Lecture 3 1 Geometry of Linear Programs
ORIE 6300 Mathematical Programming I September 2, 2014 Lecture 3 Lecturer: David P. Williamson Scribe: Divya Singhvi Last time we discussed how to take dual of an LP in two different ways. Today we will talk about the geometry of linear programs. 1 Geometry of Linear Programs First we need some definitions. Definition 1 A set S ⊆ <n is convex if 8x; y 2 S, λx + (1 − λ)y 2 S, 8λ 2 [0; 1]. Figure 1: Examples of convex and non convex sets Given a set of inequalities we define the feasible region as P = fx 2 <n : Ax ≤ bg. We say that P is a polyhedron. Which points on this figure can have the optimal value? Our intuition from last time is that Figure 2: Example of a polyhedron. \Circled" corners are feasible and \squared" are non feasible optimal solutions to linear programming problems occur at \corners" of the feasible region. What we'd like to do now is to consider formal definitions of the \corners" of the feasible region. 3-1 One idea is that a point in the polyhedron is a corner if there is some objective function that is minimized there uniquely. Definition 2 x 2 P is a vertex of P if 9c 2 <n with cT x < cT y; 8y 6= x; y 2 P . Another idea is that a point x 2 P is a corner if there are no small perturbations of x that are in P . Definition 3 Let P be a convex set in <n. Then x 2 P is an extreme point of P if x cannot be written as λy + (1 − λ)z for y; z 2 P , y; z 6= x, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1.
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