Volume 8, Number 14 U.C. San Diego 16th yearof publication April 19--May2, 1983 SanDiego Protests Target U.5. Military... 200 ProtestWar Taxes,Military A numberof eventsoccured last week the San Diego community,due to its in the San Diego community. From conser,,atismand the percentageof April10 through16 was National.lobs militaDand Federal retirees. In pointof withPeace Week. which had as its locus fact.the lailureof the rallyand its ho~ ourtax mone}is beingspent. It ~as organizersto definea politicalposition preceedcdon April9 by a rail,,,for Social on the issue also contributedto the Security. event’smoderate turnout. I n t heir’effort lhe April9Rally, held in BalboaPark to draw.the broadestpossible support IromI t~ 3 pm, was sponsoredby a wide for continuingSocial Security and rangeof senior,disabled, retired and protestagainst Reagan administr~,ti.n labor organizations,but drew’ only cuts.they watereddown the issueand about250 people. ’I he rallyfeatured a nearl}extinguished its militancy.Iotop key-notespeaker, a,, well as a numberoi it all off. local Mayoralcandidates 3-minute speeches fron| people Maureen ()’Connor and Roger representing various community Hedgecock made obligator} constituencies.A number of the speakers appearancesto garner ~otes. condemnedReagan, and one made the April15 haslong beena focus for anti- obvious connection between social war tax demonstrationsin ,";anI)iego servicecuts and increasesin military and around the nation, organized r ¯ principlyby the War ResistersLeague. Thousandswitness Tax Day Protestas motoristsdrive past picketers INSIDE THIS ISSUE: ~his year provedtO be no exception local War Resistersleague members, Draft Update along with membersof Red and Black Action.started earh. to organizeFax AS Elections:Politics AS Usual Lowery Speaks Out i)a~protests. ’King of Comedy’ Thisyear. though, the Jobs with Peace Promises No Changes StudentCenter campaign a national, leosclv- structured, grassrools movement Electionsfor AssociatedStudents all’"attitude is enhancedhy a polio3 that Jobs With Peace issuedthe call for a National.lobs w’ith (AS) Council positions take place inhibitscandidates from filing ~ iolations Peace Week. .lobs with i’eace has i uesdaxand Wednesday.April 19th and againstother candidates. According to ChineseRevolution mounted municipal,count)and state 20th. lhose elected will control a the policy,a candidatewho files a . J referenda,all of themhighly successful. $250,000budget anti determinefunding violationcan face disqualilicationor spending.However, in general,politics callingfor economicconversion of the of studentorganizations, and otherAS- othersanctions if theircharge is not ~ere downplayedthroughout the event militaDbudget to providejobs with sponsoredprograms. supportedby thet-:lections (’ommission. so a~ "’notto alienateretired Federal peace by makingmore money available Despite being one t,i the least Campaign spending limits are the employeesand military retirees." for jobs and programsin education, publicized and poorly conducted highestever in AS historyup front Rexeral~peakcrs lamented ho~’ small transportation,housin,u,, heahh care, campaigns,this ~ear’,- e!v,;h,,n:, hax not under$200 last year per slate to $600. the turnoutof seniorswas. giventhe human scr+ices,etc. This would be bct2n ~ht, rt Oil contro~ers),lhc ~,’it]-,SUCil spending hmJts, Jl,.,er importanceol the issue. Organizers achievedby "significantlyreducing the controversystemmed lrom amendments candidateshave an ch’,iousadvantage talkedabout how hard it was to"crack" continuedon page 6 madeby the AS Councilto the Election overthose who cannotafford to spendas Codes after the electionperiod had much Such is the case with the officiallybegan. In what can only be TupperwareSlate who have far outspent viewedas a opportunisticventure, man); otherslates and are fast reachingthe InternationalWorkers Day memberson the AS Councilre-running spending limit. And yesterday, a for office abandoneddue processto complaintwas been filed againstthe InternationalWorkers Day was born Lavigne’sresolution that "a great amend the Election(’odes from the TupperwareSlate, charging them with on May I. 1890. It was conceivedthe internationaldemonstration shall be existingpreferential voting system to the exceedingthe spending limit, failure to precedingJ uly when a practicaloccasion organizedfor a fixeddate that workers primary,run-offsystem to suit their disclosespending and file receipts for a for an eight-hourdemonstration on that in allcountries.., shall on a specifiedday upcomingcampaigns. The proposalto party,using the Koala to promotetheir specificdate met up witha vaguefeeling simultaneously address to public makethis change came with little or no campaign.At the ElectionCommission that workers needed to assert the authoritiesa demandfor a workdayof warningand took place merelya week hearing,Tim Pickwell,Managing Editor intereststhey held in commonacross all eighthours and to put into effectthe after the AS Councilhad unanimously of the Koala and candidate for boundarylines. That 1890date was set otherresolutions of the International re-affirmedthe preferentialvoting Commissionerof Communicationson up as a one-timeaffair, but it aroused Congressof Paris." I,avignehad system. And a complaintfiled by a the lupperwareSlate, admitted helping such enthusiasmthat May Day has been submittedthis proposalto extendthe studentorganization, the Progressive write the Koala editorialendorsing keptalive as the mostprominent world- experienceof the FrenchConfederation Coalition,asking the AS JudicialBoard himselfand the Tupperwareslate; based wide institutionso far createdby the of Labor which had arranged for to grantan injunctionagainst the AS on this,and other evidence, the Elections workingclass. simultaneous labor demonstrations Councirs action did not receive a Commission voted to disqualify throughoutFrance on Feb. 10, 1889¯ A hearingbecause of the JudicialBoard’s Pickwellfrom the race. At newindicator This interplayof specificcircum- inability to reach a quorum. After presstime Pickwell is expectedto filean stances and vaguely felt need is paragraph was tacked on to his resolutionto makethat "specified day" severalreschedulings of the hearing, and appealwith the AS JudicialBoard. somethingworth lookinginto. It may coincidewith the Americaneight-hour still no quorum, the Progressive suggesthow to getfrom what we haveto As is usuallythe case, and especially so drivefor May I. Coalitionwithdrew the complaintunder what we want. thisyear because of poorpublicity, the Meanwhilein America,Labor Day, protest,rather than appeal to theVice- voterturnout is likelyto be low.]’his, for On July 14, 1879 workers from growingout of the same felt need for Chancellorof UndergraduateAffairs. themost part, reflects the general lack of variouslands had met in Paristo rebuild simultaneous demonstrations, was In addition,the laissez-faire attitude interestin the AS by thosewho see the an internationalof laborand socialist experiencinga protracted birth. It was of the ElectionsCommissioner. and. AS as essentially with some groups, since their first such first observedin New York, Tuesday, campaign spendinglimits have been exceptions a powerless body (with internationalhad fallenapart some 17 Sept. 5, 1882 to coincidewith the pointsof controversy.The attitude of the regard to the administration)which yearsearlier. "[’he 100th anniversary of Knights of Labor Convention¯ In Elections Commissioner,Catherine enablescertain students to embellish the Fall of the Bastilleseemed the August the New York Central Labor Eichhorn,has beena "hands-off"policy theirresumes while apprenticing at petty appropriateoccasion to gettogether. Union had declaredthat date to be "a towards campaigningto the point of bureaucratictasks. To this Centennial came Howard generalholiday for the workingmenof religiouslyavoiding sanctions or even The entireAS structureis organized McGregor with a letter from Samuel thiscity." It wassuch a successthat it was warningsto candidateswho habitually so as to appear "legitimate" and Gompersasking for moral sup’portfor repeatedon Wednesday,Sept. 5, 1883. trample--bysending hit squadsto tear "responsible"to the administration. This the demandfor an eight-hourday to go In 1884the CLU decidedto"observe the down their opponents" campaign is verysignificant they work to appear into effectMay I, 1890, or no work. firstMonday in Septembereach yearas material,etc.--on the rightsof their legtimateor responsiblenot to students Gompershad hurriedlyraked the fare Labor Day." Both the AFL and the opponentsto campaign.This "free-for- continuedon page 3 togetherfor McGregorto make the trip Knights of Labor began observing to offsetthe suddendefection of the LaborDay. Workerswere gettingfired NewIndicator Non-ProfitOrg. AmalgamatedIron. Steel and Tinplate fortaking off Labor Day until Congress StudentOrganlzMions U.S.Postage Workersfrom the eight-hourcampaign. UC San Diego0B-023 PAID in 1894 made Labor Day a holidayfor La 3olla,CA 112093 He felt this defectionso damagedthe LeJolla, Calif. federal employees, in order to PermitNo. 256 prestigeof the eight-hourdrive that he discourageobservation of the more CUL Archives grabbedat thechance for a betterimage militantspringtime labor day that aimed froma resolutionof supportat thisPIris UCSD C-075 to unite workersworld-wide against La Jolla, CA conference. theirexploiters. 92093 Had it not beenfor this request from Specificevents met withwidely felt Gompersgiving the May Firstdate. the needsto createLabor Day bereand May conferencewould have acted only on ¢omimtedon pale 3 3 long-windedspeeches are a wiseuse of awaywith reality, it mayindeed bc "’the programljoh,but it is an importantone, enablethe Student+Adxocate l+rogram thehelp of friendin the AS bookeeping I i,,,~ ii. studenttime and money"so they urge timefor Tollner.’" especialhto thosestudents x+ho |+axe to continueand expandits programol D+,V KamDllng Rosie studentto keepU(’SI) "fresh" by voting officehe got the h)an withoutprior neededthe l’rogram’sassistant’e, dclending student interests, hoth Craig Lee. anolher presidential approvalfrom the AS Council based l.et’sstartthings up withan insider’s Tupperware.Interesting position to throughad~.ocacx in specificcases and candidate sounded like he wanted on unsold inventory to tide him look at the farcicalannual ceremony take,that one, especially from a party on a policy level: and a~oid the nothingmore than to parrota middle-of- mer...Thcrc’sno intereston the loan. l:he StudentAdxocatc I’rogranl’s kno~n as AS elections...This)earthe list that considcrthemselxes "a social- instabilityand inexperiencethat has the-roadposition on all issues and andthe AS can’tspend the monc.~ "til it’s recordhas heen made possiblehx the of candidateson theballot appear to be mindedgroup of students." plagued so much of the Associated disguisehis conservativestance and repaid.Real handy,friends in high commitmentof the ~,tudentswhu haxe one of themost inexperienced ever. You Similar "jems" were made made by Students. appear as the moderate.On the CWI) places... Support AlternativeMedia at UCSD served as Commissionerof Student no doubt have spotted potentialAS presidentialhopefuls at last week’s issueissue he didhowever appear to have It’sno wonderGeiger, with the money Welfare,the lact that mo~,tof these As formerCommissioners of Student Council members hoisting their forum....Accordingto a taperecorded movedforward, it seemsas thoughI,ee students ser’,ed in the Adxocate Weltare,~c are pleasedto see Amanda by oneof ourreporters, it wasclear who he’s made off concerts,can affordto Unlikemost utmersities, t!(’Si) ha~, ASU(’SI)l:lections. In hiscapacit) campaignmaterial and walkingaround "hasseen the light" or is tryingto win I’rogrambelore running, and by thefact Whitecarr~ on the workof the Student stoodon the side of students...David spend so much on his campaign. If firmb, establishedthe practice of A.S. ProgramBoard (’hair (1982-83) promisingto changethe world.If only votes...Either way, he now "’supports" thatthose ~aho ha~eheld the position AdxocateI’rogram, firmly establishing Geiger’selected we can expectmore supportingindependent, alternative, has shmxn a firm commitment to wishes could be horses, who knows "apolitical"Tollner who last year fought CWD, even on a weeklybasis. Another haxeused it notas a steppingstone to it as oneof thele~ consistentprograms vigorouslyto eliminatefunding for programming, done in the name of student-runmedia. As beneficiariesof student-runorganizations and media. wherewe wouldend up... thing,l,ee’s ’+l,ee For Me" is a variation higherottice, but as a forumthrough administeredthrough the AS. For these Committe for World Democracy’s "servingstudents," with the long run this support,(l(’Nl)’s alternatixe Furthermore.his budgeta,yexperience As you may have noticed,there are of lastyear’s three syllable "Chu For x+hichto helplellox~ ~,tudents. reasons,we urge)ou to re-electAmanda (CWD)Political Film Series, stated effectof benefittingGeiger directly. It’s makeshim well qualified to serveon the two main slates on the ballot, You" campaignrun by PresidentHenry medial’++,: l+onleri:a. The l’eold,,’:,, White, (’ontnlissionerof Student responseto the currentfee hikesthat true then, tupperwarewill melt under + A.S.Council. We feelI). JosephParker TupperwareParty and InterslateFive, Chu,and, as wasto be expected,there’s I "O/CO, ~’eh hldi<{llor, !. ’(’ha.rim. The current C’ommisshmer,Amanda Wellare. "ifthe administration wanted to increase publiclight... I)o/itijournal. B/r {/(+all,(, Rcvi+,u. willbe a strongadxocate for tI(’Sl)’s whoare tryinghard to outdoeach other, nota mentionof a singleplatform issue White,hits shov,n her commitmentto Barry ttyman, studenttees then they either have a good Roaduor~. S(’~’RI Journal o/ alternativemedia. We urgeyou to ~ote: althoughin terms of money spent the in his campaign...Surelystudents can’t the Adxocate I’rogram, and proxen Jon Bekkcn. reasonfor it or they’regoing to do it In olherthings, the administration is l).Jor, eph Parkerfor Commissioner ol TupperwareParty is runningthe most be expectedto fallfor a three-syllable [ ’mh’r~,raduawRe.~(’aruh and KSlYl anyway."hell, with aspirants like this stillstalling on theestablishment of the have pla)ed a significant and Communications. herselfa xigotou~,and ahledelender of RcggieWilliams high-financedbudget in the historyof campaigntwo yearsin a row... who needs activists, never mind StudentPolice Relations Committee... constructiverole its an itvenueof student The People’sVoice ASUCSDelections. This election,more You may recall that a Chancellor- representation...Tollner’sposition boils Presidentialcandidale Linda Clark creativityand expression. Voz Fronteriza so than othersin the recentpast, has andher InterslateFive are clearly the down to lettingthe administrationand appointedTask Force recommendedthe New Indicator SupportTarget Boycott demonstrateda conspicuouslack of only slatecampaigning on issuesthat establishmentof the Committeeto deal We teelit is essentialthat the AS anybodyelse who has any controlat the ProgressiveCoalition issue-orientedcampaigns. In fact the have a meaningfulimpact on students, (’ouncil, and particularly its universityhaving a freerein, while he withsuch issues as complaintsagainst D.J+,,:,eldt Par~er i~uL+,o end,:+,r.+,ed hr: prevalenttheme seemsto lean towards Commissionerof Communications.is lhe boycottof targetstore~, should remainunemployed because of largct. advocatesthe AS "returnthe money"to so there’sno basisfor comparison with campuspolice, participate in hiringof Karyn King, GeneralManager. KSI)I: makingthe AS "non-political’"if such otherslates or candidates...Butstudents supportive and has a clear Interslatelixe; General Store (’o-op; l ricia recei,~cthe cooperationof the entire If Target’s policy of part-time the studentsin the formof programming campuspolice, etc. way backin spring a concept exists! For example, interestedin issuesthat affectthem 1981. In the summer of 1981, the understandingol our ahernativemedia Rus~o. former (’ommissioner of populationincluding students. Target’s employnlentis not defeated,its cancer andactivities, and the AS keepingout of TupperwareParty. headedby current shouldtake time out to lookat theI-5’s Chaneellorapproved the Task Force andthe important role they pla.~ on our (’ommunication~:A~ian-Pacific Student polic)of hiringlo~-wagc part-time willpermeate other establishments. "political"issues. While this may on the AS Commissionerof PublicRelations, platformbefore casting their vote... recommendationunder some pressure campus. Alliance:Women’.,, (’enter; Lesbian and (ia) employeesin order to a~oid granting face appear a reasonablestep, the Altergraduation, the student will be Marc Geiger, in their campaign fromstudents, and over the objections of Forthis reason, we endorseI). Joseph StudentOrgani,’ation (IA(iO): Craig heahhand other benefitsrequired for problemis thathis simplistic attitude MeanwhileTupperware presidential Frazier.Pre~,ident, Black Students t.’nion seekinglull-time emplo.~ment in a job literature,stated that they don’t campus police chief, Hugh French. Parkerfor theoffice of Communications full-tinleworkers, illustrates theability becomes thoroughly redundant when candidateMarc Geiger, referred to by market ,,,,hose wages and working "...believe that politcal (sic) However.the administration’strue Commissioner in the upcoming of greedyemployers to enlistpeople onerealizes that the campus doesn’t exist many as "Frat-Boy,"appears to have conditions they ~ill ha~e helped publications,meaningless boycotts, and intentionshave surfacedbecause since againsttheir own intercsls. Student part- in a plasticbubble. If onlyone could do some skeletonsin the closet.Not only undermine,and ,ahere they will hc that timethey have made no attemptto timeemployees, settling for substandard did hc make thousandsof dollarslast offereda Iwrmam’nlpart-time job. Bad i wages and no rights, protectionor continuedfrom page I qualityservices services that affect year promotingconcerts at UCSD for actually follow through on the enough that the rightist climate benefits,rationalize their anti-social largenumbers of students.And thiscan his employerMarc Bermanand his own recommendationby appointingpeople Student Advocate Program Supported encouragesa nationalunion-busting actionwith simplisticself-serving be comparitivelyexpensive. It is difficult company’:That Kid Presents,"(making to the Student Police Relations binge,and thatReagan tries to whittle Committee. An inquiry made over a arguments. Elections for someone who lacks a sense of about $4,000 on one concert alone, dov,n theminimum wage b.,, hypocritical month ago by AS Commissioner of Sincethe inceptionof theAssociated almosttwo hundredcases, the program but to administrators.Thus the AS direction,who is concernedchiefly with accordingto my sources),but Geiger’s concernfor jobless .~ outh.This ploy will works on little things within the StudentWelfare on the implementation Students, the AS Student Advocate has lost onlx two. Studentshaxe been Studentare beinglured to mortgage theefficient administration of his, her astute managerialskills nearly ran not creaternore joh~,. Working parents of the Committee has brought no I)rogram has pro~,ided invaluable rescuedl’rom academicprobation and theirfuture to subsidizetheir present. frameworkof "’acceptableactivity." bureaucracyand "fiscalfairness", to ASsortedVinyl into the groundlast ~ho forgedthe lair~orking conditions Activitysuch as fightingfee hikes. response...Seemslike pressurefrom assistanceto many studentswho faced suspension, unfairl~ awarded low And worseyet, to underminethe wage.s look at a program that entails a summer. According to my sources, and wages which achievedAmerica’s, improvingthe quality of education,CIA studentsmay be thewa to approachthis ditficuhies at UCSi) caused b3 grades,expulsion, unhlir or excessive significantamount of fundsand evaluate universitybooks show that the AS was 3 paid to non-student v, orking highstand of livingwill be replacedhx one. administrativeproceedings+ misappli- researchand recruiting,UC investment it onthe basis of theservice offered to the forcedto loan $15,715that ASsorted charges,and similar matters. This record population,i.e., their own parents, theirchildren who will have to settlefor cation of rules and regulations+ of protectingst udent interests is onlyone brothersand sisters. 1here are already in South Africa,admission policies, universitycommunity. Vinyldidn’t have when it came timeto beans. affirmativeaction, etc.. however are, for ,etc. While handling part of the Commissionerof Student 3000 former Fedmart workers who Such evaluationswould constitutea balancethe books,because Geiger, who Vernon tox themost part, ignored. major break from the bureaucratic describeshimself as "manager"of the Didn’tmean to spendso muchtime on theAS...but I’ll make up forit nexttime. Thesituation is aggravatedby thefact regime,and can be expected(to a partial store,spent more money than he tookin. In the I.a~versGuild legalworkers. 3000 I: that the Vice Chancellor of degree) if studentsseek out those In theoutside world he wouldhave been meantime keeps those tips SFN. ,APRIl.24 coming. Street.233-1701. UndergraduateAffairs has designated candidates who are attempting to forcedto declarebankruptcy, but with 6 PM:(hi(’ano Alp v(’/m,nt A r/openi ng. 7:30 PM: 17th annualSan I)h’goI:o1~ various "advisors"to "oversee"and addressreal issues of substance,such as Runsthrough April 30. Includes~’orks Festivalbegins. II(’SI).For free advisethe AS. It is at this level of fightingfee hikes,, Every hour 10,000 animals die in American laboratories--most by BarrioI.ogan artists and film about brochurecall 282-7~33. bureaucracythat the decisionsare democratizationof the university, etc., of them die of agony. Chicano Park. Grass Roots Cultural made on what the AS can and can not and givethem support and criticism.On Current rules permit San Diego High School students to kill afford,what they can and can not do, Center.30th and Grape,(ioldcn Hill. TltI:RS.APRIl, 28 the otherhand, candidates and or slates animals. We object. Please join our demonstrators. 232-5009. whathas and has not worked,what will resortingto campaignsbased simply on 7 PM: Pan-,4tHcaniwn."One Unilied gain or lose AS "legitimacy"with the name-recognition,who campaign on MON. .APRIl. 25 Socialist.4lHca presentation by Abas.i Administration. throwingmore partiesand use "fiscal Mudada. UCSD Rcvcllc Informal Of courseall thisis not inevitable. fairness"as a guiseto attackgroups SCIENCE FAIR 6 PM: Committeefor World I)emocracv l+ounge. All-African People’s Individualswith a strong sense of doing importantwork, who refuseto elsewhere.1956 Sea View,Del Mar. 755- meeting.UCSI) StudentCenter. Room RevolutionaryParty. direction,with political consciousness, address the crucial issues facing TUES. APRIl. I~ 4283. 203.452-2016. are oftencapable of buckingthe tide. students,do not meritsupport. PROTEST 1O AM: I:’ar/hI)ar PeaceFair. SI)SU 7 PM: Films Alamt, ri,~la and l,a FRI. APRIl,2t/ TheAS hasmade it consistentlydifficult Fromthe perspectiveof an ahernative FRIDAY APRIl+ 22 Aztec (’enter.Sponsored by Student f’ronteraabout progressiveMexican forprogressive groups to securefunding. media, an importantpost is that of BALBOA PARK -- FEDERAL BUILDING Peace Education Committee, 7 PM: UCSI) PoliticalFilm Series. struggles.SDSU AH 2108. Thisis notdue merely to vindictiveness Commissioner of Communications. (Near Aerospace Museum) Community Energy Action Network, 4:30 PM: Groundwork Books work Censoredin Senegal.,gala, directed h.~ party.UCSD StudentCenter. 452-9625. and petty power plays.Rather, such Students should take a good look CooperativeCampus Ministries, many nativeof Senegal.Ousmane Sembene. TUES. APRIl, 26 organizationsas the alternativemedia at the respectiveplatforms of the others.286-4301, 263-6049, 583-3088. 5:30 PM: Women and WorM Hunger Also,The l)i.~cardedPeoph,. produced and other programs on campus have candidatesand back the personmost APRIL 23 & 24 11 - 2 p.m. conferencebegins, continues through Noon: Panel discussion on U.S. 6 PM: New Indicator Collective by GranadaTelevision. Free admission. reachedstates where they are making supportiveof alternativemedia on interventionin CentralAmerica with Saturday. 4190 Front Street. U.N. meeting.UCSD Student(’enter. Room UCSD USB 2722. Committeefor World available to the UCSD community campus. Write School Superintendant Thomas Payzant at the Board of AssociationWomen’s Equity Council, 209.452-2016. Democracy.452-2016. Education(4100 Normal Street, San Diego, 92103) demandingour Blase Bonpane and William Wood. used to beat down each other’swage SI)SU MontezumaHall. CommitteeIn Overseas Education Fund; First continuedfrom page I schools adopt the NationalScience Teacher’sAssociation Policy 7 PM: Community Energy Action demandsand theirrefusal to killeach Solidarity with the People of El /UnitarianChurch Social Respgnsibility SAT. APRIl, 30 ProhibitingStudents from harmingand killinganimals. ServiceCommittee. 295-9641,273-2804, Network potluck, meeting, film No other. Salvador.235-0485. Frames.No Boundarie,~and slideshow 453-9280. IO AM: Songs of Working Women Let+sre-establish May First as theday 6 PM: New Indicator Collective Who:~ Budget Is h. Anyway? 1172 May Day THESE ANIMALS HAVE NO ONE TO SPEAK FOR THEM BUT YOU workshopwith IndustrialWorkers of dedicatedto the worldwidesolidarity of meeting,tlCSD StudentCenter, Room 7 PM: UCSD Political Film Series. MorenaBlvd. 275-1162. the World activistSandy Dutky and Dayin therest of theworld, and it has labor. To do so is more than just a 209.452-2016. CannesGrand Prize winnerThe Cranes are Flying, directed by Mikhail 7:15 PM: Charmed Circle Feminist others.San l)iego Folk Festival. UCSI). becomeincreasingly appropriate that sentimentalgesture: it is a stepthat may 7 PM: Peace ResourceCenter meeting Kalatozov,and Fireman ~" Ball,directed Books open meeting.4603 Park Blvd. 282-7833. May Day be observedhere too. Today enableus to outliveour generals. and China i~ ForeignPoller and World 296-9024. by Milos Forman. Free admission. 6 PM: Black Federation Tenth worldlabor solidarity is morethan a fine The new indicatorent’olH’ages ot/r Peace presentationby RichardGripp. UCSD USB 2722. Committeefor World ,4nniversarrBanquet with keynote sentiment.It is whatwe needto makea rea(h,rs to I~articipatein activities heing 54thand El CajonBlvd. 265-0730. Democracy.452-2016. WED. APRIl, 27 speakerJulian Bond. El Cortez,Century living,and what we needto stayalive! organi=edaround Mar Day.or to (’arrr 7 PM: No t.irstUse of NuclearWeapons Room. 263-8161. May First is InternationalWorkers out//wir own a(’/ion.~ (/ther pre/er. ,,|s g PM: Folksinger Earl Robinson. 6 PM: Free, confidential draft symposiumwith speakersJo Seidita, Day thcdayfor workerse~,crywhere to ue goto i,’(,ss,at’lions at’(, heing Idanned composer of Joe Hill. Grass Roots counselingwith professionalNational continuedon page II William Cheek, Elite Cohen, Andrew Cultural Center. 30th and Grape, asserttheir concernfor one another, at thet, orth,r,attd in BalboaPark. (LWe Homer, William Mahedy, William GoldenHill. 232-5009. theirhope for the futurethat we can ProtestCah’ndar lor ~h’taiL~) Hollingsworth.4190 FrontStreet. 298- ! nl’w In {I or buildtogether, their resistance to being adaptedli’ont the huht.~trial H’orker I 9978. SAT. APRIl, 23 is o[]h’iallrrecognized as a campus Ihe new indicaloris a membero/ the I newspalwr.The views do notrepre.wn! AhernativePress" Srmlicate (A PS). i thoseOf theChancellor orthe Regem.~. WED. APRIL 20 6 AM: Annual Chicano Park Dar uni)’ersill’-comnltlnilrnewspal~er cop.rwhich is primedwithout a h.rline mar BirthControl ¯ Abortion¯ LesbianClinic festivitiesbegin. the’ new ind|ealor i.~a collective!rproduced he assumedto represent the position ol the 6 PM: Free, confidential draft 10 AM: Psychologists for Social NewIndicator Collective. although all counselingwith professionalNational distributedto San Diego County college Walk-inPregnancyTesting Mon-Fri 9-2 Responsibilitymeeting. 1030 Pearl, La collectivemembers are not necessari!r m LawyersGuild legal workers.3000 E campuses and selected communitr lullagreement with the position(.~) CervicalCaps are now availablethrough FDA study Jolla.456-2204. action/humanservices organi’.atiom and Street.233-1701. e.xT~ressed,contributors am/ workers." Noon: Earth Day FestivalSixth and othersites. Subscriplhms are $8.00 per robin,mar l’(rnn, penn.r, ion. monl)’, lee. I’ear. THURS. APRIl+ 21 Laurel, Balboa Park. Sponsored by /orj.paul. robin, kyr. haro’, nancy, reggie. WOMAN@RE Friendsof theEarth. 226-0072. arth’lesand letwrs are weh’omed. Please iraj.lisa, mark. susan, antone, karen. .wu- A FeministWomen’sHealth Center Noon: Women’s InternationalLeague 2 PM: California No First Use ripethem douhle.space~L on a JJ-.~pace arl.steve, shirhan, sergio, francis, al[¢mso. line and send to: new indicator brian,laura, randall. M[Onso. hwhe. /avie, Q 424 PennsylvaniaAve., San Diego, CA 92103 for Peace and Freedomluncheon with Campaignm¢¢tinll and pr¢~ntationby rick.davi~L +’it’. charlie. & .~hirk’y. thanx a presentation by Anne Rhoads on John Sommerville.5863 Hardy Avenue. collective/UCSDB-O23/La Jolla. (’A (619) 298-9352 Open Six Days A Week Information:222-6585 92093.Ph: (619) 4J2-2016 h~t. WILPF activities in Brussels and 447-1641. ANIMALWELFARE COALITION, BOX 7006, SAN DIEGO, CA. 92107 4 traininghours are from8:00 am to 4:30 Commentary: 5 pm, and this woulddirecth’ coincide Local congressmanhits the hustings...

withmost studeuts" schedules. Also, if IIII I~ onewere to takethem up on theiroffer, StudentCenter & Servicesat toweryConfronted in Forums -- one wouldhave to schedvletheir hours ++reYOU in schoolin the evening,lhis is also ,,,.,,,,,.,, .,,,, ,.,,,,,.,, ,.,,,,,,+,, ,+ ,. ,,, +,romsE impossibledue to extremelyhigh child Stake in Admln. Power Grab in+plcmcntthe (’alilorniamandate lor care rates (which neither WIN nor lhe administratixestructure of fundsgenerated by the Student(’enter nuclearfrcc/c +ote by the people. financialaid will supplement).This I)(’SI)is clearba microcosmof fee. The studentcontrolled I+acilit) bureaucraticorgani/ation of the LJnited ’presentlyprovides for a diverserange of I+owcr~stated that he ~asopposed to a argumentis all so ludicrousanyway, a frcc/c,that hc v+asnot in officeto carry full-timestudent i.~ in [ull-timetraining States.At thenational level, inflation studentservices. They could be greatly outthe will ol thepeople but \\as clotted (justnot state prescribed training). What continuesfreely, unemph).~ment soars expandedby re-allocatingthe one-third to lollov+his own judgmenteven it it at thispoint can one do? and bureaucracies,exemplified by the of the StudentCenter’s space presently Altera briefingby .JeanKirkpatrick. floutedthe democratic process. StateStricken Student EPA, find themsehres ~sith deeply filledby administratorsto these services. Republican(’ongrcsspcople rcecsscd to entrenched executives and self- Vice Chancellor Joe Watson is spreadthe part.,, line hack home. Ita,,ingbccn taughtthat we, the Ms. Management [)ear"State Stricken", proposingthat the students should nora people,run our gmernmentb~, making As you can testify,the dominant perpetuatingpolicies which, at the Mx husbandand I decidedto attend tJniversitylevel, translate into rising Ict staff, faculty and the Alumni ourwishes knox~ n to ourrepresentatives. Dear Ms. Management, ideologyof this countryreserves its threelm~n tlall meetings scheduled in Associationbecome part of thedecision- it is disillusioningto \\itness l.owcr\’s I’mfacing the grim prospect of having especiallybitter hostility for wellare studentfees each quarter leading to an thebailiwick of our(’ongrcssperson, Bill to quitmy educationwhile only hallway increasinglyelite studentbody and makingbody which determineshow the I.m~ClX.l!nduring the tedium oft 3-time arrogantrejection of themandate ol his recipients.According to one analystof lcllowCalitornians. If his perverted through,and interestinglyenough I’m thewelfare state, the nineteenth century administratorswho generallyhave little studentfees are allocated. rerunol his reportfrom Washington was senseof democracyshould presail, \\c notalone. You see. I’m a singleparent on theoryof lai.~se--vouslaire has been interestsin theneeds oft student body Studentshave the rightto controlthe bcxondthe callof cixicduty. but x~c might ~,s ~sell forego putting Aid to Families with Dependent twisted into a dogma of social v, hichturns over every four years or so. Student(’enter fees that they pay each hoped to disco\or, in successive Manyadministrators at tiCS[)focus on propositionson the ballot and just lease Children(AFI)C) and havebeen told engineeringto securesocial inequality: quarterand theservices that those fees meetings,ncx~ lacctsol his thinking. c’,erythingto BigI)add’,. Meantime. he my eligibilityworker my statusas a "The affluent exert themselves in climbing the bureaucraticladder, have created. A College Review Alas.look not for origiualthinking to goes through the motions,at great studentis an "elected"status. In other responseto rewardsto the incentiveof shrewdlyusing the resources available to Committee Report released in 1982 I o~,\er\, tht+" CtHlStllllln;.lle prcdicatablc expenseto tvxpa~crs,ul pcriodicall words,i have"chosen’"my impoverished increasedprofitability yielded by lower them to pad theirresumes in orderto found that studentswere generally politicalhack. %o il \ou’ICconsidering 3 mailingottt questionnaires (x~itt’, loaded condition instead of asking the taxes.Working people respond only to ensuretheir continued upward mobility, satisfiedwith the StudentCenter. Are co\cringluture "’nicer thc folks" qt,estions)to impress\oters that their instrumentof thestate, the Department punishmentto the economicinsecurity whilepretending to operatein thebest of thereproblems which can’t be dealtwith meetings,pick a nlore charismatic opinionscount. Wc need not ~ondcr of PublicWelfare (DPW), how I should studentinterests (or in theinterests of the by the presentstructure of the Student perlormer,t! raless put)pie in theaudience thatwill result from reductions in the whereI o~\er~’sjudgn~ent ,till lead him spendmy lifein poverty,it seemsthe income support programs." The broaderUniversity community). Center’? pro\idcstin]ulation, it can he an awful t+,nisst,cs his mind firmh set in cement, DPW has a work-incentive program privilegedand powerfulhave targeted As the statechops the Universityof I n thisera of risingcosts and declining drag. I .ox\ el-V’n "" l: nlper(H"s flex\ hc \,,illcontinue to do v+hatc\crenhances (WIN) and is requiring every AFDC thewelfare system for attack in orderto California’sbudget, administrators are financialaid, studentsmust actively clothes"projection ol Rcagan’aalleged recipientto signup. hispolitical ambitions. heightenfeelings of workerinsecurity, quicklyplanning for increasedstudent thwart the administration’sgrowing nationalrecovers \\its itns~cled h\ it cxaluationof ~’att’sperformance and churchpublications hits ’qmilarl,. A v+omanasked \\hcthcr hc had read I assuredmy workerI had exhausted and therebyincrease "incentive" (i.e., (iravF’anthcrs oflicial ,0, ho recalledthat. exposed administration plans lor thebook she had sent him. at hisrequest. 5developmentof syntheticfuel. I+o\scr previouswork incentiveprograms such capitalproductivity). historically.\vhcn masses of peoplelose lchthat Watt v,asn’t all had nor is the nuclearlirst strike attacks. The class natureof the problemis contestingsome of his stands,ttc had as CETA,etc., in orderto tryit their jobs and purchasingpower, factories wildernessall that sacrcd, and that off- Ihc writertold l.m~cr~ that ~lw had way.But CETAdidn’t provide child care unmistakable,and, as you say,you are and businesses close down. thus not.The issue v+as sur\i~al of mankind. I.owerywill not allow his mind-set to bc shoredrilling outside the 3 milelimit was broughtauthoritative documentation to or travelexpense to and fromtraining, certainlynot alone. According to Piven reducinginflation, prices and interests a meansto energyself-sufficiency, tte affectedby the factsother than those refutethe Reaganpropaganda hc had and with receivingonly $350.00per & Cloward(1981), "From 1960 to the rates,with no creditduc Reagan.We was reminded that Reagan had cut disseminatedat all threemeetings. On month from AFDC, I was hardly in a early1970s, the number of peopleon the spoon-fedby the partyhierarchy. ahsays enjoy audience reaction to researchand developmentfunds for beingtold to "Wrapit up" as soonas I Aid to Families with Dependent So much for l,owcry’s mailed positionto pay additionalexpenses I.owcry’swarm-up .joke which wc first alternateenergy to supporthis oil and startedto speak.I urgedhim to examine aboverent, electricity, phone (when Childrenrolls quadrupled."Now there invitationto constituentsto"Plcasc take heardhim usetwo yearsago: "’Can tile nuclearenergy friends. thematerial aher the meeting, lie v+asn’t couldafford it) and food(food stamps are 3.8 millionmothers in thiscountry ladyin theback hear me? If not,there’s a thetime to giveme youropinion on the interestedWhy be confusedby the Iactn? hardlycovered expenses for infant and tryingto support7 millionchildren (36% ~italissues facing this Congrcss...Comc A leafletpublished b’, WomenStrike gentlemanin frontwho saxshe canhear toddlerneeds). The DPW would pickup of whom are under the age of 6) on out and tellme what’son your mind." forF’cacc. rcvcaling in chillingdctail the I.m\cr~is most at ease with non- me ~erv well and would he glad to sccrctt>cntagon doomsda~ plans for childcare, but not at currentlicensed budgetwhich has beenslashed over 50% eontro,,ersialsuhjccts. And hc ramble,,. exchangeseats." I,owcryslavishh’ follows Reagan’s first-strikenuclcar v.as, was labelled tic spent the e~ening log-rolling ratesand the bureaucraticpaperwork sinceRonald Reagan took office. feesin orderthat they may continue their desirefor studentmoney. The cost of stratcg3gung ho on intcrxentionin "’(’ommunist’"an administration tactic tcttioushuntil the rcstixcaudience neededto be filledout by thechild care The abuseswhich you and your child multi-milliondollar projects and even educationis alreadyexcluding students I.owcr\audiences ~+srerc predomi- South America,refusal to match the to defusemounting \~orld sentiment for protested.A ~\omancomplained that hc providerwas too extensiveand payment haveabsorbed were not enoughto break paythe salaries of new’administrators. from UCSD. Sovietpledge ol no first-useol nuclear so delayedthat many providersturned nanth middle-aged to cldcrh, tte peace.lhc church,,\ornan v, ho had haddone most olthc talking, that he got your spirit.When you began to feel One such scheme is to convertthe The administrationsees the student ~seapons:stalling the peace talks ~\ hile me down.Travel expense was coveredat apparentlyhas no appealto the vot,th. earlier appcalcdIor funds for tile \+,ound up and used a lotot ~Aolds tO szl\ weakened by the torturous, StudentCenter. presently funded by bodyas apathetic.In manyways we are. lc~crishl~ de\eloping high teeh reducedpercentage per mile (not taking i!achlocale, tl+,ough geographically homelesssit id t hatt hc( hriwian.%-icu~c \er\little, instead ol allossingtnorc authoritariannonsense imposed upon students,into a "U nixersityCenter," that Unlessstudents carefully assess the true capahiliDwhich ’,\’ill enable the I.t.S. to intoaccount U.S. inflation of prices)but close,shorted marked differences in ~l..itor and other unin~peaehable inpL~tIro1+n his constituents. you by statebureaucrats, you turnedto would be fundedhy increasedstudent needs and wants of their University shootdox~n Soviet missiles launched in was latein reimbursementby up to 3-4 audiencemake-up. othersingle-parent women for help. This fees. Vice ChancellorJoe Watsonis community,the}’ will find themsehcs retaliationto America’s first strike. months.Needless to say,these obstacles I.owervappeared most comfortable sameactivity ofseeking help and making entertainingthe pipe dream of new financiallyresponsible for a potentially The constitt,cncvat Uni\ersitvCity hardlygave me theincentive to train,let amongthe affluentI.it Jollansv.hosc allianceswas the energy which generated facilitieswhich would enablecloser massivedebt that future students will alone work, when I was alreadyunder bodiesand minds arc inst, latedfrom was mildcstand. with few cxccptions. themodern welfare system in 1933,at the interactionbetween students, faculty inherit. single-issuemindcd, social security and the burdens of holding on to a realitiesafflicting the underprivileged peakof theGreat Depression. One of the and staff.Indeed the March 4, 1983 pensionsexhibiting no passionand subsistencelevel of livingand caring for StudentCenter Task Force I’roposal No changeto the structureof the and oppressed.Their primaryconcerns firstlegislations signed by F.D.R.when much tolerance. a toddler. he took office was the Federal stateson pagetwo that, "The University Student(’enter. or feeincrease can occur weretaxes on incomeand social security, ELECTIONS without studentapproval. Tell your EmergencyRelief Act, which provided (’entermay be thelast real opportunity and they supported pro-Reagan Whetherl.owerv was tired by this Yearslater, with supportfrom other collegerepresentatives howyou feel.’Our singleparent women. I havereturned to relieffor some 20 millionpeople. Behind forus to try,once again, to achievethat hawkishness. thirdgo-around, forgot his lines or was voicesmust be heard,we muststand up school, and upon completion of my this legislationwas an increasingly goal."The "’University (’enter" concept offhis stride, hc cuthis spiel short. In forthat which is rightfullyours. educationhad hopedto free myselfof militant mass movement, which two proposesthat new multi-milliondollar A man who identifiedhimself as a answer to questions, he rambled the institutionalbonds of slaverythe yearslater pushed into law the National facilitiesbe createdwith student fees to (’ottcerned ,~ltldctllA conlinllt, Io IIH’el member of "Physicians for Social interminably.There were moments state has so generouslyoffered me I,aborRelations Act, whichprotected U niversity-controlledservices as in re.wonseto the recentadministrative Responsibility" offered to rebut when neither he nor the audience OTING TODAY & Ithrough the Department of Public workers’rights to organizeand to a methodof bringingthe student,facuhy moves/osei-e control over the Slttd(’ttl l, owery’sdogmatic statements vis avis appearedto know what he was getting ~;clh~re)by working and educating bargaincollectively. Today, the Reagan andstaff bodies closer together. (’enter.Current(r. a proposqlis heing relativemilitary strengths. Lowery at.and questions were detoured by: ’TIl others.Even in theprograms of financial Administrationhas targettedthese Servicesdon’t bring peoplecloser ¢h’vehqwd/or presentationto colh’.k,e deftly parriedthe dangerof public havemy stafflook into it." TOMORROW!l! assistanceprovided for studentsthere historicgains to attackand provoke together,programs do. When was the councilsand the Stuth,ntCenter Board exposureof truetacts by invitingthe On socialsecurity, about which many exist major contradictions.Still on poor peopleinto acceptingsweatshop lasttime that you got closer to someone to e.stahlishan agreementwith the doctorto visithim in theprivacy of his in theaudience were knowledgeable than AH)C and food stamps,I was told by working conditions which would in the UniversityBookstore? Multi- a+hninistrationon is.~ues such as long- districtoffice. It is doubtfulthat Lowery he,said: "’1 receive about 600 letters a my social worker my food stamp promisehigher rates of productivityfor million dollar buildingswill only term (’oo1~ development, .~pace will everreveal what, if anything,he week on that issue."A woman asked: allocationwould be terminateddue to capitalistprofits. reinforcean alienatingsystem The real allocation,constrt.’tion tit a IYmd learnedfrom the private encounter. "’Do you do anything about them?" the FederalGrants (which provide just There are three prominenttheories problemis that studentsand facuhv WorhlStt.h,nt Center, Slush.hi Center The air was ominouslythick with Silence. enoughto pay for feesand books)I am which attempt to explain the role don’thave enoughtime to get together Board decision-reaLinsattthoritr, hostilitywhen an isolatedfew voiced It was pointedthat Reagan violates Voting budgetatahorit.r, etc. A ,serh’s~/ ma.~-,~ receivingthrough my schools’financial unemployment plays in capitalist morefrequently. Will new servicesgive "peacenik"views, which are the good the Constitutionhe sworeto uphold meeting.~to eth.’ate.~lttth,nls about the aid program It seems that Federal societies:I)[he classical marxian view themmore time’? burghershooted down with "Sit down", trainingforeign troops on our soilfor April19th & 20th,1983. Polls open i.~.st.,sinvolve+L attd to mohilizestqqmrt, Grantsand loansare consideredincome holdsthat "the unemployedconstitute "’Shutup". etc. i.owery does not restrain combat abroad is grounds for A studentmandate in 1975created the are heing planncd,attd studentsare andtherefore the food stamp recipient is an ’industrialreserve army of labor’used Student (’enter and empowered audienceabuse by "his"people. impeachment.More silence. 9:00am - 4:00p.m. no hmgcr eligible, based on total by capitaliststo weakenand divide the mo/titoring devchq,nent.s in the Student(’enter Board to allocatethe An advocateof tenantswho cited their accumulatedincome. However. when proletariat."2) The idea promotedby A d/nini.wration~ ongoing campaign. signingthe contractfor bothmy grants A woman walked out in disgust. plightand lack of rightsin SanDiego got MiltonFriedman, of Santiagofame, is l.owery’sear but nothingmore. --Polling Places-- (thisindeed applies for loans),having that"unemployment... is caused by the accusingLowery of beinga fascistand a readall the requirements and restrictions unemployed themselves (and) that supporterof fascistregimes in Central A churchwomanlamented that since RevellePlaza it plainlystates the moneyis notto be unemploymentalways settles at its San Diego America. Reaganhad cut fundsfor the displaced used for anythingbut educationally ’natural"rate over the long term." 3) The The PacificBeach audience,with a and homeless,dumping the problemon Gym Steps relateditems (i.e., fees, books, etc.). economist,,lames O’Connor,asserts sprinklingof intellectuals,was least thechurches, her church’s charity funds Pleasetell me how the Departmentof that welfareprograms are designedto FolkFestival "me"-oriented. most progressive. were fast running out and she was Muir Quad Agriculture’sEood Stamp review’ board meet two "basic imperatives" in knowledgeableand hooked up to the worried about how to continue sheltering the growing numbers of Third Quad can hand down to the Departmentof capitalistsociety: a) to ensurecapital Concerts world. Lower’s hawkish stance drew PublicWelfare (both Federal agencies) accumulation(i.e. profits), and b) April27 & 28 (7:30) boos.Constitutents were visibly shocked destitutein San Diego.Maybe Reagan’s Bookstore regulationsprohibiting exemption of speechwriters will "let ’em eat rhetoric." legitimatea classsociety and a class Weds./Thurs.,Mandeville B-210 to hearLowery’s concept of his roleas these federalmonies when any money state"by maintaining"sufficient social people’srepresentative. A woman asked An environmentalistasked Lowery’s spentfor non-educational purposes (i.e., harmony." April29, 30 (7:30) food,rent, etc.) would be in direct Io protectyourself and your child Fri./Sat.,Mandeville Aud. conflictwith the Federal Grant contract? frombeing further viteimited, I suggest Writefor Nowthat my childhas turned 6 yrs.of May 1, (10:00-6:00) thatyou contact other welfare recipients Sunday concert free, Warren Campus For More Information age.my workerhas referredme toa WIN in a similarsituation. Also, the Welfare counsellorwho says studentsare not Rights Organizationat 4291 Market Workshops the new indicator call x4083 or come by the exempt from their program and must Streetis an advocacygroup which might.! all day Saturday arrangetheir schoolinghours around provideyou with usefulinformation. Sendsubmissions to: Student OrganizationsOffice WIN traininghours. Well. ifoneisa full- Ticketsat TicketronOutlets, or UCSDBox Offico Theirtelephone number is 264-0191. forinformation call: 282-7833 new indicator,UCSD, B-023, La Jolla,CA. 92093 timestudent this is impossible.WIN’s Ms. Management 6 7 earl)’seventies, and from the anti- KUtTU"t" And the War Goes On Otl11 nuclear movement active today in Europe. Only through Direct Action aimedat makingit impossiblefor the A recent" nationwide ’ " " poll b)’theI,os longstandingcampaign of "’disrupt( onto heightof their recent invasionof governmentto carry on businessas Angeleslimcs has confirmedthat an and sabotage can be expected "Balls and Talent" Nicaragua,no more than 30 people usual through blockades of troop o~crwhelmingmajority of the U.S. continucaslongasthcU.S,maintains its turnedout fora localprotest action: trains, shutdownsof munitionsand The original King of Comedy was his head, langfordhad to beg to a populationopposes li.S. intervention massivefinancial and logistical support. otheractions around the countryha~e weapons factories, disruption ol MackSennett.Hcbuilthisofficconthc secretaryon the phone who wantedto and continued involvement in El and Hondurascontinues to serve as a done better,but none hast drawn the recruiting,and similartactics can v+e roofabove the painted letter "M" on the hangup. Ftc read~,~ith diffictdtv the %ahador.Similar oppositionto the base.protecting the Somocistasfront numbers of people active in the ¯ hopeto prcxcntthe continuingwarfare sign comedie.s-- .~tut’k SePHlet! ransom demaqds from cuccardswhich ongoing[T.S.-sponsored invasion of retaliatoryattacks with Honduran solidarit.vand anti-intervention against the population of Central comedies.The -lower,as his officewas Pupkincontinually turned too slow.got Nicaraguawas found. troops. called,dominated the whole studio: and movenlcntas recentlyas IV+()}rears ago. America.(We mustbe careful,howcxcr, backwardsor upsidc-do~n,fumbled or fromthere he madesure that no one was Mcanv+hilc,(’ongrcss is on theverge Althoughseveral (’ongrcsspcrsons Organizedoppossition to U.S. policy to avoidsupport for the authoritarian dropped.But the Alice in Wonderland drinkingor loafingabout or nottaking t~lapprox ins an additional$60 million in havedeclared their opposition to bothof has bccntaken over bv a bakcrsdozenof Sandinistasin Nicaragua,who haxe routinedid not end there: hc v+astaped militatx aid to the Salsadoran funny business seriously. In his thesecampaigns, they have done nothing xanguardM-I, parties on the one hand. filledtheir .jails with union activists, Iromfoot to mouthand forcedto i~ave ,12,1~.cltlnlcl)t.on top of morethan $1 to stop them. Similarly,during the and the (’atholicchurch on the other: bannedstrikes, and strengthenedpress restuarantowner way Mack ,";,ennett "tea"v+ith Masha v, ho v+asdcadlx in io\c billionthat has been sent in thepast fe~ keptthe technicians cooking, though in Vietnamera, Congressional"’do~es’" neithertcndcnc3 has the abilityor the censorshipwhile cementinga Soviet V+ithhim. "’If .~ou hax c an\doubl in \our \cat,,[I.S. ad,.isorsremain in t!1 rcgularhattacked the VietnamWar. and inlcrestin mobilizinga mass movement stylepart),,’ dictatorship: and forthe his autobiographyhe forgotall about mind.... " said Mastmand thrcv+the thern.Itc remembered only the elite: Ben Sa h,uh,.(r.S. soldiers continue to train just as rcgularl,,supported the [;.S. capableof stoppingII.S. intervention I-MI N FI)R. a slca]y coalitionol nc~crystal glassc~, against the v, allto 5al\,tdorarltroops, and the [!.%. militarybudget that v+ent to fightit. At throughdirect action. Instead. v+c are washedup liberalpoliticians and M-I lurpin, (’harlic (’haplin, Fatt,, pro~cthat l+anglord’,~ ta~,tc, v+ishcs, etc. Arbucklc, Mabel Normand. Gloria coutinuc,,to supplythe equipmentand any rate,it is clearthat if we relyon a~.ked to send letters to our gangsterswith a richhistory of settling v+crc"king." When she linall,, freed him anlntunilh)nv+ith v+hich the Salvadoran (’ongressand the rest of thegovernnlent Congressional"representatives’ and to disputesthrough shoot-outs.) Ills(or+,, Swanson. Ihcda Bara and lhc grcal Ironllhc tape. l.angford got controlof eoscrnmentis seekingto maintainits to ceasetheir attacks against the people Reagan.to attendmemorial masses, and has demonstratedlor the benefitof chefsof Furopc.By 1920,hov, cxcr. his the gun ;ind shot Masha. It) his thmfination. Ke\stonc comedies had become an of CentralAmerica and the world,the to traxclaround the countryto marchm those who failed to perceive the dissappointmcntthe gun ,,~asfake. and And in Nicaragua.tr.S. trained and attackswill continueand thousands insipid,boring, incffcctisc marches and tundamcntalnature o[ the state that anachronism,lhc filmslost much ol the hc hadto satisl’,himself b,, slapping her suppliedtroop,, under the commandof morewill dic. ralliesV+hcrc wc listento xariousM-I. v+ecannot hope to changethe nature ol trcshncsswhich had marked his carh to the ground.She compulsixcl~,ran years.lhc~ becamestamped v+ilh the a .iotnt (lA-Arm~ board continue But,at thesame time that opposition types spout oH about ho~ wc should governmentpolio), but that wc can afterhim throughthe near midnightof support their particular brand of cookic-cultcr look which indis- Manhattan’,,V+cst side calling. ".lorry, thL’ir~;+11 designed, uhimatclx, to topple to U.S.policies in (’cntralAmerica is pre~,entthat policy from being carried the%andinista gtY+crnmcnt. Althotlgla it authoritarianism, whether in El out.Meanv+hile, the letters contint.e to tinguishcdmost silent comcdx shorts ot V+ait.v+ait, v+ait tor me.’" expressed b) a maioriT~, of the thetwenties. By thecrash ol 1929hc V+as appears.;it Ill’It’ ill(lit dto/’plcss Iilnc. that population,the solidaritxn,o,,ement Salvadoror Nicaragua,or hcrc in the rollinto Congressional offices, the poll~ RupertPupkin got his fifteentumults the Iate,,tollcn,,ix c ha’, lailedIocstablish tl.S. washedup. indeed;ill efforts aimed at ,,t,+ppingI!.S. continueto roll up huge marginsof on thetalk-shov+, and hc waslater signed ’,~gnilicant,ttca,, ol controlIor the’ intcrxcntioni’, at an alltim Iov,.Whilc -lacticssuch as theseoflcr no hope. oppositionto [I.S.intervention, and the tor a tV+oanda hall~cargigata"countr\ di’,’,idcllt%(~mocista forces, the +‘ t r.’~.--S on~,tllcd~Oltlt)fiStaS v+creat the Rather.v+c should learn from the anti- ~ar goes on. --RobertEast club minimumsecuril\ prison. Alter paying his dues and armed with a manager,t’t.pking later gol his oV+n Draft/Aid Link Suspended thor+.With no hairout of placeand a trimmedtnoustachc, grinning V+ithout smiling,and looking like a non-thinking Itdlo~in#adxice from the .lusticc takenthe positionthat the injunction commodity,Pupkin’s stone lace graced [ )opt. theldtlcation I)cpt. has gi’,cn appliedonly to Alsop’sjudicialdistrict in the v+idc-anglcdoll~ at the endol the :t,. plans to cnlorce the Solomon Minnesota.but the ,Justicel)cpt., fihn. ’,mcf.dlncnt(requiring students who ~arncdthat acting on thisposition could r,,’ccixulcdcrally-fundcd financial aid to lead to the Departmentbeing foundin All greatcomedians ha~c a gimmick. Fattx Arbucklchad his si]e: Buster ’+ctiI,,that they ha,,c registered for the contemptof court. Kcaton.his slOIlC face: (’harlic(’haplin. dtalt)until the constitutionality of that At m’uindicator press time, Alsop has requirementis determinedby thecourts. histramp: tlarold [.lord. his glasses: and yetto issuea finalruling, either granting so on Robertdc Niro’s gimmickV+as I’CSI)Student Financial Scr,,iccs Jerry Lewis a permanentinjunction or allowingthe pushingc~,cr.vonc else au, ay fromthe l)irectorlom Rutterconfirmed, last EducationDept. to resumeits efforts to screenwith his "look at me"acting style. v+cck,that no studentwill bc askedan) headquartersol thetelevision company. maintainedthe camera’sdistance. requirestudents to verifytheir draft When hc stood on the bar Io show the qucstionsregarding their draft status, or registrationstatus. The Minnesota Civil a wide-anglelens was used a lotto shov+ +";,corcc~,calso v+orkcd close in to makea commandeeredfifteen minute segment barenessand separation between people. "freakish"point v+ith lacial leaturcs, for a,,kcdto provideany documentationof I,ibertiesUnion and the Minnesota to his heart-throbfrom high school+ hc lo magnit.~I.angford’s isolation, an example u, ilh Sandra Bernhard’s ,t.in orderto receivefinancial aid. PublicInterest Group arc pressingfor a presentedhimself as RupcrtPupkin v+ith abovecamera ho,,cred as hc cnlcredhis protrudingjay+ and thick lips. Ihc JusticeI)cpt.’s advice follows permanentinjunction, and the .lustice one arm on the IV set and the other apartment,lhis introduced us Iormall~ ]hroughoulthe lilm Scorcescbuilt lr,,tn I:.S. DistrictJudge Donald Dept. has announcedits intentionto pointingto himselfon the TV screen. to the subsequentshots of l+angt+ord tensionbetween rcalits and lantasv. ,ki,,op’sMarch 10 ruling,issuing a awaitsuch a rulingbefore appealing. Placing himself that way, the answering and slamming the phone lhcrewere fantasiesenacted literalh preliminary injunction barring In a relatedissue, U.S. federal judge performancebelonged to him and not to dov+n on a groupie.(’ompression was enforcementof the Amendment on a Rachel,the weary bartender, not to the withRupert Pupkin speaking to lilcsizcd Schwartzis expectedto ruleon a motion blackand white cut-outs of I.i]aMinclli xarietx of constitutionalgrounds. otherpeople in the barnor to the t+BI by the San Diego CommitteeAgainst and,Icrr.v I.angford. ax well as imaginary ()rt_Finalh.the EducationDept. had agentswho broughthim there.Scorccsc Registrationand theDraft requesting an scenessuch as the lantasydinner v+ith attemptedto offsetthis tLv having the injunctionto preventthe Grossmont interferingxvith CARI)’sefforts to JerryI+angford I his ctmfuscdwhat v+as continuedfrom page I hearing is scheduled for Monday, Mack Sennetl FBI agentstalk to Rachel."l)o you Union High School District from advertisein studentnewspapers. The real. At a chinese restaurantwhen Februar)25, at 10:OOa.m. A modern day wash out of the fun knox+’him?" Yes,unfortunatel~ I do. Rupertgave I,angford’sautograph to lactoryis ,IcrryI,cwis. According to ",lustrelax and cxcrythingwill bc all Jobs With Peace Draft ResisterFramed Rachelto shov+his Io~c, one wondered if right."But it v+asnot enough: one v+as I I amount ot our tax dollars spent on I-iz.the next pcrson brought out ofthe l)uncan Shcpard. I.cwis lost his hc didn’tget il duringone of hisfantasy constantl)aware of I’upkin’spresence nuclear V+capons.foreign military court, was also thrown down and directorialtouch as tarback as II’hich sequences. And the time Rupert cvcn when the camerawas not on him interxcntion,and wastefulmilitary The/blh~wingi.sastarementissuedhv roughedup when she objectedto the ||’+11Io th<’Front and Ore’ More Time. conxmccd Rachel that hc had bccn reporters,the Marshalsseized the In 1971,however, .lorry I.cwis seemed to but on Rachel.lhc film was set up to programs."(From the Joh.~ wilh />+’at’(, draftre.sister I=’du’ard John Hasbrouck: policeabusing me. Hourslater shc was inxitcdfor a ~cckendsta~ at .lerrx opportunityto avengeJudge Nelson’s chargedwith twocountsofassauh.Kriss be the total filmmaker. In his wantto knowhis e~erymove. 1 he times I’oh+.~,Ytatcn~cnt.) On January 24th, 9 days after my I,anglord’sestalc, the ;|udience reali/cd refusalto lockme up.Using asa pretext Worthingtonwas kept in a cell for autobiograpll),The Total Filmma~er whenthis did nothappen was whenJerry I hc ~ariousJobs with Peace referenda sentencingfor"willful refusal to submit" a very real non-mxitationas langford some"Resist the Draft"stickers which severalhours, but nevercharged with I,ewisexplained that it tookjust "balls" I,cwiswas acting.I.cwis shared his to draftregistration. I returned to the demandedhim to getot, t ol hishouse. v+cre~otcdonbyoveramillionpcoplcin have been common throughout the anything Some of the rest wcrc and"talent" to makea commercialfilm. acting space cvcn to construction 50citics.withanaverage65%Yesvote federal courthouse to attend the Ihc film lasted long enough for courthouseand the cityfor months (and searched, some not, and all were Ruthlesscynicism per’~adcd the book: workersten storiestip on top of a morethan that of the NuclearFrcese. arraignmentof 3 fellow’draft resisters, c~cr~one concerned, including the for whichno chargeswere everbrought eventuallyexpelled from the building. no one was a friendunless they v+crc building. I.ocally, the (’ommunity Energy The +’chaingang"--l,iz Davidson, Sean against anyone) they scaled the talented.An)one missing lhc mark of audience,to bcdccplyunsclllcd. Martin Nextday the guardswere boasting of ActionNetwork ((’EAN) Cruise Missile Herlihy,and Eric Weinberger- had "friendship"was to bc watched and l)c Niro’sacting harked back to the %corccscproduced a tonethat was hotb courtroom,as we discoveredonl), when havingdone a goodjob on me, whilethe laskForce took up the call,and those chainedthemselves to and chainedshut one of us tried to leave. Then an hated.Only when presentinghis ideas c~;.nediansof the twentieswho also had Mack Sennett’s tower bitterand harsh. Narrative v+as flatlencd prosecutorwas tippingoff reportersto groupsv+ho traditionallywork on the the doors of the courthouseafter my unidentifiedman in mufti (the Chief about visualcomedy did he loosenup dominatedthe screen.When Stone-face to chew up and spit out the unprelty tell them what these "supposedly" lax [)ax Protest Womens Interna- conviction+"as an actof participationin Marshal,according to the complaint andexpress real excitement. It wasonly Kcatonwalked behind the antagcmist achievedwhen people wcrc lorcedto storyline. Cutting close to thefamiliar nonviolentpeople had done to the poor tionallI.caguc for Peaceand Freedom Edward’s’crime’."(Charges against all againstus) ordered us all Io submitto the people,it seems,that he found follov+inghis every move. the scene was dealwith each other. It wasas if tbcir .%corccscga ~+e US a contemporary pistol-packingpolice. Eager to get m.x (WII,PF). Catholic Worker (CW), are pending. Liz and Scan are also search."By whatauthority’?’" someone distasteful. from Kcaton’sperspective as a short portraitswcrc being taken and theyhad portrait of cynicism v+hcn hc had among those currentlyserving 30-day probationviolated, to covertheir own I,angford,or v+asit Icy+is,say "1 have (’ommitteeAgainst Registration and the asked. Accordingto ,lean-l.uc(;odard and personin a tallworld. The invariable been asked to bunchin close.People sentencesfor their participation in a post assault,and to discreditboth me andthe the groupies,and I have to watchthe l)raft (CARl)J,and others quickly otherFrench film critics, .Icrry I,eV+is evenness and one take movement grouped among each other or among officesit-in 5 January1981.) "By mv authority." antidraftmovement they have alread)’ incompelents.’"What seemed to be real ioincdin. wasone of thebest directors m the [I.S. obliteratedother performers sharing his objectsand sccmcdto wantto linger.A "Whoare you’?"I asked, perjuredthemseh,es before a grandjury straighton shotof Rachelat thebar. a and what was fictionwas di’,idcdby a A wcck of activitieswas drawn up: Throughout my case I had been By 1971 the Frenchhad alreadyvoted screen. "You first,"he said. Three guards to obtainfelony indictments of Liz and cleverwink that Scorccsc Io~cd to slip participationin the Senior Rally, treated as a dangerous terrorist I.cwisas bestforeign director of the~ear With the advent of sound the lov+angle group portrait ol scumon the grabbedme, draggedme roughlyfrom me. Our cases wcrescvered,preventing street, and a street pan of .lorry US. leaflettingof unemploymentoffices and (spectatorsat my trialwere frisked by twice.His recent work, hov, ever. forced obsessi~,clypossessive pertormances the courtroom,and droppedme in the me fromconferring with her whileshe is l.angford’swalk to the oHice all (’onxair,an impressivelypackaged hand as wellas by airport-stylemetal him to take on actingroles again. In wereobliterated. Now Ncorcesewants to --BarryIlsman detectorsset to maximumsensitivity: hall. in jail,and l,iz, although found indigent, ~rnm. aod a Fax l)ay candlelight wasdenied the attorney of herchoice... MartinScorccse’s King o! (’olin’all’ bring back [hose good old days and xigilpicket at the MidwayPost Office extra guardsfilledthecourtandescorted"Am I underarrest?’" I.ewis’carecr is ruthlesslyexploited. wantsdc Niroto bc thegreat actor, tic BLACK ¯ LABOR ¯ LATIN AMERICA ¯ ECOLOGY ¯ WO--"’~ lmm 4pro to midnight.On the whole, the governmentwitnesses against me; We arc preparingto be tricdsometimc tried to followthe great comedians’ MARXISM-HUMANISM¯ POLITICAL ECONOMY ¯ MID-EAST ¯ GAY "No,"rd had enough.The), obvioush, thisspring, but no courtdates have ),el Playing off his knowledgeof the ~t.chv+cck-long efforts court problems and thosespectators who couldn’tfit footstepsv+hosc action was studied from ALBANIA ¯ NON-VIOLENCE ¯ MARCUSE ¯ CHINA ¯ U.S.S.R. weren’tgoing te let me back in the been set. Wc are consideringbringing Keystonecomedies. Scorcesc ironicall)’ because there is simply not enough into the courtroomwere barredfrom(he courtroom,and I got up to leave.I got cvcr.vdaypeople. For Scorccsc, hov, evcr, chargesourselves for illegal search and turnedthe story insideout with the H EALTH G rou ndwork RECORDS progressiveenergy in San Diego tO entirefloor) and this day provedno thesepeople wcrc not the ones who li~ed only a step or two before another seizure,false arrest and imprisonment, techniciansbecoming almight.v. Rupert EN ERGY POSTERS sustainthem. So, whilethe leafletting exception. We were joined in the plainclothesmanthrew me back on the in fleshbut mcrch the celluloid illusions Books courtroomnot by the magistrate(the assault,perjury, and libel. (Our lawyers Pupkin, played by Robert dc Niro. ART ¯ MEDIA UCSD StudentCenter COMICS and lax Day protestwere a tremendous bench by my neck. abductedthe King of Comedy. Jerry who shadowdanced across Ihe wall.Hc chain gang was arraignedonly much haveadvised us to defera decisionon MARXISM I-5to Gilman,left at wooden success,participation in the Social "What’sgoing on? Am I under arrest I.angford.in orderto extracta fifteen imitatedthe pro,,cnperformances of the BUTTONS SecurityRally was minimal,and the laterin a courtfrom which all but one of thesecountercharges until the charges pasl. U.S. LEFT footbridge,right into parking lot PERIODICALS (be spectatorswere excluded)butby ornot?" against us have been tried.) Judge minuteguest spot on the.lerr.v I.angford lorum was lessthan a success. What surprisedme in King o/Comedv I RELAND 452-9625 posse of U.S. Marshalsand Federal .....No. Agam[tricdtoleave.andagain Nelsonhas postponedboth my thousand Show. Lewis,as langford,a .Iohnny CH ICANO l hc .Jobswith Peace forum drew some Protective Officers. Soon the 8 I was thrown down bythcneck.Amild hours of"communityservicc" work and Carson-ishlate nighttalk showhost. were the cameramoves [ha! u, erc sn ORGANIZING i-i-Mon-Sat11 ~m-8 pro--i- MILITARY 70 people to hear a number of spare.Informed camera moxcs from film spectatorswere outnumberednearly2lo beating,two searches, and several hours a petitionby the probabtionoffice to playedout his role as an embittered. SCIENCE FOR THE PEOPLE ¯ ASIAN AMERICAN ¯ ANARCHISM presentations op. the expanding isolated commodity, tteld in the histor)~,,ere missing. I hc compositions I bypolice, in a celllater l wascharged with assault violatemy probationuntil he findsnut if NUCLEAR POWER ¯ MARXIST/LENINISM ¯ YOUNG PEOPLE apartmentof a groupie named Masha seemedto blockV+ith frequerfl changes eonlinuedon page II Emboldened by the absence of on a federalolficer. I am convictedof assault. LEGAL HASSLES ¯ NATIVE AMERICANS ¯ LIBROS EN ESPANOL --Edward John Hasbrouck (SandraBernhard) with gun aimed at of lenses.When the camerawa,, inthe . o

8 INIROI)! (TION cutting.,,r,d-cap,taH.,cdgc to thecco,,,+n,;,,ocial re~,olution .,,is, +isin a 9 x. A Historyof Socialism.Part Ten ol stateMao had obtainedthrough the anti- Mao’s desirelor unintcrrupledrexolution regrouparound lin Shao-chi’sprc,,idenc) lhc (hincsc Rc’.ohHion. in inan ~a.a~.M lie’.,alutionar.~pcasantr‘, in the counlrxside KMI civil war fought against Stalin’s ~’.IIIbe ca,de,to deal ~Aitll th+In tile Russian thatdid not repeat the mistakes ot theSm let after 1959to opposeMao and the excesses ,,,,,,dc,,,,,cto +,,,d the The.,....,_.:__Chinesecommands, lhe Smiet Union, faced with I.Inion.In particular.Mao obicctedto the.’,altributed Io Maoisnl.In ttJrn.Mao dlld ~’,ip+ini,,hIC\t>lLz|h>n’,, I he h.lttCl occurcd IhhdWorld’.,ould I ti cit,:s,soa,c,olutio,tar, Mao’sliar accompli,could do nothingless Stalin’shandling ol the Kulaksin Smiet ‘.ov+edthat il thePeople’,, (’ommtmes ~cre In dc’~,cloplnglla[lOll’,., alld Ru’,’,uln and The Chinese Revo u on come to ,,urrou,td the industriali/cd I~VuioI+iUII thanrecogni/e the PRC and pro‘.ideit aid, ~panlshsoc’lt.’tlc,, ‘.’.crq +iinixtulc olad~.HtlC’Cd agriculturalcollecti‘.i/ation, coming It) attackedhc x’.ou[drcturn It)the CoLInlr.~sidc "ntct|opolis’"ol lhc I i|ntWorld. +,,oh.+ling it but Stalinwanted to pre‘.entMao’s national to rebuildor builda nov,F’I A capableol caplIalp, t and ~,c,,llgal feudal oh:sent’, lhal Dreali/e. that Slalin did rtot trust lhe peasant ~, iccognt/t’d;ibo’.c ;ill +is Kingthrough warlord,,,d¢’,pite the Icgitilnac.~ol KMI h‘.d ra’.~ing t IreScctmd %%’o|1d ol tic‘. eloping communist movement from gaining an)’ o‘.erthrowingthe CP("center. iilt.’ic+iscdtile COillpIc\i[IC ol ~.ocKi1[Cil,lt>ll’,. nationsinto alliance ‘.’.itit the Ihird World. lighting.With the fall. the K M i lorccsclosed lhe Greal I.eap Forward. ~hile so it ~,asin+portant to distingui,d+in \+,hat marriag¢and conquestNot "..o‘.’.ilh Chinese rcpuhlicanlsm.Allcr deh:ating the v+arlords furtherautonomy ~ithin the socialistcamp. I)c,,pitcthe ~aluc ol Mau", lheol-)ol the cncirclementand preparedfor the hmg- The CPC’s centertherefore pushed for the prochtimingthe nccd to "’experimentin The SosietUnion had a fe~ choicc~ords ‘.’.a\sthe nlt:,d¢inl]alitin olRtI++.’+Iiill +lid k.’udali,.nl.What Mars called()rlcntal ol ccnlral and norlhern(’hina. (’hiang aboul Mao’sGreat leapForward Calling it impcruatisma’, +ill addition to I enini’,m,tt awaitedannihilation, tip to October.1934, adoptionof the top-downSoviet model ol e~,er.vlhing’"and producingtrcmcndou,, Npanish ~.ocietl¢S brought about l )cspotislll, iind +all;t M OOlClllOrc accuratcI) ’. iciotlS]~,liqtlidatcd the~ hanghai(’tHnlnunc. socialupheasel, did so wilhoutgreat terror ca‘.alrchargeeconomic,, thai ~ould resull call,,~’.arhm.li,,m, dc’.elopcd in,dead ah+ng‘.~ith the K M I’salliance ’.’.ith thc (’(’I’. ga‘.Crisc to %|ao’,,lhlc¢-‘.’.orld",lhet+r)~.\hich the Red Armyhad existedunder a numberof social organi/ationrelying on So‘.iet 3 ic,.ohltionar) Mtlldtion~.+ (’hina. on the other and torcedlabor. Mao soughtto re-educate in barrackssocialism, the Smiet Union II¢ quickl3acconmdated his ruh.’toJapanese \’.ouldcolnc to instil) (’llma’,, alliance ‘.’.ith commands. With agreement to Mao’s lechnicalaid and specialists in the wake of the Iland, ,.,,;.ix+Ill c’.,ttemcI\pool ,,>cicI\based those who opposed him as ~ell as the actuall?,objected to the importanceMao was ()nthe back,, ol popularpea,~ant uprt,dng,, and ~’.cst¢Inimperialism and r¢lused tocarr~. the "deca~,ingimperiaIi,,m’" ol the I’nitcd strategyfor a I.ong March. the Red Arm) civilwar. Mao, faced with terrible economic till a inlxttJle oI 1¢udalixm and ‘.~ hal ~.larx +, -casantrCsformer o-tltltsors throu,,h a placingm his o~n contributionsto Marxism- one‘.’.a|Iord ‘.‘.ould pcriodicaII_~ rise to ~lale to counlcr the "’rlSiltg ,,ocial cameunder his commandtor the first time. p" ,, .. ta . called"()rlental I)c,,poIism" I IIalrmgton otll an~, land rclolnl pro~ranl and socia chaos in (’hina’s c tcs and ,- . I~[~i . leninism.Khrushche‘. sought to cmphasi/e conquerthe rcmamingChinc,,e +‘.arlords and imperialism"ol the So’.ictI~nion. notIt+ l-heI,ong March began with 100,000 mcn, 35 countrvs’dereluclantlv agreed " comn,nat,,t~not crn,.c,s~,-crltu:,smanu Moore.J r tlS¢,,[ hc term "’via Floe d p,m"’,’. hich MAO ~ould women and a few children.It covered6,000 ¯ " " " manualtanor, l he tt~[~l~criticismself- the ideologicaldiHercnces the I!.",;SRhad c,,tahlisha d) na,,t.~that X’.OLIId expand, nlentiona ~irulcntpatriotNn that China’s inflationand corruption we~,A v.ittt Maoism by withdrav~ingRussian moruaccuratclx d¢lmc,, the lattcrl+’.ith a lIo\’.cr,then dcca}.. [)xnastic corruption Mat>’+~a,, horn It> ;t ‘.’.clI-tti-++h+ p,+’a+,alH lurlhcrIragmcnl ~’.orld ,,tu..iali,,nr and;ill miles,over 24 riversand 18 mountainranges criticismsocial sin,~[~l[Csyj~,m,social ,,nlattt:ringol l+lodernllationin ;i It’.’. urban broughtunder strictstate control,indust~ techniciansin 196(}.Some 178 industrial ’.’.otIldc‘.¢nttlal]‘. ,,tlCCtlnlb it+ tile cllaosol lamil~,and hc hcganhis intcre,,t in ladical tlncrilicalacceptance olthe inc’.ttahilit.’, ol and had to fight the KMT or the local penance and soc~~semblcs a leas was nationali/edand planned,students w projectshad to be Italted.China cspcricnced ‘.‘.ariHtgpoll} x~arlold’,,or tile ~i,+c ol anolhcr ‘.’.c’~tclnidea,, a’, a I’lli’.Cl",ll‘.MIIdclll IlOlll x~otldx~at. 11",, ,.+hie COlll,,.’s Iionl ii’, warlordmuch of the wa,,.80.000 men died. as / nothing less than ~ ~lic ritual Iraincd in the sciences in Russian scho seriouslamines from 1961 on. accompanied ImpclmIi/edllt>m the 19thcc’ntul) on bx ~arlord.’~%’arhudi’,nt permitted change IqlI~to 1921hc c~ul’.cdIrom a Iclt-~’.ing icIorrlltllatit+rtol ~+talx",I|01+011 t)l ’.~ou’Id did most of the women who gave their / meant to bring ~~/~ to the I urupc.(hma’~ cmr~ introduced(’hina’,, wilhinthe c’oiiIc’\I ol (’llincscfeudalism anarchist( ha: ing toad I olstm.Ilak tlniM and Ic\t+Itllitln.‘.’.h.ch NI,Io ’.~holchcartcdl~, childrenaway alongthe march.Mao secured heavy industry was made central/correct line v.’it!~[~resort to b‘.banditr), disease, refugees to ttongKong. factories were built with the help of S~‘.iolcncc and~i~~c~:#,s,,tul. L’tltllltl’\"~ide to the \+. ol Id-cilpitahMcdtlllonl’. ‘.’.ltl|outthec’,oltntitm ol(’hJrle’.c lendalisln Kiopotkin)inlo ;t llcdgline~.’tmrlnttntM. it| accepted his leadershipof the CF’C in the famous and counter-re,,olutionar.vunrest fomented ,t~a thoroughl~,intcglatcd pdlt t>l thu x~oild part duc to the c\amplc ol the Rus,ian extended Conferenceof January 1935 at technicians, and Soviet style technica+~lll~md those ljl~l~~}~+~cssors b~ NationalChinese arms and agents,all Ill|t+;I p¢inlailCnlah,~oltlti,,lll. ~,|;io did llt+t Mao aI~o tried to rclornnIIatcStalin’s market’,,ciHonlal p¢llphcIs lhc Iccblc Rc’.olulion.I tom the lq21hnlnding ol the [sungyi in Kweichow pro~,ince. And in other schools were opened around (’hi~allq~crcnot ~I~II~m~C(’hina’scquKalcnt ol unrelic‘.edb) a So~,ietUnion seekingto c’,,labli,.ha d\ua,,t\,hul in in,ln\ ’.’.+l\s "’popularIionti,,rn’" into the ideas ol the "’Ne‘.’. asscrtits ideologicalhcgcmon~ mcr Chinese attempt;tl a Rcpuhhcitltcl the lilstWoiId colncs 11oln |hi,, (’hiucsc t radilion or (’hincsc(’ommunt,t Pdlt\ inltil IIi¢ Ibm27 October1935. what was leftof the Red Arm) culminatingin the 19535-year planJI~aic!~ ll]]~d,~tit v, crc sentout intothc,field~ to do l)cmocraticResolution" and thc "’lhrce- lackedthe specialiststo make it succeed m~l~manual work ol a pea " wtth the socialismthrough economic measures¯ lhc ~;II ~.Hcdtlnlbcdtl~ ill|allhill%~HiIoidlsill ;iild ~’.al Ioidi’,lll ,,Llpprcs’,ioUol lhc S, hanghai(tllnlnlln¢. \lao entered Yanan to establish its most thlrds ",\MClll’" ill oldcl to in,,lil uniiicathm Throughout, Mao re~neasv, tte K hrushchc~,"hard line’" had just the oppositc .lapanc,.c I Ill pet la Ii+, nl. hut llol bcl oic d¢~ch>p¢dhi’+ undcrtarlding lhal. in (’hma. 5 importantrevolutionary base area in one of peasantD. (’Cl’lainl’.the COUl"~cMito ,dccred for x’.ithclcntcnt,, inthe KM 1 ’.~ilhoul,,acriliclng eflecl,dining (’hina to taxpri\atc aid funds It-".tlhltiOthtl‘. ~.oclah~,| it]cli’~ ~.’.crc i[Itlodtlcct+ thc’ p¢;I’,;IlltI+X’.‘.+IS thc ‘.all~tl,iltlt)I ~ocial China’s most isolatedand impoverished w_orr!ed ab~l~III~onv and the Mao’s Great leap in lurn. (’hinc’,c",t~ClC|) dnrlng his iilclinlc has ’,o the need+ ;is ~|at) s:l’.’,il. 1ol an tlnill|crrtlpted suppliedb) (’hineseabroad Ior the loreign Illtll(’h L nc,,¢ ,~tlt. it| ’. I he ItJcas ’,>I ic\ohMion, c‘.cn lhoti~h hc c;~iiicd oti[ lhc provinces embryo of Mao’s socialist ~llo-+~,~ta/!n l~lindly. He producedcnthttsia ist tendencies ch.’aIl\,,ct in thatIc’.~ in (’hinado notcarl Rc‘.ohltion..’~cctudingtt+’qao, the (hinesc currentsto purchasegrain and to dcnouncc It2~.t>ltltltlIl;.II\~t>t.l~i]IxIll. llt>~Ac‘.¢r. %tic not p,nt~line ol organ+lingthe ci plo]ctariat republicon theborder of Japaneseterritory n~he ~nccs in objective social insideand l!lcmcntswithin thc m,,cl’,¢,, ~,I ;i illS| I his ill no ‘.~. ;I \ U+ Ie‘.oltttion lir’,t had the task ol cal I)ing oul capableol aII¢ctmgma~ ,ocialc’hatlgc it+ the ’,upp|cs,,itmol the CI’(’uprising in after1937. cond~tqween the Soviet Union and thepart) claimin mistinsisted on an Khrushchc~.for "’betra~.ingthe v, orld contradict’, thc fact that critic~nlllS ot ~aao’s n;iIionali,,Ii+c‘.t+hiIit+n it+ oxcilhro‘.’.|orcign China~e that Stalin and lhe CPC re~ohltion’"after the Cuban Missile Crisis of (’h inc’,c ,+OClCl \ ,.~ it houI a ladic’al ’’ \anking conli~mcd hu Mao that tile e~er-morc-rapid ormation ol the "’nliMak¢~, ale Ctill¢lltI~, in \t>gUC tt) hide imperialistoppression aria lhen the t+i’,k ol a The Red Arm)’had lostall its baseareas center wa to ease him OUl of part)’ ()ctobcr.1962. (’hina made elforts to split tl;IIl’,It+Inl;ItltHlt+l tho~.¢idea~, *+ti thatthe% re\ olutiorl coukl llOl ~o~e |ionl (’anion. economy, and the peas+in[ icxi,,ions ill ~4;l(+’s original C()LIISC. BLII dc’nlocr;.lliCIC‘. tIItlliOllto o\c’rl]lro’.’,feudal andsoviet territories, bul it hadsurvived to ’leadershi 3st of all,Mao feltthat othercommunist parties with its "’25point ,ppliedto the c\trcmc1’,undetdcxclopcd. ‘.‘.hcthcr ctirrcnl (hmcs¢ hLlrcaucrati/ation S ha n g hal,Peking or otherChinese c it ic,. hut establishthe basearea, smiet territory from masses furt long pent-up t>~crx~hchningI\rtHal and thtutmghl) instcadmust ari~ oil, t ~P:t~c’t>tl n t t’.sid¢. landlord ,the latter It+ be China’spe were beingignored demands change. A program"in1963. arid"lihcrali/ation’" ‘.’.ill c‘. c ntuidly:~roducc a guarantedb\ the three-thirdssxstem ol ~hich it would capturethe rest of China. mlpc.iali]cdcmmtr‘, ol (’hlna and the m minimi/ed by rc~,olut calist council SOCIAl. PllASE: INTERRE(,NI’M COlrupl ion olthc parL) c pro’.L’I rcprcscntation‘.‘.hich ga‘.e the (’omnlunists Fromapparent defeat, Mao claimedvictory. Iollowingth~ "~, mcerned about As (’hinaonce more turned to th¢ PIA to ~Jat> alh:ctcdlu’,t ,,uch a ladical corl¢~.[ OUl Ol M;.It) lhe KMT had not succeededin liquidating communist ] emergedoutside 1 I andnon-part~, l.cft progrcssi~,es, along relianceot industr)and thepart)’, It withsummaril.~ restoresocial order after 1960. Mao used the tra iI’,loInlation ol ,,ocia li,,In for (’lliil;i Fhi,,torn:als ~roceededto ‘.’.ith intermediatecenter sectors the the CPC. And Chou Enlaieven arrangedfor lechm r fundamental hot,conthe twoimperialist ,Aars. and x~bile Marxism- the releaseola capturedChiang Kaishek in by Mao. Fina I.eapForward timeto develophis argumenlsagainst bolh Ihird.(’hina ha~ remaining2 3. agricultural isistedthat the the Smiet Union and the (’PC center. +’.ccan talkabout the Ru,,sian and Spanish ~as;+ln I Ill+sses 1936, so long as Chiangagreed to head an was forced[o nd economicand centurx-okl Maoclearly understood this air+ it transition transition andholdingsto preludeto theattack he wouldlaunch against re‘.olutmns as socialuphea\cls arising out ol relation)++c|e anti-Japaneseresistance movement of allied socialistcons by such /cal, Western l!uropca~then stage applicableto colonial and semi- mutual aid I lowerto higher producing ct cs. industrial the latter through the 1965-1976Great obiccti‘.ccircumstances, Mao l sclungas an thatproduced andit ‘.’.as the KMT and CPC forces. It was from Yanan collectivesbe individualhad a g|ealdeal to do withmaking tolhc I11LISSCS colonialcountrics in ‘.~hichthere would bc that Mao conductedhis anti-imperialist mismanagement, and drought ProletarianCullural Re‘.olution. Mao had (’hinesesot’let). neithera dictatorshipof the/,ot~r,~coi~ie nor cooperatives and 1959. The PI. hadto stepin to always understoodStalin’s "’mistakes;" the ChineseRe’.olution possible, tic dLdso plied opium to sell- guerrilla/conventionalwar against the encouraged,obligation: b‘. combiningMarxism-l.cninb, m’s social :spectedthe ol lhc proletarial,but ralhcr a joint Japanese with Red Army, PLA units who ,reorder. Stalin’smistrust of the peasantry,Stalin’s ~as llOt intere~ in defined,and massre-edu andpolitical outlook v, ithan absolutefaith !n trom the dictatorshipol all rexolutionaryclasses" gainedthe respect of the peasantsand a base emphasis on technology and cadre over commodities IrO@l aimedal makinglhe transitionto socialism the CPC center t h jl~cs u It ed irom Ihe politicsand the masses, and Stalin’s ‘.ision of m thc p¢asantr)dcri‘.ed from anarchism, not (’hincse gmern~lll to Marx", of support in northern China-Chiang Great Leap Forward. ex pcrimcnta,t~l~ (i rcatl.ea p t- orward to mentiona tew of hisownideas, to produce u’iat’.,.+is the Banks, major industriesand monopolistic Kaishek’sformer power base from 1927 until thingsinstead of people.But in attackingthe opmm trade, the ~itish commercial enterprises were to be in the )’ears ~ to 1962. Called the So,,ictUnion alter Stalin’s death and partial ~’.hatis no‘.+called Marxism-I enini,,m-Mao as t,’.c[]as the Japanese1937 invasion. But this is only warslrom IS3S to’|,tl59 to nationali/¢d,making the state sectorthe SOCIAl. PHASI ,T I, EAP "’threehard years’~ao,the,, produceda de-Stalini/ationunder Khrushchcv(to be I sctungl houghtin ntode+n,,ocialism. industrial halfthe story of Yanan. FOR’ ol opiumit+ China~ould toni leadingforce in the naticmaleconomy, but divisionof the CPC/~whatIViaocalled thc deallwith in ParlThirteen), Maoclaimed the I)cspit¢adxersitics and setbacks,the couldbe no betlcrmet+ capitalismas suchwas notIt+ be discouraged Mao formedthe firstregular units of the Mao had alway,~ :ed on practical two-linestruggle. Mao Rl~s heavily critici/ed mantleof Stalinismfor himselfto denounce ,,ccond World War {which began lor the than,i nationforced into couldbe rioother choice. PI,A from the remnantsof the Red Armyand Marxism as abstractMarxism. for relusingto take criticism,for being Soviet revisionism.Mao saw the dcath of ,, and capitalistprixate proper|) ~’.as not he ( "hine,,cin 1937)permitted Mao It+ conduct a Britain al,,o got lidurban ’.’.orkillg cla~, to speak confiscated,OI course.Ihc landol thcgreat nativepeasant recruits under the strict AbstractMarxism nt applyingthe Soviet impractical,for being ideologically pure at uninterruptedsocialist revolution in Russia popularanti-lascisl arid anti-lnlperlalist dc’stto‘.cdopiun~ and B|itish~ ~xIl.en~es~ na’s mlniscu1¢industrial landlordsv, cr¢ to be redistributed,and a disciplineof"service to the people."lhe PLA model to China withoutregard to China’s theexpense of economicefficiency and social with Stalin’sdeath and the emergenceof g tlt.’l rill+ ;Jnd con’., ¢nllonal ‘.’.,.if from was not an occupyingarmy livingoff the peculiarsocial conditions, and practical peace.I+in Shao-chi became president ol the ~, culturalresolution would he institutedto irreconcilable, antagonistic class collccti~i/edba’.,c ar,,.’a ill Yanan to .,ccuic ,,’.‘.ecpav, av allreactionay cLllture in orderto peoplethrough force of arms.it wasa people’s Marxismmeant relyingon China’speasant government,though Mao retainedthe chair continuedon page II tbc (’hint.’~e COllntr’, sltt¢ ilgilill’~| the citic, illld 131ilishtrade and m[.ioutar~ ’.’.ork into the andthe KM I lailedto carr’~through ~’.ith crcatea nc‘.’,democratic culture. armymeant to servein the interestsof the masses.With the Great I.eap Forward,Mao of the party.And the CPC centerbegan to to build the Pcoplc’s libel+lionArm\ hinlciIand, tax ~lion and cusloms NUll Y;.itsen"J,, pl-Ollliscdland rclornl progranl peasantmasses. PLA units and CPCcadre soughtto clearlydefine China’s independent CHINESE REVOI+[’TION: MII,ITARY (IH.A),in man’.’.’.a\~ the backbone ol pri‘.ih:gein I~42,pro~ons extended to thc as a rcsuhol itsobligations to the landlords. oftentimesone and the same lived among road to socialismand to chastisethe CPC ChineseRoad lo Socialism.In doing,,o. he It nited Stalesmd Ol~l!uropcanpm~ers in Ihe banks,large incrchanlsand the anti- PllASE the peasantswith the expresspurpose of centcr.In the processhe madethe claim for introducedmaior theoreticalchanges ill 1844. communistmilitar.x dements ol the KMI. l)i~idingthe ChineseRe‘.olulion into learning from the peasantry and advances in Marxism-Leninismunder his Lecture" Marxism-Icninism and secureda national l hough not f~x conquc’rcd and In decidingto break~ilh the (’P("to Iorm militaryphase (from 1928 to 1949) and demonstratingnew techniquesand ideas to own name. thus definingMarxism-l.eninism commumstroad to sociali,,mfor (’hina coloniali/ed,(’hi+~++++;<~as economicallx the PeasantI cagL]e(based in Kiangsiand socialphase (from 1949 to 1976)disguisesthe the masseswithout the attemptto command Mao Tsetung Thought. independentol the %o’.iett!nion mperiali]edBc’s~:i:~ treaty porls and tukicn prminccs ‘.’.ith thc dcmand of social experimental+onof Yanan in the them.1 hroughthe efforts of theF’l+Aand the Mao insistedthat Ihe essenceof socialism Raya In man’, x+a.,,s.Maoism also comhined custom scr‘.icc~;i ners controlled expropriation ol landlords and land mililaryphase and the importanceof the (’PC,rent on ]andwas reduced, interest rates involved,not economicand socialplanning c¢rlain quasi-I rolskyisl anarchist (’hina’spostal pping,railroads redislrihution)in 1927. as wellas theguerrilla PI,Ain the socialphase. Yet thisdivision ‘.’.ere fro/en b) low ceilings,and the or socialand partyunity, but the expression conceptions ol economic and social and telegraphs. B~~d (’hina through Red Arms in the mountainsol .lingangshan helpsin illustratingthe changing character of landlord’s "’justice" was eliminated. and resolutionof socialcontradictions. hordering llunan prmince in 1928. Mao the Chinese Revolution under Mao. One dc‘.elopmenlwith brass knuckle po~er ils hanks, war ind~~d loans. Foreign Collectiveand cooperati‘.eagricultural and Havingreorgani/ed the state under a nc~, Dunayevskaya politicswithin the Chinese Communist Parlx gunboats patro~’cse ri~ers and ~ent against Stalin and the Comintern. thing to rememberis that Mao remainedto industrialwork was encouraged,schools, Constitutionalong stricterdemocralic- ((’F’C).as wilnesslhe Greatl.eap Forward (’hincseproducts v.ere carried by foreign ~hichinsisted on a popularfront ~ith lhe the left of the CPC mainstreamthroughout universities,technological training institules centralistlines in 1954.Mao initiatedIhe and the Cultural Re’,olulion. I he ships. lhe few factoriesand industries KMi under the butcher(’hiang and which the ChineseRevolutionary experience. andart schoolswere organi/ed, and thefirst "100Flowers Campaign" in 1957as chairot followedby developmentof a personalitycult around introducedby the Europeanswere owned the CPC accepted. (’hina’s national When Mao formedthe PeasantLeague, he attemptsat re-educatingthe peasantry’s the party and of the government+sCentral Mao duringlhe lallerperiod, and lhe control and controlledby the Europeans.Chinesc communistroad to socialismunder Mao was had in mind participating in the Iormer oppressorsthrough criticism and Council.The slogan"let a hundredIlowers Open Discussion gainedb.x lhe Gangof Fouralso duringthal laborersimmigrated to other countriesto alreadybeginning to appear. revolutionarypeasant uprisings in Hunan nmnuallabor were attempted. bloom, let a hundredschools of thought periodmust be understoodin lhe conlexlol earn money they could not earn in Mao wouldinsist throughout the Chinese and Kiangsiin the fallof 1927.He cameto Mao insistedthat PI.A units and CP(" contend’"opened up a torrentof argument Mao’s continuousstruggle against various imperiali/edChina. strugglethat the CPC had to respectChinese lead a numberof armedpeasant detachments cadre operate b~ always consultingthe andcriticism from left, right and center that tendenciesv, ithinthe CPC throughouthis traditions.In practice,this meant for Mao (a thousandmen with 200 rifles)into the massesabout decisionsto be made. always Maosaw as a wayof revealingsocial conflicts "’chairmanship"of the part)’,struggles that In 1850Ihc laipingUprising established "On the Marx Centenary:Marx’s the HeavenlyKingdom of GreatPeace for 13 adapting Marxism-l.enisnismto China’s mountainsin October.and was joined by attempting to base decisions on such forthe purposeof theirresolution. It also became more by/amine as Mao’s power particularand sometimespeculiar social some 2,000 armed soldiersunder Zhu De to consultation,and alwaysreturning to the helped expose those who opposed Mao’s grew.Above all, Mao believed that the power years against the Manchus and their imperialistoverlords, unlil drowned by the conditions.Above all, it meantrespect for the developthe firstguerilla units of the Red massesto explaintheir decisions. This Mao peasantline. Relevanceto Women’sLiberation of the people,the Chinesepeasant masses blood of 20 million massacred by the Chinesepeasant masses. Army in revolutionarymountain base areas. definedas "’fromthe peopleto the people." Mao then launched various campaigns thatis, couldachieve anything at the same governmentIo regainconlrol. And in 1900 Mao also cameto insistIhat "political The CPC center,though severely decimated the principleby whichdemocratic centralism against"’deviators of the right," firsl stage ol timehe held to a conceptionof permanent, and the Black Dimension" the filmousBoxer Rebellion exploded. China powergrew oul of the barrelof a gun,"which and disorganizedafter the liquidationof involved the pcople and their mass hisradical policy in 1958of the"transition to uninterruptedrevolution. For thesereasons meant thai revolutionarywar. above and Shanghai and Nanking, nevertheless organi/tionsin go~ernmcnt.Yanan proved Communism"culminating in the Great Ixap an officialend to the ChineseRe+,olution hada hisloryof anti-imperialiststruggle well before Mao. The 1911 rcvoll which beyondeven social revolution, was crucial to condemnedMao’s actions as adventurist to bc invaluableto Mao as a fertileground Forward. LIrban workcrs combines were Raya Dunayevskaya’stalk will focuson the contemporary cannotbe calleduntil Mao’s death. overthrewthe Manchusand establishedlhe a revolutionarysocialist victory. It wasnot until 1928 when further military for socialistexperimentation throughout the created wilh shared meals and Iking natureof Marx’sMarxism, especially as it relatesto the CHINA hopefulbut shortlived Republic occurred in a the amount of weapons that was crucial detachments amounting to some 8 secondWorld War. lhis, coupledwith the quarters.Steel productionwas increased women’sliberation and Blackliberation struggles. On this thousand peasants joined the Red Army base of supportcreated b~ the communist It would be impossible to summari/e China thatposscssed an induslrialworking however,it was the possessionof these throughthe dcccntrali/ationand use ol mini- hundrethanniversary of Karl Marx’sdeath, she willprobe class~hich amounted Io lessthan Ir’i of Ihe weaponsby the revolutionary,conscious under Peng Tehuai. anti-imperialistwar cHortin the pcasantD. furnaces.lhc Soviethierarchical model ol Chinese history, given its length and into the content,method and impact of Marx’slhought, complexity.All thatcan be doneis to point totalpopulation and thatpossessed a history Chinesepeasant masses that was the key to The Red Army, from their Jingangshan not to mentionChiang Kaishck’s duplicity organi/aticmin induslryand educationwas out a numberof its key features,the first of underdevelopmentfoslered by economic Mao’s famous slogan. Mao’s own military and Juichin mountain strongholds, and collaborationwith inrpcrialism,ga‘.c attacked.And the Chinesecountryside v+as which she holds to be a New Humanism. Ms. characteristicol Chinesehistory worth imperialism.Sun Yatscn’smoderalc politics, strategyinsolsed three slages: beginning with immediatelyinitiated "Soviet" territories in Mao’s(’P(" the cdgcalter 1945. swcpl by a movement for people’s Dunayevskayais the authorof the recentlypublished Rosa notingis itslength and continuity. The span embodied in the Kuomint:mg (Nalional guerillaunits engaged in a classicguerilla war the south of Kiangsi and in the west of [ hc KM I lorccstried to occup3the major communes.Vast rural areas, sonletinlcs Luxemburg,Women’s Liberation, and Marx’s Philosophy of continousChinese civili/alionmakes People+sParty, K MT) ~as basedon unit)of that developedthrough a mixed stage in Fukien.going so faras to declarefor an All- citieswith American aid. bul w¢1¢ unable It+ encompassing 20.000 people, dechtred much of the rest of the world literally thepeople (nationalism). rights of thepeople whichguerilla units exist¢d side-by-side with ChineseSoviet Congressfrom Juichinin rnaintainorder. In thc lace ol rampant themselvescommunes, pooled resources and of Revolution.She is also the author of Marxism and barbarousby comparison.And this history (democracy)and livelihoodof the people regulararmy units created out of the guerilla November193 I, when they also commanded corruptionin the KM I. Mao launchedhill- triedto dc~elopIocall) nccdcd indu,,trics. Freedomand Philo.sophyand Revolution. has giventhe Chinesea senseof theirown (socialism).and he alliedIhe KMT withIhe war and those base areas secured by the soviet areas in Anhwei, Hunan, Szechwan scale civilwar in 1947 against(’biang’s Ideally.each commune ,,~as to set up schools importanceas a peoplein the world,as the CPC. Bul the KMT was Ioo ~eak IO counler guerillasinto the stage of the "people’s and Honan. This growth of the communist militarxdictatorship, and dcspiteStalin’s and smalltechnical inslitutes, health catc "middle kingdom.+. Conquerorsof China Chinesewarlordism, lel aloneIhe mililary army" a regulararm) capableof waging a Red Army occured despite four separate resistancethat the (’P("remain in alliance clinics,commnnal laundries and grainmills. were absorbedby China. cliqueswithin Ihe KMT(ChiangKaishek) in conventionalwar. Mao alsounderslood that conventionalcampaigns of extermination ‘.~iththe KMI.llc securcdnorthern (’hina electrilicationand nc~ water projects. league wilh imperialism.Tbe Republic thc cnemyof China’,,pcasant mas~s changed launchedby ChiangKaisbek against them. h~. 194~ and in 1949 launched a major Increasedyields producedthrough thcse Thursday,April 28th Second. this civil+tat+on can be efforts were to be controlled by the characterizedas a combinationof feudalism collapsedin 1916 in a war of norlhern withchanging circumstances. Be[ore Japan’s The K MT wentdown to defeateach time. In ollensi‘.ein soulhern (’hina. to easil~,rclake invasionin 1937,it was the KMT,comprised communesand not automalicall.xturned and warlordismthat existedwell into the warlordsfor Pekinglhat lasted until 1928. the autumnof 1933the KMT.with the aid of Nankingand otherformer slrongholds from 20th century. Feudalism, if you will with Japan and Ih¢ wesl using various of China’s small bour~,voiweand large Germanmilitary experts, mounted a massive thcGeneralissimo. I he lh.’oph:’sRepuhlic of overto Ihecitics. USB 2722 7:00 p.m. remember from Part One. is a complex warlordsto advancetheir interests. feudal warlord classes, which was the campaignagainst the Red Army based on a China~as declaredin September1949. ~ilh l hc Great I.cap I-orwardwas based on protectionracket in whichpeasants pay with The firstWorld War saw Japanadvance its enemy. After 19.17. it was Japanese "scorchedearth" policy that aimed to destroy the remnanls ol the KM I fleeing to Mao’slailh in Ihe peasant%as wellas in crops and socialhumiliation for an armed imperialinterests in Manchuriaand northern imperialismthat provedto be Ihe Chinese the harvestas wellas houses,livestock and l-ormosa. Mao’sbcliet thai subjecti,+e historical forces --Admissionis Free-- nobilitywho givesthe peasantsprotection China.Sun Yatsen’sdeath in 1925 and the people’sprinciple enemy, and Ihe slruggle people. I)EMO(’RATI(’ (i.e.human beings) were capable of iniliating againslJapane~ imperialism led Io Mao’s SO(’IAI, PIIASE: NEW and"justice" while living wastefully off the 1925-1927National Uprising inspired by the The Red Army found itself virtually ORDER ‘.asl socialchanges dcspile tmta~,orable famous Iheory of imperialismas well as sponsored by: A.S. Programming Commission surplusand privilegethey extract from the 30 May Movementin Shanghaiand followed encircledby Ausustof 1934, its numbers Wilhthe (’P(’ assumptionol powertrom ohieclivehiMorical conditions (i.c. pmerty peasantryby mythof royallyand original by the CPC inspireduprising in Nanking, taclicalalliances wilh the KMT. reduced and exhausted from constant 1945to 1949.the part.~’s political center once and undcrdevclopmcnt).In this Matt+ prmcd co-sponsoredby Departmentof PoliticalScience demonstrated that Chiang Kaish¢k was Mao contendedIhal nationalliberal+on to bc s)mpathcticIo anarchislI rotskxisl conquest.I n Eurol~,this eventually gave rise to~lin~mlon pqt 9 nlore emergedIo conlronlMilo’s leltism. and Women’s Resource Center to feudal al~olutism, as one lord was merely the most powerfulof the Chinese strugglesagainst imperialismwere the SchooledIn the Mo’~co~Slalin lille, the notionsof economicand social de‘. clopnlcnl. ten|elol the(’P(" relnctantl.~ hekl lhe po~er Ibe (ireatI.eap i-orv,ard alsocxrcsscd 10

Americanimperiahsm’" and "’Soxiet 11 Weretc~i~cd arm ~orkers.iotncd ~nhthe Red IoI rain"’hareh)t)t doclors’" It) care lol lh¢ ~,ick re~isionism’" m the mid-19t’dl’s, alsoclaiming S.D. Folk FestivalNow at UCSD GuardIt) attack nlanagelllCnl. HLIreaLiclal,, illIenlOlc ’, ill;.Igen and "’bareh)t)l ~,ciellllsls" CheapEats in Hillcrest China;Cultural that(’hina could ,,ttr,. ixe nuclear holoea u,d it andCI~’(" cenlrinln v,ere attacked and lorced mtpro,,c agricultuutl methods and ,,ields ncccnsarxto conqtterthe x~.orld xia third Intomanual labor in tilect)tmlr),,ide. Sit|dentsli~ing oil-campus generalb Next weekend,the 17th annual San Revolution & Map Worldrex olut~on. And tm,¢‘ard the "’capitahst Mat). altd M;.tt) I setung thought wcte talkingat thecounter ’.+ith a ludicrously (’rHic~,,m’,ell-criticism. as ~ell a,, M,n) credilcd an Ihe cornerstone ot all lhe,,e Diego Folk Festivalcomes to tICS[). roaders"ol Ihe (’P(’Mao adoplcdlhe inhabita geographicrange from ()cean dressedex-alkie ~,+orking as a Santalor I setungIhought. wcrc~,~.orshipped. Bulthe changes. IheFolkFestb, al whichuntil this }’ear contradictionshch~een the prixilcged .~o~iet equall3uncompronlising Malice O1" the(treat Red(;uard’,, .~outhlul radicalism ~,,,as hound Beach,ttillcrest and North Park ill the penniesfor the San i)iegoMissionabout Ihen st)ntethinghappened I in Ihao died had been held at San Diego State hureaucracxand the go~ietpeople under F’roletarian(’ultural Rcxohttton. It)produce excess, holh tdeoh)gicall}and souththrough t!nciniti|n and l_eucadia it] someof theedgesto thissociety few of us tnx~lerit)u,d)in 1971.the ofliciale\planalion featuresa wide array of local and Khrushche~,.As bureaucratsabt)~,c the ph}sicallx.Radical council connnunist. the north and Mira Mesa to the east. al thisUni+ersity get to sec.Wasted thin I he (’enlralConHninee O) the(’ommunist beingthat he had died in a planecla,,h Ileeing +,, Academicpo,,erty and the need to forage nationalfolk musiciansperforming in masses,tile %t)+.ict (’onlnlUl)iSt Partxran Part.~+under Mao cosre)and,i,,sued a 16- s)ndicalist and anarchist tendencie,, crnerged to the So~ iel [ I tlionallcr an ahortedmllilarx by alcohol,he couldn’tkeep all his meansof prodnction~hilc pocketing high amongthe Red (;uard Ihcrc ~cre iniutte,, for"cheap eats" (a mealIor $2.00. lots of concertsand workshops. point declarationit) September1965. coupagainst Mat). Another explanalion paddingon. salaries,privileges and personal cnio}mcnts anddeaths bx e~enorthodo\ Red Guard,, food for $3.00) in this region has Among the performersat this year’s Chinc,,eintellectuals, x~ritcrs and scientists emergedin Ihcrise ol the(tang ol Iourto The Chicken t)ie Shop is usually extractedfrom an exploitedSo~iet ~orking in)pttMngthe correct line ol MaoI selung motixatedthis column. Anything is fair festivalare [)ave Baumgarten,Sam x~,ereall)eked I¢.)1 beingtoo remoxed Iron1 power.I it) Biao held to total (’hmcse ,~ell- packed,especially at lunchand dinner. I class.Material incentives had replaced the themasses and their wisdom, anti IOO full .Of, ihottgl’tl.Maodl,,sob, cd the Red (iuard.and reliance against imperi,ih,,m~ahclhet gamerestaurants, cafe’s, stands, happy Hinton, Curt Bouterse, Redmond gi~eit: socialistprinciple ol "from each according to uselesskno~¢‘ledgc, l he army,paay alad t~ PI.Acnh)rccd Mao’~, orders. capitalistimpcrialisnt or social hours, etc. so please send }’our O’Connell,Cathie Whitesideas *** and abilit.’,,to eachaccording to work."Ihe economiclilt were purged in41n aJl,,oul atla~lt , Af|~l(’hina’n detonation ol an atOlnlC inIpeliali~,nl~,helean lhelell po~er hloc suggestionsc o thenew indicator,rd be Barbara Macl)onald-McGone, the go~tel (’1) ~ itslead ins Russia d ov~ n theroad againstthe anti-Matt ol~osition collected" 11~,11~:n 1964. I.in Biao came into representedhxlhe (iang ol Iourheld tt) the happyto try themout. By contrast,the food at the(’rest is SquallingPanther Fiddle Band, San to capitalistrestoration, according It) Mat). art)rindl iu ~haochl&nd RtL’~J Guard umt., rn’omin~ncca,, the’~rncpe zdxt)cs e ot r~:aclit~na r ~, t heorx,that .~t)\ ~l.’I "~ocia Thistime we go to Hillcrest,t+ora little more expensiveand the portionsare Diego Shapenote Society, Johnny lookingat (’hina’st)~ n comnluniMpart}. were1orrned out ol stutl~ntsit)I)ekit)g ant] (’lltnal~leadet,,t’up t)l1 httd~, oddre: ohttit)r~ m~perialism,a,,an expanding~tnpcriali,,t comparisondining. The cornerof 5th smaller.The food is betterthough, and Walker,Stu Jamieson,and many other hc labeledthe (’P(’ center as "capitalist other(hmesc cities, v.llh Mao’s personal all~invtnclblhtx in ~orld rcxt)lutlt)n, thi,, p09. e r. ~A Sl ~, nlt)reda ngclt)tl~thall lhe thereare vegetarian items on the menu. finemusicians. roaders"because thex insisted upon "placing stlpport, to inlrodtlce tlnlnlcrrtlplcd tk.~p~setback,, in Indonesiaand (than)lor declininglntperialinm ol Ihc I:nitcd~,lalc,,. and Robinson features an old ~. establishment,The ChickenPie Shop, ]he menu impressedme as a numberof This year’s festival will run CCOllOnlic~.,ill conlnland"to aggrandi/ca rex olulioninto (’hmcscM)CiCl Mat)~A;Jtlled C~’lit~se-st)lcrcxolnlion. ,&s nlinislerol ~hichChina ~,hould alb itsell~.’,ith. Mao. nothingle,,,, than to place "’pt)ht~c,,lit dt:|~nsc,he x~+a,, inllodttcedh’~ Maoin 1966a~. tcrrihl’,cnleehled ~.ilh age and ill health, had whilejust a hallblock to the weston craft.,,’recipes cooked up by a familywith Wednesday,April 27 throughSunday, gro~xing(’llinesc bureaucrat). Nexcr mind thatnlost ol thelactors cited h~ Mat)1or coinilla nd .’" lhe"’N umber 2 man"in the Chine,,e state ne\t 110 conlnlando,,er lhe lell lacIiond],drttgglc Robinson the new (’rest Care has a lotof kidsto keepeveryone entertained May Ist; with concertsevery night and fed.The hamburgers(S2.75to $6.00) capitalistrestoration inthe Nox let Union had BeIo re going a n x I u rthe r. t h rt:et h la~ml, lSl to Mat)It ~asI.in Biao ~ho led the)track that hogan m 1969 x~,henthe (iang ol I’ottr opened,rll talkabout the ChickenPie exceptSunday, taking place at 7:30 pm agalnMMao’,, opposition ~ithin the (’PC havea delicious,home-made quality, as beensolidil ted by thc rise ot Stalin. I hat Mao he underslooda houl I he Cult ura] Revolution iIlilialedO~.ClItlrcs It) lhe llnitcd~l~IIen in Shopfirst. In businesssince the 1930"s, in the MandevilleCenter. Sunday will ~,trctchcdMalxism’n dclinition ol class it) and Ihe Malchnreaucrac}, riMIl.~ to pt)~.~¢l(in le~.ponscIo nIiIilar\conIronlalion 9. il]lthe do the onion rings ($2.50/loaf, alter 1965. First. lhe Revoluliml ~xas the ChickenPie shopwas oncepart of a feature a free concert on Warren orderto justif}the theory ol capitalist comprisedol threedistinct pha~S; tl~ Red a cull ol pcrnt)nalit.~he httiltaronnd Mat) IISSR.I he slrugglchelx~ccn Im Biat)and $1.50half loaf). I’ve also tried their chainthat featuredcheap chicken pies Campusfrom 10:00-6:00.Saturday will A performancefrom an earlier Folk restorationin the No~iettrnion is themuch (iuardphase honl 1965 to ITS7,the Lin Iliao throughpuhhcatu)n ol the littleRed Hook. a,, lhe(iang ol lour brought lhc I,tller to pox~er grilledcheese sandwich ($1.75) and some and otherhome} meals. Reprints of old featurea widevariety of workshops’fromFestival moreimportant point. phaseIron) 1968 to 1971.arid th~ Gang ol ~.’,ell as the in’,titutionaln/al~on ol in 1971.Ping-pong diplomat) h)IIt)~cd, x~itll of theirsalads (regular $1.75, chicken crltlCl’~n)~,ell-clillCi~,nl It) crealcIhe title Ki~singel",,,,ccrcl +Jttl~ ~isit to Peking. the menuson the currentone gives you a I0:00in the morninguntil 5:00 in the A httrcatteraticstratum remo~.ed from the t-ontphase Ironl 1971 to 1976.SeCOnd. the senseof the restauranrscontinuity as salad $4.25).Try the homemadechips afternoon,in and aroundthe Mandeville that peopleturn out for this year’s peopleand possessing the po~er ol state CultttralR¢~ olttt~t)nrepresented comntun~st~ndtxidttal (an t,n’,elli,,h,mode,,I October1971 admin~,ion t)l(’hina It) the t!\. pCl~.on cap,tble t)l pCl’lt)ln)ing~,OClal andthe Iebru,irx 1973 Ni\t)rt ,.isit ~hich wellas of theinflation that’s set in. and the horseradishsauce for something Center. The workshops range from Festivalin orderto ensurethe Festival’s made atitonomous b) propaganda. simullanconsl~,lhen’,titutioJ~alization ol lunctlonnand socia]lxuselul ~Aolk ~iltloUl linali/cdIhe PR(’ lISA ,,trategic alliance interesting($1.00J. "IndustrialBallads’ to ’SeaSongs and cont’inuation.But, more importantly. centralization,social hegemon’~,and terror qttasi-anarchi,,tconlnlUlllM forms ot ,,cll- The ChickenF’ie Shop serxespoor egoll,q11,x ice’,, inCOl’r¢cl lhotlghI,, and solelx againstthe I!SNR. It) 1973. v, hen the St)xiet you’llhave a good time listeningto doesindeed represent an irreconcilable. nlanagenlcntIhrough the revival of Ma~¢,, folksfood lots ol white bread,white Thepeople who eat at the(’rest are Shanties’,’Irish music’ to ’Old Time h)lthe ~.+lt i,.l;.tt.’tlt)ll d,.’rp,ed ironl ct)nlrlhtlllng excellent music in a comfortable antagonisticcontradiction in a societ}that pcoplc~,ct)n)nlunes ii]the eountry~dc, and hacked legilllC t)lS;.tlxadtu &llendc it) (’hilt potatoesand whitegravy. You can geta lot less interestingthough stylish Saw.’Over 40 workshopsare scheduled. It) con)nltllll~,n]at, an ideal)And ii ~,asI 9.as o\crlIlrosAnh", l)inochcnc.(’hina x~a,, claimsto besoeialistbut not one otaclass lhe Ct)ll~olidath)nol Mao’s l~rsol’~llpox¢‘er andthey promise once again to be oneof environment. t’hao v+ht) stJpptcsnedthe Red (hLard whHc ~, chickenpie, gravy and rollwith butter punks and stylingtrendy folk, young nature, lo a degree,the problemof o~cr(’hinc~e socielx. ,And third, e~ent,, |)11COI t]1¢lirM co¢‘lnlli¢ It}Iccognt/c (’hile", for $1.10,and chickenpie, gravy, roll execswith their secretaries, the chic the mostdynamic parts of the Festival. ,,impl,,disappear inthis period b¢~ausc Ihcre leading Mao’n supporter,,to a’~Sl.lnlC thc lancinlgo~.erllnlcnl. Ticketsare $5.50per day.$4.50 for burcaucracx in stateand part 3 ixaproblem with butlerand mashedpotatoes, cole eatingcheap in Hillcrest(as opposed to Each concertfeatures several folk ,,lructnraltoI.eninir, rnitnelt: ilorte accepts ittstb,n’t enough knov, n abOUtwhSI re,ill’, ’,tlplcnlepo~>.Cl t)l Ihego~.crnlllent ill Pcklng I he (iallgt)( I’otIl"S ultinlatc corl ttpt.)n UCSI)students, and $5.00for students In lebruar~.1967, IIc presidcd t)~er the ~, slav,’or xegetablefor $1.60. Every day cheapeats for the poorat the Chicken artists,playing a varietyof styles.Over fromother campuses; and are available I cnin’so~n misgivings )tier 1921. not to happenedIhd Mao. already vcryold, sullet "~, kt;lt)"~lhrec-;,+orld’n thet)r toitt+~lll) alliance theyserve a lunchspecial ($1.75) and Pie Shop).The placeis extremelysmall Ironla strt)kc olt~ o dtLringIbis period’? I )id deton,lliorlol (’hlna lllstl|-homb. x+ithI rN imperialismand ’~tlppt)llh)t l,lscisnl the past16 yearsthe FolkFestival has at the UCSDBox Office,Folk ArtsRare mentionl rotskx’s remarks, alter 1923 and the dinnerspecial ($3.15) that is a complete and "tastefully"decorated. Open from oppositionput up b~.the Bolshc~.ik Workers ultra-cornnmn~ntelements oilh© Red (iuard corltllHlll]gIt) mt.-ica,,t_, tCfl,qCq|s x,~,llh the in oppositionto No~.icl"st)L’i~il irllpeltalisrn" become one of San Diego’s cultural Records,and at Ticketronoutlets. St)~ictl’nion ~luch culminated it) border meal(meat, bread, ,.egetable, rice or 7am to lips Monday through ()ppositionandI)emocratie Centralists. go undergroundm 19677 Did unit,, ol the ~ascomplemented bx their crude, ultra-lclt institutions.Forced to move from San Schedulesfor the events are available at clashes~ith lhc IiS.".;R atlhc li,,,,uri Ri~er m potatoes)and the portionsare good Saturday,and 9am to 2pm Sunday,the It)speak ot Rus~,ia’speasant socialist. PIA stage a coup, or go undergroundm attemptto (’l)ina OI alli1’, cultural DiegoState by a lack of supportfrom EDNA, and through the Music 19717At this point it) Iin)c. such queMit)ns March1969 as a ncar-h},,tcricaltcspon’~e to tradition,,,lhe(iangot Four compri,,ed ol placeis tooexpensive and too"in." I give ,,3ndicalistand anarchist opposition to Ih¢ dl,,nlal I,tilurc It) cxpoll M,oi,,t Thestarch,,, American food isn’t quite Bolshevismduring the civil ~ar. And some rClllain tl na II~,~A e r;.l h]c. Map’s wile .Jia ng Qumg, and Zhang it: rc’.ohHion to lhc Ihird World I’mall). ~t) as interestingas the peoplewho cat historianshaxe argued that the onlx other l hc Red(iu.’trd phase ~as nothing It.s,, (’hurlqiao. ~’al)g Ilongwen.and Yao backingby business.Many businesses laborrelations. Not only is thistragedy ()ctoher 196X hc helped to c\pel I in Shao- there. Open from 10am to 8pro every logichistorically inherent in I.cninism thanMap’,, personal terror dirccled ,tgam,,l chllit)Ill the pall) and all his tillice,,. ~,~’L’n\tll)Icptesenled a laclitmcon~,inccd with the bucks to elect Congresspeo- playedout day in and dayoutby those thai Ihe Grcal I.cap I+orv.ard had lailed day, the ChickenPie Shop is a large --Andrew Chumley asideIrom the dictatorship ol the part)as the(’1’(’ bureaucracy, andthose t)ppositum ’JgnalmgI in Ihao’,,trutmph a,, Mat)’s right- pie are trans-nationaland rely on who are "luckyenough" to have jobs, because it had continued the old cultural establishmentcatering to the poor old statcbureaueraeyo~,crtheprolctariati~,thc center elements collected again,q him ~,,~ithm handIn lhc (’uhtu-al I~,cxolution. repressive foreign regimes to but those who must do the work in dictatorshipof the leader o~cr all socict.~. thepart . h hecanlcmuch more than that. ol lradiliol),,I Ile~. carried Mao’s edict,, to light folk,single mothers with kids, black and 3 I in Biao presided t)~cr the maintain an appropriate foreign Mapcertainl) took this cottrne of actionin the (’1’("’,"capitalisl roaders" and "’put brov,n folk, real workers, and a thisfashion have little or no sayas to course.~,~.hich led to dis’~olution ol the Red ****Paradise lor the poor "business climate" conducive to attackingthe bureaucratic (’P(" center with Guard h} Mat) in i-ehruar. 19~7 and InnliltlllonalilziIionOl nlan~, Ol the social polilicsill conlilland"tocxtrcnte~ h) IlIMMillg smatteringof Hillcrestpunks and gays. how their work will be done--their 3 changes initiated b.,, lhe Red (ittard ***Good. cheap eating profit-making.This means arms sales hours, conditions,what they will the(’uhural Re~olution. ’,t~hsequentsuppres,,ion h,,Ihc PI A nndcr that x~,orkel,,~olk Ior pt)lilicaland moral E~,enmore interestingthan lookingat ** I’dgo thereagain (and again) greaterinduslrial dernoeracx re,,uhcd. ~,’,ith incelltixc.~ah)nc, that all cnlltH¢c\plc’,’~ to those regimes,and sometimesthe produce, etc. And Jobs with Peace ~O(1AI.PllA.~E: (’I’I.TI’RAI, REVO- lit)Biat). Ihc Red (htardattacked thepeople is strikingup a conversation. * Notv, orththe heartburn "’conlnllttce,+t)l thtce" in cach tacit)r\ nlOlilIP,llc ,,inIplicil~, ol COlllnttlHI,d good ~.,, personpowerto use those weapons: I,I’I"ION ]lt)lll’k’(’r’l~lame’, OI IhcMate hllrcatlcrac%. [is conlpriscdt)l ~.~.olkcl.parIx and nlarlagelllCnl Around(’hristmastime last }’ear I gotto ¯,~ta~ avl, a~.’ failsto evenattempt to confrontthese wella~ the (’P(" center, lirsl in mas,,b.c~all capitalP,l exil.and Ihal the part) pla3 foreignmilitary intervention. It can unjustrealities. Mao’sthet)rx ol capitalistrestoration in repre’~entall’,t’,,,%t;.inagL, l% ~,~,~.’lt.’ I()rccd poster campaign,, and then ;.Is I’O~.ing leadingrolc in all ~,octal lilt. Ihc (i,ing ol alsomean an influxof financecapital, theSoviet Union gave rise It+ a theorxol ~t)rk on lhe lach)t~,floor regularl’,It) lee) ~t+xietsocial imperialism, condemning the paramilitar3gangs bcnl on cleansing(’hina I-our’~,relu,,al tolet lhc people conlnlelllOl~lte alwayswith stringsattached. And lest Furthermore, as more and more ~Italit x~a~like to he a ~t)tket()Ilicer (’houI nlai at the OingnlingIc,,tixalin &pril jobs become automated, the work 1968So’,ict in,,asion ol (’/cchoMo\akiaits ol cxcr)thingIorcign (capitalir, m and ~olker~in the citiesdid lahorm the A BriefCritique... some powerfulnation be perceivedas imperialism),t~~ell a’, lhc "l’otJr AncientC" 1976 ptoxokcd riot~ it) Peking and othe~ .~uch.lhe.Noxiet ttnion.:lccording to Mao. countr’,.~tdercgularl~ tt) "learn Iron) the a destabilizingforce in thisprofiteer’s that remains could be divided up (traditionalidea,,, cttlture, cu,,ton),, and lllajtH clue’,,.When Mao died t)n ~eplembcr hadnot onl} betra}cd ~orld rc,.olution, hut peas)lit’..."I rnl~,erMl~ cnrricuhtm ht:can’w les,. balanceof terror,the globalability to equitably among the entire work inMiltltit)ns). 9. 1976. the da%~. ol the (iang OI |Otll’S x,.asconling toact as a "’socialinlpcrialist’" theoretical,ind more practical, hect)tnmg Jobs With Peace Campaign protect "our interests" becomes forcewith reducedhours at a livable l}rann,, v, ere numbered po~,~crin the~orld. Mao claimed for China lheunixcrsittes ~crc closed down for 4 nltlch nhorlel it,, a resull. Doctors and wage so long as what is being "our"imperative. This is not to even theleadership t)f Ihitd World re~olution it] yearsa% Sltldelllr,rel nrncd IO factOl-it.,s and the scit.’nliqsregularlx ~ent into lhe counlr~,~ide go into detail about the military- producedis sufficientto providefor the wake of Korea against"declining countrysidea~ Red Guard.lhc communes trontmodern tit\ hospilals and lahoralorics industrial dynamics of those the well-beingof the society.But, businesseswhich actually produce the again, this could not be possible continuedfrom page 6 continuedfrom page 2 We call upon the U.S. Congressto upon" our electedrepresentatives to weaponsinvolved in this sen)rio.The under a system where profit is the make more money availablefor jobs move a sizeablechunk of tax money main point here is that monopoly drivingforce of all production. Tax Day Picket TargetsWar Spending and programs--in education, fromthe military sector to thecivilian capitalism,in thishistorical stage of To summarizesome of the negative transportation,housing, health care, sector.This would, organizers believe, the game, requires a pliable points, Jobs with Peace fails to boundriesof the peace mo~,ement, throughotltthe afternoon,evening and human services,and other socially effectivelypull the materialrug out internationalsetting to stay afloat. confront, or even examine, the economic con~,crsion,firsl strike night to hold up banners and chant productiveindustries--by significant- from under the military-industrial There are many good books on the fundamental dynamics of the weaponry, the connection hetween slogansas 35,0(X)cars (over 50.000 socialser~. ice cuts and military spending ly reducing the amount of our tax complex’sbelligerent marching feet subject (try GroundworkBooks), and production and economic system people)passed lhe MidwayPost Office dollars spent on nuclear weapons, and create jobs for people in" all of us need to stayup on it if our which give rise to the very problems and the connection between to drop off their tax forms bclorc conventionaland nuclear war. A filmon foreign militaryintervention, and industries that produce to meet workis to be trulyeffective. the campaign is attempting to SUN. MAYDAY deadline,l!xcepl for a smallpresence b) wasteful military programs; these labor and economic conversion constructivehuman needs. Thereare other shortcomingsof the remedy. MaurcenO’Connor’s supporters, a few policies will promote a healthy Noon: Mayday Picnic. Grass Roots "Who’s In Charge Here?’" was shown laisse/faire capitalists and YAEers, lhe Butlet us ask ourselvessome serious Jobs with Peace approach,and I will To the credit of Jobs with Peace, economy,true nationalsecurity, and CulturalCenter. 232-5009. and provedto bc excellent. anli-warlax proteslersstretched along questionsabout such an undertaking. touch brieflyon but a few. One such many of the negative contemporary jobs with peace. The forumdcscrvcd more than the 70 theentire sidewalk. To beginwith, how did that money get probleminvolves the Jobs with Peace manifestations of production for MON. MAY 2 lobs with Peace PolicyStatement people who showed up, especially into the hands of the militaryin the campaign’s failure to address the profit--thearms build-up,foreign Peoplepassing by to dropoff their tax 5:30 PM: DisarmamentCoordinating consideringthe large mailoutsand The thrust of the Jobs with Peace first place? Why? Are any of these alienatingand exploitativenature of intervention, unemployment and torms stopped and joined the Council meeting.1172 Morena Blvd. extensivepublicity done l+or it. On the campaign, a nascent, loosely dynamics going to change at a contemporarywork in this country. deficient human services--are demonstration,which grey, until people Community Energy Action Network positivesidc, much v,as accomplished confederated,national grassroots fundamental level by pressuring Anyone who has thought about trying broughtinto focus as beingintegrally werestanding on bothsides ot thestreet. 275-1162. towardshedding light on thefact that thc movement with several successful Congresspeople? We must remember to start a business(with employees) interrelated;this constitutes a major Banners reading "’fax Corporate fighlagainst domestic ~iolcncc in the refrendacampaigns under its belt and that in thiscountry it takesmoney to knows that profit comes out of the advancefor boththe traditionalpeace 7 PM:Celebrate A/ri(.a, l+iheration I)a.r I’rofit.""’Cut Military Spending," ",Jobs a brightfuture before it, is to "call lorm of po~crt.~,uncmphLvmcnt and get elected and that usually means differencebetween what it costs to movement and the labor movement. with Kwame Tourc (formerlyStokcly with I’cace,""’No Tax Dollars for producesomething and what it can be Carmichacl).U(’SI) TI.H 107. All- degradationis as much a part ol a InterventionIn CentralAmerica," and Second, the decentralized sold for, coupled with how many can AfricanPeople’s Revolutionary Party. successfulPeace Movementas is the "Burythe ]omahav,kCruise Missilc,’" characterof Jobswith Peace allows for be sold and how much one can save in understandingthat com, cntionaland among others, were held up by a great deal of local autonomy,both 7:30 PM: Nctwork meeting to nuclearwar are twooverlapping aspecls the cost by producingin quantity. l’Itll’l’E’l’CAI, EIIMI! enthusiastic,chanting picketers. Hot on the organizationallevel and with coordinateactivities of localgay and of the samedeadly militarism. In the middleof allthis is thewage lesbiangroups. 282-3503. chocolateand food wcrc servedto the regardto the politicalcontent of the SAT. APRIl. 23 The Tax Day protest,on the other people on the line as the protest (and,I mightadd, salary)earner: the various branch efforts. Thus, hand. was an unqualifiedsuccess. progressedinto the night. worker. While what a worker II AM: Protest Greater San Diego EvRATIONSTUDY GROUPTHEOLOGY~ organizers can help determine Beginningthrec years ago with six produces might sell for $200, that ScienceFair rules allowing students to What this shouldtell San Diego’s ~ contentbased on the local political peoplecompeting for attentionwith personis paid $50 and the the restof FREEDOM kill and injureanimals needlessly. progressivecommunity is to avoid climate,issues and targets available. "born-again’"christians, "right-to- being formed.Will meet in SpringQuarter. the value of that sale is pocketedby ScienceFair exhibit, Federal Building. planningseveral days ol activitiesin a In conclusion,Jobs with Peace has FROM liters."YAI-ers and "libertarians." the Findout the roleof liberationtheology in Nicaragua,El those higher-up(owners, stockhold- BalboaPark. Also Sunday,II am to 3 row. This does not mean that II greatpotential providing the various protesthas growneach year. Over 200 ers, etc.),less the overheadof non- RELIGION pm. Animal Wellare Coalition.452- progressives should not mount a.nclthe restof CentralAmerica. For timeand local campaignsgo beyond electoral people came this year in shifts II wage productioncosts. So if a worker campaigns.Campaigns, if they stretch politics as they exist today and ii~on~dol Paeket 1014.222-6585. placeof/irstmeeting, leave your name and telephone workstwice as fast and produces$400 out over monthsand avoid activities II attempt, as well, to examine and numberfor Toby at GroundworkBooks, 452-9625. Or call worth--stillat a set-ratepay of $50-- DISTRIBUTORS followingeach other too closely, can be o II overcome the obstacles to a Send$ 1.00to FRI. APRIl.2~ that person actuallyends up making verysuccessful in SanDiego. Week-long democraticallyplanned, constructive AmericanAtheists WANTED less money for what is produced:the Noon:Series of anti-imperialistMayday seriesof events,however, beg for a small- economy. P. O. Box2117 1o dlslributetha nawIndlcalor harderone works,the less one makes: Austin,TX 78768-2117 demonstrationsbegin at U.S.-Mexican st Scdpps,SDSU, and other scalefailure at bestand overall disaster at the worst,given San Diego’s limited thisis partof the heartof capitalist -MLP border. Revolutionary Communist sltas.Call 4S2-2016 Party.234.0649. poolof progressiveenergy. 12 Liana Stories in Sh rt

ArgentinaFaces BetterLate Worker Unrest Than Never... Who says the Reaganadministration A 24-hourgeneral strike called by tile isn’tfriendly to organizedlabor. I.ahor tx+obranches ol thccountry’smain labor .V,te.sreports that the President sent his organi/ation paralyzed Argentina own personal Christmas card to March2X. despite an olticialban b~ the AFSCME’s Jerry Wurf. Wurf was militarygovernment. lwo days later. presidentof the million-memberpublic someI 0,000workers marched in Buenos workers"union until his death..,ayear Aires to protest the go’~ernment’s ago. --Dollars& Sense economicpolicies. ()vcr9million Argentine,, took part thestrike, which ~as originally, called b) The Real the "Azopardo’"~ing of the General Confederationof labor ((’(il), latersupported b’, the (’(}l’s "’Brazil" Danger v,ins. I t ~ast heco u ntr3 ’s st_’co ndgeneral -l-he real danger facingsociety, strikein lessthan hmr months. accordingto BishopRobin t!ames of the InteriorMinister Gen. I lamilReston Churchof Ireland.is "thect, mulative admitted that sotnc 96+i of the effectsof concentratedcondemnation of wotklorccit]the countr\’s industrial the police".What PhilippineCatholic proxincessta}edtill the job, while bishops found disturbing~*as that natil)riv~idathe v, ork stoppage ~,as a bout military abuses, poverty, and 85+i etfcctlxe.Ihc strikede+eloped unemploymentwere providing"fodder pcacclull,,,oxen though the da’, before for revolutionarygroups" and causing thegoxernment dcclaled it illegal. "growingsopport for the dissidents". Ihe go~,crnmenttried to headoff the Nothingabout poverty, military abuses, strikeMarch 25 h~, mandatinga 12ci and unemployment being bad in ’,’,agehike tor public and private sector themselves.--The IndustrialWorker emplo.,,ees.Ibis fell lar short olthe 30ci demanded by many union leaders. Intlationin Argentinais runningat over Women’s Studies Under Attack ThisIs 200~’i, I he protestmarch two days later for The conservativeright has now moved Progress? "Peace, Bread and Work" was course,"Women and 1 heirBodies," met on campusto attack,at leastin onecase, universityadministration approval. sponsoredby the(’(iT’s"Brazil" wing. a Women’s Studies departmentfor a Citing "’SubstantialProgress" in v, as dedicatedto the memoryof Jose Then the Women’sstudies department "lesbian " and a "’Marxist was quicklyundcrmincd by university ,the ReaganAdministra- Benedicto()Mix, a minerwho was shot re’,olutionarv" slant. tionhas certifiedEl Salvadorfor the to deathby policeMarch 30 of lastyear actionswhen courseswcrc eliminated lhis particularattack began in the just a few weeks beforeclasses were third time as worthy of US aid. As duringa union march in the city of always, reports of continuing Mendo/a. springof 1982 when a few non-student scheduledto begin.The administration c~angelistssat in on severalWomen’s chargedthat facult3 were "unqualified" assassinations, disappearances, -Ihcmilitary government, bending to Studiesclasses at theUniversity of Cal. to teach the courses,although some dismemberment,torture, and rape were growing popular unrest, scheduled State,I,ong Beach. After gathering facultyhad been teachingthem in the discountedas havingbeen "distorted by presidentialelections on Oct.30 of this coursematerials, they then enlisted the departmentfor severalyears. a worldwidepropaganda campaign from yearand has pledged a returnto civilian aidof conservativestate politicians, and the Soviettlnion via Cuba".The AFI,- Rightist intervention in the rulenext .lan. 30. ! he (’GI,traditionally held a closed-sessionmeeting with CIO, which supportedthe first two linkedto the Peronistmovement, has educational process has become certificationwhitewashes, is balkingon university officials without the increasinglysophisticated.Rightists clearlysucceeded in reestablishingitself representation of the accused this one. In view of the AFL-CIO’s as a powerfulforce, amid a climateof havealready been successful in banning recordof cold-warsolidarity with the department.Simultaneously. biased booksfrom some high schoollibraries growingpolitical tensions and coup Administrationon Latin America, this is informationand editorialswere leaked andclasses. This recent example at the rumors. --the Guardian to the press, which uncritically a suprisingand heartening development, universitylevel, however, seems to pose althoughthe labor federationseemed sensationali/edthecharges. Even Phyllis new questions.Particularly troubling Schlaflybecame involved,publicly moreupset by the 1981murder of three has beenthe effective enlistment of aid of itsown people in El Salvadorthan by condemning the department and fromconservative politicians, press, and Is ThisSuccess? editorializingagainst academic freedom. the deathsof the 36,000Salvadorean university’officials. The very process workers killed by their "own" Afteran initialinterview, a disputed Women who advertise in the underscores the importance of governmentin the lastfour years. classifiedsof the glossy feminist organizingsimilarly sophisticated --The IndustrialWorker magazineMs. received this letter at the responsesfrom the academicleft, and new)ear. highlightsthe frailtyof "academic Eastwood: Man freedom" for those who seriously "DearAfs. advertiser. 1982 marked the challengepatriarchy, , or 10th aniversaryof M.~. Magazineand A Bomb to capitalism.A majorlawsuit about this youare part of a successstory that has Among Men caseis now beforethe civilcourts in madepublishing history....’ California. Remember ’The big news in 1982 coversthree The U.S.PostalService, planning importantadvertising categories. Ms. Threecheers for that man amongmen, --Sciencefor the People twelveyears ahead, is consideringthe had increasedLiquor, Beer anti Wire, Clint Eastwood.Bored with dumpingon possibility of issuing a stamp advertisingby more than 40% and now Ed Asner and fed up with the way commemoratingthe fiftiethanniversary carriesmore alcholicadvertising than militarychores were beinghandled by of the atomicbombing of Hiroshima. Pentagonpansies. Eastwood, it recently any other women’s magazine except --theProgressive (’o.~moi~olitan.... Drugs anti Remedies cameto light,outfitted his owntroops. AmnestyInt’l shownearly a 50% gain - a numberthat He forkedover a fistfulof dollars--- reinforcesthe fact that Ms. k’ editorial $30,000to be exact--toformer Green StrikesOut coverageof healthand physical fitness Beretl.ieutenant James G. (Bo)Gritz for More to Die has beenconsistently ground-breaking" a daringmission into the jungles of Laos The San Diego PoliceDepartment is Amnesty International,the world in searchof U.S.phantom prisoners of switchingto hollow-pointbullets--also Is thisour measure of success? widehuman rights organization, will not war. known as dumdumbullets despitethe --Big Mama Rag supportlesbians and gaymen whoare in The magnum farce ended like most fact that these bullets,designed to prison becauseof their sexuality. Eastwood films, in ignominy. One expand or "mushroom" upon impact, Amnesty is dedicated to freeing Laotianguerrilla recruited by TrueGritz areoutlawed in internationalwarfare by ’prisonersof conscience...menand Huh? was killed and one Americanwounded the GenevaConvention. when the soldiers of fortune were women who have found themselves "The Americantaxpayer" funds most imprisonedfor their political beliefs. Althoughuse of the bullets--which of the homosexualmovement, charges ferretedout by Laotian government race, sex, ethnicorgan, language or almostinvariably inflict massive, often troops. the Ray. EnriqueT. Ruedaof the Free religion.But its InternationalCouncil lethal,wounds to victims---willlead to Congress Research and Educational Among the good, the bad, and the has onceagain overwhelming defeated a more deaths among people shot by Foundation.Tax dollarshelp "further grotesquein this B-gradeaffair was resolutionto expandthe definitionto police,the PoliceDepartment seeks to acceptanceof the variousprinciples of Dirty Harry’sbuddy, William Shatner, include people imprisoned for justifythem by claimingthat less officers the homosexualideology." Most money of Star Trek fame, who pitched in homosexualacts. willget injured (because victims will be goesto seeminglylegitimate educational $10,000.reportedly for an optionto incapacitated,andthus unable to resist). and charitableorganizations which are, portrayGritz in a Hollywoodepic. SomeAmnesty representatives argued The San Diegochapter of the American that the recoginition of sexual in fact, homosexual front groups. But forget about show bi~. boys. CivilLiberties Union has condemned the Homosexualityis now "a multi-billion- orientationas a humanright is a Western newpolicy, terming it "crueland unusual You’rejust too damngood at real-life notion,and thatthe changeto include dollarbminess," with powerful lobbies punishment"and noting that use of adventureto devoteany more time to homosexualsin the definitionwould be in government,RuedI said. dumdumbullets will inevitablymean play-actingSee you in El Salvador. culturalimperialism. --CoMervItiveDigest/Post Amerikan thatmore innocent people will die as a --theProgressive --Big Mama Rag resultof policeshootings.