Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 50 (4), 2018 THRIPS ON OAT IN WESTERN ROMANIA F. PARNEA, Ana – Maria VÎRTEIU1*, Ioana GROZEA1 1Department of Biology and Plant Protection, Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "King Michael I of Romania" from Timisoara * Corresponding author:
[email protected] Abstract. The oat crop in western Romania has begun to occupy increasingly large areas, as the fertile soil in this area along with a modern, properly applied technology has allowed farmers to obtain high yields. Thus, in order to develop an adequate pest control strategy for oat crops, it is necessary to understand the particularities related to phenology, distribution and life cycle of major pests of this crop. Among insects present in oat crops, thrips are between those that cause significant yields losses. Regarding biology, ecology, and control of thrips, a significant number of works have been published so far, but the changing climate conditions with arid tendencies make this knowledge to be far from satisfied. In Romania, research on this group of insects were numerous, being localized mainly on the species present in economically important cereal crops. In this context, the authors have recently conducted a series of research on the taxonomy of thrips species present in this crop. The experimental plots were placed in the western part of Romania, near the village of Sag, the experience being carried out during 2017 - 2018. In the investigated period, 474 specimens were collected from the oat crop, belonging to 8 species of thrips. In each experimental variant Limothrips cerealium Holiday and Limothrips denticornis Holiday were the dominant species.