Chruir9 Odliou "Cesu 'PPP-1-H in Such Complicated Latin That Most of These Widows Married Men Sively in My Family." Take No Tion
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1 itonit \s. bur 'W. H. TROXELL, Editor & Publisher. Esta,blihed by SAMUEL MOTTER in 1879. TERMS—$1.00 a Year in Ad -June VOL. XXIII. EMMITSBURG,. MARYLAND, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14-, 1902. NO. :30 There is a popular notion that Sfe The first martyrdom in the Coli- Al?,! TO SECURE; JUSTICE FOR Att, THE LONGEST STONE BRIDGE IN TOE GUARDED WORLD Is IN PENNSYLVANIA. rk.,;;;;,-,i1;; • FAMED RUIN Peter's Cathedral could be pieced seum was that of St. Ignacius, the The executive committee of what At Rockyille, a few milea front WORKMEN CONSTANTLY ENGAGED IN inside of the Coliseum, but that is disciple of St. John the Evangelist, is known as the Justice Party has REPAIRING ,CTILISEIT3i. decided to call a national conven- the capital of Pensy'vania, can he e- not quite true. St. Peter's is in and the first bishop of Antioch. (From The Chicago Record-Herald.) seen a stone bridge that is five the form of a cross. The Coliseum Lions were let loose upon him and tion to meet in Washington April ROME, Jan. 3.—It costs the gov- times longer than any other stout) is oval 1.790 feet in circumference, devoured him, except the larger 19, 1902. One of the chief de- ernment of Italy about 820.000 a bridge in the world. It has just 620 feet at the major axis and 525 bones, which the Christians collect- mands of this party iw that aged 9o10) .--•>•• year to keep up the Coliseum, the been erected by the Peonsylvasia rorinfanth and Children. feet at the minor axis. St. Peter's ed during, the night and have since and decrepit ex-slaves- shall be the most impressive and imposing ruin Railroad Company, to replace au ..txt.„ is 636 feet long by 459! feet wide. preserved in St. Clement's Church, wards of the entire nation and be in the world and the most censpie- iron bridge of two tracks. This .-. so that if it were shaped a little iledicated to his memory here in provided for as public pensioners. ...- ; The Mt] Y Have nous type of Roman architecture bridge contains four tracks, and! -,i-....,:'oCAS,-, , differently it might be squeezed Rome. Until 1870 these relics The foundatipus of the party are and civilization. Fifty or sixty permits two passenger and two within the Coliseum walls. The were carried iround the Coliseum stated to be e — - - ithays Bughl masons are kept at work all the freight trains to pass each other et d one of St. Peter's is 448 feet high; with great .pomp on Feb. 1, each "Justice to elle needy and worthy AVegetablePreparationforAs- while repairing breaks and cracks the same time on: the bridge. similating theroodandilegula- the walls of the Coliseum are 157 year, the anniversary of his mar ex -slaves whose conduct during and for fear of endangering the lives of This cannot be done on any other ting the Stomachs and I3oweIs of feet and they were probably thirty tyrdom. It w is St. Igniteius who since the war has proved them de- Bears the tourists who constantly visit the bridge in the world. One end of a or forty feet higher once. introduced airtging into Christian serving. -.IN .FA, -`.- ....—1-- ilt... '-Th .. '-` _..- Ii3 . _.41.4::c' place. They are working under "Justice this bridge rests in Dauphin county There has been it 'good churches while he wits bishop of to the Southern tax- Signature the direction of an architect and deal of: and the other end in Perry court.y. Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- discussion as to the seating cepa Antioeh.—Wilham E. Curtis. payers. engineer employed by the minister "Justice to every 'The Susquehanna rives flow under ness and Rest.Contains neither city of the Coliseum, but nobody man of every Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. of of public instruction. People with Clerk's Wise Suggestion. color, creed it all the time, and me storinv can tell exactly what it was. The and clime. Is101' NAIR.C ()TIC . artistic taste complain about this "1 have lately been Much troubled 'Justice for our weather the muddy waters of the • estimates run alt the way from 40,- own people, jus- "restoration," but it is absolutely with dyspepsia, belching, and sour tice to the Cubans, to the Jnniata often find their way there, 000 to 87,000. There were eighty Hawaii- Avtp.4• ofOldS1147,ELPITCREa necessary in order to save the rein. stomach," writes M. S. Mead, ans, the Porto also. There are in all forty-eiglit entrances and eighty stairways and` Ricans, and justice limtpk;li Seed - At the same time it was not neces- It•ading pharmacist of Attleboro-, piers and 41x..feana • for every foreigner who comes forty-eight arches. four tiers of boxes and seats for the to HAW& S'sits,- sary for the caretakers after the fall Mass. "I coald eat hardly any- The bridge is Ads,..fc-rel • assist in developing the fifty feet wide, and different ranks of society, the no- manufac- Peiswnithet 1., shrnhs thing without suffering. several .Rilairtajewjet # of the papacy to tear out the turing, is made of a light-colored stone • bility surrounding the imperial mercantile, Mining or plants which decorated this hours. My clerk suggested I try brought l''atified .Slzoor and transportation resources of our from Cambria coutirty. Klieg/wt. rims): bore on both sides, and the soldiers most stately, solemn, majestic pile Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which I did great country. Fifteen quarries were kept busy all and sailors having free entrance to with ninst happy A peifect Remedy for Constipa- of stone. results. I bevelled "Justice for the Jew and jnstice of the time getting the stone .cutl tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea what we would call the peanut gal- Before 1870 the gall lit lied bare no more trouble and when one can sad shipping it ? there are 1,000;009! Worms,Convulsions.Feverish- •lery, Which was about 140 feet from for the Gentile. ness and SLEEI'. : r interior, the glorious walls and the go to eating mince pie, cheese, candy "Justice for the cubic yards of stone in the bridge, Loss OF the grourel. Free admissien was Peotestant, the titanic arches were softened and and nuts after such a time, their Catholic, or the and it cost *1,000,000. Three Fee Simile Signature of given to the sailors because they follower ,of any embellished with garlands of digestion must be pretty good. I other creed or sect. bemired men worked on it con- C4'enfigZi;tv.- handled the awnings that were green .and trir places lahrge trees endorse Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 'Justice for the rich and gently from April 1st, 1900, until NEW li'D riIi. Years stretched ever the seats of the no- justice , ..: from the cracks in the stones. heartily." You don't have to diet the present time, when it is practi- crew bility for the poor. The justice which when the sun was too bright Eat all the good food you want but cally •' - 'Iliatt'4-2 I: The crypts- and vaults were cushion- holds sacred the rights of wealth, completed, with the exception. tt5;:e- erels'ea'-': Ise _r_a_orkesal‘I- --Less.--teale*I for comfort. It is said .that the ed with mosses, with the same effect don't overload the stomaeh. but It less carefully protects of the laying of time track, which amphitheatre could be emptied of those that, one sees in the Seoftosh eh- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests of the poorest vagabond, will not be done until next spring. mem'caret OF WRAPPER, spectators in ten tninutes, the cor- heys and the Castle of Kenilworth. your food. 'I'. E. Zimmerman & Co "Justice which guarantees to all A• ridors and the stairways all being Teacher—If v;;:fnet-3---the north, TNE ertivreo•re • NEW YORR CITE. It was then the most beautiful as. the fulleat personal liberty which pry wide. LAST PENSIONER OF WAR OF 1812. didirectly behind you will be the 1115131=IREEiNEEM12•;."---LISMest7"..!- well as the most imposing structure does not infringe upon the rights The Coliseum, like the other If [Drain Cronk, of Oneida court- south, on your right hand will be in existence,. and so great was the of others. wonder of the world. the Pyramids tv, N. Y., can manage to hold on east, and on the left hand west. veriety of vegetation and foliage "Do unto othess as you would of Egypt, wt i tailt by Jewish la- to life for a little while Tonger, a Seeing a lack of ettention on the which sprang from the sod that that they should do to you."— bor, and completed by 12,000 cap- grateful republic will probably give part of Bobby, and wishing to catch NEW STOOK had been seturated with the blood A ?Ile?'lean. tives whom Tau; brought from him $3.25 more a week than he is _ Bhionbt imv p't.,What is on your left hand, of the martvra that a botanist 0' FALL D NTL-1 Jerusalem after the conquest. The receiving now. He receives $12 a • In Bed fourfo week: with La Grippe. named Deakin published a cat- I architect was a Jew--Gaudentius, month pension now, but there is a We have received the following Bobby (in deep confusion) — alogoe of the flora of the Coliseum. I III T who was converted to Christianity bill pending in the House of Repre- letter from Mr. Rey Kemp, of Please, its some tar, al' it won't g 1 identifying, 420 species. In tearing' re, and afterwards suffered in sentatives to make it $25 a month, Angola, Ind.