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STANDARD PATTERNS FOR JUNE JUST ARRIVED Ladies’ Skirts Time Snow White Sheets. Notions Ladies' Khaki riding skirts in May Housecleaning New tango ties in all colors each olive and tan colors, each Hemmed, ironed, ready for use, 63x is .73c #2 H5 to *:«.50 Now Here. 90 and 72x90, soft finish, 3 inch hem, regu- Braid pins—25c pins set with We are in lar while last this week 59c each. showing everything drap- 75c, they stones, special.. I Ac This Week eries for your house. Fine 42 Special renovating Fine white bed spreads $1.50 to 4.50 35c pins special. ...19c in. this our irridescent Brownside at 65c Special week, girls' It.itS drapery each, full size. Middy laces, blue, black and red, Couch 42 inch at 75c Middy for.. 91.4U covering each. 10c Lace curtains worth for 69c $1.00 Mrs. Newcombe's buttonholes, all Lace curtains worth $2.50 for $1.39 Dress Shields sizes, per yard.13c Lace curtains worth $2.75 for 1.98 Fine Values in Dress Goods. We have the famous Kver-Keady Lace curtains worth $3.00 for 1.98 dress shields. This Is the only 36 in. crepe-de-chine at 59c special soft Lace curtains worth $4.00 for 2.49 Barefoot Sandals shield made which can be washed clinging plain silk mixed, will laundry well Lace curtains worth $4.00 for 3.49 and are guaranteed to wear better in new apricot shades and pongee tan only Fine line of scrims in white, cream and ecru. than any other. 59c yd. Brocaded silk crepe 27 inches, in apricot, Children’s Union Suits Ladies’ Dress Goods sky blue, pink, special for 59c. Children’s Nazareth union suits, Brocaded silk ratines and corded silk reg- 2 to 8 yeurs, each.5t»c Wash corduroy, ratine and linen $1.24 ular 98c, 27 in. wide for 79c yd in old rose, union suits for girls and Mousing to 2.98. new rose, cream, blue, 36 in. tub shirting each.05c Misses, tins quality, silks 80c yd. These are in lav- Barefoot sandals for children, Ladies’ Vests stylish stripes blue, navy, Toweling ender. also the Skuffer shoes in ’ace and hadies’ low neck and sleeveless 30 in. brocaded poplins, splendid wash buttons, black and tan, $1.90 to vests, special each.toe Fine bleached crash towels 15 each goods at 29c yd. .$2.75 These are very line values and will Fine bleached, large size, crash towels 25c Lawns 10, 12 1-2, 15 up to 35c. ” sell Fine crash towels 40c-50c rapidly. bleached, Voiles in checks and stripes all colors at Unbleached crash towels 12 l-2c 34c yd. House Linings Unbleached, large size, crash towels 25c Children’s Waists New line ladies House linings including the Me- Fine bleached huck towels, suitable Children’s corded Ferris waists voile, plain and chano at 5%c, Ashland, 6V*c and for hotel use 2 for 25c each.Si* embroidery in •’LL” at.8.1.8c A better grade huck towels 15c Ferris nainsook waists 25 and 504 all sizes. These These have colored red and blue borders. waists are the Huck towels fine to 65c each. quality up newest Men’s Sox Infant’s Hats very t Barbers small towels at 65c Men’s Infant’s white scalloped edge Doz. styles and just work sox, per pair..10c New Men's silk pique hats, trimmed with pink and arrived. sox,per pair.... ,...50c Men’s lisle blue riblton, each.two- dresses arriving sox, per pair.., ... ,85c New Pattern Huck Toweling. every day. Men’s cotton sox, per pair.25c Infant’s Shoes Ladies’ ratine All colors and sizes 15 in. for embroidering 75c yd. dresses in white Infant’s new' canvass pumps, sizes Fine handkerchief linen light blue, and 2 to 6.75c $1.00 yd. old rose in 34- Men’s Work Shirts Infant's new white canvass shoes, 36-38 for $3.98 Ideal brand in chambrays and 2 to 8, each.t** Lawn dresses heavy shirtings, 50c to.75c Unbleached, Bleached at $1.98. Corsets Ladies’ aprons 49c this Hpecial agents for R. and O, cor- Toweling. special Men s *‘BVD’’ Under- new corsets, week. set. We have tango Stephen’s Craso, 12 1-2, 15, 16 2-3, 20 These are cov- wear no waist line elastic top, per pr. $54 25c fine for ranch use and very best quality. Two nainsook and union erall aprons in piece figures, checks suits, per suit....fl*00 and stripes. Ladies’ Dusters Exquisite flouncings of sheer ratines 45 For in. with and some Special Monday khaki cloth at heavy embroidery edges In $2.98 TEN PER CENT off on men1* with hemmed edges, especially suited for Fine new line of linen at $1.75 to $3.98 each trousers. Monday Only. lingerie dresses at special prices $1.48 yd. Fine new flouncings in rice voil heavy White Goods For Spring emoroidery design at 79c yd. Furniture White, blue and pink mercerized plisse Bought at Kent’s will inaure ast- White madras for men’s shirts and pa- 30 inches special 17c yd this week. ing satisfaction. Linoleums, Art in and laundries beau- Our Henderson corset Insures a line jamas stripes figures, • Squares, Matting, Krex Rugs. Full 14c figure, front and back lace per pair tiful yd. line in basement. in white Is Our Basis Of Value. If it 91.2.1 to 94.OO. Beautiful flaxon plaids, stripes Quality all and plain weaves book fold, widths, 20, comes from Kent’s it has to be just as we 30 and 35c. 25, say it is. If you are not satisfied you get Douglass Shoes Tennis Shoes renowned linen finish For men in new Our linweave, your money back, and that is all there is to English last, tan Tennis shoes for boys and girls in finish all widths washes and retain prices up it. and black in lace and button. black, white and tan, per pr. ...75o to 45 in. at 85c yd. fine material for gradua- There is just as much difference in Dry tion gowns. Goods as there is in automobiles. Don’t 40 in. fine sheer crepe at 35c Men’s Summer Shirts Men's Underwear voile at 50c forget this—you never get shoddy goods at 42 in. fine Men's summer dress shirts, Ideal Men’s Ilalbriggan underwear, per cream silk ratines at 65c Kent’s. White and yd. and Wilson brand $1.25 to....fS.50 garment 36c and.50c Also unions, per suit..$1.00 Men’s Union Suits a Men’s “Porosknlt”, two piece and “Munsing” union suits, per suit.,., ...fl.OO Union suits for men, women and The L H. KENT CO. children. work Gloves “Olus” Leather and cotton work gloves. Try a pair of our leather gloves. Union suits.91.00 STORE OF Special THE QUALITY at.... #, av Pajamas *1.75 and.*58.00 .