Chruir9 Odliou "Cesu 'PPP-1-H in Such Complicated Latin That Most of These Widows Married Men Sively in My Family." Take No Tion
1 itonit \s. bur 'W. H. TROXELL, Editor & Publisher. Esta,blihed by SAMUEL MOTTER in 1879. TERMS—$1.00 a Year in Ad -June VOL. XXIII. EMMITSBURG,. MARYLAND, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14-, 1902. NO. :30 There is a popular notion that Sfe The first martyrdom in the Coli- Al?,! TO SECURE; JUSTICE FOR Att, THE LONGEST STONE BRIDGE IN TOE GUARDED WORLD Is IN PENNSYLVANIA. rk.,;;;;,-,i1;; • FAMED RUIN Peter's Cathedral could be pieced seum was that of St. Ignacius, the The executive committee of what At Rockyille, a few milea front WORKMEN CONSTANTLY ENGAGED IN inside of the Coliseum, but that is disciple of St. John the Evangelist, is known as the Justice Party has REPAIRING ,CTILISEIT3i. decided to call a national conven- the capital of Pensy'vania, can he e- not quite true. St. Peter's is in and the first bishop of Antioch. (From The Chicago Record-Herald.) seen a stone bridge that is five the form of a cross. The Coliseum Lions were let loose upon him and tion to meet in Washington April ROME, Jan. 3.—It costs the gov- times longer than any other stout) is oval 1.790 feet in circumference, devoured him, except the larger 19, 1902. One of the chief de- ernment of Italy about 820.000 a bridge in the world. It has just 620 feet at the major axis and 525 bones, which the Christians collect- mands of this party iw that aged 9o10) .--•>•• year to keep up the Coliseum, the been erected by the Peonsylvasia rorinfanth and Children.
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