200 Protest War Taxes, Military International Workers Day AS
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Volume 8, Number 14 U.C. San Diego 16th yearof publication April 19--May2, 1983 SanDiego Protests Target U.5. Military... 200 ProtestWar Taxes,Military A numberof eventsoccured last week the San Diego community,due to its in the San Diego community. From conser,,atismand the percentageof April10 through16 was National.lobs militaDand Federal retirees. In pointof withPeace Week. which had as its locus fact.the lailureof the rallyand its ho~ ourtax mone}is beingspent. It ~as organizersto definea politicalposition preceedcdon April9 by a rail,,,for Social on the issue also contributedto the Security. event’smoderate turnout. I n t heir’effort lhe April9Rally, held in BalboaPark to draw.the broadestpossible support IromI t~ 3 pm, was sponsoredby a wide for continuingSocial Security and rangeof senior,disabled, retired and protestagainst Reagan administr~,ti.n labor organizations,but drew’ only cuts.they watereddown the issueand about250 people. ’I he rallyfeatured a nearl}extinguished its militancy.Iotop key-notespeaker, a,, well as a numberoi it all off. local Mayoralcandidates 3-minute speeches fron| people Maureen ()’Connor and Roger representing various community Hedgecock made obligator} constituencies.A number of the speakers appearancesto garner ~otes. condemnedReagan, and one made the April15 haslong beena focus for anti- obvious connection between social war tax demonstrationsin ,";anI)iego servicecuts and increasesin military and around the nation, organized r ¯ principlyby the War ResistersLeague. Thousandswitness Tax Day Protestas motoristsdrive past picketers INSIDE THIS ISSUE: ~his year provedtO be no exception local War Resistersleague members, Draft Update along with membersof Red and Black Action.started earh. to organizeFax AS Elections:Politics AS Usual Lowery Speaks Out i)a~protests. ’King of Comedy’ Thisyear. though, the Jobs with Peace Promises No Changes StudentCenter campaign a national, leosclv- structured, grassrools movement Electionsfor AssociatedStudents all’"attitude is enhancedhy a polio3 that Jobs With Peace issuedthe call for a National.lobs w’ith (AS) Council positions take place inhibitscandidates from filing ~ iolations Peace Week. .lobs with i’eace has i uesdaxand Wednesday.April 19th and againstother candidates. According to ChineseRevolution mounted municipal,count)and state 20th. lhose elected will control a the policy,a candidatewho files a . J referenda,all of themhighly successful. $250,000budget anti determinefunding violationcan face disqualilicationor spending.However, in general,politics callingfor economicconversion of the of studentorganizations, and otherAS- othersanctions if theircharge is not ~ere downplayedthroughout the event militaDbudget to providejobs with sponsoredprograms. supportedby thet-:lections (’ommission. so a~ "’notto alienateretired Federal peace by makingmore money available Despite being one t,i the least Campaign spending limits are the employeesand military retirees." for jobs and programsin education, publicized and poorly conducted highestever in AS historyup front Rexeral~peakcrs lamented ho~’ small transportation,housin,u,, heahh care, campaigns,this ~ear’,- e!v,;h,,n:, hax not under$200 last year per slate to $600. the turnoutof seniorswas. giventhe human scr+ices,etc. This would be bct2n ~ht, rt Oil contro~ers),lhc ~,’it]-,SUCil spending hmJts, Jl,.,er importanceol the issue. Organizers achievedby "significantlyreducing the controversystemmed lrom amendments candidateshave an ch’,iousadvantage talkedabout how hard it was to"crack" continuedon page 6 madeby the AS Councilto the Election overthose who cannotafford to spendas Codes after the electionperiod had much Such is the case with the officiallybegan. In what can only be TupperwareSlate who have far outspent viewedas a opportunisticventure, man); otherslates and are fast reachingthe InternationalWorkers Day memberson the AS Councilre-running spending limit. And yesterday, a for office abandoneddue processto complaintwas been filed againstthe InternationalWorkers Day was born Lavigne’sresolution that "a great amend the Election(’odes from the TupperwareSlate, charging them with on May I. 1890. It was conceivedthe internationaldemonstration shall be existingpreferential voting system to the exceedingthe spending limit, failure to precedingJ uly when a practicaloccasion organizedfor a fixeddate that workers primary,run-offsystem to suit their disclosespending and file receipts for a for an eight-hourdemonstration on that in allcountries.., shall on a specifiedday upcomingcampaigns. The proposalto party,using the Koala to promotetheir specificdate met up witha vaguefeeling simultaneously address to public makethis change came with little or no campaign.At the ElectionCommission that workers needed to assert the authoritiesa demandfor a workdayof warningand took place merelya week hearing,Tim Pickwell,Managing Editor intereststhey held in commonacross all eighthours and to put into effectthe after the AS Councilhad unanimously of the Koala and candidate for boundarylines. That 1890date was set otherresolutions of the International re-affirmedthe preferentialvoting Commissionerof Communicationson up as a one-timeaffair, but it aroused Congressof Paris." I,avignehad system. And a complaintfiled by a the lupperwareSlate, admitted helping such enthusiasmthat May Day has been submittedthis proposalto extendthe studentorganization, the Progressive write the Koala editorialendorsing keptalive as the mostprominent world- experienceof the FrenchConfederation Coalition,asking the AS JudicialBoard himselfand the Tupperwareslate; based wide institutionso far createdby the of Labor which had arranged for to grantan injunctionagainst the AS on this,and other evidence, the Elections workingclass. simultaneous labor demonstrations Councirs action did not receive a Commission voted to disqualify throughoutFrance on Feb. 10, 1889¯ A hearingbecause of the JudicialBoard’s Pickwellfrom the race. At newindicator This interplayof specificcircum- inability to reach a quorum. After presstime Pickwell is expectedto filean stances and vaguely felt need is paragraph was tacked on to his resolutionto makethat "specified day" severalreschedulings of the hearing, and appealwith the AS JudicialBoard. somethingworth lookinginto. It may coincidewith the Americaneight-hour still no quorum, the Progressive suggesthow to getfrom what we haveto As is usuallythe case, and especially so drivefor May I. Coalitionwithdrew the complaintunder what we want. thisyear because of poorpublicity, the Meanwhilein America,Labor Day, protest,rather than appeal to theVice- voterturnout is likelyto be low.]’his, for On July 14, 1879 workers from growingout of the same felt need for Chancellorof UndergraduateAffairs. themost part, reflects the general lack of variouslands had met in Paristo rebuild simultaneous demonstrations, was In addition,the laissez-faire attitude interestin the AS by thosewho see the an internationalof laborand socialist experiencinga protracted birth. It was of the ElectionsCommissioner. and. AS as essentially with some groups, since their first such first observedin New York, Tuesday, campaign spendinglimits have been exceptions a powerless body (with internationalhad fallenapart some 17 Sept. 5, 1882 to coincidewith the pointsof controversy.The attitude of the regard to the administration)which yearsearlier. "[’he 100th anniversary of Knights of Labor Convention¯ In Elections Commissioner,Catherine enablescertain students to embellish the Fall of the Bastilleseemed the August the New York Central Labor Eichhorn,has beena "hands-off"policy theirresumes while apprenticing at petty appropriateoccasion to gettogether. Union had declaredthat date to be "a towards campaigningto the point of bureaucratictasks. To this Centennial came Howard generalholiday for the workingmenof religiouslyavoiding sanctions or even The entireAS structureis organized McGregor with a letter from Samuel thiscity." It wassuch a successthat it was warningsto candidateswho habitually so as to appear "legitimate" and Gompersasking for moral sup’portfor repeatedon Wednesday,Sept. 5, 1883. trample--bysending hit squadsto tear "responsible"to the administration. This the demandfor an eight-hourday to go In 1884the CLU decidedto"observe the down their opponents" campaign is verysignificant they work to appear into effectMay I, 1890, or no work. firstMonday in Septembereach yearas material,etc.--on the rightsof their legtimateor responsiblenot to students Gompershad hurriedlyraked the fare Labor Day." Both the AFL and the opponentsto campaign.This "free-for- continuedon page 3 togetherfor McGregorto make the trip Knights of Labor began observing to offsetthe suddendefection of the LaborDay. Workerswere gettingfired NewIndicator Non-ProfitOrg. AmalgamatedIron. Steel and Tinplate fortaking off Labor Day until Congress StudentOrganlzMions U.S.Postage Workersfrom the eight-hourcampaign. UC San Diego0B-023 PAID in 1894 made Labor Day a holidayfor La 3olla,CA 112093 He felt this defectionso damagedthe LeJolla, Calif. federal employees, in order to PermitNo. 256 prestigeof the eight-hourdrive that he discourageobservation of the more CUL Archives grabbedat thechance for a betterimage militantspringtime labor day that aimed froma resolutionof supportat thisPIris UCSD C-075 to unite workersworld-wide against La Jolla, CA conference. theirexploiters. 92093 Had it not beenfor this request from Specificevents met withwidely felt Gompersgiving the May Firstdate. the needsto createLabor