trNCFJANTING THT IMAG I NATION ln TheLion, TheWitch and the Wardrobe,the first book writerJ.R.R.Tolkien; the two men began Lewiswrote aboutNarnia, four British children aresent a writing-and-discussiongroup called to live with an old professorduring the bombings the Inklings. Tolkien and other Inklings of London in World War II. Each of the children is a played alargerole in helpingLewis came little like all of us: Lucy has a childlike trust and the face-to-facewith the claimsof the Gospel wonder of innocence,Edmund carriesthe resentment ofJesusChrist. As a Christianapologist, and one-upmanshipof ordinary selfishness,Susan Lewis wrote some of the 20th century's representsthe skepticismof the almost-grown,and Peter most important books on faith (The showsthe impartialityand valor to which eachof us Screw tape Letter s, MereChristianity, longs to be called. SutyrisedbyJoy, The Great Divorce) as c.s. tEwls ATHts DESK StorySummary THE LEWISFAMILY WARDROBE well as the sevenNarnia Chronicles. While exploringthe house,Lucy the youngest,climbs through a magicwardrobe Why Did Lewis Write the Chronicles? into Narnia,a land of talking animalsand m;,thicalcreatures who areunder the Lewis himselfstated that the taleswere not allegoriesand thereforeshould not evil White Witch'sspell of endlesswinter. When Lucy returns,her brothersand be "decoded."He preferredto think of them as "supposals,"as he explainedin 'supposing sisterdont believeher tale.Edmund entersNarnia a few dayslater and meetsthe this letter to a young woman namedAnne: "I askedmyself, that White Witch, who feedshim TurkishDelight and promisesto makehim a prince therereally was a world like Narnia and supposingit had (like our world) gone of Narnia if he will bring his siblingsto her.
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