Marin County, CA Supplemental Opt-In Survey Results

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Marin County, CA Supplemental Opt-In Survey Results Marin County, CA Supplemental Opt-in Survey Results 2019 2955 Valmont Road Suite 300 777 North Capitol Street NE Suite 500 Boulder, Colorado 80301 Washington, DC 20002 • 303-444-7863 • 800-745-8780 Contents About this Report ............................................................................. 1 Complete Survey Responses ............................................................. 2 Verbatim Responses to Open Ended Question ................................. 26 The National Citizen Survey™ © 2001-2019 National Research Center, Inc. The NCS™ is presented by NRC in collaboration with ICMA. NRC is a charter member of the AAPOR Transparency Initiative, providing clear disclosure of our sound and ethical survey research practices. About this Report As part of its participation in The National Citizen Survey™, Marin County conducted a mailed survey of 3,200 residents. Surveys were mailed to randomly selected households in November 2018 and data were collected through December 31, 2018. After the official data collection period was underway (see the report, The National Citizen Survey: Community Livability Report, Marin County, CA, 2018), the County made available a web-based survey to its residents through a link on the County’s website, the County also offered hard-copy surveys of the opt-in survey to residents. The opt-in survey was available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. Marin County residents were able to complete the opt-in survey during December 2018 and January 2019, and 3,068 surveys were received. Of the 3,068 opt-in surveys received, 34 were completed by mail and 3,034 were completed online (of these, 3,041 were completed in English, 26 in Spanish and one in Vietnamese). The demographic characteristics of the survey respondents were compared to those found in the 2010 Census and American Community Survey estimates for adults in Marin County. The primary objective of weighting survey data is to make the survey respondents reflective of the larger population of the community. The characteristics used for weighting were tenure, housing unit type, race, ethnicity, sex and age. No adjustments were made for design effects. The results of the weighting scheme are presented in the following table. Table 1: Marin County, CA 2019 Supplemental Web Results Weighting Table Characteristic 2010 Census Unweighted Data Weighted Data Housing Rent home 37% 17% 33% Own home 63% 83% 67% Detached unit* 64% 78% 68% Attached unit* 36% 22% 32% Race and Ethnicity White 83% 87% 83% Not white 17% 13% 17% Not Hispanic 86% 94% 89% Hispanic 14% 6% 11% Sex and Age Female 53% 66% 55% Male 47% 34% 45% 18-34 years of age 19% 5% 14% 35-54 years of age 39% 28% 40% 55+ years of age 42% 67% 47% Females 18-34 9% 3% 8% Females 35-54 21% 17% 21% Females 55+ 23% 46% 26% Males 18-34 10% 12% 7% Males 35-54 19% 9% 18% Males 55+ 19% 24% 20% * U.S. Census Bureau, 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates 1 The National Citizen Survey™ Complete Survey Responses The following pages contain a complete set of responses to each question on the survey, excluding the “don’t know” responses. The percent of respondents giving a particular response is shown followed by the number of respondents (denoted with “N=”). Responses excluding “don’t know” Table 2: Question 1 Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Marin County: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Marin County as a place to live 42% N=1271 47% N=1435 9% N=263 2% N=67 100% N=3036 Your neighborhood as a place to live 46% N=1356 43% N=1241 9% N=260 2% N=60 100% N=2916 Marin County as a place to raise children 36% N=902 46% N=1146 16% N=387 2% N=62 100% N=2497 Marin County as a place to work 23% N=550 41% N=992 25% N=608 11% N=256 100% N=2406 Marin County as a place to visit 52% N=1454 37% N=1051 9% N=258 2% N=45 100% N=2808 Marin County as a place to retire 19% N=480 28% N=715 26% N=673 28% N=720 100% N=2587 The overall quality of life in Marin County 31% N=909 53% N=1546 13% N=381 2% N=60 100% N=2897 Table 3: Question 2 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Marin County as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Overall feeling of safety in Marin County 40% N=1156 50% N=1466 9% N=252 2% N=51 100% N=2926 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 10% N=296 39% N=1111 35% N=986 16% N=443 100% N=2836 Quality of overall natural environment in Marin County 66% N=1865 29% N=810 5% N=142 0% N=11 100% N=2828 Overall "built environment" of Marin County (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 8% N=216 46% N=1292 35% N=976 12% N=328 100% N=2812 Health and wellness opportunities in Marin County 32% N=877 49% N=1352 14% N=391 4% N=115 100% N=2735 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 28% N=757 49% N=1312 19% N=507 5% N=126 100% N=2702 Overall economic health of Marin County 19% N=506 50% N=1331 22% N=597 9% N=233 100% N=2666 Sense of community 13% N=359 42% N=1181 33% N=927 12% N=332 100% N=2799 Overall image or reputation of Marin County 24% N=669 49% N=1348 21% N=574 7% N=184 100% N=2775 Table 4: Question 3 Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Total Recommend living in Marin County to someone who asks 34% N=970 39% N=1123 16% N=474 11% N=315 100% N=2881 Remain in Marin County for the next five years 56% N=1536 25% N=679 11% N=306 8% N=226 100% N=2748 2 The National Citizen Survey™ Table 5: Question 4 Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Total In your neighborhood during the day 72% N=2008 21% N=599 4% N=114 3% N=74 0% N=13 100% N=2809 Table 6: Question 5 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Marin County as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Traffic flow on major streets 2% N=42 22% N=631 41% N=1150 36% N=1005 0% N=0 100% N=2829 Ease of public parking 6% N=158 37% N=1017 39% N=1064 19% N=509 0% N=0 100% N=2747 Ease of travel by car in Marin County 5% N=130 37% N=1016 39% N=1063 20% N=545 0% N=0 100% N=2755 Ease of travel by public transportation in Marin County 2% N=52 16% N=348 34% N=726 47% N=1001 0% N=0 100% N=2127 Ease of travel by bicycle in Marin County 12% N=234 42% N=781 32% N=608 14% N=257 0% N=0 100% N=1880 Ease of walking in Marin County 18% N=476 47% N=1262 26% N=684 9% N=241 0% N=0 100% N=2663 Availability of paths and walking trails 34% N=894 46% N=1211 16% N=427 4% N=115 0% N=0 100% N=2647 Air quality 36% N=982 52% N=1434 10% N=288 2% N=46 0% N=0 100% N=2750 Cleanliness of Marin County 22% N=619 56% N=1539 17% N=455 5% N=142 0% N=0 100% N=2755 Overall appearance of Marin County 32% N=872 55% N=1509 11% N=305 3% N=69 0% N=0 100% N=2755 Public places where people want to spend time 24% N=653 51% N=1392 20% N=533 5% N=130 0% N=0 100% N=2709 Variety of housing options 3% N=80 14% N=362 33% N=868 50% N=1316 0% N=0 100% N=2626 Availability of affordable quality housing 2% N=42 4% N=109 17% N=440 77% N=1965 0% N=0 100% N=2556 Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 44% N=1179 42% N=1139 12% N=324 2% N=60 0% N=0 100% N=2701 Recreational opportunities 44% N=1172 42% N=1142 11% N=298 3% N=76 0% N=0 100% N=2687 Availability of affordable quality food 15% N=415 41% N=1126 32% N=883 11% N=297 0% N=0 100% N=2720 Availability of affordable quality health care 15% N=386 42% N=1055 29% N=720 13% N=332 0% N=0 100% N=2493 Availability of preventive health services 20% N=476 49% N=1151 23% N=527 8% N=181 0% N=0 100% N=2335 Availability of affordable quality mental health care 8% N=137 29% N=469 32% N=521 30% N=489 0% N=0 100% N=1615 Accessibility of County programs, services and activities to people with disabilities 6% N=179 15% N=416 13% N=352 7% N=202 58% N=1611 100% N=2761 Table 7: Question 6 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Marin County as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Availability of affordable quality child care/preschool 7% N=93 25% N=355 34% N=481 35% N=496 100% N=1424 K-12 education 28% N=554 48% N=958 18% N=361 6% N=127 100% N=2000 Adult educational opportunities 20% N=426 51% N=1089 24% N=506 6% N=126 100% N=2147 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 20% N=522 49% N=1268 25% N=634 6% N=161 100% N=2585 3 The National Citizen Survey™ Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Marin County as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Opportunities to participate in religious or spiritual events and activities 29% N=524 54% N=976 14% N=245 3% N=60 100% N=1805 Employment opportunities 6% N=124 34% N=703 39% N=814 21% N=441 100% N=2083 Shopping opportunities 20% N=524 52% N=1389 23% N=602 5% N=139 100% N=2653 Cost of living in Marin County 1% N=27 5% N=130 29% N=790 65% N=1735 100% N=2681 Overall quality of business and service establishments in Marin County 12% N=316 61% N=1608 24% N=649 3% N=84 100% N=2657 Overall quality of new development in Marin County 4% N=80 30% N=617 40% N=825 26% N=537 100% N=2060 Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 17% N=428 53% N=1342 24% N=605 6% N=146 100% N=2521 Opportunities to volunteer 37% N=880 49% N=1156 13% N=302 1% N=29 100% N=2368 Opportunities to participate in community matters 23% N=564 53% N=1273 19% N=460 5% N=124 100% N=2420 Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds 11% N=268 36% N=900 33% N=837 20% N=505 100% N=2510 Neighborliness of residents in Marin County 10% N=268 40% N=1064 36% N=966 13% N=357 100% N=2656 Table 8: Question 7 Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months.
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