1 Dead, 1 H in Car Crash
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first WMf. AM Of ./"• iiffl \XIV.-No ffARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1946 nttdr j. Closes 9fOR Is Set For Any Emergency- Presidents Sweetness Local Cafe Any, That Is, Except Atom Bomb Talk Opens 1 Dead, 1 H CARTKRET — Should an atom AND bomb land or WOR's studios at 1440 Broadway, New York, or on 20 Days its transmitter heresup In the Katt Fund Driye In Car Crash Light Rahway section, thV,*hole boai- ness would - be as completely oat E- Driieoil Hindi Down of kilter an if it had stood lit Na- Truman Addroi To- Kmutjt. Penalty On Rockman gasaki, Japan, last Summer. But nixht To Lwwch U- you In the arrival of an atom bomb Is Protect Ftio! jifn; nfctwry Oil 'Reftfl' Charge about the only wartime contin. cal Red Crott Canpiiftn ,iW thing*, BO g«ney for which the station ptcltiftOitm ,,,H all about tMl CAHTSRET—The Department Its transmitter were not«fepared CARTBRET —President Hlfry license Him! CARTBM!T-A 111"!' i of' mbie. Brtefljft at Alcoholoc Beverage Control with alternative plans « opera* S. Truman will open Red Cw» Rahway Memorial has eloied/ the tavern here oper- tion. Day with a talk tonight over WOR when I'm hdtMF yesterday stated that, I 111 • ated by Leo Rockman at 66 Ran- Arrangement* were set up by at !):S5'o'clodk. Thin U»nehe3 Olear of 230 Washington A* „.„„„,., Schneider on dolph Street for a twenty-daye WOR's chief engineer, John R. the 1946 Red Cross Campaign thirty-three yean ef age, - period on a charge of possessing Poppele, and his associates, which throughout the nation, seriously injured in *» Wrmont—and Iqiwr which was not us labeled, Included a means of carrying on I/ocally the start of the csm- bile accident WedMfdtJ \ rrniollt, 1'W R The establishment was closed at under almost any conditions which pn will be marked by ta» pm- CARTERft—Police Sergeant had a good chance lot' B A. M, on Wednesday, to re- |Misllpr at home. TH* might eventuate. Whatever could entation of certificates and service Roy Goderstad has completed Olear is suffering from a- with leading • main out of business until 2 A. M. be imagined as likely to happen bars to more thBn 100 reeidenU the 1946 doff census of the tured jaw, a concoeska Tuesday, March 19. was considered a pos»ibsW7, and ,thi8f«t)«t?«i who worked M volunteer) daring borough, and all resident* own- brain with possible stall: k Mr. Rockman pleuded not guilty a Way out was perfected. Each the war. The presentation is to be Lt. Cbirle* Makwinski ing dogs must purchase licenses and abrasions of the legs. minute detail was worked out, in- .,1 III ill' » hell of a lot ei to the Charge, which was made made at the Borough Hall, with for them, This h * legal require- The driver of the tftoMt keep looking, by agent* of the department after structions given those who would the ceremony in the Council Cham ment, hut It also is urged In the which he was riding, tIs they,visited the establishment last have part in its operation, and ber, starting at 8 P. M. John A. Scout Leaders name of man's •ffection for the in-law, Albert KMUM( Jr., of hcember 10. Liquors tested by practice emergencies wore Turk, local representative in P*erth creature called his best friend. High Street, succumbed to , the agents, and reported as found (Continued on Pogi 61 John R. Poppele Amboy-Carteret Chapter, and Mrs. The fee, »U5, Is small enough injuries he received four really not up to standard requirements John Hundiak, chairman of volun- Meet Tonight to pay for the privilege of hav- after his admission to — th* all whiskies, were XXXX Paul teer services, will present the ing a dog for both friend and Memorial Hospital. He fui on guardian in the home. Licenses seven years of age. • Jones Rye, Four Roses and Sea- awards. Miss Catherine Clapham, CARTERET — Prospective kin,i ,,f symphony you 120 Attend Presbyterian Supper are issued by the Borough gram's Seven Crown blended. executive secretary of the chapter, troop leaden and assistants for Krause wa* driving i,,,n the piccolo section The report of the ABC, alto will be present. Health Officer, Michael Yar- Rahway on a night when ' the Girl Stout Troops contem- cheski, at his office in the Bor- 'pl^icred during int«r- after a hearing in which both At this meeting Police Lieuten- plated in Carteret will be given ility was poor and till Given To Welcome Service Folk ough Hail. His office hour* are fides were represented by coun- ant Charles Makwinaki, chairman their Instructions at a meeting to- wet and slippery when ,,i, and comes up from 9 A. M. to noon, and from chine plunged head-on int* jj ul, sets forth that a chemist em- f the 1946 campaign, will in- night at the Borough Hall, This R*hw«y a»ng "God Bless Amer- 1-4 P. M. Monday through Fri- 300 feet beyottd the vr,,njr More. On ployed by Mr. Rockman to analyie Pastor, Principe, Rev. struct his workers, and distribute will be the second meeting this ca." Ruth Gaydos read "RevoR - day, and on Saturday until of Orant Avenue wttkf, ,h,, though, it may b« he suspected whiskey concurred supplies for their use in raising week of those engaged in this k Devmny Speakers; Mu- lutionary Tea." noon. ' Roosevelt Avenue, op l,kr playingby ear—In In hie findings with those made by the $9,000 quota assigned to Car- plan to, increase this work aifong the department chemist. Mr. Rock- sical Program Offered The supper was prepared and teret. Somehow there is an opinion American Oil Company.' the girls of the borough who wmc mobile was wrecked and .,,,, .(,mettmes the right rnan, hU wife, and their BOH who aerved by the ladies of the church within the Scouting age. Fund* among some youthful residents CARTERET—About one hun- that a collar is all that a dog the Koblents junk'yard, times the left—but occasionally helps them, testified 'with Mrs. William Elliott as gen- for the program were raised sev- dred and twenty people gathered needs to make him safe from the vestigation by police. •ar, they have no knowledge of the eral months ago through a bene- the performance »t the Presbyterian Church on eral chairman. The young ladies dog-catcher. Thl* is not so; dogs fact that the bottles had been re- Rally Slated fit entertainment organized and The accident occurred ot.MJJ Wednesday night to enjoy the (Continued on Pope 3) must have a license tag on their and iKrnuse died at 2:40 A. ly I'll!'. n<! completed hori* filled, according to the statement presented by the Carteret Lions turkey supper and give a wel- coltars, so if you want your That'B when I tlven newspapers by Edward r'. Club. yesterduy. He had reeerwd, a i tnlally Ambrose who heard the case. The come to those fqom the parish who By Holy Name pet safe from being netted, buy tured skull, crushed cheat aind( It is planned to form'troops at rrh ntf the »now r decision by the department's com- have served in the armed forces him the right to be a resident lacerations of the leg. Hi' several of the local churcnes and and while the g»l- jnltsioner, Alfred E. Driscoll, during World War II. The Winner! OARTERET—The Holy Name of Carteretl (Continued on Pag$ $} also to organise a Scout tCouncil, •totes, "Although defendant may Following the dinner a pro- Society of St. Joseph's parish wfll ,hled is still breath- similar to the working arrange- pry be personally innocent of the vio- gram of music and short talks Lillian Sohayda Takti have its first post-wgr rally for ment followed by the Boy Scouts. from wondering how lation, a, licensee i« strictly re- was given in expressing the wel- the many veterans and older mem- Representatives selected from take for the t» sponsible for any 'refills' found come of the church to those who 4 Weddings Solemnized In Li lint! H w lit Place In Legion bers of the society on Monday the sponsoring tfhurches are as to arrive, I go Into in hit stock of liquor." have served 4helr country and the church so well. The pastor, Rev. Oratory Contest night. This will be in the parish Mows: St. Joseph's, Mies Cc- krtuiUlof mycoloM*! Mr. Driscoll concluded his or- D. E. Lorentx, presided, and in school and a large attendance is Miss Margaret Rites; 2 In Holy Family Chm der with a statement, "Defendant Plata, Mrs. Henry Green, Mrs, exploits us a behalf of the church spoke the anticipated. Many of the vet- working mean pae no previous adjudicated rec CARTERET —Lillian Sohayda Gemsc Ne'vill, Misses M«ry and Sosnowski uf Lowell Street, welcome Vhich all had for the won the declamation contest con erans among the -church members peri tin? press. ord. A minimum suspension of his Catherine Dolan; "First Presby- Ceremonies Include Joseph Andrew Naglewic*, MM return of the men, and one WAVE, have not yet had a chance to meet license for a period of twenty ducted in Carteret High School terian, Mrs. Bobort Richey, Mrs. Marriage Of Florence ud's mate first erase, U< 8-Na who were present, He pointed out at an assembly Wednesday after- Rev. Paul Dwyer. O.8.M., pastor kind of BWW todays will be imposed." that these men had had experi- Carl Grohmann, Mr.