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PDF Linkchapter Index [Italic page numbers indicate major references] acid-base reactions, 421 Apishapa aquuer, 120, 144, 145, 147 water quality, 85, 294, 297 ACSN. See American Commission on recharge,148 Arkansas, 141,174,224,280,363 Stratigraphic Nomenclature Appalachian Basin, 189 Arkansas River, 157, 158, 160, 168 activity coefficients, 421 Appalachian Fold Belt, 133 aquuer-stream system, 172,174, Adirondack outlier, New York, 102 Appalachian Piedmont, 384 275,278 advection, 381,413,419,466,467,503 Appalachian Plateaus and Valley and saline water in, 163 aeromagnetic techniques, 112 Ridge ground-water region, 12, arsenic, 184, 185 agriculture, 66 22,189,397 artesian systems, 2, 3, 57, 120, 319, contamination, 280, 510 Appalachian Plateaus Subregion, 321,418,436 development, 2, 62, 83, 261, 275 189,192 Ascencion Bay, Yucatan, 239 See also Irrigation Appalachian region, 189, 221, 338, Athabasca Oil Sands, Canada, 416 Alabama, 3, 189,201,226,340,411 363,367,405 Atikokan research area, Ontario, 105 aquuers,192,194,210,233,234 Appalachian Sector, 189 Atlanta, Georgia, 370 deposits in, 209, 210, 229, 315, 319 Aquia Aquuer, Maryland, 214, 215 Atlantic and eastern Gulf Coastal fault systems, 317 aquiclude, 12 Plain ground-water region, 15, sinkhole collapse, 509 aquilers,17,54,62,63,194,196 209. See also Atlantic Coastal Alaska, 25, 29,268,363,428 alluvial, 165, 273, 248 Plain; Gulf Coastal Plain aquuers,125,126,265 artesian, 57, 120, 319, 418, 436 Atlantic Coastal Plain, 5, 15, 22, 209 permafrost, 263, 390 bedrock,34,129,177,180,183,278, Atlantic Coast Basin, 209 Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, 280 Austin Formation, Mexico, 90 216,217,315 buried-valley, 124, 125, 130, 167, Avon Park Formation, 230 Alberta, Canada, 116, 121, 125, 308, 311,397 A ymamon Limestone, West Indies, 428 carbonate,54,33~ 416 253 albitization, 152, 429, 472 definition, 10, 11, 12 Aztec Wash, Colorado, 389,390 Albuquerque Basin, New Mexico, glacial deposit, 124, 137,301 283 karst, 267, 401 Bacalar lakes, Yucatan, 239,241 Aleutian Island, Alaska, 363 "leaky" systems, 4 bacteria, 505 alkalinity, 293, 421 -stream interrelations, 168, 185 "bad-water line" (Mexico, Texas), 89 Allegheny Front, 193 systems, 4, 12, 116, 165, 312 Bahama Islands, 243, 244, 246, 251 Allegheny River, 192 types,116,182 Bahama Platform, 247, 253 alluvial basins, 15, 79, 283, 298 variability, 194, 196 Bahamas-Cuba intersection, 245 alluvial deposits, 22, 165, 273 volcanic deposit, 257, 258, 261 Baja California, Mexico, 79,80 aquiler-stream systems, 165, 283 aquifuge,12,193 bajadas, 82 Alluvial Valleys ground-water region, aquitards, 29, 88, 94, 118, 122, 126, Bakersfield, Calllornia, 64 22,165 134,193,194,246,151,153, Bakken Formation, 141 Amargosa Desert, Nevada, 47 definition, 12 Balcones Escarpment, Texas, 141, 153 Amarillo uplllt, 148, 152 glacial deposit, 301, 311 Balcones fault zone, 153, 154 American Bottoms, Illinois, 275 See also confining beds basal lens, 258 American Code of Stratigraphic Arbuckle uplift, 148 basalt, 34, 39, 103, 256, 392 Nomenclature, 11 Archean rocks, 102, 103 aquilers, 47,247,321 American Commission on Arctic Islands, Canada, 264 cooling fractures, 15, 364 Stratigraphic Nomenclature Arikaree Group, 159,283 flows, 94, 223, 321 (ACSN), 9 Arikaree River, Colorado, 160 hydraulic conductivity, 37,357,364 Anadarko basin, 145, 152 Arizona,5,51,54,83,85,389,394 permeability,94,155,221,247,256 Anastasia Formation, Florida, 236 alluvial deposits, 283, 294 porosity, 43, 247, 256, 356 Antigonish River, Nova Scotia, 273 basins, 81, 83, 283, 284, 285, 286, types, 42 Antillean arc, West Indies, 247 290,291,296 See also Columbia River Basalt Anvil Cave, Alabama, 411 pumping, 83, 86 Group Aphebian rocks, 102, 103 subsidence, 86, 391 basal water, 258, 260 511 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3733833/9780813754673_backmatter.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 512 Index baseflow, 268, 269, 398 Box Canyon, Idaho, 364 fracture studies, 105, 108, 145, 179, base level controls (of hydraulic Brazos River, Texas, 273 308,370 drain), 342 brines,98, 151,192,193,353,470 glaciation, 29, 122, 134, 304 basinal migration, 490 activity coefficients, 421 ground water age, 310 Basin and Range Lowland, 283 concentration, 109, 118, 153, 217, hydrogeology research in, 503 Basin and Range Physiographic 328,363 lakes, 104 Province,37,43,47,283,289,290 hot, 465 permafrost, 263, 390 basins, groundwater, 4, 37, 51, 61, 69, mechanismsfor,228,311,421,472 recharge, 183, 185 83,130,205,285,286,416 metalliferous, 464, 472, 474 water quality, 108, 185 deposits, 72, 76, 283, 291, 301 mineralization and, 470 See also Canadian Shield water quality, 119, 297 origin of, 217,322, 506 Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Battle Formation, Canada, 123 British Columbia, 29, 376 Management Program Bear Creek fault, 163 British Mountains, 267 (CNFWMP),104,106,108 Bearpaw Formation, 121, 122, 123 Brooks Range, Alaska, 267 Canadian River, 157, 158, 160, 162, Bearpaw Shale, 123 Brule Formation, 158, 159 391 Beata Ridge, West Indies, 245 Brunswick, Georgia, 235 Canadian River Basin, 152 Beaufort Sea, 265 Buda Formation, 90 Canadian River Valley, 153 Beauharnois Axis, Canada, 134 Buena Vista Lake, California, 61, 285 Canadian Rockies, 342 Beaver River, 160, 163 Buffalo Head Hills, 416 Canadian Shield, 302,304,367,371, bedrock,15,17,205,274,396 buoyancy,486,488 372,373,376,478 aquifers, 34, 129, 177,180, 183,278, Butano Sandstone, 62 Cape Catoche, Yucatan, 239 280 Byerlee's Law, 450, 453, 454, 456, 458, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 182,315 permeability, 15, 157, 182, 185 459 Cape Fear arch, North Carolina, 209, wells in, 26, 179, 182 317,319 Beekmantown Formation, 134 California, 37, 63, 283, 287, 289, 328 Cape Fear River, 213,216,217 Belize, 239, 241 alluvial basins, 79, 298 capillary forces, 382, 487, 488, 505 Belly River Formation, 121 alluvial deposits, 3, 285, 287, 292, Caprock Escarpment, 152, 153 Belly River Sandstone, Alberta, 428 296,298 carbon, 43, 215 Bermuda, 412 Central Valley, 59, 61, 62, 283 carbonate equilibrium, 402 Bethke compaction/heat drive model, channel alteration, 395 carbonate rocks, 17, 69, 237, 244, 250, 493 closed basins, 61, 83, 285 320,333 Big Horn Mountains, 143 coastal basins, 79, 289 aquifers in, 54, 116, 229, 237, 245, Big Smokey Valley, Nevada, 75 Coast Ranges, 59, 285 251,286,322,334,416 Big Snowy Group, 146 compaction, 4, 65, 284, 294, 392 permeability, 51, 117,333 Binghamton, New York, 397 faults, 60, 61, 66, 79, 80 platforms, 246, 315, 317 biogenic transport, 385 geothermal water, 363 See also dolomite; limestone Birds Hill, Manitoba, 117 glaciation in, 28 Caribbean Island arc, 244 Biscayne aquifer, 229, 236, 320, 342 gold, 478 Caribbean Plate, 247 Black Hills, 143, 147, 411 playa lakes, 72 Carlile Formation, 142 dedolomitization in, 119, 144 saline water, 376 Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, 412 rechargein,2,118,120,144,148 seacliff erosion, 394 Carmel Formation, 56 Black River Formation, 134 sealevelchanges,285 Carmel River, California, 395 Black River-Trenton shales and lime- seawater intrusion, 65 Carolina Slate Belt, 201 stones, 134 sedimentation rates, 290, 291 Carrizo Sandstone, Texas, 328 Black Rock desert, Nevada, 72 subsidence, 4, 64, 67, 285, 291, 294, Carson Desert, Nevada, 283, 285 "Blue holes" (sinkholes), 246 298,391,392 Carson Range, 75 Blue Lake canyon, Idaho, 364 volcanism, 61, 286 Carson River basin, 285 Blue Ridge Subregion, 192 water quality, 296 Cascade Range, 28, 29, 34, 37, 40, 59, bolsons, 72, 76 Caloosahatchee Marl, Florida, 236 62,71,286,354 Bonham compaction drive model, Cambrian, 51, 133, 144, 154 Catahoula Formation, 414,415 490 Cameron, Arizona, 394 cathodoluminescence techniques, 424 Boone Formation, 149 Canada, 101, 115, 133, 177, 402, 428 cation, 5, 430 Bonneterre Dolomite, 149 aquifers, 116, 120, 137, 273 exchange,47,130,214,228,296, borehole techniques, 112 buried-valley systems, 125, 167 297,298,360 Boston, Massachusetts, 397 flow systems, 105, 116, 141, 182, Catskill Mountain Section, 397 Boulder Zone, Florida, 231, 233 376,416 caves,389,401,405,406,411 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3733833/9780813754673_backmatter.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 Index 513 See also Mammoth Cave, Kentucky cliff sapping, 394 complexing theory, 466 Cayman Islands, West Indies, 243,246 climatic effects, 29, 341 computer codes, 421 Cayman Trench, West Indies, 245 clint-and-grike pattern, 404 Conasauga aquifer, 192 Cedar Keys Formation, Florida, 231 Clinton-Red Mountain aquifer, 192 concentration gradient, 136 cementation, 251, 253, 293, 425 CNFWMP. See Canadian Nuclear Conchas River, Mexico, 81 cements, 425, 428 Fuel Waste Management conductivity "cenotes," 238, 253, 319 Program electrical, 369 Cenozoi~43,54,59,61,81,237 Coachella Valley, California, 79 thermal, 148, 263 sedimentary,47,51,59,61,63,80, Coastal Alluvial Basins ground-water See also hydraulic conductivity 99 region, 21, 79 conduit systems, 401 See also periods and epochs Coastal Lowlands aquifer system, confining beds, 11, 17, 53, 57, 90, 212, Central Alluvial Basins ground-water 223,225 145,222,319 region, 21, 81, 87 Coastal Plain, 15, 153,315 Connecticut, 3, 179, 183 Central Basin, Tennessee, 194 Coast Ranges, 59, 285, 296 consolidation, theory of, 423 Central Basin Platform, 152 Coconino sandstone, 323 contamination, 509,311,312,317,328 Central Glaciated Plains ground- Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature, agricultural, 280, 510 water region, 22, 23, 129, 193 11 cleanup, 505 Central Great Plains hydrophysio­ Coeur d'Alene mineral district, susceptibility
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