
Calculus of Variations 7: Hamilton’s

1. Let T be the kinetic and U the of a mechanical system. Let qk(t), k = 1, . . . , n be . According to Hamilton’s principle, the of q(t) = (q1(t), . . . , qn(t)) through the configuration C satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equations ∂L d ∂L − = 0, k = 1, . . . , n, (1) ∂qk dt ∂q˙k where the Lagranigian is L = T − U.

2. We can also characterize a mechanical system in terms of the generalized coordinates qk and the generalized momenta pk. The 2n-dimensional set P of points x = (q, p) is called the phase space. Adding n new variables doesn’t seem like a step forward, but doing so will allow us to replace the system (1) of n second-order equations with one comprising 2n first-order equations. These are called Hamilton’s equations. They determine the trajectory of the phase point (q(t), p(t)) through P, in other words, the behavior of the mechanical system.

3. The generalized momenta are

pk = Lq˙k (t, q, q˙), k = 1, . . . , n. (2)

Think of (2) as a system of n equations in n variablesq ˙1,..., q˙n. We solve the system for q˙k =q ˙k(t, q, p), k = 1, . . . , n. (3) In vector form, this is q˙ =q ˙(t, q, p). (4) The Hamiltonian is n X H = −L(t, q, q˙) + q˙kLq˙k (t, q, q˙) k=1 n X = −L(t, q, q˙(t, q, p)) + pkq˙k(t, q, p). (5) k=1 (5) gives the Hamiltonian as a of t, p and q. The partial of H with respect to the qj and pj are n n ∂H X ∂L ∂q˙k X ∂q˙k = − + pk +q ˙j ∂pj ∂q˙k ∂pj ∂pj k=1 k=1 n n X ∂q˙k X ∂q˙k = − pk + pk +q ˙j ∂pj ∂pj k=1 k=1

=q ˙j, (6) and

n n ∂H ∂L X ∂L ∂q˙k X ∂q˙k = − − + pk ∂qj ∂qj ∂q˙k ∂qj ∂qj k=1 k=1 n n d ∂L X ∂q˙k X ∂q˙k = − − pk + pk dt ∂q˙j ∂qj ∂qj k=1 k=1

= −p˙j. (7)

Thus, ∂H ∂H q˙j = andp ˙j = − , for j = 1, . . . , n. (8) ∂pj ∂qj These are Hamilton’s equations.

4. Example: Consider a with string of length l and negligible and and a bob of mass m. The generalized coordinate is the θ made by the string and the pendulum. The kinetic and potential are

1 T = m(lθ˙)2 and U = mgl(1 − cos θ). 2

Hence the The Lagrangian is

1 L(θ, θ˙) = m(lθ˙)2 − mgl(1 − cos θ). (9) 2

By definition, the generalized is

∂L p = = ml2θ,˙ ∂θ˙

so that 1 θ˙ = θ˙(p) = p. ml2 Finally, by (5), the Hamiltonian is

H = −L(θ, θ˙) + pθ˙ 1 = − m(lθ˙)2 + mgl(1 − cos θ) + pθ˙ 2 1 1 = − p2 + mgl(1 − cos θ) + p2 2ml2 ml2 1 = p2 + mgl(1 − cos θ). (10) 2ml2 The equations of are ∂H 1 θ˙ = = p, ∂p mΛ2 and ∂H p˙ = − = −mgΛ sin θ. ∂θ Recall the of motion in Lagrangian form, derived from Hamilton’s principle in the previous set of of notes: d L − L = −mgl sin θ − ml2θ¨ = 0, θ dt θ˙ or g θ¨ + sin θ = 0. l

5. Example: Consider a body of mass m moving frictionlessly at the end of a spring. Let q be the from equilibrium of the mass. By Hooke’s law, the restoring of the spring is roughly −kq for small motion. Hence the potential is k U = q2. 2 The is 1 T = mq˙2, 2 and the Lagrangian, 1 k L(q, q˙) = mq˙2 − q2. (11) 2 2 Therefore, ∂L p = = mq,˙ (12) ∂q˙ is the generalized momentum. In this case, it is simply the standard momentum. The Hamiltonian is thus

H = −L + pq˙ 1 k = − mq˙2 + q2 + pq˙ 2 2 1 k 1 = − p2 + q2 + p2 2m 2 m 1 k = p2 + q2. (13) 2m 2 So Hamilton’s equations are ∂H p q˙ = = , ∂p m and ∂H p˙ = − = −kq. ∂q You can get the equations of motion in Lagrangian form from (11):

d L − L = −(kq − mq¨) = 0, q dt q˙ or k q¨ + q = 0, m which is the familiar simple .

6. The of H along the path traced by (q(t), p(t)) in the phase space is

n d ∂H X  ∂H ∂H  H(t, q(t), p(t)) = + q˙k + p˙k dt ∂t ∂qk ∂pk k=1 n ∂H X  ∂H ∂H ∂H ∂H  = + − ∂t ∂qk ∂pk ∂pk ∂qk k=1 ∂H = . (14) ∂t

We’ll draw an important conclusion from (14). 7. In this and the previous set of notes, we’ve seen three examples of kinetic energy. There was 1 T = T (θ˙) = mΛ2θ˙2, (15) 2 for the pendulum, 1 T = T (r, r,˙ θ˙) = m(r ˙2 + r2θ˙2). (16) 2 for the mass in the gravitational field, and

1 T (q ˙) = mq˙2. (17) 2

In each case, T was a quadratic form in the generalized . The coefficients of the quadratic form were functions of the generalized coordinates. Following these examples, we will take the kinetic energy to have the form

n X T (q, q˙) = aij(q)q ˙iq˙j, (18) i,j=1 where aij(q) = aji(q). In (16), for example, q = (r, θ), and the coefficients are

1 1 a (q) = m, a (q) = a (q) = 0, and a (q) = mr2. (19) 11 2 12 21 22 2 We will also assume that the potential U does not depend onq ˙. Under these assump- tions, the Lagrangian has the form

n X L(t, q, q˙) = aij(q)q ˙iq˙j − U(q, t). (20) i,j=1

8. Under the assumptions made in the previous paragraph,

n ∂L X = 2 a (q)q ˙ . ∂q˙ ij i j i=1

Here, we have used the fact that aij = aji. Therefore,

n X ∂L H = −L + q˙ j ∂q˙ j=1 j n X = −L + 2 aij(q)q ˙iq˙j, i,j=1 = −T + U + 2T = T + U. (21)

So if L has the form (20), then H is the total energy of the mechanical system.

9. We can draw certain important conclusions from Hamilton’s equations. We already know that if the Lagrangian does not depend on , then the Hamiltonian is a first integral. This fact, along with (21) proves that the total energy is conserved when L = L(q, q˙). That conclusion can also be drawn straight from Hamilton’s equations: If H = H(q, p), then (14) reduces to

d H(q(t), p(t)) = 0. (22) dt Thus the total energy is conserved.