to defund. This survey and the scope of what you want to do is getting ridiculous. As long as Phoenix has warm weather in the winter we will have homeless people. Do you plan to take care of everyone from everywhere with this plan? 327 Should include moving of funds from law enforcement to social programs to reduce the causes of crime Clean Up Chapter Comments Page 168 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 328 Not informed about CARES, it's problems and biohazard to comment

329 Again, focusing on criminal lens of homelessness. Don't do that. Meet people where they are at, focus on the person-not the activity. 330 I don't know what the PRD Code of Conduct is.... 331 I honestly live on an alley in Phoenix in addition to managing multiple apartment communities and truly dislike the alley system. As a homeowner it definitely creates challenges, BUT I feel like we need to be careful this section does not turn into a way to use policing versus addressing barriers properly within the homeless population. 332 Closing alleys sometimes creates better hiding places. 333 We don’t need more government funded positions. Put the money to work to build housing and such. The people in the zone already clean up twice a week. If you would provide porta potties and such you wouldn’t need to worry about bio hazards. 334 This is not helping to the solution. This is making it harder for those experience homelessness to live. They don’t need their camps removed. They need housing and job solutions to get them off the streets. 335 This is a tricky area - Of course the City must take into consideration the needs of all citizens in regards to the status of our streets. However, ensuring we meet the needs of our most vulnerable neighbors while addressing street cleanup is necessary. Homelessness needs to be humanized. Any cleanup must respect the personal property of those experiencing street homelessness. The devastation and crisis of losing documentation or belongings of personal, emotional value is huge and can set an individual back in regard to their progress in a housing plan. A clean up must consider the solution for those without a home or location to store belongings. It's not enough to implement street cleans with no policy in place that provides a solution for those who are impacted. E.g how can we implement a long term solution to the density of street living individuals in DTPHX to reduce the impact of blight. 336 Again, address why people are homeless to begin with and this is a non issue 337 We need a solution to address multiple reports over time in the same area. 338 Keeping our city clean and presentable is important for the health and well being of residents, business owners, neighborhoods, and those currently without homes. 339 Sanitation is a city function and should be handled thru the city 340 These are all extremely important. Again a timely removal of these camps is imperative. We have had times where it took weeks for these camps to be cleaned up. 341 Items in this section could negatively impact people experiencing street homelessness 342 If possible, have community clean up as part of the homeless rehabilitation/ticket/restitution program. Homeless leave messes and they know it will be cleaned up, they leave carts that neighborhoods need to dispose of. 343 Be careful not to criminalize the homeless. Some of these policies could be used to hurt the homeless instead of helping them. 344 Remove C.1.2. The reason alleys are a "problem" is not because they're open, C.1.2. it's because we are not taking care of people and helping them out of homelessness. Put focus on helping unshelterd people, not on removing or "closing" alleys. 345 Phoenix CARES is totally ineffective. Clean Up Chapter Comments Page 169 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 346 N/A 347 Stop displacing homeless people, especially when the other infrastructure to support them isn’t in place 348 Needs more emphasis on problem prevention. 349 Directing the homeless to housing sites encourages treatment for mental health and drugs. A major step in the right direction 350 Gated alleys are band aide solution to the lack of affordable housing in Phx. The homeless are going to sleep somewhere and while a prefer that it not be in my alley the long-term solution is the creation of affordable housing in every zip code and every neighborhood. If people want better looking alleys I invite them to come with me on an alley cleanup. Maintaining my clean street takes 15 minutes a couple of times a week, even with my bad back. 351 Once again, deal with the source of the problem. Put resources into ending homelessnes, rather than making things nice and neat for those who are inconvienced. 352 The cost associated with all these actions could be better spent on creating additional housing. If people had a place to go, these actions would be not needed. Criminalizing behavior does solve the problem. 353 Again this expensive. Where does the money come from. Can you raise taxes when the Federal government, State, and County are also raising taxes. 354 Having clean, safe streets are important but further traumatizing individual experiencing homelessness by moving their camps and confiscating their belongings doesn't help anyone 355 C.3.6 is looking for a legal excuse to throw homeless individual's belongings in C.3.6 the garbage, by not allowing experiencing the homelessness to claim their last belongings and furthering their place as second class citizens, as this objective would do so. How is this ethical? 356 If the homeless have opportunities for other housing and education, the tent cities would disappear. 357 Decriminalize homelessness 358 Do NOT transition bus stop benches to chairs. This is a waste of money that could be put toward housing people and does nothing to help individuals who have nowhere else to go. 359 More public restrooms are needed - everywhere. Waste disposal bags ought to be available for individuals who want them. 360 To business owners this is very important - clean up and so on. 361 Where are provisions for pandemic response? or responses during Natural Hazards/Disasters (not that we get a lot here but still). Without including this, the plan lacks resiliency for more challenging issues that can arise during these times. 362 Again, include the community in the ideas for improvement before writing up. 363 Biohazard cleanup needs to include prevention methods like public restrooms and showers. Maintenance of those facilities could be an employment opportunity for a person experiencing homelessness. Find a way to help store people's belongings. Other cities have found the involuntary removal of unsheltered persons belongings to be unconstitutional. It takes folks months to get access to IDs and medication only to have them forcibly thrown away in clean up efforts. 364 Clean-ups have been happening and do very little separate from disrupting peoples' lives and throwing away their belongings. This also seems like a waste of tax payers resources considering that even before the city was doing clean- ups, André House has been doing an extensive trash clean-up twice a week. Clean Up Chapter Comments Page 170 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 365 If you would let the provider shelter people, you won't need this, at least not very much. But when you don't allow them to shelter people, they are going to urinate and defecate in alleys. It's not complicated. Incentivize people with shelter beds and restrooms, and you eliminate the news. All of the stories that go back 30+ years about people in alleys using the restroom and doing all sorts of things would never have happened if you had 1,200 beds to begin with. People would have been inside, and the 10% refusing to go inside would have been cited. So no, spending money to cleanup waste and then to use to punish people with nowhere to go is not the answer. Let them be sheltered, and you won't have to implement this part of the plan. 366 Additional services need to be available before most of these things can be successfully implemented 367 Sanitation is important, but I hope we can approach this with compassion and respect for human dignity. I have participated in neighborhood clean ups where we completely cleaned out alleys, dragging tents and individuals' belongings to the dump after police cleared them out. I found it morally questionable. There has got to be a better way. 368 Focus won’t have to be on cleanup if you are helping those who are homeless - providing closer bathrooms and housing. 369 No rush to expand gated alley program. It is very exclusionary. 370 Unless there are housing options available for those that are camping then they should not be removed. 371 The only part of this that seems applicable is the bio-hazard clean-up. All the rest seems to be a veiled attempt to make the homeless invisible by removing their belongings from the public view. Included in this critique is the Wednesday morning street cleaning ritual that is enacted near the Human Services Campus downtown. Homeless individuals carry ALL of their personal belongings on them; getting rid of this perceived "mess" is essentially throwing away irreplaceable aspects of an entire person's life - including medical documents, sentimental artifacts, or ID (if they're lucky enough to have one). 372 Remove C.3.2, C.3.3 C.3.2 and C.3.3

If everything with housing actually happens, these two issues will become non- issues. I'd hate for the focus to be here instead of with housing and actual shelter development. 373 Stop the street sweeps. They are hurting unsheltered people. Law enforcement uses clean up to steal peoples belongings and abuse them. We, as residents, don't care as much about clean streets as we do about people's safety. 374 If there is enough help for the homeless, this section is obsolete. Why is cleaning from the city budget but helping the homeless is grant dependent? 375 Phx cares is ridiculous as currently managed. Also while it’s great to worry about the campus area other areas of town are seeing a creep of the same issues and it would be great to address more than just the camps 376 This is a very focused set of Strategies on one section of downtown Phoenix? Why? Is this a plan to "address homelessness in Phoenix" or just in downtown Phoenix? What difference will these strategies make on homelessness? Do they really belong in a different section or in a Neighborhood Services plan? A lot of the language in this section is criminalizing; these objectives don't address homelessness except to make it more uncomfortable for people experiencing homelessness. Some of these things make me ashamed to be a resident of Phoenix. Clean Up Chapter Comments Page 171 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Clean-up Chapter Comments Objective 377 stop spending money on plans to punish, humiliate, and disregard the homeless. Build more shelters . 378 These park people don't know how to deal with homeless individuals and are mean and rude. Eliminate them. The nonprofits provide trash bags and help the homeless clean the areas when they can. The camps are fine if the parks service would provide trash areas and stop moving the trash cans away and not putting them back and stop closing the rest room and make the restroom so woman are not easily attacked...privacy would be nice. so much to add to this. 379 Again, where's the inclusion of the voice of people experiencing homelessness? How is the City coordinating these efforts with people on the street and providers and NOT leaning on law enforcement? 380 Many of your careers focus entirely on strategic solutions to homelessness; this work is vital and appreciated and I want to thank you first and foremost. My question is regarding the “Encampment Cleanup” section. What does this entail? Specifically, will this include disposing of personal belongs, tents, sleeping bags, etc? That is a huge problem for non-domiciled people and the prospect of disposing of/ confiscating these items concerns me. Please elaborate. Thank you! 381 Many of your careers focus entirely on strategic solutions to homelessness; this work is vital and appreciated and I want to thank you first and foremost. My question is regarding the “Encampment Cleanup” section. What does this entail? Specifically, will this include disposing of personal belongs, tents, sleeping bags, etc? That is a huge problem for non-domiciled people and the prospect of disposing of/ confiscating these items concerns me. Please elaborate. Thank you!

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 1 these methods seem very punitive during an extraordinary time where 1 in 5 people are unemployed in this country, for no fault of their own 2 p1.1, p2.2 seems it could encourage criminalization of homelessness. 1.1 & 2.2 3 Spending the money in wrong or right place? Not sure? 4 Keep anything having to do with enforcement. Prevent and remove homeless encampments. Free bus tickets for the homeless to move out of Arizona should be a priority. 5 Make it legible 6 Not sure as the image is too small to read 7 Codes of conduct most likely exist for public libraries, parks etc. Make existing 6 ones stronger and enforce them. It is crucial to allow for securing of property if allowing for homeless encampments. Many architecture design projects have addressed this. Look to non-profits that have solved this problem. Camping is difficult in the best of weather. Camping in the summer in Phoenix is not easy or healthy because of the heat. Eating, sleeping, and using restroom facilities are all best done inside a building in Phoenix in summer. Encouraging people to live in tents and travel to places to eat or places that have shade or public restrooms creates lots of unintended consequences. Stop making legislation that encourages these behaviors. Shade is required in the building codes when developing property. Shade is required when building bus stops. Practice good design and land development. Strategy 6 seems like it needs to be addressed and fixed. Again, good landscaping along the edges of the canal might help discourage camping. Neglected vegetation makes it easier to hide encampments. Enforce laws regarding abandoned property. 8 cannot read, print too small 9 Remove P.7.1. P.7.1 10 The print is too small for me to read it, so I don't know. 11 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE

ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS" 12 I'm concerned about the way the BOR will handle makeshift camps and where the residents will be relocated to. Kicking people off of some scrap of land they managed to make themselves feel safe in and not offering them somewhere else to go is unconscionable. 13 This section reads to me as an attempt to officially criminalize homelessness. I do not support it in any capacity. Martin v. Boise anyone? Camping should be allowed on canals. The Supreme Court has already ruled on this issue, the current plan falling under "cruel and unusual punishment." Policy for additional beds being proposed BEFORE funding for the beds is secured? Resolving "blights" instead of assisting struggling people? Separate Codes of Conduct obviously designed to inconvenience people who already do not have shelter? NO. 14 Addressing the many components of policy here are essential. Making strategic and targeted changes to our poorly executed situation is vital to this process. My hope is that it may be possible to address this long and involved section in an efficient and expedited manner.

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 15 I want to see more details about what alternatives will be provided to unsheltered populations who are displaced as a result of stricter codes of conduct and restrictions on encampments. What is the use of implementing stricter regulations if the root issues that lead to blight & encampment are not being addressed? Unsheltered individuals have to live somewhere. 16 Remove the negative consequences. Volunteers can help move the homeless person to an appropriate place, not the police. Volunteers can gently help all areas with gentleness and tenderness. 17 This section reflects the same language commented on above. Enforcement can only occur after a period of adequate servicing. Most appropriately, prevention efforts would be developed to quell the number of individuals experiencing homelessness before they end up in such a position. However, that requires a much greater, macro effort than would be covered in this document. 18 You cannot focus on tents/encampments/clean ups while knowing there is a homeless population who needs housing. Something must be done to house people and reduce the need for encampments. 19 Creating criminal code for a population who already has significant barriers to housing is alarming. Additionally, considering the majority of the unsheltered population is made up of BIOPC, this perpetuates systemic racism. 20 Protect the property owners FIRST!! 21 Most of the impact of this portion would be to eliminate any help to homeless people. 22 These objectives are incredibly vague and there is a lack of description of how and what you plan to implement in order to appropriately address homelessness in Phoenix. There needs to be more information provided and we demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they’re accessible to people experiencing homelessness. 23 a plan is a good thing. funding is essential. not working in a vacuum is needed, as the metro area cities are not separated and distant, but boundaries do not limit the homeless problem, but increase it 24 Again sounds great, but who is going to enforce this. Business owners should not have to come up with ideas on how to keep a place they pay rent, taxes, the City collects taxes from their business. This is the City's job and needs to be enforced. Give back some rights and common sense to lawful, working people. 25 As I noted above, some of these solutions really just seem to lead to an increase in policing and punishments against members of our community that are experiencing homelessness. 26 ONLY as a LONG TERM PLAN. 27 Strategy 2 and Strategy 4 very important 2 &4 28 largeer type set I can barely read it 29 Each of these Policy Solutions items are voiced in the disruptive "us vs them" attitude. From your office down we residents of Maricopa County need to be lead/influenced/mentored to have a loving attitude. Land does not be to be used (taken) from owners. Also, I see not provisions for true long-term solutions like: raising the poverty level assessment on our tax forms (why do people so close the the edge have to pay so much in taxes?). Why don't we raise some taxes for this kind of support? 30 Regional strategies and solutions are critical. Policies that are cohesive across jurisdictions would be helpful.

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 31 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS. 32 We need to provide our city employees and leaders with "teeth" to enforce the rules and regulations in a consistent manner. Thank you. 33 This entire section reads like a bunch of different ways to further criminalize the homeless community in Phoenix. This section needs to focus on policies that provide actual safety and resources for safety. Drafting a code of conduct is like drafting reasons for the police to incite more violence. This is not good policy. You're basically criminalizing every part of Phoenix and providing no safe spaces for the homeless community. 34 Other municipalities should be included. 35 Remove the bureaucracy and red tape. Spend a weekend around a table together and agree on some solutions! 36 Yes. We have to be able to enforce the camping and utilization of empty properties quickly and efficiently. 37 P.1.1 Don't understand what purpose the "Code of Conduct" serves. If people are 1.1 & 6.1 already law abiding and use common sense they will respect public property. If people are mentally unstable, use drugs or have a criminal mentality, a "Code of Conduct" will mean nothing. If it can be used by law enforcement, Parks & Rec staff to keep areas safe and clean it makes sense, but don't understand it from this blurb.P.6.1 Regarding prohibiting of encampments along the canal seems like a good idea, so thank you to whoever decided to address that, much appreciated! 38 this is more about continuing to criminalize homelessness and papering over the symptoms rather than addressing the causes. 39 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they're accessible to people experiencing homelessness.

40 This stuff is obviously important, but it sounds more like reactionary bureaucracy designed to look busy while accomplishing nothing. Just don't get carried away with these relatively simple adminstrative tasks. 41 Once again strengthening the chokehold on where homeless people can be. Establishing legal guidelines for a special use permit to evict people off of canal areas is a gross overstep of legal guidance. Also, mentioning 10 items on how to make it harder for these people to live and then casually throwing in ‘more beds’ at the end is frankly insulting. 42 Needs to be paired with alternative options for displacement 43 More information needed. 44 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEYRE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS" 45 Criminalizing homelessness does nothing to address it. This section should not be included unless the previous sections that work to prevent homelessness are enacted first. Otherwise, these initiatives will solve nothing. 46 You cannot 'policy" your way out of the issue of homeless citizens. The proposed policies are meaningless if the first 11 sections are addressed. Many people think "change the policy" e.g. encampments on the banks of the Grand Canal. Unless there are beds and mental health services, you are only going to "ciminalize" homelessness issue. Policy Chapter Comments Page 175 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 47 Could be a supplement for those needing this information. A bit cumbersome for the lay people. 48 Any policies created need to have verbiage that protects the mentally ill homeless who for mental health reasons may not seek shelter or services. Sleeping out should not be a crime. 49 I cant read the above image. They type is too small. 50 You need community by in and a feedback opportunity. 51 Encampment clean up is very important in my community. When a homeless person died, others will linger around, sort of waiting for everyone else to leave. Then they go through the deceased’s belongings and claim whatever they want as their own. This creates an increased chance for violence and no one sees it except those of us who live here.

Also, we have to do something about the homeless in the park off of Central/1st Ave and Fillmore. I can not see new dorms going up on this corner. Summers are especially rough in this neighborhood and the grass in the park, saves the homeless from being burned by the pavement. When need water and sunscreen stations here also. 52 What are the metrics to measure success for this plan? This survey is sadly a bad design, seeking confirmation bias instead of genuine public input. 53 Illegible 54 Like the sections I took issue with earlier, it is addressing a result of homeless people having few places to go safely, instead of just giving them safer places to go. 55 While these policies are important, there needs to be equal weight given to policies that increase funding for homeless support services; policies that require the availability of affordable housing across Phoenix; policies that amend zoning laws to establish more shelters, etc; policies that promote tenant rights; policies to send out government workers to direct camps of homeless people to shelters, medical care, etc.

Overall, the policies section needs to look out not only for neighborhood safety and private property owners, but also for increasing opportunities for homeless people. 56 This is a list of items that COP should do and probably is doing. It looks like an 2.1 opportunity for COP to say: "You asked for it and so we are doing it!" Why ask? OF COURSE, all of this should be done. Aren’t you doing it now? P.2.1: Clean up around the HSC campus NOW. People who respond to this survey may not know how bad it is there. Don’t wait for the citizens to tell you! YOU KNOW THIS IS A VIOLATION of city and county codes. CLEAN UP THE AREA NOW.

57 Not really sure. Very hard to read. 58 Prohibit camping along the canals!!!!! They are polluting the water provided to paying customers. 59 Codes of conduct cannot infringe on Constitutional rights. Religious freedom and what is politically correct are often at odds. If a code of conduct is against religious freedom and expression, you can be sure the city WILL BE SUED! There should be basic conduct codes as stated above. Government cannot use this to dictate belief systems wanted by one group. Beware of violations of free speech and religious freedom. Policy Chapter Comments Page 176 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 60 Remove p.1.3 1.3 61 Again, homelessness shouldn't be illegal. We need to be helping those who need help, not prosecuting them and making their situations more difficult and stressful. 62 Sounds like 4.2 in practice would criminalize distributing food to people that need 4.2 it 63 Once again, the creation of a so-called "Code of Conduct" for the homeless gives police FAR too much power because officers can simply cite this while moving homeless out of any area. Our officers are not trained to handle the homeless properly and this will spark conflict among a police department already riddled with issues and questionable decisions. 64 This section increases the criminalization of homelessness and the risk of homeless people being in contact with police when they should be in contact with mental health workers or social workers. This whole section needs to be removed and re-conceptualized. 65 Remove all of P.1, P.2, and P.6 1, 2 & 6 66 I think enforcing payment on the light rail system should be a number one priority. 1.1, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 P1.1 - I agree with behavior in indoor settings. I am not sure how this would be used as to in regards to parks. If you are criminalizing the camping or loitering or what not, are you creating a diversion program? Are you offering a "natural" setting type shelter experience? What will you as the number of families increase that need shelter? I don't think relying on poorly trained City of Phoenix police is a good solution to navigate mental/social service issues. For 6.1/6.2/6.3, I don't see an adequate response laid out for those that resist living in congregate settings, transitional housing, other than arresting people that may than be subject to truth in sentencing provisions. I don't want to pay for their cost in the state prison or city jail. So, I would prefer to designate at least some zones on the canal system, parks, or city land for those that won't accept services. 67 I do not think that the canals should be targeted 68 Poor qu3stion. Confusing 69 Immediate nutritional, hydration, and shelter support should be provided to people experiencing homelessness rather than the punishment or discouragement of resources being distributed by community members. The focus in this section relates largely to policing community activity rather than providing aid. 70 Less wonky talk, more action talk / action. 71 When you criminalize addiction, homelessness and being poor or disabled you create more problems. Spend more in out reach and services and you would need this 72 Codes of conduct are unethical and will lead to further policing of people experiencing homelessness. This leads to criminalization and exacerbates the very problem we are trying to solve. Providing adequate housing first will eliminate the need for policy changes, saving valuable time, money and resources. 73 Policy solutions are extremely important to ending homelessness but not one of these recommendations adresses this. There are just a bunch of actions for the city to “deal with” people who are homeless.The city should be adopting policies to make it easier to increase density, fight NIMBYs, and find funding to build more housing for ELI households. 74 I can't read that. The heading certainly refers to important objectives, though.

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 75 Another vital part of clean and must have consistent enforcement. Heat relief stations are critical in Phoenix. 76 Don't have so much govt regulation. P1.1, P1.2 - stop trying to control everyword 1.1 & 1.2 out of someones mouth or every body movement, we are humans, everyone usually tries to act like adults, we don't need a bunch of govt codes. Let people give of themselves and feed the homeless if they want to. Water stations only need to be near homeless shelters. No to camping on the canals. 77 Hard to read. Apply my points and SENTIMENTS toward these policies. I am happy to be part of a Citizen Committee on the matter(s). David Ludwig 602-242- 4530, 602-864-1012 78 Creating enforcement on feeding the homeless is not a good use of city time or money....again...if you provide the housing and services...we wouldn't have so much street homelessness. You shouldn't be taking the last possessions folks have and using "abandonment" to do it. Completly degrading. The canals issue is again an issue of available options...increase options for housing and people will one wants to live at the canal by choice. 79 The increase in beds should be in other jurisdictions. COP needs to stop carrying the burden. COP needs to understand there are 2 types of homeless, homeless through no fault of their own and vagrants. Only 20% are accepting help and millions is being spent. Let's help those who want help. 80 You know people are going to say, "Not in my neighborhood!" 81 nothingdisplayed 82 Quit enabling. 83 We should provide housing opportunities, not limit where people can camp. 84 All sections in SUMMARY LONG-TERM OBJECTIVES P.1.1, P.1.2, P.1.3, P.2.1, P.1.1, P.1.2, P.2.2, P.3.1, P.4.1, P.4.2, P.6.1, P.6.2, P.6.3 should all be REMOVED as P.1.3, P.2.1, inhumane and inappropriately and disproportionately affecting those without P.2.2, P.3.1, permanent address locations. Sections P.5.1 and P.7.1 should be included as P.4.1, P.4.2, they are attempting to help those experiencing homelessness. P.6.1, P.6.2, P.6.3, P.5.1 and P.7.1

, 85 The font size. This is embarrassing. I wish I could say I am surprised that tactics like this are being used. 86 Questionable whether this criminalizes homelessness vs contributes to a solution. 87 Policies are important but I know there will always be exceptions or loopholes! P1.2;,P1.3, P3.1 But these are the ones I see needed the most. P1.2;,P1.3 (use this if it's already P4.2, P6.1, 6.3 in place just expand) P3.1 P4.2 -Maybe signs at the intersections that are the most problem P6.1 I had no idea that the Bureau of Reclamation controlled our canal banks!! Give it to SRP P.6.3 is really important. 88 Too complicated. 89 Needs to be more community involvement regarding policy. It should not be a topic only managed by government and property owners. 90 We need a team to examine what is the root cause of homelessness. It's not just one thing. Putting a bunch of rules up about where and when a homeless person can go is not going to stop or help them. The mentally incompetent need a safe, secure place to live. The homeless parent(s) who lost their jobs need a safe, secure place for themselves and their children, who also, by the way, need a way to be schooled. Homeless kids turn into homeless adults. Policy Chapter Comments Page 178 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 91 Remove it all. Do not make changes that encourage. condone, facilitate, and perpetuate criminal activity. Instead you need to enforce the criminal laws evenly to all citizens. This section of your plan is designed to grow our whole homeless problem by encouraging even more homeless-by-choice people from around the country to flock here as they have been doing for decades. All you need to do is enforce the laws and you will see a large part of our problem go away.. 92 Stop spending money! 93 Invest in a new type of Probation Officer to become more of a social worker that will require repeat homeless offenders to seek out available resources. As a condition of probation the probationers, under the supervision of the new type of misdemeanor Probation Officer, will be ordered to take advantage of the existing resources to deal with housing, substance and alcohol abuse, mental health issues, job placement, veteran benefits, SSI, etc. The defendant when found guilty can select from this new type or supervised probation, or what we already have in place such as a fine or jail time. 94 It is disheartening to see life-saving heat relief stations apparently prioritized below policing "quality of life" conduct matters 95 Everyone should follow the rules. 96 It's important because of the details and what it could mean. Criminalizing homelessness has opened many cities up to face massive lawsuits and Phoenix would be wise to look to legal experts that work specifically on homelessness: FINAL.pdf I would highly recommend a consult with the National Law Center on Poverty and Homelessness as these policies will not provide the results Phoenix wants. And the message must be understood -- ticketing, arrests, convictions -- means BARRIERS to housing -- means the City won't get the results they want - which is less homelessness. 97 Why are we allowing people to live in canal areas? Is this for their highest good? 98 Need to prioritize all these strategies as there are so many. Focus more on prevention oh homelessness. 99 Don't add bureaucratic layers to the process - keep it streamlined. 100 Bills- if a homeless has a debt they should still have to pay on a payment plan and be held accountable for their debt in order to Ben housed or obtain utilities. It help a with accountability 101 While it is important to legislate we should not allow people to fall into a cycle to be repeat offenders simply for trespassing to have a place to sleep. 102 Eliminate wording that suggests increasing the comfort and wellbeing of those of good health who choose to be homeless. Taxpaying citizens of Arizona don't want to attract "bums" from other states to move into Arizona 103 Ok so this whole section has many problems as it relates to criminalizing an unsheltered existence. These policies will create an incarcerations effect unless the very last item of this section , to focus policy on increasing beds is followed through. Do not use policies with punitive outcomes. And certainly don’t put them in place until polices that are FOR the unsheltered have truly taken shape. Solutions have to come from a place e of being for our unsheltered neighbors, not making it more difficult by putting policies in place that make it based for them to find shelter as they transition from the streets to a proper facility. We need to start with educating our municipal leaders and community on the full nuances of the experience of homelessness before policies are created. Again, Ryan Dowd is an incredible teacher and educator on this issue. Policy Chapter Comments Page 179 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 104 Business owners, homeowners and existing residents should always be taken into account and their rights respected. Thank you. 105 Could not read this at all too fuzzy 106 There needs to be consequences or repercussions added somewhere if the code of conduct is not followed. 107 Had difficulty in reading the print. 108 I hope the canal ways won’t be made into designated homeless campsites! They are an important bicycle and horse route for both recreation and transportation in our valley. Homeless trash that is dangerous like broken glass would proliferate. 109 I'm not able to read the chart. Why is this chart so small? Do you not want us to read and therefore know what is being proposed? 110 P.8.1 is not clear to me. There does not need to be discussion as to why camping 8.1 is not allowed along the canals. If no camping is posted, then that ends the subject. 111 No one should be allowed to camp on canals or side walks period. 112 This survey feels like you are creating another category of resident and we the tax payers are funding this. Whatever happened to just doing the right thing? 113 No special use provisions should be made. No camping along public property or recreational areas. No tents in public parks or public areas should be allowed. Address drug use and how you are going to handle people addicted to drugs. Where are they going to live? What treatments are you going to offer? Shelter should be prioritized for a parent/guardian and their children. Single men should be required to work, Participate in a crew clean-up team for example. Single young people should volunteer at the animal shelters for example or distribute food and water, etc. Every effort should be made to make homeless feel needed and that their lives have meaning. Teaching of skills should take place in our high schools (Vocational Technical programs) before graduation so that people have a job when they leave high school unless going on to receive higher education. 114 The trespassing and getting people to move along parts are good, the pandering and it again enabling needs to stop 115 These strategies are a very inhuman approach to a very human issue. If you prohibit "camping" everywhere, where will the unsheltered go? 116 I'm not sure I agree with P.1,1 P.1.2., and P1.3 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 117 There needs to be plenty of affordable housing, not enablement to live on the streets. Living on the streets needs to be illegal, trespassing is illegal. Homelessness is too easy the way it is. If we are going to enable then build a campground out of town and provide everything. 118 Teaching property owners how to "mitigate impacts to their properties" is concerning, as their interests are generally in direct opposition to the people this is supposed to serve. 119 You’re kidding, right? 120 Too small can't read this 121 It's too small to read. 122 Of course we do not want homeless people. Of course most are probably suffering from mental disorders, or abuse and the right thing to do is to get them help. Provide real services to drug addiction, battered women and the poor. Provide training from local companies that can get a tax deduction for being a leader in hiring those trained. 123 It's too small and I can't read it so haven't a clue. Policy Chapter Comments Page 180 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 124 Print to small to read 125 Also great stuff. I see that HSC is mentioned in many places - although help is needed there, it is needed in other places as well - such as Sunnyslope. Providers want to be the best neighbors possible, but we need help - some of these measures (eg, alley closure) should be looked at regionally as well. 126 If the priority of implementation is my concern here. Will we spend 100s of hours making rules instead of solving issues. 127 Let people camp where they want. Placing aesthetic or economic issues above human rights is abhorrent. 128 Having policies rules/regs without having effect solutions to a systematic problem is premature. Once there is available housing/mental health care/job opportunities/ resources for public restrooms/cell phones/charging/computer access in this age of technology; revision of the punitive fees that adversely impact credit, contributing to the avalanche of what prevents one to have a home, then we can reasonably talk about restrictions. 129 nobody can read this!!! 130 There needs to be a place for people to wait out the sun in the summer. There should be something that when the weather goes over 100 degrees that the rules change and people can wait inside any public facility as long as they are not disrupting. 131 Policy solitions P.1.1, P.1.2, P.5.1, P.7.1 should be kept P.1.1, P.1.2, P.5.1, P.7.1 132 Homelessness should be a priority we are talking about human beings. These people deserve mental health care and decent places for them to stay and get the care they need. Drug addicts need to be treated and the drugs need to be removed from our neighborhoods. The light rail has made 19th Avenue the biggest mess I've ever seen. And it's not going to get better unless we do something about it 133 Very vague 134 That's too small for me to read. But everything I've seen thus far looks like it covers the homelessness issues in positive ways and provide a template for people working specifically with the homeless population. 135 Needs clarity as to organization, the actors, responders, agencies, etc. and purpose 136 Allow homeless to social distance themselves safely, without criminal penalties 137 Preventing camping along the canals is great! Should be a top priority 138 Again, more ways to criminalize behavior instead of address the problem that creates the behavior. 139 a cohesive city policy would be helpful. Parks department can be helpful. 140 I would not like to see further criminalize people experiencing homelessness. We can not and should not fine, jail, and litigate people out of homelessness. 141 not a word about shelter in the table of contents 142 We need to relax regulations on people feeding the homeless. Moreover, we should not be seeking additional regulations to further limit spaces unhoused populations can go (canals), especially when there is a shortage of shelter. 143 This is hard to read so it's hard to discern its importance. 144 Too many reactionary “solutions” on here that are similar to criminalizing behavior on public property. People need help and support to get to and assess root cause of homeless. 145 Once more - why are you looking for excuses to not do the jobs we are already paying you to do? Do you really not get it? Policy Chapter Comments Page 181 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 146 This “plan” was pretty intensive 147 Remove city ordinances that restrict homeless outreach and punish those who generously reach out to help the less fortunate. 148 Increasing the number of beds is only a part of the solution - we must move away from large congregate settings. Individuals do much better in locations of 100 or less. Adding to our current downtown beds is only compounding a problem. There isn't enough funding for the current shelter. They have a small budget to serve many, many people. There cities should each have several smaller shelters in different locations throughout the city. If we truly believe that people should be treated with dignity than we have to provide dignified temporary shelter. Not continue with the huge congreate setting we currently have. 149 Take out the bits clearly meant to criminalize homelessness. Help the homeless, make housing available (you know, all of the empty houses and apartments due to foreclosure and evictions, maybe) and you won't need to worry about people not having a safe place to sleep "making a mess" at businesses. 150 Keep objective Partners with heat relief stations 151 It's repetitive. 152 I'm disappointed that all these policy objectives are mostly focused on regulating the behavior of individuals experiencing homelessness and those who seek to assist them. I was hoping the policy change effort goals/objectives would be more focused on targeting the determinants/causes of homelessness. The real problem in this community is homelessness NOT homeless people. 153 What codes of conduct? - if not illegal, i.e. already controlled, why are controls on people’s conduct necessary?. If supplies are provided to an encampment clean up can be organized by the encampment participants 154 Again, initiatives to remove and forbid encampments risk harming and disrupting the transient population further. However, the objectives in this Strategy to increase resources should be kept. 155 You've left too much out and limited your response to geo boundaries. Apply to create a more coordinated response within Maricopa County. 156 Include the plan to make the homeless part of the solution. If they are made to clean their mess up then they are more likely to stop doing it. 157 Ensure that any and all policies are not designed, either intentionally or unintentionally, to further criminalize homelessness. Recognize the rights and humanity of those experiencing homelessness and uphold them in the same way that the City does for the non-homeless population. 158 Special use for camping along canal ways should be removed. 159 If I read that correctly, you are looking at allowing camping along the canals. NOT a good idea. 160 Too much political double speak, triple waste of money here! Lots of better ideas than some of these... 161 This are all short term tactics that provide no longer term gain 162 1. You cannot dictate the behaviors in public housing. Federal program regulations cover that. Federal law ALWAYS trumps city law. Phx Housing Authority can add to the list of family responsibilities, however, the city needs staff willing to enforce the lease, and EVICT, if non compliance continues. 2. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU ALLOW CAMPING ALONG THE CANALS!!!! FAMILIES USE THE WALK WAYS! ALL CANALS RUN THROUGH RESIDENTIAL AREAS. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING???????? Policy Chapter Comments Page 182 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 163 I am concerned we are going to end up feeding this homeless problem instead of helping it. It is surprising how many choose to be homeless because they don’t want to answer to anyone, work, and pay taxes. 164 P.4.2 should not be included 4.2 165 Stop criminalizing homelessness. 166 The city of Phoenix must affirm the rights of homeless people and refrain from further criminalizing being unhoused. 167 Stop making it easier to arrest homeless people. If you didn’t have anywhere to go, you wouldn’t want to be arrested for needing to use the restroom or sleep 168 Property owners and public officials do no need more rights to police homeless individuals’ conduct. Homeless individuals need more resources to have a chance at a healthy life. 169 We need to ensure that services, educational opportunities, mental health treatment, and housing assistance are readily and abundantly provided to Phoenix's homeless. However, we need to keep the homeless population out of suburban areas, namely Ahwatukee. Ahwatukee has fought for years (mostly through attempting to stop loop 202) to keep homelessness and crime out of Ahwatukee. Ahwatukee has minimal police presence compared to the rest of Phoenix, so we cannot risk having a homeless population enter our neighborhood. Within the past few years, HUD housing has brought more crime and homelessness to Ahwatukee, which is very concerning. I am happy to pay high taxes and any other contribution to help Phoenix's homeless, but I do not want the population entering Ahwatukee. Unfortunately, I am starting to see more homeless enter Ahwatukee (mostly persons with serious mental illness). I am also seeing more panhandlers (mostly substance abusers) starting to beg for money in Ahwatukee. 170 More emphasis on options for interveners to seek help with homeless issues that don’t involve the police or legal punishment/action. Less emphasis on punishing “congregation in alleys/canals” and more community-based intervention from people with mental health and addiction treatment backgrounds and knowledge of available programs and support. Criminalization of any aspects of homelessness (public camping, sleeping, congregation in alleys, etc. will never work and will always punish the most vulnerable. Criminalizing feeding and assisting the homeless in public has the same effect and detrimentally impacts people attempting to help. 171 People would not camp on the canal if they had a SAFE place to sleep and keep their belongings. 172 wow too long to even read 173 Too small to read. 174 Can't read this...Too small 175 leave as stated 176 Could not read. 177 literally cannot see it 178 What about copying other successful programs outside of Arizona, e.g., the state of Utah? I didn't see anything about seeing what already works vs. reinventing the wheel. 179 Create safe spaces for people to “camp” while looking for housing. Most housing in AZ has month/year long waiting lists.

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 180 I have a problem with "Strategy 5). Making life "comfortable" for the homeless is enabling. Our climate is mostly very hospitable to those living "rough", thus our big homeless problem, very much like California and other places with more temperate climates. I'm very much opposed to handing out plastic water bottles - they are HORRIBLE for the environment. If you must aid the homeless with water, build public drinking fountains where most needed. As for shade, I see the homeless under trees, in pipes, restaurants, etc. I don't think building shade structures is the answer - again enabling. 181 I could not read this section. 182 I hope you don’t mean that SRP canals can be used for camps. That wording is ambiguous. 183 I think it's always good to be clear about what the expectations are. People who are newly homeless may be unaware of existing code and will likely be unaware of new code. Communication about any policy is necessary before police enforcement, I think. 184 I think we need to keep all options open and vigilant to any changes or additions as needed 185 Focus on support and prevention not criminalizing individuals experiencing homelessness 186 Strategy 4 needs to be removed. It should never be a crime to feed someone, 4.0, 6.0, 7.0 and cracking down on enforcement of those kinds of laws is barbaric and inhumane.

Strategy 6 should also be removed. Again, we cannot focus on removing encampments until we have invested in alternate, realistic housing for these populations. Otherwise, we are just removing every option for them to live.

Strategy 7 should be changed to state that on top of adding more beds, there must be expansions to the space to correspond with extra beds. Cramming more people into these facilities without hiring the appropriate amount of people to oversee them, or without expanding their living areas, would make these 187 Remove P 1.3 & P2.2 1.3, 2.2 188 Aren't these all things which one should have already been doing? Why is this a new part of the plan? I suspect these are extraneous to pad out the report. 189 i agree with it. 190 couldn't read it so that tells me since it is a government agency putting it out, it's not intended to be known to the public and they want it slipped in without anyone really knowing what it says 191 P1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 Not sure enforcing a Code of Conduct helps any root cause of homelessness. Trespassing in our own parks doesn’t make sense to me. 192 This seems more internal. 193 It's a start. 194 Add incentives on keeping neighborhood clean.Taken turns cleaning streets and neighborhoods clean, in return give homeless vouchers, cash or incentives of some type. 195 p42 - the city should designate places that are ok to feed the homeless. By 4.2 blocking a lot of the access you just doom people to illness and hunger. Let people help other people. 196 This section is punitive and does not solve the homelessness

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 197 It should be made clear that the Code of Conduct will be applied to all individuals not just those experiencing homelessness. 198 The copy on the screen is too small to read. Can't comment on it. 199 If beds are not available, we can not reasonably punish people looking for a safe place to exist, and sleep. 200 Any policy that can't be effectively and reasonably enforced should not be taking our time and energy away from all the proactive measures that will create actual change. 201 I didn’t read all of this and that I’ve already listed most of my irritations and grapes so read the previous comments. 202 More rules? Not going to help. 203 Remove government as the dominating agency. Replace it with community people and leaders who are not politicians. 204 Code of Conduct is useless if it's not enforced. Create Code and Enforce it. 205 that's too small to be readable! I was able to find it in the expanded section, but you should revise this survey to make it friendlier to use (and correct the typo at the beginning--IF instead of OF! 206 No camping allowed anywhere! 207 Don't know. Too tiny to read. 208 This sectional is unnecessarily complicated and doesn’t focus on assisting the homeless with their primary need of housing, it instead focuses on strategies for dealing with homeless that would not be necessary if the homeless were housed and the other sections were in place. 209 too small to read 210 Kind of wordy I think 211 There is a lot of information contained in this section, but I am heartened to see that at least this section does mention addressing negative behavior. ALL of your sections should address this issue, and be specific about what it means. So much of this strategy plan seems open to great interpretation. I would like specifics (costs, numbers of staff, consequences for bad behavior) and also what we are doing to discourage homelessness as an alternative for people who make bad choices (drugs, dropping out of school, crime, etc). 212 Please see notes at question 23. 213 Eliminate P.1.1 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 4.1, Eliminate P.1.2 6, 7.1.1 Eliminate P.1.3 Eliminate P.4.1 Redundant.

Eliminate all section 6. Canal resources should not be dual purpose.

Change 7.1.1 to include staffing/reources capacity ratios for any increased bed count (like class size compared to # of teachers, etc). Don't just create a holding open area for homeless by increasing size. 214 Again, I am uninformed on this and do not wish to communicate on a potentially important aspect without better understanding. 215 Remove P1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1 and 2.2, with the differences in the different 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, geographical area needs and departments, a Citywide code of conduct or 2.2 trespass notice will not work. 216 remove it all. way to complex for most voters to understand. intentional?

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 217 This section seems to laud using trespassing to kick homeless people out of parks, which makes the fact that it was shrunk smaller than the other sections to be a way to make people not read it. Unless there is a liaison to help homeless people to find a place to sleep that night (with their stuff) then kicking them out only serves to force them into the streets or the alleys, which is also not allowed according to this plan. All of this seems like a way to just force homeless people to move around without actually helping them. Adding in the policy to increase beds in here is just a way to make it impossible to say that the whole things should be scrapped, which is awful. 218 Only include this section if the city is prepared to do something. I will require staff of additional hundreds and the cost may be prohibitive. 219 On first glance, looks like community helped more than homeless. 220 This section sounds too poofy. I’ve been in outreach panels before and they were full of talk and no action 221 This chart was very hard to read. I am unsure if anything needs to be added or removed. 222 Nothing 223 It's repetitive. 224 Be careful about punishing or criminalizing the homeless. 225 delete section P.7.1 7.1 226 Policies should be driven by the goal of preserving all human dignity and well- being over the comfort and property of others. 227 Homeless should not be allowed to camp by canals that run through neighborhoods 228 It's hard to know how some of these policies will play out in reality. I want to make sure that if homeless people are kicked off certain lands, that they have somewhere to go. Especially in the heat of Arizona, I think it's really important that they have somewhere to be that is safe and they can stay. 229 Emphasis on protecting the parks and nature. Also keep sex offenders from benefitting any way in this program 230 PRINT TO SMALL TO READ 231 All these quidelines are going to cost the taxpayer a fortune. Maybe time to move out of Phoenix 232 Most of this section is important we need the homeless to be safe and sheltered from heat and cold. We need the elderly who are disabled and homeless cared for. We need our VA to step up and help their homeless veterans. We need our state to step up and help those with SMI obtain shelter! 233 This sounds like it will criminalize the unhoused. I need a more descriptive plan on what "code of conduct" means and what will come if someone doesn't follow it. I need more details on the canal pathways, what is the issue? Is it an issue? I live near a canal and have not seen anyone there, only some trash but that can be picked up. I do agree with the heat relief stations and YES to the shaded areas. There are hardly any. Can we have numbers on unhoused people who have been attacked by community members who try to be police or vigilantes? This would help see a bigger picture of community views and how the city can help alleviate violence toward the unhoused. 234 The code of conduct section can be used to facilitate barring homeless people from public spaces such as libraries and community centers. Mix this with the general presence of police enforcement in this plan and you are bound to recreate the death of Muhammad Muhaymin Jr. with countless others.

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 235 this section seems in conflict with itself in that it wants to treat the homeless as criminals and as people needing help (with apparently more emphasis on the treating them as criminals). if the city offered more affordable housing and services, people would willingly stop sleeping along canals when the nights only get down to 94 degrees. 236 Couldn't read, too small. 237 Date of services start and how homeless can contact the phone number. 238 This page is blurry, can’t read it. 239 Can't read it on the website and no time at this time to look more closely at it 240 why isn't APS included in this solution 241 Long term strategies are how reduction in homelessness is achieved. Insuring that people have and can keep work is paramount. Affordable housing and in- biased loan interest is also key. Perhaps the biggest long term goal should be working with employers to raise wages to the same buying power folks had in the 1980’s. I think this will require hourly wages to reach $25.00. Also, we need to push employers to provide health insurance to its employees, working to eliminate all employee co-pays. 242 DEFINITELY HIGHLIGHT THE CODE OF CONDUCT 243 I don't think people want to be crammed into small shared living areas. Can we set up a place where people can camp? 244 Yes....we working folks pay tax dollars for City services. These are some of the most important services and could create the need for more jobs. 245 No idea: the type is way to small to read. 246 More nonprofit involvement 247 i have been homeless myself and the library was my saving place to get away from depression-training staff so there doesnt need to be security everywhere would be helpful 248 Once again these are negative reactions to behavior. Address the issues causing people to camp out and this isn't such an issue. The writers privilege is showing. Obviously things like heat relief stations are critical due to our weather. 249 these sections should be un-bundled so you can provide feedback on each objective. 250 print too small to read for this category. Need short-term, mid-term and long- term strategies. 251 Could not even read this image. 252 Would like additional info; more info than what was provided for a better understanding 253 All The Above? 254 Common sense!! Get the program going. Don't just talk about it and form committees. Do some good. Goal for the city should be to get homelessness off the streets. It needs to be addressed individually DAILY. A walk through by a city worker writing a report won't cut it. Get real. This is our future. I have been a resident since 1972 and the situation has become unmanageable. Get it cleaned up. Are we a proud city or not???????? 255 too small to read 256 To be clear, open the restrooms in the City parks.

Also, add something on funding to more regularly clear the canal underpasses of debris: that is dangerous for both recreational users and homeless users.

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 257 Avoid policies that are punitive in nature. Homelessness should not be a crime. They need help. Not citations. Citations are an ineffective deterrent anyway and only make it harder to escape homelessness. 258 this entire section seeks to penalize poverty. find a different way. 259 These policies seem designed to criminalize poverty. I’d like to see fewer regulations designed to harm people experiencing homelessness and more policies designed to address providing adequate shelter and services. 260 Heat relief is most important here and increase number of beds. Everything else is not as important 261 So many parks are over-run. If homeless identification by individuals (through proper communication) is utilized AND the homeless intake process works - this should not be such a problem. Also, as a resident this was a difficult section to understand about why there needs to be signs posted. 262 Parts of this section seem to further criminalize homelessness and poverty, which are NOT helpful to solving homelessness! 263 Sorry -- can't read it 264 Can't read chart 265 Is there an "equity lens" added here? One may think this is an automatic because of the very nature of the program, but it needs to be made clear and them how will it be enforced to ensure equity is a consideration. 266 These cost money 267 Encampment areas should not be free for all zones. People must be held accountable for their behaviors and habits. People who have no self respect can't be expected to respect the rights of others. Clearly defined expectations are the fundamental basis of crowd management. When someone disrupts the order or maintenance of a clean environment, that person must be taught that there are natural and logical consequences for his or her choice. 268 None 269 It is too small to read 270 Most important to develop enforceable laws which stop illegal camping and behavior in community space. 271 Services and housing are most important. This seems well intentioned but like a lot of bureaucracy. 272 The encampments create a possibly hostile environment for those who walk/ride or fish on the canals. 273 Sections P 1.1, P 6.1, P 6.2, and P 6.3 should be altered or removed entirely. I do P 1.1, P 6.1, P not believe creating codes of conduct in public spaces actually addresses 6.2, and P 6.3 homelessness in Phoenix. My concern is that will be used to regulate where homeless people with mental health issues are allowed to be. Furthermore, I do not understand how fighting with the Bureau of Reclamation fights homelessness either. If the idea is to clean up encampments, then surely that issue is addressed in the "Clean Up" section. 274 Eliminate all of this and give this funding to increasing mental health and housing services. 275 changed: make it easier to read - they are good actionable points but they are too crowded to get people behind them. 276 I think it is important to develop policies and enforce them, but they need to be person centric and look at the effects of the policies for all parties involved. 277 All Phoenix Metro Cities need to be required to deal with this problem, not just Phoenix.

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 278 Identify referral pathways that avoid incarcerating homeless individuals for minor offenses related to mental health issues 279 Given the extent of the data presented, 7k+ homeless and %51 unsheltered, it is impossible to know what a good strategy looks like. We should do the work to understand the population further. What percent needs mental health services? What percentage are on the street due to recent eviction? What percent are using hard drugs? What percent would take a bed if one was available? 280 I’m curious about sections P8.1-P8.2 what’s that all about? 8.1, 8.2 281 It was obviously written in microscopic lettering so that we cannot read it. 282 Too small to read. Policies should be consistent with and support goals-- and I haven't seen any goals. Is the city going to try to end homelessness or reduce it or reduce the problems associated with homelessness or better support homeless people or encourage homeless people to locate elsewhere in the valley or ??? If you have goals, I have missed them. 283 None of these policies should even be considered until alternate venues and facilities have been identified and rendered usable. 284 I understand that the homeowners do not want the homeless living around them, but we need to give the homeless assistance first. Mental health needs to be addressed with the homeless as I believe that is a large portion of the people that are living on the streets. 285 Unable to read content, too small. 286 formatting off and seems like more admin fluff 287 We need to enforce trespassing to make sure we keep our city safe 288 More emphasis on protecting the public common areas. Especially public libraries and parks. 289 This is the most important one and it is so hard to read! This is where I feel that the city is not looking at things form the homeless perspective. This whole plan also lacks the framework to support LGBTQ and racial equity. Police should not have access to the shelter portal, it could cause additional issues. 290 The signage and postings must serve multiple purposes. Communication, education and be a resource for those that need help. 291 There need to be more affordable options for trailor parks without so many qualifications on age and income and rental history and criminal history. 292 Penalizing homeless people doesn't help them. Reconsider severity of this section 293 Codes of conduct will be used to further criminalize homelessness 294 This section needs an editor. Too much politics 295 No mention of police responsibilities and need for prevention 296 Keep codes, standardizing city codes & trespass enforcement. Residents are unhappy about pop up encampments. Not sure about camps along SRP canals: liability, danger of people falling in, dumping to water (human refuse, chemicals, etc). 297 Too small/blury print= can't read it. 298 Could not review, print too small in this section 299 Too vague

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 300 P.3.1., clean up efforts for homelessness should NOT BE made to be the 3.1 responsibility of property owners nearby. This section focuses primarily on PHOENIX Property, not (in particular) residential properties. Neighborhoods should not be burdened, the City should find a way to address clean up necessitated by homelessness. Also action on these should be taken, not just talking. Follow through on results are imperative to ensure things are getting done. 301 There is some good action in here but again watching the lines are not blurred between really addressing barriers and using the legal system for punishment. And if there’s only so much funding, we need to put that money first where the plan needs to start. I guess in summary, not bite off bigger than can be chewed. 302 Vague laws don’t work 303 This all sounds like a bunch of ways to further punish/control/punish homeless individuals. This will not solve the problem. 304 Again this is not helping those experiencing homelessness. 305 I have some concerns with this section. E,g A code of conduct that addresses negative behavior - how will this be aligned with access to specialized support, such as mental health. What constitutes negative behavior? It's important to take individual difference and individual circumstances into consideration and to ensure fair treatment of each individual

There should not be any policy that prevents the feeding of the homeless. If there are health and safety concerns, policies need to be woven to ensure those experiencing homelessness may access food safely

Issues around camping/encampments again are tricky - however any action to prevent camping in designated areas must be provided alongside solutions for individuals and households who are using the area to sleep 306 Policies are important but enforcement is even more important. 307 the camping on the canals needs to be prohibited. I no longer ride on the canals, (including new paths done on the canal ) because it is too frightening to run into these people when you are alone. I have been harassed and have also had to get off my bike and walk it around a camp or turn around and go back. City just spent a lot of money on the new bike paths that have to be cleaned up by citizens in order to be able to use it. 308 P.7.1 should be removed 7.1 309 The text was too small too read to provide an educated response. 310 The policies seem reasonable, but the table provided is too small and pixelated. 311 N/A 312 Again focused on what/where homeless people are allowed to do/be when they have limited options. Not addressing the root cause. 313 Too many proposals simply criminalize the tragic experience of homelessness, which is counterproductive. Eliminate the entire section. Provide housing first. 314 Encampments encourage isolation and illegal activities affecting adjacent property owners. Modifying the codes and regulations are extremely necessary

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 315 The introductory section talks about the lack of restroom facilities in Phx. Our homeless community would benefit greatly from access to restroom and shower facilities other than what is available at CASS, especially in the summer time. I have on more than one occasion observed homeless people "showering" in the Roosevelt neighborhood using sprinkler systems very early in the morning. Most humans want to be clean for the preservation of their dignity. Why can't we provide for this? We can; we choose not to. 316 Deal with the source of the problem. If we ended homelessness, the above code changes would not be needed. 317 Some of the policies may be useful such as impact area clean up and work with non-profits to develop heat relief efforts. I do not support Trespassing policies that criminalize homeless actions. 318 Good luck. 319 Do not try to prevent camping around the canal. Other community members should not be offended by having to use the same area that people who are homeless have to use for lack of housing. If other community members are offended, that's the community members' problem, not the homeless population's problem. Behavioral codes in libraries and park's are also often targeted to specific populations. A number of activities college students engage in at libraries and parks (sleeping, eating, etc.) are fine until homeless individuals engage in those activities. It also does not help people are homeless to criminalize camping when they have nowhere else to go. It is the community's responsibility to provide housing, not fines and jail. 320 There should be a policy that focuses on connecting people experiencing homelessness with resources. The majority of these policies seem more directed as appeasing the public and continuing to "other" people who are experiencing homelessness. Why is Phoenix dragging our feet in addressing homelessness? We need to look to places like Utah to develop a housing first initiative to get these people off the streets, work on a tiny home zoning ordinance to allow for affordable housing for these people. What about policies focused on creating diversified revenue streams that aren't dependent on changing political tides in government that expand and shrink depending on the administration. Diversified funding would help maintain consistency. We need these programs to be continually funded to actually address the issue. Also this needs to be a regional effort. The City of Phoenix is carrying the brunt of addressing homelessness while other cities in the valley do little to nothing. 321 Again, include the community in the ideas for improvement before writing up. 322 The code of conduct needs to also provide alternatives for those who have issues abiding by the code. Without those alternatives, this has the potential to further criminalize an already marginalized population. I will again bring up the need for property storage. People often have to choose between leaving their belongings unattended or applying for jobs, seeking out resources, going to doctor's appointments etc. Not all unattended property is abandoned property. 323 The most important piece of this section is the policy to increase the number of shelter beds available. Housing first is a model that is proven effective in lifting people out of homelessness, and Phoenix does not have the capacity currently to do so, in turn only worsening the problem.

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 324 This should be Phase 2 of the plan 3 years from now once we have sheltered people. Again, this focuses on the punishment of those with nowhere to go. Focus first on shelter, then on housing, and the amount of time, effort, and resources needed for this will be 20% of what you're estimating in this plan. Neighbors are mad because they are used to the majority of people in The Zone being unsheltered. They have never been even mostly sheltered in 50 years. This part of the plan treats the symptom, not the problem. If you shelter people well and house them we'll, there is very little need for any of this. 325 A lot of these proposed policies aren't going to cause permanent/positive change. 326 I think law enforcement needs to be part of the conversation, but I do think we are asking police to do too much in the social services realm. They should lean heavily on trained social service/mental & behavioral health partners when working with the homeless population. 327 MUCH less of a priority - ie. blocking our homeless seniors out of the library because they are there all day as a safe spot to sit? Enforcement should be way way down the list. Services first for homeless and you won’t need the same enforcement. 328 The section is difficult to read. Increase in a number of beds and services is crucial. 329 Policy is extremely important in that it legitimizes proposed changes. However, much of the proposed policies are attempting to propose restrictions on homeless individuals, rather than creating more opportunities for those who already have few. If policies are to be developed, they should be done to revise past wrongs, or to provide additional resources, rather than becoming more stringent and detailed. To reiterate what I said above, these are unprecedented times, we must be flexible and willing to admit we might have been wrong as they begin to unfold. 330 Policy surrounding unsheltered people only leads to further harm. We don't need laws and policy and police officers to keep people safe, we need resources and zoning rules that don't cause so much harm. 331 unnecessary policing of vulnerable people. 332 We should not criminalize feeding the homeless or the homeless in general 333 A Policy Section should be included. I don't think this is the right set of policies, unless the City wants to again be known for being the worst city for people experiencing homelessness. Much of this language is criminalizing and blames people experiencing homelessness rather than focusing on policy change that would end and prevent homelessness. Oh wait, this is not called a "Plan to End and Prevent Homelessness." 334 Could not read it 335 remember that some homeless are illiterate, so signs need pictures included. Spanish language speakers should be included when developing notices/signs 336 This is typical management trying to get something done by committee. This is all good, but I will hold my breath because this is a political committee trying to make a decision that hasn't been dealt with for years and now all of a sudden lets make a plan. Cynical maybe, but I'm on the streets with these individuals every single day and I see police, G4's, park rangers doing nothing but harrassing and not helping. 337 Not seeing homelessness as a crime as part of policy. Enforcing CARES to be utilized in more efficient ways.

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Strategy Nr. Policy Chapter Comments Objective 338 The items listed should be tied to the major components of the plan. This list looks like the place you've put all the pet projects on or the items with the most community interest EXCEPT that the voice of persons experiencing homelessness are not being considered. Any mention of a code of conduct is insulting when shelter/housing aren't being prioritized. This also looks like the way to increase law enforcement engagement. 339 What is the status of the proposal to increase the number of beds at CASS and the low barrier shelter proposed by Andre House? 340 The city council has put a limit of three on how many can go on one lot though, so tiny homes within the city are not really the solution. 341 Wouldn't it make sense economically and for helping to reduce and integrate homeless populations into the commuity by requiring new multi-family development to reserve a number of units for the homeless. This would require a new mindset but allow for greater integration and less stigma around the issue of homelessness. 342 The previous question was referring to City Council and their part in helping to mitigate the homelessness problem. They are the ones who are granting the permits for new construction, and all the new development is catering to the rich or those with a robust income, but not to/for every day common people who live and work here. 343 The HSC is looking to increase the number of beds at their facility. Does this request impact the City's plannign in any way? 344 What about building Tiny home communities for the 1st step to sustainability. 345 What about those individuals who DO NOT want services and are not mentally ill or addicted. Can they be called on to keep there areas clean or provide them a ""Homeless Village"" where they can live but not establish camps on private or public lands. In one of the cities vacant lots or parking areas not in use.

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Strategy Nr. Communication Chapter Comments Objective 1 While I understand we don't know if we are meeting our objectives unless we are monitoring, I would hope we are spending more funds on solutions rather than monitoring and where we are monitoring, that it is optimized. 2 The City of Phoenix needs help . I feel they are stuck paying for all. I wish all the cities would join together and help this problem for each city. Let’s especially help Phoenix. 3 Communication on this subject should be dramatically enhanced. I believe we would find a large number of people willing to volunteer and support these efforts if they were both aware of the true significance of the problem and what they can do to help. 4 make sure that people know the tel. numbers to call when they need help and have a better response when they do call 5 City of Phoenix should be gathering fact based statistics from various departments regarding the root causes of homelessness. It should not be providing increased services. These services need to be provided by non-profit charities with private donations. The City should encourage communication with these groups and make interactions with the city streamlined and simple. Too many department interfaces with non-profits complicate things. Too many non- profits with too little money trying to all do similar things makes things worse. Non- profits need to team up on what they do well and work proactively with existing City laws, codes and zoning to provide needed solutions. Communication from the City to the public is complicated. Make is simple. One place to access information would be helpful. One place to log concerns and get information. Lots of places on the web to get educated. 6 Social media means this section is unnecessary. 7 "Provide consistent reporting/messaging to the community at large." as long as this does not involve the PD having access to records that they can use against individuals that need actual help 8 small print. 9 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE


10 Transparency is always necessary and welcome. Residents of this city deserve to be respected and trusted with honest data and information. 11 Transparency is expected. 12 Thank you for transparency. 13 What efforts are being made to get feedback from those with lived experiences of homelessness? How can a line of communication be opened up between sheltered Phoenicians and their unsheltered neighbors? 14 Use Volunteers. Not government agencies. 15 Shouldn't City of Phoenix be doing these things already? Transparency around data is very important. 16 While it is important to recognize the strides being made, don't allow the need for such a concession to cloud the overall purpose of the policy. This is not about education and showboating, it is about meeting the needs of human beings. 17 Be a leader. Use the research to implement evidence based practice to house people. Then the communication slide can be updated to share your results with other communities committed to ending homelessness. Communication Chapter Comments Page 194 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Communication Chapter Comments Objective 18 Communication is most important 19 Ending Homelessness is not going to happen....PHOENIX needs to PROTECT its residents and not the drug addicts that choose to live on the street everyday!! 20 These objectives are incredibly vague and there is a lack of description of how and what you plan to implement in order to appropriately address homelessness in Phoenix. There needs to be more information provided and we demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they’re accessible to people experiencing homelessness. 21 Constantly communicate with this population how we can improve their lives. Ask what are they hoping to achieve to get their lives back on track. Match individuals with mentors from the community and churches. 22 I worked in City government. City "transparency' is not real transparency. Don't even bother 23 I think NOT SO IMPORTANT says it. 24 Communication is very important both for the homeless and residents helping those who are homeless. In addition, addressing the reasons for homelessness and how the city is managing them. 25 Anything that can be done to improve understanding of the issue is important. 26 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS. 27 Provide avenue for constructive feedback from the community 28 Citizens need to be reminded of the challenges the city faces and what the council and leaders are working hard to do. People need to stop complaining and be part of the solution to make things better for those experiencing homelessness, as well as our neighborhoods and personal property. 29 This section seems almost like a joke because the City of Phoenix voted on this plan without any public input. How can we believe that you'll be transparent when you haven't been even up until right now? We demand full transparency into all data, including the data collected from this survey. 30 Address the issue of other cities, towns and states dropping off their chronically mentally ill, homeless and drug addicted populations in Phoenix. We will never have enough resources and funding to deal with other jurisdictions’ problems. 31 Right now everyone wants to see visible results. They won’t care about the numbers unless it is evident. 32 Is there a database on homelessness? Do we know how much the City spends per person? How do we determine what is working and what is not? 33 This is the one section that is really great. It should be easy for the public to look up stats and info without having to call City staff. Please make info more accessible/easy to find on the various City of Phoenix websites. 34 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they're accessible to people experiencing homelessness.

35 more affordable housing around the valley, no more shelter beds in downtown we are already overwhelmed. 36 More information needed. 37 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEYRE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS" Communication Chapter Comments Page 195 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Communication Chapter Comments Objective 38 These questions aren't going to help you. These don't get the public involved at all. 39 Don't think this is done enough, we never hear about all that is really going on behind the scenes. Should be touted and followed up on. 40 open up volunteer opportunities and announce on social media to get public involved 41 It really depends on if the data would be could be interpreted incorrectly and hinder the progress of the program. Definitely need to engage in regional plan. 42 Maintaining data is always important! 43 What are the metrics to measure success for this plan? This survey is sadly a bad design, seeking confirmation bias instead of genuine public input. 44 publish a dashboard similar to COVID information so more of the public can be aware and assist with problem solving 45 COP needs to create metrics by wish to score the city progress, deficiencies, and CO.10.1 and areas needing more support. CO.10.2 CO.10.1. COP can use the violent crime acts statistics to know where more policing and community outreach is needed (example: near HSC). You can use your sex offender address book and compare it to schools and day care centers to know where you need to take action to move them out (example: HSC area). You should create an objective street cleanliness matrix. There is a minimum standard of cleanliness already in the city code. Any time a neighborhood tells you that standard is not being met, the COP, County and State need to take action. WE HAVE A HEALTH AND SAFETY CRISIS near HSC. COP IS NOT Doing enough to clean it up. IMMEDIATE ACTION IS NEEDED BY COP. CO.10.2 COP stepped up long ago to provide homeless shelter in downtown Phoenix. NOW COP needs to step up to force other cities to create shelters, and other city council districts to allow shelters in their district. COP needs to force the county and state to do their part. VERY IMPORTANT. ONE WAY TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN: STOP LETTING OTHER CITIES BRING THEIR HOMELESS AND MENTALLY ILL TO THE HSC CAMPUS. THIS IS A ONE-WAY DOOR THAT NEEDS TO STOP NOW. YOU can’t dump all the homeless in the state on one neighborhood! CO.10.3. This item is too general and looks like an attempt by COP to make this plan lengthy and cumbersome and to have a place to say “you asked for it, so we did it!”

46 Homelessness will never be eradicated because some people choose to not follow rules. Those persons should be arrested and encamped in the most minimal conditions. Their choice. Get it together or “camp” within state grounds like the old pink camps. 47 Including information and data in the district newsletters would be helpful. Then we can pass out that information to community members. 48 Please redesign the survey to discuss each policy item. This is designed to limit the transparency of the public and to provide generic feedback. It is very hard to navigate back and forth between the 30 page documents. The research does not address costs in any way. It also should be written to allow for those with basic reading ability to understand the principles.

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Strategy Nr. Communication Chapter Comments Objective 49 Don't assume that smart, well thought strategies are so important. The most important thing is to clearly ID this: who can be helped? what % is this. Then focus on these. I'm afraid this "able to be helped" group is not that big. 50 Data, not politics, should drive all decisions and funding. 51 Goals for the communication. 52 retaining information of people runs the risk of data breaches. I dont think it is a good idea 53 Yes such information can be included in City of Phoenix newsletter in residents water bill, as well as online. 54 Just don't pay any departments or private companies that will charge outrageous amounts just to gather information, stats. 55 It would be great showcase this information on social media, youtube video that breakdown the information and other unique methods emphasize the results to create more community action. 56 However, this is a major "cart before the horse" issue. Verbiage oozes a particular set of expected results and conclusions and actions. This could be very dangerous, wasteful and counter productive. 57 You need to hire a homelessness czar....a spokesperson to deal with this issue. 58 PHX CARES should also be utilizing HMIS. This is what most other homeless service providers are using, so if you want to track where people are going and what services they are accessing, get in the system the providers are using. 59 Nothing listed 60 This section should be more specific in the obligations Phoenix has to communicate transparently. 61 Communicate with the public but only after collaborating with non-profits whom serve the people regarding a trauma-informed media message. 62 Tax payers are going to want to know where the monies are going 63 This must be a joke. 64 Communication is a key!! If we can get communities information of their rights and the regulations it might make homeowners and business owners feel they have some control. 65 Just fix the problem, don't make a federal case out of it. Just fix it. 66 What kind of data would be released to the public? I find this a little concerning. It would depend. 67 Keep everyone well informed. 68 Educate the public on how to interact/support the homeless and/or notify authorities of problems 69 Create some videos with stories of various of homelessness causes so the public can understand and empathize. Will lo get more support than just dry statistics. Document some personal success stories. 70 People want to see progress in the city 71 Must report on performance of this program against realistic goals. 72 Yes AND prioritize and include the people experiencing homeless in the gathering of this data. We should be asking them what they need first as these “solutions” will impact them the most! Are they having a seat at the table in how they’re lives and the data about them is being gathered. This is the cornerstone. They know more than anyone what they need.

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Strategy Nr. Communication Chapter Comments Objective 73 The city needs to stop trying to massage language and be real. Stop trying to trick people into thinking all people struggling for affordable housing are teachers. Please, just stop that idiotic line - it's insulting. When have you ever publicly addressed the chronically homeless and described what that means, where they live and where they should live? 74 If only 20% of homeless are engaged, we need to figure out why more are not wanting to have a better life. What type of initiative can we give to intiate the desire not to be homeless? Churches can be part of an outreach program that may inspire the homeless to change their life. 75 Currently, communication is lacking regarding the City's plan to address homelessness. 76 Make sure Phoenix Police are not involved with the care of homeless people. Do not provide any additional money to Phoenix Police, Deflect any increases to resources in our city. Provide better resources that prevent this kind of tragedy from happening again by not spending so much on Policing and more on schools, before and after school programs, health and healthcare disparities. 77 The public should know of the advances and how the programs are doing. 78 Given that money is involved in some way, results need to be transparent. Do not pollute data to slant in the direction wanted, but perhaps does not happen. 79 How does any of this solve the problem? 80 Consistent messaging is important and must be consistently compassionate. Please revise. 81 Simplify 82 Communication and fact transparency are the least political ways to deal with a problem. 83 I think the community leaders should be listed as lead partners also, as the neighborhood leaders are ones that disseminate information on the issues/solutions/discussions to the community individuals. And, there is a strong trust factor when coming from the neighborhood leaders. 84 Data is the hardest to collect for homeless and it’s what needs to be done the most 85 These meetings are great - can do them regularly? eg, bi-annually? 86 Universal ROI implemented for interagency sharing of client housing or death - very closed. 87 The community needs to understand the issues of homelessness. The impacts to the community and the efforts employed to help alleviate this growing problem. 88 KEEPING THE GENERAL POPULATION INFORMED IS TYPICALLY THE KEY TO KEEPING THEM HAPPY 89 Tone is important....these are people...resources...NOT a problem to be fixed 90 The city of phoenix NEEDS to be transparent! 91 Add a section to the public works newsletter about the current status of the homeless population and efforts by the city to keep people safe and alive. For example, how many people were picked up for heat exhaustion that month. Providing information to the public at large. 92 Data can become ever more granular and parsed. We know homelessness is a problem. I’m less interested in the city having transparent data on offer to the public than increased services for homeless.

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Strategy Nr. Communication Chapter Comments Objective 93 End homelessness. I've lived here for 50 5 years and it is only gotten worse it should be a legal for people to stand on corners and beg, it should be illegal for people to sleep on private property and continue to do so when asked to leave. It is not heartless to believe this it is heartless to allow these people to continue living like this 94 “Provide [factual] consistent and [timely] reporting...” 95 The public needs to know what's being done to intervene on these issues. They need to be able to contact someone when there are complaints or concerns. Providing criteria on how success is being measured is also important. Communication is a key factor in community acceptance of what's being done. 96 Strive for complete openness and honesty. 97 I think it was mostly covered in a different section, check for overlap 98 Transparency is key, keep the public informed and data available 99 the various relative departments should be able to identify the homeless related costs so we have a clear picture of total $ spent and the effectiveness of contracted companies 100 The City can no longer engage in "happy talk" 101 Data gathered by local non-profits should be shared in conjunction with government-collected data. 102 Ensure that local media outlets (TV, Radio, Print Media) participate in reporting initiatives and strategies for homelessness to the public. 103 How do you report to community? 104 Must coordinate with Police and Fire and perhaps use an existing format like Nextdoor to report to individual subdivisions. City wide statistics mean little if they are not recognized and reported by neighborhood. 105 Keep funds for actually addressing the problems of homelessness 106 Your data sets are artificial. People who are homeless in Maricopa County move around a lot from one municipality to another. Take up leadership in making this a county-wide effort. 107 oversight committee that is not friends w the board, please. Too much time and resources are being wasted. It's not rocket science it's people. 108 An important part of collecting the data is the availability of the public to access it. Building a website or carving out a section of the website specifically for this data would be very valuable. 109 but will the public read the data? 110 The organizations completing this survey must be included in future communications. Progress being made needs to be reported to the Coalition for Smoke-free Air, e--mail address [email protected]. 111 remove 10.3, quality of information over quantity. Do not spend money 10.3 advertising it, just make good data available to those interested. 112 Communication about opportunities to provide feedback and participate in meetings and committees should also be mentioned. Also, the communication section should provide a strategy as to how the City will relay communication to the homeless population and address barriers to communication this population may have in comparison to the general public. 113 It's important to show what the City has done, is doing and plans to do to address this issue. I fear it will get much worse before it gets better due to Covid. 114 This lacks any value without the ability to comment on said data

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Strategy Nr. Communication Chapter Comments Objective 115 Please remain aware that not all homeless persons want to be "rescued" by a city and its partners. In this case, the city needs policy prepared to address homeless persons who just want to be homeless without any rules. Your data better not be useless numbers in a chart that you 'THINK" residents need to see. give us all the good , the bad and the ugly. DONT BE A TRUMP 116 Not just being transparent, but being vigilant and caring about the people experiencing homelessness in Phoenix (and everywhere else for that matter). 117 transparency means admitting that destroying encampments and ruining the shelter homeless people create, because that is EXTREMELY unethical 118 Ensure messaging is human based and recognizes the insane concept of having people live outside in 115 degree weather. 119 The public needs to have input into Phoenix's homelessness issue. More outreach needs to be done to assist mentally ill homeless persons to get them stable housing. This includes Veterans and other populations who have become vulnerable due to mental health issues. We need to make resources in downtown/central available to them. 120 who cares 121 Remove Methadone clinic from neighborhood and see DRAMATIC improvement 122 leave as stated 123 Inform the public and housing services of opportunities available for housing and resources. 124 We need more media attention to the problem through all media sources including social media and not just central or downtown Phoenix but also the suburbs, with an additional focus on charitable programs 125 Include in the data and information to the public, the amount of funds, number of staff, and source of funding, list of contracted services. 126 I think we need to keep all options open and vigilant to any changes or additions as needed 127 Add: create website resources for citizens to access and learn from data sets. 128 TRANSPARENCY 129 Transparency is vital, for 2 reasons: 1) The public needs to know what/how their government is doing to benefit them, and 2) for reason of public relations, have good things which one can show to their constituents, and with the transparency the public can look further into it and see that their government is *always* doing said same good things. 130 I didn’t comprehend. Sorry. 131 Good communication and consistency are always a positive for any plan

132 Too much Media is too much Media. Don't make it a circus of information. 133 CO.10.2 very important CO.10.2 134 10.1 The goal of data is for public consumption? The goal of data is to have a 10.1 more effective program which reduces homelessness. This seems to be in the wrong section. 135 a way for public input when problem is identified by individuals 136 It would be valuable to include a list of references in this plan. I'm assuming that the city looked at innovative plans in other cities, but since there's no bibliography, I don't know for sure. If this hasn't been done, it really should be! For example, have committee members read Evicted? Have you looked at what Austin is doing? 137 keep it digital, do not increase paper waste

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Strategy Nr. Communication Chapter Comments Objective 138 The City staff and representatives can not be allowed to conduct business in private. Public tax dollars fund the services, therefore their actions need to be just as public. 139 From experience when I lived in Little Rock, AR, in particular during the Katrina problem. We found out that many of the towns were taking the homeless buying in bus tickets and sending them off somewhere else.. Sadly I am pretty sure that is what has been happening here. They may or may not ever admit it to you that they were sent from another city or another state but with the increase that happened so quickly before the shut down because of the COVID-19 virus I am pretty sure that’s what happened. I’ve seen them camping on overpasses to freeways when people take me to church, on street corners the police never stop and say hey you can’t do that here I just drive right on by. Why I’ve got a notion it’s because their hands are tied. If they patrol the area regularly and told them regularly no you can’t camp here I think they would go somewhere else. From the overpass they did for a while after I emailed the governor about the problem. People who were pedestrians good not get it over the overpass because of the homeless stretched out for 10 foot if not more taking up the whole thing. These people many of them could locate jobs and apartments I just flat don’t want to. Many of them already have food stamps and there’s probably some that even have Medicaid. I don’t care if their elderly or veterans they probably get Social Security. However, leave a drink that money up or use it to shoot up. If you cause your own problems you are a have to suffer the consequences not have the city and the state step in and say oh you poor thing and then put all the bills for him. The seniors can’t get any help but let’s reach out and help those who can help themselves and won’t?. 140 CO 10.2 Why not share effective solutions with other cities? What are we hiding? CO 10.2 141 Remove CO 10.1 & 10.2. Remove CO 10.1 & 10.2. 142 communication is important in every aspect of this planning process. 143 Homeless activity should be included on map for residents to see. 144 nothing 145 transparency improves acceptance and potentially participation from mainstream citizens 146 I am not sure about this one. 147 Just numbers and more passive information that really won't assist in curtailing the issues associated with people who are taking from the taxpayers and hurting communities. 148 Please see notes at question 23. 149 Awareness and transparency can change hearts and bring more assistance from the community and dollars to the causes helping homelessness. 150 Engage the church community and keep them involved. Give them opportunity to be part of the solution and show them how they can help. 151 its ok. nice and simple 152 People need to be made aware of this crisis

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Strategy Nr. Communication Chapter Comments Objective 153 Talking about data there was none in the report (unless I missed it) There should be charts indicating how homeless has trended since 1982 and how it relates to other numbers such as economic growth or downturns, overall population growth, comparisons to housing prices, business activity (we used to have high paying employers such as Motorola and have now low paying Walmart). We must be able to chart and determine the success of any given program or combinations of programs and the cost. We can then compare if paying for a airline ticket to Australia and a check for $5000 would be more cost-effective. 154 We really need a campaign that humanizes people experiencing homelessness and will encourage citizens to care about solving homelessness. 155 Maybe define what "consistent" means. 156 There should be consistent follow up otherwise, what's the point? 157 Publicize specific volunteer positions: T.V., Radio, Flyers in libraries, schools, universities, churches 158 We never get outreach from leaders in Phoenix. At least I never see it. 159 Provide cell phones and computer access/assistance and training for job applications 160 Transparency as city works for taxpayer! 161 We need to end homelessness! 162 We should definitely keep track of data and statistics. Like I mentioned above, it would be great to keep a number of violent attacks that have occurred toward the unhoused, we need to expose this behavior and make sure communities know that this is not okay. 163 While the communications portal being created is vital, it worries me that police will be the primary users of this portal and that they may use the parking lot "shelters" as justifications to displace people on the streets. 164 doesn't this section describe the city's everyday obligations? don't these things go without saying? except for the database available to the public... isn't that just journalists and lawyers that want to pick through that? 165 Couldn't read, too small. 166 Members of the public may want to know how they can volunteer or provide supplies for the homeless. 167 Just make sure the data supplied is timely, relevant and accurate. IVE FOUND THAT MUCH OF THE COVID DATA IS NOT. Hard to plan with faulty info. 168 BTW any of these plans/solutions should never raise our water bill, but have no more than a $1 hotel and rental car tax 169 While few people still read, it’s still important to communicate the status and progress of the team’s efforts and to have such reports available on-line as well as reported through the paper and public service television. 170 TRANSPARANCY !!!!!!! 171 Communication is always important 172 Here's the problem, people want the problem to just go away...they don't care how...the transparency would be great. 173 leave as is 174 Data and transparency are critical to success. There should be a simple scorecard that any one can understand. 175 have more than one line and operator for the CARES line. Never able to get through. 176 these sections should be un-bundled so you can provide feedback on each objective.

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Strategy Nr. Communication Chapter Comments Objective 177 Need to provide for daily communication with homeless persons at HSC, adjacent encampment and at locations throughout the city and the region. We need to show these people we care; are trying to make their current circumstances as livable as possible (extreme heat relief, dispersion, employment of peer workers), and advocate strongly for stages of housing leading to independent living. 178 I don't think there needs to be constant messaging. 179 Honesty and transparency is important for public relations 180 All The Above 181 Transparency is only one key to the solution. Do the job, don't just talk about it. Keep records, of course, not just for political reasons. Get Kate on the bandwagon where she should be. It's her job, supposedly her city. Get with the program. 182 good working tax paying self supporting people have a right to know if their tax dollars are being wasted 183 Talk about how you are going to open the restrooms at the City parks. 184 I don’t believe this is money that would be spent to address the root causes of homelessness or to help people experiencing homelessness. 185 communicate with the public about current needs of the homeless population and how they can help address the issue in their community. 186 Outreach and communication is important. People need to know what resources are available to them. 187 It is important to keep accurate data and offer multiple ways for the community to access the information. This may require both digital and printed formats and in person meetings to reach a wider audience. 188 The data needs to reflect intake to permanent placement and the success rate. Seems the intake process is broken if there are so many homeless around the place of intake (Human Services Campus). 189 Make Scottsdale and Tempe and Mesa have shelters 190 Too much wasted time and money on stats that can be manuevered. 191 I would expect that this includes close communication with property owners and residents of neighboring sites. 192 Must be transparent about how money is spent and results. Every dollar spent must be data and results driven. 193 The City’s policy to end homelessness, and thus communication, should place heavy emphasis on personal accountability to take advantage of opportunities to improve yourself - and take pride in your achievements. 194 Tracking and making acceptable services known are very important. Informing the public on your efforts, not so much. 195 More emphasis on providing true and accurate data that is easy to find and understand. 196 Be the change. If we want to know about it, we’ll ask. Stop wasting money. 197 Add: let Phoenix Resident to have login access to this database for transparency, and input control 198 Data and reporting should be available 199 The public needs to be informed regularly that giving money to intersection panhandlers keeps them on the street and away from seeking the help they need. This money keeps them in a neighborhood negatively affecting the people who own homes. People who encourage homeless by giving them money should be fined or required to take the homeless person to live in their home or neighborhood for a week. Communication Chapter Comments Page 203 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Communication Chapter Comments Objective 200 Given the extent of the data presented, 7k+ homeless and %51 unsheltered, it is impossible to know what a good strategy looks like. We should do the work to understand the population further. What percent needs mental health services? What percentage are on the street due to recent eviction? What percent are using hard drugs? What percent would take a bed if one was available? 201 Take the employees playing with data in your offices and put them out on the streets where they can start interviewing and placing drug transients. 202 Messaging using multiple media outlets and platforms could help the public under what is being done and the impact it is having 203 The residents of a Phoenix should be in a boarding committee to help 204 Communication to the community is key 205 These points read like government jargon. You want to communicate the scope of the problem how it is changing over time, what the city is doing, what other cities, the county, state, and federal government are doing or are not doing. What citizens, neighborhoods and nonprofits can do to help address the problem. You should be transparent and accountable. There should be a single point of contact and someone to answer the phone and respond to emails. 206 seems more like a pat on the back for Phoenix - what are the plans if the data shows the proposal isn't working 207 Community involvement needs to be constant, consistent and transparent - awesome! :) 208 How is the data going to be made easily available and understandable? Many people cannot understand "data sets," do not know where to look to find accurate information, and have no way of knowing when new information is released. 209 Given the current state of Arizona, Our communities are very vulnerable. Being transparent about what has been done, what the plans are, and how citizens can contribute is critical. Sharing feedback of how the program is working regularly and consistently is imperative 210 Provide resources and help for the homeless people who cannot read or who have disabilities and need help applying for Social Security disability. 211 Citizens need to know what is happening. 212 Make the print bigger if it is important. Otherwise it is just someone with a 'blah blah blah' bubble over their head. 213 The measurement of any goal is important. 214 Most people don’t want to be involved. 215 If financial data is disclosed. Lots of money being thrown at this - not much happening. Where is the money? 216 2 pieces of data are most important, but hard to find. 1) why are people homeless? Addiction, mental illness, or financial reasons. I have trouble finding this stat and can only speak for the homeless in my area, which related to addiction and mental illness 2) how often are resources used in a specific location or neighborhood to address homeless camps. Maybe be more proactive there 217 All of this should go without saying 218 Need to ensure there is targeted communication for the homeless community. They do not always have the same resources and access to information as the community "at-large" and funding needs to be included to ensure they receive information beyond what is provided through general outreach. 219 Shae best practices with other municipalities and states because in the long- term, if homelessness can be combatted on a larger scale, the local impacts are significant. Communication Chapter Comments Page 204 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Communication Chapter Comments Objective 220 N/A 221 Benchmark against eliminating homelessness completely. 222 Finding incentives to keep public involved in helping with these efforts. 223 I’m a firm believer in transparency. Every step should be taken to minimize repetitive behavior and offenders 224 Good data can result in good policy. The lack of it nearly always results in policy failures. 225 I like it. 226 Communication and education of the community are important to garner support for the understanding of the homeless issues and creating solutions. 227 There is not enough information available to the public on this issue. 228 Again, include the community in the ideas for improvement before writing up. 229 Data is important because that's how you measure effectiveness of the overall plan. But are you going to be posting this on your city's open data site? That would be good. For transparancy. 230 Transparency - and true transparency- is necessary for all residents, those sheltered and unsheltered. Transparency is also one of the most critical pieces of the relationship between the city government and service providers. 231 Transparency and accountability are always important. But the citizens of Phoenix have been unaccountable to their poorest members for decades, probably a century. Where is the accountability the suburyhomes for leaving this many folks to suffer and die in the streets every night?? The poor deserve reports given to them of how many times they have been NIMBY'd out of areas from many of AZ's wealthiest members. That is the real lack of transparency. Thus, while there should be data collected and reported, we cannot spend money on fancy systems and high analytical salaries to circle around and pass messages to each other basically concluding that there are 500 unsheltered people in the HSC area every night that need shelter to live. I'd rather not waste these money on their salaries and hand it directly to our homeless friends to get them off the street; better yet, turn each one of these data analyst jobs into two labor jobs, and watch how fast our homeleyguests end their homelessness. 232 To the extent that we can maintain accurate data, we should use it to inform decisions rather than rely on anecdotal information or the emotion surrounding these issues. 233 Transparency is very extremely important and allowing for community feedback. 234 Identify who/what organization will provide this info and be held accountable 235 Transparency is very important, but so far Phoenix is lacking in transparency surrounding the care and treatment pf the unsheltered. 236 A Communication section should be added. These are weak strategies. And what will they accomplish? How will homelessness in Phoenix be different because of them? 237 Engage local media to update progress. 238 The public is uninformed with disinformation and communication as to who and what homelessness is and how each and everyone can become in this situation within one SSA check or paycheck within about a month. The public needs education. These individuals are not all drug addict, alcoholics, bums etc. The most are decent human beings needing a decent chance in life. 239 Who's managing the regional plan to end homelessness?

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Strategy Nr. Communication Chapter Comments Objective 240 Per the plan there are measures taken to increase communication. Can we take a second to broaden what those community engangements will look like and when we can expect to see them reopen.

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Strategy Nr. Data Chapter Comments Objective 1 Many of these citizens require services which are not equally spread out in Maricopa County. Many factors would have to be taken into account. To have a general policy where all the cities in the County would share responsibility is a good idea but would need to be crafted carefully to benefit our citizens needs. 2 I am unclear what this means 3 Add to D.12.1. that a prerequisite for bed availability opens for the individual after 12.1 cleanup in an encampment site, on a Parks & Rec trail, or along a canal. Five bags, two gloves, a mask, bottled water, two hours. 4 print 5 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE

ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS" 6 Possibly on an individual and voluntary basis. 7 D.12.1 needs to consider transportation barriers for people who can't get across 12.1 town (for example) to an available shelter bed in Glendale when they're in Mesa where shelter beds are full. No fines/tickets or arresting should happen in these scenarios. 8 more details on how the information regarding available shelter beds will get to those experiencing homelessness. 9 There are serious concerns around the shelter bed portal with Crisis Response Network. This portal should be available to service providers NOT to law enforcement. This further criminalizes homelessness. Please re-examine the portal functionality and access. 10 CRN should have been a greater partner in these efforts beforehand. Central Shelter Services Line needs a better, more efficient infrastructure. 11 D.12.1 was misrepresented to CRN and the city council. Creating a data base 12.1 specifically for the Phoenix PD is problematic for several reasons. 1) phx pd has a unfortunate history of racial profiling and harassment of individuals experiencing homelessness. 2) If the city or Phoenix PD had any ear to the real issue of homelessness, any service provider will tell you there are no shelter beds. If there were, there wouldn't be hundreds of people sleeping in a parking lot in phoenix or makeshift shelters being ran out of hotels. 12 These objectives are incredibly vague and there is a lack of description of how and what you plan to implement in order to appropriately address homelessness in Phoenix. There needs to be more information provided and we demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they’re accessible to people experiencing homelessness. 13 Hasn't worked in the past... 14 Municipalities outside of Phoenix (such as Mesa, Gilbert, and Chandler) should be heavily fined by Maricopa county for "dumping" the homeless in Phoenix. 15 Initiate some of your other ideas, then maybe add this a few years out 16 A general comment. We will NEVER be able to solve the problem of homelessness, only control or manage it. This means we will be creating yet another bureaucracy with the potential of waste, fraud and corruption. We need to create a public private partnership that leverages the private sector management skills and experiences which simultaneously takes into consideration the public's need to manage homelessness in our urban cities.

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Strategy Nr. Data Chapter Comments Objective 17 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEY'RE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS. 18 I don't trust the City of Phoenix's interpretation of "bed availability" because of the current Phx CARES program. Claiming hot asphalt is "shelter" and "open beds."

I want full transparency into all data collected and also feel like there needs to be an extension for the public comment meetings until they're accessible to people 19 Includei data i thath shows l where the homeless people originated from. Find out which city/state they came from and how they arrived in Phoenix. 20 Crisis response would be a wonderful asset. That could free up the calls placed to the police regarding the homeless situation. 21 Unless we track our impact on homeless individuals, how will we know what is working and what is not? Let's not throw good money after bad. If something isn't working, how will you know to shift and adjust? 22 Don't understand "entering into a contract to provide bed availability". Doesn't make sense unless the City is collecting data from non-profits who have beds available, not the City providing additional beds. The City should always be working towards privatizing homeless solutions. 23 We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and an extension for the public comment meetings until they're accessible to people experiencing homelessness. 24 More information needed. 25 "We demand full transparency into all of the data collected from the surveys and AN EXTENSION FOR THE PUBLIC COMMENT MEETINGS UNTIL THEYRE ACCESSIBLE TO PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS" 26 The more collaboration the better. 27 Not sure if this needs to be stated in the plan, this could also be additional information for those wanting it. Data is paramount to any solution 28 create a data base to keep track of residents who have received assistance and keep track to promote ongoing healthy habits 29 What does "retrieve persons experiencing homelessness" mean? Does this mean police vans and mass incarceration? Does this mean forcing someone into a shelter? 30 I don’t really understand what this means. 31 What are the metrics to measure success for this plan? This survey is sadly a bad design, seeking confirmation bias instead of genuine public input. 32 Tracking people across the city is both invasive and less important than putting that money towards the physical spaces they need to sleep, the food they need to eat, and the healthcare they need to live.

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Strategy Nr. Data Chapter Comments Objective 33 We need to create a GIS system and metrics to identify deficiencies in homeless 11.1, 11.2 shelter areas, places with high crime, schools, day cares, and then areas with good public transportation and human service needs to know where we should focus and expand our homeless and other human services facilities. Spread it out. D.11.1: MAG may be a good place to involve other cities and Maricopa County. Why ask me? Don't you know? We definitely need the county, state, and other cities to step up and do their share. D.11.2: I don't know if CRN is good or not. Don't you know? It depends on who else is involved in the network. Again, we definitely need the county, state, and other cities to step up and do their share. 34 Not real sure about some of the meaning 35 All bed privileges should include mandatory education about resources to end homelessness. Repeated use of beds without utilization of available resources should result in loss of bed privileges. 36 Privacy 37 Please redesign the survey to discuss each policy item. This is designed to limit the transparency of the public and to provide generic feedback. It is very hard to navigate back and forth between the 30 page documents. The research does not address costs in any way. It also should be written to allow for those with basic reading ability to understand the principles. 38 More detail 39 Tracking individuals' movement throughout the county uses resources which would better be allocated to providing housing, healthcare, and support. Additionally, data should be obtained only with informed consent from the individuals being tracked. 40 focus on the problem, not over thinking how everyone does not want to be homeless or be doing their drug of choice. 41 Crisis response contract, yes 42 Restrict Phoenix Police Department from accessing this database. Do not enforce the urban camping law. 43 This section should talk about what data you already collect, what you need to add, how you’re going to do it, and how you’ll use it. 44 This is a Valley and State issue, not a city issue. Build a bridge to all those affected. 45 How is the data to be used, and by whom? 46 Yes new focus areas will inevitably result and it will be easier to deal with if found in early development. 47 Cart before horse; lack of beds is a prematurely drawn conclusion. 48 You need to be tracing race and homelessness. 49 Review the purpose and any actual benefit of The Continuum of Care. 50 Section D.11.1 should be removed as inhumane. Section D.12.1 should be D11.1, D.12.1 included as it seeks to help and aid those experiencing homelessness. 51 This is another great example of lack of transparency. 52 I would like more information about how the Crisis Response Network would facilitate making bed availability information accessible and by whom.

53 D12.1 needs to be in place NOW. There should be only one number or center D12.1 that tracks bed availability

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Strategy Nr. Data Chapter Comments Objective 54 Absolutely not. 55 There needs to be policy protecting homeless and community members data. 56 Does this mean rounding up homeless people like cattle? What exactly does this mean? 57 It will only be helpful if the Cities communicate with each other and are willing to try what is working in other cities such as the gated alley program that is working really well for the City of Mesa. 58 Incorporate specific measures to ensure this data is used responsibly for specific, scientific program evaluation purposes, and does not lead to excessive surveillance of a vulnerable population 59 Communication is important among partner agencies 60 Once again if program is effective, there must be a goal to reduce rather than increase bed availability. 61 I don’t understand D.11.1. I would elaborate on this more in the next draft. 62 We need to know our homeless population's root cause? We need to reach out to them and ask why? We need to know what will inspire change in them? What do they like about being homeless? What issues did they experience that made them homeless? We may actually need an individual case worker that helps push them thru addication, mental etc that will the 1x1 attention to make the change. This counsler case worker type position is the perfect job opportunity for them to work towards...for who can speak better than someone who has changed their life around? 63 Make sure Phoenix Police are not involved with the care of homeless people. Do not provide any additional money to Phoenix Police, Deflect any increases to resources in our city. Provide better resources that prevent this kind of tragedy from happening again by not spending so much on Policing and more on schools, before and after school programs, health and healthcare disparities. 64 CRN needs to actively work with community providers to learn about the treatments and services they provide. Personal experience indicates this is not done with staff who are working directly with the clients. 65 Fund a Mental institution, like we had a 24 & Van Buren 66 another measure that will just increase our taxes. Feels like you are making this hard and creating another category of resident who does nothing in return. 67 The Police Departments should not be the primary agency in control of the bed inventory. While unsheltered, we should be attentive to displacing individuals from the places they have personal connections especially because the region is auto-dependent. 68 This data can be used positively, but people experiencing homelessness as well as skeptics like myself worry about what this data will be used for. There is a history of representatives of our government abusing these people, like Muhammad Abdul Muhaymin, that must be surmounted to trust that this data won't be used to further this kind of harm. There should be an extra point to ensure that this data cannot be used to make arrests or take down encampments. If this isn't in place, it will be another unhelpful vector of 69 This needs significant help 70 Not so sure... 71 Get them beds, food, counseling, clean clothes and showers. 72 D11.1 is government speak again. Put it in normal terms. 11.1

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Strategy Nr. Data Chapter Comments Objective 73 I believe the state is looking at a new RFP for data (related to the work Amazon Web services / ASU / HSC has been doing). We need to make sure it's all coordinated and the systems talk to each other. 74 What are these focused areas? Are you going to push people out of service areas because of public sentiment? More information needed here. 75 Don't know enough about crisis it effective - also "data" is a nebulous term 76 Section D.12.1 should be kept 12.1 77 A lot of these people are mentally ill and they don't want to live in shelters to start with. You can create all the beds you want but if these individuals have no motivation to stay in those shelters and get the care they need for their mental illness. Then we can spend all the money you want and they will continue to stay in the outside and living on the streets 78 This is gibberish. Who's nephew wrote this? 79 Sufficient investment in technology to meet these goals. 80 Why CRN? Bed tracking is important but they might not be the best. 81 Who will have access. how access will be administered. Current state, next steps 82 Other cities are the biggest silos of all and they need to take on their fair share of the problem 83 Let's keep this as unproblematic as possible please. Coordinate statistics. Let them do their jobs. 84 I don't know what D12.1 means 12.1 85 I do not believe in the tracking of movements and data collection--respect privacy laws. 86 D12.1 only 12.1 Tracking homeless seems like a violation of their freedom 87 This is the point-coordination of efforts among municipalities that are in fact cheek-to-jowl. This county is ONE BIG city and it needs to coordinate and share resources to make any difference at all. 88 more accountability. There needs to be more follow through and reporting. I still don't see any data on why people are becoming homeless. Sometimes a simple solution is to buy a bus ticket to a family member. Numbers see just that until reason is placed behind it. We must understand the cause before the solution and gaps can be found. There are so many gaps and no one is addressing 89 Thisth is just talk - ask the residents what they feel over certain periods. We are the ones that will tell you if it’s working or not 90 Probably reconsider the acronym, MAG. Too close to MAGA and certainly offensive. 91 If someone is in crisis, living in fear....parent, child, anyone....they need to have a place to go. A safe place. A place that WILL protect them. 92 Can you say Big Brother? So what's right because it's right and we're talking about human beings here, NOT JUST NUMBERS AND DATA! 93 Tagging people like migratory birds seemS like an ethical concern 94 what does "retrieve movements" mean? 95 Do not criminalize homelessness. 96 really? 97 Delete D.12.1 12.1 98 leave as stated 99 Do not allow police to engage with homeless personal. Rather work with crisis prevention teams

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Strategy Nr. Data Chapter Comments Objective 100 The city is represented on the Continuum of Care Group. So isn’t the data from MAG available to you now? No problem with contracting for bed availability.

I thought there would be a place for general comments so I’m listing them here: Do you have a timeline for completing the action items? Could you include the budgeted amount for each action item? Maybe be more specific about the lead e.g. which city department is responsible? How does this plan fit with the Maricopa Association of Government’s Regional Plan to end Homelessness. Thank you. 101 I think the goal of knowing which shelter beds are available is great. I think that tracking people's movement is unnecessary, and I think people will actively try to avoid being tracked and see it as a violation of their civil rights. 102 I think we need to keep all options open and vigilant to any changes or additions as needed 103 Consider a voluntary register of homeless so they can be more easily reached with services and moved from homelessness to work and a home. 104 Transparency 105 Detail, quantitive is the Only objective measurement. 106 Not sure if this is saying that Phoenix is handling homeless issues for all of Maricopa County? If so, I think this is wrong; Phoenicians should not have to pay the burden and handle the issues of the homeless throughout Maricopa. 107 I'm not sure what this really means. 108 D.12.1 - add to this 12.1 109 This section has no strength. The first strategy doesn’t make sense to me. 1 110 contracts are hard to enforce if funding becomes difficult. Needs a way to resolve the problem. Funding will be difficult now because with high unemployment due to the pandemic, the tax base will be much smaller & even those with savings, etc need to be able to conserve till this situation ends. 111 Public results promptly. 112 Add incentives on keeping neighborhood clean.Taken turns cleaning streets and neighborhoods clean, in return give homeless vouchers, cash or incentives of some type.

I believe, not all, but a large majority of the homeless are comfortable in there environment due to drugs and alcohol. I believe a Free Mandatory Drug Screening test for homeless is neccessary. If positive for Elicit drugs and don't have an Rx for drugs taken this will automatically disqualify assistance and help but offer rehabilitation for 3 months, then repeat process on drug screening for Housing/Shelter help once again. 113 The photos within the full report show workers recording data. I suppose this has been ongoing for some time. 114 Reads like a relocation program. do not understand this section 115 D 11.1 isn't clear. Needs rewording. Also MAG should be an important 11.1 component of any proposed solution as moving people from place to place isn't a 116 upl to ti date information is always necessary 117 I'm not sure what you mean by "retrieve" homeless people. We need to be careful about forcing them into shelters if that is not what they want

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Strategy Nr. Data Chapter Comments Objective 118 No emergency beds should not be given to them. Those should be safe for true emergencies. The COVID-19 virus and being homeless is not that kind of emergency unless they have just been released from the hospital. They should be given six months either get a job or get on your Social Security or something there are too many entities out there that the government should not have to system for any longer than six months. If they’re still homeless after that they don’t really care and they want you to support them. 119 "Retrieve persons," really? Even if it's against their will? Bad idea. 120 Yes YES and YES. This is not just a Phoenix problem. Get everyone involved. 121 could be difficult to actually do, but important to track. 122 D11.1 remove 11.1 123 Tracking movements is too broad and may include dangerous surveillance and law enforcement access to private records. 124 Explain your provisions! What does it mean: Engaging MAG to retrieve persons experiencing homeless movements? What is the contract you refer to? All of this is WORTHLESS unless there are specific provisions for everything you have listed in your plan. So many people can imagine what this means, but who knows what is actually would do? 125 Please see notes at question 23. 126 Eliminate D.11.1. Do not track homeless without their consent. 11.1 127 The community need more information and education about this crisis and mental health issues need to be made a priority when addressing homelessness 128 Shelter no jail for homeless community 129 It would be better to have a statewide assessment and data collection. 130 There is a concern that this will lead to criminalizing homelessness. If someone declines to go to shelter, they could end up charged by police. 131 Fascism 132 Not sure why MAG would need to be involved except to micro manage? 133 Add other ways data is going to be collected; there should be a few different ways to collect data to ensure accuracy. 134 This isn't going away. 135 Data Driven Approaches 136 delete entire 137 This sounds a little like tracking personal data and should be cautious to not infringe on people’s right to privacy. 138 I'm not sure MAG should be picking up homeless people unless they've already been doing that previously 139 I'm not sure what exactly the effects of this section will be, so it's hard to respond. 140 Focus money on cleanup, help, prevention not data. COVID And voting shows us data can be completely falsified 141 There need to be more beds for crisis as they frequently release soon after admitted because there aren’t enough beds. 142 There should be an app to check bed availability. 143 Once again, the.central issue is not the plan itself but who will be implementing it. Phoenix police only receive 720 hours of training, are trained to address criminals rather than understand mental health issues, and are thus not suited for homeless outreach. 144 Phoenix is the magnate. no one moved to arizona to live in Glendale that's just the only place they could afford while working in Phoenix. Phoenix has to be a good neighbor and not just drive the suffering homeless to the suburbs who don't have our tax base and creative resources. Data Chapter Comments Page 213 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Data Chapter Comments Objective 145 Couldn't read, too small. 146 needs to be clarified who we're giving beds or help 147 While this section is not highly important it acts proactively to prepare our teams to better cope with changing requirements. 148 It needs to be rewritten for clarity. 149 By providing housing and/or bedding will encourage homelessness and will show an increase 150 Not sure about "retrieving persons" 151 What are the most accessable ways for people without phones/computers to voice their concerns and ask for specific information? 152 explain it better-sounds like tracking 153 Retrieve people? This language is disappointing that we talk about citizens this way. 154 these sections should be un-bundled so you can provide feedback on each objective. 155 For all services for homeless persons, need to be deploy government agencies and NGO's at all levels throughout the region. Need to make better use of the very talented and greatly underutilized human service planning staff at MAG. Need to have strong commitment from all city and county human service departments; Need to be high priority for Phoenix City Council and other City Councils in region. Need more attention from MAG Executive Committee and 156 Would still like more info and how data will be used to benefit not just show 157 All The Above? 158 The bed availability is important. The MAG component is not. It's pretty easy to tell where homeless people tend to congregate. 159 again...enabling drug use behaviors 160 This needs to be ongoing. 161 Add a data strategy on areas that need more public restrooms; and open the restrooms in the city parks. 162 The crisis response network database is accessible to the police, try harder to use your imagination to resolve issues of homelessness without criminalizing it. 163 I think it is a moral outrage that the city continues to criminalize poverty. Spending funds so your cops can judge a person experiencing homelessness for not choosing to be sheltered during the time of COVID is an outrage. There are many reasons why a person would chooses to remain unsheltered right now, including fear of contracting the corona virus in a shelter. I’d rather money was spent to assist people experiencing homelessness instead of criminalizing them. 164 If the data shows we have x amount of homeless people, we need x amount of beds. Or at least a goal of 70% or higher. 165 If you engage with the community, leasing offices, etc - residents can identify homeless individuals and families. But the process needs to be COMMUNICATED effectively. Also, could police/firefighters transport homeless individuals to the Center? I have seen police engage with homeless and then leave.

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Strategy Nr. Data Chapter Comments Objective 166 I think this is important, but I don't think funding that should go to providing services to the homeless should be spent on administrative cost for this. It could be expensive to track the constant movement of so many homeless individuals. The Department of Health Services is struggling with contract tracing for covid19, and they have a large team at their disposal. I think trying to track 7000+ homeless individuals would be similar. I think funding could be better spent providing services.

I think it would be better to have a database that ALL homeless providers can access to record the individual's information and the services that are provided. That would help to track the general areas that are being frequented. 167 What does the first section mean. Retrieving them and bringing them back to Phoenix? Leave them in the outlying towns 168 Data on the individuals who are living on the streets not only provides information on the success of the programs, but should be analyzed to address efficacy of treatments/ outreach programs for those people. Are the programs effective, or are the people just shifting locations from one focus area to one less observed? These people should not be anonymous. 169 Not real data. 170 211 should be knowledgeable on bed availability. How will you know if you're 2.11 successful if you're not keeping track of who you helped and when? 171 Remove homeless from residential areas 172 1-not important. 2-very important 1, 2 173 Change: there is no metrics for human value, please understand the humanity over numbers. 174 Expand on who has access to the bed availability system from Crisis Response Network 175 Dog shelters work interstate to farm out animals if they have an overabundance in one area. We should ship homeless to neighboring states and cities so that Phoenix doesn't bear the whole problem. Send homeless to the Autonomous Zone in Seattle. 176 Given the extent of the data presented, 7k+ homeless and %51 unsheltered, it is impossible to know what a good strategy looks like. We should do the work to understand the population further. What percent needs mental health services? What percentage are on the street due to recent eviction? What percent are using hard drugs? What percent would take a bed if one was available? 177 No one should get a bed unless they do a few hours a day of work, those who are total basket cases must go inpatient as it is inhumane to allow them to manage their own affairs. 178 Circle the City should provide urgent care assistance onsite vs ER visit 179 Why is the contract needed? 180 Don't know enough about what data to collect and share. 181 doesn't MAG engage municipalities, not vice versa? Lot of contract engagement language throuought the document but gow are you gonna get the folks off the street to the contracted housing? 182 Is there an objective related to how City agencies and departments will be able to access and utilize this data in real-time? 183 This is very concerning if it is to be used by City of Phoenix police department as a way to get around the 9th circuit ruling. This also continues to create distrust with Phoenix police and people of color will be targeted at a higher rate. This is creating issues for surrounding cities. Increase the shelter beds!! Data Chapter Comments Page 215 of 218 Feedback on Homeless Plan - Electronic Survey and Community Meeting Chat Comments

Strategy Nr. Data Chapter Comments Objective 184 Homeless people need to know they have options and who to reach out to for housing assistance. 185 I don’t understand what “retrieve persons experiencing homeless movements” even means. 186 Bed availability must be REAL TIME for placement so there is no backlog or need to call all facilities for openings. 187 So now you will raise county taxes as well? How many beds are you planning for? Remember, as Kevin Costner once said in a movie, if you build it they will come. Are you trying to be San Francisco? 188 Regionwide problem and homeless can migrate to different jurisdictions. 189 This data already exists 190 Data that demonstrates that the efforts and the plan are working or are NOT working. Then, changes to be made to improve results. This information should be made available. 191 I’m sure partnering with another entity helps relieve some stress to one, but I don’t know much about MAG. 192 Some have been homeless for decades. 193 There is concern that the bed availability portal will criminalize homelessness - the portal needs to account for the various complex reasons a person may refuse shelter - MH, Abuse, PTSD, etc. If the PD have access to this portal, there needs to be very strong team-working and collaboration with specialized teams - MH, Navigation etc 194 Data can be very useful in addressing the issue. This section could be expanded greatly. 195 Data is a powerful tool 196 D.12.1 needs clarity on what is required. 12.1 197 Why does Phoenix need to track the movements of homeless people? Seems to be predatory, as if the City is waiting for them to do something wrong. 198 N/A 199 Not sure about how this data affects homeless persons privacy rights 200 No need to connect this data with law enforcement. Provide individuals with REAL opportunities to address challenges they face first. 201 I'm not sure exactly what this means. The wording isn't clear. Clarify "retrieve persons", movements. What is the purpose of knowing this information 202 The County as a whole should be responsible for homeless issues and should have a collaborative approach to ensure housing with supportive services is included in the general plan of every city and developed in a timely manner. 203 All cities should participate Valley wide. 204 What program will MAG use to track individuals and will this allow Phoenix PD (who have no business in homeless people's whereabouts) access as well?

As for Crisis Response Network (CRN), why can't the existing Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) be modified to add shelter bed availability? Why will this belong to CRN, when the continuum of care oversees these types of actions? In terms of data-sharing from a tax payer perspective, it makes more sense to upgrade existing systems rather than enter a whole new contract with another entity, furthering the bureaucratic processes that already exist within the City of Phoenix Continuum of Care. 205 Do not tie police/emergency usage to the CRN bed utilization report

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Strategy Nr. Data Chapter Comments Objective 206 A database with shelter availability would only show that our community has no availability. And it should certainly NOT be shared with law enforcement agencies, as has been proposed in some discussions. This will only lead to further criminalization of homelessness and make it harder for people to access jobs and housing. 207 Need to add data integration with other service providers as a priority - County wide. 208 Again, include the community in the ideas for improvement before writing up. 209 It's incredibly important that this information is used to track patterns, not violate the privacy of any individual. This information should be encrypted and not have any personal information including names. If you cannot guarantee that this information cannot be used to single out any one individual, then this database should be abandoned entirely. 210 Not sure what the objectives are all about or if it has anything to do with data. 211 This needs to be done through service providers not law enforcement. 212 Yes, but if and only if there are shelter beds for MAG to take them too along with other resources the HSC and other providers have accessible to our homeless friends as well. If you increase to 1,000 shelter beds and then implement this, it will work. If you leave everyone unsheltered, it will allow the wealthiest neighborhood s to ship their homeless residents out of there and into this neighborhood, with no accountability. But making those neighborhood s be accountable does not mean you refuse to expand capacity at the HSC. That is not standing up for a good cause. That is punishing the poorest among us because you're mad that the wealthy neighborhoods aren't doing their part. Don't punish the homeless for this. Instead, set an example by showing living kindness by sheltering the homeless, and then use the media and the political process to expose the wealthy neighborhoods NIMBYism. 213 I don't agree with the proposal to provide a database of bed availability to the police, as I predict it will be used as a tool to arrest individuals who do not want to go to a shelter across town. 214 Ensure D.11.1 respects privacy 11.1 215 Tracking should only be done with those that have volunteered. This is a violation of privacy and safety. 216 It is EXTREMELY important to have data regarding which of our residents needs help. HOWEVER, making the Phoenix PD the primary point of contact for these databases will only serve to reinforce structural barriers that are already in place for our homeless individuals. In a recent study, researchers found that the only crimes in which homeless perpetrators are more often charged compared to housed counterparts are HOMELESS STATUS CRIMES - essentially homeless individuals are being disproportionately punished for being homeless in the first place! Allowing the police access to this information will only serve to heighten these disparities because the police are occupationally obligated to charge individuals when they see crime. As long as homelessness remains a criminalized offence, there is no way that the police can effectively contribute to the problems that afflict these housing insecure individuals. That being said, we must be analyzing this data in the context of our state, specifically, as well as providing access to this information to outreach programs, social support and mental health services.

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Strategy Nr. Data Chapter Comments Objective 217 Monitoring the movement of unsheltered people on a governmental level is a violation of their privacy and human rights. Leave the unsheltered population alone and provide resources tey can choose to use themselves. Telling the police where and when somebody used a shelter bed will result in more harm to community members who need and use shelters. 218 This is insulting. "Track movements"? Really? Even if there is a relevant strategy here the language is terrible. People experiencing homelessness are not all criminals needing to be "tracked." There are better ways to measure outcomes and success. Shameful. 219 It should say "beds, lockers, wifi electrical outlets, tables and chairs, showers and toilets (with all supplies), laundry facilities, microwave, refrigerator, and a clean wardrobe closet 220 You can't force people to comply. Many like where they are and something needs to be done to make their lives on the street easier for them. Humanly 221 The need to use current data goes well beyond what you've listed and ties to each of the other components (housing, outreach, shelter). All decisions being made should be data driven and the city could be a lead on this including improving transparency. The CRN contract SHOULD NOT have been tied to law enforcement. And shelter providers should be engaged in the development/stakeholder review of the project. 222 Looking at the strategy’s documentation, the only information provided about our homeless population was the point-in-time estimate. What all do we know about the population such as age/ethnicity demographic, needs, etc.? And Can we include that information into the documentation? 223 hello..can you give stats regarding if hotel housing and night relief centers are at capicity during the heat? 224 How many people in Phoenix are homeless and what are the largest barriers to bringing that number down? 225 Can you provide yearly statistics or by the decade since you started in 1985 addressing this problem on the number of the homeless in Phoenix? I would like to see metrics in order to realize the effectiveness of ineffectiveness of these efforts and programs. 226 Many homeless individuals rely on Public Libraries to use the internet for information and resources. How is this gap being filed during Covid? What has been/is being done to help homeless individuals participate in the census and the upcoming election? 227 What is the plan for reporting on the progress on this plan? An accounability group inc. pubilic, private, NGOs,as well persons experiencing homeless?

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