Shropshir~ Light Infantry (The :King's) (tst) Volnnteer Catholic AP?stolic Church, West Castle street, 10 •.nr. M$ Battalion (I" Co. )', Drill hall, St. Mary st. ; Major Richard p.m. ~ daily, 5 p.m. ; "tnes. thurs. & sat. 6 a.m. ; wed. & H. Colley, commandant\ Godfrey Charles Cooper; Iieut.; sat. 9 a.m Sergt. WiHiam Brown, drill instructor Baptist, West Castle street, Rev. William John Dyer t ltd.30 'Towa Hall, High street, Thomas Evans, keeper a.m. &6.3op.m.; wed. 7.3op.m Congregational, Stoneway steps, Rev. Wm. James Payling ONION. Wright B. A., 10.30 a.rn. & 6.30 p.m. ~ wed. p.m 'The union comprises the following parishes :-Acton Round, 7 , Astley Abbotts, , Billingsley, Burwar­ Primitive Methodist, St. Mary steps; 2.30 & 6 p.m ton, Chelmarsh, Chetton, Claverley, Deuxhill, Ditton Wesleyan, Cartway, xo.3o a.m. & 6 p.m Priors, Eardington, Glazeley, Middletou Scriven, Mqnk· hopton, Morville, Neenton, North Cleobury, Oldbury, I;Jchools. Quatford, , Romsley, St. ~eonard (Bridgnorth), St. The Grammar Schoo1, St. Leonard:s, known to have existed. Mary Magdalene (Bridgnorth), Sidbury, Stanton Long, before the time of Edward VI. is on the west side of St. _ Tasley, & Worfield. The population of Leonard's chur~hyard; it has an endowment of £30 the union in 1891 was 14,927; rateable value,. £xoz,535 yearly &has p.ttached three ~areswell Exhibitions at Christ Eoard day, every alternate sat, at the Workhouse, at n a.m Church, Oxford, tenable for 10 years, & valued at f.6o for Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee,.. Williaq1 the first foor years; £6o for the next three if resident (ol.' Reynolds, Willow cottage, U nderhill street, Bridgnorth £21 if non-resident) & £27 for the last three;. the school 'Treasurer, Charles John Cooper, Listley street, Bridgnorth may also obtain by competition any extra. vacancies not Medical Officers ; No. 2 district, George Hodges, Cl eo bury claimed by Donnington, & ; the next certain North; No. 3 district, William Rhodes L.R.C.P.Edin. 7 vacancies for Bridgnorth are in the years 1893 & 1897: a Higb street, Bridgnorth ~ No. 4 district, Alfred Bet hell, ~2 prize of /:Ioo is given annually ,by competition & may be East Castle street, Bridgnorth;. No" 5 -district, Thomas held in aodition f,o either of the foregoing exhibitions ; the Williams Haslehust, The Lodge, Claverley prizes l!J; exhibitil:;ms may also be held together, with any Public Vaccina.tors: No, x district, George Hodges,dleobury further emolument obtained ig any other college at Oxford' ~orth; No. 2 district, Alfred Bethell, East Castle stre~t~ the present number of boy~ is 18. The Mayor & Corpora­ No. 3 district, T. W. Haslehust, Claverley tion are trustees. Rev. Thomas Price M.A. head master"!. .Relieving Officer, Eastern & Western district, George Wm. See advertisement Vook., Vine cottage, Railway street, Bridgnorth Blue Coat, N orthgate, with an, endowment of J: 130, is for Vaccination Officer, William ;Reynolds, Willow cottage, the education, clothing & apprenticing of 30 boys of the Underhillstreet, Bridgnorth lower middle class; there are also 30 other boys who pay :Superintendent Registrar, Wm. Reynolds~ Willow cottage, fees ~ (}eorge Henry Cunnington1 master Underhill street,. Bridgnorth; deputy, Euward William Str Leonard's & s,. Mary's National, Listley street, built, Haslewood, Listley street with residence for the ma<~ter, in 1856, for 513 children; Registrars of Births & Deaths Bridgnorth iub-district, Cbas. average attendance, 149 boys, 131 girls & 89 infants; Geo. Tompkins Cureton, St. Mary street, Bridgnorth; deputy, Wightman, master ; Miss Georgina Steven, mistress t Thomas Whitefoot, 36 High street, Bridgnorth ; Chetton Miss Charlotte Dovey, infants' mistress sub-district, Thomaa LaceyJones, Chetton; deputy, John St. Mary's National (mixed), Hospital street, built, witq .Tones, Ohetton; Worfield sub-district, George Wm. Cook, residence for ma.ster, in 1847, for 300 children i. average Vine cottage, Bridgnorth.; deputy, Richard Ed wd.Hughes, attendance, 16o; Stephen E. D. Turner, ma.ster Old bury terrace St. Mary's (infants), Hospital street, built in 1875• for :t~o Registrar of Marriages, Joseph Wyld McMichael, 32 High ch.ildren; ~J,Vera~e attendance, 6o; Miss Amy Grosvenor, street, Bridgnorth ;_ deputy, ~arry Edward Barker, 32 m1s f68S High street, Bridgnorth Catholic, Northgate, built in x856, for 120 children; average Workhouse, Inn~ge lane, a building of brick, to hold 200 attendance, 70; Miss Kate Martin, mistress inmates; Rev~ Henry Parsons M • ..L- chaplain; William Rhodes L.R.C.P.Edin. medical gfficer; Richard Cooper, Newspaper. master; Mrs. J<1ne Cooper,. matron Bridgnorth Journal, published saturday; Mrs. Mary Edkins, RURAL SANlTARY AUTHORITY. printer & publisher, High street Clerk, William Reynolds, Willow eottage, Bridgnorth "Treasurer, Charles John Cooper, Bridgnorth Conveyance. Medical Officer of Health, William Nealor Thursfield M.D. Great Western Railway, W. G. Bowerman, station master~ parcels office, Crown & Royal hotel, C. Ensor, agent, Inspector, Richard Edwards Hughes, Oldbuey terrace High street; railway goods carrier, R. T. Smith & Co. ~ t. ScHOOL ATTENDANC1!l COMMITTEE. J. T. Hudson, local agent Clerk, William Reynolds, WiJlow Tree house, Bridgnorth Mason Joseph, Salop street, conveys parcels daily to Worfe Attendance Officer, Richard Edwards Jlughes, Old bury ter Gate, Whitening House. Newton, Oldington, Ewdness, Eleven Halls, SW.kton, N orton, Sotton & Madeley Public Officers. An omnibus to the railway station from the Crown hotel, Assistant Overseer & Collector of Poor Rates (St. Leonard's ), High street, to meet all trains Frederick John Crawley, Whitburn street; (St. MaryMag­ Sutton's Company (Edward Blakemore, agent), Bricklayers' dalene's) William Carter, Bank street Arms