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'W. H. TROXELL, Editor & Publisher. Esta,blihed by MOTTER in 1879. TERMS—$1.00 a Year in Ad -June


There is a popular notion that Sfe The first martyrdom in the Coli- Al?,! TO SECURE; JUSTICE FOR Att, THE LONGEST STONE BRIDGE IN TOE GUARDED WORLD Is IN PENNSYLVANIA. rk.,;;;;,-,i1;; • FAMED RUIN Peter's Cathedral could be pieced seum was that of St. Ignacius, the The executive committee of what At Rockyille, a few milea front WORKMEN CONSTANTLY ENGAGED IN inside of the Coliseum, but that is of St. , is known as the Justice Party has REPAIRING ,CTILISEIT3i. decided to call a national conven- the capital of Pensy'vania, can he e- not quite true. St. Peter's is in and the first bishop of Antioch. (From The Chicago Record-Herald.) seen a stone bridge that is five the form of a cross. The Coliseum Lions were let loose upon him and tion to meet in Washington April , Jan. 3.—It costs the gov- times longer than any other stout) is oval 1.790 feet in circumference, devoured him, except the larger 19, 1902. One of the chief de- ernment of about 820.000 a bridge in the world. It has just 620 feet at the major axis and 525 bones, which the Christians collect- mands of this party iw that aged .--•>•• the 9o10) year to keep up the Coliseum, and decrepit ex-slaves- shall be the been erected by the Peonsylvasia rorinfanth and Children. feet at the minor axis. St. Peter's ed during, the night and have since most impressive and imposing ruin Railroad Company, to replace au ..txt.„ is 636 feet long by 459! feet wide. preserved in St. Clement's Church, wards of the entire nation and be in the world and the most censpie- iron bridge of two tracks. This .-. . so that if it were shaped a little iledicated to his memory here in provided for as public pensioners. ...- ; The Mt] Y Have nous type of Roman architecture bridge contains four tracks, and! -,i-....,:'oCAS,-, , differently it might be squeezed Rome. Until 1870 these relics The foundatipus of the party are and civilization. Fifty or sixty permits two passenger and two within the Coliseum walls. The were carried iround the Coliseum stated to be e — - - ithays Bughl masons are kept at work all the freight trains to pass each other et d one of St. Peter's is 448 feet high; with great .pomp on Feb. 1, each "Justice to elle needy and worthy AVegetablePreparationforAs- while repairing breaks and cracks the same time on: the bridge. similating theroodandilegula- the walls of the Coliseum are 157 year, the anniversary of his mar ex -slaves whose conduct during and for fear of endangering the lives of This cannot be done on any other ting the Stomachs and I3oweIs of feet and they were probably thirty tyrdom. It w is St. Igniteius who since the war has proved them de- Bears the tourists who constantly visit the bridge in the world. One end of a or forty feet higher once. introduced airtging into Christian serving. -.IN .FA, -`.- ....—1-- ilt... '-Th .. . '-` _..- Ii3 . _.41.4::c' place. They are working under "Justice this bridge rests in Dauphin county There has been it 'good churches while he wits bishop of to the Southern tax- Signature the direction of an architect and deal of: and the other end in Perry court.y. Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- discussion as to the seating cepa Antioeh.—Wilham E. Curtis. payers. engineer employed by the minister "Justice to every 'The Susquehanna rives flow under ness and Rest.Contains neither city of the Coliseum, but nobody man of every Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. of of public instruction. People with Clerk's Wise Suggestion. color, creed it all the time, and me storinv can tell exactly what it was. The and clime. Is101' NAIR.C ()TIC . artistic taste complain about this "1 have lately been Much troubled 'Justice for our weather the muddy waters of the • estimates run alt the way from 40,- own people, jus- "restoration," but it is absolutely with dyspepsia, belching, and sour tice to the Cubans, to the Jnniata often find their way there, 000 to 87,000. There were eighty Hawaii- Avtp.4• ofOldS1147,ELPITCREa necessary in order to save the rein. stomach," writes M. S. Mead, ans, the Porto also. There are in all forty-eiglit entrances and eighty stairways and` Ricans, and justice limtpk;li Seed - At the same time it was not neces- It•ading pharmacist of Attleboro-, piers and 41x..feana • for every foreigner who comes forty-eight arches. four tiers of boxes and seats for the to HAW& S'sits,- sary for the caretakers after the fall . "I coald eat hardly any- The bridge is Ads,..fc-rel • assist in developing the fifty feet wide, and different ranks of society, the no- manufac- Peiswnithet 1., shrnhs thing without suffering. several .Rilairtajewjet # of the papacy to tear out the turing, is made of a light-colored stone • bility surrounding the imperial mercantile, Mining or plants which decorated this hours. My clerk suggested I try brought l''atified .Slzoor and transportation resources of our from Cambria coutirty. Klieg/wt. rims): bore on both sides, and the soldiers most stately, solemn, majestic pile Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which I did great country. Fifteen quarries were kept busy all and sailors having free entrance to with ninst happy A peifect Remedy for Constipa- of stone. results. I bevelled "Justice for the Jew and jnstice of the time getting the stone .cutl tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea what we would call the peanut gal- Before 1870 the gall lit lied bare no more trouble and when one can sad shipping it ? there are 1,000;009! Worms,Convulsions.Feverish- •lery, Which was about 140 feet from for the Gentile. ness and SLEEI'. : r interior, the glorious walls and the go to eating mince pie, cheese, candy "Justice for the cubic yards of stone in the bridge, Loss OF the grourel. Free admissien was Peotestant, the titanic arches were softened and and nuts after such a time, their Catholic, or the and it cost *1,000,000. Three Fee Simile Signature of given to the sailors because they follower ,of any embellished with garlands of digestion must be pretty good. I other creed or sect. bemired men worked on it con- C4'enfigZi;tv.- handled the awnings that were green .and trir places lahrge trees endorse Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 'Justice for the rich and gently from April 1st, 1900, until NEW li'D riIi. Years stretched ever the seats of the no- justice , ..: from the cracks in the stones. heartily." You don't have to diet the present time, when it is practi- crew bility for the poor. The justice which when the sun was too bright Eat all the good food you want but cally •' - 'Iliatt'4-2 I: The crypts- and vaults were cushion- holds sacred the rights of wealth, completed, with the exception. tt5;:e- erels'ea'-': Ise _r_a_orkesal‘I- --Less.--teale*I for comfort. It is said .that the ed with mosses, with the same effect don't overload the stomaeh. but It less carefully protects of the laying of time track, which amphitheatre could be emptied of those that, one sees in the Seoftosh eh- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests of the poorest vagabond, will not be done until next spring. mem'caret OF WRAPPER, spectators in ten tninutes, the cor- heys and the Castle of Kenilworth. your food. 'I'. E. Zimmerman & Co "Justice which guarantees to all A• ridors and the stairways all being Teacher—If v;;:fnet-3---the north, TNE ertivreo enr.ie•re • NEW YORR CITE. It was then the most beautiful as. the fulleat personal liberty which pry wide. LAST PENSIONER OF WAR OF 1812. didirectly behind you will be the 1115131=IREEiNEEM12•;."---LISMest7"..!- well as the most imposing structure does not infringe upon the rights The Coliseum, like the other If [Drain Cronk, of Oneida court- south, on your right hand will be in existence,. and so great was the of others. wonder of the world. the Pyramids tv, N. Y., can manage to hold on east, and on the left hand west. veriety of vegetation and foliage "Do unto othess as you would of Egypt, wt i tailt by Jewish la- to life for a little while Tonger, a Seeing a lack of ettention on the which sprang from the sod that that they should do to you."— bor, and completed by 12,000 cap- grateful republic will probably give part of Bobby, and wishing to catch NEW STOOK had been seturated with the blood A ?Ile?'lean. tives whom Tau; brought from him $3.25 more a week than he is _ Bhionbt imv p't.,What is on your left hand, of the martvra that a botanist 0' FALL D NTL-1 Jerusalem after the conquest. The receiving now. He receives $12 a • In Bed fourfo week: with La Grippe. named Deakin published a cat- I architect was a Jew--Gaudentius, month pension now, but there is a We have received the following Bobby (in deep confusion) — alogoe of the flora of the Coliseum. I III T who was converted to Christianity bill pending in the House of Repre- letter from Mr. Rey Kemp, of Please, its some tar, al' it won't g 1 identifying, 420 species. In tearing' re, and afterwards suffered in sentatives to make it $25 a month, Angola, Ind. "I was in bed four come off. —Tit Bits. away this foliage the workmen did as mt has been ti in the arena. The legends say that and, favorably re- weeks with la grippe and I tried an i in mouse amount of damage, WHEN you lack energy, de not he made a very eloquent appeal to ported, it will in all likelihood pass many remedies and spent con- more than the decay of a century Cronk years old relish your food, feel dull and .3 4-, the Emperor Vespasian, who emr- llirarn is 103 siderable for treatment with Latest Low PrIcos. Many different kinds I would cense. beeanse the roots of stuped, atter eating, alt you need plo'yed him to desien the Coliseum and is the last surviving pensioner physicians, but I received no relief the trees end shrubs had wormed is a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach. • to &int from, and a witness of his death. Part of of the War of 1812. There are until 1 tried Foley's Honey and Tar. their way into the mare:send creviees it Liver Tablets. They w ill make his speech is inseribed upon his now on the pension roll 1,527 wid- Two small bottles of this. medicine WT and had clinched themselves stoutly you feel like a hew man and give tomb in the catacombs of St. Agnes owe of soldiers of that war, but cured me and I now use it exclu- resisting, the attempts at their eve you an appetite like it tear. For Chruir9 odliou "CESu 'PPP-1-h in such complicated Latin that most of these widows married men sively in my family." Take no tion. sale by T. E. Zimmerman & No troubleto s'Aow my tv!sortment of s'ioes. Call and there is it difference of opinion as to much older than themselves and substitutes. '1'. E. Zimmer- It is. the rule of the present ad- Co. examine my stock. Reepec fLilly, the proper translation. The putt- their hero soldier boys have long man. ministration of the antiquities in FRANK ROWE. port of it is, however, that he con- since passed allay. Hiram Cronk, + M. Rome to clear out all vegetation, Comparisons Are Odious. "BILLsoN says we are to have an • tributed to the glory of Vespasian of all those who fought the British strip off the ivy that garlands the Dick—You have an unusually early spring." by budding the Coliseum, and that In the early past of the last century walls, and even the mosses that small hand. "What makes hi in think so ? lie' should therefore contribute to is still able to answer at the muster EJ soften the outlines and at Mayme—Do you really think so? "He saw it robin on the fence the glory of Christ by building roll of the army. the color of brickwork. Dick—Yes ; with one exception this morning." CES theatres in Heaven, Others Personally he took no part iii the CET P trans- In the Palace of the Caesars, in the it is the smallest I have seen for '"1 hat's nothing. I saw a cow- late it "mansians," although the actual fighting, but that wasn't his Forum and in all the other ruins many a day. slip in the alley back of my house words are "theatru in celo." fault. He enlisted to fight, but yhu actually see ieee coestently May me—And the exception ? i yesterday."—Cleveland Plain Deal- The lack was against him. Things employed picking out the material of the Colitentn blades of were pretty warm along the north- Dick—The one I held in a little eeiass that up after every came chiefly from Nero's famous game News. ern frontier of New York after the last night. —Chicago liain from the cracks in the marble golden house, which covered an Officer—Is your brother who was war had lasted about two years, Stop pavements, and every time a shoot area of nearly a square mile, in- so deaf any better. and in the summer of 1814 a draft A neglected cough may lead to of ivy appears there is some cruel cluding the courts, and a portion Bridget—Sure, he'll be all right of militia was ordered. Hiram serious bronchial or lung troubles. attendant ready to tear it down. of it occupied the place where the in the morning. Crank was only 15 years old but he u Don't take ; chances when Foley's Yesterday we saw a man with a Coliseum now stands. Much of Officer—You don't say so ? the was spoiling to fight the British, Honey anti Tar affords perfect se- Bridget—Yes ; he rope around bi. shoulders lowered material in Nerote house came was arrested and he enlisted in Western Oneida , cavity from serious effecte of a yesterday, and he gets his beam' from the top of the walls of the from temples and palaces erected county as 3 private. His captain I cold. n the at —Den ye? Repabli- I Baths of Caracalla to scrape off some by his predecessois, and hence it wag Ichahod Davis. He marched ran. delicate mosses. In fact, the ruins was perfectly natural for the Philoepher—Every young man a little, and lived in camp a gmd are about the cleanest thing in and the princes of Rome to use the should have a high ideal. $15.00 Over Coat for $5.CO. deal for five weeks aid then was How's your music school prosper- Rome. material in the Coliseum to build Gilded Youth—That's what I discharged with a 1111111 tier of other ing, Bommitt ?" *10 Over Coat for 1-1!4 75. their churches and palaces._ djhe say. The girl I'm engagee to is Since the overthrow of the church, youths of his acquaintance. "First rate. I've just introducs records show that four of the most 5 feet 8 inches tali.—Somerville 7 Over Coat f3r $3.50. too, the civil authorities have re, On the first day after his discharge ed a novelty that ought to take." famous of the Roman palaces, tho. Journal. moved all religious emblems from "What's that ?" $3O Over Coat flr $2.75. Farnese. Barberim, Venezia and he was in Watertown • tied in the the Coliseum. Until 1872 the spot night he was aroused by the sound For St anuteh Troubles. i'A class in harmony, for married Come and get some of these bargains while they last. Also Cancelleria, were built entirely where the Christian martyrs suffer- Cannonading. Next morning " I have taken a great many people."—Philadelphia Bulletin. LADIES' SHAWLS that I am selling off at Great from material taken from its walls, of have a Lot of ed was marke'd by a tall iron cross, - — Bargains. These bargains won't last long. The first to come are the and each one of them was erected he learned that a British gunboat different medicines for stomach the base of which was devoutly "THERE'S only one piece of ad- first- served. Come Quick. by a cardinal who afterward became had passed and fired a few shots at trouble and constipation," says kissed by the faithful, and all vice I would give you, my son," pope. Pope Paul III. gave his the defenses of Sackett's Harbor. Mrs. S. Geiger of Dunkerton, Iowa, I. S. A -INT NA N. around the arena were small said the alleged philosopher. "Nev- nephew, Hiram went home, but enlisted "but never had as good results Cardinal Farnese, permis- of pie that's ID li(10 February Delineator on hand now. chapels and stations. Every Fri- from er tackle a piece sion to take as much material as he again on October 8, 18.14. He serv• from any as Chamberlain's day at 4 in the afternoon the Carme- with the aid of a cook book. No could haul away from sunset to ed 40 days as private aml assisted Stomach & Liver Tablets." '50 S'EARS' lite monks, who had charge of the woman who needs a book to help sunrise. ;The cardinal asked a lit• in building log barracks along the For sale by T. E. Zimmerman & EXPERIENCE ruins, led a procession around the her out ought to be in the pie bush- the time for preparation, which was shore at Sackett's Harbor. He was Co. Via Crucis, the monks being wrap- n ess."—Bufrio Expreas. granted, and as the sun set upon honorably -discharged November 10 ped in gray cowls, with only their following. TIIE two men were talking about the night appointed he appeared their domestic affairs : C)4%. CIP let X If you haven't a regular, healthy movement of tho eyes visible—a most impressive The Kind Yet Have Always Bought bowels every day, you're ill or will be. Keil, your with 4,000 men and ;600 ox teams, Hiram Cronk married Polly "Do you Bears the A bowels open. and be well. Force,in the shape of vio- keen a cook at your or piN poison,i tlangeroua Tho smooth- spectacle—after which one of them Signature MARKS, lent physic Thorntoh at Western (now West- house ?" inquires! one. TRADE est, easia,t, most perfect ,vny or keeping ;ho bowels and is said to have carted off 2.522 of DESIGNS clear and clean is to take preached a sermon from a pulpit in ernville), Oneida county, March 21 "Uin—er, ah," heettated the - COPYRIGHTS &C. CANDY loads of marble, stone and brick -- E Anyone sending a sketch and description may the arena. It was front this pulpit 1825. and in the years that followed other, "we try to."—Detrozt Free quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an CATHARTIC before moraing. He—I believe that Woman goes Invention is probably patentable. Communica- that Gavazzi preached the sensa- several children wore born to them. Free. tion,strictly coati denttal. Handbook on Patents to church to show her-new bon- sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. tional sermons which were followed At one time Pope ; Sixtus V. es- Ile subsequently received froiat the Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive federal goverment two military They Work While You Sleep. net. special notice, without charge, in the by the revolutions of March, 1848. tablished a woolen factory in the arcades of the Coliseum, and Clem- bounty land warrants, one for 120 While your mind and body rest Cas- She—Itow ungrateful you meat Scientific American. To the great Indignation of faithful acres and one for 40 acres, but sold carets Candy Cathartic repair your A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir- ent XI., in the early part of the are ! She wears it to 5110W heir eulation of any scientific journal. Terms, fri a Catholics, the civil government re- them. In 1871 he filed a pension digestion, your liver, your bowels, year; four months. $1. Sold by all newsdealers. generous some husbands can • he.— moved the cross and shrines and eighteenth century, turned it into claim, but it was rejected.; It was put them in perfect order. Genuine MUNN & Co 361BroadwaY' New York EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY it saltpeter factory. A Carmelite tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold e,a o Xr rt!, Branch Office. IMF St.. Washington, D. C. forbade religious services in the reoponed in 1878 and $8 a month Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good, Go Good, in Never Sicken, Weaken. or Gripe, 10, 25, and Le cents monk named Angelo - Paoli is enti- was allowed him. In 1880 his pen- bulk. All druggists, roc. per box. Write fur free sample, and booklet on ruins, ti.e excuse being that the His Turn. health. Address sion was increased to $12 a —CALL ON— REMEDY COMPANY, CHICAGO or NEW YORE. tled to the credit of having stopped Tnr. Society STERLIMil worshippers were exposed to the dan- noon tit. of Scissors Sharpen- "I wouldn't marry you," exclaim - that sort of business, as heconvine- ger of fever ; but shortly after- Of late years he has been quite era in Solingen has refused a pi-op- ea the on gry damsel, "If you -were GEO. T. EYSTER, KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN ed Clement XI. ward they were opened to the pub- that a spot conse- feeble and has required a guardian. osition made by the manufacturers the only man on earth !" crated by —AND— r3oN,T TOBACCOn sgr,r1 lic. There is a good deal of super- the blood of the martyrs Ile lieves on it little.forrn (mortgag- to reduce their wages. The latter, "You bet yea wool dn't," he re- and so ed to almost• its full value),: turd to out the . See his splendid stock of stition about fevers in Rome, Uut many holy memories should therefore, decided lock torted. "If such .condit-i-iiiis exiat- your Lifeawayt not be desecrated in that manner. his daughter and son-in-law live! workmen. About 1,000 men will You can be cured of any form of tobacco using no one .GOLD & SILVEU has ever beep able to trace with hon. The daughter is 70 be thus thrown out of work. ed I could take Ili easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of The pope placed the ruins ill Liberec new life and vigor by taking file-TO-RAQ, a case to the Coliseum, although I years old. Hiram still takes an in- ; Key & Stem-Winding that makes weak men strong. Many gain • of the Carmelite monks,- and ,they ten pounds in ten days. Over 500,000 have no doubt that the damp vaults terest in war matters - and current cured. All Beare the The Kind You Have Always Bought druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book- would chill Any person who remain- introduced the religious eeevices to polities. His evesig,ht and hearing eW 5te j' .57-AR-3 ikrir CI-31 1E1 ; let and advice kREE. Address STERLING , Signature REMEDY CO., Chicago or New York. 431 ed in them. which Have referred. are still fairly good.—Ameekee For 1'2i,-7.1,43;Airr,-.s,:.1.7(44. FALLING :DEEMS INJURES 14. THE LAST iffEA.RD OF IT. WORTH $3001000)000, NOTES, tmiritshurg amide. NEW YORK, Feb. 9.—The plant "My little toy took the cyoup Pure, sweet and delightfully enchanting, capti- The President of a certain big Oil Conch vate the ear. It is this very charm of tone that of the Shadbolt Manufaeturin one night and soon grew so bad you distinguishes Elf} DAY. FEB. 14, 1902. paiAar is said to be worth $300,000,000. A. Company, in Brookiya, was des- could hear him breathe all over the money and no mistake. And _ tidy bit of G. W. WEAVER &r, SON yet he isn't happy. In an address to a Bible TACE troyed by fire early this morning, house, PATTERSON SIRE. "says F. D. Reynolds, Mans- class he spoke of trials and troubles of the I y of Paterson, N. J., with ea-using a loss of t300,000. field, 0. "We feared he would die, rich and the loads they have to carry. A TIEF Fourteen persons young lady whispered to a friend that he popula tio-a of over 105,000 peo- were injured but. few doses of One Minute might wear a Benson's Porous Plaster on his THE LEADERS. wic visited by a terrible and taken to the hospitals. A Cough Cure quickly releaved him amok or, better still, divide the mouey among PiANos de- don't know number of others were attended and he the members of the class. I And makes them the favorite home instruments. vructive fire on last Sonday. The went to sleep. That's the why her idea about the plaster makes me Singers prefer them as accompaniments, and for instrumental music, both popular and clas- gErrysBuiiiq BAANcif STORE ,heart of to by ambulance physicians on the last we heard of the croup. Now want to laugh, but it does. All the same itte "Silk City" is a mass of people laugh after sical, they are unexcelled. spot. I have Been plenty Second-Hand Pianos of various makes at of raja& It was eaten out in less isn't a cough cure like that valua- putting Benson's Plasters on their backs very low pi-lees. The loss to the Coni- or chests, or on any other spot where theee Moving, Tuning and Repairing. Accommodat- han 24 limits by a fire which, for Shadbolt ble ?" One Minute Cough Cure ing Terms. Catalogue and Book of Suggestion was weight, heaviness, weakness or pain. cheerfully given Berne di structiveneas, has not been pithy is $250.000, fully covered by is absolutely safe and acts mimed It may be the sharp stabs of neuralgia, the and wrenches of rheumatism; it may CHARLES M. STIEFF. 'paralleled stuck that which desolat- insurance. This loss includes the iately. For coughs, colds, croup. achea WAREROOMS... N. LIBERTY ST. be eel& in muscles or bones; it may be FACTORIES—Block of East Lafayette Avenue, eat Ja.eksonyelle... Fla. Twenty six building and stock of wagons and grip, bronchitis and all other those kidney or lumbago thrusts that make Aiken and Lanvale bts. BALTIMORE carriages manufactured by the com- throat and lung troubles you yell as at a dog bite; or it may be a MARYLAND. Nive .destroyed, in which it is a strain or cramp, anything that wants quiet- All Silfilli 10r were locate4 some of the finest pany. The loss to the other b,uild- certain cure. Very pleasent to take. ing and comforting. Dont bother with ings in the immediate vicinity is 'Ishe little salves, linimeuts, lotions, etc., or with any buildings ln the city. The princi- ones like it. T. E. of the stupid and useless old style plasters. placed at 450.000. It relieves at once HOKE & ARIAN'S pal buildings destroyed were the Zimmerman & Co. Clap on a Benson's. • and cures quickly. It stops the pain and City Bell. Public Library, two The blaze was discovered on the makes you laugh for the very ease and good -school buildings, four churches, ground floor of the Shadbolt Build- Prof. A. L. Quaintance, of the feeling of it. But watch out against inn- The showing of goods in our substitutes. AU druggists, or Ave ing which was a mass of flames be- Maryland Agricultural College, and Rations and Marble Yard, banks, seven office buildings. we will prepay postage on any number 'theatre, many steres and about 500 fore the first fire engine arrived. State Entomologist, who has been ordered in the United States on receipt of Branch Store, in the Motter build- inspecting the Eastern Shore peach 25c. each, EMMITSBURG - MARYLAND. _dwellings. The loss of life is tin- Eventually, two-thirds of the Seabury & Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N.Y. ing, is having weekly .vertain, bit probably not large. Brooklyn fire force was at work. orchards, looking for the San Jose accessions scale, was in Easton on Saturday. Monuments, Tombstones Scores of persons were injured. The marine fire corps of the Brook- of New Spring Goods. The fire was eapsed by defective in- lyn navy yard was also engaged. He appointed George L. Bartlett and cemetery work of all kinds. deputy Storo Room for lint by falling entomologist for Talbot selation ot electric Wires, and the The injured were struck Work neatly and promptly ex- We particularly call attention fire started in a car shed of the Jer- debris. county. sey City, Hoboken and MERCHANDISE ecuted Satisfaction guaranteed Paterson TURNPIKE cOmPANIES TO PROTEST. FATAL kidney and bladder trot'. to our line of jam 29elye. 'rractilon Company's power house. On Saturday last about forty per bles can always he prevented by the The use of Foley's Kidney Cure. T. estimated property loss is sons, representing eighteen turn- E. Zimmerman & Co. 1837. THE SUN. 1902. 000,000. pike companies in this county, e4, GIN mi...• .IGHEAL BALTIMORE, MD. IJUESS met in Frederick to take concentrat- KALE-STARVED OYSTERMEN. ANOTHER Murder mystery is ex- STOCKEIBAR The protracted freeze has caused ed action against the passage of the cit:ng San Francisco, the body of The Paper of the People, AND much suffering, especially among law now before the Senate committee 16-year-old Nora Fuller being found FOR SALE. For the People and ,oystermen in lover Anne Arundel on judiciary prohibiting the col- after she had disappeared tor a With tne People- ,,-,m-BR0T-D KR and Calvert eeunties. The ice at lection of toll from persons driving month. A k 1 s to church on Sunday. The meet- Intending to leave Motter's Station, I Honest In Motive, Annapolis is thicker than it has been offer for ient the Storeroom I now occupy, over Fearless In Expression known since 1880. In the creeks ing was presided by Douglass and will sell my complete Stock of Mer- Sound In Principle it is 12 inches thick. The harbor H. Hargett, of Frederick and chandise, also the Bar and all its Fixtures Prices same as at the home store. g n Devilbiss, of Libertytown, and Seta, on the most reasonable terms of Annapolis is comparatively clear, While maintaining unimpaired the high stand; acted as secretary. After a gener- to a quick purchaser. Poesession given ard,of private life and public policy which it has k44 so by tugs, and the Me thus upheld imfalteringly for more than sixty-four any time the purchaser deshee. This is years, Tali sus is also in the front rank of mod cut al xcharge of views by ninny of Afternit's eating, persons up has carried out ofPill a bilious habit been one of the Lest st ,tels in Western Mary- ern journalism in every factor which enters into those present a resolution was will derive great benefit by taking one the production of a great newspaper. New into the bay, The Severn river, of these pills. If you have been land, and an excellent opening for a hust- Its mechanical equiernint is complete and up- Advertisp menta. to-date ni respect. as.d its facilities and ar- FURNITURE! framed and pasred protesting IMg business man. For terms and other every DAticRI & CO. however, is closed above the pity. )RINKING TOO MUCH rangements for the prompt collection of news are against, the passage of the bill. It particulars, address or cal; on unsurpassed. Yale Lower down Chesapeake bay many they will promptly relieve the nausea, Its special correspondents throur-hout the A. M. MERCER, boats are is claimed that the propos‘bill United States. as well as in Europe, China, South oyster frozen up, and ACK HEADACHE jen 17-its. Motter's, hid Africa, the Philippines, Porto Rico, Cerra and in Pi24 E R'S with and nullities the and nervousness which follows, restore every other part of the world supplement the ef- HAIR BALSAM their crews have tramped, without interferes forts of the general agencies by Mersin and ieautiilea the hair. the appetite a nd remove which it is also gloomy feel- served, so that it la enabled to print all the news ii rerornoies luxuriant poigh charters of the turnpike corn ings. Elegantly sugar coatrxl. ;Neves Fail. to Volga's(' Gray food and half-starving, many miles MEETING OF SCHOOL COMMIS- every day In the week. Ana' t3 rair Touthfall CKos. panics, and is, therefore uneonsti SIONERS. Its Washington and New York bureaus are cares reef!: di•earee Reis to Annapolis, where they were cared Take No Substitute. among the hest in the United States. and give Prienixte tutional. A committee consisting THE SUN'S readers the earliest information upon for. A regular meeting of the Boa rd of Coun - all important events in the legislative and finan- of a member of each the eighteen HOSPITAL Atal OAKLAND. cial centers of the country. About 25 of these oystermen ty School Commissioners of Frederick Tax SUN'S market reports and commercial col- be held on umns are complete and reliable, and put the farm fiGr.:NTS Wf NTED P;;,„ellizt-tnT: abandoned companies represented at the meet- Dr. Henry W. MeComila has pur- County will Rheumarism, sad ell Slostd diseases,. their boats and trudged er, the merchant and the broker in touch with the deem rmy, svyme . chased or James C. Peddicord, his TUESDAY and WEDNESDIY, FEB. markets of Baltimore, Norfolk, Charleston, New Diabetes. Gravel amid Nervous to Annapolis. The cold weather ing was appointed, and this com- York Chit-ago, Philadelphra and all other import- receipt of price. $1,00 per box, for one months llth and 12th, 1932. treatment. Universal Medicine ca., e..1.7 Broad- mittee will go before the proper com- handsome residence on Main street, ant points in the United States and other countries has been very trying on all officers The selaries of teachers will be paid oii THE Sus is the best type of a newspaper, mor- way, New York. in Oakland, adjoining the McCom- Feb. 17th, 1932. ally and eirenectnany. It is an educator 0: the and crews of the various bay and mittees in the Legislature and and after Monday, highest character, constantly stimulating In noble By order of I lie Board, A Full Line of Up-To-Date enter its protest against the meas- as Sanitarium, and will move his Ideals in individual and national life, and it gives river vessels, and the fishermen EPHRAIM L. BOBLITZ, all mire. news ail the tale. sanitarium into the same at an ear- Tait SUN is published on Sunday, as well as ev- Furniture Always In have practically had to abandon ure, jan 31 -3ts. Secret ery. ery other duty of the week. •410.• year; iodating KIDNEY DISEASES ly date. The old building was By mail THE DAILY Susi. $6 a Stock. work. THE SUNDAY Sim, IT. Tura Sera Day Sus Mono. 40,000 BARRELS OF ELOUR GONE. wholly inadequate for the growing PUBLIC SALE. 11.00 a year. Tug WEEKLY SUN.see° a year. are the most fatal of all dis- Iron Bedseeeds are reitidiv fa 1; hair the. Fire destroyed Pier G of the Le- Ore of the old Wooden Bedsteads. It "My Faintly D..ctor." demands of the institution. Some eases. will pay you to, examine my stook of Iron MESSRS. ELY BROS.. :—I have high Valley Railroad Company in alterations will he made in the Ped- DY VIRTUE of a power of sale con- The Baltimore Weekly Sun. Bedastends, -white enamelled with Brasss )tamed in a morteage from Charles F. THE BKST VANI!IX NEWSPA1O'. Trimmings, price V. 75 and up. The used your Cream Balm in my farni- Jersey City, N. J., last Sunday dicord residence, and a heating Wants, dated Apri 1st, 1898.,and recorded Omen ALL THE NEWS OF THE WORLD IN Broere 13edsteads are the lateet its for nine years and it has become morning. The loss, incliviing plant will be introduced. It is in Litter D. H. H., No. 2, folios 588, etc., rOlatrgtegIrrii!d; Vas line. Rockinee Chalet, ('all,' and Land of Frederick ATTRACTIVE FORM; AN AGRICUL- FOLEY'S damage to shipping is *250,000. one of the Records Wood Seat Chairs. Tables, Stouts. Clot hest Tny family doctor for colds in the thought that this start in the way county, the undersigned assignee of said TURAL PA TMF.NT SECOND TO 1 R ks, Jxpea Wagasmut a ,1,1 Bally Lb,-- morteage will sell at Public sale on the or money refunded. Contains minces. New ferniture head. I use it freely on my chit- '1 he flames Were discovered short of a hospital will be the begineing 9 NONE IN THE COUNTP-Y ; klARKET mede to order end prenuses, till kinds of repairing promptly clone. ly after G o'clock by an employe. REPORT WHICH I.RE RECOGNIZED remedies recognized by emi- dreo. It is a send to children of an institution which before long On Saturday. February 22d, 1902, Pitttrte frames nod framing. Repairing or- SHORT STORIES, nent physicians as the best for Rs they are troubled more or The heat started the automatic ex- will be known throughout the State A TH IT: A nr 111:0 Furniture a specialty. I make m at the hour of 1 o'clock, p.m., au i that Real COMPLETC IM EACH NUMBFR ; AN Kidney and Bladder troubles. speci,ely ot hanging wall paper and fur- Jess. tinguishing apparatus to work, but of Maryland. Estate situated hi the Fifth Election Dis- nebne the paper. A large line of sam- trict of Frederick county, and State of INTERESTI:1G WO -t1 A'S Guinea, PRICE 50c. and 41.00. Yours respectfully, a strong wind made the subduing ple wall piper to select fienn. Curtain J. KIaf- Maryland, about one and one-fourth miles AND A V , RIED AND ATTRACTIVE P T. lb. Z1M 0ERMAN & Its of , ifrerent styles. Give me a call_ BALL. of the flames difficult. northeast of the town of Emmitsbarg, ad DEPARTMENT OF HOUSEHOLD IN- ep he ( old air out of your horse by joining lands of S. (H,lelan, James The steam canal boat Dale, own- TEREST. hating E. E. Zimmerman put weather- Juage for yourself. A trial size Do you Wentz, Grimes and others, con- stripping on the doors and windows. ed by Joseph Pin nario, who lived taining, One dollar a year. Inducements to getters-up Foley's Honey and Tar an be had for th e small summ of 10 of clubs for the Weekly Sim. Both the Daily E. E. ZIYMERMAN,, with his wife in the cabin ; the tug and Weekly Sun mailed free of postage in the for children,safe,sure. No opiates. pts. Supplied by druggists or mail- 15 ACRES OF LAND United States. Canada and Mexico. Payments FURNITURE DEALER, Mildred, the Lehigh Valley barges Cough? invariably in advance. Address ed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., more or less 'rile improvements are a A. S. ABELL COXPANY, Dr. Bull's Cough SUBSCRIBE for the EMMITSBURG On the Diamond, President and Pitston and the two- Syrup will cure a Dwelling House, Stelae, good well and Publishers and Proprietors, New York. Fall eige 50 eta. Cough or Cold at CHRONICLE. rimy 17. Emmitsburg, Md. once. Conquers some fruit trees. Baltimore, Md. masted schooner Meteor, lying close Croup,Whooping-Cough and Measle- Terms of sale as prescribed by the Mort- Cough without fail. THE Empire Hotel in St. Louis, to the pier, were set on fire. Forty Mothers praise gage—Cash. It. Doctors prescribe it for Bronchi- All the expenses of conveyancing to be L. TOPPER DANIEL SWEENEY. Mo., was destroyed by fire last thousand barrela of flour on the tis, Hoarsens, Grippe, Pneumonia borne by the purchaser. and Consumption. It gives quick, Sunday morning, causing the death pier were burned. The flour came sure EU:Pe:NE L. ROWE results. Price, 25 cts. Refuse the ja n 31-41s, Assignee of Morteege. ASTHMA CURE FREE the \Vest. .4 11 persons and dangerously in- from dealer's substitute; it is not as good. - - „ . PEN fiirEctorg. juring 8 others. Between 35 and "I HAVE used Chamberlain's BUSINESS NOTICES THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS, .40 persons were in the building at Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent fernierly conducted by Topper & Hoke, Cough Remedy for a number of ulls y aft6E ENGLISH BERKSHIRES. will be continued by the undersigned at, the time of the fire. The Hotel Cure in All Cases. years and have no hesitancy in say- Thoroughbreds for breeding. All the old stand on West Main Street, in was ,a large three story building. ages. Prices reasonable. C. .1 TYSON, Emmitsburg. Fine caskets anti funeral ing that it is the best remedy for Cough Syrup Flom Dale, Pa. nov 15-6m ABSOLITI ELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. supplies always in stock. Prompt and The loss is estimated at about 020- coughs, colds and croup I have used careful attention given to the business in 00Q, Always cures when others fail. WRITE TOUR NAME ANL, ADDRESS PLAINLY. every particuler. When in in ed of funer- in my family I have not words to Dr. Bull's Pills cure Constipation and Liver Foley's Kidney Cure al directers give as a call. Respectfully, saw Troubics. so pills, to cts. Trial to express my confidence in this box, s cts. makes kidneys and bladder right. A Life At sp.**. There is nothing like Aethmalene. It TOPPER &- SWEENEY- Remedy.—Mits. J. A. Moons, instant relief, even in the 'worst oct 19 if you but knew the splendid The U. S. Government Jan.110t h granted a patent CHAINED brings North Star, Mich. For sale by T. for a truss that does away with all old-fashioned cases. It cures when all else fails. merit of Foley's Honey and Tar TRUSS FREE ideas—an absolute perfeet truss nait holds rupture FOR TEN you would never be without it. A E. Zimmerman & Co. with comfort. To Joy-Once it ow, ky the inventor The Rev. C. F. WELLS. of Villa Ridge. EMMITSBURG MARKETS. will give away tee in each State. Ho don't t•sk, expect or want mcney—It's free. R. C. Co., Sb YEARS Ill , says: "Your trial bottle of Astlinia, ,dose or two will prevent an attack Main St Wes'brook. Maine. lene received in good condition. I cannot. MR. CHAS. N. HARGETT, presi The following market quotations, which are pneumonia or Is grippe, It may tell yon how thankful I r el for the good oaf dent of the Frederick County ..kg'-- derived from it I was ii slave, chained corrected every Friday morning, are subject to daily ehunges. save your life.. T, E, Zimmerman mete, ersseet aeser•see."'' with putrid some throat and Asthma for cultural Society, has appointed the despaired of ever being ••••••-••••••••••,•-••_.-•••••••-••••• & Co, . - - ten years. I following board of directors to man- cured. I SuW your edvertisement for the Corrected by E. R. Zimmerman & Sou. •••••••--4.•••••••-.-- cure of this dreadful and tormenting dis- Wheat, Wry) Secretary Long, in a speech in age the affairs of the ass-iiaatioe --..: ,,,,,•11k'- C . 1',,. , 1,li.t1 ‘;1 ete\)t,e ' Tee*A f' es-se :•=4111"ex)...... , 7.II ease, Asthma, and thought you had over- Rye ...... • • • • Charles N. Haraert, J. Roger Mc- spoken youreelves, but resolved to give it Oats . Boston at a banquet in houor of a trial To nty astonishment, the trial Corn, shelled per bushel ...... Lincoln's birthday, said that after Sherry, D. V. Stauffer, Col. 1). C. acted like a charm. Send me a fuil-size Hay --issttUJIM Arla."4 111.4. PIM 1000C fed t• •••• OFIl[Oa Wioebrener, J. William Baughman .'. bottle." ;the Filipinos are prepared for self- ....011•0111111.11111•111•111.1=i Country Produce IEtcs. R. Claude Dutraw, Harry B. 1Vil- Tear —Los Than A 'Penny a MIMteP. government they can decide their Fifty Citrate a Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Corrected by Jos. E. Hoke. let, Jarn.e,s E. %%Talker, Mehrle Hitt. Rutter IS iown future. Ras '.1 of the Cone. Bnai THE SOUTH'S LITERARY WEEKLY seas- 24 ••1111••• abeve, P. L. Hargett amid Horace C. NEW YORK, Jan. 3, 1901. Chickens, per lb a HOW'S THIS? Zacharias. Published at Atlanta. Ga.—Circulation Over 50,000. -D es. TAFT 13Itus' MEDICINE Co., Spring Ctmlckens per P.m We offer One Hundred Dollars Gentlemen: Your Astbmalene is an Turkeys 10 ofthe EVERY R11003 Ducks, per lb g.tewarii for any case of Catarrh that ARTHUR FooLE, who shot and Ma SUNNY SOUTH lithe Greet Literary Weekly excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Romance, root and Fiction. and its composition alleviates all Potatoes, per bushel (5 perhaps fatally wounded his 8 year- South. lt Is devoted to Literature. Fever ,.cantiot be cureu by Hall's Cat irrh and gives the best of all that Is current In Its field. Among Its contributors the most PC LIE. troubles which combine with Asthma. Dried Cherries, (seeded).— ...... a, .Cure. old nephew, Charles Roach, return- noted southern writers appear-- Chandler Harris. Harry stuiweii Ldwards and Its success is astoniehing end wonderful. Raspberries 10 from Maurice Thompson, Blackberries a ed trout Virginia and surrendered others of growing fame. serial stories Anthony Hope, Aft, r hatens c n ii. ly analyzi d, we can state that Asthmalene contains no F. J. 0HENEY & CO., Props., Sidney R. Crockett, Mrs. Oa -.roe Cone, t and Arthur W. Marchmont have appear- oei ii., n.orpline, rata m or ether. very truly yours. Apples, (dried) himself to the Frederick an ulioritie ed, and others are in waiting from the pen of authors of national note. A short REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. Peaches,(dried) 6, -Tf,oledie 0 10 He wits taken before Justice Smith. story contest brought out nearly fire hursdred splendid short Lard, per lb We, :00 ,undersirigned, have stories, all worthy a place In rho SUNNY SOUTH'S readable col- AVON Seams, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1901. Beef Bides 6. who released bail pew.. umns. Other contests are contemplated that will successfully exploit the ripening for the last him in $100 PR. TAFT BR08. MEDICINE CO. kna.vii F. J. t,heney field of talent that only needs such fostering to Illustrate the wealth that is shy to leg the result of the wound in the Gentienven : I write this testimonial front a sense of duty, having tested the iiVJit3a"04CH... 15 tars, and -believe him perfectly assert Itself. Asihmalene, for the cure of Asthma. My wife ling been af eondeiful effect of your Corrected by Patterson Brothers chad'a head. The gen- years Having exhausted my own skill hhonorableiii all business transac- Ma SUNNY SOUTH teems with the life of the great south. Meted with spasmodic estlinta tin: the past 12 ial sunshine warms everything into activity and the season is never cold enough es well its mutiny others. I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 130th street, Steers, per lb...... $ 4l4 tions, and financially able to carry DON'T think less of your system to check the hand of industry. The paper comes fragrant with the breath of the New Yerk, at once obtained it bottle of Asthmalette My wife commenced taking it Fresh Cows PO 00(a)35 Oth After using Fat Cows and Bulls, per lb...... ,p.ut any obligation uitide by their magnolia and pine, and gives out the very air of the orange, pa m and bay. The :flout the Met of November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement. 2Aiga than you do of your house. beauty and pathos, the romance and mystery of the land where the corn one hottle her Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely free trom all symptoms I Hogs, per lb. 61 Sheep, per lb 36/04, 4i na. Give it -a thorough cleansing, too. stores up the golden sunshine ant the cotton whitens In the moonlight, will be feel that I can consistently recommend the medicine to all who fire afflicted with this given In the well-filled columns of this fascinating weekly. ,listreseing disease. Yours respectfully, 0. D. PHELPS, M. D. Iambs, per lb...... 441la 41.1i W,EaT:4; TRUAX, W holesale Drug. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, The subscription price is Only Fifty Cents a year, alike to all persons, Calves, per lb. •:it;ists Toledo,. • 0• _ WALDING, KIN- agents. newspapers, postmasters and every one else. Clubs of five, accompanied DR. TAFT BROS. MEDICINE Co. Feb. 5, 1901 Drug- FROM the bench in Cumberland by the full $2.50, entitle the club raiser to the paper one year gratis. Gem lernen : I was troubled wilt Asthrne for 22 yoars. I have tried numerous & liaaaTatv, Wholesale have all feiled. I mil across your edvertisement and started With a VINCENT SEBOLD, csr. a Postal Card the names of sit of your neighbors who a medics. hut they ;gists, 'Veistio. Judge Stake warned all who carry Serld trial bottle. I found relief at once. I have since purchased your full-size bottle, and would appreciate the opportunity to read a copy Or The Sunny South, and one have family of four children, and for six years was unable to ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, concealed weapons and are riotous sample will be mailed free. You can get your club of five out of these very people. I tun ever grtiteful. I EMMITSBURG, MD. Catarrh Cure :is taken work. I am now in the best ot health and ant doing business every day. This testi- SOUTH actilig,ilirectly epon.the that he will visit the Severest peee IThe SUNNY enters over 50,000 American homes now: and can make use of as you see fit. Home address, 235 Rivington street. Office on East Main Street, near the internally, sure to be welcomed In fully as many more homes, as the great mony you Aloes ef the law upon them. during 1902 is S. , 67 East 129th at., New York City. Public Square. At Frederick on Mondays blood and mucous surfaces at the weekly feast of good things. the Southern Lterary Weekly, whose columns for and Tuesdays, end at Thurtnont on Thurs- 1902 will be the most readable of all the papers that come to you. :system. Price, .75e. .per bottle: This Will Interest Mothers. days of each week. Special attention TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. given to proceedings in Equity for the sate SirId by all.d.ruggists. -Testirnoeials A10111r Gray's Sweet Powders for ehtldren, of reel estate. ian 29-1f. Cure -,Feitiarisliness, Bad Stomach, Teething ho- .dtddroaa ..211 Consotessteleatiosut to trope • orders,itreaereep Colds, move ar d regulate tii Do not delay. Write et once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS. MEDICINE CO., Bowal; and ,pvistroy Worms. Thty never fail, 'he SUNNY SOUTH, Atlanta, Ga. 79 East 130th St., N. Y. City. .1.1ettr s family Pills are the l'Uver ,Ou0 testin3 ials. At all druggists,:Li: Foley's Kidney Cure ',Ss,naple mailed Address Allen S. Otte- makes kidneys and bladder right. pest., 1 etea. LeRoy. N. Y. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. -2ielet.e...•••••••••er 1 FOUR CHILEREN BURNED TO DEATIt Child Bitten By Rats. MONTEVUE HOSPITAL APPOINT- FAIRFIELD ITEMS. MACAULAY unequalled by anything since the days ! called to fill many IN THEIR BEDS. A 4-year old -son of Mrs. Emma Freig- MENTS. Mr. T G. Riley, of this place, had a of Pitt. He was tinnitiburg eignnirlt. dance on last Thursday evening, which The Subject or An interesting Lecture By places in the cabinet and to the close The farm II welling of William P. Rol --- Icy, of Hagerstown, was badly bitten on The Board of Charities and Conrec- Rev. David H. Riddle. was very much enjoyed by the young maintained his high character as a wise paw, W. Va., on the the arms and neck by rats white asleep thins, which was appointed Monday, inson, near Pee ADVANCE The first of the aeries of lectures giv• leader and an eloquent debater. His river, tli) ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN night. Great holes were follNklsr. county, Maryland side of the Potomac Monday eaten qualified before the Clerk of the Ciecuit Hollinger, of Franklin en under the auspices of the Emmits• child's flesh Ito the bones. who had bought Mr. Oscar Sprenkle's nephew describes a scene which illus.- miles east of Cumberland, was destroy- - in the The Court Wednesday afternoon. The hoard was held in the NOTICE.—All announcements of concerts, farm, near Fountaindale, threw up the burg High School, trates his place in the political world, ed by fire about 3 o'clock last Friday -Ides, ice cream and cake festivals Child's cries finally awakened the organized by electing Bradley T. Nico- festivals, plc money, contract. He will not take the farm, Lutheran Church on last Saturday even- and has been paralleled in the halls of morning, and and similar enterprises, got up to make mother in another room, and she drove , demus, of Unionville, president; Jacob the four children of Mr. whether for churches associations. or individ- having paid $50 as a forfeit on the ing. The weather was intensely cold, the rate of aye cents the rata away. The child was bathed agreement, which it seems he will lose. our own Congress. Members flocking anti Mrs. Robinson were burned to .nais, must be paid for at i B. Tyson, Frederick, treasurer, aud M. which probably accounts for the attend- t or each line, Sleighing is good at this time and has in from the lobbies, judges leaving the death. They were startled on discov- in blood and is in a precarious condi- R. B. Rice, of Broad Run, secretary. larger titan it was. been for the past week. On last Sunday ance not being much bench, crowds rushing on through the ering that their home was almost en- Mntered as second-Class Matter at the Emmits tion. The two Democratic members are .1. of a highly interest- ____ we experienced high winds and storms, These lectures are corridors 'What for? Why, haven't veloped in flames, and that their four burg Posh:ace. Washington Starr, of Frederick, and J. shaking the houses. Haul fire broken nature, and should Mr. Wheeler Gut Rid of His Rheumatism ing anti instructive you heard? It has spread like wildfire, children asleep in an adjoining room W. Troxell, of Emmitsburg. out with the storm we had Saturday attended. The subject last Sat- FRIDAY, FEB. 14, 1902. "During the winter of 1898 I was so night anti Sunday, it would have been be well Macaulay is going to speak on the Re- were doomed to be burned to death. Oscar D. Culler, of Jefferson, was urday night Macaulay. The lec- lame in my joints, in fact all over my useless to even try to extinguish the was form Bill and has just risen to his feet. All hope of rescuing them being gone, elected superintendent ef Montevue flames. by Rev. David H. body, that I cauld hardly hobble around tore being delivered Move on.' their °wit Tuts is St. Valentine's day. Hospital; Dr. S. S. Maynard, of Freder- Oscar Sprenkle, of near Waynesboro, they had barely time to save - when I bought a bottle of Chamber- Riddle, pastor of the Presbyterian "He accepted the post of member of ick, physician ; W. Scott Van Fossen, is the guest of F. Shul ley, of this place. lives by leaping from the second-story Tee ice on the creeks is about n lain's Pain Balm. From the first appli- Church, who gave a clear and forcible the India counsel simply with a view of clerk, and Mrs Oscar D. Culler, matron. Mr. and Mrs. Trimper 0. Riley, of of the dwelling. The youngest of the in ehes thick. cation I began te get well, -and was cur- this place, are the guests of Mr. and exposition of the literary, political and making enough money in a short time _ _ The spiritual welfare of the hospital is children was 4 years old and the oldest ed and have worked steadily all the Mrs. C E. Reed, of Freedom Township domestic life of the great English critic to permit him to devote the remainder .NVE-are having considerable winter to be looked after by three ministers— Mr. Clarence Musselman, of Fah field 10 years. Their names were Pearl, WHEELER, Northwood, N. and historian, year.—R. is suffering with typhoid fever at thie of his life to literature and to raise to Owen, Effie and Joseph. It is not weather at this time. Rev. T. Freeman Dixon, of the Presby- Rev. Mr. Riddle said in part: For sale by T. E. Zimmerman & Co., time. affluence those sisters he loved so well, known how the fire originated, but it is terian Church; Rev. C. W. Stinespring, "Two things will In Frederick city Louis E. Moser has druggists. The Republicans of Hamiltonhan strike you, my and for whose comfort alone he valued believed to have been of incendiary United Brethren, and Rev. B. V Swit- township have ootninated the follow- friends, with subject tiled an application for a divorce from reference to the of the wealth and position which he so origin, as the fires of the house were Dwelling And Barn Burned. zer, of the Methodist Episcopal Church ing candidates: Judge of Election, A. my lecture this evening. First, it is easily acquired- his-wife, Viola E. Moser. Kreatly ; Inspector, Oliver Mickley ; carefully ettended to before Mr. Rob- _ The two story dwelling of South. very ambitious. Second, it is very "He never liked India, but be worked Supervisors, Samuel Bishop, Samuel faithfully for the government, reformed inson retired. Escaping in their night "The only man who makes no ails- Kendel and his barn, near Smithsburg, The board passed a resolution prohib- broad. First, it is ambitious, because Heufnagle ; School directore, D. C. the civil service anti penal code, and clothes, Mr. and Mrs. Rabinson were takes is the man who never does any- Washington county, were burned Sat- iting the use of liquor on the premises Shulley and William Donaldson ; Jus- the name of Macaulay stands for so gathered for himself vast stores nearly frozen to death before they t hing."—Preatdent Roosevelt urday, together with a strawstack, and authorized the superintendent to tice of the Peace, Hafleigh ; Au- much splendor in the literary world, to his great learning and as a re- several outbuildings and all the furni- discharge any employe indulging in its ditor, E. King; Clerk, Daniel Benchoff; sult gate to the world those two could be cared for by neighbors. that instead of discussingand analyzing, 1. convicted of the mur Constable, David MeCleaf. _ 4. - John Murphy, tore in the house excepting a few pieces. use or in a state of intoxication, and in- famous essays on 'Lord Clive' and Cumberland, Mr and Mrs. Oscar Stine anti son, it might better become us to stand in 'Warren Hastings.' On his return to F. E. B. der of John English, at hold him The fire started on the second floor front formed him that they would Riley, of Liberty township, are the silent reverence before it. his belovedland, lie entered once more We heard a man say the other morn- has refused to eat since he was sentenc- a defected flue. A high wind drove to a strict enforcement of the rule. guests of F. Shulley and family, in this "The other thing about my subject is into Parliament, wrote more essays, ing that the abbreviation for February produced the flames from the house to the barn. The appointment of the minor offices that it is very broad. Macaulay wasgrater the delightful Lays of Ancient plaeeM r: Ed Hartman is on the sick list Rome, and —Feb.—nneans Freeze Every Body, awl and All the buildings were afire at the same was postponed until the next meeting. then retired to private life, FOR Photographs of all sizes with a bad cold. Mr. Hartman lives at in many departments than most people where he devoted himself to the ciown- that man looked frozen in his ulster. It superintendent of the hos- styles go to Rowe Gallery Saturday time. The live stock was rescued from The new this place. are in any one. [he was essayist, poet, ing effort of his life—The History of was apparent that he needed the kind old and weighs 385 February!.15th. W. 11.Trer0es. the barn, but the implements were pita! is 33 years Miss Bessie Plank anti Harry Starner orator and historian, and equally first England, the first volume of which ap- of warmth that stays, the warmth that - burned. The loss is about $1,500; part- pounds. There were 14 applicants for of Orrtanna, were recent guests of Mr. peered in the year 1817. Time would froixt head to foot, all over the F. Shieley anti fatnily. class in all. Thus you can see to do The Court of Appeals of Maryland ly insured. this situation and as many more for the fail me to give anything but an impres- eoeybody We could have told Itim from Mr J C. Sitertzer, of Fairfield, who justice to the man we must not slight sion of this immortal work. Some of will likely finish up the work of the other places. The Courthouse building personal know ledge that Hood's Satsa- is sick, is making slow progress for the him in any of these spheres in which you have reatl it. Have long since parilla gives permanent warmth, January Term at the end of this week FIRE IN BELAIR. crowded all day with friends of better. it M- was He coutinuee being weak and he so brilliantly shone. And "y see chosen your favorite chapters. Suffice vigorates the blood and speeds it along or the first of next. A stable belonging to John H. Reck- the uarious applicants. short or breath and cannot sleep at it to say, that it is the tnost interesting, through artery and vein, and night. He has been the wide ground we must travel over in really fits ord in Belair, was destroyed by fire at 3 sick all winter and perhaps the most learned history, in men and women, boys anti girls, to en - conversions haye been is very ill at this time. this lecture, SIXTY one o'clock Sunday morning. The building HAS NO LEGAL STANDING the world, and it is the nearest approach joy cold weather and resist disease. It Salvation Army in Hagers- Mrs. Mary King, widow of Daniel "In the year 1800, the beginning of to that Ideal History which he so often made by the was in close proximity to the dwelling, The court Tuesday rendered an irn- gives the right kind of warmth, stimit• establish King, deceased, is dead. Funeral on the last century, there opened his eyes described in his essay& lates and strengthens town. The Army expects to and but for the wind carrying the case of the Interment at the same time, portant decision in the Friday. in Union Cemetery "By a rare union of opposite qualities, and all its benefits are permanent headquarters there. flames in an opposite direction the rest near Fairfield. Mrs. King lived with upon the world this one who was lasting. There Myersville and Catoctin Electric Rail- by means of a beautiful style, he has may be a suggestion in this for you. deuce would also have been in danger her son, Emanuel King, near Ornate about the most distinguished man of let- without losing the general road vs. Charles A. Poole, iu which the dignity of history, ...... WANTED—A girl to do house- of destruction. Most of the contents of na. She was an aged lady, being about ters in it. His fattier was a Scotcheran, put so much of personal intereet in it, Address the stable, including a cow, hog, con- company sued the defendant to compel work. Wages $200 per week, 82 years old. the son of a minister, anti his mother that the work claims the attention like DIED. siderable provender and harness, were him to take the two shares of stock of Mr Harry Firor, of Hanover, is home a fascinating 124 Carlisle St., Gettysburg, Pa. was a member of the Society of Friends romance. The book at burned. Henry Hewitt, corored cook the company,par value $100 each, which for a few days visititig his parents, Mr. tallied an instant popularity. Congrat- ROWE.—On February 11,1902, at the for Mr. Reckord, was badly burned and Mrs. S. A Firor, of Fairfield. "His moral earnestness and his stur George Spitsnogle, 19 years of age took he subscribed for when the road was illations began its usual to pour in from home of its parents in this place, Paul- about the face, hands and body, and Mr .Jere Plank, tif Knox Lynn, and dy independence, his persons me Grace, infant daughter of Mr. and paris green in Hageratown,but recover- tnarstery of every whom we would think might was taken to a Baltimore hospital for built a few years ago. NI re. John Butt, ef Orrtattna, were re• he well nigh weary of Macaulay Mrs. M. Frank Rowe, aged 1 year and proper medical subject and warm espousal of all pout: praising ed from its effects after treatment. The origin of the fire is The road is 54- miles long, running cent guests of Mr. F Shelley. The circulating libraries were neglected 11 days. The funeral services were is ical reforms, are traits from his father t reatruent. unknue n. The loss fully covered by trout Myersville to Middletown, where it Mrs F. Shulley and daughter, Lottle, and time demand for his history exceed' held in the Lutheran Church yesterday insurance. Mrs. C. F Reed anti twosome Loid anti From his mother he received that fine ed the supply. Its afternoon. The funeral services were • _ connects with the Frederick and Middle sales were enormous, PNEUMONIA AND LA GRIPPE. Carl, were recent guests of Mrs. John appreciation of moral beauty anti warm beyond any since the days of Sir Walter conducted by Rev. Charles Reinewald, Foley's CHILDRENS' PARTY. town and is operated by the latter. (Jilt:mutt, Coughs cured quickly by Butt, of affections that made him so loving in Scott. Edward Everett wrote to Ma. assisted by Rev. W. C. B Shulenberger. Mr. Poole, who isa contractor, said '1' he Lutheten Mite Society, of Fair caulay that it was ...... Honey awl Tar. Refuse substitutes. Last Friday evening Miss Guthrie en- his home life, so intense in his local at- the most extensively tertained a party of children at her he subscribed for the stock with the field, will have a chicken and wafille bought book in America—the Bible and T. E. Zimmerman & Co. supper on Feb. 21 and 22. They will tachments, and which connected with - - home in honor of her nephews and understanding that he was to be en- a few school books only being excepted. also have oysters and ice cream. All the sterner qualities derived Xi( Stuffed Up. Captain Lauren F. Smith, of [lagers- nieces from "Rose Hill Farm." The from his Harpers having sold 60,000 copies in a aided to work out the amount. After are cerdlally invited. The supper will abort time. the evening was spent in games, music, father, fitted him to play the many But the most wonderful That's the condItion of many sufferers town, has resigned as adjutant of hearing the testimony Judge Henderson be held in Mr. W C. Rogers' house, story is that his recitations and dancing. A merrier, parts lie performed in English life and English publisher pre- from catarrh, especially in the morning. First Maryland Regiment, and Lieut. happier group of children never gather- rendered a vedict for the defendant. west end of Faiifield. The proceeds sented him n one morning with 20,000 would he for the benefit of the church. literature—parts often incompatible—as Great difficulty is experienced in clear- Charles Alvey, of Hagerstown, was ap ed anywhere, and all were sorry when stating it appeared that "the fence pounds, being about $100,000, the the hour came to go home. The follow• Mr. Zac Sanders, who is on the sick (in impassioned poet, a judicious critic, largest aunt ever paid at one time to one ing the head and throet. pointed in his place. corner organization" had no legal stand- list, is making slow progress for the bet- - - ing young people and children were and intense partisan, and yet an impar- author. No wonder catarrh causes headache, ing for the issuing of stock, as they ter. EVERY Saturday during Febuary, 1902 present: Robert, Barbera, Tabitha, Johntialhistorian. "From this dine on until his death, impairs the taste, smell and hearing, Clarence, produce the orginal Mr. Sites, who lives on Col. honors, titles anti degrees fromm his ownow 3. p. in., Tipton can Lucien. Loniee and Harriet were unable to pollutes from 9 30 a. ni. till Beam, Leah Musselman, Joseph and Mickley's farm, near Orrtanna, is keep. "Of such parentage was Macaulay born antr all lands pour down upon him as the breath:, deranges the stom- minutes of their first meeting and there Orrtanna, having ach and affects the be found at the Rowe Gallery, Eounits- Helen Shuff, Eleanor Hack, Edgar L. ing store in bought and such i were the influences that pre- thick as the leaves of Vallambrosa. appetite. was no publication or legal notice given out his partner. He will have th e To cure catarrh, burg. Annan, Jr., Luella Annan and Hobert ceded Ilia birth and shaped his child- Oxford gave him the degree of D. CL. treatmeet roust be Cook, of books being opened for the subscrip- store to himself. We e ish hitn success Germany made him knight of her constitutional—alterative and tonic. hood. And what a child he was! What "I was afflicted FOR RENT.—The house and lot situ- The honor guests were Mr and Mrs. lion of stock. in busi nees. highest order. England made him Lord. with catarrh. I took _ _ .... __ a marvel of precocity ! Think of an in- medicines of different kinds, giving each ate(' near Crystal Fount, now occupied Harry Beam, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Beam, But we weary of the recital of such un- a fair trial; but fent hardly broken gradually grew worse until Mrs. Shuff, Mrs. Heiman, Mrs McNair, BOARD OF CHARITIES AND CORREC- SAVED RIM FROM TORTURE. out of his long clothes at successes; a path of such con• I could hardly hear, taste or smell. I then by Mr. Chas. Rosensteel. Apply at St. tintied splendor Mrs. Hack, Miss Alice Annan, Miss TIONS. There is no more agonizing trouble the age of three sitting vit it h a piece of oppresses us. Like a concluded to try Ilood's sarsaparilla, and Jueeph'e Academy. picture that has no dark shades offset after taking five bottles I Belle Heiman, Mr. G. Cook and Dr. bread and butter in his hand and read- to was cured and Skate. The Frederick County Commissioners than piles. The constantditching an have not had any return of the disease ing to his At the Elkton Methodist Episcopal _.:. Monday appointed the following Board burning makes life intolerable. No po- nurse out of a book almost as eit:ebrirliyghtp rcooslorsperOuMsac tatilao rnYaskelifeit iisn the since." Eueeare Fonees, Lebanon, Kan. large as Church on Sunday Rev. K. Stephenson SLAUGHTER OF GAME. of Charities and Corrections: sition is comfortable. The torture is himself. Think of a babe of highest degree interesting. There are no breaks, no reverses, no real Hood's Sarsaparilla received 30 converts into the church oh unceasing. De W itt'a Witch Hazel four, when a careless servant spilled tragedies Kent county sportsmen are justly he- Jacob B. Tyson and J. ‘Va•iiington in it, and we feel that a loan who has Cures catarrh—it soothes and probation, the fruits of a revival now hot coffee on hie legs, answering a strength- dignant at the wholesale slaughter of Mane Frederick ; James W. Troxell, salve cures piles at once. For skin die- received so little of the discipline of ens the mucous me:elsr.z.ne and woman who builds piing an. game during this freeze. The feeding Emmitsburg; Milton R. B. Rice. Broad eases, cuts, burns, bruises, all keels of motherly asked how he sorrow, whose life was unencumbered up the whole system. - - places of both partridges and rabbits be. felt, saying: 'Thank you, the by dotnestic Run. and Bradley T. Nicodemus, wounds it is unequaled. J. S. Gerall, madam, cares, marked by no greater The Hagerstown Morning Herald has Mg covered by the snow, birds and affliction than the lose of a St. Paul, Ark., says: From 1865 I suf. agony has abated.' Imagine a child so political Parran the rabbits are forced alike to hedge rows Li tiganore. election, or the death of a lovely sister, MORTGAGE SALE. been awerdeded by Clerk familiar with his Bible that he arrang- and other erateseed places, to seek food. This board has charge of the Monte.'frede with the protruding, bleeding must lack the highest and moat heroic contract for six years to do the Court rfe ed By virtue of a power of sale contained All ofst hese feeding places, or at least vue Hospital and appoints the euperin- piles and could tind nothing to help me the broken bits of (Ali na so as to de- character. A ppeals printing. The piloting amou titer many of them, are being destroyed. scribe in a mortgage from Francis L. Caldwell tendent and his aesietants. It also until I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel the divisions of the tribes of Is. "In taking up such a brilliant career, tu het wen $7,000 and $10,000 a year. Entire coveys of birds and many rabbits there is a strong , and Mary A. Caldwell, his wife, bearing Salve. A few boxes completety cured met. and when the servant swept them tendency to the oils date the 18th day of July, A. D., are being kiiied as they huddle in furnishes the eupplies fur the county ease of slavish admiration 1893, and away as trash, going into the and that Macau- recorded in Litter J. L. J. Not. 8, folio MAreres MASTERS, who escaped from bunches or singly in protected places. jail. me." Beware of counterfeits. T. E. house lay called Boswellism. So I will close 227, esc., one of the Land Records of Frederick Maryland House of Refuge early Many farmers are feeding the birds of Zimmerman St Co. expressing himself after this manner : by pointing out what to my own mind the The annual statement of the Board of - .. county, Maryland, the undersigned. Assig- arrested in Hagerstown all kinds. It is generally conceded that 'Cursed be Sally, for the scripture says, and others, seem to be his defects anti last fall, was not in years has Kent county had such Charites shows the total receipts for the TIPTON, the Gettysburg Photographer, nee of said Mortgage, will sell at public 'Cursed be be that removeth hie neigh- spots on the splendor of this Literary auction, . baturday night by Sheriff S. P. Angle, an abundant supply of stock birds and institution to be $29,684 29; of this sum Sun. First. He will be at the Rowe Gallery Saturday ehors ,tattemark.' , ' was too narrow and pro- who notified the Refuge officials. rabbitsas at the close of the season in $12.000 was from the county levy, 1002, from 9.30 a. tn. till vincial. He was like many of his race, On Saturday, February 15th, 1902, February, 15, "At 18 he entered — December last, but they are being $1,037.47 from paid patients of Frederick Trinity College, intensely English to the exclusion of at 1 o'clock, P. M., at the Emmit House, FOR SALE OR RENT.—Being disapeint- slaughtered now. 3 p. m. other races. county and $13,507.47 from other coon. Cambridge, as fully equipped as any And he loved the England in the Town of Emmitsburg, Frederick ed in my tenant, I offer my farm, - - --- ' - young man that ever entered college of the past better than of his ow ii day. county, Maryland, the real estate described ties in the State. Disbursement for the Shake Into Tour Shoes Then he loved England locally, not in said mortgage, situated about situated 11, miles Northeast of Emmits- YER8ONA ES 719.21, and expel). for the work and fascinations of that one mile institution were $23, Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests the feet. Cures corns broadly, the places of his childhood, of west of the Town of Emmitsburg, Md., ad- berg, for sale or tent. Miss Drucie King, of near Fairfield, ditures for the county jail $1.402.20. Bunions, Ingrowing Nails. Swollen and sweat- life. From a distaste for mathematics ing Feet. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. his books, rather than the whole come joining the lands of Wm. H. and ANNIE L. WOOD. is the guest of her brother, Mr. P. G. The average number of inmates at Ask today, he did not take first honors, but lie try. And he had intense love for his others, which was conveyed to the said - - - Montevue was 278. King. bore away many prizes, and what is family and a few choice friends and Francis L. Caldwell by a deed from Lewis JAMES W. MURRAY, of Baltimore, - - -- cared too little for his fellow man as A. Overholtzer, bearing date the 17th day Mr. Harry Byrne has gone to Balti- CH LIDREN POISONED. more titan all prizes, a true knowledge of a isollored teamster with a wife and 10 SALE REGISTER. men. There was little of the spirit of of July, A. D , 1893, and recorded among more where he has secured employ- himself and t hose strong habits children, blew his brains out because, Many children are poisoned and of study his fat her or his mother. This excite the Land Records of said Frederick county, ment. February 15, at 1 p. m., Joseph D. Caldwell' which alone fit con- sive spirit, though it has not hurt and contains about could not raise the made nervous anti weak, if not killed a man for the true his Rite supposed, he Assignee of Mortgage, will sell in front of the history, hurt the man. fie was too Miss Anna E. Annan, teller in the outright, by mothers giving them cough Emmit House, in Emmitsborg, the house and [het, as well as genuine success in life, 1 A_cHE of. LAND, money to pay the rent of his lodgings belonging to the late Francis L. calaweii, narrow in his sympathies, too obstinate bank of Annan, Horner &Co., is visit- lot "Frotn the moment he left at 7 Clay street. syrups containing opiates. Foley's' deceased. The property is situated about one the uni- in his opinions.nions. too insular in his rela more or less, inproved with a One and a ing in Baltimore. Honey and Tar is a safe and sure retne• mile west of Etmnitsburg• E. It. flOvre, suet. versity he entered on a career of bril. tions to his fellow lean. second. Ma. Halt' Story House, Frame Stable and other Tim prevention of consumption is en- Miss Marion Hoke is visiting friends dy for coughs, croup and lung troubles February 15. at 2 p. m., Mary E. Adelsberger, hunt success that ended only with his caulay's works do not show he had the outbuildings. There is a fine well of water Trustee, will sell in front of the Banking highest element of genius, the power to near Termsth the commencing the in Washington, D. C., and York, Pa. and is the only prominent cough i meth- House of Annan, Horner & Co.,in Einmitsburg life. At the age of 24 lie delivered an tirely queetion of create. This was as Gladstone pointed house.o;sale as prescribed by the Mort- Mrs. Thomas Lansinger, of Philadel- eine that contains no opiates or other the half interest of which Maria L. Adelsber- oration at a proper treatment in time. Nothing is ger died, seized and possessed, in the brick public meeting, which for out because he used his vast powers of gage—Cash. All expt-nses of conveyanc- phia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and poisons. T. E. Zimmerman es Co. house and lot situated on Gettysburg street, maturity of thought and finish ing to be paid by the purchaser. so well adopted to ward off fatal lung _ - in Emmitsburg. of style memory to the exclusion of his powers troubles as Fuley's Honey and Tar. T. Mrs. John Agnew. was pronounced to be equal to the best, to create. He was always reading, talk. JOSEPH D. CALDWELL, GIFT OF A GRAVEYARD. February 22 at 1 p. m., Eugene L. Rowe, As- ing, writing, and did not „E. Zimmerman et Co. Mrs. William Hardy and daughter, of signee of Mortgage, will sell on the premises, Tlie next year he furnished his first es- take the time jan 24-4t Assignee of Mortgage lee miles northeast of Emmitsburg, 15 acres to rise to the high places of original re Philadelphia, are visiting Mrs. Hardy's Mr. Courtney Harbaugh, who resides say for the Edinburgh Review, the fam- — — on the original Harbangh homestead, a of land, more or less, improved with Dwelling flection. parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lan- House and other outbuildings, being the prop- ous essay on Milton. It is PUBLIC SALE. Mr. Ernest D. , son of Will- short diatance south of Sabina ville, erty of Charles F. Wentz. almost int- ``Third. One last defect I must men singer. possible to describe the popularity th at tion. Macaulay gives no evidence of jam H. Michael, of Lime Kiln, and Md., settled by the Harbaugh estate February 25. at 12 m., Harry C. Barney will sell By virtue of a decree passed by the Or. over 140 years ago, has donated an acre at his residence. % of a m ile south of Mt. St. it at once attained. It burst like a being a profoundly religious man. He phans' Court ot Frederick Miss Laura Belle Shorb, daughter of me- is county, the A SURPRISE PARTY. of ground on the old farm adjoining Mary's, on Frederick and Emmitsburg turn- respectful and usually just to religion, undersigned, Trustee, will epll at public Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Shorb, of Harmony pike road, 1 mare, 1 cow, wagons, teor on the literary world and pleased t e the burial place of the Harbangli ances buggies, and out he seems to ignore the power anti sale, in the Public Square of the Town A very delightful surprise party was household goods. H. F. Maxell, auct, as much as it amazed them. It put Of Grove, were married in Frederick Mon- try, in trust to the trustees of the Re- the place of Christianity in its evident work- Emmitsburg, Frederick county, Maryland, given at the residence of Mr. Henry February 25, at I p. m., George E. Gingen will day morning at the residence of Mr. formed Church in Sabillasville. The author at once to the front rank of the ings, and wanting this, no wonder lie is in front of the Banking House of Annan, Lingg, in honor of his sixty-eighth sell at his residence at Zora, Libert Town• accused of Thomas by Rev. William present burial place of the congregation ship, Pa. 2 horses, 1 colt. 3 milch cows house- masters of the English tongue. Letters lack of sympathy, of a lack Horner & Co., Clarence S. birthday, on Monday night, Feb. 3. of philantrhopy, of hiss beeorne nearly occupied. The re- hold and kitchen furniture. E. 0. Currens, began to blindness to the Hauser, of the Lutheran Church) at The evening was very pleasantly spent maaurecht.5, pour in upon him full of praise. christain character of many of the loft- On Saturday, February 15th, 1902., in games and other amuseint nts until a maining surface is underlaid with rocks Doutss. They were attended by Mr. at 10 a. at., Mrs. Annie L. Wood will Lord Jeffries. the editor of the Review, iest spirits of the time and of throwing at the hour of 2 o'clock, P. M., the Half late hour when all were invited to the and bewlders, making it almost impos- Leo H. Michael and Miss Maud Bible to excavate a grave deep enough sell at her residence on the Gettysburg road, in which it first appeared, wrote to him a golden halo about the secularity of the Interest, of which Maria L. Adelsberger dining room, where a table, laden with about 1% miles northeast of Emmitsburg, hour. He was like died, seized and possessed, Cronise for burial. horses, cattle.farming implements and house- with gratitude and astonishment, say- the young prince of in all that Real refreshments, awaited them. After the fairy tale who haul every bestow- Estate, situated in said Town, on the - - The old Harbaugh burial place is half hold furniture. Farm for rent. gift west partaking of refreshments all departed ing, 'where did you ever pick up such ed upon him at birth by the good fairies, side of Gettysburg street, opposite the GAVE THEItt PASTOR A SLEIGH for their homes, wishing Mr. Lingg a mile south of the village, and the soil March 7, at 10.30 a. m., Edward J. will is well excavation. Mr. sell at his residence on the old Butcher Smith a style?' anti Robert Hall, the famous but an evil spirit marred all, by one tie: , adjoining lot of Philip Last week the the many more happy birthdays. Those adapted for members of Harbaugh gives the ground for the farm, about one mile south of Tburmont, Baptist preacher, of London, WAS found feet. We think of him sadly as the J. Snouffer, the Engine House lot and Lutheran Church, in this place, agree- present were : Mr. Michael Lingg, horses, cattle, hogs, sheep and farming im- young man whom Jesus looked on and others, fronting 25 feet on said street, and wife and faintly, Felix, John, Emma graveyard anti a right of way from the plements. one morning roiling on the floor in the ably surprised their pastor, Rev. Chas. public road to the place of internment. lotlivuend iaekesBut ot.f, witBoutiti he hsailil,be'ondeidthnitolgt described in a deed from James NV. Eichel- and Edna ; Mr. George Lingg, wife and March 8, at 12 m., William Giacken will sell at pair( of tne disease that finally destroy- berger and wife to Mary E. Adelsberger Reinewald, by making him a present of He has placed $500 in the hands of the his residence on the road leading irom the ed him, family, Ernest, Elmer, Archie, Guy and with an Italian book in his consecrate his rare gifts to man and and Maria L. Adelsberger, dated Septem- Mary ; Mr. J. Francis Wive', Reformed Church trustees, the proceeds Fairfield road to the Gettysburg road. about a fine cutter sleigh. The present was wife and Ise miles north of Emmitsburg, household hand trying to verify the beautiful Ged as (lid is pious father, let us be her 29th. 1883. and recorded in Litter A. F. family,, Willie, Fred, Roy and Berne- of which are to be devoted to repairs goods, etc. Isaac Bowers, Auct. entirely unexpected and is highly ap- and improvements on the enlarged thankful to Ged for hums gift to the race No 7, folio 356, one of the Land Records (tette ; Mr. I. Li. Lingg and wife, Mrs. comparison which Macaulay made be. Frederick preciated. ti-ilmareb.augh burial place from time to March 12, at 11 a. m., Frederick Brown wil of a man of such splendid abilities and of said county. The improve- Wm. Henley, Mrs. W tn. Warner, l'kIrs. sell at his residence, 14 miles north of Run- tween Milton and Dante. My friends, whose works have given us and all who meats are a good and substantially built John Bentz, Mrs J. C. mitsburg on the road leading from the Gettys, Aged Woman Gets Wisdom Tooth. Rosensteel, if you think my praise exaggerated, go read, such great instruction and such Tiyo-Story Messrs. Ernest Warner, Harry Rosen- burg road to the Waynesboro pike, 3 horses- FAVORITE NEARLY EVERYWHERE 4 head of cattle, 11 head of hogs, farming im- to some library and take down this es. cosnstuianbtlaenidnu y saienewdads . Misa Sarah Sands, the oldest white steel, Jacob Bentz anti John Magraw. plea-tents and household goods. Isaac Bow BRICK .". EIOUES s Suitable renderedr.ed by inhabitant of Annapolis, who celebrates Misses Jennie ante Aggie Rosensteel Constipation means dullness, depress- ems, duct, say on Milton and I warrant you that the with an outkitchen, and the house is sup- with Mountain Water. her 97th and Ada Warner. sion, headache, generally disordered March 13, at 10:30 a. m., Mrs. Annie M. Adams a few pages will warm you to an admi• choirs of the different churches both plied There 18 a birthdry on March 6 next, is will sell at her residence on tbe Littlestown good cellar, and the house has two rooma health. DeWitts Little Early Risers rat ion that will make my eulogy all too before and after the lecture. The Ben- cutting her wisdom tooth. The old MOTHER SUED DAUGHTER. road, about it4 miles east of eitsburrernm 2 and a hall below, and three rooms and a stimulate horses, 2 mules,9 head of cattle, and farming coltl. For copiousness of thought, for ediction was pronounced by Rev. W. C. lady is in good health and spirits, reads the liver, open up the bowels implements. hall on second floor. The whole property The most remarkable case that has and relieve this condition. Safe, speedy felicity of language, for wealth of inn. B. Shulenberger. is in good repair. without glasses and conyerses on all has been heard March 15, at 2 p. m., James M. Kerrigan, Agent, in the Frederick Cir agination, Macaulay's Milton is hardly The second lecture will be held in the Terms of sale as prescribed by dm decree: subjects of interest in and about the cuit Court for some years was that of and thorough. They never gripe Fa. will sell on the premises the Coach Shops in Emmitsburg, also the dwelling house attached Presbyterian Church tomorrow —One third of the purchase money to be city. She reads the daily papers and Mrs. Sarah R. Cronise, who sued tier vents pills. T. E. Zimmerman ea Co. to the shops. Wm.P. Eyler, auct. to be paralleled in English prose. If you evening _ paid in cash on the day of sale, or on the manifests interest in the progress of daughter, Miss Ida M. Cronise, for want to be a fine writer anti need the at 7:30 o'clock. The lecture will be de- ratification thereof by the Court, the March 17, at 10 a m., James A. Kellholtz will the reel- town in which she was born, early $1,080 for hoard. THE three Republican members of the sell at his residence on the Frederick and Em- best of models, if you want insight into livered by Rev. Charles Reinewald, due in six and twelve months from tbe tiny in the 19th century. Mrs. Cronise claimed $30 per month Board of County Commissioners voted mitshurg turnpike road, and opposite the Franklinville s-hoolhouse. all his horses, cat- tile great English poem, "Paradise whose subject is "The Torch of Genius. of sale, the purchaser or purchasers giving was due her for three years, from Sep againsts repealing the law of 1896 for tie, farming implements and a- lot of house- his, her or their notes with approved aeon-- Shot His Little Sister. tember 1, 1898, to September 1, 1901, hold goods. T. J. Kolb, auctioneer. Lost," if you wish to know the high - e ity, bearing interest the assessment of personal property in ft om day of sale fur The 4 year-old daughter of John D. for board, washing, ironing, room rent, March 18, at 10 a. m., Mr. James 0. virtues, as well as faults of the Puritans, THE many Mende of G. H. Haman( the deferred payments, or all cash at the Frederick county, and the two Harbaugh Long, near McCoy's Ferry, Washington care and attention Demo- will sell at his residence on the James H. read Macaulay's Milton. To all intents engineer L. E. ea, W. R. R., at present option of the purchaser or purchasers. All The daughter, who now resides in Shriver farm, about 3 miles east of Emmits- the expenses oh' county, was accidentally cratic mentbers were in favor of having horses arei mules, m e the first product of his genius is living in Lima, 0., will be pleased to conveyancing, to be borne shot Sunday Washington, in her defense stated burg, 8 20 head of cattle, by the purchaser or purchasers. the law repealed. hogs and farming implements, like the sprung know of his recovery from morning by her 6 year-old brother that during this period she spent $1,580 - _ _- goddess Minerva, who threatened MARY E. ADELSBERGER, March le. at 9 a.m., Jacob Smith will sell Mills faultless while playing in the house. The boy in maintaining the house. buy ing trom the bead of Jove, a per kidney disease. He writes, "I was cur- jau 24-4ts. Trustee. farm, now occupied by Walter Hoffman,4 of feet marvel of strength and wisdom, of got his father's pistol and pointing tier mother clothes, paying building a mile West of Ernmitsburg, 11 head horses ed by using Foley's Kidney Cure, which it and mules, 11 head of cattle, farming maple- sweetness and light. The remaining Half Interest in the sail assosciation dues and various incident- I recommend to all especially trainmen at his little sister, shot her, the bt11- a l expenses, which was a set off against CASTOR IA ments, etc. E. II Rowe, Auct- "Macaulay's great abilities soon at' property belonging to Mary E. Adels'en - let penetrating one inch below the navel her mother's claim. After all the For Infants and Children. March 20, at, 15 m., Adolphus sterner win sell at who are usually similarly afflicted. T, ger, individually, will be sold on the eatret his residence on the Keysville road, tracted the attention of the Whig party, and lodged in her back. The sound testimony had been heard the Court in about In E. Zimmermanmerman & Co. terms and at the Paine price as thc le:NtsO miles south of Emmitsburg. 2 horses, 5 head and they sent him to Parliament at the - - • __ described half. will probably prove fatal. The little !strutted the jury to find a verdict for The Kind You Have Always Bought of cattle, 1 sow and pigs, farming implements the defendant, which they did and'household goods. 14. F. Maxell, Auct. age of thirty. His first speech so de- The Washington County Witter Cont- 3IARY E. A.DELS-BERQ ER. girl, it is said was playing with a gun Bears the lighted the House of Commons—a very pany has voted to increase its capital ------when her brother-pointed the pistol at lauota panp.imepanip Intro.0-3 wrool Er..., Are Tear ILIcluels g Signature of hard body to please—that the member* stock from $80,000 to $160,000 and build BANNER S A LIIJA Ler Tatman trotuallisueo auto •atisetny5 epuee Dr. Hobbs'8paragus Pills cure all kidney His. flaw itta,inasea twat Wpassoil 3003,dastialt9Z ie free mut.stares, / amens cts, Chicago or x.r. CIO w ded about h im and prosonace4 it i a.larfter met-aim% 1 the most heattng talve ur thaw-ems'. • - , I HE CORN CROP HAZARD. ESTA13 LI,$1117(3) 1879.. FORCEFUL EXPRESSIONS.. :: Nasal e1rolii0;„, -e73.) \)• 7 Car Shouldn't Taize Chances on fired. "Any Old Corn" Will Not Do. the Power of Illoustratien In the CATARRH !JDA V. 112 , 1 n in: Tarn of a Phrase. 411 The importance of securing reliable In all Its stages there ifikIRD2 and well lured seed corn this year haa. James Russell Lowell said, "There's should be cleanliness. meekest &";;'.,`VICANI1 CO3TUME.S. been doubly emphasized by the vast a deal o' §,olid kicking in the Ely's Cream Balm looking mule." If the statement had cieanses,soothes and heals A PEANUT CROP. difference in the yield of fields in the 1..as,a n 'se:tat a p.a.-tette a a. C.713.74 and. ft been, "There's a good deal of obstinacy the diseased membrane. Dyspepsia Cure saute localities. Corn growers are fast drives U.e.t or ra:nt. It cures catarrh and Very Satinfnetory Under Paght Con. covered by apparent amiability," the re- away a cold in the head breaking away from the idea that crib mo- Digests what you eat. In t'.:e SOnth seas dressea are made di;lons-larthine nod Lined Labor. mark might have passed without a quickly. corn will do for seed. As much thought- preparation contains all of the with a- hatchet, a club and a pot of One Of the Pleasantest and most sat- ment's notice, but attached to such eleam Balm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads This ful attention and care- sheuld be given digestants and digests all kinds of EVern honSeavire is her own la'a figure as the poet used it will be dilfl. over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is im- etc4'Y Crops in the world for some food. It gives instant relief and never tents nal habit maltee. Wimp she feels to the buying and selection of seed cult for the mind ever to get rid of it. mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying-does men IS' the peanut crop. It is not hard fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the nee] of a eew gown, She goes and corn as to that of buying pure bred an- says, "Labor is the divine not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug- to grow, it is easy on tne soil and, one Mazzini the food you want. The most sensitive imals to- build up one's herd. little gists or by mail; TrialSize, 10 cents by mail, (yes .4wn a tree. When her husband time with another, it yields a good law of our existence." This is stomachs can take it. By its use many The selection of seed corn for next ELY BROTHERS,5nWarren Street, New York. needa a new suit, she chops down an- onsh return. The drawback to peanut • more than commonplace, but when he thousands of dyspeptics have peen year's planting is now the most impor- prime tree. Tiast- is easy, for mom and- grer.ving is that it requires a good deal added, "Repose is desertion and sui- ‘",,4A6‘,.‘"aeteasaeasa.,e-aa,."-,11 cured after everything else failed. IS tant thing in all farming operations. unequalled for the stomach. Child- :re aind examly alike-a plain of tedioes hand labor. Of course the cide," the commonplace was transfig- In no case should seed be used front ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. fold of cleth mundit almet the waist crop pays handsomely for the work, ured into a memorable illustration. unniatured: earn or from the fields that And hanging le.csely to th.e Lace or Let In the southern and western states, A French writer said, "The really ef- stomach troubles shin. 1-1.e races inhabiting. the Islands were injured, by the unfavorable weath- ficient laborer will be found not to. Cures all uncee peanuts are grown, hand labor only by 110-DEWITT &CO., Chicago Eiuznitbineignirlt ,of the ueal Pacific are almost alone er conditiohs of the past season. There crowd his day with work." That seems Prepared trot on the farm is heartily despised. The 0 Theid..bottlec.oin.talt;naz2%,mtlumkeisttiubeA50:.asiz:.0 are a few goad, careful and reliable, be forgettable. When he adds, "He in having no laca of the loom and the minty plow and the self binder furnish to -various title of the Spinner and weaver. seed corn growers and breeders in: will saunter to his task surrounded by "Cavea -s, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- the ideal means of crop production ent bwiness conducted for MODERATE rEES. IS this country who take Infinite pain the PUBLISHED -This lack is undoubtedly due to the a wide halo of ease and leisure," OW,A 0 -Fier IS OPposITk U. S. PATENT OFFICE SOLID SILVER there. Light, warm, sandy loam is and we .an secure patent in lesa time woo those :natural provision of material which in this matter of growing and select-. halo serves the purpose of an explana- best for the crop, and, though the and, while they may ask a. reinoterom Washington. ;renders a woven cloth unnecessary to ing seed, tory illustration. Send model, dram ing or photo., with &scrip- American Lever Watches, little higher price for their seed than lion. l','•• advise, if patentable or not, frce of this primitive people. The only fabric President Garfield once said, "Nine charge. Our fee•dot due till patent is secured. WARRAITTED TWO YRARS, used in that part of the world is a others, it will not take one very long times out of ten the best thing that can I por.r.finetziTce.''lle» . to O'ozain Patents," with practically no rea- cost the U. S. and foreign countriei, ONLY i36. .crude, temen peper ma,:le of bast. The to determine that happen to a young man is to be tossed EVERY FRIDAY free. Addres,i, EYSTER. MORNING :tree from which the material is derived sonable price is too high to pay for overboard and compelled to sink or stand- is the paper mulberry, or Broussonetia well bred seed of the recognized swim fcr himself." The tossing over- C.A.SNOW teL CO CANDY C.ATI-Ln.r4TIC 434 -papyrifera. Ivhich is grown in planta- ard varieties. board was the' illustration. The saga- OPP. pa rrier C 7f ,cr WASI.Ottivroi•i. C. C. farm-- ,r•-•••• - , :times under the sole charge of women The seed corn planted by many cious president gave it significance -and LLt .6 - ;and is allo found wild in all parts of era throughout the corn belt has too' emphasis by personal reference, "In all 4!;-1 r r:R/: long been selected from run out, de- if ‘1 . :the islands. _In archipelagoes So high- my acquaintance I never knew a man SI.00 A YEAR IN genoeate varieties. In many instances FOR YOUNG LADIEZ,"; to All ADVANCE ly anneemed as Samoa and Tonga, to be drowned who was worth the sav- a ri,IFOltaliCABOV41.5- Draegiste. the same variety of corn, and that .'orsio-cTEn AY SHE SISTERS OF CtrAin71. BO CENTS FOR 6 whore wemen have none 4.1' the coarser ing." Gznuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. MONTHS. withaut especial selection, has been work to do, the entire care of the mul- When Lavater said, "Habit is alto- :NEAR EMMITSBURG, MD. Beware of th,.; dealer who tries to sell farm from ten to berry rizint.ttionit rests with the wom- t.rown On the same gether too arbitrary a master for me to [his Institution is pleasantly situated "something lust as good." fifteen years. The land has become submit to," it was the word "master" en of (emit village. o, a healthy and picturesque part of impoverished, and the seed has degen- that constituted the memorable illus- The trees are .planted closely to in- reilerick to., halt a mile from Emmits- erated until the yield has been reduced No sure a spiralling growth without lat- tration. mrg, ;-11(1 two miles from Mount St. subscription will be received ion from fifty bushels to from twenty-five eral branches. The plant will grow Carlyle, a great Master,. of metaPbor, Anry's College. TsaSts--Board and To- less than six months, and no paper, to thirty bushels per acre. .from seed. In such a climate there is said truly: "No man lives without jos- "ion per acfuierome year, ineluding bed discontinued until arrears are We lay down the simple proposition tling and being jostled. In all ways he nd bedding, washing, mending and llaitimorti Ameriall. -no difficult-a almut getting things to Established 1773. paid, unless at the option ot grow, hut eaperienee Las shown that that it costs no more to raise a big has elbow himself through the octor's fee, $200. Letters of inquiry ! A EANSAS PEANUT FIELD. the crop of corn than it does a small crop.' 'ireelet. 16 the Wilier `-zripc.ri,-:r, Editor. better re'eens fol:o -a the planting of world, V4-1ng and receiving 'offense." „,. plant is not a gross feeder, this soil twigs from the se a: drer wnsl ',roes. In The preparation of the land is the The doctrine of this sentence might THE DAILY. AMERICAN. sheuld Le fairly well supplied with almut time. v. i :L:::tlng the same in both inStances. The cultiva- easily have become a mere platitude, Terms by Mail. l'oStage Ifrepald g.ni plant tion and other care of the crop are One Minute Cor.such Gum One Month trsa wan leat ceenittet for but it is fixed upon the memory by jos- Daily an.1 6,inday, One Month .4r• The crop has to be planted rather Croup. the elm - -re. It lien tame it evil] the same in both instances. The, field tling and being jostled and the elbow- For Uov-Sm, Coh-is and Drily, Tliteg Mout,. .9/141 lane. miner all clanger of frost is over, Daily and Sunil•ty,'I'iirce Months 1 SO rattine ieet 00 1110i'0, planted to well bred strong seed will ing of oneself through the world. This sed it then reqeires the whole season Daly. Six /141.0c1ll,• 1,50 aro:- ea uniform di- yield in a favorable season from six- Illustration IS the very making of the DalIv and i;i-rt..Iliiy,S;X Months 2.25 to mature. The eFgg.ing begins the. News anti Opinions f/14,1,1y. One Year 1 00 ameter tenacr lee'; then two inches. ty to ninety bushels per acre, and argument.-Jeseph Parker, D. D., in Iasi thing when frost is considered Im- LF Willi Simigy Etition. One Year f.,Ill About four fef 1 of the trunk Is waste such yields are made by thousands Homiletic Review. Sunday Edition. One Year 1.50 average yield, under fair .and not available for the particular minent. An of good corn growers in the western Pods to the National iinportanc: purpose for which the tree is grown; culture is fifty bushels of states. The corn grower who is satis- THE TWICE-A-WEEK acre. These bring the grower from 50 SOME METALS. T the first two feet from the base is too fied with planting woruout and de- :ME Ohear:eGt and Best fatudy News-impel cents to .$1 a bushel. The vines are will; with a tough to werk well. and the two feet generated seed be satisfied Iridium, worth more than $780- it' 1 1 sometimea fed to live stock and make N Pubilshed. at the to:: ioj s etc. If the tree is yield of twenty-five to thirty bushels pound, is the hardest metal known and same grade of forage as pea- ADVERTISING' -properly gaeau and to mature. about the per acre. It dot's not take much figur- A L.( F.; left Is used to tip gold pens. "V 0N1'1De3T.I.ATZ vine hey. Our illustration of a Kansas -there will 1.y. avenelse for the cloth- ing to see where a crop -of the latter Lithium, worth more than $1,103 a CONTAiNS Six 'Alor:ths. 50 Cents. AT LOW RATES maner a sth a ca' Peanut field is from a photograph kind- kind will land the planter, and it is not eight feet in the clear used in Es.. Dickens. pound, is only menicine, its TEE TWICE- A-W AMFIECAN is published and as sir: :t as a measuring rod, ly furnished by Professor A. a very long road'there. In two issues, ,• salts being valuable- ta rheumatic af- Daily, by mail, cNe linSclay and FridaY without knots or branches and of uni- --Country Gentleman. We have urged this seed corn selec- wo a year mornings_ witn the news of the week in fections. 7.% cotmiset 'bale. It airio (5/14ritains ei crest nip suss:- form girth thromehout.- New reek . tion with a great deal of stress dur-, 4..ahy and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year ial co, respoildenee, rides .;0 .; 1-- Tungsten, worth Gn cents a pound, is mining romances, g:ors1 Tritmae. lag the past year, for we are just at- poetry, locai ;natter of general inter( st and fresh POTATO MACHINERY. largely used in matallurgy and gives n/14:,--ceibtriy suitable to, the cirel4. A ear,?.. the beginning of the seed corn growing to steel qualities similar to these im- fully ed:loci itTicuItir•al DeNutryieni, and lull A Story or a acccl r!duilio• Pcianeliti and Pnater's Love, floaters, 1-747.T.11104 anti tilit'aer napien and seed corn breeding, and whenever The :12nili Sun P/142porl5, arc parted by molybdenum. itsin es. Clrl Mr. - Les an oely daughter, zizeivis of U.0 to Date Cu:tare. general corn raisers will fully appree Stn, Molybdenum, v.-OW.1' $1.44 a pound, la tjJ6tsa.Oit Culaay Few2papar u tiet clubbing arrangements in other parts or i•hey are of lowly rank, but be is lion- Three different potato planters were dale the °Immo-Mk advantage that- paper. FEINTING used in metallurgy. Molybdenum stoel Enterf ri al the tiostoirme tel Vali est and indesteleus. By trade he is a tested by the Cornell-(N. Y.) station. there is in wise and careful selectiomi. wea14. Imola,. 211., puddler in possesses the rare quality of preserv- a,second dots man:r. prii Is. I a f undry, and he earns Two dropped the seed automatically,- buyiatt of strong, vigorous seed right . pr. t1.50 a clay. Twenty years ago, the ing its hardness evcit when heated to Chas. CI. Fa- ton 45.!z!, and the other required the attention of then will they increase the yielding t• v: SUN New Voris redness. GIVt.."S, 11/17:71. '1 wife and mother died, anti the child of an attendant to place the seed for value Of their cornfields. The slight. x Seleninel, Which has the curio-a:; prop- V . • „ •, i • ! 01% We possess superior feeilities for five became the old man's pet. Twelve drepping. The station's report is that expense of the first cost in buying ca m office. thee .fears ago In, erty 01' losing its resistance to the chic- I i..;! t prompt execution of soil his pr:perty and none of the planters mentioned is good, reliable seed is but trifling as all kinds ofPlain, spent all trio' Current under the influence of his money in sending her perfect yet all possess valuable fea- compared with the ultimate results. and Ornemental Job Printing. abroad to study. ramie, She came back light, is used in the telclectroscepe and i tures. The automatic droppers. while The general farmer perhaps haa not pleb as Cards, Cheeks, Re two years aeo a fumous Singer and a: is worth $22 a pound. placing the seed as evenly as it is or- the time ner the inclination to raise ceipts, Circulars, Notee, matchless beauty and ref-asn a to own Uranium, Worth $813 a Pol'md; Is used Ian e-eeee • FIZTT-01-..rr!TCY COUNTY dinarily inace,1 when dropped by hand, pure bred and carefully selected seed hook 1Vork, tier father. He has moved to Lae east in the glass and porcelain industric [should be supplemented by Some at- any more than he has the time, le-Jenne- Labels, Note headings, Bill side in order that by living on a pit- tf.chment by moans of which an occa- It has been found that uranium car- laily,seeept tion and means to raise his pure bred Treads. in all col!,c:, etc. Specials tance he may have $1:0 every week to si, net skip may be supplied by the bide is superior to nickel or tungsten s, At 7 le am1 ;11„: Ii,fiele•-• loam, desherry breeding stool:. Ile prefer:; to buy a lee • C. :\lotier and elforts will be to give her to buy el ,thes. Every week driver. While no attempt is made to in the manufacture of bh;lm grade steel. ...a sees 4 :•Pc:. •••• I. accommodate pure bred bull from some one who has n he senns it, and every week she spends draw any cenclosions as to the rela- Pailful:um, which has the smallest ;Try-(Imq. It. \Siert hineton. steer c..m quality of work. Orders. moans and time and ability to raise the us Ls. !!. liergett, It, though she intither secs nor writes coefficient of dilatation, Is used for the no, :1.2a •eiel a.pi artist ancewili receive promptattetition4 tive merits of the various planters best bred stock. Buy the best seed orph,o, ceult. to him. Wm% erter v.-ecie he grows a mounting of astronomical instruments. ty..•••• ,C, tested, based upon only one season's corn obtainable and get it from relia- Judge P. Philpot, Ilessell I/. Lighter, little proueltr and eleo a little sadder.-- The slennlard meter of France is made 1-411- , trial, yet there are sonic essentials ble seed earn growers who make a Reesae rc, flitY Missionary Iii Ladies' Houle Jour- of palladium. The pllre metal costs 8.211 nti,1 10.•8 a, no [leg t1 ot We.- Charles E say:or. Which ear potato' planter must possess business of growing and selling only nal. $4.82a POund. and 1 iii and 11.:12 p. iii , Cotint:t Otlicere. In order to be entlrely satiefactory up- the best bred and the beSt reccagnized Vanadium oxidizes in air with great 11,1( .1 a. Ccei. ty Cog misloners-`A' m. If. r/14"en"linacr, on all soils. These essentials are-first, vatieties.-Prairle Farmer. ii wis it. II. ktzle,, Jamey nealo-ean-rng Nshie4. difficulty, melts at 2,000 degrees and m. and -1.01 a lei 7.1;11 p. the furrow for the seed tubers should G. Payee at:d c:. A. M. smobtfcr. -- Inecenel cc-. co ealed from- bring the A. III Pres't. 'be opened to any desired depth; second, becomes redla4- in hydrogen. Neither Sit riff- Harvey II Lase. Celery Crowing. • Comity 'Frei:stir, r-Alecsander II. Iternsliurg. tenth m etn the year began in hydrochloric acid nor nitric acid at- seed pieces must be dropped with abso- In the culture el celery a rich, Surveyor- ;tufts .1. Itactr. Mareh, ho a prohably had more names tacks it. It costs $5n2 a pound and ho School CLonniissioners- Simene1 Did r ow, S. lute regularity, and, third, there must deep, loose soil, generally bottom lands Tiertnan charles W. Y/14 right, J. !mut y ferrcd tmon id than any other of the used in coloring glass and in making be ability to cover the seed deeply or reclaimed Chin•les B. Slagle, Dr D boioicr twelve late whien 01In year is now di- or thoroughly drained and Lie shallow ace-ceding to the nature of the indelible inks, lIt arect .`'ret trattttv---- vided. en mg the e miy Saxons it was swamp cr marsh land, is recommend- ;IL In addition there should be stm- a . N I N - 1,-.SvIc•11-. gaited Winter Monet, r winter month. it ed. Celery grown' on upland is general- pileity of construction and strength of Italy's Marriage !Svc/germ. Notary linl-ilic--V/14c1 II. Trom•11. After their convereton to Cheistlanity ly considered to be of better- quality, neaa 8 T AT ION S. 1 t: ''iii`. I Ja,tice9 tel the Peace-Henry Stokes, Millard frame that the necessity for repairs lowlands it makes the Marriage brokers are a regular innti- numoef,:a F. S they called it ilclih Mount, or holy while on moist i sev- II. may Le slight. better growth. Celery seed germinates tution in Italy. In Comma there are een nee se cist:s s• Tame-, F. SALE 13IILLS month, ie hoeor of the birth of Christ. 'A at . A. 7.f.., ;A M. U m /0(1:.xesuisl;!,a,biss,..„1±. In testa of many diggers by the sta- eral marrinf.T.e brokers who have pock- ' In later (leas in Gerrmey it was called slowly, requiring twelve to fourteen ' 9 :Ir.' 5 20, cc (Ther17,.nit tel I.I .r9001 ,S,. mantioned 110110 has as yet been etbooks filled with the names of the Rite Pooh! ,. 8 4:;:i.2 •E• S te days. Far the early crop it is usual to 1 l:( I TrystreP-- Pr, re. I.. AI nan, M. F. Christ Moent for the same reason. 1 41 i'i .3-Ii Clout spring I S 3/14 I 2 94 found which works satisfactorily upon marriageable- girls of the different Shuff, thicar D. P'ea dry. Fires used la be plant the reeds in February or March ! ": 5 - 5 4 Challton I S 9r-.11 ,I..-I lighten for warmth in Tom n Ofileers. all occasions. Nearly all are made to In ehallew flats filled with loam. The • classes, with notes of their figutes, per- •10 III 5 .1' WIllianIFTIr, l''VI .. -. 01 ,0, this month, ainl the want (.1' chiemeys lit K,, Oil at flagerst- wn le! 9 Swirgess-iil. F. Snuff. OF ALL SIZES- dig notatees which have been given seeds are sown on the Serface and a sonal attractions, fortune and other cir- used to cat-'t' a too obvious inc-uven- I a j)II PCI): ringed er hill culture and not for po- eutustances. These lir0!- er74 go about ,...! 5 5: I., v.- sliont.i..ial. :...... • ..... S •Xl NEATLY AND PROMPTLY knee, whit It ladto its bring called Fe- little dirt sifted over them. The soil • V.v. tatoes given level tillage. While oth- endeavoring to arramte selnionial al- -- '! - - u 11:er,in Ctenterf mosus, or f :0o1,.y It avgs also dahbed Should be kept moderately moist. The P. 5 1 P. v.I A n. I,,, y,Ir ram-or-Rev. Charles Betnewain. Servtoes PRINTED HERE. liances in the same mercantile *7 ers work well upon level land, they do flats may be stacked one upon the oth- '..4 H. .., ,r. 7 O. IolingerilI'Avr etc .30!12 05 8 O., .fven smiday morning and evening at 10 sectock Canus, oe from the snows or ?'.1 7 •?..r, net work equally well upon hilly Cr manner which they w..uld- bring to 4 05- Clic:rot ille j , .. .! i 5.1 7413 boarfrosts which then generally whit. er until germination begins, or they 42,911: 717 Sinitlisrstrg 7 1 -ill so• 7 39 11,,!1!:nfeaectittilre7s,:3a1 NSIUenddnoT Uweovlea nt - stony soil. Where potatoes are raised bear upon a purely busin,ss transac- 2 41! '/ CO paled the Ineher may be covered with paper or like /ne- 4 40 Elgeincnt 7 C5,11":;7 7 cli groune.s. 'I.-0 '7 ,I4 Pen-Mar. ITI 29 7 23 on large areas both potato planters tion, and when they succeed they get a e}:O L;•IMae.dn';'lliireh of the terial and placed under the greenhouse I Perna Vista Sot! i . Inearn a men. and potato diggers are almost a neees- ' conmussion of 2 or 3 per cent upon 1.11c.; •I III, 7 s v. W. C. I:. I..;!iile.n'•ert:cr- so, viefiser, raeesr cycagoes. i bench or in the kitenen window. When -'It Illgictleid I.e•. __Ill 24 : ia sity. dowry, with such eenras of bonuses as al etrbyeoriasn iojtaiyr.ie-,,17,-,irpignf,,,atatlf7i e,ctoke)chi, iisdrenv,elary Carefel eatimatee e.f the force of a the plants begin to germinate, they ! , - It is advised that In every case they : should Le gradually accustomed to the may be voluntarily besteg,ved by the NI 1 School at CO), o'olock 5t1d week sr.wrice t 7 .cyclone and tile energy required to . 1 hoe purehased by the farmer on condi- light. 7 he plants are trans. party. 2 I ,! 7 501.e Ilialifielti Ar ...... Ill 2- O'clock. Oat. oh.tical Clasi; on Sat urday after- keep a full fie:teed tureicane in netive Usually _ a 0i! /14/14 In! . Fairlield 1 !ii, 41 i; is 00d,. is! 2 o'clock flea that they .do satisiactery work. planted once or twice in boxes, the 3 r,a s 42 Gptivstpp.... I.... !lc fp, op ration memel the pr. 'see of a patv- ,..,., 4 15, 90-c f•Nf-iy Ovlord .... he co - Puesbyterinn ( o r/14 Not all are equally well adopted to all • hotbed or cold frame before being set er that urke!--, 4 ar••9 ",:e • tirolover 9 44 50: Pastor- Ttsv. lte,vlc I II. mi:11t 7 y!-t o. H OW T E. I-N[LC G ET R AI ti 1 ..... : Morning coMlitLius, These implements should the field. According to Professor- H 4 45!' 9 :IF, ',r ilas eta; to .„„I 9 12 57 sps•Tlv,i,akt \t„„!1,0,4o- , " men apen.r as 'minima in in 1 it!:•:dapti..a7y::(Stri F. 1a !A. Si 1 'tai..NI. 553 to selected winch seem befit flthiPted , Taft of the Michigan sMtion, seed rflr . vovne In the A force rinly 01001 to over -nnateemono Meeting at 7 o'clestit. Sabbath School Isi.t 9:15 to local cenditions and needs, garden celery in tifit tuxth should be F' ‘1 ia.:3 ! ; 1,7.i. F.5. la. horsepower nem ci-nlineted as develop- ,,, 5 ZI, 935L., Porters Sr ....! i 9 re, , It is proliahle that one reason why sown early in the spring. A level spot Joseph's ed in a West lediaat eye:oen. 'I hits is It is one of the pectinfil'.11:l, of the . .. 5 7':.7':P I4I -4:/ring Greve I..... 9 RS -I a 1).CIA3c1Sat i ! ! if."11 nrch, the practice tot spraying potatoes has - • :s,' .^.1- York Le .,„.! 9 no m about fifteen times the pea-ea that can should be selected or made rich with Chinese that, while they have develop- Pa--ten--boa' 1". it. O'Donogline, C. lit. nc I been more generally adopted Is rotted manure. s 7a•', e. .t.1 ...... m. t- 7,1 o'clock a m„socond 31ass 10 o'clock All letters should be develeaed by all the within ed elaborate philosophies, none of them _ • m., Ve,3p.,,i; 3 obilock *p. m., Sunday be aiidressed to due to the fact that the machinery- for Scliftel the range or men's capabilities during has led to any confidence in the unl- :sr.! IA .31. '5.5. P.5 W. 12. the work has not fully met the de- Notes Prom TIte Pur- rs Zionrnal. ',',1 7 50 L,... 11 ;.',,•'.: tleId .1.r 11 91 7 IG TROXELL, Editor & Pubs the samo Were steam, water, formity of nature. Neither the people IiI,Igi.. Si etlm.nl ii,t Episcopal Cli arch. mands. It is suggested that some en- The beginning of good farming is the mac .2-- r-,'-, 7 52 ,,Int. 0 52 11 13 7 14 windmills mei fin, ,4nreeenas of an dccci nor their rMers havo any fixed opinion 5 ti 7' ..!' S 1, nitlill ,(illt 6 2511i, 5, 6 46 Pastor'itev , W. L. Orem. Services every EMMITSBURG, MD. terprising young Mall !II Cl community good farmer. lIer Su nelv y t oilicon a 02:30 ,find all coo,1;:neel- thie ec-n7.1 as to the causes of rainfall. The plan 5ti 9.,..::F! Iloeby Ridge o'clock. P.e.Ntr could do a g-cod LIISIlleSS' by Investing Lifting at the wheel is all right pro- 6 /14,7j1.0 98 0 '22 eting e't cry other Summy evenine at 7:30 not at all appreaen the tremem'ea3 in some pi•ovincea when the need of 5-15 3 To,: t:P.BPI :1::43-1:7:Ilgele (cc) :01 52(91 6 ::24 •-• limb V aehael at 1:01) memea n. BUSINESS LOCALS. in a good gasoline engine and a com- vided you are 3 591 8 45 Linwood. 10 1.1i 6)11 Class nteetit g every (Abut afternoon „force exerted. lifting the way things rain Is felt is to borrow a god from a Sunday at plete spraying outfit for the purpose naturally ought to go. 5 Is, 4 S 7,4 New Windsor 5 II'S coltS il it neighboring district and petition him 6 4 ,f.); 9 9 We:i itynti::;ositier 540 95) 5-14 .0!4• C'elet Icss. RAVE your - potatoes of the Watches, Clocks and Jew' of rpreylatt all the The time to look out is when Honiry Grove 9 14 A frct:4 of 1.•:',:•10ilD. every- for the desired rain. If his answer is Ern Its1 s rg Council, No. I";1, Jr A. III din; repaired by Geo. T. Buster, who wen tom:nullity. This is now done in many thing seems to be coming our way. No 6 mil L '! I 9 4I 5 11 9 11; 5 13 tants the A gentleman 1ms tried the following satisfactory, be is returned to his home .1 ' Arlington 8 44 Council meets every Saturdsyevcnineat 7 p.m. i same, and has always on hand a cases in orchard management and t'outiciior, E. E. vies.-comamer.c. c. large stock of -peculiar way of probing the ties of tide but has its ebb. Big crops and with ca-cry mark of honor; otherwise 717) I 110 At* liaitimm•e L, 30 823 415 springer: watches,clock*, jewelry and could be clone with potatoes equally full barns this year do not warrant ex- P. 5.15, Si.IA. Ai. A. A. M. II Sprirt..'er: Cone Ind's'. James She, ley ; Outside ! silverware friendsinp. Ile sent letters to he may be put out in the sun as a hint Sentinel, Geo S Springer: In Side Sent nel, twenty !well. The evidence of Cornell Is strong B. Intimate framels erning for travag,allee. to wake up and do his duty. A bunch A Mlitioaal tr-Iin't lettre Baltimore for Union J. W hit more: Iterairding Secreta y, Edgar C. a loan of a in favor of thorough spraying with I.'elee tO Inform:9Mo e. Sinn. Is at 11.12 a. In Moser; Assi,tant Itccording Secretary, II. II. petrel. Thirteen of thee two dozen Don't put off laying in the stock of of willow is usually thrust into his I. p. In.. min Dave Union Bet'.'- Adelsherger ; Fintincia Secretary, J. . Adieus- tordeaux mixture and paths green. Sitteons ,it not Ice too long. If it is six -or eight inches hand, as tvillow is sensitive to awls- lie IssItintore ti ui Tide, mediate Sc) berger ; Treaserer. Geo. A. Kuglar ; (Chaplain, frle"as "FAY at all, Ova (lc' The- potato situation is well summed ,1,I;1,tifi a.'yei a. ill., and 12.50 p. duly, except N. P. Stansbury; Tt•uslees. .1. D. Caldwell, /alined to thick and the Weather Is falling, start ture. Springor, E. It. lend the menu, two promised rp by one grower, who remarked, "By Geo. S. Zimmerman. the saws and teams. Better that Sundays Only.-Lsave Isaliimore Union to send it •on the next day and did no,: thick- Another plan in extensive use is the for merald 'Beneficial Association, the use of the potato planter. the weed- n-lege:unt baecnie,liati, Stations 9.75 a. in and do it. one ness than none at all, building of special temples in which .sent lc,1 last 1/3 cr, the harrow, the wheel cultivator -.5 a. ni. Lairs Onion Bridge lit 6.45 a. IP. end v it Miinley Chaplain; I.! A. Aile'sbrrger and onlyth.tee scat the full sum asked It Is one thing to know that thing are wells containing several iron tab- li5 p. In. for Baltimore and Intermediate Sta- P ,O1I• John Byrne, P. had the potato digger I can now grow' 'miss. El tag are going wrong, quite another to se lets. When there is a scarcity of rain, • liree'ar;:'; e,74.11f‘nEYISi1.11sT!,tir firle°oPs94% ..Ar ft)r" T11° s"rr'll""'rt ""1 four acres of potatoes at less expensei s;8,1s ittnaleTis "friends" ' ml t t o are wen 'matters moving in the right direetiet a messenger starts out with n tablet s el Albert 1'. Wetscl, George Lingg. .than c3uld formerly grow one acre." 3altimore and Cumberland Valley R. E hi P F. Burkett, Ale:iseneer Branch pocke Petersinirg N;voe Vremya. any one can tell when his marked with the date of the journey 1,••etvc It ag,erstown for s 0,mcnshisig,mr1 Inter- • tm the fourtl, Conch,3 caet, month, iu At. bo:-1c getting empty. Where the vim and the name of the district making --0 hate Statious at 6.25 and 11.05 a. m. and 7.00 J. igs.n's building, east end of town. best. dairy . in. Leave Sinppensburg for Hagerstown and Let a man ride through the homes in is In filling the void. the petition. Arriving at another city, Mt. St. Mary's Catholic Benevolent Asso- New York state after an 11;er:cm:date Stations at 6,0 s. at., end 3.10 line Croz•gC11(.. !districts in No matter how carefully the lumber he pays a sum of money and is allow- Leave Chanther,burst 1. i6 p. elation. years, and lie will be The crOceile's lower jaw is not -absence of ten 'wagon may be housed, in the course ed to draw a new tablet from the well, Rev. J. B.:Manley. Chaplain; Prjsi nsisilc,epnht.n astonished at tl:e number or silos. New Trains Via tilted weld Cut-off. Keepers; Vire-President, John Peddicord; Trees- ,-•/'," •• is 1110 cri-e of a fear years the paint will be worn throwing in his own by way of ex- urer,John liosensteel; Secret y, 1Pstve llafxrrstown for Chambersbuvg and la- lones are being put up every year, and! Msistant • Secretary, William MeNnIty,, •er. with oilier ut the skull is off. It will not cost much to get a change. On the return journey he is ' rin,diate St0tions at 5.20 p. 01. gennt-af Arms, Luiti Wel zel ; Sick Visiting Com- they are changing the character ofl Leave Chntnie•rsbnrg for Hagerstown and In- .. socketed in the ;law, .so that the ani- aanll pail of paint, and if you are han- supposed to eat only bran and travel mittee. Deo. Altheff. hail-no,n James Rosen- karming in whole sections, says Rural! !erineiliate Stations at 7.49 P. rit. E. flopp, WM. mal can lift thee many pert of its hand dy with the brash you can prat it en at top speed day and night. Some- steel. Lnin Wetzel, .1. -Myers; New York v. Board of Directors, .1..E. llepp, John Feddieord, upun a hinge t..1;1 so cepture what- yourself. times he passes through districts as Lenve Reeler Ridge for Emnutsimrg, at S.21' anti `ATni. Walter. ever prey may Le at hend without go- greatly in need of rain as his own. 0.79 a. cii,, ane 3.11 am( ;1.34 0. tn. Laave En.• talmrv for Rocky Ridge at 1.60 and WOO' S nt. Arthur Post, No. 41, G. A. B. Not a Sensible Ae-lcears!s In Turtiey. iri' I) It'd' or -" emen its Man. Then the people in these places way- .01 1.55 and 4.50 p.m. • Commander, Jacob LI. !Rump ; Senior Vice- Daughter- -Oh,'mamma, I do wish In Turkey the partridge Is detested lay him and, temporarily borrowing his Ltave Brticeville for Frederick at 8.39 .Mirrnaniter, Albert Dotterer: riunier Vice-Com 4;4", 1114 were pretty! because once It betrayed the prophet to tablet, get the rain intended for anoth- 0140 a. at., and 5.32 awl 6.50 p. 111. mander. saral Wap:errnan; ,•!/14(ljutant, Georga, L 111 Teas= for Columbia.Littlestown and TanestOwn Gill-elan ;.Chaplacri,'Sairuel erosible; officer Of hrtt Mother-You needn't, dear. Sensible his enemies, and its legs are red be- er place. ve 13:nceville 9.47 a. to. and 3.45 p. nt. the Day. Wto. 11. Weaver: Officer of the Guard, Do ast *se decalivesi br advertha rnenta and Beirsnider Surgeon, Abrnhani Herring. ttilnk yoc een get(ha tort made, enest tinish and Wive at tier' said the judge, men think very little about beauty. cause they were dipped in the blood of Prayers are usually Made in the fifth . Leave Frederick for Baltimore at 7.60 a, m. and sit) and 4.50 p. in. Quarfermwter, Geo. I, tielWicka. STOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE thee anything yea wish to sety he- Daughter-Ent It Isn't sensible men Hassan. If a map kills a panther, Ile and sixth months when the rainfall is fatairayeemg,liiniTcd. apretymfrtaotimonrabllyabh10,,enute.tnannfda.y.eitnureareni • Vigilant Rose Company. lot e s.atenea is pee.a. I'm thinking about, mamma; Is imprisoned for tweatv-four hour,: always due, and a limit of ten Connections at Cherry Gun, W. Va. Sealing. Ther,5 is it's Char- days Meets the first Friday evening ot each month none in the world that can maid, 14- rieem r 1 oecel tower', lie! t handsomely rewarded. The In- mechanieal construction, durability of working and then is set for their effective operation. Un- 1.1 and U. .034.44,l1W trains joave Cbetry Pen at Firemen's- Pittll. President. Charles R. Doke; 4..irts.11nen:-PtI,/ finish, fr,..auty in app.ranee,or has the ec-a. and r.4neme. - 1 that ! crane is respected, end it s a crime Ice der such conditions rain usually falls iminha(land end iiterresedbitq, 'Icily. at Vice-Preside/ I Jos. D. Caldwell ; Seer:- tary, W. 55 mauyiemrovemunts as the NEW HOME. Les) H. Tree._ 0. 'Tr. asnrer. J. H. •tokes ; Capt. '• P. ., Cht(VrFx OITA WO.' 41, ..11y, at WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. in.44 Cly 41 el-. Mee e- one Sign of Old Age. kill it. during the prescribed time. When the 1 in Urge.iF.L s 9 coCci Thos. E. Feniley : let Lieut., las. A. Slagle ; 2nd i eel le to th.4 ccms. ey. prayers are in progress, the umbrella, Allotl Ors /141311;:. ersceri 19-1114Ilitlfs ient., C. B. A-libaugh ; Chief Nozzleiran, W. The ean a man tell when he er Harry (1/14,1w ick6 New Home Sewing Machine Co. L. Ashbaugh ; Bose Director, Os,-see,MATS. BOSTON_ ,MASEII. 28 UNION Si1=N.Y, begins to got old? • . . , among other objects, comes uader the Perdita-uo you say, , :m. Boort, fi.GRISWoLD Conionny. CaleAnti,ILL. ST, MOTS, DALTASr "re-ot i An '1 'P Mum itsbnrg Water SAN FIEWKIISOO,CAL. Er CD' John-I,V,A. a man Las begun to ban. In some provinces foreigners 111anlVer • ATLANTA,194., get • don?" Prc-sident, I. S. Ann,n; Vica-Presinent„ L. M. FOR SALE ay • 1Crld `1).11 !lava old when he have been mobbed for carrying this Sears -11.9 AlwaVS finds out that he would Constance-I didn't lur,n.;- the nerne Y cries: Secretary, E. R Zicc are-rniam ; Treasurer, Anr,nn. Direct •rs. L. in 111itter. Agents rather sit by :Are than go sleigh harmless article at -that time. (itheMinuteCoughOure E. L. Wanted. You know 'how he stutters.-Chicago J. 'rhos. Gelveleks, E. B. .:,:.;,r,ww,rinfin .1:17..-Det”eit I-14.oe Press, For E-041016, Colds and Croup. Amman, B. L. Bowl!, 0, D. Eiehellierrer. Sir • 1 . Record-Iierald. 1.5.